Whitby Chronicle, 20 Nov 1879, p. 4

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and egvn sceiasilosave'- - u1eot 55J IL& osn danger aud jpcwar of hâvac, iliis tm$est andi seourga cf ftre wouid ho a paeeaula of eommalug efor-cand' -b emnîr. FPjpsyou will saloi1 glimpses of wiTa y6 tsko'to be grey wisps cf haze sas> off on the. horzon; pertidies deopen gradaually, and galber- loto 'a deflnftis columu of emoke, blalck like a rain elge4, and bronze about tihe odgee. M liensssthseatrange, sombre bouc' euirs fos-was-d roae eprairie, 1'aud yen Iwial your.br'eth al-,silist cf h. repld frogroas of it. A mile su two milntes s fie oece fa'is-y under w6y. It halls for- an instant,- yeunotea, oves- a bs-ced Meale wisaîe tisoe-a I standing water - but it il far au Insaent- aniy. The nast moment it;sresches tiha uplsud bgain and tise dry grass ; asid dreetiy * - gi-sapea boll oft1he tail blutislers, sud the. hanses Jeep sedieanly bhuil sdly 01nt abovo tIseMmois., fisli aubeiles itgalju, sud flic. black ases grows Iliglie-, suni] yen cati sceul thic isnig * itass, avil lucr tise itent roar cf tise Ri.;-au awfni s-oas, resembilg tb. m otstsîdcf artillesy lu a boavy combat. Alitisleoe calsuiiaos.editely -about - yioil tlgot yss o sitt usuels as &0mies 1ltliv 1khes.irý, (f tsewMiChin lis y cs-ioket, tisas-si le nucbrois ii t'f ails- irriug, aud lue oui, i. s)iilsin aiîst ise iseat'eue !lgtyiis artS luii o icîi lit. Buit Lltl s ssiiiu:mi %wiii le ltrakeu néon. Tise Cs~n I rUgiigOi t siN ly A feW tilfs iýay russw, Uàg ou oaîiiy tricestise sterist ]it-rillce auergy et ils lbase; - l, Iiits issu keJugiiutstt lin-t yiiuis-eypo, l 01.-ont lia Isatecurnec betaviiy op- prtar.Angdilig,, ,n l IIto0, tiha w indugisîu 11114g1ggJclggss-ii oug, llteap- Jgrgi s sgg 5ggs5 ifit i mseycî , sandl tisa euu i,4 bigiulle o,,n ui ytu ara lu das-kuene ste ni iuiuitislt witls'u nslsocu cr star. Il is i .xseiasc of but s loilts cgguusgigs iors u s sldsdaesi plnnge mbto * lnlussto, tisoogplui lsalins sels 1s<gui, nti wiiesyen lookliont1agîlsu yon s ind fli iglifre finîs pesta-ci Von eaule orilr so lu ilige riglîl, and i'i cIIi roliing (olier- tu )tei esiet ; asgt ise lu i it racla ire igig ivgtsgl onsitles-ig clarlie ;,4 lisIy sint il ag g iogtitsssgifigte -*ntlituse goggi l othles-i i ul il, andtia goîils cof tIn i anti ssbeatissg bglick filîe aubes filio of 4t Iis ls-e oWiLlis brsîilianti oit] iiItiiîesandti senduiug furwstsd litl cosîues--is-e~le iieutildsslkenîs it lit a mai*(,f dimtcicîo ,'flisepstit suay stoi)il suI] sssstl(s ilî~genilgela tisera Co~li grai iolss vaisl acrouse sresis -twesllty or tlîirty yars-ainl wiatl, oct ceýviftîgsgi romlllesle is tosr oinnobsî an ItL,; IL ros liey gire &o-iTetal iti byi esiy wiîtg iti'gS s-gggvlt leaextaul cf pIosîlî1hijda11111, aii Jîsi tus tyiold, sii. Jeu y, f'or lACItcof unytiiugsucra b tj-ggaggsul)gswghus1-A terrible tis. asaler gs'crrogia ittae asCity on- Fsi., igy. . 'lia0 (Mttsifilvgg crpces- rantiCansdy ssîgaigsfletîry of Cri&Sssescesîpyilsg.i fsssîir frjck fhrea.r bulisg tuisîbi- su duwu sandgwas cssiei)Itely bus-eeg. 107 passousj, mueiy boyesud ijs froigo12 tg 20) yeirss, were antîvork is tm faclsry, eut] ail escaposi excepl7. In-ti1 e onud-etory abouit liirly girls wüe rtcuoff trom the sais-way by ira- bere bloiciing lise digues-yo's. Tisey rau te tlieWindows, sud Isefere essy ona * eaisd stop tiien, savos-al lied jumnped, î'ooslvilintsgluiues-al Ics'ribîo wouuÙds.' AI lest tisa door La tiese elirway wae balleec] lewu sud tisa girsewers-êso lûeset. - Ilvl than tire minulea tise wliole waiea' manssof isiug lesc, wifisin -which coulai ho- boas-gitis arlse suid prayera of lise impriecuet] girls flot] boys. tisa darnes wes-ae slie-ecothtiI ucgtliîiig colilieb dosso for nearly lîstîf ai 511isof'. Only oua issus-ou, e gis-i enuitib(3 ro0o04116dsliVo. IL14 ssoIpcFea1 biset tise gruat sîcsnlni ofstock muscat] tlisevaila -as-omble. Trîe buiiug %vse coult]erod pcsfeuly safe. - * "IIE(IUÉ&'rciue" IN 1( KsIos-Uustt.