- a ~u~r r' .T.( 14S Oma.-otthe. Man Dmorbbd yur atrts clss e peïwlth Tb"al ldh* * il i ueUon and di gace. ft sacrodr 0 ways o tati, Tb a f nD ole na i n ianest mai )susap tahni 1ilboue ~blpaths, Wbereis, May vn dltlatloii. 01v. ta hi= Foi", sid dwn n-asrsi oflie'. swôPet Pas. her, 0 O aldiwth a pure broad face If mie pals out a poor polluted palma; But liay thy baud in bis on bridai deylav Ani swear te ding ta bim witb wiie y lv Ad limier revereixdi. Trust hini who led A aiter Won= itea a ennifate. Yea atone the womua-let the ffiftngo fiuee Lot ne seanl sufer for thbe ,uilt ai two- 1% is the doctrine ni a hnrred world, Ton nut ai breth fuolinlg balainte Wlisre nice ditinctIons aud înjiià tces Àke caly weiglie i. Iut,abbhow will 11W on that âtrangei day of final flic aud flamne Wben mon %ball wither witb a myotie fear Ad ail shali stand beore the nue tru, Judge ? 8h11 snezmoa othmn a dliffrece lu sin 1 Shah l He, the senrober of the blddeu hlu« In tbis eterual and ins docree Condem!' limewomnman ad forgivo the muix MASioNIc.-OIii M. W. Priinieg Wales, Grand Master of Englauds m tu IbuIS011Ohe f by the Deputy Ors Moter, IL. W. lro. Skilma&rdal . a grand festival af lb. cr&ft lu Lond April 28to, al. : * "lia is a lborougli mason, a t mai'00, and lhe shows it lu more iw than one. WVn bave ouly to look ward a few weoks, and we shahi bui going dowu juta thé ar(ai vt- wliat ? To coamiecrate a CatUmdr, Truro. I amx open ta correction niy itnprensinu l iait bis ifilI b firat timin uthe anuas lofaiFreemap that the intimdation of!ra Cathedra beau laid by the Grand Mastcr oj gland. 1 thiuk, therefore, the wil mark a uew er& lu thé fratet il shows the cburcb are wit.hino- îb.>' are flot ashamed of un. I hardiytsll you that to uudeilak dut>', Ber Royal Higbness lias oblîged ta aacrifioe certain wur engagements ; but we ail hua' Whout duly cale, nothing stand$ way af oui Grand Mater. I. R. H. Prine Leupold, Cana1da, is s peut Grand Junila den of the Grand Lodge oi E andoinb.lathe XProvincial Grand of Oxfordabire. The Old Story. The znornlng euniligbit la tkîougb the elkea curtains, HIg rooni as villi au ngeis amile, s scvelopni the aceofita occup a srage igtueseand trac lier pals brown oitau jutawav touing goa. Said the sn4ht en , I eiseidyou rou ime gard I u9eml 1finud you everymnr came lisre ta fiud yau. bum soan b. bore wiîb ber roses i brigltas yçmr cheeka. Arc "o, no 1. respouded tb. maid lug lier tbf o, bloodiesa baudsà beaux. "oui> a li tîlo weak -,Il b. ont lu lbe gardon ta grec murrow perhaps 1 I vas lui tow I abould arrange my 1 T r, whou ýau peep in. P ieaujsyet ?' -Yen yaur fl!i I bava jaît beau warîno bava tirad yau, saad the oni noticed dis wcariy