Whitby Chronicle, 2 Sep 1880, p. 3

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in the London N EW &JJVUaL1ISKJNTS niitl oieo soins shipping rellirni jgtàbruque and wegtby- in.hîad wastruck by th"Inus-Sohool re-OpOfl8 Wednesday, Sept1. trions and itllgent way ln which ho wenlt te work, withut drsmng Who bc wa, #&lj ,Thou wrtBs bonfly go 4ýshe reply. "Thou dot ; thon EBTABLS D 184 Makitt îy figures WelII hu't ....t the char Iwant. " 1na ool",Yeg. Bncd aia the Sunderland man. "lnaman of few worde, non., à thiouit corne over to Sunderland Ii giro tbso £W0 a1ecar. Noo. thion.'* l'w much obligod ior the offer , bau- l the angwor, "and Whou Mr. iuedaiy >N ia', when ho came lu, kept up t eýeonl I osl l.,M .i- saying ho would uet stand in the yonng man's way. aud Utc sauner thoy knicw saab other the botter. f'A.llow lue, thorofore ta introduce you ta the Et. flan W. B. 01adstaitO of the Exohicq- uer." Thore was very mach Iaughin g.C 1 ai» a potato andi wili plant mysoif ' right bore, uaid a tramp, as ho entered a arm bouse aud soatcd lîluiseif ai the .--1- ., ... . fi.1 5thefarrmCi5 ,,fe, au ube @so,80adbhllwith bat vater. "1 sam an oariy roue," said lie,"- and viii dig ont." Chicago Ahcail. AIl the worll xow look IV ta Chicagoe a& tiigetwestern Mol reptiLe of Atnec a.mgtr ieail of ail cautpeiiEtien ii noue tMe leste so ltu its lin.ituelEectric Bit- lia.lrom teiscr reaIi iutrlueic vaine thcey have ancecilto the freit, andl are nov far abesd of1ail allier reuie v, ~stvi~c «Wlire veýytiiiigCla îis. Totii' thietito e t oiuuîie For sein iya 1 (ilrggit, t tfty cui4ij'Cr ittie. Thc grcatcat RcrnedY Knowtt. liii. la.t~ii.te lien lir.t% for 'i OlimtiouitsCeýraji tI i'. gr054'"t ImuL-îuca reiwayeVe Piredwlhuîil t roeset(If Ouleflig lîaiuty. rTaoude uR f are b,tiiis erera, nom, loudiy praclitne Eue5? r alofor thlc vundorin l iecoverr ta t- e I 'I j ) d I ~ Paluu't~~gIn k. Ru'a~a' wbïclt tbey ove ibeir lîves. Not oui y itooi * ~ , ~, * ~ ~ ~ .~ ~. ..~ ~ - ji poaiti? dly cure <ouuu1i.n, liat Congîts, FS70 Cida, Asibina, Brouchîlin, Bey Forer,. NEW ADVIERTIBEMIENT8. HIlirsene sud ail affeclins af the Throai, citot andl Lungu ylld ai once la ie Nvon-OF drfil Curative pover sas If by magie. Wc TCC F oR N ibereforo oîîricoftiy requcst oy ta lonT R yoar drugget sud go t s trial lattie for tit' _ cetbhflh ih ccvince tsemeut iket O ATr OFYiAR,-N cai i ia wentlrftil monts aunishow yon F 111UNED171> f'LACRE 0 S-OLND vIltaarogniaroune dollar euze boulie wii l INRE CE rLN d.Frsale by T. 0,. Whifflei i Whttby . <m/.LuAI'si 1ma Ojsu1 .L5 *in a çood Lite of cultivatiou, with suitabie do. For/2buildings. Belng uorth ball 0niALt 85,ini lte 5lh con. ai Wbitby. Rl-nt moderato.