-An cs-gaoizasi boduy of twt or tlsreo thons- sut] regffsitoere bave riiiîssi le ssesItisae u.itsclty of lJets- l ifîîIItiety. csi l it -s y tirus- tlus-sgiouasi- ise ocourseha~ve Igevt isoîtitLui LthaI il Cerainsîlsî uiileusges- usuro ilîlt.susueillshd îte (11s-lulsry 1Js1,Q- CaSe, tisa rugssitusu lilU a1itir lui * law of tlie Jsîoc yiîiî litls-ce ditys aftas-tiseCourt sadljoos-rî.' Theîoosgens. zatiosu le ai c leicsseleotlie bolter claMs et cifl lansd tliey ieciro tisat tiscy muecu bocisteswilis rolibnirs, h ltu.Irurwife.osiutyes, saiusuels Issessîiy ulis l itais-pisiola getseralfy. Susais,-TgguesFair-chsildilaLe- snt <gs-ues-, ilu tlî twnstisp cf \aug. Iibi, ceas- lilcbsuou-i lHi, coeuusitbtd sle ycstcrtlay, by hengitinnluise TO OIi'TliTR107 0F u t lb eutibe of THIOMAS iota o ai Wteraia, lu tisa ' ria-lglthtie CObAofs-e asu, do a e eat], rs se se I)icliluren o i î I- aims, n W.11.. lillisust, WJilhs-on or ]ciai-e dise of Decomber next, bun Slilhiapt Gcasge AÀgil, et tbh elasid ate, atîIat hIter It da (te, tise saii-eue- sced te os-ihute dise aîgto uceted,eamssngstlita 4pas-dIco c), aviug regard le tîsoclama saiS oxculers hueathon S11ILIU<Gki, Whtby, laites- fortlise gag lxcors. A Oct-1, 1179 f4-1 FOR SALE. BS :-MIN flýt' jASTRAl1lA-g V313 TUIMMINIiI, &C. A, eur Jkete made lsga - - --~l5tt, Witbiy, Slecrage pemangers are larwardedto Leu- dandcrry lleufaa, Glasgawi Qlernstcwns Bristol, &ardifi, sud Landa t ame rate éà taLiverpool. - n o orfin Parties wlsblug tu sendtit rfins eau obtalu tickets at iaw rata. 'TUi. Oea passage frein laùd to Jaud aver- ae &bout savart pAve îwo cf whlch mare spent lu'th. suooti waters cf the St. Law- Tirs Stesushlps of thq Allan Line came direct to lhé Grand TrunkIW slwiy wharvss et Point Levi, (South Quehecan sd Specel Trpus e edispatchbef i th 18e passengers isumedla*ely on arrIvi. iy Iths&arrnge. m3ent, Paisoeners avold dolby sud erpause. Qlrc.seglviug &aI.lIformation, malled trac. For tickets'sud further iuformation appiy 'ta- * GEO.B. YULE. Exp. sud Tel. Offie 'T o LET.-TIIAT COMODIOUS 13H51. deuce on Byron Street, appasite thea Methadiet Pareonage.- Iu good reafr, sud with excellent couveuleuces. Alsa thç north hait cf he large two stasy cottage isu- imediately south cf te Court HAnfse, alto lu beet cf repair. Bout ta suit dh. limes, -J. R.L1ILPr. Woduesday, Nov-. Slh, 79.4 n S BaOtec. lsbot, wec.n Bof. lins' Crack aufithe reiidece o f John Wrlght ICsq. a GeDutleàOsa'laid wth nam aie lu ornler-J. V. Btallu, 'sh'tby. Finder wil pisases retura ta Ibs cliMe.401 l lwtsiaaoa seet.a '. I.-...~ Li cempcrgedaIflugreilante indenticaèl -erlh thtso wluiciu onstitut lo Ialis, Blond, blitusule R sot]Nrre and Drain Substance, wilsut Lisfs uleodlrectly dependeul up- o osu etf thema. ]3ylOn union witb Ibh bloond and its affect gsposts0i bisa ousesl, re-eealihihlg the ons noui tssslugtsise cher, il se capable cf afect.o Isug tIsas tslewiug reculis ILil li t]elaceor was ouIt tberaniane mau tles-, asAîl tis e eCoteumritls. lify ibrreaiuig Nros a nd st Muscuis.r Vigor. ilt -i lus-e« Dyspepsnileaigle oslu- les-s-apie ciion cf thse Inart anud Palpita. lion, Woaknatae of Intellect oause.l y