Whitby Chronicle, 15 Apr 1880, p. 4

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Tanli sud drésé PowellàACoc. Dres mautka--.R. H. Wall pape sud wlndt iém-J. 8. Bobsl Spciates-J. 8. Boba Canl-Thos. 81.1gb. LIportant notice- An "Ecan Duks-G.o. Bi Wbtby aud Buet N apring show. Higîli priefoi p rodse.. Dry 'geoda millln ry-] Oas price for good-E. Cbancery notice-I3laki CassIsa, solicitors. Speciai-Myrtls Navy.. Auditor's rsport-town Notio-Thos. Huston 'Tlhe Norssmana"-0ap Caties pic-8. W. B.1 Grooories -Dominion1 Tr,,ptfor sais-Satb O. Dr. MOCauleys Bitter., AUCTION 5ý Extensive salée oréa] tY uf théete Chester 1D hote, iWVitby, Satura, -L. Fairbanks, auctioc Mortgaams sais cf fai Oscar Datong, Sili ccp. ]Royal hotel, Whitby ld banka. suctionçer. SaesOf fanai stock, i the lîpri>, cf Sheru No. 5s'iu the 2nd ecous rosd, Pickerng, on fl 1880.-L. Fairbanks, Ai ONLY Si 5o pgli Thé Libérai Vicier>, Ths Libéral vietory ii sud Irsiand àe complet The total aumbér cf .4 thus far i. 6"o, divid, -894 Libérais :n0 Coi 57 Home Bulers. Thtis rais a cisar uisjoé'tty cf Parnell bas benuise thntibreçontilnsnicie, sud thé aity cf Cok. à vth hlasbeau slectéd for MNf. W. llébent Glad 1.Galstoum'm on, vbo diéssi sud vas dsfoatéd. E st Worèestemuhirs. Thé alatémént Ihat lh, resig *nmsdiatély on IQ -Quoeun of Engîandtin uci fset'that préparations wo by mérubers of thé Minil their officiai résideice. Concessions te thé i just demnande cf Iriaud, loi.ksd for te thé Liban thbses dsmands mut-i lias>, vi-be amads lu a erslion and conciliation, (ni. Mit. Gi<Ar>uaX&hbag Inéhsét ls entitiét teaemn GOeéruméut. The oppor s-fredt tegivé practimal1 mach saséeasuj cf juatica Thé Duffein 8h.i à%nongal thé applils shinevait>, cf thé nev e0 forin, Il le ancrse upic teli, liai lia Obhle.vin Snasl. Hé vwon déser lande ef thé'pa-y in vi las vos-lad ilsa<lest bi sed lunl té sunîs->. me osae cf ahliI>,, a e Masu; lbsa a <S O éà dtles sud aùltlie qualifia admirable sheniff. Thé CIomeot tite à Itvas latecé tïBatti ths assises ve"ébreugi Altîbgtlase iminsi fc cd a formidable one, sud. for an expriéaof et mrp ti Buon, ln bis chas-ge bliens,-oftis.e u4é, tipa tons fTeés.h. isgoel ot caseo~s b4I. ring god-»c. fau le. ~stwéekb vs feu lt neoesssagry te îlIma i4é. B. Pcv. 'biste ôùr rexnarke by couiparng thé' re* s pps printod by our love con- . BPowelltl eimporsr y# with thé. large circulaticn -uakng-4 B.Of 9thé CanIoexL19. We Said - GT oVALU2 aIN AI)nISnvrsr.-Two IL. Bryse, Osaè s. evPapeA i la aIoaltY havé a, cucul- ation-ous cf Two Titousaituthé other Bryoe. cf flre. kandre4 ande lty.-To thé 0w biidedmpor. paper bevl thé largér circulation an rtsoe & Brou. atiVertiser pays, Ps>,. 850 for inmrting rtacu & irce. aan anonnesmént, -While iu thé paper living thé saniléer circulation lié Rets adeo & Van- bis 4at il npt lu for $25 : Which le théebéat valus toe iadverisr ? Maké aboeli. a tel cf il ? Yen viii flnd ual lunliae Wlby auai sascf thepapér viblithée -mallon oir- cusâibon, au advertismennî cste 17-14, plr1 viieréas thé largér circulation p. rca. Li noséed te 82,50, par 100. Take su, L Froat. average cf six réaders te seacia utimben' e, Kerr. Beyd & of a papes p'blshed, sudIthe paopor., lion in fivor cf thé paper with the langer - - circulation viii bé fouud ltésedin au cf Whitby. équal natie. The actuel proportion i. Tovn Clark. néeni>, sit te eue -jfayo ot-(ffisth sés- talu Shervot. ,apsi- tvilà If h a rger circulation. A Smith. sixty-deliar advérîîséant in théeune Warerooans. ipler vouid oui>, b. Worth ton dollars Wilson & sono. in ths obLat. This wiii accoant for thé, - differeucé lu ratés ashéd t Ibotb offices, sud viii &as, w. trust, serve as a ouf- -ficieut anavéer te thosé who eome to us IiJES.wsnting théir aurcucémuts "put int est t5It4,p~ thé saines asother pprsl As thé ai postaeon noeapapers is nov paid by ,rp , y ~éwight. t thé raté of s cent per b., thé a>,,. Ap il eimcl&ltieu oaùbe éasily bascénud.' isér.As insaeé rai, propéit> ci The Canoici. paya postage on froan cf Wtby, &t- 8OlbLo.t9 6 Iba. vééki>,. cutis>,. l9th cf The GOmette, upon from 19 Ibi. te liitor-I Flair. 