sQ t t âIL ANqIv" êecziy P. TALO ýTER COnupe-imis 34to& i el siislekd Lire, Po tbiîue asj x liînaice rdig10 ica PJdlse- itoru J uio iu 'U,'C 1aS lb,.,an »tr ditsuio' lato E~as, sa0 4njcs.euisssi 'î.aJ5- ic, î11 hou isid thi lci roule e t fîq et 00u, spply to 1E, Port Be14es , Ont. N Don. Ts. Co.,i s ,Wit'Y. - llOMPSO(, st on tsi Su ilarge anIs i usng oycythlng LilirnOss lime,; ~TRLNKS. A,0F- Cbosp. At 'the (4ad e-ciStert, Wiitîy. ,c 1 ser, eilseisneli. cft.j Square Vieu çl cis]p fbo au t 0 My tbaI tises ta * clcfnpr.clamsa iveis lue butyak, for iv Y O0TICE l FtlRPET," -s1 q MÇLLLS E 'e-qd., tYseoua Wom~. $ 0 orAnm tîVEi ~iItMET~ -AilAdvas'tite- licU~cccscrdiii Naupariel, sud bltnd i the c-steCci onte, Pet loue, fi.'t- agrtOîi,sawîîl2o'Citi, Pet line,eaoh Rusua- M aeiiîL ilIctil tcii , îla Cac1u sc-'-c lssiîrîic'cCccssaiinsd soattera ni like plcrcd Icssscîscg --lRcNe-a tti, iln i-i 55r lie. -I r AN 4p1OIâcniat cractsil- mccc, wità i dnrtifirtsê , Orclri t wit-iuit dvcrtisniittî WNI. ONEIL uiiinlii i ti i-og. iliit! em ul artauile, Business vireoctory.bus - - ~ "- lise Bai - brasidiofLhiqunr tN TAi0 10 ftIA N II & r.Every si( travellîs. 1 iT BY BIlA N C Il Good Etabling T110SfAS 1DOW, . 1tii-n orsnm. MAN.AUEB - - - - - - - '1ommEE('l î'AIEWEL & iIUTEDG U 54 anid 5t j Z>ji-cn, -icciciln 'ilic,'L"(i1d Cane-ytirc-Ciis cin orsoit4ts cf the Rnyasl 1wo lis-lt Ioe \\'lntlcy. 'i, tic , k .i .1 \bllSIITLESiEB. A. il.id ccii, cid V% c' c-tY' r~wîAttornodi. 43 1SI R, 3ARRSTElýS & ATTORNELYS C- ritii AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHrANCERY &c. R ISIN lit0 "U'u 1n l t 1Ic> 'lice PalasscIl C. H. RITCHIE, W. H. BIt LINGS, grBltfi riîisd Tornto, Whiitiy scly'fic-t-s'lssnn 1 J.'S E'eKEI'rl GODON, rcoîms, wîîcoutt )AIMISTlIt A' ATTOIINIIT.ÀlT-LAW, n 71 T J) Soliitor lu Chasisery. lcusmeeflir, -e.1' 1,8S %ocisy i'ublic, A". tl'-Iissa S, - - flest slc'n c-ect of Aroîntruca ;Ilitel. NIscissy 10Lofto lritate fssbiaslsttlow J)OYAL 1101 iscirefit T' i ibsîce1 renvaied andc-I J5OIIN A. MICIGILIiVftîm, cdcr thei' nîaa ofiidiycf St. tSsrno t. 1!L itlloNvel.) E vcvy atiii B Att'iIs*rlýt4-'sATTl0TtNEl'týT.LAW, EH1elaly p I)Nscisrv Pucss-. c Solicilcir for the mes-s-al travi s tccniiiinci Bank. Offie.-'Next der lu lifitision lonnea, IVlcsidgc, Ont- -26 IEQE CHIARLES C. KELLI2R, L1 ,lT0TONET.AT-LAW, SOLICITOIt IN iliOCE- 1.ClscsisiryCasivoyancer, &0, Caningss- TAI'LOII & b' tîncio uiit'.tV.'. fris-eLi scîcîl tics' L. T. IAutCLAV, tEe sl'oc ccws'li 1'lccIIiNl'l n% I rutSOcICYf'IORlllhac'nu-s, y itt c '. lit i ofgnccstsi. Olo c, s'c' Astîho Cc-cirs'liîîn, 'lîitl-' - sc5tisct tlis theCi ttitismt rais gapre. Amii1cl' c l.Y.11%N EN(llISIl. I. L-Il., stallig 0. b-ct ) I lilii Ai ,(ý,lA W cî&.Iil'îîl N -'i "ci'S tri-c, i li.î.msIL. TTOUNY So.ICI()IýIN T E WI icii.î'ii ic2iiici cI-m t.hi- i"c c-. ALEX BAIl t u trll-11 15,5 c t . R i 1 - "ic - - - . i n li i' it I l trzlc - il NI 5 -i . St- -s -cc,iIcs -c- c ISinil -i , 'iii ccticlic or.'K ing ici -.n, oi .1 T 1 1. : nA "S 15. 3clIlN,3.1., llRCJ. Lhia tlirne-.t -1 L"UVS IltJSi'GIAL LONDON, ENG., Ilouis ir ie .5tics cysu 1R.. I. ,OrihayaOntsario.vanta of tihe tri Elied with tisec -A IR B . Iioanod c: c- tisci. Ample s 'lisiisii, Suirgeoo, Aocouitchat, &a., &c. - 5'ittcY, Sepit. 3011h, 187-. -- 0(il W M WN. ADcAMS, Laie of thei - purchases] fheas ID MI ..LSV T ' I S ":ir oicits a coutil nuniernua friles 1> 0MAI OVEIt R. Il. JAMICSON'S poil____ l %) Gsocy Stoîre, Ilundas-st., 'hstby. - -- ifee hoIssus-s, Irans1 .n. te12 rn-c sud from LACK il 1-ilstei6, P. riii. itcsia e-Cas', o! Byo B sd Gilbert stricts COn. FilanT V, N. VARS, L. 1). S. .4LFIMED D ýýTE TUinset u on411tise (Lata of W'l "-CI'-stnet pincipici of tise art, 'ÉtMAI.1~ 'as heo'hsap sic h cccll-cc, andîl m good as tIhe ing iorn 0er iM becis. '1' c 4110t(lad cii'-. Cliaind Silceer, susdation for: Tcetis extîscisd witilout pain, lq prsducing pabtilin pgant local siisehicstia.Isciclis btcccius-'lu cvw. tisa lies,- Ilic, 0 oeevAttiasîc'. Irug Store, R,.ing 'tract, 0Oalsswa. - LUMBEI JOHSN lilN I' . 