Whitby Chronicle, 4 Mar 1880, p. 2

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- Oiaqevy Sal-I. . Go rd-on . r 'large làp fsot, t*eods' table n",o, ,-r.J -B. Powell à Ca.- No e dtaninlapicesaet Doision -Tht. srslgbtferwanah plan-E. Fm&e. Bln>'spnlgcs6d-EÀ. pnooek. Ton per cent. offdurîng 'Mao.-E. Frost. 'W Voenlaarypraeic-T. N. Poster. Oard W. J. Elamn.- Tio Mrli Nsvy.- Credil sale.-P. Thtomson. The aid rellable-epecial btaphe anàd fana>' geeda-Rosa Brus. Splendid sasorîmontizalhe-os lres. Tsllhcrng deparmnt-Rasa Bras. M 8 i a rivas -J. B. Powellia 0Co Choiae. dres gooils-J. B. Powell& 00. Creaa of Tarta-S. W. B. Smith. speciaise-8. W. B. Smith. AUCTION SALES. Heorses, titorongh-bred catie, imupie. monts, d&., aI Gieu,ibu, Lot 28, Srd cou. WVitby, on 4îh Match, propent>' a! Mr. W. G. Dow-L. Fairbainks, Auctiuneer. Vtsluablo herses, tboroughbred short. horno, pige aud farci Implemeats, pro. perty .of Mr. Pnrvia Thomson, aM IlMayfield Farm," lad Coa.. WhLby, Ttueaday, March lOh.-L. Fairbanks, Auitioneer. ONL.Y Si S0 PER ANNUM. 4 Whhtby, Thursday, Mareh 4, 1880. To CoaacâpuMrusea.-H. J. Yonr verses wili appear neat week. The Ontaro Asaembly. Tite prospectseare that the. oua. wil ho prorogned to-day, or to.morrow, at fartoset. Daing Sbh, 4wo montlis, whioh lthe session hau la.tmd, thoeolias beau çonmîderablo natti legilation. Tue Goverument majority sanmdsata over 80 ; hatau the reports cf th. pro. ceedinga have show,,, goveramneot sup- portera do no& ail follow their leader. bliudlly, but take au indépendant stand un questionsu where the. oasbcucaIlla fors. The onl3,-piat iade by tbm Oppoai. lion durlng thé essinon was on the ex- pense& cf the Lt.;Goveruora trip t thé North. West. TÈal waacoertainly mode thé moot of. Thq item wau a god.aeond tu tljote ia the "coold @hédés ;" without it purbapa the public would neyer Lave hoaril cf meine cf 1hé gentlemen on the Oppoaitlu e bnches. Withont ilt th. Opposition ide cf the Houme wold have been las dîill s dihwater.' The very refereace ta tbe brandy, wbis. key and cigare put "11if. aud mqttle" ia Itoir tttteraes. The Lieutenant. Governor however, paît! for hi. 'driatke' like a mi-oncfDisieown poket- anl thaltLook hé tng eut cf tb. af. fair. Wheu before was a refund made b h iose on wbose tripe thousanda of dollars cf the public mooe>' wsre &pontP Vhiakey, bvndy, sud chatu- C apne, galore, thon alço figured id the Il@. But th.ébbié,wore twallowed hoten'bolus, withont deduction, and wit aeay a galp asethéencd lîqeur. The préenta Lietenant .v orner lias set a wôrtby ezampleSnd the leseon will flot be wiout il& futur. ucefurlea. eliiiRisc lu Lumber. The rite.il mber vili sorve go en- rlck thome who are luoky enough ta hav, large stocka on band. Lumber cf' ail kindsan&a square timber have Sono op fromÏ4 ot60 per cnt-sund sace açt lit. To Mfr. Doyd, ve are bld, -the tuires..means an 'addltlcaal prolt of -some slxty thoneand dollr.. Mr. John Thoumcaof ILngford Mille villi&lic bevery much ,benefited by the rime, aud go wiii Meurt. Biglov à Treunce, who haie ou hald tome Ive millions, bosudes fifty thousaind loge. Accrdingi t he préentIoutlock, the opérations cf the lumber manufacturera are cf Ihe most profitable charaser. Fos i mTawo-Two huudred Can- adian Farmers left Preaotbyeeterday for Manitoba. Twc other parties loft for the western seetione cf thé Province -tcme (gn th. Nonlh.West and scoie for Nobraska. Fnom Whtby, ca Wednemdaysmcre- ing, thoe. lt Mr. N. Ray; ex-Bée" O f the o lov, amd;id is u h, 1Ur. Wright A n .1, b. twc Mertins; Mv. Ma,1001011GÎIhipe, reevre cf Broôk, u son, M. FvsnkHstb, Kvr.Obavlm Lya<le, jcç . Jrang,8k o aud orne dosen, otheita. Tie. ~e -Mrv. Charle Kl, lté De uIy- -e Olork. sud aaa àmnuino a tr*Liâ abIe g*taîhelg cf lb. ratijayeio. 19 vas pait leven o'ciockbefore the hust., zwoëas.gpl brougla vith, lThe pro- eeedfage proper are snmlnsriaod e"' whsre, sud liati whaboine".nmlgbt- siiy have besît dispoio of ilatic heur. But the reterper itof- ' lb . t-me vag leken np lanclieouemiug uon-eenllftsd se- eents, sud th. discussion vbich asoe s. eachà item vas cbsitenged for explan. Sthou, cerlall>'carcel>' e! a chai-ater te recommend nome e! the Town, Fatb. ens fer extre-carefulnese.asd.