a nI I laroavaarr Aupen 8uas Lais by nI. Fairanksi, veS kfor Mn. Jas. Mit»e essIUir4-Wmu. G.Do*, wve th israet ftii. semaien ilve lnset u i Caaasrcu.aanti vesattptidetiw# villan- tiondont vslling, - sya.-The' t -aIe» * dancesaht ilibls.'. aIe v-vsr lsg estimat"eti aInias-liotntiPmePi*,- eac dofupsei . nsy of lise but farmesir ilihs ant iagilouwng onntie.. "Pi. uanoialiy5 I eesudr Il a grand snoeess -nattieg oves r 8». Tice idIng vars iveIy sut pioss'eallaeti for lie l. steek hl».iI sotlee th 1e re«vis of Pieherlng, Wbiéby>, a&ohe andi Sme. Rog smà bgstlboprisent.,I1cissitiet Il a luit trIbalté t dai, Whlsmta kuav or a *15.4 feilcw ea i liIU'usï Ta.s: S À. T Ons*issuu on t&b<Ils (lb.etiay fter Mles.) aetl W &giest- or mume. P5* ..~ i Notice l relogOroins"lIvan -Samtuel S. Robinson, soir. Spriog M X litUIt-Tli ise oe Fauoy dies good-Tise Misses Main- tyre. bianties-The Misses Montyre. Ladse'Uueroauhugandi baby lnon -Tihe Misses MeIntyre. Orars-Briilb Arnetlosu Dyeiu G (o. Exwn3ssvq Auctilu sale, Draper outate -Fareveli à Ruiledge-soirs. S3pectacles-fl. W. B. Smith. (Jlspped ad-8. W. B. Smith. Blood purifir-S. W. B. Smith. - Pectoria, cure for cold-8. W. B. Smith. Carsou's Bittera-S. W. B. Smnith. Ipriug stock of papers-J. B. Robert- son & Bros. Books and stationery cf &Il knd-J. B. Rlobertson & Bras. Teudera Wanted-W.-G. Woodruff. Sale of Stock-Purvis Thommon. sale of Btate-Mrs. Spence. E iitortinnet-Ontariô Ladies' Collqlza. WVall Iapers-J. S. Bobertian & Bros. AUCTION SALHS. Vtluable horstes, tboraegbbrest short. bornes, pige aud fart» implemsnfis, pro. porty af Mr. Purvis Thomson, ai -Mayfleld Faro»," 2cd Con., WbuLIy, Tue@iday, Miircls lOi.-L. Fairbanks, Auctioneer. Dweoliig aand.imei. onubsoitifuret. turc, &oc., property late Chester Draper ce 14th April aithiby.-L. Fair. baikls auctisneer. Continuation sale ai Gleedbu, Mon- day Match 14th.-L. Fairbanks suc- toneeir. ONLY is: 590PB R ANNUM. Wilîtby, Thusday,-March 11, 1880. Dominion Finances. The, Budget speec-tii. great @veut ,of ths esso-vst e by tb. Fi. nauce Mletelr. Sir Leonard Tilley. eu Tuestiay eveà ng. With *i,00,00 of a ilefiit, the Outloak le a gloomy ouaD. The. estimaieti- revenue -for tise curreut Ysear lea24,450.00Q.,.andthe i.expendi. ture $24,978,000, vhlii vil leave a furtiier deficiency of nearly hall a mill- ion. lu Sir Leonards estimai, for 188-81 b. caiculaétes upou a surplus of about bal a millgh-and l i to-e hope<l be m.y gsi ILtBuBeil;iL very cloultltl indeeti, seeing how tuse money goos, viietber bis expectations wili b. realise&. A ppsition go increase tbe isueaifDominion notes frous twelve &o îwenty million a iteto bc sub. tuitti tu help tide over thse diffichlty. Dssolutlun cf thse Drdph P"rIment. Tii.faillseomicg dissolution of Lb. British Parlilment vas annônoun asit the flonse of ILords u ndH«Me of Ce». mous on Monday *veulîng. saf. itaf. tori ,Norboote announede iL.dat* as probably uieUrd inst. Tii. annone-. meut cf thse appeal Utu te - ecituen. eies patak somevhai cf a entiten ré. s9Iveîý Nmiberrs mieavîmgLondon already, andi il lealee thsaï tise ile.. tioueeris-qcampsigý U viib. a sesoive and toitig one., tuIiqsor Intereet atblcad vote flsoialmed: ta be wlti thoeO eVatives for wbom aà vtory je predicted « But wiîtb thse vanti anti cosily Zulu. andi Afghan vars b.foee ilsem n d lteeInporlallsns pely of Lori, Besoonsfield, lbthesuimt of viticitmuet prose ao beav(ly os t. Bdtistlaxpayer, sud thse diatrees la Ireisuti antidison- lent ai Lhe vaut of acti"on a tepart ai the Goverumeut, i l, bardl ta #et. a ibis distance, boy - anythinig liii tise esasyviciory preodiae eau bce ebtinmeti over Lb.eLibera paty-if ai aU nuitei. bcd beaun*vonking. Seeet- 0 1 tuanths in tise central prison. victon ai steslieg five besisel v*boat#!; the prcperly f Mn. George Frencis, ou firt Marais. Ssneed goe tva menthe, in Wbitby gaoi. Mr. Farewell, visa pronecuieti Ion Ils.Crcovu, brougislu-- don thse notice ofiLhe court tie practice -elpatie feinviusgootis vers stol- e» taking tensbocok anti net proeoat- ing tise offndera, in fsct compouqn»g a fehouy, anti referreothetisecaetion of Lb. Act beaatng upan suaiscases. Bis honour exproeeeti imself sronghy on