Whitby Chronicle, 19 Aug 1880, p. 2

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&Yarvod Kfug. Co. j ia Ili-est"Ontario Âgelolural Piut-eBo.Fallier BOansUg0. LItetuiI'aLiving Âge. S rsr Cash grocmi7 ston-. aor BOY wautid. The Greatest Bemd1Y Kuowo. Mlorîgegi Sale. isovmît-J. S. Robortson & Brou. ulmy itho Bot-J. S. Robertson & »ros. Farins for sale. Monoe ta Lon-W. H. Billagu. Love's Advanced Qoograpby.- * Poriau Inseet Powdr-S.W.B. tjulîb. S1rials-S. W. B. Smith. apeotaleies-J. B. Roboertson & Brsou ONL.Y Si 50 PIIANNUM. Wlîftby, Thursday, Augt, 19, 1880. * A Week of Hors-es-. à week of sickeotng borrors wonld appeas- to have passoil oves- the peope cf this uighborhood sinconthlest issue of the- CîaoNICLE. The sail fate of lira. Sberwood, drowuod off tho * Norsr,,îan ;<the rafficas desîh of ber buissnd, CapLaieSliervooci, nov tbe sa!bjociLot enquiry butore a coroner& jur-y, and. followviug clou.e<pon Ibose distr..ssing ovents, Lb. drowniug of Mr. Robert Wilkes aud hie. son andl daugli- ter, ini the prosonce of i. agonized vife and otisor nibers of bis fasily, aIl contsibute inu maltsug up a welauoboly record sueqoalled by assytiug vs have beau hîtlerto calîi upon teobroicle within tho same wook in thès columuns. The siglit at the railway station ou Mcsuduy igbt ot seven cotflu,-(threî .additonal bail baen sent steve from Toronto for Lb. Wilkes tamlly> four taiuiug tho deail bodies, sud Lb. enoations of thi boroavoil relatives * i i bey vire asanudoil va dia ta vituosa. The anex- - ilcU death14 ud thelb.aua- '0aking offoff Lb. doiasd, lu t cof friands, andin lu Lb. bight J.. b h su ad vosldly ejoyment, î.ds - . Lb. poignaucy of th. deesp grif sud sos-s-weft.1 bebindl. But wbat a los. - on P WhaL anotber impressive vara- ing tisaI "Trssly lu tho mils; of lits vo are lu death 1" West Toronto. Mr. Aldis-man Ryau, as the Liberai candidate for %Ve Toronto, l, vi are piîa5il te leavu, meeting with hianiy enooogmet. Tendors of support como tu hlm daily trom nuoxpecteil quartera. lu sncb a coustitoeucy ho kisi a bard batile te figlit, but ail tbaL Maeau doie lewiu tairiy w. ave pre eeaded.will biq doue by the vos-tiy al- dermian.'Tise Globe is giving hlm au saruosit sud vigovous support. Whitby Harbor-. Tise Qoverument Engineere, ingageil- y: t- ' i * t I -i b- iii * -Notb Ontario. - Our Northe &"eu continuelsa- vovable for blts-Wiseler. Asunces, upen vhicis vo eau pace nelanco,q resets us tai bis electiou la ponletly1 esate. Bathcandidates bave imeetIngs appointici fer every day-sume tvicm a day-up Wo-tise lay Ot polling lu differ- ent parsuof the sldlig. Tise great cf- fort bas bens te change the Gatholie vet. lu Mara sud Rama nsud give iL a more favuorablo turnu owas-duMs. Gibus. BusthIis boai toaly faledi, vi are telil, ovin wth ail M. H avkine's eloquenco te brlug about snob a coisummatieu. J'he informiation saut us le te tise effeot aiâ, If aDY change takes p'ace, it wil inl su increaseil msjoriLy fer -Mr. Wbiler. People laogb ah Lb. Ides put tes-yard by Lbo Mfail, Ibal Lb. Caîbolie Alde r- man, Mn. Rysu, is put up lu West To- reouincrier ho influenco tb. Catisello vote lu Nos-Lb Ontario lu faver cf Ms-. Whelen. Nothiug ceul ho mure ab- surd. Tise Catholios cf Norths Ontarilo as-e a meaiig sud tbinklng people. Tise bave aloibail a ps-tty Islliug .,x- perlonce lu élection dodgois. Andi thcY keov Iis--tisaIif Mn. itysis ailed te roceive the nomination for West Teron- te, Lise Mail voold vos-y rsdily change it tue, andl atlsibpte a Caîlooli's rjec tien lu I'Refuvm bigotny," in usder ho usake tisat rejection tlli if pocesibl0, vils tbe Calisuli ealeotosof et iaNus-tb. Bol 111. Rysu got tise nomination Dunan - insously, sud heaitily, as va kmow, le suppeteil hy tise Rofos-nipssty, Who viii do aIl in. tias-power ta Bond @s Calisolie usambes-, a suppos-tas- ofEd. Blatke, ta Parliamount te seps-sent tise mats-upolis et Ontario. The Whihy Higis Scisool. Tise resuli ot tis eseeut eainatieus fer second cîaesnou.-p-oessioii&l toacis- era' certificatesad ftetieHigla Schooi Iutes-moiisti vos-e ivin to tise public- lin las" vuek, sud muet b. excesdilî gratlfying as regards the Whitby Higis Sohoci. Ouly a short t!ii aâge vo bal occasien te mention Lise suocesses eof on student. et TornoeUniver-sity M.airie- olalion, plaoing Lb. sehool ett1he hai cf gil thisi1gb Sehoolse ftise Province, aud il sin lu vîvy way satiatactm esyl diacuver. net only troni tb. résultset the Intev<neiiate, but cf thé Tisi- il clase Iliat ail dopstmeuts uf tiese chooi are kept up te tise biçisout tate nofaffciiucy. on tis oe si, v are iucliuei te Lhisik thaI Ibis yiar i. dessrviug et beiug consileroil an anuas mirabil inl the bstes-y et lb. Scheel. 1Belo11 vi givi the Dames ci the îuccesoi lcandidats. Wenî iL not ton the regreLfol ilîness of tvo other candidates at the examina. tien, tb. liât veul b. lecoeil by Ibat numbes-. SECOND etia55 NoN.ParUsveNAL: Emmna Bateman Fs-ad Mas-voil Lens McBrady Jerry Pabuer Ia Sleigh Horace Siaigis *M. Hamilton Robent 'Wallis TE HIOR eCHOe Mary Coleman Eilen Doyle Louisa Yuie Jmes -,Wiia- *Alfied Brava oElleot Rave fiL IETERI&DIIATK. *iJoseph Bsove a , , - ý ý - ý ý , , j , - 1 - - M, ý,ý - , - . 