Whitby Chronicle, 18 Dec 1879, p. 6

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s'M ,1ftleoI k ui$oset % w into In sý~lrle41.iu 1183 ythe juacz. I>Utation, (&0s osuesibecaus. Ijtrodilcesi UWIaConnea, lthe yemr vmad" e 10008 ,of 8a5idayo Il m nateatooauo6h, the odheqa o ote a dedy 100 su -li th.- ime of pope, Gregary tue- inl tht verna liunnox inasi o faliDg, 8eLa fe ,fal en the a01, h rin id tef slffelty hy1trl0ngont te» days ta asoptio f Oetoaor'. m"he e tOfOloler 0çe h 16h.Toeproveut amy ais. eoe 0 rlgealu lueorded il aevel aredth e*r, wh là by olid style would ey yr, hoUlda nov a 00omnuyear slg lte foueti enta, Itbbla 1600 wu ma a Lisp year.0,100,IWO 00D of the am n length, and 2(00 aga lesp yetr. boe of The Living Aga for th. weelia ending Nov. 291h and -Dec., tll respeo tively, coutalo lb. foiiowng articles: Psaiand tihe Esitore, Qurtry; Je, ozrt,.EBducbrgh; Hutory and Foi- o$oala VIsw oft ti Tbeory of Evo- âUption, MaouiiUa ; Thae Maronitea of kwoo ', Matlhow Arold's AIF fon , deorhFof R llgfor Shavka akLyane >704ýýf 16 «r; A Tillage Idyll, e- sa e, riai Code cf thse *sewe,' PeU Mal; 'Tite Dis-,Cobra, lise Oo. Samp en thlie ,orpicaus; and tht cijk Gooso of Mao&~, Ncure; vits i8C151530t11 Mru. Oh p n*ý e Dw atw. Hwlao will ot w ên hesE* b, li6ce enlnuon of Misa Kt a "Doubt. ing Reart," and ether fiction, mnd lihe usi amount of poslry. & meveseriml story, 4<Aslam and Eve" -.by te antiorcf*<Doirotisy Fox," "Haero ,à'rthéw,- etc., viii b. begunu lnDe- ,etmnher. Toeml mnew aubearibera for 1880, tht ix pumbers o! 1879, vhioh - ountain partsa of Mr. Olipiaat's new -»tlory. andi al" tise ending chaptara of 'Adam uadEve,'" vili bc sent gratis. Tih. pensant ia ehrefofi6 a gond lima te '- or fiflytwo numbira 6f oixty.four. large pagea tacia (or more 154w 8,000 tueq ayea), hue aubscriplaon price ("I inaloffer*hile for 810.50 tht pub. lib ueofé e emd avy ont o! the -Ameriemil $4 momîhlies or weoklie -wilh The Livittg 4Âie for a yeer, both - p-pfd. J.iaell & Co. i'ubliabers, NEMW ADVERTISEXENTS XMAS, IS COMING --AND-- ---AT- THE LONDON, HOUSE s ty, MIS. ALLIN AT ODDIIELLOWS< HIALL, lias a grand isiplay in XMAS AND NEW YEAILS GIFTS, WRITIiWG DPSKSP WORK BOXEi CA1iD CASES, CALINO CARDS, VASES &o., 4&c., -In Great Vansc BLBLfls, ALBUMS. SCURAF BOOKS, GIFT BOOKS, - - PORTsXONNAJÉ &POCRET f00) AMBIRIÇAN PICTUlIE BOO0KS & TOYS, imthe Prottiest Deai@ ]RACRETS, TABLE »IIA1ERIES, j ELî1?PEBS, OI4MANS,& SOMETIIN -NEW IN Hoods4 Jacklets FO£LDI3E1à& OHILDaxZN. Our-Dr-4 Mni )iking Departmentý MuY, T ,P >1'1 ID. wETÃŽ:rJr:B- wenty Thousand Dollars WORTE 0F OrÃ"o(DDSi . To be sold, durig the next two months. wiwg to a subscribers change in the F irm, thE have deoided -to olear off their immense