Whitby Chronicle, 12 Aug 1880, p. 2

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1. e- z'New eW hY'f wîneg And lIqwria ab reduoclpries. a Freah grocerlea Wuoed-1t. H. Jame son. Apple parer-Hatei & Bro. >dtoselaineo il-Hatcb & Bro. Ooal cil-Hatch & Bira. Bstcvms -MIatch & Bro. Hardware ab prices to suit the tinjea- Hlatoh & Bmo. Examine immnense stock cashmeresa- R. Et. Bq0ee, Oshawa. Evory price in jet, aud bise, ahades- IL. H. Brycie. Atcetion Bâle valuable paiiting-I. tFairbanks'auctionoer. Eî'iviuu te Itachstr- Dom. Orgau Co. i3owman ville. bouLlc Ontario Psu exhibition. Fartu to.renl-E. A. Richardson. Faèriu lu rent-R. Squire. WVbtby Modui Sohoal. Errurm of yout-J. H. Bates. 'ru ent-Noble L. Stephenson. luRolveucy notie-D. Ormiston boir. Auctcon sale-estate Wm. lrya-L. Fairbauks, aistioneer. VoIci,,' li#et Court-Towuahilp Pickering. Morigage sale-S. G. Wood soIr. Ouru for sumumer Complait-Perry Davis' & mon & Lawrence. àli.ovllanoous specal-J. S. lRobert- ROU & Bros. Zulu oil-T. G. Whitfield. FIy poison pads-T. G. Wbitfield Pure iepice-T. G. Whitffeld. Dr. WVctar'f; 1lilam. Cooling and refreeluing drink-S. W. B. Smuitb. Fly voio-S. W. B. Smith. Honîicopatbic Ospeics-S. W. B. Smith Galsanie batteries- S. W. B. Smnith. Naticc-.Mecbanic's instilute. D.r. i rcq e 3ract. e ýIly rte avy-,gpeca. ONLY Si 5o PER ANNUM. Whlîtby, Thursday, Augt, 12, 1880, North Ontario. Mtr. John Hemx Perry, couuîy regist- t; i-an, necive! tisa Wit ocidlection for Nantis Ontario. au rday, 131h lit., as rtunnieg officosi- sud iumaediately is- sue! bis proclamation. Tise namin- aLlen lakea place ou 21e1, aud polling ou ilIe 251h lest. Tise date cf dilection il eilî ha seau, corresponde vilS bise information supplia! by lise CaRoNicLx tva vueke ego. Very eoulradicîany acceenîs neash eS 'as ua tisa pi-agesas aitise canvaa. Mn. Giblc'a friands reput-I enexpacte! sue- castisade!pi-omises ai supporl t-crm tisaeelcons, au! appear tl a hequita jubilant in, anticipation aiflise reauît. WVs icaci lie saine kim! aiassurances pneiac-yt ive pean go. Tisa figures at iv, ci-lle hoevd lueur Itai- venth- Re'ccs.ieports irons Mr. WlibleIei- cîie-Irounidillari otparla aei liRdlcg -m-reO ltaI isschances ana muais moi-c cuccuragiug tissu tisy venu visen1 buv eiitùud lIce coctetoa atlie genorel el-oLion iu 1878. S5h11 vs ara tl!- inteiovs WBkuew-tlcaî tisons arc a gri-ca iany aiflise elaccsra, et bath aides- ver-y lukevarcu levai-dse canadidate@s aucc4lo$ s ehoiseexpreess lisemeelved alsôlutely ludifferent as teîuthei-eul. Lt ie actouislsing - reuaembering ftisa funitucsigitieg ai poitizans ln loi-merf cotesta-tisa eomparalivoly little miner- en tlakôn bispe Ilhnk cf thsa peuple in lIce praseul dilection gaiug on lun ou-li QOuaie. Qf courseatise Suri-y aibai- est, aI Ibis lime, vaul! le aieaextent accieunt fer this, bol co& for &fie videîyp axtoude! apalsy visichin lakuowu tea iravail. Tisera ai-e Reforeris vîmo saya tîtat, vils tlite lange government ina-1 jenity le the-Houa.uae membar mors c ori leiues acecul atter.fAn! tiser. ana t Couservative visosp. "6tise Gavai- utcs'.in atmrcug seugisan! eau afeord lu lue Nortli Outaie." Au!dlise mon ef thié stamp, Reformera an! Gansai-va. p tiveu, as thsey, msy appen ta caîl thain- sallves, yl elteou IîsItbahy do cet cnu enaugli-about lise mec lu tise fiel! pernacnalty, te taesan interagit lutise eleclion. We statu lise position aseil la, au! il la jmat as Weil t t i hol! haie undartea!. Ths Gavorumout vine- st pumiers@isave taiscu (res couraga fi-cm n ( fii a tate cf Ibings, se! hopie ta ho ablead lis teal a mai-ch upen liseur appouenla.F Wa bava- airoa!y ratio!i a wsruîng ar voica te the Libeas)Party go axons. D tîcainfi-oua beir apatbp. Tisqrc uaver vas mors ressac why tbey aboul! uat tuonu.ont la-a man, sud mss-k lier eau- uIýmnatiau of as Infamou~s apolicysas aven gron! dtaxes cul ai an afiicta! people. Lettluein take acceunt aiflise ce lîceas;e taxas ou ovcry band, and thé h iigîci- prices usaI hava ccv ta hae pal! sr ion oveiying tise pvaut ta buy ;îlaith îhsm coneldar tise fiandalout piomises e made Sp tise mec lu paver aI Ottawa tlu s le lise effeceoth ie N. P., in pi-o. le, etiog sud incrosaing tise profita af eh the lai-meai-nsd 1.1 Ibeinput thme ques- te lion la thaielvea vsoîs-tsehecandi. tn, , ae uporin soba polleyandsnob ni (ac.This ils tise ay tise question sisoul! be Icoked at, spart altagetbem- s-i fi-cmn tisa papiiaiy or unpopularisipOf Mn. Gibbs or Mr. Whlee. ShouldEH tisa fat-mai- ho rotai-na! à Illbe accepb.- -el eeau seenosaian af the K. P. byth, Narh ntiuaio, anal s suaIs viii heani blazoued sud, praclaimeet aIl oves- thse fi cunryby tise argauis- of tisa partyluin-ro poear. We do not belleve tisatishe ab mac af NorhuOntario ai-e ready la do wi Ilis. Tise large majaity, va- are salis- bu fie!, 'oundemu Ibm paliey of taxation af lise presqut Gayreut. To vindieste lhiat-opioions au Ibis bea! tlcey ssauld' ds taka marc Ithan a paselug lubai-est iu Ibis elaclian. Tise p alaul! support Mn. Wisales- hatily, sud put ta bit route th. nomblu..of a Gavernaili meut olaidc. lion, fels. pi-amiss, aud hy iigis taxes. Tis es- ano reesm i y 5 a Mn. Wisler auld noi poli th.ein vote casat fr hlm"lu Bptemibar, 1878. Mul lîmt bas ti-ausplne! ine ---ud tise Bi courne cf tise Qovei-pmeut cenlalulyW tiseould havaelise el feet of In'crè1neslnil a l vote. As liseré l'eàmotabe .somue mis- îîptefiesusot