11-1 -. e onvayed'tc, tise WbjYlva7 larin, lept hafm boup 9tngtei rocuve t*m Àben -coMtlrble -oocours ofet l.ading, itiselas aeeupomsed ibi c'Sr Loge tram zDtise wb*dfteb.Saten. The wi4ovasudobliive- llou - iirUidý iberso e OP.. p , lb.nSs4Ian, Heïin lst Ala, porUdigu. Lite laPtytnga1 sud- 11w Movtluiv eTheBRopms1Cjý"-u" M- J"ssç~ The Injustie bt Oniario. lu o ntcýOOfrkUlug the avard cf tibm bave beew ni uly Of s.grainjustice toviands Ontario. à ftct, as th'e. lOkbe very.cIearli pote -Ihe cossithe .Mtrlct lui question eontaIi barge &nosa:' cf tes-le agricottiral lana, rlcb forel.e, sud valuabli mines. Fîq. thoe thlb raievince ot Oetario vW 1chbi aa large revenue, tuoais morétIÏasa uci. ouI te vopay tise expandituvi uecessary to open up Lise nountry. Tho popula- tien cf the distric ouldu apidly lu. croupei if tbo lands ver. blaoked eut in- la lots, tise fostaliof e municipal gôv- ermmeelprenidei fon, sud tisa proper afiministiatiaii otjustice uaii. Tbe addition Of population te Ontario voulci increase thoeuhsd ayable te- Ibis province. ýNeil y2s the cenins la te b. takon, sud on the çturne. yul lie basuil tie snbaidy due te Ontario fan tise noît tee yotre. By refusiug 10 isandltise ensitos-y ever te Ohéas-lo latit yeav the*settloment ofthLie coiutr'yvas ntardei, a0 tlisaI lbe sabsidy viii b. swaller' lise il soul bi aven if tisai Dominion Govonumeut shoulil Confiraim tise awanddi iuhe iocming session.q 13y setoing Lu gin. Ontario ber igiste outil Seacu 1ne engîr b. kept euh cf tisew-say for îbs-oa yeams longer-i-i iJohin vil vtain in Lth. DPsninion Troas- us-y tise sobsidy vicb sisouldin luthe mesutime b. -paiil inte thé Outario hs-asus-y. And sholi hi surs-ondin tise diosited tract in 1883, Lis Province wii st beot uuiy obtain a subeidy basai ou te population vhiois may hc lu Ibat ts-cet nuit yos.s-. IL is aven possible tisa Lise Dominion Govés-emeul may lisve tise powe « ta refuse Saey eorease of anisssdy ou eccotiuL et tise population in tise diiputed disltionild il net ho osuiis-ui bbc ose tise Cousus et 1881. That Ontario h isaêe endl muet be put int possessionwv Ioduneut douist ;tho d ialuparsl5 duo te eintention te rob ber lu paying tise suhidy. If thse McsiVs assertion Ibal lbthteny viiil beoa vis-y expansive oei 10gevomubc truc, sud if-as tise- n cb.ne deubt -Ontarito viâ evéntualiy gel iL, a maultest injurr Luelise Provincial trous- us-y bas alnoady bien doue by retardiog sitLiabsot, andsiisinijury bocomes griater evos-y iay. Tisenumben f ot neseatativés vbioli tisis Province shallhhave in the Damini- ce Parlismeut viii &asec ho diiby next y.ar'is cenors, aud by votuiug te Conut lu Lihe population et tise dipputoil tract Outasio's puwom vii be lisseoeil. Tise mateiAl injus-y te Tenante, tbe naIns-ai eut >v;ot tomrlise iispoteil terri- tes-y, caused bhy vtas-ding ils setlemoul sud lise ievei9pameut ut atm agniolun- ai lani, ils feseste, sud ils minas, bas alriaily heen important sud viii le- otieeysarly. Meschante vouid tedd there s nev mraskit for Ibsir goals, sud vorktngmu of etaIl kînilafotes ieur labeur. WVii the poopia support tise candidats et a pavly lu imicai toteseintireil of tbis City sud Province? Will tisey vote for James Beaty, lb. humble tel lover ef a letsilos- isuf led hy tise Quchea BIes? Aili tisey ountenauce Lise Goves-usu et viicislias diigracoil lise Dominion by vefning te coumfis-su an avard, e accapt wblchi the geai faith et ail Lb. Provinces u splieged? Dsownig et Ms-i Robes-t Wilkes et To-- ente andi îwe cf bis chilsdren. A sol dru ruing accident teck place aI Sturgeon Point about 11.40 'clock ou Monday ius-ing, s-suing in the deatîs ut Roert-IWilkes,lise weiliknevn Tas-auto mos-'hant, bis eniy sou Bos-ie, egei l olven, sud bis daugliter Florence, agoil fitoin. Ms-. Wilkes sud tumly, consisitag of vite, niobus-deu, sud nurses, as-s-vil at tise iotel on Ssturday isoon for a summas- holiday. Mon- day, shount ienon o'oiock the eilion chilis-en ver.t in hstising fi-dm a litIle saudy point in frout cf Lbe botei, tb. motisar asoi:anuniben etflai«ésat tbe 'ihotel tzstciig tise r s-m tbe. ehoe.. 1Tise valas- i qoite sisafluv bere, sud makes a fine place ton bathiug, aud bathiug-boes bava isteiy hein erecteil ,far the pus-pose. The son incantieusiy guI bayenil bis doplis snd Mr. Wikie 1rayai le bis assistance. H. 11ev sun ' ar La the .1 ruggiig bey, but the latter dil ueL sucoseoin lu aiug il sud ssnk. T heir, who ceul net vIMjssmp- . d froua bais boat sud endiavoiel 10 1neacis bis bisy, vbllm bis daught.r fran bar saler pe)int nearer t hons' maIea .rush te sans ber brother. -l!le vasaà Town UUl, Wbitby, Wedlnmsaq ~Reua'oio8b~0tthe sehool bhaAI tjiuî.nag.Prlol trL D. Oz méton tin 1h.eiAr , Usure. G. Y. B mith$' G.OQ he01iray, J. n. Powell, $ao. Poît,Thi. Campbell. J. B. Dow, 3iidâo Daatnell rand Bey. 3. J. Claron. Mmdlùeiiu at meetâ]ngr.àdan&d a pý From tbe Ednoation ibiut, enoioifgoa crtlfed opy of1 s1otor Buchso'a vo ort on the condition of the unhool, vblet was very favorable., From-Bd. Bobin»of, -applyiùngfor situation ai Hligb Sohoul t.sea hert h on Mot4on of Jndgs Dartaîli, secondai! by J. B. DOW, wai r8ferred 10 commit* tee on abôoi mansg.auent. A&DvSamrTXB<FOI% à TMIACEB Mr. Powell asked If il vaa-tho lnten. tion of tbm board té advertlue for s teacher to fill the vaoaney oaused bY Mr. Iiyro'sreigatiol. Sir, Ormiston anmvered Ibat il vas tho nouai oustoux te do no, but did Dot know vhat wau intended- in the pros- ont cae. In the aboe of tho ohairinau of tbe sobool Manaogomîn Committee, ho would ak Mr. Dow ne a member of iL, wbat wire tbeir intentions. Mr. Dow oould not spoak for Lb. committ.