Whitby Chronicle, 23 Dec 1880, p. 1

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I -., -" i, -, $1 ~~ cp.,r Annuin. i.. tIAlvortîn-. oliii W hiiî nw àîi litî s i g NSewaMat- 1îli aiiie i iii ift .usi ness Directory. 0 t 1 Il A N , -t-c V I C-rîvey- li-- floyai 1. hL Il, A'7'-.'UiClTORSIS N Ch !iA\N C LRY s&c C. H (lit1 - - - - V. H. IILLIIIGS, ýiitl Iy. I-'i1..1tN A'PtEtRDUEl, - - ', -i - iV~ . -EPRiDUE. t i ri t . t '. 1-1 n, t I a m s-Su-i J> -. No.clI hîr-)iciio 'tu ii; açi R S APPEISI, F - au 1:1call SC(ORDiON , - i , ici îïATnLAW, VI t .i rt - i ni a i i i i th1. . ii J- t --i i - - ii i - k le rit.. il. -iiic.r c 'ui-i '10.u i a t i rteoil;n Aiu1 1 Xil.. XV , A '[lT(0li N - i) l ( t i . t- A 1' . Ie--r5,A. jN. N i.<t KLL E AT-~Y? hliLAW, SOLICIT OU 1 N ioae 'i ' IL. If., :1 - 1i - i -ic hiatiki, XVIicuiy. tif-I q ;..e' %fiIl t %I1l-il1, m.1). , A -1 t tf.>-- .c H amnd VXi irla Mil m- .ie r or- if ti (l -c' Ui 1i'r i -1,Wl ýid r, t,i ulîr-e t J. iv,:îD. B rlit- aiai re-t, XX'hilay. t~ilvîi l IXI .1.1).UiiN --1'tT-L . iOt-r, & ,d ID R iýT p INE i s rr - Il-i i i- IX 'c~ - I ~ i - -- ,,. -, - lic-- i t - a , ~, - , - amui t> ttui-ii -u - - -i t o M i. Sr i NS e XVb icI .aiilfr--iri f ihi-îiî - N. tîcl, S. i). S. r VtîI El ili lucruionu1 salIthe "-j tii i lsricis-of thîe art, îa rliri- r ii.' -I.- itiu am grird at lire ~ i i itte . l s i' ,îuiMcîd Silver-. l'ott ire-, . ~)i-n.i,1 y pniducidîg ais r a t., - a-e-,akîiiormeDr-ug Stars,- "lDIXîtStîNraANI) Sii&VMON EX i feBrook-uu NS -fiîy. A FOR 1011TIIII CELEB3IAT>rn -sa. ut hdi(i ani. At "er-isWar-ka U,.cRîs racED COTSXVOLD SHER - -LAND 15<Stu IS Y. W. .1.MILLIa'R, P lreBenIk1Purrn, Cluvrnout P.o., Ontartw, htbeder-ansi! impOrter of Cotsvcoa s fi bSngif aitl ccldaOr cemmia8Slon.j - tebslîu,No 78 With cainî Prîntesi varda, groat thrugbts, end2 untiitig indr&try, vo aridvocate Peece, Progresa. Kuaviesige, Brotherhood. VOL. XV WITB1Y, P$ÉOVINCE 0F ONTARIO, THIITRSD)AY, DECEMBER c 5l166Jarist~rT0,14Se C H 1 N A H A L Èy, JURY vMeRlE,, . - - p13optzx87on ION OF THEEBIG JUO (REaISTE8ED) sucç,Raeaon vocuic EE1"y) ThbstS 0 )L 171 «l h iyoj 1K/NO-ST. EAST TORON TO. tic ( iii " !suiît 'Sfic htiorrée habeen dI iitttîîl ont, raniS svory-tlilng Froe.le. 1 jr Fny Breakfast and Te& Sot,;. Fanec Dinner and P1essert Sets. - - Pancy Bl-room Sets. Mit,%. %i'ALKEI"g i Fancy Juge andi Teainota. Silver Piatesi Knives;, Fonce andi Spoon. TIJMI>ERiANCE HO USE, ive lae Ck l.tges IDUNI)iAS.STitl-iET, WIIITBy. Rd 'K snFrR S5i,ýraye8W.anSierrers. (liedt reeî,nable trme. lieer Ïhedem for Lilysg, &c., &c., Godaccormmrodation sn a Glems 11asevare, al descriptions. 11uitralicra ;$265e ck.46 Whto Stoneware, every ktnd. Ratel andi Bar Gonds. OSSLrN iIOUSE.-TOBONTO, ONT. IOmR Â poir~l~ter. lleLitoii-îlst anîd Unrvallesi. NevIeseen. gn--eh rr ruiriig iigi ,iaur- day. Tire cîîly f r8i-clsarJ lthel mIri tasda NaitIrgradu- rslnl hricne, ae 2$2250, end $8 ptgr day. Me-nitrer sofcf hills andsriothe-rs, deairiaig nrasm, artlirert born, $1 lus $2 pe(siy MAiL N."IRISI, Pocl). 27ai, 17b. Jropr-ietoa.. )VYcL ihOTEtL, WIIIT13Y. tlicslîabeL.îtsl 1lascs ltilcronghhly le- ~ ~ ~ Glo ats isnrcrni-caf Ii.MAtlItE. ifr-iirly.il St. Laarn-.i-c hall, l'ar- iilîrlît. E. rv . irUtirni piIoicgnëses. f-j--shygaii srîjtitaoisifer cern iiiriaratrat-elersn THE WILSON HOUSEl ASHBlniN. O Ns'T.. Dominion Wood Works, WH IT EV. Gea. Cormack, L ERMERCFIJtNT dBlUII)EIi. Dbars, Sesh i-iads!BiIsýIa. LIM B ER v.alesale ansi r-ctai!, or- ly Uy tUe par bcad. Plat-ing, Mueactidinge 0of ever-y fescrip- îion-, P'Iooring, SIreethug, Sirciving, Re- sawin,g Shapinug. Trurnirrg. Saral.wonk, etc , etc.. I\ i ONETI TO LF.ND. TUe înisnsigasà Uaiany amount of Monr- AI-E t. BIARCLAY, - Propuscior-. cy to enui upon Fer-ia or- Tevr Propcrty, et t,- iti rA iic b, ler-gi- ucrui unriLIly Incw ItatcEs sf tutereet. ici-ci-- u VIcecalur- us hiccîl 111in sue-x- Leeneeau Uc repaiid ilu cma te cuit Uer- Il-us Ier s ii1îilsrhsurlis b-etLu Sevorailiro-i'veZ Farma andi WilS Lands il- siar-ket. I'h.h- I-to f Liquor-îsacS" andal0c-T p Iirveeimautnits r-m-i lu anicipal DeI't-n- t cUir-s - Sarrau. Bak, -asithe-r mar-ketatuthle Stocke, Sîatbtîng, large andcirionary. (Itoasshseds, For fartlrrnpiac-icoters eppfy te B lIITlSII AMLIULCAN 1MTEL, Apri h,l$V7Z . 