droopi, ', wiii cames again to.lfl are ual lu tbe gardn"- witiidrew, leaviug tlm fa alona lu the gbooam. A top thb a ualight 0s.010 enftli slkan curtains, whiob i rnstling lu the niglîl br cea1-lsaidthie maaullgbi- ed the paliid braw, and th !lier baud on the Fal [)ral 1" she sbuddcning ash she wiîiîdrew tlîraup ruslibng cutaina. t je stary>f aianumptioan. I ber victimes et uxrmul bouied yards, an& etc Ibeni the. pro>' of the epc sllow that aue-tiîird af r this diaaaarç, and aifîles' er part are Young pejmo age a i flteen and lwer dawîi fwenbJoaJ sud Fur mun'Yeats, consut erelly beiieved la be îinrvs. tuedicine in ber triomphant mardi ag. ainsi dieases bas aiready added con- #u;-t-n-l berliii ai couqnered. -Dr. For sale b>' T. 0. Wbîileld, Whftby. 24 The Orealeet Blessing. À sieIple, pure haries remcdy, that eureettery lime, sud prevents dia. tais by ke.ping the blood pure, eomacb regitlar kldneyos uid liver active, is the grealest blessing ever conferred uponi man. Hop Bittera la ual reoiedy, anud its proprielors are being --bessed b>' thousandi who hà ve been sav.d sud cursd b>' IL.Will ycu lry IL ? Seo aller cocbmn. b?"c#i people asuppos theb.menu lecture af tobeo consiste Mirel>' iii lekiiug lb. lestf sud pressing il- itb Plage. Thi eol tis, liovever, thet th. f roceusas laveayydlsiteane, and the abatfi ,ïmË nLjure th Slavon1 Ta bat muet 1be oârefo.Iy alendeci 1 ta for moulu ixde iIqpve he plaMee bqnds. imnl %1il rdry oui ly Dot tAOWy Ëveit aflerfi 'resced. te ' lbb ithUMos l esocac of mcaion le requlred. T1 wee . arefuly lreudie4, fà If thrala 1ibuok molsture li 1h. 'ý trio, ISE, l T B Y. ii R1TBY URRONI LEI 1 rift Ca. IATION d as follem: Dy, the occai ai 9 a.ia. 1 ,ndidateaabMu fltion ta m Mastcr,) day, April 151 ' t iaon thà axo Sunday exce19i the East, We th railayln e Charlotte (PIk cept Saturdayýi p., laor Cabania t., w- ii Sud lu mecl route ta 3.à k. ilionù, appi>' ta LIN BHERWOII ly;Ont. (I ON, Dom. TLe. ont, Whilby. ay bo faundaon fik i1 Cos Nevipapaf ISpruce 81.). -tri may be made f1erJ 1 1 I NESI f THOMP8ï * is largeà COtNCL.T-I ) DUV Mr. Gardon oppaced tle second clause as sunaunt gnrted ta the other dril shed. AFUTY csNOed aSB4S: [ON. T lN. svn ot. lo tbanghl the voluateema gai enougit Carried. Only Messrs. White, Wiliis Ci c eumdn 5 NOL"l(. - Y.whcu thc Goveant paid ail thib ex- Todd aud flaight dissentilig. Report vas .îN- ,s I1S S10N. Comnitîtea on Eduention reporird. Th Council npem)ed aI 10 40. - penses for île holiday trup aud 50 centi, amended accordingi>'. -Couneil trent itoc mmittîcdthcreon, )Ir. Fairbanks toçk hir sent tuis moru par dey l'or pocket moea>'-îtadornd a liA Mr.M cDer 't ON t DI-C a Ti . CONIiIUNI ATON. w r ait m anifor las tean aonedollar FOU TH DAY. 1 îs<m edn t 1 1 a. . fl ic ur- 1 . ('im xm i ýtee I d corm ifsci rei l ih ' nili , F ro ni Joh n S e t . isîtî , ea p.yi1 g p r d y, sd îhe v lu n teer s ab ou l da ur ai>' iO R N IN O SESSIO N - oneIrsundnIlin.tc ar t"r-f M.