Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jul 1880, p. 4

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-. I AOT WW~ rnVE eau a satet iliýi AS5l tio t 001MI) ACTuli tli an Iron eprlngt ht i, àLONG.and it'.sgo mlgly powerfiil liaI lb. formern' lioes. abouti- bore that dri#ý.Ant IBe aura 700 keow wher o YODheb.wator o ( nve a e 1-beaô Wau1 go go b@fors yq ot e on !4o tran. Tiiheboe jui grow on their fon 01 ' 111-WbOfl Joli ptùu r 5your ticket, raîîy." xoulll baie gopAY for il;Do nue 1te 1-eilb ike6 agent le "charge it and An aScRf IVt~ r Deler died - "Jo uned th bihllea ur huabaiid.' And if ît.îy 'î,,,ow flY. __ ha ay&th prceof he icet a 29M On scarcbieg his cloi.hee batck taei aontt tell b..is of 1h. tione julu lke for £2.000 were found ooncoaied tu I O~ tInoat the O1lJO store them. As ho dried wthout makieghi The best value yet il off1,tle coductor o u t for $2.ô50;ho wou'l believO you sud ho will, cîaimaritlsarec opngu n tn way loîîgb at 70Wdonce in the sop$' of4next kin" froin il. Nover trovel without roOney. gie coighlorhioOd of Toownvrwor, 'eai Il reiqaires broad vlevis, liberat edric&t- Neoagb. The come cfthie man was :F .AF ion, keen dlscsrnenft and profound Jolhn Egan. Ho was bore in the pansul IN Â-LL ITS BEJ e idginent ta ravel vijîhout rooney. cf Toomaau, which pJ8cs ho left sixîy rane coinedudo biesucocrssfullYblit yeors &go tb seoil hie lorbund by -poil. ~ HI E trméa d liors. dling. IV . Boviore o!Ithe commiercial Ira?- W- -N Vlo. Dulgv îagryu I4IEureka Sai Rheum and Skie Olinment. c>2ý and .k hlm tego out oudcheck your Aog12 tmrc ii evhc brn.H ilMa le 1 oe l d gfeathin r" the different diseasacof to du il. And W a nsur o Ib AlltksdooonXmpibe rck it, ud ur ruckwil bego effectuai1 te1 v k o otmtil ok hancet ti irn eilvl catch ap viUlSat Ebie, Sorofuioni Bore. pnud 0h00kOliiAî l wiflnover curvy, have bithento ban consId'e.ed A Yen ogoin. Aed thon vihen the con: almoet eon',&6itle. but aucb le ne long. M ductor uae for your ticket and y'or h ae h ceaSi huoR ' relate te ht thepleaiilflittla allegery oe Se e Tho i. iaral le . aboutthie etrangor sud the baggage, scre hi vino t cas cf Boit edtao he will loookiIcredelous and amie cueothe e5kcage of alt e direciosmey, 1880.- dowe upon you froio hait-clocacd ye any fathfriiY lollwif.theldijectbones and eay 1iha it le a beantifni romance, e ai ct., bly alwdgt. 5.i oe but lie liasbhard il before. And thon e 0etb Hdugsa 5l o i ptu ofà staéq hay orrdd." TI arkat ut he ou sVeleitdseation. ailiar te their Manilis as Hause- LLÂE CR01 VI. If you are goicg tbree hnndred miles dont lry 10 gaI off the tr-inesveny Sp wrote BShakespeare. Itlai uni- flfteen minutes under the impression thot you are there. If yen get Ibere in versally admuitted tbat Ibis great geuine bour yo wil bedoig ecellntl.hbs wvitteu about almoat everythîeg, boIL