Whitby Chronicle, 2 Sep 1880, p. 2

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Non, Est" Faro spet Boi sou Mai 1>i li R' w' Ti ou el el bi LI Ct Li 't t' . I 8' A~/eM~tS bf. ay5 municipal 8:axltstics. lu nes Ouse ta motions matin lu îhe ut e U~~8~ . Ontarie Lýgislaitiu-e lit e ien by Mn. ma-ls? eWa*t-W 9 . IL . bic- Rss. f ea ot llër-uu And Mr. Cor o! Easl SirrfJuoe, a rturu lias bcpon pub- Ijeokeoul. woq giviuug &lie. municipal %taistie et ue-tu- e er a m sa-P. Mitchell. hue Province fur fluc y"ar 1878. These 01,61 notice-j. . Blohenison & bo. are nuch u mre comupliote tîîeiuthue t*- M jr sais-J. 0. Koley. fianuce îuriruerîy puîîipliud froun yeer ta 105, MIageo' -C- . U Oontau. yer, Andl an. valuable enougî te ho a $ fogie or Dcst- MarYStepicon- pulhlipiuod amnally ias pttr of the oral- son. nany Provincial reporte.' iuey cou- nai Neie- tain information whiuii la eloinie- -0 fer- saiele BoRn-J. W. Cllarke. ly necessry te postions tu orlon te -Im , Wheuiand Bye Wated-Tbel. andersîanailhe ogualt mnicipal gov. Mooil . rumrnu in theo couutrýr, und frorn île oifi NotIce careft atudy Ot.tiuemi vilii hopossible ts of Muskka-W. P. P. & L. Rail- to know juet in wluaî retpecntià, if ay, it vay. ui ilesîreble ten eform fthe Municipal ,col hoks-J. 13. tRobertson & llroe. Act. Tiere isna constant toudaffcylca ciai Notice ..the part et members te tinker the Acd, ------ -- .-------.---andl te snggesi arendienis vhlol may orntme net la réforeri. Tedeal wyul A rot~ ~ ~-n c ilinileigenthy vo aboalilkno e t siai ly whist 1inlone ta one municipal-. -~ ~. . i, butlin the vlele Provi nos ; vecan tNLY si 5o PER ANI'IIM. euly genelizi froini a largo maso cf -partictulur.1 These siailitiesarue givea chiefly Itlby, Thursday, Sept, 2, 1880. unden ltur bas of Agste, Lialili- =~---- -filies, Revenue, andl oxpendituro, and for NORTU ONARIeo.-The reenit ofthîe the wiuole Province they iniy le suai- mtionu unNorthuOntau.e, on Saiarday marized esa tolove : 1, lelis olloe ~-A,îeeeed value of rosi ostate.. . .50T,48215 Whooens Gilb, Value of personal prolierty . - .45,338M223 aujnt.Amnanti t laaleiencne. .. 4,420,217 Indg Twelî..Amoini of errear' oftlaCes .... 2,227,969 Iridgo Vitlage......11 ter ausuete........ ..... .....8,430,II tUgoq Island .......... - 4 - ir 1 erry----------... 47 Total .................... Mff 7,84,44 ara-------------....14 hALT &n1%-..-..-.....-.-.. 55Corpoation udebe,îtureli....- 2i,2'Boa( rck .......... 18 Due to Muiipal Loan leutd 1,604,9.25 ash-------------------------3>Amauni eofiuterolit verlar.... 49,rV2l ina---------------------- Oliier labilitios .............. 2,4il,6Jl oitt---------------------- 2 610 453uavLte' 453 Taxescoalletedwmtin thîe yer. .1 i0,038 .-Railorfasenool purjoei.. ,0,6 uijerity fur Wbelen. .. 1557 Gavernimont granît r elol. îü,BýIt --------- overnuit grant for aî'-nnig 'WEST TosONT.-Mr. Beaty vas Iratian of justice....- ý.......... 122,7C lcleil for West Toroato, on Sabtanday Ao otraes-------------...... 1,82,7 tsi, by à majoiity of 262, oeor Mr. Saua. uevnroCeurr Exnrsrrou.InteresI paid oce debeatarea- ...11,274,73, Paitofeductioaal penpaaeu%.. .. 2,032,47ý -Partlie& iateuaiug te exhibit vilI doe Satland oilother expenueso! tr1le te ot thut Il enries not made Municîtipal gevernoient-.... 8,71 Ad'aipitratiOti of Justice-.... M, 'i the seotary. Mr. Noirmo, on o onEail ond bridge& ............. 1,19,S store Satunday 14th fuse, an additienal Aip aller sccuns-------------.. 4,14,94 lin ef don centis for eacheh aurij, ill Total-----------------..... 810,09,9 eè ehargod. De't caone ilb aay ex. T eue, erikag figure nter 41889, for this tble vill lie tritly ad.- tur rh une m t ns t etanîletn treci te. Xitla tally expecteil that theie laiî~tie elatibn te debt actuel>' hmi. 11lxcl aypr.te moninlpalities oad carly $900,00 -oal ol.feor the unneal oxpeasea Of municipe OucrAsue LàDerz& COLt-EGE. - OiVor gevernaent are very largo sumo, vhs eigity hoandere are already nregistereil accouatinl taken ci the national dol or li epsnug asaîca t Out nie adtîe yeariy expenditture for Fedoni Fortheopeiugsuson t Otaro :a Provincial administraion. Th: Litilies' Collegeu. Severid chIens are o almaries and culer oxpensel eofcMunicipi ie heard trow, maklag ilcorta that gevernnout in île conues illoue mali die next Ye&n vili ha une of îhe Most a total et 8184.804, fbot nldiag Il prosperulusint the listany oftifle Celego. ceunîtien of Essex, Prnuce Hilvard, SIc .