---xrS. Balvt.llard, Mo'for the position n of'cul>' scîol Ex- get os nhua They were sarifiaing them Cauncil met et 11.5. Absent, Messrs. iBraen, Ntiitr andW l'o tr flic Conunty atirmimile r ai . EIec for us. Wilen the duaaiy vas on' O'Donovau aud McPbae. i-t'il NiCAI' I n>.pctrinrof' ot clînol", and min'graîtfcd rmJ G.(i ÃŽnr tebdrstuw eegldeeoh te Frfndj 1 n- igta t te& G. < i l ghnîbc r5 q.1 ire 811. batesrda i s. v r laiCOMiIUNIOATIONb. le n n yîcro ic e n .eîl t ra d e rs ta a v e t hici a m e s p la i M . R w a d o drtb a î a - T h e W a rd en e a d. th ec re o rt f W . to b'-mj1inCdloutVSbnl mmninîîr. antiuelî uîllsfi galpicnitnn mgta lIru i-.A mrilrc,~nt~m ids)tiii eliCuxOio ohiha-n umdl4, l aurlaI aaiM eRln vices. ta M.Gr Frnxm ( Y Smmihnanme affect. i t jpas i.t leaarce btonI cd tira!'their veiies. don sbouldaopposa everytbiug fanthue vl- Baultan, ccamiisioner ai Narrova Bridge. 1-rotu Tbos- Knrklîmnd, M.- A .Insîi~1 iiiçpublice -looî in Ille îrnty. atnd il-y hEITOSuntears. lHa thiugLi that île dril1 vas Itstatcd tlat a nov guard loabeau erecteci, ffo-vt 1 recomule-nd ti., nt îoiyame ilmspcetür bc aP Fromu thcelPart Pcrry Hieh Sch0l as. bard a va' ork as a man couladpe. and certain repaira lad beau made, Dai Froni jairs MeBren, to b appointd ' ,,;ill(',ITruscemi,skiug thnt tic Tavashmiipe of farn, andi thai île> daserved ail va p fouhitheareifhe is t$t207. t tî.Ge sj o h îc ea TI adn ttdlIiîeConyo School 3r.Thc certifiates.antmd esîimîrnuilsIleacli and Seugog ba set apart ne ttimir rpomîcd otentrioive.0 l-rotnî îhr Ca. TramMrer, aenmin-z in is nmeeni.ny îng nl thc app1liaions vere vo I gI c oidistrict, i r. Gibfraid 150 ft he2.00 par ye TheWro ttata h yo rcprt, Auditars. report ('u Ninu resident lîrgî ns mn renDdcr 'tdifficulît t dis.erimtite g IiY-LAW$150te.2.lam e.y nmcace duataethactiron ridge b>'g i.RdFod.ASLR. R REOT btuden te icu. uit h -ne nn..rîd Mn. White ntrodaccil nly-lnw ta eau-. sMr. MaNillan supparled thc emoion, Coptain May'. liaane n an 1,tth euliitetu iitic tc.se r1.0 n vit irai hy-lnw 30î4 of 1'ickerieg. ltefcrimdr numjustiflcd bis action if) vating fan this Frai Mn. Wald relative ta Earmersq .1nuary ........... 6S.620 34 pre.