LýD4 #bbe o Iu.hed ont, long and louA AZHI 1qIled apon Bthe aed Ti Ie MPOOIInt iW6Pë t ý iiagIe agfilebeuunG. I.ý. _n t"looke& ai hlm, ià tl irAbt, "ndthonoClassaup oneeaye And wlth a genties, loving ehaie BE oesd tisai mac on igis. lb furmer aImded on hic head Ri,ùred l u 01 ky. 41 Bonp *ha s Ùe P, A asrning rainbow Children follow thro' the west;. MAI.net bfqo$.1111 ybieei oner i4evuir mu ron OUI lt. What à iffe ? A thawing loeboîrd On a ses, wth annny shore - (fly*'e UR; It omata beneatis us; W. resouk andA seo no more. Wbas -ma'; a fooUsi.1>aby, *VdnIy strivessud 'Agita, and frts; Demandl l '; ,deeervlnznothing O)ne amallgrive leail hé goes Tkes Mova.-rFisre was a înan oct lu Iowa, wiso sut Aowc te elay s gaffic of ises wiýh scotier mac onduqig bils friorsde around hMm ta' land hims tise cassoe aoeéary for luts, fle Play- et6dos&b thé firat gagne. 'Dieu hé rhayed muais more cautiouely anA test 4 e it gamne. Eafiends beeau ,te grusublé ; but, saya hie, "Don t you worry youseélves, boys, sudlil show yen et move pretty soon'" se ho pisy= 4esud atu7ed, and héltih tA gdam$. i ýDMt't ;be ipai! t boys, saci'hi; 'you'll se 1îgtisa t grea move preiiy ton, I tell yazÃŽ. Then hé platyed wiîlagreat earel, îsk lng Ir tht> lenonisir 'oaismov~asd, tby, wsy cf change lest tise. foortis gagne. atome attention te visai ho wae aisont, and eaoh minute ealculation5, also en- abliA hlm la base tise fifîl> ame. By ibis lime, is Morlnde bad lect i hm l ibir abaxfg, ià dbgaalatii leas tiiss for tisa&i gremo inoyfisis q'oubme off.- ~aveau i ' îüô* hii2e lihe~o b~ uqe - »- w;v. teling YOU about bas ocone ai ise.' As b.ho,îm- monoued to ris. trom hie obajr, leied ýeejBf té puy, blis leacad . 0« à flog1t til se 0- hlm -vis aitis famens move Wae. '-WViy,' s5575 bS, ptcssautly, 1t'#ta move off for a Ultile more cicge." 1l'Yacr lttle bitAýi. hbatiean very very aloi," miset wrote te tise Young rau:'"I4t w»ms eme surt-of ner4muiairoublo, sud tbl Jsi dts talA- abonId hae serec ret hd quiet, ~dtiaiI.uqiM ihk of lite0tisae, dear OtsgIIegs on. f4aéiy «von." T lo eyoaug'man' ead leov~,.atl lsuitrtl etlgh &kain very slwly a à d ali iihi' <kei anri wvi ut oisder thebageentaters,,and képtinisacng,'and i ikg, asd 4~nk. AyOoustl2tty vetit -t0 adig soro r.-encl. and- ,osd la prescription oed. Ilow ul, 7'snircd JseI dy Fiî:y ouate," soit thé clarkt. " dyt 1lises Osly furty.êivo oeugvî iaoa, re. 41141 the o ustoîturt ',4Iloai'uloti cime WB"tfut tiai Pl" *No, wt'soem afil Ilie c"rk, "bntyou cati pay t hoýfIva custe mWhounyulii éoun 0hagqiu." *4Bitl snupimsu 1 woeawtcdite?" baliiithelýdy, i tulitrly. -Weil,, 1 woldu't be a Éreat las.," vas tise suéiling rosposs. . Andi imaotiéi4toly liseiliug olgrk gbarcd Bm,,ttj, I is anIt lOneis on tise Iay* faott'. isailebd beau i-uuserato ci. Oîtveeatoa~veherAboLwoeu