stock 1* I o A T ~1 C. TIhis is a "&Bona Fide" Offér. he Goods are ail New and Fashionable, consisting i part of Dress -Goods. Cashmyeres. Alpj*oas. Wincies. P'urs. Tweeds. Coatings. Flannels. Ilankets. Liniens. Silks. Hosiery. Gloves. Ftibbons. Prints. ['HE..LÀRGEST STOCK,0F MILLINERY IN TE COUINTY. M1ANTLL AND MA NTLE.CLOTHI IN GREAT VARIETY. BOYS', YO-UTES' ANn MEN -OVERCOATS AND ULSTERS. Oustomers having M1401. rY, liant] or Olothig made to order, vill receive at DISCIJNTOPf20 FER CEN Sale to, commence -onlet Novem-bi au4 be coutixioue ntU' the whole stook la iposea of Thbi' 1»the GR ETST. $ALE0F DRY GOOD asuéli ýu opp ôthey*Jfclring the etod 1-- SýPECI AL TY. Bstmkof F!ANCY IGOODS. suit8ble for whieh they invite àttention-AonwJe ings,~ ~ ~ ~ -é nwJpee utmswFur beU rl, ig new Poather Friin &ff. n"1 is ana Ss, new Dr s imProvers. MILDpREfl'S IUNDERC3LOTHING, mannfaotured by ou;ÉOIles Of superlor iteria a dweOUmnade. hBy DESO)BIPTION DONE TO ORDER. * NI) BASTING MACIHIES FOR SALE' -11FRT AT VEBY, PRIOCES. tigh American Dyeing"Co. for cleaning Feathers, Has, Dresses, &c., wifl- reeive oux BEAUTIFUL T ON ES ADIANT HOMES!"I VOIRK LiKE A CHARU 1 --GTII4G- SI "IR oust wor with CI =en Hi A 1 lt or t Bas oui ,ort ofc mi our eau ru ma wu II stomer sai& after trymng onesIl te uln je uearly tickled b daeath à t1 utO o! ooiBllerawgeusrt ATCH & BROS-' Noted Cheap Homs, LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN a Dnew aditIon of Dr. Cuivelr- Weill# Celobimted Ena on0heradic-aiadperman.=.t e etotmdne,) of iÇervout Debil- Mental adPyet aealy [huante 10 Marrltp,*h&, ueenltiflg from Prd", tua e"taedenielopi, o017>B c.itt, The elèritil a , n this admirable may, cletrly deaotrat frone thirty nurs' ucoetl rcle sa aanln mseqIluCImme ay cre i l- i the dangero-useutf internai Mdiie the ume of the halle; Pontiug Out amoeO cure at once simpec=certain and efeéct- g, by mabans o f whicle ary suiearer, IOs atter what bie condition '"Y b..ma arc lisaif cbeaply, privatelY and -8i lecture aho.eld ho ithe hknds Of vry youtb and every mninttland. Addrats, Th CULVERWELL IMEDICAL Go. 41, AssIs Sx.., 1New York. ,t Oflice Bel 45M862 ACRES--Si LOT b IN U5h CON plJàI) kG PI l0 5acrea clered- eauslderve«Utinehertal(moallibeeclimd sàpie). Thit in a ver7 dettie n ry or the vood &loue ta vary vabe as lî ibtAary pay the purchame imoneY, vIwila homituatton ofthe lat i mirttguar. Mt"e for 1h. lsud. 1- Tenus jUteraIto eUbltle purtet, £.A- POST P. 0. Box 9W%, 1Fblby. rHE CÂNADIAN En. M. & S. E. McINTYRE, Brook Street, Whitby, CUJTTER BS,ý B-U GGIES, ANfl GARRIAGES. The Largest and Best Assortrnen t in -tho,-.Oounty. G-REAT BARRMNS OFFEIRD IN CUTTERS. &o., in- order to makr,,roQm, as we intend to huiMc a larger number< of