î, peosraly, ho tbought that In flb.applioatlois nov in, 1h07 b.d onificiont mateial. He oonsidered that in selecting a toacher tbrongb advortia- ing, tharo vas a pood deai of lottery ini iL. Mr. Smnitb, *ho wai a mîmbor of Lb. committee, migbt glve bis viows on Lb. subjoot. Mr. Powell; tbonght applications te fil thLb vaanoy shotild bc advertiood for. b1r. Smnith know one of the present applicants fur tbe situation 10 b. a young man of good principle, a gratin- atm of Toronto University, sud a Whit- by boy. Rie baid spêken te ML Robin- son, the hoad master, on the mUbjoot, sud ho semed satisfled vith the Young man. Under 1h. ciroumstsneu, thone- fors, bo did not seo Lb.he ossity for advortieiug. Mr. Ormiston said thon vwas another vho vouida pp'iy for it, asOn as bo knov tb. board.vws rosdy 10 voceivm Mr. Powell kuew of Lb. ciroumîtauce aud iL vau on. of bis rousons for bsvingz Il d.'vevtised. Mr. Dow undmnitood that Lba party rsferrod 10 vould not b. able te take Lh. achool nutil tb. lot of Decembor. Tbat vonld b. 100 late. Judge Dartuoll adviaed, as Lb, dis- cussion vas irregular1 th&&theb. obool mansagemeut committee o b.iutrootod te advertiso for aplicatis.Poel Mr.Pi 'ono yM. Postll moved tbat tbm oommittee on sohool managommnt b. istructed t6 advortise for a tesober lunLb.helgb Sobool. Carried. NO FEU CHAkROKD TOI ATTENDNO, 5109 Mr. Dow bail had inquiries made of hini if a fee vas cbarged pupilà attend- ing Lb. High Scboc.l, it aeeming snob an impression bad gono abroad, bo vould movo seoondcd by Mv. Smith, tisaI 1h. opening cf tbe sohool b. a- vortisoi lu the local pispers, eatiug tbat no fe vili hi cbrged pupils at- Iendtog Lb.heigb SobooL. Cas-viei. COLLIOIATINS1MTITUTS. Mr. Smiith aàked -if any stops bac bee atkîn 10ochange tbe Higb Sobool te a Collagiale Insfitut. Mv. Orinisten repliod that none voulil b. tsknu ntil sobool ro-opened. Mr. MeGillivray vas afralid Lbero *as not play grounil enough. M v. Oriston aid flot tbink that voulil provo a fatal objection. Boardadjourn.d. A Double Tragedy. DRSATS 0Vor »Baussvoo>Bir DROWNIMG. CmmPTÂISaxHEWOOD POISOIIE» "Y mis- TA"E. The deaLhb by drovning of Mrs. *Shervodi. vif. cf captain Shervooci lbe stiamer Nor-sma», andl daugbteo ofth b ey. John Shaw, of th. Metbod - lat Tabernale of tibotovu. vbioh lool placet Charlotte on Tbluriday, has " à afeeling of de.p gloosu ovr intis omniunlty, vbore ah e ddfor some yaibefor ber marriage and va O Tb* PulPwv1*rýlos luquost n ,ouf '0psaln, Dr. Oardpioollnt11Y eorPnen, openol -SlU iluest at Bay's hotel5 Wbitby.,.ou MouajK iroillg, te aoôas-lin- lbe cause-o* bath cf Captain Sherveal, cf Ibm teamrHoscmu-u.Tsi felloving wury ae avnu: G. C. Grogs, fore- aa; Maojor Hlarp.r, Yeoman Gibsan, J. HL Long, Richasrd Hateh, Samuel HaLais, James Hamiltons, Hegis Boss, J. R. Pip, J. S. Roberston, John Brysu, W. H. Hsnnsm, Elvard Ar-m. strong, sud H. Crosby. Mnr..FaneélI, conîy attorney, wvas proient on behaif of the ti3ovn. Tise jury proceoedl thie nesidence et Bond, Mr. Shaw teo vw te body, sud on their neluru Lhe. flloving evi.i dince. vas aken: I Jutai M. Shaw, M. B. (hrotbar-ta-iav of laceosel) oe-a: On Solos-day evening 141h ilutsiaoul 5 o'cloak,0 ainouWm. Sbovucdampaind t aoh; ho bai beoln eoniploirlin l Uséfoseoon ; hé ail ho voul like somes quinine, aouI I ail I voplgît t fh vm. Sent toi- àlby yosng N4. Brave. He reLumnel and gava me a1 sealel envepi. Am a graduste ut medi- duneof ai vty College Univereity. Seul s wsitten us-des-fotusLb.quWne-,,Qulnine sulpis. 1 drsc-si.,'- Racelvai thi annabope sasiel. Insu. voas s package conlainlug tise nieicine. Il vas liai ana labelei- "Qsuinne sulpis. 1 ils,"' Abont 7 o'cock Cap. Sbavvueil uked ton quinine. I bail it -lu my possesson up te lisal lime. I Lare off Use ond ot thi ennelope, lookol I sthe nom. an tisa paeckage. Went te giva It te hlm, bol vas es.lei aaY. I iaInol giveit La hlm. Wunt dovn stairs, sud ounimy relus-n. 1 tsink I sav hie sistes- vIis tisa mudicine. I lil tisai te vait oud I veu relus-n and gLva Mhým lis. nedictae..Tol tieni tiaL I veu t ulgive mare tisnon e-tontis af Lie centents. Tis vunli ho about six grains. îTis s ais nonsves- l ber enquis-ysaste lis. aopul of tsi dose. Boy lise sedlina ; il in s poias- o!fvisite bc-. May niother vu vsny il aL Ihe-time, ÂuLl I v&s attend- iug on isot-&Ise. She is>d a spasu abohut tiaI tiii. An4 I vos levina tise raar, I saaI wvenl net «lvi as"inus as tisot, sud 2Ipet ffahoultva ograins frein Use propos- adoe. leavnu tlie dose about fours grains. DId net laite tise pavîers-. ap b. qoutie andil supi. mos-pis appear mue lathae sami. On my velum tbe meuMoine bail bain amven blm. A liltIe baes-re oui, a.m. I vus araus- éd by bis hrealhing -hmavily. lîpI vlish hlma. He vas tivesaabiesulse rapîl sud fuit. Trial c te vae ii ul nllnet rons. hM. spoke tLa blm about 10 p.î. ; thon helpal bun te udrees - ha sai b. fetitesies-, bail vasdravsy. à$ tii &sloop ulaortiy sitvs-ds. Whou w aeotaken- id atl1 o'clock I gui soie le. and *&ter and batot iaufbs e-eadt. A utIle isoase Ivu, 1 vent las- Dr. Bogart, lesning Capt.sasr-- vaod lu chargeaiobishiles-trsud my aliter, visile I ventftheadoctes-. Dr. Bogart carne at anc. sud aakad if be boal bien any oplola. i sai net esu I knev. Made enquis-Lu sudcocula 'ual fini ibal ho bai takon suy suais. Thon oottai aI the pupili of biseeimsud touel tiiey voeconîsaclal. Thisis a aigu o! an opois svlng bocu usai I vos thon segestd tlia cmistae omigisl isav beaunmi iluth. midi ae b it on îm'salt us-Dr. Bogiart, 1 len't kusow vba sssd s i-t. I jauni Usepaakage sud bond- edilleDi-. Dogsrt Tisai paekseý p raiucied (Maskil A.) Thé ioors-ts.ted IL .'nt seniauner visI hie laedit, os- visatiah.er s-xesseai anyapinion &bout 1L f I lameste apuvuts sud Iboughtis iwva -mes-phisne. bis wuaalittleafaies- tvueam. I got soine morpine I bai dova stairs lËn copa-d Ibm Ivo. ,Fanai ouI then tistaI t=sri.e iitake boai benmode. Dissoivei sume ln vates-; it diselveil s-adily ; qui.