- Buctens Arnica Salve. Possession next SpîLng, villi privilege oi AS USED IN THE HIGH AND PUBLIC SOHOOLS piovegimohlW 'V ll he orll fr Ctâ,or g imeiaruply yta IOSEPR Ths Bren Sut' Itevn frCti F TH ONS atclar, o ap B3tîîine, hunes, Uletre, Sat Illiecsm, Foyver O TH PROVINCE, IS NOW COM MLEJNSann rt Coe5T ita Iipp>d hlasCiilhtans, C~THOMAS STEVENSON, Conaî i uide Ai 5km Erupt.iuue. IN EVEUT . KIDEAR- ile. Tliti salve ismguarsuteoil tu give hîieci rtAn.. tLt tb, 130. 2in-37 satisfactionin mn erey csa.o or iooney refendi- ---:O:----- ---- - Pid. Pri'ir25 ceuttpen lia,. Forsale by T. ol. Wltielîl, Wiitby. .,, Farin for Sale or to Rtmt. ,*Familier lin tcîr Mouihs as Hiouse- S H O T I NE Y - e ty& FAl-M CONTAINING 60) Acre, ai hold Words.' Clare's Heoad-line, Copy l3ooks (ail numabers), Five and A. gouil day bain tend, aIl clearod and - Ten Cent Copy Books, mwithiont head-lines, new desigs na. adstisa cultivation, halls mile Su wroto Shakpppeano. lt".iu uni- B tvau i o ceb ed nonth of DuMi' Creelianud sdjoining Pîck- veelyamtted thai ibju great gonins eab8rg oilege. Good sae busbas bas writtcn about simosi ovorytlimug, IL) and 15 ceitt ecrîvutlg Boks sh@eiay. oar fullîl, garil str. py le sud touchcd a subjcci sinîply ta sîloru M1AItY STEPHENSON, il. It wud-aaviispurctu ahcu1 Dafflus' Creek 1i. 0. vroio the above vards lie i>nd inhbis S - OL SLATS.- aveure___e Pikerig, ept.lot,188. _____3 utindé t4eo POTT & aost ÂtTîL' i large stock of the bu-st make in American Slates. - IM O SL O O lN CuaSTOt OIL, for uow itilleone of thie Pcsfo t Mi A'U. FOSuLE OR T C BE N .iîî t grecateit requis ut evfery iveil regu- -rcsfo et n p lated houtsehoid. G cul htucl'c ii û o 4 ni o5hunc,801 i h kepit asa primenueeîsiiy, elîittren tiiN IiiE .w ' ' siip ai Pîekerng,-IUooAcres. loietlitetafste cf h itîl nin lte wltole S 7i ,1ýS -Sello I .xere1i§e BLook.s, TcApply ou Prenligs eta --é Pi...,..ls. enndl 1-olders. Foolscaps, J. W.CLAriE Moroeuiilpitymte. Frics e rle For salie b>' T. G. Whitfiied, WlitltSY. 24 coud Advice. 'No us muihiLutne ot year for l'otilt nitîttîn, Lung lover tte. ]Esevr>' ftstxîi sh1oulîl have a boulie 01ut ui ,lk: Gt'.îmaîus Svitut. Dont asow for out- umomenct taicangi totaliukv lold i01 your eltmi, your fautil>' or yourg;eil. fi Coneuttnptiou. Asthmeît, Puoîtmon, Croup herutorages, sud other fatal dî4easos ruaky st lu. Alîhouigli ilt a t-us testSyttUt- is euriug tltousaridâ of titoe ih deassos, yct it te tnuch lietter tut havoeil autitanil vison titras doses viliicure 7yo1. Oneu. alell i utss ytutr wiiolo fati>' 9 va intor aud heep) yau esfe ram danger. If you are cou- oumptive, do ual reet until >au lhave tried Iis reusedy. Saropia hotuse 10 cente. lErgular siza 735 cents. iýoid by A aIl Drîuggmts. Workinginenf. Belons you liegin your litar>' opring vork aftor s wiuler of elaaion, your o-m eueds closnsing and streugten- lugto luprevenh ana tisek utAg'tol, Blii liane or 8ilrnug Vier, or somo oter Spinug iCkrlunseI tîs III lI uft YOU for a easaus yackh. Yovt yul save tires, morth siekuesu andl greal expanse if yan wiII us. oe n lotle of Uap Billons iu youn family Ibis