aitiIi3 vnt E %VODAY s H IOR K G\A,.........0 is a itra. C, N. VAKS, L. D. S. I- BER u taon &U the ROWN ROTEL, CO0WRI, 86. ~ ~ w~i as almos as tis ciespesi, sud as gcod asîbe . Â>Pïi - I W!4sn a vt*1 4*ess bout oui0)14viiioad, ganAOliver. Late o! *i'1o On"of'4 al mb.vb<t=odtti. tltetit atnate&-tlioîi pin, y pnducig puciand n iiov loca anestesi. Dnt a Rainalu cv-arlcitsa nt ao sueitnovwblock, aven Alkisson's Drug Store, numerous fnieudi. K.ngSlrel, Oia.86 A ondBotier inu JOHN - R013INSONS BLACK IJD AED-SS, H AVING -COB. FhNT &GIeM JOU< WLFEDEN - (Late of Weliigt AGENT FOR TUB CILEBRATED- - BcttIis Granita. At Marbie Works T* US iS8.,0< Pi af J4nthianWleude, DuadaaSt., Wiuy. leig for over 8W hige ________________________ iodaticu for tirie -publie lu genenal. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. LUMBER V1- Prhted g~d roi thonghtl, uad PROVINCvOF o; VîTH ferma $1~Opar Anntim. ____________ With 4aiM mone tneâ$Ud iniÃŽOPl audip- t bsrged et tho rate 0f18 cents, pentues, dnt ___________ geninetin le f M pla~ VOL.X V.w II -BY,7 riïursnce Compýnands, metteof - - desciPtin Whuivced mmong News Mat- &r ton cents er lu.RNDTUKRMWY3.LJ )H1N Speelcon lrecte =sac viiadiertiloniG I y the yeer, or otberwiie. opposite 0. T. R. Station,) Whitby. seN 0OTITREBIG JVG (uEGIiTEi8ID) Y Ordento discontinuie sdvertiaementi WM. O'NEILL - PROPRIETOR. 1KN-T ATTRNO inuit bo la vnitiln. I 1KN -T ES OOT. Bver a( edromeMoais et ail FanOy Breakfast sud Tes Sts. urs. Fancy Diner na )agDeniSets. .Bu-81n688 Direa tory. hGh , omotBl ar fly siuid ibetFancy B.d-main Sets. __________________brande of Lîquori, Wînes, rendues, Cigare. Fauy Juge and Teapots.w ONT ARlO flÂNE, &ce. Evory noccsîiary direction igîven to Silver PUil XEne, ssdSon. IrTfl 'AK rtveliers. silvor Plated Cruels snd Butter Coons. W H IT B B R . N H. a dstebling, enclose3 yea d aetten- Slver PinatdCak Baats. tive etieri. .___ Tee ra.t sud .errrrs. tel TIIOMAS DOW, Fiower .Shacles fon ilyîRM. & MA AOEa. oOMMERClÂL HOTE I; ud STABLES, Glsuevsr, ail descriptions.R 64 and 66 Jarvie-itiet, Toronto. white Stone wang, evory ktud.C FAREBWELL ê RUTLBDGEP JOHN McB.4E, .* pROPRIETOR. Bote) and Bai( Goode. AlngES ATTORNEYS, SOLI.L veze i JO KELY)Importer. citos, otalesPublic, aud CoeVeBy- Te b foit0aley iluib e 1ity, 'cu1y mneens. obe tic Na oortber-flDepot fnd cl ta tie Market. The nse bai bconne"c o o encrs ,edor south of the YIeytigFrtcas I-ý ominio odW rs Hotu, Fittoti ont, and overytigFr-ce' . Rael *itby ,XSREDOE B. -A. -WHITBY. * 'E ARBWLL, L. L. B., CouyCroicu Attorney. 