"lu s k---,e s-2v WNrYHOIL t 'rittiflg IEstablishment, l~/ I3UO)CK SrilEFT, ViITBY. siîTs $M5, par Annum.. DV.1tIISMEN S. - AiU Xdvertigo- n~~~~i oudî.aur tNonpariel, and 8tti rc t uite, per lino, firit nrrtlof .1,d2 colits, pur lit,cach ed~ i mu 'rtilll. , . X ',tug,1tuiiimiN7~ f meIV Suersuull 1 e.u eurItIlL teuplu 1uii mntg N owk mat- ttur tell eslits 11017 lino., fUAND TRUbM RAILWAY lIGTEL, (C H 1 N 1pursuu tÉi Mnaile wîth t ertiscriq ci t iey irtU tt)rwlr3e. arivrtisRnena 0. T. Il. Station,') Whuit)y i stQN 0rTHE 05ilhuuti ttito,gu.adetie Wns M. 1EILLL --ROPItIETOR.1 71 KING-S7 acc o u mmodation forr pu'.t t-usI- ' îranuy irs-aIda 13a~ ne - )irecot ory. izç,irtrtà stsuy ,îDrîlur Milui tl Ymy ].ed.msu 9-JeS Tho Dar fM i-v ru,1î.i- t.t Isuy.ugs Rn la N T A I 10 Il A N K, &e E--vcyueuusry dls tiers FiVuti toL iSu1 ipr l'la1,(li 1 lTI13 Y IB A N ÇUIl tjsu Sutatftiln, , yarli, nd t5tn THIOMAS DOW, tv ui .iiTravii, on IlMN ms5v rl"u bhad e ('il..) l il ESTit tt2 iswSrc, rim 5î mid à sf Jirii-tfrvt, 1utt. Ittel and Plar itilrutw, ii. t 10 r sirthr sutthrrU syul lAMtIII ES TLEIiOtt Il.A. tuutittv (tu utuus Attortney. ~ tiEllSi~~S&ATTORNEY'S AT LAmW, SOt.ICIORb IN CHANCERY &t n ~ .i t )1 y' C,.HH RITCHIE, W. HBILLINGS, J tME'4 KEITII <GORDON, & ÂliSrilJ ATTrotINiY.A- LAW, frcistuc taucI 5 f /roitrrsiq' ioelus Mubtit-y irsLussus rusats fsu11isb-s Iota JOHIN A. !5GhtIBi 11ctieesr tiitI Il. lotloasI.i T) AIIiS1TII t- ATTOIINli Ar-s 1) N.lsrrItublics&e. sivulr for tise I,înitrusutt itursi. sMille N-ut Isur t, Ms riu oiuaie, Uxliug, tt.t _26 C91ARLE-4% C. KELLER, ,TTOl1NEVY-AT-tW, SiiLICTTORI N -ut toiC. W. L. T. BIARCL5AY, 4 t'itN ,rA T .' zoi. icurotî tU .i-ru itîery ru lus-a-r l ir - th,' sur- s'it IisCout utilurs, Iiituy, LYM0AN EN(;t.SII, 1_.it.m,, 3 i lMTFht< AT L\\.SOstItlTiitlIN Ciinos.us 'y, C .s"i' s-r, s.& .".Stm- v IAI") ,.vvt 5%5t'Ni sm- _ITTuIINEY 'b AIIW, StuItutT(ýýI'N't hau s.sr, mi.tsai- JU)IS't BALL )ta, ms suussu t i-- (Jitis' su s t t e .'f i tecist îî1ý 5 itllNtiO t. iLIS Chq1, 'iueis Sî ill ti)Cov Strtt Wit-ru01t.r t ,StLtTif G. YUs NGrut - sitfIsusuLtuI.>- CIl.,ey 1B3.iRt1TZ'E~, t t Monsu%. tusLoao .)Issu-c ..A !t uitissu L.iceutrccu- Oviuttus-Liter Dss-1'ursuisiLiss, NViitby. CAMtERttN &A PtEiLtIE, cr t iuui-Nu I-sunstta o iret, Tiutut- tri .r-rsomin t li-i i- M sl u iwdl -1ri tu, ru s si-s ' is is t. s n uc i1 t'n.ts-i lu tss u t ius a U iiiiii TIJ[~L bi .1aL, u s U- Et tut aitAi e irL -tI, W i t ( ring. N W4b alaiPrrae d words, gTeat thoughts. and untiring industry. we açlvocate PearPoruS nwegBrotberhood. ImâthcalmPrintcace progressNO.o 31.e WHIITBY. PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO, TIJIRSDAY, ,JTJLY - 22, 1880. A H AL isG ,tsrt (tEt;I9TEItED) T. EAST TORONTO. fatonu Set ; tut tssid Est Sts 0Enivuserts. tulSpnis Forke andtpaket. 1i Sreroad. 3te CI es tfor Lily t re & ., sare, cvery tr-ad. ýLOVLBIt 1AIUSON, Importer. gn Wood Workh, WIIITaiY. se, ý-assd'-aIt Isin sf"ATwieted MoL4ini4~. %, II l i l olu.i- lue strut rutsi-t, orl' tuy if-sucsrsad -,uui-i ~-t- iibLiNlt> tiT -Ptaning, Muuudings of evecy descrip- i(S"I t.. SE -TIOT, )1 tien, Faerng, Shectiug, Shelving, Re- 11 L -te , sad t-ir.u.sawsug, Sheping, Turning. ScrelI-work, Itltunoiî ,arIvIt f u ru lsl Ne. acrs etc , etc. ger t:Ilsr riuu ~tighi andd au lisWbiuhy, Oct. lfstlu, 178. --48 tiI, ~ ~ k2 t$2srett .50,ussu itur ,ss-rutîsur 1 ONEY TO LEND. reue us uithout huari, 51 lt'bhi pur dsisi> Feis S7tL, 67S Ir.-utuur The tstusIeiîctsssb itis env amnof tMon- e y to end uii rIl'urns c or'ftu Vroperty, 51 rie aau1 l ussi1r1i b o lusr tsl ru, i - rrtirL sîrr lr5iii l,, ani 1ru tac ;. 1rtire tiige"(luuuus ut ti Eu0u M At li t,.iiruu y iSttus uts.nurus1,0l, lest Iîr t Es-vsttt-Istssuu p5ssd usu g.s-t-s isuurai ~uu.i ususlui iui fotr Cur r1ii a4~LENS îiTtiL, Lo.uausi orevatu!l n ens ta suit bor- rowere . SevtrurtltImprovus! Faruneansi WVild Leirsia for saesit- uiitp. Iuvestnelt ro1s.aie l a Muicip&l Dotuen- turta, Park, usust sthorer ekttable Stocke For turtber pertuculars opply te JAMES IIOLDEN, offrial Assigoce, lireker, &o. Apxil PIb, 1872. 15 < .. .-- a-tstt.tsaLl u 5StÈOCtK-TItitT, tiît TA YL1I I A cAN ltLbIETOIIS. b iu- i-Iettsltt~'Ideoiri nu us ýfiri"tu tt u furuis . orsi tirs 1 oit tIs i tcy lu'e t ta tis- abutu taît ltle tt 5uid i il rA.. us tijl .p r N i s- is t.. 