if~E g Privai ('IIARLES IC. KELLEiR, AS1113UIN, ONT., TTOitNET.AT-IuAwV, SOLTTOU N ALEX BARCLAY. - - Propietar. ; c Cliry, ceeveyaucer,&e.,Canntutt Ticl, lilisi. is ot Srict, large aud veru. ', rcC. W. mdt#- l itdu i i - L. T. BARCLAY, 'l lii tei. li ilTlC. ihIivltI TTOIINE,ýy - AT LAW, Sthe1'IiI tric,îccntt. 1Le bl'toeif 1.ccuorg ciii ii c lîuiury ad nui l<ilveicv, <'uevi' cgne. L!é'IAN EN5.LIMiI1 I %li;lltAT LAW, o tr i , l iîc i ,% r tl5 mil), ..g)is-r ii I'i li tic l i'"., JueIiN IHALL il.clii i't "II, t ifflo, cil RtOINSON ~& i)Alt]IS'l'lI 17.AfLA c 1) iys, so.lîOirb, 1i - t.I'FI'. lun Actoril 9, Victicrici Streeti. B îîii.'i e'ry i l i rw, A- t.' Elis D- evet Stireet, \% hitîuy, iOiit. Oi'eici.-Over1i I cu,o 1 ai. 22, lm-, b. ' a . I>11(15TltIt"S, AU.. V 1> Sclii'iru In Cîicîui ucrut, Tor It .GUNI s UTGEON TO TREi Byron Stroet, WhiI %em. NMvBRIEN,j G CU'S HOSP'ITAL the laye R. O. R.1 CA IL D. DR. Dot Plyslivlnn, Sureosn, witby, Sept. Mli, S8 R QSOVER1 Gesc'Store, OfcGeeheurs7ron 9 &.1 1.30 te i6, P. Mi. Iei aund Gibet treats. C., N.lAiI lati lesti l'uctlîutietei viti loeai anustéiîa. D, anus new block, over i'tiîîg Street, t)eisaa H AllA. DRESSIE saloonu, Bruci J<)IEN V9 \GENT FOR IseottîisluGran of onauithan Wolteur OFFICIALb Mr.W OFFICE OPI 'Motel, Be-e Wbiiiby, Marei S 95 p ,LAD BES WM.'m Breeder sud king Wisltby, Apiil 9th, 1878. 16 Dp FpF.tsQUININE Âîvu MON TONJC 5 cotais an nîivari-s'ittel n f tquinine ahi rio. t pouiiuses aIl tie poua"rrio eft e vjimblvii. toc I n 5,enîollbncdinsuas nud evoiptoicci trau',suicii'to ea-sSnemq. a icw tmte Ofet nes sr'eu s avteo. eifeeblol condition of tise body., and décsicgeioert oet tie generai bentli. ly- stablii..g.large snd rooeY. Gts ilc 'F.Prm'trwQiNFs."AveMOtN TONIC I.~~~ LLolistri',tihnge ieroi--ue aat ncuile.r R-lITiSil AMEIIC AN IiOTEL, avet'ci, I~revente ntb, or . nîincail SoI'C'ITR.,i INi-RB - ,hr-lth froin tr ilteuet fbot chintes is Ri Y S ove In iialivalule, ly-8 9', ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I Tl 1 ' j ' < .4r-ii i c ose, sal. e'eloi'a hic iîtîieros eetalPS Il 11 , ' ~i ,îrbîlý-lîî'tic ibleori. iîrooet, i Opi-tit". ibipouis, cjrjýjmi idp ti irett-ciani ouir , i t eorzine wa l e ein e r eîlv for>c tiiigia. S ihA 1o " tl. ofIuil 5uets I i- n11 , JLIauli ndigcetioni.suc-crs et cvery SMud. cheat h I' bi,rucp i b v 'Pepper's Tobo. tise nîetuil gltiietbs-a lite'iet. thec ongtituiti'0 treativ 11 A E S l' E A ilE 11I( T E 1, . .. ,rc.toctiienffl. nuita iï-turci to rebnst ieaîlc 'I l ' 1'F Cor. huîc g .t 'iîîk-ets;. ,U'cret, Otît. Ain.t ICTilR ucîl5î.5laenutste i-c-er5l.nc. ise aie cfs 't. ' 'î ;1t VY - P i 'l cE c)I .1, Ilie' licuforîlT)i itosei, Londlon, muet îîc" - i I..1.c.~'iIc'i l', "uc'1117ti'.on thilaelT'reilaine oi-ento c ertainc t, lrlict'Ii r' 'i $15 , ýi 1 iTý DPI NG AND. .SPECIFI-.,,scAIN.,'il Ociiut nsamu-l'e esQicinliceué t on. It te - - Iîueiî.~i .u} ci lii (lii RAvccc's ANDaPv.-sri.oc'e's.." trouu com eunindied to retilehitsini Iniia 10 sandthtie Colonies, and uS lae!lways le ke,'l Fui i Indi fe.c or îîce ie evei-y case ot feoirror terbitle i ov nl, 1f 52 J)OST tIFIICE SALO>ON, ToRONTO. oB U 1 L D 1 -N G S coniioln. îy48 P' eptîty pîînocu uitliu.îiew te Ecenemuy ijAStAXACt'M cAND P LLTwN.-S'ié- évEN'. M u'(OVXI'L. . 'liiI !IE'fOint Co~nrction. lpaî-, l oî ic-J. Peier. l'cndon.Tii k-i111. lî'1u1 C 'clltflhctl'llS ~"CHURCH M DSCHOOL ARCHITECTURE A rpFýlutoceinpdtbe s ctnficopi iand itiai Ai N-Ilu t.ci 7IPC*I'. îel tor tii Cuocf tvuepaia. biliotîaecsi, suid cîcucone, tesu e>-ptouis et sncg*Uestbe fthe llvec.viiici Correrqpoeice iiCRespecciflly Solcited.- isni" besi5. et , r c ('licouii.cu, .tutu~ uus't'IL ~ B.BAStBER, Ariiet c, touns. e dtesecenble teste ln theics ing.O (fil gZldlilen, ut.turbnce of these tomacis. and A. E.STiralVuItTOT.Oshawa, Ont. tîîneeonsdîesti.It5éictisoiclil' J.4.IJES ýT. JIlIElELL, JIroi nci'. «-- ut ic-e iumotion. verys ilgistis'acte on vthe .liui.iit . E.'