GFare for WSal aah Tihe Hop BIllers. LittoII>s Lviug Âge. Auction Scie of Books. Tho Liliputians Oowing. 8..d Sprmg WboAt lor-sale. New 8priug Goods-E. Frost. Berln WuOÃŽ-J. S. Robertson & B3rou. Wall iPpr-J. S. Robertson & lires BahyOaârriages-.3S. Robertson & Brou. Bargaîin lu Boks antiStatiouery at the "Golden Peu." Firet Class SoeetiBarley lier @mli Grand Ooner-Ail1Sahits'Churcb. AUCTION SALES. Dwe lfing andi land, househoiti ferai. tare, &o., property ]aie Obester Draper en 14th April ai Whiby.-L. Pair. batik. atictioneer. Clîacosry Saie-Keih va. Flint, st looysi Rotei, Whitby, Saturday, Ord April.-L. Fairbanks, anctionoer. Extensive sale of roai otate, proper. ty cf the laie Chesier Draper, ast y' bote!, Wbitby, Saturday, April 171h, -L. Fairbanks, auctioneer. Mortgagie ofi.aifame propotyc oscar flhloag, 5th con. of WhitbCy, alt Rayai botel, Whitby Monday, lOCh of Âpri-L. Englisb, olcitr-L. Fair- batiks, auctloneer. ONLY li $o PER AKNHUI. Whitby, Tharsday, April 1, 1880. - Whlîby Market. E rymarket day'a expérience.bersa addtionai tesimoay te the suocese ai the Whiiby Fret Market. Saiiarday last,' the aarket--wao ihrongeti froua early neorulng ; secret of teanas erou. ed tii. att, andi farmersandi (armera' vivec toquaia tea<Iy mal, aitop, (romathe- large aiteudance of aur iowns- people preceni te make cash purehases oit baud. Poiaiiry, eggsoh. ,butter, unaple .agar and maplê- syrup, as well as the 'moto balky pa'aduce of th. (atm, were voi sol t e ativautage, Inauy Instances batter pioe.. hanoniti -lit obtaineai in Toronto veré ïrealis. Fermets expr*essetithernselves luin th higli-esi Crmasofi stisiaotion at the ro- suit, saitiprediet maclh ivauta" e t thieaeelves andte <othe Oôuaty Tova. Ail thii i euauuraWggta Cthefartuers, Sui muet b. .qnally un the promettra of a iresarket lil>theiownof Whitby. lu belpinè forward the movement, 1Mr. Utildeu, vs are maclapleaiedto Wb. %ble ta etate, la nov- contributiag bis ose.. lreafter the rsilway lare Witttby, on Saturday msbrksl day, wl W. redue. B leiria tickets vili be- la. 9004 fr«w & Il, stiailoa-aen 4he lins te jt'îrties brlaging prouluce to and alt t' rdina ithe market, at a i4o allia:e liati .Tbirougli ui c Mltiles v. aMay expmeot e.o thefauet of ma a of Onr oi1d friends trom Blrook andti te ortia la Wbliby eçin, andthelb.tounnoof ta-ad.resma».teisnaturel obaunel We1the *front. Oar buaines ne mn shoulti be sullici. ently allive to their owu luteresi., to aow pu% t1qeîr ehoniders Wteth. vhsel and id in apusinig trati. Il veût uat do te "I*ait for the -waggu," as in ad titilOs. Ativatage shoulti b. akes of thé* rtllwsy facillales, affordeti Chou>, sud 4416vaust ete aimuy snolm vinat the illvay Opepa up,'-sUd has madle tributary W mca eto eterpriseaI te. trouS--to ektabllsla Dew avenues 01 Little or no effort hies bea madt s« tablialik obsinasoaeious La Ibis direction-a teglet a ta l tUhe more rema"ble vbalsthe i4, felde hor Dotata mko welUtor Ile. boelues. eu- erpria.eof the tlewiOfeL Wh*iby. W., havýe, of oeus, and ve are prendi te tic ahi. ýta béar lestiiuany l- liae faeê thast v. bave. aqiv* ý busines mon éÎmougmi us. But,' uilovlunaaly, w. liai lo anny thersWb a OenY' llamaev.slai~lajtig dprsao _c b usiess aue t r4asteu, u tj.s, nee-S foteloving pltar. t- -' Miniaters aofithe Crawn 1ake thiùïe ver.y eaq.y Classacloa. 