With, caIm Printed WDZ*, f.WHITBY, PROV Ta rMOTE] mm=wen forEs 2qnoir, WLiS JI1Z trt ci- JOAUR urJEA.DOf BA7MSTRIa TMkdtftomTT.LAw, Lotu tbU &. o' indor forXc -26 Lo TNA.RCÇ~LIAY, à TTÂRI8EE& TTÃ"W, EYWTAW amer.-Ndm.*d&cr t Kaistnoat, bMgoutlin, Wnt. - ARRTTIE-AT-LAW, BOLICITOR JU a hancery md nolvnc, &cone Oricu-ItoCutHu. bhy JoNY TANENLPivat, LL. B,, insrsu o M ta w'à o0 n tONeut T ED-rvteFn-oM ROBINSON & KENT, B ABBISTERS-AT-LAWP"ATTO RN - aj, Soieller, Couvoyancers, &e CMOiE-Iii Victoria Chambesi, No q' 9Victoria Street. - J.O. 1Rboi, X.A HuiauzirA. E. KXiX JN. .KELLEY, BAB RISTB-AT- LAW, SOLICITOR luinOhancery snd Thsolvency, Oouvoy .s,cr, &c. Offc-Dverili'a lock, Brock. Stret Wbitby, Ont. G..YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., ~ARIfTER, *0., &.-Money tW Loin B-- lains-er ar eLicenibe. OmczOverDominion Bank, Whlhby. * oiibr tun.. 29,155No. -4T (ôtf. )MRoAPUoN, 9.0. 0y.45> R. S. APPEIL S VROZOÉ TbMROUNTY AL Dr. W.,J. IIURNE. peudonce-0onFgatlonal Churcli Prom ?C2,corner cf By1uoWaisd Mary streets - BYBON- FIELD, 01. B. pHySICIAeI SUEGIION, Liý, Duafn&, Wm. EODRJ»?N , ND,, M.R.C18'1 18 MiSPITAL LONDON, ENG., G' the yà IR. O. H. t., Oshava, Otro Dit. DOÃŽGART, - lea!LiSii, Surgeoni, Aoeucher, &ic., &a. wbiiby, Sp.8th, 1874. 40 W. ADAMS, e - .8 t. , p. 7ni. en~co-Cor. of Byron C4 N. AESO, lt D- go IMI fleroS o&ailthe Ttstprinciplus of Ihe art, oh m-eO~ ithse coepuit, and as good austhe bout ,gho il 114 il rt Goldansd Silver. -«à " 'tb.- 4a d vthozil pin, hy produiug local aulul.i*. Dental ooms-lu Ce'- ans t.w lUeck,,ere Aknsc'i DrigSoe King Street, Osbsva. *in ROBIjNG .MSN'S N ,5doi, rockM.,WbI*by. tUT lOBTEE CRLEBATED à 4nte, At M aibie Works OFFIdI:AL, ASSIGNER. -i- I - or. O1F108 OPPOSITÊ TE rOYAL Boe reak-St., Wbilby. Um 0Set,18lm. 14-ly '- A T hi ER L-Y, /éà ,k DIFIsIoA &CourtTA clCeyk 0nai*é*t lr i,. Z,Xà aad Agtf a., in' B.91,pt j_' ;IfiB. OSHAWA, nery - Surgeori, - - - vs ur.~s. OS TO DOUE EELLT.> INA'HA LL, 7 1 KING-ST. E'ABT *TORONTO. îLES, 1- ~TOB. EMERANce HO USE, DUNDP.8'~ET, WHITIY. ooA accommodation aI resunble ternis BatdM #L6.0 per week. 43 oss HOUSE.-TOBONTO, ONT.- Tht Pmlase rotai o Canda.-0latWed Ref aniibhod, sud urald. Mev ýwPauSi gor leaernianatada.Tbs o 9i biateaiâ t- mhefa4 tiz -« rcomi, vithont , DUX<DÂS-T.. WHITY.- ilOs8Bpir ;. aBiB, P.8QpP252'O Buperlor aoumoalnzoahrat chre.Good stabling aeud ood ffd. Aet frWl.'iLgt aBowt! jly 3m1, 187.-8 (LATE eXSCA, nROC-TEZET, WIT TAYLOR & MÇCANN, PEOPMITORS. The undouslged douve te faform their fiendis sud lthe llc thst tey have taken the abe w omwu hatlI, -*11db thoy have newlyttted up sud renovated, id put fatte bWof etrer for lb. socommcÃno- t ion of insts. The. Bar, vlich ia the band- mezamel iii lbe oun<t1. ta vol! MuplOd 'wth the fine"sbani fvines, liqraorsmil ec- eS. ml@enecloaed shed ro«msdgo tbling box stall a*. Dide om frcennercil travoloers. J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIL CCAXTI. là ". ef Toronto. AYERS "ifait sets. tsets.. Butter Codais. ~o~e~w1I-sr uoeuis. - *0., *0., JGLVI&B H*BFON Dr4intiof Wood Works, WIILTBY. Gea. Cormack, T UM.