iwo dlritot g no papers thi~~' * 1ji Bd'~r~ Z îî-,I 4é fr li o 1ihoî en' l eoos lilsce Ielano Ie blevesi 1 Tisai vers'i- t uc; a wrok. No liyon lest." witli bis limallt- ,tsaqiZ at heyrosua lu and s':' efyillll tot Ln i4?'3elI yes' feYi';cta attid aÇVM ini isi amelf " aui î mit it vIdné ambla', ~rl> d aw (ëUîiû à "rO I1ay, an't tlîiik'kse somai4eiie 8vetoug o -1oet *yyc'la.dent."1 lie--'Lisn. Sppoé .Laktheielune,1 eT, ?ý "' tt'â 'a ' ÃŽ.Toe 1i (aî~c yns)! mpoooeis à ôre tIole inter. .ltlp 1 l ynk,iw," She c(llnmoeely) fai yosegmasi -"IiIank youi," saisic sqite ta fht-r ouitur, -but -1 ean't aavec bsoo.,4ws t a idow'éonaly tlarllug; #to huabacts auoseévor oqual in? paient ils kîndoae.é"8-kh. le kbitlfljre raA, the woor ; "but be Mny vife,'sud j-X yl *1l Ile togeliser, sud sec if 1 donti bét your thobie." A litile Jllsh'boy fat deva sud ibit bisetôlog..Re à abfci'tl e gro4~d, Oryiog aud sobb4pg, and "1tta brolerpake iga eouu"iw A lidto»tauia à Impoa, io ksos léeed e aiails' luprmnet, aud alt'the .0oâ b4tla e 'aie waci tiwe la î htI>aihid hlm repealed. - ,' vus sMy oemple4ioei r, 'eniut' I0 l auaeiayoumîfee 'replfiethhaî latofig Barriet 104 t 041 IiuiJe4OLUtlum,0,, 12l5e, un 00157 UT ln stctare, fuitious, sud ntIhbfte' witl o iu omsetorouhom n atluefr supéjiesar4c éttaimaiie' frou pheièýUcà R. 'h liump ie an,~ odolis h lovnlntrtrol 4. Ootl. .Whep faddstr entinot ho 1usd, as fré.qz:ertlv oc- oura an i t1ir ~ii~rsoti'nssle lu itLo atr, sa ie u oar set -ýbi;oibcsqlvos- mels* ÃŽdrawe upon 4bd'wagksin -. thse jjl 'tisa food frtbewitisout ' uld a stop' tO tise draft on tise hack. Tl utshmp je veryso W iw3ehj at iis--ven beicg aiast oomplotély levclled, but tisai wlioh was titis borrowcd- 10 eue- tlotsagalu la itsacuaam ' Tne.. The useuical lecois, or bloodlsÙeulr;Iow as e lin nthé organie soaIe of1Hie, ilease *rdf ,~proided fariný ta&4O -thse b nt*gaiea ot life adté CA !o'f tise Âs my..l be blogd passes do*jà thea Sl tiséthelecoi, théeuont divide wgbI-and lefi b enterftwo laterai tubes, ~fugtéad of cntcring direcaly ino the siomacis. Thèse canais are foldéd, zig. ség, baokward and forward in loops, as h ei efon tise head. tathé tait. B1IOI4i theO Y geh lêst ae go with a stock of food ou hand that cuay or4ineaoy Ilt f4qios o to. wo yoare,, ln" case il b nÃ" doppôftùniltY' ta takaWWi acotiser la that long timue. dteeAlhi shoot ai, for he ce er gels with a guis ehot of tise trutls." A Cunl oùs- OAsl.- Tise gentleman, ehoo ocoautéosance feu on ering ef hle propcrty, le beibiig ta pick up s bit, eud hopea aoc ta put a good i" on il. ȣLBTREZs5: "Mary, go labo 5the iug-raom sod tell ueIsm e tès-- momioer tad."-Mary (rfter invez- tigating> :"It Stande ou thé mantie.ý pieoe, just ag'ia tis a wll, ms'am t1' Tise American People. 