________________________________________________ i Nw tf (hi.Del, New m aa.11 rrivag-Dominila Foe&un amuiotodn-F. EH. Saine. Nt Il. asmoh ParerrBoul and Shoe etrel ciwoulline. Oeripe<-J. 1B. Powell à Co. Largeat atock of boots as es tu the 1.Oouty-e ;Collins. Nire Berlin fait bota-M. Colline. Truinko sud Valises-M. Collins. Kuitted Wooi Jerseys-J, Il. Powell CO. Jleavy Wool Blankt-J. J3. Powell& 00. Bbrings-J. B. Powell & Cou. BliILelao1obe-J. 13. Powell & Co. SIîscîsl-Myrtie Navy. 81ooiâéti-J. S. Bobertaon & Bros. Noticn meeting-Wloitby Braob Bible socielt'. Tlîatiksgiving Services - Ail Salisn Clurch. Sale of Fcriture-Dr. Caroon. Aneion sale-L. Fairbanks. Carl -.0'Salliva & Perdue, Barrielere. Fêtrinfor Ssie-0'8ulivan A Perdue. AgentLs unemployed.- Aution aale af rosi eette-G. Young Smitb, soir. Stock Speclato-James j3rown. Voî.ýr@ List Cor-Towu ýof Wbuîby. til-Sisa&GO. Notiai of Meeting-To-wnebip or Whit. by. AUCTION SALPs. AUCTION SILr OP FURHTUE-The msale of lr4Çarson's valuable household furniture tst.u lace on Saturday, 80th tant., lit nue o'clock p.m. Sale of farta tock, jeu plemneztn, etc., the p ruprty of Mr. Joihn A. Murray, on lot No. 9,lroken Front, Piokerin g, on Tues(aa Nev. u, 1870 -L. Fairbanks, Aoctioneer. sleI.9cfaism stock, leupiemente, etc., the property of Mr. John Edwards, on lot No. 2. lauthe 4th cou. P'.ckeranfl, on Saturday, oct. 309h, l86.-L. Fairbanks, Auctteneer. Sale af iarmn stock, implements, &o., th. proper4ty ai Mr. Thiomas Day, ai lot No 6 ti$is 9th cou. Pîck ering, an Friday, ôelob.r 201h, 1880. L. Pair, bocks, Auctioneer. ONLY Si Se PER ANNUM. Wldtby, Thursay, Oct, 28, 1880. The Paciflo Ratlway Bargain. Tlhe annnoemntaislmade liaI lthe Iuýrgain betweeu tIh. Gaverameat and die Syndicat. for the canstruction af tlhe Pacifie Baiiway bas been complet. ed. No detaill are given. Il lu aiated gonerlliy thât th. road la late bailt from Lake Nipising te the Pacii within ton years, sud thht seourity io te be xiven for the. fulilment af lh. con- tract. Parlament wiIl, af course.,bave ta pronioance upon tIhe terme. W. lab hoehy Inay lb.sncb asb. counutry eau approve. la the absence ai detaili noneeoa tell whther they are gaud, bail, or indifferent, and thos. who chant, In ,tdvance sud throw np iheir hala, bacanse sane kîul af btrgain hat; bison made, aud witlîous knowing what t le, Aro sim"piy going it bllud." Lt le alto- getlier probable thet Sir John Mae. dlitauld will, before die meetinag ai Par- lininot, lake au early apportnuity oi lutumîg the people know what they have te, elpoci, sud the aoer ho takec the comtry into lit confidence the greater wi.1lmliethe publieo'eatisctio-if mot with the bargain bcolias made ; with the promptitude ai bit information. Town Matters. TIh. Town Conceil helli é special meeting an Friday eveaing, sudsast ulil near Lmidnlght. A -good- duei ai Dceeeh4à try busineoss was diepbsed of, lu asnsi»,.1k. way, au will bo seeu by ii,,ratiort af the nrnnmlne In ntltos colnus. Ltle oI'er>eassnt ta ne lo bc able lu gay this much instesd ai beingcoostrain ed asltihepart of fantinder. lu the nanoai lcenciai tatemeu- whieh appeare te have beeu careflliy prepar.d-he ratepayere will find food Thequeettone of-equaiizing the .as e"ment, sud t"i.eaus» of lb. decrease la the valuation tis Yeur, -were uoade aà promineut subjeot 6ofdwol A tthie eouuel on doù Èây vm Froin W;ot ba" Ulms$id,,thoaeùl aow little dqubt tithé, e -ifÃolinmalter Ofeai uewmvi55 f l f ~twm viige ailer the sçco vj poc molmess ýaiipruperly*at-& a l._#gV&u., sud lu, ssseuloameoe Sbg personsi pope liaI bave iet>ecSp.d. Iliu i * wili bave thce adMo e and ' msele of a Ms»ooonl itfo t he presesut eai tienonb. e4 "lxtyesr. ,Wbetlo th.7 srp Arýê,1. hétteyers sbu pledge thée oeisddatee o og tor st1th.# silusry Oâletbus ludo tbeir daty lnthis respeutas4&to r.e up the valtionotpoety ta, Wlit il et.bt telà , l lbhe, mtlwp.io. ewcip the topu higl4eif iblâladoue'eanitsbt Rsilway Bâturon ho ?4land- The sunnal civie excursion over ,tii. SWîitby, P. P. & Lindsay. an.i Mldlaud ,,rsiiways tu tOie fuir nortîz Miulaud Cityi oa îaok pace ou Tlird.iay lant. Ten minutes paint six iu Ihe aurning was te the. louor dvestiieti for Ieuiving Wiuby Station, and before tuat i lim a gaodly orawd badloollected, 'anul encreased evory moment until the' train etsrt.d _- a few of th i isaory PUOs betug lut & bahid-the train depsrtiug close oui timo. Iir. J..Boite, seucrtarytroan. une of the Wiitby lino, accomupauiod tie excursionibesinu charge, sud amougRet thace on board were, hie wor. sliip Mayor Harper, hie bonor Judge ODartneil, Otncillors