grief, %orossy. osertaixtor Irregualr habuts, licou- cisitia-, Als-suigr Clrenic Consgetion cf lise Lasttugs, oce-ulu inte maut aarming stages. IL ast-oc Attata, 1sofciVaute, Neuralga sI. vislsace, lEîtilepliat Fics, Whaopinsi IJausgli. ýNervotuA5ues, uni le a a osî wonder- fui arusisssst tea lier ra-nidas ii sltling ]lie lusig tise preceai antDipîhes-la. Asu endHsus clacilis c1fgooti affects le formiet iuy ELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF -HYPOPHOSPHITES, ansi we aroa afin iliesyisug, fso-ma long ex. Iscrio-sce suisticrisue, ise vistues;care usa jsassîsa atsy n eolses- ctbilaiu is teb iolln î wiil demnousîrabe. IT s-f ACCEPTABILE te palale ont] etossusis-l. SUFFICIENTLY POTENT la insus-a de- cdt-a isnetit, yat har-nleso, hisoevar long ils viscemay t-us ozstîssuoti. This chas-actes-- ltie tem pssoneeesby no atisas-r medy. IL'AiITTS lYICESTI5YN andi assimila- Pr VITALIZEE I TE I3LOOD, enppiy- li, sîsc.lu Iigr's-cseutsas may halseuuired. s-vES-TOsRonS TONE tet hoersvas. IT CIVES 1POWER o f enadurance anal of conentrls-tion la bine etin. IT r lllMOTES VIGORin lu Ie orgaus whlicb alesnt for heaitis on tiso involunbas-y nusecis ts-aiou, viz. the Livrs, Longs, lXearl lilomaclu ant] Geuitala. . Auu oless alfliltei wltls somo tdileaealu- VclrsogtoeOCInU Tussa.asesc L055,Il il ttns- tinîlotis-syslsm util lb mohles lise agoaSI- lottedffMn btly a iseneicient Os-ostos-. NO PEIMON wiii ihaiieappoinlad uilte ailestol FELLOWS EY1'OPIIOSPHITES, whole sigitly folio-w the cirectoau. . FELLOWS' HYPOPHOSPHITES INCEPTION. Tlue axsusimeuts mubîclu prefeoleilta jtrrjsinatiîtssoccoyieti mauy Monilis, andl were ingtitisteti usîli a vie-w ci cusiug chat itlitilious s3iseaoe, TUBERCULAR CONSUMPTION. aid lus os-des- ta suppiy the deficienoies in Hy13poîtisosphiis ais-oasly iluosa; for, ai- tisusglis tisir ualtos-o as cors-att as tathe.. tus-o, tuais-rîreîasallcus irse, owing te Ibeir imîterie t urgauicaliun, foanSwaobissg lu fls-adieu. ratncîltihic formation o a aitu, goteatetl lisaIt, tlsay td ssctiispreve hueo IltiuoTho letouie afec-lipeil ,tstise istrvtse taisiusce es s irvca,4sibcalanti owisug tla lisais- dluteti tate, iuvuving lias-gecdoss, b5ey 'tare aise ton expensire. lue desidleratsa souglît hy Mr., Foleews, A CIsVOtenielts, paILutalilo esscu Utsittss-saitlu y tithue - Ittus-stîias tIluotugl u sei couitiinitnuly,yel ruiglul itQiloitiucti et eus-tino ulîbout asuy III eiÏet; 'tVilaisvouiti-luce ais appeits lllreegtilit-ssdigention; C uts.a iusitiyiiuloi .4trsatýgiesu tht uslervtitsandsoui rsigt-luo Iluaiststi tesa etcat t -cceeefllly com-. bat gilet-i-sgt; - lud tietili-iusutly cen.s:igit-ailasorsii - Alii tiatiat isdii-Iilptalsly attainisti(. '-iueutmi-fth t it %saork in comîciete ,mad vleisc'lypopisoesisltea ebasudo fosemost amouetsthl.eetlc. for dcholo asgaula dseasces, osseesiug, propostics ta whbob ne etolis-melîcluos lse ves- îspired. 1I ABSTRACT E EHOTS. ligciicsWs' ilypophosphites, on hbolug lu- bca"ducsîothlaIbce tomech, ultes eIb tise foai, ant i mmediateis- actes-s the circula- f issu; ssci, laung jccu-fas-liy'miscible sitbi lise 1,a0,)l. spuauypa-alsae.rs-pas-t af bise es-attaca. Ic seetae so-silselt]cased ity a Ji-s iiiglisly isucasatinl fuiineses Asi ecsgtls, a georai exaltation cf lhe osgaulee luntions, anti exiuistbiosu ai the isotteeloctgîsI ol wes as-b peaifle iufluence in oitisa Jasain tuti narvaus euhstano, lu- creasiug tbbc actiris Ityoltiseabejos-onte, anti roliiowing tise bicineils crailng tliisavy luinaîeules- formatii onecosary lits s-stos-. lng tisa linctiosseof cibue ps-viousiy ieaken. cd