-nt. and oFr Sî(ni <bey îý1 to liondtiatîd Bridge ('ommittee. motion, itbougi le apposed the Wîible Adîtacate. Ilerciv(j i" etu ....7dC - 37 krns.,enge. and tIre>'recomîmîiti .,l " Mr. lîzkeli imuro ilerd a b>' aw taur- don grant. Thc vnluuicei'5 liad lard work PETITIONS- poit ti. udtorrtoaudt ile caccouutis1 -o tfari audirorsi :11.nd Iufi 1t.ta 1do V 11)t he d uil, sud cre lnsing a large B>' M m. W lll . F ra i M m . G ilm our, iner t t(î- dunnb aughter am le sent l lie mati I 'a y a it >m Mî n in c e l a i , ,« 9 n ; c ' 2 4 h . T h e >' d c iii I L , - r i'o t b IIo p -,1-olc finit n - (1 0 i ti l I e r e j u i s u m in va g e s b >' g o n g i a t h e ron t . a i E n t W itb y , a k in g P t i nt b r d e m I' a d g e t uli-l i f r th e Oic pn - eli - f' , c nt n vl E x - or.t w t'-a t 1 2 d m b d a u h t r a y b c Se t e h eant M ta4dfriuftotitmOfl cu -tute ut Belleville. li:.unce. ......... - ... ..... ili.Ii t n n asceiC d report, but tmin ýr,'c,i D te tie, * l-w l fo rsn iR fre ec m i e o ia c n iti.m iIthattfour er.&i tcwa tille AFTKRNOON SESSIOiN. htesat -Ei' tie-i tttitlîtr thenluesInn n i it n-0 flici' ppoinitmiltit*i bat Ieenma mdie ha- Cnu.im-.mc ucttxlc 1 I I omte nEuiie ra ciimmtrsfr ir(a ouimly bu'»smrttr I nntrnîenlfinre, a id nom uuder-taad th1mw giîe- ucl rsie ncomte nth Reset Amit ifonrofficcrs Salatrics, &c. $0,979 .. .' i>M 'i', rnn le'rpr r ing nid tu volatil -crs. Tecmiteo dcto ru T în m eet w hiclm are- c ii g f 1 u ýn t e r & c n e o t ou ian$5- r 7 b .mrn '.- Mn. l3ickell c.xpiaiued iii! thc statuta iMrIl hi thntoiugît ile voluteei5 stoodiatcrsonrprî Fnilio nde..e.t..r..w. .... , ~~î-proidcr_ tlnt îwns uuuitor; bc art1seimaed ; lu tle position 01 metl wî iedImad gredIa SECOND REPORT OF' CONMITTIL ON EDUJ- Fro Gveu-etfu Mr"t ake t) te unutîbt- l l>' tniuîti laro benudon'-i' ocertain. weink fon a Ctuin amount et' CATION. crituitmai justice. 8 ,000.00 immoIa't pp'icatt., for 'rnunly Schns.îl ti nîuy . buhuit i naDglecteci mona>', smd be beiieveci tIe pi.'tha>' Cet The aiunste aised b>'ficte acauy l.mcuses tîdFins,. 60 (i) nmpeaîorslîîî, rend. Bd mîmetfare ainsi ladonit nîw. vas sufficient. Tley bla net tabu>' clatIes for encatianal purposes are as follava: Non ù1,1ÃŽladFund, -500 UMn. T intUpsan sn3id tît vOUld î,ke Mm.Bickle moveci asn e hiie timenonr âceaput tae epenges. Týey lad no Bmoak.........................$ 607 '$35777 nl1 O.Otmnw ornmîg t J. Il1 enyinhi fn1 bant. staînte lmv to sanction thir dtet. Soie Mi dRaia.............. 30 ira', Mm.Ir.GitIa mid ifti tiepratlc Wesc 10 Mýlr. W tteleinove'1teun sentthîe nanmci mteps)ers did nual eve in veranad it Sprta2h1d..... %Laigt epoiefo .... Sl7,40î7 hc oîovilli Cucil vould oumven _-et 0J .MWio.Mr. Bickeil s8ni-evawuaotigît te0leZ ticuxfor ibis par' Puenig........... a pridd'ETITIONS. tirough. llime appointiet Of'af coin-' lion vas. caried. Ycîs 14, nayoç3. pose. Ha tianghtt hIt the officans oughýt Ricerigc........................92 ...................................................................... ..... 