Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jun 1880, p. 1

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W. H. HIG G.14O At hie Printiug E.t&bUIIShlUSli, BR1OOK 8DRIEET, WHITilY. Terme - $1 5, OPtArinn?. VL TlàET.A detn harged t tI he rats of 8 cents, Pelis ; niortloii,anid g couts, parlino, ach ubse- uent insertion. T. SpeisiUc rtsofMeetings, Finanoil\Tjw. 2 Statenieuts 0fi 1ks Rilîay C-o'Ififlt, lbsu.trance Coupautes, andniatters oi 1k decription whelUlDbod amrnflNsws mat- rdeours <md wt deries opposite G. T.-P.. Station,) Whity yt.he yôar, or othorwise. .sv uet aii e in to dîaootius dsrielin WM. O'NEILL . PB TB Bvery accommnodationl for guesis, inClut- Business D irectory. haguem.notbearedO2,e5lal Le- The Bar f lyspliedti wth hest brande of Liquors. \,VÃŽnoes, 13 anties. Cigars. 0 N T A It 10IOil A N K, &c. Every nocessary irection given ta travellers. W Il 1 T B y 13 n A N C Il Good Stibling, onelossd yard, and atten- TUOÂS OW, tire Ostier. -48 -- - - (ommERCI AL HOTEL andi STABILES, FAItjrWELL RTITLUG .j0 c 54iîud 56 jarvis-etreet, Torouto. ARITRATTOliNEYS, SOLI- JOHN MeRAE, . « - PJIOPBlETOR. 13aitRrs Ntare11 Public, sud Couvey- eucmnTOJ"KIL. Tic est~1.O iPcvStace e tc' ty, aaly ()MOUo, irst door soutti o! the Royal Ia.tb% cn1,an, hS. u 1lrlen-p e lee ilo, flt jAMES S UTLEDGE, B. A. Fitteti out, and oery-t.IilIglel-on?-clanîS. ( y-47 County Crawl' Attoniey. 48 J Krtirii G<OJDON, 1)&R-,TTI7ýIt &ATToTINEY-AT-LAW. 1)Soliv'itnr ili Clîmiicory, Convyancern NoayPsbliie,&,. Cixe-DinidamS t., Inn' tanwest cf Arn.oten.aes~Mtei. Minnny to Loai-PrivfttO f codak-lt 1ow innite ret. (Successor te H. M. Howcll.) T)ARRISTER A- AT'I1OUNEY-AT-LAW, B Ntr ublie, &û. Solicitor oirthe Mension flouse, lUxinidgo, Ont. -26 CHARLES C. KELLER, A~ TTORNET.AT.LAW, SOLICITOR Mq -in, Brocl,C. W. L. T. BAIICLAY, A TTORNEY -AT -IAW, SOLICITORI iCiancery snt Ins4ocny, Convey- 51i'cr, &c., &e Opmcie,--At the Court lIeuse, Wiitby.- Y, MAN ENU.Lt[11 L L. B.,, ARRISTE Il AT LAW, SOLICITORt T1 BChanccry, Cunvn-yallcr, &c., ke. BOn. cao Street, Oeshawa. DAVID OR3IISTO)N, 1B. ,- A TTOINEY-AT-I.AW, SOLICITORI IN Clîa-cery, Cnnnvyaucn.r .&c. OFcn.Ii n- the 0111o -nnnntIf nitino POe Office, in McMllau't; Blonck, llrtnk Sinon-t, Wlitby. ly-lti -JOHN IJALL DO>W, B itl'TElt A-T-LA\V. SOLICITORI ii Clnautory, Canvea -nn-nr, &c.' O>flco-I)everilVai ln,nk. l3rnock Street, Wiitiny, MON EY TO IAIN]i-l'niv&teié nnl, lu salis up taO $6(m, t a lo at ca01oIna- inrnct. (y-52 ROBI'lNSON & E,%T, (LiTS Dtnnnti n. locuseni.