Whitby Chronicle, 20 May 1880, p. 2

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8"U apr.-Urtin rtelub I'aper banging aud Panting rollabie and esep-KrIuuhàWaRVSm. Bah iagu-H*ch hBron. OootugstyuuHach. ro. *Spealal ttrtion- Dom. Warerooma. Au imne st8"ocheap-J. B. Powell & GO. Milice eta Dom. Wareroom-J. B. POU &l hCo. Qarpete at, lerse tIan importing priceq- ,. B. Powell & Co. Great sale of plain & fanoy good-fi. a. Bryne, Oshawa. Champ black .1k-R. H. Bryce. Lowt n ovltie-E. Frost- Milhlery-9. Frost. 80114 ai coal-Taylor & Allson. Accotua-Taylor &h Mhson. ProolamaioWum-Major arperMayor. Chancery sal-iEdigar. Ucha andi Malons SOLr.. Apprenties wantad-..l. Sucw, Baker. CliauerY ae-C, C. Keller, Soir. Meetug-Coucîy council. Gen.. Sesaion of the peace and County oourt-Oouuly Ontario. Newly asîvedi uow for sale-Mra. T. Rlobinson. Liierar-y andi muisical ontertaintuent. Tsi a teijînandi Lecture. Court of lievittlon -lp. Wiltby. Entratice examinaion-Whitby Hîgh Engimh Campbior-8. %Y. B. Bmitli. J-ime Juic-8. W. li. Smnith. imupatîic speitc-8. W. B. Smitli Specitli-J. S. LRobertson & Bros. ['Oro Hellibr-T. G. Whilfield. Bavtyeur Currents, .-8 W. B. ONL.Y Si 50 PER ANNUM. WhItby, Thursday, May 20, 1880. TaHANI.w.CouaTuv yrace, whlch was oxpectid<o coons off before going t p resu, bas beau poutpouedi <o sil ooock-to laie e igveparticulara Ibis week. The Town af Whitby. Scarcely a woek passea but wa bave anquirisa s i o-*Vhat kind of a place la Wbllby ?"-",Whai klud of a place for business sud to live lu ?" sud for otbsr items of Information respecting tbe Oounty Town sud ils surroanudnga. Laut week four sncbi applications were recoaved : One geuhleman, a widowmr, vho receugly burict ishi 'ifs in the aswanted to know if ho. 'ould liva Cho-ap sud quiet and gel a4sequate schonliug for hie motherlesa boy aud girl, agedi eleven anti thirterin"; anoth- or yonng married _ mau, arko, , Wbat areth te prospeogg for business, aud COUlJ I got a goodi store andI dwelling at a moderato rouI ?" A widow lady «alts, "IIow it would enswer for a itim- mer residonce for berseif andi four -' hildren ; coultiabshela the ooceasary accuommodation anti b. near tha valar." The touitit vas lu reterence o àosbnne lo eceantIesalbishmntô aim n. Poilant màuantctriug intiustry. To oach. va cf course givm thaenaeaaary ansfwar. Andtuate substance ci aur * replies, tiovetaile t ogeiber ntay b. use- fui laothonuKta adistance aeotiug in- formation-va punI <lient. Ouiroply aï ta abonuns ta tuannise- turcs was, brefly :-Tbst lie tavu itac already ineurreti couiterablo obliga. iouns luthat direction andtlt a sbanna ai 05,000 :0 au argan iatary diti ual realize tho anticipations oai ls ativocalas. But thiet a permanent lnustry tbat vconît give large ompicymntn sud gîve a cîtaractar la te lown as a menuise. tnriug poit-(icî vhicb <ho location vas mach favorable) vonidi heaa te - maet villa fanai anti encouragemant. Geeally ôthle atteus <ho ufarm&. tien conveyeti va : That Whith istbo Cnnunty Lown aiftae ealîby antipapu. ions Ccnatv ai Ontario. anainingîbhe caunîy buildingm, raitienees ai lb. ocaty e0"613I, poasessesa aflue itat'hr, gooti publia anti prinata buildings, teat tsteandsud atevaîke, convenieul marktl, la remutably liaalt.ty anti pleantly iiustetion lie margin of Lake Ontario. The advantages aofcaur meboolaîd edicaional institions ver. divait upon as second ta Dn o cItinl th. Dominion. As a tiesirablo place ai residence, eltier pormaaan<ly or fau summer resait, Whitby affors tempting attractions. Tha levatian cf tha tavu ahane the bine waters oi Ontario, cateb- ng Ilia resebing trreesasfaihielate, andthIe sureundiug prospect ai variai landuospe, ni leareles, erebaida, snd wvOodis irentier tie situation ci the ovwu Al once iatiy sud pletures. que. Wiby stads iu lb. midet oai a veol aewed thrlvtng coMmuntty, wboe tiveil pesou snd plenty ; it4 peopi a&e kindly, Sociable anti hospitabI., sund sîtacbmeuî b hie lev greva quagnIl vbo bave sojaurnati amaugst M esud bocome fimWr itsvbI theways-ot tho' plaae., Moue ban raout places lu Ca. nadis Ilraserahes an Olti Cauuiry tavu -but ittoat lire.bactvardttesa or,, nau-progresive charater e t<he latter, For theopéo f oWhithysilduouh lasllloned sismditable boumes, ->ili boonmng gsrdauefuinaifragàrance anti 1041%uty-aue nut bobin t iem iglibào lu enterpnlsa ant 'ifnliy np talie commorcal plui$ orf h i tIrs..NW hbve uanosuy ott eos5 i"amaul" chS. Amungai nM.; bah va have iun<bhi Placé mou, oi aubtance anti solii,, cau<itei)a$ioe bsýs.y ýdo,'au virose 'WOud.OnOO gvan s la î"aISgotiaire boni." * * ltailway faiuloaaexbmid noth, saut -asd vasi la *very direction, utin on lte Sutubh h-Iarbonu la admultadt h le tibeeoat ts M ti sôs0f1Lake TluQens bldy -I Pi'uaratiousfor ltaé cabbrallon ai the 24th At Wlitby ara bsing- nmade ou 1 n exlettsiye mcnie l'y tIi,,Wbithy Cricket Club. Tite pi-agi-suint e i givan eisevbare. Tlifi laciose,, match viii bc a grand tenture coflte iay's pastimes. Mayor Hatrper liasisanel tha nanal prolamiation reqnesting the observance ut the day, antI hoa ase glas notificati- on ai <ha prohibition ot fr-cîsekers wiitin <haecrporation, of vhiab tha beys wihi do vali ta lake note. Caîicxa'.