as ta the figures litishe Im giflerai eloctian, and those oftlis Nanti it Iliding appeai- ta hava beau coufounded eIý vi t llaq tio'Souts Ontarioa, tise correct ë reliaius may -h useisi. ' -6 Tisey vare A ' Rama, 92 42 001, Mars, 806 121 Urbidkgp, '4885 ' 219 Ux. village, 158 98 P£ Sciot, 10 275 Scagoge, - 41' Brook, 271- Pt. Pes-ry - 1 Beasch, "889 xAjos-lty for Wiieolar 54. ,122- t Pà,a of TWanszup LuChas. A correspondent lu Mondlay'a Gi takea up Ibis suljeet sud- makes lbe foliowing auggeoticsi's, wilo, howevori Ilave buea alrendy enti(eilînutd in fltuas eJ LO 'c n y pu au wg tri TUIE Doari-soN i QAN ciCO. BÂND, ai liovinanvilîs, viii givaliini-!aunna excursion [rein the nanti shobre porta ta Rlocisester, ou Auguat i7îlî, by tisa etesasi- Norenan. Ticket& for the roued trip aby $1.00, god foi- si- laya. Cbihdree iudai 12 pears 50 cIa. F'or fui-user pariumai-a se. large post- ure. Tickae for talé by M. Stephsenson, Dom. Talegrapi att-i goeral Ticket Agent, wbitby. QiceTILCTIara lisurva. -Sme l.liae, ai Picernug, ippaed Sp Iss oounsel, Mi-. J. B. Dovr, baera Me! isuot- Judgc Burisa, on Mondsy, la' aneyer bthle ludietineut fouis! agalsasF lua au lisis cemplalot. Ms-. Daywaek- ad that is i lentt ha alcvd until Oc- aber la nemova bisi shauty. i. But- îdge, for tisa Crovu, presse! for s- ehantetertai-. Hie sonon defai-red son- Wuce. Prusanen haun! aver lunibis avu recageizînca ta appesi - vies caie! pou, Tus Mftmxio's I»sTITTE avisag e! dTie scoau!flat oflthe Oddfalov' Eali'*as a irs-yand lecture irmn-u sud s4ag same impravemauts lu àe hall before aeeupphug ml. Tha 11h-ý ra will Iboneicre cal h. opan again r- the delivery cf bockantil aftor lise can-vlelacomplet.!, vhicis vIli b. haout lise firet aifB.ptambe-. Tiser. 111 bhn àleuslange addition oa io-v coe. Tas O'Cosesa- ArrvaÀvp~ ey lsut, 131h let., vas celabrata! tise 151h auuiveaz-ry ai Daniel O'Gonali'i s-lb,. Lrlsucaetics lu Taoracta,,Hau!: Iton an! els#esra calebrateul thea-447 ry exacituse processionsand héll!ay nuiemonte,- tirft.--On accausai af lie !iMcuty ha- reu lh isetly ouoil4.*ud tise gaS om- suy, the sîrcetao?01Queachavaes-a- a&îned ln ulghthy darksealas- sOOea [me paei t. l a' éîëtissia j lisà ane.' wer tsii flfty r&îorffl7sud nt-ton!r. d ýallempoe t bÙiryhave ýbeén made anvbraaady ompr trkise ie. Cip -w abul ctËi mibethe raaaavlngté hiiieMW proseoqathea Itlien asWrabanse," cfteis' 1ab re4ced Mea fls~aue od oh rs, iarêta=4- be m hko-,and ao frosit rocçgiiiL. le. Â »DvL] -<i-mt __ th celumus: Tise nautîbêncof ratlaîccup-re susnltce iss. sentent roil vohld toc-n an unerrng guide lun.cetitlitiliucig la ir. à ecateý <iiir l i v itc U e-l flc ic.i5î i t iatitte -labeur coultu eâsiiy ha uevise!. Thce same princila Iecuul! ha applied ta othen municipal olhciala as watt. Tise Councils cud Iîî t ise a tht -unirammeleciexerciceai tiseirjudgmicnî lu appumuting affluera, fer uetWitl:staud. *t stgasiuîory prohibiti#on in chat rtespect, il canaIt be deoca! but Hicit thce coin- pelirive principal ai apîiuinting dcficers prevaits le a coneicherabla extent, sud visera ibis prevails the resuit la ibat tho officiera in reality appoint lissuaselves. -Oua afIcle, moat important fuedions af a Counoil js e talte a judiolous se-- le-chiou cf officans ; but visen tisa pra- Valiog eoua lm a ta give the position te tbe laveat bidder, regaitilsaof adap- tation, il ambansss lie Council in- the diachange of lhiser duty. A tariff as aboya snggested vould nemeove tiis nplesucanuuas, vouil!se- oui-a uniiormiîy aud aqaaality ail ava tise Province, au! voul! &acearmove ail] grounds fer complainte. How theoN. P. Works. Frman editunlal article in lise Globe, exposiug aaveor n maopoly lunlise slave t-ada, we maka tise iollowiug eact. As the ahiveriug Canadian site nzit wiuter insuffscîentiy cîsch lu woolona taxe! 60 par cent., sy lice aite of a @dcv: talOci 25 puer cent., soauîily sîîpplied with comi. fur tics pnivolege of trning vhicîi lh a sd olisa consumoeahavaâ pal! mors tissu $5001,000 ia taxation, lia wiii extracî muais camiort fron tise kuevledge tisaI feurlosu weslliîp firme ci slave- foundare are in a atata ai ba- tilla satisfaction vusibhte N. P. And tise atove foundera, wbao, by nedueing vagea, eau campaI the vonkinguasu ta pay the taxes an tise mon sud coal an- tsnîng itb thé manufactura oi slaves, cau a theacfiattaring uncîon ta Iheir saule thal hy the axpeudituna of liseir veslth they ai-e bansfilliug rsankind. BAR D14 LDDy cnc-LîuurN14tuu.- The barn ai Mn. Willim Qi-r, Stt cona., lot adjoltuiug tise Duffenin Farin, vas atruck hy ligistning cii Weduasciay moruig ashut fivé o'clack, sud villi lise captents lataliy daslroyed. He hié boused about Iveiva acres o ai lu vsat, a large qusnltty o ai hansd isy. sud ail vocal wilb lise buildings. A young bull lunlise stable undenalitiste barn vas bure..Preparallans wve. ada for lhreshiug tisaI day, lise machine bairsg on tb. premiseo, sud vîts somo difficulty aved. Tise building vas "*pro- teoted" bp ligistning i-udo, wiii prove! al useleas proeteion. Thse bas la beavp; partilly imured. Tus Crvuc Ili.unv-Euorbody fa hikcly ta lfa' mît of lvou 1n5te Ciie holiday. Thea cheap excursiora on tics Emprese cif ludma to Toi-auto. sud by rail ta Lincicay, vils ailtlise attractions pi-avide! aI HuIlon',3Groe, are lse great eve-sewiicb viii divida the lileastre sîcekers. Notisiug goictu ou lu' tban. Au expecte! *Uorilla" an! "GirafTe*' exhibition