'ook-St., Whftby, -Agent 1411y E555voa W&Y lands. silwa. lands1 hall be sold t1 :-Iu Boit1 A, r sors ; sud $hi bdasà hail b. tit ýc ceaIa ebalanes jl osu1* petr6su1 'oba. monsy1 ag uupaid, ti lià nsi. re-ewptlou lai li obl s oi Ch. tennis reSPi -1u thée botee oie ;lunbell Dà Ditlà E M 1 porý mln t be font. nosy, logethoi iSSut, a th$-e'ro rà duuin, $0be Ip Yeats (notu IL laador tub. Pl muti asîlndalli' lite, wýitb Intert iffousd, ona sl 0 teaouey as miý aidjwi&là ,aclat rà ints foîi' naf e.aewplioU laui ta, shob lu militari or poll; U th VIMIOP 9 elulUo 550 555 se. n. "MfzatFPatbsr" luai wrgl bomRml.de thé Utes. Thia IIfoollug b.tween lb. etl ci t loui sud tes dates back so msny. sections 8, ye&rý as tW bave bocome traditiousl, V oiders, As Baron King, Frenchi repr"nutativo s@i li-Eouzulia, lbas boe saclsd sud thes sevrsi robbed by býgWaluMacodouis. lisopen for me.emptions Mt P.J3. Bmeh, M. P., hbu writ.u eîy. sdvoqallug the celebralfon off suothêr nôtions iu oenteaary lu 1882, uameiy,l. té'olllug 1 not b. op. cion f liae IrisiVolouuteenlu 1782., aption, but T4 mpulatlou of Ireiaud at laut on-' aud deuig. Ous wua 61i,877, offwhom a&bout 4, - 500000 ere Osihullo. lu'hintheu great f imlng UaI.. 5 he lthe 1010*-law. ý sie iC !h-board, is fram. $5r cre ; ou . ZnNew Esgiaud, $11 W Ir u.; g unYork -lia. curO l'u i, l tseudlu Ne s@ terme off 1 e09.Al0eg h ai aaêîowd ai ps the fsrm labourer cen s»m os folime cf double hat wstgs. ies quel À 'hasm Cla*toften noparss frMeude orées si the 5ûo5Ei. Ommo the lb ,o.ayou.plétesJelaà aood -gait, but fra.M tIl.,Psy0 700en gels. botter. tb be 1,51*1 tSkî of usulloal terme, wua ude Wlthin Nosa 0f.bis drU matep id for 1ilsh 110vi, su A, B sud O, ab #à ' par _6oie, thaé Meteasof Ir will lu., rte: off six paid ai the es date of. aid lu sit froin sud irmia et h là i portions &y romain asialIment. !57ladi ds lti cash, sud lace bottaty hipeemptlo an iasshahlu ars ho, and fonP.ari off the. fond for raiiway pur. pnsesoï lu aa stîilar manen la lihe money recelved lu psymout nf rallway' lands.- (0.) Theae provisions ibali b. drin. Ative sa-fans refatatW auy sud .on entriez f thanieated sud proeamptiou lands, or sales of alwylands 0obltalu. ad or made iuder lias regulatons of the QUIhoff Jaiy, henaby suprsoedi. 'Auy ' y"'nts madean lueeaseo!01ths rate ors suledhaal libe codilsd ou so. ceunI o! lias osoff eacb lanua. AU ïermneoswa- Settled lu good failla lu ituitilba tandem former .eoduessaal bc deait witb undor Shase uew realatieus. As te the prc o prooemptions wherc a peraou nuay have taken rip two quarter section@ suuauer tCiaolnd arder.inConunili, lie unay retalu the quarter section upen whlolibcobasshîtlet! as u oed, sud ibthepilier quonar sechiar on s pre- arapîlan .ianacr titrsiprovisions linos. -pactlveo of whslhor snochometead sud pre-euaptlou May lba fonaunl o haupon an aven numbened moifon or othsrwlss. Auy moncys a lulby snob person ou no- count off lias audso niered by hlm uud- an the suid ordo r-là a.otnoil will ho coedied le bina on aconuloff bispro. amuplion purobas, A.persau wbo may Lèv baeakota rip aoquarter secioi n u. ora te orden.iu.Cnunollmouhineul, wlul -lie allowod Cu rolain thi a ie as a bomeesteau, andi wil hac penuillod te enter a zecoud-quarter section n a pro. e"nrilionu,he money pali -ou socount o! th.anda iprcviouaiy autered to ha orcd. Ited ta hlm on acconunt o! Bach pre. Semptlon. Wiih a vieW la euaaunaglug a satlemcul hy cherpaulng the cash c1 building zutenlal, lia. Goverumaut ra- serves tbe nîghéat le grant licenoes ne. uewable yaarl1 ander- section 52 o! 11e "'Dominionu Lsuds Act 1879," te out niercianlable tituber on auy lands ssun. aleil .witbln thie saveral boîta above des- aibed, sud any mttloent upon or sais orf lands witliu the lornltnry coveneul hy aucji licoeashlah for lias lime bing ho subjeai laulth. opanatian ul sucb licoon. flin AT SmÂ.