16OLEN R A Y ' S. - SiýTE asosois Houas.) WII1T -B Y, ON TA l 1 . ilirior-tiîit. eîîd pot suli r-t-claSS oaU tiýrh- t Ui- - î,1 i if .anc5 Aii irnii11 lr- - il - fr-.ri&Hst VcissFirhabi Bac. ,ril--r- 1 A hl u EK -t -t l' E VA 1 17 If.(ý ' l 1--' Cor'u. 1luIuIIg&'lcil ir cr- .il i. i. Î l t1 )i l , - c a l i 1 a1 i. -- V i - t rie' cea - "9e iaf~ - ~-4-7- ~V a - -- ~na ~ .45San.J..o~a.. ia c-c-~-.- RICH-IE 1 CTUREl - c c h,~-t , qs. ..e' n l a n i .' c .s -î i ,n firrrtv rsC'onguîscsion. CHURCH AND SCHOOL ARCHITECTUIIE A ails ai ut-S, siliia.5 PhClIAY. - H-. CI-EISTER, - icu.Co-nrerondence Rcaspectfully Solicrlosi. ILs i.i.at-UC. CI-iii- -isnuiîl IL - 1h1. BARBER, Arctet, d&c., lAt ii-i a 1 liii.sitri saitsi'lît' Osineva, Ont. Lo I-n .sîc c -th Ie b,-ai bren-, A. A. POfiST, iiiiîors- an ,1 aipr i e tri cc-iand fr-usa ta- îî r ru ile ialinc-ra,,cartfui hantehs. (late antis Laagl]eY, Latiglev & Bur-ke, 411 la Torontos.) - ARCHITECT. 15, c .lîiqurma nI C iguurus Ausienj tî.s able. Aiyi'î.slr-iomb. f.caufý,Iie icalling esu- er-ge- >eri r-ou. Charges niderae .33- WHITBY HOU SE iiUNi)AS-SI, WltlTliY. T'le- îscch,- sgai-a e wuhîtintimaist teh publititaitUe abonyc pr-mises lave beens Der-li- lrnlt anad itte-il îp tirnugîrat.far cie e- aiimsaic-aiou ailguesis. Be-et Winea, Liquore sadisiCgars. THEr-CREAsi OF CANADA**-WAL.Z LAGER. Aise pare Rihnie 'ine, Lager, WUols- sale anti lietail. Boulrder-s inkeir iy tire week on moder-- ote terme. JCiSLElHA. ]ANDELL. j utuZtî iSO2- ltiH liSO'l'L, Colc FraOmsv dc EGareaSTE., TORLONTO. ALFRtED OXPOJdD, - PROPIETOII. (Late of Wclington Htel, Muek-kin) TreitnS, $1.00 PEU DAY. Geod fiasl- isîg for- oser- 300 herses. Finet-clasâaccolna- tuidtion for farnera sud tUse travshlg public le geacral.(y- TISIE CLYDE IOTEL. il58Riisa-ST. RÂsI, TORONTO. IENBY *LEMON, -PBOPBIBTOB. The Itanso is revly renoatesi fr-onutop ta, hcttVir. Every accommnodagtion for tise travelling pubiie. Tise very ireat ef liqueurs alld cigare, andi tie larder te In kcepîi v!iii thse huit in ths city. No bélier- eteiiag, ansd goad nattentive hatlers. (y4 LI1vE111R y T -1; îLERtltY BUSINESS villa Dfutture lue carrie5 o0ni iypze at tir e ad lace ltoysf limtel, and 1 r-epectioliy eolîcitc * patrnauge of tire publie.,<o3d hoessuand ciiefitahcle velticles. J. 'ri. PRIV OLE, iYL dvearsig Agaet, 41 Pariek lra'(I'imes Ilnilnegb), 114W Yovk, le itsitrsloarzsd ttu osnt raCt fkir ader'i$e metseil,. thre CHHIONICILE esIL ons loulfit.luruishesi fiés, vitir tfull n, $Iatr-lctionor cocuductg tbe,-it prolitable business thut f- S» eau enigege it.. -Tire besiuiss e e #e - tes îeama'lent sur insritucions are s fàl asid Plin, tUaiMaynoeeuai ake% gm- sWvMil*ta-or-k. Womériar-s no, lai64 en~*. Ilasnd *gils eCam éam tc 8e sumo. lsany bave made aIt tiz uinm avez aeé-btusiZe<'tdollar- iIn aý9n1 O Noliig ilké ft ever kbris- umAU )IrO engsge are sur-pried, ethë »" -rapill v itir vlneb tbeyatil,ý- a' mars57.. Yois ne2 oýl hibuiie take l xo'liis. hicocagnei fonr-Chunahes, Vil iàrs aud Cottages anp-i Sty. Ir-avî 'e pr-sured for re- Mao l-iînexiaiing sinaidinruse. orr'icr, fer nire pr-c-seut, ,t bis reideure on linreguon Itoai,Ilickezing. 1 4-if) Il. O. IBox 202 Wnr-n1-nn. T tilIS 'AI'Et may be f,îuad ocfihs at <Sto. Il. iiRol & Ce'e Nevi1iaper Ad- vertiainuiareau 10 Spruee St.), virre aS- vertuing conitracts mny Us mads for- h r-m NEW YaRrts., -13f MONEY TO LOAN! $1010,000r FOR INVESTiJENT. ON RIL ESTATE SECU1UITY. At lowest living rates of jatereat. Mosaey secured withiu 10 daye of ap- plication. Apl o JOHN FARQUHARSON. Nhitby, Februery 16th, 18W0. KIY-NO JITITERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importere, Doalers and Manufacturars of aU Eilde of LEATHER AND FININS, Cash paisi for idee, Barkr andi LestIr. Imether stretchsd. 