mrntt- l)oul wail. Sep aihor coininu. Euneka Sali Rhnum and Skin Olntmenl. Amn ag tha n môous oie ta whLich flolete her, ita dtffsrent dtceascs of the si take no coutompuîble rank. Sait Rhouin, Srofuions Bores and Eieurvy, bavo hititerto boots considoreil r ttc case. The Euroka Salt Uhonin aud Skia Olulmenti la varanisd to uno the vansî case- cf Sist Iboum or any olben 8kmn Disesse, if the directions ana faitbfnll oovod. Subdinlaboxe sI 5Oosuts, bU ail druggists. I-I The Tidy Housewife. The carefel, tidy tioueewif e, wten sho se giving ber hanse ils sprng leaing, ,itaîd. bear n Sumid that the dean ia- mates of ber hanse are more precione thau hanse.,. and Ihat their sysisme aeed cieansiug by pnnlfying the blood, rsglsling the somach and havela ta ïprevent ad cure thé dlieases aising from epring malaria i i usiasmus, sud ahe ebould knov tisaI iter no aohinR hhat viiido il go penfeoti>' andl urel>' as Hop Bittons, iho pnosaI and boit of modicînes. Boa other columa. Gilt-Edgc Butter. Thora i; siways an activa demand for buhierthuatisle p ta lhe gili.edge standard in quaiity sud colon. Muci butter tatis18oulurwiueo gooul selleautma reduohian (roui thIreO 10 five cet. per poutut, becaniea defcieal lu colon. Dairymei hould thon non Wells, RI- anîleon & CosI l>rfocted Butter Colon bo giva Jmigt June colon. This colon io t'y far théehaightest, puneet andIboat tiade. SoiS b>' drnggiste- 40.1: #500 Rcward-Cahatrh cure. Somo people would rathar be hum- bugged th an to got "value rscooveg" fîq Ilicr mos>' Liees4-1.e ,aa. «aUUs The immense stoo1. of Black Freuci-h Cashmeres now Ùeing offered a1t BRYCE'S CASHTOEOSHAWA,1 This is the Largest lot, (2,000 'yards) and most complete assortment of IrwtG Ever offered to the Whitby and Oshawa public! and having been bouglit last January, at the lowest prices this class of good.s WaS ever known to b6, they are without doubt the best value in the markiet. The great advance in the price of WOOl lkas Caused an advance inthe Wholesale prices from three to ten cents per yard. The whole lot is being offered at old prices, which -makes it advisable for in- tending purehasers to make selections early. IIEAVY ALL-WOOL BLACK CASHMERES at 40 and 45 cents. ' FINE (icit at 50, 55 and 60 cents. VERY FINE C ic at 65e, 70c, 75c, 80c, 85c, 90c, 95c, $1.00, $1.10, $1.20 and $1.30. EVEY '~RCEIN JET AND BLUE-BLACK8HD8 RO8ERTý H. BRYCE, 3 ]KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA. POLKA DOT PIRINTS. Ã" L o o o Ã" DOMI'NION WAREROOMS!l DI REÇI IMPORTATI-ON: 2 CASES of those Polka Dot- $ 2 0 0 'Worth of New Brussels, Tapistry, Rider-. $ 2,00msester, Union and Hemp COTTON 'GRAMN BAGS, A"D A FEW CHOICE MMEES 0F Ã" o o z z 1k 1]~~~ingPape(rs, Drawiug ng strumeuts, PA O !S CO~'Q ~ ~ j~ . liRiîs, uetc, Da INe!S00tc E r' : iI ----o , tc.,etc.RECEIVED TRIS WEEK, WHY ? J B Powell & Co.,- rHE UNDERSIGNED DIEGS LEAVE Whitby, kuguEt 5U, 1880. Possssiig ILii-11.