ïB MBREUAIT *BUILDER. -aIr yofB d'Furuiali- lap'ndý61pW ëf TisWMol4ingo,_ DomBSsumd Bibds.-- IWNDER wholesole azz4 retail, or bi by the. carlosd. Plang, Umoldifg of .ve ry scnp- ti@fi FIoorin ' Sert hvint,Re.- nwing, Shijing, = trln. S~h-o Whitbyct. 151h, 1le.m4 «TO LEIND. 07 le Load upon Pari or ovP*opoly,asi unuowEa t se ~rest. Loau éï bo potffin ui teoiulbor- ft.YsMI mpro'ved Faimsand WaIM Lad for zèl e bup. - ZSUMSU1 madein linwmlDuen. rsBaà 4 ma Aouher mb tustocks. par further partioubzar p»le 1- HOTELS Thi. Hohel bus r.dueed ils pri. 0lb.t Travelling PabliIotu LÃ" per '66Y.'Il le hAudy G he b.N. y. Central Depol (enly s few doors South), snd bas reoetly.beeii r6- fitted and rejurulashed.- Opean zgbt sud day. The bouse is first.clsas hi .ery re- spect, sud Canada people viii Bave nionoy by gcing to the Ayera Uoel. WILSON SPEAGUE, Proprietor. Rochester. N. Y. July 8, 1878, (6m-.28 THE WILSON --HOUSE. ASEBURN, ONT., ALEX. BARCLAY, -Prepricror. Thse Roes aof'Brick, large &ud 'ceai.i In =4 tsudhe iuterlor ta Bted UP lu ex- cletsyle. Thse larder i, supphied with thse best in thbm nauket. - Thse best ef Lîquorsanmud Stablng, large snd reomy. Gooda ilieds. *BUiaTISH &AMEUICÂN H IOTEL, (LATE 80-Bonsox OURS.) WHITBY, ONTARIO. Hanse uewly renovated and] furulabed througisout, sud put lnu irst-class order for lie receptien et gueste. Au omnibus 10 sud rom a&U trains. Firm-cians samipie roms. SRHÂKESPEÂAIE HOTEL, Cor. Ring & York-ets., Toronto, Ont. .A.-O'GRADY, - PROPRIETOR. TuBa., $1.50 Pria D&r. (ly-47) .1 IN SU R AINCE. ONTARIO FARMIERS' Muùtua1i ns.uranice Co-y. XBAD 017108; BROOK-ST., WflT Y-, 8 ISCOMPANins aaroa Far= 'Bnlld- bie' CuJntr hia esSohool à nc thit Cotetsa rd.. 5u Low it Caab& JUST LOSSES PROWTLY PAM ir. B. mOEELL, J0UN WitL1s,. C. NoVrE, Buscazv.sfl. Whitby, &prll 9th, 1878M' I RHNRX FIEEIKURAYO19,00. Lombftd st. ma o Cmirlg Crots, London. Agntfo caiida IL .W. ,TYRR, A GENOT ESTABI81MSý ixW ANA- £'à . DA1in1. unlimited liablU1y of &U lii. Sbo"kolders, %a lr.Eui' uNma. Kod*ral. r&tes 0f1womIu WbbyApril OU, 18M8.la A 88 UFftl8 Company. U(CORPORATED 8. A8BET 8, i,iO1,8789 4 rates en Bulng4, (mucadla, a4i& other PrOPertyagaizit lis ocr damagi. byiri., AgnWWtb7. Wbilb7, Apr 04 1,17. - 1 flE~ flr8~RANCE ONLT. -- 108515 PIOMPTL? ADItIETED. ARCHITECTURE 1, D)RAWING AND SPiCIPICATION 1 - .r r - - r ta n - n Pr.mUr~rj~ar4'wf1ývlw t.oao i I CHIRCH MD RHOOL ARCHITEctuRlE A corroopondoace Reapectfuhy ~ici Oshava, ont. DOMINION FLOUR & FEED ESTORE. C lAS. PENNYLEGION lias rcetved s netronly of Fleur, OmIs, Peu, a, ., whlch h. leas g ah the loweat cash prioe. H.8ha. jo satarieAa -'CONFEC TIONER Y 8TORE ln cenuectien viii lise leur and feed, sud keepa constautly on i ha da good supply of <JAPDIES, N UTS, RAISINS, AND CAKES.