î.re-. ioweiactlrving a »se0 i t ecan d uc!esofeel L L E Ycl.t, cuf li' Nceîouîog lIctel, Toronto.) A. A. PUJINT, wthixsn u toouIt te-Uthe 55feul e! di nuls',isy j. rS'EPPEE, I'BoHrCI Labomto017 ,,W'SOl.SCITulR tOi î.cl .qîcrfi lnuctl cga. t.' oiOIOlcUs (liai. t i Slnugly, Laîîgîey ' ureLeuciyon,,. wbce ame la on eve ylabel. Botte lselc-eîucy. (tier - 5sti'[ c' Tornto,)2I d ad4R.. fldScilun Cheméiite. À nuilfilex 1lcîk io'- idîrl cci .rny Stabcli' aid Biiîsrdl Most vaîcuable said essai înîéMedicine toi-lu- Par cuiOd' tc cclly.lIi ,1R C HI T EC T . ôî. Austi-nia, thesCapesad Colnesgonr- &UTs. 91Y-8 -Il, Lt. 5, --I)t-éic5 fo Cbnne, Vills &nd Cottages- - - ___ Sli ll)L'l?,a jjfý,îlty J)%wigs repredforte. CliCCEISUS PRjV~pt1U HAM RESTOREi ,-M cxi- y te L'uani 0.iMo cuung e.tcug structures. I ' isctkn grayk tsehaïr isiaiLaw-.l'h . iu'riuiru. ticiirlbuiT, ijSIAWct. 0<li, rî,for th enrt, Kt liii reitee0-cooeceletel ingbc h aua oo h on gaon onPieeefg.effect li auperiar ltistat xucdeOby asu-je- ,Banîk, wbitluy. H UETE Popîcer4tî aie teuomeoui<ys. ani d <tes ét W itise akia H.CHSTE, POPretO- 4-f) . 0 Bo 20LamO bottes, la. éd.-.LockyeO a leequsîtte (t14 - .- - - -meat expêcusive lhait- cOitoi-si. lY-E ThistlIr' i etîry, large and vominodioius _____________________ Boluusu i r'iitrc ld nic iîe tolesuit tics THE TORONTO ' ocR-tii-s SU"LpHuuHAM REBTORKPI APPE LIl E, wnîîlt tlttue toîîohhîg pulitc. Table anp. 1. te the best for cestorlnO Si-es'liait te 1t dplid wi t Ic,,i, bciu" t ut the sanici. Tise formuer coloni-. It produces I'pI-teO tS7O mtn .eîc'ys nîL tlllue iiuicl %%il n li the ei t lbrane, TurkJPA &6,' L r atf/s aate, a aie 5absaliely haÃŽmis. Bcon. 1',,v:- , Nu. '-1Toronxto îîcîucînî nu'i 1 gîrlt.,Bub te suid rone éta- gi-a o ri'tu t es bain cr n ecuai "i .ticut. Aicilcir anieuhrOO, caretul hetleii-rwh fnwhar Y I iv i S APPELBE. 46-is' Tbcse batisu are neeful ini Rheurnatisne, h s'sd o Neucalgia, Coufisa, Colds, Congeto, OK W SFR 1AUnTZI N, ~ TL,CLMU lmon î.Biouaneas, Feversancd tosBuOula5, nd bu action on tb 11LOW MOtinCLUMBS.lfr la de M IS5 BESTOBRU ýCOUNTT GAOL, Sanitars' pu OO8s"e.eéleuedIt. la55 uiOstIcOe Jty . FAIILDING, Theé v.ap or bOusare partoniole !. inunue. sud never tellis It cVou n51 bleto ll kindismatO«WOM *Ss, codeur gada" wrig and &motm Late ut Ilis ' Outaio,' Asbru, haviug mall ivreiy coneed t ibcth g thst twihboasbeen'Sict.No othcan Sa SL.D., lM.t.C,iS., îîînecnecliiri' o e kuiptmSethé Turkiais sud Va r Batbse téba alicuts a conti5uc etfpatronage toi hfro oaerais'eîthet sihntise0aso o byP LONDON, Eh uuccceitrede eeiineprt udl omsiciii vt oais. thoiew sur.an& onta thisi LOshawa, Ontario. A gouit itotior in atteuitanve. medalîtreatnitthe patient ilme ri-al pi-to peepai-tioni. I - - - ~~itait an ceafUuy ti-ested. - _____________________ P ti-nizsd Ibreucgsoct the vorît fron in--l cva xîxs IIE QUEEN'S IIOTEL, royaty devu ta the pgoreat insu- Thèse KNBDNFM À UW iART, BcTST -,Wure. Turkisis balise are tise ouly oni CiyluGPLL V um. BUC TLRWIB. ofTorno. % . TxBZNMI rm»=Dvm Malffl=S Accouchere, l&C., &-c. PZLIP McCÂNN. - -Pnoprietor. Quo0tatiOIssuId reiomméîdatious5i-é ivn DuniéxmN- FsorîINoe, peia syWM 4.41froni the best médieanad sauit*j-Y augod-- Tu£Smuoa BI P= XMGu BoIt Liquore nîud Cigare. A wel aup- A liasUmm>ail ocuntnios. anet plie2 talle. Aîrybut-coins. Cocefrtabe fOURSC-éumtlOian, 7 te8.&W.m., 8t. the Siver eni0t 4 DA S htnbliug nui large ynrd roone. Charge s 9p..Saturdsyutil Il p.m. ILadies, 10 111111 f _____________ PRICE S-Tnckis Balsa, eue ticket, #1 uBxsa e i.,9.dsd* d ticet, $0.Vaor siuWCee eh i 1 fSoit b y Oliseats candSMedcine Vende BrAisHORE OTEL, 1 ikt,$0 ao ah,1ý,throiigisout the l - 1) ~tickets. #â. Pi-re-s4e by éa.RkLO5df B. Il. . JAMESON'S Cou. F11Ni&cEORiGrEnoSxs., TORONTO. 23QENT ET -5duié ,Dudas-et., Whitby. Skilul and attentive =aie ana tentais dM o 12 mi., andl frein ALFRED OXFORD, - PBOPBIETOR. attendant,,. (leuv-Cer. et Byne Late ef Welngton Hotel, Mankisan.) J. S. DIAMoND, ILD.' \W RHI TE Y H OXU ] ' TElRS, $1.001 PEU DfY. Goo stabl- 89- - -ned*l. DNÂ-B,'ETY EtL. D. S. ilig for oc-cc 300 horses. ctSUlacocoon- T IS PAI>ER maybo fouit on fie at Thse 'liintlb't' f0a, 1 nemîînal le plintion toctere. . cetceêltiigT Geo. tP. lteweil& Coa New"ppee-Ad- publielisat ebe Pr av~e8' bô iuieteiton nl tié piilui lu uneii. ly-4vertiisîng Bure-au (10 Spiiice Si.), kh IIaS xevw'y buiRtâ s ued Iup thi-nount pinciples of thes nit, - - yrtîsxig conitracita my cu me i -Ofor- it l the aCoommctatii- e Mguusia esI Wîi îet, and iii pied os the BR L B R ewTE.