Whitby Chronicle, 11 Mar 1880, p. 1

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Af 0 14 frIQN S, BBOCK 8TBUE&To WflTBI. ferma - $1 OPrAnnom, A VTISEILNTS A U Adverttae. monuts moasured XIn#àNop ci u .ithttgeati1h. r&te cf8 centa, prlni. nsertloaaud 2 cents, per Uiahab .It ntesrtIiu. sp«iàl Ro ort 1meetinkosb0Plnftwlsi description wUeun laoad aobig NàWsat- ter ton cenusaveeli no. - oSp1calcntracts inado wllh .dve.rtsers 1 M yaor uther*lse. . Orders tuoiscontinue taulwtLamente -snnt be iu writing. Bu8ÃŽne8s-sDireotory. ONTARIO BANK, WHITBY JBANCI19 THOMAS DOW, FAREWELL & JlUTLEDGE, * 1&ARISTERS, ATTORNETS, SOLI- Licitors, -Noaes Publie, and Convcy- iflobY. Office, finit doar saath of the Royal tictol, Whltby. JAMES RUTILEDGE, B. A. r. 1. IREWELL, L. L. B., County Crawn Attorney. 43 *J, AMES KJTII- GORDON, BARRISTEIt & ATTORINEY-AT-LAW, BSolitor in Chancory, Conveyancer, Notary Publie, &. Offce-Dunca. St., first door wesl af Armotroag's Hlotel. Money ta Loas-Privato fund-at loy JOhIN A. MoGILLIVRAY, - (Succespor ta H. M. HaweIl.) B ARRISTER * ATTOUtNEY-AT.LÂW,, DNat&ry 'Publia. &. Solcitor for the Daminion Bank. Offlo.-Noext .laar ta Mauion Hanse, Uxbridge, Ont. -96, CHIARLES C. KELLER, A TTORIMY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN L. T. ARELAY, A TWTNEY - AP-1,AW, SOLIITOR 1-1 iCbaaceiyead Inaalveuay, Ounuvy- stýiirq' ., &o. Os'rîcî-MtNho Court Hlous», Whltby. LYNIAN *ENGLISII, L L. B., N oe Stret, Oshaawa. JOÃœS < ALL DOWt, B ARRIMU-~AT-LAW. SOLICITOR 'Bu obuuOes7, Conveyaucor, &o. OtSoe-!DeverilI'a BW06k Brock Street, Whitby. MOI4IT F- O0LEND-Privato Fund*1 - i laW iup $M600, at a low rate ai a s tore«. (ly.52 RIISN& KENT, (LàÂTi Dvo & Rauisou.> TARRISTERS-AT-LAW, A TTO RN - B eys, Slictart. Cauveyaacers, &o. OFFICE.-In Victoriat Chanibes, Na. 9, Victoria Street. »40. G. KELLEY, B RISTER-AT- LAW SOLICITOR B in hwacry ad Lsovency Convey- aucer, &o. Offe-Deverill'a Biack, Brack. Street, Whitby, Ont. G. VOVTNG SMITH, L L. B., Orrc-Over Dominion Bards, Whtby. Jan. 22, 1878. (ti-5 CAMKERON & APPELDE, ARITRAttorneys-at-Law, and olctore iu Chanaery, No. 4 Toronto etreet, Toranto. BUtTOI OAIERON, Q0.. <1748) R. S. APPELBE. a. J. Guru, PM. D., SURGEON TO THES COUNTT GAOL, Byron Street, Whftby. j fl f'. TU-ins.rtod on al the te. 'rciplea U the art, 4. ch.. s*tise Che potaAau goone.t.he biout.TeMItkfilua with GalAand Silver. Toalli okfstU wthout palU, by praduclng 1100%1 muthes. Dental Boomàs-tun Cow- zue wIl'ock, axer Akinson'. Drug Store, 'Ring Sýreet, Oahwa. JOhN ROR3INBON'U ilAIR DRBS$INQ AND I iLAVINO maou, Braok St., Whitby. Sootie Ganie.At Marble Works cf Jenathac Woifnde,Dunda t., WhItby. ROFFICIA.L M$SIGNLE.] oeOPPICE OPPOSITÉ'TEE ROYAL liotaI, Broak-St, Whltby. Whtby, Match 201h, l87. l4-IY A. T H E R L Y, Ilerk Division Court, Tp,,Cleark, lesnilsloner lu B*BqI,,LnSAgent, dc., be, Athetly, Oounty Otarlo. Atherly -Btpt. end, 1&72,., 96 OSOHA WA, Veterinaory Surgeon, Wltb catm, Pr VOL. XXIV.