-First match aiflte sosson an the Fair grountds, isnrday mter. nean, Mr. S. Ray, andi Mi. Trusudel uhoose slevons. Pupila aithIb igli Sobool invilti ta90sent lu their usmes. Mates iaflnitely srmugai for <ha Wbitby Club are, vitit Triniîy Collage, Toronto, 201h imt. ; Trinily Collage Sabool, Port Hope, June 121h; Ux- bridge, Jua lth. The greal match cf tb. &cason will <site place ou JoIy let anti 2ud, aud vilI be playeti aI wbitby, betwean the Toronto anti Wbitby Clubs. This match viii b.o<lie firaI ta ceunI ou the challenge cup, cf.- ferati by the Cricket Association. LseSALICO 0F STOCKr front Mapie Shade rFaim, lb. fiue bomesteadi et Mr. John Drydens M.PP., ara iargeiy roeuitung bis voîl known breeti of short. borna. Lest veek be eeid the import. est bull, "Royal Bramnpton," ta Mi-. C. Jordian, ot Iowa. Titis week, Mr. [Henry Morgan purubaseti iront but seven beavy benti, toi shipmanîte Englanti. Tbey ni'eraged 1700 lis. oat. Amougat <lian a afat asitil haro ccv. whiab bad aiready crossei the Atlantic, anl gees hidi ngsln, Can. aiai t e, ta lngland. Mi. Drytien, wa ara tld, bas hadi many enqnires toi yonng buils, wbich ha is at proseul unables <o enpply.Ilia bas.' havever, a prantising las of yenng- aleoithe o gelfcioyal Brampton, snd yl bahoon lu a position tao it aidera. Ho bas useaiBrastpon vilb bis hrt ine@ lita imporiation in 1874, andthetu stock ai the oltihui bave been retaai. able priza-takors evary yeaî-both at Provincial spd Coun<y Agricultural taira. Mr. John Gibson bas a fine yearling of bis stock. -Tic demandi for s botter clanseof ta- lie for sbipmco< usin craasing, anti farinera nov findt heur profit in raiiug beavior animais otatipurpose. Bank ai Monireal. AYNUAL STATEXENT. Tiie annuai statemeut ofithoeBank cf Monîreal proeats a silîl maie favor- able exhihit titan- tbu estintle matie serte tinte ince wvithe senti annal divideuti of tour per cent. vas decaiset. Tha remîlt et the business ici tha yoar, etiding 30th April lmet, shaws profila, mter dedncting charges ot manage- mant, anti mating provision for bail anti doubtinl tabte.a, aounting la 61.- 049,840.97. This, vith ai balance ai profits 10 80îh April, 1879, et $101,- 784.55, voulti warrant a dividenti ai nica per cent., amnounting ta 61,079,. M2, anti iave a balance ta lbe carrioti ipîvard <o profit sud lose aceounu, ai 871,108.52. THF oD o,0F Lîcsise CauXXssioN. Eus met agalo on Salniday, sud o jonîneti vittonî granting uy futug hieume, &gain disappoioting <ha pub: expoctalion in tlb. <ofetWitti Mi. Prungla la recommontiedto gel i au inlueutial patiluon ta influence t action aiflihe ourd. Sncb asOst e p aba nol b. randereti necaaary iu bis cel by Ibm Coramissi nors. Tac l3s.-Tbe schooner Jo/inDu1 ley oi Part Doyen, ila a ita the barba ligl. The tug Niagasra bas heaoi haan i st ltai npfor lieaeasou tawing anti excrsiona. The bail Cnmpsiy'a nov bas beau gel lu reai ne"stobo nsedinumatiug te raipt» au the <est pier. Savarai nov ficsi bouses bava beau erectati, Mn. Tht Lavlar, anti Mr. Ferry, cifthay,hav matis additions in ibis respect, i John Watson bas ai60 put np s larg voikshop anti place ta shltierbleysei Hsttnws,ti.&.-Massrs. Halcir Brotheus an avoashy tuove as th principal hardware zmarchants ai th conuy tavu ai Whiiby, sud via doalinga oxtauti toa ahparia, af ih counly ai Ontarioasuanti onadjoicn counties, bave a valuahie anti altracil ela;tci sud are seiiing at prime tli multcommeudti ltantotapurebaset ISea adtn.] A SMALL Nxssc'irgsHOAx, emanai lng fiat a litIle -Satnrday aulvertisis abeut, distrihutai tua., bas liiauj tame mesemfundi ts vay hala th Toronto taillesholding sot. ni caurri aretable tavuapeaple up te ridicul Wz ae rqetdtêay liak"tberik le "4hubestenad arret, " *use aiflte ta savon boat aifat Mi. Dryt -i gsorgan shippadt lia folloiug :-T* MUbees oaghti rons' Mu.Croxai, weigt lès2M.; Ivo frýo:» Mr. . Zo n8ii 1740 anti 156U; tram 1Mi. sMaliav 2 oes,400; coa,2785 ; csttb Prom Mr. Spencer, tva, 81W0 atidý, 41W. FrouiChai. Rateras», 2 e iSTe. racüau ri i ai, arrangements are balng mati. ià hiolding tva services au altarmate Ou The lady roude"a ai Ilie $40b Nov Yonk Basai gIove C n, lT a'rethe 'a- lic np ha 31'il se 94, et- kva il. Tais Rv. J. F. CLAuS, ni lie Can- &ada Meliodisi Churcit et Oshawa. ce- &capiedilte puipit ai tta Canai> Pnasby- ha lonian churchit hie place isat Suntiay .h evoning. On the evoulng ni ibas»Me se0 day, theiaoa, gentleman proeahe i ba Annal sermon afllia Batavia Loig. ng eft lie I. O. O. F. lu tha Bibi. Christian vo Citaîci. A large audience vas lu ah- La tendance ou hoth Occasions. ru. Lvstt SsîusuIS OF Carvis.