--I gtone the WW lloLet the Man 00 Tom ~ atone Site the lb. a go fredl Vm: bok our B 1.5e lu thoy porchance ont Sh paues;but te hM put W là Ulin ban toclaep 'with bis TisaI led lier lu detruction snd disgrae,0. ohu ugtrm ler hesacyod waye a il, Tbt v o rern&Y Mi n aoneat mou,; bolt opa le him ail honorable pai, 7 Wbere ho May Win n inattofl. 01vete hinm 1Fr, prosssd dowiu uteasures a1 lfee iswoot-r est JOYS. pais ber, O) maideln, with a pore broad face Il site pots out a poar polluted palm ; 1Bt lay thy baud in his on brIdalilday, 'Ad swcar te dling t b hlmwfth wifely love and tentler reverence. Trust him wba le i A Mater waman te a fearf ni fate. Yeu, alone thse womn-lOt tbe inau go irue Lot ane sau uf llr for tha guilt of two- it la thse doctrine of a borried world, Too ont ai breth for holdng balancese Wbere nlce distinctions and injirties Àt. caimly wegoi. ut, ab,bow wlllil ho On that abiange day of final iru and flanse Wben mon fibaîl witber witb a usystic fcar, And al iali tand beoré tIhe one true Jodge ? sil lloz make tse» a dîffereuce in ciu tibaîl He, the soacaer af thse bfdden bearl, 'I iis eternal and fine daece Condensesthse wonsssuand forgiv. the man MASONic.-Our M. 'W. Prince, cf Walec, Grand Master of Englaud, "as thugspeîkn of by the Deputy Grind Master, h. W. ilo. Skilmardali, dIse grand festival cf the araft lu Loudon, Aîsril 'ita, nl.: 'Ill is a thorongh maoao true mason. and lho shows il lu mora w.ya than'eue. WVo hava oniy to lookl or- word a few weckî, aud woebal &e lmt going down mb to te f ar wet-fer whiat ? 'Po aunsecrato a Calhedra a Trura. 1 am open ta correction, but Miy impression le tîsat thip *iIl b. tihe iret lime iu the anuai; of Frecruasafvy that the fontîdation of a Cathedral bat been laid by thse Grand Masr of En- gland. I tbiuk, therefore, the aveu will miark a uew ra lu tIse fratrnity it sows Lb. chnrah are witb n-tha tbey are not aehamed af ne. I Deo' bardly tei] yoo that to underfake tSi dtnty, Lier Royal Higbnosee bas béec ohligod to sacrifiae certain work an engagements ; but we ail know the Whon duty Colis, notbing sitands in tii way of our Grand Master.*,I O .L R. H. Prince Leopelno *Canada, in a past Grand Junior W& den af th. Grand Lodgeocf Englan, sud hefi. tho Provincial Grand Momb o f Oxfordshire. The Old Story. The morning sunlight Ieoked tleîuugb the glîken curloîni, ligbtingt, rons as witls au angel's smille, suddex enveleping the face 01i is occupaint w> a trange brlghtnee and transfornld bier pals brown hir inte waves cf g1 tauiug g lsI. aid the sunlight : lMa - n, I missed yeni from the gardon wh I used ta find ýôu every morusng, s cama bore te ini) yen. 8umm on so eauoeawitb ber roses aimet bright as your chooks. Are you il' 11O, no t" reepoudod the usidon, a ing lber tim, bloodiesa bauds in the boom, "elufy a fitlI weak ; 1 sah lls be eut lu the gardon te greet yen- morrew perbape t I was juet plaun bew I ehonllarrange my flowere V Touar, wbun yen peep lu.