-New ê,tnrn8 t/Oay Gr.sit atook et Tweeds aud overcoat- lue P . Stewart. Mantias aad ahaw&-C. F. Stewart. opoeieg ia ton days-E. Frà tiî ëGlliry casaiStore, Osbawa-Robert . ryce. Pracîleal Wg Customesr-R. H. Bryce. Extensive stock ssio-Bcbt. Miller. Tii, Jubile. Singer.- Setrvanut Wated.- F&rat te lot.- Fer leaig Sivr-S. W. B. Smith. Peeterla-S. W. B. Smitb. Sewing Machin. Oul-S. W. 13. Suaitta. Dr. Oareon's Bitter.- 4 0 Bazar patters-J. Robertson & Broc. Anoion dale-L. Fairbanks. Cià rd-Da'. Glbraiti. Specols--J. B. ilobortaori & Bres. Drainatie Ce. aM Town Hall. AUCTION SALES, Saie cf fsrm stock, implemeuts, &o. lte property of Messra Wm. sud John Dicrk m, ut choir premisoia, lot 19, Brok. c-na Front, Pickering, on Wednenday, Nov. lOth 1880-L. Fairbanks anction. ONL.Y Si 50 PaR At NNUM.- Wh 'b, hursday, Nov, 41 1880. Cabinet Changes ut Ottawa. ý3We efibechiaugea, aunoneeal acre tiuas &go as likely tei takeo place iu the Cabinet at Ottawa, bave beeu ruade withîn th. pain wosk. Mt. Baby bau rw.signod the. portfolio cf Ministea' cf lu. land revenue snd receined »-a jedgship.. Blis place wl be filile by Mr'. Chap. lese. Tie place cf Ma'. Maison, vio teudirs bis resignation a long lime ugo seoi Vnter cf iMuftis viii b. filled by i Ma' <Caron. Mr'. Chaplea las. hein tie leader cf ieQoobea Goverunsont sudj i.. s comparativeiy youna mae cf 40I ymase. M r. Caron a lis si yeaigr- ouly 87,-bath bave ba.a la Partis. runary tifs ince 1878, Palitament snd lhe Bargain. Tii. aneoncemant ie made, senti- quiYaicialy, tiat Parliament yl assembsle lsfef Chitmas. Thi. conuidetle'aln uftheii Pacifie Ralvay Bargaiua ln, cf coeras, lie case." cf olliég Parliamnt togellica' îlots .arly. Wîi ithe detailu efthit isargain -kuapt back train lb. puiho. pulieopinion viit net b. aile tu b. irouglit te boae pen lb.ea-opa-- .-etatires cf tise people. Inelelilgentl tlit;cusion of lise tarismunît!ldbelp mretrabem, sut! ho au inutrnclion tho hein iîtw te set. Wilbliuldleg the dsaaia trmcaiti.country, set! ieaving sus im- ptsant a quesionus, invoivieg auci a lmrge expeectilîn'.etf meney asuit i. imporatant intereste-lo b. praonnuoeai Uhle in y 1apartisan Parllamon-t i. eta-ci laW&7 ho ecure the Oocefi- = Y, i e peuple. Net Lt il igil,- or juitelatii. country, ltat a question oftscit.magnitud.e siseulal b. left viol- 13' te lth.disposai of men vîo bave wcon ti 'sealu by a "fluke"' on lhe N -cicasai Pclicy cry. anal vhe ou tii. qaus-aliomu caunot bce sali te fairly tapa-o. ssci liii sentiments cf licir censtihsi- seuls. Tise people, aut! the pre*s at loausideas a-e pn.'pareul te appreve cf tus baagsinvith thbm yndîcate, if lie bai-gale is aI sil a goc cee. Tiers la a generally farcerabie disposition to approne ot a acharne liat vili reitevo lia. Gavenumoul frein ths barden cf building tb. road!; bet tusié olding bock,- aIl laiermatien excitesa espioan anti peoploe ay te thiiiinvas liai, if ail wer, as il ubanît! be, lies-e moult! h o i siaceeity for cce.lmîeî,ý Anda ae all. iole maltinlaoee ot-besiness IL ie ual a politicai question ; bet eise cf dollar. anal conte ilaioli the vhole coucntry les ocecrni, anal i woe. ere eaouit clho neneIl cf concealmejnt. Tirs Prime Minister vil set vuew by laingtishe people ite bis cenifalsue. anal ging lien a chance tW say visi lbey "hlk aboailhs iarasn. A Police Meglutrate Waaîed. Meut lovas lu Ontanl reo reopfia- leg tie expedisa.y of sppointng Poil.. Magiélnaies. White el«en offleers, aucb as the.Mayor ad!Bin, may posUOe very neoessairy qualification, iltanfouedt laI lie Polîo iceMgbtm%1e, Wia i. net dopeiant for bise ffie. ipon lise viittai e people, lu far lias more effiient offleer. Thé Polio.*Ifsghet-ate in net titerredt rein tking op saose, or aadJut!otng upen il liougi four Of tie Isuuar eleleisu, or, cf offsuallng hls nèlgiabe viemamy bu.à ainuof la. gusa., la. tllcality sud aivue lie cocmma.. of- voles, Il ln alel cvi lit aI ay cuiprite, susmat ndgrest eeaPe lte Penaltiy'cf liela' efenoe ibreugi lis. relotance oraiotlve msg. latrstt joopsrke eerpopularlty.. W, se. nov a'pO$king £a»mUrll. Fer lîsno happonse liatin laelb. locfWiut. byt tt asgiterlofia20e08 avi, lably bean uflet! by gentlemen et icode. uinetee viehave noyra h=sk fnomthi. dalles or a'spoasiblitien af tiea' otjien 8 ,ulas.position tram ils rary ur tpiîti i. t~con. upnighi, la-n t e, C4s re-lu' M sopl cifetpartilitty . à P âbh- )aOate appoiut;d by the <Gvrimspt vulal bs. beyad the reaela-aaf l *il iiq& bis dwimou. lagaopon hte pbjetiloc.-A I'elideZKgtst. e 'a14 certain bça reilet lie Ieeumbantp eft he.0 loffsc Msyo"«R ptleOe ansd ne doubit tsey motit! hofle las; t ogRiusabiestt he asp appolbnt 0cfa Police Magtrate -la a a Lvwfllis ise of Wib. eê Mr.gîtîr ase. P f-91 '[bc Prt Lri SIînà < nin 01 The. special euri.speuienil cf lia. ThePot ery lobea aIOttawraidescnibes ai bail .tate ns!ry aasgry .