TeiepapeslfobNurie Leais' o. PhotogaplayMr. B rar.M. Pianoslai . Alle' Luni Bassai.- pure ream Tart-ar-S. S.13 mith. Perfectdl Speolcles-8. W. B. Smith. Plavoring- sxtraots, &o.- B . W. B. Smith. Oarl:-Outariô iMotel. Par. sud obesp »rugs-T. G. Whit. ' field Pulinonlo Syrup-T. G. Wbitfiol.. Lit1%orans-T. G. Whi&field. Gîui Bdge Butter Powder,. &.-T.,G. WVall Piperi, &o.-J. B. Robertson & Brou. Specias-J. S. Robertson & Brou. Bout spectacles-J. S. Robertson à B roi., ageuts. AUCTION SALES. Dwelling sud land, bou.ebold furnl. turi', &o., properLY lite Chester Draper on 14th April ai Wiby.-L. Pair. banki u sctioneer. Extensive sale of real oetat.e, preper. Iy of the laie Chester Draper, et Rayls hiel, hitby, Saturday, April 17tb, -L. Fairbanks, auctioneer. Mortgaîge sale of farin, propsrty ot Oscar Dslong, ôth con. of Whitby, e.! RoYal botel, hitby Mon&ay, 19&b cf Apri-L. English, solicior-L. -Fir. banks, auctignsor. OL'< Si So PUR ANNUM. WIbY, Thursdy, Apil 8, 1880. The British Elections. Lites! moînu ave" no doubt of the 0OumPlete burase of the Liboral Ps'riy. The. PeU MfflS Gaseig gays il fie s. timatd tttet D.o»w Honi.of Con. mous mll Couin&is of 817 Libers!., 271 conterrativea, and 68 Momins uier The. Libers!. vilii hua ha"e a msority ot 46 ovrithb. ocasrvativss, or of 109 witb ths Homne Ratera, bui lb. Con. urvatives and Home Ralers ecmbined wil! cutaumber tii. Libers!. by 17. Ton ToVNi CouNcu.-Tbe proceedingu of the Town Concil Monday -venlng were of a more buaeuieulite charatr titan ai thie previons meeting cf the Town Fatbers. Tlhe vws a large at. ton-da.ace of the' rate. payeru-ozpeoting- *luubtbcs, ho vitusa sîle.sisov perform. - nope. ; but, ibanks pèrlaapi ho the little r.rpose in tbo CU§ONIOLIt.,Ibis kii Of fuit vaw omithod Its! Mouday evetiing frmi the rouglar programme. Boiter the cotlookers sbould bp dissapoint.d timta. litthie crporatiou sliould b. InAle redoiulous. OxcrÂamî LsoiiKs' CoLLG.-The e.- tura given lat Tuesday evsning, bv ertif Kirkland, M.A., was able sud in. sîriactive. Tih. beautiful vnewa froin thse ttroopticon vers thoîrougbly on joyeit. Thse lectnru'r gave «au anterest- ing @tory" cf tht oragin cf the earth se. cordlnug tb dieNsbnlar hypothettis, tb. successive changes wbic it bua uder- Rzoue, &agi the varions forme cf lifs ibat have charscisrlzed the différentl geolog. ibal agei. At te close of the lecture a vote o f Ihba vas unanimoualy tender. e1 'the. Isoturer. G. Y. 8mitli, Esq., ooonpied the chair. Nait Priday evauicg, Ui. Taveruer. Gr ant uîorese cf IlRe»oeonbie Elocution," andl a demerved!l7 ppular reniler, yl givo au eveang s roadinju an,Irecjtat4ons ln Ontario Ladies*'-Col- loe. 1Mr%. Graham la toc*#Ili kaoov to Ossal coamnation. Wi estou - filent t&bas al vho attend vil! b. ltlghly dellghted. T&Laratoxca are extendling over thé town. M. Tovneend, cf lths Kantreal TolegZrapia Co., placed instrumienta ina! wea'k ai ltte hoad office, Wbitby, under chiarge of 1Mr. Yul ; ai he Wbitby P, ~ier ai-tIrte. h#dro4 tend fl/ï.-To 1h. pi'per bavlnig lte langer' elroul#41oi au Whhvortieer pays, Bsn, 100Ion insirI- n annoucuneemetat, white ln i ppir iaien ebi miller inlation lie gesQ isis"18ad."' put li fur 25 : Wbicli le ùise best re tle i averiserý? MEake ai lot cf itle Yo viii final tisai bgnthie âesocf thse paper with lbe.'nialbeî circulation, an aclvrtlsemeut caoss M?- 14, per-100, wbereas ltae largar circule- tion is resle et h$2.50, par 10. Take an averago of six reatihrs tosacis numis. erof s'paper puiliahsd bth propor. -ion lu laver of thte paper vils lis large circulation yull be found bucresseal lu au squat ratio. 