Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jun 1880, p. 2

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,LU.4U »di-B.J31. ryob.ts Urgent appeal of thse large misjçritY , O M ÎJk ., È 5~B 00. cf h. ctlns.-A correspondtent, tu Inosiptr and9101116-1;HU. B1ce. Oter columuns, points out a au oy * M Excursito Victori ~a Pak udTOrOu- of a.ltllog tbediffitity. Mi 'Day 8 cai1notice. TOe Whimuy EHnesct e &. l3nOnu à AMÂTtUI TREÀTRIALS.-Tho am -Fstiercou.ftg. Go. aour <Jeatriels, under the arng 13trawbrry Festival & Concert. ai+utsdiniofheatlofherck c FrctOolLgnJOh .Bandel. sd- ido ie ud f ieC i MorMille-T. P. White., et club, promise <o afford a deiightft To Balions &,Dffsion-T. P. White. evengingse treit alOour townspeopio. Ilitl Exoraurco urSir. Norsema-E. Ste. the rouaniodraua-IThe Roll of tho Phoio feiaanti o.n1&iDrum" -ta hi resented, the caet of 1 Dra; erry fetivl adÇ sr àtoharacters je eucE as taesnablè us before 0 ame hscua .bnd to epeak with confidence of 1h. Notice- WtiringSirete-MaiciRa H er. . e It isOunr experince tisai Our pr, Mayor. mtusbv la] foddu Bettallon Noti-Kl. 1Oovanr ieOu, amaer aeawy foddn tenan-Colnel.more agrisable evening'seonjoymeut . îeonl.Ooouei.than the boiaudei proiesctionale, and on Salt water Sal.monr-il. H. .ameson. tihe presait occasion <ler. la promise Pros sîtrawbsurie-l. H. Janieson. tisaI homo talent Witt surpace provione ce1. Il.-HJameson. efforts. Betads <hie. tise object le oui Pur. parie grain-S. W. B. Smih. doservirg cf every encouragement, fih Bummner boerage-S' W. B. Smih. upholdiug the pro.emiiuonct of tise SpI)oils-J. 8. Robertson & Bron. Wituby Cricket Clutb. ' 8af. for sale. t Meeting No.'2 Coin pany. Pckenig- 1 t&w PÀ8TNeSHIP.-, Weomitted J E areellOpi.notlcing, as we haid intended, lait weok tIhe new iaw partnerehiip of Mesrs. (1..~.;iiê Ritchie&Billiugs. Tise firmeB annonance- ~LV~UII4'4~e ment wilnot, isowever, w. féle ure, t _______ -have escaped the notice of thse reador C OI4LY S Sa 50PER ANNUM. on tisaiaccout. MIr. Billinga' arIen- ----sive and growing prectice, and Mn. WbIb, husdyJue 4,i~o.Ritchie'. marked sucosus and nru Whityl-Tursdy, ine 4, 180.in&briefe beforu lb. conirtsztWiitby, aud tise wide conicotioss ard popuilar. .Dissatisfactionu wih the Govermment isy of otllI geullensos, point ta tise step Policy. as oe of concenience and profit. and at the sanie lime mntually advanîage-, TIse uiesstifactlou with th poliiy of oui te tisemueives and tiseir clients. tuie Dominion Govaen nl growing SKt»TlENOED FOitTaErT.- Jonathsan and keepa speading apace. Tho Edward Caffre, againet whom a war- -Nationial Poiicy in d6iog Ils work, andraIalhensue orhitoIre se ustnoi. wrm isee nt~n aie, lIver dollars from M1r. Armelrong's doosn tlhe (3veranienl. The Landlltoby s shela .too Policy iu the Nortis-Weat, loeklcsg up laut week by ciief conshbe Brysu. vaut tracts in ruervatieui and lon apecu- oeitd1 oilelbfr iecuî letto, arhes Im depseldiscoteut o Satardcy wlibost a jury, sud1 will b. ceeu by thse letiere cf disintmr. was foind guilî3'. Iis Ronni Judge1 til Od rrmSPOndenie, &sutlleiltu tb. Burnisanisenteuced ilate 2 menthe' oonut11ry auilemfront ie W ime appeïr- hard lahon. inglu itene oini8. Those lutnera - tsndoubledeevidecei th&% lhe land policy Gtia~RMiAECicsr-h cf the goverameut lu driving thousande anuouceinent of tise grand promenade ut Canaie immigrants into Dakota concert aitihe drillsobed onà Monday and Minnesota, where lloy pirofer 'bak-, eoigcsullata 0s ag ted tel; op landl rathor tissu b. sub 11 ectgsia btrata ageated % bu obuioxiolli reguqtions of-use an- anc.. Tihe hast vocal and instrumental dilan govrnomeut. How couiti il be talent bsu eensescureil for thesec«cue expecteil .. olhenwips'e. Heo1swai lie ion sud &acsotbe services cf tise Bat- pricia.flad utaIone dollarmAcre talion baud. Strawherriecsud :alitise for setuai ettios ; settelere .'ntereasu delicacies cf thse season wiii aico form good faits on bts, location, sud now mn euticing part of tise programme- tis.y are toli tisey