-~~------ aint, Dionda, andil Qlngary, for whi lb no F R oErPE IS -Grand exour- ne raturas lave boen male. Thesoe e sinn, via the favorite suit voîl iried penses are made up airnosl entirely Siemwer Norartitan, Soptomber 8th, ut îhe îalaiici tof tbe county cberk, el thé' vcry iew raisetf81 Ior the round coalaty treasurer, andl tle pe-r rem a loauco te meaibera cf the Ceunc trip. Tiiheeaeurî ilii ave Whiiby durng ilqsittiugo. Iurlour ae 6 &.mn , s5urp. For fanilier The aumbon of acres utun wliab lt itufrnton se bille, andl procuretilckr- -~ei an froIoti ebei ets rei E.StehoncaDomnion 19.084,618, andl tle number of net Tlegapl anti genorel ticket agent, pyn u48'6.GoC Wliby. yesi 1,6.Go. - ~ ---Thau Coekiug. Fiez.-Mr. Hanaop, of Grecaveed, - 081 Wedueedlay evoaîag lest, lest the lela s uil ilet Sir. Leoooand Till: whdole rop vwhili 150 acres produceil rpaon for Figi'ig île officiai stai sud his baron. HIlsstiauâteîhis lois ment tan June lest wvue île uavullu At 64,000. basared n' the Lolidon noise 6f lhe Auditer-Genenal te put1 Matuait fur81,850. Sapposeil te ho elet ame ta a reiurn tltirai;vu brieuk on lire.incorrect en île face oe t . VetL on ilre. . Iis te le e reaien for île uanusue Me. Wu. O'Nau. Ie lo as net yeî go at mnc or Dot, il is obviuus l eve on holoksa nt île ateent ilat aven the offectaot bils sunatroke, bas Aaditor.OGenerai coud poslly igm gens for dlueuge of air. Mir. Thomas ules lie outeniained pouè* Idi Manou, rait e On rfe, han charge of book kcepiag or bis oail of et8i ut huia business uinng hie absence. Ais t a p eared ia the Gazectte the ie - ~ .- -ment iS sudod Tut HIlon se PUBLIC ScooLu nre- OF lm7980 opeoel on Weduesday vîlli a large et- Slatement of the revenue sncb ietitt tondace-listafic luHigI Sehoci b e. tares on socounil of the Cousoidatod Fi ing uasîually se. Tien. is prospect 01 îhe Domiion of and for they aise cf a very geati clam of teachier ia eaiîng JOLI JUOie18M0. trainnai theî.Madel Sobool. Uruden the sal-beïadof" Sei jlcos' la tabular statuaioont, tIees foaad il 4î;i -~~ .--- Custouas and excise recolved duirn Personel - Miuti Cisypole, tender ing uvl yeuun 1878-79 ou garde vluosm management the berlin veol andl conauaed duing fIscal year fanc goda epatmot o Me 1879.80, Aailenteed ne Aonticipa- taucy tios dpenaiet a Mçsn. J. tienof the change ile . 61,30w B. Roberson & Blros. achieve sncb une- By-slgu in bi9 ".-LTiliey, Mi eton acdi Iprovemeal aeently made, n44vi' 1M '! oui= ranckss oeeof the largest ad boitfur- niabeci aten mafancy r sdetmre eCin, A L 80--rabom '-lm~ in the Provinie. Cali a anam*the ût aiihl aadaturb4uu wn u-ou's mnprtty I"pog. Daveosiluleck the 4"thBal. camip bore, by aseul. WbuIby7o e of etthe ompauinsaht. t ~~ luie te lonia,0ýnuisioa 2:c -AxOvaSa 8csca match lolvosu -mon of-thse baltalion la breakeamu th. natives und ti eai w il bc playeci desent in & body> If tboy ýdi a n onlte tair ouncis on Saîurciay atten- oîe puy fou-thh. Ivo de ayi inb Doo pé#ýA tw-o'lou. ad singfroua euapanul fer B uceapexut Io o'iook * The1 o6lour pM theday, fCapt. Bxuare dividec beIve. n Torntou ,aepe t o indu»- tn aud Nc:tk Ontaio. Beaisam auilyto luducenté .stxulon, bénmieu.01 TxzCAL Can a mskng o omaullng 11. batahla5i î l feu deiliverim .TWW l okssen tlough panade II oba~butl., fuidla vintèéwn a aün ad. .the mon vare dtalsite Tou -~so------ vole cuIm i ca t; Be~lasucali MR. J. K. GORON»exPraaeslaà-fi4snd 01100OfOf. 04- 7, sMd 8 coin cf LM yit a dcisioiaho i tefaUainlrmsnvtli rifiei o .01 I>*$Pef& -Théïo, mn er bis garn u. > t ive muea rým i Tua ~ooss ell i, sa rsva*taIon"ce ordoed t Tut BSou arc ýaginý,,opm ou-M» irî i&*e wutineus mon. Tl cocci»icr fQn ifr next s o*-.WeOnr. fmtOd BUA-Oa i-.,ti Mt* cunutla smeo1ug, ph4a thé]s T0s maqtsuvrain ae. Ispeul lIbïugh b" eflUtenCl4. Mul vP'iItis t og 11 tt lbIM tdhéqfflo Crkct nqcatonthoDoy o Cptaft io wih lm a air& a Th.e intermediate Ezraminatïon. Pashionable Pemale Smnuggler The News.1 ad. p bodi ,h alah e hallNG of the Wimbledon toam for 1880, ar- WA4 E E Sv. W RITEX. B15ý k «e;-!1 toul opene« lt sd oa rivod lhpme t Port Hope Monday even- AU g The rotura match, bOtWOen the Wan. pui# lu* aamy r tuntanna.tei B ijs, VELVETS, LACES ANDO CASES OF ing. Ho was aooorded a warm reoep- Marin tierorueand tho Wltby Clubs took lace. Éîà* It la whobn'. me In Su oxpport of au article CRAIPEi<E CONOSOATED. ton by the officera of the 45th Battalio Detroý toWM Méhhie pOùi ýl bllty0o! a mitako ; h houtlie - andthetciizene enera1yh ge onth Toronto Cricket Qroxwds P ru Dnon k;W hnt aSUilof tmayiavt kàaails a itïe. We hailtnefer- CUponi 113an0te Whitbygnealygas androultd a avitoy c tu Mr.~ deul 1 kow ô i b5 10 have lon u iloin14 al'issus o.f the 19113 fat., ad inreply ta On Thuraday êveniug laet a fashiofl club réu on Iinanigtoriid 411 late uaîufàofwiDeoonon Hîbailboh, inQy scluTb els aaalIatotb iSna'h tomew abml.hé Oadmissi4 ae 13 troùrothoroon, of the Rov. able dressed lady nened Mn'. 