dUrriages and Buiggies this wjnter tbhn usual. TOMS & NEWPORT'S DUNDAS STREET, . WHITBY, ONTARIO. FA BH1ONABLE oGe-BTT FSI0GilSO*, ~ri~ H.8 IJST BECEIVED 1IN ORBÂT- VÀBIgTy A SpLEN4DID LOT 0F z CNADIAN TWEEDS!1 ULSTËRS & VERC0ATS. yOU CAIT AT FERGUBON'S RADY MlEon TO OBMER SPLENDID SUITS 1 A 143 ;STOK JUT TO RND OH THE TO LT 8 TYLES 11M% GENTS' FURNISHINGS1I Z-:Os- - EXTRA GOOD VALUE IN4 -BUFFALO ROBES. JOHiN FERGUSON OVRCOATS 1 BUSINESS SUITS 1 PRESS SUITS r ri -I' 4IR 0 A S MA CI/INE. Titis Machnin ltfo lghilng pli'rale )vellUga, Mill, Factoen, çlumbuea, Public HaUlls Hotela, Le.- Cau aud examin e .meouie u ee5 'lumer ud se-Iterf, liYork steset, soud for "Ircu a" udpdca-lisl. Iprilm1, 157. 1 8EWING MAIINE4 jW Buy the Beet, Buy no otb or. l.RuCeJ?. n lSC. U Su eaytheEndeiToaadppl TrHE DEST, TuE CHU ÀPBST* «glleulyIbo eIapmzs4<Ct i m GENTS' FURNLSHINGS! Anonthé e faci,-ïpl1siàa tek ofOvercemtigo«. Englualu, Scotch sa OsaiuTw*.It sd fie Wsralsl uta;alofdc Vaizs wil. propareitamaite uptea 4iutLATEBSTTYLE. ah LOWE8T .IGUBE8.- à* is. undvidsatteutionainaigiven lahIda da, irrhich arisaiv, cetting tari a litpntg f.alr, no spak«Iob@bhe garmeutsauar kept en baud, buta gond 1 b . ui evet 0yh 6nt n ezO all s t i dieii uin v ery SY eau te wv aa l» d. IIIGHEST MARKET PR1CT PA-I.D F0] -ANY Q-AJTITYO--> L-,-,& e i; 33 i- 1- R 0-001, ~TJT~EJRd ~DELIVERED AT- VHV 11y CHINA TEASTR Also two, 1- Tons of 900d'lv4u~es mng eaU an,*>,see- - Wlutby Chna'Ts re. Estab1iT'hed 1 533 Part ohhU PaSouth art i ti 4 Prtuoeh Westtà Part Noth W"tt à, Patl4orth West 4 North.halt fflottst, Ganninglon, Pt oneFimat re 19-No 8 Eimoe4-t, atN.Ij so. 8. Biàmeosat D. r*ÈMo. Donald, pýart Nortk 3ames4 t 1e8o'uaU Part South-balf Part South-hali 20 a-2à 0 I 84 4584 61'e 225ô.85 91 22 5 a 7081 22 3il 8.0 22 591 1519, 25 8 25 762 10 2 88- 459 10 .2 9 .126 22 2 41 -537 .22 2 9. 18 10 8 100 1.84 1 10 if., 2Ca, 11 il 4 862 7 1-1 8 1-09 à 14 .5 à 47 14 &--i 4 94- -14 6 j- 847 -6 825.-, 469 1980- 4 75 Camerun'aplaflCihid'l'll5 Norlit-haif Part ' - S*uth-hall 1847 2041 2193 2491 219 1 91 184 218 190 -194 1 90- 18 i 2 76 2624, 1788lu] 5 77- 654 782 -802 1497- 88- 52 6'827 -587 688 EISDISTION md. aagimiIs ?ALIZE8THE BLOOD, !iply- SnpituasaaMay Uraumëc 'POPHOBPHI -; I 4 t- 1, 1 - 1 T AND UNDEI? COST PRICL ST-CASTSAR"CTedr IthOeN. Dru BI .1 1 1 il 1 1 -- - 1 il i 1 1 .1 1 'l Sm. 0 ;l W]IITB'Y ýnt of good bakers st WCK STREET, Wium -00 FANCY VESTINGS 1 QUANTITY -DBLIVERED TM SINGER - ô t?2 , 8 84 ý6 68 AlIa& Lin OROYAL MAL STEAXBB]PS. 3ENEBAL DIRY GOODS, GROCERIES, WINTEB SERVICFz I HALFÂX. BOOTS AND SHIOES, CROOKERY, GLASS WARE, AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F HARDWAREJ &CI Shrtet Se Patag.Eooy m The Dry Goods