mus a i y v dollars atnd ail for 25 cents. au acre I Tisie le whst lias tnrned sway theolide cf emtigration sud sn. Tons Ftxa TuAwBEEtirsI front tise gendereyçide-mprisd iccatisfactiont lu gardon of Councillor Iluggard are tise hetowal cf -<hein patronage lise &amogst tise bet we have seen tiss &osiit gaillet tise polîuy puried season. Tbey sow wbat eau Se don. by hg ovrumeut are beard in5 5very lu titis ncigbhorisood in growing Ibm direction. Boom le made for party- delicine fruit. lackls sud camp foiiowere, as tise ex-. pense c1 fslîhful public* 'servants, aud TUBiia ivoRiTE STEÂXRI "NORSEMÂN" thse Civil Service converteai jte a party 'wiiî run her usual grand excursion machine for provsdsng for tise naedy supporters Of tise Qôvernmînt. Mr. Dominion Day, ieaving Whilby harbor Micouzie uinaideu cicisrged tise ai 6 a.m, shiarp, for Port Hope, and in. dissues cf bfinistèr cf Publia Works; Sir termediato porta. Belnraing, wl CIssriesTupper louaI hisnself unequialeIave Poil Hope for Wiitby at 6:45 lta<Oie tankt sud l, t. Aepariment was pmIniung arcurelonifie t t Vitby divideosaemt cpliy 't3vro minies. Ingoo P» iesm"ieisors.Seo posted hId tie lbo wa to ~eal sua5btilefor programmes, wiilîare very Iloyl Comieeon 0,arobk.;Ppnt,,,cioico. Tickets and information froin lu relieve lb.Iwý ~rof Iways Stijl fl. Stepisenscu, Dominion Tel.sgrapis furtber cf tise l aIs 'ac~tion cf hisensd tGeneral Ticket Agent, Wlsilhy. d(iparimensLt. # w. an tolisy tise OtlW "-re* Pr$8, telkes tilty MILsrx Paciteroocs.- Saih, "Ou. o uiincers ,wiIli,jlroportiouate relsnuestri"BtaoncIfury-bh te le tise werkperformel by M r. trn atlo fIfur, eb Kitisgsford aous.', Andw, were told by Major, Captaiu Auguetlus Tlseodore ibu Goverumeut organe tisai Mn. Kinge- Fotiseiill, M. S., froni lb. &dîuay, folhl'a services weredispenscdl with a v ice O'Douovau promoled. No. 1 economiaut grounds 1 We have tle Company, Whtby-to b. Lieutenant, tise assurance of thse sanie auîhorcty Provisionally, Private Frucis Niche. tisai diccatsfacton with lise Gover. u-a Wood Brown, vicllRsledgî pro- tueut in speadiog sud d miin utihe uoted. To ho 2nd, 'Lieutenant, pro- Maritime Provinces. Travellnu rswisevWeonally private John Pelisani Taylor, have hueu lu tisat pari or tise Dominion vice McQtllvray promaoec. NO. 4 neentty, asaurea ue th%% We eau form Coempany, Bpaveron-to h.e 2n(& Lieu- ne ides 0f tise ex" rtieo f thse peoletenant. Privais Frank Madil, vic -am~ ise '1W40fi nepeUVà emu-r*s'u.nscad. bihroa souudl support.r of tî.P, EZOUIISION TO VICTOU PAtiN A» la hsteacfy :-A preminent Con- Tososrro.- Tise steamer Emprise of eervative, wiso was a pronounceipr-Id,' tectienis Whoeu tise1N. P. Won hein juet off tise dry dock at Mill agicatcd, wîiticsg from, Prince RIvai1 Point, whe oricbsu isecu thnoxghly Iiiiand under date of tise 141h fit., sud oveîlisuled during lise p tlitres hi, is ini a position to know wisersof monîhu, wyul runun excunsion from, lie upeaka, gives it me bis Opinion 1mb Newcastle sud intirmediate jsoiutat tise Provinces cf NOVA Scolie, Nov Victoria Park aud Torouto,'on J Bruncwiek and Prince Edward Ioma Dominion day. AUl parties an wl net returu a ingle meorsun onjoyahie day, wiI b,.-sur p tg iseparsnt aGoveruuent ai tha by apenl.ing te V an~sd a credut t-le 50congregtiou -Wbat lenov vantel la anew.chunci t ocomusodai. 1h, growing..Cees*r.jja. wllvorjy 'gogo b.: ian 4a toppIy tise pnBmclngwaul. ~pacAL..q5lrecivsldirect ficits tise Ocan, s fine, lot CoýFrqPgs.,Ut-1 b. 'Wtsr Saimcon, a# R. ILH.y&eýn ~ ,Neoamto,- Ililanel e CisPnshýve b6eu2eewel d . lisscup otIaMSi ffice Mr. T.n lWiP n.for Otwre- liuurn hone frntuAebal, lt kg , aatm we are plessd o l ern, iu JCbf" "P" fiosBvu&-Mniirr. 6-OO~Itt.J. ;Jols u umio e siathe vacant staià 'a is.io-assies bu Tneedsy, ofore lion. Mr. Justice Gameron. ~ulu àvn -p.G, pearcd sa Grown promo- enter, and le prisoner was dsfeudedl by Nicholas Flood Davin, asistelhy. 