îîinle fi.idingtsz Iut miLi of 4iegs gelrxg ce iireferoetl ois Mr'. Paxton .41,1ti le' e>tl.tario Gvra-trteactola ttt'iee.otate- in.urfa apitîing, Mr. Jlie Nattilieseaye5 fa-*Ã"ly stit tisa îey bave lest, Policeà Magisitrita etfl'art Parry. Tie &ail tnrildenolunpublic tldaing unïdor. Observe-s-, per cestts-acomumenalu the. tIe paeseut Goneriosut, bacause lu appoimttsa-nt, and i.rihe,; Ma'. Xttt u mte reus cagsacontracts arc .e;rrnptly an *ua iulcatlria, palus-Isaing irte. Nluay<yeigstel miagistral., - nus e issu mîîè Wh o f e fibdmey "1 ccsl e .oa tentInlessi ho porforîrsatico cf lie tain aufforaîsation, ancai reda a _p rety deltas," sud go on. ItLI i~ l knmu Irosel blet tisai if I tippeli an officiai I tIsaI ltiStandard', fanit-fitin ithlse ouldl bu facsiliated te oblaiuing il.,' reel of cisappîinîment, aud of per- Net ouly tir. Chaplean, but senerai sonal Miifeeling Icînards Ma'. Naît, iritî thoicr officiais lunLias Depsiîtment cf, wiem lthipreprietor 6f tisat paper bas Bailwsyâ antI Canaie,,antI ibdeona u- int! I'ittie dificeltios." For lisse chier promineult officiai lu a thitu De- receone hie sîictures amount te eothurg parlîneasl, atre curreutiy creditot! mllb mca-e Ilsan s unmanly ebuliîtican cf compliity in ontrac-brokieg. Iu- ili temper. But lise saluer of lhe Stasnd- deed Ibere curions rumeur. adenat r.,. ead savewo bis personai reeculmout. to pecliîîg collusion belmeen a Public carry un tee faat mien ho sots ottb Works cfficiai sat! cne cf tIse toutcrers casudemu lhe Goverminnt anal Ma'.for hoatiug caverai publie buildings Paxton, vitiia11 tIse eenerity cf s greal -bici are vortiy ut investigation. Iu moral ceuseor. Ile kuama, er ougbt ltalite Onderdent cenîraci sifair ssnorai kuow, tsaI lie appclntment va. indue- Civil Service, officiai. are luterestat!, anal et! ly a largely signet! petition la lthe it le saidt t it be la'uhh i. elicitat! a Lieuteuaut-Goveriser iu Connaîtin lusIockieg elirte cf corrpliirainte tare? of MUn Noîl. tMr. Nott vas Civil Service miii be reveailt!. ual a ut-v mais;the dation wve net aiw la hlm ;hobe hIeiat!hIe DotGÂLaRAIrr.-Da'. ,Galbraith, cemmiesion cf tbo pence fcr soen.wvose card illibci.fouet!ine chier coi- yeans. Ro ecruedtheticrepuitalien of anueruns, coruse ta Whllhy vidahoheigbi, efficient auti impartial magisînate. Aud, the Geveremeut muaise&achefors est tIssîinonia-,. Tisa folloiong in ex- them, nlev.ideee efMr'. Noltc'e aclinihv Iracheti from-tle Bowvnssvilte Skates- tise reterne, sbeving thaI deting lie niia :-Wn ar-o ploctsotea 1 ear thast paiet 6v. or sx ents more cases bad Dr. J. E. Oslbraîtis, outhIis tevu, hais Iseera board anal aisposeal et by hum tIssu locaitee lu flir lewis et whiîby. Ho b-y aIl theochier magisîrates ut Reacisbasebil coîssideaabla exparieuce lu tie Port Penny anal Sesgeg. Wa5 thse office of Dr. ZaeLaugiuin, sud mors Governteet ta Ignore tises. tact, ? receutiy iielise office cf Dre.. tiaugb- Walise nolt.etflte people oethle le- lie & iieihb, anal le a t!estinusedc cality te be sel aside, anal culy lie par. graiduahe ut Viztonia Uninersity., Ce- tenai likes anal dulikes cf the editon et bcurg, anal cf Queeu'e University, the St ladad ta be considoeet? 2 Kingston, bening taken lirst Claie Il iu greahby te ba fearedaliat telis. anora aI Queen'. for goueraiapreýf 0 Glovsrnmeul never etoppat taehisik cf inuy.Ouaccenel cf tils higi standing Ma-. Muedy's diopleasure lu makln e lb. lu niveraily beoi*as aà pinht! te appeinîment. Perbapa Il la because tise neepoaeble position eof reaideul Munt Mudy's Importanco ln lie coin.- medialaattendant of tho Kingston uriyrecoIn.. so 11111e considleratiora GferaI.Hospital for 1879. With lie' liat h. lu no fond of fiuding cpportiai. experience tinas acqeiroal analis lîlgi lieu fan, "piteiuin" a ~lethe. everu- University standing vo predieot a very ment cf loIs. Ma-. tiuu liai e-idonlly sueceoetul acdetaxtensive praclicas for been dhsatlsech for actue tiru, pasî. Dr. GabraihinlaWlilby. le net easy te auiufythie cravingaet oe >Lo nature. Tiey are stneng anal Pot'. ExrNIIsVI saLic or Dîuanau Css-nî. slslet-e-o meach go indeeui liat bis trient!, soau.timas lire cf aatisfyiug à » )Corsvcî.ae Sanar.-Mi-. Eairbaeke them. Hi& pa-ononce nanan fuis Wt-a - tte mail kuovustock analgêngerai mW thein cfthie dangiater cf lbe auctic<necr, bas receineal inntrectiena te herse-les-h anal the incessant ca-y cf oeil by aion, ugi Tlaurst!ey, *Nov. 18, «,Give i Gi,. 1" . on tia. fair grenade, Wbilby, a splendid Tii. attacli cn,,M. Paxhion i. amntelotl cf purs-brou Durhamn cattle send in- ouraatefel reternton ail lia mebtantial pcriad Cet*woait sheep, tise prepaa-ly ot favors lie edilor cf- ho Standard lits M Robert Miller oet tButiue anin," badl at tie bauds cf lise membea' for Ptekening lsen ad V ] Northa Ontario. Belt Mr. Meet!y, il i. __- plain, forets hims-lt, sut! ubema lihant ILWAY Maae-a-r,-tsAt i UnauL- ho la quit. capable etf frgetîieg oid At a mreswa meeting hebl at Welis's friande, vielie expectftiiaey 1liaenosu mure te 'givre2 botel, Uxbrlclge un Tueaday eveniug a reselutinvas moved t ta it vas de- buffles .