( A) RISTEIIS-AT LAW, ATTO RN - 13 oyei, Sliciloren Coacnlieren &c. OFFICE-In Victoria Çinme-iibO5nNo. 9, Victoria Stret, JO. ooi ,,' , i. c. UrnweA. E. Ke:NeT. JNO. G. KELLEY, 13 AIIISTER-AT- LAW, SOLICITOR I-lii'in lacery annd Iîialvencyn Cnn1vn-y annor, &c. Oflco-Dovrill's llock, Brock Streeot, Witby, Ont. G.J'VNt- SMITII!,LL .. Il., 1) RRITEi, ti &O,3ke" biiey tao lb 13 isoueui- e! ariage Llnenise. Oyrier-Over IDomeeinon uk. Wiiîy. MIlS. WALKEY'S TEMPERANCE HOU E, I)UNI)AS-STBMI£T, WHIITIY. (î;ntd acconuudtionnat rqaaslîonass. IioaMOtess 40.Opet'-W k. -. t 11SSIN 11OUSI.-TORONTO, ONT. Thne Palace flaId f ai enets Reftet, Uetornisliand Utnrved. Noy Paueni- ger Bleater, ritniRni& hIanud tay. Tise lnd p rens, ea:-2 2.60, anti 03 par.day. idemers 9ai Cluine sud otiiors, tesining menus, ultiaut ioard, S a$ýerdy Pcb. 27#t1, 678.. Proprielor. R1OYAI, IIOTEL, WIIT13Y. Thte-lnnnvc Intel lie- e to-o icuginly renoaelatsantireinrihet, mut le new nun- der the cmanagemcent of GEO. MACKIE, (iertnerly ai St. Lawre-ne Halln Port Hope. E vcry. attenion 1ald ta guelte. Eep-Iliy0god sinjle itoocus for Cern- T îIIE QUEENS IIOTEL, estOOK-STISIET, Wllrr8v, TAYLOR 4, McCANN, PROI'RIITORS. Tino unnlernigned do'iro te iniorni ti- iriennîs aninithe publlc tinat tinsy have taleen the sav. well kunvwn otl,înwiirithecy hanve new1 y fi tted unp ai reuuvetel, cannd put iiita tino bn-il iof on iron thne sccoincoda- tien ai apestie. 'l'cuBar, whihinc. ,thcha.nd- sabnesnethie Counîy, isn cl nsupplieni witin tino uest irenleaifwiîiee, lîquare, sut ci- gens. Ample oelosent îin-nlrouavi utgoani etling. box ,inlls, &c. Detatcîiot rnonns fur cacunic ta ellmnne. J. P'. TAYLOR, llI1LIl' McCANN. lute A îTornnuto. THE WILSON HOUSEn AIIB11UItN, ONT., ALEX BARCL.AY, - - Proprictor- The- iloisi- . in f liiCknlarge aco m -.na enaniouaud nnltheinterior in fOted up nu ex- celleut rtylu. Tise larder ie$suplied ni cinthne bestini theo markt. The bcit on iquinnor-.3enn Cigani. Stabling largoemni rt).noy.oonts henu. B RITISE- AMERICA4N HOTEI' 24i- 1880. Fancy Boti.îoom Siets. Pfle PIatiRul',-Pârkls anti spocus. Silver Platet-Ornots anti Butter iOlos SBlurnPistet Cals Baaàsm. Ro4gers .Eivçes abti Fcrk3. Tee Trays and Berveru. Flower Shatieo for LiI 's, &o., &o., Glasswarfi, au. teseri tîne.- White Stoneçwaro, evory kinti. Hlotel and Be-r ooui. GLOVER HRARRISON, Dominion Wood'Work8, WH ITBY. Geo.CormaCk, T IMIBER MERCHANT & 13UILDER. il-A large onupply cf Bnilders Furnisah- luge, anudail kin ds cf Twisteti Moldinge, DorSash aani luldL;. Planing, Muuldinge of cvelry descrip- tion, Flooring, Sbectiug, Shclving, Re- aawiug, Shapiug, Turning. Scroll-work, etc , etc. Whitby, Oct. 16tis, 1878. -43 M ONET TO LUND. Tino undeignet hs- any amount of Mon- sy ta Lent upan Penrn on Town Proporty, ai unnsuafly Low Rates cf Interest. Loanseauc e-nerepait ln umani ,suit ber- rowerg. BaveralI luproret FFartas andti Wlt Lands for sale cineap. Inreelmetets made in Muniec*pal Deben- tures, Banks, met bt-en narketi.bIe Stocks. Par f urIner particule-ns epply ta JAMES