'Plie actual proportion ls uoarly eon. le coe i faor of the newsPapes- touk £1. iarger circn"aon. A sixly-dollar adveilisenulilu the a*ne F aerculd oou! be vorth, ton dollars uteother. bhis viii smount for the difference lu rates s kod aI bath offices, aud vill aise, vo trust, serve as a sue- dient anaver te ltoee vbo*cneste Ris vautimg Ibeir mnounasmenta l'pottl, "thé sane as other papers." A.sl0, postage on newepaper. la now paît? y veighti, attis, rate of a cent pan lb.,; lte crculation eau be easily à serlsln od. As Instance 1. Thse CasueicLu pays postage ou front 80 Its. toP98 lio, weelily. The Gazette, opon from I19 Ib.ta.e 21 Iso. 'Phare are bosides smrne ve hundreil CiseoNxcx.xs deliverad by lte carriers aud callet? for ah th. office. Gooci value lu adveriieing paya. Cbesp advertisiug, lu papers withaut circulation. ia money throvo avay. Pie. Fair at Caremnont. The ral of tho aovly inaugnrated laina la te> behaeldal aiClaromoul, - on Tueaclay, Aprl 211h. Twc Itundreal dollars vili b. giréon capromiams for boises, caIlle, aud implemeuts on ex.- hibiiioc TItis exhibition, te resait of oommsn.babbe local effort, promises WeOU,sud liaraugi , tise main o6jecl souglis te b. Atwoond-'-* hlesud cal- ifatory repreacuttion cf herses sud catle-vlill, vow bave ne deuil, be en- tirely ouual an sd fuhiy reabize te expe.ta$lne aoflths promot- frs. -Tis prises offeret? are laugoby lu adranse cf ltepremluaordinarly fin. su ttaprisaotws,,as "I! h. sien by tse s"immuneemu uoiar coluonus. Evnyod Il!-nov, DodouhltebUr lp for ltbgsSClavmont Pair, sud i tle-estbet prove favorable, tisera May b. sîpec tehob. een lu lté favoneal village sncb a galherlug1as viln even as. tous the natives. Ample piiparatiou. are 1%fbg mad. aI the bhelhansd ou tise grounîla te intu lly lte pabie con- venleuce. Bef*re Major Harper, Esq, Mayor. Mieliae*Kelly andl James Wbelau vers arrsteal on Sstnrahay evsosng, by Ciief lirysu, and brougist befors iei vorsbip lte)loyer. ou Mtday moin luge ebargeal vitb bing drunk sandldia' orderly. The Mayor infiicled A fine, wiic including coes, anale t t #8.50 emeis, or teunisys ouci) in gmeî. Thiomas Wilsonn vu breugbt upoce a simulai charge sud also vilIa diaving a hilé; e;bd. lncluding cuot,$4.50) or lveuty daya. Tise Defeat cf th. Ciief Secretany for Mfr. Jaimes Lovlber mails bainîL n.ry unpopular As Cbief Becrslany for Irelanal, aud thoe le coueaqunly gres! isjoieing amongat IrihLlhorsm over bis defeat. 'Ph. pneu dispateli saya. :-The doeet at York City of igIt Ilon. Jarnas Iovtbei. Coucirrvatnsd Ohief berelary for lreltand. la rees"et vilb vdld aleligIt by titi nome BUler satlau" slleim sofI - 1. Mfr. Long, obtlren, eommnitee os- atreels, la dotug a goci varli lu bsv!îng Ibe broken tone puttan lte scleets aM lis a sunable lime of tis e an. ALI. SAITS, a' Ca c Cooa, -ou To«7s vnelg, vas fairly ledd aaa& vua Umaus ton .Byibosh iompaient.ta inuge. tilalesaià t? e "Wv finitI nuooary lobhas-o S heallit Iu, apeeto. . And WviteMono- ftting tItau Ilr. Alexaden P ringle, Who bui dis- ohargeil lts à duty for 80 mau'y Yeas$s mudt?- vilas macèhgenîarl satsfaction P Thte time bu nov arrived wvion bo vi11 bi rnalcug lie paiodidal - rounds, sud *e advisahi en 40ntalttaale notice anal goveru lisenslvas abacrtagly." Inlitis filcoonlt sunnual report, prssent- et? for lut yeain, Mir, Pningle reors te lihe smal Poxl cee, 'triisIt appily psssed ovor wv,'iitu effetiog s lodg- inu!bore. (15 vas introduced inmb a oeil af the ocli.up hy a tramnp, sud Wvu oufiued heoee nember of tise famihy of lise keeper.) In lte eauly part of lise yenr, ho.mey, Ivas ninh curprisete l learn t ebmasl Pl, ltaI Mostl bath- sorne alleese,vas lu outintiat, sud vray soon I vas beseiget? wilhisiléeand notices froni the'iubabitantsoflte lowu lu regard ta lise sainse. The Mayor at once gave ni, instructions teilok mter ltse mater, vIticis I id, aud 1 aIma cou- aullet? physielins of te tevu, aud, aet- ed under tlîeir instructions. For »ever- ai veelie, I vent daiby belise tavu hall, vhen tse ouly eas , sud