'H.,I welI The seeotore of juries for the oomi ng er bem he eda h Wcket wllat ëperf eo-dodsm &luheweekI was là the 1 thon advsed il a whahtdo. Ibaeput Principal Haro, Governor of tbe 00 known to the lte of Montreal aI diddleso± Assîzes have inonesse l î e W tien Sore n h an'ri efe- id'smeyin sewth lero1hu¶p poisons at the deak m<sf91 havev pt>! r Ladies' Oolege,in your issue Of whose bucdband wae until reoently in petitjuny panel fromn 48 te 60. Only amib tin.Scret-l es etood, ho neyer admittodaD-osrbvk I do't knnw that, I even the 26th iasl be ob loo obsneso St. Paul etreet, entored the four are from ]3iddulhadLan dre WAIDIUII. tingtomu'se anas I romoaibor of, I1ool0 et ; sl; I think the beys, took il ofter spmit observatîins. Bonaventuire dopot and directed the et- TeBsoGob ys-TeBe notîl lef lfnin4Js. 2,îu Iniirngc. do net tbitik I eversasked hitu 11137-eut for mel1 I have nottosil bottins being 1. That tle only inference intiended LninTfheeutmeofcii o 8InBsbt oniioniays-'Teidoa-blb FW. Blake, c Huuton, thîng aout il ibat I knew of. ont trom . she hlvefi; ord raH yMn. iik ta ho dri.wn,, and thé only inference places of baggage whiohBehe ilesired taeac lyr$0 erroita h o b Laing ..........l b Lkiag ..... By Mr. Farewll-I do ni know fieldl bu a pliace for ove.j'thlganî vory. that proavre ntelqae01bv xmnd h a etn for ehplayer $20 eaey tenmlu thnte oa gt hi persns versd inn11e lanplacee olbave exmuned. be was estenem Pikein, b Loan'..4etinbLgn le0Fa' ovrmen Pznetin 4wYork by way of Newport, and as s ee as v Stre . Rey, b c Gannat, b day Shmi'aooddiadt I hadl no OOUdreirsw oftenledave mine outi oîcaat say positlveiy woulil draw from b.aetfhléslnsk train woul 5tsrtin Vminutes mni ic epbroeeta sone 2,000 has enfet t Loan..e..cintior,) eba fwwords on, whether I1bave seen' theamine unil mor- withths, foot-nate appeaded, fa tut the the affinons wauîd ,Boaithe necessiiy cf mitie oe htl,$200bstrgel Laing .......... Logan. ottu ogtlionr awith hlm,,naeswee a mwea eebadd u laerfe th Asoibio Campbell, c 8. Bey, b Moadlay# noue about 1the deell018i v 8o.piebtîe oihr aeaueethe woenmsweos eddfapütcî la çxamining ; but the eusbenad 1 lay nd y bsoc ia teonte Lao........ a b Lii-.1wo,îcnn 11 bt a ad quinine bottie ouitle ok; I haxe son i fnaed1 ors l ewbnethen picion di tlîerofficiels was arouse hby od bir friends oven n bv alîeha Jois oa. -..... 0noteont....... cwoversain otlShârwod aIds-bottez laying on the dispenaiag il k as if tad ie igthebol.caoure vlei a13elnttaîelayhe eie yutlgîte niicipts, botb here end lu otlhurlo- geou Jonsecovesaionabutkewodot ia smildy ha ee omeboilyaetputinthhaig Sbee.nfh dfè, apste acttng helay bd aiedunip attisthee Lragon......... b Llgpesasry desât I cannot tell that h.o Bea teubca wa to.wssmtlgone lias takena adiffereat Maning,the lai moment bofore making ber ep- oulls. nhopsnb oga.. O b L l ~~anything about mistake bsiag niadela hthâ bottiez at the lime, but den't kaew oureiy bis cru-or mighl have been renti- pearanne. and, thenefore nonîrery t0e e- Five Pruesian officorebhave finaIly fo ThomPsont îoid aay nue ho lied, lie slow- wbat ; I wus requeutei by Dr. Sha'P la talle fiod ina.a more excellent way tben tle pectotion, commened the inspection of taken service under the Sultan. ,A 10 Mor.bea, net out.. 1 0- cSub., ib& L b8 ave ne tlaa mtninr. as an Simnoa, b Lag-...1 vC ustn «e iffrsce ln the boutles, I the powder away alter ]r.Gunn h - oee dopteil. rami ber heggage. The brui box opencd correspondent et 0at9tnpesesti Logn ...... odame the d anV naminsdit , i vcounse is net aausual eue 2. The Révérenid Goerno diiswafeuad te conain oCiempaigne la- huaitbe Porte à to maire a distinct Byal Wiltion, b Logaui-... 0b Laing -O......0 amgarethet hoi id ôtmake ay he. er1leivereil te Dr. Carsn sua 'rrgr -th eso ftertr ls .......6 xru 5atatmntnr id1telsn pran otin fthbaie powder I receiveil tram lnadvonleatiy ail thet île Higb Sobool steailof etwaring appaeil, Sut 1the houles offerngrfgîecsino oioyTe - - lI~~tait 1remembor ah b e ol tr.Shaw ; Ia uîemrepw that cbimed or desires ta dlaim. Tbe pupil of biquor lad beeu cerefnly - cvyouailta Greece, andl îbrow tpon île Powers ]Kn Total. 28 Total ......9 eenythlag haw te uiako oconrred Dr. sbaw gays4 graine were given ta 1Mr. lu question was la Our latermediate with olotheu'. The custime officiais the responsibibily of peeeirsi. b that I cea remembor of, I canat t ell Sberwoed ; aI us18a portion iu the pegueus- clans wkheasue loft, aud jiu tle opinion tld Mrs. il. be wodild bave to report Perle' iesRaid te a la ta ils pohicy ef Bic! yo aytin aot becevesLiion, I ion of the Coroner Icmn tell bo ut what of the Muatera coulal have pessed, .es ail ber baggage et Riolford, VL., ta tle obstinete resistaenOaIl ibraugh. Gu b rek lae.........1 aspstinab ougtithe ck vestar.,we tiiio1tof ebert t Shaw-mtWs Lo liai, ~ ~y bai paelgbeuItgelheainPck lllseee o ereas-de durng deputy cobientor et tlI ace, 5~wbene The London SpctatoT estimeltes Of C L ib Wik lakn---.