0o~ lainu the "varld"eylier as ffh acou à cet-sain aud sure romedy tés- tisi messe sudlie affects, anlcis as Saur Stomaco, Hearibum, Wsiém-brasis, SiMo BeertI-W* oosaplizt, atenj- si Af bbea' tfom, )0*eviapîrit éel dcbulty, t ei s"ce tise introdnittioitofet Gulig's AcUer» Foovsa v. illeve tisseeiacoseeof Dys- cpsatisaI âtCannetise immedigtely roelivtt hst0ydo-on sisontann yeaa of tailneo reperted. Go te ïcur druglsît, W. Il. Hlovueand get sansjsamldtle fer 10rectsasudtmy it. Twaocdese viii re- iove Yeu. itegolulszý 75 cente. 45 "F~amiîism lis theiin'vouthaas Houa.- hold Word&. So wmaté Siak-pi. Ih is suîvorsally admit tdtinot tisa prüntgeuis ts iwritteon about alnqca: evervtlsîeg tý1d tonueS a aubjas sirll> ta &aomn it. it woulS ai- meast atén W, en h. u ite cihe tOve- worîla h10 ttdil. liut ci, '," Sctt &, Iruu-'s PalIatohla Caitor oil. for sow lb is one ai Ais- f rosis-si réqiites cf svtîrv eî'll regsslabé suioehfulî. cGotl hI>iiUtwt-p, loe t-j b5 pt-sol- tis-.'ééicv, cltullmin othesé c55e:, it. andsiniitih. w1l Str.aXý- n ilaiesa moéli. os thonr, ie tito ssr oiî '-s t -jice 24 ce. iF.',slé -y 'K. t d5i~i, Wlut- Precaiîlia îyco. Tisa vuIittT f M, laye' itLJc1 lc~a-' waya qui-tiîn-u. s-Il'il,:ssjst anisirised utoitetépaymi of i andollar la e(llauichl' braion eau nevcrb rlistsised in c4seo f cous. acoldt, ittpi 4totuss=onivd nt alscisools endarsé tIi-i l>isoc(voy anu pré- ebribe it ite i~~r tu(i o. TiséBar SÂ.LR t u tise varA for Cots, Braisas, Soes, Uleere, Sali Itiseusi Fever "0.',TeteCiapped HRande'.CisLliso, 1o s aA ildb ci tSkie Erapians. Th,& avel gooscanteed ta givé perfect satisfaction lu every case or bnuy refond. éd. Priéet 25 centg lisix. lFor- saecbj T. G. W 1if;'rl.Wli % Tisa OrecattRcmnedy Kssowrs. Dit, Fit4ns Nrw Discovzuav for Con- somption t a toi e as rémésly evo4'n =- vill t tJ' selsýJ snuffsoisig bisnuly, Tisansc n isop"l ut- now wcdUi ptocloint bisoin ksoef#fftvr ' res1 vhlis 's ey vthiosr ivas. Net ss!yo.) 2ea lb potie1 cure COsNsnouMpticu n, uiougha. Colds, Ascithm, RBirhiîs, ié ay Parer, Hoapqs rd &alffeetona a! t rosi thérefore ôacj1oegt,-eu en 00te rail on s-aur Aruggtst and get a eralbtte for test rents wtiols su ili courbéce thé Most okepti- sel ut itu woode-fsl mrtita, sud esow 700 whist a rogular îto.-e dollar sisé bettîe vil lo. Fomrale by T. 0I. Wisitfteld, Witby. butter tisatos cp ta lise glt-cd standard in quaaîty and caler. Muci butter tisai la bat tu co&r. airymen sbotuj tse Wells, Rihamdson & Conl$ tefi Anlo liM blrrt Joueî cafrein û y -gAais Pan pisq~ Css~citsa, OAu.rld s, isuA mil tqeiot n lgï Affections, aiseaspostigvesud rade O Ure enrative pawerî s N e 'Y'u a m- o rttMý hie tuty ,tei te 4 6sswe 6i Ndi eiuffering fellove. Actuste ythis motive sud a desteto relieve huosan snllering, 1 W îis e yman t Pri potat'hOath ? AUl cat i eooy ibesa 'sVers s'aog