foundth ie larnily very careful as te cleaulinses, sud aia cenfining ltent- selves as nicch as possible te Iheir own premaises, anal dtisus lesseuing a&H danger cf spresding the disea#e. I misec visilsd rnany othe parties who were talion sick, but foundal nbis! ofe I hen voe affeatetvitb tise soie disease, aud I vas soon abie le allay the excitemeut amougithe people. Aflor elating boy tise disease vaa broaght ito teUts ev by tramps, lte inspeter ada-Andase the diseas isagain prevalent lu Mon- trmal anal Ottavai, visoe maoy cf oui traimps coe., Ithink il lsa adangei'aiis practios La place tbsose ebarsters lu lb. loch-up, vhere a farnly roess;tUe expsing thos te diesi, danger andl epinte, amuthlIt Lavainurcely te danger. Hie osllteéattention of 1h. Boss-ilof HElalti t hie nooesity cf prouaptly re- rnoving tdesal animaIs, and thelb.inufi flcleucy cf cavoriag cori Uce.tar se bus-led, snd tise injurions eofeele l bealtis limbi, te reenît tUcrefroin. 'Ph. condition of ontboames mut? privies se- ceinsahane of lte inspectei'sa Uttet- on ;j but hos cay&, nais a nuisance la sompiaineil cf Se dosa net feel mi liber- ty to interféré. Hes reports lise cîsanlinesansd iscaltit of te tavn asexcellent. .[Titi inspecter hlm geusial authanily le set, vhcneverà usneiexiste, vbelher iiila coniplainet? againat or not, aud vo truaItaI, I or te satecf th. cantinuet? gond bealIli cf lb.elavi, vItichit a peially under hiecaore, ho vihl net he prnoal'l.bromi ugI asmot- ives cf moe delicacy, frem perlnrniing bis public -duty.] Special Meeting Shaneholdere Whitby. P. P & Lindsays Railwey. A aipecial meeting cfte sharehoit?- ors of th. Whitby, P. P. & Lindlsay Railvas- Comipany vas boIdt? atlie Cornpauy's offices. Wbitby, on Batur. day. Preset, 1Mr. Jame Austin. Pie- aident, Meusr. James michlie, A. T- Fulton. Johu Dryden, M.P.P., A. Raie, James lolden, J. J. Basa, W.EH. Hig. gins, &0. Oaa motion cf 1Mr. Dryden, scoucieu bY Mfr. Higgina, ltse chirnWU tahen 1)Y tise preeldent. vIt eoxplalucal lbo objeel - f lte spoial meetintaob. lte rallI cation cf lte poelng agreemnt vibt te Mîalland Bailway Comupany. 'Phe agreemenou as-ro omu ei by tse&ocre"<ry, Mr. J. J. Rois Ou motion of Mr. Pulton, seconada by Mn. A. asa,tUs agreement vas ratifiet? snd ecufirmeal. Meetingbadjounnea. Officiel Appabutanent&. Jas. Aà liather, af New -Lo1»iU, Eeq., tlob. Clrk cf lb.eBueaU tDivision 1Court cf tho Ceuatly cfaimeos, li-lb.é roarn sud tea iof Augue Bell Esq, r.. Richara d iffnllcg Stewart cfPar Sound Eeq. tei. Claos- f lb. Pis-t Mu Visoncourtof te District f past-s- Soudt,tn the ion su»d elead eofru 'Ple bast "Ml Besoufleld *, lite ettutuaoflia #uent. EUi.bb. sud bus spi-itesà preeco ltb l1 T h o gu n.Ii eetin u . ol t h e eé o u n 4 biîvan.Titi 'Mayor tloc h li hafirri 1on'intes ps ieght4andu Cauaheqconseil Le Po4et.'Th% fcIi lowiug membr ebs- r~n e -en, eve King, DepulyBese ieOhm , Gesuel. lors, Dr. soen8f Wesley, Cor- mmacl, Dannhlop, uggand, Bannes, Fox and? Smih. eTin.a , u4of lest mest- ing vere'iead sud eonCinl.e Prom Johà ùryden U PP,,John Willie, 4ud 111 alter membera cf lte Agnculursl llociely;.pnsin g ltai Alox. Carnoron b. appoiit? catai Qen cf the Pro6m Bane? Tzpp, constable, a041- ing the lava te cpply bu villi a pair cfb lieaab ha*lng bien :,luforiet? by thie Cheikcf tb. Poace, tisaI lhe lava vU lb. propos- suthuuily te spply tb for thean.- Prom Mrs Heiltsmanu#ofoinngta soit lte ovn s piana for lte Mie Prom W. LBilihlgi, &"«g lte couneil to psy an accoati cfd18.25, arnonut of c i irepaîlnlug bis buggy, bichen Ibrougb hacl d dfeefr lu s-ast. . PronMessi. Bh1rtc1floncli, Rie anal othere, ss-h* b. à nll te e*on- inas héliteadevalta-nos-lit from, Mr. Farewell'& late residence. L- te nortb- oru houary of tIet twu. Prom-Ms-s. Lynde, Perriy cîreel, oea»- plainint of damnage b lien property Ibrough no preper systemi of drainage' bsing on lb.thel. sut ad splng ltaI il b. nemedt. Tilt 305T or TUE ToWN HALL. 