48 TEMPERFANCE HO USE, -Geo. Corrnackp, KET ORO, DUNDAS.STRELeT, WVITBY. IrUMBER I1KRCHANT & BUILDER.M JAMES K - ODN9L Àlarge snpply of Builders, Puiaib- ARITE AT11B.A~,Good ecoommoa5tlin at reasongablo ierms. base- ail11ktc V' ofTwigui4eê WP B Rdisto iCçneyCeé'TOr Boardere $2.60 per week. 45' oosStaad Biida. Notary Public, &e. Ofe ,.od5S. LME ioeco u cîo yH tirut doorot o.! nstn aiiHôelot:),SEaiTORONTOONT. rjeMr10Ù Maney la osu niifu d- i OSIN OStTRON", )y crTod 0 tiOL -Te alce at) f Cnaa tetltdPIahing, Moultings cf everydescnip- Bc, Refurnisiitd, and iUnzi'rlid. Now Pason- ldon, Fiooring, Sbeeitlug, Sb*ling, Re- uas * JON A iIoGILIVRT, or Eevaatrnnnn¶ ii~tend9T.Theswiflg, Shipig, Turning. Bcroli-work, <Siicesar t H.M. oicoi.) ~ nf-c1ant Hotel n ausda tgradliu-~ ec ]> ARRISTER & ATTOBNY.ATLAW, à C. ____,__Othon_______ PBli.&' r ochnfor the roai, wiihout board, 81ARK N. r dSH, 1n. k.OMeec.-Next doar Fb 7i 88tec2pna. OETT EU ank. ab 2th 88.Propnieto1r.M Mansion Bouie, Uz7bnidge, Ont.- - Te demnucfMnw CHARLES C. KELLER, YL BO - WHITBY. ey toLand ponPi ar rown Prop<, st TTRNTAT.LAW, SOLICITOR IN Ils above hboltbas been thgronghiy uis»iua li o e et din u teout b - -ATTstne cVynsiusni renovstod ana reuuiiiod, sud in ccv un- rrsm.cmoresdl iatsitb- !on,jmck, C. W. de4r the management of GIiO. MAC=I, Several Improved Parme sud Wild Lands _______________(forzneriy of St. Lawrence Hall, Port Hope. for saie chsp. L L. T. BARCLAY, Bvery attention paid ta gut. Inyssmonti nmade lu Municipal Doben- Especlly <tdilample Btooms for Comn luresRut, sud an other makikotablo Stocks. ATORblEYTTLAW, SOLIGITOR mercis) travoiioX. Frtuter p"iui- ap7 4 tg le inCisuceni' sud Insolvency, Couvoy- _________ - AE ODN encer, &c., &o. IODU opriOt-At lie Court Bouse, Whltby. T=E Qu'E'N's HOTEL, OMeiiaIA.ssln, Broker, &o. ("ATE ONXXEiCUiA,) Apil h, 17. LYMAN ENC.LlSU, L L. B., BROCK-STRýET, WIiITBT, BRITER AT LAW, SOLICITOB INl TAYLOR & MoCA;NE, PROPRIETOUS. Bcee Shoot, COnTcliavi C'. .-si. The uederaigned doîlmo ta 'inforin their one tibe, Osawa. ------ _ findsand theO pblic tiat tioy bavettan DAVIDORlUIITON,~ ~, the abave woilknWuhôtel, vilci they DAVIDORMISON9 BA.9 have nowly fittod up sud rnuovatod, sud putW 4TTORNEXYAT.LAW, SOLICITOR IN ia the boit of order fan the accammoda- A. Cheucery, Conviyancer, &c. tlice1, af ueTi.'he Bar, wich itca hud- oi.r-Iu thc Office eeuth «of the iPost someet m