tle frustration af tise endis cf justice bysuci a cour»andtti arneti persona cf the Sevars punluhusent tisaI voulti foiiov lthe ceuvicticd cof aI suclaoffauti ens Pariles isatine igilta aceoepltieh return oai ali.»gootis vihout proesn- lieu. Shooting Match. OaxSENwoen Vs. RiUGE. Amatch belveen four membere ai Greenvooti Gun Clbanti a ike nus- ber frous lb. Bouge Gun Club, tventy blhle escs, -ock place ai Greenvooti ou Saturthay hart. Greenovetiwon by one bail, sas vihi b.seen by lh. felcving Scoe *. Ft*lby# for tIhe, ceu a en weeks. Dr. Gnl, J. Farsewell,#Esq., go- tu is isa are tu teke p art ilu th è&6 entbrlaiements, are Weil koown 1tuLise seunelé a large and apprecità ttve audi eus, 'Plie fiet eniartaicissnt cr tise ocarse willtbcliegven next Frlday even- ing, Marais luth. It viii couelst cf eadluge recitationo, statuary, vocal sunti nstrumental music b y tihe Literary &oioty ai Ontario Ladies' Collage. Tics. wlso enjoyeti a simfilar enter-' talument sacuple cf veeke ago, ve very uuelspleaseti viii it. Tio pro. gramme for lie entire course.viilieb ont in a couple uft isys.. We bespeak for thse college a ao-oded hanse, every niglst. Tickets for the neveu enter- tatmente, cniy 75 cents. single Adi. mission, 20 cents. Course isakeut t be biat ai J. 8. Roberteonfs, TIsUnedy'ar Friday of tiii veek. Deatis ai an Old %Wisltby Masan. Mr. (lianes Clark, su aid nesitieni resideut af Whitby, anti ansai tise aIdest menihers of tie Composite Lotige, F. A.. M., tiletion lie 191;b cf lait mauli. Hii deah look place ai tise residence ofi bis son-t-lav, J. D. Féoser,'Iu Fulton, N. Y. Tise poi olti usan hati roehiebs841h y.ar. Mr. Clark kept tise Wiiby. br.very for many years anti will b. veil r.- mesnbered t"Y aur onder lovnspeaple. lie iad ln auy inond* antivas oxcoedt. mgly eli likuti byait use knew bit». Tise Futon T es neticiug bis dtiU centaine lise foloving z "Hie vas burî iet ilatise Masenie cormunies, ou Baturday ; santhie Lige wbici perfenmed tise services for ble romaine expressei ils feelings lu tisa folaowicg resoluisone z INlituEoRIAM. Wbereas. Our lae brother C&ane Clark, aILes many mentis af patient euffertug, Éas velomadth ie meesenger detisi, antipameti Irans tiisimperfect, tutaî iiall.perfeot. glanionsand cles- tîal lotge on higi; viser. lie aupreme Grand Mater presidea. Thorefore b. Reeoived. By Hitrams Lotge No. 184 F. & A. M. of Fulton, N. Y., tisai ve bov in humble submuission te tise vii anti tier.. aI Lb. Great Araiteat aI tise univers., lis giver aIfail good bots isere anti hereatier. Resoiveti. Tiat in tb. deails oi Brother Uark, Masenry bas lest a ventisy member, via vas an an Soor tu tise crait I hie relatives, a ioving bnsband andftilher; bie acqualnianoe, à aiabenisi end ; a wisecocunselor, anti an uprigit cieriéet gentleman. Besolved. Tisat ve tender our syt»- paiby ila cnsolation tauIie immediate relatives anti friends; la Comupoeite Latige, No. 80-oC Whiuby, OnL, andtut St. John's Chapter, Na. 75 B. A. M. of Toronto, Ont., of vîteS Brathet- Clark vas a wertsy usemben believiug tisai illeir las. te bie etsrnai gain. 8. PAMIZt, F. M. Baxia Cous. Hirams Lotige Ne. 14-4. Brother Clark rensaineti an iscncrary member ai tise Composite Lotiga np tu tie limeof aisedeati. Thse Latige an bearbsg cf îhi decease Passeti a resolu- tien ai cendaleuce, anti alia a reabsîn- tien lu aaknowledgemeet ai liat ai Hi1raus Lotige of Fulton. Faxix tWarrn.-Tie cuti Honci store anti dwelling, canner of Danusta anti Byronu streeta vers bureti dov laut Tu"si, evenlng. Mr. Tanner, bulien, vas the- occupant, anti sue- ceoedtinluremoving th* - grealer part of hie offets. He boiti suhisunanoe.of $400,.vie li vlprohably cuver hiei Àôîs. Tise property blôngedta tes par Estate, anti vasWvrth $700 on *4;2 Inenreti for 0800. Tise buildng Wus a gondi trame one., anti va but fer Mr. Lewis >Honte,- tu viscîn ts praPerly ienmerly belonget Inlu19K4 It vas put np by ex-reeve Ray just 86. yeare ago>. Mat. PmzesL,lsei deao ie ePoul office, anounseestise recipt cf gents, Crnishigefor- eprninseear. HeSia aIea an enhrely ùev stock cf laleet -styles a btsani ap-ve i .- tende iu u emkniaseilt- Bouge. W. Cowan, an. ..15 - Chester.'