Cormack, Wesley, Huggarîl, Tios. Dow, Dr. Ounun, G. C. Grass, John Shier, J. L. Smith, depnty reeve townhip Whitby, tho -members ai the. town poes &o., &o. At iroakliu, Mr. R. T. Harrison, Mn. Matbew@ou, township councilior, sud othera, gaI on board; aI lie oaber stations frtier additions wero made, suad at Part P.rry there wue quit. a- gtierinR, inciuding Mr. A. Ros. Mr. .F. Paterson, Mr. Muudy, &a, A. At lhe different stationbetwoeu Port Perry sud Lindsay, excuroioniets were tu waitinu sud taken ou. At lhe latter point tho excnrsion train froin Port Hopeo wsmet, lu charge a of r A. Whitetranfie suporuteudieut ai us Midland. Here, aftor a brîef deiay, both excursion trains wcre United, aud- Sforming a train ai leven passouger. te care, proot-eded northwzurd aI 8.20, koepiag withiu Byve minutes af thc ad. e rtised lime table. Lindsay added quit.e siumher ta thec excursiion party, yincludiug Mr. Devln,coaucty attqruey, r.Mr. D. J. Molutyre, Mr. MoMrtry, te &o. Thi. Part Hope cars were weli 1, fillel, sud amaougal îhiee an board wo . ionud tiie genial Mayor ai tic tavu, Mr. Bandaîl,. cana.*Wallace, COUD. Marshall, ïkc,, &o. n Eti1 funlier accesstiaus were neoteived a aI ail lthe stations outhie ,way narti- > ward. At Beavertan, Mn. Bruce, tb. reeve af Tiorah, sud othere gaI on !a board. At Atierly Mfr. James Me- Pheraon, warden ai the conuty. aund at Orillis Mr. John Adamns, Cana., Rama, wiIh qut. a aumberaof chers got au board. Midlaud vas reaciel on lime, before o ne o'clock-tloe advertlecd timeibeing 12.45. Here tic excursiaulets brake up mbt difféent parties, sud .xp lared ail tih. elgils lu sud &round lthe embryo iîy ai lie uorti. Mied ustemuci improveid since aur formcr viait uotcd in thc Cucooiccz. Qut. a number ai bouses, of s gaad Cas, have gane up ; i hier. are three gaod lotale, sud gocd 'f siope, aud'tie Young tawu le ext.udiug ail directions. Tii. uew elevatar for -the à Mdland Bailwsy Company je ta lie Ibuilî Ibis wit.r. Tiers are great ex ýt pectations ai au immense Lake trade 0sud thue growth ai Miîilaud Ciy juta lb. Chicaga of the norti. Wu were amorogat those wbo psid s -viait ta t!ie Reformary-somo neveu miles distant iramn Midlaud. Mr. Mc- o Phersan, wutdon ai tha conty, Hic honor Judge Dartuali, Mor. Harper, Mayor of Wîitby, Mr. Coucillor Car- mack, 1fr, G. C. Grass sud Mor. Sarney, wcro lihe ather membere af lia party. Mir. McCroïsou, the wardeu, took pains in sliowiug th. party thraugh the. build- ing sud oxplaining the varions 'industri- os which lb. bays-uaw nuobcriug 211 -woroeugaged in lu tledifferent wark. shape. Inthie cabinet slîop, a teuauing *machine, aifithe manufacture af- '.Maor Harper, Wlhitby -wae a con. stuicuoua abject. andloalced attention Ia tie worlhy Mayor as tihe mauufaaliirer. The IR. C. chapel, sud protestant churci wore vialtod, as were aiea tic eclioo-roams and darniolries, sud thc new additions now lu course ai Complt- Lion ; but as we lutend making Our viilta lite Iicformstary aud s descri- ption ai whaî w. saw.lb. subject ai s separate article wo hurry on. Suffice ie ta eay bora ual lihe visitoa eansd aIl, exlprensed themaciven iigly planas- ed witlî ail tuap hud accu, sud especi- ally with tic brigit cheurininese sud alacrity exiîted by the boys nuder Vie returu train lait aI 6.11 p. tu., suad arrivd saicly, sud withont oc1ident- r of auy kuni, before midigit ln Wbitby. Tho. excursioa siaugi long foraà day's j onney, was a pissaul oue, sud was muci enjoyed by lie excursionistaý Saine oaihen Wiauanoppurunily ai combiniug business with plosure- Ta boti railway companies, snd s t cally tea beir attentiveoocers upo- Ibis occasion, lie excursiaulas ta e*fiiI' land City, ou Tinrsday lest, are ludebt- *d fors mast pleassng sud cjayable trip. ËaYOINEAL.-A large Uumber oaithe >ftiends cf tie wortloy Wardeu aif lhe counly, ;J. Mct>iersou, Esq., gatlber. ed at hi& residence, AppinuHoues, Rama, ou lie afloruaoauoaithie 208h 'met., ou lie accasian aiftic marrlage af but - daughter, Catharmue, ta Ceoi V rlgbt, oq. f Bus aina,,, Miabi. 'gau ;,theoo oficiaing clergyman being the. 11e. Thn Gray, m. A., ai Orliia After.lie cremany,.be gue&t r.