Whitby Chronicle, 4 Mar 1880, p. 4

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biing spiu;; . And a tbéumnd beat &4d boehets 'uetb MYK eca4aâl ae.nite svarr As I Uslte tithepaiteol *¶&. blngg l lu a aplutter cornes M m fat hioni r snpposed âd. Uêe To survol Sositaton amI Ssiiber to lrny i To a»0 ber boudinscoer me as IU cto ethe- sud vierd refrain. Ina aoamdon Ltermlualon' vhioh appearaMy ouly chance, 1 ay. IlStrikoe gntly, moShe,, or you'11 8hi stopsà a moment, driva er braath, the ahingle boitt aloft, And $*Y$e- 'I had noLt tonhL of êhaL--my son, judt tube thons off. IIo1y Moeesl aud the angels u hpt- log «lances dovu le oaS 1h pty And thon oh fanutly Jotor, put &gond aoft PouîdCe on; And Meay'I wlth fou, snd dunces everlasi.. log Cozunigle', IU I lever say aother word vhen my mother wielde the abluffle. The ReC80t, Appsritlena cf thsa Vîrgin le IroLs'rd. (Froni tisa PARlMaIlGazete.) The Dublin Nation novapapon, han. ing sent a reporter Le Kuock, coucty cf Idayo,vbtnhe àapparitions of tht virei Mary ara @idau lb ava appaarod, mud vitero piligis ara nov lu largeunm- bern congregaSlng, gives an accuni oi bis iuqulry and ÃŽles reala. Thé vii- zoosa on vboca estimony ho nliaiý *,"a and lb. ethar parnns vise vanj vii hlm aiva large epase cf sois visita llght on tIs a blaet thea Kuce ChapaI, tIsa roui of tha gable balng quiste dark aetIo tlie.,lua nî mdul oS tuis llgist, viici vase exaetly lu tho-contre, but . oyard tisa loftibaud sidaeft tisagable (as ha atood lpssg Lt, iso sav brea figurai, tu bis lofi le s bouding attitude, vWtisbhndie lased, vis a fuasetfSt. Josep_in ltisauid- dia a figura et the virgin, bar oye.nla*u ci, har hideiastd te about tishe vai of ber asuerea sud Shain pali#t týn- ed outvard ; ta bis (Uvthewuaa's nièlt, a ffle aiooa biop , visix. ' a .popl #aid vaSt. John, bldiüg inu bis"let bsand au open book, vblch ho appeared to eharulug, Mebis l amsa elevata, te lsumis plaad osthé x>thlnd a' tourtis *ugtni, 4Uamfia anAsecond- standiun tract. Furtha«on te bis (tht witueis a* dnihtappemrd asusitarwith a lams b ht as cpraauted lu Citbite pictune, mdiargus stsudlng ou-tae iLtan. , Ail aot tht group vans twisk- ling or fisblug Nbe, ts.î tstars;-0tisa7 vert net ataady; l hey sesnutil asI Lhay used tocoe n usand than re- tire &gain, or te go- lu ad ont. ubroigis ltae gable. TIsa Ratiopi supples a vooicut ottise chitPae eshow visara lhe vision ha. came apparent, ssaiadds - "At pre«ent tae *Ili s isias tisa band cmnoacbin l deeuded of ite coat- ing of cernant, msd aven tae mertan frwtu betven Lise atones u lisbotuo scrsped ont by visiters ho tisa ice ie h wisîs te 'Carry avay vit1à Iheffj tset relics of - tisat portion cf tUap building. A numubar cf alsap etenca vhich bâti Iseotuused hy Site pecpla un lsmme'Dg off te montaisu d camant vee lylu abouts the grOnnnd ai&thttnteof eus' vimiL. Again,#tbtisa rt of