-.--- :. wr ole an oton Manex.3 nta'-;Ithon unhannsiuloanalwabked diowa hoyernay, more, msu woubd bave suewould Malke au entry, sua h ave il General Roeberts' forceset 15,000aiea, The A.r id b MoWison--------------.. 1 cersunul aon nteacme at rdt h u aM.Saw liau v i ~ou Buaday psoi ibout fu-lIer îeechiag freaiexarned, aethîe seae ime edvising of whom î,ç,owibb prohhly romain in al lehan.vThnusob nak lke- I4lIese ilhl tbcdspaigmrun lWBiietbme aDtr. tlne vr.tl t The Revereail Governor ber to report toeeal officer ail dutiebb luaolleeaig1,00frie ettank t115 T. Ry, bFruarý, Flara--------lake..leba.nt a aythlng 1a Me Gun wa»there about 5; D.S aflr _eauiyodes_ o litebr work tn tle High ouafor they couadnot b l e il- ou Ayaob. Aa lb. letters fdrce wau esti (jarratt, c PhiliIhl bPak Blie-..2 0c wa agivo is o m aousteon syoxcly bt im eose t bhtîahgors-inp't L nntrùrg. c ana i Frank Blake. 14 about île évienc 1 uvas twuhou Iliet there vIuaaprenent Sbeleigaysparage ber atiacin- ad cvaliane.Thure ldy, oe promngis- yester4ay otimtaad et ,00 o bme Du Flueta, cani b ron Blko------- b ave beou. subpoened. Ibm excurTsion 0 taeaia sentita le anusa- mente. H au:"We I en i opine b ay nanvn ny500wr eadi srlel u Ferryto, cnetoi----------- asheFrahlîh.vsnetBlake.e..tIen apes.aa eal tMr Bbaws. The t e île College ivo yoare ago, see t -Boneventure depot. pneseuted the opaîlodseoudeonleiega desaIdrodceu l îl on. b-'kaew nothiing et ail about Romie of consua erotifuee.te, whioh steteil tuai of tle Britli. A despalol froin tlenu-e, * xra ...'y Sm....... .........l vrse or iqeo.île folbowuag lu a vopy o îeD, epan the mos! importantufsubjeois requireil shocen-lred nothiag bul omigrant affecte politicel offioir ai Caduler esa tiaet me * Èxrae---------------i Dr. Eutswod (uwor.)-Am a reglte th îe vends ta bracirets were inerld. 180 1btinerof mdicie. ain- Ilestai showoodaie thi moning autIlfor 1t3e Intrirmediate examialon, andlsuid lIai the boxes conteineil oth- Aobb aybsrglr n e e Total ....................... To Mr. Bfilflg..Considfr union "Capdase 0hurwood ilent I ibis iiaiprtiluan umpre8t ng u ersonel ndGlohod a&zis, encl thet h ihleartea.dt 15 aYany clucaustaies ap ta hait, a gretaa iae 7 a.m., froin an avor-d-sgoetam.plia suaI heui anly eoul r able oébérliPas nye lipseueranil 00en le bSy aOTO ;tor ragu e mrpin.k (nthe absence 0ethîe Pro- kolhua o "" ter. Icnnts WIItTU V.TORONTton. emorphn; trai mrinneîbI, ullpitr ymsa n~ai e olede f mnyoflthors. I nauaO-good ee. pnedthrnîvultr Cicficatse Gentera itplnele ppseiandlyie mn & o! morphine ist augce intft ofdin OOPt wai egaine fawifl.ter sntl ng i ouliepeoWt t a oni- Ilwau rosil b Mn. J.ffny. r;eu eoreilid s ouyoaoglady, and but aevertbeloss île olliners pzroep& aisto ae îréetened. $1 *~~~~~~ of ng, in hall an heur, thoug t $e otlslth a stan of b ae.S.posne leloung eifi00 ileYkitpbPse nlbi o.w à. eaign soui b ol oi n ir" vs pa. W on u attaernfo- an,0g 1oomhoy asaboal btteesselb. roeor eh- Itermediaio, eloil for ye arsetthle beailandl foual neenly aIl l1er boxes and At julien cen be lad fobel,00 Togdn ........g....... i0ibnCtsouiier The s, sto e , holewness ruebwu a. sételCapI. the rwmeoil's 1t opnela in asdîevil ls xuieine irbg Ogeu.......obCg1.-~~~plnu ouul dzin sedbîtemaril oent sadIon angibis cf ber -lasse..Moreover, a portion Of the trunke la contain noUs of e 1k, velvet, Nov thon, denit ailspnak et once, Whol r L &, brbRemke rowespIato, livtldityess tpoanseaauie Dectit; 0wa4bvuedn il"tan heur u h Laaib gdbElen . 5 ut t....7î a oueae îaaneverti handedin aby lber ai a coMPOei* Iandllaces ; cases ef Champagne, endl a bave liaii Proull, bOdo.1otoi).. foaa1aa du f opienaeaaalytoi e.ilntfreeisused. H ltilanot 8. ey, c dn ..... 2 ot ub..a.. freaimi ive it oe onhue u fi- AIe t ol orulieaiiif le ailchiais tive exerination in thee Hîgh Sobool. qaantity ef ilver-ware. The afficiabe St Jalien wul trot egainsi big lest .aRray:, b 8 îv, b O -on a ftl diea or grain o t v o onges tve cil le ;iuilui, acln hile 'n oar Inti-raediate class and tle tIen-fore detai-oad aIl the buggae, but "aeon île tain groundï, Washington, Ti Ogdeu... andb OuXn 0 rai itproducewudepc efidteai tneo Cam....24l e bogermt. Ortvgaivni fn p ttoi b aien a* iga marksah baluediby hon in every sobjent the lady vas elloveil te Conaien on the Oll et Octaber. ou aOgulenpi i te tmach. Capt. for tha Intermediate placing lier Secondiber onjurnoy, aensd, but it l a oboalcuedo Ca . eBelon, b Oui < At Saratoga ata ta île ste e &untokn .....b . 