«EWHiT8Y CO te PUI&IInan 'Avant At liii L>rltlug zIsbi$umfto BROOK I3TRERT, WRITEY. Terms - 1 ,pops Annum. ta, angi sd c, hargsd at thes rate.0 'O deRlu, « 1111, trat asertion, and i soi2 er1aeotsubi.. q~cun inserion. spocial Ileporis of Mooigbfl Pinanola tatscusnhî of Banks, UAlway Ooepsaleg, ITustiace CompaBia, andL pattera i 1k. -decrptionz whesiplue.4 smong News Mat. tîer lon contea parUe* as. Specialcontra="Osd8Wii advertlserm adverYeus 0 m iut bila siing. .8U8ifl888 Directory. ONTARIO BANK, WHIITBY BRANCH, THOMAS DOW, FAREWELL & RUTLEDGE, r>ARRtISTISIS ATT011NEYS, SOLI- cierai, lteîar.sPablie, and Conta>'- Olliaeý troi t&et souili of the flcyal YAMIB RUTLBEDGR, B. A. J~»,.nIE\ELLL. L. B., - Cen>' Crov Ateorne>'. 48 JAMES KEITI! GORDON, ff DAURISTEII & ATTORNR;Y-AT-LAW, L.Sllcilrin Chaucsry, Convoyancer, Nolar>'PutilIc,"do Ofe-Boundas St., iral door visaI ai Armotrong's listai.j Moes' te Loan-Private lundi-at lau Internat. JOUN A. MeGILLIVRAT, 'ý6uccasor to B.- M. Ravell.) »lAISTER & ATTORNRYf-AT-LAW, 13 -NelAry Public, &c. solicitor for the Domie iounlak. Office.-Nczi door la Ma"nalmu ouie, Umbridlge, Ont. -26 SZtIIARLIIS C. KELLER, C >TORNBY.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN A bchanceny, Convayancer, &co., Caning- caxcI3etaak, C.'W. IL. T. BARICLAY, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, SOLICITOR leinClesucery and Iusoit.uicy, Couve>'- sucer, &o., &o. Ovc-At the Court lose, Whitby. LYMAN ENGLINJII,,r. L. B.,, &RRIST!El AT LAWV, SOLICITORIN I B Clesce>, Conteyancer, drc.,klc. Sm- 0a0 Street, Osh&va. DAVID 0101INITON, B.A, ATTQRNET-AT-LAW. SOLICITOII IN A Clcanc'ey, CouveyaDccr, %c. Or'authce Oflia esccic cciof licePest Olfil4co, t 3tMbilîs'i Idoei,, i. ocliStrpet, NcV kitby, ly-lO JOHJN HALL D00>4 I lAbtrTt't.TEt AI' [AW.(a(LTClTja Olllce-Devtrilicc Iel3Ircc-k Strcc t, MON EV TiiL'N)O rmctcEace ui#e1c4)i $HM1), accI&cilccw rteA, clcc- tr iist. ROBlINSON)' & t.T (Lare BDuouiAN tlIoi<au 1)AIIIISTIeIIS.AT-1,AýV, A TTII l . B "ys, Ilolicalcrs, Cac<cacyftcccerm, &ci tIFFICE-lu V'ictocria Clicsî,ccc-.c, Ncc. , Victoria 8trt-t JNlo. G. KELLENI 13 AItilISTHýlt-AT- LAW, SOLICITOR lu Chaicçry Sccd Iuglveucy, Couve - -aicicer,& v.c()cllce-bI)evdnh 1l'a Iock,,Ji roik Street, WVlitlcy, Ont. G. Y(>iJNG smiUIii, L L;. B., ARRISTPR, lkc..&te.-Mone>'to Lose -Isiîcer-cIt armecege Lic-rccses. rior-,0êver Docmitcionc Banki, Whitcy. f an. 22, eV78.(t- ICAMIEIION d& APPELBE, ARRISTERS, Attorusys e-Lsv, sud BSoicitors lu Ciincery, No I.1Torouto treet, Toronto. IIECTOR IUIERON, Q. ly-45t I. 8- APPELE. il. J. GIJN, 1x. D., sURGEON TO TUE COUNTY GAOL, 'Biyron Street,WhlUtby. BYRON FIELD, rd. B. ~fHYSICcE URGIION, l&c., Duffnie PCreek. We, IIOfR[EHf, a.DM.Ii.C,.,1 GUY OSPITAL LONDON, EN.., the e e B. . Hi., Oshawa, Oantaro. C AR». Il DR. BOGART9 ---'h Witb Cilm Printed words. great thoughts, aiid untlrt*M" induatry, we advocat. p Kowldg, Iterhod VOL. XXIV, GRAND TRUlER RAILWAY HOTEL, (oppositle G. T. B. Station,) Wlellby. WM. O'NEILL - PROPRIETOR. Ever>' accoraxodatlan for guesta, incluil- lug confortable. sur>' bedroonea, Meala ait al bours.- L-I The Bar fulby suppieal vii best brand of Lîquors,WiVnes, Brandies, iJigarçs. do.- lIter>' necessar>' direction given tc, iravelleri. Gond Stablig, encioseal yard, and atten- te osileris. -48, c OMMERIAL IIOTEL sud STABLES, 64 sud 86 Jarvis-iîreet, Toonlo. JOHN McBÂE, . - - PROPBI1RTOR. (StYccEssOue TO lJciN K1Lt.) The boutî$1.ea a Pal- itofis lan1the It>' ocly tva blooeifyoui theN orticerueDeliot. sud close teo Mceariket. Tcho osae bas beunenwcv >'ttsd out, sud every.Llug Frst-eiaa. <iy-47< xlRs. WALKEV'S TEMPERANCE HO USE, DUNDAS-STREET, WHITBY. Gond accommodation at reasonable ternes. Boarders $2.50 per week. 48 R OSSIN HOUSE-TORONTO, ONT. The Palace Iltelcf Canada Reitteal. Referishod, sud Uruivalled. Nov Paseen- ger Biovator, mnina niglel sud day. The oui>' first-cisni Hotel luCanaa wttlsredu. sted pives, via :-$2, #2.50, sud 03 ppr dci>. Moenters ai Clubs anal othera, desercuig reoma, vwithontt board, 61 tq$2 yrday « .Feb. 27i1a, 878. l'rnprictor. R1OYAL IIOTEL, WIHITI3Y. The aboie leotel bas beau Iboroagll> rnovated sud roi uruiseec, aadlencccv un- der the amanagementt ai GEl). MACIE, (furnieri>' of St. Lawrence liall, Port flops. Ever>' attention paid <.0 gueta. Esîieciail>' gOd aneile loonis for Corn mercial trsveUoers. T ~IIE QUEEN-S MOTEL, (Lt.TZ coMMRktLIa.L,l BRiOCK-STRLIET, ucacTBY, TAYLOR & bicCANE, bRorRIEToIIS. The undervigaceil desire tac iniccrun tîcir iclcuds suc te cepublic thase the>' have ticcic the abute ellnikowo iccîci, wubil, taà .