hies beau put off for-a future day. Tisa Cetnty Agricul- tural 18oviety ar i-chding isigh is lsow7 t tisa acuicale agoîbu:- lu a cage aItisao fontccomng fair. c Tuis Fias BuccoADcu lid tise Msi-ry- weath.ai-steamer oul fon practic ona Mandap oveuiug. Tisa men anewsrede prouaply la tis a larnicail. The ae-. gins, aineil necsived the uew baller an! vas se tisoreughhp ovuirbaule! by Mi-. Harpen,dôes beîter vork tissu cver. and, thbsa thie uecisanical skili- tuec woi-îiy Mayor, la nov s mare pov. ' ci-fnl aud efficient machine than visen firai puncbsied. Tise pi-acfice oi tise fiaman vas avei-ythjiug ttsaI could b. praised. Tut; COUîîaurUIAN broe han piston e!d ou be ondvwaad passage lutI Yednesday au! vit dliiculîp gel ata Wi h brbon, 8h. vas lava ie Toi-enta ou Sen!ay ion repaira. Everytaady sape tac Pet-alan Inset powder n lsha st for tisa doutruction ffics. B y uaiug il 1v-li patent guni ou eau kill ai tiseIlioen in a room in en houn. Foi- sala Sp B. W. B. Ruaith Recovasnea.,. Yong Conais, vis -a sa, ses-icuaiy lajuzmd ounbis.ailvay racku in rmeranng. Boy tihe hast, Black *Co'&soeIahrat. ap.ctacles, bul stock p osasa. J. S. Reoeon& Bt-es. Whleby. Ars Aeannx'a «Hoatu!,,Cobourg, tisera are large numibsenlot Alooeretn visitai-. For a luealtliy, cgaiug, ans! rafresis- lug drink, use &hlireai-slque Lime Fruit juie. For sale by 8. W. S. Smaiths. veii-keawv'ainable isi-m lot 11, Bt-a. ken fi-oct, Plckarng,,tarant. Wilson'. Fiy Poison Paus are belles- tuas flp -papas-. Four ina apackage- hOat.Foi-sala y&W.>BB'mith. Paz.IozMasc l Oï ga, e s.To-moua foi-ca u vi-psro uyinu!iys a8tone tbriuvsafi-cm Ils. Young BrIMon ci-cv! desi-lh liaslot on -Plday -aven-- log tis i bislifefte a ll ingr A.ltlapoul-patient madlineu às hy- ie Iadùsa drng -'bio "hid'seé ion vas-enoonas-the gi-at ami-pet lsoîe. ai tise oauunty. - - Tcoutryd1"6ai ulansou 4 a MusrL'ét. go uss, tseao-ts soc iely >le lausy pnepetari . Iep ter#sfor saleien, 6 The faling whlch ap.aréd ilb Port Perry 2tandas-4of lest veek shêvsisow the, aditar of tuaI p*per-has been deludqd. - "TH& sXXuuoU len st weeis, apreaad the opinion liai the eleon v -orld- a. heuêAs Qu*acnsd lUcre weife uuibtogil [w grünias fer bahilsg sucis voui belisth case. prom information vblcb va are in possaeglion af, wich %va bolleve te abcpar: feelly reliable, tsr ae lutaothe wnit fan Nants Oito havlng beau lsaned- Ibat it la addreased ta John Ham' Ps~ Esq., Jouty iRegutrar, andi thal it reach iiby on tatnrdy. the 94th of Juiy. It je hiutad, however, thai au intimation had beugiven te Mr. Fenny, ilu sdvance, that lIhe prasaneut tld ha sgeef lima fo him ta CKe savisa -pLak aSuparier. At suy rate ho left-Whitby about the llml.-i nul lte very day -the wrll arriveci, sud pro- ruade! te St. Cathiarines. A numbar of Ptaelcgrams vers seul thore advlslog hlm ta tie arrivai cf tisa wrlt, end requaatlu hiei -ta retenu lmmnedtately. But ateclnletinl uct napid enieigh la oventtke a retara-lng oficer - uudertMb clrumatancé. The taesama ver aiet delivnd, sud ha pro- esd!ta Port Coibenne on Tnaaday, lthe 27th, whare ha met tise Hou. H. L., Lau- gevin-who, fcfusea, vonid ual b. sx st cd te luforin hlm tisaI ha vas requirerïa homne ta cauduel an electien - Gharley Rykutantsd 015cr Tory dignitaries, vitk whom Les heb-nobbea, iflter the spproved stylos, for- saverat banna, snd tiseu teck bis deperture fer thee yod. Ha may relru in a wek, or possibly-be absent a monta, but ws to net expedlteta se bis proclamation fer ucvarai weeke yet.' Hlow a uawspaper havlng sny regard for versoily could ho dsiudcd inta pnînt- iug the huncb af fabricatieus containcd lu lice aboya ext-ad, le somethsing pes- ing ail comprebaension Thorane i Qi lise firet titîle ai Irut in ltlie chargea. Mu. Penny vas home in Whitby on 241h Jmy. Hle bas beu haone aven amase up 3o the lima ai Ibis wriling. Nol baing avay fi-ouahome, ai coursetliter. vers no telagi-ame. Npî being avsy ai ail, of conrseMr. Par-y coul! ual bave beau ut Port Coîborne on tise 27t5 July. Neither conld ha halte met Mr. Lange. vin an Ibat day at Port Goîberué. Mr. Penny in fact never once savMr. Lau. gevin duxing hie laIe trip thi-ougis Ou- lai. As toMr. Ryket, Mn. Par-y, va are assura!, lias ual seu tisa gentle- man ion Ibrea montbe ; there<ore did not bab-nob vill inlm'and ather tai-y dignitanies, sietaeb approveil styles far sevaral heurs," ou the day menliauad, as alagil by the Standar-d, or an any othai dy.Mn. Perry being lu Wiisy, aIl tihe lima, ef course did ual take Ihat trip ta Lake Supet-ler, lmaginad by tbm Stcandard. Thé vnit vas anly issuad aIt011e vs eu tise fils aif Augnet. The Stand- as-d'a assertion tat ilas lu Whiîby au 241h July, -la ofa i lce wilb its oth. an ailegaîlans. Ail the Standard'& statemeuts vilS regard ta the vrit of eteotion sud Mn, Penny, are unirai., sud asl fà~ as the latter gentleman ta cou- cenncd, mosntujuastiflable. Tisera vas uothiug wbataver tibal eould have van- rantld sisa. GOe latataly aI à las tao underetand vbat caulddlha gshsad Sp makiisg changes so uatoriousiy untrue, and tisaI ceuLd bhase0 asily sud imme- luately refutad . They look sei lika thé wild, cr517 assertions ai tbe edîtor ai tise Vcucdcator taons voul! aImait suppose hlm 10 haolise wniter. Tise Standard owee Mn. l'ai-y lise anecuis, an! ehould maLle il smply sud uni-a- servcudly. SeutsocîLN iE&TIs.