1t-ta Che ras-est thisu lis-se inioe utaChi-laess the' House atCth. samüe ime, wvile Ch. Premier maltes culla likie hosepo! Ie angol-isv, anti feu beiveen, They sentite hav" adoptedthei .polio>' ai possible &-îuidiug ail tapies tai pros-oke discussion or campol heas ta ornetCaa ducision. The scelsslanom six veeke oit, san tislil>Dot ounent tise mesneproualseti lu th. Speech trou> lis Tbs-ons bcd beeis laid before lii Roui.. The. question ati isolveucy the Goverumnent surrentios-t la eprivais inember;h, Baisking e im liiin *u>hryo, anti ailth.e tisa, promise. mati uthe speech are, s asCu buaqply ramas-ket, ik, Mn. Vennea moshber propheoise. Tires limes bas Hon. Mfr. Blatesailoveti lis motien on extradition ta stand ai h. requemi af tb. Govc.tuament ; tire. imes hau Mn. Carleton b.,u pussuadeti by Miniaiers not ta prs-oa bis landi resoîniion ; lis-ou timessdiai un. Mactionaldi give way la MinisCens ant I allov bis motion suà re- gardt Cath is tieiesstanadi ven, iii et lait ho very ps-epenly lencedti Isuata showm llais- hauts. Meentime the usafe had been tiavdling meok silos- veek, tioing uothiug, o os-ielta onothlng white li" questions Parliamunt mas aeio C usitior are kepC lu sbayauoe. A Creamen Wanted. Tii. situation of Wlaltby la vas-y favor- able for Ctho establisament et s eneamer>'. Wiasue establlsh.tin lu tier places over lb. country>, eneamuties anti eheese lac- las-las areond oxoeedingly profitable, bealdesa ddinég laigsI1' ta tb. industries ai tie commuait>'. Whou cropa lait, Chia wouiti be somehhing ta fait bacir upon anti help-tie oves- pecaniary diii. enltiis. The negiec aiflihe tait-y pro- duo. luteresl, lu a section ai country so favea-ahI> aituastiei, is bul another instance. aitie usmarkable lacir ai on- terprise amongat us. Three thousauti dollars, vs are telti, veutti besufficient la put up sà Oi-lan building miii ail the requWaila fur, a cre-uter>' anti cheese The Attemplte Shoot Hon. George Brown. - Elirea e give details of tise du.- tlasti> attempt te shoot tic Hen 0e.. Braoan. The.presaice oa indd tbCh pluick ai the bon. gentleman (aliraugla the maa-y ai providence) &osiooit-d bis lift) lrosn Ihe anurderoua band ef the voult beasasin. Ia addition te tihe p articulae asont by tolagrairb, Mn Brown blrasai! gises &ho followiag accouai af vlaat teok place :- The mien camne cati kiiocet et te dont. H. vas taidtotacane la. Ho entanei anti proooeredt tabaht the dean beisint irl. Mr. Browu aloppei bita, aud asketi bita isaiho ant-. The nman » hleiiatiug, but ai Lea t-e.- itente a.prper to iWin, anti Asko bita aigu if . nesaid t a va te tatemn. liai ho bcd been eanployed lu the Globe office fr io i.years.1Mr- Brownyaimit hatliha shaniti apply te Cie hast of tie departmnt for the cernfieat.. as lho was aai avare ai lie lengthof lis sez- vices. lBeunett repliedt hat h heati a! tie dopaatmoul voulti not Rive IC bo hlm. Mr. Brava thon talt i ha ho aboulai appi'la 1fr. llsnuing, Ché Treasurer cf thse Compauy. Who a ba te bocks, anti conft t e boy long h. hati beau employed. Bennett proase tise paper apon Ms-. Bs-avi, sud ascati hlm ta sîgu h "aigu it, aigu il" -bs-. - Brown eontiiuetite rin.,mi n u. ail begïn u(mbhag apparent>'labis pistai pockcet, wvh.reasau t possat tbrougbii Ma. Brownu's am&Uti sho hlm. seIf .iûd, "Chat la. littie vi-etehi mgla be moa""ni W asyot Me." Ho gel lhe piste! ont, anti lianMr..Brown grabb- ethl b 'b . he*niaI, andti lrsatibis baud dovuvari. -lH.'blid gaI the voapea ceeketi be*snc h.- mas mes. Andis onee puUati tha' trigger, butI lIs mnzi buug uuni ddomne, osasse, wmue.evîieua. eul lu- , he*r .th*lthe uifrtÙae Woman..hLadi bera boSton by ber huabant inlu etobor lut, andtA b aliai atistateti on -liurdesth- bodai ah .0feu -bei-self Ca. _W tying- fram lb. f itiae'injuries nlte. Tis vedic vaas tollave ---- We, tIsehJrrap, sanmoned ta Invos- -igale lis, cause ai Ch. deaila ofVéas- Jane Ceoper, lots of lie Townuhip of Roiecia, llo, dieti about tlae fargt af Jah- nes-y, 1I80, beg leave ta report, Ãkai altoseroiuily litunï-tthôe oslen- atiduceti, me ara ai tie opinion lii Cie seiti 1Mesy Jane Cooper caen. la be tiea, hy injuries receiveti frouahort buabanti, Thas. Cooper, soan simue un Octoben lest The pa-sener la hala for iiai on the charge ai u>auslaughtea-. A Ta.uera Và oaesz.