Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jun 1880, p. 3

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NEWLLIERY Rieoeived, arked off, smd piloed in Stock, Have you seon the lat- est New York Styles ?- No Shop-woril Millinery in' 1MLINERY DEPABTMENT. Every that on thi'e tables bias been received within tbfe last ten days. Yoti are respcctflIl1y asked to sec this now stock wheth. tir with the intentioli of buy- iiig or iOt. 0Db FELLOWS' HALL, 1 Case 4jf New (*oods, ir ]Dress Fiàbrics, Parasols Gloves, &c., -had the covei knocked off yesterday. The. Emersoniterationai aya ihu Sir Char les Tupper tae "peted to dolit or a lecture in te dateway settlemenl under the auspices of the Oddtellowi duriig lbi viaiLtoeManitoba. The Bereg lbasbeau suspendod fo publîshing te setences of the Nihulil prisener% in advance. Thtis ia suppose te b. a "bluffV" lutendod te dessroy tl notlio t. the Boreg is au officig paper. A aablngton despatali daube th report that the'United States Minleti in Eogland bias beau uetified cf th adopflon by bis Gevurixent of a mil( or poliay ragarding thea flerias que tien. THE NATIONAL CONVENTION AT CH eAfio,-rTlere is muai> axiteweut 0Vg tho National Ilepublîcau Couvantioe which oenaed at Cbieingo--yestorda HOUS  ND1L0- ]FOR SALE. Housa and Lot fur taie, at Duffi Crack. Apply te Wl!. LONG. Dufli' Croek, June 1, -80. ain> PUBLICNOTICE I the C tit f fli -îi fr fic e wiIif~vif! bhxdi. ts fîrt efîng i 'o i.lai , <Col borne si reet, an 'U Jý SDA the lâii>DAT af JUNE, Iwot, inttfa' cck in <he lo ,iooti 118. MSO Town Clert Office. Town Cla Wliitby, Junc frd, 1880. 2in ii 'T or mo en heTO es- pt 1r N pot i ý e T MONEY TO LOAN, AI 7t 7 1.4, 7 1.2, 73-4. ,o 8 par cen! .-graded according la securily offer- ad-ail grivâe a unds-ca'te very low. FOit SALE-Titra.ferms in- Pickering. 14o. 1.-l65 acre.,ona oifte test luhite Township ci Pcersing, near aohool, c<brai and village. l'o. 2-187 acres, an excellent, Iam, about two miles f ram Clarameut, every cou. No. 3 -87 acres, splendid land. sud ln extra gond condition. Four ferme lu tho Towuship of Whllby. No. 1.-ZO acres iu mail favorable situa- tien, val watarad snd fruit lu gvasit uud. * aurac. Most eirable~proporty for' live rusa * with nome capital. Na. 2-62 acres, lnuauutually gond cou- dition. Buildings, ilyllit esubsitail, aud nOW. - . No. B8-54)acres, viitin tres milesoflthie Township of Whitby. Buildings sud land lu good order. A met cauveniant prolenly. No. 4.