--- MI'. benjamin Yarnold, au Wad resident ai whiîly, and towu cienk mauy pears aga, die! sud- Iaeuly st lPrincs Albert on Moudsp, the 9tb met. liabad mncsed is Siatiî -sar. EveryYang Man aboula rossI Prina- cipal Cuiloda Donw bock, Boy la suc- cecd lu tifs. Frae hp mail ou rectipl of 15 ets, J. S. hlobertsan & Bras. Wbit- Tishe llovlug repart froua Inspecter. Bueisan, spealus fat- ileif: *,BcaI.d trom lte repart oai Lsape. toi- Buchau n sIssvisit t thlisepanata Bobool st Lindsay, on Joe.theiso ts. 1880. TranSmta!d foi-tisa infarmatlec of tli oira! an! Ilse!Mater." AOOAceconTWNes.-Tisas for tise gilsl (the couvent) mraealoul. Tisouefan tha bays, goaeL Equn-xamar.-TS.e ateralequipmant la vary gea!. Thse staff le sia&lln Rsucaasr.-The girl's sep&rate 8011acl (tise couYgut), ilan luin Itaz state. Tuas boy'. soleol limps-ave! voi-y mcci, suder Vi-. White, "a! l Do novlua mibeller- el sse I 1hâva *er baoro amena il.1 (E*aaî eeiield) ALEX. M.&RLLNG, -Secretary. Inua pi-avions report Inspector flah- es atates tisaI ltheclaisas-oma lialise Lia!aap Couvent si-afMacbut inasey goocmit =Ontiario. This peas- theaLiu!aay*Convet sud 8tparAt. Sohïool have puae! out oailà candidates for Si-! clie.teacisens'car- tificatés, au&bava 91 2a! clane candi- d"ls le heir from. "Tisareport places Lsdaay inbuds! vauce of argI'tIu*lcvaandlaOmias la ou. tari. - 1 l so o-ofl~ oasb . vçasspats a !r! Md M"aefoî-nai- Ti Ind rc afas e - Il ý 2mRmý -1 n i let ic L L Ir e di v cet dor die AI ai 'Ti a! 'X eê -upterji-a ve, Au?. 915lm. ýk To thec Editor oft/ce R6/idby 0/roe- e Io thes-Hacn. 'Miekeflele Baveil, Misa. tero Ottpm~a, an Insu lOrngeman P 1 a st&alena ietitacabInet by 8f ea 3obe as ùlrepreentieg îlOa sage cia-- 5meut, an!dla lic filiing, asehIaam toi!, ail - ibe placesst isahenouas ve ilS oanga - - Taure &co Mas-a. Ur. Boyau til not an Irii'isrnune tr ais Rogllsiman aud ex-Grand Mss- iftrfteOrange 4miaeitian. Undoubtadiy ho vas takea inta lise ti Cabinet as represenliug the Ouange éie- mont; ens! lie heîp oi tisaI élement lu gtise Iat élection, ln phacing Bit Jahn é Macdonald le pavai-, gave Mn. Bavell a agoa! eleamta lile portfolio. We -knov notiig about Mi-. Baveil, op- ponigOrangemen ta places.It yo!1oPuip naturl tist aib asamido Bo. But vusb ail Ia araegeiam, vo amust do hum lise jnatlab oi speakiug cf a hlm se know hlm la ha peu-onally- 2 a fair, ial-I-iud lman. To th&e Eelitoocf bthe Wlitby C/cran- Aliserîey, Alag. 7 1880. h sas tlfam-ia sgood deaI oi bonnes Roing on as toasisallège! ta ha Mr. Gibb's inenoesé!prospect ai sucésas lu Ibis ri!iug. Those viosy this, ta uap knoviedga, vera ne-vas-mare misteken, as fît- as Mira an! Rama as-e concern- e!. Bots townships, h heg ]cavo la as-- -a an- ou, yl giv o uea.!majasitios for Mi-. Wheaier, vis a s ar sgaiy tise pýublic esyupathy la hie favor aucecanut cf tiepcaction ta visicis he bas beau subjeel. AItishe meetings Sera Whoé- lai-b a aurie! ail before hlm, and ln see!ieg Iyiug reports te lis. papans tise GiShe' pa-tp are ouîy wvistling te keep up tiaI courage. W.farriaahbr. uedasataad tSe question ai tisa N. P. vali anongis. WC knov tisaI Saeprom- iaes made about th ise l.thia oud take place lu tise pi-tees oi prone an! vao wra a&H nonsieé..The Menu- facturer isu RaI hie 40 ta 50 an!d60 per- coul protection; bat tisafis-mors- iigel ta pay tis asisa. We kuav, taodui- Coït, tisai vC bava te psy mare nov for ovarptlilug, vitleuIan suev-ar la psy if vils. Cansequentl Wa are vonsa cf lustea! of botter tisiougis lis N. P. Taun ue! therafora bave no appreison- sion as la Mn. Wheior's ratas-, Yoinats-uhy. N. O. Tas BacxmrspnszeVmrA»a-.-Tia, E feiloving hetton iddre-sse! by Mn. Mas-- île, M.P., Preel. oaitSe Caundil of àAgiI culture, Quéec, te tise propuritors of F tas Beacansfiieid Vinepas-!, viii peak A for isef.à MESSRS. GâWGx.EasàaG£UcUMnx,E Montréal, P. Q. OICNMRcaaxs:-h saihappytl e ae ii te iufonm pou tisaI th. vinas vhuicis T purcliasé! lastypair fi-rn Mr. Gallagiser bva acccede! boyau! ail my expeata- blcus. AItisae preseet moment uap vinas ere maguificant, isosltisy sudF lae,! ils fi-il, an! h hava cveryC reason la Selieve, tisainexl pear I vii j] have a ci-Dp sutfficeully Iu laret refendN tise outlsv af my vtnayand.B Iiespcctfully Taure, L. B. MASSIE, M. P. Pi-est. Canni ci Agricultune. K Menti-cal, lAls Juiy, 185. Si Linday. i-îE LINDSAY CONVENT AN» SEPsAtAiTE Gaucral Robaet' ficc, uubring 8,000, niada ils firet ma-ch te Beciisan. iman. Genanail Zchants isepes to eraai Gandibar lu tventy-f va dape. 'Tise au- thisails do ual inticipâla auy appos- ition la Ganerai Bteart's vlthdravai to Gundamnie, or Generai Bobo-us ad- vance ac fa- as Isaznec. The Amoan bas-appointa! )4ooeski-Aiam Khsan as UI-Âham, at-religions bea! preachai- ai AfghanisIan ; he lias ascaappoints! nov GaverorraoaiGlizuce, JelAlabad, au! Beiu. TiseGavereor aiGoe accompanica lice Robe-te atiséhelatter place. Su-d,3arWsli Mahcome! bas gone ta India. A -Calcutta correcspondent »Sap t aabandon Cabul May ancan lise axpaudia inlua -fév ars o!fncsls blond ana trearé. Ta abauduiu Cen- diSas- my-esu hlb bocf ludi8. -Tise Indfan pri-oe&sd public arec nsuo u sn srbutiug lise British dafeaisa th:finalplace la Genou-ai Primi-ase. NPa-sirickoa tegsams saut by lainsta Baomby are poiutcd ta ment. Genenai Bai-rova' Issaitation lu ýdeslog villa Wai's stnnous lroope al Gui" saem» toles cabliali a prt-slI etioiug oses>of iuscodietene ~ainst~ 5dm. IT in .nùhdnl ihaha aii- Glass-y, sad 0a ha sîpaeia o of co tiisge 3 hclestecf i-aea! aiya1 0 grat ersnàIpiely, -'Set At tisaageo!fifoan hé ad.ahri-uh7met The News. Tutu TOacaTO-AND OTTAWA RAILWAY. -wouid uow pper te ha a specuision put up ta kuockeçl dowu Lathe liiglist bldder. Tise lates. rumne ishat Van. derbiltuis 'negoîiatiug for the purchaée ai the charter,' if it fails into hie bande the road will ha built w.