&id ta tbe llotg rouai, whii» tl=tOi 1fu r epasi *uspartakeiaof, aasft ler lhe o peechep and toasts lbafi been duly res. -pondeci ta, ie happy couple, d@p!rted. [by lie .veuing irai» forthbeir q ýand oeUtjy. WCe uthe uevly-wedd. edpar Ul bppinease iu tiir uow- Wbotby 111gh School AtbelietiloSports. j-Oa.., or Catr4 Lzrr .'4o6u a» s c&nà cttle drover vas brouglot We The Wlitby IHigi Sohooa ainot fore .mayor.of Whittby o»,Prlav, 1sparte Came off onu Priday siternacm, band r.manuled ôon the charge cf,.cautie as amououed la the. Cjxonaitio. Jj eBteaill . Iris arinsI luok place buder tugxthe. weatîier wau someviat I.e iuLwîng co lencss:.igtaou cold sud wct,(uan o bal taccauuntpe-tbo 2hmt To euaselo vout-ad a langer uru-aunt oni'hoeclseéneiste udescription, slruayed lnto lthé enclos. generaily,) quit@ a crowd'astsemblt-d ou ore gi 1fr, O. H. H.pbura u ii atovu. thefai gruud. .Theboy enag a hip, whiero thep were detained. AI fine sparte lu bIlaopîrlts sudthie mat- 'strangor caîlefi aI Uobarn'a wvilee chas tlîroughont were weiièoouhested. -latter was bsn.syg,'lb.lievoyou The iallowiug l.a aliaI aoflthe prises andhave tva stray caltle hore." 1fr... Lr..- pliefi 'Yces. Ibeliee bey are mine," winuers saia tlie atrangen, "My falier sud brali. 100. yd.. dssh-aDpeu ho aIl paipils ~or e are buying cattie rsud- tiey t srayed Iligb. Publie sud' Separat. semacis- away frminhein," Lre, Hepburna sk. prisesa book. hy 1fr. Jaon Kelly, soari, ed bis name, sud h. replied "Wgon." by Mor. C. F. Stwart-Jerry Paumner Sié asked icîlotthi. houansd ta jst; M. Ficy, 2nd. wait ntilher iniband retnnned, Tii. 20W. yde. dasi-open ta Publie sud latter returned sbcrtly, and iotité thie Separale scioole-prizes by Mu. Brava stranger ta remain sil-ulgîl Tis ho bead master MadelsOihoomsudr- deceîînd, saying tioeswva a 1arty Robert Clmp@Isl. P. Brysu, lotl; F, waitiug for iim au Lie raad. Ho e aim- Stafford, 2,t; :. King, 8t*d. c d lb. steere, 'gave Hepburn $1.50 for 100. yds. asih-apen t l 1.gb Sechl hbeir keep, sud vas aliowod lu drive -prises album, b>' Raborîson & Bros.; îliem awsy. Sproulc hesring ai lie bopok, by Mr. D. Ormistan ; luketand, circumestances, sund ala LitaI atsu by Mr. . B. Dow. W. GaIS let. ; .L usmeu Coulten, s eshhle dealer, bail Paumner,.2nd; Jisa.,Edwarda, Srd. shuppoq catle I, freinl.maoohiI&steation, Tiree-legRed race, 100 yd.-opeu ta ansvsrng ithe description cf ls» lest Higli Sohul-pr.iss penkuie, fram A eboers, sud le»unng fortioer liaI Coul. Friand, pair Riaves, b! esore. J. B. ton bail b..» awsy fmcm Manilla from Powell A Co., book, by1fr. G. B. Yl belweeu 6 sud 7 outil a iste bour on lise and pooket book, by J. G. MoDongal; igît ai "Wilson's" visit to Hepbn's, braam, iiy Mr. R. H. Jamneon sud teisgrapioed lu cie Brym ata Whitby spoan by ex-pppl-l'almer sud Baon, ab rdering Colton's arreit..' Tii. ciief 1.1 ; McGillivray and Drew,2nd ; vasual tsatisfit la&etl-ou hits message Richardson sud Campbell, Brd. sud teiegrapicd ta kuov mare preciso 100 yuls. desi-opendta ail cmr-dlts ai tie charge. He gai a repy ol7 buttôno,, lv Mr. P. Taylor- chr"Ioa, limaItticharge was for abtaiuing tva by Mn. \Vm. Till.-F. iirownL, int *,J.st.crs ahtan o'clock ab aigil froin fHop- Ecivards, 2cil. burni, andor su assumeS une, sud ta Bal mile walking maîch.-oaren ta arreat Caulton. This the chiai diS, Iligb school-iukslandl. iy Mr. 1fr. J. sitar abtaiuiug adviue, sud braugit Jolouton ; butter kuile, by Mor. J. H. Cochoan befor, lie Mayor, wien the Pç+ry-W. Hl. Nanras, lt ; I. Walka, latter vas reauded ta Mônaby. ee - Spronle gaI ta Wbitby ou PrlSsy aigit hall mile runnina isce-open 10' sud expresaed l imnli sstledied that Iligi scial-vol, ",Baye' Ova Paner" .Coulton vas lieminu bat taok Lth.est-. loy Head Mater ; book, by Judge Dart- tic froin Heopburc'a, nuderitie assumeSl uol.-J. Esstvcod, lot; W. GaiS, 2u5. naine oai Wiioa." Ha, locvever could Runniug ilgi junop-peu -4o Higbi luit ne traceof th@ missing steets. sebool-hal, by Meure. Roisa Bras.;#Betnuiug to Manllsou Balurday h. ist-nack, by 1fr. E. J. Jolbnsta.-E. made inquiries vhluh saisfted un bth Drev mlot; J. Riciardson, Lad. 1.Caunu af alotboecu absent frmin ba Mile race-open ta a&U camers-hslf sation ou lie nulgin question, belveen Sos. photos.. A. Barretl ; cad su ac- lie lhonne af seven sud tvslv.el~' or, >y 1fr. W. J. Gibson; set chose- Caullan vas agai» brought belonèteit. man, by 1fr. J. Kelly-E. Drew, lt;-,Meyar an Mca oday moruing, and F. Brawn, 2ad ; J. Apers, 8rS. Sprule ,tatiag liat i. vas satialied liat Hordie rac-pen la High' scal- prisor v as "lie vroug man,"1fr. prssaofMr. Th"s. Lavier, $1 ; R. Caultan vascairgsd. WilJie18, telescope-3. Richardson lset The mans who gave île nomseas J. Edwards, Lnd. "Wilsu," sud W o akCliecahlle lram Ex-Pupils' rae-15O pds. dlas-paMr Bepburu'e, le d:ýboed a bout 5. 10, vases, by Mn. T. G. Wiitfld ; onk- in bigit, sinooh f a,,e full cbeeks sud stand, by Mn. B. W. B. Smit.-FncS mou&shch, square ioldens, asdvcsarnag Match, laI; J. Bandel. 