-Ca'ek. attable taeneraavour teachIale aiwaiv Division Court tva. baIl i n thii.'il- lage on Tue'atilay for the firsI time for abee teenpesa-s, iniagprae-lousty hcm.n estabilied thaofor orai lvcnty ysnrs. Tbe recant channge madenustnthie roquaet oethLe Magisîrates lu session. At~uha tis eteeiai mas on. ofeamae Interset te Aguicastul-al Secielies. TIse' Picker-ing Agisuitual Society tcnet! C. Lynde for $21 avea-ddal l u i fer- prixes la 1879. TicotIeendant mas isot a ms-ranthlIe Society fanrit esa- Tse s-nies cf lie Snciety as piteisbcïinIr iase prise liaI aid net raeqnia'he e ntriets tu1 b. maicl by mnmbta. nud lte lSn- ciety paidth ie prises vit-hout quetioni anal baongbt tis aschlou te a-couver bacd thie money 1,ait!. Jidgararrt vas re- soet! dIn ordesa'te examinethie tatut.. Note The meetng cf Onlaio Teohera' A- seciation, the p'oc"iealigs cf violc are sldusmanrsed ira cher celeanna, van nw- keovieulget! ual bande le bc a ment gnatifylug enecosa. The altempl on lise biat et anenymnc rIlle. Ira tic pubie press, tcsom diese.usion% by pro- nckieg jealousies col vonnding sus- -c.ptibilitiei, mes promptly froyevaad t!cvn, analthieasociallen atdreseul il- eoif -villa gocal seaiee anal sinsh ouia' uanmiîp l e ie wrk ara-anguat!for i ip lie Comiiîe et manaigemeral. 'hePaie tl adindtresting oia'acter Of lb. vonk doue viii b. aven by the re- part, sud mien cosupareal, aubnte efut- noms aid acepe viti liaI doueciscthien couettos. tii. meeting ofthle Associa- tien ii nos suifer iy ltihe cmpna-aeen. Ameng lh. more protielnraincdent# of allia meeting wuistlia ae-eieioa b acclamation of bMn, McBrisu le tire oc Sie eorPrésident, a on eulasa rIante en the part cfthie association ho Ma-. tic- Brlen<s popuianlly amdui fusu lIsauas exprssion cf a t!ere le seculre i-mà ouy and luloreat le tie.aslciaiter TPhe, n tasble tesimnal l nda s!t!'.a te SLt- toBrieneaIthie publie lectur. oe Fnit!ay te a sumiint anav' e ohie esrptug cribles mie have latly asusibeai -hlm. Tiérse natsfion et s gaît peuansud posaiteue e. 10 a'Ja. . Brava, lie master cfhhe btedel sobool on .rtiie;r frein thé oAkeofo et eralaraeaiire",- wu va aeul andl v41t deservedalte.- cegeilica of "al nd ssiabiily i lfHiig ano enerons office, - Ma,Teà res lecture on "Reocjin4 a.sdB.aeerg" wva a appy anal Llmp1y effort, sm uai nmal eelvedal hei large audience litaI asqpsilot!ilate- Tomwn hall. Mra. IParew'll lrested ie saiettlu a schiîtgRc resa n d t4 , liew 1 t-tit many iliesîratlonu et' malter ai%& *"i~nor tla;t a incaS lebhngeffécct '%le bosa'.en ",t*u*tèaUan iy re- /erae gola NesdôselPro4p.rUs," by thie ReefW.IrReaga, M. o5 f' Aeh-. sdaap lrpss,'i.ren. ple mn eeusidine4eduostion ln ils tiresZ fol aoeaà l-Mnisrîa,amcrai, duil pipet- ciii - a"al ii ce th isal, a.ý Osaslanaav*haveanulathehoprca4OD cf lulie ntiona ~ncv fats f ouol dévîl.4emelAt, lie as afrai tiait ui eiahoci BYstema n 4 t po gi.#uffe iepl attleo tcate isa ogrtia cf Ralphy-ci. oally ad uor&aUy - a# l, Ir,!1~. _q*mtly fer tnols air, mort -musail,,set! - csdrnary tai utinle.' Iu dwell, [communication mî heiaWiithy cand Port Pc-tay ihailwaiy, anil a cormille. wacs chpelsite Lnlec'aifer -iii thie Dia'- acts cf tise rend ft.sta pua-pose. Il mas aire empowtrd hotamail upoa tisej Direciore et thc Toronte anti Ottawa - Ltiiway le inti net if Ihat non,) mai oomieg la Uxtus-lIeaor liae immédiate nririniîy. Tru' MsiNeuWaemaiv Mss.-Tracas bave hocas fonuci of taime s-aoulas of Ma'. Timaalay Foley Who isas lacen mliReiag tressahi> home dura 'eduisse day mccli Hoa le kowu teain,haesu et Ciarrymood, ant islaRaidl t e bai ov ail a kouse naa'Broughiam, le vlsJrl point a meinof is famils vas dis- palcced altu m-ms-ngIoeg te fthepolaur oit! rum hiome, Mu. FcR SOs'NirNG oBîrsSIces Aaatu. -Thli raey eneotera cf Ma-. Frealt, cf Otiafelloms-' slait uolniety a-ili h. plno eIccru tint b. intenals epsning busessaigain lenlic. cours.etftan days in tIse ievr Camuphell Blckl, Brook. atresel. - ~ Sexnscuv-lieOntario Laiies' Collage paper-for Octobe-la cut. Il -le brufel cf geot! liiags, lJetatly pninlet!, and! i. a rery lidy sud re- peeble bookiugCoUrge jonrisal, Zab- .ieat!monlialy Urougbout tIse celeogi- ste yoar. Pince 50 cqentu. At!trou, "Susesa" ,wbitby, Ontario. Bir Loossan T1iieY pait! a iait W Bowmanville eu Tueaay anal laipeotat tihe, principal factorisecf liaeplace, a. veli as lihe plscoitua stabliemeut ei Nowcalo, Inuthie o'rbiug Ibe Finacce Minhter adda«-e.ea public meeting, sue vas enterlaiaa t Oaban-. quet gins in bis icur. Idat. Enw.snaAaasâ., meo ot! neet- dent cf Oebav*a, diet noear Wlusaip. Imo- ve*seugo.ý Tii. Tisse.,cf eL, 2?th, aneaues tise arina! of Ms-., Josephs3. "oi gabi, barristea', la t itci. The siate- men a Uia r. Ms.dou aaminido the a.rgular, m ping of the. Tovu Cornoeil took place, on Monday eveniug. Prssent :,hie vorehi th ,Mayr [in tii ohfr] Mesr. ogart, Ormaaik, 'DankIey, Pax, Huggarb 4ià ng ta.d WoSley. Abseuït i mesee. Batnes tabae Ring and 8mttb, Minutes tead aala a4prevsa, -ttà Àit pou IiLMÂGES. Flom D; Ormieton, ecliatitor., amkieg for $18, damages etained 14raý Clark of Baut Whitbyi lu eonstquence.of a fait received by har througb a defoc- tire eidewýLlk, on tfii. 1Ûtb June lait. The comttidetion ýwae accompatiied by affidaviasof MUn..Clarke in support of the* ' laimu. On motion of Dr. Bogart the cern- mnuuioatlcn wue referr.d te the Town Solicitor. 