.18 W. Covan,jr ..i9l H. (Joyau.... 20 Total. 72 W-. (evan braSe. deuil. isea. 145 oui er 160. (lau M. -Enquinie for Mr. Tit ODay. Ta thic Edi or of Lise Wh itin Citron- Dxà ain m: Whal hamtbacome ai your bumorane correspondent, Mr. ODay ? i bsave, I assure yen, bsen very muai inter«e inlureading hiii vity anti sen- tile lettens, anti vilS mauy ethens cf Soirreadere lunMara miss hie conti- ýuttîons tram lise celumne cfthie olti CssxmLar. liaul yen poSe ut» up t Sureiy vitis aIl th.e veuts of noie nov laking place-fret» "Greauba.i's icy Mountains la Afri's liurning muti"- aud thi esape of intereeliug local teplos, andi Su. Palnack's Day ooming en, anti everytingailse, tiers le s plentiful fieldt ta ccny hie amnuiug pen 7Do pionne &sir Isum np. Yours tln M ARA. Mancis 8, 1880. Tise above le eue cf nummsinaen- qiisrecivetioau(hie same sebjeat. WenaeTit» a pake.-Ezs. Cuseit. l3usisass Clostas.-Dr. Bionkn V. S., bas saiti ont bis Veies-inany prao.- tice'an isle&bout le remove ta Mani- toba. Bis succeesr, Mn. T. N. Pestes, fenmeriy aI Bsljevile, le a grdainaIof Ontario Veuasy Collage, anti ouses biglly recommasndeé&.lu t1eh arne lne Mr. Wus. Bolpis ha. remaveel ta tieabc mapreithy acaopiedliy Mr. Oea. Rioe, 2Ksdtie's Bloh, anti Mn. Bien, liu liongitontthe estck anti reusov.d ho lis abap ceaupieti ly Mr. Warren, Sim- oue btreet.- rfarmer. PrInee Etivard latanti R"aavtutras£haîzss.u aa.-Tise Prince EtivandIs landi Lêglaturs vas epeneti on Tisarstay, andi amaog tise Governuent aissures promisetla ten ta, dîminisiahieet of ithe administra tien of jusicesanti on. te abolkaiitle %aï Diu INaci MuaoxL-A geeti dent of dettintion existi inu Nukaka owing te Lbe destruction etfsâme of lise erape by frost. -A eorrespondenl ef the persil Fraim#-e., vnlttgfnem lBut4. ville, **y& lial, asruile, Lb. setlie are very peer, andt liaIlies. pon liii loviantie ci sousedisuce trImm laS vhsolsnffEned spost froin lsefailm-e *be ba"velt, are tu a claIe 'et abSeiloe -: tite»o. 'Tih evavmsnt bau exleusl- idsomte aid, ions c1ý-f proviqsip isaving been Crvard té lOGvvniurst fer dilt rilitien amassg thé- Cosd nsdy, but uscr areneedati. -Booresi ef fsn-~ line bavo netat ti hnaad. t--$rmenthe, anti live s.xehnivel y ou 'pelalosaor tSunrspe. The Bunuvili. "Foreei mlatesa tt b. prewea Goment bava akren meusre <et lis coe. ttst» aI colonization Xs-cadi8as6a relie -vrs. ______ WE&T TE RaSs Mn. Parniel annivetin 8aturtlay, secmpanl , evaa va lsiiupen> by o»suslltee and preon teti tires.. At lie Opera Hoi enig ise-met vilIsê'a mol reaeption. T1le olivwinj i iib. ab repo#-I. o tise front cfLb.h;stage, au ",vs receiveti 4Oiaian udtioizens -bd Torouo,-I - lbank you for poha e i -Warmoât veléemo I have receiveti pice I cross- ad Lb. Ailantie. Apkuse). Tis nies vhi cwrsissp nme by tise pr-Bitis.!-parnipe »li peepie of litecountry, ien Il vwu statei tisus j, l anyopabiae vthb tie sufferigp of Irelanti Your ovu action beore e cmu ier hati intieti sufftiaîtutb tisip hetiL.lat- ter casumny, mbut sugo ýald ya haveé' aho se reveti souseet ai e upatiy for aur mission, ant iblati ie yen ibave ebovu hofors aur arrivisil Ãai yaun hearts veo. open santi, your usouey ready toa ahIviatse . istrese in Ira- landi, so alto yon visis tp lselpus ne» pneveuling lie reçurnenai cf laI dis- troua.-(Apptanee). bManý' peopis vien Lboy la.ar of famiîne tau Iïehant lok upc» il as a tilepeniation pt Providence. Tbey tiikitis due te bsid berveti, an ta toc muai s rie,or ta tlisepovenly' ai thé mIri soiü.,Noue of %bse.reasone apphies l inte asie cf our isi famines. Tisey are esamtiby umn antiudualtliy Goti ; they à 1ve artiliial, ual natural famines. Tien thé icil of Inelanti la- not ponr; It l capable pi supperllng twice ber preecut population lu abnud- &nul prostpenily andi bapplnus. Onr climnat* is uaL bad ;lu le sieaiflie bout anti mont genil iclissatea t» sey cana,- tyn thle varit. Our people au net 0 sti at htfl, bui heM.vorkiu ani energetia veise by'are vcrking fer themeselves. (Chiera). 