0. Whaite Mortimer. During tbe day1 lie connl-rooni sud fpprosabes wàeze isrougetd wlib viiloru abuticus itu wit- 'nsue . lse progreus Of-ibe oaàie. Aftei iue jurera bea beasu chillengel by bis. tounsol for lise pioel.flol gentlement worm ciastetry tisecase; -Richard'-Veru'on, Benjamin ' Piillipe, Bebilacu Bankt,-Wm. Simpeonlýac.- A. laey, Josepb Aimtron$, Tlhbmasà Bowes, Tho usell, flenry W. Rail- sifeé, sud loopi Bedford. Tise eue for tise proseculion vas pened by 1fr. living, viserelatel ho jur ti ecircucu sefonitise time cf 1h. -isong cf 1r. rowu, on the 25th arais, te hieuisoqueuit lests frotm tiseoffacte of tise wounsl, ou the O1h May, vilS ali cf wisich lise public aro crready famîliar. Tisa Itedicaltleatlmouy weuî te show, the treatinent cf tise wocud.-suad sico tisai Mr. Brown,, coulrary te-1h. advIce ,f hie uiediqalý atfeudauts, addneu6etia meeting et hie house of tise Globe Prlntiag Company. Medical tostimouy for tise deoeice was givin lu support of tise tiseory tisaI Ibis imprudence aggra- vaîed lise WOUu1, rculhing- iu lests. At tise cloecf tise evidence Mr. Davin "csIresed tise jury for su heur ou tise è*sier'u bbaîf, He tlaimed for tise Vren taiho linet fine lise pietol -wlti murderous.-inteal ; liat ibrougis drink and dissipation he did not kuov wlcaî ho wau bing ; sud tisai the wouud indliated wai net noeucarily a fatal eue. 1fr. Iving replied at coma lenglis, roviewing tise circumalauces se iscoso- .1 by tise evidence. anl charglng te pri8ener vhstlie graver crime cf mur- der. Wlsuu ho Isal coeitdeti, Hie Lordsîsip, proceeded teem unp lise case te ie uy Afier Ihro. heure'deUhir- aIm2ehtiso jury returmnoa àverdict of Giity, sud tise prisoner iras ueutsnced te be haugel on tise 28L July. PromMato. Au Intelligent correspondent ai Emenson, Manitoba, wniling te hie fatiser (rom i hat place, under date June lot, maya t- "W. have bal terrible, woatber for bise pasi few wceke-rain, nss, RAINI aud-msedwilhout end 1 lu fiat bisora bai heen ap mueS main bisaI this melae were fairly covened vilS vat, anÀ nies onub ailou long rubisin boots, or cenil swini, ho Sel a poor show, al- though vits a raft bc migist manage. Speaking cf politie ta&bat localiiy, S adds : -Tise Reformera arc in a larg msjnrity suddlai7 issoreàaing on se- cout of tise aheurd lanud regulatione. Oue needa le bs hors tendoreanlanila sec tise vaut es'il tisey are daing, anti tise nunihers cf immigrants in coe- qucuce daily driven le Dakota sud Minnesota te find homes unîler thse sturusud slnspes. Anti te cap lise cli- wax, tisey bave ressiovel tise Dominion Land office from tisis plae- <Enenon) te Winipeg,wirniais le61 mileetfroni lihe. I ase lesmn tisat a certain re-, cently appeinlal Senstor, resldug net a isundred mriles hem Oshsawa, bas takan up 8000 acrcecf tend, 1W bold fo'1 spoculatioxi. PreIty-gooti fr s Govi%1 ment supporter. Bu tba i fav clame are nov maklosy isile b.4L. iug_ lis he sualisse ovemm patronage." lesît Hanisu - Tiseroe snip cane o - ter cf cone- ati c f tise bnief-i eolotse l eiaoe viii uhow boy tisodeetcf -be tip vwu brcngbt abouti HanaI c vsish lbthé floei oliovel by lloyd, Bily e>hol h11,!plae, wilb Les, os, PIsiltei, andi Tean yck fcliwcg. 4Aclbeyeiitionab et e ido*£the au mili sdlithénaee wum th& '4;ver m"en n u eiciMmBomsoný pM*d fIall>' piasulBoyt sud 'z ieqod Place, Vuie Riiey eo ::t'Taof lloyd. AtIlhe ouI cif ïrt mile Usu*lan u e ,firit, Bos ,âe$ad Bie>' thinti. ;pu-lise siexî, *$'dl3oyd, md veut iu aller HlsuwaI -À bktliug 'pse, nromlq 40 ýatiokes t tise minute. Plsaled ae gc'ea Over for-rving eronoaise t o punt-ý elarepesleffly Sad AssallypaimutHom- Ianý . Tblm geve belitg msa viso bcdý vageeelIssumoue>' on lbthfavrela, 0uri l, jsuanManiF_ of tisu em ôm menëode, b -hsdgs. :- lalised rostmdà tice "*k-boa& funslwlthhHaaug loScly s~prsniy el bWho - sud dswtï mlle stsîdinsu eilg. vilS loy -secadd ile>' liite. Bnlsni o ~brtasbne:a Iispoint, sd Boss CÏC»,Up wit srnag, peefulite. ultesio. xUly aiseiemBlalans- aivau'iïiu4 llev poAaîbcl Man an sd fýioy*àmd tioS second pluie.. As lhoj m t.a befusnisthse spetatona a&p- pareel beildeneil. Bous vusbadb iwith,-Biley flown.ohoIs, *4c4 isoruiqà, *15 1usd oquL*ispthe wm «tt- = wolà of b1JcpauLa. vI*UlWoly ssed, n .