-tliout deay- COLON<IAL QOVEtsi.- Sir Arthur Gardon, Governor cf the Fiji Islands, succeeda Sir Hercules Robineau as lUovernor o! Ncw Zealsnd. THrE WASHINGON ,ý MOUMENT. - after a stoppage of twenty-flve veare, work on the Washingtn monument at Waasington wre resumed ou Ssturday TeEL TANNER FAST.-Dr. Tanner ai New Yorku, completed bis forty days fast t noon ou Sturday. The genenal opinion cf medicai men appeare ta ha that il vas a neelesesuad ioolish axponi- ment. Tir BPNDE CniImiNALs.-Tbe aId wonijn af, the Bander fsmily bas made a full confession ai the crimes committ- ed by them, aud a iBis confession~ bas beau made lsy tisa old man undar thse impreseion that his wife bad escsped. It is Iikely that they wili sbortly ba ra. uaoved fromn Omaha ta Kansas for trial. Tm.u MURDERS S opDR. PARSONS.- The unurderare of Dr. Pansons, thea Amouican missiouary inAsiatio Tunkey, have been srrasted. Tliy prove ta ha twy dhepherds cf a eemi-nomnadic triba, sud they bave confesscd tisa crime with cynicil composune. Tlie miesiouary vas rnurdarad near Ismid, a lowu on tisa eseru shore of the Sesaof Mer. WIT13Y Va, QoBOURO The ntRarpg&nteuWhitbi sund 0bènr8ï cime off an lise Agricul loi-ai. au4wWuDdwibhy, an2Tuesday- --the ýflr*e ipfa sois of matches vhiel lb. Baie Club- bas beau negetiatin vith noighborlng clubs ion somae 11111 tlwç pust.-Cobourg came cager for lbi -fi-s, capîsmna! by aur aid friand, Osier Play commanced ait eleven - Wbutb gain g ta thé bal. Ta the grant supriet Of bath clubs, uas vas uamerous spec. tatars, WhiIby's score closed with e This amail -scre natnraîly bnoyed ni the Cobourg boya, sud tisey veut lu villi gaod, hcart Co vin-tbe expeets. lions ai Ihope amnaogst thse kuovin1 anas bcing that Cebourg had a ssii thinggud Ihat Whllby voul! ha casilI defeatsd. Cabourg, havaver, di! nol faea veWll as vas anlicipated sud laid dovu tho bal for 40. Aller luaIb Whitby seultlibéir mec in the same arder as lu the final luninga. Laing sud Logan batteit eteadly, llriug the hoviars ta lame silent, sud uaaking gaod acores. -The Houas elavsuaIl lhraugb, as vill hé seau hy the score, batîed veilluintala luninga, an! aise fieldad apleudidly. Iu fislig, Mn. Byrne vas excellent. Cobou g bavied sud balted veil, sud thea match alto- galber ane aoftthe hast pîsys! an the gi-ounds. vuirrBx leT 11414:1405 Laing bld Kennedy.....-......-..-- Logan 1 b w, bld Kennedy---------...i Gsarnatt cI Hayden bld Haill- -G.... Trouedeli bld Hall-------------...... Pclham bld Haill............. ...... 2 Ray et Wood bld ,Hall-----------.....12 Palmer bld sud et Hal.............6 Armastrong bld spd p& jHall .........I1 Huston bld Hail ci 1hydcn,....O Dpi-na ual ont......................o Leg bys-----------------...... 28 COBOURG 1er INNINGS. Ksuuedy bld Lagan ................. 2 lisydan bld Laing ................... Hall bld Logan ...................... Willls bld Logan----------------......s Woads bld Logan-------------.......10 Baddy bld Logan ................. 8 Armaur et Logan bld Laing... ... . 1 Chadband et Matievion bld! Logan. 5 Fisher notanut.......................4 Osier bld Logan----------------.......0 Smaith bld Logan ...................... lipes .........................0 Log Byces......................1 - 40 wKITBY 2ND IN11X11405 Laing bld Ai-mata--------------......16 Logan bld Bail----------------....... 9 Garre-tt bld Woods....................1 rouadeli bld l .....................19 Pciham bld 'eÇeoda........... "»**"*21 Raylhv wbld Woad...-.........1 Palmer bld aud et Woae ............4 Armstrong bld Wood!................. lMatisavson bld Bail----------.......a.12 Byrna bld Hall et Milles----------...7 Hustann n t ual ...ul 4e-------i..... flyes ...............-............ Log byee----------------.......2 WVides .........................2 The Change in" the Paciflc- Rail,' Pallcy. (Criom the Bystandu..) Thé6 voice of the* eountry bas bea beard, and the Prime ministar has gor -to England, takiigý the Minieter1 Il ailways wlth hlma, to transfer thb.Pi gcila Boad ta a privats Company. T] le ir dacisive. After the admission in te p lied ln such a step, it will ha imposa hi e evait to throw baok the burden an ýy danger on the cotiutry. Hera le th ie end of the Pacifie Bailway as a gaverr ment enterprise. Are there a hundre . people lut he Dominion, eavînig cor p tractars and cautract.mongeis,, wha n ual in their hearte rejoioa ? k. cOr deliverance fram Governmei gcontracteanad their pestileut inflnenc 'a ia almoal as gpona a cause of rejoilio y as our delivaranos froua the rad undez It takiug itaelf. We may say so withou Icasting an aspersion an any particule h Gaverument. No -Governmeut liai a ever hanest, cau cantrol the powerc g mischief which are called iuta activit a by contracting an a large soale. T] g army sud navy contracesin Engiand I at the lima of the war with France iwera sources af jobbing ad corrur tle o as prolifle as the contractsai thae arn .. description in the United States, o 1 Railway contracta bers. Loak at Mr 