Whitby Chronicle, 27 Nov 1879, p. 4

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4 csirbim .No, 29lJ,18 et grcrup- of -Prvs,,,.., 4torg lua o.4 engern are forwardedbo Lon- id l a of 4ýndM CutGlasgow, Queenslown, thoud Bil belardiff, sud London at same rate pi ho a 4PiOe w"il. teatnd for their friend. emall lad of eoa obtain tloet st lo* ratés.. but Jootst 1Por tickets&ad furtherlinformsllcn sppljÏ e Wolf maid G .B T B J on i a. ,B9p. mund Tel.Offie' 'ulbplWhItby, Nov,.111h, 1879 ýy, blien lwb , snd bav. GRAY'$ 81-'IlVIIO NUICINE. ugb te m r~ a and after NL5ls turned-off suor an Un-u 1118e a large for inai '0ede,àd- Weaknews e eidersperuatarr 9~bthea, &a., utnjfoo oà&nle f"i After Tùwig i&l9tô ~ ~ kdf lO-s nec f-Aibuse, s.'Ionssof moznory, "ke. Pain In the Baak.2ina ýimaêln he orbï r id koiensdmi y or od , the wolf il ieerpisphlot, wlfc eb edm lie passant. Mediaine la .014 byiau dztuggàl*aI iper preeueeo! ~oaIonpckof oi IU 1bs sent l wtbh tii. sreing ii. Uy by ad- ha$teed st THE GBAY MEDICINE Co., le t 1I1jseeYhr once admlusBtered X*o$Ji,, Iis notîctxli huit hue PJetroil Prie - lei - R4 a a Unouns faut liaI eebody i. so colar.blWzd as Ici mistake a oc'opper for a t.wo-shlliug piece,; tboUR14s ta bc sure, Il makes a -differeýaaee wbether à mn is takloï iblul or paylug il oct. Bayste'e Nw YoriVpmmis.ial'Ad- verï8e':.AÀ gentleîpan's bloÃ"d corpus- aies average 8,800.-b su loch, a hog' 4,200. Wbeu yon ose. a parby sprelad. lng blmself.over bai! a dazen gseIson aIn excursion- steameër, yuMsy kuaw acatly how Mu~y corpusalos lie Poo- sessos," aIonea 1usd beau construatellan-tbe -glraSl'e plan,« thé balcony seene wônid have been mccii more interesting. Hoe wotilc have been entitled b "s1natch SMuaortai blessings froma ber lIps","wtb- club brsaklng li hias lu linuieffetoal 6Iudeavar 10 liub up a stoné waLl. Johin Br;glut, Who ruade a good Poona every ulght before ho goes.ta bed, gays that O altoe yers he bas beon corn- pulled tlaicofine ilmaeoif b Amerloan wrlters, rEnglini poete havlug becomo boo banre, famical, sud effected to suit hivm, The aiglit af the gro'at Englisb statosman Sittlng up lu bod wlt big rnflled nlgbl cap on, eagerlypursnlng 111 nu it on thue mIlele Maui," or "Do yen lovoeume, l3lrdie darliug ?" Mluet iudeed bc an interentlnoee "Where's yaur parbner, Ibis marn- ing, 1fr, H.yson 2" the neigibar asked thi toceor. "Dan't koow lar certain," eu Louly replled the èild une,'*ho ,iied 1aI cigil."-Bttrlingion Hawlc- A plirpie &pot wu aa uely disaovared- epont' ho fiee o! Jupiter, sud savîon- euers are Wondering wbat liemalter la. Thue facî that Juno paalsed 9juasd wot labar mother'à thie ds7the-spol ippeared May Ilrow sOmo igit. on lie initter. An aid lady, wbo daims "bL knaw ail about l,', maya lbe oniy way ta pro- V'ent steambosl expclosion, s la ommkm ù)( hi ngin@Ose "bile lhiu wmîîr Un i * ihre," -lI ber opinion, "s&Ilie mtin lTs donc by cocliug the steau n o ard the bout." "II dou"tso, how