-MU. Morgan receiveti irora te larmara o( tho srrnonudinig coutry haro lasi t~Mouday anti Tnestiay, 124 bea Dg ci fticaIlle. Tva caura, St beass, vh er. s4ipeil aI <ho Brootilu atÜi ha direct; 52 voe ent ta Ophîiasd 40 re te Whi<by for uhiptani. WU tbiis le hpmn r. Morgan vili have sent te as year, 2000 hisvos r. Esnt. BScoriow No.1,Tctube ofischool section No.,onup, attiseTovn- fil is fWbithbavea aventisetifor heu. ha dera ior lteerepansd elatprent of u.titeir acbool lions.. vo ~ ~ ~ ~ mn WuFeollbgsbl u de, oi 'it is pinviy ueceveriug front -hie reest se- bh, ahlsci -cf illnees. n, L. M. 'Tnoxaa; l5gq., bs rettirua le, hume ta.- Biankilu tram b i vlilr a- .0 jours luntestatu of Devara. 'Wao.-Au <b. tuni a fiani ic* ahaa-p sbesrlg,ifauîua'ain eider teo b- v.tainýbigiiem priea, abouldli l11lu or lieu paver ta Ueutra cieas, well w#smb Ln'4ai 6fleaa. lipsytoratteud leshil. Tua l»us Docios'marie t of util.- oâte,At the post Offic, à a st sia - Lt men e is ie iaeugrossîng adoMr S. -Warofforntg op.se dud valua young smaunif268or 27, ivingtba smfa ni WililsceWlilbevas wbmt lbafoue Mayor Htarper on Mond.Y, chargea witb passiugcnunteriait coin.. Mr. Ratîctige, (ofiFarewell & Ruhletige) sAp. pearati foi the proseanlion, andi Mi. John G. Keliay for tha priouar.- From tha avidauce il appearedi ihat, on Thur&. day, 18th insl., the prisoner vent mbt <ho store of Mr. MoDougall, baker, andi bought five centsj'wortb oi cakes, tan- dering a 50-oent place lu paymeuh, sud roeiviug 45 cents lu change tram Mis. MoDougali, who vas lu attendance. Afler bis eving the' shop, il was dis- toe~ be a~t~ elits vas"a bsdl place. Word vas given ta ebief Bryau sud a description of the prisanar, sud vithin bh aaubonirha vas alien inta custody. Ou beiug coufroute i vt.h Mus. MoDoagail, hoa okuowletigeti hsviug given bar the spurioqa loinf but saiti havai unavare ià v b tHa offaradti <areturu the mo7ey, iaying down <ha 45 cents lu change raceiveti by bim witbà somo other silvar for <ha purpose. On being brougbt befora <ha Mayor, the' chiot foanti au prisouer, (besies tbe 45 cents)' 61.71-iu quai. torg, ton, ant i ve cool change, also au imitation golti coin, <be sireansd Sp. poarance ai a 620 galdi piece, and a re- volver. Thie prisoner wse romandeti, and as tateti, wasbrongbtnp again on Nionday before bis worship. Mi. aînd Mys. MaDougail testifieti in substance ns aboie, To the Mayor, Mr». McDougalilstat- eat bl hen the prisonor offereti bar <ha liait dollar, she asked irl if ho had no amnaller change, as site di umotl 1ke la giv a away the mmlichange iunltae <Ill, aud ho saiti haoiadi noue. John Bruce, tunkay aI ltha gacl, eý- amuineti by Mr. Keley. baIlifila ofinit- ing ou the prisouer a puisa coutaaing two fifty cent pieces. lwo tan and tour five coul piecos. &H1 gond coin. Titis was indepeudeut cf vhat vas tikan froma prisouer by thie chiai constable. Mr. John B. Preston, touler, Domnin- ion Banik testifieot <at ltacoinpro- duceti by Bruce vas ail good;ti; batte imitation gold i plce vas not a coin, but looketi like soins kinti ai madal. The fifty cent piece vas s conuteriL. Bath Mi. anti Mrs. MoDougaU <cti- lied <bat fron thle prisouor's canduel <beywvais nuder the impression thai bo didunot kuov thal lb. ilty-cent place vas badi. After eaaiîug Mr. Keiioy sud Me. Rulledige, tho Mayor commilted prison. or for trial. The bati lily-cent pieue 15 a danger. oua couterfait ci th* Canadian silver coin of thal denomiualion. Il is a gond calai4 but ligbt, sud boara the data Of 1870. Tha imitatio goiti pie re raubies a U.S. <veuty-doilar goiti piae. in sise, shape sud color, but coullihobca?&emon no oee ho loakatiait il& markîngs.Sur.' meunting the tampeti heati ef -Liber- <y" er. are 15 stars, sud uudernaa<h, eh wods,-Compoe. S. Marke- Ou tha reverseaside <ha doubla-beadeti oagle, sud the mnotta-m Unit4zte Ior- titudo aboya, anti Campolt Speil Marke benealli. This of course, speaks for usit8e; lte fiee translation baing- Union la streugtb, as seen by the com- position of mileti motes inu ii piece. Tha prinoner vas &acsocommitteti on tha char-geofai arryiug a revolver on bis persan. MDuffins' Creek. cRURcE DEDXCATIOS SERVICES. The uav C1nads Methodl*t Ohureit vas opanoti "d dedilutai Sunday. Bar- mous vers presoheti by thic3ev. Messie. Shaw, Pickering, sud Hanier. The building is very Liearly finisheti, andi vHI seal about five bundiad coin- forhahly. Mi, John Dryden, .PP., oc- cupiadt ha chair lu theattsitejonu at tbe tea meeting, aI vbicb aitireamea voe deliverati hy 3ev. Bi. Pickering sud other A Tas Msavxao s» Lscwas, lua&id of thi.Building fn fow tii. cew- Met otist eitnrcb, flakes place ai Duffins Creekonu <ha saveulng ai tb. Qucen' birthday. Brooklu. i __________ !