-> biacc cc wly fitaütl up accl rcncvatud, tcDc1 l't iutcc the bout ocf ordr £ or lice scc Roruet laclie Ccuity, ie$accI u iaad viltIl lh icelcest bracclâcl oca. imlîcîuccc î. .1 'at gars. Acnpl.-ecclose he c-ic-c cccci-. itliticg. b1,-c .tnLl>, Nc, *1 THE WILSON HOU.-' ALEX BARCLAY, c'c-. 'l'li 1o4,c c io liccih, lcccc'c'cccc-caj ccecclidcie, acacitict;citericcr c5 <ate-ci cc< 'hlicelcdllc i Ejclicc l cil i -e 1,oil tch- marke't. b'iu belut cclLcjccc.crac ccc cigaro. Stablcccg, large sud rcccc.cy,<t, cc-h BhtîTîIII tMERIIC.AN 1HUTEL, R AVY '-8 , Hous noly reuccval.d aic.]furuibed througbccut, ancclput cnc drt-cia,, rler for iii rcc-, lticuiofcigic-ctsAu omnu c,teasd in oculItraine Fîrît-cisss sacuple roccue. WIIITBY, PROVINCE 0F0 ONTARIO,, THIJS'D A-YPRIL 29. 80 CH I NA -HA LL, 1INSUR ANC E. SION 0F TUE BIG J130 (SEGISTERED) ______________ 71 KING-ST. EAST TORONTO. ONTARIO PARMERS' PnyBreakfast sud Tes Set. Mutual Insurance Co y. Fanay Dinner and Dessert Sets. Fane>' Bed-room Sets. IIEA» OFFICE, BROCR-ST., WHITBY. Panay Juge and Teapots. Silver Plated Knives, Frks ana Spoons. rifS COMPANY imaures Farm puild- Silver Platod Cruetsan Butter Colera. T ins,Çountf>' Cburohes, Sohool Silvor Pisted Cake Baskets.BocadterCnets res5Lo Rodeer' Kuives and Forks. a Hosofand' wei otstates as Oan Te:r na ssu eivers. a hs iaywl-saloeCipn Foleriades for Lfli's, &a., ka., i aaa Oi-ss-re,--l dscr- ion. -JUST LOSSES PROMPTIY PAID. Hotel sud Bar Goodo. GLOVEREHARRISON, Importer. Dominion Wood Works, WHITBY. Geo. Cormack, Lr UM13EI1MERCHANT A& BUILDER. LI-A lar-ge euiply of Bildera Fmise. ange, andl ai kini a of Twisted Moldings, Dooro, Saab snd Bilua, LUE BER wbolesole anal retail, or b>' b>' tbe car load. Planing, Mouldings cf evemy deccmp- tion, Fiooring, Sbectlug, Shelving, Re- saavng, Sbnping, Tumniug. Scroiî.work, etc-, etc. Wliatby, Oct. 161, 1878. -43 M 1ONEY TO LEND. The underaigned bas an&Mnount ni Mon- e>' 10 Lenci opon Pari or Town Property, ai unnuoslly Lau Rates of Interest. Loasi enube repaial lu sumo 10 suit bor. rouera. Several Iniprovea Forme sud Wiid Lands for sale cbeap. Iutestments nmade lu Municipal Deben- bei-es, Bank, sud ther maarkeabble Stocks. For further particobars apply te JAMES lIOLDEN, Officiai Assignee, Broker, &o. April 9tle, 1872. 15 - l* jck~c ie60> ARCHITECTURE! DRAWING AND SPEÇIFICATION Prompt]y)ir.1cc,'i tic, ;iv taEcounimy Ili Cc ccctrocii CHURCH AND SCHOOL ARCHITECTURE A SPECIALIY. Correipondence Respecefuil>' Soîkcited. H. .B ARBER, Architect, l&c., Ochsva. Ont. SHAKESPEARElIE - - A.- A. l'O ST, -Cor. King & Yorl-ts., Toronto, Out. (late i. h I.sugîry, Laugiey &c Burke, J. ~ ~ PR P.0GID,-llclRIE TOR.Torontoc. Teateuc, 11.51) asu Bai. (Iy-47) Al R' C I T7 E C T l-1, c rClcurcbrs,Vilscc sud Collages OST OSONO -a rpcrîsty.Dîavicgs prrparcd for re- pOS OFFICE SALOON, eîcccdeIn eilcg exislingstuur. - - Oveici, for the prescut, at hi, residence M. MrCONNELL, -- PIIOPJ1IE7'OB. ounKIngston Rlccd, Pickering. 4-t!) P. O. BOX 2W2 WeIcrîv. gar TUE If ltT ACCOMMODATION à " - -- for Ouests.(liy-47) _________________THE TORONTO OloxSiiz- WBIITBY. Turkish &~ Vapor Baths, JAMES T. JEWELL, Proprieior. (Late of the Nipisalug Iloici, Toronto.) Gond Liquors sud Cigari. Cocnmodos Stahllng. Firsi-eiaus itver>' Stable sud Billard Parlantl attatchod. ly-16 Ph>'sll.e, surgeon, Aonhr,&, ~SHAWA BOUSE, Wbiib>, sept. 804h, 1874. 410j -W. ADAMs, -D. ITTI 1sT._ RDu0MBovER R. H. JAMESON'S Groear Store, Dundassst., Wletby. Office baser rm 9 a&..10 12 m., and from 1 LW a10 , -p. ni. Residdnce-Cor. ai Byroni snd Gilbettistreets. , .VARB, L. D. 8. rp EHiuierted on ail the lâetp#icipies of the art, -4s cbeap as tihe diaspeat, aud ns good as thes Ihst. Teet Ieds wiih Gold and Silver.1 Testli eztracted withoutj aiu. by produ i.ng 4ocai anSvtheula. Donti Boomg--in Cov 1ina new bliock, over AtkiIeao'i Drag Store, iKIng etreet, Oshawa. 