2nit. a ligit nubben overcost. No trace yet Champion Baca--opan ta Ili aiftiec cahle. schoo-pnize ; water colon painting. by Mr. Shrapnel.-W. Gold. Ta Coaasnoxoereva. "OBssavca' Tug ai War-Hceury St. secool sud sen da ns anotier latter lu reply te Sapantsosbaol ci Modal sud John S t cz, sesby ntesbeto .1rilt1- sckofmelsud r -heTesoiereAssociaion," but cavert- Jsesn.Wo yb Henry an à par- îy au athack on Mr. LuspecoanMcBroen. ste echools. Wc cannaI, unie.. proafs ai charges are Tug aif Vr-betweeu t te tassupplieS aven d&esignature ai the. Higi> sciool pupile -bsg ai appies by wieoe h ooosoteCio Mr. W. ILl iggin.-rope broke-cap. wtr pnleclmea .Cio tant uudacudad. . -. OCLE ta sncb a pnnpoue. The abject ai Thi. oxcitemul ai thue sports cuimi "Qasoavza" bas:.beeu secompliibed, se fansas "The Tauliers' Associatiou" iâ nshod inthe gaine ai footbll lbotweou ouncerueit. Andtas e ve sI ieadysuap- 'Gava' sud 'Tawn.' The Higb Scioci prossed lion.. communicatious in layon Club oiowed vi-Il lu tbeir dark bine ai Mn. McBnleu, a. prsdenl, an tbis jerseys, caps sud badgecc. Tbey tackied basa, va do ual les) catieS upon.unuder their opponents witlo great vigar sud lie circumatauces, lui give insertion ta deternination, eflowing evidence ai Lais iset letteronfai OzsmuiL" carcini praclise. louer a stuLboru cou- teet, Lie igi Sebool wo'a. the sret Met. Smzsy'Marsaocex.-The nov goasl. Tii. nain, wvilcilied b3en tlireaL- euiug ailIbo i.aitoracan, began La Ses- oenif f fPrescooll-sud Russelli esa k- coud rapidlv, sud seau à eboul boy t. -en ai vith muci favor by tie iacl prs.L'OriginalNestr Te markod, -*No: fiyucn&spracUid de dit.'pne. - if ws n tends s:tich Very excltlug lau, vas thie grand uweeofvsm teduea i tng of war, locîvoon izly.fure or assises luit vesk, suddvan compliment. sevcnhy pupils ai tIie HîIgi Seiiaai aS an aU on tb. -mnnor l in iie Hosileil byMosans. Phfllipesud Mac. perlormed lie itutie» devalviag upan Giiiivray, tioy boul uaily ta liaestj-ug bin. Tiers le no douit Liat Mn. Mcr. gis, aud atrained Iotaho ntn.acî, wvian nck vIJI make au admirable sheniff sud la I Mr. Jsinacou's big rap parted wit i prave<qnite an aoquisition to the county s bang, sud bae sevuutp tugglug towu. He bas afreay maile numeraus youtis full - Iaakward sud asmast ex.wanm friands. pirad-wil.h laugliten. Excited State ofIai nda. A very pleating part ai Lhe amuse ment. vs ticpresasacuai, sud Lb. ia- RecenI suivices iront Dublin sdate tisA Letaitaeuiy masy cf thb. "aid boys." Irelaud lias net beau inusncb an excoteit Il vas s rare igit tuse@eo me cf stft or"aY eefl anMd Debiu ,wblch hbave douce li hert ai Timon aOfaetaiSute» out elii-iag wiuoerriait. -Athane 0od ho cea hie Gounty Attan. The agfitationhms beceme mmon a u ag- Dey rnewlug lis youtb lu a gallant Iiiou. t le su open go"tsrevoit, a strugglo Ia %in tb. prise. 1movement lu cromelithémreliug cla o Ie The youug ladies oallie Higlo Sebocl land by iohikUtlo»and forc. ien l aIeaeonnhbtii Ihir han W ie othing ta la comped vitI l it seùli &le ootriutîl tairs dcarétionthai =ii r«wvlouTha-proseculoar, gaiéty ai Lie sports addc tino cyintmeff4 hblitter feeling, ai the the "fild cfioabon" lu lie beanil agitatars, sud irawlagtothehr side msuy1 PaisEB socsioc . Pm ,Wons or> An,-Wo have 11> lu addition t10th& pdlas. tfeed by ceivML &0 the SMolety atIhirfali show,* i 10fol- uuà eom iowing ha-neb D u aard fer groing --fy hSbxo' lqiW -Tèy-j rouI crope:,-6Antn - eset;eaera Dtnu. ohu Mc. d bi" *âiWs Tlooeuc SIo»eouse, Srd, iiiexs " BeaketueScie-of tuvnipc-uTobu ie- .1 Howden,i wor- ,Speciai pulse given byp Meuire al Àuà eiiean pibIleismw bHème snoum Bras., for une acre of -leruc-Gerge be madlle aeufmfI b O" -t Minty, lts'-.John D. lfovîosl, 2uaS. of et, " fdaZ'1z W Hovien,15D. anJdHaiida, i4; o41ot , ie 5ir50115*zi Jamais Stokes, Beur., Sud. A TUt-dl -Beat lialf.acre anbWs-,Jmtes B. clieorj5es. - Kome-oà M-.'-uà Wilson, lut; jumÃœes Stok.s, seur., 2ç4 beautUül, ena teili c" j ofl* q. jSItes, #jr., 8rd. b t i îk-,' t- rfitë n 1-b ea Lif- ~eL-~vi3boiu; Wi Kmilks1 Fuldap eveniug, Oct. 22. AI a qspeImeeting ai the Town Coundil Wsled for this evening, tiare voue proet-is wonsiip tie Mapor, lulib. chair, Menoe. Giban, Baues, -Cormaek, Long, Biogart, Wosley;- Fax, sud Sinith. Tic Mayor callaS Lio Council la Ãœorna& 8 Daock. Prom 1fr Lavelîse, sscretsry cf lie "Union Sucrier. dua canada, as ta a sugar beet factany. Pran Judge Burnhpjm sud 7-4 others asking for, the appaintinent of Alex Osmeron as nigil vatabinan, lu casa the tavu thangil proper ta appoint mach au ofien. Prom 1fr. White accaunt Ian tiles 02.18. Mr. Coracsk irongit up repart ai committea ou prinling, ueeommendiug papinent ai