-Jno. Jackson, s tramp wlaa state t hat lis came fusm Méontras, anti vIsapremeniti rathes- a *"diapidated" appearance, preseulotl bimaeof et Blais-gevrie, thse hantiseme è aesidenoe of Ms-. R. H. Jameson, mer- chant, on Salua-day. Ho seatet i hm. self la te. ining-rbbm, anti au hie de. matit vas orveati liites (Jamnssau's bout, freala froua Clhe store). Haviag saifedth Ce vante o! h. lunes'-insu vith h.e nedavorei bavera"ge Stath e abuntisut "diiua îppted, ho took 'a seat in au eà sy chair, pulleti out bis pipe, miiela i. lit, anti setileti domu cemfortehly for an bour'a .njoymsut ai h. "veet " Tii. tobacca titi Dot come fou> Jau>.sou's, uer waeilethe "Myrthe Naire 1" bui ai a qallty-er- iaps gatinluM;nlsý-eallamoflle abomiuably. Ho vas taidt haIstmok- ing wau nC ailoveti lu Che tining roam --ant t M 1r.. Jamnson vua lirs obligoti te taos himoîlf t te . v nd"l au thome occasions Whoeu hs indulgeti lu tIse aveel solacs ai au bfter-dnuer pipe. Os- tramep 1.1 indignant aIthes suggestion ai bis elng obligeati tago out doors, **kickest up tildes" generaily, doduti alil s-moustraneW 1 -8uMizi à ho titi, lia #,the Vmanti f M bottas ual at home. Eue sha'oklb baarr sa is-gbtsnsd h ismale lumaCea o! lb. bouse ith. he onatabi vu as el for, anti very oon ebief Brsnarrivîet upon the scens.- Hs foui lbe eap by Clie lime, condnig ii ns= abomiuably an h. voraniali, commiti. igsnuisance ounlthe prentie.., ande- fyig licreatien. Haemas bol a ehilt ans sb tout*hier£ hacds Who utlone. manchet u" "Riglilo! Cies-asti"aoff Ca quot. ShortJy aitsnvsrdm Jackson vas brougil belon. Mayor Harpes- nt the Beeve Ms-. Ringanti va stenea ta tva manihi has-ilabos - lu C. - ty gaol, vlaers. ilins C e .hapei, tItis Ietivs gentleman mil improe e . ime by reflecting on. anud sep.nting cf, bis outrageonst contiaci. Mr. Jamesan bas ma. ap lis mind Ca have lu reatinas- an improveti iersevhip for thes noi imputent <amnp islits lihgavrie. Aucracat SALE cr BooKe.-Mr. Fais-- banks bas receivet e lanme consigument ai tiai and i mat cisss boaks. _fanyt goets, and i mtionas'y, vlaicaho e tseil- iug iwUh4ou-t T4ee) 9at tise'Golden Peu,' iltoci St., es-et> es-euing. Hais &IBO selIing ai eh. &%me ime h bal- lance of Mfr. Kennedy& stock o(aitfae> geeda, toyo, jeveller>', ke. Gentlement muao vi'ab tCa spuieb h iitlibranle,.9 "Ii demallet' cati ealy White the se- lootion il gond. Tis a uu-s-AwOa'aa CeeAs r se- tus-n Ca Whitby on, Che 1itl, snd viii lay -'Jack lb.e<iant KiSer 4ai e Tow Hal.Na vend trou> us nesa bs said te hoseWv i vesseti ubsir -pen-- fermauceono the lutI occasion te Insus-e a erovddtisem. ySunrstrrsor C m.Mr tt,,s ahippet io n day anaber largo lot'. parI oifviici wmepîtroeisst [-rm Ih* fallmlo;-.-Johua()rwtotbstéers antiQu o es, elgbiog respeively, 1420,1540 aId' 11W lb..; M. KeGov- an, 2Ié4er.,I1WOand 1850 ias.; 1Mr. Diokeen2,1 coov, 1400 lh ; 3staeers, 4140, 1 bull!, 1500;inr. rellaleu, .î ecom, 1600 ; Mr. Restill, i eov, 10;q Ms-. ADunis 8 bead-.-2 asteers, 2700, 28 do., 2710, S do., 2710, 1 do., 18M. bit-i. or, 1200;-Mr. ['sari, 10 iseati, and f(rom Mrt. -W*tiaU à aow ant ifier' -,. Cmsouft, 0.J W. Molle-y N.O. 9;m 5 - acuneuyp le,-Wil Msjoritl fan wiaCiy la. rut. ton, The-,Whitb ý, nourra 'eutont le -Lintia' umonda'trainlu'uhe, antplayoti- e reins-e mdcli mliii'th. Llindsay olobi-WiubywiWnmg b>' tva abats.BS a e sWitby eor-save held tIswir avu. The failovlng le the score A. Ossaerou. C. Jaiansta, ,W.iea. W. 3. Gibsan, W. elaie J . & aliisa1 .s J.PlIovofldv, W t,9 A.. Foth s ptmtN D. 4Trsv, Majorî>' for, Whithy, 2. -so. Whitby Cricket 'Club. Tii. anonai genoérAl meeting Of Ch. Cricirt Club vas héla ti aey'$ Hnoa an W.tinoa>, Cli. 24Chinsi, HI. Pmiov Indue Dartuein tla.ehnbà à -- ta. enung yeur :-Pnoadenl, Jutig Darmsl, V1os-FresidenSt J. B.Fane- W4 ., W.