85 JOHN Mi OBINSON98 'tJAIR DRIESSING AND BHAVING al. oon, B roek St., Whitby. J(INWOLFBI'40ENI, AGENT F0OR THII CRLEBBATED Le OFFICE OPPOSITE THE ROYAL FIntel, BrookSt., Wlitby. Whitby, Marcie 2811, 1879. 141> R. O'DELL, A TH ER LY,* ierk Division Court, Tp. Oierk, -Oom" iauoner lu B. IL, Landl Agoni, &a., kit,,&herly, Couni>' Ontaro. Aberît SaPt.9ciE,1872. 86 TEER-lIRE» COTBWVOLD SOREE PAU»D BHUIE oSlgPiG,.p WMt. M. MILLER, 13co Bank Pau, Ciarenmont P.o., otarlo, Brieder atà Importer cofilotavolal Bhaop and Pm -br.4 ortshUýèo , I s,-tock î'OMNI1BUSES H. CHESTER, - - PrOPrletOr. This ibrea-stor>', largo sud commodiaus nse is refitteal anal furnisheci 10 sil lh. vante of1lieu travelling publie. Table sup- tlle ille ththi ecoit ocille smon. Titi ba-supplloalvill e ho best branude, liquars sud cigans. Bus t0 'anS froin sta- lion. Ample -mtbierooeu, osi-ef nihostIeij c BOWN HOTEL, COLUMBUS.. Late ai she "Ontario," Ailburu, listing parchas..] îles above val.uov»n promises. solicits a coninuce ai patroniage f-oin iii numerona irienda. A ,gcod Hoatlecinlastîsudance. B LAOK HoRUf-E HOTIfL, Con. FuONT & GEcOBi- STs., TORIONI.O- ALFRIED OXFOJID, - PBOPBIETOIJ. (LaIe ai Welington Uotl, Marlclisi.) TERMS, 01.00 PER » JY. Goocl ebabi- ung, for ovcer 11110 orses. Fire-lai secam-i1 cuedctioceefor fumers aud the travelling publie Lui gene-rab. ily-4 These balles are uselul lu Rliesntism, Neuraigia, Conghes, Coids, Cofflstion, Iironfjletis, Scrofula, 5kim Bisamg, il [n. fanmateons. Bilousuesi, Fevers, i i for Sanilar'purpoisea. The vaor aths are particuielazlyapple. bIs to aIl 5kmn diaas, especiall' Syphilis, il in now unulvraally conaedod thaà belle the Turkiale sud Va por Balles aretlee boit preserativea ai healîle vithin the res.cleof ,niedclexperts sud iu compunction wilb medica! treatmeutthîes patient à s more rapi idi ansd sucassjfulby treetoed. Faîroulred tirougleout the worbd f rom royalty' dowu 10 the pooroat mnu. The Turkiae batlhs are fbe oui>' onea lu tho Clty of Týorouto. Quotations aud recommendations are gitan froin the boit medical aud sanitary suthori. ties lu aU countries. HOUES-Gentleman, 7 to 8.80 a.m~., to 9 p.ni. SaturEs>' until Il pin. Ladies, 10 &.in. 101.8 p. m. PRICES-Turkish Baths, ons tickst, $1 12 tickets, $10. Vapor BaShes, 00eaecle;à tickets. $5. 233 QUEEN.ST. WEST. Skiliub ana attentive mnieaissd female attendants. J. S. DIMOND, M.D.1 89) Superiutnd.aut. STOCK SPECULATION' A» IN- VESTMEXT.-Oparatious ou Margîn 0mb>' Privilegais. Special businessisnluininlg Stocka. Pull ps -lurean' applicciiol.. JAMES BR(I-D ealer in Stocks asud Bouds, 64.& rio Bradva>', New- York. MONEY TO LOAN! $100,900 O '(htNVENTIENT. ON 'EAT, ESTATE SECIURITY. At , c< iing _, .f c ct ..tseb LUMBER I LUMBER 1 Moue>'secra0,tlwil,u 't)iiidaya of sp. plicatien.1 cJOHlN SON, LUMBELI- MERCHANT, WHITBYe- as on banda laiarge, snppy t'l indEscf. Barn Lomber Boarda, anal&il uemosuy' Building LumLi. Païeng, SivnTimber,' an Scnln, o1 equanti onlhan&l su dr Ba tilug, ils'luf,ûIe frmi-u lls at ohortnoice. Doori, Subsu midBlindl>a- ucwyson beandl. Wbitb>', May' tib, 1677,17-20 NOTICE!1 JOTENFAIUAON Wleltb>', Fcleiusry 1611, 1880. TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE THE WH ITBY HALL, - (HOPIIINS'8.) , mOfce l="r, 9 12 and 1to 4 'owok.m WX'ITBY,. ONTARIOS J. B3. BICKELL, JOHIN WILL1S, President. Vice-Preident. C. NOURISE, SECiczR'.T. Whitby, April Oib, 1878. -16 P HoeNIX FIRE INSUBANCE CO. LombardSt. aud Cbaring Cross, London. ESTABLISÈED [N 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & CO., Agents for Canada. R. W. TYBE, Monager, Montiral. A <INT ESTAILIHRD IN CANA- DeA lun10. Unllmited liabilit>' oi al1 the Stockhoiders, aud large Resorve Funds. Moderate rates of premeune. C. NOUBSE, Agent, Witby. Whitby, April 9tle, 1878. 16 B3RITISH A.MERICA A ssurance Company. INCORPORATED 1933, ASSETS, $1,10,87694, F. A. BALL, Manager. Insurancett effecteil ai the lowest curreut rates on Buildings, Merchandige, and olleer property, against lois or damage by fire. C.NOUB.SE, Agent, Wbitby. Wliitby, April 9tb, 1878. 