1Sanford Fleming%. letter decIininj ethe Chief Englneerahip af the Intercol aniail.eRe sys lie would have ta in vestigale uuaeltled dlaims àmounting tc ) several 'millions. Wbal su openiei 3for corruPtian le liero Wben th( s cene af operatian la distant, sud ni Lunder the eys af the Gaverumeut, tlù danger cannaIta hab increaaed. Thi very names ai soute af the' men wbC ara active in caunectian witb the Nort WeeIt are enougli ta provo that corrup. tion is abroad. Thoa muet be a car. casa, sud a pratty putrid-ane, where sncb birds are gatbered tagether. Even >ta ns materiais for creating asenasation on the subjeot of cantract have came; but there je no use in craating -a sansa- tion ;wbat we want in ta ses the saure of Ib@ evil extiuguishad. ~Of the dan. ger whicb .tbreatens free institutions an t.his continent thoaein hardly ana gi-csf er than the corruption whicli waits an public works. There are twa thinga af which lb. country will wisli ta ha assured-that it la entirely i-id of the whole uudertaking, ai thle running nas wll as af the con. struction ; aud that the company is completely and finally aevered fron the Gavernuient, so that thora muay be no playing-ufthe twa inta eacla.aotbera hands, and:we moy uot be nuled by a colossal lobby. Sir John Mcùaonald, no daubt, hopa ta roerve land euougb to indemnify the nation ter past axpeudi- lune. It wili, af course, ba borna in mind that a single railroad only opene up thse lina of country tbrougb which ib passes,-and that land reaervad At a dia- tance fi-rn il, witliout braneb lines,. h af littie value. Manitoba, as wa bai-n front trust- wartby informtants an the spot, isnulo fitliug aI the rate which sanguine calcu- lators expected. The Opposition will throw the blame au the Lnd Begula. tiaus. But tlhe illimitable vilderness, witb its gi-eat attractions, has aloo dis. advantagaa-remowe, prsesccrcity of fuel, sud % climats vhicb may ha ex- hilanaliug ta the robust, the well-fad sud the vaii-ciotlisd, but stopM indus- try the. greatar part of the ysar. Whatever is ta be doue for ne by ne- gotiation, the addressaifSSr John Mac.% donald will do. Ha la mare worthuly employad in Ibis than in aitling neapire aven a sordid chaos ai conflioîing claitas for aimait places. Thora le no anc who eau oaI a atone ea I hlmfor ual sacrifie- tihe interest, nsy the solvency, of the count.ry ta the obatinacy which iolly aile coaistecy. We are ail in the same hast, sud alike ready ta bury tise past, if waeau a n id af tlie nation- al ineubus for the future. Afghan. Tise flSTusySAJgLVE ievh i 1Culs, Bruisce, Soras, Uicer-, p b henin, Taller, Chlappea and, blaine, Conne, and ail kinda cf enuphiane. Tis Salve le nam4d Ite giva perfect satisfaction 'In veaye, *or monay refuudad. Price 25 cents ~ box. For sale tep S. W. B.6 CO., Whuthy. Warkingmen. Befono pou begin pour iseavy 6prnla ' -wonk sitar a winten of relaxâzal oï SYetem needs cleansing and streugtu,, ing to pravent an attack of ai gte, &( lions or Sp ring Fever, or sanie clhft Spring sicknas tisai vii unfit ycs 6 s season's wnrk. You yul -, Save am maueh siekuesesuad great "eDe à- you will use one battIs aif Iop Bilter8 lu your iamily Ibis moutb . Dcu't a. Sas aubes- columu. Cousumption Curcd. Au aid physician, retired freiom -e lice, baviug hafi placad in hie bande by an East India miaeiouary the fcuuauk cf a simple vegetabie remady for Ithe specdy sud permanent cure forcie.. sumpion, Broncisitis, Osîsrrh, Asci,, sud ail Thi-oat sud Lung Affadties; 9190 s positive sud radical cure fer- Nenvous dcbility sud ail Nsrvoue Ccpi, plainte, sitar baving lested ils wonDar fui curative pnwere ln thousaudi af¼ cases, bas fait il hie duty ta make il known ta hie suffaning feilows. A~ atsd by Ibis motive sud s desiretoe. haeve buman .euffaning, I wilI send.f~ ai charge la ah vWho dasire it, t"héIa ~~ cipa, in Gai-maxi, French, or Engilsijý witis fll directions ior preparing sud- nelng. Sent by mail by addressingý wstSstamp, naming tiis paper, W. W.- Sherar, 149 Powcra' Bock, RocI&csîcr, r57 An Unusual Cae. LOVEit5 QUARBEL il; eURT-EEPLEvIN SUIT TOiaIEC aER COURTN G 011c 78iS--- nIov iTUBY LO7iT5IN14TIIE LONE )ne af The inhabllitat of Sultan an! North* ?& Gillimbumry andi Geaurgna wco gi-a- bie y intreaed lu a casa, trie! on Tisos- -'* day aI Sutn balaie Mr- N. Murphy, 18as acting Jn!ge sud a jury. Mn. J. E. ut! MaDougal oi Tarante sud Mr-. John hla Pattareon, cf Sutan, appeara! for tise rc- piainîiff sud Mr. E. Morgan, ci Nev- e!market, for tisa dafondani. Fi-rn lise n- videnoe il appeare that aise John sel- ho isy Bastings, of Innisfil, lu Decemiser mest bcameamoure! ci Miss An- tiI all adore Yoeka. af Gvilliuàary, ane su aviug deatare! hie intentions, vas '8 sccapted hy lier, sud lise wadding-!ay i-. vas naine! fertlie 81of Apfli. inog ýut tise intervisl hatwesn lise acceptanceand [i- the propoed mariage day, Bastings W_ made a pi-osant Ia Miss Yonke af a gai! cfy vatl asd chain, an! ai tbre$20 goid lyplaces. TIse girl issviug toI! han hue- r.e baud that wss te- ha, tisaI il voul! be v' el htisIDo secrets sisoul! exiel belveen )01 thora, sxplainad ta 1dm tisIa s vas cunet the daugister ai Mn. Yorke, but tisa as -daughter ai ans Winch, liar netber and orputative fathan havlssg beau onlp mar- i-* rie! cocue tSi-es veeke baiore han bu-us. 29 Upon Ibis raveaaion being made, Bast- ) ings hnoke off tise engagement an!din- 12 uaadisaîeiy