- - nina doesenet dissolve In vatos- te auy greal ixtent. Ena1 jrmeaus vouusai La anouta - hm, iueludlng eleetilaity oeil ammuelai. Dr. Gnon vas celle-a intanasud aes-yort- maie lge ue Id1etofIte Captaion. Be diel at fiveemiutes ta seven 0on ndoy mrnt I bhuielva deaLis rsultal tram a large doss! ofglpbateof o! urhi&,On,- ft oftiasgrain of tis w on id bath., es-ch nos-ndose. NVas tohdi t vasgivnn lubs-ouiy e orlquaos- t sniekind.. Be did nul spsîak 1.fs-uniaster- tan Bauleslayvaun is heoh veel tl e SoI -ava boa charge prnueipaliy a! anu moiinas about my !cthes'm bouse, sud1.do nt knov et any apiates, except Ibosvisicis I isa i ani y possession, sui nu une usai tiss. Bis vilehbaibenu drovu- ed thi lattes- part ufthbie voek sud ho vas in 1voints-amsos-sies;i. ]=iltn Sises=l-asad-ru : k sahi-o- Uera!f deceaseil;wvasacquaiuleal wvahlhie isabits. About 2 yaars agu, h.iesW"poi0ono -by plsn-ivy,but b.hot veli,2 &èk go lb broie ouI &gain, buiotaL be enrdal rtgisl. -Itbrakeeout onbistfa-ce sud Isdi talb, tas-m of a s-as. Othwisme ha wus a vîvy bîsalthy mon. Lu suw iion Sales-day eening at bhatpast six 'clock.tfieimed gtthon ita goal isealtis sud quit.ebeertul as )f =la be ucieorthebim anceu. ,llhy b tis avnna Sin ion Port 'Uoe, sud ex- rpecle i thlie on Use- toiiuving Mouday - nscrnnng. Be I. some suppern ta ven- k iug. Btaveryrchis-luiunIe es- i r- ,@ cumismnceas, 4igung an tisa tutus-oausto vabwatbe sa sgotag te do. Bai nu tisougist cf self-destructian. Bilatmpesamant vas Oe cheertuî sud nuL melsnaisuly. DII nul Lo seenita harboactisoagist fsait.dast-uiesua dI iz anyv ay. _nIcaen ue~yng =sen cousi -beave sade a nilsaki ouleas théb. tgu es O canagea, sud tisIb. bai net veadX the label, thei ioulslabel wuasn ce s surpiino bote, sud appoeelte bat'. been ona ion g ime. ÎDr. Gunu ioru, csud ezSmlu&-Aiter bal-put tour, os-sean fine aocluck on Stan- mopai0 n~ ngmr. Ssaw came te My ou a s ea mes o om a qnicidj am I cudt e atain Shervual. gosai sumething &bout aqsuiséke madseu is te madiethat bai bain givin, but lI nul bear hlm distinctiy, On gotag up stairs, savilecesseil in rot upgainst the hack ai a chair vllbplllovs. W as tLd tisaIhelad takîn o dose of salpsha éof mus-pbà inît.ad ef quinine, on lhé iveing bies-re. The qeantity I vas teld vas ton grin-t Thais lB y impression. Wben I sav hlm, ho vu te an apparently dying condition tram the effecte of a naroo poison. iJlai pupl of tae' ye vos very muaishentseteil. Hi vastuleatoeof desep comna, as- iusonLbility witis convulsive spasme et the Ilareat sud cbist-aUListe sympoms ndiotiug nansiotic potsontag. Exprued u opnionas ta, the hopelisu- pesa ufthe casé.Thougisî ve'd Lry somo- "llg - nocommendai bellalonea. Only as mcl qunutlly trial. It ldnet hi gaI dovu thse glotie vitsout caueling grosL spuis ; perhaps about a drap _got love ; Il vos odmlnistmol inta ts-. My optin vas, that, freintise lenglis et lime tist a oll alapsel, clilihe poison boa beau taken ep itle i.systam. Triee suiph4le of s-lue as au omello, but itllu osuciseiul-isai ne iflict. E-aminocl tisaboas-I iltisahestels- escope sud tound tisa action "xceeiluog1 irs-egula-. Tiseravas ao dnLtesing ut1lise beart sud nul much s-aspiration. Tises-a vwu great but oftie skin. Baugisl mdI- ci msuy Limes aI Willdli. Kitv tiso pitio ut eb. balas. Tise boftle coutata- îug thea quinin, stands aI Lis. leit bond Bsde sud tise morphine baIlle au tise rigis of thse dispensiug ileek. Bath vore isbîled iu pLe lettore. M y opinion 18 that Ms-. Sse- veod died tram thse iffecîs ut su oves-do.et n&ostie medicine.Tishes-opita.bottle centainel aecondl label, vils tise antidao ase printeul an tise label. Tis a tient vas not canscianusal tors- av hlm ho vas foa far bovoni Ihoh bInMy epinion Ms-. Whît- field uses ail necessa-y ps-actions as te poisons. Have ilai lt is hlm sonore! yeas, ani nover founi an is-segulsrity' or vaut ut carna udispiuutag. Bai boas-dlthe suggosliouos a e keepiug poisons ilu --g stores in on. place; tist mLgist lead lu gnier niitakes; Lise anly vsy vas cari- tulu. Knav Ms-. WhLtfleld tus- msuy y ocre sud seiltise grealeel confidenoe ta bis dispenstg aceuraey snd eareiuiness. Couela nulconeine et a niotaka ocusing uniss he ottes ni isplaced. - us-e prescriptions vas-e conipundai braugisl un the cennts- Lu sigist oethlie ustorner, su as that b. coula se.visaI laivas gottîng. Tise anquest ith Iis slagi-hal-past one -vas adjus-d te hall-pust tva o'clock. on tise raassambling of lise jas-y, lise in- qniry wvu proceaddi L. Niohoisu Broave, a boy ut 16, exasinol- tostifidl UsaIou heinRg asel by Mr. Show b. took a pape- te Wbitfieli'slas-o medielue &haut six o,0leek. Gv h aa-te As-ebibali Dencon, tGlviserosk; lises-e vwu suethar oies-k Lntise stoeisatbisétimi. Denoon niai lthi pape- sud vuet to htg îtaegel the maulialue. Icu fin os- Ion miutes ho gave vilness a packagéinan envalope. WLtness ske tus- sunie salve visics Dr. Shav tLd iix te gel, but tes vheis bal neounIes-. Gol a parel of court plutin. Wisen vitoeu relus-ual ie C ae thepackages tc, Éter-Dr. Show or te Lbe doctes-. WLtundil naL kuav iro bis ove knovielge visatieu ent alteos-u visaI b. guI. To Mr, Giheen-Hal s tw ov vse iii Danoan wvin ha gave me lise package. Aaked ihm visatiIt wv% 1Be bld me seune big naine, ta fun. Asked hlm il Lt va ~io.Ha said il vas ; tisIst ou Ieas vL as oloetag tise enveope. Kpsav Ibat D.nqeu sai a t taina joetteasd tLis o vas euly teeling. (The vituesses vere put out et cou- durang lise enioens-e ut Browv.) A-cibald Denoon soesn and examined sid.