- Givo hlm a calI. CHAKs PNYEI __________________________ aaFei.n, 1-7e. P OST OFFICE SALOON, Tosozoeo. M. MeCONNELL, - .PROPBIETOB. .ca- TUE BEST ACCOMMODATION .ars fer Guosta. (Iy-47) Q UBENIS OTEL, - VICTORI A JA2. MA-KEY,- PROPRIERTOR.- Good Table, Liquors, and Cigars. Fine stabliug-anl every necessiry accommoda tion. *lyil ONTARIO MOTEL, BBOCE STREET WHITB. C. DA WE S Begei ta annoance that he lias resumed thse propritorship of the Ontario Hotel, where giesta wil hereaftor receive liii per- oonal attention., The table will always be supplied withi the beat of everthixxg in SeaiOn, and noue but thee heat brsasdi c liqtoras and cigaro wm beh kept in the bar. Good stabling and attentive ostirs. The. old friends are respectfully invitQd to eaUl on "Clem."- LUMBER! LUMBER 1 ceÇ - f HNB 0N, LUMBEIR MERCHANT, nas on handa slarge îupply of i&U hindi of Barn Lumber, Dosrd», mad a&U necessaJy Building Lumboer. Fenclng, Sawn Timberý, sud $canîling, a large quantity on hand. "ag r der% loy Long Bill Stuli, ZUod fron M&lsahisort à aoce. 1 Deors, SmÉhed snd Blina alwayu oný 'Wbltby, If y7tIh. 1377.ly-90 0voty ofHgiburtong -FARM l', TS'y close to s llatlray, and Lotsin h ie -VIL4G. F #AtILIURRON, the.Terminui l heVictoria R&llay, FOB- SALE, ON ýBEAS(NABLIa Imperishable Fragrance. MURRAYt*UNMAH'S 'Celeb rated -Florida Water. Tbe.ui onti Iaatig. yt mot de. lcat cf m Lerfams for me on the IRend kerch lot. at lb. Tes lot and ln the Bath, dellgluful and boaltbful in the slck rooni, roltevea veaknesq, fatigue, tration, nervounus and headache. out for counterfeîta, always ask for the Plorida )Weter prepared by t1i' elIe8016 et 1rýeserm. Laxsman, & xm4w t-For sale b y Perfumers, Druggista sud Farscy Goode Dealers. PERRY DAVIS a SON à LAWMNCE, 29-Agents, MOFrREALý. For sale by T. G. Whtfield, Chemià ~, Whitby. OO nvetedin WPSt Stocke m akeo fortnes $10, ta1rO o ov m'onthi.,Books overyIbm. ÀddOssAXTElI 0,O.. lu. OSHAWA MABBLE Wi9RKS 1 lING-ST. WVEST, OSHAWA., M4A1DERS0N & VANZANT, 'NLEEs 1 1BECELI3intÂTnD1 Scotch and Canadian Granite' monument8. Kesp constantly enliand, and fwlifurnial on th&~ short-est notice,. AIL KINO8S 0F MONUMENTAL MARBIE WORKi Embracing Monummats, Tomb Tabe Heidmones, Itarb. Pons Counter m Table Tops l n erloan Mu orlum ai- bi., Mà ftt@4ý botlli a Marbie Marblelsed Butte, Cetc.- .'4 7'- Eh.wrltten and pslicieslaued by C. sOUES, Aget. Ibub1,juir 30 '79..8 0F OPTHE DIVIION COURTS COUNTY 0F 0tfTÂRIOS B a 21 DA8 O?? 1 nigtn 614 ~228âA9- j41iglo Beaver'n j 16111 Athor y.. ii ,1..- ,98 1 ?1 WhIthy, Jany. 7th, 18M. 1%79. .17. -r F»rJae by T. G. WbAltid, WhlbY:. D oMidN FEEÂI AiNEi 1N8<JRANCE OPNy IMAM oPn'ICZ - R*WO CANA DA. OAPIT4ÀZL O«0 Cuhl Deoeit with eiven John Hsrv.7 Hatulton -Jas. Biapmo, Rz C. X Coumswl &i .Ituvîy,. W. Rondrle, U ilE.1artin, 'Me treaL Q= 11 Grins iinHEV2Y, JAblEs*mPoNi, - Prliudént. vicê.pruesnt. P. 3, DESPA1ID, Mawtger. epocjy hfflou, zwwe Attho lowoat cuvrent rate«.