Tho ale u vexwtI Medti ce.- Court of Bovliton nTownibelip PiOiserini. r:-Situation 'vatited itilSa frmer- Babsycariag-J, 8.,Bolerteou & Bras. r7u In,.W, Rupert. Ucîlles! Lier-ThosLawler. Bofflbda Mouth>' Àiît4lh's LivingAÂg e- Beliuvolel-J. S. Robertson & Bros. Ladlis ite skrt-M. A E. Malntyme. Tise Leulsé sewiag imaoine-I. &S 'B. Melulyne »Iatck à Co's spetaea-J. S. Bobert- #onA& Bros. spocial sotle-R.H.Jmss. WaH pap-J. . Bobertson h Bras. Steamer Norsumn- Spucial Notice- Etîruka Bye-B. H. Jameson. Luger lu btîle and ke-J. H. Jamne- B on. lea-R. H. Jameson. special notice- AUCTION SALES. Sale of bouse sud lot horesu ad bugi bouseliold furniture &o., by aution, th props.ty of Mr. B. Barrett, on Sau: day fuy 15th, 1880-L. Fairbani auctioneer, ONLY BS5o PER ANIIUM. Whtby, Thursday, May 13, 1880 * Death of Hon. George Brown. The sad neeweof lime deuth of Ho: George Brown, altbougb for soute dai previoualy no& uuexpeted, bas bain n eived wlth.profouud regret through- ont th* country. Thse manner of tbe toit lig officf su prominent B Mauan ad oc uselul a lire udds ta thé poiguBuey 0' theb grief fait b7 the many friends of tihe Jeoeased gentleman. Thse mlsei able saîuelsbot Wu fired on the Bterocuni the twenty.fiftb of March. and aBter a bard struggle of foony-fr" dayst, Deatli conquereui. "Deatis lovuesa shlnlug -mArk.'" George Brown expéed Bm hie resideceo Buverly.sî., Toronto, et two o'lock on Suulay noriog, 1the tis luit, Tbe maUlwde hy Bdonettte pistai bal wtw lu thse lesby part of tise thigli, and *us BlprentIy sa ligbt that Mn. Browwu .a expeeled ta b. able to leave ,b rroom insBfewdays. N~o onu, attbe lhue ,sandI Jeast o f ailthe wouadcd gentleman bituoslf-expec90a that il wotatl t trminath fitally. Soon imter, however, troublosomoe symptomeara pearsul. A.cordngt tihe snelancbo 1 accocnt utise Globe o!f Monday, thbe uervotls systeusi becaine very mucb de- ranod , inflammation set in, Ibo thiglu owelle, aud absousees were formed in tise reglon suruundicg lthe wonnd. Timnis incisions were made, and the disolstrge was copions aud cnutinued til n sisly the ensd -o!fLe illuies. ln tise meantime tihe gsviog way of ths nervaase system hecaume more marked, ass4 Iheb ody, thongb orefully nnried andI well susteinedb% food , constantll beotaue weaker. hrcughout, 1mw. ever, thora, were no symptoms which sbcowed deutis ta be -inevitrà ble. On the oontriry, tbere wus much ta encours e. It'was a question cf stren huppily bs treagth gave W&y under thse trIBI., For a âocuiederable perlod ho wuaa dlfirocs, bunt that la very cozmmon lu eidenly ;eoPle unden suit circnuu alsinces. t, ôr à atmé i e orefusai] food, but modern inventions euabledl oeil talbe adminlatered wthout tht volision 'of thme patient. Wi" isxfot! elifihouri of-his deth theon wauut 1 believed ta be à bis » covery. Aillimai urmédical xkIll oculd accoapliuh w.. donse; 'thermît lu lu atben bande tuIb i0eof mani. S1forrw, deep, etnest, Bnd univerB ;I .fel t ieodeaitcf M. Bnown. OBu. adg mourusfor thse falîli uad die. tinguiâohe tateumnau aud pÀtriot. ans wlt word. eau ýdepîci the afflition isto ivlleh Lialois. bas puged his bc *reaveil f*mily 1' Profound, iudued, ar thse feelings of deop grief Bunl syuipatb fur aud near,- 1 "No w thse meut Mau lua meumt." Mr. Brown Isod muy Warta persona Irlande. and fev-pubJio mon btter de- »Ma ehon..13a, t"y, never orge à friand cruà pcrsonal bnuiesu..Thom Whc-ouly kssaw hlm taB diseïe,a the pliwuioan, or -tbmougbi the nevi P&Par Pros, know littleof (ho. BrowB' -amiabilityet uhsimaeter lu pivata i o 1the I ddhnted genesoally cf i ý,lsmn.Tours will b. wept for hl secetuib> mac o behall tie 'opportun ity ofapproiag bis pesoua vr ansdt seta o*asprov*iss thetu&" ne" o bi0< rnabip. : ' lp - Ata bu pubIlcli th@ c.arer o George ê $m o Vewrdi ofth bM U Pa~rt, th .lisiiaory rUdýt tis *" 'orowue vesam rvo f. time Casservitire. Whoua Panlia ,ont met lu Septemben, 1874, li cve#rmnt wasss besteu. -Mn. à brov ui bis patianlar follorsujcsll itlie Coseriaives lu uôoùmaap1ishs g tise d0er-t. Upou the nuiguatioit ftise Goventimeut it wa geunally unà ritoul limaI Mn. Brown expected, a es result, s coalition