u-ganga. lisg tbon, a toleorlastdie narrons anti eîriss-jacOrYOas-aint, Il f aliaus Iba, eben tes-It a detuti 1cor ezts-aordlîiary axes-- t'loti, itiiatieoin laiîvîlluebie, suilc supplice lh usata tiss-augi tie circulation, euS as.s talcs bue goersal sysqten. At na pas-led o a sle ustoliul cas-e ors lise misacions 0ethIle lis-in massre qulsile tisas dning the acquiinofeln I ouwiladge lus thc youth ; piardins-, presrirviug stutiy s-1tîo1rlea astore 0n itges-eus narrons foces, as- o litiauses- slilc undetihe meulail oi. St elns neseits- imaîycampailiaheludaul le tralu bIs percera lesoui th icitalas ai pruceo.andthie car aro iseofexcel- ~To u re courna&Vow's Hypo. p op i anis-t s- otcuy estoe thle slnkling pat ent, but It ws-ientallohtoil- lng sdutiondta opresosralis mental sud narronssanties-S ullsat delsisent. Norv.-Be suspicionus cfipessous rua s-o- commen nety othes- article as 'ijust as god hlg buigasinlas- nana, anti ut tOOWL fra lcapot priceS article. Ncvs.-Il I14 onis bie Iesdepeeie, vell- soslect sud sasssele& Phyeicia gwho eau aI. faord taeisrescs-ib hlis remody. Erpsrlacce isa&e psreS ttie. TT bigheetoclans modiceî tan lu evee-y large cIls-, hrbea it li no-au, rcmmaud Il. 0rc 1.50peBats - *7.50 fr s ix Dctles.- Os-des-e atitis-aea, Pcrry DaVis & Son & Lawrence, -377 St. PaulSt 5. Monts-cal P. O. rOI havi hModiate attention. porbide byau Dhgàlts, 1ýith prom tness and ini the best of style JOHN SAÏVNIÈ'ï1R,-,. irok- St., Whitby, Sept. 3Oth, '7r9. kATTH EW 3OtT.N Derell's Block, Brod<-St. -Whitby, ANÂ1D BER THR-LABGEBS oBEST BIPOGILD0F QOOTS A NtO-$;HQ9E1ýS ,*C- Ten per cent. disçount off for Cash FOR ONE M ONTH. Customers are .inviteat,.oeil oân examine Ibis stock, judge of the quality and ti e . c f l, àis, =u sthomf ihese t where - hey eau gelboi BariuI I've. boôoswrited to wee'r- Boots as eop au tbey are gcods, WiIl stand wlibiut a loir For ladfies, past, ma dgirlboo- Agy weather, anywhere- Fit* for elty or tbê,wocd ; Aud that ea'tbe beat elaewhero, AIL éboula hava 0ýbpairtia 82r REPAIES NEÂTLY DONE. Corne àd dear public, leave your orders and get a pair cf Boots cf 'the rlght kini rom your cbliged and humble servant, MATTHHW OOLLIXSé NEW GOOý-S J U S T REEI£WD -AT TuE- WHITB Y, BOCK and FA NCY GOOD8ý 0TUR'.: A well assorted stock cf Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods: Gift Books, IHym, Bocks, Photograpli Albums, 1P-rayer books, Serap Books, Sunday School Books, Suuday Bohool Gards. A Fine Slecîlon in Bibles, Sehool Bocks, for the High and Common Sehools, Siates, Iuk, &e. 1A OHOICE SELECTION, IN NOTE AND- LETTER P'ÀPËh. RULED AND UNBULED. Piriles extra superfiue. Parchmneut Paper aud Envelopes. Foreign note, foolsoap aud account Paper, BlnkBooks. I picuIar1y invite the attention of Ihooe requirlng Stationery for Offices or general use, to InPet my Stock.,- BERLIN~ WOOL AND WOOL WOilK. In &I the newest designs. Slippers, Brackeeo, Sofa Cuehions, Coasies. ToileI Mata, Match Poote, Tidies, Olove and }andkerchief Boxes, Card Cases, Toilet hags, Vases, .11 suit- able for Wedding or Birthday ifte. JEWELRY AND FANCY G00DB. Ail kinde of Fancy Work doue to order, inclndling Infants Bonnets, Jackets, Woolen Hoode, llreakfast Slsswls. SiAMl'ING DONE TO ORDER. TUE DBESS AND MANTLE MAKINO Department, le now open ta aur nunsoroncus ntamere, sud feel- confident that aur pust good reputation wii b. excelled thie _ast, as ehv a e isscto dfareu thal ~ e ha ideprec ucles.ahestyesare une answlo be spred, al orders aes nbad usrptlusrecived, papers deiiered. SHEEiMUSIC sup. pidon ttc o rteet notice. addMe0 "'08HalltBrlkWStreep tP H O T O G R A P H Y i P.lir, da uring th se smirioth.Fmiscossig ofte amyfi ze, fofr *AILg. aX suitb Boheaa FtimesoStre CHILD Eo1 SPE IA'llBroYSret FrainOi aiOis rAnchatprce whj def cometito.. Agent orCaaaSinGaPH Css or U ai andse itmls 1WILKINSON'S ]3LO01 LYON BROS i - K, BOOK-ST., WHITBY. My Stock of :F1TT1 :?