-m Oouaitee ai Maaauet-4. B. S. Es>', O. Noursoa, O. Sarera>' an 1.1.ampbslL I 'To aiu oprýovtilu Il.Msasi atv the foilomlrssb.eemm>utamr. ap- Preston, Re.ynoldis, James Lavtisr. Dr. Oas-son, W. J. MeMurCx7', Athielie- sports euBICIa Dr. Carmon, Cha 'ay.. Lau- des-, W. 3. xKeMusir>, -Ba.',mJ. OaMPb4ELH.Buillga.meses. W. IL Jackson.masud H. .Campbell vas-e'p poluinticlegitéslte repffesesiWbitb et thé snfco m susta-b.laInU in Toosal aunSeins-day.l. » S Mal Inuviev ofthe propeae4 Crioel As- seelalon fart ela-lapari tvaWho programméaime lindes-slnd vi Iboi institution oif ataleuge Onp, (carr- in vith ià vs sol sa*h. lîtie ai obnipion. ci CuIerie), ar avuC. C. ao- ti#tenmlod Wtli-pIv ave>'1ne aance liaI euesg>'sud lorongi an- gaultation viii givoeua anti sudglngçm* trom lIb, terni dispîsysdýti s Wea hou coutestag tviiis thesut;el4bsof lie PtoQvinea, anteie<sel litI lis>' mli lie 7ble tla put aabsrogs Blovin lu lild Chais ~'s-b.fora, v. dim Il by one moins. mmbable tisa the Ciian a op =*ma>'le lias-et houme lu Wiitby, ant i vdbelleve, Ché boys viiil fiut no look uifeouraWe- muitni s-oua la lmnluwh an arem MIan>'admireirs aos-ek W. 1ubdsstaad *1listhe Itention o! th. Club"i ple o eff a es- u .onnegemenC anti fe*ityIn lasir pcvs- it lia promotionai enl6ksl soeugui Mi uirsd tIsaItalla us aiOflb, muilss- lulista la dared by thé liag. inug <Jôsita l..ieart oCmedtut dram op a eott i 1by-lavs lfor tiseclub. Tbiaeousme ta li osmaaadad, as it ïs Co taissons-w Cht SaBiaise mueI look ho 0nu op -vaoanelas. , Wo look btrt-t a s.elegsoeall conl«eahatimtcson Our «1 deltsinoaa turing ltfia aon, anti bais everytabu la ont boylulnuing for ut uap prend 111 i ssnes- Onldeko' av aidi Proinuce. ta" ieaed a n = Theehr -oytbéRi--r MondaMt cvaMis, lialeut ibauee von -Md s teMo 'r.r W I mastimaea -11ýr~ s--' Aasl"lons for Dri lunEduisalionsl InstiutIon,-ýTbe formation of Che gliowgeompsnyfer Ciepurpoess o drili% lAuanoraseti entier h. ps-oÇoiions ef No. 1lai Gunerai Oiers (18). 2th Jnly, 1879; andthelb gentleman viiosu nlD3es are plbisiotias ai eOrg af the ooupay are aniheniseil Ca act as sueh utI lrther oeiders 1-MenlForest HigisScbaol Drilli oampany-Gaptali J. J. Craig; Liutenant, Alex.k M. h8i6sâs; 2ad Lieutenant, Ga. Allen. aetlrod- Bank Wl& Suirgeue.-Under prarlalan-ef san order oflais -Excseuony lb. Govercor-General-lu-Couucil, daitd 12lb mazoh insl. surgeons Who have erveti consecutiveiy tiunug ifesen Yoam as Assistant Surgonor Surgeon la jny corpsaof Active -miinua, the. lait five emrsbeng in the rania af Surgeon, sn.y ho placed. en lh. retireti liat itii thes rack ai Surgeon ; andt Ce hos o citer tm.nly years servie as Asistont Surgeon ar Surgeon is any corps ai Aciive Militia, of mi Ch. laut ton yeara have been lu h. rank ai Surgeon, th. tank of Snrgeon-Mea on auth.te- tireti lise may be grautoti. LzTTELL's LM**ateAon.-Tiie nom- bers ai The.Living Age fartChe mooha anding Maircis 201h anti 27ti respective- 1>', conlein tise falloving artile:- Bilslip Wilierforco, antiTii, Romance ai Madte-ravel, Quar1erlp ; Bs-tsh Lighthonsss, Bdisbssgà e;Hale>'cn's Nesaît il,a; A Nlitliis Girl, Temple Bar ; Theo Hlmtany of Wniting, Somollsiug à bant i Mk, alitiAnficial Production o! Diamants, Nature; s-set Discorda, Baturday Review. QUers-el. lusa Librar>, anti Ms-. Bright aie à Churohmau,-4metatar-; mus las stlimenis cf a'Helaii4ill nol mieu b, me>',"b>' Ms-a. Oliphant, anti "Atsa eut vie," b>' Ch. author ef "Dea-etia As a n'y velums begins vitb lie number fer April -Ors-t hia la e goat dînesta subeonibe. For fMtfom numbers of sixly'ieur large pagea euhi, (or moe.tisa 8,8w0 paes a Yeun), lb. ubsesiin ps-se., in8 is 1e ; viii.for 010.50 tus pub. lsiesmoffer tasenti ais'aisee of'h. Amos-ban $4 mnlealus s-r vekli.avili Tms Lwng Age fer a yoar, minluiug ith. sîfranumbuir of tbe jattes-, bath puei. L" -II&kCa., Boston, are las publiahera. Br. Ns-cHLe