9sr BELTING MADlE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. -mal, 1872. 2 THOS. SLEIGH, HOUSE & SIGTN FAINTER, -Cen now ho founsiat hies p-. TWO DOORS WEST ON ÂRMSTRONoeS HOTEL, DUNDAS STIIIET. se, Ail Orders prncnptiy attendc.d ta. -e Wbýitby, April 14, 18. .16 FARMERS.1 Wollrroprateslo uel men, andi every manrequires oett i i essecn of-thre Yeus srohn t gé t9pOtoe is ytwm 5&na SN SU RANCE. ONTARIO FARMZNS- Mu tuai Insurance tb9ty# I FAD OFFICE, -BROCK-ST.,WIR T ';lSCOMPANY insnres Ferm 13uild- .l logeCountry Churches, Sahool flousles, ans their Contents, at ratelieg LOW as tbose of aay wsiieestahisbled Companly in Canada. J1JST IOSSES PROMI'TL PAID. J. Bl. IIICKELL, JOHN WILLIS, Preeldent. laVice-Prealdent. C. NOURRE, SZCP.ETAZY. Whitby, Aprii-9tb, 1878. -16 pTICENiX FIlE INSUTIANCE CO. Lombard St. andi Charing Cross, London. EsýTABLIsBED IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & GO., Agents'for Canada. IL. W. TYTtE, Manager, Motreal. A (flINCY EST&BLISITED IN CANA- irA irn 1804. Unliraiteul liebiiity eut ail tise Stock-hoidene;, ansi lar-g&aReeve Fusnis. Moiter-aie raies et premnium. C. NOURSE. Agsnt, MWitby. Whitlry, Apt-il Otbi, 1878. 16 B RIITISIIAE RC A ssurance Company. INCORPORATED 1833. -tq S SET S, 81101,R76 94. F. A. BALL, Manager. tcsnra,îi"e- -fi,-te n t tire- irest r-arr-cu r-etc-r on Biilinrm. Mi-riandlise, ansi other prupsniy,atulisîtnsiseor ricsmrLgeby fines Agent, wlitby. I'-latii, Apr-i Pcb. 1878 in P FppuTwS-e Q -NFAusn MONfTONIC ennali ii- a r ie-vrnoisn niquinine ma ir-n.. It t ,ia.csarin repo-.rnfth.eae I tli e ic.-aenn5ns- n,r ,. t Iaiid enailtin,, of t se- 1-cc-. seul ieruct' rftbenIscerar taealhi i- ItPý1T F irii'¶- î,( s ierii. N usntar- -~ ~ ~~~1 auc-lr-ii. te-h-iriîPc- ie-tnRslar le-lacîri - îl-tarte- - i-li'if. n.,r. t -.i.ns.nmil, he ýif4 i n ais - irs ars t n , !i ç<o r ofuIricr i«r si-ir- n-nl.- 1,1 -n-LRefnîi,, brc-r-ebp - I r r -oin-rns Tr-cIni cteairh Il],r n, ais î-cn'.'5-s,- --a-a icr- 'l i s Ttreaf andîe-Cleies afsîeuha i ahare le- kejrt !-Acsis Crac eR. la ever). ase- et feveir or fer-hile% ceanitiera. 1-8 T ARAXACT-NIa'ers rOl1P 1'LLt7s.-Pr- luarres l rra yjJ. leer, Inouer. TiSs Floti#)eombtctatfori. sîfiaciesifr-oaa nedicls moetst. la nnw a-i Lesi ar a-t .bluereifland caesh- iel tsar-thenscure nf ds bsi.Iiloceacai. land ml syptltn i ofersnegt-cion o<f thre lven. vicI are csnstaelv paf ntu snatIrtîr he ithutiit tlel-s r oudrvennnes. nie appetite, ferrtM tantue.dsiisalt'teable teste lc tIre cioznie.- glrtecs.detnr'taili <7 thce kc'raaclr. andi ce eh nver unsmotian. venicîhtiv acesonthIe trovrels, gdame a seniofa ralth andl casafort witiie24 hmurs XItIs tirssafeet imecicine. Taraxncari i nu loiIrvWnia ealuid mae onlv by 3.IF. PPPR O1ellard Tnbratory. Londlona-oune aine is on everv label. Battrea 2sa <5<1 s&bdSa 4 . lSolsi ty ail <tberita. A mail verlrtbe ansi sestiel imedicliré fer In- adla. Australie. tIre Cape, ansi Colonie gaurer. aMly. ly-8 ýi1 dirken gr-ey hair, en-h ina fe 5w eva cAmp1etc1Ty brlng lîack thre natural clour. The elect sa siperior tsi that prcrdncesl by an ti- 'ztiruteneoum dys, and rine noStinjure thre skia. Large boulieR, la. 6d.-Lockyer's Sa eqrral to thre mront expeusive helr reatoreir. ly-S 1 MCK'11l11*0 ULPIiTItRAIE RESTORER .la thre befft for rextoring grey lir to t. Iarus,,rcolonr. It produeeaperfectly naturel saýIe-l,.and Iole buolutely barnmse.Ecorn- imneid for etroylng acurf andi encouragtng gaoNyth otf 5w bair. I- JOCIaYEIVS &ILPUtTE RAIE RESTORER à bu iu g eijhlhly prired for ite Stimlnrtlenefing,beeithf action on ltre urglns.LCIRVER'S RESTORBR ta %trongly recommendesi. 15 fa moni agreeble in une, arcS aever tailles inte action on ithe colour glande, elwaye restorlng and i ntaln5. îng tIet %hîchr bes been klat No other b4lr dresing ie requisite. Large bottles, le. Gd, Solsiby Clieint. Rardreseereand Parfumera In Londisn. cIre Country, andi throngbout tare world. Loiuhyer' a s equal te ay of thre binS- pricesi l r atlous. 