ipts B ea c o- to a lç ilé '0 Skil '3aci 8 aoiiiSyniej it in Ono iv.rnally eonLoçded tb.p botis tise 'urkiali and V or Datbe éxoi *Qboat, preeervitiveé« 1 frtero medical expertu aud nd lï mpnetIon'witt-I mioesUreatntént thse patient la mùorýxap.. I1>4p6eà iulily triste. e- "Ktr*nl4é%l broxigbout tise worldf~ pntQ theo poo-rcot inaT~ he»ý Tundis baths &are thé only once in the 011f of Toronéo. frorma e tr uU ties in an countrie. glOUns-Gentleman, lz to 880 a. 84< &.=a. te 1.8e -iceM, tickets. $6. Bkrilinl and attentVýe Mâle sudenae ttdat. J. S. DIAMO7gD, M.D.' 80> _l pue , tMdant COMFORTABfLE S8tore To Rit-8ea t Or Together I be renteddifleer a R eia weUs getiser, or sepajrteIy. Tise p remises are brick, newly uft contain large parlor, diniug room, kitaiseu, show room, 6fv . d mcm, pat!7, isard sud soi water, stable and outisuildinga Tise sopinl roomy and in s good ituation for business. Frtermi anI perleulars, apisly tb MR. D.ORISTON or 1<> uns. MTIkhff ,7 un A*.pume Tise MIi a »w ln Comploesrannngi And gives outîre sscstionm sepplied Wtls ELOUR or thec lest quliatiyitLowrstat vtes. flighent Prico paid-for Wheat Tissushf.sl for thé patronage isemtefore ro- célved, tIse Proprietor isopét, by strict ai- tenstion la hus*ussoo. allS e letérmloation le s c)nuintliontereais T. P'. WAIITIL1 Wtullovali, LUh uno, '.ýb. -27 Pirprletom. $ jOttilt saut flet o st< viiwibL tet matki.- wrt,.I t uzsr.' ny, -su kingus' ni*<ht. o UrI:sl, %lato-.gils Uk;ý. trnsk failis to osAlo ir son"sIc o tbntl caistie ittt;e ii e 'tce kat auy tfistly *will tid &AhisiBJ4rtui.esu1AMire "NTOTlCE TO TI-M CIRDITOitS a! th& IN latte AUISILLA MiN>4TTI'i-PLr- .mâwgIt4» Chapiar 9-w INscisded i ct la 1th, T % t MIby, V Il e ou or belone t4 t Ien S iDgceuibor, 188 tcuend byPS%, ro te ifacoi Mgaoll enteu rS st Ati is the ofc cGÂ't, h. nov o t i c eabo y wtdus bsu Itep enaaitl o hn vrï thi; ' OUi 's hoi on* aov Sne%" Foolsap, Bank Eoks, Tèfitè-r'.Papers, BotigýPpr riot~ayons, DaIug Books, SeholB~ E OUËNA8c181 1 Tký% LiOA R U'E' ~y3i~by~~Nvombr 164188 î 'am daily in reoeipt of ôRES OY8ERS (best brahde), and keep constantiy onhjand FI1N NAN 14DDES, &c. A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' F] \OTM HITEsBISOUÙITA, ~f6IR'SDe (New Stock)i pJEGOL» BAKINGPGWDEBRj PEOKLL'S PARIS t VINE~~GABISn oijhs ENGUSf XALT VINGAX, $a-The finpýt that ceau n ot , nTALUN WAREHOUSE "W-OL St~I~W1~BES! OVIUýÇQT4UIN$2 1joÈ ifvy cioth, an edyn4OVERCOATý,, CLO' 'GEN1~8' THING MADF TO< ORDER: A splendid stock cf English- Clotho and Scotch and Sept. 2~, '80.D=u ~stSte, Whitby1 ' Combination.; FELLOWS' 4u OSE 0F TE X( W. moka ibesautUng Boue Spavizie and oomp 'TIBITIO'S CONDIM L~ pavin, O [OST IMPOBT&-TDISOEIWFT -- gauneuuceme;kt- tlat 'kjALL' Pavin' curé w ~eeyremove tise alargemcnl, se tisai t b. herse- 'ever is4A