21 Ibo. Thens anc basides mseé500 Cacti- eLus deiiveréd b>, thé carriers sud sali.- ipiéménts, &,*'cd for et thé office. ian Brown, -lot Good valué in advertising Pays. essiou,- Kingston "Chsap advsntlmlng in pspe without 'dy, Apr"tcrculatiaonc, is moeé>,îlinwn away' necticnur. Thé éditer cf the Gasellereplies go thé rea t reor -four -sticks" cf a busé, but dees lict dors question thé figures given. TbéfaoiUoîg im a spel.- Mau cf thé style hé induiges lu : j R At4NUM. "Theetton sue 0>woniwle this wéék basa ver>,p pery article nudér the capti- 1rru *g vsuéoin dvontisiug," lu whîch1 - Wlshow mbisjesieus>, of thé succès. et thé GeSie. Pour fellow, we téel sem7 for hirn.(?) Itlinéobadthstsno many o the ici Englaud. marebsuls havé néfsecd te réusv théir ad- vertiseméntii iu thé Chronicle sud keP n Gréi Bs-te m blsinlutue Gzevra, hocaos. théy gél betl- Grea Briainler valué lu réturu. Thal awu know îa where4 ». the so. luchés. Hé doenet care 'about1 meaber élsi-thé clrcuÃŽhtion cf lh.r pape ny muréM member eleo than hodoema&boutsa tv/it .Lie. I lathé éd as folowe : y for sdvsrtiaing that hé vauts, ne mat- amrvative, aud ilv hethar lhé gavés valué or net. Thé aévertisers are éboat judgés sa te whére giveathié Libe. they derIvé thé Mont benefit, sud who deis 62. - hoasfy vth them. W havé noeéitatont lune in urfrencé te circulation lteSt ted :fcr nclm thé Jua1znvsbiasmonorde rle inthé Townu e@, Msyo, XMastia, QfWbitby then thé Chromi., sud fourt limes théeanMounutcf local neya. Il lsaaise ffr. A. M. Suil. a matter of opinion il wv. bavé net as msny Lout ~reatinluthé Bldlug et Southi Ontario, sud T agréaI many ancré belibévéra lnour repot date Y~ ~r. W. sud nova items than Ibère eau bu foaudt ) etoeo.dr Mid. te bliere thé editor cf tho C/ronule." . a 1. la éiécted for Al hie is ncthiug 10 thé point ; il lé anérél> évasive. Thé question is as té se Ilulas>, vwiii clua.i circulation ; not suppositions asm lie réturu cf thé to thé nuuanho f 'réesdrs." Our slip- t ofi-nei b>, thé par>, ceutemporar>,, il wilibe remarkéd,b ons anade te-day avoida Uiag thé enod abscribmr. t mt'.> te voeeThe circulatioo f s nevèpapér in, cf course, motelur by thé nunibeo f ils reuoableand subecribéra; or thé actuel number cf P,* printed. The post office nov may airl beaff 'a véry-ssy Lest for golting et -al part>. But thé circuietioe. One bock lé képi thons e and va trust for thé Gazette, snd anothér bock for 1 spini cf md. OCanoxNICLBe, usa e f Whichthé spiri of od.veîghl cf ppr tnailcýd évér>,Vleck loi te be somusse ntre. WiIl thé éditercf thé Gaizrts subanitt ldtebiistst? Wiil hé permit conaeédt i ubock te hé inspécted P W. are vil- asasre cf localtifthat cureshouid bu. Lat thé de. 01o eléft te an>, lwo merchants cf brtnnity hmasor. thé tevu, o Iè>, e ss. Smithlansd 1 00091119011 te Whuîfiéd, odithé IVérespectable tovu s. droggts, vho are extensive ativertis- -em ère, oVan iti ster Jlet- lts éditer cf I laevait>,, thé Geatte pick oui azay tvo sdvartls.P, ens ho pieutés. We aceépt thémÃœl ad- U iants fer thé yeuse, sud gavé athorll>, ta thé pcst. N mtib of Duf- master te mbiv theai thé CeSicLui. habe, ~ ~ nevmpalter mail-book. Our smn effié Q )bâle.ve m, ublrpton beeka are alwsys po téId %ma pc Mn. sdvertiaena.Thé vieli-vielausnl, e l It rés Il ab theé1M muehIa éexpose 'thé prétenalanse of s Mr.- John Cibhen lis plasét ëoos telles habelsa 5000-pount lgieae tor theaeccomInudîou cof thé -fanmlng tas VM xAts&r.T5LE-q&waP1Co. lave, placet 04. cf Edieon's - Telephoee frein tItis 1o 01cm e M. Hoovsr's mili, a disteucé cf li *miles, aeu t lborba te T-nic NRw TovitHALL, vielolMr.- T. Long lafltting up is 50x1M with, archeti oéiilug, anti thé étagé - la 9 féet deep. Ths hall wiU eat 400 people. 