'à ilght your filat rs e wlîlh~h1 ~the et sudgi tb. virole sopn asort O o 107mot liglit, tle wu es ille 15 tlun T1hén elie vitrbrlug yeou na plaito.wanlflar yoxr cuptcf chocolate seUtbTaaiuit, wlxich syou yuildrink the wrmsr tisai, onig thie1 -- yourrnks, servi on a littho gliti -racse, kepi hot lnxUils bm by a liti]t chîrcoal, spriukled witfx van.ýll tO fie the air. After yen lie atakeix yonr cdia vu wli cooe-aainfor à coup ThnyuIiiputona( .billé o! piok satin liimed viii vswsi euvelopilig Iho wiîole body from ta foot. Tii. watstbaod anuthte fa * ug cf tihe oeck cf îlots germent mex in vé.1vot, 5saias1taie vanux la theat y- -u. Xcx ity0w pans io tbe bathi the atexmliliera cf whîclî ill ite kt artaegresable ternperatflne hy little cf rose-scanieti vapon pumpedt li an apetrtri thxevali. Thbe nait part of or sobject in lictae une; but tioni sit qui " pealse. It ta Dow urne ta draw <j etokingu lunet i wth werm .90815 long anti pcrfurned, anti gartaee itusatan sables cime ed vtixCet' clouteset ils dutiexoixts. Tii. boa ta t.. lincti vitb swansdown, and Weil wit tiiiusaixal les s wal. lOrlîreciois iproxinot o! bigla ail tipis taDow in lier dressinxg rocan. is ta bc meacînfortableby mei ai, trnuetis,,foot vanner, nms~ Lecrass aon, vlîicb it lafore ot secondI looring &Iliabout the. ti table. Tite lliixxs iiay ha ci nreproat-ot "thearandent raya cf thb andtheiît paddlng ta keap outIllasdi le to b lie ilineti yul natenal f This wtl iaka ithe place look -ua 1k. a summer baver ile b.el wnter. Tii. rnidory uow fu tIhe nape o!tha nacix" villa a littie bozai, ta malte h uppl-aseve euaracoeniilcprovision, for witt suppie nack hIxw coutl a Frenchli posaibly <et thxough tbe dut politertelsisforLb.eay W. muait o argotie1 Tliase eay b. kipt wsrrn y 'holi tlaem two utile Vassais cfnatin xitl a wrrnwater anti lampeq * appin-ratinle a tatet i dîr-ictian, as *terxling ta ramir Pextinne « b hofrivolity o! ta wbiehaaz il rab cama taegrief iîroieosea aelvaotaga o! this; ai nîst 1 tethat it i gves tha lienè attrtiitvei rtstocens vilîx vrnti eau ilipaà rl. For thea widxie of the day the élirnt.ieapiy continlues ail tue cîuipl lyavoldiuxg, au tbcegha1 laxînn witlî tIr breesthi of pooe "rvery touch ai cobi air. Tho eu à teirliernxornring neal tmigit bh lin le. drawîexg mon, andt lb. tux whitît uked ler dtinte.is barri ciodel. Sii. niy n'alie vinter: 1ing tira sivt swe.eesbiow th-m fingers hrough Lb.e wiedce htisl beatina, andi wu are anci luntdxs bands cf -unr guido. Ho * . cier stanuds direetly ie the baci tiutil liAi ierting palroness axe14UM041i t i ,leit ordinxxi thotu cornes brward itu rvcoixî stîcînti gîrmi-a fort cf 'ai whieplumb h iinuxeil euh oaulne ar-i 'cntit theaoiti lwrît-wili b-i ort i msuveraili.Tii. cý "Ét whitte taitii li onlitibc triLnuexl tixtiré outhie inilitril, andt,1 t litiiexîxiwixtit, ai tle tortl mev lie faoiîiaoi ettoe lae « h 'nuit vy lian(Ilsare lti aaexir tu.p-gplûve of pixk-kxnd lie, îîslîxa d faiteixet by eaiîes( liticille), sa as mieL ta chesck the loiti. Theablietalu ho aieat- fuiî-îsof haret lime Baons anti 'rhonseagretiabia anti claimniog mous replace adIvntageously tl feslionaîl warniog pan. -Enfin you wiii drink jusl b4l fiii toe elcli a lîlît cxemc de Sal ic. anti bo, madle witttv fr, anti a siali gier, of Madenia, fully tcîtowintg thea. ,directionscai bc1te net ta sufer ttee exuci vinieer imeo. Ar WoîrAN i Tuoszats.