> * S Ial q o al n n brick and 'w od de elllmGru.In d otlie uco e or- ed$ ft>ort eniilres rta Bi W. ABNOLD, WMhiy Agent cýounty ontarl. Fob. ah, 18wo. - PATBONIZE HOME coMPAmmES STANDARD LIFE INBIJRANCE COMPANY, A UTHOTIZRD CAPT4L, 13ý,009. Govmoent Depoaih $26,000. Buiesconfined te this Province. D). B. CHIsROLb4 B. T. CIU.WFO1tD, PrXesient. Secy-Treau. D. DITE4, Att Se cretaxr. , '114 . :lu x B ÂTZ.-A II ppllt o u 1JUMr M lur nee thelb.clomoit sortinî, aid.onlw oudeemed dabewanda tade. quI.rtesaa amop1ted;o;à cr zzi oi ta he T. ate fa«Cetcio propren tut 1h ikcarzled., PAU lx Ai>Mnsmur.--EvR"y aim vaide pn.the omrmay for 10e" or diaeI ta bhouest -aff r paty 'sud cheovll~ pud,' ail attozupti £Ktfaud am and ovor W,% bcsotyresiotedL B.W. ARNOLD, et vlWMAyOnt, Ur Insmrnce efieWtd at.14va.t rat« ml th. best ECUglS> and cazadip Compahil. General Insurwice Agnt, Peb. 6, 1r9; ht. FOR, 8ALB1 G-LfN MA~JOR MILLS 1 00009f el Iine Lazaber, n'el easoned. Inch Boards. 2-acli Plank, Peuclrag BotrA., <0000eteo f Oak, - 15,009 fI. Square Tizuber, AlIof wblii viii b. muid obeap for cash. He 'et!a ls'obog 1 sy lizat the <ftw Obp~doue.5 dsys i teF09'c eM E;ALOR Dée.. 101h1M1lut logob *ithaid WLc o an Act anthorizing-thi Mldlà nd lw1i¶fý ;5mpBnY to -ià gsue ",Prdeee :Fiot rtggeBonds" to, the: mouni of I3LAX, EIIB, BOyDb OÂRS É6utitoti for Applicant#. lSthi Novuznber, 1879.. .8 -MAJOR IJS Mieh abovp NUls ane again in oporatlon. mH 1EW MILL 15 vpny COld- Ipleie, snd fited ne with ail tnodérn iniprivoeia-and appliauco. for doing IN tHE ZEST POSSIBLE MANNER. * TT. P. WRMTE -Pimzroz P URSUANýT leaC vima d'Statuli ýAz A+2 rosetnu JOisa ky nexKt 88 OZe.tof er = aC"te". executors vi rocee ausoleof the as! desoé &môo4tlb.partio reuato ths-balna o toculorsbave thon »Q dobted ta t. mmtad cati juodatepaymentt b l R cuOrs. 1I.- ALR Th Lýfvp «iJAM. of the, ir Solicitor, Dte.mbor NO. I. hu4~.deIe, te do ber justice; sud, witb - s 1~& oftedowber jstierof ie ad, "Filédofuhe swBut il waoo sinula, t"ai-da-on1.r th,îwrovkimgulrfr- end. qnc-at the ont nglemeqtcf tibreada ho- -, - ea and, m how citen * Hippolyte was onll1ed do e ssiat iiidisen gaging them.* -wht cold cone- cf pour- De Lacy hsving mach A.' hdlpilig haul givon 1 A ~big picceni embroiery ? Why,-tbat Adele found -thére waa flot room for threletters in the centre of lier laurel- kullzne t - - e a md s o, intead f H.L 1D. L. h; culioly nwine H. D. How ~ sirigular 1 tl. were the initiale cf Hip. poyôDeltez 1 - ~ e c-Te oti[d net hel: remarking. the 'ooJnu.iedncý suad ,he iigula.rity toc of b isi e, Doe re,,. ud he so dorer in - '...-j uBIC-9 entanglernents. ,2'Hela 198 'i sad -Adele aentiwentally. 