- Are my les ui) yet 20 "Yeu your lillies are I hava juet beau wansniug thom bava tired yen, saidI the sunlighf, v not.iced the wooily dreoping oye1 I will cerne agaiu te.îuorrow if ore unI lu the gardon-ansI sili witbdrow, Ioaving the fir lumil aleni the glosu. A few hour the woouligbt eaime softly throtugb silen aurtalus, whicb wbsno ruslling in the uiglht breeze. col t',saisI tIe meuiight. as ebet ed the pallid bmow, and thon peuhl ber baud on tîhe pufeeleRa ' *"DeatI 1- fsheudderingly whiel as 8le withdrow througlitthe ruseling curtains. It i; the ok, slury ofecusumuption. mw elhe brvictime at meruiug witb 0unied 'wrdst and at evouig thom tde prey' uf the @poiler t St show tisat ene.third cf maukind $bis disease, and cf thelie, faor the ®r part are young porions betwi g-etiaf fifteen asd tweuty-five, dawus Of monbeed andI wema Fuc mauy yoans, cancuimption W erally bolieved le be incurable medficine in ber triomphant mes ainsi diseuses bas alreody add. For salie y T. 0. Whitfleld, Whlthy. The Grtateat Blesaang. A ipla, pure hariesa rezad. f bt oumsetaery Urne, and prevents di eaue by keeplng the blood pure, elomac regulor kidneys and liver active, le tk greoleat blbesng- ever conferred upc maan. Bop Bitters'l that resnedy, ae Ils proprioe'tora are *being bleased : thonsane who bore been saved an cured by ii-. ,Wil yen try it ? Se Most people suppose that the mono facture of tobaoco consiste more) y ix t king the esf and pressing itlint pioge. eTii. at la, lsowever, thâl lb. proces a ae dellosle oeansid Ibo laa oséu. ili njure t15. flavor. The liai maet bc caroeliy attendod 1tW for montu ACltêà $l" te lo ater'a bande. 'It mustC itiedry ioo'qiëký lyn 'r» PInw1y. ,Zvon citer -i7shai reace ' yh ýtlcr715. Alost aelleAcy oci mbplpUiit@5 la reqirod. Th wehr ou e o.refully itudla4, foï If theri eo t o nhmpltire in Ibe ai! Whou M i pd t Wlllmôu!d.' and tb. dame *wIU happesa if toc mueh mois., tare la gpsInledrationIt for the. pur. "jo E, in B3 Y, a.l Mow 9, us.O& n ta re r, Co.s athere ta grant 8100 or $50 for travelling George Dowoweil be commissioner for the con te on the 100 ., and ioo1 eeaing by a Mr Gordon hoa giron carefol alten tiorendros the statute prcviding for the appoint- expenees vas l.ksuoe. trige the propotion of Brick, ThoraS, le tha Speech of Mr. Gibbs but be did ne> ment. Mr. White moyed te strike oul bbe A. GORDON, Chcirman. and Uihnidge. tbiuk 4h.e chedule wus wrong. Mr. Gor. Mr. Sexton eppased the passage of the unmoaf MeBrien sud inuert Ballard. Lest. Council wont int commiltee themeon. Mr. Gordon.-Mr. White hmd îold bot don vant on te show the,. Oshawa, as eoitinnouw as uncecessory. Y'"s, Whit.e, Wihiis, Haight, Sezlon, Gor Mr. Miller tbougbt the time for asaking a part cf the sbry; nov ho vould tell tbheshown by the increaso lu the number ofl Mr. White-It ishould bo passed nov don, Helman sud Thompo-7 , 0075, granta on ouds had passed. He themo whole. Mr. White pretend toe b a stick. ratepayers, bcd made wcnderfui progreea iu order le give lime for the censideration mil the ret-IS. frSee ht h prpition of $50 ler for