1Y8 TtKITNG'd D)ANDELIION Amis-QUININE IP LVEXi PILLS <vtlhut miercury.) Trie BETier Emi.xi -eBroumuse.SerLa T-s SaubLeras, Bel> APPnvzzt-. Is-EMXaT Âcmtvv, HEAIe-eusu, HE&TuaN, d i amher-imptamietrdisord- dlisez sud dr-s- pepais. Akkuw -~~ii. pl o georia te héeth saisi lu Boxes et as tc 2& d., a d.. fi&. Soit- by Chennissa ansd KOilcne Vendoa Ihr-ugouths verId Ia voLce 17 For sale by T-. G. WEITFEBLD, TOWN CLERiK"S OFFICE, -IMUOVE» TO- THE WHITBY H"ALL, .1O IS'.%> 'Ar-ngémeute o= nbi Town clerk fe utllg lt.eIl Pt. $NO, 1 v4'loe l. THE SUN -FOR 1881. Everybody rne rx Suis. lu thoedeir- tien c ii5 nveper througbnut the year ta corne everybody wili fand . 1. Ail tUs worlcl'e the neye, se prescnt.ed that rhe reader wil! gsitinse graiet rSrront cf information with abs leset unprofittble expenduiure of urne andi eye-aîg4t. Tics SeN long eg dlSCOVerod sthe gol4en raa bstween rsdmndéat fuinese ansa unsatiefec- ry breçity. ýI. Much ef that sort cf Ireve whieb de- Pe a essaupon its recaguizesi importance ths. pn ita laterest ta maaakind. Frour morD e amarning TEE Surs prints a con- tinuesi ~ ry of thes lives et reel muen and saincu,a d.of their deede, plans, loves, v&ebu «roublese. Tis story is more ., ,tlag in every columnuand tresbinese, 01 i«rîiy eccuracy, adiLcor- arn inthe treetaa.,t etever-y sebjeet. IV. Itoneet COaent. TrieSur's hbit je tae peeli eut fesaîesîly about men andi things. V. Equel candeur inu eling witb sach political party, and ei dinsste corn-I merd viratisiipmsrewor1 or ta rebuke what je blernable lu Dem t or itepubli. VI. Alieblnte indepeýndenrunf par-ilan orginazatian, but unvaverin îoyaîty to truc Democratia prînciplea. lc Rj UNbhe- lieves thet tUe Goverrment which,s ,Con- efitiaon gives us lea agoasi one ta kn Its notion cf duty usle Presut ta its Mostee power the SertaeS men luitIas ltep\aSrý n party te set u anotirer loren ai gavera rn plae Of tiret wbiéb exista. The y 1881 andi tUheycrimmertihstely fahlown c-ilh riably 1deicfide thia auprernely Impor-' tant contept. Tnz SUNe lelieve a t tire viotory viilSe witb tUe peopVlo asgginst tire Rings toc monoply, the Rngs for plan- der, asid .ths Rings f or importe! Paver. 0cr- terme are as follcws: Fer- the Dxrca SuNs, a four-page assi c f twentv-eight clune, thes price liy mail, poat-paisi, le 55 cents a month, or$6#"qlfa year - or, inclnding the Snnday pairer, an eigirr pence sireet et ifty-six caars, the- price le 05 rentsa ementir, or 57.70 ea ee&r, posttage peisi The Snnday édition nf TnE Su-s is aia furnrebed aepenately ai 01.20 a year, post- age pîis. Tria prire Of tlîe WrarSVNs, cight pag. ese, ifty-srx rolinrne s le 1a yeer. p«s*ç rpaisi. For clubs of eendirrg f 10 vs Wal Bondi an extra copy freo. Adi!resà I. W. ENGLAND, Pubhiairer et Thse Si,, New TnrkCity. TU e areiat Anneian nd for COUGHS, COLDS, AsS' - ,BRONCffITISLOSS 0F Tf'I/L'1.îi A 'T 0QAWDT' ~et a IR 1 TR) I7 A FFFG 'IONS. anrd Ton#& .Suert,-or- Se ay clcle m« csff' ai fh' aan' oix Spn <t..A seSrWralc esbiee5<le the'h vwdo dbific ailsarsble- sesafvcGum fonr Jfs-dre-lailpuqase.. Drus Deeessd -rseaMs c -cec Iêtjo tfhessr j.jj "s-ier &Spcss ii ¶r enliaDsa- Leasr . i o-î riinea 1 el'lid RED '«i 1 r tienraIvSP CE t 0d ;f ak oftus vdc-ce cnr ra f . pr-ce tops. Its remrnaskable poncer inr rievinb certainsforma f Brance'itis, and s alenost apecirz effeet ina curin"ks- eten<Me laekisg (i>ttg1i.is nota weg 4-rwnotate 1epublicr atlarge. Sead bg cr5r-e-peetsbSscct,'Wefs.lnfS, 25oa", cmaadrtare oSe r rssleretL 'ÀEJ"WA TSON cIO THtE GIIRATEST LIVING .LUTH- OIfS,rua# Issrf.Mâz XuUelr, Ri. Hon. W. E. (flcsits,,#Ta&. A. Fzaao-se, Procf. Huxldey..B. A Pa'octor, Ecle. A. Freerasr, Prof. Tprasill» D. W. B. crpestsr, Frras- ffl.Poeea'CobsiséPrfof aletron Smith41, The Due osf Ar '11, frie' OlflCka ise Tlns*)ur- iiMr. llchCrsrsi, Gso. àMcDnltlee, Mri.sos Areaii,Xa eone, Tho&sas. dyît, Mattow Anold Ea E if aguepyW. IV. S'e ry, Tergnscsief, er{glc, Bruisa, Tonsai- son, Broawning, ansi rany others, are repre- sented