eccaunta ai CBOImaCoLs aS Gomeite. coucil in committec af the viole, Mn. Wesley lu Lie chair. A.fter axplanalio ' s ai tic ciairman lu repiy ta Mn. Lang, repart adopteS viho ont ameudment. PIaE AND vÂATERACCOUSTre. Dr. Bogart brongit np repart cf cammiltea. Conacl in cammiLtea ai the viala, Mn. Wesley in the chair. Payient oaiacoonts ai Raient Bannes for lmner sud vork, $125.68 ; extra, lova veil, 819.62 drainsud sky- ligil, 811.87. Mfr. Long maSoe pacial anquiry as ha the items, sud compiained of the cam- rulthean sd of cammiltees in genenal esceeding, he amonl aiappropriation. Aftor axplaustions. AfLer explanatione by die Me.yor, Mr. Cormack sud otiere repor. adoptait. ÂPPROPUIO aiQsIiitsaON'a LINS. Ou motion ai Mn. Long, slecondeS b>' 1fr. Smnith, nesaived, LiatIof th.8200 appropriahed on Bail.p anti Cocirau's sud Iicbardsou's aide hunes, oue-Lbird ai the amont, or snob balance se ne- mains unexpbnded be laid out on An- derecu'. aidae We, Sud cou. yrcNNCÉ ic tANbSSMsiîT. Mn. Gibean braugitluhc report ai tii. standing cominittean finance sud masemaut, viich vas rosit, aud on miotion lia cannait vent, inta commutte. af lie viola--.Mn.Bannes in lie chair. Tie nepoart gave the foliovlug details : Tatali aIni vaine ai real sud persan- alpropeCol- $M60780. loes............... 820,M0 Clergyman u&c. 65,500 -261M0 Leavlug Lie suin of8884,280 an viici ta levy tie taxes for 1880. Eshimnalc ai expesiditure for obher tbaa schaai pnnpoee: Canl> rate ..................8$1032,75 Notas nder discount. - ....20,000,00 Debeutuce ; Bonus ta raiiway .... 25W Pire engins......... ..... 360 Seoboole.. ..... ........8w0 Mntge, sud Yanwooit . - 260 8450 interent on dlebeuuns Bonue ta railwsy 8185 Stock-----------...6M MNdge & oavod 210 Town hall ... .. 00 Schools-----------..270 Fora englue.....147 Bpy. axtension..1200 4M8 #78-W0 Losa paiS tierean-.... 78511 1 Balance of salaries..... 450 Street lampa ............ 46215 Intarani on diacountsi.... 0 Fine and vater ............ 100 Prinin.................. 100 Reliafi................. -_ 16C1 Insurauce Tu. hall.... 167-60 U nexpeuded ustreets. -.. 300 lucidcutile---------------..200 a.vcILÂvsD ocruo'To. Cash en hanS............. 66 Deg sie-t5g ..............80 P Frornswclgi meesi. .. 50 Âdvance ta achool board,.. 8723 Balance of hases freinml 8215 Lent hall, balace of'TSar 150 Batelier ists.... ..... 106 19 ililiaou .... .834.18 S15,850,87 Lacssies au col. 187,87 15662,6 isuvuut raquired fornîU1b anud Pnb. lic achl clpurpoces, 05544 ; fan B. C. Sopsalte echool, 8276-ich iliiru- quine, lu addition lu tic abuve su squsl rge imi savon mille ou lic dollar on lic rageabl. properlp ai Lie ltwn liable 1.0 taxatia». Mrn. Gibacu, ila .xplsualiau, sali the raIe vanid bisà Mii sud a quarter lui npid lve A_"à at# and the Barce caibe callected iy lis calioctar ta- getien vith hi hie nl amounl lu the -saine way s if it hed formeS part of' hbi nnal tas. Wi un paymenl le mado befone laI Janurythcre siali b. addea lvb per oint o thLe. fulamouintoaithie tax. The provisions allihe by.law siali nat lu suy vuy affect or dhninisb i te igit, dtLes, sud labilihies ai Lie cal- belton ai taxes, PÂY UPI Ou motion ai Mr: Long, scoondod by Mn. Wesley, Lb. coiioclon wus inatruot- cd ta proceed aI once la collecl ail ont- standing taxas for 1879, according la îav. OunLtha reeolutiou membera expresseSl tieaeelvas tiat lie coilaclar inuet nov sect perempîorily sud rahuruthie rall et Inceor an e vil b. balS pensonaîlly ne- sponnibho. BRKNozTONEaîCs aiTBOVERSY. Mv. Long.anket fanor nformation sud instructions lu refèenca toastone gaI fain Lie cauuty. He cauld, ha ssid, ouip gel ah 19 conS naceived, yulleh Cauntp tresurar sud galar eny liat 25 corde voeadelivered. Tbe chain veAafor$î85.50 ; b. (M r. Long) gat 6 carde anS one yard, ici vere useS on Brock St. For the e ha sl ffored ha, psy, but papinul as refuseS. The contention of lie Connty officera vas bhat lisp had paiS fan 25 conS SaliveraS -ta be broken lathie gaoI yard, sudthiat the. tavu gaIthbem al. The stana vas uot measured vian brokon non any ac- cauni kept ai iaw- Selivared ta lie tavu. Mr. Cormmack tiaugit Ibat lie couny voulti b. comupeiled ho siav dalivary ho the towu ai hie quantit>' af iraken atone for ici paymaul vas clummed, no mahler viostquauhitp autored lhe gal yard unbroken. Tii. tavu abould havte smin.check for thein ovu protecoý Aflun furtiar discussiou, s resolution passed, oig motion ai Mr. Gibeon, sec- anSeS b>' Dr. Bogart, iushruehiugthie cammittes on sîreets to land culta viain tic atone vas dcilvered, sud ta ascertain from Mn. Campbell sudthi. tcsmstera