thetWviii-on wbmchte -vision eortii. Vir5u vase fen a 11545e vooan tables ah"been seit p, anti a aunait mitaIt, os visic ara, -placad iwe canldI.. in andliatioebsud By amaîl statuettes ;, indes' tht.. la a box witls a lii for effening, anA ruzid à a s-cugh veodan pallag, vighitivbi* are plaoed thse -erutchéean d sticks et perotie iso hava thora been curéd cf Shoir alimenta. A numbar cf sticks sud ons pair'cf- crutebes wane ithin tii enolosure ai Si9te Lmaetfoun viil. On tae tablaisvluich I bave just wetstoned, the following inueniptien lae paisted ; MIS le important it4t bny lnbculcu cures vroughthans voud-'U amadi, kountu tise pailip.-lasl. -Whou I vleIiad Lb placeLasono ivoIre, luluding Msealol dnasst thnaamuharciseaa sut.ioA wind, * er vmsa lking round ta chanclispuy ingi$Abtisa7 ven, smeaqua living Ml fornied 1sud ose ' or n apponin. log uisosepautUtlelalrau ff a i w&Y pin u, 10 ou baud. sud John Gtsnran iu dttSt.Lo uis -Rouieof sie -Gond Sisaphere, Plioked ouittahebast iopkng. Young vente md old bertt hovnsa tavg d voil-stocked f '&tasl prpoaMI il r isse. Sbse = for às t ayi t "kthé lt.inttet -ovr, but ho a . "<Novror er. s imam a t vif. »homo tisai aftaincon. - gSe htcon santed, and: cuntcontta , buy tofi. abushes. - Slaiu*$ Ii 'ffi*siid.A'bus- baud inlu4is trèéiai k "*41u i * d Dot roomt" bl ~ hlie Thareeve reaid a sommsunloatlcn'from Judge Dartuel, roqufrmuj'**mnci1 te ar. tê~ ~ 0oecut;ts lr ase nanut ed Lewrite bis Honour tust Lhe matter viii ha attendod te. &uditors' report recaivei d cd atad. Thi e lrli vas Instrncteid to hetufy counti treasrer th, viuiidrav froni sale 10 ames of the. West corner of lot 12, concession 18, owead by H. Me Darunot. By-av, pased %a 9pOinting tht fellown fleaPod. keaprs-3. Grog F oualFml son, Â. Martin, B.,.Falrb#4ru 'ht Dey, John Gilebnhriaàt,'Bonbon'?iffin. Fance.Viêears-JolnMOKay, William icheenoA. i. MoBa., Jamies E. EIder, Richard Gaugban-, P. Coddahaa, Edward James, John MoGovan, J. Reveil, Thons. Lonnox, P. Grior, John MoGragor. William Boultoni, »oad Oommissioners. ;- Noahi Tiompson, Michael Mcrtb, David Gottlngs, and John Lavrance., Troewra, X" ohuPo 88o; Asaemoriý'William Id ho. v $80; COoeter, 0. E. MS ,*ç$à Clark, W. B. MoPha,, $220. The larkl vas instrucLte c notify the survayor te loeu8lBhconcession, fron Westatia W lot 6, esL t the tovnline. On moý lion oi Mr. thillivan, seoonded b y Mr. Thounpaon, James Morse te bc siiovad $4 additional for nting cuueevay on sidalino betveen à and 0, nortb eot llLh eooonaa, viien comploted. By-law pase.d iftuinf"number of tavern sud ubop licensas, and thie amaont te ba pasld for Levers licouns., $70; sbop, $0. Oheqees granted : - James E. EIder and P. J_. 'Douna llditora, #$6; ChaiasSoadalns, Corponste 8.I, $8; Hale Bron., ijnfnting. #650; Hart & Bhvwllneon, municipal blaulis, $6.45; Johnfflowan, pltorni under hall seve, 41.10; ýThotàuuWarren, refand tesorror ila aiseseat, #1.8; John RoeHhork on Oib con., opposite lot17, PNIrtSaymsnt, $W0; M.CG. sol- ln,8. being errer ini roll for faers"'6'77 md '78 on lot 14), con. 18; M. G.