'i fiotst 1tt5tututui frti up.tilu for ' t's- raa, liIkrsbiuîr i. î- la't ie tut L O i sstu acleuuust si THE WILSON HOUSE- 'fý-~' Arstlt.L IS-, utN i, ~, ALEX i-ARCLA'e, -Prorrulir s i~suueiepi..tisu ARCuus.HCIT ECTU RE! ms s-ssrruts.-'s5 i i DRAWINCi AND SPECIFICATION il' Ir 1 T ju . T A -, i L> I1 B U' 1 1, D i NO S Praoluldy îul.rta tî - rEiLOutY p.C.iJU"OH AND SCHOOL AFGUITECTURE A 1 SPLuçI LII S-, A' 's t sd is .-IA i. 5i~ - I~ ,iu-'~l T U,.13.obsitas, Ont. Cor 'snKiti-' ur-i ruoit , Ontt. As.iLurA.e, urgî-ybT, it L'rrngl tue'i ) iis, tuu iy-47) I ý4 It'C IlIIT E C;4 'Inlgru frlur b-,Vlansis!Coîtegu pT iI tibIs. \Ii u,,u Il s ssLaty. irataiiggoprejsarcd for ce- I mut in, cai-sting 8urastuyes. -->:nu-su. cfot-cthe îrese'ai, na is ie oidence M rtit.NJ- T. -1'OVIIf2 o iluu irtugftiuus a 1leeirg 4ituP.0. Box 202 Wat-e> .J7 ST .11< It 1LL, lu-rcfr HOtIlili MEK11, Q.C ley-44) :luS Airtîtît lut. ut ftllins .ii. lis-1tel, Torntolu.) Gid sui) l-Usrs outilCigairuq. Cunsntsdbeas itl. .GU.NN, M. . 1,, sI-ululsg. cUttibluN' 10 Tit-. OUNT GAU, tre4t-ulasu Lit-ety Stable sud Billiecul ta yol lit-rui1ert, Wlitbyb5nnraueic. BIYRON IELI), îIf. . 0 S1At.AVA UUSE, p )IYSICIAN, SURIGEON, te DIrlila, i u1tKINGSTREETe, iOSHAWA. . Crek.H. CI-ESTER, - - Preprietorf. lu,. Ilç-utlEiN, 'Th~ *t<~< ~ 1imutitret strIuetrge andI centntdious i Il ISlikuSIIITANsI,, ttu, INU. lissuif; ruiteutandituriisut te snit tise 'r ItIra ýe IL1. i. Il. L., Utiutuua, Ont-atro. Wotts of lise travelliUng pulic. Table sup- pluie-til ithte csoiot uSf tis e aeos Tise bise suptulueut with tIse huai brande, ilA il 1) -liu1usurstst nd igaca flBus te sand Strn ste- - ar-n. Ample aablercoant, caretul istileis. Dit-. sBOGAlR.5-t Phiî>ttisunnSuirgouu.utAeeusiut lur, l.&c. - ISIiit>, sept. luth, 187î4.4u i UW IOTEL, COLUBUS. J. FAULDING, Wu - A DAMS, Lots ftb<hIl5Ontario Il Astabutanbaving purclaesbtise atuo-aowe1-tnown pronielai, ID -MJ I <Tp i s 'T" - oituti o tuutiuauice et pà trnemegom onhe A goos I lostier tun attenaence. JI 0011' osl't LitIl. Il. JAMESON'S tuscry Storo, Duîudaai-L, -tVhisiby. sufllc tures tit il9sm. ta 1m, ansi troua jLACK lIuiIE UOTEL, 1.3t to i, ut. tu. thsideme-Cor. utfliyrosi'B) andut GlIsrtetilts. CulL.usu GE&OaRUiL fts.,TOIl(MTC. C, . ~VAISs.L. t)D. . 4LFIisJOXFORD, -PROPJIIETOn. 'te clstiu sttuue cluojsIe, tsiida<ruud as ihoe lus-ut Tittts lloitsusiih oltand tSilver. King Street, ttsiases. 86 JOHN RO!INSSON'N VIl-tIDllIiSlNG. ANI)SUAýVrNOl ISo.n, Broot St:, Whitby. JOIIN WOLPENS)E.N, A ET FOR TUsE CELEBRATED AG-c.,tiiaGranite. At Marble Wortu of Jeoitan Wotfeaition,DutiSt., Whittuy. L. FItiitANKIS, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. MrOFFIcE OPOS E THER OYAL nu .-Q.m%".ý TH-E TORONTO Tu,'kish &- Vapor Baths, i-- Lie uiusttB t- nni usIAIIIIi Cioluu lStiguila, 5CO U, Cangtsehli- îtu.ttrtuus i-îruseluep, luoveras, id for Sarmiay ptîrpae. Tisa vaper ahaeOparticnÙly 6Pplie- hile il Skiai dissasces, espeisl Sypitilis, t rua mow usiversalit- concedetietât tisa Tarkieh asd Vaar lichis a- ieteboit pt-iet-tati ves utfisealtb it hil lie rfech et medicol ut-ports ansd in cemputlclnon vilim nutdicat trecîmnent thé patient lu more r&p- îdly asu nscosfnlly tlneaS i'aîronized tItrongitout Ite world tram royalty dev tu tohe pueresl man, Titee Tort-eh butie are te imîy eues ýthte City et Toroto- Quatatione assiSreo"etiatei n iOs tO bâu fronthtie beet modical es and AltlsrY uhiari- liesq iuutn conitniées. ttouaIs-uemill7it, ' 1EL80 a.M., 8te 9 pual. Saturtiay nillhpmn. Ladines, 10 s.In. te 1.81> Pusi. PRICEhl-TuýrkialiBaths, ôeetiet, il 12 tickets. $10. Vaper Baths, WOC eacgid ticktls. $5. 233 QTJEEN.ST. WVEST. Silful anad attentiaS oale ced enwai atednts J. S. DIAMOND, MM.' G-oc. P. R l & osNewepaperAt- vertisiug Bureau (10Stsrue St.), virw e' vactleint- ceitracrtsaay tue maefa lu )iew Vuttut.- (aet Wellington Hotel, Maritiaut.)MOE m-MbtitS, f$1.00) PERI DAY. G-od stioli, TO ,LA«. i ista foc oser 300tIhomees. Fart-ilAs a ccola. *I-, 01000I.1iNVESTgIEN?, miodattois for fartiersimnd lise travelling poulic igeucrol.