vhara hbop tere put, sud re- port naît meeting. Council adjonnued at 11.80. Couuty Ontario aleuAssizes. BON. MuR. JUSTICE PÂTEb5&itP5YSIn- Manda>' Oct. 25ti The assizs for hie Counlp af Ontario apened at Wbitiy ta day, Hou. . Mn. Justice Paltersan preaiding. Blis lord- ebip diS ual arrive nhil tic aiternoan, go LiaI tie court diS ual open matih nearly tire. a'clock. -Amouget the legai gentlemnu preseut ver. Tios. fladgin, Q. C., lu charge ai lie crovu business. C. EB. Pulîchi, N. F. Bs gle, G. A. McKauzie, Wn;. Mul- lock, J. A. MoGilira>', L. Engliai, F. Madili, C. C. Keller,-Ho:igin» (Los- combe & Hodgine,> N. F. Pattoncan. W H. Bîllingo, G. Y. Siith, J. G. Kelly, J. B. Day, D. Oriuistoa, J. K. Gardon, j. H. Greenvood. James Rnhladga. tic Counuy Crovu Attorney, Mr. Fsreweil, Hl. Ebbeihc, E. Ciompbell, C. A. Jonest The Panai of grand jurons bs-ring baen caîleS aven,thie foilawong gentle- men ansivered tea heirnaines anS vera eworn: James W. Squeleb-Foremau. Ira Cliepin Jas. Lsngmsid. WVinGardon D. C. Mohean. A. Hines Augus McKay. Jua. lHamitan jr. Touas Mitchell. Jna. lBuxtabie - Jua. Mitchell. DaviS Lswsoio Jua. Orchoanl. Wma. Reeder B. Prophot. mWm. Rail Jua. Tionopson. RoU. Warren. Hlis lardabiri, lu chamglug lthe grand jury saiS thi. berifflied. premeated île calondan accondingrtlu. cahoin, whicb cautained thienaines ai parties for trial. Tii. caleudau iciora hui autilueii auî themeneai ar paeo.,-Ile vas in- formeS ""tathliae vene chier canes trier. the parties ver. out on bail liaI vulu ikoIy came bafôo.the .grand> juhp, sD lio.lrmigli'-eu- lxeuw -ot board of pet. As fan as ho vaa liomin. ad, the cases wve n ualanmchinltnica- cy. But anc antvoo a i mgbll for soanerccvations. Ticécas. an lie shiif'scaleudar vas Seacniliedas horsesaiing. Prom thinlfonmatian he baS recaived, hoanudaritood tbal lb. case luvolvad ual simpiy the takiug Are Aryshure Cattle WaOrthyof Prizsa1 »To theo EdUtor of ino Wlitby Choa» icle. Dsaa Sîs. Wil pou be kind enougi te alIaw me sufficiaut space iu yaur vain- aile journal te reply tathie accusations ai Mn. Bowdeu, as coutaiuied lu a letton lu lie Whutby CHRnacExof itle tb inat.,,sud aa lu inte Vindicatar ai Ibis yack, lunnwen lamy iuquirp *uwiy Arysiue aud Hereford cattlo ver, excinded frani lie prizo liat ai the South Ontario Agricultural Society tbis peair ?" Iastead ai anewornug tnp question ia a etraiglitiorwand manuer. ho seaka ta diventt hi.publie sentiment irorp the truc point ah issue, ciarging me vith certain miedemesuons, cuci as violating tha ruIes afltie Society, siowiug catti. ai infanior quelity. Au. I monoly visi ta state tie fisoa s hey occurred aI thie différant exhibitions, sud let pour readers druw their ovu inféences as ta vielier tie lanl - moal lias viti lie Association or thiir exlibitore. Lt msy lie sin ta break a baS 1ev an for s member ai au orgaued eciahy la violat. -an reins. la co=ioni u nun- jnst ral ; but thc enonmity of s crime la gauoraîîy osim2atediy thie sttending eiteumstanca, under wbicb il le perpet- ratod. I bave aivapa been opposeS ta s County Sociaty holding a tira. day's show, as lie prizes offéead are nat sufilcient ta compensate axiibitars for the expeuse sud lime il lakes ta attend ta it ail hhose day.. Exhibitors, instead ai having difficuitios tirownuilu hein way aud put la unuacensary oxpanie, shonîS be treatod witi respect sud oourtcoy sud tue encourage ho bring iorward thir ptoduotieus for the public inspection, for it le the ezhibitor8 thut noake the slouw, sud lie variety sud magnitude ai tic exhibit tîmat excites the publosattention. Mr. Hovilen accuses mie ai vioailg thie rIes ni tie Society by takiug my stock sway beforo tha Exhiition vas over, lbcreiy ionféiîing my prisas, &o. But io dos ual lUtîîepublietliaIthie Society iad no accommodation provid- .5 for my stock so bhah tboy migit ro- main on lie ground over nigit. AUl LiaI I could findsataleior I lait liera, but al thoeliheds vareoacoupiad sud 1 vas unuier Lie ucessihy ai aitiar Isk- iug mp animais sway or loaving thein- ou the apen graund al uight, vithout sialler or aveu a place ta iaed tieo. This vas autheb.suS aithie second day, sitarthie cattia vere judgdad dth. prix. tietas awarded . For this breach ni the Society'a nul.thiay refuced ta psy lhe pnixes awarded me, but wian I vrote a letten ai remauelrance oxplain- iug the, malter t10tha Directors, thep very gentrously awarded me hall tic amaunt. The public cen judge via wan muet ha bsine in thiecase, lie Associatcion or myself, iluneuallaviug mp valuable animais te remain on thi. show ground aven nigit witiout the uece-oaary