- bson,'22.80, Pâyment on lot j lu the llth con. ; John Walsh, advance, braaklng sud spreading atone, $5;- Mre. Bataman sud Mrs. Le., indi- gents, $5 ascii. Conneil, adjournew] Le watt agiwlsonthie second Sâardapina A.pi. TAKE NOTICE! A»I ON'T YOIU FORGET," mTm NEW MAJOR MILLS!1 WREeJ Gnou 10 ln the BESI STYLE Ait U 3T1t5 SHOITEST NOTICE. DONE AT ÂNY TIME. Bakers anpplied viii 1'lour of thaeIDEST QU&LITY ut LOWEST RATES. Flour aud feod conotaut> on btand. T. P. WHITE# Whiievalc, luth Feb., 1880. NOTIC0E.- AUÂ IN8TILUOTED by 1.1. Worsblpth ..Mayor, te caution aul pantons front tikatin,, lan on the abbatbsdy AU prson nooffedin, ý b.t prose. JACOBI ERYAN, ChieS Constable. Whitby, Pcb. lth, 188. RKA»-QIJAATLBSO84TUBàsL'àx., WIUTBTItit Pb., 18.5 I OT[Ola htrsà g th" ibiSeoai oS the fforsc ttSUt=e ti1u vili hohhed Su the ONTAMIO HTE- ài te tht lmti dy e uci m eut, i 10 o10Iock %.M. Busines otznuch -importance, viiibu laid belote lte ineg a la ateudauce ua mepuestaid. JAMES WALLÀACE Lt.--oL. PÀ AI STINSG.- ]KARTINêw AR"X Ara dng such a lange Tradt, tisaith"a bava llrasd their facllll its dame nov .e"g vork ai thear jLOWBe ~possbl eluislg oa the ShotosX0668ot or uà MonsA jad Tise bout )Mate"; à'$ehatWnkmu MAXTI *WABIAM, Tv. doors norhoelEI<s Tannery, ila" Ilt"ig, S y 0f photogr»thiiopa if-zeau entý*ly NEW SPECIMENS O EXHIBITjION- Carda and, Cabiueçsfùtý4 e ' latestsyl f the Art. Frmsof aiu gizesalwayson haiid. #ý7 Opposite Ontarjo ]>ak"'~j À Young man desiing te sttdy Photogrsphy., wlil na. egoadchance byclln on Mr. Barreli, snd getting Weme. WtbJune 101th, 1879. Bernardand Co,. Leith DistllË, R. H. JAMESON, -Agent; Whitby. THE ENCORE 'WHSY Tue ýfollowiMeg ifackorsjand most oonvziscïd evidenoe 8110W8 the absolute purty and saftey of uuing the EN- CORE W ISKE~ai an .<lco18ouc stimtulantt. LANC)ET.--Rernarkbly -froc frein FuelOil, mild, .visolesomosuýd BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL.-"Rcmoval-f et Oie Oil is m-I complete sud effioscioma." MEDICAL TIM98 AND GAZETTE.-"-We eau ùhlj ceommond il se wedl-fitW dfer Medad use, hin b eýny pure, vilameb a, dpeszt MEDICAL PRESS AND CIRCULAk.-."Pu. sudwi!ousutad uuicoutsminaled viti mixtures trnaunt!7 used te gilie fichtieus age sud, MEDIOAL RECORD.-"*Must ranisforceSt se the pureeest acolie stimulants." PRÂCTITIONE.--"Pertccty froc froan Fusal OI, xlrenicl y xnid, snd a e aslceieliq Stimulant.- 'BÂNITARY BECORD.-"*Such su exllenl diatelie stimulant doserv- ces v ide spread r4$uistion."1 PUBLIC- HEALTH.--"Ezoeptionafly Pmr. t would he o tunate forth lieilhifthle eemmuzsily-if min ena g e NATIONAL FOOD ANDý FUEL àEOMB-'I i aue theà heiti eheJd use il." DR. H. C. BARTLETT, F. C. S.