81 I muNteBivassteavoici los. r IraBipoint-,<cd tîat thettBasie ofi Dot te getthfour dollars at ail ayants 815 1 r in l oe îsre naau n cmlaiîpiie Ia t Scuo................. 5 mtent 0 of 'IBrenasC >'t Ispctr. M.(-;ibIs, suad Mr. îd Mln 9te T. Il. McMillnb terdinsw ' M.ýcNiloexund h hef- og By N B.aa.asnC in te Mr.mm - i 1 lva>and B. a a N une ficers ought get lime oîauey, for ibongi Tors........... 211 By Ni îr. T bnaps n n dry e it a ,Ir W h e' ie k% ns.kitug fan îleepp ,l-tPapMm.. Torîb ....a.a.ta........ ....nme askinatfor the aponiît tao lal.Ba-ou rexe1aMiusdhle ulpeirts.inse-ttic nueof tamin p.>' *as blgimer tîcir expenses vas Uxbridga ..................... 50 lard ns Inspectai. Mr. White, seaauded h>' Mm. fisighti W. Il. Gibb-. i ase mch, greahar. Wîith>' Bas ............... . 389 B>' Mr. Weils, f itiin on Sniti, Vl-Urb* iîst Le o-mlu rie. 04 "kel'Ne Mrî i7Il'o iî ie ~jcori4md ui :fr. ýYbitc did naetbink auy meib'rW hitby Wet-.......... 340 idon, asking eeaipCusatiîau fr le-ast1hmugb lea"e ha it âumin. Losi- 3cas G Uv, Wil - moubl>'. Ofihe ineer et the gant. Butinle aidu urt lis, tWh'ite, Haiglit, Hlmuimm, sud Thioap Council resuicd sud b>'la, vas pused. aentli coilet the rdancait.gButetcgu- NOTICE OF' MOTION. ton.-O ; maya, ail the rut-'14. Mr1. Wjllisîodui' *la ia 1 ci netDotunwan jtntui -i ih '0,Y v Tihtlfive per cent lias usuel>' teci Mr. Whilte, onia B>' 1w ev a omfiria By On lte îid clause, lMn. Gardon aiovesd fim 11ev 391 oi tle toship ai Whit- granlei ta valuoteeri upen reseau. People added le cavler deficiencie's. aPokiu.Mr. Biekeil, By- tatleaueaJi.MBc earokb.Usie aRand aniidge13 i..-acted lu this malmen frein sentiument. But The. folîov'ing gcsutleiiD hava applied luwIo ppit304 dior orqutery n, ndtat of Mn. Ballard be ineited. Mr.Tcdcl introdnoed siib>'.hwev acen- tIis vue l'ika the volvutearI sysiai, vhich fl.rthe artion of Cou.uty Ezas.ç! stcL tsO div rtno usie- Mm. (Gibbse oheiemd Ibat th'§ vas net firan 1>4ev 375> ai Uxbridge. Rst'erred bc considered uabsurdiC>. Tîreea .ourthsRvb.CriM.ARv .o~n Mr. Willia, la coufircua B>'.aw Noi. 391 ', l oe>Dpu n l oulen a an, B. A., Mn. G. Y. Sm!$ n.T of îLe Towxisbip oait111>. Mr. Todd pirîe- natica lIai if île Dame raaaaaiended Mt. Gordourseonded by Mr. ielmaur iovu sae. Moretbau bal' the voîunteena Kirkland, Mr. Jahn Thempeon, B. A., ta carry, B hw o. 375ofîo'ridde so teind the ix axontha beisi Mo gai more îhont'le>'wocld gel ai lame. M. .SeaBhi' erlfCaea polve anotben came. taon on by-lav 207 pssseilautlest session. Thxcre vas egood dei of sae lu invat bad ulifiuutîton of' Bey. R. H. Thomtan' ta epeal 13v 1ev Ne. 207, vhtelicasste off kao b oasa:Mour., Wh .