- WIIITBY,, PROVI G ADTRUNKBRAIWAYOTL, CH INA HALL, <opute G. T. R. Station,> Whltby. siO P or Ime IG rUe («OUORErus) WM. O'NEILL - PROFRIETOR. 71 KING-ST. EAST TORONTO., Eîrery accommodation fot gue Fny rakat u TsSaa Inld ing 0 cortable, elry bodroomu, Mae st U s yBekas u e os bourg. Fancy Dinner and Dessert Bts. tEîr The Bar fully up dwt ot Fanal Bed.rocm Sots.« brands i Liquora, W lnus ranAdieas,tCigars&. Fancy Ju a "d Teapots. S étc. Every necessary irection gvon te Silver PlaeaKnirai, Parks su<! ans, traveloers. ilver Plated Cruetsansu Butter 0ol.a~ Goad Stabllug, endlossa yard, sud atten- Slver MlateAk askesWh tive osilers. -48 Rodgero' Nire.sud Parks. sd ______ ______________ Tea ansd Serrers, ted Fiawqr lhades fox Lily's, -&e., &0., th OMEI-LITL n TALS Sun OMMEClA HOEL ud TAB e l oenja sUdescriptions. Rh CJ 54 sud 66 Jarvia-stroot, Taranto. White Stao nare, orory kind. GO JOHN MéRAE, *- PROPRLTOR. Hotel sud Bar Goods, .t GLOVER HARBISON, Cà <ueccasson ve O Rm> Lvr,) Importer. F Th boit _1_0 s Day - o -a la - -e 1ty,1aPo twô,blocksu tram tbe iNortheru Deoansd close ta tha Market. The Hanse bau beau uewly Fitted ont, sud every-thlng Frat-tas. fly4?< MIlS. WALKEYeS TEMPEBANCE HO USE, DUNDAS-STREET, WHITBY. Gond accommodation at roasouablo termas. floarders 8$2.50 per week. 45 R OSSIN ROUSIL.-TOFRONTO, OMt.ý The Palaàce Hotel af Canada Refitted, Referaishurd, sud Unrlvalled. NewPu'ssen- ger levatar, ranluig niglt sud day.The aieA prices,,rIz --82, 2.50, sud $88 pexday. Mombers o! Clubs sud others, deiig roame, %withaut board, #1 ta #2 per day. MARK N - IRIII, Pcb. 27t.b, 878. Proprietor. R1OYAL HQTEL, WHITBY. The ahave hatel haa beon thoroughly renovated anA roi arnished, sudta naw unu- der the management o! GEU. MACMIE, (formcrly of St. Lawrence Hall, Port Hape. Every attention pamd. ta ucte. mspe¶iau r,.o Sample Raamas for Coma. THIE QUEEN'S IIOTEL, (LIr£ CoSLECUL,) uROCK-STRiiET, WmITBY, TAYLOR & MCCANhi, PROPRIETORS. Thec undersigned Aaire te informt teir friands sud thieublic that they havre takeu haro nawly fitted up sud rnorated, and put int the boita! order fqr tho accommoda- tian o! ue.ta. ThelBar, whichile le hand- aome.t ta th. Couuty, in veli euppliad vllli the finoat brandu ai wie, liquors, sud ci- gare. Ample eucloaed iheA raout sud good stabllng, box etalla, &o. Dotached roams for commercial traroilere. J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIP McCANN. lae of Torcata. THE WILSON HOUSE, ASHBURN, ONT., ALEX BARCL.AY, - - Proprietor. The Roassain