-yimv .The. fret mamm4pIs f: ,000, ïAe ',cecon t- ý-lde sêien k »iso Wa,-tube Riloy besenth A8udbmhon ~~ti boa ,r6cether. adlaae m& d tiareor twoidap4î moe by R cf thl fronM pro warlu . ofithe progn.oi s pupilsin l t e,- panimeu 1t. 1Tiiéugli soisMiaunaè,r. standing ibm r.inoersbies menedv"r. net fontiscmig for ishe tgclea the appolabel lime, ana tise Young ladies, Ihs sod kneady resseela uthelr handeeomé habite ant i uty bastin cps, appuanei fellsedsPl-0 meut koesly. Miles Pisiib ntiM Méorcen, isoveer, visevers supplinti, redoemel -.lise eqalo n sud gavp couageus xhbitonso»bonsebaisk, la juin iag c rnhunies.ame vou sM graceful idiag. u In teo .veutgDr. Hasapi aelirieti hméumeletieou Music, in Ryerseu Hall. >Tise' attend- suce vas quito lWanailise leelant- teresiing sud inî ,tîùuoive, ant i l ec- tuner ileseiveilly aapaulot lnning, Iti ilelivery. Tuesilsy eveniung " 0bomemnooit ixeraisteckr pl.e lu Byersou Hall, sud, lisugioni, wveo f an jexbrens#ly intsnsating sud pldsassg cisaAeter. Thes bal vas iaslefall ,dco aisd tise occasion bonoruil bYqit. s nelr-, ousatsteulance of promeneciviaitens Amoagal Ibose proesaI'vereProf. Golîvin Smiuths, Be,. ,Mn. ,Shaw, 1.v. Mr. Lairdl, Rev . Mr. ifeDevell, Bsv. 1Mr. Piilp, Mn. Harpr, Mayor of Witlu, Mn. Holaen. PrioIt. audMosnsG.'Y Lsils,. ILt.Smthl, nieiandonHsiehèb Taylor, Bic., Powell, jehuaton, of lise board et lirectors; Mr. IHeuck, Mn. Robsertson, Dr. Haauel. Mn. Hlgglus cf tise Cusosncx., Mn. Cormack, &c.. &o. Tise apacous hall ws vei fUlel. Bev: Mn. Haie, Govonnor, su.Principal of tise Goilege, officietstly piruse1.Aller prayen by Iliv. Mn. Shsawtise regular programme of',lb. oveniag wai entened upoa. sud vo ne. gret tisat we isave oniyapqouein lu g hurry tbncugb il, brieS.>': Quarette, .'Golleu Bell"- Minsse BRobinucu, Irelton, Milles & C. Brown, exeilingly v.U readorel. Tiseo esas-by Misa Vair, on "'Drame'"; Mine BSisoin, "Tise influau- ce cf hope" ; micaR Phiiap- 4,Lir.' AIma," ver. e ourosI sud gave evi- deume ofcefcl proparatiott.-, 'The songe b>' Miae Ami, sud Mien Tonniag- ton oficitel appianie, atter visich, came lise svarding of dipioniai and suedas and tse diutribubioaoaf puizsa. ustunalli tise oveut of tise eveuiitg te yhieis tic pupils att&chel most inteuMst' In hanilg tise diplenisaoo M. E. L. cou- terre8 on Miss Philipe. bisas Shouin and Mise Vair 10 tise young ladies, Boy. Mn. Hare enîndoeil tiem is ucongratulatios lun aneal speechî, ssiImode soine appro- priale nemaîku on 1h.escocosuhul posit anti staading etflte colege. Higisee standing in M. E. L course -MisaPhilips, let. Miss Siscrln, 2ud, - hast lan instrumental Music-Mie gýTiie Maien Iledal. z ubert, daing rom caste, nue mdal, Misa Wright; Sun, ge, aber colora, li min, psming. lu. abo, ciseniuir>, lat. vAtraomy, lot. okutoS51&4-Mis lb u* saHaullen, a l pisil.- Misa . Taylor, hlot-In im CeitstLe-Mis Van, la; ii lut.E4ma Pu T.0ou E.Frvi, JuigS o Drluiw iouR.v. R ean, H.B. Taylc Mn.4c Anb n. Pols D. Esaslvo Ber. IZn. airt dg,, lis Mn ]ksntnie, HatudilMmaSs-Han ib MI. Meeul Megit HarLsu- B., ýTl BaculS. - h D. 2u -o gýowu an more ucereliUnçcmew*sO4.e t sy wu ca= do wîdboutb silewalkS betiheÏronve eau do PridbOàcicl Ot8- Ifvnon-the *olheSmusbi ho inppres- ed, tbmiua 8y agfin uppresis the aidé- wiàlko-nlet tise eovc go-fries. lcek Smnipeoýpe.-Oàp vilS mewalkaIideoti1 I rus oe-l -I i ll'wamnotilumors tlsan 10 M ren IM iu nu aihu'epe *hso are elwaYo roun i ~t mktral lu ens - Au g.dbl isa sn lý e1taob. moolt? siucam ie -1 e mll n MoslPoi, An u il-t h oe "n- a"n bmi Ta' tise t h e 1h. iuosue nu lldhee udo ilfi hturd v i "i at da occov vcsslte oCarryOff' a côhld for? I nover ihsad of but one ccv bisaI ail anybcly, sud Ihal vwu lu tir(e saof et "oulti- Diuny >Byrnes be Pipnovie.a 4shlan, iun'98,waa ait bothie-loman beAa@iàpabhnlcîià suc. mai tu 'w1oklow ifTSar. May be 'Ian- agerdSf a ecvn4lorbain ýooksd b. isys*on av Gomu baIn fond of Galves, bubîhuoretliatqMd b. a amsI1 mulot > cohunewvitu catis artiraIkind are 50 tplntifut. oCul Wl e. ovukb ongis sie oreqniuîahutbin amni vy lu vals. *oing lise mîreet ?e? Hlm. a a uggem. 