i~atoyFc~ . NEW ADVERrsEMENTI'S. coffinenipltiut.efrefu attention pieittite. languid, mis-A eael lgl, 1.rablood. inactivoe N > f > f )I erabr, féidues tudurittry troubles, and ,v . I t / <2L >11 lbe Phyilt 1(ltIeu' uaIOBE thoXgeL .t7 E.1"r , (D) N5T 1?W ont diars Cr uqi LOI) iitters, nmalloofti -w : _ o-y- the pliresî au,, bt'st riimodie, and es- pîciiflY foi er tltîetr, lîavinig abula- d h a] litlisuirtehino sud r053'1-11. (,lîjeot of thik tintituition i3 t illi t iîlnagttlai îaiîtlbn 10kintitil oto.ît lsufer if wliereinu lie 1 ntcîtsfully lid, uttlerpure, relsinii-, 1ail,1lîristitîan lîthtvte onda- iîicy ime sOtlwtî freely. Thoey coet tilit of a b1roaduand generous culture. A tre aenItlit lehre aetic ilI dope to trile.'lt t-otîrcolutu. roumir the following St'tt'ttAti AttNTAogEA Unt w, olTr for the Byoteifl'i dvlpne tnt l~ of the ichole beîng, pitysical, intellectil, antd moral. izo ewar-Ctr cure. 1. Unsurpassed Fac/lit/os For Thorouigh Educational Work. SIout l )i %o eld raltier hobo ui- L t'r îlîu liiget "vialtto rocived' blorIlxi the fouidatiou trtîlba nofinstrnclti reqlireti for tlio tatttOCiINT ERMEDIATE EXAMINATION, litC rt') ller tîia tnd thait iretendody cure fur catarrhi, forgetting that Dr. or Un tverBitly MatrieulibUon,, we arc, entering inifltl'lttMl ith thte Ilftg Schoolèl Sttjgt"o Cttztrrhl Ieni'd(y is sa positive in and Ct-lLegidte Intitutes, acnd do cîîtfidt'ntly niTur IItiiot' 1reparîîgi for thte tcachtttg il ,irets, tlitIil@ foruier proprietor av- prIfesion, s&I the tnteblectttuad (Valtarc thlt Ilei'tiet iligli sciols i; f furninli, 'er.Cltul il for i tara tilicnglîctut the aid, a lit e sainettue Unite'd Statlsie îtder a positlive gitaran- ~ S p ro oila d A sh tc C lue tre, it'tlerttg 550l0)reward l'or an intur- c-Su eir o ia an A stl C utr..j al asclt was uîvr callod aipon ta flle(Wcng sentencte frein thte visitorsn'i, port po expreint o l ete aîvatttage.icou- puy tIis rîw eî xcept itt two C&Bsee. ni<t, ,t Nwtil t[,, ouidnralîle i f griviiîng ad Itlisýct'ioii tttttht rlîaîatterizes tbe Thi ltn ýI l n'las laquret suclt a ancl' iîirt, ltetrary dt'partniutn. "l îr (e~ t itivi iiIlents iii tlassvntitinatiiîîtt', lit- tlýit a a lrantie ailto )las heen ieai.îd utugeita nlhfaclcantdthe È lcti. m Ill1'E ItY It ENiAR H A ULE j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~~~ I 'tîi 'tgtnl eetpvLefr - tctwt- .ttrltt i l'cl orit ftIl -t i, lndthe greater attention eiti del'imit f'tr il. bald l'y .l rtîggtts we wl stliu tIut eIatou tiltiIitni -ttitt. et 'i vets.i- lIVFt l)A L gienvthye t.01'EILNIL tit UNEItAL, wl, eawîie Contumption Cuncil. Attnll 11ticicttt, rilireci fr-Ont îrac' tii-e. ilîtvitig la Ittiet îi-el i n l iautîs fi anti ltaet ltiulît nîioiiary the ormenule ef a Fstîtlle voetatlntitnmetly for ftl(' Ilevd iý~ nîl îteiimtit cure for (mii- eîti oIlrttncltulLis, ('atturnî, Ama, o .