-An axodlent 107 acre firt, situa. thbî gond, sud land equai te suy inthie P)rovince. Out building. extra good. dwell. ing lair. In te Tovu '31Whitlly. Twa uew hanses, and j acre teoseRa" $460 a piere, J50 dovu, balance lu 8 >ears, witit intrest at 7 pet cout. Thoua howpe beet valueansd terme tetweeu Kingtou ndu Toranto for pm~r man vlshlng e soecurse bunself aud fsmily ahanase. New hanse wîîh i acre, vall feueed snd' drslned, barl sud soft vateOi oalty good, trne ta sit purchauer. -- Several Itou.t'a te oi, 4bouti08.8' O. $10 par montit, lree ci taxas, lu goedrea, and wiltbe keptso. Any number cf Tovu Lot~ s el ce sud mouey advanced 10 &id purehaser W huild. Celi sud ases me, hasMterme.laasesi Y plans. Au naut Who bas a luit!. montyo god muscle sud a s oto<I luelluàtlen 40 protide for himeUu d lf ye~ viit nie, ne a tiar vat hliso caWrr er -. Nonut e ie .rPPlyV WhIly, 21h Myh1ie. , out, TAXES ! TAXES,,l IUui WHITE and:COLOEED rl FANC'Y-DRESSGO it1tuilycalyour atteéntion MT,. MI T E b Svey- article to 'our NEW onwhich can be )DS, DE.PAR3TMENT,- cont botught "at the abovo priceEr. DAMARS.. (extra value). aaning 5, 7' and CALL EARLY, and ]ROSS BIROTE1ERS, Wbitby, MaY21, e. 1EWONDER 0F TUE WORLD! iMARVELLOUS and FASOIN1ATI prauas?5c y 15 Trained ELEPH[ANTE st mporled from th iota t u iea i a oel aI 82f 0 00.To te sean cul nleui. u uoly admittea, Largesl Teuted Exhibition lu the *orld. 5IXTEENTH ANNUA] )UR OF TI GREAT FOREPAUGH1 SHOW, e'iU roviait aud cUil AFTUB4NON ad RYRNINO, AT I I X 'S 4 "1ýWED'NEJSDAY, JUNE ie Nov makiug 1h.e($rfnd Tour oi the Domainion, sud la tht' only rGREAT SHOW COM!NG -INTO CANADA THIS YEAR 1 wonîd Visit ht're iu Five Tears. lAutIe largest, la now TEn TIMlES LARGE] T=A.NEVER !1 IREE MILLIONS DOLLARS OF CAPITAL!!11 TEIREE GREAT RAILIVAY TRAIN$ 1Il! ONU TROUSANU MEN AND nIORSES!!1 Fa îbe NoLOc tù, rhtet EXTENSION 0F TIME, c There lm fr6recevn$ ouiVl sigus forlth e W PrOVinciaW ùIm i sud Dapartausutai 'BcàlIdl or Buâidg, propcaed ta 8e erecletula *be <47 etToron' 10o, 1 beraby etedt le ýDos, et lhe iFIfteenthl day of otober nezt Perspective drau'lâg., ilf f mlsb.t'h slready ls'61iubl*53f ay .as lsel oly bt Doet obàf0<se, and shas hi ailier respectsstlricilY cmp00 it aganeruinlstructiens, s&D bslr b. wllh- out sky. tree, laodecape, or otelle felo a.c s oy »,Ci00ny klnd WHtt MEAIC S' IN1STIIUI'E1 ffiE AUAL kEET1NG for the T leelilof ai ffladr u "evig thie Reporte of, te dneront GomMui4a., vil! be hldiluthie LIBRART BOOM,-0Ou THURMA K, Me loth IN8Tqj AT 8 O1CLOCK, P. M. i R nastodanla consolidatian ai 20 DISTINCT EXHI1BITIONS, awfted by me during te et sixtac years alla! 1>W macot inta one' colossal confoderation, repreaentiug a Cash In'restmsunt ai TWO MIILLION DOLLARS I1ail for a Single Holidasy. Gigantic tenageuie with 1.500 ntamed Moostaîs! ,REAT CIRCIIS Il TEO lINGS WITH 011 IIIJORID FAMOIIS PRFORMFBS, AND STUPENDOUS TRAINED WILD BEAST SHOW! The' ouly exhtibition lu the world thbt avar owuned, *IlTEEN PERFORMING ELEPHANTS, lu addition te Perfarming Lion$, 1 enie, mgeýrs. Ilovieses.Bisons. Carrier Pigeons, Discipinerd Monge, re,,tt'~o of Traîiî'd NMailIIî le resL - pn;tliro' FireLiving Weonder@ ro everywhert'. Inctaus..Kadrs, îand f.loteis, 5cBirdgs, Re tigessflhtd farine Wendlers, 1eviatitei h lU'Ps III Nonsier RH§ NOCR08. ralned CRAIEi,Arclia Qeau NEA LION~S, the' wonderui NURSING NFAN STELE'iIAN'I* 1le NihLIO>Ne. eidthet (-ttTWO-R1NG CIRCUS LNI) HIP'PODROM.E, <ft'heIracle of tileceCtf c O. H.ROBINSON, JAS. IBOWN, Pregident. 