Miss Toka netune! ta hlm te lise vateis sud ehain ans! iv ai tise g9 gai! pieces,oneofaithecu baving iseent et praviously*bornoya! hy hlm la bnp hil E .t wadding suit. On tise sae day, Bast-c leings rapauting cf bis conduct, pravaile! on Mn5 Tanks te i terceda ion hlm, sudt teengagement vas tisereansd tbon ne- neye!, sud tise aicis , chalu, an! gol! places again camaae tIcsh custody of -Mise Tonke. Alliai- tie axpiration ai resoea Ires or four dapa Bastings de- b nparle! ion Inniefil le ses bis motisar an! Sraturas! wiîhchie announnemenl tisai abs vould net recognize tisa praposeul I- ariage, lier veul! elle recaes eMise a0 Tonka in the ibouse. lHo Ibougisi il boter under the cireusanes, tsaItie amatais shonî! ha brokn off, an! tibi -.baing acede< to10bp bis fiancec, lhe teckY b is d pa i-u e, Iking w ith hm an rga u, I ony ta i-alon again on lie icîowngP Sday ils an snt ai Miss Taks ta ave maltera made cp agalua. Tise parents 0 ai tie girl, loever, fat very i-ueS ci h urt at tisa rasîmlent theur daugister0 Sha! reaaived, au! raiused posiîivsly le i hè' ava anyliig more ta do vils a youg di Mau ai bis vaiis tlunin, lunviicisPI delerminalion Miss leadore jaine!. 91 The yauug man thon hait, ta nature cm agalu ta daman! tisa gai! places au! vateis an! ebaiu. Thasa bclug refuse! C1 hlm, lha took oai v-lcfrepiavin, an! tisa issue came fer triai as airaady men- liane!. Tisa case accupie! aigist hours,B semae 20 viluesss eing examine!. -Mn. MeDeugall, in bis addness, cou- tende ! ua I if the g uIrs er s m adeailu I contemplation ai marriage, tiey ers ù revecalea.an! thé piaioîiff vas entitedse tatc succea!. Mr. Morgan, on tise otiserM b and, subinilla! Ibal thay vers ual a hl révocable gift, sud tisaIlthe dafandant l vas aulille! la succea!. Tise Jcsdgs leil tisa ioilovdng questions ta tus jury: ul (1.) Wera thé gooda givan lu cousider- atin an ! ual m ce iy lu contem plationu st ofuairiage, aorvaiwie hy a voiuntary or gift ith ut con idea ion. ( ') If hey Co *fer tise plainitiff, on the fit-st question, C( lhey-wouîd couaidai- vhetscn lie do- an fenUdat ha! au cpporlunity aifeunryiug vt ýont lhan conli-act, aud if aeli a! tisa i]e OPPOrtunit;y an!dl! dnetl; visather tise ne circumesuces justiflc! bat- in rsfusiug b3 ta carry ontt Ilal coul-ac. IS Iouer il. remanka! tbtisachoregrette! tttisihie b plaintiff ha! isEue! a wviit lu the malter Po at al, au! ha pot mare regrette! lImai ed visan the ril as isauc, a damonce lia! bacc put lu te tisenation, uecess- a Isbting the takiug ai evidauca, visichinh revived scandais hicis ha! beau elep- in, for algisteen peau-e. Howsvar, oe goa! migisi resul vissais vas lisatlise as jury miglil knoiv, andl Ibreugi tisem tisemn eeamuuiiy, tisa t isahe os o! tisalav so ai iaast4 no elain resta! upan Miss ah Yoi-ke's bu-thansd list ase vas as lagil- ice imsateIy bei-n akany ana lu thaeuly. ai Tisa jury et 11.-30 p.m. in anser téawa tise questions lait ta tissuabp tise Ju!gs, ha féane! in epy tot ia8tslquai-p tiaIl, lima gifla vers volunîary anclnot lu con- au, sideration of aimrriaga, whereupon Hie pi Bloueur informe! thorm tisai lley voni! au nel lie troubla! vils fanding ont tisadi otisel questions, and a judgmteut va as it accerdinglp entai-ad for tac dafendant, mu vise vas syaimlp congratuista! upan laaviug tiseCourt by numai-ans friands. Gea! Advîce. Nov islise lima ai pea fanPeu.- moula, Luug Paver &o. Evary fausiy' elieul! bAvé a baIlle ai BoscEE' GicnR.uAN SYaUP. Don't allov far oue mameul 'thai cougi ta take huoh f pour ahil!, peur family or pourseiL, Consomption, Asthme, Puomocis, roup isrmorags, anil ah r fatal dlseass may set le. Allisanghis h l Inné GFRAx s~Svaur le euricg Ibeusauda of tisase, disasas, pet il is mueS iaete- le hava il et issu! vhau Il-ca doses viii aura yen. Que hottUs vill st Yeux vhe fauaily e vinter sud kecp You ccýfe fi-cm danger. If Yen are con- sumptive, do net reet outil pou have trie! ibis rama!y. Sampîs baille 10 cents. Regular siza 75 cents. Soi! by ail Di-ugghate. - Paverty au! Disiresa. TisaI pcçvarty visics produces. tle greateet distainsa eofo!tisa porsé but ai thes bIJod. Dspivad oaile ricans,'- il becamea scant an! vatenyascondit- lac terme! aussmia u mediesI vritiugs.. Given this condition, an!serofoloos ellinge an!dsotes, pue ai-i d i-v- - 0ue debiiîy, loa o! flash au! appatite, veake longs, tai-est clieases au! .con- sumplion, are ailaug lias coumm nr.- suite. Tisai-fora, if pan si-e a ahierer froua Ilin, paon bîo!, do .not. helitate bnùt.mpioy Golden, Médical D!iscavany- visic suricSes 't5e bhecd au! radicaIly curas thasé affections bp alStieldng ut thse moof the eî-il aud rauaoviug the' causa. Dr. Kinga Celifania GoIdeouCCcm- pana. Le e stnicthyý vege tâbie p re pa-tion,- au! vwiii -posiLivajYI oure0Dypepse Sic 2eadàh,'Acf4ly- aiof cacis, - ceamlng uü of i~l~Pcennpi ' fSte- r1MIDDLE T FDIJFLLOW Lan a e cs7tsul 1JEASE EX 3TJAW Oua peig-tent. on1 A nominal 1c LEASE EXPI Goods ut our pie1 &sk the price of Phoaso asIc the>- lz and tIre rcoduccal ion yot'crsel-e 1owered price ii - ODD FELLOM, FAV PrM P BO T TO'WNSIP - IJtaia-i-n au lut VILLAGÊ- 0F' AT ONE O'lCm tisalollolng 17ab C,'(asia!adon- alicysuce belvean tisa slxtis cuncassl 01oril Tiserai'. - Tle,prOci contaim final-tisue Un4lsd, ai beaîtuB iîy iuat Beaverten, on tac ci On it ara &rcea3,aUi frame Stable sud Ceal order. -Tise MaIlnu clan o! Tis 4 ana lerge Ir -cently am farce! fan 5 -~',eeMe mcv cpi r~ae.J'll~5l tisai-e tisai ebactian la a Tise Coa4TTS, Tise lez ou coatis 1e of o!lb. eîi svindlaa et tla;,ef. .. I v W p> 1- ENoLado iDEPUTATION.