Whitby Chronicle, 25 Dec 1879, p. 2

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..4 8; Ilobortuota flobemtaou & Brou. ry-Wm: Thuanp. 'e-- * Alliai. lion - Thu Miw.is and** o~4ltm-Wtu. libn. Voit~1l ,lk- »T, J. u as. Xq'u'a. tak *0~ l~ ch'outy - W, cola- BeottliiàrdWttre-.1luteb A Bro. P eoas ndl photos-Lyon Bras. Larfpe s1ttonery à'wok-Q. B. Yuiu. 1Ia~ u? bep-4j.Kennedy. T# giveii âway-e-, leraeer. \~i~ ~,oOriO-W.J. Gibsota. r oLui.iay oitkeî anda confectiocry-Rt. Sp.eial raton fodi ys-Hamii. Gruocories aud crock.ry" H . Day.- Goi valu-G.C F. 81. 1 B"titiali Vase'and aut-gise tbilb Look ai out sook-Uloa Bras. Up ta fiie titue-J. Bl. Pringle. 8drva1t wantol.-N. W. B3row, casha fur whoat, barley, &a.-Thoas ho danadile [imetafiu News. Notice of Divldeud-Ontarfo, Losn i Y ~ avIaRsCo. -~ Iluipers Punbications. fN. of.titre.hrud, Cot4wold seupe at- orîaln, aWedgesday htàaasqî * 1813, the property of Mr. -Wna.'odg. *ai.-L, Fairbanksa, Aualioneor. Ã"NLY Si 5i P&R -AN NUM. Whtry.biirsdy, iUec. 25, 1879, Holiday Grssting. l in witia no mers forinality of tera th<mi we grcéi aur'ý frienuand wish tbpm the0 comimewnts of the sc~awn-.W gLeét milein cortdiAly and warwly, and waiaIa ieux, Young an( l it ih hoarl. f.it, wu)rmlw,"A mefrrv Gtrrinuman d a r1-.pp1 ) N ýew Year."* The Railway Policy of the Govertrnont. '51ir Olmarlsta T'ippor'p viewg Wven the V.îilIVay loIffeat1ni Oba the guhj'ëot of lihé U aetinction hlavo ýbSCU IWvorablyý l~ ieo a<ril parties. _ T4ey Are, $av 4rtbli tlui timportmral udrtakiug licon- Coru<sd, in unîson xvitli intelifgent rail. 'w1n oplinon in Ontario. Il muelt bave - wo hI!VUî.iant fur the tloütismen of the dapilatun-ud hey were the pîoh of 111 iaî,vnco1o iudthe Miniiter- so r II>pdQl luaccord wiîh tIheir iewpi 4Iiî< ga 6lairoau in ail liat ha Baid ta Tij'. liao trota Gravoubtiret north. to SmiijI Eamî BILy nia Lake Nlppis.ing, 1%»<A 1âIîýAioIPg boe advaccl in these Cailutiua. 'Ami wuo are aide plased ta 111ni thmîît 1 iut i the Canada Pacifiai la. rtlh of bu.ki Nipissiaag. ta connet wiî ~jîste. m6rim, is thât le bc' r j*I.>PîP<a by th. Govemomennt. The, froma iir.aî Wu 148t and Ile abandnnment. '4 <mut ~fsv. esiîh t fila. ta hé rMi. wvpoiicy of 'tue Gomnment. The riiaiw;xy êChoujo wIhial now appeara té IÃŽA msuied tapon. %vile hp the trade of 9,1w Auainrlcau linos, ipeu up lb. S'pion. ld ii natricî noajia oi Lakeç Nipiaalg, and antn< the~ trmle of Otario n the riglil 'eto.-Lotî dia Ontario Paiie iflU ikov; have only nua equîi t f aild 10 that giron te lb. \ ~ un.1b.Central, ,and Ontario BIaIlway 1- ar4ukm wili be placed upon anolà ê r%.ir laeêt witla thasé ai lbe os au te atili ftirther catum2nd and give confi. delo tili thae Governient raiilWay poliéy. , Mùnl E lectlons. 'r I ti ~ omnlatloa, take place on Moaday. 