'Pe lerli laid on theo coancil table s report of lte expeumea -in purcbasing sut? ftting up tise DOv levu hall, lu compliance vilb smotncleuof Ms-. Long, csoudeil by Mn. Wesley, asling fori il. Mr. Long inforne tli council tisai th. eciniies vo oisnt 'prei'Wdté, report on te report andtiahIal bye weeks faullr isi i ab. gisutet? 'Plae gnanted. STENETSA" lt wIPSYEET5- APPao- PaxaTIOVILc lin. Long Is-cughtithe b.roporl af lb. commlllo. on ietets d Inprove. mont ule ah.i ltaI atone bat? beau unoiasedas felloa -i hWMll, 1 carde, M.W. W. Wo4ad,_ 10 carde, #80 ; Co.Bot,Ses-8 r14 Georg Haunsa, iorsleOeSine- 10' corde, 12i 75;lo Ilov, 8 candi, #9, Wb" W hatbeau bibis ca-t.ae oi $8.25,4 maod ut? amouti*atï7L. PTe oecittalilo Ashfr appropra tions foi lb. dhfssentat-esMusdeM& viticitvos-e inl, lunbMmlsttes ef tihs vhole. <Jouncil la oommlllcc0;f the vbole, Mr. Gibaon lu lb. ohain. 'Phe fis-at danuse cf the eepcrt rofosr-. lug telthé-puneltss.of m"ate as atopt. cd,an sut thlb.reqmeul t lis. Long, lIa nelablug totahb.e shm ng of fthc clone vu simil oui, 8su Uic! elb nexi meetingliasooa lt .e»onld gire th* 0oupeil asoé t&1aled report, contailng lb. valuestf bhe penies viso bros-ohe atone, acompaulsal vith propos- voueheis ef ibe pajinent cf lb. saie.- Mr. L on ss tve a l 1800b. appointit? for Brook 'sud Dnndae shreoti.- Mfr. Smnlit tiscght th 0! &Munnteeo lar.Hggstvusr&le lIa inembers ab 0? ppo e eamounl, kioviiuasthyli, lth. trouble sud a bec i«»Uilgrant. Taettouclta for ls în lb. csgiloulofte eom. inialsi, aly<vWb" l yUl co*udy b . e Mayas- Harpes-sald t Ui f lte 41,800 W"as0 lnni e vouit? ual objeeltéle Il. R.0 itelasmmitti ,bad t? -ir odlmMalaloobet? far- uotgb Abmad te prêeot laem uxit.élu*putoaiflte jeen cntlng davu lt t'inudil for à sppl.mnu.y gru aïvoesy lime auj 111f. repais- as-figtr Inn a Oqià -w l th. roadi. Mr. Wubly vouid -ihe la boss-tlb eommilleoaetlasat foth ieet of lh. lavu belote vcngqPtitis ose. Dr. Bogar_ c #rlite <s-ail ck ,ya. -as" 1 1 on Brook &ae-to mas- i. g,140P vu- Kvu Long ba.claght lu-ltoe report af tise relis? eouaziltee, -recamondg ,s-men oflbthe ëounl cf EngoeeMc-è Croha, 8.758, for- cartlng Wood?; B. Buov, 88.25, foi breal; Mn. Cullen, 11.50, for bniat?-, Dr. Carson, altending- Miss Hanues-, 14.25. 'Tis eoatvas amende-I iy refcrring Du.Canoon', accuai bacli ote .cen. miîtee, anud Ilon adoptot?. M-ORSETI s exa. Mn.,Gibson ulie t ltitlonger lime b. ,giron lice PinacesCommilîe la en- qalreintettlisjustics cf refnunig te Mu. Bauaell, aporion cf ths rnoy paât? -for lis liceusi. Orautet. RBiUtICI TO 5SEET5 ra ÀYD nsnova- On motion et Mn. Hnggand, secandot? by Mr. Wesley, tise petition of 1fr. Oirtcliffe.sud otisere, vas eferredt? 1 lise oommitteeo on shreele andl improve- meule. RAMMINOTEE -Os-ET. Mr. Gibean, secoudet? Its Dr. Bogart, nuaret, anal obtaieal ave le introdacs Il by-lav, vhicb vuirealUte usc.ssary sumiber cffimnes aud pauset?, authoriz- ing tlas Mas-or ndutreauren 1 borrov i sumn ef mouey la meet ltse carrent expenses of thebo tav until lte taxes are collectet?, saialmn nt te exosot? $1,800. CARETAXER s-OUa vasa Lu TOWN< HALL. Dr. Bogant brouglîl lu lie report cf lise lava pro)perls- eomnitheei, viicb clet? lisat 0applications fou thse office cf caretalier cf Mei. ad tavu baIl batbeen necelved fmcm A. Bibis, A. Carneron, Jno. Noomo anal T. Boargeul ; tise ecnrnittée volal eommenallte ap- pointaient oftA. Bhliý Cenucil vobl lobe - colinniltes cf the visol., Mr. Long lu tise chair. Dr. Begart neve th Ie adoption of tb. reprt. Mi.1Zlumovoth&Ualil b., amndht by tt gont lthe usme cf A. Blle,4 mut? lseriilg Ihal aifA. Cameran. Ur. Danles- moved UdstT. Beargent b. appoinled. Bir. Duulles'smotion vas ens-ed. Commttéessrome and ieeaoite thélb report ua anuasi, wbich ou motion of à r. Duahes-vas naievet? and? stopt- Talc AETAEEIWS DUTUE. Ur. Gibion. soeondot? bs-Ms-. Long, moveal Ual ttieca0nualîloon applios- lboslaooffiee,beo lnts-needlaobriog s bs-lav, ubefinlug lte duîiee of Uoe cas-otales-. . Mr. Rin g remarbodt? al ires, rent Mud exemapion front taxes wa sumi- eu$fth lli.dutiesa neuiret?,asud Ual il vu thb.nteiono f theconueil te si- 'Ph* motien wulisencaiet?. nIEEAgi) WATEL M 1r. Ring broagisl up lise repart .of tb. cammittlie onfie bsua alur, reoan- modlte payrnent cf lte secouanl cf Oa.