1h is inteudéd tle énet àahelen>, lufront for thé village baud. _Wliéýmicplaetid, it l bl oaever>, credutabie sud sonven- lènI public building toe l lcit>,. Thé sidé-wali question las taken à praclicablé shape. IkLa is itentat te fl i ide-vaike, oosblng àabout, $1000 ; U8pet <cant cf hie amount is le lé patti bhiCouneil, -liasbaleuse la matis up t e iéKingstu onsai, tbniasu t on thé norta nid s asa tle név Quaker ciurch, sud ou bIeSsouth sida cf Rings- ton roati as fer sasb selias "Restern Hfouée," theneéit l , hécantinnéti souta as fer as the G. T. B. station, sud from tils "Baster ue@s" te thé EnglisI clunca. #The peplecf the Creék show tiéeelIvés alive te Iléoir ovu intenease. DueL Aur> LsArvais, ans going on vila theîr uéw furuiture store ; il le 80 feel longi 24 féol vide, 20 fel aidé- vaîke. Tîs>, are &asegctng juteh undérteing lune,. having purchaset à heautiful bhes. A change l i s-e.nome et the fasi Iiariving illtage la générbîl>, deslred. We remoucher soano Ivênoa en ago. it vas calieti Canta on r ave Bnpoiug ve suggeab, Tuciérbovu, Il voutd lée a'Woodtiu ansd a ocaipli- ment te thé vonli>, tester. Adjourueti Vestr>, Meetings. At thé adjounétivestr>, meeting cf Ail Baints Chunc oldMItet l.m01c louas, ou Mena>, vsang lest, thé fineuciai atatement oMlle odarc ver- dons vas breughi dovu anti mublmilt te, the vésîr>,. lbtaShows thé total ré- ceipta forlth. yen te ho $1.684.0% andl tle dishunmemeuts 81,529.59. A vote cf ilankas ubeudéedthel oubgoing vardens. Thé ladies' peuny.fuud népos-tvas aise brougîl lu sud s-ast. ire. G. A. Carmensecreta-an sd tréauvren, népoit- éd ltée total ainount soliectedti te h $100. A vote cf hlanke vaseast Mn. Penny movét, Seconder hy Dr-. Adiams, blet tIs repart cf tle laise peny-fund liret reat, hé handet lu te lié chanci vars- tus.eteobret lun the minutes cf lié vesbry. -Mn. Penny saidtIhat in 1866, vhen thé building cf the cdurcI vas liret stantet, thé ladies vére the final te calleca a>,moeé>, anti te-nighb liy a>Ld handeti ovi incas> lu, pa>, liaslest délit enthé chus-oh, thé total Cst cf whioh, inclatiug grondu, scoolhouse blii, fonce. &C., ameunts to #16,000, MO inov net caté coppen cf de.i la o c lurha propént>,. On motion cf Mr. Woifeudeu, mec- caddtb>, 0. T. Hall, 250 copiés cf tLe anditors' statoment vere endenedto be printed for distribution. A comanitieé of financé conslating of théý= chsc antions, la>, delegates anti titiésma, -villa Mr. C. Nounsé se éain- man vas appoiuted fer lié yer. eTr. iotiit' causcu, PORT w111T5L Thé adjourucai meeting, ou Monda>, evéuing vas hald, vLan balance et euh- aciptionis acUectéti vers hanaiedin-. Thé collections vii go for thé inténi- or improvénient cf thé ciérclia ftung theaells-, altering seat4,4i" A social viiil e hélat et i résitonce' of Mn. Johnu liio, Base-lise, aon seul tIenda>, évening, et 8 Pan. Hoiel Arrivais. Aisongat thé as-rivaie negisealénetii lhé Boys!turing lié psut veai ve*»: e. W. DAvia, Hlûtep,; W. B. -Bain, Uxbniaigé;'N. V. Pales-ou, lt Penn; Mark Cnrs-lé, Port Ps~ Thés.Long Port Hope ; V. W oK -Bs-cvlc i]EL Bitehié, TornlcH MLas lonînéel ;-Dr. Bull, Tori"; R. M. Palmser, Waîie Oc, N. y. ; J. Maliev mo, ments-sai; Chas-les Laglsu, Bt. oule ; Z. B. Bosscy, Monfiba l'Wbse bOUndI lOienaber, TovnHellùJ-WMtlî, gonda>, EynngAprmzlI 9. S FpécIal miutng cf thé ooUýiolI bi e, vonlng. Présent, Ris Woblla ie Mayot [lu thé 0cai], Reé ré' g, Lag, W ly, Dunkie>,, 1a3,a>Hug- anSmillaant ia. j b- èMayncalth e oceusqll-to ort- or a t ve minutes pasti aiu <eýél. >,5 clion TeITas Thé Mayor auniouneéti tas Ibis- vawu adjalurnnét esting cf t4ie en- L t&c fthé SécalComuitte4, te an- pense ap 4enlng -te, thé pujâhaéet thé nov ÇOwn Hallthsi woue ho thé, entier cf thé day. - ou motion_ cf Mn.. Gubecu, kéccudat b>,ý Mn. Long, lis eosll *!eunt ber cenimittge et ia viole 'On !?eAnti- tW eplerst-.(Ur Smih lun o éair.