1b Ogilen-s To. M... 0pr.-I kaov of ne dbmeaso herw'Q*d's laýdy val vrm *ai h 'sobilsetfaIl ithe candidates, are sitill ici iXYPOB a viser voman. AI lier personel, Boa iSrtoe âcn- -lel C.gR ea. n-t- sc,.nptopi& : thinir bis he- anlf sHuinucluen.E hia bos usg.IOvrhIneuicl osbid intanauexcitable gs iugît retard t@the Olil elivit an opinion Sta Ibm belveen 6000 and $10,000 vii doahl- panses dagPeietig 6a apI. v oclil more lk I a. Mr.H. sWeal omLAg O-Drn u l p.suj.olatla2hale Pano, woa- mvth hlevey posteetthlgivon by 1h. kaown in île Su-si Society et Mentreal, ai,ît preveativo officer George Crues, tu r5 Etu.....b.4 Btu CU vuüi ngetive Ch"&thon ml? Captata Slervood ton 2 or 8 voars; Ihlad Révereand Governor. and blas beanotei ton hon frequent of thia lova, bild.occasion to helieve al lv To Mn. Bt -o' l~kamnu-converan 'awtlhlm on îleéBaîunilay e S. '¶1. pu-elu-cteil absence treai the vidsta te letaionable auminer resortu Ita rc o akees wba lied takion i usiltalir.a otv thib aIl an un eh- det ;bcndtae rssi.laîeUntilSes sabuof euemrS.Peasbi 33 Total........08 Total. -.7 T r iil-leal eblr i et o adearagementsuHigh Sohool oet tiacnitepeosinheUtdSae. mgo hetaert.Fnisa- u as6tuÂVele.a angur aSer alnour ina. vllh hua tae t huaet Rocheste n auhe - rs I,W AXkniog. wlTa ourn. teB nl.-D our hingtne- afternoon ot Monuay ; ho s ofreet is l yopinion, in tle ligît of the above Co ~îeboi a en doing sometliing lu île smuggbiag et Bower. ot Inns.Md~ings . Tu. le Mr. sat .if olt't couaitenstîettn ins;h ise e 0%- fato,-,no obstacle taoOur aiakiag geail TUE MAtE LuQuos LAW IN ePRAO- wey, iatervieved tihe felav lain teir of Ogile.Oes i- t. 7 aieu nandmorinef- pyslla'ii0 tn h ovWcommandled,andl vould!maire a auor claum ta lame slere ou thes crédit TICE. - The nniouB workg of the taterooai. B a diOuUBOfis8 a- ei.....e. 2 TB2640 7 acto 1morphie" phîI 1 ag5 hultersoe.athf Ili uceddingti a- I fa thîe L euts eajs hco tl.RylMi ota1 etOfpaelghou. IHov mach Credit 'a -Mains iu4aor 1ev yere aiewiîueuelathrî,esueeelagtlgtar 26 1nea doubtil that a mon euIl be,.. letaho di net speahu as l mavIehoaQld - due tu, us I shah antt Assume bore taOon coetfîte principal sireets (et Pari- ilie bettom, of Ilie ma1land an the Pd egii 1 0 Wu lfe- i h rrsi; c oula spe Det determ ine. I m e safeiy louve that te anil) stands a long, loy brick building, resait secureil a co sider bl e queutity t: h0Bhn....a 0 0 gan fM is. »0LiensenY. si sp-gge 0 ~~~To r. aii-cud not roeuan lis màther ad aonilnd poieof hieamintelligent publie. bvn iu Ct fcnrbul goe h ezr e9 opinion an tathe afect fs ic v van b.s ___ in etéhelp bisnlu turs ;w vu 4 Tc the Boverenil Governens eiiOeu-5 A constant etreain of menu, vonlau impeTtal one. as b1 Bolr. ouïe. Mdns. Ilu'a. .llkte.ddndécoonsa persan vbo twk u10 graina 01tifber. aIl îlen imo;Ivs borevhen sma- 11h(10OOadetineTheI 8neobI doofd yunmesilBarberil bttboaof aiOln----- *7 4 5 qunine ut S'ciec. 4anila tva bem tu otism i tcesar t ofersnyra ptîeeofSIdecritins.por;anuacure bst Heleke .. . i il 0 alterltu aitadoseo o me h.il po - kaev vIe gave Mi" Sh"envetul tsoma-' lOa lncsa- t le n o lnes fa lsnpiue ongiGeetaow, aes abrreeo ue ain t unllae OOt P0.- t în ;Iwe dl e union île imupreO it a l py. andl out of îhe door. InsidO, bn ereau ae auatrn a li levxo.&te n of opi ubave m= een arIvoi b. anerr 9thon 8 vhou iL vwu gvea 5. To counide -. The HigI Soboul sbelves ran île leagtl of the rnoa, beau, vabntaiver 0850,000. He ep-a uo Fsu Ianiag.. ~ moph4Waai oi esp Mlglt cause 'Wv" thon. frein the lime il vas givei bi as clairni nyva obleet oske il iun ialkl'vle peintei bis Jso.lark, fuorairya ka ....t...bL...------------- menghis te sot mons rapidlyi ndd energeli- Dr. iBogart came ;Il vue 1M or 0miuesiadue. We bave neoilesire ta detraot heiov vas a ine ai berrais andl legs- Braipo, i sl eeM C. H. Sprouuio, 11w, Loga------------ cally. Thinki t Improbabig aa wsen vIho ov agtran Dw r. Bo a tesainw ri h ooeo n e&woebil t;,M-Js .BneV e W. Townssil, b Logan---------------..56lad takea tour graffls Ot lmrpîl ei es re nVeaIh tabui t an orsalow it any $100al. vend linOnsoa Y y île inSy oa!cdBra tîe21 h ELT. BrocirccTrouads1' , b Laing - -.. 55 cight oecieck Wveau b. able teapo a i etweoItac lats et the botal for the bus but institutionbtv eoo io iti- et tî20e il $600 ahevasale r buidel a mv achPo G. sbaledttsuevb -B.wgiecS. Rey, b Laing-.... 