(lby-4 ONBREAL EBTLTE 8EGURriXY '- - At ovet liv ig tsaûl nIteroul-.' LUMBER 1 LUMBER 1 Monueyeocured wihtbnu'10 dtîyq ,f 8P' J 0 O I N S 0N , Aputeto JO m- P QUI5M I 1BO NZ. c Wlitby, Feht-nsiry îi*th, l1880. LUMB ITSMRO, TTOWN CLEi"RK'S OFFICE lias on band a alargo suppîy t-a if uS o-0 - -II MVD TO4~. Bara Luisbroarsestde,&ti 1 eouey Bu&idlg Lumuex. Fenfg aaTsiur H FW-lTB adSeentiieg, alroqttoba TH. E W"'iT u. Largp ordure lot- Long BUIih , éd {O~v~5 front Mille aI short noUes. s. Doors, Babousud Blin 0e slsmuiou Gee boures, 09 o 12ade~ultika bantl. se- Ar" ý Â~cm- thé $ai __ bMa 7h M..20 Tewn ls*fà et-4nu~ Inte, Breck-ot,, eseustqy., CA datcb 26tb, 11879. '- 4-1y X7BITEdhNAU1 V Fiqter, Volerk Q'DELL, of etleou, Il" .51 -V.8'iahthe preticu AT H E R LT.Y , hoehtRays bolol,'ý oach waalr, Imm ank in. B-; r4LtB., ] Âgen , ssà . > c INSURANCE. ONTARIO FARMERS' Wutual Insurance Co'y. HEAI) OFFICE, IIIOCK-ST., WIIITBY- T IIIS CoNPAIT iraîireo Fartai Bil"l- inge;, C'onntrycy îrrchei, Scitol Ltonuqes, asidti -r Conatetts, ah rates as 1,0W ms i-boue of amy wett-establitibestComnpany lu Canada- JUST LOSSES VROMPTLY PAID. J. B.IIICRELL, JOHN WILLIS, Presiilent. Viue-President- Whitby, Aturit 911r, 18078. -16 P BrELNIX FIllE INSUIANCE Co. Loutiarru St. atai Charutsg Cross, Lononi. GIýLLSPIE, MOFFATT & CO., AgfritttforcCanada. IL. W. TR, lMiatroger, Mostrpal, A GE7NCY ESTAILISIED IN CANA- LiA lu t804. Unlimiîeui liability et att the Stockltiers, amuit arg Roserve Fundi. Mouerate rates et pretailomu- C. IilOUES,, Agent, Wltitby. Wbîtby, April 901t, 1878. 16 B RITIBII AMERICA A ssurance Company. INCORPORATED 1833. A 5SSE TS , $1,101,876 94. F. A. I3ALL, - Manaerem. Iciuraaices eff"-tes! c hLie Inreut rurrent rates on linilulings, Mrchanlirse, amui nîbar propercy, a1-ei-mt lotis or detuege by fire. C. NOUIISB. Whitiy, April Oth. 1878. 16a DEPII I QINIINE ATalDi 11101' ONic an rttuo . ilis utst-tatnsinouitiof q.uiinle asdlt-ain1, e..us lslntise 5.oweT5 t'these sutso-tuwlt-niî' I'latistuiiui dioena asusRi acntutut racs-ss.tu t- aauesus. a lus' stste sufth tO or'c'soss eTt-uso ,Ifuelsed condition of tise lbody, ans!dersinetit of the gettecal hoalthi. 5Y-5 îtPl:uSQIrNIF . itria,u-MON TCuiPIC Fs-irtis. ta--uiitp the tu-uIltF i itfltu lis.oltb fuot- tise ofert sutbot 5tmates ttis toute ile 1Àuru'tslOleO.lt --e P E F r 11i tf- s i P î u t l,; N E I O ui TQ N IC I Yrus te s ststvuetio tistsvstemrte t-iiriclses lise blosut.proiotet apilett, tileet Iuaguir nr d d reesOs ortrtiuu s t lgetavo ,s,-gaise ta ritspr-ifir cemssv yfor seu.rats., attie. ittsligetiolt, tevere ut *e<riy Ii, cltintsi affstionuts, ansi uwesttng UieSCAMt, geartstastoe tenteewR,&c. m-be aetolt trats lan greeti>' inirgrattut lus-Plpvr'nN ITonte the mental Caea5ti blrigLtnsotheosuetlittOi gats Sroinisans.urssULM s reilt-il 14-1- cebtrZtte5tt crtain. ttustleg 12 -'tsoe4e. c(tu; - st ststa, tus. "-M OIyC5sto5scOTjst.sv.r -r, l'ue Daume et Jý PPi'euar. tadforst Lsibs,rtsîa -Lonoln. mit lie ozit luis1.&W. Tisera te i Dûlosoue se certain un eftuut usi; pexe uiio and Iren.IIt i nttn=lL's reotarstiw 5site reardetto unlia asdt rate ColonisO oII nt sta.sd ias>, betet -ra- Cu&r use la evory cae ot tfeur ce-fr brt cond tic a. îy-8 Stc ~etu0131v J.lPopr. Lonne.'ts i o 1 lIsomua .ed ntttwMdtlttS1115nd caca- mete -r tise cnrs of sdur.>sebttosaeund att sp;'omne of CongoestIodno i toer, w, lbct -are troeci v pain tueneathth ie sbonldeis, steut-sit e sr<,s-'imefsa. noe pptiite, fut-ced touie. sigreesbto teste lai tise metcmimg gîtutine slsttneo e Iestemacs, c"fi sahi lia-sr betution»tenu ltttly coul on thse be-sels cravins a sotis e1 bealtîai ain ounct çtltifu 14 leurs. tlth ie salent mestitte. m-rame ton, an-d Pedopita lesfuid.maest oirly b-t J. tEPP'Elt, 'lturd LaSireory, LDto s-us arnte tg on eVer label. liattlat 2B. ilit sel4x. OGd. Sais!bv 2 lChesut. A sat a-caitle amui eeseistfist socîltue for In- siao. stuat-rulia. t-be Cape, ansdCeoles goner- IOCItYNIISi StLPliIt HAUt icESTOIlEt i -ii st actutouoy itr, ali-Aun a Iotaev, esaMacuttelusrng book mise tatnurt enjoua. Tise offet ilesuperlaux tothuaI preratcluby as u.t otanitouss âm, andi suos mot ijtur. e tkn. Largs tsottltea ile. tt.t-Laaikyocs sa sqsA to lte sanefi epentiive litrettococ. lt-- I OCSIi'S SULPIIUit Aut P.ESTO1mEa le tise beet for roatesiuu