-RsCUl OrFTU >M5s.-CaptiluDiaz, off lia. Hav. Amer NîU eio Pajaro, sapé tlIai aI (j tle steamer wsu burued'there i board, lu adidition. to tia, offi. d erew, (otan mendiants, Msuap. Dbavebenu losI, sud tibrteen uniye o! wiaomai waqsavet. ,,ilcssCaptsai Diaz sudthéîl I secondi mates wars necued.: mIatou o çthIii ow of f fcny.tma Iyod, TIe $aSai naniber &soard îmon Waa fifty.nina iloula. Tba vsl lUafaad M o4 a; m., an the 18t, and ifibaéra wars ivhin amcryo!flino wu$ board. t wu extrems, aud ths corn- '7"jUasasd te"vvaer slip." This relief, bowéver, ifon thée agi.' ore stiffi le datia h liaseoun id the steamer shhll iveonaia, 1fsnuaed the fin. t h iwildesî 'ixa mon wsre dread(aaliv hum. ,ard or 'Oobeyed, r-sud inatabon31., boats voealau'. Ged bauatl lha *whil. endeavor. disashar ho lth. Bide, tysa lunled valen. If sny* bnits, ils csp. Ivhaen lioseU s. V sprang iutoe h oest tiasil, The human baiugs places of Wood. nad la îlhe vatar's 1*ý Msumy Wvesi. ing, suà d ailierm A s"ter'sIliglC ond. mate, 01j1#4 eùtÇtes,4 .1 eft aud-ahaai U le. Il vas liai tilg mon that th. tue "Oan val Hist, laI age, mea, h yaur vife lau-inta look allais la ansuposad i lu gradlents ludentiesi villa thffn vhlehcoustituteSEoalth, Blond, Muaclé sud Narvfr sud Bran Substance, whià t LUfe lseif isedlrstly depeudeni up. on snme of thast.: Br it. union villa lha blond and ils offet upanibo muscles, rea-asabsbuagthe oua sud Cain g the othan, it la capable ni effaci. lui, the te owiug remuîts:- ý? t wlll d&§place or- vsh 'nul tubsriaulnus mal ter, sud tIns cure Cousumaptonu. Dy iniressiug Nenvous asdmauscular Vigon, il will cure Dspapsîs ieable or lu. terruted clltuni l ar anr~sd Palpita. tiou, -Wakuass i Intellect causeadby iai, vnnny, oyrtix or irragular habits, Lau. ahtan, Acuta or Olroula Congestion nitha Lungo, evan lu the niait alarming stages. Itcuras lsthîna Losei Voices. Naralffia et. Vitus Danas, 4iiaptie Fit§, Whoop ug Congh. Nervounus, sud la a-mail vouder. fnl adjunci. taothar reuildea lu sustlng Ufa duriug the proesai Dipihania. -Au eudî si aiaii ofgond offets isefnnned by FELLOWS' -COMPOUND 1hYRUP. 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES, sud WC are oeafo lai ssying, frmn a long ex. poniança luInadecine, ia virtues are %ci 0 cfaeeed by ca oter combination, as the oloingwill denionsînato. -1 IT Il ACCEPTABLE ta palatea uci. shomacla. SUFFICIUNTLY POTENT la insure do. ctded benoîit, yet banmiese, hovsoevon long lis use May lbe tontinuad. Thla dharseter. lutto le assessdby no aller roeody. VTAITS ZESESTION asu a.tmhla. I I LZB8TE LOOD, on ply. in u nci gredionts a a arqlei IT Et3STOIESTONB ho il. nanesi. IT OINTES POWEIt ai endurance sud of concentration to the mina. IT PROMOTES VIGOR luilshe rann vhlel dapeud fan balta ou île invaluutary muscular action, viz. : tle Liven, Lunge, Hlein Stouaso sud. Genltals. And unlas. îffiticted witt anme disesue lu. volving .UI5OLUTE UGAnunauLogo, il wllleus- tain the systeni nutil 1h racos île age ai. lotilto ta n Pl a banoficteut Creator, NO PE5ON vill b. dispplned lu the oisect ofFIiLLOWS HYPOPOSL'HITES, vho mlgldly iollow lias directions. FELLOWS' HYPOPHOSPHITES INCEPTION. Tl,', "Pornvu whldh ptefoclti this prepo-astion o ld anny monihs, sud r.m insete&d yul a 'viovo ulg th-t 0ns -in a sae, TUDERCULAR CONSUP4PTION. sud lu ondar te *nppiy itheslanoies lu ]RYPOpeospltssalroadyiu use; fan, ai. Ilion btir nature wu correct as ta Lis. oftJ, taIr prapanatilus were, owlng ta thIb inipenfeot arogsulatiou, Iounndwantiug lu jtractlas Whihla l hey eu te sfcrAnniifala sud genarted hast, îhay di not imprave the blond. Ths toniia oedupon tle uenves sud nusls wucainniîoibed sud awtug t-t& Ilin diluhofi 5h15, iuvalvlug