liera came ta bo en Mau~ werde Su the world 1, ozolaimed a Who wîs tndytng ber spoliiug lesison, "1Wiy, sie," &aid ber brother, lihe: came Ilrougi folks ,quarroling. Tfion, youninow 0n0 word'brineson anoliieu." Dubbe lthe apsonlelor, met Bubbs 'the real oàswme braiser, in thue sîreel,. e wleadduty day, aud hallug Slnbbe, aslsed lulzhow reasi asîste wsu.'Well' said Blubbs, tskluug off bts speatidces, aud wfplug the duel ont sof bise yes, ".very eue I se. béea o p"oaluhie e.' I thobt uYODa teck auterest lu My *wel(sl'.," oaeld aiueiance ol lover tl, Il niae yonm lady. sh, i,"me repîhe l "euinlyoulv fareil-. -Aui hupuoved forumofc!h1alleng~e t aa à~uell the !llowiug Quaker »Aole-:"44 thon whl ent12 uirp. mpples mal b.. fore retirlng, at lb, lldo the ame, snd. w. l sée Whio quniivo.." lu atruggling le make a duiI'brained boy uuderslsuud -wlat couscenece wss, ab t eacher fdlally asked "u sksç feel ueunotrlble aiter yen hi-vo done *rong "Pilier'. lealier strsp," feel- lngiy replied lire bol., À wiàe paragrapher remarIs:- "A MunWho deciares hîmmeif ta be iulox- caited whhh meula Wa4 cousidered air. Au exchange Baya Liat the Emparor af!Ruaisile i Cannes, sud wil romain &Uaint 'uor. Tisa woni hudiaito Ibat lbe Czar il weil proeeid for a min o! A localsibleê soude ila sversîCIe, lie fi ioof whliinla The litlbfi wtw.og.by I l1Wa tnoeasry te suad futhber. No. bOdY @ers Isard of à bey watob.dog. Tluey are Snvarlsbly biaist oryellow. aven peello liou". bas ils limlis. Co uritor gase y na ' sse"s wbt"si.au ex. IO2perbiup.. 3ks P @ae- issad, ah la Ofber Worth. l29 ma-sb6lsugbt ln '!e'Suuive lad OS@, lii bue!; a811 vents aolps. 8ev that lb. 0118mtel Ofifilu ustîl Il becomn a01100" l spraeuls 'Bro 0,k-$tlý' ,MA'. Deve B03 Whitby, -October 1Oth, 1879. r't 1 IN TOWN. zTen per cent. dis coun t -offor 0a8h FOR ONEý MONTH. Customers area 'inivitei4 to ciaU'aui exalmine thlis ukack, judge ofte 4bnqality and take a note of the. priaes,. ÃŽD&sa#W .fraà l'y. boots warraated tb war- B.s.usM ehop au hhy are good, Will stand without a tar 1"er ldis agnmd 8gihood- Âny wathezï, anywboer- %b e o b o And that caa't b. 4.oat elsewhere, Ai, C1baeapiru~a4 By b bt. AibW t est.ý Corne Ã"n dear public, leave yonroraers and get a pair of Boots of! lb. rlghl kind froin yoâr obliged sud humble servant, MATTHEW COLLINS. -NEW GDODS JLJST RECEJVED, -_AT THE- P WHIT87Y, BOCK and'FA NO-Y G00608 OE ls compaied of Ingreilents indontical with Ibele wlulch consîltute Bealth, Blood, Musclea sd Fer-vo and Drain Substance, whilst Lfite of Is direotiy dependent up- an sanie of Ihen.. fly ils union wlth the bload and ils effert upon the muscles, re-esabllshiug the ans andtonlng the other, t ls capable of affect. ngl he fallowlng rosulîs;. It wlldisplaco or w&eh out tuber.-lous malter, andi thus uit Cousuruption. 