yu vlutdeibkwn oidcêllentl sud toucbe,ý a enbject simply te ladore 2 0 0 . hoclias grovin prend elece lie bas got ite Itue obl ove w ord. lie d ehio hie new uniforni, and t illi flatter hlm. woeteaoewrslebai i VI II. Put your shawl etrap. bandle iida o>e SCOTT & 13Iiowieit PÂ" L.a1Iii andi two paper parcols len1the bl rock, CASTOR OiL, for u0W il ln On. .'t the IICEL,-0O bang your bird cea te the corner of it, greoteet reqieiitce of evcry well rege- se tlîat vlien it fouis off it viii drop into led houeehold. Good bousewitves SeaSoil, t( lb. lep cf the olti gentleman> sitting bu. keep it leaj. prime necexstehildren bled yen, stand joun tour bouse piange love the taite cf it, and inlethié wlole Nvlien al i on] the vindov il1,met your lunch bo.it-salin of zeatonia modico thera in cal a ket ou the seat baide you, folti yptir more usef ut physie. Price 25 cents.A sbauil on tie top cf il, carry your peck. For salo by T. G. Wifiald, WVitby. 24A etbook ln one handi ond hold-7our ailver Buce'aAniaSlv. S.C II. mug le &bo otis-, put your ivo valisesS.C IR 1 underte &esat, anaibldycur hantiboz oBorSLE ehevo o ahn tu ic oc obaurtvel yor iOPag Culs, Bruiaes, Bores, Ulcers, Salt R Thonyouwil bav ai yor luggoe Reuni, Telle:, Chappeti Handa, Chiii bandy and Won'I lue vorried or tinstereti Mains, Cý m. ns, sdail kintis of ekin abou& t ilvie.70 have ocly twenty- eruptione.1 This Salve te guanauteot T N U nie.' seconds a in bci te change cars. le give peifocl satîafaction lu overy eeT N U IX. 4idrees the coaductor evei-3 or moeey r.fonded. Puice 25 cents, per ton meinutes. It ploases him ta have bol For-Sale luy S. W. B. Smith & 700 notice hlm. If yOD dont thinilof G. bti. * &Dy nov questions tea uk hlm, i BAL bite the saine one every tino. Alvioys q500 Rewid-Catarrih cure. B L et bi»ae*" or 'Mtuten." Soin. people viould ratier ho hum- Xt. Pick up al l b. informaioýon 700 gged ce le gel Ivalue receiveti" for cou ville lra'ollug. Open thé -vindow their money, Ilence it ie that scciWbitby, Maly lit andloo~k foi-yard tleosee 1ev fast 1the pensonasfou ate this santhtaIproended engine is goicg. Thon viien yoc gel cure for ,64,wrh, fongetting that Dr. home yon cal] tell lte ebildron about sage'. Cta ered is sopeelin tbe big cincier you pioed ci> witb >ocr iscfota, ii lsformer proprielor ai-- , o>'e, andi îow nice anti worm il ias atietin~ried il er<o crs th~~ioughu lite S prU ing- vial Il tattid iiko. -Unitedi Stotes entier a positive gtuaran- XI. Lpon't bang jour parasol on thé teeofferng $5W0 reord for an incur- coa-d thst fose d"evimh'nda'@ of lie oble case 1md WaU nover colloti epon ta cor. It lsn't à obtirns lice. 1Il oks puy Ibis rcward oxcept in Ivo cagea. FREq lk. one but it lans. 