îie. oymitecl oeld e aI oynts I>heeo .,bsao bma neforte psite- île caneeavote alîoild bc taenothà musiMoee ieeeaaicuded 31r.Gai-don Ilicughb e hamguaiga vasto serve l'ai- the fift>'cents par day, sud, ton, bat vîll briog lu a by.-lav n Iekt Couniy. Mr. White objocteiland Baiai Mr. Ger. ihat aapte&l b>' uais. coulad epoat mxc more. Tbsu>'Vieunae fuebomîtc Çlavoe M . Gibbs asked 'or the ruling of îe te c-îte , oé Warden. Thie b>'ev hld recciveai lhc dc'scoue vas the proper one. Mr. Gilove>' obected tht ibis motion foi-ced ie îletheci-vi«e. $ome campanie Tiueî ption ai tle Fort p'arn>' Babat Mri-. bsHIeshoveci ilut liecourse Vivas Ubthesaeas lIai beoughl up yeter- laid roue ta mil ibind rh4 Vseago tRsh n O0git sxM nGardon g m ie nuay. t e nue parsu edie t heclacioflva et IO th <>id Trust me , te aie tR u Ian c g g m thecî lIaietu ~île l îlee eys>, ads D ottherefors in order. angmç ignim ailtihesystem,a,~s5 t is- ad htrab bebfare the compnittee, suitWadnad otla: affinies, btiala O ToWerdac raletiil ves in ci-uer. dem for ibis council 1te U'pholil S'tulseinad the coîmute ia el dispose~ a ebrng Sion augbt tao riginale vork fer îtself. - bleelîan te Mi-. Goidon'a or an>' other Mri-. bs11e boughi île motlet' coulatbtheVus i-allen? Tus vote vaniti be as ilu -aw.Ivte, campî> yul tuis ,raquest if corsbtat vauli leiad la adeciileu. stb eedYdnov, aihougI ho i-e- a precéeaulnd voluntceors li future vouid t4 É;vasol u;eeuniipliisîaie il; Mnr. Witie saidtesix.ai:nnîbmotion Mr. neGerdoc'a motionc vasthen put and n-et h1%o sb anetcheqesio a :posssailaeraLeTic nl mig ebof tetsOib LfaînîYunaste pr vëtl s -> e e O IC ' 1 .n tta e r. s h a t d t e q e t o e e pe t a s m l r i . t e o l ,t i g ho b i i t d n ti e ufc e uni 1 es inded id ituter e p v n r - j U d s o d tIi. e îl ey 1.beoe eCouncul. luouhhin tler oai>the maoet a hîh h> rcima' i iion S oI'tieCOcan. tle motion fîom baiug broaght ap t MsnI. Gordon tIen nioveil Ia et ai thuii viaea uusuine.' mn iclcoln"ard batIL? st ervce i esoed teiiso sessiunoaiJohn Miller le insartudi islesd of Mn. Yeu r8 Uty a.' 13.ýard adwrigfln ute TheIa a'ei nîsuilliai the metinva n.er 'cqî4o nivr etigoia t Tiey iecommeld tiat thesaia $,0 out of ordar. in 7 ea13 m oronv -ereuadl. ile'.cuibcebiredtclstv> erasad fer Iligh $8dhcolppaeb>li Mm. Gouas agansi îleruîing The motien teaedeapt île original csuane motiqeon-nthe i-aing JtbeWauden r passs 'h fr1îe cunvvould ha to tek. i a> o .R HM~ objeetei 'vascaiîiec-yeu, Gibbs, 'Biai, Smith, puterd' u,'é~ao te.oùt0-alda -tnl a iA stIf nWluri l e e . Mv. tu the teail ofIermule anf Biekeil, Bates, Todîl, McRee,Walls;, Boyw. -wît bjndIlonoticebai ug uiMi. s G!vs l s-bUf Mir t îlebs u otb riesdland, Gmllove>'5 MécilIen sud Miler-12' leWu gilentra.u oscltm ia> l u c~-Cucl etm oaiteienn thiugb hst herois ays 0,Wli odc5Wluite Ruigît. Mi-. Gordôs .eked tè lave iL tasl sai .ntuiro 'whiçb 'vola traiu.ed iî lur oa-' i. îtamoved te sînikeonciiithe marel>'Thtn 0"Lb-uv nle aquesoy.