4 -lt RESSING AND HVN SaSoon, 4lIciSt., %Wlitby. .T'W? JO011K 'S1OLP5ENoDGN. " w J GENT VOlt'TIRCEIïEDRlI'ED Eas on'band V scottimis Granite, At MaJlle Norks1pL. cf Jesathan Woifendsus, Il csîîsaiit.,Whjthy. td~ 'I ' ... d8au 9is OFFICIAL SIGA., oo-,gs SOPICE OPPOSI,'imE i IA E. 0DH1~L, .ià ttslttaf 1~ 1' flk~À' f~jH cil With caira Pr-ntbd words, great thoughts, anid untixing induE>ry, we advocate Peace,: Progrest, Knowledge, Bratherhood. xxiv. W-HIT3Y, PROVINCE 0F. ON\ýTAI4"IO, TIJISAY ULY- 8, 1880._--NO. 9 tUNît tASLWAY HOTE1~ T. R. Statio>n,) thitliy LL..P OPRIETOL. iiudatiosi for gucete. inc'lud- t airy bedrncme, Mealci et KU e 11,113 ýjj e(1 itis becct ors, 'iiI irîsudies, Cigers.ý cs-esBavy cdii'rtiou gis-ca0 ig, enciogedi yard, and sattci- 5h IlOTEcL tu-dSTAMIS, i6 î0c-is-streci. Icorontco. E,..- 1Bdc lTOe ý,1Rci e-nJOhIN iLT, Ilii; E ci lelic lIce t-c-, 0111V tti Nolirii~ csIic ia -vs-tyiicig Fcm-cls il-7 S'ii l' HOVI 4llE USE. - TOIIONTo, ONT. lit-c'l aiCassada lii, isnuing nijist and day-Ttcl iloin bun Canada ce-us grsda- - 6, 2.10, an1i $63 p-ýr iîii. 'huis )gandilotilej-, ciisniiz h oard, $1 te ver dîsyý isotel isas bni crni.ly rcftitruisahcd, sud la 110W cisc- Tetuettoai kilt.'.MACIlE, ,t Laenuce BHail, P'ort loiee.1 tia îccîd tsiguents. -ccd Sampie lZsonis for Cou CN'S I1OIEL, TE CuMMiEi<CI.tL,) -STesET, te-mTlY, [s-CANE,, PtOIrIL4TORS. igti-cl lidssse taifunrs ttc-ir ethe cthmqt hmey lms'î'îticii-si 1 i ow is ici icccl, eîsiccti t.. "i ed-c1 u cssi rcccanccs i sic-cIci fuir Iînt-he i.mac 'fl, lisir, %ubirt ises. t1isîid- c-lintlV.,15 t Ini sIplclicil %% 1111 cd, (J wcc'ma liquc-', zici mc'cn-Lnhs'i ru,,ici undcuf-I inllsiLV taie C HIN A HA L L, cIGN îOr ruL unie Juo (REoIS'aRIu , 7l KING-S T. EAST TORONTO. V-icy Breakfast asnd Tes Sets. X iicy Dinuni anuil Dessexi Sets. ccscy Ited-roossc Sets. VY'ans-y .5055aud Inapets. ilver Phîîted Kni'n-es, Parka ans] Spoosos. Sill-er laicd Cmuts oumd Butter Coilera. Silver PJateul Cak-s Baskets, Basf gars' Ilusiees sud Forka. 'latasnd Se m-ers. Flos'p forec05 Lilys,, &,., &C, Clanvare, ail descriptions. 5iiit-,Stont wvare, every Slnd. ilote] and Betr Gnode. GLOVER IHARRISON,' Imnporter. 1 NS8U R AN CE. ONTARIO FARMERS' -Mutual Insurance Co'y. l HIEAD OFFICE, Blý0CE-ST., WHITBY,. TRings, mCeounie-y Cisurches Schoci lIonsem, ausi tisein Contents at raies asa loi as tisuse ci &ny vaU-Ooablud Company iu Canada. J1JST LOSSE S PROMIPTLY PAID. J. B. 13C-ELL, JOHN WIIL1s, President. Vive-Prefiseni. C. NiOURSE, SzcarARYi. Dominion Wood Works, 1Whitby, April 915, 1878. WHIT BT. Geo. Corrr-ack, J I'MBER MERCI/cNT A- ILDEII. 1 A-A large su pjily (f Bliliders' Fnrniii- mi 'e ail tikti 19.cf Twisied Mbldînga, urSa !IolDà ]ilad LUlhii=iR hnîcsù-ce onu rctai], or-by ly thsesar iaadl. .Planisst, Msvidligs cf cvcmy decrinp- lion, Flouri-s ,Sb.ectiug. Shelviog, Re- sswiusg. Shap lng. Tuînissg. Sceol-wank, etc., etc. - Wiitby,Oct. Bibis, 18. -48 1 JONFET TO LEND. Tise unter.iglcd lis im aln monni of Mou- ey to Lend stpoî Fie-m r Town Pe-oponiy,u ununsualy Les- Rates cf Intereat. Loans tan Sa repâin lu ms te suitbier-- rovers.. - Sorverltl Impraves] Faumeans] WBià Lana f or sale îîhcîp. Ivoslussus made lu Municipal Delien- lureo, ink, anti other mse-keiaiaislo Stocks. For tu rthee- prticular appiy te JAMES BOLDEN, DfflccaI Amignes, Broker, &o. ILSON HOUSE, h OI N, T., RCLAY, Pobicur R A Yb '-' l:- - D . Ct ' 1cii: -A1TON B lL 1. Il r' -ý u-, - I ,P. ICME AND SCHOOI. ARCIIITECIIIRE A - -cc i- sidf-nc-îý d Ciest.pouit Ie eRespectftsily Sicîteti. I, puin 0 irn -scitssicidLr for1 ,fgiccitu Az issiniho iltc ans] hIl.11. IARBEII, Arcliitect, &0., .Fic et vlas soipîn recuis. iOsawa, Ont. SPEAlE Ili0'(.E L ig &tanrk-mia., Tae-ay0,01t. IDY, - Pli TXTOII. s'Eýu Bar. jy-471 i-ICE SALOON, Tsaasiv. CLL,. PîOPl.ET6'R. IrQs AriC mU0 aiIU5.15SSUS .On hly'47)- 'es andI Cigare. Cominodiens Livery Stable sud Biliard ced. yl 0STutEsT, osusAvA. E , - - Pro pnietbr. %tes-y, large ans] ouuuod.ione as] ind-furnlshed tiont %is traveling publie. Table gp. choicest o! tise sesson. 