-Panis bas jugt lest arotironfa!bar celebritiez. hille. Feouaault. coummouly oal.ed "La.- Oenwc e otates," bas- did at Ctictiy inthx.eilaIof ber poor->tonants, 5k. wac bbc danglitar cf a Coelslud grandaugblen o! a Gonanal of thheF'tst -Sm pIra n 1848 ber fther tiioi anti lefL ber a pannîleas rpian. Bbc tnueti aitmns ot neana ta gale an houait ltiig, but failad4 tilt one day thie Ides etrack bler teauasliae 'este attira, anti - u that tiuiguisumixe- beoaesi a callotor for te' iprats le lie prlnti.ng'office of Mi. DUpant. 2h. r'elned thora tva- yeane, vhaixber sez belug - dusorereti - -icgaI notice t1* oie,'Sha subéeà quentty wrcte lu Lwý or tbxu caait prude ;-,tien airs becauxe a ogeerlhall sinesr, san4 flnilly sep<yst te A lrad.r Daimas,the eldet. - letilng thc serrioe cf th.e<rosi noreli sh@ aga" feeîaid employenet nt eanother pnlsoting -office, vir e si at -able. té aTs enoagix mQuey ta bay a suralipieu e --gruildnt, Cilby. goe thse bulItla serîtes cf oragiliuue 'orvn4i*r buts, wbihoeh@ilet ont - tà . ragpidkbits, andi tùw; î ato, og$lu à lLqe: - lRy. Si. tlt 114Bal v rt Gron, aspd 28,'â4ubter i>t.0 - uci Greeiq, et Laaodvu., WÃŽÃ1t1404s> hy be areud~t. mund family, on ie"Il larna-frein ohurgh arowared W1 a osten, rai q biq osie vas djpinis,,)itberot atr. Sb* vi-' de.tly cet eriTrs.n el - - 1~buhadipiiaabgrbbo7OjOO brIis. in" tr os lt veele. MoIs-of, $hol -cama fromeinti. oguiiurqportion 'oft 'bm Strà te, fin- -New York înd- 14à M- - -turiouiy enuxgb Ponh)yjvia li~çJs Oý, large uumboni cof trvesa t10 Torl, wxlte2hxIahisdealer& 1;ý!w loel he b.arowh ef No ew rIli -mait i% bitz uuerM metübere, otîsuginnsa y "0 lSiagréo.sri.jI, rose tu aWybd ae' a rose potel iiftqrthejoffiallng prinot lhe iv. la :fo,iiowlng plotiga :-I promise, vitix ri, tii. Dkvineabiasslng, 10 atbstAlt (rom aHi aines. lextgxieolatli quors,-Osd ïla rreventsas Oluver, =ouhas06i wibla, by tutricfandi eran te, bot pieý, th sin cf- iniecaperance- among L &rom -othiens, an4 tae ieoninnauca of drink. whiia lng eutonz of Soiety.- Whoun tut, toast -piedge hat bean reited tiie blassiiig llive was giren, and tua eeremony was i ,o par- anuannd. Two caloreti men eue mean- bers of th? socialy. 'oi0140 "Bome foIks say," mi&Long John pi o Weetwor4 whan lhe vas Mayor of le8ha-Chirag, 11t a in't houeait ; hhoYsay heati, I steai. Nov, I ain't. agoin' to disons% aseid tuat question ; but l'il tellyenou e asteu thiugR-I i't azoin' te let fanybody louch. aise teaSlauythiog I1l1il et on the lr l chist 1, .ept at A faet worth ramembering le con. ,guta occitan wlthosalakin te, tbut atter it rougi liaibeimixposad ta ram or snav ht shoald b. flsst well haken and' thon mde. bnng up ta dry le a room wiere thare mat y is no ertiicte heast. If dristl by a ira on the n orixraeixeat the fur bacomes mated y stlk, togethar end dafaceti. xl witl Tiie London Obomiet and Druggeiul L's eye givel illustrations of writoen appîxea. ils are lions for tirugs :-à druggst iu askesl à trie. ta prescriba for a chlt t'sick andi na viliza. ap.ihighl," for enother troubied witii Tht. la dreatiful roaring ix bis lucide."' ans oBonencwrites for 'la batie cf scout ba ffor diarrlioa inth eha st. a kinti Ilta impossible for lionse planta ho ýresing do wli if thie oartlx about them x nmatos red ta val for any considerable lengli cf ae sue," time-say tvoa iys. Planta oued frex irsoght wator lb.eaime as todividuail. Lai lowere.. hoesanthbe 0 parons andtiheb drain. a oiel age eu complets ual lb.e plants wil pili cf neeti waterng daly.