rois A=si, open& vili au illuatraletiacooanul ut a boys Ad vtentue.ais an Egg-,Vsn,"0 lureaouluk bis baby sdater ftrm-an &ege. There à "ar Oe o-complotesiort abriés, ail ilutsttelig cf Cthe bs-ave set cià Ulh untsy1-, ;siep bl anti teuud 1Û. vCBeglti show; a poor cuit', short expernucofohi b lite; eunsa pisade luth.elit 0> iOrsI Bonaparte ; andtihlisasd fate o! a "Vaclllating Beu." Tien. ii, aisa, anu lluali-ateti -scconut of lie pxciting Mslcan anti Cuban gaeis aiwoLt'utClng," besitias a des- cription, vili six picinres, oetChu beau. tini "$Dsad Cil>'," Pompel, anti a *tory, miii ful-page lla-tloo af hoir Lb.>'usedté tacelebrate "Eastes- lu Rome.'* DESaTIiCTJVue FI-Tie fiue rsi. donce ai Ma-. John Biortisu, papen mauntacu-es-,-et. Cethersues, vas partu. eh dMm e byfin. on Monde>' e- lo rau vaslu e fono a Iulge neuber ofvalu abIlaworka cf Ars, prineipali> n statuer>' anti ail - pasings. ilo! mmici mes-e more cr IOes. damegeti, sud srth.> e>' "ynoteC esal>'repiece theSi.louluinbis respect îu sesions. The acaul>' uruiture vas1 &lacoeonsidersbiy damaget b>' mater anti - snoke. The irsu iii prababi>' reaeb #10,000 but isfally eovenet-in.u snreno-#1OW t)ou thie boum. anti #0,- M0 au tise contente. - Ths ire engluai- adi frou a adéfective flue eonnecteti vith lb. bot Maifr mcc., Doru mialo alset Tise Budtget <lobais va. promaSt!iag broughCe aacloe-lb. e liuTs golug lute OommikCeeou tise résolin.n beingueiottIdead asati- The GloboofIglth Mercis containêti a paiagrapii relative la the. filing ai lie nom plan of Uxiaritige vle, lige, and, lu il unjustiyochsrges lbe BeIstry afcewithL the tault ot .deiay. The follawlsg ler- vas wrilten in ex- pianation anti seult toCh. Globo for publication. lAs hast papen cauld uo& ar maniti not insertii, miii yen kindiy give il room n y our calumus. JAMES -DRAPER. Whutby, f2'9 M arci. r I ebserve in ta-day'. Globe e parageaph teferring Ca lie nouvregiaCre- lIne ie zew plan o! Uxbiitge Vil- lage, anti froua hilch 1Itaike the tollom. "Some limi' &go a reidont P. L. S. cooeÃpiiecd s-pieu of Uxbnidge. The %m*P mas eugraîed sud ptabuisoi, but "Ihe.regiatrr rfulsté Caplacetho Pieu oan- regllrellnboosuse- ýil lucludeti "au ares exmteudsng a trigie bondthle "eaportiau limite, piseeno "tagivs Che msp a mare complets ap- "pearauce." Permil me ta expiain, anti I me>' étate et Chu ontaet liaI Ch, refusai ta file Cie 1plan mas nef ou the grounti "Cthatt i ncinteti au ares extending a trige -b.youdth Ce corparalibu limits." Tise objections mes-e men>' anti varied.' Tii. simple iacts are as folloma : Eanly in Novembea']sat, I recuiveti s plan for filing. parportangtl e ha amunioipal pais prepas-eti nete .statute. It hadti the signaCure o! lie Beeve, nos-lis.cor-pratiensei affixeti. The certificats a! Ch. P. L. S. mas net in Ch. varda of the reviseti etatutes ai Ou- tarie. Ilt ilt net compi>' mita Sec. 82 o!Ch Begidry>'Aet, b>' sioming lu man'intace i vttbon course ai streeta-i iit nibugae i lota--ian of divisiou hunes belvehenlIota, as direetei b>' nid section. l IaI âtpart puypaoClng tCabe moel>' a compilation o ftorm regîai., oeetiplans, numéoeus errera vi fetonunt lu the. numbora on lots anti blocks- mtigasumbers on lats anti lettes-sais bscas a nsmleitton bie on sub- tiuîiding lots, embraootinluone!ofCh. original plans - completely ohaugiug, bonndarlas, shape ant i mie oaIlots on former plana-ant i nclutiiug in a nev uve'paruai a township lot, aulaite of the. village limite, antios-or vhich Che villgecanni coniti exencisc ne paver or coisiouL.