'lie aus tiste boit bssu(is, cigar.Bua 10 sudfiom ats stasbieroom, Carefal lhon 45 , IIOTEL, COLUMBUS. iFAULDI)tG, 'Ontaiol," Auliburu, hsvlng eabova w'sB.knavn proýs, ulinauce o! pîtrossage b -essi 1er lu stiendaue.- I1URNE HOT£Lp &.Gmaal STSr., TO1?'tDN TO. 1.00 PER DAY. Godd stab1- 10O horses.- Ffis-t-cfla ns fermer.sud tisho-v erai.- (- R!_LIJMBER 1 à R ME.,H~ i Hi T j3BY, A. A. PONT, (aie uis i.'anuly, Laugley & Burke, A, C IlIIT EC T. Desigis for Chunelses, Villas and] Cottages a psCisLty. Draviugs ice-paresi for re- unsiIimiiig esiit ustruttures. OFimucE, fourlise 5e-ieont, aI iis mesidauca oni Kiingston Roi t, Il'ckering. 4-tfl - P. O. Raz 202 'WscuT&v TESTORONTO Tuîîkish & Vapor Ba~ths. These hatha are neeful iii Ehos cns.stlm, Neuiral4ia, Cb'os, d, ColdsCaution, B1rancbtia, Bcro al, 5km )Seaeai u fianunations. Ililiouaese, Feve re'. iattd for Sauitary purposas. The vapar bath. ara pudtiulaiy sappilà - hieto ail Skia dieeq.sos, aspocially' yhls Il a. nov univereslly concedaied tsbb tleaTurkisi and Vap or Bath. areth4 hs preservatives cf leaaitb vithin, tis a 'rac of niedical axperts and lu compunat Ionith' meal troatmcùnt thse patient Ioem ore rap- MIl sud snccçsuily brastai 9-'atronired; ibroisphoùt tise wo:cis fromn royalty dovuto tua ,pooreet zmn. 4o Torldsh batlai ara tha only qecnesutheo City, of Toronto. Quotationsiad reqommendatiopssisre g'tai fron tise beqi moc sud seular au cri-ý tiensIua1lcotutrled.t 11OUliS-0ant1quan,7 1o 8.80n, 8toi " Y. m S a u y n t l p -.m . Z a d ie , 1 0 U9 tickets, #10. vapor ats,6oal ticket%. 05. 233 Qt7Esgi'-ST. WESTr. Skil an4 atteptivo ilse i4 fpinaej attendants. 1i J.'LDIAMONI>, MD ' T Hts POR~R xay ha tona du file att <LG- .P.1 Roil k&s o'. lcv.,o'A4~ 'veztl.ing l3neaan (1» Spruoe st.), v*ehmad verisig contracta muy bie - made for iiin,- Nuw Yonc. MONýY TO LOANAc- ION REÀ41--B]s~UT SEOtJRffY., ~Monm 'secnuew4i10 days, of p Apojy to Wisuilf18M. p HRNIX FIllE INSURA.NCE Co. Lorabaxd St. ad Chiaring Crias, London: 11STABLIBED IN 183 GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & CO., Agents for Canada. B. W. TYR,, Manager, Monreai, A GRNC EST&BILISBXD IN CANA- Fisudo. Moderabtorates l Iaro Raarv Agent, Whitby Whitby, April ML, 1878. 16 B I MEs à It a A ssurance Company. INCORPORATED 1833. AS99E T S, $1,101,8794. F. A. B&LL, Manaager. Imurances offectod at the lowest entrent rates on Buildings, Merchandise, and oilaez property, asçsinst In.or dasoagsýby m.e C. NolURSE, Agent, Wbultby4 Whitby, April 9th, 1878. 10 P El'I'F.R'S QUMR NI vr' M019TONIC centaine anunnva.ryln u 5o=ti cfruillint andii"on. lt i',naifi.1 lise i.o0wnra or thest e-sien h.' hi <"In,'s1,14ussdipesesand, .sesspton, R mceablil te wA&n'aIsnessnlow satl fI thesemunimnssvn, enfecibleil sondItion vof thse lxxdy &nd deagsnant of th* erneral PEî'îI'î QVI-TIE x lEPN'TON( Inatis frein tise ellect of bot clinistes thif tout n in iealua~bi. ly-6 U'lNE 'cil IlON TONIC mues and devnlorpshc nerIo"s enrgiee5, ~nilestisse hincd, î.roteve n Jkp"tît. dispelb 1surucr snd depreselosn fortifiim the digne tvm i-rgee.Ii i six il ,vsnnuly fat neuralila romp , ibgietà (,xi. tee-rim cf ,.eel kiSd. cien. n!ic ltiic ci iclIin w,%ii,,adîi-aewiseerofuleus istci-e ce. lAc. Tisr wvicie fra'scsInlagrsestl, neirtdby Pe'piîn-'s Tonir", tlie mnt ntrençtsiel aiSa roncrn toc robst beatl' certin. t*tisite~ni4«. s ct; nixt ar.ix ir. i4alc by ('linieti, neevu hemt. ' i"uec 15-cie TI c. ." senr c. ti ro .s,clecl tic c-s-c- ni' 5?1 h5 'i ce for rn-t c-i.re tI'c .?or' incji ptlnet.ti<î' oulmis .