- good busi-, nsess habits lu suob maltera. This *ae plain la aIl Who gave au>' llti eut attention gle eproceediage. 'Juoh* incoaveience and delay-and, I làlago b. feared, aeme o bu-i. ecaeetib> gentlemnen «t'eportlng" oùn ad nepeta- meuding accouaIs for paytaent vlthouti previcual'malgthislvaoyull od,ua Doui>' v itb their correcte nos., but as to vbethcr the* vork vas eutbonizod, and bv vbom. Alitthese malter. bould he enqulred lt hy the committe. le vionise. caula stand neferred sud ever>' item aifted Wors, a ehairman o! a committee andsntakes ta report te tbe ceuncil. -la fact tibis tlte over>' duLt>' vhlshce millees aréetsrack le ponform., To 'r.. port acconuatslu a hundie, sud then for the part>' bringlng them fonrwd.toaay whea qaoaîioued, thât ho kuova selb-i ing about bhsm, ile an napardoniabto aegleot o! publie dut>'. The ouoncil shonhd insist upon chairmea of con-. mittees daiug their dut>' la thia malter and a.nd haok ever>' repart wbene gen. tiesmen bavlng themî n cit-ge are un- ahl. te suppi>' necessary information te varnant theo ounoil'm sacto. The % aleprsoted st tho Iast, meeting cf membersa so coufused aud no cars- bea sas te kuev netbing about die mer- ils of accouaIs bebonging te their do- partmnente, viii not vo bopo ho ropeat- ed ; iudeed vo do net thiuk il enu again, frain precanticua Ibat hava nov heen taken. Il Is eni>' juattle alate aise that'meal cf the dispateit accouaIs vine legacies loft oven fromltat year. The Supremne Court Bill. Mr. Keelrsa Bill for abolinbing the Sapreme Court bas get iUs quie#sî. for Ibis session. la Ibm discussion Ihat &rose, th., manuer lu wbich the business cf lb. Court bbauinonduatod receiv- ait undosirablo preminen ce tbat caunot fai to bave ite due viight- vith the judges. This viii bc somtbing gained. Fer il la not me mach witb lte paincipie cf the establishment ofise Court, se vltb the.diiatoriuesecfthe judgos aud the codtesud auxiot>' which tbeir de- laye entai] ltaI finit la foundl. The spethen o! membens e! lhe House.,sud especiahi>' that cf tb. bon. Mr. Blake, cannaI b. pleasanl reading for Iearued judgea o! lin Saprome Court. And ve f«uli concar ini the romtaras o!f te Mou- Ireai Gaget., tht if Iba>' Ussire ie maintenance of tbe Court, if lb.>' are aaxiouîîte taîvod Ibmopprobninna cf bavlug brought liet diarépute an instituf. toun wbicb ought tcte h, cf value. b>' Ibeir own indifféenue to igs chai-acter and usefulanu, Ibm>' l laelenote of vbat Mr. Blake said, aud endoavor. se te ne- model their ova procedure, ta so fanrs. tg le lla their bande, hy esening its ex- penses sud b>' atndying la svcry vs>' the inlerest cf cllante sud-cf lt.e pubîii, as te re-esabliisai aay rate,.te pub. lic confidence la tb. tribunal iWLmf T'h. Governumenl bave prentlsed a mes- mre apon taé ubjeet vhlcb viliib. brcugbt dovn u anug lb. next session. Everyoee iii look vlth internast for Il, sud wyul hope that à ilvii uc oui>' r.medy vhaS in -i4t tghauan la- Justice on the Part 0f lb. people cf lbe o prvince st Qusb.o, butl it à Il l ie* I other respecte tend tu efaiitste tie butinent e! the Qount sud redus. ils ex- Licouse CommLasioners. Ontario (Norh Rldlugl--Ceamls- elouen-DfldWaike, Wm. lIhehie, Jochn Noît. Oario(South idiag'-Comisiien- eniB. F. Caep el, Wm. Kco"t, K. Verdict st th. InLqueat luabs eBldduiph i à ý Frott îstitlaî tiliot of li ilerece 1 tro ny on>' S tauetinesm and- po".u lnl'le"anul",' ta he foitevlng fu G LRobinson, M. AX, Head Mscen 'o! Ilb, Whiftb - Eigb Seý8hool, pdareeoW env rlocal hekoller J. 8. Bouzoere.x, Elq, Bs- -Bookesiler, d&. WlIby. I big to, ackuovledge -wlth turuka;,te recelpt cf %e -copy, o! ý"A. Matnuel o! (ovorameub la Canada," b>' D. A. O'Butýivu# -Eq., M. A., cf O.. noode HallDsynlter-atlsv, kuz d sent Ie lbee eding Boom of telg The gifÏis ver>' sesacabis suai vory apprapriste. Mn. OBulliva intezdt hie wocrk for "the assistance cf ltose vbojare unacquainled vlth thb. machin., iv>' o! lie Gmvermenî-I'n C"aandu vit e a auos te knov nomelbtn" e its coatîtation, poveresudobet. Thene mustl b. ver>' inu>', cialy amoug Young people, iwbo bave ne ver> distinct ide*$ o! Ihe ca-igin et car poil- ticat laf, aiýd Who are casting aient for seme baindytrusbvorthy treabise upon th. subjeel. 