of Brick, large sud cota. moltons, sud ithe Inteirrntafitted up i Uex- cellant style. The larder in supplied wltli the best lu the market. -Thelicat aofLiquarsansd Cigara. Stabllng, large sud samy. Goade sheds. .BBITsHAMBICAN HOTEL, ("Tmra sssasnouas.) WHITBY, ONTARIO. Hanse nowly renorated sud lurniabed tbroughani, aud put l in ratciasa order for ha r.cptioa of guons.Ano îatsu s HAKESPEABE HOTEL, Cor. in»g & York-ets., Toronto, Ont. J. A. OGlADY, - PROI'RIETOR. Tantes, .10mauDaT. (ly.47)1 P OST OFFICE SALOON, TouaNTo. M. MIcONNELI,-- - ROPBItTOB. &Sr TUE BEST ACCOMMODATION aip for Ouests. <y7 Q Ë48. HOTEL, - VICTORIA JAS. MA KEY,- PROPRIETO1É. Good Table, Lîquora, and Cigare. Fiue slabllng ani ovory uocssary accommoda-, tIon. y4 ONTARIO HOTEL*, iKEOCI vTAWUNYITI)ST. 0. DA4WES Ilogs te annonco bat hi hua resised tho propriotorsblp ai the. Ontarla Motel, whero guost# wii horeiter r«eîeve hie pet. sonal attention. The table wMl always b. suppled wlth th e hut ci ereryti in l cessau, sud nono but the but branla of liquort sud cigars wllI b. kept Lu tbé bar. GooA stablug and. attentive ostiers. TU*. oIdinondeare respootWuly îurAsd te cui ou Iam." O SIAWA HUE KING STREBNIC, WA H. CHESTER, - . PoHlr Thite.re-story, large "l comniodious Hotu. l a o MlIittdsd tlbd, t mitthe wants oc -the travelling publie. Table titi, plied with 1h ciioesto! hil.e mn iie bar sutpplldwti ie1stbreudu, tlo. Apleatalaremo5rfulhotlea LUMBER 1_LUMBER 1 LUMBE1R. MERCHAŽNT, 1880. ut puce anA woeLi aloi umpdesend $11 fcUeesO<taau uSr Ubeistlsu, ud aIl dlsc tche i.ii m emsblty, s9 e xedy hba cesu <on îld&&Yoenlby .11Drqgbtchpexte For male by T. G. Wh#feld, Witby. Dominion Wood Works, 4NUR C .- ' WHITBY. I Geo. Cormack, T UMBER MERCHÂNT 't& MDR 1.1 -A large auply aiDuleoFri luge, anAa&Il kin a M Twlstea Moldinga. Doore, Saah and Bilu.ds. LlJMI 3ER wholesole and ratail, or by by the car load. Planing, Muuldingrn of every tescrip- tion, Flooring, Sbeetiug, Shelving, Re- sawiuig, Shaping, Turning. Scroll-work, etc, etc. Wbitby, Oct, loti,, 1878. -48 M ONEY TO LEND. The undoraigned huan u amount of Mon- cy ta Lond upon Farm or Towu Property, at unusu&4 yLow Rate. of Interest. Lonns cen ho rcpald ta sumo to-suit box- rowora. Soveral Ixaprovei Parmi snd Wila Lanao- for sale cheup. Inventmonte mode lu MunIcipa1 Debon- tuxes, Bank, sud ather marktatable Stocks. For furthcr particular apply to JAMES JOLDEN, Official Amnignea, Brukor, &o. Aprîl Oui, 1872. la ARCHITECTURE! DRAWIG AND SPECIFICATION OF BUILDINGS Promptly prepsred wth, riew to Econamy Ili Coustruction. CHURCH 'AND SCHOOL ARCHITECTURE A SPECIALT. Correspondence Reapect(uIly Soilcited. R. B AREArchiteot, &C, SOsiiaWO, Ont. ImperiBhable Fragrance. MURRAY&UANMAN8 Celebrated IWater. The