~ ! ~ Fusera ueoqie niofalan. 10 The. Course of the "Globe» Mr. Gordon Brown, wvin ubaheos appointe t thle position ni Managing Direcora, helti by bis lamentai brother, mati. tha announcement prinhti babyW on rlu st. As Most people s quaintai vii navspapar matais ate avare, Mi. (,1ordou BrovwnIQb beax for lpanyj'e a th<le gaitiing Min 1 dniftie ' Glob'é, andt bhisabiity sud osuêfulneOsî the groal jaunai 'oves mach oflii. suc. case. Na change therefora takes place in tha oditoral management. Toth f/tFrinda and Readais 'of the Globe: I have beauaponletiby the,'Direa- lors ai Thoe Gi/te Puling Colmpany <o the poet ai Mauaglug Direebar, tihe amtitin lst.ly'held by * my deceaseil grotter, Mi. George Brovn. I bava heen counaictad vwith Tho Globe sinceits establshment, anti for uearly lhiriy yeaus hava beau ils Man- agiug Edtar. Wlth sncb au expert once, il voouldargue nundifdeuoci an My part If 1 f.it su y dotâb. ni of M uapacily tlanudartake taeduby nov îm- pasati ou me. lu My apeclal 'dapsitý ment I assuma no uav ueffpnnabihlas. Iu <ha business affaira noftaepaparI have takan a couadarabia sharaë4 WiII afficient balp frora thé presaui'staff, sud additions spoediy ta ha made thureto, tha publication ai Thoa Globe viii b. cairieti ou vith aIl th. auter- prise anti .nargy vhich bava bitherto distinguisbetl il. au <o lte principios anti pqlicy of T/te Globe, il seeme <o hae only nacaus ary to ay sm <bat bl ey have beor lu lhe paît <bey vil continua: lu the future. Thte Globe vil be an Inidepen- denit journal, advocatng the piciplai ai tha Ratorm paîly..- Freedara of Tradle,BEcoucmy sud IHoesby lunthe Public Expauditure. a Landi -Pélicy in tbé NoithbWest, basai ou n aal tle muent, construction cf tha P*cifiý ail- Wwucvihut unabaste or Pardon- soma nuiiay, sud Britishi Contuectias viii bste chiot pIaule of ibm plU.foum.- Temparauce, >foralily, and' telior viii as evor calI forth Its boi effots. Beside the open gnraveon Wednesday lait vara mou of aSU parties sud, aretda, assemblaito psy respect ta ope vin bad i he d«eld opinions, fron< vblci many thaie prissent srougly. disseutati Iu mach geees 1h. sti*ifeanito-tis shrink into indgluiesansd Iewons are bauglitof taieratin-aud fe.abesi suce. Thont vucug muai ha exposai aud vioug-doffl coudemmid, 1Ihopi tn lie enabieti toasvoii ranch ni the bit- ternesvbich ion odieu saildenm party suifa..f 1 enter tupon my vork ii fili oil- fidance thaï 1- &alal lie able ta carry Thea Globe biglier sud hlgheu' lu lbs prs aroseser. piseos J. GORDON BIiOWN. The Blddulph Tiagedy. Brown. As Ibis paper s. baiug sent ta prolo laut voak, the funaral absaquies ni lb. Hon. George Brown vano talg plaes. SAnti, as thoan mentionoti, ttc funaral vas tbe moat iargeiy atteniatiofaiy thit lia evor aken place lu Canada. -The immense uoncoarse cf iienis frara the country via crcvtiei inta the eily -many tram a long ilehuce-ahovati 0parhipamore thon anyti0aisthi. higit estimastion lu whicb the tiacoaset -.attasa vas helti, and bis bhla pon the. hoart A I"ai@clmesaitha people. At 10.80 the taons ai hie loto resi- odeuce vere pci, sud frora that tinte 1111 tva a'cloet, vben lbay vereaiau c losati, tiare vas a *continuons streara ni visitais vin deairai taeut a lait looth le tac. oftheb.dacaseti, n lamathan 8,QOO pausons baviug improv- edt he opporuniby affortiati hiar. At <vent y minutas tai foui o'clooktheli pro- cession vas formadinlutha ioiioving oradai: Immediateiy praoeding <ha eeose vare <ha sttantiug ~ysiciane, Diu. Aikina, Titorburu aud C a, and b. -cffiing clergymen, 3ev. John M. -King, Bay. Dr. Raid, Bey. Prof. Gregg, sud Bey. Prof. McLaren. E The gali.barare valkad on e asisida os the baaiae luntae faiiovng aidai : Mon. A. Moelier, lmrAi .Camapbell Sir Antoinle Dorien. l oW. Semiaster noHn. D. Chlrismel, ~i r W. Rowland. monu. G. W. Als uia, c. .Monritun, iHou. L . SusIlgt 9t A .Csrtwrlgit. Hou. Etid akai 20',15 iLMjor Greta. D Hou. Aiez. Msaie. lruif.t 1. Wilson. Naicame tia chiai mour'uara, lu if cairiagas, înulnding George Mackenzie Brown, anly sou ai lia deceasati; J. tGoidon Brovn, ouiy bochai; Mr. s George Mackenzia, ai Nov Yort; 3ev. W. B. Bail, ai Guelisud Mr. Titomas u Eleaing, <he lira. brotbasinlav ; if Alfraed à. Bail, Pater B. BaIl, G. Bail, a E. B. Brown anti Arthur G. Brovn, anagievs; alan Mr. M. Ballay anti Mn. James