1Te snob Mv. O'Sullivan s littie wurk ~ill hi tresue Irove, filued, as. il i., vit ~information, tmolhodicatl an*ngo set dovn >lu lucid Bnuilm, devoidofo! Iehicalitie. I sha bave mach pleasuve la rocoin- meeting the vork ta the c>nefnl notice o! thb. Upper Forms in 1the Iigi Scooc, betit boys sud girls. It might, vith g rest proprisat>' be made a taxI book ir advanoed clames, sud I amna"lsed il wanld ho ýmach mare iuteneelting sud profitable thsn Canadian tinter>'as l is Iy naal nterpretait. It couid nul, nioreoer. feu le b.b helpf I eal Canadiens desirenecf in- thent>' 31ualng the franchise, Iu short, Ibene are but ver>' fev, vbo vouit not fiud thir kuovledge o! lb.enrgin and grevtit cf car polilbcal institutions sensihty incrérisod, sud their interesl lu lb. scececo;If!Goverumeul quicksned b>' a perusal o! Ibis vork. Yonts, dc., <3E0. H. ROBINSON, Head Master. The Hîgit Seitc, Whiîhy, Pebmuar>' 28rd, 18M0. The Responee to the clifford APPUIl. Thc response te lbetimel>' appeai made en hehaîf cf David Cifaord sud bis sufevlag Isamil>' bas been e! lie mcml grsllfying eheacter. Il vas lnmmdiate and spoulanecansd '$Peak& voli for the bonevateuce sud cbrisfiau ciaril>' vicit ve atways knew ixistcit e iargol>' la cur midtand viticb oni>' avaite 1the pi-ýp9r occasion te hauavak- oed. Our tavasman, Dr. Gunu, vs. te firsIte cati on Mn. Boas Jobuatan, <wbo bock charge o! the is, sud la wiom iuded lte credit is dueocf saet- lang the charitable nauvement.) sud vlth chier>' vords o! ovaouragemeut band luk bis $4. Mettre. Farevell dc Rut- iedge gave $6 ; J. HL Greenvood, $4 ; ludge Buvuana, 8B; Kng Bras., $4 ; Shonifi Rie>'uolts, $4, and.- other tuh- soriptiesfron $2, tiovu te 25 cepte leilovea Prom )Kv. D. KcNabb, e! Clareinoul, thc Editar cf the Caaok- ci.: n.ceived %bc fctioving kindi>' note:* Roceive bhe.ilb na>'mite iu laver cf David Clifford. Nevcr beard cf th. inca befon., baI oel sonry'fer bitU, sud ia hi. pn.sezat «unfttunate ciretm- stances trust Yen May>' aed l fing lbhe emâbargo cf bis liltl.homeiteat #4. We doWei le cave for cur po at home, sud .1111 botter vhon ve lendi abelping handtoteOui bretheru la lb, OiLntvh .In a painfah posliti -'puling bard ageinsat lb. abeain." And finlai Mr. Joinaten sed; s u lhe folovlnJig -ttIlr, vhloh ve have gresal pesaelu pnlnting: - Asa OaouPl s va ani prt wvili gl lowwthreilloe unear e stahe ess vhlW", basu ena the hublat.effort eot béesil f poer cia D&vIt -Cllrd, lh.eherfl i>nl vM ilai- ialicehave veponded te lio callon their eympaliy Manal l ibe>, han been ncl moiat -b',Bn atea numaber(rneM@Ofli.rntee, hav.- ga ac "âàfor being 1"close iset") dit sot veint 10 b.e 09w On, bis rusiet In vi(b lbefr suusealplions, cnd expeasai leveclaise hindi>'a va> laIthir gifla seemea double lb. -a&mennaI.1I aniaura lie>' sU fetnchd 'PIIEBE Op !WE P~itSONÈBS IM».- 4t thie ajo maod polimiinary examia- alio* uà uas' the evidoneeoof Wm. Donna.ttyvus leken anilditi mch.inl.t lert, th.eourt b.lng ecrowded during1 - Wm, Donneil>', averti, .id-I veside at whalu'a corners, .idduipb; I amin the eldeat living snu cf the'hate lamss 1>onely;I arn arvled ~I zicoitsct tbhanIght of thbmurdnera I- vasetý home t- t i ugt'; My W~fMv HRôan-sund xny brother John vie aine tbslme; John came about aù.k t10-beit- vov ni>' cutter te o te <lnn theb ilxîa>; Il vas AStfspawvlveWhou I Vouenthebislock and vetotebed I shoed Hogata sud Jëhbt i ed jual befove liai.; i l *ent fte bd sbout altïïoc'eoek;ve atyed sup talklag ibabot th. Vigilance Cmmtte ; about hie fpastvo'*l va sturbed b yJehn mce'ad