'hia remedy boa acqufroti uch, a famé XII. l<eep an eoyion thi. passonger thai à bronce office bas beau ostablijoheti Wie colis the day ofter Mouday "Chev»in leLondon, Englanti. to supply thé-fer. stiy."Ho annt le buatti c i-seg e tuien for it. Sold by druggists AT TI] longîli, . S~~t N(1coutk.FowrSti X.IIPDo not alhîmpt 1e change 0 a -rScA $20) liQ for auj amo il yen ,bave only CouaumpitinCured. Iinproved Fiol* #9.50 *il yen ; it a't beouaOc. An aid phylician, retireti fron pi-oc- Varicties Tiurnip XLV. If y00 vant a napalways tic, bovle in# ti placed. ie hie bandesby le witb your heoti projectlng aven the an Est lidia misionary lie formulao snu! of the soat, iuo'the lie lle. Tieu cf aàeluiplo vegot&ol remetiy for tic uvoryhody 'Who go.. up andd tovn 1the speedy ana permanent cure for Con- F. 10Tir¶ aise vil! mauli youn l4ai, etroigliton ouI eumnptione,Bronchitls, Calai-r, Aga, .L.L.L IIL your frizzca, andti mcc off youn bock aed olj Ttitooî anti Long Affections, lii- no vi ke YU -cislep #0as a Posetveantid rodioal cure for Teos, Coffeefse geoonlY tisat yenuvii!llie carriled bY Nervens dobility'anti ail Nonvons Cor-a adei uk jour ebalinO -plaints, afier iaving tested ils %vtnder- Cin, xokory fui curatire povieno in thonsands 0af uhina, risf 'rhe Lasi of s Grecat Rajahs Line. cases, has felî lb it iidcty ta mokeite il l rices Sa -rnic Cioil. keown to hWi suffeing flbovis. Acte. Glass Roliug Pir SouFraelao lirnico. aheu by thlis mative andi a desire ta ne- lsei Amocglte pas.argeson dise-lait lievebuntan sei4rng, I villi Bond fie, steamer arrlvlng lu-Ibis clly fror Aus-. cf char-go eailU viedsaire il, tliiiré- I. lady of romantie anteceoet ntiievudu iecisorpepani ahd, VRLL8BO istory of vihoso linesgo might foi-m & noing. Sn ymi yadoun theuilfu sueer l. eiat. i. vîi amp, uamieg Ibis per, W. W. N.B.-A.ny quan lii.gnaddaghtr efa p-'"0os 0' Sherar, 149 Powers' B=ot, Bochetber, 1idi., and tbe gret.3reddaDghteroi0f N. y. 142 - oesoftlb. init poverful rajah.- liai tbat berrlu country of exclusive astes -Ogod Advice. sud aristocratie rulers iailadil moti.F R sarc imes. This Bajqh la gala te have Nov is Mie lime of yeer for .Peau-n. "-e-6n -t-----po Ateo cnno cf thhoefor. monta, Lung Forer &c. Bvery (ami!>' cdeTI» gçItajeit- voa sanated la thé. ohorteul lime poWsble. YOUe R in àhcqio- w d. nti a auiiy atack-RI o akeê 10 buyauntîl yon uiov viol e.!lpIn r me1. ,Bât eue coflie 4-- >yon are gotting. Therefore, es 'Yen wu4i-ais etim» .Voor seme vby" nuio, do mot tail~ o timé b*toro theocobmànton od ite con- tW Our atS.W. -B sini &Go adaaf~s1ýinbeoé Mergjeulaje, vicbv 0b Pvtla ~g1r n ' tieçsîVndloviTdaugitter-cf lthedUai, *1e-vili do. Asil foWDr,,~ ilj.h he; bba.lgaver declareti his e Ï>s CWaLic»uCaruu : loe. oisPriiie.si t I asemu, ýva. tÃ"1s lkea litr. W .Smithk 9AE1I me -~Pqverty and Dîi-ots. ad tbgÏ ila clot oftae-itau 1cr - S3ldIMI ' or, lbecomes toen4 &waryu#l i j-~-~ elibbée tmp u inedicla1tnf Fao velumgia S o«, gneril ad nery. DUBLEt $ p4p b<~poa lo, oi 4blll ,oa1sst .jAPERiS! 