î-nî-& e c î ww :- no apccllte. furrc to s , if0î-nt'ci t,. n thé fpu cccnct rosie l euesi iof the t msu4 uli esn teioir ts coradeof lIapépiat"iieissnoen . .15h syplix1Jrcfotong etio ccltl ver onlte orels MYspsrat mm."olo benatsudsasiconids.st hesdb - PL-aessrass, Bednford ia.forre t on e. di a e lta one elatiel.maruing 2s.id.d lis. .tsrSold'Vcfntise ise A fMlis t ianid* rsao.Il 005 isa for 11 wlý talur. t Cape,' and coloie o0nWv l'y 3.ngrt PEIaLr, lanla abote d cmlane. wien ae te naeuerylabL otlasT e. ct. nd Spe. 11,1. tIbid y al (ly =ita. stan5ffe-sueS ilssudeseant injre heleaforIi. diausirbatl. isa capeudlnies aner- mont. exeuv arrsoelyeO IOCEKy-tERS SLPIUR HAM BIISTOR» js wll dstkforgrt iir. aylIaitfaw davs orepciytnis Ikthdoe a tcloa&tr.is LguebAtnd, ias olatey hr's lqul eSma înenied for destroylng murt and'euaonrasdug growtb Cf nov iUnir. 1. OCY&sSULS>HtRrTA 4EST0JIL Ai -Snellsr beint lilgb lx pfed frxrT nnannsaaalJ .eaisn9Â atono atroffnimomnde& lt tz m' iu use, sud nover fail u tu -bou co mu0pa, saiways=aio» lng tha visicis asoi 108L Qot ser froisth i i prspuaathl o=tyL "t t ' soeu l A Lrvieox qÙ a " goy th# e vee-y emuqi 1uoeai 1& 114 gi 94 Slf ly Qienilttsudýl oîip-y ofc Hi FARM L, the Tero!,{suuus cf the Vi POR S.à LE, ON.-RI 4 ijte Ç.J.B ,re Englisb Lang-uage. A î'r(,ty ilerr ;i1t ur 5,0 i>,e A Lare wjh11dawnV ht& 1 love a hart with h flu:p henrt, B3ut harcdy bear a M*RT. 'Tis Plain that no one takes a plane Te have a pair of pains; A rate, thongh, ofte#, takes a rake To toar away theturs Ail rays raise thymit tîue raes aU An d through the vhole, bole vear. A Writ in writing" " maywrite It "wrlht,"I and= wrong- For t"ite" and "rite» are neither "rlght" And don't to write belong. fleer ollen brings a bier te man1! .Coughing a coffin rgm - Azd too much ale wlU,»ake us ail, As well as othar th$ngs. , The erson lien who soiys haliées ;;a eainsbut raolinng ; And, viien consnnsptil4a foks doiiie, They' ail declire deaining. A quai don 't quail bcgog a Storm- A bongh will owbW re it W. cannot rein the rein nt aial No earthly powers zogu o'er it& Th edyer dies awhiieo, I udies; Betikan o~f tyaing. A son of Mars, mas ny i&sun: AiU deys muat hariluledayo, And evar knight should pray a ih To him vhs, wslghs bis wayo. 'Tis maet that-ma Iud mata ont Most To fend misfortuna's son;* The fair should fare on love alono, Euelacna cannot bc won. A lass, alesa1ti somatblng tais.; 0f faitse amalsis.made ; Bar vaistinj but a barren wate- Thong h stayed, abo isnot staid. Tisev ngssprint forth iu sprn,and Shoots, shootse orward ona ana&IL. Thoagis sommer his ethe flowers, lb Leâtvee the lev.. tea 6in1 Us m. I would a story haro comaenoe, But yau sigbt find il stae; Sp lot'. supposea ta vahave roachad The tai.l end of our tale. SARCHEDON. A Legend of the Great Queen. PART[i. THE EEYNSTARS. (Contrsuedi.) masses] baSins]tise rempart ; priesa as]d pnrpiestare scatteres lu tise mark- ou-places sud squares cf the iby ; chariota ofle-an s-iam rneemes] lu, scores, ass] isorseinen by thousanda unait but tise holding up of my hans] ta mount,- Ipray yen give lise word, sud are the un go down, Baal eaal extermnssb, e-olt sud be-snob, ail visaquesation tise asstiscniy cf-cf my lord tise king."~ Laokiig au tise royal personege ha addnosad, tise eunucb*s eye isi#zed vitis an admiration tsîeemad akucit to warm for ravarnuce, toc passianale for loyelty. At tise sounds]ofbenoît, tise signal-noteaoaianufliit, Ninysase-ted inta life vils s;mecS Bieansd enee-gy as Merodocis huel-f. Tise foIds cf tise ties-a bal bacS, diacioing tise match- lois feelures, tisai radiat face, gioviag viti jtmsiBsnob ploasureebiee xitement as breitons tise aspect of aunsedent hululer visen ha siglils tise deer. Tisai EUPPla, talcly farn s pnnging ýinta gracefui enrgy of attitude snd geainne, Fcccimal an erusiesdftenlt of bc'ruty in ri-c ami inu ilcziry behoendowedl vils Fus-hi ssc-thcaimgbî V Sunely hanse ams] -i5i-, beilt Assamac, foicueia "î:7js-, Irti irtici s-an back :' ex- c hsil Ninvns. gloofely. "Novr lu.