îîi ttll Titroat ant I I.ng AlTIvtiaitt, tluti a potsitive'i'C t ijt ît tielcliii sfur Neraîtine tebtlitl3 cul tui aNirvutaCeit- plaiuttatfer ltanîog teaelliraéaîoitdîr- lui eturat<iveO lttîacei n thliiiga cto carela filt L ititi l11y tcr ielti kit' centa hlia elig iellows. Actit' It'1l.)-tItis tum)ilue manthetre te n', lt'ce tttiiti'tli'itgI uulleeîîîl re-n of charg e taail wha desiro t, thid ne- cili, in Ctonman, French, or Engiibli, -nsiîtg. ent by mail by adresîioig witthî eaînp, tîstul ng thirapper, W. W. iuier,'149) PteirsîBleck, Rochesîter, -Famîlian in thein Mauths asHausc- lîold Worda.- Se ortI-te Shtakepeaet. IL le uni- u'raally aiul,-'tetilgîît titis great genutît huavitî-îî icabout ashoot everi tline, antd 1t111'410(l :t1iitlject atnply te aditrn if. Ifl ut il lauootci eewlîeîî lie wreiti ti' tîhoat antrdp e hic b i iki e îtttis e)"e .iT 'cT &BOiciSIti.TM.i <'tuttitit Oi., for tçnit ilsb aneclitte gre2tles retiiitell Of caor Well igu- lajtet l hoeîll. 0007bouse'ýwîvns ktnîîfit as a limto uceosity, chiltiren loue(e ltieofai t, sud inu tue wlole netilîn of itateris iilenthere ha netal more usefnl physie. Price 251 cents. Fer salit by T. G. Wltfild, Witby. 24 A Wise Deacon. -Itiacotiilltlr, Iuanttvon to iii viet- t oua-ynkept yoursecf tiîtlfnaily iFt' cclil ie part mu'nsocîî, wbien ail îlîe roitt oftic ltaveleeti cà Lotunth, andî 1wùlia il(.,t titctotl'ii niniîig tu ut F0O 'iii Iû r, to li aIStc'ie8 ' iic I it-ilHopLj ittite ii i) îtle aati kr1tt tni lut.uiy wt'11 ant emtuI lar ge dotiotr tiilla. 'iîreti toli-ins caorloftif il elt ti'ltii cccl atd illetto waonI t al lit'L, tinit,antdIii il warratit îtliacos o -îî andtîtL t o llett' ngli on e at tw ca litittii-utdelhutrit rimîttritite lt-p i- ckil ilii' -mintieu'. I gueui ro11ttil tioL L, Goal Advice. iltiîll.tiig l' ut-r mi. lt-t ry fEmît.'tv S11( tn1d htate ' tsi- of ii lîtî11ittFt> 11111lt O a t CI'. t tît'I tel tt ' isi îîuct Yoittrcitil. yor ttr itîly (trcc'ei-i. t' uaq hi.riacrititiait-ta.i/tifatil ii"ttc, ta0 ' ct tmt. Altbtiti l it i ilrI-ot ltSti ni'1, ai taitititît lîttit r te tave' it n a tî;l au iet i'tre-niottt' au"! curet 'c Oit. (lite ittie ciii Ici-t TitUr in lIttît liiil>,a a'iitttr aldcm-u yoi ;t foieInit danger. If you are coti- n ttîpt'cc, dlutit rmclt iiti init havt- Irwtei t tnnedy. Saîtîçîî bottle Ito ail Dr1ugoit. 'liKT., tC.tlifouuuîa Golufnn Cota- pourtil le a sBtricttîr as getuble rcparatou, ailr jtttitit'y cure D> melepsia, coliotng up ut Food, Pi inu lit of Sta- t-t I uvsjiiî-', BL;filtttss, Custi' lautiai .1 aunxice. Lia-en C(t)iait tor aiy affiec'tittîofa! titSouiacla or Li.îer, ttu lt' a mýoretttito ptossiieY tu are la tiot- ill bîîytntl 'fUn kuîw uaîL. -l pgütiig. Tht clant, as o a .1 lu yonriMtec, (Ionet ft i t-o , tu.itnruggitît,il. >NV.-.I3 Siitit i& (O. and gel-ta trial bottle free of charge, iliîtW-I.lshtowvwhat a negulan ans idollar itotile will do. Aak for Dr. iiîiiC.cFONieA uaGOLDNi- COMoui-ru s-el take no otîter. S. W. 1. Smuitht & Co. 4 Povcnîy and Disîncas. 