-In short iivwoalt requit. a largo exercia eofiingeuity ta, make a more Impet-fool anti irneRnlar plan fer registrastion purposea. Upan poiuting ant Ca lb. village clork 1h, imniy fatal st-sors, at hlm reqUiost tie plan mas ne- Cunneti for correction ou Oih DecJ-ast. SiotatI> th. plan asain arrivoti at the registry office iy book pool ; oui>' lu part correcCeti, and ithouat lelic.n, tees, or directions of asu>' md. Noeon- qu r't ils day bas Iseeu matie ns- sp%e thCe -plan, sud no intimation gîvea, olîher verbal, vnitten, or otier- vise, s taCthu viii o! Ch. parties li- - ereeteti. Sain te ml. ioCglaring anti fatal om-issions has-e beeu, supplied, - but tises-.are atm la geodi>' unuaer ai imperfaclionai, anti if fill. lu ite present shape-the aid andtihCe nam plana miii show Ciao same iota anti hlocks.different, lu numhsr, aine anti shape, causing vexation, trouble, expense, anti possibi>' Ian ai praperty t he necent holdes- heneattes-. lu adiditiou tihe novcas-pas-. atien pian makes a nev survey cf lie Piauk praperI>', exeuding a long dis. tance. InCa tie townshsip, andi mhicb clearly th. village corporation has ne légal rigil Cc do. If tie perCions aiflis. plan. outaidte .village limite, are mercly "placet on the pieu ýto give tIse map a mare complets &Pappaaue," by ail masskeep Chat pari h-ome ton Ch. spécial lisa! tise villagors, ste plan loti geti in the neffiatry>'offiQe rsesn snob ensiellisimeuts ai a mlleating cha-acWe, eventuating .in castly l1ev- moita to a ausemeal antiddklihtla!- oua-Agal fiientis.Tise oaaraclions Goat qulckly Aud easly harmide,sudaIsa surprletithe>' more ua ae t t mouChe ega. My>' sle anti miyil aire i-m beau la aiddni asiIotiascuruga tmw, peecianti lgal pla, andlbii Che, final ltime lu usy expérience o Imeali Tears. Ihat any- diffloulhiis 'iai. ona in. Beti.- sos- tho by thécelooters -et Wick- Dis- trict, seme of thein bavlig. attempteti ta-1 thnew Che candidate lo the, ses.- lïlu TrlantitIse'4exitment laintense'. Parnell, it wouiti appear, is net mel receivet ilu some places,asud is oagati wih asunjung au offensivë e iclalor' ship. -V! ..Shaaw' tise HomeBale lea- er, ativies ibat lu Ch. event eof ueC servativea heiug retunned, te pewer, anti sil refusing justice Co Is-elandte, Irish members shonîti ieuve Panliament. Parnell- aundMitchell Henry miii eppese Col. Taylor sud Heu. I. T. Hamilten,1 Cie sitting Censervative members fer, the County ot Dublin, ant i viiimake à aserag fight. In Dublin city MeCahe sud Fsy mili oppose Sir -A. Guinnesp sud A. E. D. Gray ; Guinness, s Cear. servaivuanti Masunlnu Brooks, a Home, Bueo, &ar0 the proeut membea-s. This viii bç Ch. great electien lu Irelanti. A Parnell man viii, run in Cerk anti Slige. Tii. greateal excitemeni ii écer- pagiscenîred ti he l electiens in Dnb- run city, Midi LethiaunantiNos-th-Baut Lancashire. Tho dovelopmnt et stnengtla by inatesmen ilenedangering Che seat ef Sir CharslsDiike, the Radical] membes- for Chaisea, ant ir William Vernon Harceurt la Oxford. Frean Scotlanti cames nea o! An u ot- nage apon Mr. John Peader, Ch. Liberal membes- for Che Wiok district. Mn. Penden vas nnpapuian before hla isee.- tien andt i h course since lu Partis- ment, as moul as bis bati repetatien as a lantiiord, more than any autipsuhy ta the Liberal policy, musC ho accretiteti the outrage upon hie porson. Hia escapo froua beiug Chromu inCa Ch. se% vs narneir. Mn. Gladstone la saflering only.trem overvaa-k. >Ho bas oventazeti bis con- stitution, but -1411 bc ont again lu a day or tve. H. i. the pepalar man eftCh. campalga. In th. premnntHouse of Commons there are sim huntireti ant i ftty sitting members, of vhom Cirsehundroti anti forty.five ans Conservatives, Cira han. dreti sut foty.divs tuerais, anti sixty Home Buiera. To dill tbeae seets Cher. are alreatiy ont about five hundreti Liberais, luve hundrei Conservatis-es, anti one huntretiHome Buln. -Leus than a liandreti canstiteenclea are un- contesteti. Parndfl's Treatment in Enniscontby Tihe Nov York Heral£s ceble gives tie detaîls ai Pernell's ili-treatment ai Eunisoorthy at a meeting ta seteqt candidates fer Wiotti's