HOLDEN, Officiai Assitgneas, Broker, &ô. Afpi 9th. 1872-. ARCHITECTURE! DRAWINO AND SPEClFICATION BUILDINGS- R A 'Y s l-romnptny preparcu wînn. e in cConstructiol] (LIT£ 1i>flliBatS-t) CHURGH AND SCHOOI. ARC Flou»o msoly renesrattand sud ncisotCorepndn eippectfî tlirou&inncnt and pot luin ttiesener for hénr-epninUn!gon-tiAieu 'tut'd il. B. BARBER. An-cl rom i trainua.Frît-ciaese-nil'1.' roais. nHITECTURE A 0.ea, Nont. T'98 luocntrj -Churcbes, S02it, C. NOX7ISE>8,i3aray-, Whitby, April OGi lm87.I-1 puoeR ix PIEEINSURNCII k. Lozobaîtd St. ani Chsrlug Cross, LonâIon. ESTIBLI5BED IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOI'PÂTT-&0. AGENCT EST&BLISHD INDAinM UUmt NA-bili o &UteStockholders, andlaeRerv Fianda. Moderato rates of peim C. NOURBU Agent, Whitb>. Whitby, April Oth, 1878. 16 B RITISII ABICA A ssurance Company.- INCORPORATED 1833. A SS ET S, 11,101,876 94. F. A. BAIL, manager. Insurances effectet ai, the Iowest Ci#en1 rates on Buildings, Merchandlae, anai lother property, against lois or damage by fire. C. NOUIISE, Agent, Whltby. Whitby. April 9th, 1878. 18 contaie-tununrarytue amosut ci quinine 0" e n - r m . S r n o îs s ee i n a e p o w e r s c i i iîese r&Iainestis in be-uisiing dlasoeeandi o! tieno craos systera. essleeiledronditiilnea tebody. eue) drangernent ci the geesere-5 IY-8 p Frrrlv~s QUIINE cAxn MON TONTO sltrten2tienne the nerm-oic mndi nusssle-n iiyptein, im;rovezszieelom, asnalMes- theo -ntirts, recrulle lt e ntin. For nailîllateti ineelth rin trou, he eeci oi bot cllmtes Meis tantii li neiumble. iy-8 T)EPI'S YQUININE "-D MIlON TOINIC tJ rnce, on uni eoolps e no -ais neýgie*. oubahete biot. proiuots appetit,, di""el langur andi deprem ton, tortilles tino digestIve orgaB&a Ioan ssorlfte roenly fer neur4lgie-. aguin eetoton. feve-of svery kni, isest ,,5Xoleo, e-ndt lnwastinng diacasea. scrootOieni teodnciet . .Tino noole trame 15 greatly lesiganaant-d y Pn-1npnrRiTonie, tbeisa antal tealties irigliîleun, thn eitstitutiu, ttrgthei,ce. e-ni a rtera ta robus eth certu. Dilil. il tindose, 4s, t:el.not ire. ils. Sold inn Cheraste ovnrvui!re. Tin ne-e c J. eî.a.lioeitorni Lncboatrr, London, otul ben on tine labnel. Tinean- l ne 'tnt o er uitain lu etecet as Pepper'e Qutin-netndI-en. A il I strn , yencoindoitta aesetataainIodla euano ,Coloneos. e-ni neinulitsalwys ina komni itanir fer meoctleevs-y ce-se oite-er or ierbnf le ceseition. y f.o, XAt.5 nCv ,. ,sealu i- ois-le I KIc. -le se A4 ZWF ome'-e . . X - A Logent O01tlie Great Quecu. "ily lord hall'- Sîokanf answero Soties. d'la ho O ii*tnrllet inLu vai lnuthbeChas--, in leva-pn Tise lust ved uoameA te beuohmoine painful cisord, roe somê bitter-mem-e or, lu hie listeneri Tbï4princ's i-mle. soine fac. edd =4 thn~Ion Igrusti pale. Whou-hie si'eMin it vashm cup-bearwue turneïteeilb