Brown, near relative.. Fcllug tie, oblat mouruera came ou fi t&bout 854)oaitliaGlobe emploae. t as, présenttsud put, simonithe latter - bing amongstt<he aleset bandea m. i ployai lu lie estaheliot. Immadiatoly sitar liera came a Fnumbar ai carrnages, the firai coutain- 1ing lia Liautan*nt-Goveruor aud bis 0aide, thte second Archbihiop Lynchi tanti Fatteus Bergin anti Laurent, vhiis thé otierc vara occupiai by Benatars r of <ha Domiionmambers anti ex-mara- ibora ai tha Hanse ai Commous, mara- -bers and ex-mambersonithie Ontario ILagisisturo, Jutiges ai the Provincial 9 Suprilor Courts, Biesff Jaris.asud -seasi aliar proraluant eitizeus. Tien ialowed a largo number ai clergymen, <ha majori<y of vbom veore membe"rs cf tie Preshyboisu Synai ai Toultoansd Kingston, vhicb lsataIpiea. seut in sessien. Tiase vare in tain tai- lowed by &bout 500 podesîrains, includ- ing cbiely citisons oi Toronto a iarii. oty ociclasses. Neit came tho Mayor andi Coi-poia. lion sud the Public Bobool Boasai, aIllu *carniandmi hae vere follaveil by -dalegations tram HHamilon, Port Perry, Coontie ci Waterlao, Bruce, snd riant, WiLtdsor Guelph, Welington, WVelland, West Durham. Ontario, ox- - trd. Si. Thomas, Lindsay, Sarnla, sud fLarablan. 8trattardi Cobourg, Mustoba suad Parry SounndLondau, Peel Bell.. tville, York Gonnty, Kingstan and tiaita *places. rAmoogat ltaeunes givan tram lb. i ouuty ci Oniario. anti cunuty ovu ai 3Whitby, vo findt hosé ai John Dryden, M. P. P. ; W. H. Higgium, Whitby ICkrorsule ; Major Harpai, Mayr; ChOarles King, Iteeve ; Davidi Orraiston, Piemidan< Ratait Association cf South Ontario ; N. W. Brown, ex.M.PP. ; B. P. Campbell.Daniel HoliyJohn Feiguson, R. H. Jatàeson, Jas. Holden P. W. Glen, M.P., Han. Banatai Gibbs, James Carmicasl, Jas. I. Davitison, Georga Hodider; Chus SausyWiitby Omeste; A. . Stewart, B. Plant. 3ev. J. Davtdsen, J. Baiu C. Rohi George Wioear, A. D. Weski, E. H. -Hiinmrn, J. E. Wasikp J. SomeriJ. B. ýWs, hmwairmatraO ,W.B. V Bte*àm ,J. O;Wlddtfel, a. B tB L. MecKineli, John TweoiLevi Msay JaumesKlton, Alsx Ogaton, Wm. Hooti J. Long, M. O'Donovau W. Browning, Dr. Guinn, Lavis Houak, D. Lavsun D. Barclay, - Wright, T., Ferry, ; Josephi Goniti, Praulist North Pi Il.#-me-P p, . F,<ap-. Mon. Qiorge Brovn. saie nov. 29mt, 1818; uts» tesT STH 1880. The varyiug noises casse, Adptigmen, jaisi or jubilant belon., PA it e cummon grief. Tha partage passes nov lu pniuely cireura- sance, 'Miquit t<i ans ntheub.cily's streels, Whle the aspl*ing Iboftauxions hearla, Bnsy anti bu e ie os raugi vay, b mutael nsclong vidaonti. Ah I ho vu noble Wha lay coffInci thoue- A pear innature'a aristocracy; Baaring tie unction of liaI ganarona graca, vhlch lu lia iii. Wins love tram loiliug men, Andi, dylug aummous thora 111e chiltiran roni thie torah. Sa paus aagreal fi't But liy vorir, aa ve!f sud tinly doua, 81.11 stand a vîtanefs ta lhiy goteeu d thy gifla. On ltaI aenduing pile of suporsrucin Written lu latteranta hail aven glov te hll the ruuggd graundeur ai bIs lita Iu simpla narrabiva; rov homespun vart sud royal hanesty Bravai ltae distempers ofaitihlon'$ pali, Promt yott ofiiaWlolve andi iattyltaougitt, To Sterling rauhooti sud vica-ragal placa ; Hov on <t b halgiti ha bais a msunly front, Leutiiug bIsapan <o Fretit'ssacred caus- Oounselllng wlseiy for tha Natiou's veal, Andti ttng dovu lte ils ltaI mnacai ber ; Titsu loy at avenlida bis ligit vas qunci- at B y base assaissnatien anti bis star Wout towu raid clids of pain anti vear. nausa Wi in luIls fadingrayo, ara yai 'lysgone, Sad visaseti friands, dra"u by the baud cf love, ad tur uoes vho knew sud Psid,saide by aida, -te Iribute cf <loir bears. Hi. htilhli fght la 'eî 'bhies vaise n. Ha livet mbiimaely, sud hla loolmtepa mark A noble course upon lte anda et lima. "Ha vas a man, take hlm &ain lu&Il,'" But only man, sud thareore bai bis Not veakuss hat tisa tram racreant Bal uait as mark and-t h ie beut ef lives Ha hateti falsaiooi vIit a buraing scoru bt may bava errai. mistaklng rue ior tala.;- Xila nature Wva arusitng miantn tmreara. Hi. fanls but ettues v h l ts sviftnes lied. Tés carve bis usmne on marbie monumet- "'Tyl mark bis uatlng place ta revoient eyes PorebanceofnIgananal ions, unfli lima, Ras vfilton zan inscription over 1< in wieil, grirau harauterc otftiieveti mes- A grauter lina upan lila's lItail dreara. Yat lunlbisaime deap graven lu pur ops A more ahlting record, <t v ill pae Prom sire lasou as prodly gusutiet Pearl, ga long nasJausdasa 1hava bine mon, Who lave <ho moraory cf <ha great and Anti msy that ecr cesse ? Shsan ages cama Whonurma. al rat emiT n lacowiet 'oer Andi hlslary'm page la shuvelleti into utinï Cames thora a day vbeu %11 lives onou