-1$ Liquers and Cigare. i ei Gld and Sic-r. LUMBE !______£____T_ e",e,.ýAND WL LG oul &in, by proitucteg e tnna Rene-u c J« OH0ilNSgoN; MON EY TO -LOAN tIWIâ lea 1.-*1008F08I.NVE5TM2INT. 1 e-e-tku57ts eku e REAL eé termi. -LUMBEII MERCHANT, o 0 oe.tiESTATE sEouBrrY; .OI3NSONS H T BY, .' 'JOIMP'E A- 3ADBEI1 tOISNSWHITBYAt lowest living rateseofiîteréat. 'nysîhoe 50G AND SHAVING 'Hics ou haut a lange eupply ot aIl kindst_________of______ SSt., Whitby. cBai-e Lumber iBoards, and a&U necescary Money securet vitiil10 tsya ef &P. R. -Building luneter. Feuclng, Sawn Tiuuber, pliRtic1 ' - ~ndu Sentlicg, a large qusntity en baud. . Aleply to -- U2FEN SEN, Lange eiders ltcLong BilBtuffe filUéS JORN F QUs- U1D3R81 TECELEBRATED ri il t br oie Wbltby, February lith, 18W. tufx'bo reds cust4 ite, At Marisie Aorte Docte, Sasise sud Biîds aiway on -------er, tiat busiesswillbe frSSlUii& 7' Ieu,)uitnaSt, lîîi ,et la 05FIIrîitru Estblishmen -Wh.tbY, May 11h. 1877. ly-.B O WVVN ULERK OF IC t.> 1iby on lte r4nsç8$ XSSIGNEE. ERRORS 0F YOUTH. TEWITY'- Recel su Fre toc tiséspeédy cure 0 e!Lxar POSITE TRB ROYAL Se" 'eakueeea, Lot Manhood* anS &il dsaé rnh nb otiljdsb.ee» le.tIî. ek-St., Witby. ies..&dns DATIBSON k 00,,78 Naseau 5t Arr Mangeen a 0 xa'b-q imoZoWMlthll t,1879. c 4-ly 84-ly .e eekTow I8 çteM COTSWOLD BI51 y iOTREBOI O RBB L1 IRyI K fHTY MILLII» uc M clamenot P.; Osirn0 UIES IliéTee " erIedany ino at thé elsiplace 91A58IAî4X e n A i let du lu -> il u si L~L0~> . e ' bp ,i COMMEFlLC-. tgl ritng EtabllbmAOut, ,OKSTR~EET, VHITBX. MENT -s $ 0 a Annum Witb calm Pri.nted wards, great theughts, a' aco Innii aured ini Noularieil, and h argL the îrateofo!8Ilcentsi, perUieu, irot _______________________________________________ Ujrtuonauid 20enitbel)týr 1Liii5,oêb subtie - _______ it ourts t111tns Fnbn lVOL.X IVWTIITBY, PROVINCE O1 $juelts0 ;Lls IciuraliltuC el111 nîctii, and2 eattert4 of likt, tec iI tlcli~leu neCii anruIUg N c'WoMiii ter loni ceute pur ime. RN RN AWYIITL SIîOciltlooutrac to inile with acdvertisere B~ RN nE~ C H 1 N A H A L L i I N S UR A N CE y rduyerel,,te 0wiui' alerlne (opposite G. T . Station,) Whtby. SION OF THE BIG JUG (REGIETEItED) OTROFRES Mut bcyin rin reat uihuut Wris l M. O'NEILL -PROUBIETOR. 71 KING-ST. EAST TORONTO. MuTARIOnsuRnER -----E vry accommodation for guosta, iulud FancuBrekfas sudTea ets.Coly. Business Directorys iug comtortable, alry bedrooms, Ml at &l F yBekat n e es Bu ~ne8 Die c O luehurs. Panay Dinner and Dessert Sets. L*-The fBar fully sulqlied wlth best Fancy Bed-room Sets. HEAD OFFICE, BROOK-ST., WHITBY. britds et Liquoru, W inos, brandiesCigare FPanay Jugesud Teapots. t) 1 T A It 1 0 il A N K ke&. Every neceesary direction 'yven ta Silver Plated Kiv-es, Forkeg and Spoons. 7I1HIS COMPANY imeures Farm Build- N j traellers. Silver Plated Cruet anid Butter Ç00lers. L inge, Country Churches, School wiIT 3y ] BRANtedStbigecosdyrd n te Silver Plated Cake Baskets. flouses, anud thoir Contents, ai ratensU LOW THIOMAS Dow, tive ostiers. -4 Mcdgtqra' Knves anua Fork. sas thoso of any wsfl.establisbetd Comnpanly Tea Trays and Soi-vers. in Canada. MÂîeÂor.ii. - - Flower shades forLiy's, &o., &c.,SSS RMTL FID nOMMERCIAL HOTEL and TABLS llniwai-ê, ail descriptions. JUST LOSSSPOPL AD U 1EWEL ULEG, 4 nudt56 Jacyts-stroot, TA LES, White Stone ware, every ktnd. 3. B. BICKELL, JOHN WILS JOHN ELL& RîrLED E, ozonltoB Iotel ad Bar GOOda8 Ai t tuATT0IîNET S, SOLI. JH cA,.. RPIB'B LOVER HIARBISON, President. Vice-Preetdeflt. 1;!trNutarioe. Public, and tt.ouvey. usoCOESSeoIRTo 30".nELLYI Importer. tire Te es s.o aNC. NOUIRSE, SFcuETruie. eiw5rb Tc butf ron teny Horiiot,ade y.oul wWhltby, April Bih, 1878. -16 offir, fig(loor gouita of the Royal tobo B ri, eoueinrth eot,n ino Ate tien usrî,t. 'flic lioesbas boeus)wi Domiio ood I4orks, j AME 1,;RUTLEDGE, B .Fitteotu, nui evory-thios Frgelages. (iy-4 îWIB.ýiNXFIEISIAC O Couiy Crown Attorney. 48. 