13y lncreaing Nervousaa Musrulir Vigor, lb wlll cure Dyspepsia, fiable or ln- terreuptcd action of the aeart aud Palpita. lion, Weakness of Intellect cansee by grief, worry, a'zrtax or irregular habit,, Brou- chilis, Acuto or Chroula Congestion of the Lunes, aveu Su the mail alaruiug otages. Il cures Aullura, Lioua of Voire, Neuralgia St. VtuesDance, Epileptia File, Whooping Cough. Nervouenuss, and isl a moat wonder- fl adjunet ta other remides lu sustsîing Ilifedurlu the groces afDiptherla. An end cosea ain of good effecte lu formed -by FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP OP' HYPOPHOSPHITES, and we are safe le saying, froua a long ex. perleurs in mederino, te virlues are aid pasesesd by ap llier romfintian,ase tho followlng will demanstrate. IT IS ACCEPTABLE ta palaiseand sboffiach. 5UFFICIENTLY POTE-NT 10 Insure de. clded bondfit, yet harnilese, bowsoe,-or long lb. use may becrontleued. This characler. lubIe la possesseelb y no other reunely. IT A98ITS DIGESTION and assimila- lion. IT VITALIZES TIE - BLOOD, eupply. ing such lugrelSeemeasuiy be requred. ITI ESTOREII TONE ta the nervis. IT GIVES POWERl of endurance and of concentration la the mind. IT PROMOTES VIGORin S the organe whlch depoud for hîaith ou the ievoluntmry muecular action, viz. I-he Liver, Lunge, Ileart Stamaoh and- Geeltals. ÀuÏ unless afficted wSIh cmrn disoase lu- VOlVung AD5OLUTE RaNsCuurLOS$, t Wili SUS- tain theosystlu niutil il roaches lthe mgo ah- 4ôtPedto an ba beneficient Creator. effecof pliLLOW îHYPPiOSPHleSth Who rlgldly foilow tho directions. FELLOWS' HYPOPHOSPIITEIS IN CE PTION. Tihs experiment,, whlch prcfrrtedthhse preaato ocrepied uny months, sud were tlbtted with a view o1 turing tisaI In alu iseuse, TUBERCULAR CONSUMPTION. andina aider la sappiy the idefirieuctes Su Hypophosphitemmilready in use ; for, ai- Ihougi Iheir nature wa correct as b 1tho- nr,. theu preparaionu were, owing ta Ihoir imperfeal organizîhtioe, faung wauling in practico. Whilo)they causel lise formation cof fat sud goenratel hoal, thhy dl not improre - ho blood, Thme Ionle affoct n uthe nervea and muscles wa clrcwcsrted sud owlug la hheir ditutelalitte, Su-oke6 lq~edoaeâaIhay were aia oa ex peusive. 'sdemlderstasosugil by Mr. Pellows, wore: A convenleul, palatmbie remedy; Unalterabie by lime ; Harnilees, hhougi usecl conlieuac1ely yel mlghl ho discontlnued ut any lime %witfiact hh o ld uoo an appetito Strenglien digestion; -Pkamota assimilation; Croate heaithy blod ; Sîreugthen the uer-vos sud muscles; huabie lime subjeclha o orocssfully com. bat disease; And sufficlenhiy ecenocical for ail. Ail thîs bas bae irtlesputabiy altainel. The sucreeai tho work is complte ; and Peilows' Hypophosphiles tands faremoal amangal the remed tes for crnorml diseases, podssmng proportros la which no abier melcines hascever aspiraI. 