justice. Nov, the tratb vas, tîsat for the post number of jear e. o beîd of the îobjeot. It won, decided net teappint Grammar te bouudary line between Victoria and in the achedule put iu by Kir White ho thal the estimabe cf the extra 2,700 aces Mr. McMillan epposed the motion as Teachers ou the Beerd efi Examinera. Ontario be strock ct. popoaed te alter cne muniipolity oniy, of Whbitby lanut I ither 8100 or $80 vas vo vonîd require a valnator for enob mu- '[h. other applicants, Mm. G. Y. Smith, Mr. Thompion îhooght that Mm. Miller snd thsl vas t0 lover Piskering, from tocn high. nioipality cr el,;e nene would secept their ri Bers. G. Carnie, Mm. MoLeuuau anidbhad forgotten thot vo had te koep up 21 78 te 21. Mr. Gibbs ahoved the faiacy of calca- report. D)r. Thorton, vors appoiuted vith the those boudorie@. IL vos aisea the Mr. White sa-is ibis vas net truc; ha lating the vaine of o pince by the glomber Mn. Gibbs saisI the trouble vas that va Coonty Inspecter. intemest cf this Ceunty te do se. ÂsVic vsnted ge lover bath Whiibys alec. cf robepayere. Osheaabad a number cf sanglot oct in&eiligentl y. Each member Cooncil rosumed. Mr. White again torii desi' ed In coud ail trado ta Lindsasy Mm. Gordon desied tbis, sud Mear. Me- raiepayera vho lived luim gali bouses may kuow bbe value of eue or îvo muni. moved te stike eut MoBrien aud insrt this vaorigi n old tend ta keep lte Miliau sud Wheler agreed vith Mm. Gor. coe em o utansd three fatailles in cipalities, bot he kueve ittie cf the otherii. Billard. Yesoe, W hite, Holman, Thomp- ta inoproucoty don. eue bouse. The proponty Of Oshawa vas The valsaors vcnld make, a repart under son, Haight sud Gordou-6; 0575, 17. Mr. fMillber mid hoevos avare of! js Mr. Guy thougbt Mr. White did vant propery aesd n 8a vleO abatrproal xmn h au Lest- The by-lov vas rend a third lime. being a houudamy lino, but il vos lu the la lover the Whitbya. lbe mid thât viien Mr. Wight wae Reeve of encb mnnicipaiby. Thie wcsuld give Mr. Sextcu gave notice cf a by.lav te &âme positibu as township boundaries, and Mr. Gardon said i bis Ios ofier Mm. of Beach the equalizatian commit- tb. intformnation vo requimed. incerporate Port Perry. ahould ha kept op luthe sanme manner. 'bites ret. propollaI veuld not carry. tee searched the Oahawm roli for the pur- Mr. MoMillan Ptibi LaId thet the Colnn- Aise e by-iav ta appropriatA $200 tO Mr. White ise oppested the motion. Mr. Gordon thon joustified lise highasesposc f rising the esseasmont. but wben pil vold net agree vîtb the report and Sougog Bridge. Cooncib adjourned. Ho aaid that ik vonid eellndeort ne- ument cf Oshawa uo e bmbrondeaof ils they onth hemlefteGbsqts tr wudasiltesm icrng av-iNIue $£$SION. stoud cf briugiug ik soutb. W. had et- fsctories sud is langer nimber ot rate- vere seesaed et 810,000 escb they stepp. Mn. Thompeon tek exception te the Council resume aIt 8'cbock. pended large anmeonr. he sternubond- payera over Whithy, aud ils ganeral pro*- ed for ibsy helieved the assesment was wording of the