gret- balre te fortoc petonc. It proutsos a turfesut- mslnra sisasto.ans iR lassixltot- itorilesae. Benm- umeut tIor dositroyiugs e-rf ad encouraguas, n.grotttoef not aîte. lt-- Ji -Sutpltur beixtg hiiely pirses! for il otiiotujelseamtelmg lalutfact aieou lntse hum kanstaLOCITiIJIS RiESITORtin sIx ongWrecoutmeuded. a-telumeel agreasisis lu use, eue! eeevoxaitls inIlsa acieonontite 001uurglsudm, alwayo efetcring and malonhatu lsag liaI wliacs "bae loet.Nio her helr drsstm.g iu roquieflte. Largo bales,lt.. Ad. Ibid byCitnlet,Hardroeserau4Perdoitn in Lemdcn tta Ceumtr-. ans! turc uh it-h verts!. Leckrs îm eqisel fo any pt îyhg- priead utrp"tyelleiss.- ivnucom.iià à na. DIL I.RNcim DANDELION ANDIl QUINN LItEB PILL%*tlmutt eroeeY-l Tsxz Bise Rt-aa B rue Acat, REUÀ-u.eiz, EÂaeeUaM, and s ntlu.r Ypto1me 0folsens«'leer tamd eus! l pmep-af u tknowtsduoby maaiouluemt sur. gisons t6 bs tise aomsud suit Du o avait- cunehitllo Zn »oxen et lu. idu-, U.Od, a4Utu.a! soiilie Cheminst- antI moeinlueVeadon tislx*u olthéetd.l -OciAJVUJaredbyJ"ISoTT.51do<s1 1~ cmko1~tad liii poworu O'~'~ fi"utalmwastone h1~fbUOWO5# wl taE to1 mi ili wi ai to ais --------------- County ýoffHalbur FARM LOTS, I VILLAGE b-F, HAt»LIRJiT OI tise Tormiine et th1e vwOO-1ýSý Wy FOR SALE, ON PX44SOBENABU Mabamr aand & en , t tw h ý 4'7 iy - . VOD, (on-le. b, S. ean Witlîtby, il l-.ý 31. v «Y --- - - - , - -- - , -- Her LastïvLettor. Wight wlll have irradited, the beauty Srmeo hneh.bw rpeit lasrso a ite, nuruanly, nttto- lin, ~of a lwin-sisetr of Sarchedon. bis quivoer, andi follow him aoroee the wardl but above aIl, Iodlant and ont of 'Tieti bt asino, t a r~l To outward splendicr of jewele and défile. As ho pluoged dlown- the eteep place when other affaire woeoon handi. lff . appaÃŽ:1 theo king owed nabhlng. His after hie leader, aver elabe of rock a f. "Show me a wo'man," saisi lie, emil. "VYon susrrlleul ltme yesterday, uetwere te coarsost texture fording.1but ,lippory foothols!, aà t&lMg at hie how boarere rhapeoulioe, lin morrow you'fl b. sas!." ans! tho simpleel ehbpo, sncb awbocanie througb brokon grou~nlelothed;' with vraith an Coe like My fejoon ansi a abhunIer of lte mosintains wlwonld langlosi brue4woad ,Shrohodon fooond lert liko nty sog ; so will I ton drinkt Av ý"'Illbuesau!de worutsare fuw, have dery 11mb froe and unngttýred for himaeol wioting more than one'forihÃ-te slf drunk with tItis fnlly sa with- Aird ytt tey pieorco tiy selnill Pin; lb. hse.The"bow tu hie band, îhonglheagacioue instinct ansi obesileul -pacee lue, ho gel ober again asesurely, if T y ey ha1 utmewti5i 1 a0hé ong),li eilasôued1 and! af formidable ofl'in awn &rodaclh. Theoanimfal ho Dot sa0500con- Tilt thon, gava mie horse, To-morrW onw SoJe"n'sr o , wau rudlyttlppeclwitholk.horia, rode wvseiestrong, active, andi fou of mët- and bonus!, baw and spoar. 1 tell yon, - iraight sword on is higtigc l. For ll common porposos lie coula! Sarcheulon, tise whiteel atu thal waa We quorrelles!, and0er vItalt e a *ers! bang in a frayeti Istern soabbari, lte not have dosireait alloter ; bot When a over thrown round a watn'e nock connl A fuotieta speech Ithit jarreti the cr odisoestfetwr fuitne!mn eg.lpnga péiover onfor-> fol yiotd me encit a tîrili of triumplh Atnd thtug in wrath car pulses tired uaeo i fs üe futi;dmni eloige pé Thon camme ber CUloto* 'Dear,miy dear, lhle,,aondone of tem wae I1taineal wilb oeén obetîcles, Whoeu a faise. stop ile -nsirapir as the lionsa claw thaIttao To-auorro Wo'l ho sad." - bloosi. certain doiwofal, "ho berne la appreci- tihe from loin te shonîder over My Y.t Sarohedon gemed on hlm wiit an ato litti lectjoywpaty,tho reeni t of buokior wlîile I etaimbos! hlm ta lte Fewo ast r lian aboutllans alrgret, admiration ho vwu unablo, ta cootrol. constant ouùip, hc oo$-1eart *itit my short eword, ore w Tisetac be han! eenîi oer wIte Hob.dseanNins li pido ndpmp ute lea: anà oe.d nysterlone lih nrrinsi hm, You ansi 1, hp tho mon sa rds l abrnei! long tige, and! yet h T Ot Freob witli ,w ao uin te ecar ands sght; of watliko power, Pliaraoh dazzhinglin boilveen lb. bore ansi hie rider. Merd- 'thiu-sde, anti ekinueul hietiîawny cair- Tonîorrow olbuedt the blazo of hie golden ibrose. The decm wonl'dobey an inflection