iciieçt, niait ing. et a h th nuM rn a",u b trton errouseus sud heaach0, Loc ont r ceuntereita, always *aak far the Plorlia Watex prepared by th*sclerc vrletcru, Meure..ntmau & K.mpe' p,> sarle by Poirfuinr, Drfgglate and pancy Guoa eal.a PERRY DAVIS à SON à LAWRENCE, 28-1 Agents, MONTEBAL For sale by T. G. Whltùeld, Cheimlat, Wbltby. JOHN -LITTLE apeaed -a <reer the hsale*WIIITpfIELI)' Mç w ah 1 cfyoux patronage. ~ - A. A, POST, liI ihLaUlY, Lexxglcy & ok eornta.) A RC FIIT C. -ONTARIO FAR.MERS' MutuailInsurance Ca'>'. HEAD OFFICE, BROOL-S., WHITBY. 'TIM COMPANlusraPri ul. .1. lugs, Country Churehes, Sebool Heutes, aud thelr Contenta, at raes.as .9w sas those of any wefl.etabliahed-Company in cana&a JUST LOSES PRÃ"MPTLY P&ID. J. B. BICXELL, JOHN WMLLS, Presfident. VIce-prealdont. C. NOURSE, SECuET!AM. Whltby, April Dli, 1878. .18 P HRNIX FLR IBURANOR CO..- Lombard St. ana Chaxlng Croas, London. ESTABLIZEREI IN 1782. GTLLE8r-PIE, MOFF¶I¶ & C0., Agertu for Canada. R. W. TYII, Manager, Montreab AGENCY EST&BLISHBD I AA Pundu. Modotate rates of prnuwn. C. BOURSE Agent, Whi1hy. Whlhby, Aprl th, 1l7. lé Assurance Company'. INCORPORATED î83.# ASSE BTS8, 11,101,M769ê. F. A. BÂLL, Man"t. Insuraneseffected at the lovea enrnt rate. ou Buildings, Meréhandia., and othhe pxoperly, agamnat lom o danmage by fixe. Agent, Wbltby. Whltby, April Dth, 1878. 1 MIE IN8URNOE ONLY. Biaka wrtten iaApouc" isfanud l Wwéiy,Jy < 7 O E> CONDEN8ED TIM3à 'FABLE Fonid wlreafor las; a ets Oter ; belr ohQlA, .u Tâe bridgeI tii. briagil the tralicm tnavt go- Acrui ,whil.tesnpe44u&g islu se Tii. otain drava, «" $ylua basLa bled: Njiw on the bridge; lclpdieudhe temsUjî5 Too late, toc, laIe!d1 ,dulitey amlo BurdOQ~ Oh[ ionely dIA a atr 1,1r.. Irougli th. gloolu 1 DI AngluweeP wblle watutlnÃŽramam W.. <liera ate rajy te ightt hein ta 'their *tombt? àiuking, fur help Aidt miuy a loved on. cr7 ? Upcu tiy benk,a"d oertiiy brlsk,OTay 1 As peerly dew upon tiie govana pie, se t uxa shail fil, 10 mlnglewitii liy . gpray. Wblle pltylug nature achees vMo, fan waii I Patn t wtbbidrenon 4hy benks May ros Notuawf'or cytohesvthynirrw= Uep1 Bealde lily watersthey arecosse # o p. 8*reehbaby-oean stralned 1,tlley unno Theirfatiierdeazîsonhesr hl i m egate; lne wiu notame t to ith i aemou e But tern cul, th" ig ls icbanA~r u Bhae lb. Isottil, aaaI a&tp la a rt cthe ou b"mslhs 'Wben mrmtbeui"u *m e iophyra wake Proma dewy ileep, prlirosu 'neti bael Whe nrg stl llthsu.1man l"n. AnA h;sWthoxn.breth awbedIso 1,théerlade: sue auj> b. sald "1< ~5eaeu 1 Raillia in in*tlze sr' .aa~itab 'Fb. ber Irearit "CoulA te iook SWili Rie thel Noam hardi §*'Va] au. upereil ure. The lsts min., a10 na tbbeautiful vaurin, su ad they e.« nll.pb rut"repesklte euirmis ene 1-poweriul but my lord 1h. .