1 AuiSTRACT EFFECTS. FeU.wl'Hyrpaposphîtes, on hseg in. lrodnced luto te0estamac, unuîtes wili lie fol, s0d SmmelSabely sobtre bic circula, tien; an&ibelng' perferîly mi3cihie with the bloorl, epeedi , y jerm'adese oMr part a1 lie systeni. Ils dada tara irâI declarel by pulas aightly increased la fulleegss sud olngbh, asegneral eoxlatiou i aitle or R mul fuuctians, and exhilàaioncafthie in sllecousl powprs. Il.s pecifio influenco ls Ou lihru Aud norvous suhbanco, ln. oreaIug hie actly ai lie absorbents, and renowlag te lo hhugbia ansngthie hemvy uualar lormailon so neoesesry lu rester. lie Iluons of the prevlouly wsskon- -Deý',th, a boula foi lie nervans muid cicula orysmystenu, lb follows tuat, wheu lieraisa a demand for extrsardlnsry axor- ien, Ils use lalvihugble, eluce Il supplies Itete litrougi lie cIrcmulation, ounI sus. A8,apeilclls wabcliuL cira over lhe -lalen-aili them uire requisîte linm durSng thie sequition ai kuowledge by lie ycuth; piad Su, pretera'lug CIndy XsqaU40 i star.01 ai gorcus nervons forcea, ors à Oil =&y s"uk unIes tle.mental tll. stem uceoslly nma ycompol lie tedenl teastralu hioe *owrs o yanf the dictales ai prudence, sud lie early promise ai oxcel. oena = e bligted lhreV.e phosphites- SI lie shuakin Olientbutit wüI enablo tixo bail- ing- t o1nt ul b' proservais mental mand nrirons asalard wlhbOul letlclnt. NOE.-BO suspicIons aofersane wha re. caMMend an y ather article as" ju@l as" goal" lionghu learin g s oimilar umnieanmu of thaeeWhoaOffer imaeaper pricel article. Fors.-lt le ooly tho Iaudependoauî n'eul- fqoatecfsud UeefigJs Phyraw aewio eau al. ordlapresribt Ibisremedy.hFxperleuco hmbapsavel tile. -The hlghesl claas melcal UMin u«v«7lag alyit, whvis t ls-knowu, rsomn t. - * rie 01.50 par Botule, 47.50 for Six Rooteu. - Osers admseaeta',- Ferry Davis & Son & Lawrenco, 377 St. Pal St. Montres! P, . O av* deltdiaeuIAttnon. A well simed stock of Booke, Etationery and Fancy Plktbgrgph lEilme,. Pitayer hook», Serap Booke, Sunday SBehool Books, Sunlday 860ool Cardia. A Fine 5eletblýul nfBiblEes, Sehool Books, for lbhe gh auJ Cbom sla Slel, Blutes, Ink, go. AND, C LETION INR -ý NOXiTJU LNP r1T1fi PAP1 . L L 1tÛLtD ANDb VNRULED. Pirie's ex;s, a 'rfifpi. Zr**Iiment Paper amd'Envelopes. Foreign note, foolicap and acrount Paper, B3Ian1r Books. I particularly invite ha'tt"rtbxï of'those requlrlng- Stutioneq for Offices or general lise, tolInspet my Stock. BERLfl4 WoOL AND WOLI WOIRK. In ail the newest designe. lperBao s, Sofa Cushions, Coasies, Tailet Mats, Match I'ockots, Tidies, Glove and baxdkàerouitef Boxes, Card Cases, ToilaI Bage, Vases, il sait- able for Weddiug or Birtbday glfts. -;e JEWELBY ANDI FANCY G0ODS.. Ail kinds of Fancy Work 'laneata 'arder, faefitffing flfants Bonnets, Jackets, Woolon Hoodu, Breakfast Shawls. 