18 c EPPF'SO QUININE Sm IRCIN TONIC ecataluqan sic ccaryf ug aoout cf quincins cui a n- i c'c &H.e athe pocieca of lieue I ,-lualclc' l s n ic-cu<alilt c iol-i sand e R icîtouis tracecable lii veakuies,. s 10w istate e e cou#ue en,. afehled eroiion 'f thc- 1- h. acccf clrancatrenet of the crnraî icccilb. * y-8 5 cc.,ciiîce c. Furccccctiui.ti 1 r U icci 0it. - - y -h I)LIî )5-l", c.iiu Nl1tic tU)N TONIC t- - -t"c i ' tv l , -, cci tcci tdticecce, c-. Thce wtAI-r t,icce le ereccel ca euv.,-ted l'y P«,tcl)c-F' Tcm,,the iceuwna toc 'c(tlccc cicctilict1ecortittioccgrcccaf<y ncrcgccc uit m rc-îimn icirotcost <ealitc rertctcc ic,tti'cc.3r2 -ic-*. 4e caL; cxi sie, us. a-.cdlcy cucct. evç.-c lucre, lliee n icf J.I oipcr, licclîcrîl Labanatur>', Landau. cMugit ile ine tlv 1fa,. Thoere sne Tonic go certain iu ,'llîcrt a du c.eaQcuinine snd[rua. It il strourig eaua, raiieda-cfte reaileats in Inita nucl ic e C~cc-.ancccs<onal-lasc, lict rosýIv fcar aeicvr>' case of fe;cr or febrile r, AJIAXACUM aiçn PODOPifYLLN-Pre- Iîcare-d ccciv hy J. Iloepxer. Londou. This Fin.idcomintion, ccuentractu-d froui mdicinai roptfe is nov cîseclinsteiicut bine pilI acd calo- mel ter lies cure af dyspepsia, bililounos. sund &ay uitomei cf congestion «ai liesliter. vbicie are senral, pain bonealli the ibouldan beaul-aclie, crowelucas.Do appetite, turred tngus. disagreeabis teste lu the ineaeeefu filltiea. d.turbaueeai the stomaule. sud ,ii>li0I..,¶t . 'sscIt OULeo tuO. .S- ;rb cde t otion. tory slightly st. on ltae bowe-s gIi.gb-n a secise af bealtie and confort vîthin 24 bour-o. Il tesheliessit mediciue. Taraxacanud PadopbleUn ila a fuiE mac!. ouf>' b, J. PEPPE - BebIford Laboratory, Londn,whose naine la on ever>' label. Bottes 2is. I. sund "4. d oRad lit ailCheiniste. A Mo01stalccaaice sud cssentfaloMecdicine fan le- dia, Auitra"a, the Cape, and Calantes gener- al-. 1>-8 IOCKEEIFB bLPHUR HAMIESETOBEB vill daricen psey hair, au-1inl a fou dais comipistal>' brlng bsck the naturai eotour. Tihe offet in auperfon tr thal produeSd b, su lu. stantaneons dys, sud docsanot Iinsjue ekMin. Lai-se botes. Io.6M. -Lockycz's il oqual tbib. mnt expoascce bair neilaren. 1y-8 1I OKYZIIS 6ULPHUR RAIR RESTOREiI fi i e boit for restorlc e oTbaUr b lUn tonner colour. Il prodxcesa poeti>naturai abjide. and fi absolutel>' harmiosa. Recoin. meuded for destro3ing scure and encoursag growth 0f1flOw hatr. 17-8 IrL OCKYEItB BULFHUR RAIM RESTOREB - - phrb Inghlyprised fer is stimulant. cloansm 1satb natsifon ou lh. huirjglanda. LOCKYEwlaTIESTORUR la atuerecom=eudod Itlafi mostagrs.rable lu use, and neor fass i ta one on the colour glands, alwaya reatwg sud imalntaxa. ing teat wblcb bas boeau l. No other hala drsing la roqulaf te. Large boiSes, l. 64 Soid b>' CheialHaireirsadParfum in London, les Country, s " t be theilb vworld. Lockyer'i as oquà toa 0 > lte higie- prlced preparatfona. y D. RKING'B DANDELION A«D»QUIIEZ D LIVERE PILS Aenthout Mocury.) TnX BBsv IEXEDT oa JV235,TIu Detamux arN, ft.a maPAIXEUTWU TUE BROUMM314 BAD Apj2I'ZIUIsnuMis pepia .okowededbyma le tiur- g0oona10b. l. athe aR tpilafor In Boxes aels. o. a.ndl. sdi4. 6. Bold b>' Chemîstaneld ieeVoudors Prepareel b 'Jae&Roîko, London Spoclally valusbl Pilla for rosidauta abroas anteltra ur a.1>'- County of Hia ib urton. FARM LOTS, claie 10, RaPà tvsy, s=4 is lnu t Bumm*er Lougiuga. Ah t my héasrl f5 ear>' vaiting, kaiijg forthe .plssau ramblea are lb. frag=t aniwathom ibranebies, WitIa the voaie.e 1teruatiiw, Scoutt lb. ay' va. 'Waititng for the May. alg Ah j m7 bout inaslck ville longlug, Longeug for te Msay- Lon* g tgi escape froin study, ýo The yoang face fliiansd ru dy, Analîles tleoaaandcharma bslonglng Toflea sumsnr's de>'. Ah I nim'bount laslck ville ionging, Longang fer tls Meay. Ah 1I ni>' eant la sors ville acghlng, Slgblug for theo May- Sigbibg for tbeîr surs mturiug, -W bn e lssummner bsama are borng, liopes sud flouera lit, dosE or dying, 411liese uiuler la>'. Ah 1 ni>'beart is sor i-ovIleslgblug, Sigbing for thaeMsay. AhI lmy bout is palued viSe f iobblng, Titrobblng for thee Msay- Tbrotcbing-for the so-sda bllavi, or the vaisr.vooing v80ous; Wbere, inluaglhng and lu aobblug, d115iîle ahe gmssay, Ahi !mv laeinla Srobbaug, Tbrebblng for lhe Msay. S pring geaiby wlll vsalvu auig- culit eveuinga, subiglet morang- Suximon camnes, yet Eu-k anal dhler> 141i tibi ebesvay ; Mbi vw ary weug. q SARciIEDON. A Legend of the Ofcat Quetu. THE SE YEN STARS.. Litile roasmnred by eo oeuuieuisa )esv,-taklng. Selleos leatsaed te m4ke roneaS'for ths axpeiltoli te vhihlho Iean suamoned b>' bhe prince. Thougb «resU>' p erp d Ssud aIstas b oy to net. b. dacidsed an far tht 1 foilovhis fi-lous counsel sas Weselectas true-breti steed o! the pleins on vbji hte acon pan>' Ninysi, pormilblug btie geod bora. te drink is fil oeeile ds sput in ils t#oti. .He esmog san e alitte bag, centaiuing a bandfoî an Ivo cf daes, le lit «addle-claile, nd iniglet bave conu- pletec familier propsattins. but tbat ho n'ai sent for le attend ou hie fturme aponltreh vileont cels>'. 