motion. Mm.Sozoninîadceda y.bv e l- ry. wbilo nothîng bail been doue for the pstflty. Thon as te Mr. Vhite's charge faim. A gentleman from Whibby, who, for Mm.Whte'emaie vs e th b cemporate Port Ferry. western. He believed ibis Looty woold ef change cf opiaion, vhs, ha thougbt the first lime hoadBeeu the vhole cf Osha- SoutS Ontario mimboms exceptîug Mr. Councif vent ita cemmittee th.e:eau. have doue se, bul the Coonly e, Tark ibst vison gentlemen receivsid nov informn-wa from an-eievated posiition tsaisI tisat ~i îcMuillo voting yea, andI the uortb wîtb Mr. Witue peinted out that tbe clause vousl mirer expouil any mouey un r ads. lten tbey abould change their opinion. did nct appear to himtu tbcSelanger thon Mr. MeMilon nny. liitiug thse Basiemu boondry ta the waters Pickerng sud Markham kept uroade. T he municiptiltiesinluthe sentis ver, gel the North Word cf ah. tovu cf Whitby. M.Gibbisuegested tise aiteretiot et loge vas vriedg asil voubil gve lb.vif- beoudoitedsud uine ns rekronde andI oher improvemestsetfthe uorrb valuation of Wbithy alone ho vould have Mn. Wbite did so, but Mr. Thompeon ,-ected on the voter. INI . Mlr's motion vas pot and ot- vithont ps'iug a cent tei îbem. Mr. tavored it strougly. atlbi bjected. Mr. Gibbs thonn aked Mm. Mesme. Gibbg, Gardon and Glloay jes 6, neya 13. Wh'iite'@ statemeut about thse fand ncrth Mr. White said if Mr. Gordon vanted Thosuptin to word the motion ta cuit him cuprtdibs-obu rSetîcu b- 1i'. White oppose f ce many cosditiou, sudenuth wuva mmntezîraordinary oe e ne«ample cf unfoimnesha sabeula look self, but bo rcfused te alter it although ho lievesI il ta hbcaI iaisîandI refused te have l h lueiporaigie85. Mr. Rowland saisI Mm 7hýite rred Ibsou emii.Wby. Bosch ince prefessed ta agree vith the principle, andI the laue aemdd su) i vî paeed The Wà r en explained ths> it vas doue lu hie statemen rt h ouosee1860 hod increcsed the noubor ef vate- voîed agaià 4t it inaapite et the changes ue intoduced. ut lhe rcqueeb of Urbride andI Whit as u% animeus, for Mr. Guy vas op- payera about 10 vhile iliad decreaced mode. Cuuuc;bl resume.d and the hy.iv a ups pochurcis. posed. Mr. Guy could not onderstond its nalnatioù by $65.000. This woe the Mr. White cher-,cd tise northomu mecul- ed. Mr. Whsite vas everruleil, aud tise vhy Pickerinc ves lbeed sud Euts ouly instance 0f1th. kind, for vheu other bers vith beiug determined to, refuie ail Standing coamuittee oni gsob manage- clense pauseil. Whitby visnet. Mr. White'a trouble municipdilties ha'I decressed lise ameas- justice to the south. ment and Couunty proerty epoted. Couneif reautuod sud adopîed tise e- vie, Pickern u *s,-rt lessemed about 837. ment their nuhar of rapayers boadciao Counoîil roeumed. Roa r OXTZRO O TYpart. Mr. Out agreed vitb Mr White except beeam erassa. Mm. 0,155e movod, seoended by Mr. Guy, PtPOTO OMITK . O'NT Tise Cemnuitec ou Eqnalizatien report- in these talemeut of tise nsity ef the:ci- Mr. MoMiis-ile agreed vils Mr. ibot tise porcentaeofetWhiîby homde i'BOidT -ad. Tise