2. Superior Course of Istutin il? Music ' t h Ntf-cIint-g fiîtlî mîi cuI itvi Iait, Miit ttt1itt) iveii tlby Mr. Territîgtnta heppl if t (tg i i li iig ttnt tjjili jlIrtre i4an itci tf ta1rtfetainnalgentlet-na tif litfl îtiiîandait iititil %. uldetittit ri.atly totii licit ya-tltdeBtosni ontriuit. v i i iit, ic t," oif 1ltlrei't' 'rittit'iiiî the.lteervices of lMr. E. .Ri1e ii I i "III I St ti htI1 iti u t U t K I 'il'ti i' i-r, 'ciii) ). lui' l ut ttitleGr nd t )t,-t eittiiî ttîeîteîîpart tttitit 'iiit of lii-v 'et.' ut lui' liii t' i')rv ftCciui;laiced ot1short tai tor lloit lestiis,ay met at,,red tht sioeRc e icrt-c-ttt ilchisrict-rtuiu tti, pr..senIt ctq91eto ;as it tbIt nuIil -lt tt l 'eu i'c ill Ile %clagt'en bi anut tidiret iilt ili uerYltietjicîr 'Loti'g lit' t'cu' tt' Ioi tmallin tîîîc t itîclît ng ihei- profestigtn, 'cill be tbtrrtughly rttin tii ll :,i'u lu i;t iý, ' -rani lies ef iti' art, Nau-lIt'greateot cerne will Ill,.talion te ilit 1uit It)eal!iit l. ili lt îîi 't i. tt ' l i le '-f p rfîirîiiiîî, a' i h tilti' pî.ciat i "ew tif ctlitiil i ti t v;t1, ,ii i 1i:1i.i rttilies, lit lîtit' ,alon'. lt.it tîî.i utIlt- a>cted by Mies lratn sd othen teachers of experience and alitty. 9--- A Diplonuia wil lie iventu t thîtw"','co ittnte 1rncrilied profeaeîoîtal ellurse. 3. The Art Department, AcirîiL, uperier facilizies ifor thtre ü(tailu'i ~n.Dracaing, Crayoîiug. 011 Painting, ltieluiiiigi Laitdocape, Portrait, Fruitt, Flaiwre sud Gout)l Waten Cnlornaud Cinai .ltsitng. Ail inîtatct"oi il;Itaî"îirgît ilv raies tif tn v ~tive, taut of colon sud prineiples ni ltarîna mil iitt'ntad iit, o t-at the phînltlaîlt-il rointcopyiîîg modela to original sketch- 1lie elu-Itît îe eli itipplicil uith mutel.idu atititot, sud feriishes excellent sîlesutages le i1ý t.'tvc meowibl, . t t1ttO kiîri i u ittite for teaeltîng. ýI. ELECIANT ltttlN i.CH'AIMINCt UROtJNI)S. IEALTILFUL LOCATION, admirablelc titteit tI vUtiitth, icî'anti Mari fi l-l'îrcseItidtng, &c. t Itîter ltut' tlailtsf llviîîcir,tlitng, dili't, e nt' îng, &-v',delleate pnptlo blecouitstreng, ant Idý nhiou tître ite' itteîtten e! a physiciot. b. IlIEEttSt-INA TtTS ANDi ONRStF TUE ltVl'LS ARE UNDEI1 tht-juditîtena versitît tutuditrection tif Misa Adamîs. Lady Principal, laIe ai Brookblauit, Ciuboiîg MTa Aultist'wa'ill-ktîowi'n altiîty t-il txperienit' aie a snficient guarani-en te the'îni pu c-, ,that îià tlà itîg %au loewsniing i tht jrupaatiou ni rpiila for i-be Mcst mfrelIe aladclltiu taeil i'lr 6. LlrltJGTtIliliS, CNI, IISTOItICAI,. AND LITERATIT, PROM TRIE alilst lc-ctttrc talent eft i-ie Düinintoît. lti)f. Dn.litamiuel, et Victoria Uuivenuity; Prof. iolu'a mwu Sitl in tiletîi-i. The ojeci afof lcesc Lertures ta n1it- sali tire adeîittfec,frec of charge, id fa ittiieirr puple it tht/r ntýrkc, and gîve fhcm iciterai uîjeîmatiaîs upoi uî ijecct. 