'wîll suaél s1ýlvno on, b offered. The LÂRGESt' n %àET& TD STOCK in the OountYk_ &ANCHES, ÂT THEB LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. VeG AND m9tttÇKO. rIN & WA$AM, SOUTHS 0F TUE NEW EARKMT (ly18>.. ~ lKS:,WHTBY. ICLiBRANB Ã"D iRE ý-"!-KKIRYE.o [JAGER IN BOTfLiB&ý ASES AND KEGS! ýrders for Ice taken for th( o be delivered. eyery day' o0 tited, to suit Custôtue'rs. ri ,011010E ÂSSORTMIENT OF- - NuS, B. BACON -WL BACON, -BEIEF HAMIS ES, C. C. BACON>, BOSTON CAN ED BE'EF?, ,ONA SAUSAjýq&,4è-,&c. R. H. ýJAMËà}4 h.l 1801sy x~~ r 188Ã". -r ph5ig "SH FIELD AND GARDEN lE NEW CASH (IROCEBY EMPORIUM. nidGituiu Seut, j~rat'auOhes, nt S. FBABEII'S. id Coi-ot Soculs, Fresi Mangolul Sed, Frhi-ci mrai SLeds, ail frorolte bMost Reliable Seedemen, at 1 .S . FRÂSER'S veil FAMILY GROCERIES!1 EnglitiPickles, gliuoes and Jama ; a W' gê-,ssblimmg lo? yandl -asuebaiflDinnw eurScÉ~ceap, nov and r thp Ladies, th1e Glass Egg-bea*er aud Measuriug Jar, iué. Ti->' lie.Pginuceu Louise Bakiug POwder, lhe besl in temad for il incrmsig daily. For sale, only ah i.Bnc Sui WHITBY, ONTARIO. cûty of Prime Bpilher, Fr"sitEggsj &c., 4koplaxeame IDERIÇK Nom. UORc ST wluoh -le oonft. ýos bis bugiss 1 nWbed-to le, 1oeIc e, and ci eTae generaII;y ,Liquor, eut ~t~tpi I 1'A 4 7 years ollanda TEw -~ -a.i- r BOOTS and SOS 3: D A AT HAYSI ýrock-St., rTEN SI,> 1Whitby.t1 P.ER CENT.- OFF!! 1 ill sales -are omdew a EEDUCTION OF TEK 'R CENT. upon selling pricb, to CASH purohasors' I o P Tite Stock i8 t/te targest in the County, and em- braees evertjIing in BOOtsM and Slwes, for Ladie8' Gentlemen, and Cltildren'8 wear, Newest Styles and best quily of mat erial and workinanship. Plea-se Saiin time. The reduotion wiII flot lait long, as leathor and lindi.ngs are going up. 118 ty 27, 1880. Watson's Block; Brook Str-cel, Wiitby. C5-0o TO SPRING TWEEDS, AND CLOTUS. lIS USPE GU A STOCN $00OTCH- and CA NA DIA N TWEEDS I Whiich -were oidered before te rise in price, and which lie proposes to offer ut less t han previo-us selling prices. In cloths, he offers MONEY TO LOAN-j- (PRIVÂTE FUNDS,)- AT 7 PER CENT. PER ANNqUjg On fi-st-dais Montgage Security. Apply le- . Hl. B. TAYLOR, 15-tf hty s APE FOR SALE, CHEAF I Aoo getFire Proof Boio, lunjibi-fectoter, tpoi te isoffice, or addraés p.O. Bo R. C. 0CE MET ERFY, (Lot 26, Srdl cou. cf Wiby.) , ALL-WOOL TWIEED SUITS at $10 1 NO~[TIEb[ RSSPASS[8S, In HATS, his stock is the Imrgest and best selected to be fonnd in the c6rnnty. TAILORING in al its bronches und uinder bis own supervisio. JOHN F]EGUSONi Dundas gtreet, Whitby. NEW 6GOODS! IMÂTTHEW COLLINS HATS', CAPS & GENTS' FURNISI{INGS Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, AND BRER THE LA1IGEST & BZST STOCK 0F Merehant Tailoring and, Gents' Fur- BO