1ATOR'S OOMMUCTIONS-OEBOTS OP HKLIBP. Tii. Mayorteck the opportunity cf rnentioning lv, or lire, malters vhich ho boapromise a bhring undar the. notice of the oounnil: The son cf Ma'. Chas. Dihuan had been snfeéring from a bad log, aud his people desired W gel hum luto the oaoptal. Anether -case vau tht cof OlIk Eutohin-au old residhnt. of the to*r t ho *a s nfferlng from dropey. andl b.i.r.d thal if ho coulal gel tte hospitai h. wouid gel botter. la the. easeof Ma',. Lacinda Camer. on, tire. Cameron hâa a danghter ehe want,.d te s.nd back oi Kingston ta her aunt's and wanted ta gelt ti. money ta de se frow 1he oneit Ho (the. Mayo)r) would aupply a pase fer tbe perpese himueif, but the relief fend vas long ainoe. ezaausted, sud more toc. H. had promised ta fetcb 1h... maillera be- fore the ecauccil and dial 8Q. Mr. Long côztsidered Diman'. case cee des.ervieg of aid and wisbed t0a&id ie tb. malter le aiy vay ln his power, ejîber ae a ceencu1ler or a citizen. Ine rpiy le eequiries; the Mayoa' stated Ibal, as 1h. lova aid net snb- aibe teathe lunde of lb. kospital, lhoy would hava te psy for aey eue tbey sent-tb. loaascnt vria $2.85 par week. A suggestion thhtte. oals beis uer. lainait fa t "anase vmasasaenled ta. Tue S 0By-LAW. Mr'. Iuggard ietroducied th. dog by- lav cf whîoh ho hiad givon notice. It Srovide. Ibat a4je oweers cf doge muet ae thcm réesereal, numbea andl deecriboal, and lilaeee, and thtuat he dcgeshall vear a collarvii liee litiers T.LU.P. towe l..aise pajal), aud con. tait figures for the year and numbor carraspcndlbg vithe inambar on the deg register. Tii. &menut regnir.d tc b. pâlltis 75 -eenl-50 cents fer the. plat., sud 25 cenits for tii. licouse. Dogeu fouinalherborisa aroûu3d promise té b.chargad tW the oveer cf hougi. Doge faon riuuieg witiont tie T. l. P. plates t eb.detrcyed sud eveer.î fineal. Mr'. Huggard eaid bis principal objec ini triuging in Ibo ià y-lv vas'tea sist tihe collecter. Thry wcre (lb. conucil) ail quit. Weil aware tiat there were a nuuber cf doge ti thoecorporattou net juea.a.d. ILo 4eld Lieîattsfied, sfter the. Aret reading, ta 1.1 the by-law stand for the proseua, se as ta give ail au op- portuuily of exaffiing il, and ameed. u ifDeeaesary. lua repl y te a question, Mr'. Huggaral statod tlitWultwe i.intentin leacol- leot the 75 cents in addition te the pros. eut dog tai cf eue dollr. c,&MUciOi'5 PRTITION. Dtr. Bogart-Wbat'a become cf Camý eroun» Petition ta bave hum appointo.l niglit iatch-man, anal refra'ed te the commîittet ou applicationes taoffice ? Mr'. Foi-The cemmitt.e have nolli. inu te report-Lier.bii na nesncb office ira the gilof tb. conneil. TaE ECOUNTI C'LtM' pou STONE. Ou motion cf 1fr. Long, secn0ded by Mr'. Dunkl.y, tb. cemmites oe etreotA were graeted an extension cf. lime, Wa tbe miUt meeting cf Ilh. coenil, tW re pea'iTlé .frace ta Uam brokea sIen.ý roceivoal frens lhe eoaty la.79 sud '80. STRECTS AmI m7VUKI. Mr'. Coicok, amceedalby 1fr. Long, nievedih"tpublic* no"' e ognvea by he Tow er lut*tlheb.ova papers, reqaitiieg partis Iowing ef defectiu., sivike or ... nila ÉW gvin mica- The fcllomiug le a continatiou ut the Ca'oeetsg, at tie asoizee tfroru hast MGitsbae 0tdküe3arJl-Aetie,ý tolet- caot- daiaaels fan lie sealueticu cf plslutiff's daugiler. Tii. parties lire ln thi. l*nsip et Scott. -Tîse girl vas a liert- ant attse hanse Of daifeudant'ti fali sdanatle alleget! seducticu louli PIr-e hiere seoie oyears ago. Tice gis- va 6xaminet! aI cousiderabi, gength. The dideudt! offeret! ne cvi- dence, aaIsud.heJî-y returnot! s verdict fer $100. J. A. McGilivry appearet! fer tise pIL, anal Hector Camenon, Q.C., ansd F. Madl fan lie aleft. Foientain v. Meoutchea .-Tbis ac- tion va. brongil by Mn. Joseph Feen- tain, of Mars, againet Ma'. W. B. Mo- Crîtchecu cf <anunglon. te recoer damagee for an alloget! trespaos or i11e- gai seizxeeof ciattei properîy coveret! iy a mýorîgage. Tise tefendauîjusîifiat! Lb. seixure on lhe groundt! Iat il vas made. aflen dotanit ical- been macde le pyenl. lbaintlff asen-seitet!. H. Cameran, Q.C., anal F. Madili for pIt. C. El. litehe anal C. C. Kelier fcr dett. Il adill v. Grltbe-&otion for ueJ anal ocuatifon cfland! anal 10 racover tise vau fa qeanlily cf rele. VentilaI for deft. H. Camaren, QC., anal F. Matihli for plI. c3. G. Robinsons fer lie det- McCssaig e. Grahalm-Action incegit te racaver amouet due for boart!. Ver- dict for the plaintiff ton $177. H. Camu- enen, Q.C., aud F. M ailifan plI. Mocclfe v. Cameero-Tbis action iras fanlie e noveyôf ismageetea' au allegeel libel by lhe defeudant cf plain- tiff'. titi. la laut!ileTliorai. Plaintiff nou.eniteil. H. Camaron, Q-C., for put. C. H. Ritciie for ciefi. Wilieoeev. Giliner--Acstion cf