u oj svon bruimine "à4ni latbh loben'; ho sooke s. b. "ma .flbth l ie "I61 pnda vh 1siolening'firesd pgalb itoben .door," lti vae hobfirat I hoe45rd -Y 1h. pacShlead tfr helb fot gmse U-aund W. kthe oor ps.sed b>'John'. bedreooni, seol t 1e -ot bo, Ablette se>or hoar anyb'lg.belon. I dia,; vien Jcohn openetd dcvlad- ia go th bkitchen 1Ihbeda cr> of "4inefi o pen the doonIV' Thon John opeued Ibm kilcin cn u beard twoocinl- repvusuccession et. mectcgstber; John, fol, bock againat lbe dccv, vwhicb ho had jnat panea cf 411. doer;-he-iris&l'nfaillnIl W1li4 W4Ih, ' bolt-, ythe Lord have Mercy'on Mno dflm efflaol>' alto bil 111 iaè ~~.4tjahots fired4 in rnof lb. oum;H ngel Op bul diaD ot ccii.ont cfs: oem; 1he esIdt me, "La>' quiet or V'svil h. ait kihd;- t'a yen the>' wahb r The Oboema ued M1. revolvor shote; I could net tel la Inwat dirscbion they voe fired ; the reporte!f thie'ehote fired, aI John ver. ver>' Joad ; lb. gus muaI beys beau Ibrual inalde lbe kitchen dopi-, beassethe. amell e! th. povdem omis îltemy reom; Afler Hcgan aoks I lay quL ie bd; Onv .d atocd ag*lnt adcor, the top bal of wbich vsu glass, vh"clooked out late lthe vood, being lu lbe front o! th# bouse ; 1 burnod 111e corner cf th. blia ni!sdlhock- ed oul ; I sav John Kennedy, lina1 Carroll, sud lamas Ilydsr; Kennedy1 vas standing vilbia tvd or lbneeftet <frbe glame doov, the other bye vers standing chant six teet funtherocf ; tbire ver. îbree othmrs standing entalde lbý fince vhcni 1 did vtlknov, bal I teck Ihem ttelhs Michael Heensu, Willieum Carroll. snd Patrick Rydsn, jr. ; I vonld net saar te thein; I $Ppesc aitivel>' o! lim Carroll, Ken- ned>', sud lamas Byden: I have lanovu Eyoung Rydén ince hie vasbora, sud ennedy, viho i. ni> brothev-ln-iav, as long as I pan nomember ; Carroll I havemon kuov t m reyensa; I vasj vei scqaainled v ihm-lac v ell lu fac ; h. baà boec dragglng us round tb. country>'; s yeav &go Ihe l4tb o! Oîtobev ho ena, and bas hardi>' ever quît ince ; ie vas getling nc areated celaidlanl',sd vben he beesme cen- atlhie be sted ns hiaiseif; I am auge lber. vass aid féeliug ou the1t fisr ef Carrol levoarda nsu; hs shoved it ovor>' chsnce h. coulit gel;- Kennedy1 ememsd te ho arondd vîib Carroll aZ t1Wt imeas«If hlis ve.dopul> te hlm ;J vg have been bail fisudsae since I got married to bis siter ; v. bail a qflvmel one day aI Lucan. br. Hutebipan-Nov ve vil go- book le your béuse.t /WiLnem-My if, naid sabe vould 'gel np, vhslber tah. vs. hôt or nt; loin wuseboklug wilb the biocti coin- iag out o! bis mouàb; she guI p audt lit th1e ligbt'; I deu't know vhethsr lter. va sauybedy around i aItiisUme; b.ftia", Wble t. he imnu eret asDg cufle, Cerrol ldaomelh- lutcie W'anexl 7', or "lWbs1'u ver. ace rd a 00Dg 111w parties cuWle.i b. fen,o but I couliDos hear ',vhle> ver. ; ltxre ves,ý >'ply W Carro. quesuio; Kenedy saai alis1ïabe apoké abouït Me i ltàt 141 a'; t4 aasr anfrMe4 My4usiion iai itvaa84nié hty vnted, ananie bety IbttughIhheisd kUl d- a talime T ivas ai peplag oi nihaugqnààwe'i it lo vets tue Uuîsm. .11+ Il vas nov une o'elock sud lhe 'Court rose for au heu. 1The Court vesurned et '2:15, >1h. ex- aminallion cif Wm. Dénneil>'baila# cou- tinueti. !The ballet vai prcdnaed snd r.ecogaized b>'y gi, i aiti-Isnt Jams eoÀbuseàlte Coroner -ati Lue- ln ane dtet telegnapb. toim>' brother and isen;I vomaiînîd aihoôme ail daY; tvaý constables arrived, about 5j,- ni brlnglng e coffin viti Ilium ;_Jobn' bcd>' vas plecd la lb. cofa, tihÎci vwastàkon -back te Lacan; I sôcoin- pauied tb, contables te LuuathIe corps . oetl f.Cno' ne I.rermWed st -MLaa botelvith te Chie! tlii about aine o'chock, aller which, 1. veut avèrto te cùnoi-'e, wvheno' ý Dr. et 0i.d ;hoeoxtvacted svera obot aualev bac ukebot from the bies. Mr. HùEtobilaion-Wih rsgir& l martlhmcLaebIln, vbab te rms vine you OU't1Ii? WiItù-'î--On '1te ver>' béat cf 'ferme t11 th:olI as formed; afr Ia heould à neorapeàk 1 mi; I ou't knov Wfoi ure vbther h. vua amemb- an cf 1the Society ci net ; I neyer 