7, ltavittc actti modatti ifr a rgze nuii t ci4 fbearllers, weam- eepin" ftocpupils tilt ttîti on andI tetirdiitg cln8annen .t1w ii,- ia sblpoint, a lr oe it 10pet cent. i. niito t'iteii pa tieint la itteile itun ia t iet- aI t in caîatct. lic rcrttc.-f t!. ciisit j w j cs'lL , ii-if j ;,)IL b iîie litg teoîîî»tn. College Re-0peris September 2nd, F'r toru t utl' îtmt , f/- NEW ADVERlISEIYIENTS.'! D)ILSs lGOODSl MIDDLE TABLE, 1880. J~ 3-~ ESAI~ZEJ, Buclcn'a Arnica Salve. Tht BnsrST îxrin luthe avorîti for ç(118, ItruicePs,, bores, Uloors, SaIt EL. tit, Tettor, Cbiu1pedl Ilands, Chil- Liaictir, Corne, antd al kinisetci okin q'rtl ions. IThiis Salve it gtîirnlutd to gice perfect itatisfacion in overy case or Iic)o-ty refuindol. Price 25 cents per i'x. For sale hy S. W. Il. Swtlît& C- t., Witby. O DDF EL L OWS'IHALL. - ukaeStaIt R .tcuind kuJ nme Atl 17 i î - I pil A tog tue-iiinie-rt'ua ilîs te wlmch fil t-ut te' li me tL tlil'renl /,î'ce outf toc ( (~-i~ itilt ~tte thiee ti'îî taks in contetaptible ranit. S'I libeuin, Serofulons tiares sud LE AS E EX PI R I N Ge Sna-Il.tieuto bt-en ctnaeudnred ër Iliet'tm4p. irhe Eurekia Sait Ebecio A 1. I1. t> o 0DS.njlSi,,tt iinluient la warranttud to cqitnot li,' curef case ao' Salî t Ihoutuor ~~ D C. m:z ,ý ans utier 5kmIîît sif îth directions art'faiiî'rl owetl. Solinlabaues tt 50 ce8 by aidrsoss. 15-)y Sr1t1>k' HPATS! ' - N EW,, ADVERTISEP4TNTS. Oluap rtvenilt. liituti tt A îii 'ît lrihît oilî lu CO~HRFBElGM1 & INSUBANG[. LLASE Eh'P.N Ai' Goocls Lowerod in rriso! A>lçtbui iii-- oîf tht.-Gootis. l( a-e *'h i-ie n ;rl:lr prîice ditr- et prc icio;Se for fouitelves the Lowared price in RED INKL ODD FELLOWS' HALL. greateFt ditreo, s D ot aiftoe ponce but ufthtîe loai. Decprived oalits icbnusu, iaJt. e t heconasa crat and wstary, a condit- io i0a meti anemi/n iiin meicaî aa-i'ituge. Giaent Lli conîtticît, and senofulons caelliegs anîl soris, gùuniral sud nora. - nua itelity, 10io ilicsh sud appetite, azuit Not/cea af Rirtdu, Maritges, cuak luogs, <roat iiseases snd con. ansd Det cagd0cnscah timuplion, are ainaug the -en t e. e ols hr~d5 et ah niti. ,- Phelores, if yen are a sufiro fronit im, pont bloond. do net* hestate, MARRIED. tint etupîoy Golden Mlodical Diseaver>' BEAVEI-CULLEN-Ai Lthe WÎi. whicl, entiches tbe blood and aadicaIIy son Avenu" datitchrciCeslaud, cure-e thicoc affections by stricking ut Olo o Jlv4 hby Itie R1e-.G. B. thie cool o thioilîs an -d rohovîug the King, F. Cc.l3ev r tb Mirma Msgie causte. - nlen, bath of Toronto. - - a. -.--Usbridgeo o.tters pieuso copy. Gilt- Etge Butter., - --- - Tbce iîa rways an ucillue dctnld forI1îîît(-r Ilat If; np ta te gilt-cdge CU»tCuZ Oyrai ci, July 2iot, 1880. ettîanal l qualily andîilAlo. Match lintkyCe t mis btiaca'io goel colla nt a a Wlest .............