-Tbe lest vitaîss, Bs-ove, came te Whitîftehd's drag etora about o quartes- t six odesck ; ha isanîloil me a papes--tsi rescription nov ps-odscei. [MflccfB.] il aesoufoijovo! QUININE SULPII. I put up tise poeva, vrapped ILtainpoper sud put Lb Ln su ouvelope sud gave il Ic Brave, and gave hlm st cmn iacenst plue.-. 'hat is tise pape- (praducal) bha cannel eay viseise-itla thLismrnapoviler Tise peacriplien ealid tes- quinine, sudI voul sud gutitaIont uf tise quinine h¶sttii I evear pooltlvely hst I leok tise quiniue bote love sud ave th-ve a- uut, ietl quinine bStui. Tise q neni otU. 'vasl te lait hani aide of!tLiseaotol Lise p roes-Ltll lion-deek. I teck ilt ram.tise, 1put i bocklises-e.suldlisere I galit. I am confi dont cillai. Ai ual ceafident Ibat I look id allia, labels on taebatise; sav l.te r "Isulpis ;" on the bolo. Neyer have dis =ensli merphia ; amanul alloveiteIoas' Wbn voutel, tb. doctessdispene iltisen selve&. Do not roinehr viielisor 1Irosi thi visole label. Dnt tistak I rs-eauX I label. Gel thb aIle ta Ita place sud knea il troua its teol and shape as vWall as l ~Il*~~selapseka«ilubils lathos- aud mothir'e reem. Gave bsmothen apirte cf a=moi&, but nu mes-pialats seceuld net tace il. Alher opeiug Lthe package van dovu sdairm t0 glve somitising ta bis Math- or. Hie pachaiof mohis vas lu owudOr th sud vas kpt belveen ivo booku; hi got it ts-om Dr. Bogart. Theve vas no posalbilitYn of is povieve beilgven taCrPLiSboi- tih vaod. Re had all t epowdii's except tise ud testAil ou Suday ùwrning.-h Lou"eaSiservueilswos-IlveinluPrs-s-i cot; vas viLs my brother, iu Whitby, On il SoLos-day ivauiug lust-ien a pareil of medliini vas bsoegist tram Ms-. Wiil'sga by-youug Bsove. Ms-. Shaw gave iL Le Me, f I openel iL. I rooognize tise papes prodoc- éd as tisat Dr. Shaw gaive me. Tiisi mark id A. Gave my brother sainieofuttie madlicine fs-unitisa pas-col. I amn inforrueil tist tise ý.utity amonuted Lu about 4 grains. Gave Ri it Lu iin lu issey, visicis I got f rom tise <I bottle ou tise bureau. Amn pDsitlve I ga«ve hlm tise povilas- Wai iskey, Thora v-ri nec otisir packages contaiin sedicineODo tise table or bureauo but tise one Dr. Shsaw gave me. Dr. Shsaw vatcisa e nia ve iI gave tise mediclue 'lu hlm. Ho suggisted saF ismallos- dose. I p ut eut part. ut it, sud ha Pl sail tisaI vould do. Dan'l tink my bsot-aJ esr oves- tooke p tatou itany t? ime. Tisei pewder dil uo dsslve. Think it modo tise B whisky visitA. Did netsueim ta Mix. HO m-de ne complalut shoot tise iiternesui il. Dld nul stir t long enoogis ta dissolve. Tus-nd il round about once, wiLtiste endl of R anotises-speon, and tison handed 1110 bUll.G Did net notice cuy package on powdine-lui Dr. Sha' bauds visen ha cauma op taire about tise tle I vis nixlug tisa medliciue. H The adjourneil inquet ws vasumed ou E Mondqy eveniug, itishe Town hall. Tise D hall was Iled iatis people wviemanitlested F a dleep imtesest lu tisa proceedings. Dr. P Bastwodasd Dr. Field were sn atteudance J te b. exomineil as wituesses. Mr.~ Fare- B well vas psont aunisebalf i thLb.Creva L snd Mr. B illinge3 appeare-o n baaitoa!Mr.- Wbitfield. Ms-. Farewel vas dispoeeiltua bj ect le tise heasiug ai loather smédical tcati.mouy. - tMr.BiUluge wlohed te show lis, affect of' lb meuicine said ta have beeu taken- L Ms-. Mayas- Hssar, (visa l ane ut the jus-a-), woold not be'ealisfled vithoot boas-- L ing ustiser inedical evidence an sanie points -a mRority af thse jury roquired it. r Altos- same littie discussion, tbe coroner rulad tisatlus-tises- mdioal testlmny sisauldT h. adsitted. Tisa fis-t wituoou oalled was Thsomas P Grios-son Witdeld, di oggist, vise vas ex- aminoil aI muti lengLis by Ms-. FarevwelE sud Lise coroner. Ha was rigisterol unies- tise Actd ud bd bien engaged te business E nia.e yeas-s. KepItvaw clors-one h bisben viLsh lm ueas-iy Ibrea yés-s-WÇesley Hoar. Y sud Lb.eethar As-ch. Denoon, oves- a yeas--14 moulhe, porisapi. Boas- vas an assistantB suad Denuan an appreutice. Witnesu gave minoiseiletails sas tetise precautions lakeri yhimlus- tise due observance of tisaps-o-0 vasions ofthtie Phansnacy Act, sud especisily B 5as te procautieus for tise sale kioplug, sale, sud iaboéeg uf poisons. f Some n tise Jures-s hecame sestive lilten- ing te tise.details. sayiug tisey cousideneil il a vaste ai tlme.1 - Mr. Witildaid iDenoon vas lorbillen ta dispense orssU poison, sud tisaI ho neyes-P knew hi... tahave doua e . He xplali d13 ev b.e fisst came ta eaea t Captati shes--i vooil's deatis ou Sunilay marning ; bis sob- rsaquent ites-s-gation et sud conversation vils Denoon ; bis ove personsi, observation af tisa quinine sud morphine bottlos being t in tisoir place on Satuvilay ivening-De-a noes pes-istence trou tise begtaning tisat lie bcid. mail.ne mlstsike sud couhl have 8made nouesud declave bis ave positiveE t opninle; tisaI Deonndid uat make ac icsaketu isponsing tisa medicine, sud tisaItisare vas nu chance of lise mos-pia rbotti e ieg nard by hlm. Ie veply La Ms-. Billingu ho sai he cnides-id tisaI a persen eta Dr. Sisav's kasoviage sud experlonce -caudi toni tie diflas-ence bel7veesi quinine sud morphine in tise poivder,i hhalailoak- sel ves-ypavticularly 3 Dr Bai, recalId, lurtses- testitted tisat 1tises-evas sanie leur powdos-s of pepsine, ho- 8aides tise package cotining tise mor-phine, on CaptisuSheswd-voal ssoinltable on 't Sunday mos-ing vis o s entes-iltise s-om.