11 he t ove *Mr, James Campbell la isavlng no atone antunsed, suai no matisu nresoavld lu tosoure -Ilm returu as Usee', R.e 4 .ouaget by a few people vie-ar. apoly Isngblug AI lin, and b>'tomrniatimlaea uialcoilbenla whio veuld 4 ont o! Ihelir lement if tlise>' wre pot dong'aoiellslng ta juiro tia1 oasot.Whlt6i. Mr. Ring la w idel>' buownudairernpecte, both nt houmu ad bromd ne a'amperaur buinées - inu; ho ualsoaS'inuécilibaval sain- * cation, speshing ieyenal liaguages as aveU as iis native G:ermasu, ddring fitteen' yean f et -mreuldence lam ebon a large employer of labor. There are Over font>' mon regasianiy al-work lu-bis -tanner>'. Ilineaslorpi-liug sud pub- lio-mPîiled mand foremostl- lu ever>' gond work. 1<be rutopayoers of'luthe vu -. nI volgrieoeumi>' vréuagteheunscveg- md perbamp.sdo hllby'lasliag Iuvm wve tisa>' to blad jualo rujecllng Mr. Ring for Auach a Maun as Mr. Campbell. Bat, fer iii thé cuuning devboes, aid situlâ dodgcs, anl beggng snd praying, mai snlreslitng etvotes b>' the oampbeltl> cilquoiqi, an otrin né frar o! the ne.< stuit. ThesIntelligenceof thlea. owp vii biave an ample triumph and *vIli saunai Vidfcato'l latre, th. wbobo coumal>' * Iaadaiid with people ofthlb. conly thse woodoris greaI thitaI hereabsoulai b. 0al ne sa uanad in liaé; own osunuwiao a0 t, ounrage suaob a coGleet. L C,tdimlaeare mabltplying in tise wardeb, ui lira lu né doubl w. &hall hav-éa slli-sby.ime. until Afler lection day. ' W. Ihave o néaitionst& mmli. te la wee'sannounasamentu etfvisaI la dolug lu alluer looiliieu, exaspettroan Pieker- -,- ng, Thore -Mr. Hover 'hadoclltasa teaoposeMr.Milter, muaithelias oh s. aýetisI allilloi, members ufthlise la cannai i i l ealecteai b>' ocathation, Who Wrote ise',Letters bie sumly a uwuuaoe. ws u ,wh mügt be Pin.i Wall id . a 8 q4ý bu*denoomo sexpeuse, .ebéula uttria. claire -.wu,* s aozuideration lu rûforpi. {lng t. 'LrhIry.fOUý YeU of Jaidiclal . vice gives Jaxdue Qowavi ut shno*.wa daItm te be 1àpard andê ahouiid g weight to bis vielwa, And his delh or. mtte opinion as »dêlivered antJ3arrl.;lu addresirai lihe Grand Jury, the other day, im exproeaoâ lui 1h. foflowlaag Iîng. nage : ' -i tbaüvé, for asoverai yoîra peut, on accasioàns like îhi pressaI, ezxpr.aa.d niy<lliberalely faaped opinion that Grand Jûries might wlîh adv&ctago b. diapanaed wih-titat the7 go longer serve sny useful purpos., were suiosp. abls of being taed 10 "block" prôper prasoutions sud carcen offendeiune wei asî for 1h. pupse of annoyanào. or oppression ; ana thal in no case OOUldI lb. Grand Jury esalwn ev us a bar W ,an upfauuded proseoution wherein, the sol* agoOioy of a public proseouldeai wanid nul haie u'rved lbhesaine pur- pose znor-diretliy. Frain Ibis place, twe 'yearsa ago, 1 pointatont how our admable syateoru-of loale Crown At- WOreys--Crown proaeutors-mlight ha tasedb and tried and respeuîble agenths, inembers of Uic Bar, entrustl with ail tIbtIo la oesaary tl etrobn of thofuicion e aGrand Jury, acting unider lias Attorney.