inth*e pagéa ot Littell'8 Living Age. Iu 1881 TiLivrns oz cnt-crs upon its fhirslp.eightla year, sslmittealy uxrivueds ansi contlnoons1y sucaestult. Duing the y esc il viii furnisintealits readere the pr-o- d ncs cf the mestat uinertaI athorB, above nuud ansi mariy allierr; embrscinj tUé choinrest Séria ansi Short Star-les by thre Leasing For-aigr i oelistp,,ansi an amoani Unapproeed by auy Otilef Porlodîca] la tiae vorîsi, etftheé mail valinsire Liter-r-y snd Sctisiflo matIer cettlia ¶y, from tirs florénsosi ItarseScientiats, Crîtics; Dioicvereiuu, ansi -Edilleus, repr-senting overy depantuent a1 Enrowiedge venS Pr- gre. - Trou LuvuneaAux ina e ssssAIg mga4ùss gîviug mars than - TEIREZ AND A.- QJA.RTER doabe-oium acevopAýes cf reading mal ler yeurly, - Itpresents ar aa=nexpev 1er- cesldsr-i#nrit~g Ï"é1amont 0tmal- ter, iWlh frealties, oving ta Il. e eeWy at#jV# bmo r bi.cM ,the beit nuay, Reiem cet= TMm, ketch. s« of Txavel andsS over-y, Poetry Seien- tile tfflÉabl aHitoricl Ard Polittos latrmiîoufmmthesernlire WbofcFors. igru Perieil Litéetre. IL b inerefore iIn'lüiublé ta evsr-y Amer- oaa zeadsr, as théeatniy eatlsfatonily Ires! ansi COMPIETE complation of au indie penable erarr-eit liter-store -id *sesable bécaîselernarace thépzo&rqto f, th, &b1est Living .Wîiée. "y' I an i Q3,, 1880. .NO. 1.1 The Better- Part. rneiiium of eaptlier'a perception. aire yonth, basi poeeeeeed a cnutisatesi tacts wnsR fait) ta lût fier eylide droop lie- for musie, and a considerabis degres of *ilihat wouisi I Ira?" saisi aàUecutifui girl, rreaîb Cliffordea gaze. A blneh, ton- ekili in its practics. It was dSfflcult, As sire slrook b.ask tIre curie trom lirer face, tUe redior, becususe sire étrave ' bard te bowever. ta conceive of bis rstaiung an "li fell yon ; l'i be tire belle oftIe hail, kil i own-asseonred biglier anrd accompfielrmenf-, ta vifih daiiy exer- Andi mave vitir imperiai grae. ke l'it glary te ses brave mnrnt ny feet iligirer, lu a tide of itfui progreces, untif aise issoauesstentia4in bth irs u ireisnl- As I swept b yluaButi and penle ; even lirer brow va. ail euffnssrl vit it. i. îcaîsaf Oy the èee, airy, andi ilhi My sye ehoulsi bhaezure, ansd golden the nu is enongir, Plîmbe," saîd Clifford cals, îfn.ugb uosI ransancily atrain raya witir a unlancIraiy smille. "WVben I uh&& nov efof slaponlirer- ear. Nor vas Thrown eut froua mny Ihutrous ourla." firet sav you, yau vers tire prettiesl it legse rarveifaue ibat tihe long silent isWliiet oulsi I bc 7'" saisi a maidlen tain; ifitie mairlen in tire vorid ; ansi nov instrumnent irouisi ie capable of go Ansi tlouglhtfu tire fight ihalher syee. you bave deepenedif lto beenty I Girl-. urii elody. Hepzibahir ivollunfarily "i wr-ite stirnf.ng ver-de, andi brlng ont tUsinoosi bas passesi into vauraniroasi; the thooglrt of the ghoetly haruronies, pr- apeli Thet in poeoys Iar-morry liese. bird is a blooru f Go, nov i I feel fuive of death in the faurily, vhîiab id ronce up theîhur-t uith rMy melosiies foneflier tîran 1 sud." we-esaltribulesi ta tire legendary Afice. ees, Plumbe took fonve of the iseolate But il vas, perirapfa, proaf of the nge Éicy Andi uer-vs Men by wer-dr trite ansi strosng, coupla, andi passesitîrougi thaesirop, of other tiran apirinuai fingers, tfint, Andi gather tIre tributcs of praise andi of tvinkling bier syelils toalhnke off e nfter a fev touches, the cirorcie seeruefI TIret ever to genius belong." dev sirop; for--canaîder-ing boy Unief ta snap astunder witir tioir own vibre- ber absence waa ta bc, sud tiror-efore tiont;, and tire music coes.- "WUat wnuhi I Ire ?" seid a genthe one, tins folfy of being ceai dovu about it- Buta l arehc'r sonnil succeoedita flue As sUes saieil i a Iieveniy grecs. aire votifSnet 8o fer- acSnowlodge lier- mysterioue notes; nor- vas the easterly "'d brniii f)tUe avoarida and vipe ail the teure as ta dry tireurvitb bier bueudiler. day frIcS ta prs ithout an (,venticaf- F rs oe-ystis.aîîifc chief. Ou tho. door--etep se met ltre fluent in itseif ho poison, for llI-1itîitil lil saatter rny goIS ru the paVhis cf tUe puer, littlei Dr-cii wboqe uarveflous fente of ansi Clifford, the bel muet air tîaî c-a--r None chouIsi buger, ansinonse boulsi ho garanamy bave been recordesi in the brouglî thLieburm gbid.fc ci sai, cariiez pages tif aur narrative. Sire if. Tire final echios of Alicel' i- I'd tbr-ow incciona 1f te like incanseaersrnnd,1 okfontevndwsneaeioeperformanc(or Clittirl, îîii.