Whitby Chronicle, 27 Nov 1879, p. 2

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Dervails Wanted.- ln tue props6ration of whioli Otil okashim atý&JU 'IMO»Urdu j _-11, lut bue bu -Ln farce Yin Aýpuinobti,, in blé fOllu 11114,4111,06 to Wes basa Séemd b 'Gén - à4short 99 Drieý,oodi' A, B. SoU. ah - cif bave y we; The logto tapa du, Ietý'aIO" houldiù a 't W no* ',,Miniotr -J»Odwt - ' 99 --abc Crie ci2ý,tud hardware bits U suspicion ci -A. B. Brai cýoupinu of-Ibn John pin ln me band, 80 yez âû Dueià on. emier sud Provincial afther expectin mueh te illi yer Paper And Enaimb- ]éga ad -For the au«mom maitter in, whichs A. Giroird, Provin mars TOWMWP Council. Xmsà goode-S. W. B. Suilth., Cial Secrotary Ilon, Dý M. Wàlkssr,ý UP Widh n:stbin botthertbia' = t 0 stop. 11WO1_ý à widhfmmamanwhobse hid to t Government differ sa to'the àdvlgàbwty bc mansied the display of, Mànitol= 11W 2 ýei,;Mf Lamps and vàsoi-8. W. B. Sinith. Attorney General ; lion. John Taylor, au coda wather-- oince Tim , re Mar4, Nov.,8tlt, 1879. Bogg bu beau ci lin. ma '00, vis: produCU in Étatio laît -U Mr. Alez. Opgcialo-$, W. 13, 8MILb. drogglit. Midister of Agrieultural; mon. C. P.; blessin go Widh, the - sas» -Tim. Tis M44vmt Il 1 1 preýpte by bis Win- -The Sua" (New York), 18W.- Brown. Minister of Publie Worke. himailfthat1as set ma Hummin .. ý&ye of disturb4age st 00 forthootbl ce ' 2bers ali ý»àéË9, Wo T. G.Whýtt uneil met, moi nipog Admfrers iritï an, addnu -and Furni &0., 01 Q. Dowooil- - ---------- 011,01- an Haw-in;ý Ãœ>o--worto'not iver Sur lini.->' a,' déclare the BàÀlq £M lh4 ý,MW9tr' Dg Meetw unienl of tbo,240"'.>it the jhair. ýMi handsome gold watoh. Pas CiiAtioz IN Tius ON THE W. P. P.ý Linard wint.roand.' Thst: same. Hum- Govýbr'umpat'wiab« th queeting rend The lut'p-eefor of Wýez*ýbie and Meau- Bïkery and Coutactionery-B. Snow. à néd'eV'Wlôtér' tidé' ard i MID remindil av ýthé 'Shtory ATÃŽ4 ýIn1d, 7nwaâ -nu oh- Um Palmoulo Syrup-T. G. Whitlield. foi lady ln Irelând who moanted on " r The Tima'thipki thèrels a reitisk, Auction malo--J. L. Watkin. to get a nesrer view -of the, ayalipse É màrketý.ý _9Aj2rdaý for ronchitiï,, Pare 41rugg-T. G. %vilitilold. blé- mornbg. have no-bWtati at.can, lie $cou lu other 00111111111138. The The WAU W&$ &bout u sinsible u tother. tg miev-e &IÏS't'a timely disp1àý of firm. amongl Tho ohéapeet bouse ln the Coýuty- erfuilPAI -change 'In' made 1w Ni. Findin bred, au mate, 'au coal, au 4*" wM @'t'aga! sny rt&Uy mW, Mr. John MoKëown, Ocunty Attorney in thOu dàesgù Bou Bron. train, Whieh Dow fauves Lluclazi' nt eWhin,'au overytiiing élu dearer is &Il à" : a At the £Pbïving of Lincoln, intends to indict the County 1 fa 1101 Oeil and g@t bstgaing in djy goeds, &0., 2.80 p.m., (formerly 4.45 pâti. 114: rop«t W la there arle j and sr the musick 1 eau find in the hi tien. ' Vorrupouden 89M Pl" . ità . - Couneil for the dineputable, stâto of the . g. p y Chuneful Hum-bed ces@ to it. The -froiù, _ýL« Bas$ Bros. Aves in Whitby at &.20 . vu., (formerl' Gl"'Pw , intense O'Zoitemeà mimmen'hmtmaua to'let Contracte Court House at SL'Catharilieo. remadiai thst sr Cutters and buggiom-Tomo Nowpore. 7-80 P-M-) Arr"ê beau t interest; 1 no Ir '00bd âîpouible -45, ta open lino - -bc- f,' bu Citr-1-C. Dawafil 4ý lentéred Into ündir,ýitirik an lu me ear, ouly aggrivates me' si prpbuà in -Wm. Iiedingteu. 4o connect Witli the 0. T. B. lutina go.' inl &te hodake. The whole ack- to Monk rond 1 lAmenôk. Cànsfdemble dismay fa el pArtu for date 0 ; 818 on the 9th cap-, tical aperation; for, the purpose of onwx- < -L, Fairbank West, and -the looal*going outi Rhun stDublin. One report says thattlie Gruut Auotion Sale 0. - oh the Govermint on this'N. P. out from the 5. B. !ý 0. of M., cornais nal exftntiOIý and Park - Bonimin, a roi.. 129, @Z$ reminds me of nothin go much faim to the southWut speci'vl-J, B. Boberteon W -trains will crois ab Wiàitby 04' busin eloiteinèit la culy equ&Uîd by thst - corner of Thon. Wall known soientifie gentleman to-dzy Te T. E Z-00, the mized arriving ln Toronto At M the itarvin dog aitin off an inch of durin thé pousiAn rising. Another Sümmer'ý farm; ff5 on, sida lino bi- expreffla the 0 n thst an eloétrie Dain Sm "Y& tic affeste; bave sibilid but littie - 4watus 1,65, 'Éoronto gqï bis own tail 1 :t*een'loto 20 And 21, iwd7tu" si complote AUMON SALBIL rbé il ' 1" Il top ; #W whe arer of a olight IÊ;ààotki-4e - À iolo)y the t'apeett -9 lm« la Dot n 0 M% Vie. ry theylee . had at eut fui-. oh-Oth-om.,weît froinjols jusi , doife, y tharit winwoo«hpy no M 0 spacle Extensive unreserved sale çfthorough QuâybeCIý ilent lit Govermint Bop- 2b où and 410-on Centre rpad,-near B. Gaugh- thsn an cidinary travelling tronk, 4harofact, Sylrappro, Mwl Win£ AWAXE FOR DECEU13EIL, 1879-ý: porthers thare to ý iË1tAtiôU.ý It is obtis. 9 te by a friend, bred stock, ýn, lot Noý.'8, oth Con. rieik- go in for Lo'ôt AU the 'en IF faim. The d4rir was instructed to capable of discharging a opark potent orjug, %Voduoidaý Dodember, loth Wides Awake for Decomber in go goedi -time. Most sogerin ould campaum tory thst steps have ý', beau, tel to, fonce off a succens in i like a war in- China betther ý theu au ock 7 illis commianistie move. The notify,ýJam. Ryan 4 Move bis enough- ta kill simnltaneougly Imore was oi)erty ofUr. Goorge-Hiokingbottom, thae the Christmas number eau sr 1 Y. ab the M ocsný Messrs. Irhompson and the mon thaq bave ever been banged J11 Fairbanks Auctionoer.