of thiecase under the ahi otk-tree t" ____one, wlthonl hie ohariets and bannere, body as roadiy aui Atu tnrpof te relu, , Sarcliedon eighied. Cicumstancee. migt h ave bedn a moere war-worn woutad pring ta lhe Rendent preaunro -'il love îtehase sa, saisi lie, "~andl epearman, the alter, aded of ios- as ta lte luStioit about-; liaI Merodeoit werfare btter, sud Ilsrharst et ait." lI vuin tlûýu à trivest, lIton t estuiot bc fro c esgérms ans! sbiulng reiméol, a peau- toosi picetes! faroff onde aa ulbere "Warfaro 1", tepemtosiArvus;, Catch- Posr îuiuîvowloutIh drar boundetfeut tor a slave; but t&b in, standing elcy, ans! Sarchedon'e oo w 6 oun-J ig antikintlhiug itt tho vorsi. 1lite a wsmr- Fate, rae nadornosi, cave by a coamly face ans! hoadtice o re he roselte ôl*here at ring of steel ; 1"alk le mue af Cîuuisrii uiarrov itla isre i. noble iearing, lookes! everyinch a king. bull la comu p wlth bis l~ r,io0 h tha -la 111suttowu, if yon lwill Ay, %ihjn tlîu- prisonsihougeftdestily: vceh rocrsi hlsif ilun-'*baltes! for a few Dmpmsnle <éiRl~ rs oltnh iv eemlip leste oS p thypéreutorcosccls ad n,'atay onag, ndlok hotstrondng forvu -hb gocTDOS tic1aéoceti l pfo, i eiip the sttlîtata eene t e al, ice Aryaselte Beauhifocl emileonOt Wohavo the irinsi tif hhean, t sal!ece and kingtiOm ufit lh ai.'if optfyqimi ttt. hulir otf jsuyans! grief, samd loeandus! hm velipleaaed ; for ho ton coula nat Aryasa, poirîhing Lue a few indistinti,tun- tue ho wortlîy of thrsuvu-ture. CotilI Iraobut ackuowledgo Lhe noble bearing ansi colorés! objecte gltncing like ehadswa ti but selte Kaoue of Aulîjr drrtwta otieho Plleilnoîg urge te tiiis catastrophe. fair exhorter of Ibis stateiy eptive, vow sud <tut amangthe treoe:'- But ttuey fore me ini battie arrrmv. I wontd fat oFate t wo voave thet round eut jieottiing ln hie own mnd i tae&if the courage are dieturbesi, asidhave lefI off tesling. wiliingly lu tlîeir tituandi hold msu WitI ntoubad-exfols bnaans! intelligence of lte Assyrien vers Wieu Ihoir iteade are up like ltaI lhey fteewaa erownos! asiso I hac! iied lu aith thw bnd-ut obu bad ai ny proportion la bis gond looksi, ihomoan moving, ansi pretty quickly. Dost measures worde vitis tho conquareuoen Ns an l g lts tywasaearngva ol!promet@ hlm viliaul deley ta secotaI broami.beAfed oak standing hy lte Soutit. But witdmoaIsyl Tites. F re oeecuh si u ersden-lte mont honorable post in hie court, is Lelf lter. ovar lte vaîer.falI ? Gellop ara dreaa ansi unreel visions-. Toc Pile;s that of bov.bearerorthelb king on ail round It, man, witbnut drawing rein, meny ranges of impaessible mounitaîne lu eve r u rtunr et oaci new misobanct', dengoros ezpeditions, wvitetin u vr- anti yenovin the thiek of than.t- oc many lbagues et ecorching siecei le oa~aLielsmecb t irumtaea t r rtcceO They III uat expoot danger tram that lia between thte gandy pinnaelp:3 c -M As ime rolled on, titora sprong up a quarter, and even if tey. do mirklie a Babybon anti my rude taver e ineii S AR HE D~ - strango feeling of regard sud altach- rush for lb, you willinru.lte ols! balle Ardasit. I bave not paver tago ti SARC EDONmont betwoen lhes. Iv e mn, su alike an nme." hlma; ansi liink, vilt ai hiestiurage A Legenit of te Great Quecu. in persan. ancsdiferoent lu ail bouides. Wiloe Bar chiedon oboyeci, thte Ar. ansd hie bush of conquet. thé florce Am Sncb a feeling as lu Indeos! rareby r.- menian king unvouns! the ecanty flis of syrien dlare Dot came %0i mo V' PAROT III. ciprocal vben race, rellgioin, and "sttionnn a tormosi hie heaci-drose, and Tioy bas! eou the moruing - ina NI SROCII THE A VENGERI. are vhoUly astvariace, Whon onu s ea permilbes! ilt tedoat at lengli on ltesennise lu the cheé, and!hidbeen t (Cntaaee-)moînaroý, lie olier a captive, ons mas- reezé, tha.s!tshtracting thie attention sncoeesfnlas ta gain th. palaceo (coninw.)her, ia other slave. Nevertieloas, of lie wiîd-cattle, nov thoromfbly on Ardae-biy-noon. Afler a rougi bu Witence conte ye ?" seés lte Arys ook no smali pleasure in the lie alert, front their énomy. leohiful repuet, the king ands! iebai quen, ~ I a," vherofore sre ye rangeA pcsiéet fSarchedan, simd the Auu&"*an Sarchedon gaîbopes! on nnoices! se ber r ere itlng ovrî he!oxnbese under liaebxmnér