-Generai, s ow. We isbouic1thoen have, more faily, nm@n tblng like th.e «Collant systema whish bua worked la- Batiand for cenalriés wlth salir. matlaaclieu. Indeed, -Ws have boeengnaduadly proparlusg for thé- chanage;ý for at lesat two.thîrds of the f riminal charges pr.fsied our Oçutty Crown Atorneys Dow aelually desal wlb. Fornaeuly trid.ouly upon indiIisle.a tonnai by Ibo Grand Jaqy,-tbey are aow tnlod tapon aformWafflumution dravai and prea.mald by lt* rwn , Attorniey. lai the couts âwlmrbihl& l. uadgaols willaoula jMry, th ù-Gae olandlug,,lQ a »Me lua b 1 itsli na a. heLord s éca, in Scot. lad T O@%u y:.*ow à',d[ttorney 0ysleap has b tf~'ucomftaiopra. lion rimouat us fur 6vertw.aat y ara ;' auid il may bc aesaénab1y mn éd if il cannot b.e B04 l i i. opetation." A, ltr frinMr. Hardon, an oid Ile- former, ilC other columns, lakes a dit. taent viseotheb.matter tram uilge Fa sWrnniiY.-IDuring lh. fieraesa of lb. sttrm on Mondlay anorning, about two d'alock, the alami ef ire was ruaag cul. The Ramas wers fouod issulnÃŽ frotu tlhe atable in reàar ce! Ibila.ek. sxatl promises ci George Ayers, on Diandas sîraiel. Driven lytQ.~fury Cf the .bhigh wknd. lbey son eaugit. thé bol of tMr;. Bandai, Jaaown as lias Whiiby Housa, hul Ilion extonded tô U. Waterbouso win Ail were, dcàlrayed. 'thé tota~loua oonnot bc mach1 h laitm SIO,Ã"Wf. Mr. Bandai bail ingayancou le amout cf 04200 on premieài > nd stock ; Walerhoaesst$00 éhonte' aÃœxd MfurnIluro. Ayers was 1unlnuud muai grest 'ytnpaiby I. toit for hii . h. bosUlTe bis fots ntia cuttler and a bugg. lié Le néwi tact- porar1y loao teai i ,r. O'DonoyaWns. 1 bh îe CnmnpAny, not*iihstsodinîrg tepre'valing storm ad lb. piercing' weù,t4er, did goad woa-k aind pvroned lbth extenuion of the fîsmes. Mfr. Zaphanua Blair, in Chsamgeof-lhe Rock sud Ladder -Company diai good service. The Arrétmiglthaive been aitoppeai and oonflned tluW ~-premilaca whsr là$ 1originaîti ha people gîVon a ialp- Inlg hand 1gelthe englué tiînaily ou 'b sh pot. Asil was, fally lwentyMui. 1ut". ver. lunin lu pltlng the beavy mAý- c h ine lhrçang h 16leep séw. People rata toand sîuod loaking ut tb. blaze when Ibisy Ma'ight havé ernd.'red valu. able aslalanco in * paillg 1h.eanglue through. "6Love me litllie, love me Long."-Bo says Jcramiah 1tu the slectorg af tisef Nortih Wamd. Andthliare &Il calch- . iuag up ltue lune. -ý9 WeaTsley,& Hymne"a s-epionasiy£unn1 by Jolsn>' t e l.1k. set. "Damsi' Paoms",ams thse favorite vi ith - William, and w«fiii kn6o bt aunuyl oft llsm are enderug. Mv. Butlidgu aud Dr. Bougart are loit ta thé popalar Ghrisimas cuvoe. Who saya, "There's ne usic in-asthe Nortlh Wîrd ?" wilh sucia an orê1ieser beadcd by a fautuHrper? -.