111KM. WALKEY'E e.Com c Lombard St. and Charing Cross, London. -TEMPERANCE HO USE, BRMRCAT&BULE. ESTABLISSED IN 1782. 1Eiî tTHE, SlcNS DUDASSTRLET, ITBY. LUMABlrgeRCH i o Dien,'niah- :GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & CO., D U N., ~~~ inge, ansait kndsofTwsted Moliinga, à sttrCaa. IBARRISTERS &ATTORNEYS O&Md acorsmmbdatlou Ktreasonble teftau, »u'<'gf, -a"< Binud». R WTE Boor(lers $2.510 per week. d5 lbBER wholenale and i-taul, or by R. W age, ore. AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN __by the carliost. AMNanES a gLSerIn-CaEA- CHANCERY &c. OBSIN IOSE O ON , ONT. Planing, Mouldinga of cvery dcscrep-. 'DA in 1804. Unimitéit liabiliy of R, 1 USE-TORNTjon, Flooring, Sheetiug, Shelving. Re- @,il thse Stockholders, snd large Reserve VV U 1 t «1:>Y& Thse Palace Ilotel cf Canada Refttted, sawlng, Shaping, Turning. ScroIl-work, punta.Moderaté rates el premiumx. RICE, . . BLLNGS Iefurniebet, an(IUnrivalleit. Now Paesen- etc , etc. C. NOUBSE. H.C THE . H. ILNS ger Illevator, ruiunei1i nigis sudd a. The Wbitby, Oct. ltis, 1878. 4 Agent, Whltby. Toronîto. Wlitby. olâ pet-clisa lobte Canada w'th gi-d. ___ - Whitby, April 9tis, 1878. 16 -. ~~ated prives, viz:-$2, $2.110, and $3 ker.day.TOL D Members et Clubs sud- otisers, aairing ONEY OLEV J >MY1E KEITEH GORDON, reome, wtiiout boardt, #1 te #2 per day. m rriSU1%AMRCA AItRISTER & ATTORNEY.ATLAW, MAlIEN. IRISEI, B 8oliciter ini Chancei-y, Cenvsiyaovec, Feb. 27th, 878. lPropietor. Thse uniteralgicted a a mount Ofatn-Asut Notary Public, &c. ffice-Dunda St., y to Lenit upob Fsxm or own Propitye Jsuac o p q o lier weat cf rmusrolgs Motel. uuCompanyRte.f utret Miiy to Losu-Private tonds-at îow YLITEWIBY Loans cao ise repaid in sun. te suit ber- ICROAE 83 IR YLUOEIIT3. rowers. ICROAE 83 jilliri il ~Thp abovu uoebl lias beco tliorouglv gaSvera] Iinprovicd Faims and Wild ALandsfI 1.0.86~ reircvated and refurnisised, sud ce iîow ni;- for sasIc cbap).ASS rS,1108794 JOUN . bleILLIVAY dr themnaucgemenut of GEV. MACKIE, Iicvéitunts madelu Municipal Dbn JOh A.11IGILIVRAY iuet o St: Lawrece Mail, Port flpu.1 tures, Bannk, andi other marketataile Deok. F. A. BALL, SucceseoT tq H'I. M. Moweil.) I.very atntilion 1îi toe(ueste. For fturtiser particulars@ apply te a"r ARITR& ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, l"pcalygcd Sarojle neîîus for Cote Insurauces effetet at tise lowesi mrrn-e ta ublc. r.Sollicier for the nesrcial travelIre. rlt,17. JAMES IIOLDEN, rates on Buildings, Merchantiee, and otlcsc l,nrvPt Offie -.Neit dccc tic p-lOt,17.15 property, aganst los or damage by lire. Mniîsiuu lIeues, Uibcidgt', Cnt. -Ot H WIS N OUE _ ___- -fl OTS AgwOREn, Wsiy RXPS. &oE i near ý3tcý . 7. i hem À*ed 2 tý OU4 1%ýe à th. là iliru cil -xa e ebo y ýa 9 00 voxy -break tlsë- 44ý «à 4&Phcà be, my dear - litue girl nepzi4h2i- alter à Anoment a-MOI ou werexýpbIIlIl %atm -Rra fflÃŽ Il I if ,br 1 'ibrouh, sud &Y. y 99 *a&- ;6Y me 'ma feu -men Ã7 - Omo thonghts., Il D", Oe1ý,M fgr Mme haT91-aveali'-'ý ' e ", à cm what e«St dia wbue ýlj2uâ for I? en ha vree*rà 1à cý- tbeW -ana er girl' IN b"bel etron&, 80,14ue loye m hie , _ýçu1dd- 'hîý - à , - ber to well ý>j, fôrd ...... tom- .him 'âme 'ý,ugot t in del the 00 tl to,_i da untlhung hudutry, ve adyceispcaçe ,Progress, Kuowlcdgc, thheictl iet Au 0 play ONTARIO, TrnJRSDAY, -OCTOBER 28, 1880. NO. 45 ho beau Wcman'e Work. ' tise'*reat bà (-,ef hie camUse. And iaisinuew tise just.fongivoî inijucy. is ésiisly experiencc. Thiselicsoesin-muls tisse-ilissud patent dëvleesef tise Oul- At lat, vison tissir couunai labour %d ta ait, witis a dim veil cf deeay aud Il hm Daining little atockingi inai-y art (neteuee of vhisb, prcbably vas stil flnigped, aise iok Pisobe's baud' zain bietvizt hlm sud 8h.e d, ibut'*Ti For csstlosa littls fat;bad beeu testea, vithisi ihe muoryef iu bar evu lrembling eue. 