3 Iunfor thm Commte.. Lot unibuv. tise Ge', On the csot ee ebrmeys, And lise fragment valke audlbtshe ft cow- In hau stae, Yan titre frinil TiM O'DAYr. i oas Word on lise Ccw Qusmtion- V a. Ennio a: TouGudlAlov usne tWhelp Our conCuni ut of tise coir uciasnce diffcuty-Sec. 95, Chapter 165, Ont. -Rivicel Statutes. I'Railway GoMpauioc' Act" rWeause follevu : "No isonsec, beep, uvine. or otiser cate, shah be permillel to ho nt "large upots suy higisw ilisin s h all mile ef tise intersection of nuai hiigisirap, witî sany rsilway or grade, n nus euueais outl, are in charge of 1. sime pre or pereos e preveni d ' Ibein loîl-1teiissg or eleppsng on anal r. s.bgisvay et suahinltersction." Since lise npening of tise Ihithy & -Pert Perry Rtsilvay, nomie ten yes- & go, it hai been illegai for crues te rus aI large on sny iighvaya vitisin bal ià leMite of tise railvay crossinge on Gil bsert, Brook, sud Mary strocte. Stnike e cirele cf isaîf a Mile aItîshese Ibroe le pointe sud il vili covec aIeble Ils- visole of lthe husineai paft of the <cys ansd tise langer portion of oui comment. vi4 iltisu acsits sol "higbvays'. Tisemefore if oui concil canuot agiee *ta Pies sby-law evouung the visole :îoyn, ai leutalet. intructienr b. give:l té the chief coustible le enfonce lis e tatuts law vitisin lisp saif rmile cirait, A SUFFE'RE. -«ý Wbitby, 22adJuno, IWIL i5- PîleiatsToiSiliICouneiL. D-i- ., Tise Pickering Gouncil met pdtruaat t - ;, djounamueii. Menibersafl prenat.Min. e. autea of lat meeting rnd landt pprove&l d Petitlosapr«ese-of George Gounlfi .and uies, asking fou a grasnI l rep DiMell;oci Ira Vsieaing for aIne 'for taie *Mm&Uagnder the provisionnsof Il M, Outario Tie %;sissa e ct Sovoral ns gr, out voielrfe nt or daoi ci igents Týbpise fo owlg sooants mre orderol Ic For supisortot au.toay8 eu Thsomea Tripp.... J>. Lycua... __#6 O hi T.~~.>iui.- i omenu.. -220 . GeoÂuA.:.... WidovMcGOm.. 23 ( .InrllLse.... 220 yWsý. Log= ....Alle fmily ... : 22'0 Ttuu <m . 4c. -.81aù figly.... 209t Go. Bnc.,.. Eou..160 fluax&. Joue... .Wllaov ngl.220 91, là& - c . M..Llg 110 M 0. Cranwton. .JuL 224 ýv, 150Z 2tnsmL.Wn an . »nr. Bogantbrcught luthe repýort of tbs!eomittëeoh tovstproperly, nre- omsnuing psym.nl cet-the acconte ofliebt. fapa,.zu -mIhaales, repailng carotakea- hue,-c6 172.- 10 ; Gec. Ayeo, #850 ; ]HL Tbompon, rtreeng Pump, #8;,G.G.-resu, baace of anuct, 81.70; B. Fogariy, digln g eut sud cleaning well, $14.25 ; J.l Blow, coal, *8s ô;- T. G. Hani, painting fige hall cusile, $11.25 ; Tisas. Devereli, 118.25. Al»e psymoui cf lthe accouchai, J. . BuSmiths, Wood, #8.50 ; WSitby P. P. & L. By. Go., Wood,, $49 ; - PhOe. Tales, drawing vood, <15.60.- Tise ccuneil vent lint e Oeansttea of tise vhlos, Mr. Gibeon inu liechiri, vhsnh~ rpor vieameneilby -re- fsnriug baoktise sccouinb cf Mr. Dev- ersilfer funîlsur information, snd add- iug ta thse repoi a clause, antbcrizing tise paymesst bMr. Wi. Boisson, lise fuit ameunaio f tise couliaci price.. 800. for werk oufine hall sud helfry. Thé. report vas thon adoptet1. - a x. <saMi'à PzTrTioN. Mi. Wesley, secondel by Mr. Cor' mach, mareil tisatishe pétition cf Mr. 0'Neil b. grsnted, and tisaItise chair- man ou treetisud ixuprovemeuts for tise sentis yard be antherizol te have tise nedesiary vonk dons. Mr. Fei, secondeil by Mr. Smuitis, nioveil Ilisi lisepétition cf Mr. O'Neii b. referrei ta tise memberg 6f tise soutis yard. Aiteî'a greal deal cf bluster, false logic, lil-splilling aud neediess mis- uadsioaudiug of lseniselvea sud lise maller in question, aocompanied by lsngtby oxplanahione ounaIl ilos, oc- cupying over au -boni, tise amenil- ment wau carricil viiteont a division. A ÀnOCTRoaS ACCOOtIT. r Mi. Long brongîst in. Dr Gareeu'e acceunt fer atleuding Annie Haunais, referrel back te tise r6lief comnitîbe somo lime &go, isefoeutlie council, sud movel tisai Dr. Carson ho boeard in ne- Sfereuce ta il. t Dr. Carson stalol ho vas orderel te aattend tise ioman Haunais, inn was ta àdesîlînte circunmstanaes, isy tise Mayor, Itisa ho isad doue se andl-put in hies a- if cont tôe e ova, aI a very 1ev figure, t ne furtiser =ction vas taken in tise mat- h ter. FmE" A"'D WATVIR. Mr. King bronghinlutise report cf tht aotnmiltee on fir. sud raler, recoin- n niending psymnenî cf tise accouns of & Ge. Hell, 5 50 ; J. W. Banes. fxing eave trongîso, 117.07 ; Joe. Newberny, a d.litioaaî for lighting lamupe. 