hstweeu cooser aivtesuda I imseii ta o O iah ev cabinet sskous lie basîs cftli enulaization o! lb. cergy nuervus r. Blusoke, liowuver, vas dterminui Is lhime mn ilu«bis awu taniss vi ùled 'tihmmelvea eicrmrs sudwvi adl cutribeted ta hie defeat, souii possible, bure aetising vilS lb ýovenumeut of lime counIry'. Be ai roached Wir Allen MeNuli, tise leade ftise Oppoatian, sd offered hlm, i e vould combine vils lime Lover Caoi la-relormers andI taise lu a couple pper Canadla -etarmers, lImat roçiîd gave hsm is support. Sir Allai Eoab uccupled the otior, and bokisl r. R. Spunau andI tise on. J. Boss burals o! Upper Canada, and joinei 11th Mr. Marin in the formation ofi alition Govermssnt. The Macdoui dCiter coalition folioved, Iu 185' Ir. Brown receive limhe isonor oci oubIe returu for Nontis Oxford ani tg Toronto. Iu 1858 tise Miacdtonald lie Cantier Govemumunt-vas beatun upo: r- tise seat aif guvumumeul question sud me k8, sigued. Mn. Brown ras sent for b: Sir EsmnsIHeadI, Whsovas Governoi -Goeoal. He. succeeded lu sur-round .ng bimeuif villi somne of the abîmaI meu bis lie country, including Mesas. Domi n. Ilaltan aud John S. Macdonald But Mn. Brown afturwards clause tis4 tise Governor-Generai, luinusvilinj blmnto beeome bis adviser, bud merel, letIiuseli toaun intrigue. Tise bnci '0 bnaisleenaukuova as lime 1doubi, buiffie," b7visicis lhe mombers of lis ouserative Ministry netumned taol 9 fica vitisout qoing bacis ta tieir sain n situenle, wbsle the mon visa elcimei à im&y iad bien decoired b>' lie Guvern e rGneral vure thravss ont,* o!Panlia m e nt sud isad to souk me-eleollon. Mr h rowu an hie coileages after advieiuî à - l vain Sir Edussud Hessi.tisé'Gai-arn- o-Geusenal, ta liselve tis e Bume, ne- signed. 'lu .164 be again entened tbe Exécutive Counail, lu Company' vitl r Mr. (nov 'Sir) John A. Macdonald. r le vu tisehistorie Calition Goveru- e mnt, wvieSfrumud.andI malured-tise b ieDertien ai tise varions province intaoee Dominion. Mr. Brovn, <ail- uigta approve cf lis. olia>' o! bis col. Ineguuinyegrd ta a reipraittremty withtie Uited Bltas, nealgueil la De. mber, 186. Be vas a suember cf tise Charlotetovn Union Cnfereeo 1864, andI o! istat utQuebelise sais "0yuur. Bee salin lise Canfuderutu Cetun. cil a! B. N. A. fonrlise oegotlatio d commeraial treullus ai Quebec in 1865 - tas delegate ta Engiaud on publie line. mness usn1865 ; joint pleuipotontiar> vils Sir Edvar' iontan at Waesing. ton ini 1874 ta negtiale a cammrcial h îosy viltIste United States. He de- clined thlime uten&nl-Guveruîouîsip oa rOntario in 186, sud &acatlie bosior cf -kuigimîlsood. Bis mensoname contest ie SIouthsOntario, in 1867, in whicsh i- e wue defeated by a sisuhl majonily b>' lima proesa Senatar Gibs, is a chsapter iu lise hils-or>' ci Cansdian poulieis, of wii illiisuifice t ayu>' itben oi tIse contestants, could look bsck wilis pleasume iti after tife, Mr. Bravn ap appaited Senator in 1873. rMn. Browu'o aclivity vas ssc osi. dl te noepapen or paliticai lite. HIe was au active promos-sm sud eneaureg. r o!flise introductilon of tise hait breeds ut caIlle, sud lise model agnieuhtural etabhisimet o! Boy Park romainsa monument ta bis entemprlse li 151 *direction. At Wiiby, as uisewisere, tise new fMn. Brovn's dîmise vastise one epic o! conversation. sud msuy ,an amest vers tiese maravfi axpreasions o!- regret. lu tise stemnoon cf Tuosday a maif 1uig vus convemied ai lise Town bal fe ie purpoee of giving expression tua-Us eneral feeling. Tise cisair vawase y> Mm &lmes Bhoden., moved b ygM..J. B. Fareveli. uec- oadd b'M. 1. Ormlstan. Tït Ils' eiisatin loamned vith daip egre i tise des o! Han. Senatar B.rovu utis e feet of the vondo recelie y i Mmon lise LSLis o!MarcS lMil bu t h ie siasiardi outrage ibe lastted, Canada lbas lattlier fore oiat elalesm n md lesding journauit ne hv 10'Y Iseesrnesî aud prase- vartsy effortsle bsp ae Ue sno ersid dvlp Leem ertll. ie tate'em of lI8peple, ne leus ofal imssuseastend g toa upebi menai sud social conditIon oftise peop ,t toDominion. mi, Fairewell, aflurlayiegu tat i ia mudJeeofoare taken na pani ina politl4- i &sulu miees sappciteist Wlb ', ds! etconsiden isimli entea placeou au mouenet isihndI. reviived tie erof Mr. Browns On Monday evenlng tihe jury e 1panelled ta esiquire io thie cause a M. Brovn'a e hui s weiand i ftir beas lng t1it erhlenae adducad, adjoumnal tise medicil testimony Dot buing remet tise jury :-W. H. Howland, («oruman) George llusgetts, Alexandler Rendter son, f*tà Joi riChanlePage, Paitrie Hughes, James MaQe, A.Irvlg, Wi lier, William Wilson, 0. S. Gxowski, i G. Close, H. S. Mare, G. W. Yurkey' utI Wm. Thompson. Tise jury at tie conclusion cf tb svidence, returnêd tise iollovlug ver diot.