'tienougli vhioli, ai fitng - iniervalé, shed To s i i olcas &Deet, ay muagasftes erHpiss Ba it ithue, My dear ehild, 5aise Bligisi lis ouglet thé sam ipn e asion, ? Herig ibe eiou, ai esing fer soa enimblo 11881. tit- onies ; l'for tguily my boeanid ti 1te es CsredueSd, ao Softly imaginative, viîcits 5ic ýTzing Osteohiaxos, bit, vhicb. visai akill ah. hoad s cisbricu I Beaï withme ; fer I love y4an, ÃŽMioe-vénturuug a haup à ucsaPt nryig for asiatien mateala au'vere t andaut léh.migisi Ploinebé, ibougisI Speak' se renugs1yF w vus us poded breatii-h impantosed c roheresanSoime- toesUp for brsakfà at. Tii ole tleipgef il, delèreai chl! y'otise miniature I Tisons had'bccu , depi Wemgn'i vork I Soe, vls .a des p .1gb, ase put asd by, I>li'lhé kinsi, sud only hinidffunuatély 9isaractclstio ii tislaiokittisinés" Sewing o h utntise savery volume avidc, an'dsinqulled "My dearéêét.ce11ii, Cannet you t - . .gUthse da ky yéairs, sud ths buethnon c ie ove g en g ti b ons, f P iS ob é viit isr ld -apeceié s aie m e vi Ib as leahppene s?" aske i P h oc e, uf t olam ity w hic is bhit fali su upon a Pa Sootising witis a kinit word cailet oeeof tise-bene, hall laid an egg vitis a sud asitearfal sympathy.' hlm, dit net auffice utlerly le deamtrey.vissh Other'e lamentation; tise prsc.ding day. Piroeraul 8 se, '4Wlcet hl a i mesYen go? i#c sl Guitiug lumsy Britgets, but returnéul vitheut tise expecies il "Htoa h nab-lheis laccming 1 ' Éepzibah liad nov pcned eut a Cup 4] Coerax in s1 ul siCo p a , i e s r a b r b u . A t hat' ilistant iv iisp re si Hepz lbba b a til y *i*uno c f d liciou ly fragra t co cfée, a d pr - fouic And readiug cecent boks- hovever, tise blisai cf a fish.déaser's ber oyca. "Loi hien ose yeu frat,': euted il te lier gagent. As bis eyes met aise Womas e -rk 1 concis vas iserd, announe;rg bis ap- Pbes; for yen are young andl rcsytieers, biseseéred bovilderéteut nadis. ami Buyic oto!~proseh &long thé Street. Wiib suler- su an naiometselp lstting a nle bras, quietet. viii Hec ngoutunio aisi -te goicre-smîtisahe hp vhndev, Hepal- out, vhotlier or no. Hé alvaya iike4 . Isthisyeu, ZepziisaliII ho mur- g05i Letting iu ths nIiahne bah sumeitisé man Iu, ansi masis brIgisi faces.! Ansi mine is cit, nmer, 155ed, sadly ; tliiu more spart, aud ti on otîcor oloudéi brita; rhâeofvisai lie Warrantea as;tise aud thée tssare hardly te-y ciiit, He- pehp nosiuta e sovr w Binting up this'scuet faienso kenel lu tise cari.sund as fat a uever caula abuté ets. Tisera ; dsic a oni, Mev cliaugéi I boy ciangeit 1 like Healing oetttes ick, oeeas ove- l it e vshbis fluger etiséeuetain a ltile, sc tisai 8h. shsdew M.d is aise augny wvusme? Wliy foi -Bi-nvoly msi-cig oiiward *. arylais"ssu Rqetîgmyfal accosabiesaite af tise table f doesseébésd hb cv seno7"'6 Tisconglu dan e radaclt and' ci Phbie te remet Sm orn ffe-vhieisBut lot tiser. b. a goo eed o-u nabÃŽtse puer HEtpzibahl h v Was tissuwretch- 6nx oman' wor aselecasuially observeS vas thé'reai tee ; fer Se vasneyer fond "cf glUcu cd scowl, visici ime nsd lier néar-100 Lecing little clilidren Mda u a eln ta si sam v.Hé bas isa&lbuL pgtd l _.nS 8p faci et inwurd ds.s- ee And blessiug mauhooda yean; cf thé mmalriii h, obcérnlea kepi pmlhieinl ie -orCl0j- ji b4aià ego e ialiiLnl,,that § ongitte . ersUtlehueisus iiCiîfk41 H Itoeforgviiess cures; ils velgisi IÃ'gld-ike mb"'aiden ld stoe il lo hd' W syvoliemenc cmoica'i lu l en Scatteciug eet ro»s beaped fuéi'outle viii reoeptaclem ef Poor, pôoi Cliffervi ê' okel1 it, IBat, aitishe indistinct man- Ti Along auotissr' pas iths ancien& fieeplace iii suob quautity Thua murrnuning in snunuuer to, uer ef isis wcnds/iser visole facs greevbel smleug by tise vayatte, as accu te trive tise lingering uak cut as if'spcakisg ralhé te liser ovu bonit tender, sud avsu Iovely, witli eorravfnl age Content vitis viat sh ath- cf tise recul. Tise eunIe-y gWi, vilhg tisau te ?hobe, tisé aid gentieooman affeca tin 'hsuso f lier featur- à ç Wemai~a wock! te give lier uticoal assiatance, prepomeet iepeul ou îipioe about tishe rn, mak- os s"appeardamtvr'keisite Letting fali ber ovu te«".,te maké an Indu cake, afiér ber hng Snch' arranegenenta s s uggestod warmani misiy à lev, Wipcc ffan hraufacture, sud vilie bsceula i vo Meanvhi.le, thons a astop iitieyn ,Chf 'teheiy e suse; ' meis'îpouln eiosofmet as-tcecele a h ciis Aney 1'aserpett "ne- Dut i Leauinq by expeielnce, fer s piaeaalg a ricisusis, ansi, if paiaage-vay, abave etal-m. Phoebe e-oc- Hon tone,asa