~~~~n .s -csiioy-nigisihans]. ~ e-ani, cl lIsss, imtS, spearu opens ot Iy vintus, nmaikthtiesecher., andsig tni.i Ilcià od tIufie-bave." . I'Toms iii roturnta tisa Palace l1" ai.- eI#imed. Aspaa.-se."In vill nol eisk tisai proioee life lu s ouiy buuit 1 By lise liglat af Asisiarotis, by the blocs] cf Niignoci, by tiese abety of tise ampie, by ail you hlis] sacres], I enteast ycu ta koep out cf danger' Bis veao sbe-ekeia Wvus naem ot- ion, Sue otesa onp4]oeuvùlsiveiy, as if Se pleades] bonr.oqmethîng dose-e issu 11f1e1; bul a nuiglaugis as lb. only anËwer ta isp k~,itis"dl six ions eunci ouls]0 ut p-sou ai gaiiop ta keep peau th vsiabors ans] ils rider, as theym efitera gal 4Babylon ibat ckdtevar OHAPTER Xx. LikýSe a vatI eavlgsg lb. wal4me Manodacis fonces] hie s #7 e-ougis tia abbS anud dfvoaw mnaueore-<d, '*voit dangeosus in thelîmpallezies w$llwbIeb It segd to ooa.op n eui pjn, ',bpe two ai~r~dsyu nd v~sa patiesully on Iboir d biù oïmt4 "-aiWiïi ih evisisùani ,iAmeil aniy teiîsrcisso hie isavildarmaut. EUt Iherse and] ils rider. Ai a ,igual tisa for tise audtlcty'lof cuIsis' a prooedutise-latter desired ta e;pnank, nubrokesi 'lit. vouls] bave foitt eifflil tiaI sather silence feu ou tiose assemnbles]tharsansud bsa persoatd biin order$ raob him adsti- a u accent vas leat cf htiseea cof bie coavu. ' msaead vaice, cloer, fu, aud mu.itisit Itl ponplexad hlm, too. tisaIie'should lu tisa cadence cf ils evary toue. - hava recoived no' tidinga £rom tise, "Sous 'of Ashu," it sais] "monu0af matise- ta vison ho wai accnsbomid ta Embylan, canqurerors af Ihe ans]r, ya fly lunali bis diffioulties, feeling, parisaps love thse Use of Nue-as] deirly, but yc. no luitte coucaru for ber safaiy as voil lave ual me 1 Tell me ual ya -bava as for bis own succ'ession. -Ichanges lu ans bniaf marnent, beoaune Tise escape of- Ishstar aima a*uâgeres] cf a bois] ieap aud a 'viliig - etees]. 1 1 hlm te tisecoaré virile of Raksaaihoamansunwonthy to relgu aven yau. - 1 have vas vae-ed, aven te dlsgi. RHoe-. hep vigbed, ans]bond vauticg. 1 olved, theraforo, on rearnlug vitisout :hava ted, sud faflles. Baalinl bis delay te Babylo, i tbare to examiné fori'temple bas venes] me te abandon tbie hinseif the Opposition vilS hch ie relus I passais neibLer pover nor vii basl1 to batnd,'s4gopting the, attire of a te kaido, I have Seaun youe- receptW# 1 vam'su, as Most likaly thus 10 t avais]',cf Simirà suia. I knov-noue baler-" recognition, whita ha"pncsecutad ie 'ot>ise.Wcrths sud viadotuof-tise Great- inquinies sud smeriied thse nature of Qee.Sous of ihue-,i-aber favre a couspiracy tisat muat hava beau organ- abdicà te ; t b.e- baud I resigunsm ized for bis destructian. s oapirtet etranfeot I iay nsY drovis Il seensed, therafore, lucorilvéniaut May tisa queaa live fhaa i- ave sud nntovsur1 lubthe lutI dégrea bfnsa'spoliai. Ans] uowstand aside, aoosôf hinielÇthe ebiecb cf mach an ovetion es ihur, vhla 1 coins dloin, lest I hurt nov greetas] bin, denotilng ,.sthnsf"siô a baie-of tbieaoasf ana cf ber empocial attaoismet, not rô,Lise-blse-but for tis ppé'hmashviiqa]t nns motielÃvioms ha bore '80close a re- bousviswicistiseflory cf Ninslhlm- Remblanco. ne fait hi. position more self sml p1 aiesd fd vy1 emhannassiog tisau aven, wvinIldavu. Wlbsieso vordsi, Manodacis vas as] on bisas bal-iu-hM ovu capital his urged tatise davuard ieap. A columu ovu people miatook h lm' for the quonu.cf apoarman cisaras]1a passage tismougis A s"ore of tilis ho ste-ove te as]dre e iacnovd, sud tise brave visite hsorse, tisonsand a score of limas hir vaica follovas by theSeoye. of' ait BmIbyon, vas