7tan eloir. Dont îtak sàpersan atter'varde caugît it. I tlink îtehe m? outprolesl Any persan. or any f iu ailyddhigîeves peeýB aheilsceeinly at esslu tuei buoatnhe of . W ag, IL o-------- 10 kuawing the propoutiesa ctmedieine R'saljitan te rooait et uti-e the m-io in, publie or- pivale. te approPu-lit y thie long lnoa fnuta0iu- m adIecoigyfsive.Seearsolt lieG.B. elnrtived----------------.. 6 vanldi bve attribiteil CsPt. Shei aood ta vi. asguea vItainly bebongs ta us. Wsvuionlaepyîcni drrmlefoeîieLoacfBstmu ai- p.AÀ: L. ,c Poeiaub Laing . i e aniler the uinenceOfu pil &ton otil croyenner t 7,30.elîl iuqes sire eta ia ns ta allaOur diSMS the sipl siatoment ihel îteOliquor Tbua-day iunaraesi .A iiF.,Blako, c and Ic .....e . 0--------- eo If utlee r. inthe efdonuldes-i anilFuilay ovenng Ai , )27&in iva tlno ai o1i6M-.s edilfrmeiiithpsd.îe Leula i.a easbY god for aineteent D. 0. R. Jones, nat outl............... O 0 i . esocn e! ofeauree es -uresa" asNféuaio eeadatwe Frdl comdtd ie, te oy1 muthv ba D e-cpbLgn.......0take reathîe relief of a Patient vWh ua Dé. Shaw r-càled-To%. lrwl. pget if theceeeteuclovre nialvrepelhyccuoti.Amls tePoyametae-eo le xî.~---------------- 5 talion au o'verdlosealmorphis the botter. i pinduure an OffvelopiemanlueilG. FirsI brouglit into nontaulpt y hyîe action Of fine 0132() je iumposeidfer eny case ef making tiveniy, Candas she was nat ffie -Fouar................... Ta t t abepoon- U tve odi am yN. Bnowin yo f tboae vIe preteail ta foster it. taise pretences ; but as il. requeste .crovded, tweaiy-oOn rtweaf.y-bwe are e-Totalt.................. 14e1 wIsk oi u - avna srv udmy siieau n Suuiaeveniag île 1.11T-i eruisessiiuaeslon uei'vlabroaeîy hsmlc l Asuut-SLSI-aîus1eaivOd~~abU5 iE nt tîas ilion e ; I tare off the end QFO. H. BOBINSON. gaîéd, îe ine ois rnroly onforceil. Not polynia et beautanuegteenirnat eleem- eotatsimvat Wfud iu xtrei- inky. bail wbn a udlos thonfoa laH gele, hîy, yi Mn hoiltnin l osnoins n lee- udpeaiy1efetsaeniydi 110u. I'r.AfubuA1ty. tRu s.The ano quanity et quinine w0uiil et il ia the presonce ot Mine Sîervcod y il ihShoWib, Ha ue.wtoadn h etitos n h r n rbbytefsettaayct BOIVIr. 04ers. ll-. ust. Wkta. b I eod akfoli Logan 33 7 5 5 ae boel ht o ens. s maitr--ik, h ackue SalpI ; i-Augusî Soh, 1880. i act ibet iquor ceu lenomLinehiy Ob- i . rc." ai 1 hyad ahh ml akge lube ed Quinine il ;teu.......n Amenuce hikagncitj Rï LTîngàcl.. i i7 O Te Mn. FaxeWell- e bis tabOnu & om neausprodavl osuamunkIl A. bY the -à.largo- lainoilonly aI iis, agoClevelands, 17 0 empty emsvh niglt s&-oe rpil» tcoraner ; f1ea nalcertain vIeller 1 piaced To the Edifot of thev Whitby Chroou- lat mach druakenness existe. Lîquer 0A, lare eeoio peloorCleeay nl te I ln-eoe o mtub'*betveen Ac"a on Aierent pliapiec uuety.Dn't itoun île bureau or handoiit te MisuSher- in : fbchiineil in Fuome wea anal voare Ona le 'bc nSna ea LteT ThMies S-loooel for maitri t b ilaieoI tailanaovapuortilutlofniear;lueIfo iîoc eek , gbrilieuuily illnmiaating evenything. bon thi Toronto Cricket Club sicuuids w se oimva> ;S po are gel ut aidia net soe. hor give il ta the Cupt. ia temily knoovasaethe Alus. vs asi onolitayiteielij b a roelîl ee expuildings il sily on Saiurday noxt. enally bine.lveaumnet b. - . ", va n rnatieie lien I vuo e Dr. 'The tacniiy ocsistei fteoi ld o ail w h e pbehibito, le ne- nbfreau ja ee~ibfdn, lin ue ar O~~ e ~gnt-Sy ei~Bi v es Olni il be layed tor a peraansta a e -et I oire agaeoi ~enty Ivo yeere hent double plieil; 461 eii rhiiinhsna learhr aIeîb iy rgot lc-er Toaste oWe O n us I usec uihi sdtntariol s-Wtein a ai ailpoventanaivalid ani 1,1l gel drunk vben I pboase just ta sbootiflg off in diffenent directon, ed ey oftn thi si he alierme u oulut neotben Medcine tht i ; saiunday daagbter ageil tweaîy six Yera. whe s P os r - ata a r utI urîn e t aOF ON stMESRS Eok et. el ti it ate or be asmoilgl olgvbnh en e InatiSd ui m lan net boen able tu vaIr for thirteou ntungPo. double viii U» a sme g n vnigdiueo 6aut b 0-, -1ANDS COCKUa.-TbO newva blet the i il Bord e Eduatiecoua thst kept offtheroub himaë- ysa oILIMES5 O? Hoitr. MEssaeS. Lwrn.u.nan leu -effectaeai aIvullasndeTe Mnof ligsrTb.XiAOn>kev l a dtewn fteccsai n. Town Hall, Wbtby, Monday prleugIle. 110fot ci!C&pt. Sbo.erw» accuite 1Igave the Capteta vas that Dr' alil îevboy cf lniaessaniSam tef liWte u roo J. KI.poTZ fore fr natl-heon. Mu-. Ls eierislyu t twa peit àce Eoungi Ag.Botit18). igau a bulraloi& utandl preiplihg. 