# SNTI TY ;?.. E Is now Complete ini Every Line. E. J. JOHN SON. Very Special' Inducements, to those STARTING- HOUSEKEEPING. UNDERTAKING. Fuit Stock of Caskets, cýffis, and al the necessaries ini thisý Une. AlSO, Good News lfor the - i I1 GIVING A BON'US" 0f 1i lb choice Family Tea to every purohaser -of a got11 of Dish'es, or its1 eqtiivalent ini Crook- ery, and Glaasware, a&-large stock on hand selling at reduced - - - - rices. GLASS WàffRE-ýAlargestock7 on jhand, -sefling aÛt re- duCiet "Prices. A fine lins of New Season TEAS, at- prices suitable to -A cmpltestock of:ochoice Family -Groceries, fresh and Bitty's Pickles- pnd Sauces, Wooden ware, . Pais and r oo Intm" Fass sk for lie Princes. Louise Baking Powder, il is ûi i "'ï)fàhinssfJothesd For sale onlyhby SIMOMIT - rook StreBet. N. B.-Farmer's Produce taken in exehange. NEVW VUTIN SHOF. 'J- WL :8 Ase I?~ ~ ~J ~ wI~IrBY, P art Nortb Wesi Part West-half West Prte South West part Part West-hslf Part 4 Part South West Part Sautir-hali Southi part West part Seott Aungle Fart Narifh West Part North- West Part North West Pas-INos-lb West Nos-lb-hall Part Weet-haif 4 Ellict-e, Cas- Part North Bas- SouthBuEat Corn 19 Na 8SSimcae Sa. S. Simcoces Doalad, part: James-et, part Sd Part Nortb.half Pas-t Soulli-hal Part Soutb-half 21 12 59 8 40 2112 2- 84 4 l1892 I1672 rt Suth-haff 4 , 82 108 19 79 12 18 1lu 3s06 12 18 80 828ai 12 18 10 721 UURDGE. sI-hall 10 7 49 --200ci 23 7 2N0 210 84 SCOTT. 85 2 14 447 85 2 8 1 00 I 20- a 15 8596 - 20 8 25 659 84 4 84 686 et 22, ô85 791' 22 5 8 70 22 5 a 70 22 5 5 114 22 5 4 9- 2 1 29 5 85 28 88 2915-Sil 809 85 0' 91 15 19 25 8 25 7 52 BROOK. 9 1-1,5. . 8 86 It 10 2 s8 459 tj 10 2 0, 1 21 et 22 2 41 587 tj 22 2 9 118 10 a 100 12 84 1 10 il 202- uungtou. Pt 21 i 1 8562 It7 14 8. 109 THOR 4,. uer. 6 1 2j 485 e-st, part N., 14 5 - 84. ID. a. Me-i1114.5 j 4 94 North j 1 South-hall 14 6 ~ 8 4 f16 8 25 4869 1' 9 9 1 49 1 9 80 4 75 SCI/GOGI 7 10 100 2018 PORT FERRY. Oemeson'p=ianid's'll-trl 108 sW- Nvext voor South to dames dohnston's "GOldsmith'8 kaiIS&ri t l Has opened business in the above premises and is now running in fulil blast, where e'verything pertaining to- Tin, Sheet, or Galvanized Iron is manufactured in a workxinan- like manner, on SHORT NOTICE and at reasonable rates. South-heif South-lii 1 12 05 RA]l&6 100 18 46 51 7 88 60 841l 100 1il 860 15 1 78 100 18 45 100 Io0il 182 216 PateWs -2- 18 95 Pàlenled ~281 22 10 Patente& '189 495 Patsistea 2 62 84 98 Patented 199 ý920 Patentsd 2 81 22 89 Paented 708 21792, Patentea 1 92 689 1'84 284 19i 587 L98..8557- 197- 8 8 2 01 992 1 88 258 1 88 2 58 1 84 298 184 278, 241 2624 189 498 219 1788 200 9 52 -.i1f ô77. 1 95 854 1 85 à8il 1 95 782 1 84 802 218 4497 186 8 88 1 90 5 52 1 81 2 98 1 92 6 27 190 587 1 94 688 1 00 587 1 983 62 185 84 1os 6 6 2 s1 22 44 2 14 15 09 2 27 20 73 2 00 9 88 1 90 58ai 2 10 180 1 97 826 1 84 2 75 1 86 859 2 27 20 72 2 29 21 40 WM LAING, ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS of SUPERIOR QUALITY. Tau-reOfc, oebs 9 89 AiU kinde cf japasxcd Tin, and Sheel-Is-on wro conslautly kept in stock. REPAIRING done cheaply and neatly. Ail work guiar- enbeed satisfactos-y or no psy. stented PatenteS Patente .Patent«S. ]PatenteS Patinte