-he South îlWrd chauli b. Blow-ed if1 iteau b. satiafleai 1wib sucb animais as a Foi ada C.ael. À Danke>'ad the Giraffe dded woid complot.slte ménageras. The séng et lhe whoic Town is-- dWbel'l b. KiNo uti CHAULIIi. North Ontario Election Case. r. On Salurday judgmnl vas deiivered * b> lihe Supremie Court in th. Norîi Ontario Élection Appéal. Thé appéal was ailowed- and responaicul'. motion dismuaed. Oblef .usticé Bitchie in deulleing'tlao Juagment a! thé court, saai bbc mo4ion- aboulai be dismiseal withoui col, 8anda aisethe motion cf D. Motiarby, Q.C. Theme choulai bc nu coatet u bis ais beautée a!fise navell>' anal peoulitrity d.theb question iuvoiv- .6& The o*aê 4hem beau fiel ýdowu fer heatlng on 'the 17th ef Fabruary ltae * rdin' a itlung of tlb. court *boin it wauild b. taken rap -ucleusr an applica- lien vas made for an eanli day. Jusices Strogan sd PFournie? ýcon- currodainluthe Chie! -Juàtié@e. ecision ,wlitout subiling arpu ,meà ý,Mr JZice IHenry.rend a'iadgmentalea aseuin#. Mr. JusLic vyýnévas absnt, but under 'the powear of the ialtul. h144daeeain ire&a4 bv 1h. Tnli &amL a bas101 Jfproved buti. »tu ne". -al SORaImiWs .arcis anmd iiiIminum1e4 ri coiars from the ýDfiqIoù Oounê.n "w b, to U TnitMin= leauan aiablibd faéL . C pannersaa1ti *r wiY,êal*# hnow. O. e dl actly where L o ý-to géblb.te -s",or e n -tbeiryWoucls. The Màtk.1'Olork andvtI bis aaasitaot wlbarfudrei& dytoasup. ge pi>' ever>' laformatléa.- .: -i 1ukdalet . l theol40et al dor u the.lauson, -al The Baia>lafrozcen vitti Pigeon'maIte bes are mimnerous, ana aP.bel oxrUhtby axarkiasmos>,a s -, el *Ai Ibeil! sbire ot th, birds. I!ve aChiot Bryan was iisrilna 1inY » storlu;thls tapurchapes of onf o uI!ont1 adunîr>' f nisudi, andinsking lthe lady , T lmxazosly hippy lu dolag 80. J.1 The Oblao t ~béeus .aller lealont'o! eOp lui~ towards soin. bédi> bebaveti yonu «0 feoai aguaisb whom oomsplauw. er raide, lis forboinans11*%enwlpsd Do A* e fardier- *cd aow the.>' ust look Ont. bins Thse sleaghing la god -:fUyu aub a i short drivego *wst, yonwaman.' ée&e on luit Galiab«et allhe. rk, and thonohm out bsocber'ai. Ton aili And boits goo4 'Itiai th pliosa. 8111>' '011b. layai yen ana'go a u Uplaise, btal mh n is uadiretion 14446 . att Pârrners &Bd elbois ViII Pisse a. lab nscte. w-it Ur.'. odad vurthaefor in 14hs, *tek,&'a OsomcLa. ToID- er'sonels Tous Moody-givee 1h. laigbsut ligure. The Bulchers smile 1thelb. a. mi. bel ,vers seld on Monda>'. Joseph Stone boaghl No. 1 ion ,172, auïl Iaevl r84one No. 2 for #w, y.aly rnL. Th:e La"ies!et S. oha'. Ohurcia, 1k théfr sI=nsof kltAn luts are busyade.. orating for lina.. Thon w" la pbieor*plin liaI going lhe rmonas for Georger 4y.rs, vbo l Iba oe deaèrving otsxatéiail 'aaslottano. Mr. William, Bébineàa la baik a&aWu freai Toronlo sud tlka of re-opeung -.tbe skating rik. Obristmas dom"esbul once aysr Anai whsn il cornes il binga cilshe. 