'N tnyas vwaa sreial'menuisEdsud bu. patienlteW bec off. Hlm beatiful >'ouug facc' glacwts'cI vitic cxc-îterut, ud a , fc rrccflonging citone lu bis sagen oyes. iacntat tu- tflicurp-beaner's disma>', les found tci lie lc -me v - tla croce- [ian>' theeprince, t1ogh tue cýý , ý .1 1lereci a- kw inidistanct sentences &beout attencîaritî. oufoot and boraolenck, vbo liadc boom dircecd ta ni-et theen oulaidce tlice vallb ;but h stratok Sothea'h[,lsf ne iieexperieucccl hunIer, Ihat for ana weho intenSeS tuc make va n ie i.king ç-f bcasîta in hie; native- fastnosa, il yonlil hav-e beeo velI te carry a fev moréen- rusin theequiter. a ecinsbai itiffer andl lisaviccr javelin in the baud. Wif h blus eaI coeneuoanmd gracfoi beanug, tle. persan of Ninyso n-se as vWOU kuovun ibmthe troata et ilahylon as thal o! the mother th vboue l119 bore an martelionss alkan.ss. Se. cogelized sud greetoal villentautle iel acclamations see passed on, bis pro. gi-os le-onglelte cil>' w» one conteu- ed ovation. Anal Btoot ondered merseuSndmors te obsee tstaibis youog lorS e.lected the =estl cIlle îîcmonghfaros for lbernride, alrcongh vsiiiug cf aul elaléori- ereon>', soml. ed te inter Ihat ho viabeal 10 depi n. notiieSd nubunovu Mono thoughbfal ta ho baS ever been iu bis ut., lth. cap bearr foliovbd close an the prince's heeli, mins, silent, aud sedy embarrasedb>' the vran)iiug ho b&aisl>' ry ecqte. Ntuyas on tb. cet ,liaugbed sud jesteS wiib Ibe crovd, bues iroagb the, hbietual résrve "ti ie8 hoveo bis faîber'. subjecis sati1h.royal des. pend~ants cf lb. goda yUls, joyctls fise- doni it seltgraeoful>' atunalonùcne iii Young, an renaveed, c4d, aboya a0, si> fair. lu aneopen *pae t a eu-Minloag* i4te oCity, the mu ecseNieIU ils IiokaL. The pninee'i os ens adi>'oely mcv. in s fool-PMOeIlbeIW thea.eainat vho= it iéémesS4I5O*5 ed 'tb.amselves W'gile dm=~&li1 tliebodyo trippinIg- f iý th , allai veun lb. ftest rIts i. Miae ez4eet lad been oaumsêhrbee bk% milan cfmn rait- euEssunenrn y a uI-I q olvefu ooed. As me sE ou hici lu puy, nov an are atretole. 1 NO,.1 191 CHAPTER XX.. i ta4st ou, 8sl. t ibeke à 1 valaL.a -I1VftLhADE FU tIhe Terminus oai île itrl Bive>', FOI- SALE, ON B.EÂBONAJ3LEr TERMS. Maniger Vad a lnd Emilpmetio., W7m Ili) Deo/ui ed tu reie bim- froan the eauth. The. lock#' cf 311 orem'bot --ou tirir futur. mouarcli aud favborite, Ucihtéîüg te deparf. w 1liasttain As Niulysadia'aerf liogile clygae nce 'ïým rea bout onu loato th. ýïk-' mS iiit . ï théouùl birda of moriing vth their vaIMoù notes cf Wgkiùot»ste .rlslngsunà , al tibeme vcasla but oh, burdon, one oborus, sud ililes it Tan : ,,The Gode a collie I Baal hbath spoken. 0) bint, liv. foi'ever 1" OHAPTER XX 4TE IZAB! OY.BAL. Wh thelblait raya cf tb ihe - au a s lcrimsou dlak veut dowvi lto the deseri, thé@re tefreinthe eehoibg temple oeha oieut cfcymà bale, anob as lray, of trmpets, muhaob avahrs i o lcad tniuin hut 3mua0e s calma te ring9aas o .btuodod brae g ges., sud warued <freet lbabylon, tbrOugb.su bar countlese palacsthat lth. aà cifioe by fire vas Don o be aseted before their god, sudthb. amorcEdfesat of Baal cousuemaeaâwiih the close ci day. A.t "18-givea n aioanef torebufWE eut ou bcooiy and ter- race, Iuceal ap laadsi îviukled iu houer, gpote, anul gardeun wiile from tb. beseoti.fint taierowned the touer cf Bains, a tim red Uame Mhot up ilo ltheniglit, 1k islnu of an angry senpext Mrerd oouSn&tô strie. Fat, beloutinuStreet and Squate, vere UMeSte eager, aipetatunele t11üde.4 11.1v ile gatzbonliansd deie fanes brostght Imb atrôngrelief tlnder thst iful glaire 1, #bile ahooZ ,inel ~raunioi itllvinuga ufuied sud aIde ly leunan mien, calun, item, colossali types c0f nuacjaty