composedn& for b.Voiciet of qMouuit eu .sud bard, hie mainer habecome steri anti a"cal sevOrO Tise lionIIcnb » taàr uéeembl@ti hi. fierceolditfathoer, bxa is mS o uvoit change ooccson 51M a ieMntS ne tics trem jeyens SootihumerSadstihi-- iauily le a paroxysin et wrstis, Ailtise more dangerous ibt iIIvua» ie en anti uine'pcted. - With Ninus iso*ý#er, gaoisan acceso e1 pas-sien. hetrayeti ibtellinLu nucentroli. ei violence of INWilg ge sd g55t.ur.; visilo hie son, onthe bbc =trr, conceal- at hie feelings untier a umoeth brevý sudl ce-Iatmesiior, taiforre impla- câectissuths ae outbroali et hie aire. The oee ol! eder an oieteud te hc tniken cul t s trugi ou Uict sot but orgire hlm, perhàipe, beore tesef e-atelcovaeriuha bea licouiwu round hise he Tise etiermfr-ohte ctI- iy, notidet courteouslyjp a sentence cf death ' in avWbÃŽ$peri antiromitteti Il torno nconsideration oetjutice Or ier@Y whatsoever. But tihe prince lovai! pleaiue eren more tisen oinelty, and vas Ihouetore populan eenouRh vlhh the multitude, Wise voie vIliul? l glve bis beantiful te-ce anti g--c-- 1ornacrodit foroery royal virtue ; belislug no evil det .iue wiso;nole abicati se gaiiantly lu s00h îisiniug raimout, MlE t8long -htisthe Rt eme- ng bravo mon ant beauhiful wemeis, drenk ce deep, laugisotai> louti,, anti lookot so fair, garland on hoati snt "Ton have et laccountoti for' yonr preseuce ihi Ascalen" Baia bo, coldly. Anti Stos, krsowing vell tier mnuettim. hie sajie aoconting as tise vint blev, angwvued vllalise gnavity, et eome higla officIai making a reort:- 14unïider te Ãœth~ e mlmelon of my l ord, f a c ol4te ourney awitt- 'q 7 e,'wbaI t - - ' ilver Iimotiin., a lsg0t l 'Yo slioft A. A. UNI, hwel iEn gati eMO oc observa SIlA KLESi'E A RLE ilOT EL, A.A. Use-wthin 24 bou"-. 24 1s ths efra utod0iolu. il ont," bev CAMERON & APPELBE, SCrlnn&ni î. irnoOn.tcaulnLuîyLeîy~ Tuaemauuand P a PtLllis le sid nimate '-Tisembs LalIIIyS LlnSleA tBurken-y. s-t- 1Iii 3<fort Le-boratry URSaEIjeeAra orCneyac. v n .A U.lLY 1O1REO.Toronton.) inlenunien, nase oeto n tiw.wat aoeffani Soiio. n0huey No-1 Tiruto 2. U iand AM.e. C. l h UCioÏnisis. , lAuis-serrant va ,îroc, Teenutu Ttnsii, l.fil e-ic Da. (I-47) R CIl I E CT - dien Austraili,tinsCape, e-et Colonies çener. - Ci fh HECTOR CAMERON. Q.t. (iî-4h) iR. i PPELBE - -- Dgn o buh -Ieeot< lUgs oly. wI. ~ js vîm Q)S'IýOFi-CE SA.xl.O,, Ro onn-chi Ornveigo pirea lr e0- wsLuRÂnlnvmcin. trlng atu T.oitoUNirr.o. p Mg oîw' eistiug structures. OCI 'sainLki- 6 RYHeIn, ead lu 1e Oelalo u -I R . J . G U NI C N, M . L A 1 .InQ ear c, f e lin e 1i- 4t 4 t, -t hie re iteuce 1 j n ltl d r ie nee- a ,a s lns tus a e, d a -_heach lg -jIIEO T TI CUNT AOM. McCONNELLn - - POPRIETOBR ou lOuganion lîneaf, Plekeriig. s#etlsspsrat ieproctiieScby an l ÃŽu- bee"nag#aiobngro Byron Strnet, Wiitby. 