abs- utteres thée exela- Thi Teeicg by sxaxnple, igitly rade, a delicaq,inOquli<ll by oglse s the ais ne vic aislssipas- nation, had-s plaintive ansi eolly ex* yearning for thes gateway, any cuber mode fer bre-aiai cake. aedpvwart, as tise-ugh bier te-eam, iu quisito meiody thrllliag threngb 18, yei ahi1 Golden, yeani, amcpl- Hepsibab gladly aaacntlug, th itchtin th iseugit-tiÃms. Tics apptoachiug guesi vitiasouibdaliig a certain aoeéîing, tbé Womnansawork 1 vua accutb. aene cf uavory peeparalviscevor ifutigict be, appesired te pause wvieS &4 obtuse enSiter migbit have- et At lait ocmetis silence- tica. Pereisance, amidtirl-preper 0-' ettiheasai6f tho étaiecase ;lhe pântis liUR istakén fer isperity. Xit vasnailas A dayetofddep repos, suceant cf senake, vhlcbeh diesi fertis Ivice or thie icna .té cémet; lie pausesi if nosaueteausceient musicienanicliteo. lier looks mnothiy 5.-.'ded, frein thé ili-ecuatructesi obimuoy, the again aitishe foot.Bachifitio, tiséde.'sicav a sonl.trUilng-aveetueau ent cf à of1 Upon lier brest a rose; gisosia cf depanted eooo.nladi lokesi- lay Santosi te be vitiseut purpoas, but crackéd instrument, vhicis makés its air Laslie. reitcing gently veudeeinlgy o, orce pespesi Sowu tis ratisor frein a forgotfolnes citise pur- physical imperfection hoard lu tise lo0 Upon tishe anisie cseek; gres besats ef thse fine, despîsîsg tbe poe whvbi bhasisel hlm in io n, or niittfet éieceal barmauy,-se d.op se Upon a toreisedmek 1 Slnplloity cf tise pnc>scted mal, yet in- as if the perses'm font came iuvaluntar- waa the~ sensibility tisat fcund aunce-gin ce effsctually pinlnggo ttis-t their oaas- ily te a eiausi-éll, becauso tise mot ive iii Hepzibsh's voles1o Ige cvy hanta unt e osis inche aolu. Tise pevcr vastoc feoble te sicélaun bis "Tiser. la ueting but -love.jPore, Hg THE HOUSE 0F THE SEVEN isl.inea-t, isy-a. tl vis- prognessi. Punaily, b. made a long Cliffort,"' elle added,-"pohiieg but r-i GABLES. ibiy eut ef thele- hldlsg placés, asd mat puganstathlis ilishelsi cf thos parlcer. lave I Yen are ai heme 1", - - an their bina loe, snufusg th. fumy ai-.Hge teckbla o f tise knob cf thé 0r ; Tise guéai rsopedtotelion tcus, by a (Ooeelinu.ed.) moiphere, anS wiatfsliy avatting au tissu-ooaened hic ge-ep, vihisut open- timie, vhich dit not haif ligisi up bis vl ~ réoine thétagur opetypnt, 'te onibisie. stuaimm ug 1. Héeolbah. bsnrbaandm convulsiv- face. Fo.ile sa iwam, hovever, sent" ,,O,"reoied hedanerooypnt- baihbaS ne aurtrnfrely laspedstoomcaSgazing at tiseno- gene in a ioet thad'st t ham cf cz leauaer bevileauold ad'@c o ts tcookory, aud, te maythe te-ts, halltraee. veutorful beaniy. Xit Wos feilees by cil [bécane es, liked l l's ui o s irly nurdbrpeatmsgooi 1Da osnHrbabray, dau'i is acaaraer exprasicu ; ce- eue thsai bés ilt Hé vanisheit ; sud PiSoe,liungee-ung bfsiy n ccrulier pr, out ege-t bar lok "D ieareuia OSb, ebing ; for Itise offet ofcfoupeues cii the. fine CI a moment, gaw a glimmering ligbt, and ~~~dinér,eailier "ib attestant onthéelie.couuulu's ernion, snd this ytr ol n uln fbsOÙtntcl mmen te staw aguammeofa lmi n tadb te lcuu eg ihu e ohs ol utothéc i cue ,l tie os f ît e g bl. e nin rotations f th a pit, or bulliticu f tie iu ly reictant top, m a e b rfe a e anse toro a s nothii g intellectuel cisaubé- c tie gble Oni-~ pet. Her geaI ovor thise r,'the-fesif à g gliemi ers cocriug jute tishe on. tetemporate il.Xit vals'a lcek'eflep- Snsé, He foeib iséev tetofthe wu vasquit. an bei-oic teat cf sentimnit. "You réîily fe-ghien me f1XI omelhiog paie. He ate footi viS vat mighi. boge bcfuui h lwstddpa*it vas toucising, and Ipositivsly venthy gvful gelng te happen 2?IIîrnl otermeS vceaoiiy; sud éee ofi Ian ice dim sud tnsky that bercOyan cf iears (if Pboebe, th. only ipeotalc-, 6"Huasvhj hspsi-sd IHpzibsis. "Bef te ferge i isiesif, Hepzihais, sud thé cc coula net penclnaie theo inier. Bshe exept thé rate aud gists aforessid, ohesorfulI vhatever nmay happen, ho Iycuug gi-i, and geyerything saise moud 'el vas indliicictiy avare, bowever tisatisatl net bseu botter employé8tissu lu Inoting but ciéerful III' Sm, in tisé sensuel enjcyrnen vbiill bl tise géant