Parlia- mentary repremeniation. Parnel sud twa or three candidates, Bynne aud Bas-ny ratellet tram Dubln by train. At several stations large crowda hat assembleiti aoison rthean. At Fanas many shouieti fer Chevalier O'Ciery, viso is Cie thirti candidate. At Ennia- carthy tho reception mas lukevaran. Tise meeting mas arrangeai for tva o'- clark. The. point of vantage mas ai. ready occapieti by O'Clery sud six priasta. Pierueii's parly bai decideti that Bey. Mxc. Kenny siaulti preside, but the. meeting selsoteti Mn. O. Gos- man, h mue ma ssietiusy s man nain- ed. Murphy. Aseà . nseansd thse priest Iluag lais estgîiienioff tie plut. tortu. At titis moment Parnell anti Bas-ny mare oseau advecing aetathebai of a- largo cramd, vith a baud andt green bannera. Tii. aasembly nain- boeetie bs tien 15,000 nen. Amait greasdisorden 1Parnell sts'uggIed ho Chc front othe. stand. Grasusanti cheene filledti Us. air. Botn eggs wore ilarowa et th. agitetos-, anti one struck hlm ou Ch. boar-d. The. Chairman saiti :-"4We viLi hear Parnell, but me ill net allaw him te be ans- dictatot-." A rush vag made for Parnet be lug C the rsiliug, andt h. prista protecitd hlm,' The. crovd calnglas hm by tb. legs, eu- desvozing Ca drag him dem.Inlutihe 54r ggie is bai mas battereti, anti lais Ciabsan plil up tla Ch. kne. AtiChia aUthe h. nolie med wîth riflesa. Ou Thurada>', s litho sites- tour,- c.- clock, a yaung man nmdGog Hou. Georgo Brovnumiliilubis -relom in Ch. Globe office', sud dtaming a pistel siot hum lu Cie uhigis. The. aesailanC'wms tesme-b>' emnployeti a. engineor at thse Globe office. À. short, ime-age i.o va. arrstetiche-getimitis neglecing, Ca ps-e-ite fot bis vif. When lise case came np lan cons-C, il vas shomn Chat net 'oui>'hati hoede- serteti bis wite, but Cthat hou-mes livinag iu adultes-oua nolatina mithiher ulater. Tisa case mas sijounue, lie being ed- mittedtoCcbail.- Pas- sves-si taya ho had been ban igaro nulthei.Globe offico, Scekiugg bite reempIoýed. IH. -e-ild-Mnr- lirdmute s-nm ses-erni tuaes ;bu e h. tIt'i e uceetlu ineet- ing Chat gentleman until aboloti ru o'clocr. -About Chat hour Mr'. HiBamis huard ea-sp et tise tuer, and - rising frn i eth. openti il, atimittiug Dixota. Dl-an pre seuteti a certificat. cf gooti cisaetsr, vaicirh.oakoti- IMs Bs- omis igus, but Chat gentleman- s-e- fuotbecanse he vas net saqizntit The banquet to Sir Alez Tý Gali, at ýMontneailesut week vas irai tatendeti. The Hou. X. -Ferïiez coccpiedtheia chair, 'witC h of thé evenlng o n his ai ailvays, on --is. loft. flhe on. -Messrs. Baby sud J. IH-Hop e eo&IBO -present. -Tii. company- 1conested of Ch. principal banhers, mnerchants, 'and profossienai men, -sud ihwas -aà mcl itifaei lu very particues.-_ Aller Che' usual loyal toasta ver. preposcd; the Sonate andi Hanse of Comanens drow replies froan Benaton -Fabre 1andi Sir 'Chas. Tupper. They epoko lu inte- higbcnst terma eftCh. talentý anti abilities oi Sir A. T. Gait.. They-sai t he.greit est cemplimelt Chai ceultica psaid hlM wus the. factihai hii services ha been, seglai ou bohaîf. of thé country for hlgh missions by, Governaseuis ai opposite pelitica. In propoéing.. the. principal toast -ofthe -evening Ch. ohairomeai ludeti briefly tte ipautservices eo fSr. Aloi. Gait tW the oountry, andi augureit Ch. listing benefits ta tie Dominion as. Chu reanl o!