sud strenegh. Not a verrior vas W o eseen; Doct a hou nor ipear, nov so much Use b glittr of a hes.piee ; but evevy lover st avevy gais, every strozeglold sud, place cf couceadeent vitiluthb. als Sivcrueed vith enned -mon; vhile in îhe paradise lIaâtimmtrouned >îlhépal. cae cf 1h Great Quss u a cred auohi a forc as voiriE have onifiesdlo sack the whol. City insau hour. Semiramis, dramE in royal robes, vill e hroyal "ireou ber bhcsd, mcv Ihae iorved ville food sud wiue ov sha weut down their ranksinl pereon; while ;every captain cf a tliusnil, for binioU suad bis&ceinciaSd, aore fl.cli- ty t te bmqueen, teuNMaus, te the dyuaae- ,y17 cfNimredespcclaily 10 lthe Young picwbo ;as d aitns ereaf 1er for, île ilron eflb.Grot Rng» la allier varying moods, Ibepressul speesud te suit ber bail;; aud mauy a fiace. liovu nrexueuborod aflerwacds bow lovely lb. queen lesd icokod under lb sdi; aoe!coming sorrow, that Cloud, t fier geutIe brow-witli low tender c -,race she semedd b take IssYf f icaci anu individually, ais if suutjuiuig wsrned ber eh. vas biatcllg iboin a lait fsrowell. Wheu she retir- cd laIe ber palace, net Quo but lookod on ils valu ls ih smotLbuugof thaI iveot, ead ionging, wvinleIbrilis a lover's beari ebe giaeon nbche welliug of bis misîrous, on tb. casket theît Con- tans bis priceloe peari. Buat it vms vbioered luinbh a eku Ibat Pe .boa basa icon eftverd iu the direction cf tha eineple, disgnLsaed sud unattended, deoirous perbapa cf vlînessuug uurocogni2od the praceasicu aud caromonies in vhieb bar iez for. bide bar b tae part. Tha p U¢ begatn th. try ibres- hold cf 1the. Oveci- KÃŽ091 PMlc-ei frons vlicb Ninxia Omorge4 ai oudovil, et- ryd lu-il royal obEs, *M1 i oa tiare round hua brous, the royalparasol bêla aboyé liW beau. Hoe lon bg, fiovig ag o f ailk rehbing tb hie suis mriderd in yteharctera eSgeE yul mages ma ueS eee of golS. Oser iýbis eond robe or mondie, trait- ing bbinhi, cf the ma violet Coi. or, Open «un <rout, atbortioréi,c P»lmexsbredtlra"PeWIih au .dglýg of 90o l is Ilong galh8êfltDSWe5n oave for th. iÙlg braebblet tuiDe- *a 11k . ereleround bis lglht7vFl5l5. ,S. vore lles sgd Ando,audIo dag' m. .bain ie. M i>e mnari.eet. i.. '. 'Ixafinito Mercy 1 Influlte patienece I Hov long, Lord, boy long ?' 1 1' SThon ha witbdrev frýM thîe crowd te pglane, binesaîf in îhe. contre of bis >ihtle baud, '*hero, fermal7 sud solaiMely, m Ãu leok ibm Sua frouei off bis fest eqe i * oeue, n m s'a sudafe0e1 rd ,by bisicandrui of ceuntrymon, proe4.a eS- gvoybale îles hthéScîleeru 0a a enîvward te île. desgert., Willeun the vide ares that enciled r the lanipl oef Baal, bis prieastleoQli 4ba on nameroxis, vere drava eut lu oxtir. s <> ey rra>' ilesi iuit bave grallflee "thce c militsry oye cf the Greai King. Tor- race by torrace tb. la'linos of *11 slrotcb.d l u eoe .p o tite, e.ry votavy, rom beardadti d 0b oy.' facod eunncl, vith a lt ueflowev7 his baud, To the image of ehoacbd~iflî tun, as il vas bora baf'ore -île. mouarclei licoy presîrateed themeeves vii tenvot1 oboisace ; wvile ai every prostration( cloude cf snobeasacoudeel freinthe ai. - tara, golden eapa'vero omptied ilu drink. effeuung, euE bloed speulsd froci te1 throats cf fresh victims as abeep m ad1 oxen feul prostrate ab the propitiotai moment undor ou* vell-dir.ebed -- lov. Sbamsh passeS eu-îhe goal cfIUbt,1 vwiic Iseburuislied allIstropreutg t14e sawe'idazaiug qunfae, sud iâaeW - ýyiag Ilat statueocf solid golel, uni th voigbt i cfwbic ils becrora, 1.11, staivart priesto e4nesem te fail sud lab- or r; aletar toc, wvue ber pals, rutiocied besuty-, 1k.e he oon aile lypified, oitlo ater th tbe Lord or Day ; sud Bar aud Nebo, versatile, pliant, repre. i.uilclicne cf 'prcgrcaa, emprovemanti bûnean intelligence sud,ý skill ; Meïo- dace, king cf batlles, bild, defiani, etsnding on tho liou's beck ldnhg bis bey;- sud Ashiarelle, spirit of beat>, lave, end ligit peerleo, radiaut, aller. ung, villi lb. biiglet star on hon fore-i becd sud theesopérant in ber baud.i Othar images foloved, cf Suferont Min- or influenceo . vlnged mnntero Ibreal. coing man. or coorcod in tomn by soinsj sapaiIon spirit-itho besile, the scorpion1 lions vite leuesu faâces, vilE.balis fight. ing icosd te besd, or flilg fron eascb ciber beel te