shh The thoujitbs sud actions, yas, ati eartit 1.11 ivaniahin luetainal noîblnunsa ? Be ba lb-yai our stalesaman'm uoma shah liva I Thare'sansuelernil abiltin tha skies where names are vrittcu <t bt inover fade ; perla, lheu, record ou epteinoral atone,- Fada, trivial sut on human blleis page For vl<h <ho biocti et Qed'. aueuaBn 'Mui aIl <ha nanras of hnmble taithîni anas, Hie usme la viltten in tho Boas ai Liii. Grip. Big Oil Stite at*Samnla. Cancaruing the repart -tbat a big ail atnika liaibeau maie lu Sarnia town- ship luat vee the Sarnia Observer bai 1he failoviug : TUBE PSOPEETX. la aituateat aheiaextrema Southb.ealy section af Sarnia tavnsitip-adjoiuiug <b. townships ai Ennidekilian d Moore -ant isladistant tram Osborne poat offi ce about onue mile : Marthanille, tbree ; anti Sarnia, belveen nine anti tan. The iarm aignally consistai oi 1o() acres a@ purchamatiby th. presaut owuer, about fifteen yeaar ago, frora Mi. John Draop, o ni uimkUeu, but alevan yoar ago mgase fîve acr eara sli <o Mosars. Haley h Moagiors, ai Patroie&, at a nominal figure for ail- Iasting pnrpom, on vici theb.nacas- srspiUacaeiaonpiscedthe laresuit at te atari being a yiald oi about Iveuty- five barrais par day. Tbia oli ,bas giuce heasma liaproparty ni Mr. Wle-a vah-tuovu resiient ni Lau. firofilabla. Adjolulug lie îfaim, bibhe eutb, le tae Keae'neyelotic, au vich a couple cf vola arm-alisa orting. Nu- me onsnber oùI vells are alînatei tavards Maribavill ansd Prluoa, =D'uy or cOurse standing le. 'CocauomptinCurd lice, bavingdp9 l aetdinlubis bn su BuasId'& znisonsry théeer Of a siple vegetabla ramedy ioj spely sud permanent cure fcCt sumption, Bronchutis, Calarrh, A5 sud ail Tirosi sud Lug Aileetiùý abcma apositive anti îadiuaI _>re; Nervous dability sud aelNervous Cot Plaints, sitar having testad fieswou fui curativ#e pavais l iansanda, casas, bas fait itIsda t7 ta maka Jkuovu ta bi suaffaring falins. "At .ateti by bis motive. audsa desrt.,. li'ea bunan suffarlu, I vii und ni charge ta ai1 whoboeire it, tii~ in German, French, orE fuiill directions for e.d-g w .uszng. saut by mail ý Witb stamp, uaming Ibis pper,W Shierar, 149 Poueersg Bloc or,hé Tihe Nevs. Carcasses viliidjonuon,8181tinst. Taz VaLunwrun.-Âii the. volunteer obrapanles vithin sevauly miles ni London vill go int camp ah that city on 251h Juns. It is nov stata that il la tha legal widnv af <ha late G. H. Lavis vbo marnidthe Ameuican athlata. fiandlci, anti ual Gea. Elilt aetail. Càrîe.rus CaRoxTzas.-The Canadi. au leam ai crinkaters vhoosilati frora Portlandi on 801h Apnil arrivat inl Glas- gov on Friday. Thair irsi match i yl be playati naxb Fnlday. SENTzNOD-WIn. Lavis, fount gailiy of mausinngbter at the Norfolk &aseizas, bas beau santencat <aàSyaars' confinéeant ln the peniten<isuy fou killiug Mika Dauually. MUu»xni.-Ia Prince Etivard coun- ly Snnday marniug, near Caumacon, a man nameti Thos. Thompuon sitot sud iusteniiy tillai a young, man nameti John Emmonda. The causa is auppos. edt taoajealouay. FIs AT MILTON P.&.-600l builti- Co, i.luiing sevon clinrubas and hra hotela.pvere dasluayad by ire ai Milton, P. A.. on Fiiday. Thuas vo. men, ans man, sud tva or Ibrea cii- iren are reportei l tbava bean uruma la dealb. Tha kiug ni the Albany lbhby ra- ceivai 8100,000 frora the New York el- avatei Railway Cnmpanvta secura tbe daiest of the Fiva-oant Fare Bill. Ha * He boughl savon senatoîs for #70,000 anti put te balance mb bis ovu; pockel. THES BRunesATrBt.scxBUaRe(ENG.)- By the lock-out at Bisotburnu 80,009 aperatives are rendered idia. With four exceptions lb. masters voeenuanîmons lu closing hiair miiié, sud il la daclaai tbat <beyvWi ual ra-apenOutil lb. mrikora are a iig taresume vork.. Dimmus Kxàuss.-The proceadingé againat Deunis Kearuey hava se bboronghly scarai <bal, once truculent agitator &bat ha i. nov raportei ta be ai docile sas a kiltan, andt ha cilizous of Sau Franciseo, regarding hlms barra. lame, vouiti ha qulle viliing tlaosealira reiaased. A gambier-usmeti Lambi brongbl à orirainal lîhal action againsl fHenry Labonabare, ai Trwth, vhicb vas trieti last vaok bafoue Chiai Justice Sir Alez. Cockhuru. Larabri vas proveti ta b. a ua sharpai anti anuaseociate oai mv sud faut people, aut Lahouahere's victnry vas complota. TRousr.s WrrTE U UTluNDux.- The icoketi-for troublas lun<lhe Uta ra- oetvaîery, ariaing ouI ni <ha reparteai discoveries cf riuh galdilds taora, bave already comas ta paso. Oue party et sevenîsonan sd fnothr ofai ieive piospacîcis bavabèea u macetion Gunuisan River. Gen. McKanzie's columu he on the vay tathie scana, anti the Utes are ready for tho var-patit. A GswsNuOUBOnR.