à These poviers vas-a isssmness. Adxnltted1 a tisaI Captata Sises-oodtld id bu ou tise1 ,0proviens aveeiug isat ho vas lu tisa habit0 o af "'quacktag" a litIle. Theso p-vders of ic niorpiia given by hlm ta Dr. Shsaw, yert Jfor thse iattes-s molles-, sud holie inet tisinis tisey could have got mui up * ils that tisat came. f touaWhitfill's.- Tonid insse- Liybsove povders troni-tise partiesilar k2inai apas-riu wicb they vere euclsesd. Wisen vituese saw tisa Caril about 8 O'clock, tise Ca ptale tisen informai hlm tisat ho hacd Just ttakan 10 gris quinine tnaa uittle brandy. Iflh.il tison taken 4 gre. nia-pi a iai-past 7, 1he affect of tise * niicine oeudbe quiîe appareout. Dii oct s- tisink, if b. htsohedose th isaI ovuoli ho ta ahl. ta sper4k sud unirs- itsuaIhall-pool ton t o'cioek. Dealis vouli hava eean pruducel A ta tour or fine hans. Shawv dii ual l r. wilness as-at vas tise matIes- vitist'ho Cap- 1I tain vison ho callel hlm, unt1 saine t;e se altes-wsrds,--ossly tisat ho vas ta a isigis oe *$te of lever. 16Miss Glas- Show, cllai by Mr. Fas-weve u sili tise -Medicine vas lrooglit tte ro m 1.. WMs sa-ed ; eh.egot iL fs-eau itues- it -ses brother ta hie roosu. Ber Sratisir ssiI t- fis-st te give 10 grains and thon hae said a k. s malas- dose. rd Ms-. Farewell. - Was iL ton grains orns- e à- tinth he sai? 1. Witnss.-a btst, 1 Lhink, sud thonnlh. n. uais amallezdose. Witnous discuhbeiltise e mannes- uf giviug tise poesb7 Miesse es- La -vood, illusts-stiug tram tisapapiersinth ie Wu-HB-8T INNINIiS. A Laing, b Snydoer-----------------.. 1 Pegnis, hMarsn....................5 TsoIdebhMas-ison................i18 Pilisani, oBlatte, h Shav------ .. ....-- S. Roy c Mas-ison, b Show-----------..56 H. Garrs-aI, b Morsiou--------------...21 G. Armsrng,not out---------------....21 Hosion, e Blatte, b Morrsen .....1 Jas. Laviar, s-u dut-----------------..J Grean, s-un aut .....................0 Extras----------------------.....i1 wusrnr VS. YORVILE. -Anotbir matcb playel o1f the Wbitby «s-oued, ou Mounday laut, belveen 12 tram Yorkvilie sud 12 trem Wiithy club, rniteainj a viatery for tbe home teaxu.- Leo.scBties, h Dudley ........... l'siere Ha-Rlmekar;4 b Pas-sy....... T£6hna -b 0Helmke-........ ........ p -iI, hbRalmes- ................ G~eraBgb- Huineka............. I1hnslult, not t................... * iceto, 1>'Houckbr................. L&siwairJoli0 b Halmoke - ... ...... os-un'6 BlImoker. ....* ..... -Byes.. 1;eg-byos, 8; vides, 2...... 28 e po. At Traie a fov' dayu ago, tva Sjgirl occupying Lthe sanie chomber: o9 turnoillove lb. lsamp an nitiring. 3 Deriug thé nigbî tise. amp êxplled., 8] soi lu a fa-vminutias Us1 ainvas, W a blaze,.-Ibe gÏ*ls lept cu, uni voouii ~eikaooubtedlv bave baen borna toe ealk WHus-YVOxv. PETERueRO. Tisi-rnmatch, played on lise groonil cf se formas-, on Woilnîoilsy lu.st, vas eot very satisfeclory, 1?ocarhoro baning rauglit anly six mon, the Chier fine being token lnrn Lise Wbty club. 'h. garni vas a vis-y liait obai; in tact i remindei ounetofan os-huas-y practioe gamo, sud nosulteil in a drav. Tisa slevwing in Lise odore-. .i s-et Inmiues. Rutse-ford, bld. Loan............... 22 Grace, J., et. Palme-, bld. Boy . i.... is-raLlen, et. Loan bld. Laing-.... i loe ss, et. Ray, bici L ogan .......-.19 Buiel, ct, oui bld. Matheveon . e.... BeLton, bld. Matisivson ............... 2 ûe (substitut) bld. Matiesaven - fi... Fidles- (sus.>, bisâ. Yatisesou-----------..9 Palmer (suis.), ct. and bld. Maîhevoon..: 65 Johusten (euh.), bld. Loan------------..2 Brown (suis.), ual out-----------------...2 Byoo, 2 ; ieg-byee, 4------------------..S 87 Sescnd 1',nings. Rutherfordi, cI. Trousiali, bld. Logan.. . 1 Graca J., et Loag bld. Logan-..... O its-otton, et. Boy, biii. Loaon...i...1 1 u es s et. P uia , bld. M th is o ... 16 ulebld. Logan .................... .- Huton, et. Hluston, hld.lPelbam ..... O Dea (suis) cet Pelisan, bld. Trouedei.. .. 12 Fid 4es-(saouet Lovie-, bld. MaLiesovon 0 i'oles- euh), o. Plhan~l. .Lago.....S bosson si.), bld.Toeel 2ý L~og-lsyes ......... .......... .......... 8 Fist Ini;is Second Initiage ELogin, C. J., c Fidle-. h Stratten ......8 Lsaing ., c Hullet, h Ruierierd-..... >notent -8..... Palme-, J. F, h Ruth- erford- .............13 rrooseel, F. W., s-on c HoaIe b :Strat- eo.t-------" ** ----1 tan-.......1 PeIhasu, e Hlul-bel, h Rutserford-....7 Raey, c BaLlon hbRuths- es-frd ............O Reodb Itathe- ttstheveon,bRhersa- tord- .............18 Byrueo HoflleI b BuLth- ford .............. 0 hiuston h Rutistori.. . 9 Oavde- nul eut-...4 Byes, 1; 1-b, 1; y, 2..- 4 Leg-byee . i. 65 ~61 wnrs-zxclIUB VS. WANDEEEE5. Tise Wauderens sud lb. Wiiby Club ployed a match aI Wbitby, Fridsy, vi- solting iu a viory for Whillay cf cui ineings ond 148 s-uns. Tise Waelrvs playad the gails eu oly eight men, vbiob may accenet te sme oxtent for the defoat tisey sustaitiel. lb. score lu s felloes- WAiNDEas-1sT NSINGe. Fs-i Blakte bld Laing-----------------..t Chopusso, et Groin bld Loqan .......... 2 Johnson, et Hostau, ld Laing-.......1J Mos-vison, nouL cul.....................14 Frank Blake, bld Logan................ 0 J. Snydar, bld MoLas. ............. 4 Bs-ove,s-un oeuh------------------- Show, s- nut ......................e8 Exts .......- . ......... ........ 26 SiecondaiIuiige. Fs-ad Blake, c Roy bld Laing-...... Cisapsusu, bld Trudeill...............2 Johnson, c Reynolds, h Laing----------..c Mas-tison, b Lalng-----------------... Frank Blake, e Boy b Laing ............8 J. Snyder, nelouI-----------------.....2 Bs-ove, c Palme-, b Trousdell-..... t Show la Trouse .........-**-----..