1ià aeketi te join, sud I kept ni>' father frein jelaing; I kuov uethiag about lb. Comm1ittese, except froni beara>'. Deatb cf tbe, Greateet Stock-Becder la Scc'tand. - The death occunnid on 1the lit last. cf Mn. Wm. M'Comhie, tb. veWlknovn proprieler oflTillyfoun, Abendeenshini. H e as bora la 1805, sud for mny Arnars of bis lifq bc occupied Ver>' prom- monat p0blo positiand. -Aften qailling Maila Colae.ho became mienager of hie laýtier's business, and la a-lougtit- OWe expn0nc o! over 80 yeare "a cattle dealer ho acqnired that reasin - sight b inote peinte cfas beout vbicb mode hlm wbat ho ves-one of thé bestjudgoa of ctllla lth. North. Ho foraoek thb isu catlle brade when ba Sonud il on the vane aller th1e latro-- duelion cf railrcad and onteod vlth migbî sud main bta tbe nestnug sud foediuq of lb. be.d vilh b vhthie Uame lasgoseiltrionaly conecod.' Wisbbhim polled l gbreeding becamo àascience. On tb. c6atinont,as. veih an British fat-stock ahova,-be vas invinci- ble. Iu 186711eovs. hononed et Tilt>'- four b>' s visit frein Hon Kajeet> lte Quéen., At Poisy lu 1862 hi gsinid Prince Aibirt's 100 gaines. cup for tb. hast animal Iu the French sud feneigu classe. Thonpefcrtb bis ebov>'ard canr ven izneseiîin ubnlliano>' titi - hie came la .xtendsd vheneven agriclure vas kuawu sund practisei. Promx 1868 te 187611e r.prseed Abendeneine la Panilmeul. On bis roirsmenl b. vas pnoented iîb tha suitable testinmon- ilinl recognition o! bis vluabi. ervei- ces te agriculure. Among lb. honore Ibat bave gone te Tillyfoun catle are 80 ait-ver caps sud pioces o! plate, oven 120 moata, 80 of vbieb an. geid, lu- ciuding Ivo frein France,'sud 'the Prince of Bavants Goid Modal o! Ben-j or. Pickcning Councli. Mouds>', 21rd ?eb., 1880. gb. Pickering council met pavanant ta adjourument ; member. ail pnessoul. Minutes e! luat meeting read sud ap- proved.. The cleni pncseuteil the peilian of 8. i. Holden sud tan cîbers, askiug Ion furtiter; aid te vidcv Duglinit. « Soveral secouns vere rresented. Thte 4udilars'preaentedtheir repoýrt of the accounts o! lb. corporation for th. yean 1879. Mrf. Pcrreslir, scoued b>' Mr.Darn- ara, mopvea that the anditora' report ha adopleit. sud thalibo accouaIs o! lb. Iraesrer h fial>' aadited and s aov T'he standing commibtee on acecauts said peliliona -neeomniend payment cf, the folovingaceuits:-Hecloy Beaton. for regtrallon cf bIntha, marr4aesansd a...t",.aii ia- - - Uv-Mâev a'u dt Mr. Longpr# 'e firitIreport ef eommittee on viusad on mationn lb, .eenncillvent to oIùcrnmltlec thmee- Mr. Klntla li aiar.-lie foletoia acbetefer eet. udagresle, R .Jamesca, #Ï; D. Mdrobau, fer Wocd fumrosaed, 1Lý0.2;- W. J. Glica,' $8 L Hnc, 8;T. Lve,1575;, 1fr.. Jackson, i.qO0; JOhn iBow, #Il,. 25. Reportealopiçt. Mfr. King reporleai rcan thiicoma-' mlltee, viiet W" Mcunadeivedin lucan- milleete. li hct.,l Mv. souk iin lb, chii, uma dopteal, reecmmeuding Psy- ment cf secouis c-.Dvs-1. Grass d& Gi*ageri,;$8478;axes.,$8.12; Grantto Pire Co., $175; chie! aei- est, W40; lue. Blov, t$6;.Toms &_ Nevport, 14.50 ;1J. Hall, 1.25. Mr. Gibacan eporteai -frotti standing conilte. ou ilenss.i' Report recoi- mentet licessie tO ILa, OJ. Bltton, snd J. C. Prnagla eanbilliardui vo tabls eacb. %T a ommille.cannet reccm- moud lices.. te Mr. Masos for Prena. baès, as lie>'tonad liaItle granling cf snc lieense vestet silogether vili the Goermeal Comm6daleeIns0,u.rn mittee cf lhe viole-Kv. Weuley la tic chahr-Mr. Glhan queteal lie elause cf lb. statut* applicable te lie case sud expilae lité --eorporation bat ne pover inatlb. rnatsr. - Mr. Gibson repovled frein lb. fina&nce comnelte., weom mendlng Payrnsnt o! aao f W.. Dllings- e! $40, for profeasonal servie.. A.fi4e mptan- allen, rprt adopleit andai accnalor- dereal forpa>'naea.