Patenta IPatenteS 'PatenteS -Patentea -PatenteS Paentea Unatentid Patente Patenta Pàiateuted Uuatenta Patented. Patente Patented PatenteS PatenteS, Patentea Patente Patented Pateted PatenteS PatenteS Patente Patentea- -Patented Unpetented Una enIed Patentsd Palanted Petented Patented Ce. Treas., Ountario1 Ber'nard and Co,, Leith Distillery, SCOTLAiYD, PERRY DAVIS &SON & LAWRENICE, 29- Agents, MONTEAL. For sale by T. G. Whitiduld, Ohemiot, ltbv. GOALT.. Fre8hfrom the MineI AT LOWEBT FIGURES9. Leave Orders at KI1N G .B ROS-. Havl-ttha'deranements 0l h.Ca t Spcal luducements ta parties lu Pri Lin.cof thre Vhltby, Por PàyM&L-àulyEailway ceu be sup- pliedl direct, withcut extra charge, nder. specisi arrangements mada with tieRs ail- way Cocspany, by- IMG DROTHRS. r T*a Carters confftantly, on thc oca&. doliverlng orders. FAIRM T9 RNT. ÇIOMPOSED 0F 100 ACHES, BEIN9- N-.J part of Lot Nbo. 4,- lu the 4ffi Couces. sion cf Pickeriug, fIve miles fron thei town cf Whitby, under a gaad etate cf cultiva- lion, weIl watercd, good buildings sud fine orhad,&c Pcphing b. doueafe crop le taken off 'go is la, sd passesiae lut March next.- -i For particulars, apply ta Uic owner. TIMOTHY 0'LEABY, lutica, P. O. July 151h, 1679- ti-80 -THE SINGER SE W/NO MACHINE. American and Canadian COAL OIL. Ldmp Chimnieys,R.HTAgetWhbv Wioke, Buruens, &c. R. H. lv.TTSCI - Agent, WJiNby- 1jBuy the Best,B-nothr SWhitby, Fehy. 241hi, 1879. 1833- J. WV. Dii5J5. Established 1833-1 FURNITURE, FURNITURE, Cheaper than ever, at his new 8tore The undersigned in returning thanks to thte public for the liberal patronage extendod te hlm, bege te state tiret having removed te hie Commodicue new promises, ho is now lu e bettes- position titan eves- t6 supply ail their wante. His stock of Furniture embraces very handsome sets, and evenything taI cen ho csloed for lunhieslune, sud an exaunueion wiii convince tiretlte ps-bei are iow enoug teb suit thre limes. U NDE-RTAKING. Funerals fully supplied. w M. WM. TILL. BUR-NS, BROOK STREET, - WHITBY, Wiii sel seil for 30 days AT COST! Womens' Pruineila Boots and Shoes, - Womens'Kid Boots and Shoes, Misses' Pebble Boots and Shoess, Misses' Kid Boots and Shoes. A New and weil Selected Stock. , Call and examine. member the whole is offered at cost. * Re- P H O TOCR A PH Yu - 00 :--. WE ARE MAKING A NEW ..STYLE 0f Photographs, in sipia, life-size, an entirely NEW PROCESS. WELL-APPOJNTED HEARSE.1 SPECIMENS O N E X H.I B I T/ON, 1Whiitby, October 101h5 18'ý9. 421,- FIRE PRÃ"QESÂES 114TO BETY8LsTElSs MAN Is doing justice either to himseif or his creditors if he does without a. soie te protectc his Blooks, Notes, or other valuable papers. Who has deeds, notes or money- in the house," ought te have a Safe te guard both against Burglary and Fire. A Safe is always a Goodl Asset, as it net only preserves its contents, but heepsitil own veine as vol, for afler pssslug bhrough a fine e amani outlay Win maJce il as good as naw, sud il eau aiwaye be soid for nearly ils fis-t coat. J. & J. TAYLOR have turned out about 20,000 salein. te lest 24 years, sud noue of them has feiled luM trialFermos sd Mar- chants, titis is te kind of "P rotection". spd somnething,.hat, the Tariff can't give. Goto tae Toronto Baie Works sud gel a' SEf& - - 1 di ' & -j,.TAYLO, Tôoutoi April 201h, 1879. 