--"Contae i letraceettlof dee tenions sud poîsonous malter Fuw el$, las au sinilI bave #ver sub- mittod to the samn esrcl*ing investigaUi.-TL aiclPoese shonui reoenunend te theirPstients ne-whisky wiie d c e eue up te titis standard. DRt.CQ R. C. TICHRBORNE, B'. C. 8,. Tnity Colloge, uiu.-Cr el xamincd for Fuel «Oïl but noue ooc eeu . iesfovered Pcrtectly free frmpoisonous meath taara freqiacntly fou»d ip Whiskies, 4nd which ame very deeterous. - Bnarkaby good quality.", - DR. PAUL, P. C. 8.--PreSly fr.e oulFusel ont pr.gam1ie4injuos DB. STVENSON M&CADAM-IîVryprsuvelomsdc ezceedingly fine qualîty. yP"ado - Thie Whisky la set 01Yànlb plaaaLad vheooee stisultàmer dis-. My use, but for daeai. enslituadms its nsube eIvl agnat h vbon ne tiser acishc tmuatvii;walirluNatoms c ls r ècognai. Ita sed almoMee"Ily n ta 7praotic m* issy etthe modt-onütmtle te modicalPrefesfe. m'stthl Every, Gallon GUarnteed Equafly Puxe BOO0 TS8,A N-D SOS S PLEN0I»JD'VALUE! AMAGNIIFICENT 8T00K Ladies', ,-MissesGni'ad-hdri SELLIMTdfAT *VOôkts4"op COUE -NDSE R1§ý13rtw We offer you for the lharvest of 1880, the:foilowing firet- B~OW'W HITB HA~VESER,(Improved.) LYÃ"UNG CANADAMOWËe, (Improved.) OCAYUGÂ JB,, MOw ]l Ipoe. The bov mahins rqu=nocomment from eafrpssgthoh suc a arvst s te ldsna cerrymnq ofie eGold Meu lfor..Canada, W. IB akiowtilUpirebseers wh wsut durable:mschinsndpropose tpaiy ur- oDEs elsewbrc, s is our ofie'nW ,bor As noealy as esprecticable, snd therelq msake'our price liet et loest liv- mn pdes. (liï.e: oeilm. BROWN& PATTERSON'MNF'G Co. Whitby, Jeu. IlsI 1879. C UT TE RS, BUGGIES AND CARiRIAGES. The Largeet -and Be'st Aa8sortmoent iffi the County5 GPýEAT BARGAINS OFFERED IN -'CUTTERS. &o., mo-*rder 'to make, lroo, asi we intenct to bnifld a larger number of Ca"es and Buggies.this winter thàan usuil. TOM8- -N EW P ORT'S. DUNDÂS STREET, WHITBY, ONTÂRIO. [FA 8HIONA BLE TA ILRINe TA IL OR/Na JOEIN ~ERGUSO14~, BROOK STREET, z z z WHàITBY.1 HAB JUST BECEIVED IN GREAT VARITýY A SPLENDID LOT OF CvýANÂDIAN à LARGE ASSORTMENT 01? MEN'8l ULSTERS & OVERCOATS. -TOU CANMGEAT "PERGUBON'S EEADY M A 13 on T O M M . SPLENDID SUITS!1 A "Ew STOCK JUET TO HAND 0P TE LÂTEST STYLES Mi GEN4TS' FURNISHIINGS I E9XTRA GOOD VALUE Di BUFFALO ROBES. OVERCOATS 1 BUSINESS SUITS 1 DRIESS SUITS I FANCY VESTI1'4GS 1; GENTS"' FURNISHINcPu1 Anruee Ui rcaplof asplaudi4"ktoetOvarcoatings. Englisei n cthad ===aiu wad, dflua orersfruiiiiig;*aie.pucyvams svfhha is prpaai t aake up lin e LATZESTYLE, as LQWE;8T FIffIrlà. 4ablnsdfvidç4e trje$nd, à 1 I~nUs#ulu~ a~~~ lsdlgaapao nae ep m hss &-but a gpod fit, tbauavs&styi, aid ne =I. eve~~rry vay eau >e, ven=atau HIGESTMARK~ET PRICE PI FOR -ANY QUANTITY OF--.