5iAMPfl4G DOXB' TO QEDER. THE DBESS AND MANTLE MAXING Department, Io naw open to aur nunuerous cutbmo*, and feel confident that our past good reputation wlll ho exceiled this season, as we ha*a a first alias cutter sud fttbet, oee that , h ad experlence in cities. Tho styles are new,àne pains wlll be spared, &Ul orders prouPly aittendeDd t. Fitting roonis in reir cf the stbre. t'AUl orders for Magazines and Pîpers promptly attendid »t. DaiRy snd Weekly Papers on hand. Subsorlptlons recelvea, papers dellveredi MI MUET XVSIO stP- plled ou bute ehartest notice, Whitby Book and Faney Goods Stan,. Oddfollows' Hall, Brook Stm.re PHOTOGRAPHY 1 PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO J AND FRAME l)EPOT. Special inducements to lieads ot fa- milies, during the sufrimer months. Families consisting of four persans, and upwards, by ordering one dozen photos. eaoh, will be presented'with a beautiful photograph group of the family, full size, for framing. Satisfaction guaranteled. Prices to suit the times, OHILDREN A- SPECIALTY. Framing. in ail its bianohes, at prices which defy competition. Agents for Canada Stained Glass Works. Cail and see Samples. LYON .BROS,, ' WILKINSON'S BLOCK, BROCK-ST., WHITBY. My Stock of -F'CJ N **-,I vTU lREM 18 now Complete in Every Line. E. J. JOHNSON. Very Special Inducements to STARTING HO«USEXEEPING. those *UNDERTAKING. Full Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and al the necess.ares in this lime. Aiso, FIRE PR.O.OFSAFIS.' - -~ooo:-.--~..w ]IIITO BUsvsIESS MÂIST I1' doing justice ete ohmefo oreditors if lue does- without a safe to protect his 'Books, Notes, or other valuable papers. Who bas d-eeds, notes or money in the house, oughit to have: 9-Safe to guiird boblu against.Burglary and-Fire. A. Safe is always aù Good Asset, as it mot1 only preserves ils Contants, but keape its ovn-valua as weil, for afler passung tbrogh a Oiea aûm omai nlay wm nl it 4asgpooda snew,adit eDal&waysbe sold for. neeily ils fil-et cost. Jil& , TAYLOR 1aY-P urned ont' about 20,000 S&fes iii the last 24 years, na n ll or then huis fia inh tri, al.rmersansd Mer., Chants, tlîie ls the kind - di64Profýetioni, and somneing that the Turiff capi't givre. GO t th Toronto Suife Wore andtgai s Safe. * . -J &JaiTAYOR- dNe.w8 [or -the. »I IS, GIVING A BONUS 0f -1 lb ch-"icePamily Ta t vry puichaeQfeett- oflishes, or its equivalent in Orook- ery, and Glà ssw are, àlaamge utock On hand selling at reduced GLS8ÂRoliges- où la sem,,ý re- dueed Priees. AAfi ne Ofew Séen TEAS, ae'prioes suitable to A ëbmilete stoôk O Étoôiélamfiài Groceries, fresh and .., atf1y a4'olsa - Sauoes, Y1ooden warer, Pans ana »~roù~. IP1aeeak brth PrhieLoise Balcing Powdar, it la ta dn hé~ in oI a l t è . F o r e-ae o nùly by Deverell's Blook, e rook Street~. N. B-Farner's Produce taken in exohange. NEW TIN SHOF. w- IW- Noxt Door Bouth to dames Johnstons 8 "Boldçmith'8 Hall," IPNrtlihl 8~E~m SI Part Woathalf eutr North Weat'haiI Part west-half West Part South West eszt WelW st 1gl' Parxt South-hlx South part eSoprtWs Part North-West - Part North West 'Part North West North-hilf PrtWest-hall 4d EuaIt-st, Cinningban, Pt Part iNorth hst BoullihEat Corner 19 No 8Sim:oesl:part>, Donald, part North j James-st, p arl Sputh-huelf Part NortlaMlf Part South-half Part Sonth-hélf /-c.. -8 2-1 4, 447 85 2 8 100: z a15 896 20 'l8 2fl- 669 84 4 -84 686- 2Z 