--Ãbal the -aid George Bovi did, ou thc 9ta day cf May instant ome b bhis deatis by a wound cane. by a simd fired from sa pistal lu 4hi bande o! tise -prsner George Besntial aliasr Diaissan, vsicis sis a asfelbti usly, Viî!cIly, sud o! maiaafonu thouglit fired ounLie 25bh day of Marcl ast. witîi luent teiill andI merder lis aid George ]3rc>Ms. Tirs STAND&AD Lira Assuxà avo Coasuasu.-Tbe f fty-fourtis anumal mu part o! Ibis olsI anl reliahle Compan: le belore us, aud la pleasing tustimonj unother, year's suocusaful busines perudons. Tas STAȈ ARD LITE As ultAi5E CoxPANT, of Edinhurgis Solt landI, bas a vorhd-widu reputation wvicSbus grovu andI madetIelie Corn' puny duevedly popular everywier utng lise long peiud o!f lfty-foum yeau s% Ibst Ibas benudoing busisiesa Tis Company bas palid lu duath.olui upwarda o! A MILLiON ASD-A-QIA5TEi oLLAIs, in Cancada, and bus sot con. gotd a cdaim. Thir lun itseafiflane silgis tsýM~lony te tise ruupectailty ol thea Company. îLe Canadian finve mente exesed oua Million - o! dollars, a tise Campanoy'a invà ted fundusDow rancis neaaly tventy..eveu milas dol. haes. No Company mfords Pé oi boldors btter or more ample seeurlly. Tise reduollon inlise rates, libeai polie>', andI stabiliîy o! ibis aId andI ru Luabie Company sboula ecmmend Il ta lse Cunadin public. Mn. Tîsotun ýDay, Manager Ontario Bank, t iseh Company'& agent te Wiitby. Suuuumoes CATTL.-GI5 Fnlday lut Mn. Morgan ebipped frais Wisitby to Monîmeal sud England G6euxr loadu. o tise saune day Meusr. Knox und! Gelos bisipd 8 car losis, andsirMt ot. Stone siipped 2l car loada, lu .aIl %but 15 hisd, aIl primue caiti. Mm. os. Stane abipe on Fridmy 2 more car- loasiso et tilu for MonIréosa. MUt farganalso imipadf,:M om Bvan. 111,e, 87Gbead 0 o! rauas. attufor ,,u olsI country, per Allun lue. sInotbn party lied aven Iwo hu=re euti lied up lu tise Central isole] itables, Oshawa, but il vwu uncirlalu rbetbsr he vould b. abie Ite forvard hem 'W lime for tise steamer. Pasms-We are gladta hearn tisaI vo pupihs o! tisa Wbitby Hih S cooi, lias Coleman, o! Soarboro, and Mm. msinem Johustan, son ci Mr. Jobuston laldsmitls'a Hall, Wîby, have puesed lie Maîiculation Examination befom Le Medîcal Couuicil lutely isels inl To- outo. Tisere vas a very large numbe of Candidates, but many faile toi pase lisà tIse intention cf Mise Colemcaau s ItenI lime classes iu Mediciee lately epened lu Qceen'a *.University, Kinge. su, anss viicis vu abou smade ,ery pnomislr buginung. Mias Cohu. mas atise frit yung lady frais the fuS7H igis xS 1oraninded f<ne be CGu ywaobu ius entered pcn he profouoaleuyeof unudice andI eé venture ta visis ber abundant sue- tas, as veiau asehaur younog mid Ir. Joisu»ot., MLr. Hieur>'Wcbster, lIe- a papil ai ho Wisiby Hgi Shoisol, bas also méped tise saue exauinalian. Ihfrnl, Eq., Oshuva, ill rami ne 'id eei My 4lu intise Col. '-Oei 1Christma-Carol. Tii 4> Isuta lntensely lntematingamd urla lisemeuosilittei te dû i lalea. Thie nteftaiun ivas u 0e"d fois lait Fnida>' eveiduogos Arrangeme ins are luaprogreus foi grand clebraticu iu Withy, ou th, 4h, ci may. A -rital match 40 *ee thée Whitby club uMd .Plitkeîin Collegu la ou tii. programume. ?iatcse, e 81i Sgioumseof arrangement wvl thse TÇrouto Club, Trinity COliege, Toronto ; Trinity Colloeu Sohool, Poil, adraos vilsUxhnidgfý. .Tis hlatio4prtie a fWmrnu,.f bti 241h vill taise place au tise Agrlaultursi unds and are té, bu of an attriîetim armctum. pull uunouseqmant of bis omplese programme .vi»ha ,maà di tisroug b theocoumua uext'veuk. -OOmM5EGauL -UNIsOsNAN S IDSSPMNI xzo.