'youhave 'ne United uzo» r thantreda,' as'Hippoly- d. te kuzet botoiýh. rèm d delare4 himeif. her adorez. - maame ëVerhigny waa of the smre -opinion as herdstgltoi a the business; ieart, for Ilippolyte i<aa on 11ie spot, andl De 11W.ac ., o-wag absent:-ti" sk4<sâ ~ lsnont toujour Sti "lýAgain Wi I1 171il Perslstancfie 0uWenders, -And pluck ielike Sold, -And hoe rho woul.ithrlve Musfhsv.pstlnceuntôld 1 ~RORY O'MORÉ. CUPUm IN PÂlS. BolcgouBW oiUD l~Ys down hi. Maxim 1OÉ'GARDE LONG-TEXPS ON PREMIER AU- ANT QUAND ON, N'EN PREND -PAS Ux SECOND." WÇhich may be thus, frely ,tranolated: Youir t love wost precl>us la rookn'dl tTn lilyo uhâve taloen a second * , ' Âud4h manethiâ g";mùzght ïWamd d a glaësaofelaret ; the-boi uà ]geaofihat co6ol,4iud gontieranly bovorâge 4eclar- xng ou aunt gelt* he tpteof il under havfa do lamue . Wjher the COMArIOnholda botweon fitecf lve and -gaeses of-dard as' *r az the hanf- dooneIsve bt persous more con- -venant wlth th.eubjýetand better able The klien and sarstie Rochefouc- auld ýwrot6 Maxime cf wbich the world bas 'laken -great pains ta prove the truth. Whether -A.delo Verbign*y Was profound in the l"moral refleellond" of the vrîtt.y folie, is littho .matter ; but ifI sh. ,were not, thon with ber, Iùtüition supeoded 1study. W H oracýjeDe Lscy -left paria for Ireland, pretty little Adele thought cf hlm a gooê tleal- foi smrn time after, an'd even engaged on a pioce of laborate imeedlework.to ,e8oUis ie bo work I belleve, wua then. culed"Iltam- bbon: " perbapa 1 amn wrong,-but,,at, all eventa. tiÃŽzbour.toork would haveO'I Adela loue aà match is refuing HipVoly- te; wIîoO waâ asbtter one than De Lacy, for ho bad s touff fric rd lan the ,Directcry, and vas looking forurard to promotion hyoad bis presont psition whleP vas, even et thal m-oment, on. mores dvatageona 4han that cf a cap-. taiti f ofldêi So Hippolyte -vas redelved1 as a de- lared ovrmud vassilting with the iLfatlAdel. sa fév days befoe otheir -riago, v he, tde1oe'ié unulterable therso- b don, oftthe oham4sr opeti- e ,aDe Luy rà h, etMrds, bem with sîlended atm& ~'- <i"~ -idole scrê*eaoAîêaj,dse.an8a lwo -gentlemen -dld hgbeIImn, epuld te restore hem. 'WLIW.iit bei-tilté f insenslbiity (feigned'ïïw-rn1)r;thbebau. ln of Hippolyte wu3'as aoh&as toem De Lacy wimh ho would' mittlakeao mach trouble ; ad lb.e'sound cf bis friand, Guitave'. voice oroed-isI mem- oryý liko an ocho front thti"nontber Tu rtobjeot' Ibat mot Adl's 0p -eungeymwau De Lacy- kneeliùg o- aide hem .. : "Adelo-my- owu nAdele t" aid the soldier. - "H1ow alterod yeare l! saîd Adele, lobking oldly ou bis face. "Alterod l1" eohoed De Laoy. I'Good Haven 1I Adole, uve jou a ltered 2" "1What a' fright tii. arnalipoz bas madoef ol cu -1",Sam the Paiais . -De L à cy foit ai thiugh a boit of ice hsd houa ebot thro iugh him, sud gazing upontb. womiü hë adored, with a look ta-gh he ave theb mMst Olcus feelyh à ewa aout te spek; but h had on1 à tte berloiame, when Adele thoutgt he Safeat gamo t.o play n'as an- ohherfaint, snd îcroainiug sgraeefully as she could, aIe dropped off saain so speechlesanosa. Her moth0z' came to îhi réacue, sud'declared the poor uhilde' feelings ÃWould b. tho deathi of ber emre -tima or o.ehr. ! Monnser." m.id alit to -HInnaplvie. 