---- Exs-as----------------------... - il in lise iscsbcr survey, unier thie charge of Ms. Austin, fiisuil lisir vos-k an M-,uday. Withy isanur, v. as- o Ili, is tise beet tiba oculd hi repos-led un ast ealias-ber etrefugs. Tise coul ot soeur-0 iusg 14 test-ot voter voulilbc hitliiug compas-id vils Lb. lasgi expmndittano tsaI veudhacnecess-y lu otisr, sudr lessi eligibie places. Satisfaction vas exproeted aI Lb. condition cf ibe ba- bas- unies-tise ps-sent Company sud aI the repaire isteiy made. SOUris OsoAMo COUraTI AGICULTIT- f Ras.EXsaiD[TIîe.-The pris- i.0sLwili ho tanitn e Iis v.ike CisaOsIcLE. A glance viii show the liheality oethLie pneminisioafferoil, srnuuting in Use. aggvigate te Lbe large soini cf 8,550.1 In le onsequencé cf tise ime appointelfotas tise tais-s aI Hamilton sud Toronto, sud1 oitidîng as ibey deoanis- Po rnny1 ilsys, tIs yoaa co aty exhibition la 1 broigist en oaslier Ibsu usal, but Il lsa tob be opei IbIs viii prove no irav-i back 10 It iaeuos; md Lb.heindicea-1 linos se far are taàIlwil habetterc tssu mm@v, cul vu knev tisai tisePrei i doet aud directes-s, andl the.indeftig-t chie vorlby seoe-easy ave doiug allinta thois-power ta make it sncb. Tuc Baii -sMetUeusgT.-Tbe fionde visbe hîbs matten lu charge sheul -gin. somo sigu of vbct %bey ave doieg. A nunihîr of people vba bave spettenq te us ou ths subjont, gay lbey_ havi never bain ealloi upon, oeil exprseae1 th Ibi llinueissa usuissoibi. A ui- t:lee'l osadon eta e i le pis n g&I"tyoaissues-ye ionieuof tIi l u,le tu e b opel Ithm pvep.1 mnrierllou viii be madeis psiliy1 senlisxlb lu ie relevas. Subscriptîans1 ta tise Brave mowocisj are open ta Ibe pubic. The iribue inla te .Cana"ise tStaemn an sd puiblia bmnfaero, and ual ote .Partisan.1 Biais seANDe'nuua>iusuBUSS.-' Tib. bavas aundostbuildlngu on Lb. tas-m of Mr. Jaenei Campbell. lot 1. Brokmn front, Plckeng, sud. ln the ocauPallon Of M. Sanmuel Daws.e- d.stroyed by frn on Bsudàay iernnoo. Tbhengin of lb. fresosnut' b.#Asoir- talud. Mr. Davelb aos est fhis cvnp iseutisi sd ,utlm4Idebisois et $8,000 ;Insus-edlài.ApriAItrel Wiler- tevu tfs- *lsOO.,_Mr. Op=anp oi lusuraces on t.she lll* 1,14b $800 je iseWstrnuad 8066Mluin eh hovr4un. U nle, es hi. loss aI tvloe Ibmh' no-ut.- & ssa £55» BUNaTM grrtek place 0on tIbfm pn.M.à~dbg M. P P almaesa roien Baturday lut, sud wilh uttl îta a sfsvy b-are oýàb islpstoftheb. hcssy «s-ain b.lug loige -aà wsd semas-a on.. The, puebls, oie, of theý Téroute Basper asel Kover a mssufaoler-,lld the' *àorkl eu d vll--sud biu4tig. iq'aY fsi0- " M, i svoù the 4bo1- i'1 ý -k. oflvî n p'Peau ou behsif of Euglîuh Cbilds-en.. The folivi±g latter bau bien . dresseil ho Prieste of the Diocos. by % Grace the Anohhishop of Toronto :.-- St. Michail's3 Palac. Tonto Aug. 1 i To iieCtergy of t/c.c Diocceeof Toron Boy. Sir.-His Eminauce cardiM Manning makes an appei 1 t us hoflua homes for a number of orphanus eW from thé siveets and ponhonues« dioceRe. Rie eminonce hbe 2,0e«~ ibese oilidren te provide for, sud vr pon prospects for theni iu Eng1ur, lihneis ey0705tovards Canada. TIi good people of the Province of QueW i have aiveady taken a goodly nunaber sud vo hope tb flida charitable rvos- pense tram tbe Catholios cf Ontuanlo. lisse, oilidren vhose ages isugu tram 10 te 14, have beau trainsd al. oftdy te do farmwork, tbe rudiments of carpen. tvy, sisoemaking aud tailering ; the gils tô do houeveri and plain eewing, e0 that Ihey viil not he entirely a bus-don le those adepLiug tisem. Tisey are of tb. better clos of ciililen et f5era meobanios andl boneut labovers. By adoptiug.these citdren, heîjlles the ,cisanty te Ihemselves, 1h will malce reom for othero vho, 10 tise great grief et bis Eminence, sud oetttesausthoritles, isomes, ave for tbe want ef reom refus. ied admittan ice, an. aro picked up by proselytizers, tbeir naines cisaoged sund sent te protestant heoues. Rie Ensi. inonce Cardinal Manning tram tise cesu., mencemeut of bis ipiecopacy bau- dg., vuteil bis whole boas-I sud sool te save Lise bondrs-oetcbildren ef tise pon Irseb hruwn un tbe streete ot Loudon hy the poverty aud deatis ot thaîr pur- ente, and bas suoeodedinluroeuang theneande net only freni the etreetebut fvem tbe peur and vorlihonses of toc. idon. Net Lbe leset ut the eilie attending tb. oppression ef Lb. peer by unjuet laws in the baudseto inhuman land._ lords Lb. disgrace et bumsuity, luis e vholesaie rmin of tbe poor obildven. Pavante vith large tamilieesirc Irowu on Lb. way-side by cruel eviotione, elîben te die of stanvatien, or te break aIll family tiee visicis Qed sud nature have wvyo, sud enter inte a misera- hie wonk-bouseLo voL sud fret sud half etarve, or, lu fine, te lbave thein coun; try te seek s living eoeoviere, unpalni. etically ilenisil theni at hume. MoIi. tuiles of thuse pour people bave emigrat- ed te Englanil, Scotianil, sud te thie, country; ani liauding peunilees, bail te seek Lise lovel' boause tise ciseapeel bausits lu filh back lauesud aiieys, of cies whene Iheir innocent ohiilven, - accustemeil le tbe pore air cf Iheir nat- ive bomnes, bave te aisociate vith Lb.,- lowest- cempany, on if thay douine te os. cape from i 11h sud stench, muet play -eu the etreets sud are turihen conteai- nateil. We ask, therefore, lu the naine cfbis Emmnenas, lihe goaCardinal, en>zathei sui the nai of env dean Lordl, vbo bas W aidl, 'whateoever yen de te the leasi et these litle eues yen do unte me," tû came Le the enocour cf thoe chil- dren, adepteil by Christ tbrougb Rie Minieter. Tisese villing te do se eaunontity thoir 2 parishisp-est, anil state tise agi sud soi, aud lise industrial oapacity ef the chilI- van iisey woolil select. Tise guarenlie 7 et the pniet villb. auoarnuest that the > Spiritual andl-tempes-Iranle ts fthi 0 chilîren viii ho fairly attendel te. 2 Bev. D. Canty, cisaplain te thei cbief 5es-phan hume, bas hein commissionel hy the Cardinal te vieil the chililven al- 7ready sent eut, sud te seek homes for 5otisers. Ho bas beau mucis gratiflei ai 2tisa geed accenut. wbicb boihas veceivel t freni the clergy* sud poýle vbo bave e> their children lu charge. Applications tes-cisililven are.,t o besent, signeil ly the panioh priest, to Va Ryey. Vicar- 1.General Rooney, vhe vil communioate iwitb the ahovo dnmed Bmv. gentleman. 