-B. Hall, $9.85, sud Geo. Cormacki #8.67. Your ecannitta haveo usiveal tendecrs for ligliting lb. mr-et lampe sud vouhl reotmendltaI lise tenders cf Chas. Scott, st 175 for lb. ucrila vas-t, J. lievhesry, *110 for thie centre vas-i,mut? Jaisn. Pruouot 7j cents per lcmp for ths sonlb yard b. accept- et?, eh h bng tise lovsiL 'Phe lfowangreport Imnths Chef Eu- Te thieChairanan of fie andl vatan. lime Bis- Asmt ithe vustaadezjelet0 teratepares of the lova e«ht laitOl putthFi Dopasimt Lai a oraugis 0" o<i f loues-.1 be lseave o akalts 1e anletiSilcn @ieti U.r= to b s-a, onftbrcugbsoe a u baeaa o an t l u l.h 'Ple adveablhlty cf mlldniga large veli at lb. ocruen cf Brook uanal naus soots, on ai th. Tewni lisE ocnneas t a i engn esabeupffldtasssa -e shiouX ocour ofuiWtin tbues anlcfthe tevuwIitoul lving le o "e . eaita lb. li m en iat usdot? i a sr to;et s e#,,boulal snch ci hlug taise nlOo vilslb. rtensapply cf vater eand ntha= "R"lat 1bese le ea~1 fmm -Smilli1c içaVem e m ta &UY pissas owt te rl s living lat] iii i.aisnà - boock bâs aloulce -0 bsuch shortly telr- 8 a'coch. Amoug lise gentlemen - lb.helong- robe pro- seul, vitre - Thos. HodgsnFis Q 0., for tle. Orovn Miers... E. Farewell, county crovu attos-ne W. H. Biligs, G. Young Smnithis, k* Onmuten, J. G. Kehhey, N. F., Patouson, J. B. Dow, J, G. Bobinscu, R. B. Loi- combe, J. Bain, L. Englieli, L. T. Bar- clay, J. Butîsadge, J. K. Gordêu, J. H. Gresuvacal, DX A. O'Bullivsn, C. H. Rilcisie, N. G. Biglov. B. H. Jamem. .- UAi&D ulty Tise patleof grand jurera lhav n i calot? ovor, lise folioviug gent oene ansvesal t ier narnes anal ve Oei.B. Millon, ]?,ore--n. Wrn. Buina, iee. Long, John Cavan, 8. Onvis, mark Crrii, Babi. SBolt, John Dulles, Davidl Laveon, dse. Balvardh, Davit? Louli, Geo. Hoalder, Di Puudy, Bicisd. iloish, John Motbensill, Jas. Heaths, Simon Irving, Win. Henry, B. B. Webster, John Leslie, N.C. FPile. RIS LOIIDSIP'O ADD5EB5. His Lerdabîp in sddiessing tise grand jr, obsemnedt? iai lIte crmins! calen. dan piesoutet? a mach larger record tItan hc isal expeclealte final lu Ibis ceuuty visere lise population vas large- ,y rural Ha found ou tise calendar eue case cf murder, or mauslsoghter; ans of rape; one, cItarperly ; eue, per- jur; one, mbornation cf peijury; tve cases cf lauceny, anal Ivo cf ceuspiracy. Grand jutes voue se froquently causal upon le listen le charges tSat b. dit? net cousidor il noceusary addressiug lhisnuy rernaris ; bu! as tiser.aray bc serne serving fourlise firsl lime, ho veulal briefiy point ouithliu dulies. They would beau lu mindt? iait tise en- quiry belon.ient v " as an paut4 one i-they vonît? cnly cansiaer tise evi-. dence bofore tisea for 'tise piosecution ; te Ihat tises- vonîtconfins theansolvos. Aftei atlun, i bl dbesu found-yblcis vas atlbI&smere cbarge or accusation- tise prisoer voulal be put upen hie trial. Thoir daIs- vu be fludil proba- ble grunt exist4 te warrant then lu uunding lb. caso fer trial. Oui point te icte hir sblen$on vas tiiecled vas-Ual lis.y veut? final ou tisebacli «i ltelin asul 1 h. nanteaof s large nunhar cf vitusime. Il vu net cces- saryte go onen lte vIole liet. WMen tSey coouedered ,Ibe emuotshiee, tiseir duby vu ai an end ; ltes- might saehy finda s ue bill viSSent vasîng lime te livetigal. Uhe malter fs-Itner.. Ilis lordisip tissu referred late eneral cmsainudetail, explaiuiog visai oonsti- teal tise crime aisargeal lu lte oye cf titi lsv, anal concinilei by stating ltat ise vas ofe painedansd rognottedte soi partis accused, placet? in tise dock> before tos- vois fount? guily- fan' overy man vas presurneal lobs innocent until a verdlict cf guilt vas recordad agaiust him. 