$1 00) 8 1 M Itping %bctt........... 0190 «1 00 reciîîîionnfrouia tlhre ta flan couLe 11r htrlcy..................O 0tw «(0 000 }uuiunu, I;vccîutc delititut luin clOr ilour, per cuti........... 2115 *a il 0 LIti si ltou!il th',eti ui Weie, hii- tyo .....................O070 0 t076 îî'îlAoiî& Co's 1 i'nfeclnd Butter Colon ta l>ma.................o 0s 07o0 tlnbri;lit Juiiconirbis cler is Pus%, ac0oye.O10 ~0 0 l'y tac ic bri,'tcst, punctit anti beet mrîanconi, for ted....06 05 nut.Soit) ly li-iegistc. 4D1-Iy n frsul..O' iOa My ..................... 750 0 1000 TIti)Conccru-ativt jutusîs of l'aris A lte , pe br........... c Q>ou O OC aie ciIte Rpubîhcauî jounalas lu ad- p nins.................. 00o c 0t>00 nuirtio ciM. tamIetL's aarv-Ies......................O02Y 0O26 miratin of . Garbetta' ............ .................... 010 ois tlcqiiço, af wîhihto 'repart eau cou- Butter...... ............O012 *014i vey au adequato juta. Bygenerai con- Chiene...... ............ 0 09-J*,0-11 sent bciimnzasorably aýove uy other Wond-.. .-. -4 00~ antor lu France. muisgrotest eue- aeskiais,-----------.... 00 0 7f ------ --------------7 0 7501 mica îuttîntly 1helen front ptre love oai ýprk...............>....805O *0O00I art, ase hoy utoulil b o ine wallgracsd Lwaut......... .. 0 0t0 acter, sud hesitating 'frind iud nd nIl Calvea-----------.... 40 -0 sceols swpt swsy by the torrent of Touca .....e ..... 10 000I bis dsctu.....r.t....... r ...oco W 00 .....'pede - ... 0 0 o q Qelrypa a« 0Oeo SOa The uLondon Onardîtus y 4,frCheksm», p0rsiîà .-o0as Go4dotono,'sfriends bos u is cannages,'D oslb .........1.' 000'Q000 elo1tuee, eorgy, flnanelal ýgenus, ' ýk.,oi ar.0 o jG "Q pul espieitI,'5d rmth of pertunal -Clve! per... il i' ...... VOTERS' LI 180. Mi- NTCII ALITT ITHE Township o !Whitby, -'QUNiTY OF bNTÂRMO N0 TCE is lIdl3Y 6GIVENTMAT thie pirrcit i nGitenti n thethtlltd sud fonrth sections f Il Vaien' t & eo tho copimq.u requreti iaUd.sectIon, te ho se trs-nsrited aoridel, o , of ttis IbsI tao, Pursuant te sid 4ct, SaIl pus Mer- log b>'ieletrouo .snt a, i4lie the asid"utelj ity b teslô e .vbte in lteemasalIMius stli a foi momliers cf tet eil st Municipal I oua, t -5$ ot vs-s firaIpost0d nleu auy ISukIU - an te Twnmýsnxtui Dilyr or 18w, ARt remaina thegé fer tua au, atos arn calied ttpo~ rs e litf e U1.1,*idUi auy omisasuor suyotor foni thereîn, t take tum eloto bave lte id errors a 'ocelti R L. T. UBIeON clao! +t40 siImu lalpsity. DatelaIt 1oolu' July' 20, 18~ 1 -lu IRNB CLEARI'Ii'G O BRYOE'S NOTED CASHI STORE,. Great Inclucement to Buyers in Every Depaýrtment! 5 IEC IKira OléFe -u BuyerÈs coming from "Whitby- by Stage and puroh- asing ten Dollars ($10) worth of -Goods will have their fare paid both ways. Y our atteiltiQil is dir ected t'O the hand «bil' circul- atcd tliroughout the Town this week. Great savings cap be effected by attending the Grand Sale. ROBERT H. BRYCE, 3 KING STR~EET WEST, OSHAWA. NEW TADV'ERTISEMS. PlICKEBIN ÈCOIL[GFi To0 PLRSON'S WHO WISU TO SE- t t. 1E fer thern itansd dangitters a t a "iat1 .