> bye reports' uithod-thasbokute alatement sud thé dtilcti report. [The uuel absîtrilie ho> und in eur adveri'tlmng eolumis.] Aftenréading lte aboi-selémeul te the, conoil, h. elatedti he$ turing lust year Il. tevu',.èaeeom',hedmblosse. oount ai thé batik, bat lucreýdoves- 8800. ThIIII'vas parti>, i #4 O f~ e #1M.0,uneolliestét taxésfer 1 7,thé hslalje,,havévn, vas *yil-lastys*Wa council feui short et lu makig iteoin éstimates, suils>,' lad consêquénl> eseuuth le lové tee loyr.î The Mayar agnéidvitI Mr.. i Gibsen, liai &le Aassmni st ysar vas Io iov, lutitil éulti net be holpat, Muci Mf lie expeudituré vswu Sedt b> vak hsvlu ie hédontc é, cli-uld set p sb aveaIsuter.aéén. The amnni allovatifortonsles laut year,wva as largeasluformer yeas, buI lb bad nat provet auiffléist. Mr. Ring salAetthî bisy"ýeas éu- oil sh Iu' lt' ftb>, thé blénder of-lai yesn's, ani <nar nt gel iaIî g àH lie saie ns-os-s. T aasthÇAs'aa- tage 01lsusngtéauiirs'rport. Théeclésk ieti eilsin le o nt ent anoisnde etnig luthviit thé 'écénéil hati failn. 'Thé préesaiavai ele asssts cf "elova vers, $ dB,70 mate edirect iuebll*ebvir,,$70 thoving ttisihe'cvipr.xpnal o f te us $50 vs aéd fâpcfo u!i sé cf liaI.xet cl e renaliuéti > salé cf dééaurevbeh snii ettaesb hav" é bau tooies eva ny thlaID r 40, sthé ceraxedi- On nmos etMnr. Gibson, tîle ési- mtalée usMdastireporlti th$'I 'rl sMd on thé *DaalràsMlag, s14eved il bé adeplt, viimumsiutine p havé the ahâtast atteia n vh Imbth lé sane uas flas ,eas d a tiia b. 4alléti repent le bang up lu inCles-iss là forth li npéll a t h. e pais nliiAsxor v"x TOvN HAI. Thé ciéni reati-e stalsme'4i cf thé ès-1 pense cf, antibthé érpeu%e ppé$all 1 te thé Dov hall.1 Mrt. Lcng észzrseaeihliso1f sitisfiéd,j sud on Motion i vas adoptéti ataiPub. lialW, b>, pcsling il lu thé cilen r' cf lice. Mn. King Irougîl in adjeport *,cf lhé levé preparl>, cammitutte nécaen- augantof 8120 teo fthéeSuse- et técarétakér, antithé opéulng esit areade. Beport-adopth. Mn. Gibecu Iroaghtitiehè,asce écanniall érpos-trecommeadlsg s r-- fondef 822.50 te Ms-. BandeIl, sm e- oamii t fuuepla!etern ie meue. Repent adopté&. - on molles ctUr. Feu,* séosu*ed b> ML.Xkg L tir1h eletos- vas ists-tole tmn a[t éa«sla blé pever' te ollét thé btam ofes6etâa aes eof187% as tle rail niait l. e turuéyt4 lo1s et Ma>, neut. Mn, Dukby ,gavéle ltai aM lié Town Hal, Wiliie - ThurcIy4pu1lliL A épéa" Meqtlpq a1 tha séboql Bos*4 vwu belti lt .éLng. 1Prmnt Ur.M«s »Ogu elisoeu., 5(anlUIi. rPiai 1nanLrV 133 le U . ItUSiYBUTONt. Thé assss hel cmmeuceti du Monda>,, sud a report' of vidli as givçn up ta thé ýheur of-1going - te Press on Wédneday-cloeedlaté su Salurday svun.Thé fallcvlng are tho ré- -maintien et thé procéétiluga: ORIMINAL BIDE. ciffsez crs"Pie. à tihe rapé charge aga . H Gragér, thé proutlx, Georgius Blut, vgas esnîend b>, Mv. Hatgina, Q. 0., sud detaleti pantleulara cf the oifonos oharged& vhlii are unfit for puhlication. aie avare liai thé cf- vaùs eu oismiid on the noati 1Wé iven Whlthy asti Brekilu; sIc vas ongseuIl andtihiemprisonér nenili itben lias>, mot. On ereéa-examlnatlon b>, Mr. C. H.. Riiehié, for the defénce, the prosecutnix vas sévirai>, andied, -sud atimitteti sevanal acesof prostitution, sud aléo viii béing th e teiean iloegitimaté Mr-. John PhhiHpe, J. P., testlhti te meeing proseéntnix anti pnasonér du thé rast, anti thé comupainte matie, te hlm by thé fermer cf, hivinghééen abu- eti. Mr. Bitchle submittéti that thé chargé crs-spa vasnet sustalusti b>,thé évi- dasse, that i it i net show tiaI thora vas farce or treor uséti, or that thé &rl had nuistoét t thé uttermest. The Cuni lutimate t te ounsél ferrlias Crowv blet liera vas neop o f a 0aurletian in mcnoba aseu, at epris- suDer vas asquitiét.. lin. Eltoile aud MW. wi H. Biings, 'for thé détoes. M.' Hodgisls, Q< sud Vn. VanéeliU, fan ils Creva. '» la thé Ciudéli osesfor subornation of peilor>, Mr. N.'G.BÉigslav appeanéti for Ibe pioner5 and suometistin iiav- lng