figueof tise cît géeetloau seddiug lbemj te ses ber e-Ske ont a Tise final panse. atthe tiseesbholipccv. tise bsiuntlfully-ape-ead table affertetd. wa Sitting in oeo e estraigist isikeitd e rcsas lvigoss sté elnta éeiiu-nable teaXI bis naturai systers, tioagh is si- chairs, a littis vitistravu fre tisé vin- procees te be-il tise maceorel. Her endura tiesé ssenmse, e-nd foi-vert, viougitsluasi .leatély reflu",bget, i en ib dtise lant gpaeneosi' t Sc cisek, sa, pale cisééke vers ail a-blsze tisrev open thé e rand lot in tise hiljty te tise déligits cf lisepalate vas theLiachd pielles -ofherchekwiheat sud surr. Bshe vatcheel the atrauger by tis- baud. At tise firet prbably inlierqnt. Il venît havé beanu' turned siitewasys towards a crner. fisis viih as muais tender, cané sud gisuce,.Phe'saw an eidéniy persofi képI in ceeok,bavwevéni sud evenu ocu-el bahis sadé. nat isov te xpreaa 18 etbervlaê<#-55if cOf fadéS amash, aud wvoi-g bis gniay, oeO eue oft odso ptle " h skMntneso ttnin aoweko aeinansenaisSdrsn-oW etd oa acmls et -Do, if yae pleaie. iny dean child," ber ovaheuart vas au tise giileoti, ansi or almoat white bain, cf an unsual tuaI culture, hallsie'morefitheiev-l'ý aiwrdHépetibais. * put t'onhriartliappiues vere invaîvot lengl. It quite oversieaeîoves bis cisaxacterisà 1oa retainesi their 'vgeur. i tIce table in thé canner of tise -passge. i.n its Seing doue te a tue-n I foroiseat, sxoept vson ho tirsit bach, But, as 18 existeS evw, -tisé éflect, vÃœ- > Mya the lare weak ; sud13 eumeloi Life, ithin doen, bas fév ploanater sdItared vasely -about the-acncu. painfal,sanidsalePhbe-carop be- 1 Wia a jstituofl l i>. suanProspecté tisasuesI)ly.i-rsugod. aud bitée- a very brief inspection cf hie face, eyos. 1 v at auv insent iyspo usive el provisicuéd cuppêr table. Ws 18 vas easy te cenoetve ltai bhis feet- In aa 11881. villsticsgust bedamne !l te very eotionqf théhuman oul 1coins oit feshnecena-thrilwyaucis tau meu cecons'iblé-bcfu thé oneaoranalf tcf rtiseceyof he y - to~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~u espimtinriti ua eu ié ~~>' s ~' ~Yual anddép mteaSî m de a o vilS as1i- uutaatêd cffso. I He ýquaeiitihr Ini llpzlbbs touée aitisat mmenst, cf thé Say, and wvies n -uu-uiatas liati ine sloev , sud ih8Ilategey -thons vas a certain e-is Sept5 sud sensual cléestiare in botter accord Sfut!arinasaoidst ji ourney The sbcanu esseaoted' on bli ise a 0 moisunsas f tie vets emuisp o n issua la ter pas-led ; m sIthe & Cruas the fie; bhasl just be-esgisi Sm cisarmaees augisi, 'snd osucei l Ié i, tsywnhi ensépi utétéildlgiic ismrigis n ithervsrt. 'Yet '&basréers no tekens opaque substance of hie umlSigt waruitis cf bcr heset. Again, viscpal fbeiPgjfUlIY enjo>Yçd, vlticeut tisI bis ph olarxca îh o i-vrangeajeor a.l'eet, . 'trani- Siglnifio amp ---th rielie. 'm aSUaTor gvaiS gutrieror conseoi, c $15eIr yE kfanisd tabercmuin bf tcno be iY' E-Omotwe gi3 ~wak T à zrdoofie1èrS"n xtér. ceJ~~ moent enih 1" nivoet von a trille eveîiinieista, the animal. xp-isO oha utr isuliries daimont of -car saturel Thé ëteonasiie-vbln lhmetig <Moe 1 morne 1", hoc eld, vii nsrv-_ 'tise girl. Tiseomatcesijuil glimmner- à ta ea ruu i.rigI i41eIglut fréasoe n i-euélesliȔ bstee-stcsasif auxieus and uea igo-* s.fcu e-ettliiSgletaeaiuati adtoe VaVOr, end glince-, sud- ucssily te te retaiù; hie rp of.-vhat asgist te L sBut ceitedo à iscelie uee fonrcfHop. ntiulea, uvIS -ie SawY,-tuà feebly te recover isif o~ebilai. "T i- viai I need 1 in unkuevu veice. XItvwu steangsiy in- trutis, vbîicn more raiely lima their v>'iY 5c lvslh aevni oG- smr '- distinct, bisever, sudt lm itearatlcu- 'nta the elabenatt isLtéouZéSekit nr.Bé iling i~ameng baliextingulsiséed Usieibselctsdpoafl.u. . ai vrd, isu u ccispei outHepuibahm sutal suan»oie,ýt table, eb, s v.gaea-i 18m o h ) intact, mdlooksd- s uesaivet b teutterauce cf feel- ivpitd.u1esiue i)gaeu issi l ver.. esmôint ly, be u ng andsympatisy, ratber than cf ticsl~els tucvoro-d vth a dlot' oftahe, vithdla e dt , atière, hitù hY t b tIok noteof w tit.iested iuTt' as Bintellect. Be vague vas h, thai ita ina-iheet 8ame~iai l e rthy te b~ li etI'iieiee n he Dot se -muai