- hia present mission. On rising 1o respond 8fr Alexandern GaîC vas receivet i wth s perfect ovation ot appiause anti wiid enthusiaso. Severai. minutes elapsei betare ho vas permit- led te pyoceeti. On silence -being re- stoncti ha expreasot haziks ton the coin- pliment wmica bis feor citiÉens hadi paiti hlm. Ife vas not vain enougla ta .accept it luSay ouhenlHg lit thona as an .ndorostion et the new departnre oftCh. Goverament lu piacing a nealdant, Min. jeter iu London to arepgthen thé îles vhich beunti Canada tletlie moChes' country. His dalles, he sait1 moult h. Co conduot Ch.' provincial affaira of Ch. Dominion, mlhich batl gromu -so largo on the Lenden. market i secondly, ta lutine immigration la a ur ahoresa; ant thirdly, Ca Cake part s a iplamai mith Her Msjesty's Gevernaentislamaking commnercial tréamies sffecling Ctie trade af Canada. IHe tivei t'aiconalierable iength ou ,aoh cf thèse subjeets, show- ing the gromiag importance 'of the.Do. miniin being, pnoperly representeti ai theP pentime. ,lIncouclutiing hua adtres fr Aie:. allutieat Cath. esting question of the defence of Cana- da, andi the es3tablimeni ai a naval ne. serve, trainedti teont ýomis waters. Haff aise tiveit at mach length oniCh. terri- Criai qusestion7. andi poiui'ed oui:te. vaai importance of Ch. opening up cf the North West, whicla liecharadtes1-la eti as 'th. groatei heat proting country lu the world .,Tii. Cammer. c is, 1 part aoflais mission, he qsitiwua su slituportant one nov Ct,'& Canada liai- full libenty Ca lev#ý ber - omu taxes in mlisiever vay ahe liket.i.8r -Aleie: Gall; mas warmily cheereti on coneinti- ing1bis speech, wihiasteti over au heur, sud mas neC flulsizet ntil a fev minutes botes-e 12 o'clock. Mardetoas Attack ou- Hon. Georgeà Browu. waIheenus anti heieva ly tellevin' fis-t vIte -J". W00W tbeso-ee' l Whitbyo iota a-ia Ps-rmIbe Nos-lh Wet- 1Mn4 Biapieun, Isely da!Pickering, itabar cf lbuie eployes a, lis. Mauanas selseti eut raClub. enta nametidC- Duok-atthave ben st a-1 AI for-bady-suatcîh tedin- re Thg T ii t esa te their possession, wutvastiaa Masse, notary oa i îcheieu. < DEA&Ti! 0F EX MATOUt T0InoNT0.-ý-F. H.. Medcalf, e là ~ Toronto, dieti la Chat clty on T4 .The fanerai took place . when the romaine vere inCe Yi Orange order, e4w t6ecael" pramigent anember. a Sir Alex. T. Gait anti fanaly 41 nailletifor .England. -H. R. H. Prince Leopold, -wha siâg for Canada in th. Allan s. s. -on April 29tb, wili ada ÂAmong the Snrmatin et OQj be General Sir P-st55engIWféfl4 Lady MODangail, aud a uumW 1 laies anai gentlemen wviapupm spending severai InonChs i n &ais. Juige Donohua, of New 'York on st< urday grantotilan orier. for. SteIaie Dion. Bacicanit lin 0 ivoc si againet hlm by, his vifs. 1Bail ,vu f *a a4 $9,000. Tii.'gr'm --a Ir. MUr. Bouclanli appies ftr a diyoë la sai t, e 4aduitery. Thse enter ofgr rest vas issned,- as Mr. eBcauà t AIîva soon to go to Englani. -Another grand field day ia apakata ci aiteondon Ont., fer tihe 24Ch o! 'May, when th. 25Ch BattalisaofiElgin Qa b. inviteti Ca join Ch. London fore. I Hay in Camberlandi connty, Foevî Soatia, aud vicinity, bias increased ij pnice froan #6.50 ta $10 per Couts94 nearly every Con on Chu market la &i ready aold. M. S.- Woedhnii, jeweller at Seikiri Ont.,ý bas abacondei, ieavlng a iart nuziaber of creditors bobinti.- He vs traced Ce Dçnnviie, audlit la suppose lie bas iocaCoi et Buffalo. ,ri Cethe prevaience ef tipther lu DgyN S., Cie publio_ acheois i Chai town have hef class,andi Cà -oad oft-Healta ha. requeste th l clergymen te stop holding nighC msà lugs lu Cheir ehurches. A. sedend party ef Engliqh tena: (armera, nnmbenlng about tva hundrei have, arrivet in Manitoba. They ver bronghl ou& by Che Bey. M, Aridsiron andi viii moitis lsb.Tutti. Mouailain di triet. They 'make four hundre inu a who have looatedth er. tiiss oase -They are Wo be feilowed by severai Isr parties. GEEL. GEAET N&&arDgmee~ ýThe sCeamer' City of Moea v wig lauded lb.h Grant psrty ai Galele vas faunté be ieaking badiy, hais suffered a terrible airan n ohhs.91 ,tip. -It issertainedt!bat n6thiugbIn supei or .aeaananshp meavedthelb.vesa froua sinkiug. Mussas. Lîxa&BùpimT have enteru in prtnership,'as photographers aï cariy on the. buinessii of Lyen Bres.î .W"ison's blotiras henetofore. gnîiimE-'wuDwwÀsimn W