thée dlckment quset. Tm So= W XUvITE M F"y tib> fernees tié trial of Thames ,oopéer for 8h. mandés- cfMary Jase Ceoper, hie vite, vas ecmneseed. Thé pnisonér lessuglimianisu, aasi e. maenhr et thé Loudon Peil"e.farce. Hfehbu ratheraàgoedfaoa, vithesat>, -aide-wllskerm, sud- elheagb pon>, elad, -tiare is uclilg in hiemappearauce liaIW19 vond iteétliéruffan vite- béates- sud mus-ticsen. Uar. Thomas godeis, Q. C., appearéti for thé Ciovu anti Mr-. IL ..Pataimn thle toféne Thé ourtvas os-ed. casa F«ce vzi meve. Mnr. iHodçlhslu satlng-lie cmé, calA lie pnisonén sti i vIe ova mas-led in BngIast, sut cama te lhis osants-ynmstlmeaÏgo. Th leil Beach, antheunI>, o7 Onbàyan. dosmélimé lu Otalér lait, thé>, hata difficuil> au te pikWl nuisesut freux asaner=.vile l iéfamatà pisn as-, ant i îlowvasot' ee"ht cmo ton violece, ho, alitarinu.Suer, or tram lad témper, struck behon othle check. Sliethén«ou ntand bhé altemptétl teechokeéhésinaàvay te cansmarks arunt bier neck, antible inlilsiti a bicwlup ehrly aklék from a wavy' bct, ise affect cf vhli vas0-mte be- îJg p»rgant et lié lim-te cause tisai. Shé aufforét frin hait tiano outilîl the>, yafier Cînistae, vhee mie vas prémalurél>, delimeétoet eilti. vhlWh vasdecil. Thé hd t ad léén dedéainlutle vomI, it vaulti appeer, for semé dîue. He voulu final lu enter, takii op thé axidence at thé birli cf lia ealand sdthé atatemeats niadse1> lié déeasédnthé île lImé Mle deitb, anti vclt thon golack tothe esceelen cf thé kléklug lu Octeler, and ibl>, ytaie ap théemial téstton,. TasE mYicSC. Mary PlruI, mother cf t«eaetwvu tic finwitvinoe &e& Sh. sait- Mary JaséCooper vas ni>,daugîtes-. Blatidiet u té ntJanuar>, lust1 vas ps-caai vbén ie died.Bsévas lilrly.tvfryésof oag, antivite tlié ~~eneni bonsaCooper-. Tisé>, ad bumAis-ladiabou ltésa o .I sav ~ ~ 2th Icbnle81 eaér, tie Sunde>, ief r cideali. Tionia Me40tcme;: sywil s avIW.ova!Il. I1 Dr. Jânesl, w ho Atteudéti deceseat testlfiet s tethée msearagé. Reé va calistiilualfter the- blrthf.- Thé ehild op. péarét bhavebeausen a isoeétimé. lb vwu lmpesabls te os>, boylilong. Il vas about' four menthe clai. Il va diecoleured. Deceasedti ldhlm ahi vaM dyiug. Blé titi set tell hlm tia cause o et imiscanniage. Blé saiaiaoh, ha et c fellea. Hé leard et ne vicl. ence, anti vas net surprist thîe mis. ctanng. Prom thée urraundings, ha heti formeti an opinion fIaI ele llet frein biecti peiaung. Dr. Anderson, vba' mads thé pag M«MtM, ,svée alaiuiier testimen>, sud boing ýpresttléngîla fer au opinion, caulaicul>, sy>, thbalsia ve possible the mlséioarnlagiht haive been sauseai frein thé injurié s isibédythe, isvi- -Doe#.The résllt fthé pesi 'mortes. éxaminatidc uw*55 pt tlu svloé. Dr. 4aelvceti vas éx-ail nat, u hie touifncnyvas te thé éffeet-liai désil vwu causéd b>, Intaimmelion sud blood M'aonngt but hé coulai noti me Mr. IHodginsesikd éivhéthmr,vibuss havlng Isard lié evidanse, ceu.i gse if lie kisk vas thé ésume etfblésé résulté. Mn. Paterson bjéctét. HLie Lrdobip seketi vhéer ailhe évidenm oftthee-marks if tbl 1e, and. ruleti liaI theré vas nehi Irgte show, beyonti thé opinion of tIl.adeceased, blet tiest vswu setib>, a kick or hlow, tble inlufact, vas noeévi- dense te cocneott Ishe lew itI ,the desti, lIaI Ibère -van a missing illik, andi that thé blood peisauniug migiat ho the resait cf naturel causes. TE vssnre. A verdict of "Net1 Guiltyl wvas er- éd te hlé récortiénét. Thé prisouen ne.. mains lu cuslt>,, te ansvér a charge of uasalt on «â voman in prégnano>,. Tiecm ue a hén traeésédti tathé ensions. Fnida>, eveulug thé grand jury matie théir présénlmeul asti vere diachangeti. On BaIns-dayilh Valeulyne conspi- ras>, va trieoi. sud féll lrough vitia. eut gUin 'te thé 'Jury. Mn. N. G. Queén vs. Benjamin Crantll.-Snb- orsation cf Péjury aud Clampent>,. Intiloîménts lu hucaes quashéti. NISI PRUIS' BIDE. 2?aem Asa .. Themp.cua.