0.f ' . Bocr22WniTAs-r, aineons d5 ye, e-ud dose not Injure th* 'M senc Sd rTIUE E-rACCOMMODATION .5'i Tare isoîtIvele. int-Lclyer's le equs- th15 ce f pli- - ~ for Guette ly-47) -i - est er e ,hais' retoer. 6T e yul BYRBON illiLpe u. . _THE TORONTO- _ ___--ti-pîd4n IISCASURIGEON, &o., Puins T OC]xY5iIfr'S LPiI'It RAHIS TOpItEIt The. cp-beu GrL k -NTA mtmo lii) EL, T.L:I.DL~ , tisobeat for restitlgg ante 411 "I ar. li 111 TurkAN (& Va~thporBth.former eoàon. lprodcreofollite ..- 1nnfn STcsiT, W1T3. Ir oiW v-pa, 8LI.ak.d, s l noueiy siaue es nd i siiesi Win. .1cBIIIEN, Mi.P., NftC. ,JAMES T. JE IlELL, Proprictor. uitutiet for deston su rf and &~Obface 1o fac UIHOPTLLONDON, ENG.,Tîcesee-lits er sefl iun Rbe4n slism, #wenofuwli-i G. th ye .0,H HOPTL ýOh., . L.eleof ui- Nn1'nsng Ilieel, Toronto.) Neure-igis, Ceugi Is, Celte uion, OKESBL'BIRfSB5OII afSStSau Goed Liquprsond.Ci.,re.hC 1s, Octane. Broncii, SifuleIn~à~~il à î--gui horcnl rMfu tseýcWI -- -_ Gtablin r c Cgr.Comtosfammatlens-. Bilolis-eot, Psu.s (Lifor astixn-nt elf4> Io a A R D .Finst-claie Lnrery Ste-Sloeut Bole-rtSanile-i7 pu %etbaane ptcuWlsy neg lietron M04.ocon9ssuon cParleur attacinet. -ly-1The ispor ntieoauoae8&%w une atinvo ls cto DR.UiOGART, ___ __ - - te is nowunves»y agtiatin n, dicieemiset. N«e ti of ss-ir ,.i Vhyyelian, Surge~on, Acouchkern &c., A&c. SAAHOBthie Tunliebsut Vs 11etii.e me6'Ii.lbésalU dat ing 15 '5qni5tt5. -fsbtio.u. ."i o.r WSbitby, Sept. 80tIir, 1874. 40 O pnas-rtatives cibsait& vitisin lie reseli o tci fflsy Chemnlta.E tiO&mnin "g jlwrIl _______ KINGSTEEaTr, OSiHAWA. mefical expertsa =nillucempuc$lon.wit i min ac, the 'w. ADAMSe H . CHtESTER, --Prepniclor. andnot1cetsfltti5t&utspricX~. edt, IsuttW 01 lýatordedtIrouisouktthc vos-Id friàl a,., B 1S ~. I T hs thrse-story, large eut cemmetilone royaly tovte lie pmereui=an. Tlcee - S iz AiNI'5 - - vante ai tise travelling public. Table up- 0f Toroite. 00M 0,1R R. iH. JAMESON' pie iti i. hocsî0ftsesescu QD.Ie5S-n0ooceel%à'1o Gce Store, Duntalel.> Whltby. bar supplient viti.the best brande, t<t i hePetIneiii . nt aIes. ta 12 lu., ontf-m liqicors snt cigare. lnt u ic t- iel Ucotle -- 1.80 tc , P. n. Rosicnce-CoOr. cf IByron tien. Ample saeblerom, cerefuI ote& RUSGmlmm o& .,8t i; n 7i ont Oilhenl treots. %àà-Je>1.80P. M,- sbiI st-Plus-nor ____________ - PilOI !~i~Bathe, ono ticket $1 ; c, N VAU, L D.. "-mRON HOELCOLUIi 12 lticetes.81. Vapon Batliu, ocsel -l CN.VALO ]oD.S. BON OBL CL- B L tickets. $5.- is oid ' e, 1j rALIG,- - 233 QYiNT MET abge iulods astie L Se-to he klfenasai ateniveusa. sd !s-l bo a~~ lat.eiti il Mo ite a ogutiiiiallce of patrona.ege trom a .