8~~791 22 5 8, 70 22 6 8 70 22 5 a 114 22 564 92 29 68'85 28 88 2 825 7652 10 2"k âa 45 10 2 9 1 26 22, 2 41- 687 22 2 9 118 .10 -8 :100 1284 1 10 il 202 4 -21 il j 8 62 7 14 8 1 09 ,1 24 4 85 }14 6 4 494 14 6 4 847 6 8 2& o4u i 9 9 149 1 9 80 4 75 wea-a-ç7 10 10() 20 18 P'ORT FER RY. Cameron'splanCind'i'llà-stwi :108 4 12 96 10 17 17 17 Soulh-hal( 16 Has opened business in the above preniises and is now running in fuil blast,-where everything pertaining to Tin, Sheet, or Galvanized Iron is manufaetured in a workman- like manner, on SHORT NOTICE and at reasonable rates. 16 ELECTRO-PLATED GOQDS of SUPERIOR QUALITY. TesrrsOfcFvmo 9 89 RAII&. 100 1846 51 -78 510 84di 10() i 110 551 029 8 91 15- 1 78 100 18 453 100 lu9i1 AU kindsofo Japaned Tin, and Sheet-Iron ware constantly kopt iu stock., REPAIRING done cheaply and neatly, Ail work guar- American and Canadian COAL OIL. Wiake, Buruors, &o. 1Whilby, Feby. 241hi, 1879. 1833- Lamp Chimneys, J. W. BARNES. Established 1833.1 FURNITUJRE,. FUJRNITUJRE, Clzeaper than ever, at his new 8tore The undersigned ini returning thanks to the public for the libra paroae extended to him, bege to state thai laaving removed ta bisecommoiaus new promises, lie is now in a better position than ever to supply ail their wants. lis stock, of Furniture embraces very handsome Sets, and everything that can be called for ini bis lina, ana an exarnination will convince that the prices are Iow endugh to suit thé turnes. U NDE RT AKING. Funerals "fuily supplied. WM. TILL BROOK STREET, - - WHTBY, Will seli seli for 30 days AT -COST-! A1 Womens' Pruneila Boots and Shoes, Womens' Kid Boots and;Slioes, Misses' Pebble Boots and Shoeg, Misses'- Kid Boots and Shoesi. New and wel S eoted Stock. all and examine, -L-e- membor the w±lole is offered at cost. 281 2288 Patoi 708 21792- Pal, 1 92 6 89 Patl 1 84 »284 Pate 1lui ô87 Pato, 2'01 992- Pm 188 2 53 'Pâte] 1 88 2 W Pll 184 278 Pato e2,41 224 Pali 210 17 88 Unaîli 200 952 Pali .191 6577 ;Pal, 19$ 6 54' Pate 186, 811 Pate 1911 789 Uil 184 802 Un atel 218 1497 f t« 186a 888 rPib 190 5662 Pale 1 84 298 Pâtl 1 92 627 pâte 194 688' Pal 11 0 587 Patl 1 98 662 Pat« 1 @ 8 84 Pate 1 93 068 -Pate 281 2244 Pate 2 14 15609 Patl *227 20 78 Patl 2 00 9 88 Pale 1 90 5 81 Unpatl 210 18 60 Unpatl 1 97 8 26 Pali 1 84 2 75 Pali 1 863 8 59 Palz 227 20 72 Patl 2 29 421 40 Plyàe Bernard and Cc,, Leith DistiIIery, 1 8COTLAND. THE ENCORE WHISKY. The following satisfactory and most conlv 'cbng evuZence shows the a&soluts îlurity and 8afteii of lising the EN-- CORE WHLSKEY as an Alcohiolie stimutlant. LANCET.-"-Remarkably free .from Fusel 011, mild, wholesome ana BRITISHI MEDICAL JOURNAL.-,"Removalof the, Fusai 011l is most complete and efficacious., MEDICAL TIMES AND GAZETTE.-We -can highly commend-it as well-fitted for Medical use, being very pure, wholesome, and pleasant." MEDICA.L PRESS AND. CIECULAR-"'Pure 'ana wholesome and uncontaminated with mixtures frequént1y used ta, give fictitious age and aroma." MEDICAL RECOBD.