4usd nov, hav is 1h. you viilite, liaI fer ton pr ebv. lu Irelant. Beeleet, 1lu dsabug iti this subjeot. vo are conldening tia ar- gument pu& fonvard liy sganse, liaiyen' andté Lspeople ef the Unitedi states have no rgilta oInquire ista the cuse ai Irishs famine, &bat tisis in cow lie] thiintign Lieitisin cn isc eualon'yen isave liegu auke totasenti Ielp, ta elarv- in Ireland udi, ant iii a actadia eb "nhi pe e-of tis acountryani IAmeias enti annually large sumo cf t»euey oves ta Irehandto thielp issr tenantry pay themreuta ta theIish iandlorde. B.Iwcsn elghty ant i unety milions cf dollars bave been seul mous thie continent cf Amtreas ithin lise luat tventy years, sud neanly -il Ibis! tneney, instelc f maliig tisas.te vhie» i* s ent happy sudi comfort- ails, is lats goa ueioth . lIe csof tise! Inisl lasitiortis. 1behieve tise peple of Canada are o esnusti*han Lbey nees thisl a nation suffsnlng. sant iey couaflder ltaIse i.n dnty,s a apracti- oally Irées co**Wtytale ii>1pfrelan t t attala thst position oifi-tus manti self-governmsent wviscSis eyheumseves possese. (Applana.). Ko*>va, charge lia ties. ctinnally' icuzTing Irini ause, sud'tise siste of ppeety winceh aivays ahtaiua in Irolastil. aredue ta tise ooedilions of lis lanidtoulurae lu tisai ecuntny. WhaIt la Msystens cf landi tenure 1 t hie duii cfit eal sys- teom viti vsiishichut eefflryumvepe eoauly searltd, oanti v .hà o Iti sud foup&wti ang, anti abandon- cd lu eVéry ivilleti cewS=t#exeeph Girantliit»uati Jeltd-An thle lng it Ibs s shve eta lie" conclus"ica ti I leigh t, I vi alisutiet, for lu neo fluy n wt» bý à iis» ben$ried, and badly as il masy- have bec» aduslnislensd, bau il liesa vers. adushalsteneti sud infletetigreai. eor evils upen peaPis titan in rsa. Yen dli se vbelat edis. have vs, ta peépce-.lwi il, weamc lima, ofaipro. oinremeties.W. havaesu Pro. p osl eeua. W. hav eaueinpro- pclgremettes for lise sjstew of laad tte sfertithe dt iry Yeu% â have las.» unabla't ta na- JnWe Tis taine tisaI thea E gisisPrtis Ment. *"stis 6eaai oli oc Db. '1fl Te diffenni gcftnotseiof tne veitiusave et ail times recagniseiliaI landot bu c hantieti ever luin tie tho certain ernsus ponurt Condtions. la tiseo le4t oefcthèl an liedbesuinthiet! over by ibehéstati to Lb. gra aivycmpà ntes.- More of il has bee isaudeti ver teo CCUPters 10 ocCo y il un der lise Ishontoa I lava ,The. ways'dtinol cIaa hsir laund a8 absoluis propenty, butt etihoul. Tise conditiîosver.liaI Lb. y aiseulti belt-iutways upon Il, ud ou l tii eut- at reasouable priéesela pensons.viso olti settle upen anti aullivate it. I simud. Io lit tshow tist ainduiorigi. nally bélougi a o h.evisai.people, andi 15 vesteti for teisssthle, Government ci lise country. Tise Government lranefèe ai4,80iifor lise bonftî of: lise aeqntry, on certain conditions ta other' pensons, Whoa bve le fudi'tisent in erder l o istin pesiessac. Tishé li ual lantilortie in Irelanti antiCréai fri- tain obtainsti possessiono ethe land, n- tien certain conditions.- 'Is Iréisut tiesse canditions have beenu iiversaliY vlilteti. lu conséquence cf teLb. ils- tien cf lieue coniditions', ai tiié lant Of Irelanti migil judty lie ferfaitedtfous the lautilards to-marrai' W. do uaL désire lepas maltera 50 Car, but are vîlling le give tise iandlairda full anti fMir ceupnaian for ibir interesq'Ilu tisese lands e. Wiii lai sthelandi ab.ali gq free, andti tisilithéilitne vic has isnng round lie neck aIflis. 600,000 unfaritnate tillera of lb. sali usa b nmoet. Thssvwu donc in Prsa; îey isti isefeutielsytm tries atitiLWvaf.heuntlawork asebstily tisaI tise Goverumeut tranafenedth e landl fot» the iatilorda tte etenants. Tii. lanstiortie vere ooffeumateti by an issue af bonds besning lotur pergent. intere~t i4w Lb.hetenante itheir turu acuspeneatedth ie Governusent by psy. ing to lieus e r cent. on tise Iban tli principal sud siereet vere extinguà sis .ti. ise Legisalture of Englauti eelab- isheti a préceédent of a similan cisrrac- ter. Uutier tie Bright clauses cf' lb.h LeantiAdc f 1879 tise Goveroeni vera empovenedti teatvane. money La ten- ants tieirlngterohase thein holdings trous tise.landiords visa vers villing ta "sIi, lhe money to e lepai t thelb filaLe Iy annunal instaimanla off dv. pen, cent. fer tiiirty-five yearef. Tise Par- Rtament af Enigianti aleanhy sisoved ly thesesclauses Ãuat il vea aà tesirabie Ling liai lie tenants in Irelanti abeuhi lia encouragedt teove them larme, but tiieyt appeti short a ofMPUlB'ea-- propriaton. Mn. Bright lise otisertiay, i» speaktng an liais peint iih.olie- iievsti tisai if ti.s. clauses ver. amenti- et int a certain direction, tise lantilorde vonîti ied ilta ibtein inienesi le Bell, anti a majority Ir lieus voudItel. 