- lie botter-however, somet 7hare eI8ýbîè bekase Of th -»ci4ýXew# dons noebleme the Ouvern- Balayé 40 pr'omed 'Viith ditoh scrogi lât blug ye a Loot it prom. Mr. P Company in thio country, with entire or- une le bolids nos. Au no widh the elebkobü'u--" . arnell , fi re- Bo fi, the léth con., M Ordered by sward adfety to the llonsoliolil furnit o, buggies, Cutters, . r opcýneblo * for the oppdition of affair8,, '1_1 ljarnesg, &o., property of C. Dawe elý i o Pâners av Quaybock. The Goyermint of Fence VIewen. Me Prei dený M. B. M4. ad &Io tha 1 Port tlerry, 8aturtla Nov. 29th, J. L. whieh tbc ï 0ý en 0, fa ne Ott e! lis At thst promises, the Most, Imt will B cCý1s td"be' Ilotméd thst tizà§iÃŽbo but 06obte the. ý'î To. T. Watkio, auctioncer. bèst of Rov. si ara always ho thé7moïstyopular. 'P 013 OF TH£ NEASUM ý74iM. lÏunki- ael-S %0 e;ttrý met et grand and insiste thst the Ondy effutual paU!;r, thIo oouuff will enter le Righ OIB81*1 rites ' h a" ga , PrO-ý Hoboken.-thoie in au a eotrw apparatus Ail and this in followed by Mrs. Colis Company; H-. B. - b W P'UIMon -story of "Bergetta's Midoir. suggesthuu M d bY MO t* the Noble toi quiet the "b agitation in te col)- ebedinÉà qiiàübkvp whic iolda aparks twenty-oue Inches ra tances" for which J. G. prsocis hjýq Mârkio, whin recomméndîn , Bandy coda a large mosinre of relorm, inch au 0',Dell to retuW -49pof-.granted. W ýtj8 rfôds, for mors made one of bis irreaintible, ent-pictur Waddell'a ho Joli ýt etrate glus blooka three es Dey; fa likely ta bc notes! utmost Practioable' «If-gofoininint ta blIfilà sida walklât-Ather*e y. inche nd the , Royal Pol - itto bc'& liste Ipon. Yez mite hev . seen à report Irish towoo. ocunties and Mr. OLeary gàvë-notioe tbat ho wül 'tata London pouessesone , il Cold», 7-two ploturea for whioh alone &Dy one 1 provinces, nie -a 1: gros p ancre in i eau wofi afford to buy this npmber. ? - 1 1 from a X the wather about à noir Land *bilà still =L&iDt&iUlOt à - législative nt the nola intro. ' of graniter poFor& pledfcîne I have cou] sny ln'the Nortli.'Wett'?' Wbll," union bitwooti'thé 100«ùt". The du" bY-là, . td'âuthdrizi't" 01 'de- éons a. ONLY Si $o - --------- 0 t*6 f b Oitz, or mmu DwppzDi-The au- 7 Cain whin, >îh Dewobàm'B"y and BrM" r] Sâu or Titga. lir«ohu OU Ir-the fwn of Illwo Wbitby, Thursday, Nov, 27t 1879. ouguliaND STOUIC.-Au important &lie. rangea[ 'a e s,6"' p par on >1 n 4 ria ê,ýr hâ vith 0 hât P) of the ma oek wiU ho 'oithe i -Pel New# *6nld bc diooontinued ti6à"8419' 'of thôroughbred, stock, lthe n. ghe lëwed the timber on aide Ihis bétwoeiý rt roperty et Ïboz wellknown ýbïéede#, ýtb fripa, in nid of the "&nt fà=oro. Thé atill It iotti Il 162 i Il 't yel, letrI, - ?9:50 Blake's U - TIV ODAY. Q"enstovr,,%l', miniasioners 0 and 6 fa-the pth-".,;,he to --chop -81 for thé yieàent." Port Hope Il r. Ooorge Hickiugbottom, la announ. the4haW,#two ronde v4de f and pile the twq dailies. a 1W ïiioiil&* ý0%R dg ý tbe filweeli fst Wout Durham, fa issoedcom. Ces! for -.Wiýdxmday, 10sià December. Board; cîfý errent of Davitt, Xillèù iv;leol L ý 1- ý -, - SOROOL TausTEZ0, *ith Bronchil, 1 1041te, tllii wook, fin- a oupplement ta This sale in 'in ýconrjequencà of 'Mr. [Iiiie, ï9c by its une, and am a meeting 01 the « delegatw4kâm" 11w Ïcay, a granteil tien of the OSE *aux- Celebrated Ptàiài t1it. eliuo-iloLn, and WRI bu foifod qqell Ilickingbottom's r#movAI:,toIýý%YbiSby Win aiý rAvor f Rome Rule organizatiougofun&m to. the «0 ' "'parueo;+r 00 eletings Wil lie held to gay that I b&vl wortily carbftil parcoal. and Witt be vithout th Le allglitýet Dublin W hall. #o remedy equal As wârk ïd- , Oth 0'00*'.',' ilight.â tologram front 166 141 5 st the fown serve---even if the stock Ouly bring the *Ork th 00 oppm Yhe Municipal Blectionn, ýpric8 of butchermeat. boing held thés. If *às à greât #ad sp eýûà Nov. 21st, 1879.t' iesd statltgl thst a meeting WU thon Gimgheni- Ous-7 nïf ,ýRjiýîîîors of trouble between China si > Oi At aspeoi4l meeting .01 the, ÏBOArd, 1 4 ý cz 14an continne. able to gain beltdh cipicaite àdd* > GooD SuaeNSTIONS.-In a COMMUni- belli, at the Righ Sohool, on, Pridny case, and 20,OW wore* un Bis is as- Muniaipal Blectious are, DOW engag. ]est, there *erèjYrèèènt-ý-Mr. Ã"rmistýn admitt£1108- lot1l, $60; Noah Thompson work Tho famine in Upper Bile Pi Ing rô lie attention thedugliout the cation ta the Board of Soliool Tructeei, in the chair , Dr. Guuu, and Meurs. THÏ VENUS D£Xo.%âýTUm ôth con., Contre Rond, $28 ; John ouming alarming pýoertions. star haï, - b . .1, _: eL&wrence,"Work on. lltb Con., olipositle Mr. hc*aà mutà of 'the 'Model '41 - - By «.serions, f1reý in Algiers several DEAIt Sin: -county, au lndeed thsny are Ail Over the arewellj' coillivr , poiiéli, Xinà,, At manche> laealli *Aîiâp 1 tg 5 40A; 1 This selOOI, makeg Reine 900(1 81119960910118 Post, Campbell, andýudge DartneIL' in conséquence -0 pèrsonè W'ere Provillice, Thore are likoly'fo beý,èOM0 which Witt bc foand in the report of the Minutes rend, and approved. On the ilth con.