Departmnent je complets in everY line ana- the CGroccr ofBter anrdeayfrom ibyallfaxon10rivai. Stock ail new and fresh. t> The chestpest house ini the CountY. le husday:v.Whty£ 10en, memtber the adclres. TiUOf ERATES FRO HIB 49A.]B. SMITHBRaglan. Cbin farcereduced t 8 $8, 1 ad $9, eccordiug to position cf staterco Lcwer rate for return tickets. Interme ste, 846. steerage at lowtlt rates. aratian . .Nv. 29th, 1879. SI GN O "GOLDEN P E N. CirceaaSsi au. Dec. 6th:. Moravean ..... 2th, Peruvian..- -.......27th, - Steerage assengers are forwarded to Lou- flu E N E D T'-donerry, Éeifaei, Glagow., euwDn Bristol, Cardiff, aud London atsame rate as to Liverool. OKS S ATI NE Y, FAN CY Parties:wihieg :o sena for th:ir friend; BOOK 5 ST TION ]RY7C'an obtain tickets atlow rates. GOODS mw TOY-S, O»- EO. B. YULE. rExp. sud Tel. Office, AT COST TI LL 26TH 0F DECEM BER, Wbichy, Nov. lPtb, 1879. As I imtend after that date carryimg on the Watchmakimg 0fl13, The Great- Blood Purifiers! -:00:- Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Gunsmithifg, Sewing881 T PS Machines, repaire in first-class mauner. Satisfaction or ne pay, ~ &aail Wil seil the whole of my Books,-Stationery and Fan*cy AND ]PILLS. Goods cheap. Will be sold in bulk te a desirable purehaser. Estabuisbed M52. Guaranteed te be an infilliblt cure for DANI EL KENNEDY, depseatedUIlmtBWOT5 lti pru2naystu e-u Whiby De. nd,189.Sign of the Golden Pen- coudary aind tertiary ; Tumors? Foui Whiby Dc.2n, 87. Elupt g, Old Soie@, Rhejunarm anadisecases or sores prodnced y a blood- or humera. BRISTOL'S SugarmCoatcd PILLS, ' CUBE ÂLL LIVElICeMPLAINTS. TREASURER'S SALE 0F -LANDS FOR TAXES. geFor ale by allDrggiot5 end Dealers in medicines. PERRY DAVIS & SON & LAWRENC~E, 1Y virtue ef a Warrant undei- tht band cf ther Warden and the Seal cf tht Corporation 29- Agents, MO1ÇTBEAL BQ of the County cf Ontario, kdated thte i¶pth.day of November, 1879, commandng me o aeb .G htllCelt to lvy u pnN e land e mentionesi in the foa owig list for arrea rs f taxes thereon, and For saeb y .G htevC ei catsaaertirs set forth, I herehy give notice that unlesas écb rerh n ot ar e scue paid,1 ' shah, in complianco -With tht Asssaosuet Act, procetd to sel hy Public Anction, tht aaid lands, or so mucli theieof- as. may be necesaar for tht taxes and caste, et the Court Hanse in the Town cf WHITBY. on WEDNESDÂY, tht EIGHTEENTH day of FEBRUAR:Ï, A. D., 1880, at tht houx cf TEN sclook in tht forenoon. Part. Lot. Cou Acres Amt of Taxes Gos Total Azt Eem.arks cGI fouI Thos Robacu, pt. South 1 23 3 10 6 75. 