-Tise questions o!Cocmmercls Union vIltiste UnitedI Statu andI Oau lau Indepeudeucu, are daly f<ciels tisemuslves into more promiunt dis ussion. Pemault'a Montisly Reviw ilisauuethle former saye : Our couussoa-seumetelle us bisai-wl mlgit benolli oursulves immessely bi s commercial union i viiitise olte Statua. FreesI fromnlithecuntmoIug li senuciofGreat Bilain va. oculd se oliste ieaies cf commerces altsti untnies, which vu, an a dependuscy ru nov deburred roma dobssg. Tise i t uigeutntamdnsudinduatricue people c Iis country are sot ta lie flattered bi Ibu presonce O! royalty umon; ihevi bie greceul charmes6f sncb an. no alounIenougi toW Inn ibir iseadu auý rav tisem, <cm the path viici leati freedom. No word. nead b. ultere n disparegemuent o! Eugluud on ga anale mule. We . lai" ber veli,, bis ve muet sot close eur eye Our Oes cv -tarestt-aud elf-respect. And dealiug wlth Lise latter, it psi u- Tise M 0ry ot iyalty aguinut tise ad, rocates of Canadien indepeudence te ai %xà pt »a afaim.oc». Tisome- vi .11Idhava Canada te g on ou a paltr 0 on way ils mueS greater irtui bu osied tisar«a1trutorutcvisaI ougi te .tise suticaul aplmuonaq«<âai i l40b. cusiry, isud îiepulahly cffse 0 bave bseaubcmu upon tisasI. Tise Cans.aden c.thly lu clu treBi mentý e! tisequestion arges --Th, mes Wiso adrocaed Cosiederatioà s 4i tise acquisition of lise Ncshis-Weml, musI Tae smau vIsal-aneis ould necmeusnI es to. Wby viii they Shen eppeal tisa legiimate resuit o! ubeir ots vomi -dependmîsce ?2'canudamuet ailLe siue Luts<unlity, or join tise United -tes. Tiseosin is tise legiimute and >ly, soltutiou. Tamuse5B =AyLSAT vA .- lt a meeting cf tis eïpnualery, saioru prorogtion, a vote of hbnko rus teudered tW speaker Blanchet$ i coumiees extended, sed aIs le lise e iing Presldent andSIBemrelry, Miuer Bradley ais Ilorton, for their efforts in bosif o! tisa wel-being of tis a UIery. ST. JonN'a Cituacu SouL. beld ai he Town Huit, on Tsusduy luaI, vas ainly atteuded. Tise ladies initeuil holding unothen aisortly, wvilb yl lis bthlestcf tise sema. Ma. AnAas w STeOu, in quile s sosfotable anasI troug vebicle. This tage ls a grest accommodation 1< Wbîîby andI Osbawa. Us. At%%. PaixOLuc l valuabîs uorae tau eekuisviicis dietI o!fizi- ntion» -1 Ts M&Smvas veli slbended o gatundsy tast. Wiitby Maritl iepi g!ovlng lu publie favr. Wedeidy's mket had ll o à good atteadance Emear Improvaunentsanarebaing Mmde ýo seccismodate Lise people. Tas COLLEroI-mè -ut'Torouto, iL ii gtated, viii b. givenn W Mr. Amnu klorrison. No masbettmr desueail It h bised of 8ir Jolie A Mascdonald. Hase Mss.Amuisesila novw pk o a tise llkely mmn for bise Liestesià ul- icvumsmiip of Ontario. You ean saïs money by maklng y eus nuhbe o! valI piper from J. B Ilberêsos & Bics.,Whitby. Oit Dm.-ThuBSoes.24r. GibW, vi >à lizetw licseHe. Mr. Aitea l apiuedL48eub-Gov. *ai BAYCAiuaucs.-Bai Ou nev rilng st"c. Tukig goda. andI bep-4. . Bebeiteon & Ires.. Wbit y.l Thismpmlg sîtfiegs of tise Court ol isanoemy opened ut Wiitby, on Mou- day, baforeHon. Vioc-Cisatiaeior Biaise, ha folHowing vcass ere dispoeed aif -Foreman vit. MéGil.-BiIl ion an ln. nebon aud, account, agaist trustes. e 1'e tisaitishe seonities bu etalual -court uimtli otiser erder made; de- tendant meautime to eoulvu no mousys n accsnsl o! estute. Befemence Ik Masterut Wbitby to taise tise usuai as- 'out. ýBupcnt hylOtimJuge. -Furtiies i1retios ereserved. IPlaintif te ibave ety le appiy for paymauk into, court at any time. Wm. Muioceitand J. Mc- Gillivmay for plt. ; J. A.- Boyd, Q. C., ad C. A. Joues for dois. Ogdua us. Ker.-BIII for spoamol pumfoinanu o! ofagrementlha give s notgage. Decree for psymeut cf ais. unbt-is isteruste and cote; Bill dis. çaissud soafan asil tseeku pecific per. ormance. No order disaisarging, ls enden.; decree should speak icr ituel! -Y. Smitb for plI- ; A. Hloakin for eft. Rniigis us. Imn#gn,-Bil for alisouy, Decree duaharing plaintif uenlitlesI bc ltey. Befereuce ta Master aà Witby to taku an accouint te, aseertaisi Mount. Deit. te pay coule. G. Y Smith for pît. No onu appuseit fo imendaul. Brandon vs. McAl!ine.