-"lMust rank foromoat as the purest of àlcohtoio stimulants." PRACTITIONEB.-«"Perfectly frce from Fusel 011, extremely mild, and a safe alcoholi stimulant." SANITARY RECOED.-"'Such au excellent dietetiè stimulant desorv- es a wide spread reputation." PUBLIC HEALTH.-'Exceptionally pure. It wouid be fortunate for the hcalth uf the community if i genèeral use." NATIONAL F001D AND FUELREFORMER.--'Al who value their health should use i. DR. H.,C. BABTLETT, F. 0. S.-"Contained less. trace of that dela '- teriaus and poisonous matter Fusel 011, -than any" spirit I ave ever euh- mitted- ta the saine searchig Investigation. The Medical Profession should recommend ta their patients no Whisky whicli does not coma np ta this standard. DR. C. B. C. TICHORNE,-F. C..S., Trinity CollegeDubin.-,"Care. Muly examinea for Fusai 011 but nana coula bo discovered. Perfectly free from poisonous matais that axeê ,.freqjuently faundi Whiskies, and-which are very deleterous. Remarkily good quality." DR. PAUL, F. C. 8.--"Perfectly free from Fusel 011 or other injurious substance." DR. STEVENSON MACADAM.-"'Very pure and wholesome, and of exceed#ngly fine quality. ~"This Whisky la noae only a pleasant and'wholesooîe stimulant for' ardhe- ary use, but for delicate constitutions it la luvainable, as il will ogres with snob when no othor alcobolia stimuldnt will, whether in the forcn cf wine or cognaa. It is used almoet exalueisely in the praatiae cf many of the moar'eninent mon in the Medical Profession. Every Gallon Guarnteed ýEquatiy Pure way company, y - - w CrecnG .RR authe r8. FARM TO RENT. C OMOSED0F 00 ACRES, BEING'. C p at f'Lt N . 4, iu the 4th Co ces.. sion cof Pickering, ivo miles rom. the tuv ai Wbt , nder a good tte of cultiva. lion, W!ewatêed, goofi bufiirg sud fiue orchard, &c. Plouj' uAanbcedouo afer, cro p is ken off,' , m u p jo ses ioný For, priculars aply ta te ower. TIMOTHY O'LEÂRY, Utica, P.'O.. Jnly 16th, 1879- . if-so THE SINGER Whiby 1BuSe /NtMACHn;.or *BUY NONE BUT TEE. - Genuine Singer Sewing Ma- - éhine. -IDODIN PRICE. TE E ET- MACHINE IN THE WOltLD. Su ay Tlree Hndred Thossufi peple who bonght Singer Machines iu 1878. -Oacs twa million Singer Machines in use at p r e s e u .f e Splenaia aa ul st'of Atîachments i-i with eacb machiné, sud- parties fnliy n aru c t el in # h o u se o f h m THE BEST, THE CHEAPEST, Sal d oniy by the ý p i . A e t OMMic, opposite C1Momirrîa Office. Whitby, Jue 25, '79. - -26 Vaub~Farinfor Sale. reuiderwolltilmbored (moslly hasch and maple). This la a very desirablo pioperty for the wýood atao is very valuable auJ Winl uearly pay tho u-chase monoywhiie, the situation cf the %tinl a sufficient guar- acte for the land' Terme liboral ta reiablo parties. ,A. A. POST, - P. O. Box M02,wbitb1f TEcANADIA AIRaOAS AHN This Machine is for lighling Prlvatee Dwcl.ings, Mille, Factaries, Cherchez,. Cull and examine 1the machine in opera- * iofi aI JOSBIPE PHILLIPS, sole Maufcb'r,. Pînanher 'and Gas-fitter, i58 York street, Toronto. Send foi ('hrcu1ar ana prici-liet. Apri 2914 189. - - - -19 T o LET.