-, Ïpposi6 lots 8 and 9 badly affiicted witl change$, but Dot aý gruat many, in the 8 It 'is te lie hoped the lnterforaniê >of the Élice. dovern- $50 ;,Johà Steele,.,,workdone on town By an explosion of gas at Zamburg Ing Congh for sevE ment Offers immédiate Ionisa te fectly restored b Complexion of the County Conneil éf 430LIrd M, Ait 1tîp4u And fojlôw mur, Celebtrae7,] Proceet. Clin. land' owners and sanitary boards Unes Mars and Cardeu, #40 ; Pat Car- oa the 216t, top persans were killed. üp that aotloà tigoidualy. Dg ci). Ireland on the ý ime Mëâiàblo 4 n F 4j* Qntario the cornling yoar. It io yet too BC126dwa-lýkii Opération in applios- Pa, MoUan work 'bù 0.1h, 00 0 Ùg nI, wl , 4.,,8toh.con..pppoea 11114 Th«>DQ'Z141i-,Aot lins been adopted in recOminend It *ÃŽth tiarty UI) mtàko any announoemeutý that tien te Government for an increase of terme, inelugling-'p-o-itbonëmêiit cif Ïeý' opposite lot la, i22.74 Joseph M*C. COIchsîssteý,' coliwy of-Essex, ont. Dity GOODS AND GyOcYiLics.-ý'1r. A. Grath, work on aide lino- between lots illiglit bc rocoived with ceitainty of the grant tu hi gh school»., Paymént for two years. It is not im The Afghan leader et the battle of 13. Salith, Raýf1_ p-, "val uable From 0. H. Robinson, bead muter, probable the Governmont may assist a Fair Valley rond, #»; Chars bas taken refuge with the Rue- in particular municiPAlibleB in- dry 4,,,de, groceries, crockery, and stating thst Owing to the ouiàUneïg of emigration. The arrangement Ofthe, 2() and %1 au Te T. G. Wl titislitud to the CitRoracrr, likoly ta bard witre, stock the ohoàpoie in the Goverument for watching Fenian Con Doyle, on Fair Valley, elans. ,.tbonum,,ý,(07.50,) offèred by the inspec. j DEAu Sin: ficerir, an tlin réBult of conteste botwean COUIlly. "toi Oftil ~licols, ho bad declined ta mov mente in America is very perfect. swam oth con., Centre rond $8.50 -o rond, $5 O'Donnell, out1êt id Rearney, the agitator, bas been ad. i tri Dbâtituteýst the forthcoming A despatch train Dublin gays the Con Boyle, atones on Centre rond 8tý rested et San Francisco for diaturbin for rny Childrenis, 4 GooDS.-Mossis. J. b. entraînes 'Aise etating Absence efrespectable citizene from the on Ma ting' sot as bis a a bail, as yen direbtei i n'the lown of Waitby thèro se con., $20 ; Alot.. Steale, culvert great relief, and t kenvral sicaire for au issiproveinent, that Robort8o ' Il Brüs. have sont us some that Mr. G. Y. Smith, (the late iniapec. _g_ 2;ý D. Thç wife of Win. Cawthorn,, of Lon- meeting at the Botundai lait nîght wu Contre rond et Upter rove, 81 them. The Pulmi la iLdinittedly required, in the' )ersonnel very liandisome, designe inXmas and tOv) 01110wed 020 fer the saine work,- very conspicuous. Steele, eùlvé,rt on Centre rond; oppàsIte don East, Ont., bas eloped with one kept in every bouse Of the coiiiieît board. We do net -cars New Ycar'e car-d'a for the 66" ing holi- which ý amonuf was applied to the IN MANCHESTER. Mrs. MaDonald'a Rotel, $8 ; Allez. Chivans, a married man. ,aljout taking upon ouraolves the ratlie day souson., They give a very poor filon, y Five more Afghan regiments from M, library fund and 'museurn - and that A London correspondent teleglaplis Martin, culvert on 7th con., betweer, jnvidioiis Wk of"singling out metur however, oî,;tlie îm'wenie assortiment Under the -present regimethe solicol that those who disapproves of the sr. Ipts 10 aud-11, $5.60 ; Johtr Lawrence 1 Turkestan, have arrived near Cabul, 'ÃŽhe ilefteienclesofootuenftlinse that can lie oedii at tiieir 'pl was from forty1o eighty dollars worsé reste that,-the Goverainent bals provid-- "0 of balai- abare of cost in Fonce View- and will disisand and go home. clections bY a 4-fluk-o" liens. Lendibg in everydepartiuent of, off thah, undèr the oÎà 8ystem. ed Mr. Pàrnell 1 ces Te T. G.V -with a -cry "*hieh will ers Ù*àrd, $4.50 ; Thos. Leffion, town- laL yï-ar aro g.laring and obvious enougli thoir trade, they havc*,,",,.yéàz under From - Mr. Brown, bond muter give bis foilowers the greatest etrengtli ship's obare of coets in award 84; Thos. The Earl of Clancarty gays lie si DEin Sm: tý evury ilitelfigent rutepayer. It i Model school, placing, at the 8uggestion ai the elections, and compel more mod- O'Donnell, work on 9th con., oppoete net think the state of is go la un- pureliase from tho best Englisli and . an S SA . Ireland bail I have 1: likoly illat filtoffigent mon Witt -again Americau art Publiphera, making trie of Mr. Tilley, the late inspecter, the erate.men te obQoe blptween auteat or lotfý«.And 9, e179.80; John Relice, repre eut auggests thst re- that your Pulmdnie Ktaiticy thetnielvet: (and as their in now assortinent the largest ever ehoin in following pointe for their consideration., agreement in Borne f0ýrm_ with 'Mr. work"on C'-'e*nt're"-'roacl,' -5th- clamation 1 works bc institutéà in My family for upi no harbor cry), by placing t1lems'agnin the town. Tho prices altio run fui] 50 PtrhOPreiOtY Of leu9thening the Parnell. Those who approve of the Rugh Corrigan work; on 8th cou., OP- The refusàI by tho London Court of reinedy for conglis, The it bas proyed iteell in (illico- '110 900d naine, the resPecti- per cent. less thau