(.i-(-( in tbe tra e a d T toiniaorintte Publie titat lie bason Posesiu aIui~.l, ii '~llie l~» II hetrde hjwiiseyersi oi bis first l PaoL aiiities for purc1iîasîhi t -îeîieprtcl at the maunattireoflte vity bot materil a utSC TTW E S eiy cicsest raies, 've aru (i1Ili tutîti to mark ail gooils îitrovcmetia Paties gami theaodelr-n_________________________TWEEDS._________ t v ir b<t/onî fiqures . ais-mont &tis moderato p tic. âl find thein-- zcrjah Mn. ioUWziPiano kaciory, tva doors FÂRM FOR 8ÂLRB. - Cataogus, Creilars;(id ltriue Lists -free on applicatiow et oi Messrs Toma & NovFaorts Carniage Cattîlogiies, Circulais ~ ~ ~ Facoy, DundsStrest, Witby.N Wi -kDVER ISEMENT . C. E. GORTZIG. _____R______EM______________OFJ-aTE 15e grain pnoucng WHOLLSALE A~,N])RETAIL. Whltby, Sept. Tt 37-'2m-sy e~wet _________________ 1,Co. 1,td Mb Are, Onof hc ESTIRAY. ATTHTC O1TNTT buiDf J. S.R013E1)tT'ý'>Oi BRieu A bon"nA& bou eon thre iugîstAM ON TUE PIIEMISES 0F THE 6-o:--04abis sud vib onê ug i t 25t , 18t5. W I U , O N T A R IO . a d r i , e , o n s d p yig e . ' eG O E Y ~ P R 1 M hmotet, anc stablsud Iao -eiaraC011116" Ocooers, pros tng rapetty adpyn x h A ] "Lo 'ùlPYEcekvn bhtepae uvnsuDstet LWpenses, can bave 0 s55in. Deverell's Block, lias become a OuseI~~ Word, as théZ2%i. r o.ýTh ivaeIW Tuai poverty wiLototeltt DV25,MNT. AUEJCP~on «ai. best and cheapest place for fehT .n eiU ennn JÀ~ r~iVl~~ eTatest disîneslula i ttio luryebu I ui 1& 4i-37 GOEiS ~ew Season Teas at 2eco,35r, *and 6(k, àmTuuo tsalfo of the biaod. Dopived of is r vi îtes, "250 per8 8the! Sepi. 1rarehance:. t becoinOlsuant sud wattlr' a - u unîit- fDAIr 'G Dt - 40c, 50o and 80c>. English Breakfe8 Çofe, 25 ¶V&MI5 -,afolow nnacas,: Xiii outeme neie l îeltÀ .COOLO.vK lbi. AUirdel f u sat rock botetin-lptceii . pÏiS pe ont 08 h, ebalaufor io til dPI P n neic e an n ôgaoffl elusO Gie bL odiin adryI1Iou ALE ALEY! GI iA;gtmatémit heSughuireaiTheePnn-l liven~-v tii oniinsdsc.flosI* 08Louise Baking Powder, ca.nned goôds -Pure. Spibes, -s.ofsntersut, - M àa e ferbl iveilioge sud ores, gonortai amr i nos-y - -raSDof»iroess ki' a hoeb na eue dobilit>', Icsof flash sud arppoito, TI -l SIGED2S 1EIAIED 'pure <¶BDCream of Tartar, flrusheseBr.oms5 rat. pas, t. <qu4oa c snd-aklz ahmet %eak lnngs, ilirosi disases and cutI- TO PURCIIÂSE pAppJ ber, II ,Ihm~ l y Mi stumpliols, are among the c0tuttti fe- -ATht Gaieianld e es,$o prJMn!-i~Ot5 sls. Therefors, if yen are n snfferr W ET 0 rrééj frram ti, poor blood, do no beitate, fDtn-uU «fl.M. UoGÂN,.r but ouspluy Golden Paedical Di!,oer BARLEY, PEAS R OY AL H OT EL. White Grunite Tes Sets, $2.7à; Wbite <3ranfle ,3bamberSt, 90Ca<s8~8-Sa Poieo wbich euriches ibnbood sud ralicaily Elegaut Dirtuer ana Tes SetscompIite, $20-00 É"R C JIa-E LOTFOR'141 turcs ibese affections by clrickn iA Y! Middle sged voman proferrecl. Afi ,sotto-GLA.8SW BLP, B'et.. Imp508Vy - 1~ tho root of thta cvii and rcusaving tisheal. loa ag tcko 3c FutJr, l it, 1llBanld ~a cueTOEEIEDTTSTEAM APPLY AT ONCE. eehtd Seýîn - ELEVATORun, t c Umm xrE l~,~ia Acreofmndýi r athl t:ie Notices of ith., Marriages, FEC M N > iiFN aifIIIAButter,Eggs, etc., tkëiniexehange., and Dsaiho echasged 50 cent co a. 5jj~*JJ~ ~ q~' ~~~0p WÂN4t 1 ter. lqu&Xy -J sieduh kss th<tiT DEATHS. -'THOEka MOODY. - "TIIE . hfle,=fýfâW m, bL BROWN.