he»County, tn vol) supphied with Offi<-, ie McMhIan't i ock., Dro-k Stroct, it incîl brandi cf iine, liqucrt, sud ci- -wlilby. ) gara. Amle enclose4i hed mran sd geod stabliieg, bai stalle, &o. Dtacheoin BAL»%, for commercial traeolors. * ~ ~ ~ ~ J joi AL10V .P. TAYLOR, PILII? McCANN. BARtISTEBAT-LAW. SOLIClTOR late of Toronto. lun Chancci-y, Convoyace, &c. Offico-Devenill's Block, Brook Street,THE WILON HOUS. Whitby.TH WIS N OUE -MONEY TO LENII-Piuete Fonds - SIU ,OT. ln sumos np ta * SRM, t a bic rate of iu- SBRNOT. tercet. (Y-5'2 ALEX BARCL.AY, --Propricton. --ri - - The Bouée la of Brick large sud <oul. Pl IIBN4N& UENT, rnoioua, and) lhe iutoir Le itted u niI ex î~ (L.vnr I)UoOAII ROBîi>BON.) O elt) Ale. r>AIRISTEB8.ÂAT-LAW, A T TOUBN - The larder isllacpplitd wth tho bostitnu B )eys, Soicitors, Conveysucers, &c. themarket. The beet oa i uorsanad OFFICLL-Ic Victoria Chembeis, No. ciug agueon.Goiied.ARCHI Tr 9, Victoria Street. Sal___lren____ Ges hds RC I EC U E ____ -1TISH AMERICAN MOTEL, DRAWING Al1 PCFCTO J1qOG.KELLEY, R AY - O KIIRISTER-AT-.L&W, SOLICITOR B t h Cbaeery sud Iesalvoncy, Ccevoy- LArE icasoix atiiZ.) B3 U I L D)1I N G 8 enter &o. flOMn-Devorll'iBlock, Brock- -wHITBy ~T4RIO Papl aEoon 6;,WtbOnt. WE.iTBn 0NT Co0.ns-tl rrdtru ciown. cnm Stri1, Wilby - Rouge neWiy rouovatod sud fuznished -~ througiant., sud put in iret-cias ondin for MfUONI AND SONOOL ARCHIECTRE 'A' Go YOUNG BITH, L L. 0.9 hicroceptian ofge. Au omnibu, teancd 8.CIAaY ABRISTER, <ir.,'kc.-Monoy ta Loacenomaltae.rt-cisas sample rocins. Correspandence Respectfully Soiiciteul. B >Issuer i Marrnis.e Licouses. - .B ABR rhlak. !an. 22, 1ý78. tf-5 Cor. King & Yanksts., Toronto, Ont. <~i~>Oi J. A. OGR4DY, -FROPRIRTOR. A. A. POST,c CAMEKONI& Al'PÈBE, TÃu,8.0ruDT i4)(sa ihLnly ago oie 1ARRISTERS, Atorneeys.Lav, sud T_________________ «-47 LT.wih a"Oront) o.) k urei B Solictors ln Ciancery, Na. 4 Toronto1 strool, Tao-enta. POST OFFICE SALOON, TozoNTo. A. R C 1-11 T B C T. HIECTOR OAMERON, Q.. i)y-4111,B. .APPEL8E. __________ M MoONNJJL,-~. ~Desigus for ChorchlisVliisa puCottseff R. J. GUNY4, M. D., SW TEE BESITACOMDTNDrvnsrprefr e opic. ige n5rouot6e bis rsidmuce, The yolloývd -p trail, t IT tth.ske SWiti thiet The. airzf Toitii ýud te st - I Wli he moin.rhoJUknit a ewe jwu viià e Siw £8Ws offin t %e" ah dnit the. tbe nd w9&' teMr t*0 oDsuaWpIeà "Ni so amibe, Th et h z tussle1 Who bou tni*0heEsmIWI-&ud1hbW*p Ofe«tormiwsn&dd m sloufr The .