- io SIR JouaI MAOOONLD.-Shr John Macdonald ISa beau vaite! upun by a doputalien fi-cm bisa Manchester- Chicinhai-oaiCCmmerce ou tise subjeothetsahostile laiifs lin- posed by Canada on Britishs importa- tions. Sir John daiende!-tise N. P., said iliat frac i-ad, vas a religion, if nol a superstition, lu Euglaud, an! pradicte! tisaI s logic cf avents voul! unduce a modification o! the Englisis palicy soaner an haler. MEcAsuRtEs o DEuVuLOPs i-rzE,CATII- eLIC Cuos.- Tisa Vatican bas de- cida! ta augment- sud raceguizo tisa Jelleges ai tIse Prepaganda fer Asis un! Airica, bcbng desinous ci lsrgely Ievelopiug lias CathisteChunaishoinhtose parIs. -BracisGalaesailie Pi-cps. gauda viiha estab,hlî isnlusuitablea b- calitias, sud a uav vicaiaIe Aposteia Mooci Tops s-as IiPN4.-Tisc British Govaurumeel réeolved et s Cabi- naI Concil n Wdnsday e dspacis mme!iatsly a lange body cf trcaps ta i-alan!, in viey ai Possible diclurbanseB bhers. A Plapuaculiscorrespandant as- aerts tisai anai-dan ws e rcaiva! aun WVeduesday nigist tisat the autsonities ba!l deaide ta snd ta i-alan! a hallal- suon ofmarines eousistiug ai 800 mon, whici vansaiora! edta ambani eon Sat- i-day for Ccrk. Iu tise Houeaf Commeus Mn. Fer- sti- sai! tis eatemaul Ihal ftse Gev- ornant fear a naislng iu Inalan! ln consequane ai tbe rejacin aiflise Compensation for Dlslurniscc Blill vas Dntiraiy uninde!. Outrages an imdi- iîduais ho sai!, ha! ocre-a in Maya o!n ehsawhe, an! *il vas conaidere! aecessary ta luereasa public confidence py piacing emali milita-y datataDimants Ir.lisosé districts. Soma lnoops lia! ccen dorse hoI-ehan! for Ibis pur- poa an!dalliera ta ralieva Insope ondar- 5i lisence ta India. Daspi te tise aclivily cf thé Engliss ignta in lise United Sîtts, whcse bus- sacss 11ta tpreveul tise expoaticn ai munitions cf ver ta Great Brilsin, thec aovernuasul la couvica! frain recaut !dvica tiiat suai importations are îade sud tisaI raccnl hiera have ba»»n; lme iseavy sisipuas ol in!. Tnea lipuacuta s-semade by tIb Lsl-Ame,- can societias organise! iu tisé States,, id huaxo licania 10 foàainlalclaas ta" ukan uthe Govanmént to'action. Lt ias, tisorefora, bacc raseiva! ta icrase i lio Brilleshmilita-y in ht-alan!dn1 werp effort viii ho madtiste teet sud4 )rayant any fu-tsai importation. Tva >r tsi-ce m-gimeula viii probabiy ha or- lré! ta keap *a sharp oulok ion the« DEATaII us-TE£ss MKacrOPi- s- Kcan.- nà Pater George FItzgerald, couauouly caown as tas Kuigist ai Keny;uic! et ralentias aSturday. Ha vas capéai- Ilp rancune! for -this'e ie e a iok tise suceese-'! lieAtislanic able. ase Queen rcentIy canichre! n ba-s upo>,upon hum.-- - Aouixsor i -ana IMORexMzauu.- ameetingotaih inembens <e!Par- àmeaf 'A. M..-Sulilivan -pisig, a- ôtioà aà upreasntid\lsy lMr.-- Parnell 'd Umanweously carieil, evlray tealtion for IbisiurbanjceBibi, sasd de- aring that il; ha thé lûy eof Wlis suu- -s ta, eudaavos-to in duce i'ie Goveuaj- eolt tabs donltaêral't of.thé es~x bsierbd Logsu---------------.....».O bisadhen! bld lualhise ..............il Hall bld Logan----------------......12 Nellia SI! Logan ct Ray--------- . .19 Boddy bld Matiasevun------------.....4 Foo-da iutaont--------------2 liaydan bld sud et Laga----------t..... Kennedy bld Lauing--------------......O linillu bld Laing ct Byrue---------....4 0 rnot ont-----------------......... HIvuiruxYS. PETEtiOUseuOUG. Weinaîdlov. as ve go- le press ti salais is bac4Lg pispe!. The matchais vllTarrita takas place Piiuay an! Saîorday, au! vils lise saluera o! Toi-nta an Manday cext A ]Rxanassuaa, Taic.- London Wos-id --A remnarkabue cricket knatais -as playa!lu is te sari pari ai tac yack elveen WarnhensConrt se! Éoi-sham. 'e tisa formuer sida, wviicswvn ln se îniugs sud 820 runs, aigisl mem- )ers of tise famlly'o! Luces ouatiut- I no leuas isu508s-aie out o! s grand otai of 587 I 0f tsis igisl, tbrae se-ad aven 100 rana; ravil, A. P. neuas, 115 ; M. P. Lacas, 187 ; -F. M. nos., 141 (ual cnl.) N~o sncb faenily liuaijehas ibislhaIbeau- eu an Ihe riekat fialal aine.s. la1%14Lard Lyttat. on, bis two brathi4 ,"td elgblaons ubfealtis tue» grvScisachy lésa îckoala-a vlclon viselabi. oasbip, lebzýt-old ia véem, whaod-1renemb, r'or»y fs tausa, alla> arn ol sure us!, If1 h ves- iad i .y"np 4 thnglie sangMcf Hagel«cI cke4t, Wiseu tie.1lad ils ulsh a I-sape abal lcSu"*d the vlii.et, Ais n o lis' ouaNtaislean.»mi ENGAco.u-.-Wedaoeay lest bu- Jois saedonald, BS-rVisai sTupper, Bir- I-ope, oC0161IWiIt=14 dDrby ni8fr Garnet Wobeloy ,iir esnter- lus.! by lia FÏhmgra'a lop elu C. ad Ce-~mrompanyie. [aenlti~lmismwn ettsaM Scoth. "Familiar ici their MouhSe as Houe. - oi! Wonde." Se ivrote Shsakespeare. Il le uni- varsally admititisai Ib tis gi-ast ganus bas vi-itten about sacai a vanytiug, an! loucha! a subjeot simupiy te aderu il. It veul! almast seaua visn ha vi-ota tise aboya vords bue ha! in blis MiadSeyae SCOTT & Bowsus'S PAaarAccx CsiASOn.I, for nov il le anc -ai tise greateai requisilas ofe! vaiy vellregu- laIs! isousaeiod. 'Goed bousevives keep il as a prime nacesiy, childi-su lava lise laste ai ic, sud lu the a vIse realua ai mataihamedica tisane le not s mors useini pluysic. Pie 25 cents. 1 eý bùt 1

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