flleviug la a portion et the milIce, for hiseuvos stisied vitis lbe Gibbs that tise question ahould be discus- 85.26, andI Obhnas$4.75 pan cent. lie The commitcee faund tise ratsl end liedue etfah. report: - eqoa.lizoti 'n of the tvo Wlitbys sud OsS id heueacly, altisougis illà natamel for a said bic did Ibis te meai the niewa of ecv- Ceunitflous a teaSeiluau efficient sagoe. SCHEDULE. &wu. He tala ch. cenlhim thuSebveuld mon to lean te bis ovu. He veuld 50y ercl members vbo helieved corne differeuce rhcy recommeni'ded tbe psy ment et cen A t *ai (r aloi)cd %mtm *for iS old him«ecf open le vote for au amend ta aie charge mode by Mr. White la e- ougis obe mode. Lot-yeas8, sys 14. tain accoants as% apponded. Co. r fr 10. oUe.,rwerot il.ment, andI lotItie eommitteeareor. He fere. e ,thse nsoilinting cocduct of the Mr.Wbite again meved tb. motion re- Prom Jet Jauusny co lst Jue, 57 ea....8 Il 98 8 il 99 vantesI ta raise tise norli sud lover thee ommiftte, tisaI Seasu new mmn te tbis latine te, CouatyVsIuaotrs. Lit by unie maisud 12 fenalas have beeu canlined ùMar......... 3 24 3 24 coulisac tifl< ; but lh. mv tiser. vasneriocommittea. Afrir tise eommittee had left vola as lu ccmmittoo of tise vtible-yea@7, lu tise geailuan on i latof June 4 nmoleti Pckerinir - 21 7S 21 78 cansce of justie fros tise notanud be tise noom tho eeniug alladed 'to by Mn. maya 13& and 1 femali vere i5 goal. Rama . .... 4 47 lefI cheus. White îb.y obtained nov ight aud ivas Report vas tisn adoplad. Tise total uggregitte desys of impri-an Resait -.... . 13 60 13 60 Mr'. White uaisIhao-vated tai taie off ebovu tisat injustice vould Se done ta On 1 otion, te sccounla neommendeil ment for tise Art ngoths vis 932, Seing S î...... 6 70 6 7o 78o. frointPickering sud 41o (mcmnera ont oe munioipalhties, ho therofere belie*ned lu tise r»ports of tise cmmittets on ceunîy decreaseof 999 comPard vilS the prenions 1ue...... 1i41 Wklcby snd 4etetti ia. H1oua s -lto--berish t. o.rae14142ohu9Ȏter!do. 4eztbrdgsvoe$.dr manll. he otl utvas$9 2812 81 net 105111s1n for bis townshsip. If 3Ur. Gibbé o a hsd bé eon - se,e!a:IOd Wvrsodr 7 iuha ie oo ca -a$880, Thorait........ 2 1adtkistibtde, bb - bide 8 178 1 Mr Gibs enid te atemet o Mr 'aboa*haVana biieProm titis aut, business vsw uhet Seing aItathe mte ocfli ~cents lpar duy for Usbridge.... - g1 7 M.Gbadus iesatmn fM.s ss .vudbv ent viti hlm. eash am Whitby Tp -. 9 92 9 92 3ordon, tisai Oshawa hed Det berne ia 3Mr. GibbhiasIoner estiansteil tiseossgetlrougb aI raibroad rat. Tisy oomn< tstacl n tuhe iWbiaby East.. 9 9 91 br upoo to eWiby ocf Wbîîby il vas only 1,600 onerOasawa.. A note cf tisenis vos aendered te tise '8ai yard JpWbdo yts gce eVistby Towo. ô 42 5 oo y.ans. Tishe Ras eofOshwa andWst M.<îbInesod(n Ons Dentis aWardan, andI 81W grented for bis services. tise mcon blInOsmonueor tntise Oshava ........ 