-Mr. Darnes ia lhe chair. à "Louae" B 5 T KVvaTE». Mfr. Long, ecnedtb>' M. Wesley, movet a long nesouineanader nia. bead-lbal lb. love Clerk niche out a roturu lu détait, c! mit moeys pad on acouai o! the purchas. cf lie nov leva hall properl>', iulnlng &ail mni pait for repair. on i n>'ycter vay ; aise amount rrceiv.d frona sale cf 1the cshenlunes ; su accouaI cf receiple freni rents, namaes cf tenants, dcc. Mr. King wvu eatisfied Ibata&tUlte information amiet for vcuid bc fecna in te Audiuor'a Ropbnt, vbieb vs.nov uearly rend>' sud, vonît b. publisheti in a veek or tye. After a litîlle spar. lag sud r.marks 1»' IL. Mayor sud bit. Gibsea, ths relole1ion, et the ugge. thon o! mi. ing-vas allovet te stant as a notice cf motilon. Dr.Doatrepdlied frons the stand- ing commlteece tlovapreperl>', cnd ou- molles ecundil vent mb cemmite. Iiereu-bMn. cuzmack. lu tb.chair. amcnute reeemnênded fer >'menl: Rodenick Rois, #W7-82 ; John Blov, #28.91 ; John Boll, 458.82:HtEl"dc lIre., 1.09 ; D. KoCreban, #72.90, $7 54, rmut cf Odaifehov Hall, $40; T.Meln A lengthy disession teck- place on Wi i om f Jcn Del%,wvilci van -vea- tuIy aacitaihb epmort adoplet, vwitb th$eexception o scflccunl cf Odt. felocyson, J vioh vas zeivreai bock for funthr la*rnciou s te licailit>' for tbota.. 0a1tigon of Mn. Euggard,, second- id b>' Mr. 13m"th* .Mayon analMes. nra, King sud, on ver.Pappolted a spécial, ccMmi e vwhim Ir",ref.r. '0 imotion o!fi.Gbca ocd lN: .tuspa cf $Owacd te i h ca , te eo fls The fclloving leIter frorn Bey. iFether Blafard je pmlted la thebo l- gx-am cf Tliuïada 48at; * Brs-Tbe, Dur-ington Hsvksye's ne. marks reprcdueidlan pur paper of the 181b, inst.,tabow thbit dois nol uinden- stan Ârbbiop ynoh. Thî Aveu' biebcp jse t lb. head cof the Cathelio (lhnreh la Ontario, and on tbe questioni cf annoxation. speeka as a caliolia Dinh. op. 'Witbhum layaIt>' in noS based onl considenatione cf "commercial adventh- gbs" or an "imprcved social sud mater- il conditions." Witb bu loyality 18 net a question cf dollars snd cents, but et dut>' te bisi fovsroign, cf fidelits'an aileg*ie 0titi Governmenb unden vblch ýhe livee, and nnd.r wbielr ibe membefre of hie chancit live iu peso.- andi heppines,ý in the full enjcymexil cf ail lba nighîs ait privilegei cf fnre ýmon. 1t1e net se la the United States. Theni Catboies must pay for lte eau- catien cf the oilîdnen cf Ibeir proteet-. bs sud infidel neighbore befon. Uic>' altempl le educate Iheir evn blîdreli -a forai of tyrana>' unknovu 10 Great Bitein and lber, colonies. Pcopa PMn IX, dectaned that lb. Cathni Chnncb vas*feer la Engtand than an>' vbere elu 4inetendri, except perbape la ber (the British) colonies. Freedeni of the citurch-means freedeni cf consci- ence-equat ighte-fein play' belveen mnan and man, freedoin of education, 111.1 i. tb. divine rigbt cf the parent»t oduate bis child, aud the divine dt* of tb. obild te ha c4ncated by hi.ep- ent This dut y of the parent and hie coneequent igbt, s pgainsî tbe Blt., tg educat. hie childe le as dean>' de- fined sud aslondi>' proclaimed nas se> other dnîy in tbe decelogue, The rigitt te excercin, Ibis dut>' is nacog- nlzed b>' the Legieiature o! Canada sud procted b>' th, Parhiament cf Great Dnilain. Destroy tbe connctien o! Canada villi Groal Dnibain sudna , destroy Ibis protection aud.place t~é Oatbolio panent la Canada on the saine, footing as hi. co-religionints hi tbe U. B., or in cîher vends, you compel tbe catholio parent ta abdiciate hi. parental rigbî lovarda his children la the umatten cf educetion, sud ta baud Ibein aven te he educated b>'ies Protestant neigihon. This the Caîholiecf Canada viii neyer cousent te. Thte Bisbops, pniests and Isymèn are as eue on Ihal question. They wili figbt for tlb. prosent counec- lien lu prefèence lu auuexatîopivlit ail ito "commercial adventeges" sud "im- pnovedeoial anud maloniat conditions." Dut, bosides titis, i. bliere noltsaine- thing unspeakabl>' mean sudunmant>' la tb. conduot cf those Ceunian, vite are slpbing out Iheir ver>' seuls for an-. ,nexateon aimply on account cf the nma- terial advantagee it vould bring 1111w? Wbal bas made lb. Great liepubtia great ? The iudustry, enengy, intli- gence.sud ganus a! ber people. Her .mvn sons bave