proviouS yenrs. terme to re inouths-one to bè fil conrié'of the Government, are confi- poète lot 15, 82Z, ; -Timothy Flynn, Queen'a Bench of the application made confident in recomni bility, and the true intereeLS of the towD Pretty carde in r the autumn, and the other in tl'Ç'wlu- dent tbat a communication lias --been work un 8th con., opposite lot 8, $10 ; I romain y tlll Drill designe from two by Mr. Labouchere for a inandamuii dititlllttl(l- jý And thoge are ait the te fitteen cent@ enchi j. B. Robertson ter- received believe thàt in viewoftbe John Iforan,ýbaleýùce work on &ide lime -will bc followed by Iiis commitinent to liai in view in advising thst & Dr.s., Deverall'a Block, Whitby. Of increasiug the Governinent grant 1 )Iofed at many of the botween 5 and 6 con., lot 11, $.10 ; jail. chilng > hn ti aile, At the Colinty meetincw lits tendency asexciting Michael Carri an, work on aide Une emj)ýciallY, tho County Town Tiin BANQUET TO*Sla JoliN A. MAc- Of making the county grant complut- to outrüge MIDI sterù oculd not safely between lot 20 -and 21, 8tli con., $3.20 The commission- of investigation into Mllould ho ropre8oritod by iLB tient Mon- DO-14ALD takes place at Ottawa this sory, aud eqnal te that of the Govern- refrain from immediate measures of Pat Flannery work on concessions 6 the White River massacre bas resulted There Wliithy, as lis ý-car'8 90CO bY, (Thursday) evenin.a. Ainongst the ment* repression. and 7, on Bide lino between lot 20 and in very little go fai, except the fact thât DEAu Sm sholild 1pacl [suit 4.9 ropresontatives bc gentletnen set down for speeches are Of making candida tes pay, gay, $5 Tlieîmeetîng of Balla on Saturday 21, 690; Jno. MoKay, services as Fonce tbr Mormons are te some extent ras- one bottle of your flicii liblo to, play the firat part. This itiglit 11011. Sir je n A eabh towards bearin.cy flic expenÉe, of a comparatively faine a Syrup, and with plea Il Macdonald, their training turneà out te bc Viewors 88 ; Mich el Carrîgau, work poueible for the trouble. bits Ilot bonti the Cano of*lràtfi ycars. Sir Clins. Tupper, Sir Leonard Tilley, From the president of the Whitby affair-the evictiou that Was te bave on lfr. Delaue lets, editor of the LOUdOI2 te all persons afIliète( 10th con., between lots 28 and 24, its efficacy. 1 can 1 N'Ir. RaY il1ýdo an excellent reprooon. Hou. Hector Langeviu, Mr. W. 11cre. fanned the flame of discontent being 88 ; D. MeRao, work on lst con-, OP- Time8l, is dead. cold or sore thxoat, te tativo, but e-)nlýl tauver worli in Isar- dith, M. P P., flon. Mr. Cliapleau, Mechanies' Institute for the use of a probibited by order of the aut-horities. posite lot 7, $23 ; Thos. Corrigan, cul y case, egect a ci hia (101)tlLy reeve. While Mr. Adol pli Caron, M. ll.IIOII.Jaluea rooin for the purpo80 of evening classes ympathisers in the Uniteil t3tateta are vert on 8th con., opposite lot 14, 85-.50; Lord Napier, Governor of Gibraltar, in in waY. tlio solf-opinionated skeail, president of the Otta the institute undertaking ta pay ex- %ýa Liberal. gining te make themselves board, Indigente, Mrs. Batman, D. Campbell, will represont Queen Victoria at the vote another, Con4c, penses. Mrs. Tyke, Mrs. Lee, Uptergrove,'$5 Spamish Royal marriage on the, 20tli 'rVative Association, wili occlipy ,a there fa some foolish talk among Whiti j.liiiii talli and talk ali about the question the Chair. Fromi the Education office lie to, car. Iriahmen in the coal ' d iron mines in' each, and $8 te John Walsh ',on break- iD8t- Ili it way in tire out aïl(I diagust thosi tifIcates of teachers. aý Te T. G. W Froin the saine as te DOW regula Pennaylvanis ta Organize a raid upon ing stone. Couneil adjourned te ineet The wheat liarvest bas commenced DY-An Sm. wll() listulled 10 liiiii. Whitby %vanta Fiturr AND OaqA.NiFNT,&iý TnEr8 - tiens Canada. again on- the first Saturday in Dsecemb- in the northern districts of Australia, infin wlits wdl carry woiglit and in. respecting the work of the department. or, 611. and it is estimated that there will ho Pulinonie SyrnupiLviinngm: Attention is directeil te the announce. ACCOUNTS. (From the Mail.) 875,000 tons of grain for expert. of years, 1 take pleut 'Don"Il , and rospÇot in the county mont of St. Ctitbatines Nurseries in PoSt Office Inspection. - B. bave found great boue Couneil, Otherwise it wanld bc far bat. other Coluvans. Mr. Powell roported froin committee The Toronto Mail Ias recently con- Abundance ofcOal baving boisa ai lie au excelent rt tor the town shoulil romain nurept(i. on finance rocémmending payment of tained some able éditorial articles on Naw anitaNGR'ýMENT OP THE DIVISIONS. covered west of Winnipeg and abun. kolitud lu flint body. The Dames of lear purity a a obeapnesa of Druge, accOunts : the question of land reform in Ireland dance of coal ta the West of itIl that City Mr. 01jarles King, ai' reevo) and à1r, Messrs. Bathbun & Son, coati, $104 - bide fair tc, become a groat iron produc- Yvotilitu (lilison, as depaty reeve, have go to Whitffeld's Medical Hall, Brook The writer's knowledge of thst of which By au order in Council the follOwIng ing centre. boeu Illontiolind, for thono Oificen the Street, Whitby, the leailing Drug Stor 88 ; Thon Sleigh, repaire, $21.48 ; W lie speake in evidenced by the following ont offi o , pectore divisions have fiiiîitiiÙgyonr. Aud ali wo have W r o. in the County. o Taaker, elcaning yard, 81 ; Geo. Tule, in Monday mornings édition, in which galon es 'o lu" The Scotch Miserais are enthusiastic Tc T. G. Wi etatiouery, 04.65 J. S. Robertson tablished:-The pont ofEce in- ilut bo made ; nor Inen lait forward WHITUY HrOll SCLIOOL EXAMI NATIONS stationory, $28.IA4 Mr. Sarnia, $2.50 t rly stated spector t a division now known as the over the arrival of Mr. Gladstone at Dz.tu Sin. Last çrintq Iriatifin that a botter soloction could the cage la fa' East Toronto Division to bc changea te Edinburg, where lie in announeed te titrirti liiielytu briug crodit tu the town. on 16th and 17tli, Deuember. tressing te wituess, 1 S. W. B. Smith, 02.45. How in it that while the tenant farm- the Barrie Division ta consist of the Open the electoral Ca gn to-night hall a severe cela, and Xr. 0. Y. Stiiitli antl ýjr, J. B. Powell p SCIIOOL REPORTS. land are waiting pationtly for a mea8. 1 Bo ort adopted. ers and sgricultural labourera of Eng- counties of Bruce, Gray, Simcoe, Vie. with au addregs in theInfualiic Hall. remedies, but nothing linve aiso heurt filvorably spokeu of, but DISSOLUTI N OË PAItTNt-.'RSIIii,.-No- toris, Muskoka. and the Georgan Bay The Ottawa river was frozon over ou til 1 tried your Pulmon 1) Iliýjk School- -September-Noà- on pris of land reform, those classes in Con. lievea hini at once, azie t1ifflorlitand tliat they wolilil net' tioc la given of the dissolution of part- naught are on the verge of insurrection 2 Portion of the Algoms district, together Saturday morning, and the stë-am ferry in a jew daya. Bince roll 108 ; average attendance, 85. with the townships of Mené and Adjala coulci net make lier regular tripe. %vîmil to have the time aud attention ahip betwoon Messrs- Birrail & John. he, band muter reporta the solwol Saine osy it in because the Irishman la in the county of Cardwell ; East and mombers of my famil 3 i-ýýtilliretl fur thoir J)rivate -business en. 'Stop, flic well known 8tock-breedees. much larger than it. bas bison for sô me more des eerately vicked âd naturally Auxions toi conoiliate German 'lie saine Plessaing rosi croncliud s'lion- and tliat they. wonid 1 yeare, nt this season. and thott il quill moreaddictèdlo lawleunens than tha North Gwillimburv and aparoin.- î. lsroi-ve fltvoi-iig the eloctimi of the two sec ingLittiniliftla ne ' #do -,0 0 0 80 tý 100 ........ ......... .. b" ..# ............... 0 10 7ôpdý 1 Il- 0 fore qiùufer -6m per c;" ambi . - ................ . . mmâtffl 0 25 0 dom-, 075 1 uüfpo ........... 0'00 0 to ....... 080 0 040 9 piâ. ...... 0 25: '@ 0 meks perpr ............ ; 0 50 49 0 lb. i- ... CJLý.P.« 4 a (Y7 0 = per. ...... 0 ov. 26th,ý IÉW oUr ............ xley ..................... 0 40ý 0 ô( sa .. ......... 0 50 0 à 45 ....... - ............ ... 0 00 08( si 0 .06 si 5 ýX ,00 si 080 lats -a 60 070 4 00 450 5 00- ...... 0 481 020 90 ........ f ....... 015 018 y 800 go 4 00 si 5 jë 250 Il 00 ae Notices of Birtht, Marriages, 4 DeaLlt$ charged,6o c&nt-s£ach. DEATHS. *ife of D. IL [son, aged 1 ýea(i0a- YT4a.àbýe mmedWor sMi, of ý certidûti tîm in mes yàçreý' the afozo» i>,,1eý=ed1y-ýUperi gr, It wM k efféom *h as notbingý ew wm-pm D' and posiesoeo-; fhe greît advantage of Ï#e j5ý relinquùbea, ré "-Uoù 'Y au>lmg, pid b glsts.' Price one Dollar 'c- A R D all Who am 1!!Seonf from the errozo 4na'inclisoretiont- 0, yý ýth nervouq t'le d'a ïeceite thst z OF CHARGE. --Mg great zm'd 3ýsSvered by- a ýnjgionazy in S= mes, $end a self-addressed envel New îý;k City. mâe ààd Unres âmd sa[a ()É FIBST CLASS 9pough'-Bréd 0ows! Ss, -, BuRs, Cowtswoid Ewes Ra'ms, IleSvy Draft Stalon JoIts, Berksbire Pigs, -&c. - abscriber bas received instructions fron, GEORGE HICKING80170m, byPublie Auction at his prenn-Ses, 8, in the 9th concession of the Township of Pickering, On ý1dneSday, Dec. 10th, llowing valuable anim viz 12 gh-hied Cows in. 1.11.5ù to im- Bull "OwrY" 4 two, year olà gh-bredHeîfersincalf to Imported )Wry" * 3 Calves Thorough-bred; 1 alf, TLorough-Bred; 1 threa vear 1 Importeci - i She-ling Ran [rom Di Stock : 'li Ewes, Cotaw pla; 7 =bol Cots wola ; 1 two year old ý en. ýý1 - ClYdesdale! 1 Yearling Colt, e; 1 pure Beikahire Boar; à Pigs, pare Berkshire. - re(le with Cattle, Sheep and pigs. c'es On application to the eoprietor loneer, bee"e. sale at 12 olelock, lunch ilS.-DIC and under, caab,- ner thst 11 mO-uthe credit'will be given by fu=Ùàb approveil joint notes. from dagif not paid when due. %YJL" ali tilst wus required irî 1 Waitlono was Mjt LI)ü workde te wu c*rying ýJ 'Ili y.man sud, Parry are vaut y different, lu 1111y "alti, ri4 wrooked off 01 Mr, King, oecouded by in the right Saturday ni8ilt. Silo Sound, OU that the applio tio and in 4posen it alf tl taind e' W' g flic sr thora in suflicieut coin in a1rre et board. 