- Rural Neuo migate Yorker. Han. ScottILork, of Utica, has lovesl- tigate thie sMorins of the *800,00,OUio Hyde otale in Englanti, reparteti te b. waitiog forbhieingnw in amenis, antd tinté there ian ntlîing in it. In fact, asiates li: Englant waitinu for Amer- eau boire to lobernt appear ta b. about se scaine as pots of goîd at theeandi of the irainbow. The Protestant clergy of St. Paul, like sanie of the. Cathalie alergy aise- whers, bave wtsly prntosted against thé. growing expense of funerals. Tbey propose t0 have Lth e ligious service ooducteti et the loue of 'tie deceaseti efter wbiclx lhe corvée sball ha couduot- ed'a e borne of tue idecoest, after wbiclî the oorpsa sha l be conducteti ta the grave only by a very few intimat. friends; the wbole witî h icast pou- smliitlirpilay. "tDu animail@iae afun ?e' xukîs oine nnolienir intlividuai. Of courtie tbey do. Wbt-u a cow switoiie ber tai acrosâ the face of thoesuanwho je roiik- ing lier, étape aloug juet twvo yards and turne to se. tom pick up is smont and follow. mue ha& Lb.e Mstat auted ex- pression ou ber face positible, ani il six. can kick -oven the mnilk uîilshe grows poitiveiy hilaieus. At an inqixemtinlix certain part of the. North of Engiand, ua roso pà jo bail been drowned, the puoewmangivirg bie evidance was asketi by the coroner if means hxît bt-en talion ta rencitate (liie body'. 1011, yes, ir, w. earchati bsis pncketmt." A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. - We have ecntiy publinheti 55 a new edition of Dr. Celver- weli'nCelebrateti Essai on tire radical andi permanent cura (vithent metîicne,l of Nervous Debil- lty Mentai anti Phyuicai Incapacty, Im. pethexonte ta Marriage, &c., resnlthng (romn oxcesses. -Price, fi a »seaeteuvelopr, only 6 Cents, The clibm% autrý leinthie admirable Riosay, cleariy domonstrates, tram tlxrty yetra' mauccestul practice, Liat alsretng censequeixces unay hae radiahly cureti with. :out tha dangeronus gaio internai madîcinai or the use of the kbife; pointing oui aatie ai cure at once sim ple certain anti effect- uai, hy meaxe of which evary suffèer, Do maltter wbat hxi condtiton May b.,ma cmrahimesel! chaaply, privatel, _-X malt Thi lecturea aha ida lu fihe bande of . very youth andi averymaneinuths land. Atidres, The CULVBRWBLL MEDIIJAL oc. 41, Auxe Sr., New Te*. pont Officie Box 46W. 42 Valuable Fa=m forýSale.- 4OLS-jLOT 0, IN 11h CON 1 00 PEINý?laà iG. 15 mres elsaid- remndel tlbered irmà ly-beseir sud inapis). Tldxis l a rery demirabie Prelry for tir. woad miane tg vT«y-rtlmbleimv yull nem9L pmky lie puch.. mnonyj vil. tsiu mtna o!fie lkite h filmxgixr- auteeo. taIhimdl Tirais lierai ta re"ible psartia P. O. Ba oxW9tby AIR"; - Ali Q~'8MAV HII& %%la .âtMnmla for&...igSià L.iw ii DRESS009S-Yiu utiaget the best;assorm t atLowesê pri atthe ,,F4SHI 'ABLE ORESS ÙÛOD BOUSE.1, BUY FOR YOUB DAU GHTE4, MIL.LIXERY -The most pleaaing styles of Hats and Blonnaets mit the "-Fâ.99IONÂBLE MILLINERY HOUSL'1 -BUY FOB YOUB SISTER.' MÂNTLES.-A Naby ana Stylieh Jacket. See the New Stockaste 'FABRIONABLE MANTLE HOUBE." BUY FOR THE LADIES,. PURS.