-This vwu an actiou Iraugîl 1> George Thomas agaist Ie londiord, Willoim Tlmp. son, Buet Wlltby-, fer breach af aàcv. eneu nsleqlsé,Tiompson egresai tereniové alemn,'standing on one part et thé form te scther pari cf thils aa, Matoeput np mest ahé,asufficisut stalle iharete., TIewswva acounulfor trespaes.;dntiplaintiff aise slilnié e L arg ioant fors- taklg eut ýstampm, thé viole cuitamanontiinte 81000. Mn. N. F. Plerea appeanati 'for Mr laitf, said Mesora. Varevell & Rutr- ato ertl,. dfentn. Il vas shovu b>, th.e vldance lIaI tle defendlaul lad removedthelsbarn, buI iumleat cf etbeshiug a stalle liera- te, le hat put up a stable iu thé bain, as lé sattllérequsst of thé Plain. liff. Ounheaif cf thé plaintif ut vas contnfldt is vws net a, "sufficlent", stalle <gréai stress bsing laid on the verd ,sufficieutVIb>,theç leiutlffe coun- sel.) hAte. île ceuni for tréspe, it vas cr>, ehova lIaIthé pleintiff had, sufféret neo aneage, anti le aen ad- miltet il hia»IAif.A te lIé change for lsking eut sînsape, thé plaintif olsianet hé ha t aken eut 110 pas. stunipa, and 500 artwoittsump-Iheftreres-lé iug vorth 75 ae.esaci, snd tle lalten 10 ce. eih; but coulti not leil vîs lie teok.thoment u or lu which flii Ils>,we vtakés eut. The, défendant déal etiléteck an>, <scept qosé), sud liaI erer if 40é -ad teén'l an, thés- hati nvés- leen an>, agreemeul mate helveen lieni. Thé jury, afler about t bonisureah. amé, brougiat in s verdict fer 7plalnli8, $4X -; Division Court ceaie cul>, bélng Défi;u'eIpeak l -1ather blsJnteef - andti eiti ilbdildid niot den> hé- vas j thé father-of thé chilti. P3athet MoInte - bld mie thie. I sent Ted Veley-aud -Owen'X oCnohan te ose deft. I MAW ot. éIean thé etel, but hé Baiai, as -hé wu vanl a hurq thon, he voulti corné up ansd ose-e. thée nexb nigiat. Ho told Mr. Grepwoed ho voulti gr me 91.- a5S oaveli r île support of bies ulai, -anti My éxpeusés, anti alec $10. My> twIo sile en et te ose deft. anti aked bui wIal hé was goiug tb do ; hé saiti, a Whet enu I do ? RHooffaned te baeo tle chilti, or I coulti keep lb if I wishsd. îWhou wé met lu Greuwood's office hé a sel tiare for semé limé vithout sa>ing Ilnsylhlng, until Mn. Greénwoeti came a le, then ho saiti ho would *iv me $200 su'ad have ne more le do wilh il. Ha meiti heýon olt givé me sema dowu sud 4 te balancé tle laI -of May; anti eulai gu.me mécunit>, for said balancé. I 1 at iI v as williug le agroé te thaI, but iý I vouiti like te gel ail down ; ho said 1hé lad net gel il. I seiti if he lsd not Fgel il hé coulai not givé - il. Hé thén veut le sep Mn. lYcusdeil, anti yent a eut anti I neyer saw hlm again about fthé msblex. I vas couflétiaet an>,. aie. t en'e bonéd~; au>, other-iu-law lbcre thé ès p Bses of My> confinement.- .' Boe-examinti b>, Mn. Verewell.-Hle bold ans hast if hé venteti au>,moeé> &Il hé lad bo do vas te go te hie bruni. Hé tolti me ha bolougedti e ne sociot>,. I névén mnev le vas e Presbytérien Snbil alter I bocamé prégnant. I heai rofteu boen at hie motiaer's, -belL befone sud afeflon voerse egagéd. I nover racéivoti a cent froan hlm. Mn. Trousdellh-Am pltfe uttorne>, cieni. Was in bhe office St thé limé of lias meeting bélveen Brown aud O'Connor, Brownutbld me thé>,bilticoa te au agreément that hé shoulai psy 8200. Dr. Bogart.-On thé 911 cof August, Miss O'Conn came te nmé. I seketi hen if aIs lad been keeping compauy with an>,oes; shé raid shé hati. I bold ber hast vwas thé ceuee of, ber trouble. Iaseketi via>,héoii net marry bien ; mie sud shé tii net vial lu menry ont of heon hurcii, alhiougii hé as k d ber te ment>, hlmaet soma pieute. George Brown.-I amn the* febier cf thé cbiid. 