of Ashur, COMM&nens- uertainos in 0 raînrufor ibis foreigu long au is orse'e foolfabi wae 'blosb e abrazier, sach witb an unlesbosi eupc - os by a woman like myself t' prince a sentiment of loyal fidllty liaI the roar of the torrent. Wben vitîtin wioe beelde hlm, converiiing aes-abovi -Tlay servants are cihidreu of Anak" bade im Ignare iazdship or danger, a boy-aà bat, bowever, thobers! beceme Scores of warors ans! rolaiuers, sbal anevere thie leader- tt Tho»y are frieeus!d cout life ara thiogýof llttle -cuet in aware of bis approacb, and,* forming gtell, athiello, claties! lu fore au as itewtd-555of -7m deei ' ig servies of hie lord. lie lin mot tiké bis horesmen of Assy- e%ns, crowded round a hu'e voas-fii tribute and awiug subjeclionte noua. Theoe fselings, the resait of gratitudo ris, p anses! for a ejiete *bil1e lisy roue-.b inte oulor court undor tbe open sky Tioy came out of tho vildernass aI lbhe-;er kindly coLrl$sy ans! niugeehO5R, éd liemuebves ta tary, throwing the fer sîthougit'the, sauwusfoerceai auwmmns etflita Great Queen, noither gret t tlrnsienlii'5 devotion, trom eerth about them vithhorn anti boof. poverful, a<stsorm'of eleet bas! laIel for gais! uer @poil, but by buer bising au e oent taI tanok place afler Skai once the kiug's voocl-oruft was ewept acrose tie heavéns, anus! li wham Ihor prophots foreholsi, s dengit- don bcd beau opponsibo.Err asot. Preterrbig, as il seeméd, a hardy companiane laughmlovhei tier of lteo stars, vito bad came down lte Armenian king. kfw5vn ho an unkuovo danger, they wruug ibeir iteerdetla debe t trois ta bs! ber chosen trite itho te With ail ils femnlne beauly of ex.-sectssi th bear dovu on lie amlanclng sirops avay. -Tber*owva asade of dei North." »presaionu lis face of Aryuvas litat Of boruemeni rathor tien maire furtheor se- pondency an the youug kiug'e ira' "IXsublae, from iber\scat on h-gb ea abrae eooemn vi utd13uinoc lhla og mysterinus ant- ha shale bise bomoly boas!, .-*vi s64e nanti C'eafar amud ide, reptioti snob an atiltleic andgrsicêful trame, as etrip of white vich bas! hitherto an- ho refleolos! on lie remots poeitiond Sémtiramis viti grave iray ; sud site ensiles! ltse comélmoinarci e excet groeeseti teir attention. big kingsiOm, ands!uggeâted the. upc -baie maclenmes dbeboice. /By the iteard int bodily oxercasos demandintfllong&i, Sarcheclon nov feuns! bimaeîf celles! sibilily of an Assyrian invasion. of Nitnras!, Ihave nover sot oyee an agitity, or endiuranice. Hea U passion, on te antainthie charge etflte vhote Sarchedon êtaited. -taeidofseismnd H sncb mon!1 Ands ie, tast voiles! ven- ately fond ofthli chueo, ans! fellovesi infuriatecl mass. While hé fîttes! an teeds. top an thIack horse, ta ynmr captaic, out hie favorite pastimo vlh a peise- arrw hte bis v-sbring, bis borne sor- 1 t i le tlramp cfa& harbeat-upeed then ? Vow are ye asenreol sho ha in- tcncy ansi reclcles adrng tiat rendares os! anti trembled, hie eyos tuanng bine saisi ha.t"For goodaor evit, tera, coi Uetl s dugliar of tite stars ?", . . Il moea lborionu, ans! oest mono daim. vit tertoir. IHo couls! but hope te dis- eanieseengen bringing tidings lu hi - - eB lie hgt Io etli e r e y e s ". a id lie , g e o ru s, t i e n s a i v e w r . T iie A rm n - c i rg e aim é b a ft a t h el ta fo re n o st . a n s! hu te t a n y lo rd th e I n 8tmplY. tonce itefore at pérs a aie!abcolig lts glenssand jeen tae.bie chance viit thée poar. Evmn wvile' obeoe setir -lu t amncng 05 nssmd Wo ksav ber n, but fasîineae of lhis.cuider regoii, vas 'te font tV' mutteres! Aryas, eitting oler courtclenoled someunuenùsal 6 eufered ber ho depart im peson, accord- douitteae lferao n ise eus! ferocity llke e statue, thougli eagérly on thi tfeWménh,,hile lie &e was -desertq lest ta ltae propitocy - noverltaheso, tu hie African irther0or even ta tît atvelcn"uaita okeep ou titeir flansuie-for lte gà ta,where à crovci bas! aireai îvWheu stie camne n second ime, Lie fire- wviiciNinue loves! ha aut on lieCBan- Il vwu my fault," -hoé aesds,"I e boulsi galberas oudslrvl- uboart ,grd cieanned our sigit, ans! va itbels! iu ny pleine of lie coutry belvéen the bave varmotihlm." dlsmounl$ng front bis ra'okiug'boa9 b ler face lte glory oet hase viooelli- river.;,ysl wv