O TS A ND S H OE SNEXT DOOR TO THE NEWs POST. OFFICE, IN TOWN. McMillan's Block, - Brook Street, Whitby. STen per cent. discount off for Cash - J. IR. PIIINGLE.. FOR ONE MONTE. Cusomrsar tis tokjugcFIELD AND GARIEN SEEDS! Custmersareinvited te oel and examine hstokjag of lie qualit>' andt ake a note of the pi-in,eantiesf thomselvos ai to vîcre A large supply, Pure and Fresh, at lie>' con get t hi bo al B arg in , Nfor -- -1 Iv. boots varranledt le ear- Boots s;cieap ac liey are goati, ~~8.S7 ~L E"E Win staund viliont a toar Fer ladies, gente, andi giilhoe.- I. . An>' visaher, anyher- Fil for citj or lie vooti- And tlial can'l be beal elsevibers, Al shoulti bave o pair liaI coulti, A&___Xe_&_ X By' the but. And lue at reel.-;0 9ar BEPAIRS NEÂTLY DONE. GENERAL DRY GOODS, 'GROCERIES, oin on dear publie, leave your ordersi aud gel a pair of :3ool of lhe BOOTS A.ND SIIOES, ÇROCKERYe GLASSWARE. figbt kinti froin jeur cbligod anti humble servant, MATTHEW COLLINS. AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F HARDWARE, &C. The Dy~ood Depatmentte co plei1m ev-A un n ri 1 uI0 TO THE FARMER8' 0F THEý D O hll N I O N! We offer you for the hiarvest of 1880, the following flrst- doasa Farming Ireplemens : YOUN NADA MOW H-RE, Iiuroved.)oe CYUG AXRDOWERO(Imroved.)oed TcAY G.nM W R abv(naiIesrqirpno rvent(a uatr asn tru such a liarveet as thc la-ut anti carring off the Ooîd Modal for Canada, IV. also notify ail puxeibasere vie ivant durable maciinery and propose to pay -CASh UON DELIVERY, le cal aI oui- office in Whitby, boforo plscing jour eiders clsewicre, as il ii aur intOUtiOn t adopltich CASH SYSTEM»I Ms nearly tus 's practîcable, and Ilic-olu> make oui- pie list at lowest liv- ing prices. Givo usi a call. -'BROWN & PATTERSON MNF'G 0o. Whiitby, Jan. 2.lsl1879. -5 I RIGHEST MARKET PRICE PA1D FOR cfÃ"cc~ ~JT~ri~!I -DELIVERED AT- W . J. GIB$ON'S WHITBY CHINA TÉ 1A ýSTORE.' Also twQ Tonsf good live ures Geese, Duieks and Chîckýkens 'wanted." I3foe ilin ~I ~d~~an nTeme r tic a Dd.res. sCoaleei vr m adm toey 49A. B. SMITH, Raglanà. -CA LL 0ON- WILm LIAxmxjk » au iîNmrSm -0F WITBY,- Fo'r Reliable ootean WILLIlAM BITRNS, Brook, Street, Whitby. mon."RS ANtI CARLAGES., The Largest and 8egfssdrtnnt in te ouîtY; GREAT BAIMGAINS OFEIRD \IN CUTTERS,., i order to make, room, aa we intend to, buid a larger- rii-ber of Canages àind Buggies tluis winter thtu usual TOMS & INEWPORTIS TiTT.TTAR ~rruuR. .WEiTBYý> ONTA.3îO., THOS. SLEIGH, T ME -LD OI HIOU,'E & SG HNYBO, pA. IN1 ER, bolto. Eveîy eofliqaAhionfor the - -Con 11W bho fena ti aI) inop.1>- ;:travelling »nblic. -Tit. roi-ybell of liquora TWO 10 0119W ST 0 FP AlMç5TROXG ' nd gand dblarder lsýinkeeoPlej -th 1N0Tm.'-,DUNDAS STREET3. - anai god atent4vive oahlrs. 1Y-4 11 -G.~AL1 -gh]B aDuho BDjFresh from &heMine 1 KGAT? LOWVE8T FIGIJREH.. 