1 Bogart R ai l vas v u houile loft ilt ,the aa t béyagniae, lvnoin Sea l ettet trolut raseneiie fos reI u o!ied sreret.vM.Let Otta adeJ Evoaing9't g iO lo î i8la. th* e fecta of mer- baance taî iua uiue oîgive the CaPtain 1 ouly 80aibie eivsi0ng onht oftavelntemot htw&vboa rnithéelinae unfin ds regrin. iseoide maie A sscel eeIn etîl bad asbina. Do net tlulnk ilt impeoWsibt it jeLtrsw boWut ; ddanPt ires itl ad gve iltaObosebull bIl temeebes u n oiaftaelfgveiarlaroate lis eiyfinisdrg a re du e Cr uIou, &etI'Op1IIa e~a y êo~ a nl Fri&1iY'315'Iie n.lii vy place on 'aide rondl, vIcI its.iupe nl crg$tio( b Qpalaiiuyaheeaenv A opa ovrbrnopn-glu hamu el land atail UIIla - île passion of partisans lbas âtme- l i i a .3 a then, % Woilb.a Pl e sta iuswen "e at an ai e u ranI e leth onusi n Ord is ?we Je. Ycmmt . evîvklabIion taeie te aï qt oses e gai csioandl peu-lapa neyer vilIlinte reqlien, being fasieneil ta te baî Pessoila wey,pr-trcgae o'clock a Mn tnd caasme, "t. he cono, bistonoîl afas bar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ » Mr-MGilva,11.J . e ton mecock- r Iiun tua e lh. Italulng u& escb ; Igait themorphi fuefrDiDr. bc on accou=t of 11gb enbanknut."sat ymauuc- o"adla i sud hannedgc lifa ny ius tam o - o Mn. Sab-I yhsdMr.iJ-u b-sDOWiisud taissainforvul grimecausesa of dese enttIenimearofby ..iuiuthentoutathîle mil nova repectua Mi.oLot 1m thn u.Ombi.Maue fbs fhesI res=e tole thePut four grainds of mSoubia &0" VIi au- a nMy bou»e on sai-aide rOA am 1 88 vasWrifing £rornTulfem us 0 Wu cmsas l nelgnete The hairan nnofei lIa Mn. and bie-o : -ai i ae b aglemlsnitl.vesteriy fO Wionipog holien U-. CeClbura, a ctIzen ofOtaa meeting rend sMd apprOvou. V.t.,d"ibu. etd, Mi u tni h o e otubrad The obahra a uduoph tautMr dey' avie M. Dotî tnt gl taZis andil to gilty And wuangivén oe e sopilsye: udM BavaWa erlmenad Ed. Robinson wilbdrow bis a l 4ecm 01 el oaI; ovethon0011 bs four grns fniDr. o T nin ihg ak î ose& ,u fo îe ostin f eaerlal1e lg ~îl-lpr'9llliu engh O!fveI.-Tie capté', took aboutt oee auo-nud tkbi ue wylt "lobadle.f ietly inodeifary goboug. I a u-ed les 1,000 cbeel a Pari. Ope ler4l~ oee mantea te l easîueoaf0athîe =cauite ; ih anelet- ieneiglibors becsme nsieaailieyu igippae, eni eo bach lieerCb Enhel bvig esi pplacilea t the ml doseauau, o 09i MS c aon th îe 15 tes- result vas, Ibathîe femily vas end4rod- the nematignatos The w o!ibe 1 hélâte Paltriçl Mocurat, n E- c oo b a i bce a D W a -arn la O ie u-alo in. av a l 10et g u t " ure n a ié . a t n a 0wi ', v P ett t m bité - a eil lmpehln c a oma cTu g Un Ilà hta- prt t iom eoom anagsueSmme cw-.w<- clll eddh a- 4s rn l ot ie air nlbi l l iZ odb- a-e;huyasrnl b ikc ahof pll l ilii'O o- mot niale Son Mppelabn tew of a eae ~ rha0tb **'odai, TMsBiig.-XS in hheolSfe5 5 M -o î sse l t hu ai bvim d $ii ot o .h on l 1 fa îl th o a in n u d n m ani*e ti n oaP i t 1 00 : t v e d I e r c.o « . Salili e bud baoieS lh oozitbe.aacjittohntei tq IelytpceiaodupddvaUus eeoli.o uue e eto ;13 n njaeeo feB.;Idsre Ifsud pratoniWIl ta l ao aati p.v eaUne l only rh o lie, , ev WU la lev if'Mh. Il hveîe eot o wucu a lek ze bimîl eDSBOrI v i n a ;b t h ie i9?eâteie ce-hrl dsflt am~as, à beven là-ef umab~ ie.~ -~ " atsl ~~jraadrtnVJh!f~pnlUI~9-î ~ eueirsCfte$ae- «- npenbmee ofti ad* rO&.neIN.~ow4u o ~ I I genêo me n wI u ai h __ m ade e h qê*!'ie r o hea e e vetI __ 4eboipeosu t-mrow âheùouUW Mr. Cam ell wfi 'l sa'M«0 Rtbbt steord i4am a m40 rati -j. Dghtty ,ali nBlu son, île n, ti5n At h latmoeiaI; thë hie ' -«M M vhe hi e ii.bti.- M.Iàbno Wou d~éi bl ta I~~~~~~*à to cblgoat 1i EOII.ýu Burning ci the Marine Cily. * DETROIT. tg. 80.-The People'a line stoaMer ne city, heni rom Mankibav te it wilh a large nuinber of passn- and frciglit vasburneil -te the rs ce e Ivmiles off Alccus, was firet discovered ', i l er, heM1i befere any esaietanecoula d ili- il bail gauneil ech Ieedvey lIai iing coula le -doue te save lier, ecd 'nov comrnaed- ta lene l 1i t-. The tug Vulnan, whIe..a4e- ýt ai the lime, put tae he rsonsoa as possible, but before she coula,~ tIare many bail becenie petu iken andl jampeil overboarl. The etof the bite saving station et Stur. aPoint, togother wiîl ithe >oais of Marine City, Vuloan, andl fEbinp Grayling andl a numnber of bouts a shiore, suleeaein farecuing about, persane, as near as an ho er si. Amang tleosaveda are P. j an andl Dewitt Coil, oft-Tarante; ,,, Zegneer, Mentreel ; andl A. W. gS t. aterines. The eifolevng -sns are neporieul miesiag e ifar :_ 3bard Schltz, Franku Emmèti, ond y MnEirey, of Toledo ; D. Pouaoy, Ohio, andl a man namlemrtin, c idford. Twe bodies vore feuud out midaight. but bave net basauideu. sil. The aumber cf per-sonasmet l timateil ai 85, bat asîtheeoks ef Ibm amer vono burnel, the ceureot iuber fa nt o ev. The paseengeru i-,e Capi. Ceaier anlnd-cev mach edit for neolnesa andl goail manage- ualt, île ceptain henigthleasI ene te ave t1h buning wreck. The ilI-fetel amer va oneil hy Capt. Wau-niner SGaliher. of 111e city, vIe state else ras worll $80,000, andl insureil fer 15,000 lu varions oourpenios. Thea renk drifled aslere aleut hall wuq1 tveen Aipeua andl Sturgeen poin, roadeido te the Iceaol, whoe ellenov ie5. Detroit Aag-. 