-To be second ja place is ta Le leu a sclavai i e utaneat aub- 4à bis domInions." tecok ne, b.ed#of ber wordi. Ha ied nottu bheur, a egroased was [tii hie itudies oftheh. bareus, nu sttnçk and, preoceampled ue tfie iulsIle' e Asalnm A is bth-ti F1 a umA roadigfrom s a drta li hs tihlà bav wnbat- [hall laid arlâisi* lu -peran; .0el bi' Ïeaoèhed ber llïa té10touoh aý isR U1A llhfteri intO' ,take aia shev1lýqbau bilit .ï o-ity 7 btt luanpfre. wal6,ea,,dA rampants hem lu the ou.; btt cfe t I lir enp'a', Vespoua ,Ine conaitl ôatie 1.as mmcli ;ý th.y in wlth 'àndpeà so nu, d *0they o' n~e dois i. the. ibird b.id o 1sud forban wliom dore. nàoun- at bar birtl therai Udt .leso.ôi rvomatuh#ed, canu' nene vii ýt centeÏd - viti, the conquerer ailtru qftbe wrd~ fAlh.aah saàntnhe upnta 'NO. 12M ùz«~eO.t KRing, but s rude Mau amioug Uih.run. ne uta ,ir bpoad, ho drank -trm thoir r; yutsleaail -tug sud Wuill wom à s*wcr& laIhie -girdi." 'ured a loin hie, band., leokse£haro-ci 1hoir labor,; ii ii their mets;,' 1tBeueusto hlm A aonu thoir"faeee- befost, tb-ugf Eues hlm nt;but lho snarieiled. hey roe eslcwvly,--sud-neither, toc,' t waa au f bwhole we igbt Anud m hg l~n.. nhie -ai ra buIit,punîu aoiUe. Or Sud' a asie presd la . -éce, r n twithdrau ig u ItMkme se Ki culcsuo guiareôiikethoue Who phnlà, hossn. i*-ëe o be7.'. onhouiof- toatug. roubli& 4g, ïre, rbloée&e iiewudowý t0 rocagmu. lb'th.-.CI cf the queeu. Ner faceva ilàrýÙieS-tO a fihermait, ' bu " eohaugiig word, tt Wo hexe theli.faix young blidlb o tondl- towle* W*hère violet idoosu, vith awsiigtine- Th nlmli raie, or ellnln aveel hli Her baud wua atry', her bils 'lwss ibà li; Beh.lalsstbarbcme l us*ztbiav;s- Nb more abe amufie, sa curling avli )ltbrekenplats, stand ln*,ell by bsO#h graveI ~a e m"e, gilet .lu& h1 eO iim But WLiI.ve MY 04 cril,Otiel I~ Bu Havean&sNn,e<r pdg.esaimegty u faand 0,1lmweraoltil tbto cr, 1 ,wes go Ibil O~lew4~~shy'~r in# fre b W - HELEN ueIiTN. PAS? L - iHAP"IER'Y.. Talug affect onu tcuAab r 21,I Tuba cow' i *ei lm Pm wxt ATtire 1 luas ou hAna geau pplyDi Baun Lumibex Boarda, a Building L=nie. Yenalng, Bi sud stllng, Sa lagoquasi s¶eordaers or Long BïU ashort notice. Doorai, sheasud'Blinds band. Whltby, liay 7h, 1877. 6ount - j FAR VILLAGE feu ont le aura s stubboî lm.. o Chas rculous nutuuiormed D- BRup itlong an. ioas s"It iaptto . sud t6 iaure de. vsoéer long- da elsarater- snsady. nd aimila. e neresa. 1 thé organs hrrvoluutary ! vrer, Lange, edisaei.- Il wlll sus. 5te "go &l. 1 f hUa otssud Oisxlssg tisaI ItPTION. lceelnl 0; for, AI- t et t>,h. isg to them wantiln lu tien aifa1 il llprore ipoualre. uualy, yet Qe tîtisout eanA remos , "Ionl eh io 1 1

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