îîtd rartuteat nlucîatitit, and ta 'caluà utit l aa1wonen %'cilie jiorpase pre- Iîrt:mg for Second sud ThirrI Chas Te-ch- iýr n Exaiestins, or ion Matriclation in- lt the University, or n m the Law Society, tir ita the Colleeaf Physicians sud Sur- peons. titis insititution offere peculier t&a-t uaitages. Ils spectal featorta are : lit. Aitiianglu eudawed sud mainttsineel by the socleo f Friends, it is open ta young people o hbsexes cfftefl &,mit- tioiec. AU studett arne rpeci-ed ta at- tt'îil seri' place ai wornlilu. but il îîtay i1t- thal wbînlî Lbey or their jparents an guardi- ana select. 2rid. It aima taegi-vo a fit-rate oducaian st thliowost passible ceaI.' The tees are only $150) lier settiti, orna5 ful.oPrioiite auteutit for a shortcn Unine ;auni-beylu- nlaln til.bîîtrd. wan'tîng, fuel.ight, te-oveni- uclezssan expesse except text- Srd. ltuetrriculttm sud atudînsi are pre- tie thlie sanie sein aur bestI lgb Schools ariadeils-te Institutes. Bot studeatii aI- tcitding tii College bave m&uy suvautages unIo toh)e obtainet iun inofit High Schoots t siuhiatord in CaIloeçobuilding, a rosttng ruecte wetl suajpled 'sitli lthe t carrent ,îews sud liurature, eoioiczlsbl tud7 roains. parleurs, bedroonis, etc., gytus-t oins, play groanuda, etc. 4th It iâeammcd taeniake the Scieiitific dot- tiartmne-t ase Uoroogh as posafIlte. A very complete chemicaa ratua bas been pur- ohad in PhlWd ý, sujtahle for seoend Clas sud Intermediaté werk. Evcryslnd- eut in the depament avilibh reqnired te hecomnesna catical xpnimeuter. 5tb Aà Commercial Frm is-estabialod iu wbich studeuts are titononghly tanghl Com- mercial Aithmetic Comioetion sud book kccpiug. Any student ilii tse Commercial f or= may aite suy other subjeet ln additi- ou. 601. Êtudonts aWhooadonet aishb teprepare for suy erftmntuiton may:take an optienai tacurso and devoes their time te spoclal sub- jects. 7t. The meaus aflorded for mental ne- oeaton are 6mple Besialea the reading routa, -tiere ius a Lltersry Society wbich amis once a week, sud a ooiinse of lecture& by leetlLng educatlautsftz sud others ailI h. detivereal duuin the inter. Sit. The Çeg e btuilclitg lsa rrançed tattie lsexes areosebatasteexcepi dofng reellattonsana diluthe dlulng--rooa. Boys s=d ycang mon are under lb% charge of the ilousomsater. Young ladies areuuider lte Governosi.. M11. Thetometuiniloansd Officers h opet maiut&u &uego& mototus tintthe soa t Bibe .ulum*m. ar o every 8etituy' âftor. r nom.- On suudaîy volg, lectà res au 1 monda u, LwAe*orsud c m ae d*ulver- t 1 eby theAu~1 The m!ana n deli tg rly ttaken, te seouro s la cllais 'ba t8sh- I oonobut thoso ncg tssdo vont for Ils I hoewoi tua ftir 1 il ,'earm for.Sale I1- 3 UlýG p \tVLt 8aund;,Ébken Co~ H-J [0- z e CI O) >O- ..ý -i ioiU z Gr ' .; Co C <OC > 0 0 C-AUTION@ BA (;I l 1G OF TIfIE Myrtie Navy! 15 MARRED T r & 8 IN BRONZE LETTER8. None Other Genuine, Oet -a Drink that l8- a Drink of 1L A 0E R 1. '0;,i . e *~ ~ o n,---.