-S.DIAMORD, M, Teetin extreiltti vitheul , acn lgnru ring %=I ll aonentleels, entm Ctore.nApmeaReuster in t 82) Supeniofutotts-iit. ý en'e nov block, ren ISoe eetHslrl lautsokt_____________V UaîIstU lang Street, O hava. RIB p_______May____1________on______ j - LACK 3115E SiOTICL, T 9eo. .Sn à bI esa d 0JOHN ROaBINaS QTV vTOB)» Ortiwà;"g centre-cte niey bc maeefor itlb.x IlBlssn, Brook St., Wwstbky. .A;PIBD O"X2D,- ?BOPBMITOB, svYat 1 ls o ml~,nLI~ N w(N> Lie of welilngtenHolXihmin. ON YTO LP VILLAGE OF IfALIBI/iTONg j FOR TIJE C D4r.,1 GJSdN. tise Termns of tie Vto4 g 4 A Sco~-.~> ~ ~fl~7 ie~e nsi ie :u-te N, B LES F~ ORl ALE, ON REÂ84NAÈÈWtl iJoeteenpub%cll uera-BL, a F4IerY Le. uoüqBAecueU wiRhI.L-#-iER" e Apply fI.C. . BLOUMIUM2i~ OFFIC IA.L "à' r C-0n OLand m4ttlio4n09 ,~- ~ OPPSITE TEEROYAL ()5J0H1~ONWhitby, Februury loth,1______lu_____ r l ieVIA !IM re ,I D Vl! '$o Ac I I r vi OIerkOI~ u ~ ~ Lau &., tnhi> P RB-BBM'D COTSWOLD EUB AiMD BEEHB I3R1, -L Bobe-o.kYe laseniP,4ZOne!ilai Breeder and lm er ofCotsvold~bf su Rvq cae61lh1* iSethOs near me as n m i n m r s o r 1s 9 8s D y - W J 0 I D bo it ; foe r wa s nt l t hse b ansq uet a 1read, tise IRalikI h e , e i ne p u. cl me _oy of h sbi att antia kuai vho peta to-niÏbt ,shi wolli rgba ïiéofthefoohigaw bt oslé ai f&jr.w#s lout i iÏprotettits ist eon- Aâsest el~antid~ssu 4vei n, saelM réae; ow, l" l.rthsl thé gtea i annzîùLue1 antid" epearet aI enuis-e, l i te dseut- tevarte ther reopoigIbal, iniith* ceuhrccu ho. 'puclea fàatleteei, Z40efa veusancleolay 7olet. Bkml* heu lip ib n -Veitosi, te ýk.epbsek Ibo tesr5 of spu ïiitihame liat rose Ms-à pow u ira s- F . Tcvrt unel, labhr waudsad lu- le Babithon anlùu.eforoue- ati ee heedoti by nene. DeslrfaOtisl eoal ebeertion, ciscyel cetn net hlp r. Iloting bitely bo veylbug about bser vas changet, herseli peuisape mesl et ail. It semet but yeeteray lial the, te-ugisset ofAibam cs motet abtot et tmue t by a relliue of servate, esceit- etb talop of horen. Evel visen ineel isbe affclet prive-. abs ceulti net stir vihisout vemen, îapIe* teot.clotis, fan-be&aresaIl tie enuna, brauofetrauk Eger .yes ver. fe leo pierce ber vai, liaIïîiey -uslgisl z ou iseuheanlY ; kindtOÃŽvoe.. htl atten ber tiseir veiceme or gooti vishet boaus-e o er on ov graceaandi bOr uie--above ail, levet. ýAn! no# I m u st brin k trom b en esl s h h e aU t' oavoite rudecm .il1çan!a gslnI7 charge. The wsater teriug unuer hié ii ars, guty hb sîntad set'1let hlm as_ M04 es-47S -se 0- vas spared. -44 's~ presence et a coup se, -- a Pti s. S-le eaneti &pluZ fo *1 t tak breatls. .It, ha cen tbti. uxoâg ail tisaI shottene ipedn uthon. very hlle isoe.hon tat~sr osstd s ore f wvaicus1 oveq7. D~sow neitliù resué.ait onr wiueto' 4nlu-no no Il. ueans -et Purals lugo MCe) 3nu4sA aranght cf tain Wa~ h eougs5 brft a wbulc efo tise pis Ã"t-ýArbaaes bil been storei willi roua glits mud cG8ù1 iümerchandiàe, meia i dnk4 golil, preclous