-Bil ta oi 0e agreement. Bill dismissudvIl s t b tefendant Ruddy, and vithout *ets te defandant Mclpise and Bran. ton. Ge.,MoDrpby andI W. Wincheeser r plaintiff; J. Boyd, Q. 0., andI F. D. Moore for deft. Me Alpine; .C. impiiell for deft Buddy. Gran<isj v8. Morrow,.-Bili ta set idà a deed as a fraud asnst oedi. \ Decre., tisai ooâveuce be sel de, is Casta. Bufemeue Wmastas t ibby. Mm. Mulcei and J. N. Iichoffur, for tise ples.; F. D. Moore, or defta. *Lainsg v#. HiMbo,-.-Bil l led tW set de conveyane a frandalent. Denes yconsent, pit. taking 8120 te fait oi est andI coste. N.F. Pathemuon, for pi, 11. L. Elbeis, for deft. 21homponv.Paxoto.-A bill led <c: 2iilR purpose. Deceed tisat tise eft. vus a msortgaite. Raierence ta ter et Wbiliy ttakeuieLb amcunts -Dofl. W bave ber coïsse momigage tise aMount uot pais inlua monts, tises a sale. N. F. Puttemuon for tise Itif., H. L. Elibe for deft. Towan usRobsssa. -Postpcued ho uelsilting. N. F. Patamon for pitif. 1).'Ozmiuien for duft. Jackon vs. Gs-ummaeker.--Bill filasI fo a punersipsopacounit. Daumea macle ferznug ilta tiste master et hitby t, taais an accounit cf tise deal.~ 'tegu'betven tise plitif and tise de&,. uncler tise agement set ont inthe frai paragrupis of lime plainlifu bill, for the~ pflrcaue andI sale ofecattle, siseup. sud at-hem liii stock. Furbisen directions loït lreserved. N. F. Paterson for plt!., and D. B. Itesd -Q. C., for defi. Record of thse Whitby Cricket Club. Tise folIoviug shows the record -A tis Wiitby Cricket Club during bise caur. ssATTtiecsAvERAoRs, 1879. c ce AME algJB 5 7 177 46 64' 1 29,50 16ay 275 W 74 1asni 6 i i18.W3 Pruuef,Pw.10 18 130, 48 48 8 1073 Utg .7 12 80 Ir, 21 8 suko,.. 4 32 24 28 o 8.()( Boe,Ueaïc .8 12 64 is21- 8 7.11 lteYnIdu, c.x. 8 Il 76 18 21 O0 8.81 Ifuthason j I101d78 18 18 9 6. Prce,OAC.. 8 87 17 20 1 5 lartt 1047 2485 o04. "e>uy... 7 9 41 16 16 0 .6 Burns, Dr.... 63 8 a2 8 8 1 4. Eà adrJa. -4 64e1 B- 8 1 a . 147, 1ugh... 8 9 23 8 10 1 l(susxtr.w.. 4 7 8 6 70 2 1. 0signllem" Dot oui. Vetablo.169.0 818 96860 50 7.»08.M .asg .01952 7b 2 -181 87 4.89 .86 Eý eu18Â167AO658914.1 ialngu.s.U602 68 a=817 6o4l'ta 71 Fnidsy lutiaI aliament vas prorogne ed, atralsemnhsseso.Tii sessian, altisongisau important cne# bal usaIontbiewvbste met "publicepul tienn lutise conduci aiftise bueineas lie fore' Parliameul. Pul>'twa.tbirdle0o thse timuvusa coususined in useleîos'dis. ûsion, sud tisuru vas agoad dealio traiting and vb»iiug avay tise lime Ft oequneof a tieunnuadiueusai Lis Govenumeut te bring clown thum meas urus. Tise iollovbng are tie Bils pas as aud aseentud teu* -An Acs ta amend tise Aet intilu "An Act respecting cifunces against lis persoan," and ta repuai thse Act intituled "Au Act 1a provide tisai persans cbargý eIt iscommon asanl saalibe cous petent as vîtuesses." Ac ruipeoligthtie Gredit Valey Rail va>' Cempan>'. Act t extend tise powens of lise Man. itoba Souibvestmsi Colonization Rait way Compausy, and tb furliser ameasi tise Act iucorporeting tise saisI cous. paoy. Act raspucting thé Outario Reforma. tory for boys. .AqI torepe tise Act xteudingtli Dominion ansds Acte ta Brituisis Co. hmisuhi, sud ta mais. otisur provisioni til respect ta certain publia lande il: tisaI province. Act forlise relief ut permanent build. ing sacieties asd ban campanies. Act ta provide for tise winling up ei [sa Banque Ville Marie. A" ta ineorporatu tise Great North. wrestern Telegrapis Company o! Cao, ada. Act la auttonize lime corporation oJ Emerson lu construot a ire. passeuge: and truffte bridge aven tise RedI River is: he Province of Manitoba. Act Ie amend Acta espectiug lis Ifontroal Talegnapis Comnsa. Act taincorpoate tise Poulo Pai. lec Junetion Railva>' Company. Act for lise apppoîutment o! a meaid. sut epxesenlative agent for Canada i mise United Kingdoun. lot te ainend tise Act 42 Vie., chsap. 