protection an even s place ta féeed tîhoi. - The Presideut sape ',in satthlu-9hei prix. lit thie Board ai Directoms knev ai onlv aue exhilitariluthie kryshire ni"ani oucasequontly tiare couid b. no compotition. That boing thie cane thby fetait i l vuld uat sdvocate breading on benefit-hie Society puttiug mouey year sfeinta one man's pock- oh." Titis seOins a sîrnuge procedure for the Direcors oi an Agricuiturai Sacitty vîmose atm'i ehouid baolaeon- courage sud ioater thue introduction oi iulFroved breeda of stock mb -.Abe cauuty. IL le viti the. abject in view thaLtie Proviccial Association aller tvice t*hi, amonul ai proruux nlutlîe varionsclasses for mmporteed animais ni merit. A similar- spirit osaght ta ani- mate lie Directora ai unr Society in- stoad ai Lie narrow und oua-sideS policy- that prevails. Tiair abject scema ta b. ta encourage tic propagation aud dis- nomination ofi hoie iiiecds inuvici thep are thhmeislvos more particnharip iutcnaated, sud ta diseounuge sud bring mbt disrepuho vialtbahy Sa net happen ta bave s isncy ion. Thei. Isofaicoin- petition casuplained of howver, lu the Aryshiro clas isowiug lu s greal moasuretlathie introduction ai tie ne- stnela vis',ailieproeut2Board. Wbeu theia me emaunul afprizee*ewe» 'offerad ian Aryshires as atier cattie, tiare wero, I iiink, ase mauy competit. ans in tic Aryshire clas as Liane are nov inthie Durham., But- vian lie Arpebire liat vas curtaildadudhe prizea cul davu ta, tbq lusignificanl anme offered fQr valuable animale, no mare tisa th, saine amount given for Agriculture arc ta prcjudiced lu admit tbis, lier. are nevertheles, à greal mauy institutious af a cimilar kiud tbraugiiont the cauntry liat do thiuk sa. Ai-an evideuoe thiesud haw the Ayrshires are appreciated la ather parts, I receivo aunnaliy prize listesud invitations freim ail quartera. This year 1 receiv,3d pamphlets fram Toron- to, Hamilton, Brantford, Guelph, Sb. Thomas, Landau, Part Hape, Kingston, aud Matrea, ; Aise frono Piidelphia, and St. Louis, iu the United State. Some ai theee pamphlets were accain- pauied by epeciai wrilten invitations from the. Secrelaries, urging me ta came sud briug my stock ta their ex- hiiins, offering evcry accommodatian in their power and a froc paeoeoautho retura trip. Thece Socielies weli know what breed ai 'catîle I bave, sud if the brced le "lWithant suy beneficiai reaulta ta the. Rubliea" it le strauge they shonld bc sa auxione ta have thema branglot ta théir exhibitions,epcciaily as shouild I accepl their invitatlausfrom time ta time, it might have the disse. trous effeet ofi "pntting maaey year siter yesr, for tie nome stock, juta onc man's pockt.'~ The Directore of lies. seciclies, I presume, cannaI b. sa con. siderate sud sa eulighleued as are the sages ai South Ontarlo. They offer liberal prlzes for butter sud cheesa, but et.ike irom the uitlb.e 0w beet adayt.od ta praduce il. The Presideut complalue of wsnl ai iande, when they next revise lie lisI wonid il not be an improvement ta set the amount more lu accordauce with the vaine ai neeful- nuise of the animal or article for which th. p riz. le offered. Lu lookiug over, the liet I flnd they have money ta affen for suci thinge as canary birds, sud hantam ohiokene, aiea for squa hes, pnmpkins, cabbago heade &a., thinke ai litIle aiganificauce sud trivial importance ta lia country, but for horde ai cattie tiat May hsvecost their awucre thons. andsaf dallersansd ..tii. -die..mlnsllou ai which tlrougiont the. laud:might sa d millione ta the expurl sud woslthai tho country, far tlie, th. Society we are told, have no funde. But thangh I am s bs'ooder of Ayrsires, 1.1 il ual be nderetaod tiat 1 do ual like auy éthier kiud, far aiierwiee. r admire the Hereford, tie Devon, tie ehggy, and horulese Aberdeen, sud the Arlstaeralic Durham, sud I thiukthbese breede chonld ail be cherished sud preeerved, and proagated iu hheir purity sud dig- nity. They are aIl goad sud useful lu hheir places, thiugh the. same breofi May n20t be suit.d or profitable lu every loality. Tii. humn family arc nol alike lu thcir lastes sud requiremnents. Our Creator bas given ns vaxiety lu uature. variety lu aur feelings sud aeuibilites-vsriety lu aur accamplishà . meute sud capabilitiee, sud aiea- variety lu aur domestie animais, which eau be made ta aubserve aur intereate sud mesiutunr wautn sud -wlnhes lu aur diflerènt roquiremeats ai lufe. Yes I sud il le variety laialewsuted aI aur exiibitiau. It le Ibis attracta lthe multitude sud giv6s hhene gatherluge - tdeir fluai succese. Apologizian- far thun taking np sa muci ai your colmue, I