'Phono vers préjudices eigainst s main put loto tise dockl, il vas placlng hlm in ai hnaniliatlng position, vlails Use lav preaumet Labqinnocent, beforo tilansd haoltrusted tse day vaulal cme vIten porsons meroly se- onedvont ula t bp laced t? ltilia rnlluating position. SacIt vas lise case nov lu lensmr accusin-vwhore lise pe sn aocused culd akelaoà ascat isside hiscone. 'Ple usual dis-adieu vas given as la vielting lise gaol sud public Tisa follovlng le lis.- LIS? EOs- Soie. Gilcis ics. Calder.-N. Ff Paterson lor pli; . LG. Robinson for doit. Calder ee. GlcIrs.-J. O. Bebinson for plI : N. P . Patesmon foi duft. -Garneur os. Royai Permers'M. lus. Co.-LAosembe & Hoalgia for-plI; T. C. HAbItt for deft. Thomasa o. 'bomion.-N. P. Pal. e1ý rsenfou plI ; Farewell& Builbealgo for Ontario Loau à Bavinge Co. vs.. De- laeg.-L. Bugliatfor pli; G. Y. Smilla for deft, William V8. Hlnhson.-N. FI' Peler-, mou for pli ; L. I. Minicun for deft. . Crfl..nar v a. Bltwn.,-i- R. 'ren Ci m Onilttseocf Bupply a large nauxubdor of Items vce pasd, ooumider- sble dlà aaeaon srisiug on-,varilti items. In 1h. Sonate lte billfîom tUic om-. moslo prolidc for lte salaries cf twc aiiml i udges of lte Suprerne court, British Columbia, vais inltroduced ani rend s firet lime. The Mai; Plnting Cc.'s bibi was rend lbe third lime andpassed. - The Bell Telophono Ce.'s bill vas re- ported froot ccnirittee, witb ameud- meute providing thal in cases vhere tbe cernpany's vires are cnt down 'by firernen whon lrying te save properly fiom finue b unicipalty should nol b. liable for damages, and goarding againat amalgamation wltb amy cern- pany onteide cf Canadai; arueudmonta to beconiderod onMcnday, . Sir Alex. Camnpbell iuforuied the Heuse ltaIt engineers -on te Lachine canl hd rpored gaislbiseleasing sylrbrvter pnivileges tItne on. 1fr.boa t ikitesinr Cdue ih1 arnond tise Canada Teniperance Adi 1878. Several bills voie rosa a second lime. The Dominion Lande Acl'e extension te British Columbia repeal bibi passeil throngis Commihe cof lise Wboie. Tise bill vas road lte lbird time sud paeeed, anal the Hontesadjourned. Monday Mr. CharItem's Land resoîn- tien came up for discussion. A rathsr Iively dobate enaneal. Tise Goverument vere eyidently un- desirous cf voting on the issue prasent. ed by Mfr Charlton, seoi1Mr. Dornviîle rnovcd in amnienet that tise Houe do Pags e te order of tise day. Mr. Casgraiu argned taI hhe Gov. ernmont ehould.take stepe b provont the deplotion cf lte- pôpulation of the Province cf Quebec, indopeudeuhby cf ils efforts te indue emigrauhe te go te lths Nortbvoot. Mr. WboniaeWhtite pro sontoda. de- feoe_,M lIbo lsud regubalions fron i Minisherial point cf viov, and aller aid- vsncing the routine charges cf unpatri- chie ana l duoyal conduet ageinat lte Opposition, bce moveal au amndaient te tise amnendaient eîidorsing lise Gov- ernmeut's land-ragulalions sud affirni- ing lisem 10 ho beneficial. A vote vas talion on Mr. Whihe's arnenalmeul, vhicb vas carried on lte- fcllowing division : Yeso 121 ; Nays 40. Majorily for, 80. Tuesday-Iu tho Hanse cf'Commons yecberday, Sir John Macdlonald lutre- dueed a Bill for the final seulemntulof dlaims 10 lande in Manitoba by oceu- psucy. -Tise Govornmniet's resolution prcvid- ing for lise paymenb cf certain officialI &c.,in 1h. Norîbveet Tornitcnies *as resil in commibtes, aud aflorvards iu. corporated in tise proper Bill. . À itmbr ofretuusvere