ï nsat p If ohéis ooàld rbut ssti vo &axj viil.sut uniéjunet, sexnst'ilugg«'ah. migisl carry jute thse market, anti sel for as mauy shsekels et ailier as voula Bu fo itoolier menti.,suatienable te oontiuue those offerts fer tbe deliveuyci Sarcheden, visich Saheulti nevgorcease but vils ber 11f. 1 BaoIving ,te seereS tbe palae tbouii, tse pusheti on, travorslug the courl ohé hati lateiy ontoret, anti s6 eihc iewelýknown stairs lesding lb tihe woma.n'saraarcrmnt, tsbaI hertnô eor ibat soiten cliaîbeti treamxily -tskng of lier loer,,et inn dovu biis. o i wth a i.m ilng v lcom e forber sie. oe wée iindeettracsetfdeat- ste. Enabreitoeetcurtains, loin anti disrtieret, qiengleti from tise vali; oletactisculpturesandtiateâeii e,ounsbexéethtie pavement; a onder c ouns f bronz'e, supperting a bratier, feul bent ant Iisteol te ilstestal;e 'W broken boy lay acoaSI àtendis1lon, s-lue0 ,ztinguis-bed, osnlbe. fleer. The. ler ut.ttisehall wgs- black lu s-a"ov, while, a flooed eti mooýnlght vor, gitti inacl, t" elabon- sieoi &Ïe$ atifiili vIssi Bad bjéïbveM e lof the conflict - As ierot teuche thtie final stop, tva mn!i ayos glared t ai her rongi the dearkuesnsu antalong issu object gl'dgftyby,brushing ier germenst u t"paseo. - - I-vs 1. ~iWdgdiahurboti frem -She hat -iée tear uo; onîy a thuil oJ intense îsuffeulng,wîlh a ierce, hidei tiestre for roveuge. Wroa tblng l whito armeaber. eu ie-t, mise finni I150f4*vby seme&lg, tisaI em lisio !lote, elreUgqt issu lise von lirerof, e tû&t jQna~e, titdlieru, i the tiiluffminsetf ler àfatr 'A coton 'l , ad-plqo.bi4 rliedi tron ýtb shuli. Hi bandit qof a Serti. -.1et Iay wbore hi f411, hi$ face !LW haeston, giim, nyil ji .10 4ca-cein l 0letha;, but thi àeo $-hat1tï ýa. bla te hl -- and - i wuA a lin, leocheq àto p &uis-t il t alr laid lho ma sgrefsdraton t. a abiili an ' ïîe,ýknr ew. iO .No. 27. Sf Ur tii wolshembe'Iionie. j OA.APTDIB XVII.- tutau eanul _Im:téoo l bopund ins oirto give berfr.bio !Ib sud$s-IgMo &st -ex Vé., ei ver- h bis ooirads oiicnl&baverosd ertbefr -. W. Choir 1probity., h 1ie'ip ,I0E «tramé, , WOa nq't- Ito, and ne telmptatton eoulti bavea- ced Iheni xtp ay Omý bohy >con1-- era àbru. ~o!faIM. CauSingf, cafOLéý ,lmçtolp kel down y prooeeded 14à npacki ies bat, ogoer forhuotei bws n, ebroder~, ntitrickits, -moes e, Asalen, or ether citles un tho ,?Ris with- Webbihing andi ezhmustiodi leoiulli4eiand by.standr-, in leore (b týr:O 0ye.; fo r among- tinguished :theaiulet ;aa; the.Grenat pBD bat ben ewdon BSarcheton, li agi et twio.fW~ omen i2t have been rcaIsabe, uhe, recalled, ýfiestinÉgoï] 3, im au servie0 0 1 t nir.fem Il .4i$itefinish than xmaio'vvorthbe sd- ahbat ,rosence ini! te àppeiý é1y teîàéStiofo& s kgtuagu l e r _a II i h 11wll sk m4lord," saidabs, "tu ýâ Iboa n ýyband. &ho, if a 4;beeftnMso