béeol Dagen, ville mers ilean haman boauty 10 ithe girdle, foui, -hidecue lu fine sud osIes babyw; Asb. ni--tep, menai-oh ef the godliko circlo ;- muid Baal imsîf; Nierecle wiib the oagîo'e bead, Ae burnisbeal puions, sa-i p reme. all-powerful, immuxtabie, îles1 Doalin>' froue whose evard -Ibemo vasi ne eppeal, frocu vbose vengeance ne escape. Lasil>', the symbolical andi mystia represatalion cf soine pover thai muet yel le s îperiom even le Fate, some asotraci essence, soins lutelligen. ce Mefiite, luconceivubie, expressed, Vaguel>' enougle, b>' a circia cf gold su- cocpassoing n whoel cf vinga. OuI>' on snol solemu occasionsa asi lbe pressn a va-atlis embleui caried ilu îles place cf leoor, inimediately proed- acmg îles mcnsmci, wben ho officia'Ad in thie acred cap' city cf priait -as well as king. fi8eîx. aI e lcregarded witli1 an awn-i;tmuck reorence by ail ;sud aven N inus, impatient sa ho was of sucle caremonies, belietiag in litile bat bis qneen * nd bei ivord, coulE nol fore- bhart sa stureofo!respect vhlle be pasa. se beneaile il, ai Ithslowesi cf the Stepi hova wae out bscond auto the secluc-i- ed precincie cf tb. Talar. HomosÂAsarao, vith anothor proetra- ieu, laid at the royal feel a square cas- ket cf gelS, sud as"reanieio f ire. cone, vorkod lu île. saine notaI, omle-e matie, asilb v oro, efIhe tva sîemeuts, ire snd vster *1h. inflamemable pro- partios cf ihe dr-ccp,, ville is repro- ductie.dtality, repreïeulireglh. gaer- alite poers cf hosi; vlelle tbe -golden VOMIel uomed suggestive cf IthâtafiE wJilep.crato4g-sll -#&aremg suc!'M- brscig the vhola esrtil, lemperiug aseS &Ul. yinaqthe ardor of1 ils opposite. -rSY, belaosuereds e ofeminins influnende iu création. Thcs tiuug dovu befovo bine, these offeringa aigolied ihat théo-Groat Ring ln-hipresent 1Capaoity fssnmedvicari-' ovsyf]e'ltnbaes ifAuhror even abecoemony,,novwpreoneued n cup- o£ rukffr[ug 1 lice, toest cf eavep se U, s ho a sli boulE bhave ,rese theib su"xinei t eI, temnple. Wbile NunU8a tcok itlfroueticbaigb prient'$ baud au- othe Ick ciimmssurbloscorn pjosa JOON TOTESR S.& BoeaOi îesdE lsTlaËB. ai Bsilb nthee bistmaIdes as rouit wich ashe te hm macte, grvelne fr' en bis c m. ior bie,. Usai esads cf ceming niglil, Seat tIe b scande et sacreS iicieuE rolig ?oafs tivily thel rang blerouge ailt.11e oity round. He vae like a man l s trauce, and y.1, thoagli aueb unoiss ere pcv- ie Ms, oue istcultias, tboy ivole at once à 10 sadistant ésoe, tat heV ac- liceS car klew for- thé trampoftau armd Party', te a fain, faiiear' mu-,o bis figleliug instincts waruied bine v- as the aiiuk et steol. Wit e o prung bo leaped te bis tet anatchod spear sud alelolal froin île' vall, drov bis swomd.beiî tigleter round bis uina;; sud so, wiîlî pros of danger, sud nacssilv for action, feIt be vwas a ina again. Brave-aud var>', iarau ontla b 'er-' race of bis palace whlealiverlooked lb. court. Bia beait sankto eparceiie that it vas resîl>'- IllieS vile spenc,, amone vliom two or ilirs. whbi.'rôbe4 p tà sis f Baal voro con.apieous. ine 8wr upen hie. Bemsembexig bis fidelit bisflsId vaurien lord, andi tbe hoatilil>' b. baS't eer ilircuk frou prvking in $bai monrc's servpe, ble ae, evon *hlile Behoïieguzd --lb., spearmen as belougiug te -the-aueou's armnyu Ieu acino po*erfitl couepirc vas lu thoe agetidatit, ciE abc inuit1-7e Akibhe saime lea$,iue e -ose l the ' à rahuglbiIsIltù hbd i a in hi, dituungilopi nden the ainmbià ice ofbîeod. Tbey vors in the court ; tboy -vevo, covding te the stairesue. Tic. only chafice of ssving Id- ls dutél-' vas 10 make su aab Sepersietand hofovo thé woman's aperimeuus sWab'oulE givre ber lima Wo e8spe by thoe terréeou île rof W sau edjeluhug dcling, anS thence fi>' la take i-sInà ge. Wie e Net iu île temple cf Baal-; nôtj luth palae of ieiramfi.- -He; lb. lest hope cf safet>' muai lie uSder tire Of of ihe GratiR. Mosi cf the voisinons wveaabsout, psartakiug in the fsiivitieeof Ilstheuight. HaIt a scors or no gailered round in ou the ual-s, suE cf bhaae, -asut dis-i patole cae te varn Ishiar biaitbey *ore Een in ileai anxlou m ornent ho'r. umembered boy, long agev le baSi e'Id s paonuBactrie, ibong Boane b ouin bers.], ana the Gi-est KingaiE il vai weli anSdlersvely cdoue. Tleey calieS onbien le sunrnder. The>' muet eearce his Palace, slE belr4 leader.