1;FotSre~ as.Trno Cards and Cabinets furnished ini the Iatest style of the Art. Frames of ail sizes always on hand. A. BARRETT, Photographer. &C- Opposite Ontarjo0 Bank, Rg A young zmarideeiring tb eludy Phclography. winl- ind s good chance by caiing on Mr. Barretl, sud gelting lente. Whitby, June 101h, 1879. OCUTTERS, BU-QGIES, AND ICARRIAGES. A Large Assortment of Cutters and Buggies FOR SALE, CHEA?, -AT- TOýMS & N E W PO-R T'S -Carrnage Factory ,,OTM. DUNDÂS BITEEÉ , - WHT YONAL THE ENCORE WHISKY. The folwn satisfactory and most couvincing evidence ShO10WS tze absolute purity and saftey of ue'ing the EN- CORE WHISKEY as an z4lco7îolw stimulant. LANCET.--Remarkab1y frce frontFusel 011, mild, wlîolesome and ploeaan." BRITISH MEDICAL JOUnNAL.-"'Removal of the Fusel 011 is most complote and efucaoioue." MEDICAL TIMES AND GAZETTE.-"We can highly oommeud it as well-fitted for Medical use, being vory pure, wholesomo, aud pleasant." MEDICAL PRESS AND CIRCULAR.-"'Pure aud wholesome sud uncontamiusted with mixtVies frequently used 10 give fictitious age sud aroma." MEDIOÂL RECORD.-",Must rsnk foremost s the purest of alcoholie stimulants." PRÀ.CTITIONER.-"'Perfectly free fs-cmFusal i 1, oxtromcly mild, aud a safe alcoholie stimulant." SANITARY RECORD.-,,Such an excellent dietelie stimulant deserv- es a wide spread reputation." PUBLIC HEALTH.-'Excoptiouaily pure. ,Il would lie fortunato for the health ,f te community if iu genoral use." NATIONAL FOOD AND FUEL REFORMEIR.---"Ail who value thoir healîli should use il." DR. H. C. BARTLETT, F. C. S.-'Contained bass trace of that dole- torious sud poisonous malter Fuse i , than any spirit I have overs- ub- iuitted tolthe saine searchîng investigation. The Medical Profession should recoxnmend te their patients no Whisky which doos not como top to titis standard. DR. i. IR. C. TICHBORNE, F. C. S., Trinity Col1lege, ]hiblin.-"iCare- Muiy examined for Fusci 011 but noua could,,be discovered.~ Perfootly froc front poisonous motel 's thst are frequently found in Whiskies, sud which are very deletereus. Ramarkably good quality." DR. PAUL, F. C. S.-'Perfectly froc rom Fusel Oul or othor injurious substance."'ý DR. STEVENSON MÀCADAM.-"'Very pure sud wioolosome, sud cf cxcedingly fine qualiby. Jý" Tîsie Whisky is net ouiy a pleasaut sud whoiesomo stimulant for ordin- as-y use, but for delioste constitutions il leiu'rnaluable, sa it will ogres with snch whe no na ller eloobolic stimulant wiiJ, wbether in the form, of wine or cognac. Il is ueed almstet xciusisely in the pi-scticp of msny cf the Most eminent men ln lbc Mediosi Profession. Evry Gallon Guarnteed E'ually Pure. PATENTED AUG. I2TH9, 1876. WARRANRTED ST.ORMPE 00F! J- B. RO ERTSON'S Pat Ventila ord Chimney Top ltis leau invainable venilator for soil pipe eut] weler ciosoba. Il ltae simpleel voutilatos- miSe. , If'is warrantae term proof.- PRICiE LOWER TRAN ANY OTHER VENTILATOR.- No ooneubt of air wil produce other tran au outwarol draft ; the mail orna- mental venflaitor smsde; wilnot abolie rillu sow 'on le.; ceunot gâi ont-of order. For ése. y BbopPoigitîs for sale sta eoaalo prias, witit model and pelles-ns furnished. - ~STO-VES, CEEA? FOR CASH!1 Wbltby, sept. 141h, 1879W 4O.Sm. BUY NONE BUT THE- Genuine Singer sewing Ma- chine. BEDUCED IN PRICE. TEE DESTý M&CMN N HE WOBLD). Su say Tbreo Hundrefi Thausaud people who bought Aluger Machines in 1878. Over two million Singer Machines lu use ai. presont. Splendid and full set cf Attaclimente -gven wlth each machine, sud parties fully Butructed u ic heuse ocf Uem. THE BilST, THE CHEAPEST, Sold anly byt.ho Oampsuy's AgonI, L FAIRBA]!-]S, Office, opposite ComscLz Office. Whitby, Jonc 28, '79. -26 Yaluable Farin for-Sale. 1 0ACRES.-Si LOT 8, IN Sth CON. 10PICKERIING. 