4 59 5 O0 by for tweuty jearas d agreoul on tise moring tisai it vas 2,600or 2,700 moe.) Tise varions by-lava fan aonfirming Caunty. J0 GY. omi eu bemlla ire. proportons oeth1e samentsa r. G<. U., MiN, no I id 1600.Mr.ovnalip 5v-lava vere paamed. J.h10 GU aY MWun i en s 5comtte heoo. don e rgua <Sol mthsmsatepayers of Oshaao Mian vent os 10 showtisaitishe Hall t r. Sexton intradued a sy.bav tei ai. Charms. MrWht& Aea omerof-.cEq"alvoe.moru morova htisaibaeof Wiitby, Wcnis and tise Cabinet FaeiaryVasgreat- pnd$200 oen Scngog Bridge, sud te ap. Mm. oAsImevd, eeendtd y Mn lCt00 Comtmittbc Se .lite Se iseduty t&vluation muet Se grata. Tisawu Ily nderestimated. It wsu truca tithey P Mr.îetsaI ve tisiCnnai dor u te a maeroetain expbSOnailu-r, sud bSovoubd abeurd. (Mr. Wiit-Rae ssd b acrO eneSosld a tise fi9ures stoted by Mn. point Jeu. Reeden cemmisalo or for tise morovit adjcutu ainedie. Ctimied. say tisaI otor tishe uncil baSada e 5m iatepayere tison Piekenlue) Mr. Gibis- Gibia, but tu gauider dlsnantaga Mn. Witie oppcsed tise Second me ding, Mn. Gllowmy aied if tis. Ocuneliad-tise1 vould pronoune. thisatons cftise Yeu, and aoeorditsg, te Mr. Gordon's ras- eOmuales, and sinca hà tis tne tiseY uo h rudta h pouie lac laIe lte te mmcgfor tisa nortIs ttsjoftty iof thsiei5littee tab. bc te et soeine, itisbould puy mm etaxes tissu Pick Sud Seanualarged tbdoube isu. .u p e i o nrcmaditb h omt membra a ge he. ontha dayveud tljU5 sudext cry or f visicalcis 0 n ng<Oshsawa hod a longer nuber cf iseld tisai the trîvta eaidenees cf Osisa- teu on RoadeandBridgea. îbey e enitfo te i! ff Siidsy m t t se h uncîl isad orer benau #*y. retepayars but tise7 ived orovded înto va verosuspenre homof<sit y vilS M.Sxe si iebigem ess Tiseolei sttod tisIhie jtadgea cf the Au axaministicifthf bi e houle bafeO mea Udvelinps, sotimies IvO sud tismee tise aepîlea cf oeeor ave monuments cfraiMer.y Omouyos udi ieepen Quen'sBenb atisnied isaTraisue LhatsntVOuld Shsov th£a'-viols tbe exception tatuilla i scbuso. Thon sema eriprsema trolly visiob Vyen14 Dot brîu a tant5 of t. S enet made, ceonla wi!ibc. msed pay the jarors foraSWisiibyin asmievt cdfsud Osxatovas ovn a arge nmber ed iota, sud bhues iaitis OO'ey d avelé upor tsutie 6syptt Ss puylb.juerafo Su batluîthar lcases. rased, tise equalisation cf txtonvstheir namues uppetred seven or aigu ti"nsooisiittse. Mn. Wiil- meutise ibrea',ieritlsa e his ul tisnetis ie wus ostise neaslist jear. Nortis Outaru>paid ou tise- roll &amd availed tiinuîber cf Mn iite ïnid he anteathelb.Connaît ol C.ne. ea,0 nj,6. ofte a a te thmruies ne 111re tuze tissu iefore. For j aci reapsem. Tise iacoaias, o liis efW1.rô» ovu dvi ueSpracedingaas thebise At.Cie dopYule,ndftue udi raionbl.bildexponded large sumoaofmenîy upon ah b>nsi, i l hg siems $0tins'mittteumtod on'maat wspfs adjertid.tiserosassmasIbridgeacf tise nortis nidin il bu; w. isd 10 n au-ise p. lrgies sais0 i so t iui g ei ttde nlaesbcd tis, e Finaeas snee eprt FIFTH AY. Sing induoed to do un, by SinggatlaI tisaitrieSiua.Th issfiis bt sotlong selie bronght upoie-tuS4OMMttee NOV<NO ~it.would laver tise tsolu nte Sauth Sy mgýii v esIf U,>0> aLÇ15 MmMà We euqi bs IANEEZ, 7 ineeesug is mmultssi