1 am ver muai ineindti latiuk so toc, ant iIf tise présent agitation goes on for a yesn or tva longer, tise majenity aI th. lantilônteilliifint iti venymuai te tbeir intareet ta"ILi ((lisera). I liink il bard, havever, tiat Lb. Pan- riament cf Englantisisoul t îrev upen lh. uonitnuate etas-viug tenants 1tic dusly ai dotng thai iy agitation, visicis the Parlismant sieulti do by law. Ob- jection hau bain taken ta isis tranafer aoftllita, anti vahave i4eeu lti,&"if tise tenants are seii. le tipay fiscir prisent rente, bey eau they Ps y hemr sunai insialuentoithe Goveru-, menltI" Thse exampie va have isatiof sais unthe sBritish clauses, tu tise tenante, show liaItih, tenant viii téel sucS iecniiy lu liisholing ubat b. vüiiibnprove it toaua exent neyer lis- tasn eoutemplated, sud vil strain avsry Umre to Mest lthe inslamente, f=engthal tie chai» lisiint i ut» t ubneIng instiati-cf leagthoisng. t lia beea onutinlaprati. tisaI i tenate pv cf be tn.eb. xfrratiou of Lb.tisntylWsjeassud ile-aome lu. -stnce indv.or ix arss. Tiseyex-, he ieinetaluseutsuintirer leIre tiselantitrous lie (overmnst chsarge. Tise Lo»nton Timu Sbe cohen day 'Pub. iii saetter, t intelsoit.klochup tis lins ef rçmutcig thâI tlsth ,tenante4 ctId celpay their rente, isov nid Lsy b. expée te, lepsythein lestal- ment. ta lie Governusent.,Il1&e80slp pou tat hmtise prcpcrty ceLb Piuls!zO uro 1 b1inIrelaistiwvas solti, thé riglslof pre*ssaptiau vas given 1P tbooespys tensiant, ba t ie -8l&i. *as permittedté le ht in t a kvy Lik.~ ar.Jtn. likwsv the.îL vaclet ' l eaeu apeSsan mc *np msue preseni Limue. >If ' I atinot been for tiec harily oethtie Luli wStates, Indus, Australia, aur people musa 1a .erlis ,ad cf famine li souugis. Ift*ilap- propniation -bai been matein l June lat üiesv rgeti il, il migil bave hein cf souse use. h usighisiuve been emplayat Inluproductive vaôrie visici vaulti )av. improveilie resonroos ef Inelanti. Tien ani people vere'nol en- foeeîsi y vaut anti disaaae. Nov lhsey'are tee vasis le work, andtui consequee ia tI tis 4money, vici tiey igihve receietilu agefor wonk,l ïiït lie8-recelveti ýby sM l cainty, antiouir prouti spinietipeepie degra -thëlevel cf pauperasis enoughO.Io Weêk tiseiseari of à a u visau bseaul enorktng t» Irelinti, anti h»a -poïeit~'ed& lieday» aai gnoi'sg isape am»onf tise people, ta vituese tisir- pressai degradatien, I cannaI but lhink liaI tise Governusent of Eng- landi alioe th ie progresof lie famine in artier tisaItiey uigil break dovu lie spirit of the Iris people. ('Sisame' anti cheens.) I -viai te aay something lu réence tb à malter about wviic ve have been mlioii citicizeti. I refor ta tisevarions rejlaf aommltteee vs'iihi have been Crméti for tise purpose af as.- sisting the ieffenera te -gel foodi,-anti more particulanly te tie Manitiou Hanse sud Dunies afMariborougb's reliefs. Tii ote aapleasant aubject te broasai ins ctty visiais abasent a goti deal ef menay la bau lihoe.char- ites. We thougisi IbIs, andti binki i stilI, tiat Lis. relief te tise Iriah people sisouiti net go througis lantihort chan- neis, and t is1epniting aur poople untier a tileatvaulage in tisein stnisggle againît tisa landierti eyetetu te compel thora te appiy te tise Inudiords fon raief, anti tht i aias unlelilshenature aI Ibings te suppose tbey ean continue lie sireg- gle againat Lie lanti systeus il they are farceti te apply for tbeir daily breati te lthe very ciauis viab as oppresing liens. W. have net accuecdthie hisu sean Bons. Committe. of miadnxinii- trato. I do net believe tisey veuid viliingiy malatiminlier any meuey entruaeta tehem fer lise purpase of relieving lise Iriis, butithon I tiek liii Manaion-Ho.ue Comminsie avery largeiy compoed of Gove net sud isudiard tuteresta, andti tit ite mi-. commiLteea Ibrongisaut the country iargely pantake of tien. elements aie. 0f course, as e s b-comnmittees, as Lbey go davu tie