8pou pu b a was wreoted from Opinion that grepubacke Y,,,Uuulrd"p",Y,",rtbL, whole onmot 4 -- te "" n'le 0 Papier moule distance, fier cries reluctant le Mochaujos Instituts for a biv in t itugle 4fter al, Il wns Ownefl by Il on xUDOterýa symseux of atý', wbenev deeper in the M re in whiob jho W&B towl room for oveuing classes 'ira and confiscation prbvailed for immedisielythe U - Rer struggle tu fr8e scrape and scrape as I on, SaturdLY incroin Place 01 P&Pêi circulatiollné 11, Je of herseli eaused bar to by Iliu in. doideÏr-vianc" 811 the,.Gèorgiall Bay Traaaportatiiýn 0,m. aboula bel gether, w1lât WILS his roturn p lit was charact asacunbgoeurto4 bdr-enlooucgk ING OFFICÈË8138 granted. centuries, and the land gold and oink deeper and the £10 pound note 1 ý#'Witllotlt a oeuf 01 c0tupensati uYe 10[t Obningv,,,l Congrai te Pagà;iinatleaadw. will atook for eight deys, with Do food except note, but is Vl'OACuESwOoFtiolInOLoDfIMNGr. Campbell, second. Itiligieonnatiinvoupartoipmzieetor and hauded ,,r Ile will alec request Con, h Position @lie remained lit from the buelles which grew with- and looke ut it lovin - freighe ut few y tu 'Ln alien landlordancises, whooo des ailver issued i ra g, beavily ladeu with BLECTION-RPTUitti. ci tu this day areinafiiuetaresint. rle-1 ic4r1y th: reccommbutlations into effect, in fier rench. The water whiolà abc colinot rend the inocri etlt;tlo ci' flic. Promeut gentlemen ut il,, whom, wu Mr. B. lî.. Fisher, oditor and qd by Mr. Pont, thst the gradually drank ehe, dippedi £rom the bug witji Malin that.11 -Flanagar future Ment- throo.flithe ci the weelthier landowners Wthd 11, grned and I hua to lî ne to page a ali I could find by all c couneil board, They did nof know how proprietor of the Xor1?ý Star, and ru. loge of the Board lie hold in the Town in Fdglsùd werp. French Catholicis who law limiting the farther minage of ber bauds. Mro. Averyfo brother, seraping, your bonor, ai f;> value or, al)llrooiâto bis Services, and contly of Toronto. Couneil chalutier. t1idr liras and thoir rente in standard silver dollars. Great stress WhOUI Oher was on ber way to ose, WU$ t'bat, soie 'OY'earried'tlioir badgeriug and ýilly On motion of Mr. Pont, Reconded sud loît-thuir touantry in charge will bq laid upon the saccage which et' Dot âware of Lis sister's intendea ing how bad th -tailting, of -what they knew nothi 8- W. B. Smith's stock of XinaR Mr. Campbell, the board fixed tib orprenchestholie a ents'it i,,If, tu tendait the PlAcing of the four ver cent for mis- rens for the balt-year, 114tit, te such lin, Inillf Cards commises tho newest anci la lye . ýnd no search was made the test places in the wards for holding the say the agitation for and refortu would J'an, Th' PeOli ont will ask Congrego log woman. rüfý)4)ut tic %vas aotually.foreed tg absent floral assigna. Assortmont laigo and nominationsnud. élections for traitons ibe conducted vrith eeater. îbittornose tO Pas$ S lâw tho 0 ellable geôrâtary Sher. À Mali named Baedon, residing ai have fi> bc." Thepyllatini meetings in disguse. very chesp. debt by nue the roi of the Lackswaxon township, happoued te atretched out bis Land ne follows . North Word, Oddfeillows, and acrimony than it fa. It ai vie thoe Mau to cent! Thii;. will accoant for bis nome Dot ap. Hall, Hugh Fraser, Returning cincer ; f "Times are bord, Flinal urchaming aves and ailes paso - through Tinkwig swamp à itw Pettr'ng WmOnJýmt the mombers prosént BRUTAL bIURDMit.-An old Mau nain- knowledge thst their landlords Il and which wil resch mattirity -in the next (UJBoYwslanagoo.. a fIè1weý zuwialess rdetoutrannitng, frOux thougli our'crops are a Centre Ward, Conneil obamber, J. A. interest in cotamén wi Il là , few years, and refunding thenc in four nt recont meeting@. And we doom this cd Min- W-Ost, Of Perth, wu$ murdered Campbell, Boturning officer ; Senti, thât mont of tbom se t t em par couL bond@. Congrees will aise liq' home in the western part of Lacka- 1 muet take the £loi fil exillanatloti due te Jilin. by baviug bis h8ad stoRibed 112 with au Word, Bowe's atone store, Jordan Post, 08 by mothoda-the reverse, of équitable, There are Boldo me m«bero of the colin. an. Benjamin B. Mitëliell, a YO(Ing Roturning afficer. thât leails *bd impetuouo , Colto la the nolisa, to, paso a law for the protection walon township, and carrieil bis gun the change. Yeu fia cil wliome OQU(l fellow of unsolibd mlhd,'ý lias beau ar. west and sou 112g some gaule. Ag net WAR 811 that eçoid lia ni . . nion scucol. EXAMINATIoNs. th of Irelaud to resort in ' wroDg note ont of your if foreigu trade marks in the United in the hope of killi uPPrOvé(l LIIO Promeut Year, and if thoy 1-rosted on on clon. this criais te mossures which no Mau States. A great portion of the message bc was Passing along the edge of the one llould offer again, tbey demerve On motion of Mr. Farewell, ,second. will lie devoted to a review of the effort swamp hé heard a peculiar mosning 8 , re.eloi of right feeling eau defend. The Eng. note tiou. 1VO Only hope they will"flnd Forchapped Ilandg, lipb,&C., White cd by Mr. Campbell. rooolved, thst th@ lieh tenant âà the othér bina *kbOwi of- tbeý -Administration- te refortu -the tý Ho et firist thought it W& th. THE MANITOBA JUDGES more côngouigil and aillaient colrongues rose 01 11atu bottles 25 Mroaching examinations for,,sdmio« iiothing of absonteoism. --Rio landlord Civil Service and the ouccess which bas ?f the cattle thut might bc Soeie!y bas passed a lit thO C011120il board LU 1880. conte., S. W. B.