5a.Treas Wlitby, Jue 1, 18M0. lin.2i rz el E . 0 Zý m < Z= -J j - - j 0 a 0 0c. us' j a. aTCEV CU3,Pbo"pel TakR lm lesaBo b¶, th*EO5I. ofWm bandouth aetbvtl"lhoe. THE' LATEST SH'AVPýES, SHIOMÉtTS HAVEý STY LES IN VOGUE' CRANCERY SALE -0FCRY-- AL BROUGHT THE AND COLORS, IN NEW YORK. Ai 8hapes ,n,:TuseAn Rats .,and Bonnets. AI1iShtLpes-minFrench (Jhip Rýýats and Bonnets. Ail Shapes, m x Leghom, Rats and Bonnets. Ail Shaps iii Twist Rats- and, Bonnets. AlShapes ii Tae<Rtsnd Bonnets. AilShaes n ustie Rats ad, Bonneté.. îAil ýShalpes,,ii Fayal Rats and Bonnets. TUSCÂq RATS A fl ONETl-the foflow n.gaps.-oTtmfl5o.Emerelda, Enterpe, Inhia, (Jountess, moxra, Paulina, .Siradellae oK RiT RENORCRI R TS -DOETS itnge ono, Columbia, Âbermarle. vaude- WX MýM - OM XGipsy LDinstgaues on, Hotenae, r Bûtëýe, én9fýýyý # îfil - Imon, t. Amu tikesa, Enterpe, Reli. BLCKANWRT &?,w à»-, f- _-,,ý AN» r CK AN» OUNKX8 la Âbermarle, Columbia, Ade"ade, LangtrY, Amorette, -Ruterpe, Wavorey, lympa, Kribor, LM4loo r'ii" OX Mein, HâlWt hOin CmCpe a, asaMenlo Park. WaeLEGROmINt RAT»bONNTS j AxiIPca CltiabaAoreta, Gipsy. Romaind, Abermrle. ELACK AI ANRITE30»MRin PO&a res. LA olaBLAK luÏ»E6 ITEauSTIC Rk A» BONETS.isjteI Gipsy, Buttercup, Mariboro, Stehla, magnola, Dellwoo.,, 001.» BLAE AR»WRIT TOTL,,RATS AND» BONETSM---J w v-ECHNLEPLMS nR iEOSIC LU~ L i .tar r à . ir< myvi Lnuitn ï1sa nracunaa". OSTRLICU TIPS, LOVELY QUALITIES OP WIDE BIRBONS, Vine PBENCH SATINS mnd"'ILK, 1Gold, Favix, Oid Gold, mnad A complete assrtment of Soft and Crushed Rose, 1oppies, etc. Uniqu e uhate styles -oft timing. To obtain the mcmlos novel ery, eleffltly trimmeVISIT O S T .8 RINGBTBEE'P'1V SPECIAL ATTRÂCTIN -AT DOMINION WAREROOý P URSUAINT TO 711E DECRII iot, -"Sale 'inàde ln Ibis cauise, theoeweil b. sold wltm theb. approbatIon cf 40. 11. Dsrluell, Master of ti. Court nt WI~ by SAMUEL BAIRD, ac9enea, at Campbell's Hote!, Canningtion, AT OIÇBOCLOCK, P.M., ON MONDÂT, THE 7th DAY O? 3UNE NEIT, The folowhag Property lun.the Vil lage 0f SCiÎiàingloi ts of Lotg. MUOnam STOCK1 CHEAP RIBBUN8 CHEROPDBESS GOODSP TeCA'. CIIEýP CASjIMERES, O1-UTO IS CHEAP PARASOLS, I OOSA 5OS CHEA? HOSIERY. TAILORINO TO ORDER. CEMA? TWFj4D5. Ail -c -1@2 ! rtcé3.r I e8than Imiporii Whb>May, 1880. "S0ME"T ,HG DRY GOODS EMPORIUM 1 BROUGHT'THE M-UNBO vs. WARD. ý 1- , qýamj&ry9, ,Awa -ý -, ýil ý ?à IUMENSE OR

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