&talivmncamiet Procs thlvèSasedhaouos Til te vr, iaà ft4lld5 l kPOhi5iiih=U ba9iS CAin nd ypis zvsudauutOtai14h*&Vt -Soatltuoh of ia oisinso bl Szi. ith aima <p rb- auia U i Ha he "Rowb, teVSUdtiwr, uio rt s kwamre ê"l ȎSU, irepOt Ti"n ha of! bui-nvoman- th., - U;Kiq The. MagAilaStsEgbtlim le a AltC ïïDON. z&wasobey, .1 qssated fron A Legmsi of lbe Great Quaee. bimeoif; - Sarchodoil t Plu 1.ft a ptnour VE8JJVEN SMMES. $1> iat thegui (roui hoesa -Sarchodouhbi tuh, vflh e.& là $ bscomra, wae ou gauas gw sOfsecépe Ù çhose goodly verriors hy lthe â ty 4of-e.niunioal atblitenin % e"wý bei* Iânlie l - n h-igol f incarnas ueo b IIauseme 1 v - t e , > i i ù u h o u s e b l i l ; a- 6 i t ? . 4 o n e SIlo.-I .o l'. king bath TiTIQK.. s sthuiswhe are, aucu a iEK S.-I eom u yaora Goa of day, isà là snpîendor à ip, suan ~ad m .hôta ýmnq iy buiuý,4g fao lun My ecans-hèctiso,- alieady I i ouly4top l." ho tlilUl iibibae4 inevery be l a id l do Ë s f r a i e a n o s - t h e ela scooà aulleui of sinoore -a mofo! 6oetanty sud un-ý atoiut -warrlor thon, sald ho go un'oomejy for one whtime egu apn i:ad, sud wa W, and . onso, lt.efine tha. Wnm. s-prl it e. 1h.etrengÉth p b~~hore vs apl'tat It)tè'te orebars & 1E ha toinohai Aanv hirt aieatt 091, OFFICE OPPOSITE TREE OYAL Halai, Brook-gi, Whuiby. Whllby, Marci OBh, lm7. - 344y ATHUE.O' RL - For maleby T. G. Whidtfield, WhutbY. IN'SURANCE. ONTARIO FARMERIS' !ut<Iil i1n8uraPc8 Op"y RAD OFFICE, DEOOK-Sr., WmTBY. culs ooIEwM; toEumOS im Buml& inCountry Churo scSbool, uesdtheir Contents aCtesas nov mlansAs. iÃŽCompainy JST LS PROMPTLY P&ID. J. B. BIOKELL, JORN WIâL1S C. XOURSE, Sac=rà .s Fbltby, April 9h,'1878. .16 p BNIX Mn EINSURANCE CO.. imbaril St. mil Obseing Cross, London. EUAB3LiIEEIin< 1782. 1ILLESPIE, MOPPÂTT CO(1., Agents for canaa IL W. TYE, Viager, Kontresi & GXIqCY ESTBLISHD 1K CAA- DAÂ ln 18U4.UnUmited Iiablty of à the Stbekhods, ma !là aM- Rosons runde. Moderate, rates cf prelui. * O. XOUBSE, Agent, Whitby. Wbftby, Apri 9Sil, 1878. 1 AMBRICA I ssurance Compan INCORPORATED z833. A iSSBET8, 01,101,ffl 94. F. A.. BALL, Manager. Inhuracceaef eted ai Uic lowesi currant rates on Butidingg, MerchaudiGe ' antd other ropvi'y, mn.ret Io*$ or idamage by iCm. Agent, Whitby. w'hlfby, Apnil 9tb. 1878. M pz*2LW QuimB mo ONSTOI Ȉ d trou. 't lseuesawiepsese ~s valubie o, anbnsbu imspsd rpcltreeeble to we*kuetw1 a- ow#t lb. boyand W èsns c i 6goumra qIIIKnm A" MN ONIGu PsUtrenci ho arous 554 2uemuOPS ist in 4Rz1e fect out eS dnseuuthf i itote invanbe y