drovnad lu thsedesfaning aceiaut-. galiopas off aI spees] bovard tisa palace ions tistaseceetise moment haopemes]'cf tisa Great Qnen. hie lips. ' Wisou men tuned ta look for har, E$Patience wue fallsug feL uan a. usarvelling at he.' ste-ange appeme-suca auge-y Ight alnà dy glitteras] ln bis ayês, ameug thans van~sd lnavei.voru ouI visan. l.thecia aexpession ,cf bie face of' tisa desent, le, se too hail vaniehes] changea tecone cf ozte-amaccnstenuatlou 'vu her attendants guae-ded, il vas aid, sud dlsmay. Dasbiug up ai egallop, by boite of archer, clooda ci horeemen sud haltiug vithin Ive sirëtidee at svis. ihrengad about bar mc thick sud figura ouiavisite bore.,Se lise himealf alooe. tisai noua migisi look ou tise royal In bIs ondryroyal,,atgtiratisiferor à u e m itisin hearnug of tise epac luwislh aanmgisi~sv cepu.eoyfus Brvolas os] a hundredt bis sinsa demeoi m Ã, ZiUiveethalae, oeS v ent te bis home ans], "speaimLsa IrOnseear smazs-ntt, vilSa plamsng prospect of coming e- ise coÃŽudbuà tgaza vwitis dilatelà ajos, joiosuge, cf wver sud triumph, feassi sud liSe oua h ks.r ekn ai anme vision eseq, arp,-inbrel,- sud hast of dancing from ns asher world. The face, the feoît spieudor in tise palace, pienty lu fors, the samlot roba, tise pei-Way tise-s, tisaeaubJoviai day.sud mare-y nigis tise golden coli&r, tisa javailaes ord, ibrougisout greai Babylon once more. tisa very be-ppng O! lse boue sevra *9 bis ovn ;au Id lthegestueoit hiieParr moat t oiseovragm st a tan ias] NIBOOR TE AVENGER ho emea f.ot lu thse'-folhi dis- "Tour sin foflovs staadiy beiiu, as tisa .u-se hb bs lately assumas] but as il cari-viseai foilova the de-sugi builco." nibeen'li cusbcm to riaedeongisCHAPTER 1. tha streebe cf Bà bylcu, tisa darliug of tise Assyrisu éopie, tisa foyeriDfyoulng A SERPENT 014 A ROCK. bereso,,th baieest cf young princes, lu A. aoutheyu sunbhast fiereansd pibi- tise Essiaru worid.surn lae on tise trace oftiseQueen e salce 13'nef as ses.the lutarval d i Bbln.Hvguto ismii vbicis his prasence cf mid fonsook liim, rock,-sasinootis snd glitenlng pava- it vas long anugb Ico permit one of mont rafe-acbed thame noenday homma tisoerspid etrokea by visics, 'lu love, lika bue-nisisailmatai. Not a breathcf van, sud pclicy, bols] spirite gain tisa vlmd arasa 10 cool tisa hates] aie-; non masuony ; tise oliar Ninysaiad alse &a. ie-s]dames] 1te pe-sas]its vinge agalumi pauses] for a moment, as if confuses] sud tise hurning ky ; Yet Assanac til ucelutalu uow te act, hut Aeumnac, pres. motionleas aus]tionghtfn iu tise opetn tmg te viswite hoe-se'esaide, wvisperedas] sunirlade'd epace. beediesi alS. ait a fev eaeset word. luisn idesrs s e- ibnebbng bruin, blisternd vkiss, andstun tword. lisat beonght a flash cf enorgy daies eiosci tundarhlit neryCet. ans] iutollcgeuce ia the besultiful face Snildeniy he stss'ted sud stspped of biselitounerg-oe, tisa nucis turnes] quicsly tee-vans], liSe anc about to lu ties addlla ta impres 9nse hasiY 9111->mple somathing bonoatis bis beol. e-ections an a captain of ton bisbonsans], Ohccking bimseiflu tise sot, ho panses] hs-s vas ina ittentiauceet ai 51-b505. 1 marksa serpent glidirug aîoug lise un- Meantisase tisa multitude aihnnied friendly pavemenit, as if seeking for s lender tissu es-r, crows]îag, as e y bc- hale or geovice viserein te shelten is kHavas], lu cagan hamage about tLieu bining ekin ans] mootis Bat, cuuning lJunCh , iua<no oti f tise pressutre bead. casinos! sy a ringtif apeansen cireing Ho bail tisauglît ta elay iýt ; but na, il prailaally avouas] Setios sudabisa veiled vas ual ui hm ta do tise creature harm figure atibisaBide. as ho îtood watcising it vils vietful- tatione of bo.alty ans] affection lavishes sas] feeing of oCunpaeslon at ihesant, ou Sensiramis,,nase mauy; a smeitioinýUa necliog usany ea leek ans] liataýn. oubcry, m»auy -"nge-ybizsti lnp&>ig