- Sgulth. sion of candidates to the whitby Righ gItOud0d iL In the woodo. He paid no questing thé Minister of Solippl lie Dot lield in the Righ séliogal Oontain nome refèrence te lie in. 'no"ùi":ttention and poussa on. Soon pî6 not conduis hisattention to bis estate te t furthr 4int Mr. B. G. Dalton. POST OPrICE INQUIlty.-Ur. Ingpoo. A firiýoït 1,Wudôu on Mouday night building@, but tbatïtlie examinera lwr the saine noise was heard again, this the Crown and Commun ýp- the Amoant of monoy ho eau wTing .11agetigations made during the snmmer destroyed Dufileld 'Brothers' large ce questeil te hold the Raid examinations 'l of time more distinctly. Ho overy year out of hWwretched tenantry., the North Amarican fialieries. The followed the to, te the remaining vac 'fur Spry came te Whieby on Wedneà-- riàgc wOrko, valued nt about 020,000 ut the Ilow town.hall, Whitby; and If the Irish agitators are mskingg &abject of ý the NiOsr8UgUs canal will direction of the noise, and waq soon in judgeship. day, au flic Order of tho post 011106 De-- 'Yotterday moriaing a fixe ab CJintoý thstthOcOtntuittce on saboolproporty deplolablë mistake in advouting re. lie alladed to, its importance urged, BOY FELL DzàDý--r-Ao t partmolit tu wake furtber enquirifi contumedtlistownýhaillan(lýfour brick bc requoâted te make the nouesury sr- the very heurt of the 'Owamp. He location 0 storco. ý 1 Pud!4tion of ran, te and- encouro.yeng.,a of the conn stopped again tu listen fürther, when rangemai g. And a fuller survey tr iook!ng te hie riglit lie eaw an ob.ect Thomas Dumble, --c"i Cob rospectitig- flic f týe post itofor holding suolt.,examin. earianaitneà, theýBr!tish Gdieroment tbr'oi4'ih.*hich-it would Pau wilibe turning front 'abbool Yi 011,100. Ilo ditl 60. - ý -& *-.- ationo, if bofd in the town'hall. Appents te lie licting *1WithýtIb due Con.,, auggut-ed. Moving, whiolf ho found Wn a Mrs. Avery, when nearly home, ho (lontitioïs 1>0 n Ilà report" will Chainoie skins, large and oort, for Board adjourned. sidoration in arresting the minor of. strugglini botween life and desth. He down dend. He was th renta&owent of that made client sud lung protectors, f3. W. B. fenders and etamping ont by force open SUICIDE AT r*j'uN.-:-Mrs. Paton, on attemPte to extricate- ber, but failed, and bis father nome y£ýart by Iiiiii in Marcil IAOL As we men. > SWIth Tim CATTLs TuADE,-The fallowi' ý9 air deménotrations, whioh are bat the 5th lino of Friuf comtuitted suicide and was obliged te walk sonne -distance in tionod tbon, and mince, tbat eligible, site, statuaient respecting the exportatiodi Of fêoblO lmi"tioýo of-the settues ciaacted ky banging beroolf en Saturdoy. $ho for holp. After giving notice to the Mo Millan'a 13lock, J@ the likoly esbese. Sel'Ã"OXU't OÃœ FIRE 011POSITIC WRIT. CattIO [rom Canada ja ýpubIi8hed :-The on the Irish benchis otie the fluor 0 lait home during the day te go tu mý ,,ret noighbors, lie ruturnad, accom. DAILING BO1311ELYý AT- lected, und wo havo un rosQOnýnOw4O oollooller Wag seau on total utimber of ]ive tock ahipped m PËW*inent.' Dâily and Dévitti, ândýthè neighbour'o,,telling the -Ïsmily net tý) panied by a numbèr of men, wich a change fliat Opinion. The &ras of do. fire, about throomiles out on the Lake, -Montreuil was, 17,1121, bu unessy if eh- wagon. They finally oucceeded in e either on Saturdry or Su log 80matiling lu reoïonse te, the m,@.' Off Whitby barbor, acting the etorin of 59,900 ehoop, audý 8,4 baud of cattle' "otheri Who have boeul arreeted, or for 0 did not return. Net W X. the store of P. MoCallum 98 hOgO. Prou' whom warrante are out, Are Dot the raturming, ber buoband went, in o6arch tricaticg the. 'Woman, and elle me amonut of &code known morial of flic Town Ouneil lias bgen Tacaday. Quebec the OhIPMODts wOrc 1.000 basa, zingloadere of the znovement. ]Parnell of hors and 4nding elle hua n'et beau nt driven to a neighboring bouge, and gone through, of cattle, ýl7,274 shemp, and 188 bugs, or and OConnor Power are roopousible, the place afin pretended to go, au slarm medical assistance summoned. AI. PtOlon -gu]àuât' 'd'iciar èl 'Tout recoivea, au asoorteil lot Of a gland total from the. ýtWO, ohipping - held wae raised, and ber body was discover. thongh Mrs. very we P. thaï; in if anybody eau fairly- be -4c, Avery is yet A Berlin correspondent OrJTTCUS AND 13LTaaigs.- ?4égors Reartiâýtollet 8ôap#ý, ÙOM 0 from the terribl Il which serted that the Duke of prions; w orte of ý21,112 bond of cattle, 779284 lie ed yesterdey morning onspe a ordeal throug rom& & Newport, ara uow offèringýae 'cents a dozmu, 9. W. B . Smith. obeepland 8,070 hoge. The esbm&tOaý for the calamitous cir. uded to a elle passed, elle will recover. Whon fine, become reconciled to Mod bàrgaino. _They annotillea the -Huit valus of thia live stock Je :--ýCàtb1e,#2: wbYthëy abouldbe Allowoti"to,ý go, An ilIqUest was hala to-day by Coroner instance# thst have led up to it ;,and tree in a Swamp adjoining the houe. quoiRtionad concerning ber feelings 6freu0uncillg'biB claim tg erpétandbost astortment ofoutters lry Brandon, for Outraging a 200;obeép, #771,810, and litige while thoir'rétainers arasent to. 3EONaughton, wheu a verdict o while tisonna in the mire-, £lie te. of Ranovei,' and ý âccePtiný kna carriagos in the Caunty. 