ejeol- meut mitb respect te 8 acres of baud lu Pickerng. Plaidif non-suilcal. H. Camea-on, Q.C., aut! D. Ormistea fan plt. D. D. Riordan fer tiefI. Grogg v. McCascheo- Acetion cf Inespasi te parecel pnopea'ty. Verdict by conseut for alfondaa. F. Matiull ton plI. C. H. Bitci, anal C. C. Kelier ton deft. Bowcsea eV. ma«On sMasfl. Oo-O suite cri&ceetal promisso'y uctie. Ver- dict fer lieplaintiff by consent in euoh Sau. C. H. Rîtchie anal L. Englisi ton pit. W. Mnieck and! C. A., Joneton defts. ORIMINAL R'IE. Tii. fiflîhsemi-anyiual meeting efthtie Couuty-ot OOntario Teaciers' Associe- licn< irais Isein tle l.Higi Semail basiblingea Wbltby, ou n itay aint!Sel- ;îrday st. Tiere wa. a val-y barge ah- tendance. Mi. MoBrien, president, Lecli ths chair isliôrly afier ton o'lcbk. Minuhes rend anal approveal. iMÉaPiTrOF nELECATES. Messrs. Januinge anal Robinsen, dois- gales te lie Provincial Aaaeiation, gave nery satisfactory reports, anal maeepresenleal miha vote cf tinnks for the efficient performance cf themr clelies. niL CoBURSua 5LETTR. à letter frein Dr. Ceiun, on lis suijecl t. fa communication luthie CHRNIossEîacas reat! anal netarreal ote msnagiug ccrumittae. Subeequeutly, lb. commitlae report- et! tintthletIer net iaaving retereuce to lie preper business cf the association vas piacet! on file. The subjuct cf Gaom2etry iras taken up by Mr'. MaGe., snd ai Fourthi-Book Lessan by Mr. Edgar. Both gentle- men receireal votas et tiauke for thii able treahint cf lie suijeets. ELECTION 0F OsFlOCRS. Mir. James MoBriera, P. S. L, Pteoi- dent ; Mn. Brome, Vice-presideul. Man. Com.-MasRrs. Ray, Jonuluge, Robinson, Heudeteen, Misa Hiekie. Votes cf tiank e meapassedt! 1tlIe relriug officens for thei r services. TI che i tiit su put aud ou tint Tum ena et! The Qasseh V. John .hnton-Tie défendant vas chas-goal iti hlIreiy cf 8 Gondsetfvood! whilh ei .at!soitdc te cas -DavidlRoe ansd wlsidus . of sequendy~ taken go Wbitlay by prlsoes-s n itesinter and! soit!:i, jr ent averdict of' INet gilty. ' Tios.Hed. Of gins, Q.C., for. lb. rovu. J o.c- ý Gtlliniay Ion lii prà noen. nE Tiha Quseta v. James J.. HuMbard - a b] Tise p r, in ls case mai placet! in jet ibn doko a ehargeocf sîeaiiug sa@pan of herses, set cf baroeasetanaiggea belongiug te Ma'. A. C. W. Plauui, cf tr« Uxbiuage. Ther. âbat! hoanme nego- Pei "alions belveen lie parties about a a'o "rde. The pnsueor obtaluet! pomees- B ien of lis. teain anal vagacRan,Ãraclthalt vath l slt Mr. Pisaih a* cf thetus Tii. jury attea' long deliienation fouedt! b a verdict cf'Il Not gulty." Tise.Hel- me gina, QCO., fer the Crovu. osY. Smithbaa, anti J. A. MoGillivray for tie prisoner. die Thse Quce e. Jerearialensr.-Tie w jpriaceer vais indiceat!fer targing laie brother Robirt Heery'sauawo te a nolo cf W15. VetmlicL "Net geîlty." TIsa'. Re Hlgine, QýC., ica- the Croira. N. F. cf Patoreon for tic prisoner. The Quese v. Wm. Aaso.- ; lie de- fondant wse ciarget! wili raeglecîiiq t' l. support bis ia. Veri-ict- for the eJ. fendantî. Ties. oalgin., Q C., for lie n Crovu. N. F. Paterson four Jeft. Thse Queris v. Joies Wood-41.allug onencoat, nubien crAI, î-ovsessanal olicr articles, b.longing ho W. H. Mae- Allea. The pnlsoner ýpbeat!ed geilly, tlt anal vas sentencedt!bouae pesa' lulie IHa Centrai Prisonc Té. lcegini, Q.C., ai>-th pesa-rd for thi e m*ii. lia The Qumasav. Fosak-Tlseietenanltai vas ebargeal viti Iaaiog obtainedt!hte Wo endoxueineel t i ote Uo!f$4000by in- pot rei r apa'een ts. Tise inidence. vs ddnetsupport tie chsar-ge, aud bs b 10adaili> 'ireetithIe juryteoreturu a-cui eit of i"Netgulty.' Thc.. Hoalgias, ma -.C, for tie Crevaý . OELH. ilciie- for las deft. - ra Thse Qaeen 9 . ibo*n <taene.-qrle ou- defendant va. cbarget! vilb procurneg abc on. tilda Fniday tW mako a fais.affi- 'me davit cf affiliaiion. Thee lury (il o t ul agneo, sa d doMlaus va. oued cvra'te ant the. nixte tttiage Tl-U H oila, QO., off for lbe,,Creva. -H. L, Ebb.e éfor deft. d@i TA. tQieen . o. -nLapp.-Pea'jmry.Iti Tilte Grant! Jury ver. all.iaha'geal on bet r'o Hi# Lor<1uo * au Hoaoutrable ohi tise on atrà s J& #U Hae ntuscoSat -of , 0 tii ati raMcumeas-a"d Gon> 0401 M. o lies in and ffor ti Oosay of th REPORTS- Rleports et andîlors anal of generai minitîce mere adeplt!. Lii. former emeal a balance cf $78.45 ou muid. le latter repert racommnend8 tint a rtinn efthe fends bee devotsd le pro- iring for membere TTh. Canada Educa-1 'uni Monthly sialdlie Canada Sciooi na-ual. For 75 cents ssci, in.salai- -n te Lhe foe for membersiîip, lie as-1 mlation supplie. meruisrs viii mli nblications. Mil. FAnEvaîLL'S LECTURE. Mn. Fnnevpll alouiveneal an iuteresting d instructive lecture aItitaelomu hall aFtlt!ay evening betore. tic assocas ou, Tiare vas qeihe a large audience. se saibjeet wne "R1ea!lug anal Renl- a. Mr. Farevell receivsd n deserv ivote cf Ihanke. .PSiSENTATION TO MiR. tiCealEN. Dnring lb. lecture Mn. A. G. Bsond- son, ou beicif of is teaciers, pnrsent- JMn. MoBnien vilh an atidross, ex- reiug lie isigb estesin inwmicis bo i eld by tutu, aiecrunpaulealiy mambers Eraeyclcpaedîi ald a opy fWusbster'a Uniabradged Dietionary. - On Saîeraiay lise convention openeci Ma'. Phîlipe epeneti viti lhe anijeet f quat!ratica. 