-ous vho bail formrl>- hoan uder lis owu command, vhom ha ne cognized as as-bol, romorieloi, auE dosxperats man.- ",Youi lave o u aionll," ropli@S Ar- bâces, eagen but te gain lime, minuta, b>' miaule. <fil smchief capli ofail beis boshe, ander un>'lord the bingl." 'TIe ollier vas prompt sud vsclule onough, "sMay th. king lite forevor l" RalEdlie, mêcleenicali>'; idding, luin-ir,- sharp touasi ,"open ont, apsaneen 1 Advauce, arcers, sud houE yen oui..' Tics front tan2k cf epears etepped- aniSa, uumaskiug a linoe f bovmeu- vile ever>' vae n dravu 10 ibe ar- row'a head. To pana, vas inuant deai. Arbaea' raiaed bh iebklir, lesped doua * fie staircase, sud ieied ià k, ibeir miSai. At tiriarchers asdE $earweagv wa>'ieefcre lice musUu o ett PraiOOd varrîcni but »what vis-one in; th. iaï elun iufi âà isa-head inlibu -body,-IL javelîn, Ibroug s aillubI ser bo haa, boan lying vlan lby roasea 'hlm, undar the-,very feet tif lIae OI imgantured on tb. vaill tcels- âr m isfie. Au unix Wyaa raissd le' sinrike, the, aagry steel quivered sbove bisbenai;ý nevgrnloa thai ibroctonÙng-parin=-, liead foîlovod tirbace tu-vion>' more- llien once, aud -le toulE luave'- fOrborné' bo alsy,-hls oIE leader, lad-hé dansE; Bat a boirg. volce Mro, *r coulE ,ho bve xia under that gue bi* -fied fros>'thbe rose' and loatleingfa8so No soor was lhe clear 0- tbhsE-îpiritg rose, bis oiie cd;sud bis project of easpw .Babylon witle-ber lie lcoea.l wsa yet, lime grew to a&fierce ~ inasterudesiro, 11ke that c0a whods nnff&csliug for the air: WhichiW ýMeodacldfor s out1e' ai idr1 goodac or vil lii.F. èwth took'oré ihi4îsytiroagô,h" , e hnov ellii wi eouerl- o rchg nti i¶Dglflg wiih sondi of fbléva-tohs fd, lbe paiseecfà rbcs.m But the stroolis avermed with revoir alow- Wbeu ho arrived et-' tle woilv-.- kcvii dwellhxi.git * Wcolate, The dead-body ofth e-Obief -' iayastark a aj gnp vbereîtil4 The ervsuts hafis, lb. t pa' 1 à tae- eiuptvï.sud Ishtar no vbere lebieou~ In-such s catastrophe the fin lin p4is. of a, brave mn s ems'tc, be one cof reosaace &nud defiance, as. though. bis combative instincts werc sro«9eei- aud hos coutl face ia fate more da19Jï because hb- feele btii. orat bas coin - Il 'iat.' Cool sud colloctod, arli icon sâli fied himoiftliaItie voC bcie vé os ïd ebeen carnîsd away byf o , ýfroue ler fýtgibe'o;dwoliiug; sud asew ounlona uestonsin île atreets enable,à bi icver the gate by Wieb ah. 0 li disedthe mnd aeuiirt ; sud troià mE ber ibrouge 9ie a gd nud dneaià P ts aït eur- rquunded the 0117 valla mbint he desolt;V Oucen lbIandwiha- rising mccxx tahelp hpç, ho could, trsck ihe foot- marks-gf bor drcmedary ourel>' as the blocdioaed tiroiW tuidd doeèý ÊbHa bot tvelIèE aiylirl tb li éallk îtp Wtia iu.l6b fa 1,re4p-Vodding.ou lleeir,.patient aas4 m i.wderness, sud çgg lb amp cf tb. Assyriano, Sarà bedosei ýhAd hInef doue more than one- alight He-reunec inuiei horsa., sud earned -htcParty auob seho vas li s~h Of r4adpaiaed thera -not long befors. Tbere -Wèire sore* - bell a score ; lbey w.>'. arlused-; tbey lravelied fast ; their boiseçs ver, cf tl nohieut, ,breed, and the 4rocxedtyini their neidatseemedl te have . ingB ofthedesert i i. 114d h« uptîbettar tarry ,wilhh iainformants v*bare ,tboy meaut te enoamp tili morâ- *ig?.1Hao, l d never, ovorlake tboie P9 truhe &pursu th. I mob ia bn etnght ho mii E vhille hopattoaf ýMerodaola'o uck, sud. -put the.agood borne liet a ýgilop cap'e 'more.,» 8trala1hing ouwila that long, auliK- ing stgider,lie, vas ware- cfa:solitagy. hjoreniUwauderiug -aimleasly ',îo*a*d 4im, sud ridirg ata Thot.psoc. ,-,For r-11 esilbsbeau aý trur saying -tiîtt he vhom. one meets iuthe doseri muai lbe frilnd orfoe. Baroliedon.bore dcvii d tee othur, sud haiig in front, cf lle discovored te bie great surprise, ibsi ýê vas eosI The. cup.bearor, Who accompanied.. Nuayas on, bis fiotitions Iicu.lauut on%. aid tis wlla ba taouthe osr1ieý'l ôpportuuity cf leavig i yuUg preoccp wà au,,1h. latter rode back et suladovFi tcIlièecity.. Impreosed. by the- v9946 oauu f ]3ctadozi, ho lid fobowedsa -'efa aho could te savice it aocmpaep. edj and l tinè bis Lorse'shad toward tthe diior, a diraclad ley isfriad. r j. ,,RnBt.-itwà s net.inibBnatumpe oeh a ýl 1