57ys5 yer7 WI(108s an U SUUWJS on théo elbmw, ho îéd. I'Tare air, wbat are 0o. n Dm'to0di figbt a dUel, Bory." yon walýin'as good* frledii man the rinit before. O1,' - De Lacy could not orbeari 11o1's j.lea t-lt it was with 1 li w',oing to figt,,anil the inat-ter tu Iszrn. "lweIl, it was no wondher 80, anyboz, when 1 did motai; ohé for you, ho 8gb t. wiilKiU are yon gain' te fliL.fà rU,à homo ,bowld tb am 21 , - 1 41cannot tell yoe n aýnw, -R I have brougist you wit.h mé under the cave cf My frieu . tain Sangcband, Who wilIl 1ix in case asiything..happenà Io z " God frbid hurt or is, corne toyou, bist.her De 'Là to'think o' me, t.oo. when'- lif e s n-t d .n g er . 1 . h ,G c b l (led bless you 1-y u vo theJ and the iOoed hon. 0 oU on lthebmfigh ['i watch-over Vou, tb-tb in' overin- in theos - g, Do 'Lay tnrnod deo L glirteninir of hiseoye I lb.- b n oe ë i Osw rds. " il ,l ft i e ' ýy . -but put -y.m 'c, CaLp- - te 1youý 1 woull y 1-Ànd'- >0 von lige il la Ell6lancd;tehaof i fl morse bout taneI li;kte"al s lItl mor 1e b îter Ila ivl irc.o the arà 2,ý" said dangchaud. "I know 'tis 50 considered bIy yenst niait.aocornpliahed a;Woidsren ; but 1--- w*ould rallier bae Ibis," said Du Lacy handling, the other îword and looking m.Icng tlie blade.- . They are both ver good, ools,-but th is oeeform.' "You'ro irong," salA Sagclnild,. "YTou flghl at à disadtantagm ith it, in Comparlson -'10 that whioh I his].4 Hgo*eveor; you'Il soo>n bho able to judge, for yourself of tle' eue-yon'vs gol, for ,ase curimon are coming.,.WiIi you- bave thé Mlade-.I reommend 2d. "Ne," r aid Do Lay, 1"thiis 1handier to me."--- "W.»l, as'yeni like > but the other id fai theo mor.kilaig of the turc." - HippolyLô and bis -frind were accu. on. lb. ground, and no Lime vas Ioist lu tko'paitiesontgaging. îRory-wamon lhe alert' ail the Lime,- watching every- iLhm~at and uianv. andissldu nysila. 1~ . July Sm, Clu WR'TIT, EB tm&LNs*Y CONDENSE» TIllETABLE. Talung efeol on XondayNov. 2hb 1I7 G5 1 sa - Arrive Lld4. 11." '845 - TMAINS Ma $DU=I. Leave mgà ...Ai4a.C6 m 82 p.. Arrive Wbib........ . uo lL" For lime ae t heïor p.oI 6n. Tbe e 5m '.oï i -îraïebîtiOge, asud the Pres jarant z.n Tlivouph Tickets are I5au an V aI the U.P..A .Wy. i1err su G. T. B. Ticket Agouts, Toronto, r ailua onWf. P. P. à L. Rtý. >o lank«- 033,P Bagaechcedtrongli.- JAMES HLE Wliftby, Ian. 801h'79. mauaglng DIro p AINTIN G. - MARTIN'&, WARAK L.é aoiug isnob a largo Traae, lIaI i have lucreased Ibuir fl±eB. esand an i doing vork at tho j'LOWEST pou JALL 1 or ne Mc= The. bei W- iý