a fbfridable anitag- The itan hobok bis boriesbride nad puigand! JaOt ios iati-à ýgue. Iymlies sr o iemutains tiet thone0 vio vent onI la maet hlm, charges! dovp aI spees! emong hlie ral. s o f fe, a#d lmeah te 13ofeteaven. Our fethors lookes! on equal ternois, dlscaIling lie suIvant- Iu the meanime lbe entiea mas., eh toast sn much of olf-ripioasa for ber ln vain ; but site bas déacandes! age of bars. or oberiol, bot sdrancing bees!by the- aldoal ans! hesvbeeibulle, gratitude lu hie tans Whou 1o exolai .for uns,tbeir ons, ; titeretore et ber bie. on foott la taté bis euomy by tie board, came -hundering on againet Seirchedon, osar lile&t liee ogalberas! atter lte ban- oppaeiig ltoot suad halons ouly viit Thir leadesr ho tranefized, intieéd,wyith "Ourse! hé my 4ay, anti ah I tbal nor f&qbaW*i in hssevcof im r<ha and s!abiels!, Suech thle Prao- an arrov lhtaugi t le ieet; but lieeilas! neye beau haro i Sonethiing le Quau. lie o AsyasboB..aiit1ol and Sirih- animal, wlthh IV rosir of itago and!pain, talu ifeblu s~ra e -uca a oii " co oi!nl ota rnport <of- asly ltôveasW *boned ais! metaihlm t hat tes! ans!L tii roof', thair slmetter etceiue 8mianie eding vili geeous adimiration vhou ho vitissos!- wiih them.ore fMry. Hac iehobeen on- me- I khov toc sareiy that the, onot sete nriusity. ,Andi Ibis queen of tho confidaent Courage ville viicht-titis Yùrotlachliehomigilthava oeoapod;- fatJe t he imeglth aIo ns <of Asi yhuas? e ste ite siaystins royal Armoolama slow lte lard <of thè valcia*a1 Ilteiékwii ar y are bonÃding thimer liove agbétie si sitrnulci as! nvisble1"'farcsinl-esingla combat, rousahim bt col v *6 asha IiaaU~i<ueldty ot mY LrdelEug.' "L inje dalt ta otk on brfc, pia apant mageinalbis- buckîi'et' a- tbimot l s ipï ue lybutlZeho*<se Aryse.milIed, an'. hie, èYe! gliute , Meaesereci lie son of Auak tWbeon utaibing'lie ntighboieut tront h0aostbesmalh i hmati dnov hoomoi unûian-lite- a hak's - - sie nvib ietroth e Dsy, beotai îaafoc, &go&- root ituê 0sbefin -rgmted ouis! auswsr 4"Brik n- h la ene i Droù0, wih Wal-direw ecoat se ho vili h. conutenitèiasd -vaste sway of a mess! îwo.edgocl uvord, li i avny neilet-itel nir btiles, i týtiig its in caimu, monot-oneaconé.,aazi - lite waterspibt eu lic sans!. May lthe sbnévy obou. t k erdè lthe snomy~si, co li4ýep lover tone f16bis bov;ii rê - '*Wi 8quoou liva tarever VI Ttey vore logolher'lu s demi rasvtn. by- vi ls iiiu a ooutuod mass,-in ratunjii for fair, vwoil '! cas-ý Sermiremisenca coucoesi à asmlla. of titutcmisin of claiFite LsWI>t- -e itit rIs prestratéeus!d helplisurlie. -,.eas!a dinorablé sn#tti Ilt e vli," saisi abs, geaiously, dition doclaeoth ie flr't uitip la have > Lookiug wilfly froM ndor ue herse, -ar-ove lte tlandbSi :to t ialrg hlm a aigu ta relit-s. "ie arses! viîh ils veau cargo and ti is arci<sdon mïusv ihoe oqieo's ayeheadie a ft te th lie thna cocues, I doulht Dot Yeu vii Qed-lt-laet-v, whinl. aeoBt en1k.slvo ml oi-t vnepboei 1. quit'you lite men I-Lite mon 1" sue tos! rouJ ilW u Ot' oWhou th wiOat-mteo.k- l ioi- d#feoolesu temigt .rô" r " - 4,ethi&-2 crapeateil, honng leo tunueht;d"rel.it-bld of poaa uoa b AheethileAi olive toe, aa l mvlte t-luges!, cût-m'd, oue- -erinit fkoçu alr.'t piu o r lile a l imeante et aur fatherql tinte, beanoh fn ber mouthim.ère, aiè eit ifoi, nive borna, heansiies!aloft t i is!e- my protecon, ýëi l Vhi- ,, io nt ye equal in siso sana tragt- eavernore., Oro evl, by elim 1rk sd 'long tm ensae', twluld ,oly- descnd ta sfo beoind a a o' o ý la we ut- saItPrilc.pAlrealdy tles« d.liveXt. up Myrin e Surîy Asere, e a aké lie m- it ft-stit gr s OOp-elb i ms s , iZeli s a protld,ýlteîlo #o* )l iGUg1 Il iy king l4y tihebéarsi vithtvrW os ieiOnie oun 6""de-fi king' rinito bifterssauofrt eeaî t-te-aui as cantehs, elroog as vils! remntaes! it héi.btse edia-' bot-ueo eati,8uhÃ"wedabove te le*1 . le el imné e eu4 4bulle, fterea as liene, foobisk sbtéecet- lance, ant iAryau faibeves! bis pt@y into bolls.'