8o alng th.e hâdrn-o:ud somes pretty olai onea, toc. Tux DAm.-If nul lý» cold.,wevs u liko la bear a a' quâ1" tt lte Odai- felloe-a'Dndi. 8o èY some of Ias Titrtnuntier in Jauusry bcgipao lb. twlentyfirt vol,.of ltheOUOeU4 itaI..-; t,-a<ed New#,. 10'effrts bave bacu saand lu muluag Th New$ a velceme vWsaWr te snlselber.; andthoLb..efforts *re nov "bing reoswed'toward -making il mnors acceptable *Ibm $ver. Th. pulti.ersý speahing on thia liaad ai>' .- -Tlaa'ï Noe ifret and toreluaat a M tèrW lpuper, lb. artiatio departmusd , l' hpro a omnt, evect tuta iestalmbeng Sbotched and attentioâ paid 10 aUbmprtant icidents abtoad* , Dur CanadienPortrait Gallery', now ooumdrably evon iares husadred, and the asy saléeaof the biod Allal- abis in Canada, viii continuea <o bÀsi lesdiug tfaîlur.. N.eisaina _wU1hé. oral i Chie!ts lbe, op ouinthe 'oi>' p self i what tdb. b mua besialafford a ndas au bey ned À *stwqtm, 131. Obfi màSmhmeS iwne à , lmk .. w. i. aM'tlIÀaaî alorcu o! Meurs. Mo mn. .a çdaaa tliu4atmma écf li ilthel B-n" ti 9&W, 1I1 me "a t 151 t.ariua gou" au anisav wuore miD me tlibno- - - .eew lliaos vi "GOauO neDsge& sre8r- ven>': heap for ci PrayvUaAyu ima 'Mr. Day's slo Afin f 0" aes IrSakfty«U- omulow insUai PrmyveaS7a - s 'lasSeI"-, cm Iar m 0dILt "âm, divartin trind BOUi Bother, At the ayvi culiy 1fuL Té thewnt o aie o-teaooadd uomm ubia a pin, for a Nevw t'a gifL I711eau b. M 'Ones.'a rasa boIite, &P Pefl b. propur Ibrale. stnaitbuluy ie minI. Au I i i previ;i, cm froua custommera appei ohalln uta v Jis psy th. poor diviilb.hYý eau gel fbay Are oblted (o for rn tisane, ménoy Letisrs, Mi, 8. W. B.1 1 mind th,. .611 cf lb.the augoa vither>'thhàm tmt4nDacIicy. h will lip 'hlm à4 Iing &U kikm iunraaimalà4io jules. Au I1liaral ,r"hbi -- tlita% h. vill sumlanl>' uadbarstand v whitflb n»e civiHtyl>' 10 basah " ca omplmint - asfi7 116oui that I pardoas hlm for aIl lisrmaUeeu. tfa ma$ prose I'gsiita maal sitee of poliry " vsa ? il tgl lb. Girafeé, an if I kea git it ptited ltu ver>' fineimport ligu, ho tasiaboveilbt CaIoupymaa ut . J. W. 1D0 New:Y*n'aaddhm. -,- - -- ôtmesa4 of lit iiï&l a Two Df'emem vere svri s ate 2k» otion of Birtlw, Marriqea, op- apd Deat ZM clarged 50 cenup each. et WH12'BY M.~IzET8. < COIaxLI 0Omcu, Dec. 124flV . or BPig"ge...........20 O>127 b.. àrley .... ..... o5#0 R; Wiour, per bl ............. 600 *6 50 în R ye .................... 0.1 0 65 * 0 70ýý ce Peàsa.............o0 64 0 68- Pea la ck. .,e...... » .. 090 108 th" ox ................0êOO8 é@i~la - -p-.................. Toatoes ............. - Gidins ............ .. STurnipe .............. hid kî per pair . Çar- t ...5p ... ..... D ksper ........... .3tepe b Tu 14m Pei.<.... Witta r y-p IbeinP stau takeo thé- eauvy aI great expeuse, we solicit on- couragementl Ihereo aus a national in- stitution.