madc, ber great. Lèt Canada go sud do likevine, Let her make horself groal b>'lte vork of ber ovu bauds and tlbipever cf ber owu brein, sud if itje not in ber le do il, tbere is one tbing et laset she enu do- ehe cen have a 11111e aelf-respect, sud ual go vhining for vesalti t ber great noigihor. Sncb au exhibition on onn part voalit renden cs unvortby o! Amn erlcan citizonsbipt. The Archbisbap oaid uotbiug egamaet Canadian inde- peudence. -Indepeael ace Ihat eau tait aul>' as long as youn' neigbo likea, sud that yon cannaI maintain sud de- fend b>' force of anme., is a very depeud. cnt kindcf independence.Âand yct men have becu foandeof ite te advacate lb. Whaî-in this-Soloman aaid cf th. nain- ber of fea' la la bis day?2 Thal no one- could cont themi, vanwt il ? Boy is il nov ? Wonld th1e tank ho mach oaeier 2Wbat tbink yon Mn. Editor?2 M. STAFFORD Prielt. wWSLY Or THE 'ELUGRAU. Fathen Blafaord cf Lindsay, bas talee ap lte cndgols in behaîf o! Arobbisbepn Lynch againet -an Americsu papdr., The subjeot cf dispute ie annexation o! Canada te the United- States, wbicb IM Anienican pâpen sasvoid bo a greal advantage te Canada freni e comnmer- niai em ! it)srntint of t stai)- te suport ta uesier of utc Genair. aauexed 1< kLarkB. sobl>' led Ibat el fa becemi ho cmanted t t i t *oc DomninaPaniamfont. the aured, ttWould bc -joumn ue lédate in crde iv Ani uunally large nmhe cf Prl tunity eon te fualleet iâouÉion . ~vote bille have béén introduced.-Ifl the vbole Uouseefore 'e ricbthe JCommone last veek thb. principal dc- aà eta1 ommîittce. ~vlg15 bat, cf Ibm session, se fan, te0: c e iÇ r. onde- mcvi doun on Mr. Kolîr's biffpropoaing te abol-, cf tbhe ebatc. he Aj-M lob the Supnemeand Exobequen Courte. On1,needay th.ecnaiderati1,Of 1er. Keeler apoke ab lcngth-in- favor cf Co1by' Bill te iep al the iaaeîve, 1h e niceene. Botb tb. Pre mier and law va neumed, arldon bmhe Miiee o ustice cppcscd it on the cf Juetice agrîeing îMtoiu a grouna that lwoule hob.a netrogade ernment mcsnre i ithe* directio - e;.Mn. Biake's amend çntsapet~ Il as eneahl' dtntte byepek-windiag up cf insun nce aui or.e ors on botb aides cf the Hans that- the corponated oompomeo tbe.amenh Court wae net se populan s ilvas de- vae withdravn. m nuon aa asirable ià ahould be, but Ibis circui-m ent n hvaerImde tblb, Bli stance-wae gsneraliy'attributed 1te où ccmniiîes cf the wbkue, andaftest.. apparently otudied indifférence lonnýte C 0red in b' b te oude. tbe part cf tb. juagcs of* the Court in- r~. 'Bamuel Tille '"0 Bil ael u acceding te the expreed wishee cf Vhe sc4urity tebcb.gen b>' offwan 1 those wbo appeaared before tbcm, raîber Canada' paseed tbroýgb th. fiqalsi thon te any deféeL th 1e pninoiple per- The Houe concur ed in the addr7 meeting its constitution. Mn. Lange, pnepared-b>' the Seuate oongrat;e--ýj vin bas won coneiderable notonioty iitla GOqvennior-Gener land thb.'"" the Province cf Quabea b>' hie prboni- Lcniso ou Ibein reoient eecApe ced hostilit>' te the Court ; and Whou eenioua, if. netaf~,acda.T twte-hy Dr. Fiset vitb Ibis fo h reirumaking tIbmomotion rath apologtaed for hie-audden conversion on enp0e1b o. .yheaamig Ibm grouud that e a memiben cf tb. markereletivo te t ie consequeanM Cabinet, *il -vas hie dut>' to e de, b.haccient« and 1h econtinuadit Mo ta the cxpreeeed wisb cf ite Premier. cf tbe ,Princerie. Mï. Mackende, à -The debate, às veli as 1he division, speech lib.relly a' ,plaudea b. thi ahowed conclueively that vhilc H'cuee, eecondcd th motion. Il.,as the coudt i. not givlng genierni satin- Langevin sud C0 an pki- faction 1the neceasit>' cf ils existence' ishaolfb. F rench Cansdians. ýhS a neoognized alternative. Witb tb. ex- dnese vs. nunanimoualy. adopte&L ception of tbnce on four Ontario Con- servativîs, and ont-r two fnom th. 1 -iltr o nao Maritime Provinces, Ihe opposition te elltr 'fOtuo the Court vas confiued te French - Tmd speaking representatives frein Quebee. M!Wih oc 1eThrd eLL For heure the debats dragrged ýalong, cfMr. bit 10 amoed