1Ogllab Grammar, xit, by Mn. Tamblyn. Boli gele. eaona'éoaivd votes cf tinkr, for thisia bi. tealinent cf thiinrespective seuh- . PRESENTATION TO 28e. BROWN. Ma'. Bromn, the reta'ieg seora'any- resaier, vas presenlet! miti a golal encil as a siiglil boken ef esteain anti rcognîtice et bis services. DUCATION ANis NATIONAL PROSPEEITY. Ma'. Uctiger delîvereal bie lectineon te suabjecl, wmiel ia. listeneal ho mi lecIs lutereal, sud wvici mas very bly hanalsc, anal receincdalsaie mci ceernod nets oetlhauks. A nesolution rae paseed thal il he puilisseal. HONOBRNT iNtBEitS. lien. Mr. Abrahamtuanal lien, Mr. salger vceomrade hoactnry neruhe.rs fIhe aseaocielica. NEE LCE ITIr.NGo ccssxl. Port Perty vas preponet! as lie nexl lace et meieg. A resoltition vas opteti appointiug Cainniugten A lIe xl Plsace of ,nMetinag. - Convention adjoiirnet!. Englanal anal Irelanal. If the Houaietof orde hat! ratifiet! is Compensation Bill paescliy lis [Ouie cf Cemmons latsessîaion, eue et sl sîningest veapons le tie hande, cf ie Irihagitatore mFoult! haveheon' ioen svay frosr hein,- Its ratificationi <ait! have t!emcastrated Wt, e erisi esauta'7 liaI lb. Brillith Panlinmeiaî as deairs-ofetdeîeg hein ai leAst )me mssure cf jastice. 1Iy tlîrowieg t lihe bill the Tory lords, ban. et.W ttëa vaîay uupleaant for lb. reibenai- rôue e blisÉa.ant'y le s dagar- sn pitei, aUnel lb.indications aill go tW smw liai aithe nekt -lesialücf ?aria- mao ea a C pensation -Bill may iffcint taealitiefytlbe isaffecfcd ton-, t; noe linlemotapboricshiy hitiuar -Ms-. Ottuatoa*e'o noce tieylsave >0e s seeus ia5airy te teir evwn faces, la unalesAable LiaI mon like Gln4- ~e ssalFonts- risheo.e»ray> 'The- Xillb National Landl League. - WhitbyMtii#h Bible Soc!ety. TlÃe News. Tii. following ad<lreas bas been is- Tie animal meeting oftheii.society Tur. 1AILWAY GeCOMISON oued in Noir York by Michael Davstt,-1 leok place ou Fs-iday svening aset ini the Mr. Mackintosh on Sptra.h - the hionnrary socretary oi tho Irish Nat- Corgrcgalionab charch, iaido-as fairly Ea iongthy Esîîîîomenî 5a Gy;bcre&4 lonal Land Leaguo î ftitoday The. Engliab Goverument bae once att.nded. Bsn. J. Abralusm prosided, a di~~ 'more rosorted a t lstraditienal pclicy sud afttsr the opening ecisdlrû SR. / dARLETON SUR EVÂU cf coeroing Ireland, andl freodom ef ed the introductory adtlre. s in lanunage -Tudge McMahon, cf Norfolk has bena speech andathli igit cf public meeting welliei ate theoOccasion. appoiritedal ncemmissîouer ta investi lun lb. person cf Charles Stewart Pair- Tic report for the pest ycar iras theon gate the affairsof Sierif Powell'. ufflees nebl :ad hie associates intii.Land read by Mr.-Itos Ji s ,tihe scre- Mr-.Woedgaîr, etflBrantford bas hban Loague us again te ho traanpled nudor tory, aud onu motion iras received sud alpuinteal secretary:*I iootai eimy.nuprinicipleandauJhypocrit- aduptod. Tho report shewed nu ie- TuE TRa-OC STOunA (>1rllzEBmT. icalenem. ceusein eervsoction canvassed. Oner ISH COÂsT.-Advicea trom-Hul c1 San. Wh etii. justification for Ibis e90 have afready beu raised and some day'. date say tain th Ie terU s-tsor, muzzling cf lie leading mou cf Irelanal sections yot te hlear tromufTirdyngi.u S5edy5 te-day, anal fer atriking dowu a publie Bey. I. Wreuchi deiivored au eoe- vesels have been wreckeal bot..e.. erganizatien whioi represents andalda- quent addrcss, dwelliug ta some extent rnPit u in..,sdla vocales lie cause cf oua' Loupoverisical on lie wouderful manuer la whici îwebve veseelsaiare sîrained Dear 'with. people ?21somne cf lie alicieul cilles cf lie est erusea. A vessel nder bars paie Tiers has been ne ollciement te in- haveolatelb issupeniug out their ual. drove Ibraugi tieue ertWbr. surrection or appeau. ta reneiutionary don records in conformation cf tle. said ses sud css-riod away fifty yard5nf _ithe remedise ilier on thse part cf lhe Land page. structure. At Horesea a brig foula Letigue or suy cf ils membors singlea Tii. visiting agent cf lie U. C. Bible witi lhas uew pier sud damaged il to ont for proeeuticn ; uotiig hais been Society, Be-e. Dr. Hnodgkin, -gave the the exteul cf £,000. Tiers ha. beesa iidden 4com lie eniisaaries cf tbe Gon- speech cf tie sveuing, repleo iith in- a large number cf sipirrecki, alleudal ruent iu counection with lie landl agi- torestiug information. wili greatlolareof lite, unvrispa. tation ;care bas been talten tinttheli eBsn. J. Shawr foliowed mihthe cf lie cest. aouPrii plalforru of lie Land League shouldl closiug addres sud spokie mli ruuch ss METNSPiern-A stand within lie bonuds cf even lb. force on lie bolal lie Bible hais on tie polmto indb iemgsrt fraudulent constitution wiici lreaciery isarta cf the peopbe. polmto iua yDn aguîr sud corruption irupnsed on oua'coountry After votes cf thanka te lie colloot- es proibits lie meetings anouecsal le by the. inlamons Adc f Union. Out- ors aud le tihe visiîing agent lie meel- bb ela ut Dengannon ln tie firet ireeli ragés aud acte cf violence have been ing closed wmihoh doxoiogy andl beni- in Norember. This eudden decision la dicontuacd I voymetig u dcton wing lea areport liaI tee thosand di-nâoacde vrymeigaddcin Orangeruen iroul interfere witjs th@ sud by every memiier of tie Leegne,metns wiile notiing bas issu don. or atlemp- The Ambidescrereus Reperter. metn. efi liat siould challenge the. application- BREACIS OF PROMSxîE.