romain, respectiully, THOMAS G UY. Brougham Fair, z8.8o. Pray baninh ail cats, while 1 dencribe lu Ihis Th ep g ncu turl Sh w e M -lately i u Whieh vgllage beiug iteaoiu central Picer-n, For this fetal occasion was thonghl juil the thing ; Sa I hope 'goinst nach choice no objection yau'll briug ? Ilecanse, fory publie meeting. asaembly or race, W. usuafly pick ont theo middlemost place; Bue it wao reuarked, at the preseoit tra- action, That, by au odd sort ai centripetal action, The viuitera' selves were th. source of at- traction ! Theils dawer, ail erowded-two ta six iu oaci rig Were seated lu buggy, lilgt waggau, or gig- But thos. not sa sýhowY, sitar conusel sud talk, otoeeigacarniage,, pet dreadicg a, Becaune ahowy cneugh badl detormiu'd they'd waIk. The ladies, 11k. qucen, came fraift North, Sauth' East ana<;West, 1 Masl doeemUg hemnelves th.er=est etylial su anet ; Ail seemed happy, naee hae who appeared leu as restug, plle~finli 'a yang Ardue, by wsy el "Ye kuen th6yre ns keowe, but thooagh- l liny at ou are as a purcliser 0 o re bny them ôcime snd i hope yul 99 da= Ilie a fuesok m thom dowu in Kentuk Than lher , 'sfarier Waddll, whoa lhe salls 2IS adoru, With hie jars oi fine houe>', lika hie gifLe ta Lard Lorne And the Princase, via thangit oi lia cil songea0 ua>', AnSd<3no 'scartoon ai tia Marquis a ceont. in L mono y AnS hersa!lu hner parloireasting ra with bar henepl rea Thiuk ai McCollum More, iu hie tartan sud bonnet, Wlt thb. iarou'a plume placeS '80beeo. lngly au Il, Be humaI! ascrapiug houa>' fram, alvils Saxon pot- Whan far botter houey lu hla »ghleud, Ihey'va gat 1 Thon arnd Dr. Milne's fiua grapes soa dd i uiter, -Muc'h covctlng oa! hem, s bunei er a cluster, But afler ilugering aroao, pariapo hall an heur, The>' findîag Iti gel soae vasont cf tbaix paver- Litath, For il liafable, deciared the> ware soir 1 Than othara inspectaS tha bread sud th, butter, AnS the cheoe, wvilcilest Put Me iua ssd flatter, And I liougit mp saS lifa vas approueblug a criais, Wiaa luckiy, 'mong falks o! al sorts sud eizes- Au altercation arasa canceruing the pris. Old Humaphrey once ivrohe ta long ciapter ou toppara;, As au nuvarbhy mathod o! gaining the coppens, But % certain J. P., ual resembliug th. Catag', To 1h. show saut a bsg oa!th.e malleet pa. Wlth vary âneua nas on top.vici drav' forth many'greast"Oh's;lI" The great Show vas ended, Mr. Cbinu gava bTo iedinnan, vi wich the formera repairait, lest lia>' become thinner ;1 Wall apresd ver.the tablas, vine folloved eacitoast, Tien th. Praaidaut'a speech, lu vhleh ha voarSboat- That as ho vorked hie farca lie land pro- dncod most. Iu iike etrains spoolie mes-more vine 'folloved aller- Bach song ailS eci jcstcauving mirti anS mach ilangloler, AnS I easmastl>' hope thal, viti a strict . truth et leasal, Ib couiS nover b. said ai a guet sI hat feassI- Thongi s insu among caIlle, hoa anong men vas a boutl 1 AnS nov il la tisa lice» Sroll rhymea 1ta concluS.,_ Describin the ecenanvici quit.e lyl>' 1 As escoucd lu my celi, sud quita iliiaI ca casa, SUiR 1 hope that mny verses tih, reader ca> leae- Baiag sang laya qu'aar lit maus. lu lie cheena l" Ana liongi ieugtby sudaIodions pou may deain my sang, You'il ransember ve ail chaisi tlés that ara long;- But hsrk I1I inuet viii pou ail e issty adieu, Far I heà n, nemr the. fsulny, s bus>' cal mev- Which echo napeasa1k- A3-TT-PUSSY CAT MUSE. Pickering Council. Monday, i8ti Octaban 1880. The Pickerng Ounceil mal puranut ta adjourninaul. Mambarsalal presaul. Minutes ai hast maeting nead sud sp- proveS.- Sevenul accounhe vere presanlad ion papinont. The folloving accnnls vene ardaned ta b. paiS : Angus MoKa>', one Lpunth cash ai sidovalka luthe Viilage ai Duflhsi' Cr.ok. 8251 ; Win. Mungrave ion support ai Mna. Allbright, 819 ; C. Dale, for usils, 81.40 ; Mn. Bunkliolder for ropaining muailscraper, 86.65 ; Mn. BacS for repsiing maiscsraper, 82; B. Buuhing, fan sumpport ai JoiiStoncr ,(daceascit) ,012.75_;, Baient Linlun for Xepalnugbridge o» OrS, Cou.j *#6.U5 Simon Iuring, fou lumber sud fixing, Cuivrt, $14.16; 'Samouel Barkly, for, gravol, $22.05; Henry Gardon, gramot- ou road running canth f ai nds; Moee idi Hanse, 825 ; MUn. ]Pos, forgravel, $3.80 ; Frank Linhon, fan vank ou Duffins Creck bridge,$9 ; Wma.-COniey, for diggiug slnumps ou 7li Coua. road, 05 ;-0. W.< Malliove, balancé foi-gmar- elling ou Broek road, 881.70; 3 T. Davidean, rnt an -essteru lovaina, 455 ; James Manuaey, ionrlbuilding - tone culvent an 6Oh Con, f82 ; ohn Berry, far lumbcu, $144 k a L combe, fan une wves board af-Mss. AMent f1.60 ; O. liecambe,, -for work j", .