Whitby Chronicle, 18 Dec 1879, p. 4

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varia btalolgsu. nplea for lb. tuei A ConànimanPro5suded. *Ïi;gre.splaat The nreadr a a MvligvaI P at *o, "lce0a" ollspamelsoeegultjOibitiOtt laduisreclln.PLulluay, be me- iopn uilcieb tyounpa 1*11 OrsilnIaodad a Mbo e Lisp*»ae epce.eser.y f -cmlu a0set"s80, dl.*hesaaley,4.Y »ssd oliesuill ol s mi ar k ly. S v il I - - (4 f !nenl, sud reluual th rIffumber for janur?0e9 eCla jean Wi th~ m je unuloued, llvuflbe an- mme a ithu mber iex ft e re csie tsir ô!OICE XMAS & N EWWirA 011 Lia rlun t r wlel fia Pnt ni wbose it là $ Udetê. - mm YeÃŽlefilm iliut wb warn,ý réon i t.e n r.=.ptlo eot mi ent nt sfladt'I la lob aIs maeliaquad« abot ws i tbs peopfeVaulà he19"ofld, in On3taro, uhar. ilii:old fvitand, tz apotU. 6f temperancs a uCnada, Sahe taford («daplnaeet <lacel b. ôfornsof. C Iie lpaslt Wbet Palierstidffor.l as at lii. Lea*gm bal platforîn ha mite uMata- Mtai h e eople vere cinbai =e . H.-( ller Nugaut)had th:ltoopoitnty ofvertffiugtlb. atélstunté Etbâdsomthémagnifi. om* t eh, th.lPallier blaffard Ied 'IM. The parouhal houa, the splen- did couvent, aud -thé'. re apublie e"o te 11district la vuie lie o as = »e!.Aiho bliardisnfront Paller tethf b ee » pieuta uaba liheu Mèade tt hm fréas LiaspIattuu PaUmr SIfovdbai saigo us, 'Pallier Nagen' esme viti me sud ho ea b. .sicny of asu unlamas pesn' h. Ihan look hlm to tb gaol, iulrodnoed hlm t. b ale, asud .id, "Iis talePFltber -Nu gW ho ha charg e iLverpoo rogpison. WiliIjeu loti llo oks Inde jourpia. on sud tell hlm vliatl* jur eqperleuee se regards lb. leusperanea question ln tibs leva.' IuMIa'ay a arty cou. slidoie-ti.4 .sud the pgol acemoda. tieu vas prorisi olt enly forth.iek>vu hte1t u bocsefor arV«7 lauge ioalde P.uunlmil. Noe, DOW *MW par. mouvmrliplce4ttOstp Me diuJ adring i.pas C or 'glis llqufrai e'ofthlé go.k. ete,1on.,evsw» e 03 t-110s ?4,R v a. vs" y., Slon thp lbtempoeanfe wrh 7 'IW. nsai esrovd.d w W"bu , vas l. pter rei. Thie vas tie iraI leeon vhlch Pallier btaleni b.n tleelià îvoruad lu big carnasge l ie# parleboars, ". f irtable tarnnra iii frem' » to'111 acres of laid. Tlsuy voe iMUP!ýl rl meqn, sud jou couid juige rom uhei op- Pspeaace h51eily -on. Ofthen vas lhe.Mharot Ofecl oia ovu fortune. ne *foud Liai hliey vers vitbont excep- tion, properloa, Mam ýal enryï0vr or*e ofîhinm, slh.y hhebomieoi a ai ted oved theur proparity to habita of Pest, Umi zaAva.-Abogb tir., tous of itaro-gyeurina sud t" upowàerstoiad en Fos lalsud by tbe reutraclor for depemag lb. min e nacro.aing, ucar -the menh tia beDetroit hiver, liecane Wgita irday .veuimg, uni ,çaploe vtb terille fore, blowlngg a bl iu lhe rendi &Ul 1h. vy frotsix ihalle bfailamile deep, meording b ouvnst reporta, and eauang a gaverài belel In that viity liaI Lie eni of 1h.e nd liad eone. The câbla ocupli by Mr. Fitzgibiona, th. Canada soathein tels.