15, entitIesI -An Act ta mter tise duties o cstaom and excise." Act for extendlug tise Cansolidates At nn 1879 especliog duties impoaeî su promissar>' notes ansd bille o! ex. chsange te heisole Dominion. Ac toenublu lise Barbon Commis. saners o! Manîreal te psy a ile annuit3 o tise vidov o! tise Iste Hon. Jobs Young. AcI ta autisorizu lb. raisiug o! a fer. lier aun te enable lise Quebec Harbo: Jammimioners ta camplets tisu tidal Act ta repual tise At 42 Via., esap, 5, for grauting an anuunal absdy tlu wards certain telegrapii communica tion. Act ta furtîsen amend tise Act respect, ing limeisarbour of Picon N. S. Act reiupectiug tise refurmatary foi aveuile ofendes-s, Prince Edward Is- tend. Act respccting tise indusîrial ratage fo girls, Ontaria. Act W ameud Acta rospectiug lbe Canada Central Railva>' Company'. Adt ta antisorizu and pi-avide for windiug up the Consalidated Bankt o: Canada. Act ta tecoz-ponutu tise Assiniboine Bridge Company'. Act la incurporato lise Souths Sas. atclsewan Valley' Builva>' Company. Act ta bucarporute lIse Souris & Bocky Nfauntain Ruailway Company. Adt triamoud andI consldatuthe uvurul Adi mreeting sta tise Nanlswes:t rerritories. Act respecting the administration of wimiial justice in territary lu dispute atrween the Govurumeul o! tise Pra- rince ai Ontarioansd tise Dominion of [anacla..i Act furtiser ta uîmezid Acte resp:eating )omiion notes.i Act toaulsonize maiig certente-1 usatigationsnunder outb. Act te send tise lav of uriiiunce u wuminaI cases as respecte tise laking Md nule ci depeationa o! panions vho ncy b., unaull e oîltend-ai .a tria. Act furtiser hasmuud the Act respect. Dg creltiy te animuis. - 40t tq incorpoth ie Nelson'Yie lailwa7 & Transportation o. - A01 ha ameud Lise Gussurali nspeetion Wu& 1874 sud-Act ameuding IL. Acl ta -amessd lhe luv rsspcong, t emoval o!, eobtructions in navigable 5TATZOWB 0E KIXIBTEBI. At tise an nual conféence af tise1 e, Churais, wisich closed ut Part Pari nu Mouday of 188t veek, tise followl leo'ilter bstallonesvas adol COLBORNJE DISTRICT. Bey..James Cuir!a, Prusfidiug Eldg *Belevill-B. Iime, M. A. J. racquéseD D., A Campbell. Frankforlý-!. Martin andI B. Wl Tretau-P. M. Finu. Sterling-B. 1). Biarsis aud W. Uâadoc-B. L. Hulton. Campbellford-R. B. Duniku. Blsirton-T. C. Bell. Brigton- D. V. Crossey aud Soarmow. Colboru-IR. E. Lund. Haldimand-G, W. Stephenson ai 0. Ilaylor. Cobourg-W. Hansom. Hope-G. Hortan. Orano antI Clarku-G. Clarke. Kiumount andI Halihurton- J. Ptý D. and IL Norlam-T. Meyurs. Wooler-W. M. Ppmuroy. TORSONTO DISTRICT. ]Ruv. Geo. Abbse, prcsiding eIder. Oissva-J. J. RusIdetI. Brooklin-C. A. Simsou. Wisitby-J. Wihkeý. Port Prry-JT. H. George. Ruucb-D. M. Billiigs. Kiug-F. W. Watts. -v.akwood aud Lindsy- T. ReisI and WV. H. Laidiav. Aurr-G., Miller. Newmurkiet-J. Vioisery. Marisisa-C. Taylor. Yonke street-R. Sundenson und Bellery. Bramptan-J. M. Simeun. Georgetown - W. Pirritte aud J. Leais. Nelson andI Oaisville-T. Argue ana! 9. A. Dean. Queensvl-J. Eagan. DarlUngon-E. E. Hovard.. BURON DISTRICT. J. B. Ayisvortis, L. L. B., Presiding E ider. Bramosa-J. F. Dunkee. Orangeille-J. Lynchs andI R. Taylor Gararaxa--J. HE. Watts. Melauclia- F Smiths aud Duindus Hasnovr-T. C. Sandensan. Meford-R. Lange. Tisornbury--J. C. Bell. Creemore-W. P.F.ePaier. Iuveny-ýR. Ourson. Knardine-J. C. Pomero>'. Teuswater-A. Cooper. Listavei-HE. Nors. Palmeteu-M. E. Scoît. Mount Farsi.- E. N. Baise and F. [Mcuhlum. Euguna-T. Love. Wingiam-J. M. Kerr. LiTTvm.L's LIVINGAoic.-Tie nuis erg cf tise Living Age ior tic veeks ?nding May' let and 8hMeeapeahively eoinutise foilowing article:-Tse Derp Sua antI ita cônten'ts, b>' Dr. Wm. [Arpenter, sud Agnosticasiansd Wo- nen, Nincteentlc Coniury Metturisicis :onfeinpora-s'-; anif n continuation oh Busb.Lif bn u Qeensland," Black vuod; Backeiseems, anil Adum SetIg- riais, Mackmillan ; Tise Rugicides oh Iile Century, Cornhll i; A Sviss; Nov. liaI. Fraser ;AntificiliDiaunude, popuffi sciece Review ; Civil COda oh bu Juvs, Fall Mal; Tise Jusuitesaundi rise Civil paver, andI aut cf il, Patusr- lay Review ; Tumpemance et tise oi luing vlnten, andI Musical 'lIc ('atre ; vils inetalimente e! Mre. >ipisan&'e etory. -~He tisaI vil vise ie May'," andI "Thse Crouisit Meg,,"'ansi se usultamount ai pouir>' For fity-bva numbers ai sbxty.faut irge pages eauol (Or mure tissu 8,800 a gs ea yeam,) tise subscripîlous prîcou(88) i loy ; visile for 410,50 lise publipiierr ffer go sund an'oeeofItise American 4 manlislies or veekiies vilSthi-c Wving Agejozr a year. iucleding tiss trab 0tmir cflie latter, bath post. aid. L Aou., Boulon, are tser FPAUnnuxxxs-e-A CW.cunBURSarIN HE 1MoýuilLns.