-The, vestry ai St. George's cubc, Oshawa, for soe yoarm bave beau ounaidaring <ha quest- ion oi building a nov cburcb or recon- sîruuling <ha old onu a nanovSuuiay sabeni building. Nothing vas doue ex- capt liai tha ladies have raiseti several bundrati dollars for the aubool bouse. Mu. Jahn Covau bas coma forvard villi su offerthiat is a solution ta the vbola matter. Piovid tiot ii.cougregation au- acte a echoal bailding anti disposes nf s claim agaiust the vestry lie offera ta an- large lte aburcl, recoustrut it, ranov- ste the taver sud propeuiy tapce tha grounds at bis ovu coat. The plan we' unuteratauti Mr. Cavan praposes ta fol. loy vouiti matea aCommoinus sud bandsome building at a coat ni seveas thoussuti doilsu.-Vindicator. Au investigation vililikely ho e u ai Washingto n mtheba eiêsof vholesale corruption hy meaus nielh îmllring contractais manage ta carry thair contracte tirougli Congrass. Prom 0500 ta 81,000 is &ai <o bave beau <ha prices psu icirvotes. u.- James Osird recrmaende tba, BrIitaifuera tameat Ameuican cora- petibion fb nteprduti c f- articlea which wMno aabnulong carrnage, in- steai, of mel sud arasi. Ho abec recammaunds a refra i f teéland lava, vbaraby ancumbiai estaies raay ba BCaeBLa~ - MILL The mrsea i NEWIIBON NET GKOVEE TBIM ORNA P sysa -Baiivays ran bT-eleatricity ana not wholly chimericai. An expen. mental lina fa to be erecte in wbich tbe eleclrioity in tohé couveyad by central insulated rails to brailles of fine coppar ivire piaoed upon tbe driv- era froin vbenoe il passes to the motiva power, and sitar acting returna b ils source. Edison proposes a ai! bûider achare. Ho-wouid insniate the irsck, "on tar, rubbeî, or something," sud pump the eloolrioity iato it from engin- es piaced apy tan miles apart. .Prom the cbsrged rails lb. mystérious -ftuid wonld pase Ibrough tlbe riving -wbeels la the machinery sud after doing its work again to the rails. Re believes that ho cai thus "driva" a&train twenty fiva miles au bour over aun unavan country, without grsding the road bed ai aIl, suddlea estimstas the cnet of a light road o f this charactor ai about ono-fourtli $bat of the avaragB arrow gauge rosd. This s'eems Mike awlil etatemant,ý but wbo knows what science May yet sccomplisb. Ib is stated that the new angine with a singla pair of drivers six sud a balu fest lu diamatar, buili for the Pbilsdai- bpis à Beadiug Compsuy's faset train betweeu Philadeiphi% and Nowv'York, in a raceut =trial de twenty.saveu miles iu tweuiy-three minutas, with -8v. cars attachati. This is ah the rata of 70.8 miles par hour. CHANeICe nM AGRiouLi!usa ni ENG. LAD-JamaOs Caird, an amineut agri. culturai autbority, says ;.- "Xothing lika tha present dapreossion in agriani- tarai intereats bas beau sean sinca the repeal of the Coin Laws. lu nins yaars Ibera bas been savon defactive whaat barvesta. Iu tba parts of England wher&1I#a bulk ot the wheat crop is grovu, U tb-'*aa beau al t hese year a fiurt1,more than a wliole Y,1r'5 crop-a Iôis ta wbeab growars of more ihan thuly millions sterling, with n compensation inl biioler prices. The introduction of foraigu îùaah sud ce- renia is of immensa banbefit to tha Cou- sning Caases. Amaricansitalasmen believ,4o<bey ara rapidiy gaiuing couhral of ibis tinde sud eaumaintalu h aýven ai lower prices. 14 muai ba-ma bytha production baera of articles viela yu not bear long storage or earrzage, sueli as tallk, freali butter, early vegeishies, baty, sirav, potaines sud .suffl.beat. Aili inlerasi. in land, wbether of ow a,, o *cplr, or laborer, musetlbe dimeulli. Zrd TLe contrai ni dead land muai bu ramoved sud thealeaiesd irsuiar of land aimpiified. Euaumbered estâtes 1wil thon be broken u n m aail pro. parties. -Tho drain ci saual labor sud capital ta the United -States sud Canada vil sltar the axisiing condi- tion of mgrcidiurai properin luEug. land. Oui agricultura mnuai adaptith soii ta the change, freely aceeptiug i he goond lb bringsansd skuinilly using the sdvautagos vhich graster proimiy to -the bast market muai always commaud. Paorosm> BANquzT o Hom. Enveit BL1mn.