à mailve -ub-cultier', an a 'wu5 "leé" ep eYlOtlI,>m - ciltn à veof A1an 1~tvei or lie défie, atteid, o y frbtié taia a esini,, eudth le - ndeona kto WB ntthejmi n# Of4 eUir nvotbes!, eper to ride tladeath ta ltae' ln hie) oaipily <t V-5U t dIlIia bru wet owm AIMuhl crsera <tubé. $imela b;jë#m . tulo vikleb -ýi"ýoiýn ve ave ofts omau'ebana f" 4Meotterasi~~tià u65 thlî donn ask à et,v tsi îd bois, o '- ilýoCà . I looés visldýfùUlly aBer lthe toI kaw hiZ- z y adly ci b hWi r - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q ptobualOyt pe'#lSeenovr ofre4~4i~~$ ~~W of4yM béans!hl, heni î .ll5c with ilai a@ llO ' î45lOt-èiiof C.-NOURSE, JL 1 -.-- - 1 1 J 1 - ýi*h confidence. n . g cey asteà goblet to thbz iim, lie'sdvau"d! 0the outer court, Içod etAndingln*W e aidet, bade thelm foIIll iii oziniplO, rhile ho drank tbe natil pI4gO To the Men of thoe Moooteiu an, 1the ons of tho Nakýed, Sword, 1"-Thonik-' ng hi. bow frÃ"cr Sarocbedol, -ho brok, ,tacrose, end ceitheo4aMenté eRt bis est, in token thaà t~we elrd vhile ho thue nddrmiedi-hém: "The wolvoesof t t!>.won&,OmnBt11P LgaiB Lte mountaii-ba udi enitho--ugllt n elay him, sying, 'W. are floreand lring, my brothore, b"ee l ired' in blooti .; andsià i createre canflot rb- et us, for hie foasi coinete p onder Ie dows of heaven, and ho eulaken his tiret itn thoernurmnring SîrseaOt 0oluh* - bils. Aieao, wA numuber blmaabÃUlt' Irei tg ono. Thereore wl4! we. oncmr,, .C bi, and Inap on hlm, .eî i lhlm., JOW) ; ge ah llWo facton ou1tie 'oarýç m, butildritin ile w4rintO bloo>ud fzQx 148 froà t. Loet us go nu) ageinea hlm witil- eut fear, iunaat open space, rejoicing that e hbas been devofoml unto ne fortà 6 Prey., "But eaIjeril of wlld-deer were leui- ig on "heplain, ansis'shofl thewolvet' Spproaobed Lhey, took tai fliglitI,; gotho muuntsin*bull, Mrzingfar.beyonci themn, raied hi heâas,nd was awsreé of hitq emy crowding and cirching towafti him, lite e ho us of athe Nlmrtherfl Sa. Thon ho withuh'eew int a thicket. wbore li e et bis baok ûaeinst. théolod rck tend Whou, the wolves ttia4e ai bju, fiecely, but o000 by one, hhey.. dmehed thenetveeb opiecee iii vain againet hie shaggy front, writbing un dur is foot, faling piercéil ans! manglos! by hie amighty* borne. .Mon of th, Muntain andSl oue of tho Nakesi Swo'rd, je no't A.rmenia strbg and tameleeis as the' wild-btill olier tilleq ?' Arenot lthe donsof Aehmrlia-- ttu re.ble andi -pitilees ae the wolven ,oi<eotd ? le have loatned by timueý- mesoeugore that otr coulntry befl beu asiterediansi onr- bonor absailod. Theo mauner of à eoeyria i4 ilaouting in Arinen- ian breezes, lthe sous of the MightY Hanter are trooping in býs llloiands rrom Lte Sonthto aie y and raýago aknd ,=tr ,.Therefore I dali on .Y4iIlât myn t.herefore I bld youti o Cotin- cil nr ta deliberato on a qepo. of peaoe or war, for tho bow seahrs broken and lthe swoird Uneheathhul, t la aivise witla yoûr king nt lader how beet woa h .rid s* d'of aur enembay. ans! drive tho wolf baok, comed mangt. oti. halting anai bowling, ta his.den t1 Wilder, foercer londer with overy peal rose the shoMithat greetod lthe Coins- ly Kinges baranglie, *il1P'ha paseti and! lookesi abot'i h, statoly and graceful, like a mbonstor-stag Mt biy. Brawny arme were o loes, sana akod, ,smords brendiaehosi aoft in veYy ooetà ey of Warlâko doflanco,; nor, 1of as i toe. obne tbat feilod toox r eeintenso e.a- resi of tiie etrngor, implicit . trust and' confidencee'li e nighi of A ma, with a fités! reso alvo ledif lnues! b., ai worst flgbtiig bard" to ilb. vol-y sud. i Whien thé'oounoil whioh . Aryas bad summoéi took hheirý places for dohib- .eration, thorae eemed bot 000oopinonf -that, gatherlng.:aIl, timir forces with- ont doiay , ih'êy,.ehuld pour do-wt too tle plein, hike thâii Qtt riÃŽrs.au flood. and!, ovorwhelmng l. te faoe in- tbeir'- onela th msoP bn soek limte-place,~ whdoo o a-e Who cools! stand- before lie 0teof tii. lNorth -Wrej -they no 1>ben f ie Iountalu and'I Bon o, : ilSword e Il- wao tae iog' -o,oa< berr-w1b*oî ukill il 4ipoerionil e redti bl ýr.solve with a do- p 'ao ea 0, fa: . nllngfront' ie owti xoîldg4 f b Assyr.2*âns' warih*kà re ùeO gWon,Il cemelo h.is born o'pe lkbtoRIt& -soBmeawmal mtrnstin*g vle ice na au allen, noue '.-00ond i gaythe Sond. imeloà f blé raient, agr<oeing as it dis! Swhiiliell exprUtO OOituî 'Ocimly Kingu 1 lreinzg streonaOlyêOn lie int- 1058 inmbors of «"le ie iay >4,lt i th -h t] se in to in iw %- I ym ; ad- t, s il f ns hot th' rs vs 'e1 ite a'- ofe e- ida ne vr ee cm f