- grapi operator on 8tony lsland, svay- ei tesud fie, aMd opausars goinf to piècesaaloopth.. Tiaegroquni ieavei. ao0e ie oemu=stopp<>ior sud vindova vers amasha for mile. aîjand thes sene of lb. axplosion, thé puerai efeel bam iotil t ose oS an earllîquake. Al lb.hevindova iu lhe Pib.eu.., aI Antertburg, aBd othar buidings poecliarly expm oadl lii. *bockvr. tenMr eraekeor eu- t1roiy smousha ieh.plate glas. front of Jehnatou'a Banik Wua aabars Citizana 1.1 tboiubouses aud sud ras ou nto be'i.telmdlpe oflg e itsas thé crack t fdos. Tes. ahek vas fuit foi aisty mâis «Mai "og lbe lise of the Canada Sonlbern IWIailvy. Dr. Auerno'b ousonGrosse lIe vas relbai of &ai ilwvlulovs iu a secod, sud is faily vere oblged to goe .18. vbcia e sa"ab ébthi for theif .l. Dr. Anderobu i iniDolentS to-day.es.- glgug glaziers ho put »evWindova ia the houseausomseasPOssbl. Ruu.W vosaLAW-M Cooper, efthé . itam Sssions. couper & Sailth barbant a d*ot M $0te Mr. John taaean i toÏehitb. talai eT.musoin. - AND OF-- £ULPKRIORQULY' Sélected froin the best marets i America, and Britain. FRUIT. for dleaseillBiset i askeue Biebes, Bu an& ud Dobla s Pincat SpataL Gpa., 25o peu lb. Turbiali Prue., 10o pear lb. Fiça, 12&c par lb. Fineal LIma Pge,2$Do rMl. box. ' ORANGES AN Dà LE LINS, New Patres Cumulns. Slseliod Aimouis, 50e per lb. WALN4UTS, FILIIEITS, AfLPND13. ff (iltreaPeelLsmou Pet!, Oranàge Peul. AIisaa Scteach .l. lunopa.o MeRsp"m, Ediiargb Exrerato f Leinon, Ratifia, V»9104aJamaica Ginger, Ginger, Cochica.l. Ceary Orane, 4 utmeg. FN-98T fPEARLLTA PIOCA, al pW4.-Obse1-00. CÂEOLINA72<RICE, VERMICELLA, MÂCORONI, MANIGOA. Agent in Whitby for Pure Gold B3akiug Powder, also for KOAKA, the trade supplied at FACTOIiX P1CEti. Ieing Sagar, D.a.ctedCocos Nul, Grouni i lica. Baron Vais Lsubarl:s Couxpresai eat, Ouest lu thémarket, »aMdfer atakiaf Via-nus Bread. SPECLÂL TO FARMES.-Jast telsand a car load of Seaforll Sait, $1.00 perbar. PROVISIONS. PINE MIXED FLOUÃŽ, 18.00 pur 100 lb.. Crwcled Whesl, Grshas'a Pleu. Oslmeal, Cern tassiPeMWea, Sp)1mes. PeailBukly, Parias, H.miney. Chnltla'.Bescba ton flIasots.uI BUGLE CURED RAiS. Sisi Bo1sBreablasBau.. B Trer 'ngme, RasSieCoin RuaIin tins. Bara. »a e o usag8&0» Beaf Hais. DrisiBoa! VACKEREL, PlIES!! BERRINO0, HÂDDIES. Kippfta MlirOng. BloataisCed-faib, P" aa"e. *OYSTEBS, i lu indmiblk. EPPS' COCOA, RWNTRIE'13ROC0M0000*, Peau Cocos, luabuls, 1 4ar pu'd Proesvvi [bed Guel is 14 fl4ûBeo 44h4 l ",a goeds to behad. Tb@ .4fi ..a GaL eam an, $ws sStpanzoom U Blevrt5 eeles, Eseoe Su Lan. Sole, »»nVille h Jaui$aW'sab WLlabsy.,I- ÂAQENT FOS ALLIO4NTB OJT INR fi"pw -*0U7-,4r pa laBe,lalepieunn a, ate¶.JUI PRTE& Pnte-.