0,Cisililsen wi11 be sentîfresetfahl charge i te their destinations lu Ibis country. 4As iL xuay ho impoesihle at once te, mieL this yeav aIl the applications, tbey wil b. attenud oil e at yésr, ausltse snppîy F lu unlfmitoi! aYour faitistul servant,- i JOHN- JOSEPH LYNCH, * Avohhisbep of Toronto. A Neya Sootia journal rafens e ta t maLtter cf great importande te. ail fami- 5LTPÀYS TmE Grand Tvuuk -l 8may h. les 0 cfCommerce. (day) Ivo hundred to look alter theb.us lit.bnd puai -alune a ita intisaity. Bcgs-eaCis frih ib is lim. Ibat of naroaeing Lise c obun'arad. Cus-ainlyt- euhd Boominon.- toc m&ny t~ h. eset-bonn a frv yor YekCentral, . eE anis. thé: '-Baltimoro si o Grand Ts-unk agllva - eai in(s ave pas-icipasiÀ esch cf the clenks gît. ý ments psy-a Moderutoe e-thon.lise expeuses untije aIbLtherat.etf 12C nimissiones- Fink-, the auj lb. pool. cRIvES, IT 18S ID,$2, thisialenn. rueho is ane_ hie vos-k le vo-Lisfat mn tise*limes b. ses-vis., torn luveoros-pas-t, co s pool eysem. Siucebn o enviobol hy patentin~ s hie novas- by "bos nation ouaà gigauntie ecalo ,auin theNewvYork i ding. lunlise -ample videil fer lisenisite-ise sus-voundeil by hie t voes-s.Tieo re canen .as> plans for regulaLin iues uani rates vithosI ting tise sisippers. Tisas irsasaeigning Ltiseandli ight toeosc ai naIivay lie division of piundes-- businese-as agveed ni heu it is tounithat iuadvas-Iently exced leprovieus rnt-lis, Il of et sufficienî freig to oa ff-eut Ltasmo orcariusglunlise ' Ih~ og, pretèeoccu à pers. Tisy .&y sasor l.Es-i s No maLtes- what Lb v'OCxoT Dont WIUol- vit ail. If tis. Gras allumoeoasd 014e cf ils traffic, Ith t Comes aloug le sent - sIloS, vbhalever' il 'oute. Iftse roue: siijpens lue m.ou edmage don. te ne .it.or kuovwlodgi, ~ut ho neouX llaps ment frcm the pool asei-n. Il la th eleinske mney by ivabie sivaiage 0o bave hM st tisir m tbuy ftes-a monop cible. Tises-e lane cas Iboy May or- except vison tise -] g -ils tboras 'nu -or cf le-day is boi ais- auds. The, -Lb. gipeexoprate all p 1 o-nlie the 1 - aiejrje inneoQse rBection -tth Ie vint ýèe o la y foirgreasing iý>e-ry-aporanu haIs h thnC Ibae. Tieencra 1r ýnng tise pool -mac1l eîsn eUs- 0F PTE IMS W ".Addiug tu tise M stifmate for rouI, i aOofâco itème hbock isgonls aI diffis-nt - uny,'O*Ehaàl ne -tee totilnnai lx *eé% v1t âeaIsis v A s bum m bi . t~ ~~~~l boeêiywê#f a nrs *In pa ts-ainei elsevisare. Whitby Cisel- Tise Wbithy galvas inspect£-i on lb. 7th lest., sud tb. feilevîeg is su abatle r eport on its condition:- Tiseresasinnmaies aund fv. fa- mole prîsenere la custoily. (0f be former, six ari under sentence tes -n ceucy, ao uscb 11k. effeeces, sud oe is vaiîing-trial. 0f lb. laIter, fous- are undesr senteneî; tUssao fr prostitution oui keeping iordsnly licous, aud ce for nagvsnoy, sunioce i. cisagel villa insauity. The oase lu appss-euhiy a ne-.! ours-eut one, sud ebe uuv seema tc, bavé veconereil ber roason. Tise Gaol-Sur- geau le requeuteil Lu mokeaunexamina- tion o etbs-montai condition. vils a' vlev et sucis t-Iis-action baing taken s tise resait moy useessitate. AlLishe psiaurs bane hein amen ; snoue of Liso bave made eampiaiet cf lbc-is- trealmnent. Tiése sntimacai pseseare aI vos-k atone. hnasing. 'lYlse «sler &tates Ihat sncb Isbas- bas bain provided constant- ]y iluriug the wiuIer sud sprng. Thé condition et tb. goal, sud ils sesreceld. lugu, lua&Il tisaI couii ho ditireil. Sine* tIse date cf lb. grenions inspection tise lotte efthlie uppîr cilla baveheen ne- Eaais-ilasd tise gale lu tise vest yard asbeun meudeil. Ilisubeîn totlnd "I tise use cf Ibm iulenigr vatelr cleouté causol bai sielîs, aviug toa abnulvery Cad I ramn; sefir uso lmse tiborotore ndsoctinuei. Tbe présentL yod- eu beil-steade are lu s vos-y dilîspidala conditIon, ud affurdnlirnilei nover for vermain. - t le reoumeniled Ibat. Lise cannaiaulhiextUeis being ne- placoci by imue anas cf s propen pattas-e, Ibm boetta have beau exarnineul. Thé lituitel sacommoation provudeil ter Lise «soler s - aise ucicai, sud ces-Laie aihurations reomméndol in Ibat dir-ec. ' b@ report is ereditable ta Mr. Mss-- tiu's m avesuspervlsion, sud ha cer- tainly doerve. te bâve healthy accons. mnoiclion providesi for bia-isopeoially sa théeost would b. IrlflIng,suni lb. grester Portion cflb. vos-k nouda b. i ue by prison labex. B2mnuolix Nîwss-Tbe Boum oflnm.' sce bave gaI thé eii'ovball ompîoted, It lsa suie. tvo-stovy brck btiudinglo&v «edthouletrioftha villagl, lb. addfeistlsutd . PIsaM sY. .by ltvee oeàie,. -The ttIi cci lt about 42.M00 - M.CbaslrpiitorcfMr-. BýnDot1s aid slsad, in erecting a fini slc s-t a *sI o lu Aqu, igond to1u fou>tos -abla lu ulnay, laid, 'nde lb bnek- verkWts-lgopjaon ono Tbosé, -l PZO'tf)Ooa lp té4#1 np -thbianiw - a.Fies BJI N'13 Il oxio ai rDuffis. Crs k Imites place, an lllauds 1 l'

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