-The LVgest, Ohaicest ana (Iheapest Stock io to b4 foupd ate tie MFABHI1ONABLE DRY 000DB HOUsE.- GENTLEMEN$ CL(YI'INO & OVERCOATS. AAm Immense Stock of Tweeds and loths. Fusat Glass Cuttera-na dWorkmýeh.A Large St o M eady Mivde lthing and Over- coasIs, selidg very cheap. 9Ie GO TO THE PASHIONABLE DRY OOOD à OLOTMIU lBOUSE. , C. F. STEWART, 1Devcreil's Block. - ý«Faaionable Dry Goode & Clothing Hom.,, Bernard and Go., Leith "DistiIIerY) SCOTLA ND. RH. JAME SON, m Age nt, Whitby. * THE ENCORE WHISKY., The following saztitfatory anÈd -mnoat omvinciqz evidence shows Mhe absolute pttrity and safiey of eWnfg the EN- CORE WHIeRE Y a8 an Akohoi stimulant.* LA1NCET.-,-Bemarkably free (rom Fusl Oil, mild, vholesame and BRIITISH 3MEDICAL JOURNAL.-, Bomoval at the Pusel Oil j, mout complote sud eofiojou." MIEDICAL TigES "AËD GAZETI.--"Wip oen highly oomrnond à t as wll-fitted for Madicai use, being very pure, iviieesomZ and pleasnt.', MEDICAL PRESS AND CRUA."ueand viiotesome and uncontaaninated visi mixtures frequently usedto gpv.fictitiesflansd arama." MEDICÂL RECORD.-"'Must rank foromoit sa the putest of alecholi. stimulante." PRACTITIONER.-"'Pcnfoctly froc (rom FPuse Oit, .xtremety mild, atnd a saio alcoholie stimulant." SANITABY RECOD.-"-Suci an excellent dietetic stimulant doser,. as s wide sprend reputaion." PUBLIC HEALTH.-"Eneptianay pà nr. ýt wfld b. fortunate for the heahth uf the. community if in generai use." NATIONAL FOOD AND FUEL BEFORM.-"AÀU who value their h.atth shouid -ue ïit. DR. EL C. BABTLETT, F. O. S.,tîClntained luse trsacofa ltai dae. teriaus and potetnous matter Fusel Oil,,titan any ipirit I h v ir sb. niitted to the saine sesrchiarg investiation.,- -Tii.- bfsal Ptcfusin should roconuzend te titair petiants no Whisky vitici doos net corna np te tbis stxrd. DR. O. B. C. TICHEORNE, P. C. S., TrhityolgeDubln.-"Oarie- fully exse e fr Fusel Oil but none could bdswod Pwoeec . (rom poismoon metalstht are froquenfly fnd in Wiken he are very deletorous. R.erarkably good quUt. DR. PAUL, F. C. S.-ttPerfectly free (rom Pu Oil01 c-oather injuos substance." DR. STEVBNSON MAOADAM-44Very, pur. "am of 9IEe Ths Whisky is not only a pleasaut aA i o.mO a&thamuIant Ii' sin. aqy use, but fag delcate ecastitutiona t islpealable, aiit wgli tgre.iltfue whqn nDosther alocholie stimulant viii, viether i1. oo <1i c »09A& It ii om imaiMot elnaisoly ln the piat i ,my of tb.e.smlauut mm in tb. MediasI profession. Every GallonGQuarrlteed qeyPw'& OFFICE 0F1 TE BRÛ WN à PAT:TEJ WiEIIBY, o TO TH, EP, B ý4ADl: M~ING, iS'ANDG Mat KNI 0DS -0F EVEBY DÉSBIPTION DbONEB TO OUBDER.l Be*Ing Machines from $1 to'S100 eaoh PRIGIW, ~LÀ!2IGAND e48TIl$0 MÂOHINE& FOR SALE ,,"T BtNT AT VE1tY PRIOEB. 0rdý* £for tue'Britih Amerîcan DYeing', oý. forolédning' oolouring and cailoing Peathers, Rais, Dresses, &C., wil receive our careful attention." Sole Agnii Whltby for Butterick's Patterne, Books, &M. 45.8iii.Brdek Street, Whitby. O TTER~S, BU GGIE S, AND CARIG~S Theà targ8,èta,ând Bte8t A88ortment in the County. GREÂT BÂRGAINS OFFBE]? 