196 7 71 Patented Matilda Nichels pt Southi 23 3 10 4 22 1 92 6 14 Patented Village Lot 2 14 1 j 3 14 1 99 5 13 Pattnted IBEACH. South Westcorner il 1 4 804- -2 01 1005 Patented ,A ~ ' North East k 13 6 60 2405 %41 2646 Patented Part Norh j 13 8 4 822 2 02 1024 Patented Northl 18 9 100 8475 2 68 -87 48 Patentedi SouthWkest Part 16 8 8 7 68 201 9 69 Patentedi North Part 19 il 90 81 12 961 83 78 Patented1 j Part South j 5 13 97 2844 2 52 8096 Pateuted Petiorthij 6 13 82 2b 91 2 64 81 45 Patantt Part North j 6 13 10 3 44 1 90 ô 84 Patented- la compose of Ingredients iadentical vit. Part South 1 6 14- 1q 5 27 1 94 1 21 Patented, these which constetitUe Heaith, fllood, South West %Q 14 3 6 29 1 97 8&26 Patanttd Muscla. and Nerveaudn Brs.in Subataice, NARA.* wbilat Life itseif in directly aepenadp 20 -27 78 253 81 81^ Unpate on somaeofthera. 2 20 7 a 53ested its unlOf ilnle hthe blood audits-effet 2P8r200 271782 65 158 -481 1U&a ne'upeothe muscles, re-eatahliahlng tht ane__ P as.rdan38 3 7 1204 18 48 ,Pa and toniu the other, it is capable of tffte. Pu 1a.Jrd4 75 19 04914 1818 Patenti ungthe following resiilts : Part 1 4, 103 il526 219 18 18 Patenta It will displace or <cash out tuberculous; a Norhbj 14 6 10) 16-28 2 22 1850 Paténta motter, n Nu uervonu aad Mucuh Broken 6 6 160 17 81 2 26 20 07 Patantad, By ioreasing Nros a uclr - North jaud part Sonth j 19 7 154J 18 28 -2 27 205 Patented Vugor, it willceurt Dyspepse.feehîs cr in. SouthEauttij 24 9 50 15386 220 17-56 patut onteptd cton f heHart andPalpita.- le 1 Par North8jai 10o j 6.47 1 97 844 PâtentioWamsofItletcmd y»f. Fu ot il 85 18 86 2 16 16 02 Patent hitie, overtax or irregular habits,'Bron- 60 il 0 75 9 ~ 7ch9t4 rrFlcute or Chronia Congestion of tht, West part North 0i 6 7 9 7 94 Patentel Lunga eaveunin tht moat alarming stages.. Part South j 21 12 69 840 202 10 42 Paime' Part Northj2418» 2 841672-228 198 Sned t crsAs iLoua of Volce, Nenralgia. Part North j 21la 92 316122 16 5 PtntaS.Vitnal5aset.Epileptie F111â, Whoeping North 1 a suat South-hralf 4 18 108 19 79 2 8H 22 10 Patete Cough. Nervousneas, and la a moat vonder- Fut Wstýh1f 1218 l a 06 1 89 495 antaful adjunot W other reuaideg inu suitaining Part West-balf 12 13 80 82 81 2 62 '84 98. Patented liIeente sc1e5ilfgodipefeta.t an Purt West-htlf 12 1R,,,0 7 21 1 99. 9 20 Patented hy -- UXBRDGE.FELLOWS' COMPOUND -SYRUP PtXrh-Ws-af 10 7 49 20 02 281- 22 88 Patenttd Pat3orh7Wet-a00 -8 -21084 708- 2192 Pateutea 0F IîYPOPIIOSPMITE3, SCOTT. - andwe are sae ini eaying, Iran. a long em- imd -Part 1West-»half85: 2 14 147 1 i92 6 89 Palented, perlénce in aadcie lavrussre *of la West Part 35 2 a 100 -1 84 2 81 Patented' ouetted b1,any oiter combidatfion, àslte South West part 20 3 15 8 98, i191 6 87 Paanedlolowin -willeemonttratt.ed PartWatthan AcA g 1 98>ttt - I Ie.ÂCCEPTÀ=BLR bpaate ad B-U GGIE Sel TAILORING

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