laid on lise ferlte early bringing devu oftute tenus moveil for by bim.» The debate ou lbe moion te go into Commihîce of Ways sud Metius vas re- snnied by Sir Lecuard Tily, who sub-. rnitled severeal arndme nts la lie tariff fer adoption by. tise Houe. This bronght on a leugbtly debaite, whichb vas eontinnod until lte Huso rose ait 1.156. i .A TIflliug Scene hnxRnIFNG ON A CAIR Or ICE. The Mail'm Montreal correspondent undar date cf Mcuday relates the fol- ovimg tbnilling nainnftie : Thilà afler-, moon att huee o'clcck, when lte grand clearing cf tire channal -commniccel,. there woro playlng on lte ie in mid- Chsannel tbnie lade, Geo. . Cahier. Win. Loonan, saAPalieli Bradley. AUlvas_ coustougaîlcu upon lteé ahoie, vhere ver. ongregated several bundrecl cf people., At final il seerned as IhougIt ne help could corne te lth.lads, sud, btey ,.atl abouf upon Uic flosting ice ilu the extrernity ofllerror, irnpioriug belp. Tise ico vag tcesiug sud cracking on iaU aides cf thons, sud ce th enctirent ha twvea St. Hoben'. Island and Montreak Onthe vote for th1e Dcpartmnt cf j'uice, Whou the estimates wore before the House on Fuidayi thc questlion cf Prison Labor engÈaged UtchéRousefor cet&iwhile. Mr. Mille drev alten- tion ta the ladt, that notwitbsipïndlng thes chatgée againet tlotlae Goveru. -ment -for etinploying prison' laor- in compétition wîlthee lbier, this Gov- ernmpnl was forceda te ts te sarne course, and bad erer dons rio in an ag- gravateal form, by establishing mille sit Kingston Peuitentiary vhero ltae con- victs grounal Ibeir own food. Mr. BInkeý pointed oui what ehould bc the -iight way te utlize convict work by directing il te snoh Irades as would netminea witb Itonosi exertien, and' condomneal lte Governrnt for .taking a contrsot for making locks which was Idecidedly unjustlto froce tradeernen. The Miniet- or cf Justice dsfended his management of the prison on, tise old ground tisat they sbonld b. made oeIfýýi;,pporting, lthe Goverurnent net; being enpposed te ,viev lhe-queslicnsa a malterofcfose legislatlon, 1r. Ganît, cf Montreal, vas very prononuced in hie condamna- lion cf the extravagance shewu inu PEION MANAGEMET. Ile poinhed out the excessive qalnee pýai&t tewardens, lte oxceptional privi- loges tboy enjeyed, and urgedl thai, thc Governmenl could wieelyexorcise ceu. orny in cutfing tlown salaries. Mr. Gainli vas eertainly right, for ltera is ne deparhrnent -of tho publie service thait more neede, an overhauling tItan thse prison. Tho officiais who manage them aire ne deubil lltât conld. be do- sireal, but tiha systern noder vhich they work is9 sadly in need cf rovisien. WAKING UP. - There eu an c n ieake butltaItishe noe frorn England bashlad a great af- fect in raieing-$he -drooping spirite cf thse Opposition. Thsy aitliooked more hppy, ona or tvo vere jubilant and tye generai effocVwas apparent on blisir ueualby lugubrieus counienances. Nor ao lte effeetloee rarksd on the otiser aideof cflteHouse. Il vas toit here tuat a very important prop waa hziocli- ed froan under lbe Ministry, vhich baW led Lheir supporters tae epeot thait if Lord ]3eaeonufield won Ibis election they voubd obtain lte ccveted -,Par- suies for lte Pacifia Bailvsy. Nov te Blake boom hais talion abound and tbe stand that gentleman bas; as- snrned inicrying hall b bubon erexpen- dilurs issusts.!aed by a consensus. cof te House., biclà in ta Iis respect, no. flecîs undoubtedly ltefeeling cf 1h. country.- TEE PRINTING SOANDAI4. openoi yeslordsy on s nov phaeY. lteuinestigation bêlera the joint com- zmillte. Mr. Rogar's évidence was pretty much te smresaho* gaye inlte Bols vs. Globe liiol trial- and ahowed Iha te etls'conopiiaoy bâabesnn on- tee nofrtho purpose cf ,secnring tbe centract. Mayor Mackintosh. op- pears te have mode lte mcml onul cflte transaction fand 'confèeod b bavlng made a bargain for $12,500 ae isei shaiue A. nemarkable part of Ibis latter genîlo. nfsn's evidonce vas thal irLeiein'lie donied lts a leover said ltaI Mr.Boss cf Middlesex lia advisedjaim te dipese. of the contraiet. It i. net likely ltat AuYthiug'more thibanl iready knowa viii ho brought te Iighl,-butl lItIje -nap sidereil nuMcieut to-indue. 