-: Ans mateevey ieai ynngani gna. or otr ofu naturel bietoy-lîsr syes rasi considor it) ivere iiri'-.-uia As thîe seruph stoxl bSy, ira saisi vitir a being tuansim vitir miilsre tainforin nu lesvulgiar n djiaiiiic -, anuite, ber accnrnts*ly virsîber ut wvas a nalîbiti rnging of thie sirop bell. As hoe kisseil ths lad stpeakers h rhghst or iippopotau--put h mb tu re lard scr-apinig tac-li ontiii fTa astcoe h shc clilsî b ani se r aparting gift, ansi vent sncf thîeîrces-oînewblan-cIr aTb eiu loeuce: heinalnv ic Uer vsy. 01,1 t3nfeaVennor vas jua-t ping on th.- floor. Il j,'- To periorru it May GuiS give tires gre. cOming out of hile duor-, vitb- a vood- muoment, virile inuffiiîii F or pleasore Su vain, andl beaty mnuet due, hores andi sais on bis efrouiier-; anid, lades-sîras, whiclî Lia ntni genieaice si.unever te nies; îrudsiniraiong tire etreet liresecruphoîl feive ar-marin unr f ýut cberity ahibisathe brigbt geml of tire 1,cartii, not ta kscp aompany witir Pîrulie, sa fae againci eat wuuu A-d giove brighter wbeu set ln tUe fer-&as tiroir-praire lay LogctLir ; nor n l ic soruns i raevén skie." pite oa ieiritla-ciotb tndtisrcstu îoildntnor a hem, but a kit Bire find itin hpel- balit ýru dutveik frsm. rsver-berating 5pas5 THE IIOUSE 0)F THE SEVE N " WVs ehluis yoîn, nsxt Selifrath pacione deptir of c afier-noon," observed thre street philice- far-wanf, witb tir GABLES ophen. "It le uneccoutiable mvw lithoe lieertednsss Ro c wiie it takes saine folks ta grov jurai cases af pt-nu' Cionîiîrrned) ase naturel ta a mnan as; Uic dwn breatir;lier "xe!o aus 'Forgive tae,ipioe 1s eillUe (la- rend, begging your- parifou, 14îs PbSob akeif soctc'rr norreotypie;t, froling out iris iband 'fX(tbouglirtiter-e on bSe nôoffence in an llepzilreb. whieb tire girl -a8 oonstr-ained to oid sman Peying il), tirais jusi wbei ciosedithte ,Il yield irer own. "I am soureviai ofea yau'vo growu to me 1 My yers fraves r isuie n Uuyesi, t muet ire confesseS. The bc-en a greaiLaoany, aniS your ifîfole lbut îiii turne f Ununcy is in MuY bloond, sugeturer witîr jusi begroning; andi lot, yau ar-e soiuo- niry, tu i the fscully of mestaerienr, wfîîcfr rigiri boy nefaniiar- 10 me as if I ira3i c! wbhicilui, have brouglirtime te alaiov.fil intUe1 you et my motirer's door-, antd you hrai!llIe;;eutî good aiS fîmes of witocirnaf , B-iers biossomoîf. like a runnixrg vine, allcieceiveil me. if 1 wîre aars' cf any s0tt, tire &long (DY pstiîveY tince. Cor-ne bar-k .utli 1 sfî;cliîune Of viricir vOnid beistsku. yonirn sonc, or- I i e Une gneta rry feaih ur fi ridh who- aIaarc my owrvo f-i-ii 1 uic for- 1 b"gtn a in-ûi tires-e waod ewinrg lie ..Ul Ini- tSiiouil let-a-nit li-fini- ne jûbO afi lînle ti> cugi for -m.y b-rcknt ilc plst illit i1Ihave rl tîci rîc- -.V' Vsry soan, Uncle Veoner, replied I j 'i iti îi aoruethiing bicr- laitl 1.îc h t. ia Ifuilis I '"And 'lit Ilie ai lilesooner PilSIoeb -si 'N'îr-iis.crets; but rny ovai," "srtire cakieof'rhtoe pior saufs yon 1cr , .1 enéwere, -silluictrace. -1 enu pt-rcai\-, ccýutinued lier' coinpranion. '-Tl; y citnii no mais-- ti t P%îî- rolhiilson ctlliikr- efs cl. iiO (inf)o Wtlil t V17u, now,- n - r i II Suie~ ~ ~ li nii nIIri-r iabse i-uicn &Pliais, nevtI.n !--uo iions tuinaril lrU" o iii hlé' tr- -a aliere. linsucqlai andf Gris sogele i-i-i bec-n Il aa-' vi:tlrn-uu i e-l.ý mrlrie , i, rare a ruîysts.ry ta i u.1 l usaig ir iFi-iicuil Pom- ! esc w%, - Ln'-. Il , i a tioti-rinined anal r-lent.- 1"r u rd 1 tirnlroiDon a -eerra isi. Ilis ist, 1, 'il.