1 founti ont seé ime in Jué hastaosévas p rognant. There va iaule et Duffins' Créek, se I ladbr te gel réati> anti vs vould hé manniédt Ibre, but mlh ackéd out aller v. got thére, ant isaohé could net lie manrieti except b>, a priet. I sent han cousin up arlerwards- te séé ber sud maké arranements about gel- ling marriet. We vore te ho, married ait DuMfns Creéls, anti ho vas teoée thé ministen, but I tcnt tiaink hé év*en veutj te see hlm. Thé>, aflervartis matie an- ranigements for amé te get -mannii et ber aisten's hoes, b>, lias':priest, but I woulduno& le anieti b>,-thé prise.Ic got e letter from1Mr. Greeuveod, aud veuttle use hlm ; ho saiti ho lad, heon insînuotéti b>,MieO'Connor le ses1 vIral 1 eulti dc fer thé support cf thé 1 ehild. I aftenverds met ber lu Q.'. J cffice sud cifereti te givé ber #200,,025 t! dowu sud thé, balaeé b>, ltla*of m Apnii, but se. vAnteti cash. I teiti ber a if 1 heti net gel il I coulti net give lb te i ber, but veulti givé ber thé securil>, cf I an>, brother or -brclher-in-law, but shé vouiti net taes i. I am a billard Mr-ker anti gét $4eà velianti psy an> To Mn. Farewell-I vas always vill- ing le gel marriéti hy a- ministen, anddsi shé vas villing te gel marrieti b>,aesi pniest, Lut an>,parents vure net willing a I miacult be manniéti b>, a pniet. i nover proposedte icmarrc>,ehon uil after shebecaanepregueut. I titinot inteandi Mr ire vey> thé laI of Mni n.Btchie matie an éloquent appeai 0: te îthe jury'lu mitigation of. damages. 1 Mn. Farewell repliéti foi-, thé plaintiff in s ahi. lespeech. Hie Lordéhip lu clangin.- the jury I sai Ihere zas ne evidee of dansgés. Thé jury neturnstia verdict for pib.,' t] vih nominal tiamagÇe'cf one dollar.s Calder vs. Giichnis'-Actiau'-of trea. psaýqý th Ie titIs e tend bélvéén thé 'M The Great Eastern# whièh hmu Wri jais at Milford for »Me -fouir yeare, i0 undergock itensive -altéra&tion3s. Hea Epbddle éngines are being taken out 01 ir, and she*'wil in future'b. driven by 1 y twih screws, She ie being fitted foi, the conveyance of cargose of live cettis froa Ainerica, angr ïr passenge' sàiooni are being rédecoratsd. Thé paýpe crop of the United States le esuming quité large proportions. We do know how nearlY correct thé following estimate May be, but ws give it as we find it in an exohange: Mis- souri bas 1,500 acres cf the vine culti- 'ration, producing lest year-ý500,000 gal-, lons of wine; Sandusky, Ohio, and vie- jnity, (includingthe Lake Erie Islands) 4,000 acres, producing 10,000,000 po unde of fruit;. Galifornia 60,000 acres in prapes, representing lu money, inolud- iug land $80,000,000. Thé old buildings on the Bryan corn. er have been removsd by Mr. Hnuggard. The. coast is noW clear for building op- erations, on thet unsightly corner. Tau ScuooNBnz Bermnud a, Capt. Ail- an, left Port Wbitbyfor Oswego launoli- éd on Sunday evening at 6 P. an., wind fair. Watson, tifs Canadian orator, lectur- sd ati Broughamn on Friday eveuing. e1heré was an cyster Pupper afterward, snd the etceteras with a féw of hie fMinde. Thé new iamp lu front of the Oddfei- iow's.héll, had a tumble during Satur- day nigh's Stormn. Sail boats and skiffs are making their isppearance on the ba>,. The paper hengers and painters are busy iu the génerai cieaning up. The delivery of gpain je limitéd, 0W. ing to the bad roads Prices range about ,the same. Se markiet report. Werdon's grist Mill je running satis- factorly. Tiie water'in thé différent creelle je getting iower. Su[onDur PEDDLX.ES, have been thick -rcund town for the pu.t week.'ý Thé cbief haî watchfui eyes for the nulién- The town baud lé éniufred aftér.- Whej'é are- its wélcome spring notesP Mr. Stephén Falier, an old resident of Whitby, died on Sunday lust. The Catholia churcles c> f .Ottaw* havé aubscribed #8,242, towarde the Irieh -relief fund; Thé Brantford Irish Relief Fund Jommittea remittsd tc, ier Grace the Duché"e cf Maiborouge #675.40. Visceunt Barrington, Sir Arthur Guinness, andti 8r Ivor Ouest, membere of the last Englieli Perliament, are te ,i. raise t b the peerage. SuP Ma UnnméàA» Assoi- theé cbarred romnains of &a man namsd. Hnsklnir, neer the village cf 3Voolér, Northumberland ounty, were found lu the ashes for is -dislling on Satnrday night. The Mnan lived alone, and thére are suspicions that, hé 'was robbed and nurdored and théý house set on flie to bide thé crime. The Viceroy of India bus béén creat. cd an Earl, with, the- titis cf Rai c f Lytton. 