fold, and verSes] is' -vay elevly, lance and euntenspi aguinsi tiseun" -psalifoliy, teavee-g.iu su iiilanigit cf Nigpyse. Aoie paeue nce=- n.sd bu-ctis tisueface of tisai pitilesa passes]lishe naveumoa, wue- pavement, se différent from the darIt maobin 'creasaetf ll.hunsev umnng the smorue ndtangled brake for visicili i sugititude, thus wedlgad loogeiisee- y à uatueyearned. The viserepile, typa: baud eftle-on Miii -om oseed thons of caution, Intllaeuaotyimasue] fe-ou~vawi*t-wsn.e-ekehs and îts eulning isvinggaoeitishe bqs.ubi7 tainiOd--CMidre- ie"-z$PqýIsl dp4fuli impeitetm-ble Ul4 Id .~iflnd-nosol'- fe tt u lu ýW*Yig âc lu he hr i un$oIdi.èstoue. - - te iýd fg, usaauibl. dretin , % t tter, 4l--ail;" 4beuglni As- favage o OwlAan I bu5~slat4he se,5Win&lise ibis wily«0 eslnr rider-oftliewhib o», wsa îuee- &Ing thsdviuli th ~e 5 eIerae-pngwombl aveft for tee-t lh trih» pnr eauingu* 1i010m geQ5gAWfeu> li .hu4l#ý5T* may beforeseeluoWas, aqs&vase-ule ang&vIana r"a,*vo-dý th he «ron_. and" Wà 'Ib >!a#1eoflnt avll4 deee-le Mthot t t e-Uamaec-ny aomau'a germat etwill. 'Ysn wsislsd tisail-on hic" a c=unn touits whiie it gîoweid sud epaSuln bise forge. I couis] mal patientlec~r tise constant restreint ; I nover shoîsl'l bava Ruasses] bow iricsoma lu le ta be a' mi n." . *Irksoine, undees], sais]tise eunicl, "seo long as vamen have acfieneskins, mîrongen ville, sud bander hearîs. Bot the prince bissait ruade- lise vsemy op- parbunif y tisai folle] hlm. I cis but wicipn utishe-est <ueen'a ese- ta seize IL Ans] tsougis ase srev bsn boy amnostai a venture, thea are-av fils] deflly home, accons]ing tabarSon ot." "Navertbeieis," anîvee] Seniramie gaercusly, "ut s your oye*tisai mim- as] tis iafl, bisougs my fingon puile] tise string. I havealaîys esteense tise boas]tisai consels bar aisave tisa se-mn that stnikes. By tise bhak cf Nie- re-l 11I believe netbisai 1- have nat lu the ]ans]cf Sisinar sa vise aud brus a- sii-vanb stise higis-pniem of Baal 1" Tor anîvar. ha a bain ta kige -the h#ma cf hon garmentoce mono,. Mon -1ra tries] fospeqak, lise woýd. -sees Beli an ii.iroat. Witi ana ,f lien rîpici glauces, sisc aven deisectr-d smn- tiig liSe a bean giateu in bis oye. Uut infar botter sud susicîr," aise con- tinue], "ta e-aigu fan myssilf, an-I masu mypeople fnukly, vitisout dieguima. Wil e Ipeeonatad nsy son, i ttil evory vois], eveny gamine-e, tise liSoli- boas] cf dotecticu ; sud they vene begin. uiag teabls me as a king. I oav l evee-y hour. Te basa iéSent fesing- a fatal sentiment, in euoS subjects as mine, visons I eau govenu easily as L eau rein Morodacis, but by bar diffarent meaus. Tisee-nier ai Babylon muai b1,ve a te-n" be-e, s close mcutism eStep aers, slon sem, dsud min movsa hse-t When-I eeiqd Sers, iS îe absence of tisa trest King, ena ha-aere ha-vent bafono us ta the astrs -vio eau rapreacis rue 4batasene tue-esatop amide, for amy cosiden-' aienucf pity ce- cempunciien ? Ana] yet, dis] yeon not baaà V My fre-lis], ey tiy yelled suda hontes], ýeajplug for joy to think ihey hast. got thasr,-qneen: batik &gain? Ph, -iiey bshaenet cons. taiSe ens]of l it t Ans] nov cusel tme, Assaraa. W 'i l-bs e -maboul the prinimego$ "Hifti sabeiy disposes]," ansvars] tIhe ehnucb, keepiug bis ayea atasdbasi. ly off han face. "Nevartialas, tisera it no gaie go CIO". bot i4 ra e Opemes] by te-seae-y7,ne val-no bighit lbcannai ha .surmoutes] vits Wt adde af gaid. Tise cmptaime cf tan isouéand sare 'loyal- and te-nety wsrrnln,'cyat vise among tiîencauls] roait .tezupter offeniïg the leadership ai thebhaut? - I - voul] bestov my loM rd in-ce IYiy W isaPria- ou be-cm viich i -o à ptive -escape@, a bontres. friend] and foeare alike paver. lase Co break liseougli. Thon. i. yet a'- golden tise - vu"aui;t l bise a sdý ho miglît taise hie plsotslu lb vitsoni dla)y, by lise ridecOf tise Great Kin. 