-At Whitby, on Friday,. verol IMarket. EUE ciT. 1 0][ 4L LI 4a hi#4UUI5 Anguat 27tb, 1880, ElizabethBof: 0~~A h olvnRts n o aea 1t uuEii' L<E Do, az u*u~ vifA of Mr. Geo. Browa, ageil 50 yoaru bafm lvi sonta su 7 dys.WA NTED IMMEDIA TEL Y 1 WhilfÃŽd P9Rv lievdmI VANDUSEN.-On Tbursday, 261h 2«b Ailé M.Jli .55 $"in*IUJ ,, r T¶~ r Ang.. mast., at the reidence of ber so- n' Bla....... 57,Bnaoclg..... #5.71 I us., Mary, vidov of thse lite Bey . CVan- k-3E,5U >STOCK1 '>'deCWe duion, ageil 81 years. - Steady enspicymont and good vagu. IRTELAS- (W4 OJt& CLIFFORD.-At Whitby, on Wod- m. & S. B. MCOITYRE, - -s RRB 'IVNt naadsy, Ang. 25tb, 1880, a iers-Brock Street. Tickets aré ia d fanin 60 DA.YUbut douce of hor fathen, David lffr, no 1 bs alstar naUs ovBJE.CBB-DsAIY eilo Mary Street, Jhaa agedi22 yoarsWhtySe.lu, anet and 8 moathu. o tlnI~ 4i¶rrud$IpLk JAMES-1la Bovinanville on Sun- 'Mare Strayed. O tini ýee ikt Huaitteà day lait Ha"ryBlako, infant sou of Mr. - - -bc*lao fl Sud-5i5 ouf » M.A. James, publilhor ai thse Caneeli. S TRAÂYED O TLN NO se Sateoaa, agail 10 menthe, 24day s. hn ta5h tn in e 61.e snder causea b>' caBan. Au>' pnsait -JAMES çOL WHITBY MÂREETS. gvixîg hinormaion vhloh viiilesd abe necovor>', vilb i abllhY rsvarded bYhes Meueglng 1naolor -esI CUOsuuate Ouvicu, Septembon Jst, 115h. Bwouhem. srIn Whestl.......... 0 1 - - uàaand5ae4lIh1b i t r S s- pensons rnuaftorltlesandthat Prslsudsd cure for oatarrh, forgetting tlisai Dr. Ssgd's Catarris Uomedy jsa0poSitilýein îlge sfeos, tluit liiformer propitot ap. votihuedi t ion yeans Ilirongsou-lis te United Slatem gader A posilp -guran. toe, offaing # Ã"0ravixlfor au iho&i- able euse and vws nover cal&upon la Iàybis newrd exoopinlatvacio' iiremeidy bas aqn a asieia an that ii braneealMÏliehsboea t-Alhlahd la Laono, Jugl&nd, ta snUPpY ly $for- aigu deend for i.lb. Bid bd*oiml st 50Canto.- - Coustimrptioui Oured, Fleur, per owt............ 2 75 R70 ..................... 70 Pou..... .0.......06 Peu, biack.eysd ....... 70 Oti ....... .......... 030 Autioan cota, ion leed .... 0-00 ..a................... . 7 50 ppa, per bus ........... 080 PlUMS ......... -........ 07175 EoAo. -..............0025 nBpten................ - 016 Oëee .e................. 014 Wt.. ............ 870 5h ..................... Wh ,u ia e r . . . . . . .... . . . -.. 0ô .0 .. . . .. . 0 0 caivm ...........,. ,400 Toralqes.............. 