elevatetgoaale, are net comaposetiofaIouse» aIeLie st» ale- vateti positionnasetie Mansion Bouse Commitse, but af tise agents, bailifsi anti drivers of lhe landiards, ve are ai raid if tise starving people are cous- pelieteogo ta tisne mou, bat lunisant, for i bresa yon have sent tut», tissy vouiti be put under-tise greatesl disat- vautage, anti severely baudicappeti in the usagnificeut stnnggie iiey isave bien usaintaining fan 1h. laud cf their country. W. trust tisatinluth. admin- istration of relief yen shoniti ual giva a politicai ativautage ta bautiierti. We do net lâme yen, vo knov tisai every- llsingyen have doue yen isave doue fairly sud viLS tiselieut anti monst gen- erous intentions, bat Ibis malter bau nu au .»ntentocul,anti I have a igisi le oxplain lise true s15h cfflise case. I rre t the necessity exceedingly, for lie subeotlaanunepleasani eue. I have salit tiaI v do net accuse tise Maao oa.Comuitte. aI mai-ad-; miuinhralien, anti 1 ans ready ta believe lisat lie letter I ans about te reati te yen trette fof reumstancea i'bicis are an exception te tise general acope of Sibat etatemeni. I isavo a letten lbsre froïthe lie1v. Wus. Joyao, parisisprieet cf Leviihun, bMaya. Be aya --"The univerial feeling! ber. je that the. Man., siaza 1ouse Covýmittee la oniy au en- gin ta pai ouftishe preseutland ti ai-1 tatlin; Thir wrdiei la, "Give up lise1 Dame of Land i a oer dl.et s tarval-i tian." Wihiierh i ct t r vngvWei are determinedti - e tiol te tise nauso anti ta aur coleurs. Mn. Pannehi la net aineS wng lantbiesdintsitcsof lte Mans=Its-outea gog.tiues" Tisefol. low-lng resolntloos vers pÉaset by tise Landsti Lesoammitét t wiiitise Maslo» Hanse Vonsmulleisad efuset te give anu relief Isesause of til- sanie- Tise Biro l, _Ha$ng madie tisstein of- fectual appesî te the. Mansions Hou"e glief Catmttee for ltelp in lie dire distreescf'tised.sriet, wedselare tiem -At Xantreal an Montiay evening, Meos. Parnell ant iDllan reeeivei a splendid ovation. They. versescorteti by a grand tercbiîgit procession le the St: Lawrence Bahl. Bath gentlemen eiatedtbttisaIieir neceplion ab lise com- mercial dapital cf Canada vas supenier te any lbey isatirecaiveti an lie Amer- ican continent since tiseir univai froui Irebsuti. Tic Real-Question. Tise Boicageon Independmif, cani- usen'ling an tise hetten aI Bey. Father Staffordi on lise question aI Anuexalion "torrovfnhiy" diseents Irans b.he vd. gentleman's viev. "The actIsl," asys aur contempoarsy.liaIthboughis inl rare le finti anyone viso cpeniy anti in public preciaimab issaIt in laver ef an- nexalion, tisere are very 1ev cf tics. ne- sitiing inth tIwlvas anti cilies in lie front wbo lu secret do uatlooek upen annaxaltion as inavitable anti regard il vith laver. As le Lise fanming cons- munity, sîsouidti tey h. convincedti ta anuexataon veuiticause ivieat le ris. a cent s bushel, "tiuty ta tise sovereigu", anti "fideiity sud alhegiance ta thse Goveroent under wviiais hey iveti vouiti net bave naici influence. Tise real question to censider is lie : Dosa Canada heieng le tise Amenican or Enrapean continent ? Tisere eau ha bnt eue roply. Canada cieariy beiangs te tise Amanican continent, sud iL je enly a quieption of lime wiso tile pres- ont custam dtles binding ber to Eur- opeansd separating hon tram America, vili cssa to extat. Whou tise.du- lies ceaie andi Canada enjoya fre Irade vils aIltise States, sis. viii hava reais-. setisr true position anti ban natural, destiny. Until tisou vC May expedi mucis discussian cansiderabie aniago- nisux, anti a peniati mare an besa pro- IraitetiofaI gry poiitical tiabate, but lhe enti l as cartai» as Lat-Canada te a portion of lb. Amenican continent. W. May fight againai base desires sud merco nary consideratiaus, but in tisea latter desys dallars anti cents ievariahiy pnevai cven "1fidelity anti allegiance," anti vien il le anc. leatly understoti tisaI commercial sud muteniai, advan tagen viii ansne. if Canada bas ires trado au the Amenican continent, tisera vili be but 11111. division ef apinion as te visicis continent Canada isionge la, à at as te vichiscontinent is atise strougeat cdaim- on her alîscisment. East Wbitby Conucil Concil Boama, Marcis 1, 1880. Council meL pursuant te atijourn. ' mont ; mombersalal preseul, Beeve lu tise chair., Minutes of lu&t meeting resti sud approveti. - Mr. Smith, secontiet by Mn. Scatt, mevoti for leave to inîroduce a by-iav 10 appoint a collecter Cor lie present year,-Leave granleti. By.lav linro- duceti, reati a Birai, second anti third tirao,and passeti.Tisebank being fif iet vthle naine cfCharle H. Giles, salary, $60 Mn. Smith, secontietby Mn.