'L XI wne a ghastly pe-opoel i yet Sem-, imumais eensue] to-ietin viSsant 'aBtOn- iisment, ans],taiSorin-sorr-ov tissu in amy ý6ntbursifO smge;i r dîsmsay.'Bshe- saneaosla i s&,Bd, iisengistfi,.and <le- jactes] toues "lsncb e meacune vomi] ha ise, I grant, su*td vus meut ie quosicinu tI ea borever, EICut t. mai ualot-I, viii net-comment 1I I canot but, tiinit bise ijuparteii scetsing af2thiscinature tAé 44 lsood and comlely Agm t na arn»gmu captivaeo-toGet- Oi~ là t6 wheela, beaue-oif , -- - - ,,go*,slave f1" ehe buzet cû*1 -fiorcee' 'y. ' ' "iFor glory 'sand warlike reowms>' coutiuue the eihne bÙbl'LW" enougli; "My% fêuisiz±Ie,hi~ idlet thoe fe te le iti.ars c Dagan, ratiier tisou- do av'glut wblèh' shahl prejutlice lier -7honoard, ber- Damne."- 'I1tla mina hanan," eaid aber, '«that luuis matter lzmadiatoîy conerné.- t C BeDdnd semb.assy, demaudiug s Certain caiptive nt tise lsaud o Ays and visatiie-his rfeply 2 Neither ifftanon tribntr, ner worda of bornage" and] res- pect, lunt Iwa winge'à arr,. w5os iti tet- gi'thec by a unscf lt. sIt needa rs-,t Iliec4rf w1e isdosn cf thse Egyiau o ail. tes'Ptî' eccis algo. Ho mabos tisai tlhis is no question, of barte- or !.naloin, butot ln aie deeladt belvee us by boy sud epear. It is tfle L-ate 1 i osi desired luMy hae-.!" ' " ensethat tse Corely. Ring- sud tise Caoey Quean Shouidjoiu fi n-ir hoso suda bind tisesseivea t4ignthi -ý lu a hitktiai eau noyer ha diasola- sîs" niurmure tise anuncis, ausitwibi a paonn. Si>.ensmile] lu bosutiful soru. - "I bave the arrowe a inm> qoiver," sais he 1tise lit sÉLl t'a bot imb hie camp, tise day 1 meat hlm face ta face, wili i feathens dippcd in bloosi, It may waru hlm, perisape. tisai I bave ivoru te drivé tise Second viti mine owu baud -tiseongis hi.eieart. 'Pher# are goadiy men ine isavans, I trow, besides Arys, sud oua ton ilîousand uis sfair is vastiug- ln aaptivit-Y aveu-now, Pr-ato naL-to -mne, ARSbaC*o I tail- you, bisat if I wrap., the -vomis] iu flames, t1 'vil ii a-e biarilQu back, bore in I3aabyia5 before tht. ypar15 <datos hava follets Iroua tisa pains? ! t n aieS ill I Sec hieo noble face &gain. 'It la annugis ;_1bave aspoken." Tissu the sunnois 5mew ha. vas <lis. misacd, and] passeti out of tise temple eà dly,,tuaotiglstfuliy, viti de-ooping lseie folded bauds, aud aslow1 'dejeeted stop, CrosmaIg tbe terraca once more, -ae~ 1lookeai about for tise serpent; but it vas gone. -7- Calling %0 mmnd ita s.triig4la aud il ôoul ha&v'e- fouiud t est, foiled ai -eVery tutu by.the glowiug surface, of. that Umootis iMp-esous.Ileao- CHA1TÈË f. - BUFIRi aaTEE ALTAÂR. But for pniet,se for warrior, tisere ile 1no raspite froux dsly duty, te be dia- clarsged wvuS ace-puions os-e sud n- 1fWi, ng smail, hovere ore May *ha tise hoe-tviisnliu g ndr lunéugar- beut"9rproven haunest cf steeL, As- IlSarajY et ne oils ofl i te a star ýdavi'aveu -ha.d1 irl ; lou ns eem 1y beau waatiug is te eity.- vilS £ra sund evord, or had bis owu 111e,,beau aisosil 40 otarista 'with: tise m B sidov of- Hov lhe loathed tise mumme-y, tisi yet mnadelii ail ha wasai tise machi- nery-cf'visîcit heý knean -sewll each o- - seel, datais, aud laver ; tisa- falée glare. nsuasekie ilat seemad -an poon a1 suhetitute-for,,tis tedyaYBcf' te-uts I Ând-Ietha dared udilciVilisper :-aveu te hie 'ovu haet, boy meau sud 1paltry vas ail this artifice ywhleh ho oljïmbed ta paver. ligionoftise'Seart vifi mwsepe wiaer, ,c reedâ-awsyilua faa in n fbli'scl , Fqureas- Souing' devation ; wIîiai egnrae 1 witisoui s n1iisglvin't t -ise -iltfest -'fý%astisti, >-aud ocaz- uumber lisr 1martyrei, asoîpae-ed nvitihto 1-sari' fecs] ta auy otier fuper.atitcin,lit tise 1rate c a0 une a cn0i. H o <id uoioconcûs a1 r ishinscif iis4 1 e laoed tire qucan-ise, for visow-tise 'lave oaIwoan it e-veri W -as t1ue l isà tn an'sdemie-e-for jlght,.-11ereer, 1 enh!, 'and -iore 'U'ngc"ru-aloelie: ý.i ns. -