- p. 1r - 1ro 0 ete WHIB Y GYMNf3IUM a CURLING.-CLUB BILDING. %-apo every aftonnoon lfrom 4 p~m *116 iud thlb eulng oIclOAum etou en BOYS UNDER li5 VEARS OF eGE 15CT, - FROM 15 T02bi,200T8. : AUUTS2OT8S Tickets geeti for eue mOnth rMAY bh. Lat B. 5iTEPUB Demniu elerab u N office, whltby. Whitby, July 21s1 hJ-4in T NO WEMT POT PBRY,& LIfDEUi CONDENSBD ,TllE TABLE. 0, li1fc i ojrltt 80 I ve i Tîtins ois.8:44 x "ouNTSL T ~ I ~ -~A T- - ut. Fresh. Cool,Leager! DOMINION WABEIROOMS JUSI RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE LOT Pompadour Prints, at 12 e ts. New Figured' Musliiis at 12' cts. Ladies' and Misses Lace Mitts, Black and Colored, Canadian Straw Hat8, 5à cts. each., J. B. POWELIL & Co., Whlitby- July, 1880. DOMINION WÂRiEROOMFS; N W)E w 1S EENS FOR TuIE MOST DESJRAIBLE J L I sT w 1INa-! MARTIN -& WABRAMI -S1 A LL 14ORKi'KgUANTE ED, "I i' GVE US-A CALL W ALL " e SALarge* stQ1ç t ow Pp à iîý 17L;Z T (SEPE ÂA. BANDELL hau now 0opeiisdr t>a LAGER BITER CELLAR lut bis Lew promises, ths "Whitby Eionse." sud, wbtch will ho kept open until ib. housïO 1le finished; where soeathing néw li. lte , shapeoeta refreshing glass ofcool ligan s- he obtained. Go to (ho Cool Lager Collar ail ry what a toaming fresit glassetfLagor in inb these hat summer days. The Whithy House will seon ho llulÉbed and the hotel opened out, of vhleln dus 'i., notice will ho given. Memtiie te Lager wil be kept for enstomers. Thtînktig my fri-nds for past favors, and ssking for thoa honor ot an inspection of my nêwpreises. I amn, The LagerMan e- JOSEPH A. BANDELL. Wbîthy, Jue, 188W.27 PHOTOGRAPHY,.,,; t,, J.W. RUPERT,,-, From tho wtll-known frm etBRUCE. &00., reronto, Phefographers, . t Takes plenanro in Infornaing tho cîtisenU - oi Whitby sud South Ontario, that' ho han purchssed th. entire rlght sud intirest ot that well-kuown Photographie and Framlug establishment, lately csnted on-bylte MessrB. LYON BROTHERE, - WILKINSOEN'S BLOCH, BROOK-ST., The extensive alteratlonus ad improvo- mentb thlatefirmarebelng stili aonts btoathe addtion of ALL WORK GUARANTERD FIRc9T-CLAtSB AT THE LOWE8T 1iATESII!, -CHILDREN. A SPEcIALTY_--- Sec Our 2'ALRTTR PHIOTOS, FRAMING in aUi ilSbranches. -PHOTOS- COPIED sud etrged, mah& filuihed plslaa c«il water claSi, bor cryon, a1BUT.TOMfiéI 7ç- AGENT for'Ma-san & iscit, manU-' factureas of Pianos sud Organs- Oirderï for Tunlug promptly atteuded to. J. W. B. Lapes bystriai attention'te 1mai- nou ta o ntiar, c f the. patronag e -liberaUy hostowod an bia predocsos J. W. RUVERTi. WUkMnsoWs Bok re-t. Whitluy, May 1, 1880. MON EY TO -LOANe &pply 'e -ý W.EL.BILLINGS. W"COfle.over Outait Bsak,- ..10 tif bty COFRTBE H OUSE AND Store To ent-eparateoIy Or Together!1 Trpye onu Dundas streeo J ron,»tded ojUr t1h. Ucuso adsbp o fi.at ew1vr boufftel. Theaa o .,inam