- Boss, moved tiat the by-lav le appoint pals. mastersfencevieveri sud peunti keep. ers, of visic ice wuvasgiron aItLise last session oaItise couneil, bc nov lu. troduceti antireadi Bret lime. Bytbav tetroducetiantireau a final second sud thiîrti m, anti ,paheti, tise corpenato ai beieg -attaciseti therato. <Mn. McKeuzio netiarteti iaving paiti tise treasuner lie sut» of tinee dallar, beiuig rent for roadid alico beiveen lois 14, anti 15 t»n7iis con. fer 187D>. Mr. ýSali, seacdeti by Mv.,-Boas, ýmove4ti latI al- nupsititaxes tane by ,Mna. Meeli, lieemiltei, sud liai Lthe- chokerh.instructedti lesenti a aopy 1ai tbis resolution tg lise Counny T"sain. er. Carnieti. Mn. Moeazie gave notice that ho viii ai, hie next session of-.be councli, - Ontario L.egilIIflf.: - 44Ier M5j55t7's xi, e Mais ,Or th iet o,. iot i n 5lt le ibe0a PflOIlGATXON. - bills."1 -Mrv. Speaker ab»ssd The FinI Sessionof lthe:FOUrthPsi.May it pleas.u o. lisment of Ontario vas proragued on W., ier Maie tspos « dutiful anti Flay. Tise olowing bille receiveti faitiflsbetts iti esse tb. royal assont: bly cflise rovince1f1O in iession,4 Au Act to provide for the amalgama. seambled, apprà woacr onor at th. tien af theC(ity Gai Company üld te close of aur labours with .ntimenti cf Clity Steaus Heating 'Company cf Lie n I neigneti devotien snd 0laIy 1t6Fier don, Ontario, andti l extendth ie pavera Majeety'e porion 1sud (*avirnment, ma, of thse smalgamated companies. iiumbly beg te present for.,yaur »cnor s An Acita incarporate the Bsylleid acceptauce a Bill intiut" An Act for snd Huron Bailvay Compsny. grsnting to Hor Msjesty ciertain affl 'An Ac ta provide for th. division cf cf money la defray thse- expenses of lise townshsip cf.Luther. Civil Go7ernment; for -he.O year. 1880, An Act te, limit tise borrowing powers snd for otherpurposes thserin mention- of tise Englisis Les» Company, 1sud te eti,", bua placiug ai thdi i poa cf lise ameni tise charter thereef. Crovwn Lb. means by viiict the Geveru; An Act respecting tise Midland Rail- ment os» hoe made. eflicient forerlis.sr.- wsy of Canada. vice sud velfare cf tise Pro$rduce. An Act rcspeoting waterwarka for tise To ibis Biltise Boys! sapent vaa an. tovu af Wtngbam. nonceti by 1he Clerk- of the Legielsîlve - An Ac te incarporawtiste Senther» Assembiy, t»ntise flloiewng verds :- Fire Insurauce Company. "ie HRor lise Lieut. Gev.dclii An Ac te amenathetise neerai Acta Lbank -Her Majesty's dutiCý'i sud loysl relating te the Toronto, Grey andi Bruce gubjecla, accopt tudr beueyolence, sud Bailway. susent ta Ibis Bill m Heý' Majesty'a An AcLta autherizo tise trusteets of name. lhe Preabyterian ceigregation of Loba, Hie Houer vwu then pltae t e konas-tho M!'pville Churcis, to elo livex'hoflueigspec d certain lands. Gnlmao ic Lsl7 -sm An Ac te incerporate tise Part Boy-bi:* -i an sud Lake Shore Railway Company. I1am, gladt ibbe t[relieve yen An Ac te amena tho Ati respeciing fret» furtiser attontiance uppn yonr ieg. the Prince Edwarti Connty Bailwsy islative duties, sud la uh4uk yeu far Company. lthe carofulceniiideratiian y0n have An Ac te confrjg, a certain by-law given te mnany usefui meaaùreg te visici ai thse town of Owen Soundi. I bave te day bssu called upen te give An Ac te amena tise Acte incorper. my assaut. Mting tisa Nortis Simcoe Railway Cous. Il gives me great pieaanýe te kuow, pany. fram tho action yen havo taken, that An Act respecting tise Grand Jinin- my Gaverument vili have j your cordial tien Railway Company. andi layai support in asserting the just; An Act respanting thbe Stratferd snd cdaims anti rigsaoai-tsi.province, Huron anti Part Dover and Lake Ruron mare especially in hheir drorste lanss- Railway Companies. tain thidavard ai ýtise arbitratora by- An Act respecting tise Sisters ai St.