15 acres cleaed- remainder weiI tlmbared (mosliy beach sud suapie). This> is a very desirablo proparty for the wcad alcue le vory valuablo sud ,wl nesrly psy the purchase mauey, whiic the situation af thé- lot le a sufficlent suer- aubee for thre land- Term8 liberai 10 reliable parties. A. A. FOST,- P. 0. Box 209,Whilby TVR cANADIAN AIR -.GASJv1MAOHINE., This Machine is for lightlng- Privat. Dwellngs, Miiie, Facas-les, Churches, Publie Halls' Hotels, &c. Osil sud examine the maihsine in opera- lion ai JOSEPH PHILLIPS, sole Msufct'r, Pluinher sud Uas.ditter, 150 Yen s treet, Torante., Sena for 1"Ircular sud price-liat. Apn 291h, 1879. -19> OMNIBUSES TO AND PROM ÂýL RAILWAY' TRAINS!* VA AES. To sud from G.T.R. Station ...ý 200. To sud front Whitby,.P. P. & Lindsay 1i'y Staion...................... loc.- Thosa convayanoca are alanI sd camfrt- able, sud lu charge cf careful drivera. Al baggaga checked sud careluily lookeaaltsr. L07UIS SEBErIT, I'-- roprietor. Wllby, Fcb. 251h, 1879,(iY-10 Do you Want' a HouaeP Anyona wsuting tb rent or purcbase-a comîortahie resldonco lu Wbilby, wonld do W011 tu cal sud examine liai of i. T. Hall, et hie office, ovar B. H. Jamesou's Store, Dundae-Street, or aI the CnssoNocssi Whilby, July Olli, '79. f f-29 THE TORONTO Turkish d. Vapor Baths. s.,wce-.ucvenssloic WhLuby. , MONEY TO LEND- lnurunp ta $8000, aI ROBINÇSON& CLATI Droosu & B3ARBIS TERS-AT-LA eySelicitere, C V OFFICE.-In Vios-l 9, Victoria Street. J.G. R-oisaî, Sm.,@. Hurn B in haTervanil In ~sucer, e1. Offiie-Deveru Street, Wrî,OutI. G. YOUJNG ilIITI ]BAR RIkSn-a goi OrraCE-Ove- Dominion leu. 22,1878. -- CÂMERON & Ar jfl&ISTEIL0j Allas-ns B SoicioriiiiChance- alreet, Torons -HECTOR CAtI ROiS, Q-Ci. us- S URGON TO TUE CC BrnStreet, Wiiry. Dr. W. J. Bju] Reziance-Congregationi bylr.cerner cf Byron an, WIl iy. BYRON FIELD, Wm. NeRRIEN, l.». theÂyIID . 0 H- L, DR. BOGA '1 Physian,. Surgeon, Acco r Witby,. Sept. 801h, 1.874. W.ADAI IROMS OVER - R. R. 61cey tr., Dundlai VJfic bufflYsom 9 a.m. ta 12 1.80 ta 6, p. m. B«aience-si aud Gilbuert etreetL. C, N. VARS, L. .Bhe satecliespast, asuj ast. ee~ th a dwith Gai Teclir extradteS wilheutpain, local enmtsealDetitalRc &n'a new block, eves-Atkinseni King Street, Oshawa. - JOHIN ROBINS( JORlN-WOLPENI AGENT FOR TE-E C cSeottisir Granite. Ai i of JOnathau Wollenden,Dmih IJ,. FAIRBAIJVI O1FFICIAL AkSS I~OFFICE0OPPOSITE '1 R atel, Braclr.Sî., Wbl WV1tlty, March 201h, 1879. ~O!ELL,- A T IiP.L~ Clerk -IDi Court, nOi~ eyr inR. B., Lest] Y)CaunbyOtara Atherîy Smt-ý2sad, 1872- s-These -bathe s-e usaful -. Bolutastisns, Neureigia, Couebe, -Co016, Cousi lln, Bi-onohitis, Soroflula, SIsin Disasrm, l le- flammatioe. Bhllonsness, Fovrss.laid foi-r Sanitas-y pus-poses. 1TireVapar bath, arc partillaisls espluce-- Suie tealal Slaiu diseases, eapecisiuy Syphilis, il la nosv onlvorCsiy coneeded thal lsoth tho Tus-bush and Va pos- Bah as-etise hast praserratireo f Iuel1h silthlie sr aio modical experts andtinlu cempunalicu w-itb miedicettreatimeul Uic patient Is mare rap- ily sud suceeofufy tréea]. - , eIatizci lus-re1ouut Ibhesioruti fs-au rÃ"yalty dotsu t t Uicpooreel mni.b -heso Turkilsi beth s-e tire anis-cnes luthsCity- cf Toronto. - Quotatiaus anti reeommeusiatious are gn fs-cm 1h. irealmedicai and saniitars- nser1T- - lies lu ail coutties. - HOUHS-Gouitiamau, 7 1068.80 a-in., 510te O pa., Saturdlas nutil Il pu. Ladies, 10- ent. lu 1.0 P. m. - PRICES-Tu.rkeh Pallia, oua tirJbat, $1- 12 tickots, $10. Vauper Bathe, NeOc ch -1 tickeats. e5.- 233 QUEENe8T. WEST- skiulol aud attentive nmale sud feniae elteudenle . D):AMOI[1,MSs ttb9ti - 1

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