- -,ParlicuismeoW s ansI bursi bu tisontaioesud aofbthe aiS e!f 0.1J. Smithi- anes.given'iu tise It eotn ZInsdesi. BfiÉth vas; itingisia slseqp range ou Deadmvau'i ruais. neur PWiuniurit.luteudi g t tab.- Tise regulatsone for tie annuel drill c teactive Militia dnring lthe presei yeur bave beu isened, and occupy si $ olmue in tise Canada Gazette. Ths Sollowing lu aé synopsis of their coi * ente : lu order ta bring tise expenditure fo thse drill antI training of tise active mii tia for thme fiecal yeur 1880-81 witi thse appropriation madIe by Purliameni tbo,.strenglis of tise..force -tu b. -drillei and paid for tisaI yean hue beu limitei by Order lunCOunoil ta 21,250 oflicers, non.commisesoned officers, antImeri ansi 1,276 horsus. Paymeuîe for dri are to be made, after thse commence ment o!flise fluancial year (jet Juy i&Asthse namiinal- strength ofrthoe' ctiv mailiu la iu exceèe of tise namber whicl eu be paitI, ansa it lu niit desirablu td educe the etreuglis of corps below tisa etablished for the drill aud training o 1879-80, viz, 42uon.commissioned offie irs aud Moen, inclnding staff surgeant sud bandamen, provision bas beu madj for tise selection of lthe corps whicb ma2 Irillin tise -iffereut districts, esch isi trial beiug ullotted its full quota in pro portion ta tise týstal strengili of ail corýpj thuruin. Tise maximum number of a1 cers, non.eomxusssionud officers, anc enit t receive puy for drillin-uua'eh dis triet will thureford be 1880-81 Miflitary District No. 1 ... ........ 2,801 Military District No. 2....... .... 8,60 11=tar District No. 8. ........ 2,009 Mhltr District No. 4.:: ... .1... 1;80 Military District No. 6 ......... .. 8,8c Military District No. 6 ............ 1,04 Military District No. 7 ............ 2,20 'h"liar District No. 8........... 1,501 Mili'ltary District No. 9.......2,29 Milltary District No. 10 ........4C Military District No. il ...........80w ifilitary District No. 12 ........... 45( 'd Total.......................21,251 In the sections <rom corps'for dm11 oci 188W-81, field batteries of artillery ari r. te bP 11maI talien; 2usd, corps in allies 3rdjcoips sot drilled luet yeam ; 4tb, Uc casuo leequota uhorizecl, corpi ne ! b6 selected <rom tise differeni arme iu eaah district ln tise proporioi tisey bear to esois otisur in streugts Wheu practicuble thse selection leaie to be by battalions aiftifantry andIoavý alry corps. Men going ta camp a distance o!f tvo miles or more wyul bu allowed onu ani one hall cent pur mile in lieu of trains port. Six idiys, exclusive o! Sundays ru ta bue punt iu camp. Mien wlll hi paid 60 cente per day, andI for borses 0 per day vil bu allowud. . For rations L.e., fuel, food, water, and ligist, 25o pe: tIayfoorchmiiwill'bmallowud, anc foi horsà esS. 'Thse anna1 dmr1 iotib fieldI batéries of #j,üllezy ffl. be for tei oneeculive pays ilu campe for exerti nuaWlise isead quartera aithe respuctivi corps, suais ten days ta bho exclusie o ecuive of tise day ,golug and tise da] returning from camsp, unlese tise corpi açstually perforai six houris' dri11 in cami on eseis of those days. Tise officers, non.comnmisoned officerejlgnnners, anc d-rivers viii bu paid for tise tIys (nui LLexcaeding heu) tbey are ucîually pres ont as followe :-The officersand non ommiaeioned officere tise puy of -tisul ranis.; the gunurs andI drivera aItliii jrate of sixty cents, andI for hsoras eont lollar per diem. Rations and foirugi wii l ot bW issuud lu kind, but an allow auce Iwill ou grautod lu lieu thereof fai rations (food, fuel, water asi ligisi) ai thse rate of Iwunty-flve cents for eucl *officer, nou-commissionud officer, gu= ueir, sud driver pur diem, anaI forage ai the rate ai bhirty-flve cents for uael homse per, diem. No ullowuncu - foi transport %Wiii bu paid. The atrungti Lf escis fiuld buttery for puy anasi ulowi Iluaces as ubovu shil -nut uxceuit ane el uptain, tva finit lieutenants, onu iec oud lieutenant, onu surgemon, one voter. inary surgeon, onu