- - . OR OPAR RS AND h lîESýàRN ni Semwou en14, raoL i, or lmI l'O lhe oe parfointh Ou milin et m-. Bull ho ait.»0 wwtee. for Nél1 . eaetu 4,actiol Neoion USboIO, il. Mresu.. e te 8, Adits-sv;fi made M Ibiheau *.'famwua5 'Lara.rU. 4m, faeo4-y MiO'Bjla: -Pater ?housPsaiit. O. Revel,4 " a $a "«4eal, * Igant vonkon 7Li concession,% h1 429; Dlewo *k oun'Phcse« -; aSam m 1?,$J o i. isss siT cosh S 024' glaýiI Cargna, awrrk aulth po $va T 1 belveen ÏMra aud Card n, lath001 $1;V .Ilevett, t n1 e oc= i rai Sooi.ty, $40 «,Mie. Cort-ga, taxe.ros lot 20, Oon,18. 0;Iol Thom>niseo, Ro&4 Com lsor, tic., 50; Colin Smith,uit.o. $2250;B. Oehesit U,$7; hao LZin- Gil ~ onWe, b"wkltb*c Atttmpleli Aaesaluan of Ltse VIçfrey oet aiss. A NAuT-S muln W IALORD LYlTO virsur w ar-auu caasrus t 0 asiammD -,"%5 giSeS £noi on unas Maé. CaioeU#sDemabler 8I-ssa eacts#nenvu «s*"tedlies1h18sAur noon 67 Lie aMempeaisubu" 01 e Lie Viceney, 1 4 [l m.. rsi iv t *6 *0 lb. rner, s u asmet liat bpa bmet 8. u"wls vi4 bane..Tba Of b fm * ere «mta ltse foibaVca.y h ealdLet ssâ~e .teioa~ ¶ e , j1 u br HurPZ'8 IIAGAZIN, OnsYes 0 UM3PE3l »AZAR &8. 14 400 Ysar4... ..............11 -*-aeWby 8n9t, olr, aili.o tan ot-ýn*a the ri"s0 IéqIihcâ .lsoud h.maGePost-OoS MaayOsero Drft.>o ,f haeS i C OTJIING58 apeof et aN 9, «894 aIl N I0eapt40 scréaiassuals the ~ saasoue un.aor ut du ame adn neudaatme ou ina tend in A in"aprtco l.. valu~~ à ie*a oe a £r.â irlih raeu~bulIasd beaut 1w .15dB. baraaU e i Irn vith *WM. LEDINGTON 4~~Ilu Graonbmak i. IR' SNOW, !tsslaijýi uiâdns friande far thir former patranfga for t>e1pa1l jor, and se- licita a couuup oete mr.. Keops eontatlydfis and CandSUe i deser41oaam CAKE$, PATRY, SA USA47TE BOULS, LAYERAMALAG4 MUSOA7ZEL RAIS".S.' OYSTE 5T2WDATE&rVrud ovrE. Lb sk.9a eUs 1 buth asoo d.mie OTcbiè lE GYuaeU Brei dlie 4à& aahm& iedr Ba ofitl7#ým5îedlO. UBLIC ow m O 1 MAGW%'BSit USEFUL AND VERT SUITABLE PRESENTS FOB ALL. 1bCornu, ud & Iaii k ors -sSal ve -l'y»t BUY FOR YOU DÂUGHTE,- Nov la al Iln 'W s frPui ])JMS OMS.-ou eauEgetthe bu*"."Dân'mt atlowwsforrine BUY FOR TOUR SISTER. tmomen h.t g ogi tb heuof - mfflaSHIMAIIe M 'TLI H0UbE." BU-Y--B THE LADIES, fuda 711R8-Th6 . )aargeot, Choicest aud Chmeset Stock la tobe oud8 lbe.F'PBEIQNÂaLEDB00BHUS. EMNIljEMENS (JLOTH 1 N"& OVERCOATS- Au Immense Stock of Tweeds and Cloths. Firet Ciscs CJutter and Woekmen. À Larg Stock of Ready Made (lothing and Over- coale, «% eligvry c"eP. 8S 00 TO THE FASHRIONABLE DRY 0001> à CLOTH[ING HOUB&.ffl C. F., STEWART, ,.r's Iok. .'Fwl4oý.lIVp»G"od àOlibig our BOOTSr-AND S&HOES9 SPLENDID VAL UE! :i-~ ~IAS A MAGNI FIGENT ,STOCK Ladies', Misse'i.