a spaviti. Wemuke t ýi mte? t asd t.ré~6oi*bois4vê"loA lj 6 e e Ou ai L 1 it le nus,!t c or sas, gali!, la reà imetqr corne, Prost-Bites, or an y Dru im ,'t or icnus. Hë'*,NN ORSE BOOK.' 4 htrests at~orae ),~)alaradyrbeetttld l 'W' ulriet&l is z<%II4'2, u9vcy one Çtosoooà tproc 068cit fthepuo,'ntaylaiu til G - 'u ortl MOre Lave palA .5 sud $10. tring; an sd I'IH & Co., Proprietors, Montreal. For aabc'l~Wbf1ba' '3 ~~?s~1 Jvv: taIsFmLEILsz~, Brack-St Wisuîby a~ii FO A~*UA>3IJ!~I~CIJ~ÂRa .4oe~ BUGGIES, BUGGIES AND OUTTEZR$.I, ~J~9~SAE Â~~¶LLOWINGý PRIONS DURXMG THE NX1ODÂý&. 4nse P1n o c~ese 8 iPlatform Sprlng roCer'edo 7P 8 " " s wu ietlp4 a mat gen-an& t --o seat démocrai 9t ggnaléigh - -2 5 pauai 1< 0 6Second.sad Outte ra.. so j~~'~ii ôftest matersiland guarze. REPIR~,e~T4ENDED TO AS USUAL, D U libTà T, - WHITBY, O ONgi. ~ANOUNCBMENT., Thentndfflignei bege respectffully to -annu:nce to t in habitants ofWhi'J; 1 -n ss Lding cou4nry, tliaýhe lias now '?i eut thse olef ~#- tblaotrXso ,g ept by li a tor, whoelltedikeo&.e ad el aSoxit eioftoh f~'ul aud liapes by strict sittentioft to business ta monit a oontmnuano of .41k '~e~4og~ o 4qjJaoscIral, ~e ~éu>4oléa~been;got p ex preSaly for t é apcni uv,,a I4 addý ,gosfom h Toronto as fast as u eoel lT ~ foiVU yu --An -.earlY inspeotioù .i:,. the ý stock îs:ino1v-;So1îôitea ,WkPtheF Y791 jnY pr nýQt4jm -DU-1 tîlL vil5hwelccime to inspeat' tur _______ Wbitby, tthatcmabtbe a nd i orLadh4, and B T udFIES à iisi 7f &cW $906ht bwor ont d'o trosj. .'w PR " s: CO0., Tor9Ilto, Pisotographers,. thfoonmg ie 0hftby annd Souths Ontario, tisat hé bals pnrchaséd thé entiré rigst sand interet cf _tint leell-known Pisoto&laphioand Fraxning î , e at ls is u ný a elY ,ca n e S on b y p ' L re Mlessrs. LYON BROTHERS, WnXýEMSONS8 BLOClt;fl0OÈ.ST4I WHITI3Y. ' Tii. extensive fliterations sud rin4r 'mente b h ie atê frrniamxa ;e gttull addéd t by the addition of ALL WORK- GUARÂNVTERD 'FfIR 9TC4A8 & A il -22 M -HÃŽIDREN A SPEC IALTY Se&ffui TABLETTE PWoýros. FR MING i lu ai ta branches. pHQOS- COPIED and enlarged, atlà 8 fliisf plain, in oil, watér colour, lnk, or 1ryo t BOTTOM PRIONS. AC ý,NT for Mson & Riecis, manu-- fact*la a I PIa-nosadOraa Odt fc!r Tùnlng p!omphi st edto. J. * . B iopés by strict attention ta buet- -nes omerlt a à 'isare Pfthé bpatnage'pît libe ~.ybestaw9d on b- e ere. Wiflrnson's Bloc,.roc&at. MAKES THE WEAR STRONG. wLtla tie biood as thse simpet food. ZR inereases Mie q*&y meat ý«#4e1er*y part of body, rePairiny darmages, andi was , searciting out morbici secre- tions, and Ieaiing notiig for disease to feed upon. Th7iis thfie secret of thxe «ion- derftal ssrccess of fiais s'emedy ine euring Dyspepsia, Llveu, Com- plaint Dropsy, Oliropnlo Diur- ioss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of thse Hidneys