ît i- uii i- ca r ,f 1-' c i i, i-yr 1- i sii) a s ast-, ii.i not ati 1iici. assiai i llis' ansl ii jlet ta! 1 - -ins>rmirii i,. ýikg!h fIii - 1ari ;7, ViiClhU r5 t)n1,110 r-accir i erarc o i iîl w..r-. d Li- vin o 1f fi', 41- cul vil nis e'.-iiiîtýd snsr-lu iii lo ihe place Ii etins ior 'VIci u ri. I. jicisi-ucii c i S , ic!, f-r,i'in tui cC- ~ i liet- eel, ru-- W thial nt l ' 'Tf5'-Stitcl r-jlait-inn. . sawiucii.yazi-i t-n, jcl(n- cy tihe rairuai! I l'ny cao c bear *'Bu*, ait-; won tasi.- , uporfil liii qOvu ht, Bres Pbaibe ; go Uc sure ta cuare cousin,'*rojoil. .btTerrgth.. anal In the' -pp.r. of acct r i tc-k P' in ucil uahecloîa On auilds,-wiacn Julgu Pynnc-fî- I l Lirucangsl, Uncle Veuiner seai sud viti tire vory Paln laa i la alrie r- four ht-iltesin.irlioSe,, nrriing, ase sireofferedhiîtrilier- yoa siaos-r-, inever t-zi las-ditil,br-nnfi. c aif to ii Cifrn ?" Liand at the air-set-canner. "nut Isuap- yonSur-allier sa0seallu-lc- Yt-t"'*urges4 i iSiueie, ý0u ii s 'p-îrk puisa. ,people neyer feef selurnach fike lat im u g insfrour ahi -. ,as if misfouu'ae at-r-e iîmîrd~inug1i sirgolq as wlisn tfklty ar-e doirig virai kindireasa? Cliffar-, icas - "ah~, thai vas beccuse I aur anorbir]*'i" blt- gond itirey niay. Sa I sireS! cen ninci of solitude. Nov Ici i 1 replie S t e arti t. M y m in ci as a t uinly ca mell back 1" . o iety ,- t bes oeuiety, t iati sl e ta ay, rtwist sule, lics almai everybody's Thr par-ted tire nid man arr-sitiAreosy ki-adred andi olsi friendis. Leti mo, ho .mindl- except yoar evn. Morsover5 il girl ; andi Pboebe took tirs vinge ai tire instance, but sesc Ciifford ; -anSdIavil isjeetrngeto fu arysif a juatemorursrg, ansi vas soon litliug alneai an-,wer for tirs goond offect of the lite af-tuilsetold yiien-raaasdiîtting as rnpîdiy rsvay ns if enuiowsd vîtir thre aew.' 1 li tbisai .d -arden.-(sark, irw vItaufs's aorial lrooion of tire angels la virain l'aeu canuot ses hiin," ancvcre, lwl 4i tJuîu -tbat, , werei&o9Iiy Uncte Veuner lbaS su gr-aciously su li4urZpziUlab. 'Chifford bus kepi Unis bir !fer- bLi8 e circuméstance, 1 cenet irelp par-eil lirr. inceyiterdey." SW a n c y n g t a s D e s t i y ils r r S j g i g i t so u i lu d g e P n a b e a n , s t a r i n g i t e v h s fitîr -setfor a catastr-ophe." . CHAPTEL XV. serriude ta uéengra ar ; fortiib "Tirns1'"cniesi Phirbe, vitir repseii efll eIe^gyalra;frt .vexation; for Bihlevas by nature as lro@- 1115 SCOWL AND IL-aiLE. ver-y fro-wti ut the ofS Puriien tiar-kenei tuil tnrayster-y as tirs sunebmns ta a Several deys passeS avez tUeseven jtirrougîr tins foueci as ire-spoke. "Na' - dark corner - "Yeu puzzle mue more gables, Uoavily ansi dreerii.y enongir thon, I muet and i vii ses Iini I Wir, 'tran t-ver V' ln faut (net te attributs bUe wirois if ire ehoolsi dis 2"1 . "*Then ilet us par-t friensie V' said EloI. gloon af siry and es.rtirt tele ansin- 'Raie itinao anger cf Sentis." saiý ,grave preecaiuglber- band. "Or if not .euspicrions ciroumetancecf Pboebe'e îde- HIeptibair-aid addsd, vitir iitterner 1fnicads, let ne par-t befors yen entirsiy parsurs), an eaeîerly sîcren iad st e in, tUat as coulsi sepreea no iouger, l'none b ale me, you,.wvir love everybady aies ansi iudefatfgably eppiieri itsesf 1toUte -unisse ire ebal ire per-secaSiei ta leiat in the vanS t'" teek cof making tire lack roof and wvale110W, by tire sea mlan WvIlong a- ? Gond by, then," saisi Phmire frank- of tire olai hougelook racrocirheerfees atttemptesdit -l' . iy. -I Sa not mean te be nngry ver-y than lever before. Yel vas tirs auteide ",Cousin Hepaib," aaid tUe juSgE -long, ands soul ire sorry ta have yen noS iraif eo cieree as tire interior. vitir an impressivéesarneataes cof mer tbmnik se. Tirehias Cousin Hepzibair Poer Clifford vas cul off, aI once, -fr-cm uer-, vi*oi grev even te tsar-fui patire bc-en sandi-ng in tir shebdov eoftirs ai hie scauty respources cf snjcymeat. seaire procriedeS, 'lis il passible tUaI yc dcor.waty tis quarter of an lheDr pas$ 1I >boebe vas not tire-; uer di th ie aub- tio net per-ceve irov unjuel. Ucv uî She thmoks'I tay bon long in tire demp