89-75. SReport asitpted. eWATERING STREFTl-'. n Mr. King. seonded hy Mr. Giisori niovei tisaI petitir'n abcutl wateriug thi shooets ho referred ta a committea con. e ieting of Moeurs. Gibson, Bannesl Du Iey Long, Bogart, Gormcki and e mntver: and tisaIbthe commte bE opinion Asàbte eiegslitq of raieiug tlb mouey by spécial suessmenlt. (Jarried NAXIRIe EKAS 5TAXS. On'- motion of Mr. Huggard, M S'iRRiTa AND IMPBOVEMENTa. te Tise Mayor calile tise altenticu o t-lio soulS yard memisens 10 lieblocok Siagpet tise atreol near lthe Gordao jr property, Ieadiug butaise beach: - Afis S cf thiso annited improvenient toms tie miletetiste tisrowing of rutbib isi c- tise streets. .' 10 Mn. Fox sidlter. vuno loe tu isiocking up tise -atrait -near Goîdons 1,L lsading 1tise beach, Ilsere, vere con] 10 11cr..bars, but ho voulu attend '.ta th 00 malter. 00 -Mir. Long would provide againut th 00 liroving of nub"sien oulisestreetu. - 90 1 TUICERS ET-ÂW. Mn. Ir g gae inotice lisalab -it Wo asoi m.tgof tise, connecli, e-.wonJ 50 intibdoducb, by.lsw te aruenti by.ls 50 '269 safar as regarda-the iumber 4 0 -botela to b. liceae in tb. corponabioz 50 00 Dr. 8ogsnl,'eecouded by Mn. Gibuci 00 olvdthatl is eoeaeary avergacti 7à ,be ouelnuctod Iifn ùt of lb. Isutols4s ta Ld w sut 't. a, eh aom st'.m lWeuly Lii of 1~y iten Thi - E? ni Kn.s.z.- Na - ;.,.; ~ bur "ftMarionCounty ' .st~io ~'- unlay ariacilBon. .Beu.ni ;e1 colourea preacher, tSi - ~ilaX-i@ niay ith is wjf,. usi .4' . *csjatln, Moo,pureuiug, kiiieti ne hi 'nilai, for, ThuBx.KamDivae'5 Hu.-A Ceo.Pa@ 1ie. aanîluopie telegram sys on arrivalinluors tand ex' thé Dardanelescf au Dtalian, vessel Ca 4sit 0 =. . iti th. baremu of theieS.Ehidive, tiseLi a a' *lwy. Sultan, enîhonized tlb. vomen b go tlet ~~~kuî7 G~~Oisioe or Lomuoo, but tise cPan~e- aaiel ed b albeon cisartoel 10 ou-n P' - . al v»mz. fiantinople. Tise eisip van allovoîloo 'WEKEV S. mnIO. coin up oui e respect t10 the Italien - ' 939a, but lithenioen wmli b. lranobiped me A match vai playoal ietveeu Wbithy vlsntluingsdcnvylbG e.v aud Uzbridge, ou tise grounde cf tise Tise olnsf ai Pas mandi ry oîChi ne W latter, on Friday. June 151h, rosullcng led lu a victory fer Uxbridge by five yack- Eu Brope. ' Lt etu. Tise veather Ibrongisontthéise TlicsEscs'ss EUGENcx.- -A GaetOWn11eti match vas aUitisai coutil ho desinel, despalci saeys tise ex-Fmpîoe E ugense on] sud tise numencua speatators Ihereugis- bas arived aI Manlizbnig ou hem ne- cf] lY' apprcciated tise excellent fielding uin tb Europe. suid batting exisibiteil. Tise boss iras Ttscussc'on CLERXIM AT BOUE.- won by Whibby. vise vent te bat firab AI'lie municipal eleations aI Rome 10 te tise-bowling of Hempisili ssiI Gol. dy, tise cléricale mere almout euîinsly a Tise firet wickeI fu for 0, but a' stand d folovel by palmer, irisemade 11, sud &tiinmpiisst. Gen. Garibalii as isee Preston, wiso rau Up 14, wisicb irere by PinceCisigi, lise Pope's Mensisal cf lice only double figures obtainol by Conclave. Whitisy in tise final inuinga. A -change Nilson'. propose& jonu o Amenica, cf bo*eiui.' beia> maie tb - Rogers sud this ~s~t<beeu aisandoued. Bscomtise wcckete feêll rapidly. ~zi ebth(o bItî Ymaya s. tise test oeefeu foi-47. Tise bovling cf hnîes lUti"isijoino AMui RaisMan. Ba Bapoon, irbo oblauel 8 vickeie for 1 -F tbree rneingoed style,wasexcellenit, Sh arî, -MS fIfmineOandi fove RB beirler. Uxhrilge tolloeelto tise bat Ieasl nexl. and put togetiser 78 by sieady A Bernntseqgnar esya tise Lover AI