2 Capt. Kîdd's groe combination' Sale cf Short-Horne wiil begiur at Kan- as City May 5. Il le suppcsed that about 800 head Wil11 ho soid. Bheep mon in, Colorado are lu good spi rits ovér the prospcts cf a good- prie for wool. - Contracta are àlready offered 'at 80 centswith few if any tak- ®re,. 85 cents being :the average asked. Right poisons suffoed thé death pen.1 alty lu tus Unitedi States on Friday2 lut . ,Twenty-Three tiiousand quails &àre on- lie :way frein Engianti, and Winl bc Sè tb liie - y lu Pensylvania. > Wblîby 'rcwnablp Ouni. r Broolelin, April .5lh, 188M 1- Council met pursuant te adjout. rment. AUl the_ nembens présent; r eeve in* the chair. Minutes ci1h lust meeting read, and apprcved. The reevé préseutéd and reàd -thé pétition of David Blarclay, prayiug fer a a réduction cf thé amount to be pait for thec license of hie taveru in the Vu.- ilaesof Asiaburu of D. L. Williamns 3 and Aiez. Wison, pnaying to e lanu- - ointei to thé office of cdllectcr ; <>1 1> *L.Wiliams sud 12 otheis, pireying for a grant of inoney for thé improvemeut cf roadé ; of- Samuel Hohuan and 12 otams, praying for repeal of thé by.]aw oforming, a separate road division oul cf parte cf lots 18 aud 19, lu thé 7th con. ; cf Quintip McGowau sud 40 othén, ,prayÃŽng for a grant cf mcusy on aide line between lots 82 sud 88, lu théeZ&J cn.. ; by MrE. J. B. Mathewson, the, pétition cf D. Hollida>, andi 28 chhers, for thé réduction cf thé' saler>, çf ths; township Clerk ; ofEzra Dake sud 41. ethers, praylng that thé salany cf h. towuship Olérk be reduced, sud- thé clerk remnoved:; cf Joseph- Tyler, priy. iag thet hé be.appoiuted te -the offc of. .sollestor. The-foliowiug accounts were ordsrod te b. paid :-Gý-eo. Perry, work on roade, 82 ; V Wm Duukley,' do., 85 ; Hart & Bswliusou, steticnery sud a» sesement relis, $18.50;-- Alex. WileÃ", salar>, as assessor, $75 ; Wm. Henin, jr-, for cedar, 875 ; John Camplin, fun- éral expenees of Annie Wharran, indi-- gent, -#12 ; Robert Wbils - was author- ized to éexpénd #1 par weék for thé benefil cf Mn-. Murphy, indigent. On motioncf 1Mr. Davideon, second- éd b>, Mr. SmÙitb,a& by.law was minro- duced and passédï tte appoint overséers cf highwayo, feues vfswer8, and Pound- kéépers,'fIor.thé présent yésr. Ou motion.-of Mr. Smnith,scondéti by Mfr. Derby, resived, That thé Troesa- er'a bond b. -laid on thé table. for ex- eminatien b>, théecouncil. Ou motion cf Mr.'BSmithi, sécondeti by Mr. Davidson, thée'reeve was euth- onize t t instinct the. townéhip attorne, te notify , thé Grand, Trin" 'Bailwa>, Ccmpanày cfCanaa, topt the srossing cf said railway betlweenÃŽaLots li. 20 and cf Wbitby, iu a adé condition, for ehe pubuiousoe md-travel, acéordiug te thé staâtuté lu snobioase madtanïdpÉovid.d -' Oumotion cf Mi~. Bmith, secondéti by; Mr, Davidson, that thé Treaurêr'. bond iaviug bedu laid -upcn- lbertale anti éxaanedby théenebéns -cf tihe couneil, it beipprovéd and, acoepteil, Ç>nImotion cf Mfr. Smith, sécondi b Mr. Davidson, resolvéi,. Thal. sall hé thé duty cf thé assessor, te set, 'dqwu iu a sépenaté. solunin thé number- cof obildren betwéén thé age cf four and ,, sixtéén, opposite the Dame cf oach ter- son on thée asssnelizt roll, who, an so résident with ii l, on thé saitiassau- ýmeut noli cf Iis township, anal for thé diecharge cf smciiduty,, ho ehail ré- cévon the ccmpletion of thé vork, thé umcftwéntyflvé dollars. Mr. Mathewson-niovsd, séconded by 1evw t6 appoint a ciérk'and fi hies Bl- a7, anti thél thé same ho Dow reati a tis tiane,, -Leavé granted, and bill W uht in audraaist MovéZ.d lay M. at two , secnd. f,- . .Pattri Tbo Nc*ia. "-v MI~ , âëeoi

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