'IN <3UTTERS. &o, ini order to make room, au we intend to build a, larger number of Carrisgega alndBggies .tliowinter, tn usuel. TOMlà S &' N EWPORT'S' DUNDAS STREET, . - WHITBY, ONtriBIO. -FA 8HIONA--LE TLOII-NOIl ~TOH2W rmRGUSON, - STREET, - - - Wli.L'X.U I. BROGK z I HA5ýtUST 9fflIVED IN GREAT V*TYa ,SPLENIqDLOT 0F CANDLA !1WEEDS 1 JOH-N ULSeERS,ý& OYZRCOATS. TOU CrA OT~~%J5EA SPL ENDIDb SUITS 1 à NEW STOC UOIT? TO nAND 0F TES 87ATESSTLES IN raI -q-v e TO e FERGUBO~T. GENT$' FURNISHIN«$ I i. BOOTS AND, SHEESe OROCXERY, GLASSWARÊ, AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F HARDWAREe &C-, TheDr Goods Departmeiit je complote in. every lineansd the Grocery -Stock ei ew ýadfreeli.' t> The choapest house in the <)oimty.- ,iember the addres. 49 A. B. SNJTH1 Raglan. S- IG N 0,F "GOL-DEN PEN.' BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS TOYS AT COST TILL-26TH0FDECEMBERi As 1 intend after that date camring ýon- the Watch-making only, -oot- Watohes, Glocks, J-ewellery, Gùni-smithing, Sewin.g Machines, repaired in fisBls mnir itisfacoo or ne psy, -Wil seil the whole of y<l1, Stationery and Fancy Goode chaap. WiI h e olid in hu t-ê désirable puqrcliasr Whitby, Dec. 2nd, 1879. TREASUREER'B -SALE Sîgn-af the Golden.Pen. 0F,, LÂIIDR -FOR TAXES. DY vintua aWarrant iedertire band aitie aitin adhêilail ai li.Corporation ~~ liro fo.llovtngItt forarreara cf tax erreonat gbtméruu t o rxm tco-0aunlessuiaam asm otbesoe osa~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~b cremui ieela a oneeaeaw Ioa . taxes Ã04 eces aStih' ,%rtone uthe Tcwn of WHITB 'oA¶EFEDY.leE yaf fERA1, A. D,. 1880, at tli ir6uÃcfT 'loklutr onoon. - iart. LeI *-Thos Eobeon,ýpb- outi j 2 ,IldaNichoasPI Soutih 21 YiliffeLlt 2 South Westx corner Iaforth ast j ort Scu eh Part Nortir iniut '-Put Southhj Put Nrtii Alpart North 1 6 Purt Southj - 6 Sauth West Part ji., Jortam Part Broken - North f aut South j South But à Part l4otirj Part Northj Part Souli j Part Northluaj -Part Southf- PutI Westhalf Part Nantir Wesl-irelf W'est Part Sarth West puth Purt Part Both Wect j 4. q . HIGHEST M 2 so 1 1 14 24 ;L2 28 ; 22 22 22 on Acres Amui of Taxe 10 515 10 422 1 - à 14 4 804 50 -2405 4 822 100 - 8479, 8 7068 J190 81 12 3 97 2844 3 82 2b 01- 3 10 844 t4 l0i 527 [4 a 629 IM ARA e 17 7 75 108 100 160 80 278 104 1109g 15 26 16 28 18-28 6 47 18 86 7e6W 84 1672 7 49 2009 7 o 20 ,- 184 9COTT. 2 ~ I 4 47 2' ea 1 00 8 38 a896 8 25 6529 4 84 688 a 58 7PL 6 s- 70 5 8, 70 5 5 1 14 5~ 4 -92 6 85 28 w AI11 an Lme WINTEB. 5ýBVIOC ir-HAIP5 Shorteat Scai Passagecstnofly'., and Every 8aturi[à a, fê&m Iifa- r -cfi t rait!5f le vxng W hitby at .8i x, every Thnrsdr. Cabtu fans redluceato l#$6, *81 - uOtPI#91. according ta position of staterom. iOverý- rate for ratuixu tickets. Inte&mnedis tas M,~ Steage At lavait rates. ......sx . 11crv. 2%b, 187d - Olrisae~ Dec. dli. Pmnviax' 20h, ~ Paulu .........7tb Steeage P Bnlatoî, Oandait 'Lanna ilamme rt asita Liver rd parties 7vrusngota nifor.frein frieas canoblati *ts atlavratas. ]For tickes na extirar nnation apply - nhe 4féjt1 lccdPuril ema! etnar&lï ' £0 a '=for. BR IBTOL'0Sxrçýated PILLS-,. W -11by e D ra g gt ýa n d D e r ier PERRYD4VI8 &80N et&LWRENCEI L For sle qT. U. WtfilId, Obnet,., 196 771 ?a 192 614 Pi 199 518 PAr 201 - 0i>5 pu 241 2646 P 2902 1024 Pt 268 8748 P% 201 .969 Pà 261 8378 Po 2-62 W80f - 254 8145M P~ 190 bat Pé 194 -7,21- P 197 8261 209 -2 2W1 222 -2 26 227 220- 2-16 202 182 281 2- 8i- 708 1 92 184 1'91 i198 197 8181 u 448 18 18 17 45 1850 17 5 8:44-- 1602Z 7940,t le8-42 2 16 18 98 22.10 , 4 95 84 98 217 92 689 1~- tt~~t t, ----------- -7777-7= WHITBY. 1 - - - -