ley. Hamilton conîrihuteil 18, Ronip. Housci tise Prussian Duet tb.day ne- gil 13, aol H. Boiater 10, esois battiug, ectead lise acond clause othe Chanci welI fer tiseir respective scores. Tise iii. -P bowvling cf A. Laing aud Pelisac A Berlun elegram sayà-it is probable Pc lisîcugisont tise innga iras remarkably tisaI an agitation fer the Vre:peaIý of theoi gol. Whilby again veulte tiste bal caîn IntIma vii bc begnin citisat City Bi aol put togther 77 rue,ahowdg aomne sorîly 'W gooa defeuse sud iseavy bitiing hy S. A.Galcutta despalcis sys a Burmese 81 Ray. and Trouadeil, iris pubtegetlser Boyalisi force bas been orlon.1 againul R 21 eaab. Tise bowling of Henipiill aud tise roeoslevis are bisnag vllages near P Gonlthronglitthlie s'iole match irwo l. fouder veryeteady aud veli on -tise icliet.lefotr.l Uxbridge again went te thse bat wiîli A Constantinople lelegrau sys Tun' Ti 58 le make te vin, visicis tiey aentriv- Roy refuses" to permit tise BoumauisaC ed to get for lisetlis of 5 viakela, T. gunhoal receuily built aI Tiesls-toiC Boloter niaking 18 Bud T. Hempisili 22, pae isiengis lie Dardanelles. alioiing somo steady play. Tise defeat Ts odaxGsnbrc on tif sncb a club ai Wbibby by tise Ux- mare have memnoialiea againel Mr. j bridge teani la oee viici tisey 55i5yGlalstoue'e nov vins luties becans. ' voîl be prend cf, as Wiiby bas long îisoy are prejudical torlbe Frenchs ligisIT beau censidencil one of tise beet clubs lu vines.. Canada. Tise fielding of Ilhé Uxisiidge Club misiougistise match mas anl fût A valuable herse belonging te Pore.id could ho eseirel, sud aboyaI some pBi' 5vle o ietanni careful pîusolice. Rlev il le. D . Tise next Wbitby match wiii bc witis Tise Art exhibition at Kingiten closel Toronto Club, et Wbilby, on Dominion ou SaIurday. As a fluanesal venture il 1Day. vas net a auccees. 1 Aller tise match its lise Toronlos ' .on tise 7ils sud Sth Jnly, tise Young Tise fret. instamment ofl itou ore' or. 1Amierica team procto eWithy. sud nived ah Port Hope Monday (nom tile' - trece t Hamilton, playlng bye dusys Snowdn mine. Tiese ample la oxcel-V ltue place- et Mia. (tanemal Sherman, Mina.BSer- Serions Riot in. Ireland. mats, sud Master Sistimauhave arnivedl - uat tise Stephenson Houas, St. GalSaninea.. ýf AXIs-sAY WIT1 II nT5AiEN %iD TUS F0« GonShenmsu in expectel lisere lu a day 9LICE. or Ivo. i. Aciseson wris killed lb. farmer Mee- lu bise Selkirk electiin 'case biseSu- ban near Balliuauuere iras ariai"ued lit promo Court allove th ie appeal,ýbt lise sessions of Crogissu, cenntylIes- Sel tiat lise breacis cf lav via nai11n- ecommuns, on satnrday, ou a charge cI, teutionai sud viishut ltise -lineirloe of, muoelaugbter. Tise feelin-gwmas 0tlie reapondent, EHou.,Donald ÀA. Bmïilh.. t 1- aroug~ against isin tiaI grave appre- Tise faiino lver bas app ared lu h. eusions maie extetairiel lisutlie lu. eome pate.cf tisheuils aul- veat e a veatigablen vonl not paru viishont Irelaul. e muais trouble. - Since lise uniesi pf Acheson ho bsas laits in Garrick git<ii Mr. Franks SisnlySas beeni appoint-, sud vas removol secreîly ut îwo o'cîok .1 Chiot Englueer attise Inboncolnsii linthe mîorning, tG rogisan. a dis- Railway, eskhiib tanc ofsixten iles bya elouious Six y.thnee persona -seilé1y rente, le avoil amisais. HRe nden the hurmling. eot-alà1merspout lu -Ger. an ueccit cf 58 conatables, armel vils- many recently. ridles ani fiel bayoneba. Aciceacu ro4e in an omnibus vils tise inspqctor Tue prepei3sel Amnet Biulltgal of tise conetabulany and aurnoundil by.-sc I s~rpila foffeaders lu Pionce -vas c armidl lu tise police meuntel on cars. Tise ride teas - ý,_ , 'accemplisisol vilisut sa nidu. hamber ot Ieputies sy àa large. ma-9 TiseThealcstmony. jrb'G~ïbiI ai togpci 2 EFOSSE TUE MÂGISTZATICS AWennSxzsGcosui- n v i i t he s a n ie a s h e fo r e . W ise n ai d a e r s ti g b n e f tà a R v hean- baken, Achesen'a conasel sei Mr. naunmpr a rrivîefatoise a Bey. 1 c tisaIlise pniecuer ho admittea nbohit. Bridge, N. Y., -a 1ev laya ago, anti va sl el. LXitsg Harnuoffred le be - sretyba a *biy enItrena tiiy ÈB* Mn. ye bo $£yiamonut, but the magistrats sai peoaa i s-,h. hal ne power n lu lie malter. Tise Rlols g ne isearing vas tho'enajeurnedti lti Mou.