- GOOID MJ , TO ',* PC S pe ial Ind cem etdsto -C a sh C sto m er8 WATCHES- IN THE CH-EAPE-ST* J0-H N 8STO Ni Courity! A GOLDEN POLTNTt-ý DOI%:JPrmiss iT! S. Fraser is (notwithstandigte1~ advance) still offéring his large stock of freel new season-: ed TEAS ai old prices. Ladies' try our 40 and 50 cent. Teas, fresh and fragrant - Fure Coffee's, fresh ground e'iery day; London Pearl Cocos, su exlilaratiug beverage ; _NewRaisins, Currants, Pigesand Nuts; Presh Oysters, Lemons sud Oranges, at Rock Botlom prices. 'Boat.Eng- lieli Pickles, Sauceir, James ad Jellics, Pure Sjioes sud Flsvring Ex. tracts, Ced Fiait, Herrings, Msckcrel aud Finnan Haddic's, consastly on iapd. Bargains in Chinia Crockcry sud Glassware. A wclcomo visiter ini hvr ousehold, is tise Sans Pareil Washing Blue. Warranted net te tecolothea. Sierra Nevada Smoking-an antidote to the excessive Use ef Tobscoe, anud Smo cure et Catarrait and Asthma, For -sale at Dzcvmitr.r.s Br.ocx, fN. B.-The very higliest pricce psid for any qusntity of Butter Cheese, Poultry sand Eggs. -0 F w H LBY,- Or.-Foot, Wear of allkds Bîd Cheap' for Cash, by - WILLIAM BURNS, Brook Btreet,Whîtbyý. MATTHE-W GOOLLINS Deverell's Block, Brock-*St. Whitby, 'T "D BJFJMM LBGE'T,,'BFT STCK F V BO OTS AND S H;O'ES Ci IN'TOWN. - STen per cent. ,discount off-for- Cash FOR ONE MONTH. by Custemaers5 are iuyited ,te 'eaU aud examiine Ibis stock, judge ef-the quality aud take a 'nota of tisa price&eand Bailet thenisolvea as te viie and they cas ,geL theoaetiiergains, for Pr I'va. bootswarrauted te vesrý- I ctepahst o4 Y W m s ta d w t l ô u ê ,-tea r . - 1 fe , h * d g r ô 4 . - - r "tby ethr, al2yvbre- I Fit'lbr City or the ood- 8 àd Ibatlbo boât slievghere, IAU abhould have a poir that ëuAd, ij By tse hast. IAdbi ai.. -à -eý' BEPÀMBS.NÉATLY DONE. l Corneom doar public, leaYe your orders and get a pair of Boots ot tlie Io nigh kiud from your oblied ndrhtmbleom3arnt,_ R AB ES Beg te dret tteitionto is largo a mupenr tckcomprmgerylg the a Sadlrysud arànemi lins, LEATIRIiVAISE~S SAIA.TOGJA Týý UNKS. - ýA LO T CHILDREN'gCARRLGES var bandsomo sdan a .Aitta he WILIAM TUIOMfPSoNq Brock Atreet, Whiaiy. Dec. 28,18M9. :41? GA 8 MACHINE. Tis"Machine le for ligis gpdyle, Dvelllngs, MiUfl, Facioriea, Churche., Public Halls' Hotbls, &C. OU snudeiamine the nsatýline- lu opors- -to tJOB8EPPHILIP,9.sole maiut<r, P mbu.nc lit ,gn-stWest" Toronto. Send iônliirouler sud price-liat. April 29thim7. 1 The Great Blood Ifrifiers 1 Gnesnteet a léau f&bI cu re for Senefala lu lsot Ons, siubhorn, d tel ,prin@Airà ' Se- ErplgOld soLi 1hunsss su iies eor. seé,rai omadby lia, -blood or, humon. B RIB T O ' Sgar- Coa td P Ilu s, Oo nyÀ r ra Bcou t ~Porsal bymiiDrnglsansd Deaicrd FERRY DAVIS 4 SON LAW$RENCE, 99- - Agents,- KONTREAL. Foér saea bit. G. Whitâfi O haiit, WHITBY jy] 4 t C]ý TÀ-KMG. THE] Brook-Igtreet, Whitby. Biaocx SmmzT. WHITBTI ONTABIO. 1 WRITBYI ONTAILIO. 1 0 N-> CALL TWEEDS 1 Shoes-.1 Boots', and BAIRGA J A M E S 1 I)UXD' AS $«TEZETO 1 For Reliable PERGU-SON-.1 IJOIRN

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