t hlot-isw, expresionfl grSw. n oresence cbo inPhoéaa ut , tvas sonicne and cent"' of eue o b lhrt ensl IOfit lfaaioe- moreci- lectual tiis, thougb I- II58.' te thaet ncliy 5 ceculeiua ierifullcmi or parties- The. vapour cf asplendeornIsan é fronce e;tuugsisbed. ! itssore, vas Dot, -th -Moieat pecuiir 0- aisé must have miaksen semés ethar ,tise broel - >anie, théécaéteen e a ist r le ebater vas vb- at k w.ed ý e1 su0 fe ia f h ia veice ; r éon iO5Te o f t barbaties e, vol ile ts Oet hé Et eti ut, et mogsural nature se fee-ebîy.w~f&~ életia vsatoelsrl be ~f4. r8Wo e 'isMDëba migbt bh ezbhehaS tvlave posntiîet'ù -,' ispréxw Itou a gaI8es ifraeranvceiOfbetheOnvere héin iuovin-emot rèflgu~Prl il~~~~~ gldandnenlrei he arerofzi.thestevi- Wî U fetsiWon ,& -%ýI cer~ b t~inieibiy as eeekt sible haps. play moni brilli ir bac iktton ap y linséMt 1 teâ Statu., e Prt etf 4ouleg &nbd fb tiua is te 0et fiope. (0-16 'roi. Co, H, tGN Iof tise t)yp in- At thé by Iaw 1 Towu. t lots 32 Me lts Nu, 4T> S bas; est of amnug 'ths ok eng r e a effleshmsimer Bi ofet 8hocl. srouicd im ; OtiPGrj7 , ,dreading-fi'te b.. a dmanii Of 7a of imaginationï, w»vexghefa1r- ciet with a struggle fer aomeuidded lancy and mors durablemiluion. Iow plcasaut I-Hev. dslightfui -1" Murmture&, but Dot ne if, admrsoinig euoe. .!LW1il tlest ? Eôw 'baluy. attcospicere Ibrougle tisat wicceie i open wiuelew Hewbeauitifol 8hatý-, y f sunalihue!1These fiewces, &ni> ytragrantlIT~8ynggr' ae vch'eerful, how bIoencing I-a fer with tise de v ou it., ný ul s usa ie thse slw.elroptt VAisli tifs et be ail a dresin I A dreaint e But-- ins quit. bidden the four atone vif. 1 Men bis face darkensl, ase if the iow cf w Cavenci a dungeocu:baid ne ovor il; -Ihere wa. ne moes Iigit in'. look than migbi have cornethrengtr rigon windew,-ailI lssenxsgrtoc, i lie . waa sinking, . further jute tisa ,he. Pboebs (beung cf tbat8""uiîk tanSA aciivity 0£ temperaent tisai seldein long refrained frein, takung oari, and genseally, b gepoil.one, in at vas going forwà rdjc now felt lier- îmoved te adrress th. atranger- "Hec., Ws& new kund cf rose, whicb 1 td tis monng in thé garilen,"' salit Bchoopiug a sinali crimco oesfrein ing thù fdowere ini the vasa. ceThers l e bunt fve or -six ou the bush thia son. Thcise aise he ot perfeot cf Bin al; net a speckt cf bligisi or mil- w iu it. And tiow swept i h li*t . i ne other rcoEI ,One Gaun üvsr ýet that scout 1" l'h I -let me Be. 1-let me bold I ' ld the guéai, ceagerly seizug îte wer, whIsih, by the Fpeil peceliar te neis8cérd edors, brought innucuer- setè tlà hit ezhalea. "hnltyou a Whas don. me geed. I remember )w 1 ued te prias this fIower-lenýg roi I suppose, Very long, ago 1-pr. vas only yesterday X :et.'ýaë;e qfceý mng agalu & buJ Bte irernmbiance iïohiioa 're d)sisnci, -tis eosiIsSS-.ig1Ai .- ut bey kund cof th.fair young gir!1, bauk IulThaukýyon1 The faveie eià em4»i deriv&fellio [i lits!. crimsonrsealdéOufos t brigbtest moment whicb h. sujeyed 8th. biéafst table. -18 -maight isaVe istesi eogez.bht tisat bis eys8 a PPsS accu naftexvards, te reat, ou tisaface the els-I Punieswhôoeut c f ,bits gyframe sud Instrelcass'canvas, vWas ikiyug dcvii ou 8heaccusle Ma'gbiset, 8d a mesti il-te persd sud ungenial ne.- Thée guet ade, il Imps'tiet t sturé ?cf the baud, sud .<tddreseed jepetibas viti viat -migbÃ' eaeily bé eeog-cized*as thp -liaceuse .i'rritabllity 4a petisd*zember of the f-mily. "Hepzibab -I-H ep ib.1 nes . liih ne litte fore suddistincuua,- IWhy.deou Ivep it âodieus yleure - âgel<y yeu1r tseIIae81'yen, a Scanui es, tiat> it l# the$ 'vil genins sr Tako61t down aitonce 1" "Dear Gli feiel isi paibab uad1ly, yent kuewji cannetbe 1", 6iThen, et aU events," 'continuaitb. peakinir, wilh ' cesse eneèrgy, *<pray' cnugis 8. bang iin faits, and *ith a h®ndcr sudtiscia.'I oauuot<béar it- It tnust .net utere me .in tb'êTf.o 1"' d'Yes, dicar Oleffâbd, the -pictures$haill bo covcrcd," saïdIs el bab. eoethingly- sthcre ila aoienson1ctiun a trunk bo.sRalii!. fadiid aud teelis ,ateu, vin afraid-~but Pheibé aund' cU vie vondera vi th it.Y ' "ThisÀiieiy day1 remember," sai ise; and thon adesi, ini a 1ev, self oômmuu- 0 1 1