-TH'A! COMODIOUS BESI- JL-douce au Byron iStreet, opposite the Mothodiarsong. u ao oaii, unI wilih exoeileulnt cvenieic 014 A1:0-lthe zsorth heUf of tho large two story collage m medlabel-vsaubh ofthe Court Route, &huo - in beat cf repair. Reulta suit tie limes. -J. B. PHILP. WenssNov. bhh,,79 4in-4-4 PH07OTOCRA PH V WE ARE MARING A NE«W STYLE 0f -Photographs, in sipia, life-size, an entirely NEW PROÇESSI The Great Bléod Purifier. Aienun luiciatof aiRod or Janai- cm "asaparils11cozabinea waith lodide of Potassium, -for tlie cure ai iil diseuses arieiug franu impurihy o! tho biocl. Nearly ml lie disates liaI trouble 'le humun race are influel aby lueis at0 cf lime blool. il .18 iediepeusu'-le chat tluis founhain of lifo ho lu a pueoasd bealhiuy conditian. As a Purifer ai the bloo, a ienovair af the eysem,*aud Preserver ci lhe piW- are ai liii. Carher'gS argsaarilla bas cO iquai. Por sale ah lie Ding Stores. MERRY, WATSON & CG.. THE TORONTO -Tur*kish & Vapor Ba th8. Tiesa bibs are usellun hr.ua-mliaiu FNe ralgia, Coin gh8, Colda C ogîsîonp B r o n c h i t i , c r o m " 1 , k m i a a a ' i ,l u &=amatios,. flhlcesnes, Foyers, eNid fr S a u t a r y p u I po se s . - Tho vaparhiare Partioulaily qeis- he o> au l s in d is es , eq p ec l s y S y hi is It is o uawnlvorsally coucqeel laIth *- G. - "UNQ CSMITH, 0wio-Over Dainjn Ba lan. 22,1878. CAiZEROÇ & APPi HETO treaI, Trno HETRCAMElOÏN, Q.0. (iy-4s) SU3ENTO THE COUl BrnStreetWhiIby. D.W.J. I5URN Rteiùnaê--oregati»nu, kylgyorner of ByXon aud(1, BYRON FIELD, il - HYSILT SURGEON, & WI!u. MOB3RIEN, JLD., 31 *8UrS- OSPITA, LONDI a oe ye B. O. H. L., Osai Ç A RD . DR., BOGART, Phy4iim, SUrgen,4AccOuchel Whiitby, Sept, 801h, 1874. W. ADAM' lm8 la (4p. nu4 Seuaenc-COor. muid Gilbeit slreeto.,' 11r Atkmao',&Di ck St., Wiiby, 'VOLFBNDEI TEE CELEl ASSI G PosrrxTE ahk-St., Whitby b, 1879. E R L Y, Cards and. Cabinets furniished in the laee sye of the-Art. Frmsof ail sizes always on hanid. A. BARRETT, Photographer. ;#- Opposite Ontario BOU4,nk A yonng man, desiring ta study Photograpy ilfn odcac b UhgonMr. Bawrat, and gatting tarns liitby, June 10th, 1879. OUTTERS, BUG;GI ES, AND CARRIAGES. A Large FOR Assortment of 'Cùtters and SALE,*- CHEtAF TO.MS &N 1>ATENTED AUG. I2TH1:187( WARRANTED -$TORMPROOF 1 ý n- 1- - B. w1ROBER'm0,S1ON- 'S me, QI PRICE LOWER-TR-AN ANY OTHER VENTThLATOý.. rô ýNo cujrreut o! air will psodue otites Ibm an ontwardi draft ; the M~ost orna- . melai ventflabos cuide ; viinpot chokeo with suow or lces;camenol «ot ont o! a.nL osIer. For sale Ly p COý Lnte tntea Lntea: Wnted intol inted Wnted ente& intea 00 els nai R. H. JAME SON, WELL-APPOINTED JEBARBýE. 1SPECIMENS OUN -LX H I B I T/ON. unes in th a--Bàù in in . Agent, N-SY 1 1 421 vie, B., ROQERTSON'S

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