wtterskbs, that 1 rm -wt -,v bniÏuine limw; for -indiet I Great *ù n p anai dresso iii. ýany oh.O1 srrotlou-IadWabful ud atir, *ar .01 *iI* -11!. ý ÃŽnd 'beau I~rlok lun-gaudy ' r tisoosandi were psalfing hemw ber watts. "t Pnleots cf B 1i sd- irebeIs cf the, du orve were- ehauntsg their idolatreuas iileif hyis,-teling9 of hairpor sonna o f tira- ithaïe brai, throuh ascore oe t atly-tomples, they A isuadrédsquares, tefracer, sut, Open tùrn pIàoes lu ti.eçi&y. Oxets i Glowing, ilk' shéep bteaîing,.as îliey aMootu d aromes eE ftsrtet t»ogother for sacrifice. Peàeânts- Tyre, from-withâut ,Weýe toiling uLeàr thewfr s- .market. podnoe' ,merobants -of-Tyrô .Fa andi cf 1h. Sailliswere guiding tiseîr. Rgo< camelo, l1adan witii bales of costly goels sre for tii. mzartýýof nations ; a hundret- a bl Mi.reams cf, lbor, lnxnry, anudtreffie- di#ti ,hundreti countries was fiowing in' te :necl enrich lise Wstress f theworld' w , 8h.e co pto dt he ï t ibufs 11M e. a wO I qàcen lavisis dL omîtsand, lsb og' e ' be cf ùiluel 'àçnt giiïË n" vla a fiàe .wsl,- yPt ome an di a oeld fa iswelli Her visitérs no*tfiei ave, -the botter' for -lercfi n by.an aqairodt Isoefo ter to-, @ds' oa lu nxuioa, an incraeestioscn. tbey l th tiheii1 Mnuy simplicity cf thoir par nevsrthelss,ovdaIg sspeclly 10 Wus béat qur t 1ty, ontise baukntlis fte- Iui brosé rivesahanequal dutance ftcmpd114 1i the c *oroyal" 1paIilace s, -vis e'.itwas » r man mightblirhase, ,Soordinsý 10'bis tpR arOPe cf culons or-a strng of poarts lera rIvfid_>ýlIlat sur, hurmofl,-, Sa sid conlusio -toàus--I OI ich mut Y701 t f4iff.reut tribos ,anti protopons, es.' clan psally undor a-bcuthorn, plaiu.spokénou ountryinau disoonie- 1velubly on- the. luxuriant gnewthcf lia gardeî.tuff t1itoesled bie baskets; .wit] the. keensr-iwittéd -citiksu dheapeedH &band ciieffred,. pmring neitfier Ii-nghlbàv is tI uer sarcs mi norabrili andi tateung -hlà t bu "e; dsrk-okin ud E tib p eepl n l e noti, noddet, clappeti their baunds, anti liI a rubbed theu wooly:hostein luminglet I SU amaznussnt and *delight; lsanghhy wàr- 801 )f rion's staikot i n-and-ioeutheietasftehie -Wh( sz alu-tates-ii manhWIi'strictes -11 r-at fcsiedemiiuer, jaklug aitieir AsiE g own puce SnCÉ b th ing stisey requined n or, aon nmti i scsemony tisa y ef paymeiit alogaee; tneeps of wom- cOf, 3t ou, ohiçfly frcm tise lowest n1ù5 atdted ,-O1 tiseir à&' vlaOe b.gée aalorr t s- biokirtn Ienon tholv s-hô:ani tl û- .p ritn l. ht 'ovory oppôtnty- le ot hexg- nplot ünter foot W1tY tlefi 14 euv.*wU te~,a ne- distànt- Pei d' lue ;sal.wersdIii. pliant. nocks aid I or ipà%lint heado-- cf, meelc.eyed faoals, for lookiug uolly 6wu on tho tontusioxi,- ; i 1 h terrble from lit- aveu -ý l'e - Fïi;lte 1 .,.ý-.-A -4h ý,i. . 1

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