émune faîl upou tirs flour'. Tirs gar-en, kini, irow unchrislian, id bis cousine a gar-don. Bo, gondi nighl, antd goond by 19 vilhi il muuldy vlean sd tire, Chili, -tUbs fong-coniinusrl bitternees againi On tire second mor-ning tire-after eripping feiage of its aumruer.hsouse, me, for a par-t viicir I vas coestreine 'PhoBe migbt bave irsen osent in Uier- wne au image talire sirusdaeslaI. by df ty aSud conscience, iry tire for-os1 aIr-ev bonnet, vitir a ebavi on ons ar-en Notiaing flouriabed in tire cold, moiet, lawt, and- aat my avu -peril, ta acf andi a litle car-pst bag an tUe aiher,' piliiese aîns-' oe, drifting witIl linsWireI sud I do, in isirimenb te Cliffar Dbidding adieu te Cousin Hepzlbein sud brakiseuioucf sea-breezes, eeîlie. viîcir il w«epossible te fesse undans ý t4 ~bo,,-at ' ,Olt l.t, th5 hi r- -Jl 't ai - -1 Ou l't cf .2 )r for cet lie, och 1do D-. ba'r reptation accorded witb bis ,1esertî. nie coaoience, therefore, uznally con- sidered the sureet Witness to a man's il2tegrify,-hw B couecielos,'unisse it niighti be for the little spacte of fiv3- minutes in the twenty.fonr bure, or, now anà ttien, iorne black day lui the. wbole ye3r'.s circle,-hlis Conscience bore an Recordlant testimony wvitb the worldi's landatory voico. Andi yet, gtrong as this sividence rnay seem tefit, we shoulsi lesjîtc, rdperii our ovn con- science ce 2the aseertiou, thtit tihe jrrdgsj and the sûnsenting worid ware rgt and thia'.poor llcpzihrah, with lier soli- tary prejudios-, was wrorig. iie lrom mankind-forgotten by bimself, or burie s aeejuly un-ler a scuiptureî and ornametnted i lIe of osteutaticus -dveds ihat ItiA di1iY life could tlite 10 note of it,-tl'ere tniglît iluve urk--d soure cvii and unirgibtly tnîi Nay, we nouid l iflt venuro tasay, furtii- fer, that n dniily guilt rni,,It hî.ve bren acted by Ui, conîmî,utdly reu.-wed, itrd reiddefing forth eafresiù, like I Lie rnirîc- u!ous biood-tlain of m. nuri-tr, wiii. bis n(ccesari. r na ttrver3 inoruenit beirig awNvre cf it. Merl of i rang ii.s, griat l'osce cf cbaracLor, cul a is ard L trev'f thie sensibiiies, are very ce pall î.of f'ulliLg jutt rrjîtakîýs ohi iiid. Tii .y are o.dinarilv ru. nsidfaIvLom frujs are of pararnsount iiiyîrtance. Vuir dii of action lues s ilitýg theue xtii01lu'!e- nlourena of fui ey 1îî..Yî o vuevt . i-ii- ny ii ris~'iu i id ci 1111(1 ig. l fi propriatinci1ý u iiî1- estl.c fai Ufii-oa'bis I snirteqiuimst capraeies ; lu - to fils piety, anS tUe nigisfrooic-.- witfî vîich ir ba si eduieËeci Vo Its pin cilîe, n, ai alil avents, itepi ace wiitr ire organized i movemeats ; Uisc ncm.rr-k- abne zeni une ir-sSnl of a Buiblenldn ty ; teflsuninips;aciafile iunogrihy nua trencur-er of a aiuo's ansi orpliaii'c fîrosi ; hie lbouefitq te ihorticultnre, liV pp-osudiag Laveurui-estesmnes vanietioe of tire peer, aniadta agnicalirire, tlirtil -, thre agsncy of thc tannons Pyncheanu' bonI ; t-bs efeanlines a is'a'moral ils, por-int' for- a grant many yoar-s pîsai; the severit.v vitir viichr.Ire buS rujii-. éd upun. an-i finaily crai cg, nu exinî-rn- Siva airai nlisiaerd sou, Selayiugfoîr- gia-enese untul wibhiu tire flueitîr-ar1i'r et an liotr of tIrs yo.unrg mat)r'e lite ; Iiris prayere ut mor-uirg andieveintide, uîiii é -races ai mlea-tune; iris confianug iri.i slf, since flic lnet nttack of t-heoûut;t ta five diur-nal glassea of oldser-ry vwina ; tbe snawyaviitreinesof h iid ionrs the poîjelrt off1ris boots, tire aurlulaurai rise etbic goid.bended'tlcaoe, tise euîni sir ansi r-otny fashion cf iis cat, ennui the finenesof île mateial. sud, inn-geueWa theeatudnieS piepriety oetbUlérdr-es 'uniS qipmSint;tiré surupulis-iaeiiese itî vlaIn- le pals! pubic -, notice, ina tîr St-reset, iy a iroW, a liftingofttre bat, tý neti, or- a matien oethoIr band, ta gfl afil snndry ie acqua'înlanues, alci r ~poor-; tlire suilie-Îf irrsidil éosctwrre withl b eue il a lpcinîte oglaildar uis vi-lwri.-what rorn conld pla mm ýl 1 4««jjth.ý M 15, 19 --

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