ECIXL enio1i le- tà êle4 to tment' of Dry Go 4er Trade. DRESS, GOODS.-A large stock to selec m.Sepur VELVETS.-"AII colors ini Plain, Emboas d16d Corded'. CA&SHMEIRES.--We offer the very bëà t ods at special MANTLES »MD SHALLS..--We have the Wst styles, and at low prices. MILLINEIRY.- -We sh-ow the most fashi "able goods Mi Ontario. Our erimMed Hats and Bonnets ca o1 be, equalled. CLOTITING.--Our stock of Tweeds and Overcoatings 18 large, and offer,.ed at the very lowest prioelq. Cr MUt .T4 IROT 'No. 1 DEVERELL'S Br'JOÇKBOi -TE .1-' BANIRIJPT STOCK 0F NE &FÂSIIIONABLE ]3ougJat at 3bc on the dollar, and WI ~odfo 5to 0 pe ar Cent. les than coït' t cleurthezu Ji n t ssSE OUR PW~OBS. Drme d, wr> 270 for 12*0., ý for $12. Qvercoatingg, worth t45.50 fr $8. MùilierY, mh trinýmed sud uuli' and Bonnets, less than balf pri ce. An e arly examination of o0 gode £And pricea,,will convince on that WB uxean what a li a soicited. Yrours &c., -> J.Au DOL Th.iis noted Chesp store is lu Jameson's 0ol NEVV&VETSME's ýanta Claus' Headquarters, 1 A-SPREÂ-D 0F 72 FRET~ 0F XMAS GOODS. Bring the children aud spend an afternoon lookinig, 4i roundý, noting what Santa Claué has to give theni. roys, Books, N ov.Ities GLASS. GOOBSMILLNER) Oamp C=P An immense.stock of Dressýý Goùds, at ge-y i e c of graty eduidi es6 15 per cent. disent :off al Furs. A 1 lage9- c Satins, Laces,, Ribbons &t.W 6-SÛRili V4Y ý ht1 1tb Dess Goods at Hifpice. Shaws ad Mantles -at get m,1Sy Shalsan 1e nd12k G rel, 1at Pes adrim ,g ilks, from .50 ots. to $2.0Q p~yr Crwl Cottons, at.B6e,,7ce 8e9#I adlj. lXleli 1 per et. discount,,CÂRPET-Busels, Tapetry, Wool1Hemp, Union, dSai-eathan imporinpie. An immense stock of Twèsaid(oatings, very Cheýp.Shrts -and IDrawerS, -at a great, reduetion-. 'Hosiery--and fioes very oea.p, Talorig to order by frst.olaiss -workmen. qYECÂSfr~ ~O p. Alarge Crockey and Gasswae importation, diret frim, façtory, very cheap. BuffaloRbs tpesn hlsl prices. MILLINERY at a sacrifice. Dress aid Mantle nieking to order, Fine FaotQry Yéjrns, at 65 cents. J. B.POWELL & 00L Whitby, December 2nd, 1880. "T»SAE f MNEY IN IT!", YOUNG MlotiwV" WI& to "qiui»na' BUSIINESS EDUCATION, ehon ,ujm wt to.xu. aEEEX PANTO, pupd.lo t be LONeeI COMMERCIAL COLLIEO Situation. WaAtçd. «a mm Who Undor- basu oul.,amd no blaIgurly$u.fuL ÂildUou, 494f J. P., Omzoxwi.a Ofo.. Y J.________________________ ~F~W A D V E R fr1EM ENTS. To the Public. Having bouglit an unusua]y heavy Stock of C1I)CKEl1Y, CHINA' AMD GLASSWÂRE! Foi this season!s trade, - adbeing auxious to reduce it as mush as posible before the first of January, I have decided to &«ve the people of Whitby and uurrounding onuntry the benefit of a cheap sale FOR TUE HOLIDAY SEASON!1 Below wiUl be found the extremely low prices of a few leid- ing anes, the cheapest 1 think that have ever been ofered in Whitby., White Stone tes Sets,,44 pieces, $ ,0 sd,$2 25, White Stone Toilet Sets, 9 pieces, - 2,0)" 2 25 White Stone Cuips and Saucera, iihoùt 11han.1e, 501), ma,60c pr doe. CommQcu -40o s White StoeeTes Plates, - ;650, =475e~ Breakfast19 44 Dinner "44 85o.and 95o Brown Teapots, - - 7> 0,25oe eal. Fie Plates,# oTo8 ~ Fuddiug flishes, - 9,1e 5,lc Over tirty différent patterns ( I~ zf', and 1Eznishâ China Tit Sets, the Ifinueet sejlê0tion ou$eidecf theéiy a4 Jâto be iold at svery sélight sdvaue ovw 1ost.. OMtto Cupg, mugs, Moustgohe C , J1>1eryqhea A few large Lampo, wîth porcelaui ahadesý-, W$l[besplX at isbariu ChnTaPlates, aud (JupesudnaSaueers, by the >4 Chbina Biakfast Plates, ud Ou pansd Sauners, ly-the dozezk A few M$ of LezNegwMwi11bet coet. My suc1k of Gla fine, »udit prices $2 wd 2.50pêr ý Ii.5 ald $2 per, 80o, 87*ç 400; 65 e 8$99ds,4 «. ee to pr.oB.SMIeT>) -r 4. - goA _AIS,4 à ý,d c 1 n, P Q& varety wma TOILJi~P $~-beauti<tl 4n vey- ce0p aniao VA8E--i& ke asotý e neat designs, STATUÂY and 'a large stock of Xmas Gifts Y LNC IAMPS, T"i~,&c UPPER CNI4 BRANCH SILÉ 'neMP ~&~IOB Y. TI~E!- Selle the, b e ana or .Uauce1 PURS, C L'OTIBI1N- & IMMENSE~ --000 ~STOCK! 'Il don1 t, ~.S RO1?T~O &BROT] WH ITBY, ONTARIO. 12ude 1880. >eodAnnuai Supper lii à noiaa~5'NON. M Ki --- ~- 'ort, me- c I ~IyI ptie I i j AI j ~',of 7î- ýîl-""i : FOR il ý ý.3 -:0:0.1 xi