-A breaci Of cf lins. powers by wili En-lsad de- Tisero 1, a reporter autlIhe Timcs cf- promise case on lie tapis. A Ifiq igits to erniîthle national aspiratioîîs fice mie wriles ili equal rapidily iîti Jane Sangsler, cf Orsnstown, ChaIe. - cf oua' race. Yet al l te legal mnachin- sittier band. Ho is au arubidexter anal gusy ccunly, vas asked by Mr. James ery cf il. Goneruruent le nir te be Sm- a. holal, iad onut tiat. Wlien tbere le Greer, a young farmner cf lhe saine vil. ploed .luns-cnriug lse convictionsud a: rush cf wark aItithe office, aud tlbag"e. te marry, andal asenlsd. Sil pul. imuprisiorament cf Mr. Parnel], together devil is sbouting "cnppoe" lika a foend chase liber trousseaux and left lier situ. with tiat of lie executine and le-ading incarnate, Ibis useful reporter sitse dowu aticu. ,SeddeDly Mr'. Greer chaigra menibers cfthie Landl Longue urgaraiz- et; the desic in full corupany front, andl bis mm-id, anal i. nov asked lnuths courts allen. mi a peucil ina oacihbandal sirgs off -te psy $2,500 damages for ding so. And wby?2 local isappeuinge hy the. yard. H. He trcusferred his property teaSf. The laudierdsocf Irelanal dimanal il. write. ors2a.wo sisats at once, anal dou't or, vWas capieis, arreaterl, vsud Iersâar Thot cia., cf mon uboin lis Lonéloiý bet tus rigit banal kuci mial bie loft on bail. Timea once utigmaîizsd as lis "cul- baud is driving at. Becenly ho gel a TUE AG RICULTUBAL CoMSrSDrîecs pur8s.of lb. British Empire,' are llîtb.e off is mental hase, ana alerpemilils labers on Weduesday lasI.ta. T bowling for vengeance upon lie Land le write up a dog fight anal a vedding fruit. cf ils laiers viii be pressnteit League, anal a Liberal Geverumeul bas lu bigi life ait lie saine lime. H. get report te Pariamerat at lie next sessiîe lu obey 3h. mandate cf a feir Ihonsanal mixed. Hi. bandes rau clear away c f lie Legisiatere. Il. viii euub dl individuaisud Irample upon lie few ir mitle gray malter le bis skubi, anal uhvlaleifrain remnainipg priviieges cf fine millions cf Ihîng became terribby confussal. Ti.mcs abaieilr in the Irish peoples! sud nt what ?1, t ie vway bis items telescopeeasci DEà Ta ov Wtu. Cà TRua-Ma'. Car. Firat-Becanse liait syetem vici cther -.-"At Grace Ciierci, at nigil, thra, one cf lie cîdest citizen. .1 fTu. an Ënglish etatesruan once deelaroal tie nuptials cf Ma'. Thomas Joinsîce route, disaloncu esday les et aIis ros. was s "stenc inlutlb.nostrile ut Chril- sud Mise Julia Lawrence vere cebabrat- <lance cerner of Ring-anal Bay sta'esi eudcm"-snd milch the. laIe Lord ed inlu runemagnificepl style ; coslyHF vwtbe rn la Yorkshire, Engbaaalon Clarendon termeal "feloious'-ias floral boriesaboe beiug diretly over lthe lie 29th of Oclober 1800,. andlnu issu dragged fror ils biaisons liinlustar, anal visu lIe yelbov car sav lhe broungil laTorontola in is sixti pu. Irelanal by Parnell anal lie Landal amnes cf augor darliug frein tb. eyes Hi. father as a presperees merclice League, and se exposed in aIl ils de. cf lbe brindie fyseie openeal vith th. ana lobft tIse huik cf bis fortune te formilies before tic civivilized womod strains cf lie vedding mardli. Ae lie William, under wvIss carefe mnassae- tiat its infamies are denouned anal ils hanalsome couple . walksdd aown lie ment il cwelied ta vast proprion&-Me probougeal existence decried by evea'y aisli heeaxeiteal creval began le gel ruiner heiug thoho iadlolft belmeca, eniiglitsneal comruunity llircughout lie franlie, anal tiere vers yelle cf 'Sick lires anal four smillions of dollars Iche globe. 'cm Bell ;" "At hum racw, towser," as divideal among bis cidren. The. fit. Second.-Beeauie lie Landl Leaigne the speclatore became interesteal lu lie oral ou Salerday vas iargeli atended.. urgarlahien ibas ronsoal lie tenant figbt. The bride mas elegantiy altireal Eý>OiRT eF APPLiRe niai MesçxTMU. farinera of Irelsald froru lie criminal in pure wite garmeets cf.-the. most -The expert of apples frei n treal torpidity lai irbici tley have for su long eeslly fabie. anal abs more tic tradition- l rn rlandre ieps vs a pericdal auieeal lmsslvea anal the ai vile veil anal matabof orange tve 21,520 barrisgaept 8,000 chief iudastry cfthbeir country te be- biossouis bail im by lie neck, analisi. 