and jBIadder, Feunale Cemplaint, andi ai diseases orninin» -à abacl state O!flhe Uood, or'-<se- compansieZ by debiity or a- Sow state of the Bysem. Meing fre froin Alcoliol n anij forrn, ifs eneraivg Zkeets are nef fo- '«ion,ï but aéprazn, atng streffgtis, vigor, and tnom tifèinto< I& parts of the, system, ando sssand ise be leuge by>,fias use oft tiis reunmedy, frzon - u>ec, kIy, suffeingà , rea- trn1estotrong, Afw ,?and 1'~ nsn a4~womeï - aai invaâdnuot rom aylies. if afte sec ta atrial., se tiiat eacla boUie las PERU- VIA -SYRUP n tJegas SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Propdoetors, Cheustet, Wisitby. --I II> Ilnh ALE-L BSTATE!,ý 'OshaWa and Darllngton. 1"0 71arc tise Court et Chancézy, DULLEA vs. -DuLLE1J Tiséru will beo salA, witistise approbation cf Ge or é H rDrge tu 2 , A, q, m uter e Cog t a clacry at W litby' aIt:ic ItN N S O T E L , nu t is e T O 'W N F O p SATR» Yithé- FOURTH Da 41' 'At Tvb-Ã"'cloekî'l the atternoon, isy L',v Fai;bAuks, Âuc4ioneeatishe lolowiug eml- PA bETo. 1,ý-Ia situatedaon ths Sutit eset115 cof -Abany sud Smoocéctréets in thé Town o! Oesawa, as u aa froniiîgj n Al nmt e thfaiv n ie sud tisirty links uAi -io frentage on SI =uc e tre et of seveu chalns-and altY-faur lnud con., tains Fivé sud eue-quarter acres, more or 'ts Soutis aidéethereof,sd isas a frontep ou Stmooe atréét oftréeS Cane and fi*-7 sx linkad a depth cf sévn cisand u tirty links, sud contains Two sud aix-tejjn' an a good ore]a~4 PAIRCEL NO. 8-Adjaina Parcel No. à o tise Souths aide tiséréof, asud as à irontep -OmbmZZ1S e st etci Avé chains aud ioty. llttkesud s depth cf sevén cis t IlErm ana centaine thrée acres a on inoe sreet ti:Kw 0fanc = -donaclna.l PARCEL No. -bÂjo u ,th ire parcls Non. 1, 2,83 and 4 ana tise Basterly il of tllainth.wFestten Toref Lot No. .1OituisAïeu&ùne Tiasp 1of 3B C . 1y,no ~Toyrn of g9sb. Southerly limniteof Albany atreet to Proapeci 'Street ana trom Prospect Street by tise laié Denn à -Dulles to The Owaai ale- iron Comnyltishe Easterly huùit cf sa -otNo. 10 by thé Centre oftbe saiS Fi Bi , a liejâea l î wItisSixmce street, Ave Uhans aaterly tram tise Weterly huImt a1i041a Lot M1'. 9 1tis te front Of the a" Con ana tishe Saish West- 101acres, sud 'cà ntaine si v DuUes on Rsa ALots ecp ace ! s 1, 6?â !& ay) teopalui Prospect streét twem v id e, nI sd r o , a eniéeut w i i PABOEL No. . GL-Comprie aJilt ip of Lot No. 88-iu the 2uS Concession ai t Townsip o! Dsxliugton owuéd by th Nataie oi thé iste ,sn. ul u o nd d * n thé N o rt h y tisa Soutis nioftha Crýek ruunjntirougisgal <idl an thé iWéttb> tho IWéaeterly lusitc asid Lot on Mlle Sotis by laIsSe of W. Evu @DÉ, and DÉ tisé Est lb> ulasstOa iii ~ wonéeve F. 1 mabuilp-p-t 28. 80- .L i -J. Â LI' -- U. -, z - 1 à - 7= ý 1"I-w :ý Ir HOLIÙ Amw ý 7 - --t- a . . . . -