1h. commî-at- &ee 10 taIr e Try décided action. The oren f ras3oauty.Ihat goes dontaiOt.- lawa in connectionvili confiacls'on,-ld aslcnib ltie public vers .11 laid bar., aud.lteway certain advonbnron'gent. , Ionien bave in s-flowyeyors accnmulaté very respectable fortunes vithout aop. parontly exerting thornsives le one cf lteé standing jokes cf lb. Capital. 'By1 sud bye, perliaps, lb. truc, secret cf1 thora thiâge wilii core "t0 ligItI, and visoen il does bbc singls.mindod taxpay.l or *iII stand aghodat aihle.revelation. Deenate F ight on ise Cars lctven1 Ãirirncnsd. Ficnch Cînadiana. 1 1At Belloville, on Saturdaymrn . ateftl train. à wpîved <fxom the aaat wib Libfei lon, lte Bicecwaor"ssys. Il-i aes evere blo aT zdn y The nexl main Yiho profsse, Wiý luhe l.monancb anad llimulitu4pamut aippal tb bbc ltter on.goiiel gnuu,-, or underta.ke enterpnises equitingÀw; riflées. No otheî iiman wval Gnove iJj, tho banner of prestige s Lird Beo;, fibid bas doue vîthont striking a. hln* for il. Iu the second pince, vo raz af peneciti Goverurnent. lIl tsffeC1 abreail ltaeLiteral victory vili te xag far neachiftg. We do flot believe tho, vil be joy ah SI. Petersburg. Bnssi- dreadoi, distruste côrtain views cf lt4 Liberal chiale, especially Mu. GIS&i seo's fan more lisansie dreades &Mi. isr hcieau he eqerced imb asém compaC But millions cf Greelis, &, meniains and Bulgarians vil nej*oic as lise prospect cf a nov career madà -pag sibie le thani, and Iheir rejoicing viii. bc feeble cornpaned vitb tisa exukasuwp of car own inillicns lu India, ne. Icegeca taxed te death ltat a Prernierrnay PMIs an arbitrai cf lte destinies of Cenisaj Asie. Englaud can béer ith equ.- nimlty ltaI Prince Bismrnak lus srror.' ful and baron Haymrnele 'wornied, if" throngisoalnteenrd ail reernen lest as if, vibh-lb. tory democratie Gioveri. meut cf Engisald. s miasmahie cloa liad beau rolled awaY. BIR. OLADSTONE'S POITON. TIto TimesBaya-~ After MrI. GIladstone'g deleat in 1874, ho net only rosignod lte leadersip cf, tise Libanais, bab dclarsd hie intention of-wichdrawing asufax as possibletram, activa politicailite. Thes ogical cocse. queuao of tbis resoluhicu vould be tisat ha voulil net lakpo ffice lunlise corng Administration, but thie nosolution-Itas alnettay basa lu Spirit very cenepian. ously suceseefnl, and lie muet be ne- garded as ropressnllng lbhenviesof 1ba t clam-e volea on l om lte Lite. TIteïsanie Ir&lcbePoints toeesmarli cf ni. Gladsbotre luà aspeech aSt ,Wea Calder, tclIte effeet tisai lis neithen di- reclly nor n uhreyinzlted ltai b. b. corn eire as hded f -te psrtyi -or thsl rehurn 1of fice st Eb i O' O f le vais hie desire.- The, 2'imes a&7 - OLADSTONE TEE M»OL.. >.Theo WeW8 a s sis?8079h sevNI motiise go 1r. Gadselehu afl nnderslanding vitIr Lrd f~r1g~ tolthencslt cf a t-iuph, i V~ n Noer lb. heLiberal P.rt Mnr 1«' Hanlinglon vil cnsentltoi1h. regm zaion cf a Goverumenl Underau other hoad tItan Mn.r Gladone. TIiso is a very dienl lhmig freirse- fusing le accespllb.hespcuifity nalW rsliy sitailg,,to the cou" o prl It le, -scareely conceivaMle lit a -M Qlsdstonc visils reýýnanin la ui ile, vii net fbran s-6memben et tWl., Cabinet'. Thc ýNeye. Wolvorinas have been-dolngImach damageilu Ie Township cf BeckWith -fr te paies lhroc yesusar. Mi.. Peter Stewr eeently caught tlirsc, tva in oue day in lte same lisp. Mn Thos. ÂArmstrong.. cf 'Wilerfores,, to nus uoiun A est? i -Mr. Jas1. Sla -bA d gç, il oue, ne beat initIe wse a..,.A n nov