152 arlagis ,0 cem li pasycf meopcy nala lngu bganle au nt anl is!1 esbarreus during lieécorrespendiag i*eek corn th pre ofa mnopoy ad atonge bganta lll ntand is yeslast year. During thé ýpast six veeke clas. wiici neoclIssa people IiCisten- tc, turti somneroets-as ira the custoiziary lie shipruent cf appies bus aggregala dom moulal telerats for eue day upon blacek dress suit, whits gbovea, Gars 85.0110 iarels, an intreaseocf 61,000 Ilîsir priviiegas ns mon, their intelli- er,,, tb'esd. Ha mas a diere-~ barrels cver the saine perioin t 1879, gence or their manicoal. .nutale dcg anth. ieginnintg, sud cugast Third. - Becanse lha agrieullural -te haine beon irbippati fnr bangesa Mtca Vesruvies s l lin a state of classes cf Irelana are nom bandiug bomely. H. i. cf gcod farmly, anal an- active eruipticu, anal sîrearus et lava lieruselvés logoîher lu open anal justifi. gage i en oie- cf lie most extensive are flcving devow ge western siepes. aile comubinalicu le demana the. aboli- meuufacluriug establishmentss-lu lb. The Frenchs cousuista ait Vanna, lu lio of thase lame mmi ecuderun tem irest. But tie yaliom car seemie Bulgaria, liane been alfactorl by a heot. to au existence ef t ry aud social bc- galtiasg a alcali gaip on lie liront cf ieg anal mud-paltlng mob, a Frencli serîsitude, aud wmmci place theruselves tise big irinalle, sud vison lha lerderiy -gunbeait liasbeau erderealte the tome. aià tlieir birtilanal periodically in the kiselthe bide, according la lie midi- Tic Mentrsail City Ceuncil have de- altitude et medicauts aItlias aboie ef ont custeru, hie back ires concret! mli cisel against tia propsl'ae lo otîsar civilize ti nalu; andl, Mmd anal his off ieal leg vas lcrrubly peal epy Fosrti-iiedause lie pepubar mind ceewal p. Arcng lihe coetly preseulas connîct labour inx cleauing tisa streps, cf Irelanti bas been uducateal by tii. receli-ca[)y thie sappy pair vea'c a fiue ric., on lb. groundthtliaI -ildt pro. Landl League upora lie uestion cf usuel grand pianc freru the ftlef cf the. ducs urad r cepttie vii las ard omîîaasbip,tte arojeclior a f5 5ste1i hritdm,,hair liealbeau sicaldeal froruieswakrgaa Icelbbsrr mîichiai the parent alihcecf aristocratie bocka, aud one eys seemeal te have issu Tii.Granad Duke Niciobas v as nru- supromady, andal .1tIse social anal poli- sîruck mi au augua'. AMIr a sIsort ed the principal oxecutea' lu the miii cf tical enils irbich sp,-ing rtramthe lu- bridaI tour lb. happy ceuple viii setlete elaie Empreesaet Russli, and tliis fichera Of close mcucpoiy andi caste mIle.do)Wr a e eof lihe iardest fougil bat- bs canseal jeaicusy'-amorag lier sono. upeiithle land and lilberty of a country. îles lIhe reporter anar miluesset!, anal il Si. hat appcinted a secondezacuterlu fleraiur lies tia '1seditious eonspmracy mas dificuit to u elbwic dcg'hnd beau Count Afdierberg, lIse Minieler cf Ib. for whicii the Laud Lengua is 1tahi. puniisiet moral. The figisI endeai aI Court, sud. he Ieredilaky confidantl - crusheti anal Parnelli iuprieoneu-or exacîiy 5-48, atîca' baiviug been hilteriy friand cf tise Erupe;cr, vso âne paid miiclî freedoru of speech is te ha deniotl coulesseal nI the residence cf lie bride'. tie Ccussî's gamilinig albtaafler exact- --and lthe rigfit cf publie meeting at-ol- asarensa, anal bo vae talion to ieovraer'ta lng a -promise liat ho vonil neyer isisti, undpr tise regirus of Gxladtone, Iotesin a wieolbarroev. He miiip rob- cci scanal again. Yrom the terme Bright asut Foa'ser, anal lie rnis cf aîly neyer reconar, anal if ie dce.,,wll ofjuhe will'tisa Empres seesed la cx- Iht ~oermet.iW*à iiobim .te a ba hetaII lly id',-bealde. bafng jzpartian. peelte cllire lier husband, alhxegl lie champion cf peenliar prinllege a "nlly lame lu the. left Ibina- ieg ;the oe aldeda prosision liat in, tisaocra-5 among tie nations!1 beaulifub bride receineal tie caoagratula- Iraq oynt he shouid retain* possession Men et Irish buccal anal syrupaliiesin lions cf a-icet et frianuds. Tho groom 'eftlie e'a'LI iradia, vh k as ba'r Amuerica IlProléat againsl iii. outrage l uec nrms polsu engpepry tÃtrongls lias public mou anal enliglîtenealmnu, sut! bis cwuer-draade -tie péssbi- iLoadTlyw prees uft tîis baud of liberiyant!justice,- lî>y cf lceing hum,'aisecfeara i. an 1S' - LcadTle ilIleisi-Stralford anal coin.thle praclical assistan1ce Of noéver repince hlm. The faîler'of thet-day (Thuedsy) tn, tISit a rge Psto0fau fair- prieê, tý ttîle-hhercon ' neé riaks ofJ nibable. lt iorotigis2ý ausfer ait m r tô6be aippol boula! b. se cc occesa cf tie-, ea cercil51yt ho commisi ô gnvo inaeféi isp ana eas a-e hope-, WUi i. nit fth T'bscend cf The i<udles ba5t11adin i Unsettîed $taeot A flai t'ho' ue t qus srtetdes- of DUMga9o ila. pil lan th.sselle4utattea', TheI, Tarkeare -sala hobi mdii; tmps sanalumuaslllcm loe I.Gniek freaie, sud a ollidocais expeetes3. Itla1 siA liai no,-arr*aaga Ment Ilsa basa erne ho bý the I>çwaen fW'tbe Wittidrtà wal cf tb.e£i. c - 'Pa OoaLmtîUXranl à s 10 -hipré- aoeél'the itiboa-dscof tise Townhallt Fricleand su Béla-u' avenlug, --Mes. Osboïilasait! tebave noe quti -iutbek -loin'tslnib -' Omedy Tii ti-aoteCi. aisgIimea hci(ea saInt.] - - Mo 4i y Ir,---a-*,------ --~a - anc aIea bal 'I I t-,---- r 4 t j, J'