7. year old girl at Wilmington. Del., "Il prison, f adIcIde plied bihmapt they were bayond descrip'. pro a the arantea of t 720,or a ý«raUd total îlf 82,985,780. fa tome thing probably.ý.ýInobody ander inosaity wu& 'W" mentenced te t-ttn ),Vous, impillion. $1521valle ' , Out- 'l . returnel ment, thlity lanhes; a Th. 1 Ofthe forage exponed.vich' aide DubU& clutte celui mde"zfd. Ï Thé regrolution in San Do lion. She bail on the- seventh,ý duy of the nke Omof Brnném MdDxgrii J. S.ý pillory, na- $50 this stock for food, ' averaging the trip Morddter, la this'ap,, the brute force ýOgulted ý fa giving tw minge, hue given up AU 1 hopé of béing Il ' , , ' , , havil sont un apeoi. 1 ab ton days, îs placed gypteit fa met ré%,arded with, favour alive, but on the morxùng of the eighth ut Toronto. bai turned ci liens of thi At e92,690, and tua estimrlea Rame Pald evad by <to New 'York. nobte.09 Xtnâo.-and New B. W. B. $With la opelling ap xInqIt tu the varions thoie who- iffer éc tu cSiý friom, Bèlli" Wh dayâbe bad a preeentiment thât hé1p dividuil. He lias rec ýoàr'# oudi ý6hIy 1 0, oýoroxAminod, gooda dally. oqe to o ýrepresei2t8 the would ranch ber. Mro. Av oivet 8588,W's"Mobla li';eq igr the aptators. It sayonrs too much et ýe7"à m!Ïd thst ho is Loir is, reteggmed, by bh»ý jâ »mêlih&t -to prpperty Qf484ling wu DODU.- a-a--d-x-çý p, rrlzt-,e, w-b-a-tlo-«g- l that fta au is te the point )eýrt'tim"MV09=0 of being mW t 'à un nimi by mouves leeg",OÙ thé' surface it has no va those whlQàý May bc huit *rý169r Witli two cents. it h*â in- aujau "en mure tllgmnn&oc- tre. p la, One intmpoopnsot 0 speci - a& fnuû tbrougbgut 0 r tic iliisct-clâsj jus a second, tenancu thé .1 Au honatit nest convictions ether so.und 1 are ité friends., d tb. Sus a es ct -touing ý truth te iti a ut lis triends enaver cm- or 0 - ' iiiii C Ica upon whieh tlw 3 eu ng thé yeux to, w be o in whieh Do pa- l= 0 afro te close his 6-yun tu o. It là oibwtu ý oxaggante leo ci itica avents ivhich ne, or t ecessityý of resolute the'PaTt ev ý citizen wbo de- lerve overnment thut the va Us. debates -and acts of D atterra Of the praos tho oz- tu ci' blicau ýýà nemo- ',,,uOw eu equal lu strength y 0% g, drift of mon ail cetjy and = 0 twen liteàiden- te iui-elda ovember. Fou ct em ber the of tbe luk 18 et the polls, was thwarted conspiracy oterg - - C om@ ce of "WIIX#IC-h L tC , --- the crime of i bu reposteil put décade ࣠ro cliened Pt, extravagant,, a a insolent U ýintrenched alb asbingt- somothinttow âlodgicg b ki ,Em, tu ir fond fi, Ï., te v IL UWY b 0 wilo coming yeax vers te iý;_*i --momentous ',quco- rswillbe on'hand te chroidde ýOY arc dovéloped, aud te exILIbit Md foi&leâaly Lu thoir rolatioN and right, Lw habit of philosophical poil [ng.attbe mïnor attairs-of Ille, tblue a stendfust jeurpooe te righ , %et the ple il t a 1%<Wtltution gainât où 89* r1l Aîtroparo -rite - LIctive, and ut the *amo a latury of lm" 3ubscription romain unebangel 3UN tour-page shoot of twen- ce, Qîjný<çê by m",,PoOtJPAfdý nontki or $8.50 a year ; et Sunday.paper, an eîghtcp a ix cojumnsý the price is IdI5 ýe CL sl'.1yo a year, postage- edition et THY SuN -is AIJO elstaly st 01.20 a year, Foe of the wzl!xl.y Sux, üight- columns, à 01 a Yeu, paît- M af'ten sendinc Oe we WM rther to pùrcb inspect. ENTRANCE EM --The next Examinaucu_ be hala THE Towi 4te.Ropkinal ý Tuesilay, t1w 161h. j the 17tà Deroin AT 9 IL. GE 0. H. ROI Ri h School, Whitby, Wov. 24,1879.' A881GNEE'ý Stove-89 lure, Piano, a re WILLIA-31 BR solvent.. 1 Wili sell On the preraizes Brock St., WPM Sýaýrday, tli-- 25ith Nt The 1ýo1e ai the Stock" being colfpOseil in part, aq, Stove8,ý, Cookîng- and sortmént -of Tinware, j Lampa, La'tteir=nR, B Enamelled ',.Kettiest- CC :Pum2pe Ti ' iths, oola àýýra Rons l? * hin tiqLes toc te m The stoc asso fordii a -ty>-Ol ers, an 117 se, ezs,,às and WM be PU -a lots ezs er 0; 1 :Furn* e, Cen le, 1 1 1 Light n., - 8 AT 10 0, 0ý 1 r écti GUO 0 10 JEI ýýr notes sum, 8 months cre L. Y AXES, JNO. Au4tioneer. N. B. All ren2auun.- uneo VM be sold on the foliowing Whi0y, Nov. 25th 1879. T ýÀUeT10_1 Vainable ùtîèùo-id Fur gies, Wag a, Cutte TUE on 01 MR. 0-. A At PO RRY SATUILD Coma encing ut one On acco t of Mr.- Dawesli WhAbye rytlaing WM be k withon eserve. L. Wý ýMtbY, Nov. 20th, igh. rjIHE COPARTNERBRIe & fera exjîtmg between 1 and Arthur Johnston, OL p Farman sud Stàik Bree4ers lu h,4%9 under the nama style Jaimton là bars by mutuel consent. Giv- -naer ou*andat wh. day of Novembèr, 1879.- > BI] W-ituess, ABT 3 W. 1 . 1. B INGS. ONTARIO HC BROCK 8TREET WBTMI Bego te annolmce tbat he hu j Prceprietonhip of the onta where 'Sauts WM kgxeait.er zm Mnal attention. The table ýwi efflea *ith the best ý of eV, .96amb imgnone but the bei liqu c wUl be.kept qG&O a . and attentive el 'Old are respeeffuuy in, SNO«M DUNDASS-ST., Wmilz Tbanks bis nunierous--friend fo=Rl Patronage for il, put yei "Oit& a 00Jatinunance f'thanm, KeePs constantly en h&na (3, .descriptions aho CONFECTIONERY ÇARES, PASTI 0,11eSTMAS and NE w YE, A ZS Cýj EF, 0 Ys TE, R-p2l TT LA Y 8.4 USA a F, -ER MULLAGE-,

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