-visicis the uartlserly - d w esterly- Josepbl, of tise Roman Caihalia Diocese boundaries of Ontarieohvebeen.de. ai Hailion. t ermine&i Anti I have ta aknovietige An Act respecting tise construtioin of tbe prompînlesa with visw, *iyen have a brancb af tise Belleville sud North la îceti at tise disposai of ~y advisers Hastings Baiway to tise Village Oftise neccsary flundi Cor irisspurpose Tweed. Il le gratifying te me toi observe tisai An, Act roppecling -tise Taranto anatihie subicc of praviding inov -snd ln. Ottava Raiivay Com»paniy., cresaod accoommodiation loi tise Legiela- Au Act furtber le amenatiheb.Adt lu. iv. a1nidGovermnmntal , epavtments corporattug tise Trent---Valley Bailvay isasengageti yaUr attention. I trust, Comspany. ~tisai, vitisout excoeoding Llýe estimateti An Ac te oamenath ie Ac t ncerpoi'at- coati,-,buildings vii b.iereti fnily iug Aima Collage. 1 elqualt tiste demande eftishe public An Act la anable tise trustees afISt. service, ant inuail, respect.z vortisy of Ancirew's Cisurcis, Chathsaa- tormi,,tis 'grat andtiel11rovince. te» Ibausanti dollars to builtia cisurtil, The readinoss viti visaisyou have anti for oher purposes. voieti-s sum. of menay for' Lb. relief of Au Ac te legalize certain by.laws cf aur sufeéring fellav snbjec a i Ireiand th. tavu af Orilhia andtihie Coun»y of viii, I -am sure, b. varm1 appreclateti Simca.. by tiset»,andi affrti-a', roofaL An Acite oincorperai@ Lie. village cf Lb. comnilsentiments af niereats asti WAu rt n capraetseGad n ympalhy visiciunuit. lb. peopleeaiflise Aut Ac te aenpti thmpGrynd On, maey vitiely separateti po *lio f Lr lanao Central Railvay-C îY- Mjçy's lmno". An At t aenatise Acte rela i»g O Tise Bill incorpor;ling e Agiaul. tise Credit Valley Raiistay Companiy. turai -Collage, visici ha.1 -~beosme An Act reiating te Cbrist-Church Ob-I&W. sboysahe im. esetrined by lava.of tise importance itth: tinstitu- Au Acit toanmenathelb.Adtincorpori tien tb lb.eCarmera af -O0 taLt, andi I îng tise William Hall Petez.barougb have neotieubt yenr vie 'ithua ex- paor Trust. ressed vill lb. aisreti te onSstintly An Ac te oincarpi aetiseSanit S tnce. ngetntb illssschie Marie Rallvay Company. peopleaatise nhility af Li~ institutiou-ý,, Au Adcte legalize by-lav No. 810 cf ilsdemonalraleti by expernece. lb. village ef Brantford.» - Steps viU 'hé. laklen by y Gov An Adcte autiierize tise Racler ana ment.te give esrly efeat 1 the propos- Cburcisvardens cf St.- Psni'i Cisurcis ai ta appoint an Agriculmlalý CommSis. in Lb. city cof London, ta lessemort- ion, sud th aurweifor suny utlay so*iW gage, or siu certain -lantis ieretofore 1atemoat praclicz ai a enti huai'» as..St. Paulis (Je»etery5 nirma for otson pupspesL The extensinof tLb. Oncf An'Ad t toamenti andi more aocurte-tise Division Courts viii Ãnd-ta secure ly define tiseisoundaries cf lis. tovu Of thà ,ag'enunsier of sui tri; a -'£or Waodetock ie ise t and .49 es expansive means for en An Ac teZrevive and amenathe «Actust demande, -viile other sm-j-~ inconporsting tise Lamblon Clentr~al entimenn t uLeia sanctiýneti by you Railvsy Comxpany-. viiititi malrially to the efficiency cf. Aft-Ad te Ocoufirus s by.Iav Of tise tiese tribunala. i cOunty ai Prince Etivarti, gritiDig -Tiiportant amentimpnta inth ie to Lb. Prince Etivarut Cojxnty BAilvy municipal lai' xesnlting froýn yonr ai C ompany. liberatiaus, mare partic4larly Lbose AiAd t crevive sud amenti-tls: Adt viicisretissa.tise tnusser f atatntory, ii2corporating Lise Port Staulsy*,, ti'ath. exemptions aila' ff tcer4in cbangez roy, and Port Franka ýBeilvayCos- in tise incidencaes cf local taxation, oa psny. nat fai t tab. of gréat publie lienefit. AnAc Ad enutb. Aat incorpor- - ile j subjetis clas surrndeti> anaiivay .Oompsuy.iv- tcoposierable tifficnlty, it may be Au t e nd aendthe ctreaacnably expeoeisd tiaiour enquir. A t1 eieat aet iefn les as-to the best aieanÀr. provisîing fnonwnn&tinalhi SLMabwe antiCtedIt &k&n. ianot.on T:~ Bititinpi Tnagedy. The. m Oreenveoti. J.Gihson ...16. J. Seonriiie.iS. - R. Covan-19. -total. 78 9. (lovas anti eac, 9 ouL ci 10 balle vers broken Wbitby boat biii? 1- - "-a i i -f P 't - ýÉý --