< T ho renatsr o!flte Canéxîca viii aludy their owvai nterosls by plaioing thir abmanp lion for 1880 with env local bookseibers, Ibe Meurs.J.8 Robertson & Bran. For OL.Wi&tbey viii tendi weekly Globe tarmoe yeav; w.'skiy Mail (wilh premaunt>, 01.00; Globe ad CusueNsCLE, 02.70; Mail aud CanneLui 62.20. Baud for tbeir prinleai club liaI, whicit Contains thé lawost q nolallons yet made for periodicals. DeverebVsa Block, Whiîby. Brooklin School Examinatlon. -* The -Chrisîmaseuamination of the Broolilin publie ciéebol wu held on Frida>'lat, 191h lut. TbSrewae mmaoch lai-gar allendance et viailis,> .aaa vs nsnally fluaioo sncb osasnus. iis vga oving, nu doabt, le lb. tactIbll tlias present loeher, Mr. Clark, vas about lé sevar lis ceunectien with lise saboul. Duriug the put four ysnn Mr. Clerk bas héld tlb. poSilion * ot heai teacher cf Drooklin acheol, unai by him .novgy anal abilil> bas esuocoodeai iu ranking il amuug lbthealscholse!flt. Alerlb ppilî hati -gêne Irongis Iboir exeroimea, wbich lb.>' aid in a very crdilable lsatrindeei, adxease wore delivereti byJolan Drydens, M. P.P., Roi'. F. Burs, BeV. 3. Br*.as Mr.' Win. Héilias, Mr. B. T. Harrison, H. Bicleiaîdutor.the>' al oyprooed [îhimsçaoVes bighlv ulesseai wiê lb.e s- I romain, yen usine trasi , , TIN O'DAY. ocea Steahlp Loat. TIM BORUS8SIA. BUNRI. 124 ua LSIl London Dac. 28rd.-Pal f 1h; oie o! the British aleamacI! Bortiéaf enm Liverpool, Nor. 20h, for N.v Orleans, avere 1a5 ai. d t-Qneenslovn by b British ship Maitotdafe. Thé B sùs wu abandoseai, auskang-'on t u A Livrpool daipalota>'.y vivora trom theb. .8 P thoai tbe Gaptain suaidOkI Thse-Caplalua ouaee"U$ 1>. 4iaiar, ad Ibat &Il effort# lu sav4e visel wônult be néeleas, oýdered the lais to be go1- reidy. Boots rafla ve*r« prepàîi0 ;id necessaries pr ovl'da. Tise vesse? vie abandoedAadl iglil, thb.o iniuhu, ton or ,ieven tees t fwsÏr in th.eu'gnQ rooamFour orfsvireotas ir? loerst aboultise sane lime, butin-g t he'., danusanid the bemvy mse s hyr loot oiglto! esois éther.- A Cork déempto s ys ton il vers fromein b Torsia, W-i>.o t iueai b>' the MallowdZatm. Their,'naanes ar-e M1an. Stuart -eDay,àd Dos;1)eitle, tiat ofUer; Wylf", <orlath neneet;J - HenrrBrow . aaaf m a3b~ Tise nana liv the.O0 îvOti [E,.di.eorf wai t I regre t di>', th lb. Poe 'f.;. i ilii. Àsbz -a fior suppvesaang sud'i atibn. The - bout autb 31 affaié amy 1t4taI Rob r igânonau the l .enomy' snd vas -ob1 lifiUmm y round Gabal * lé lthe nuln, whiere 6ha i Lued >Rohnvtme *noit mies 'ber MBi* ra n se Af.gb!po~ Tie News., - Neoteialions bslWoou lise emuai .Gernisu QveflAWeII* aver lies iguatureo"oi,m Ouro amp l mal. Foi a»re tirb oIoaseplbls t'l' .025 '0o 000 0 80 .u 40 025 0 w 0307 D 09, 500 175-- 'q Y7

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