(*ents'ad(hide' SELLING AT LQWESTALIVIG R1, 8 Boots and 1Sheesmade, b or der, W.J. HAYES. Watson'a ]Block, ]Broek Stree, ty. -My Stàofo IsnoýýCOMP1 te iEvery Liun e E:J. JoflNSN Very 'ýSpecial Inuèements to 1STARTING H-1OUSEKEEPINO.- those, UN DE RTA&KI'NC. Fuil $toek of CasÈket's (3olëfins, and ail- the neessrieintIhe Alo A WBLL-APPÃ"I'NTED 'HER Whty Otbr iOUi, 1749. 1- -èrE -bo »MW wbe b.d TH OU"IRA-P H. WE Ae IMAXiN ~hoo~apsm a la, _,gaeen nirl UiOs of ,ausizïë ê ej s o:a m 4 , -BARRET1 [Croup hurusoragsa,- a& llier fatak iiaaasa ay stlu. Alhhoag isiltg et tic.. diacaaêa,' e1 il la mach liciter ;ii c r ju Ou@botie vii luta- jour,-viola ,aMU i a inter snd keep fou mate-hrm danger, If yen areceu- tijhvu.donet ratui l yen bave tdraxhd.- Sample bottie 10 ceta eâ s maslà8 ute. Sold hy W hat the Pe p l.s gP W2 tfiCld's Tro T. G. Whitfadd, PaqI-, Whitby.- lmsa idceéd'tol leu n"eraledpulhaiSt-rp" vwhil uf Iia tothé iaefecls et a sverea d, a sh o rt li e go- T a 1.11 tl b . ra h , 1 b ad ma :il5lii 1.11h l sIr.d4 %W i vth th e " a l c i u o o b a g d e rt s a ed na tr ri sm . l se b e 0 V ,Ia l o t a r e s a O n c h a Ï g e d m y elterlaklu 111 1. 4fbaihéiebèmle. Te T. Tenu truly, Dzà,i Sli :-. .1 -pe yra u ifaly bava o "Ihdsim Oitt-8aSi155tIsat jt raks foa i iamS O *-= b. m y *rem o stu ai b s - h o g, i i O U» s 4 . I s p r o s a e > u r es t a ui . ~ef~cos~i~ii* areasody w lifiréal- ly qao& 1 caies fo o i is i iiloaded vwhDlo leré are soa*y vidéb-iiasiÎà- rqýudii5 Listauoull5Iy aoleas. IUfly ABLITAGE. Torant,,April 23rd, M87. When,-leu tonleuat MontLh Ià assufaéinug tram -a "ery savonere -hbrasi.,-I proere- sbottleeo!t yeur Pl- mmse lump, vinai %a« eeonsmea e.il 1 me by a&fieix, a=& a peased ta sttae il - - JUS, C. FATTIN. -ta. T. G. WhitOcla, E.q., Whiby. Atterlaving used your "ICel-, IertdPalmônie -syrup,li ai difirent. ,peris,-farn nie. IbastWo eare, aafind- 4 iug il toise a&,ade sud effielent remeay far >Cougl,.j odoHoarenes.. &o. I tale - gt Ic luinalating "Lt it 15 the heut .meioai h1 ave uver lakea for the aboes W. J. GIBBON. To Ti . G hitfieIdi Esq. Bemng mach tnolibled at lime. til Daditiet , Ivas inuceS ta lt-yr -CelerasiP iogie urp I ama lsapp ýtot- tsaiILave, beea greatit-1 beeta by 1$. ue, ami eum convineed tsIteela jirneyequalî la il lais kepléaae'rn reweoantdiiag il loetoIson - AII4IIM W&rr. DusaSm: T1.O. WIiiISeId, IEaq. - - Tia laie certfytbatlvas bâdi maneleasitia fal and thsietea- Ag Ceg e oos ekaivuspr recomueu i vilIsaul ëiïin Wiîlyi Fcb.5ntbl@WIO2. for My Csida ru c iici va rey me asyon direclte blieev s*sst relWau**-eodiut~e liwSe, . Plnn.,ya.sol NEWI 4 JAVA, - 4ý» - ge4eH. GRO onR~-E:81 ALL FIRESI AND NE-Wo BARG AINS 1

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