-Tbs-Qnaboc Raforra Club bas docided ta auteriain the Hon. Edward Blake to a banquatinl tht City, oariy in the mauth of Jne. . During the absence of the- Hou. Mr; Mavat in Europe, sud until the ratura nf tha Minialer of Education, Mr. Par. des viH set as Firsi Minister sud Mi. Hardy ai Atruey.Genera. Ottawa vauls tha Northi Shora Rail- way ta axteud te, bbc centra oi lbe City. The Quabec Goverumant, le apparentiy uat nnwifing, if the. City of Ottawa viil psy for il. A Torouto man uamad Abraham Elkin aitemptai te comnet -suicida iu New York yastardsy by.'cuhtng -bis thuost itiliasrazoi. A doubi casi apon bie iioneaty by bis employez e ld ta the rash set. 8500 ravard wai for years offeîedlu avary paper lm tha.land by bhe *rmer propriatar of Dr. Sage's'.Catarb Rama- dy for as case cf catarrb it woulti not cura. It cures by ils mild, aoothing. cieaasing, andbhaiug poprties. Buff ®rîduat ni auy kintidues upu estar sud drivas il ta Ibm uga,..Tbf1. zura-. atiy bas shood the test -of imc, haviug- beau a popular remedy for, sbquarter ÎY a centur. -Sl by duggimts ant,50 cents. A Gond'Accouxtt. Good Ativice. Nov is <ho lira. ci yaar oi PU mania, Lang Fever &c. Every iMÉni ahaniti bavae altitte cf BOO Guae r aui. Dou'h alav fo moment filai ceagi totakie bold your cuti, yoan taaiy or yonn« Consaption, - Athma, PueuMng-, Croup iiaraagas,.and tiller fimi tiseases rny set in. Altougi 1<i trna GîsJuuSMM stri le ng tbouaa 1i hua. disease., yatitili. machbot ia have it ai baud vben threai vil! cure. you. One baille vi lmh yrouî vhole family a vinter anti k"s yon sale tram danger. If yau anres.m amptivo, do nai restuanti! yon bw triai Ibis remedy. Sampla bolie ià cents. Regniar aise 75 couls. -8oldl aUl Drggisba. Dr. Kiug's Câlifornia Golden Co&.i - .-pound Ia a atrlctlpý vagatahi e pràalli and viii -pnstiveiy cura ]>yspePslm, Siet Headacha, Auidity of Stoaut, coming nup ai Foodi, Pain in pit aif8tw maci, ffov -spirite, Buliounuas, COnsU pstian, Jaundica, Livcr Complaint e, any affection of thiaStamaci nr Liv4 lu thie hotst lime p -osible. You ina not sketi ta buy nutil yoa kucv wbsi ynn ara, gebtiug. Tharafore, as ýyes valne ynur existence, do unitai og ts ta ynar Druggist, S. W .B Smitih sud'ga4a talai -ottla fira of chcrg< wbieb viMi show vial a regalar mi 'dollar bottla -viiido. Aak for Dz KUad's Câiaaîsr.a QOLDEN Com'auîa and hale ne oliar. S. W. B. Smaih Co. Poverty and i Dstr eu. That povauiy vbici pedues 9g greatesl distreas is net of tira pausw oi the looti. Deprlvei ni ils rîchn, 1< bacante. acautanti watary, a oildit ion tarmùed.aea; in modcl vinfi ' Givan thie condition, and serolulo svalings sud soies, general snd nei ou. iebilibyles.-ni flash sdaptite. vaak flg, i"ea 'i dseaa n u sumption, are among the commun z. sultes,*Tiarefora, if yo n a asuifa frara ~ ~ ~ ~ no ibpohlnd n ekaie, but employ Golden Medical _ Discoveri viicliorlilies the bîcoansd radiculI1 cures hese affections bysbclga hie, ucal ai lie avi sud amaviug l cause. Eiîrèka Salt Rhent sand Skin Olulmont ,sAmongthe numarous «iii. te vhiol flsis a," the ti«ifent <iaaea cd lie skin taka- no coutamptibla rani Sait Rieutu, Scuofalons .Bores ana Scurvy, bava itherin beau -considarea aimosi incurable;-,but, ucihua nOlongi au bis case The Eurala Salt-KRiaun sudý 8km Oiutment li. ivarnantati M cura th e St cof oi&Wll Reura0c any other Skilu Disese, i lb.direction aue fait*Hly lollavai. -Bodinl- boxa aI 50 ucabhy ai dmuggiste. 5I Tbare l avys, su active deman, for buttai <batis 5up t hle gili-edgé standard lu quality sud- colos'. Mua buttar liati s othervise gond selleaisà Louni hahas. tialciveotue arimson & Cola PeaotèdButter Coloite give brigit Jane etilor. Ti.. elor h byfaritheie hgtasi, puisaiandi hem matie. Soltiby dmgims. _49-11 tý N'oiieaaon/Bi-tUs, Mtsaiago aund DealhIe AargedI60 ents aset. LIG-tWhib, on Saurda& chlW1rýJ'àmpslB. Laing, &Wot oue year, tvo-raon1bS_,*effeen ds. -THEWý-t Uliget on the 14t1 M-tSt., sb,.vIiow e (apof ~ ODD FELI, TheoOne Parsm ii Londqu # SuuE CIIANC MFUNRi ài'iucsvIca TO citIÀXaTUE VavUa- rTi pRISOtEUS eaouiORTa TacORON" CrOu Montiay. Jas. Carrol John KFu. nedy, Martin MeLsugiilu Tha. Ryd- or, Jas. Ryder, jr., sud Johin Purtel tho priseners aceuseti ai <ha murder ai the Donvelly famîly. vere brongbt by Mi. Siteif Glass, ci Landau, balais the Court ai CominonaPion ast Osgcodo Hall, Taronta,in obadiance 1:0 e wri< ai /ia/ocscorpua umetiby tha Crovu. On lia beach voue Chiai Justice Wilson andi Justices Osler aud <all. -Mi. Irving on behali fiaheCrown maie lte aplcatI *. supperori th le aliidavit ni Mr. *Hntehiuaon, couty Attorney,liai thie place oftrbili cheaot t hie Connty ai Mmlia ta thé Counhy ai Wellington. )4u. Mic Mahon appeare foanthie prisouars. The beariug vas fixai for île %ISli sî:. In the Court ai Qusen'. a Uicb h- fore Ghiet Jusiea agariy sud Jhsiicas Armaur anti Camanon, Mu. irving matie aàamilar application. The Ceuni doodai ta bâtir Ihe argu- ftapumoer vueramenai to i Toronta Ga% ni ra aoy pi lieth Sheroulf ihia outy ni Yoik. Save your gooaherrsantipannant huches frmetmbepllarshyl sing Heliehora. For alaby IL, W. B. SF3130 SITTING&. lazrosa iton. vioa-OKaNI3LLORE BLUMS. Hagaenwse. HgarmmaGf.-+Iis wva am caabiloe xcltidsoeu i le.st, -sud viticr occpisdt liagrastar psr*,of bye ~l, judigmant, reièrno i heni go-ris a malguide a; covy' anca of 60 eqmes eas'-Wbu.Tie1 b , 1

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