serguant.majar, fou] sergeants, four corporels, fourl-bomber. lers, one trumpeter, onu ferler, 59 ghsu. aers and drirs,, sud 28 horses,inld 1inktise offlcurs' asIsInou-cansmissiaued flierEk hiorsea. If uny fluld -battery unu'ble ta o mia ocamp le pcmmitted t nul on différent dsys, as, msy bu mnqst ouvenieut, tise rates of puy vill bu, lfor fluw1 :non.eammiuuianed oiffiours.Z nu macu r-for raions. tnsniSaist s mis A- Tuu h e sntaokplace lunlise -io atMadridI, a 1evai nMR 't e performance a-i China i d eciaealy lu a behlicor m.od, as a rupture wt aa L icipated. - v. 1 Jpenia~ Lord GrAnvihle bus Lukun thse initia- tive ta eut s direct uder8aiug be- twuen tise Pavera, viti regard to tise Montenegro uffeir. Turkey.hue huen -, a ed for a categomical etatement of ils <,itentions. A Shanghiai -despatcs gays China'is dfally resoivud upon aerwisRuie suad buastr cf being well prepameui. ,l : Tise British Cabinet le about, ,il le $&d eîI ta issue a circulr te Eluropeu )Pà vers with reatrd ta tise treaty of 7 Berlin. & Tise Britishs Governmenî wu]l, eanly n 1881, amend tise liquon licunse ac lu bt snob a mannelr us to satisfy mademate temperence. reformera. Tise Bonapartiel organ, LerGauioi,, is muslug -tise boulovardiers wits a's ,ypropheey tisai this year i* .te, vIsses. 9. bu dovrafali of-thme Repnblf. D Gen. Blancho bis beun vustud vus. discmutionsry powers in dealing witls teanpiruoey vhics bas brokun ont ait A M in , utse island o! Cuba., B Tise old iuileum cf Augustus Causar ut Rame is being converted by u' urisiteoti mb oa splendid modemn Itheutre. J TiseAlbanisu Langue has publishea A a duclarstiuu of independence tbrowing_ u ff ulgiance ta tisePorto. )o Tise Marquis ai Ripon, thesuew Vice. )0 roy o! India, will leaiu for bis uew speme af duty on tise 131h test. ) No NzwaorFTHE "ATALNÂST."-Tbe Chasnuel squadron sent in searci o! tise training ebip .4talauta hbasreturned itisout any neye of tise misuing vussel. Tise Basutoe ai Souths Afrlga are luy. ýO*g dowu liseir arme. Tis is belived taebute te st sot ci tise troubles lu Ibis regiun. Etsousu ofnea Liver~pool dock labourera ave, eimuck for isigiser wagus, entailing grext isiconvéencu b steamsbip ovu. bu Pacte nollsaving succuodu elamnuris. money ta puy tise over due salaries, eut.a di&trese existe anoung tise veil. mized ofcas Sullivan, thé, Home Rulur, deulses t t ait lu Parliamunt for Meatis, tis con-, tituency rundered vacant by farnell'g ludion to repruseut Cork. la ýTien TAY BamGz INVESTIGÂTION.- ha Tay Bridge_ investigation wue con- cluded yesterday, but -tise Court wiii doisy il*téeport for further evidence durs sud mailes lipped. S Batangu, a tavu ou tise veet coaet o! Afia, 4behen,-hombarded. aud hum.- etI by tiseBrilai on aceount af the cap- ture andI ill.treafimeutoffritishs subjeats a by tise native iniabhfants. - DavitI sud Brennsn.sailed on Sun- day <tir New York on tbeir land Leasue -n. Paruel l e uxpucted ta join- Ilium sitar thse adjoumument af Panla.- meut four montis isnce. TEmAirasueTnaÛnLxs.-Since Gen. -Stuwart's arrivai unt Candaisar bu bas ucceeded lu quietlng mattere lunhisat cf ity, au4 tise prospectea o! an early set, lumuent ai tise Afghan troubles huas lu -cansequancu matarially lmproved. Tise Porte and tise British- Embassy aConstantinople are excbangfng augmy rnotes avertise suppression of tise Levant -er-ald and lime eentuucing o! its udilor 0 l seventeen mouIse' izprisosment. BEsiGi4Âriobt oaT-HON. Mr. MÂas.- -t fie unnouned that Hon. Mir. Manaou, Prusident of tse Conail, blas tuisderaed' is ras!guation, visics isas nat, isowever,, bueenacupted. Mm.-À. P. Caron le gun- m all oken ai as bis successor. Oiechgelbis. eCabinet are ,si TiseOn*tà xrlaBank have Jecided, gays tis Winnipeg F,-ea 1>rei8, to open a rancs uthbieportage La .Peuiirie, very }:ý yO aI ?FEÉLLOW& hewrwtily y -MADE X 70o just mrkd CLOTURIG,f m-8TOVEL'S &LÉ -THE ù meand--oka iing 1 JO0DS, CiOTRMG NOTIýc c0 Notice le he.reby1 ST 0F 1 NSH-%f -Pi Iboid ils -Flet TOWN Ll;, MLGE 0F B15 ÃŽDAY, s-be 251 At Onu o'clock, DUNO MtAN, e ir Bueiad 1 -- IT E- -S 0L -OE D LS. E. MÉ bly, May ta>2h r -T ~I E- lion vs a>'o ansche toc>: lie boa