b tie mnti. thar fcr $21,0Ã"0. Wilby bad 2,700 ad is epauliottnsdnpa Tb ruue a nvo ad82 Absen, Mosn. natia ad bies.Rlau daudo te iproventeels 1154 acres more lu ils area tiOshaa, wieîi, Mr. Rowland &W-dènetied it. g. siI d78." StaningCommalS onRosA mm Sea odsulta tse mpmoem.ts ishos v uaI$100 panravsequail taS"07,000, timt sitar bc Ieft tuu> conmittae-,-'ut .thae - iaItsesnteafriscretje Bridgea reporte&. gava tiseni, nuùitthe land@ cf tise nortisor ut tise Tari 1ev rate or $80, equalles ib a 1uhdedta t by Mr.,Wbiho ebs :uw- fcn.t.e amdiosry requirementsar smoaboa' ~IIPOKT O? coEXJ.TTMS ON SCAUSAND i> mag ara equalinnvaine #0to ae of the, 58200,000. Tli. vsu' eylmp.ul t Pic sdf d. jkeringihat bs ealtJ5,uîe foiî Busmlo. se"tis, but eMWuf teir nluatien vwu not avd.fnec I n . O1.v 1s i l1840 ea mr ~~Wiitbies- ,aiuntees, yul rèquimcian udditioncl sun» Tisay riim 'fld tisa eoifirmîmtOf !tise croated bj tise qualisatien Ceusttee.. 'riî adsiIpoW*u iiioe d4a'îe.te fs oihava to pay cf 81,500- savons1 tovaahip by.iais brougisi beforeIl, rprsnatis ha4 an teeta 1 isty ofr lis peop1*ere erovdedl pe~t as îuh.elkOFIe ng, ý ,th 00bTise OOllld f liutaitirsesnd $4, tise Coiolcl. proventiite engdu.oa it cemptsa. &Ais, OshaInsvbsitolisougblt int u te->Zis 0 ~ tovu 0 nasuf!eaIPtre.o* fft aenmegl be payment cf me. Mir. Sezo.-Mr.Whitoisa ont ef ordezr ueSpinate rasidasea ès Whitby. ,(MrIn.aisatalover Po= nig vitiseut lveimu>-931.60 for eioicioni purpesea eeu srsanitiby thee cmiesee fWydm ea odd oehr -Qno-ieSc.ou 45. 511.),, Mr0 . om -,ise. ¶Ihîrfore l'hongs bt iu gn 5n iasdtr tise Narv BigvseSscmile4 MWhsite-BeÃaluaseé cetion cf ju Qbs-uti e ,abouiha t îbiie b cterbefors t1ie teutlbrotiéptsvP?9 isTnaursael viS uereotUDdsOD c torsuay self and tisee cumltes Justifies mte lu e tiP70 ute tsuli51.ëtuis s4 thr7i ée mat- i se th e c mmed alise W nd u t t k sof the Jonh ld o esiu asi ii, wpud foa$5700 m ore, bu tise latetud pîitttM ugiâtis0 ue i m rrais de ~ ~ cf- lag tise majrity af tua eoofnt6tee00,tisdis no" njew This, V ttl1- bS Op c . aSctiés~_onfI-hJ rdobuSs fr t ut gte u u i oree à >tisnai rport,ct b âzduni aï la16 ,hs-_: by4dvf,ýuýé J Dw tVa u joint__i0 ûtceta n hi - 1 , ef. rteanýa,, M s,.L. La , "f ieduf ~~ h t ter,) April 1f ison thisat and PartS lexst iivayl lnw s United S s<natte (Pott x Cobaurg ente ta at &pply ta - 3HERWOOD,- partIt* îom. Tel.Co, f'hitby. - fond on isi s Nevepapprà e St.), wbers e mode farn ]R y ste bis, large an sing everytbia I Hares line; ýLISES OF- baap. At tht nud 2 Cent t insertion. ltai Rthe ao nants oi Bani- rStion wheoUD ten cents pari' -8~p cialconlre0ts1 tyhe year, or Other *5 Orderstg, diai ,,.etbe ein wi4tiug-- B usina e& FAREWELL Office, firxe. do -Elotel, Whiitby. JAMIES Njobary PnbU1o7 tIret doar West if. Money 10 - intaroat. i OÃœ A. ilansion lHoùÉ CHARL A TTOBNRY- Ohanm ton, Brodk%~ _L,. A TTOIRNETI inchan« -oppîcz-At t LYMAN< ueStreeti s Ot ATTC .jchan Oflie i TB B -i j~osu tO teret. _ Aj3BRI8TI OFFIE' J.G. RoanO5- St.et,1 dee-1 est. ~MIL] qui 1~ 5. orrici