- $isaîplace, lu vhose pulpit ho oflicietell t. ay * - uing'hile tay.: Bieore leasing, fi e baloImuanaly tl i nm cof W.0 eëtanlol bAek te GarnieS anil bisses groins.- %As tise escot reacsel car] il vals met by a enoord, including m miliuamen, viso.war$siing et prs à krg sue tGone Wvas Ibrovu brOngi '7bôj4viÉiý <40for tho wieks ending ne 1î1,$a2i4i9h, reapectivoly, con- -4ho6 fo»owlng articles -Animal M n e. ,a ea d the lotters of Charles as~Westminister ; Memoire of amo e Bemujsa;t, Quarierly; IyinbeIîtno" in a Hindoo playhouse, rcc2em; What Shakospear -leart sohool, Fraaer ; Asoont of Boriami, lemla ar; aPeri*i Garden-Party, 18 M g z n ; M n i e in s t . P a u l athedral, Leisure Hour ; social and iterary Dandysxn, Satui'daijBeview ; e Pinch of Woalth, ad Matthew Ar. Dd on Poetry and religion, Sectator; ofossional Pools, Globe ; Anchor-Ice, lature ; and in tho w'sy of Fiction, LYoung Lady's Lotter," aud imatai- tnta of "Adam ana Ev.," ana "Ho it will net when ho may," with the Bual amount of poetry. For'fMfy.two numbers of sixty-four rge pagea oach (or more tban 8,800 gos ai yoa), the subsoription prico W) is low ; whilo for 10.50 te publlsh. s offor teoudSen ny one of the Amen-. nu (4) monthies or woeklios with tho ding Age for a yeari inclnding he tra numbers of the latter, both peit- id. Littoli & o. Boso, are thse ublishiers. Pasvuit Syïtu.-This valnahie oeawne bas bosee sllontly maing is ry jto public fa vor bytle. mmerons amarkable cures il bas perfonzned. td singular officacy is Owlng 10 tbe 'otoriide of iron which iu this prepar. tion romains nchangod, aud l is te nly form in whicb Ibis vi.o2da.ment f healthy blood au bo supplied. 9ý9 Notices of Birihe, Marriageaî, &od Deati.. charged 50 cens a eh. WHITBY MABKJIT8. GimcOLf rvinz. une L8rd, 1880. eauWe..............O05 mur pnarhomI..........815 je.. ........O0 eou ............... 065 Peas, back-eyed ........O 00 Data.................... ose3 &menlacm con, for feol.. .. 060 di foruM.. .- (es Esay.......... e........ 750 ýpÉeo pr il ........000. plû,e ~ en............. o0 potatlc..ea ............<020 Eggs ................ 010 lutter.............O10 Ihseese............ 009 Wood ........... ..... 8l Bheepukina............. 00 [ides .................. 700 Paork, per ewt. s..........5 à Lambs............... '::000 alvea ................. 40GO 1'omat ................O010 Ttu!oips ..iý..... 000 Caricta ................O00GO Celery, per doz..........O0GO Jiokenu, perpair....O085 huoka per pr------.. --- 0GOW Geese per l .............00w lurksys, pin lb ..........O010 Jiovor.................O0GO mimotcy ..............S8:76, h8'o, unvsshed ... -.....O015 ai ahed-----------..020ý <tapie Sugar ............O0 12à Bacon. i.................O 007 Hs..sa...... ..... ..... 011 Driel Assples ............. 007 Salt, Pé b ............. 100 iubulk..per ton ... 00 Pisten Aenlsy .i b. -0O96 Gan.vbite, perlton 5m0 AisIou i b.........O<5 PàrS.' ri lb.............O 006 Veai Pet lb .............O0OS llblsris pr bnc . 010 Otue--------------O ..O00 ....on ...........---- O0O EG EDLWD t ower p: that we i (-a The re( îs mariked in My ,leas e)ial egin Sothj4e O825 0 O75 0 O70 O000 Q040 t@ '0 65 Q 0 70 (N 10 00 Q000 Q000 Q025. o 012 (0 0 1 0 e0il @ 400 @ 075 @ 750 Q 000 @ 800 @ 500 @ 000 Q 000 @ 000 @ 000 @ 050 e @000 @ 000 Q 012 @ 000 Q 400 Q018 0.O26 0 0le 'Q 010 Q 01t @ 008 Q 000 @ 000 Q 0-00 -& 000 .Q '00 Q G007 Q 000 Q 005, @ 000 @ 000 (& 000 T A .1 woaresnelu rr r 0eakuess, ar ecua, lois o nsnthood,&e., ani iiln a reipe that u erou, FBXnese F ocaBG e« of hgret rxdy. 1as deoïm ercd&bra iuist ionarmmi, ouh FmR=,Oca. ? al-drest d env1 to the Ba.JoX7 T I4 8eo NEW ADVER»TiÉEX1]EN"S. HEARQUARTER8S34TH BATTAUON,, UnIon tee pat WHITBY At ts Tllesday9 Wbsu vini b' Latèly "21r1e, ana ]3AK 1

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