-.' dov>rlfre'onm5â>'dtîat do naton ho tGon oneasessiof, and thai Mr. GUrois eMotion»ùofmtn.I a.nsdr Uv. 01115 cbeiulOd 10 the feim cf 11h0 - . Gibbs aekuil- Ir. li t teak W ~in oulter~civida tle Coaiity- itô its gI Scol Mi. aidc> ffi-illawiîdi' ~ni- ai caue.an, rftiadies-hd' rav lia objectian. gansus.5d ve Sted i ' sentimt and mlâiit~O5'& Aier i-,omsî1kdiscussionla va t eder. ;-ht rvaslow -jeMi- X. Whute gred -QýAdo60, butMr. syxpat>'. ThI is o ne ~ ôt rgh 8meM"lit i i eane~ Gibbd and aik va>' île.hU M-.QalOe7O a le r nindti S2la> mdtolTi lest% e- mmi~oueay J gbg -tej< Oà ppbsed-Mr. White, tle motion ,wag- hOBL The Wmi-denud -luit habc vuidraie0C tcl -odod. opposeaVt* si M k d r.W ieM uo o t rep rt e sot Ircocive si,'but - M n . K M illan b ,o* g4 in i the ipoitI I 0. n ~ v u p ~ 1~ Y h fOi dan, adcptkwti ts e,"if odi d ' Dt îj aeoth * Imve 1h51 builde' tiic Ct'on .Wlutqo avdso cd > M.t a-es *01 vssio ee (M ateud m- si tÇ:e, 111 '-othor e pi dan dore ini* baliit.inci the mea mblk tht pnisi mitý*éii end, 0d ô é n't4ji P , Ooi-,.dia IEvlvo ris s t.tmptiiig la bueas-aib ao tthee eikéiliébni' ti-e V ise -to p t« en t;t â Ã~.. , n .n, ai si i n iai ls , a., . ,',o i e u mç4t t oo c o k i. WîiteAvt-çnaid h1moelma chargeal Mousse, Willit Mrc reportSxtf; TI ls ùiskihî foue o' n s 1.MoioTlhne _ p4', M M ý Ã,511> -f ýpo, lIte il., e up Ut. Gai-daim vit1 - lnLnducu heg. lel11 hipsimîits pm , agfr-O 'fer 4usî i?5., n a. i i- log, bjoLai leliluueOs a a 6 11t Moe*tio ntc $n Kdltbtehetmn N - emianesdu à ý h fbeem-ll micut.lb 0 f ">'b~Lthe Dame of lJiehanAMeslehN- «i*t î et '1ýî ' oclifivt ua-lav -30 0 RSiti5s. Ile D 0 mte-4ýe ,endThï th >h~ucni 'b.a~~îil a 'artl~#ie r.,. -' ?50 i BeUô 1t Deyid rs » Th ioieu tild-Lthc Mgr, té,i n .loe. d M , gealOl .fI>'*Il - du- -i.s ~>n djmu~ ts or ' >~<>'- In.~e~~Zr.s.1ns-1 4 ...Ir<.'.- rged &ttbi-" -elin, ;nd 2 cent k~t inaeirtian Ptcmiot n when ~ ra tucents Po L y the yeax, Orot nUit be il ntug Busine-s8 1 T B f ]FAREWELL, glel, Whitby. Ca J AMES BAEBIS'EB Notary Paiblo. firat.door weslt Maney la Lan JOHN A. T) ARTE MaituHaney, ton, Brook, C.W auoe, &a., &c LYMN B- .,oaStreet; Oib A-TTOBB7 Al..chancel OYICB-IU1 Ofice, in Offie-Dv whtby. nmmsu P 10 teret. j ner 9, Vci. J.G.eoaiWli lit. ~ILI tasseau - t, 151 iii i I uns?.. ~pfcr ~îmI O ýl llf'ýl TR 1 TU ÇIIPpi PUP-NT