0onGc;;. l, 59e. Ispecial iuetIC671W hreby given tuat cati found gromiuEifl lhe Camatery l bue lu. i p ,a.de an in addition the owuers soeM f roylma«e thal may be occasindb the tha entry of such cattla. tnlb J. J, McENTEE, P. Priait May, 1880. 23-tf LI VERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, Allan Lîne- 0'F ROYA6L MAIL STAMSBIIPS. SUMMEB SERVICE ViA QUEBEC. SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE! wbitby ai 8.26 a.m. exany Friday. ImoUtoa BATES i-mou 3VM=T. Gabie, $81 and $91, acccirding ta Positiot of statarooni. Lover rata for- i-alo i-ncki. ets. Intameriialta, 846. Stearage aI brui rates. Sarainlan .... jne 51il18M. Pomuvlan ... 121h, -,polynea ...... 1930h, Moraývian .... 201h," -Bteiagepsasengeis areforwaedltLas doudrry, ÊBalslGlosgow, Quacesa, Bristol, Cardif, saiLoudon at samerat as to Livorpoo1 Parties wliig tle enS for theur fhi"a eau obtain tickets at 1ev ratas For tckats and further informalioli oppi t GEO. B. TULE. - xpress anaiTelegrapliOffica,- WhiIbil Wihby, MaY 291i, 1880Wt-I PUBLIC -SHOOL TEACHER81 For tha yaar 1880, wM hll u bi as fol1cw. Far Firet-Clapo.-Ah lie Normal Bcbsai Tor-onto, onTh iSA1 th,ht9s .iim For ecolclalaes-l' W by. lie cipty tavn, Port Par anS Uxbridgo ig Sehools, on Monda>, Jùly Nbt, et 2P.IL Fer Tid.laui-At Wlntby, liae cu$ lova 'on Tuamdoay Jnly 131h, Fi 9 a. mi.- Itî upna otmale liaICadidateaS iiel netify lie preiding Inspector not blai- Itbb the lItof sie of âheir inetion ta pressa licuiselvas for ezamnlation. JAMES McBlIIBN, BccrolIuspOO88-, <Ce. OntL Myrtle, April 27th, 188. 2 DAILY LINE TO ROCHESTER1 TESTEAUEiI w c> XX is 30 3£ lN (ma. SaaeROiu, Mse, Commendng. Tltuirday, April 15t1o Wiîi miake hemr egulartrips on tifs monte LEAVING Cobont 7-WAIP nti Port HOP nt 9» eoieF aie IÉif <Sun4"iex"--) 2 A TTO=N ..Chance offlci l M Wiitbyý. Joli A RIST] Office-De' 'Witiy- i ins up t terast. 13ABIT Poil Hope diret.- DernIers leStock ie., vilinS Ibis1 or GÂPTAIN HEP.WO 0.? F 4ILD.&ILSLREVE, Port 11 - 1 - w# 1Du O t.. '(4 ]E. STÉPHENBON, ,Domu. TeCGo. TiceolAgent, VWlittby. ýSADDILERY RAIDN . 1 !j BU GýCx 1 E S 91 T E IR m BitocK ST«i IJ 0 1-1 N 1 1 .1 Ïlb 1. p Ïlb 1 1 1 ZZT. bd asual, Reliable and Cheap. AN INSPE CTION RESPECTFULLY INVITBD. --0:0- - Il IIE NEW CASH GROCERY EMBITJM. Shoes. ý oou-- cul --ANY QUANTITY OF -DELIVERED AT -ROOnti ~hargeet ah iarit- nîriiand 2 centi unft insertion!i Specwai Rports, o stat'ecentaofBi ula bar tan cents par lUna 9 eciaia - us z y=lu yoar, or >j.ior SOrderatodaco. mnuet ba in wrftfngý Busine$8s WHIT IlY DNllars, Nos Offce. first îdoot Elotol, WILitby. cognty BARRIST-ERS AT LAâW, C. Hl. RIXCIIE Tont«te. fi-st itoor Weste F Menej te Igoao- irtjutt. JOHN . I (SuccoI._ D o ni ô n : A B E t ATTOBLqEr-Al £,A C o.ty t on, Brock 0C.vr rr DAVI,&cS

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