lhelaw fr Ue th. epeakiug béing almoat îconftnmd ta fteýe menabere who apeak rarel>', anu.about tectioxi cf fnnbeaning animale. bai-past, eight there was a general rushi Thel bill vawcarrid with an amenl o! membens te 111cm seats on the wordmn xcdn h iec o u being psed- Iant Mn. Blake vas ad- mng. dressing th. Hanse. The meinher- for Thel bull for the eroction cf ne*yiez ,West Durhamn deiivered by fan hie ah- ament buildings vasi nead a tbin4 lix lest speech so fan Ibhis session. ]le anld pasid , L v el îitb tb. question of expeuse, de- M ecsM. womovefil" *nonstrating that a greal aaving had Mos ntoCmieo upY been cffected by retaining th1e apea .1 Morris rose t~ a question _4>14Q in Canada inslead cf taking il t Eng-den. Hesaidîbhat 11eamendinei ton ; n ti.grond f icnasing 1the fore eHou"i vas nt cf ondin. efficiena>' of the lower Courts, bîcauneThe.ttoneiy.Geun al aid ifthelàM te jndges therein hnew thee. ana are- tinean Gorn9r 144altemptceü visiug power above, h. claimed th1e flnencp tis Houe, s, conductlwon] Supremne Court aboula b. netaisiu e have been imcon.iimt tonal, but u il .moved in amendaient a six menthe' H1onor bas simpi>' e-prassoit bis de.u hoist. Tho yeuanadnaye ver. taken t 114Ibe Gvinamenî -th refir8neiq on Mn. Blake'e amenaient, snd it.vau cerniaiii tem, and-as the Ministny f carried on eavote cf 14& yeaste 29 noye pncpa 1 d btaltik .a »ponaibilityý --the maJanity againât theb. Diibeing comP1y9n vth thaý requeit, lb. 0 119.duct of1the Go#sr ont vs Oudh Fiday-Mr. Ginouard moved for tione1ýasud etieîf order. - , tha sscond-reading ocf lic bill te legal- Ti". peaker ruid tuaatbel h izo marniage ,.vitb-a .deeeaoed. vifo's tir>'b d ken th. ; sponsibility of 9 aisten sfollove --Lien - non oGv rosconuunicati Hen Majeel>', by and vitb tho advice tbe amindmsnt val in ordcr. aud consent of th. Senate sud House Ait rfnte iaûson 1e-deu o! Commons cf Canada, ensuIs as "fol- vas a 1cuned lova bwenfnliday the debatei on the motil 1. Marriage oen a man aud the inP committeofiupplyaneBuz aiter cf Isedeces.ed vwifi or the vidov A di1isiofl vas t4eenouMn..Wfiu of hie deceased broter shail be lîlgal fll'Apmiudment, lîhal th. exp=e. and valid, provîded alvays l'bat in an>' anke4fortle.trip o0Hie Heaci'A chunch on religions-body vhosp mimm- Liant , Gev. niduce b>' b.ae oli bers are anthorize te celebràe.mer-. h madîtvscani.d; riages, au>' previens dispeusation, by Yn&Mnr.AplbAry,1 reeson of affinit>' belvien lie -partles, enov,j Ballantise, B xtsr, Biehop,31' beh roquired ta _give validil>' tesnob, -&ard, D3afleld7 C0dvell, Can"a inmigob ibte said disgensation ahati 11e Cheom, Cracks, IDeche, Dryti nia had, accondng te the raies Fcrni i Fietd, Fnaàes, Fneeman, Gb and cuatoune o! said ohureh or religien (Han)* Gibson, (HemiltonGr hod:r; prcvided na. that itsl sUnoet h RnciHardi svlei, y, Ho : compulser>' fan an>' offlciating ministar, or, L iIvlxvin ont Lyon, «înG ta coiebrate imeli meiffgea. *ey, It4cKimà, M0agblin, Me1fl 2. All sucb marniages hereatofare con- Macl, ýMills Mvt Mra>,I tnacied s afonesaid, ave hereby .--e- Iie, Perdes, <jPatterson, Pali claned valid, oasos, if an>', ponding lu, Peck, BRobinson ( andwell), BDobilÏ caurta, alono ixccpted. - Keu4), foberteon (Halton), D)aiU $evetil moenrs oppcse thB ill on, tain, :$prnger, Stnilker, Water, WO scriptural aud social grouhds. vorth, Widdifild, Woud-55. 3 Hon. Mn. Blaeadld net conaiden NÂ z;-Meiiera. jaker, DBukrt mnch vsigblt culd b. ebtaebed te lb. Bell, BauI10n, Broqer, Celvin(J scriptural, objections 'against 111e bill, ton, 5ýerncb, Hankins, t.aer,>ý . n to the social objections, thenlgbh. Long' MoMaten, IMeré itb, badgreater hsitatiou u roucn g Metcalf, Monck, Morgan, Kcrvi,4 tbe former. He coulaDnot give this t1ig5,) Eceevear, Wigls-25. 2 deiedpiion u elate thn u Prkll , icbnt it BonetteÉtc biillin8ppcrin i.tsproseirt s 5j'haRvuelI Olte le U. S., tht te tet 1he mcm, lfmv B~asx Gi satin>' ,iscolýtog Tha e mniîtel

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