801.- The Pos! and rjibuùc s pécial seys the Marine City, IL ber way davu frem ai Menaw vith ifait boail etfreight and passengars, ef Alcena ai 8.80 yesberiley efterncon., Lbout 4 o'olock, when off Slargeen ?Oint, Orne vas discoverei a ilte la, id befere e"cIve efforts coulal bo ikea fiamres became unmaage- Lbe, andl efforts were et once directer ;o saving tho passengers. The tug Val- 3a vas fentunatetoWin i aght, anal hat- eneil ta the relief, as diiaiase île boule ýf le lite saving station et the Point ad sevoralasali boats freaithelsholre. ~Iese pickeil ap a large number o! persoa ini île veler, dhiefly frein De- troit, Pou-t Huron, and np shere peits also the ioilowiag :-M-. J. J. Moore al son, Otînuvwa, Ohio ; Dewoit Col- villo, Toronto ; Misses. Margaret, and Iliaf. Clemeas, Latimier' Tlomptioa, tad Franku Warner, aIllof Toledo ; TImm Tegner, Montreel. The feollawing are the oaly missing yet knewa:--BSlbz, Jas. Griffin, F. Emmeil, Gop MoBnvy, T!oleo ; Dr. Pomercy, Obie, A nuin- ber lave bheutlaken ta S8turgeen, Point, uvbese namos lave att beoni obtained. ElapI. Cerner end the cow o! 1the Mer- ine City soled i vlIgreat ceoohnesaý aua CapI. Hackoti eand île croOt îe Val- can. rendereil valuabie assstaunces dlia aloe thîle eaving cnev 'Thase, resaneil au-e a1l at Adcene, 'he Marine ci iy vas 14 yeasa ad, vaine B ai $8,- 000, sud insureil for $15,000. She vas ovasil by Gellegher and Warninei' of this city. A venking an in Glasgow, wlie vifo fsa eonfirmoil drunkanl, lias hit apen e uovei delîco for psooifying bon eand prtecling hereeli sandl fmily. Ia th3e moralng lie passes a clain anoani lier aukles as sho lies in boal, anal seerai- es the olain vflihàa pdlck. Re ilion ges ferth tea bie deily wonk. On ne- Iurning la île ovenfag lhe ressea lie captive, and l elovs ler ta nemein, et liberty until merning vlieu he obains bern up again-. The neigh- bours bave seen fit t'Oliterfere and have bim;arrested, but las hie vlfo lia alvaWhtlRd iepensiabeal kinil- nesa tcs ber in-the face et ber ewn glar- ing miouduut, the magistrebe ban aismisseul hfa etter edmeibimg hlm.. Califrn.ie whiebgave au s r, las aiready 'seult tolb. ýEat -ahoîlon great' -glaes-halLriiki'.cwhe, liki arer- c causa lDocisaýiieilike hnpeol- iaàul of rancher6'h?, id.IWIdlheu-o àpparilc, lobng laI breaa kata 1brin, &na&vobvel badge-bedeêed acko.- a kl; in . lùes biu &na ud as slxiick trions Madintelligent val w l eorki, vitheutd lis'we L'iddi "Thon baad tboidost. I en s50j wan the reply. "Tii Izuakèt lhy figures wel;, îlehelP I vent.'," "d inlel"Said the Sund znai an saor few w thol'lt come over te Sa guve tIse £1.20 a- yer. I'Mm uch nbliged for 1hi the anever, "and irleu comas la I-Ilconsult hlm.' aay, vliea ho-came in,huep seying h o uhl net standl man's wey, andltho sBOnM eucb otelor the hetier., therefore ta intruiduce yc Heun W. B. Gladstone of uon. " Tbere was very MI I amnapolatoanud vil r igli bers, Seil a tremp-s ~.a tari lieuge andl uealed k~b.table. Wbi us se vife, a neeusil1 641i >man au ny rose,"E et l ig eut." Chicago Ahc AUl the vanidnc.7v lok 5 îte gretit western Metrape being fer elead of &II campE noue the lessse, i t i ý tors. Froni their-ziril have aedv&mcod teathe front, slioud of ail aller noniodies, ing :wîero evorytbing else bonmis tela hacouvunceil.1 drnggist, et ilfty conte por The Oneaite Rom Du. KflNo's Ew Dise semay eniu Ilace.IY - I hopebes aufferers, uow bhein praiso for thic von vhich thgle ve rnives il parivut cure Consua Colais, AstlIui, Bu-anc Hoargenese nau affectie Cheit ondl LunguyIilah dental curative paversauas t-heu-foa.e &s'#ue*tl i'vquest cenr drq: *tanaget ati cotawiTwf (6vfuB vhat a regnian nue'dollar ilo. For sal.eby T. G. W Bucben's Arnici The BEsT SàL'E lu the Braises, Soe,U thiOOuSi Senês, Tettèr, ChP ap or This aL;ve is guBs-ian satisfaction ta OVenT case edl. Price 25 vent per 1 G. Whitfili Wlby.. o"Familiar ina bell M4 bohld Wr .eo Wote SlakosPe vorsslly aitltb 158 lies vnîîten about al andl touche& ua subject it. Il vonfl otis Wtrote the above varâsu raiuds oye SeonT &Bou CAsTou On., fogf no' > greaetal equltes cf e bab eao olil. C fepita apie pel it aa rne More naeful plYse.- Fan sale by T. G.Vh Now i te time if ma, Lung Fever abolubl have a to Giuivaus SYRuP. Doua mametit that coughlit yeui Cbild, yaur a Cenaimptioni. st Croup bermeragp, Ke iâieases zMay set '. truie G - A<~T1P oft lIue ifseseto ha bavefi et a.n * vii cure youi. Ont ycu sade from. dangr suzaptive, do no e tried 1h. rlniiiy. a.il D'ggita.

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