8 Tunia...0 0 C s **7rjerds ........000 Tukjpe« m........ 0 o e e e e e r' 53 c tii c ai Lq oes HL P'.j z 0 z o 0 n -JO z a, z 1- 2 <j, o -J o c, 1- .4 0 e o1 -J~ < 112, oz .0..4 cw~J 0 02 00 CAUTION. lYyrtie Navy! OIS MARXED TE & I IN BRONZE LETTERS.- None Other Genuine. I vii unhsîitatil gy guaraie my 0 GOLD FLÀÉE CUT PLIJG L TO' MS uBE9T 8MOKII4O-TOBACOOMllCAWAfA. It is i»de by a nov sud original Mr co throngb vich Lberaak ndtin suxratciad tbheoet Aromba an«, L Naua lvu re» nd-1 a Aginia Loaf, ithout the aid of ooloring or injurions compoandu. It lu cnt readY Kfor ue sdnatiy paclted lnatinfoul, la E nanycumate,and Wn'Do burathe tongue. C Au doueru areslow tatako hold aof a nsw thimg, however mach its menit,. U untilthereis a emaisd for it, I bave Tb Ibreaclof aal.IFur thi e " nlDnety days, where it cannai be abtained ai local doalers, I vili send Tva saItPlO packages 4os.' esch>. Posl psiîd, le o'sz L adress, on recoipt ai 50 cents, (o~g u ta ourrnency). * Sglveità trial J. B.SAXTOr, Globe Tobacco Warks, Windsor, Ont. J. W. RUPERT, PFrom théevsil-knovn rm ai BRUCE & CO., rorunta, Phatoizraphens, Takes pie..suro uin iormlng tho citizens ai Whitby and Soath Ontario, that ho bau purchased ths satire right, snd interout ai that voil-kuova Photographia and 1iraming establishment, iateiy cuxried on by the Kfesars. LYON- BROTERE, WILKIN0SOR' DJ500, BROOK-ST., WUfITDY. The extensive sitoratonus ad haprovo- moents b tiolate flrm are being euhl aiddsdloby lte addition of ALI, -WORK -GUABANTBD FIBST--CLASS AT THE LOWBBT BATES III -CU1LDREN A SPECIALTY.-. Sei Our TABLETTE PHOTOS.- FRAMING la ail itu branches'. PHOTOS. COPIRD and sredasmd p * __ plin Incil vatmr colerik, or cyon, at BO'01 ý450EB. AOQI T for Mason & Rlsch, manou- atuonaf-Pianos and Organis. -Ord'euu for Taning promptly uaed b-.- 3. W. B..hopes by strict attsnl4onta bail-- mu to lamenit a sbi oi ibte p Brn oe. libiriUy bestowea on blà ieçeuoi U1. '. iJE MEBER 0 F TEE alOItT4RI0 Oe Andssocias th e ylCnain&. deémy, vii rodive pl pd iOn insnua- tIons en-Oh snd lWatercolor Pinting Sketches aibouses ana gnde s àcnt, oZdér. Olclail.paintlpgsreniovaledè. gdA.LE 0F CHARGES. FOR LESSONS IN CIL PAIWAITROLOflS [ mln Dvin Blak andWhiteCrayons, ýOIS.-18 per mntIh,-or #W per- qurmL WÂ&TR(30OR.-18 per innl, or$19 ow F.RM FOR BALE., -m tu (j70 - hia rssdeno, 1 T"8 1 MNOUtTH WEST 4QUAEBTRR or Wjitebyand la (186 T Lot Numbatln lb. siooudeonlu Anat , - 'n rt 000 ai1lise .Tovnebip a ci ",o"n ha hough$ro= and u O075 or8 isui , sudsa nt I'nonlte ind=P e800 -S4fï$ONtxo ai-li es e 00 taauit henrhae, i4 IIndI ot . p000 at thave, 7,pancen par wsaau.' The, Whitlby Aug.I e0-80 soil , Adl n. very good bisansd p 00 «go art aOen - tb. prna", &WsI u ;0 17 onhardot sut 60 pple tv r  MS I018 clek fint Thie s s a I'M eàe.1 ', 0.(75 good honue. Foariazli«. 000 I800 &~P let, - 8-f à 0 00 ~ ent 10 date. . lia seilzh. ewith lump ansu îï it ic G si 11,fi b m 1 l qM .ELzwv '199

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