ian g edose is yvae &ace xpelsva. Éî. dadder&ta sougli, by M. Felavas, vare a À convaulant, PMAIsable maîedy; Unaîherable by lima ; Hammies., Iougl usai canttnuonslyyet mtighh Ive dîseoutinnea ntany807 he wltoui anyil sffect , Whth wuld indues 4n appeile Strengiben dîgestion ; .Promote gasalniltion; - CretiAhoathy blooti; Straeu ten Is n ud musclas; Ensible île subjoat t o sucossauliy cani. bat disaîse; Anti uffiOlntlY econonilcal for ail. AU 111e-*las beau indusputably attaineti. The. auceesa aillhe wark isncomiplets; sud Pelw' yohn aie tantdsfoments disess,iinînsiug proportion tea vilo un ,phIen medâites bus aer apînai. ABSTRACT EFFRCTs, Fallaws' Hyppbaaphltes, ou being lu. troduced tialleatanmhunitervwill the -fond, antIi mmedialely optons îhe circula. tiou; sud, baingpaioctly miscibla vfth tle bhaod, apeediiyiiorvadas every pari ai ihesiyateua. Ie lsebosMreiraI denlanati 17 a pulséa siglaly incressatdl in linasmi sud strogth,s agenomal :exalation of the ongaula funcliaus, and exhilanatian cf lb. inifteu" eavos, ils ipecilo ilnfluence. la au lIe businanti narvaus substance, ini. anesng thl ativiy oaille Absorbants, anti ronaviug the bicad, Cthus caussing IlhaafYF mnncular formation gonouscsry lu rair. lus tle fanttoni ai Ils previaueîy voaken- saiorgans. i Borg n ,aleorfanthe narrons anti clnolaîay iyiem, fialovs Clii, vbau thora is a damanti for oxirardlusr' exer. Clon, Ils ueo la Cveanblo, stucs ,ilspia ~ Ch. iroltion, anti sus At. fn Pîtdofie l a îaohful cars aveu ýth factousof hébralu more requlsîte thon turing. tîl e =7cSito n SIniatga by île roth;>plodlngprasarving slnd7 requinsi a alore aiv*garousnarvons forte, ora& Obiliti nybitnkunuder liamnztal taili IStern neoassiy nia y nampel theatmldeni ta, strain bIls wera loyoath îe diciates of prudence, au the a Promise ai exoal. To such ie cra rd,,ot.. a phaseihli*s- 1h vilnaiOtu-zY ly rem7 iuhfifdigahst, but 1 uIii Menablo ils toil- lug sîndeuita opraervahils meutl an d nervani standard vithont détriment. - NOE.-Bcaiusptoloua ai p rmos vIa e. ;eanion suy aler aril au "just gsu gcid" thongb beainga sinaliar nanis, &hd af thoma vWao fferaL o ch cdarice Nanu>.-It la ouiy te :e j. pestaisud siaea~le Phpf iens va n ai. fard tapresorlbe 111e rieiay.Expariance bas pro-odt1h, .TIel4igesi aius mOadi Ina n u varylargO oCiyvlae hla kuavu, rsoommendil Pnice 01.50 peu Bottla)b $7.50 toi six Beltles, Odamnesd ta, 1 Ferry Davis & Son & Lawnee 11 et use âeL0I noAt. .- ÂATTH EW COLLINS Deverell's Block,, Brock-St. Whitby, A(D SEE THE L EÈSikE~P BE ST STOCK 0P BOOTSA.NDSH'OES- IN TOWZZ. w~ Ten per -cent. di8ccunt offrC8 F0R ONE MONrH. Oustomers ae ihiavlté t .n and c' min.100" estock, judge of te .q»Uaty sud, n fote, «lia.pripes, ud s.tial themWVBM tys s whers I'vu' boots wsrratd tewss-Bos.ospute r o Winlstand without s tsar le «ladies, Soeê, an< jirlhéd" Any wosther, sn7wbsv- it for oity or the w oi;- And thâai cau'bbe atblieswboe, Ail ih@uld baes'p'airihaoould Corne on dear public, lesTe.your orders and get a pair à f Booto of the right hind from your obliged sud humble servant, MATTHEW OOLLINS. NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVEDJ -AT THÉË- WHITBY, BOOK aýnd FANC Y GOODS TOE A. well aosorted stock of Books, Etationery and Faiioy Goods: Gift Books, Hyn Bocks, Photograph. Albums, Prayer books, Scrap Bocks, sunaay soliool Bocks,, Bunday Sohoci: Card. . A Fine Seleollon lu Bibles, SObool Books, for tbe4Higb sud Common Oeboolo, BtsInk,&c A CHOICE SELEIOTION lIN NOTE AND LETTEB PA-EIR. BiULED AND UNBULED. Pin's extra superfins. Parolimeut Paper Mud Buvelopes. Foreigu note, foolaap sMd accout P a B oks. 1 paxtilonlxy invite the attention of thone reqiiriug Stationery for Mecs or genenal use, t. uIspect my Stock.' BERLIN WOOL AND WOOL WOBX. Iu ail the uawest cdesigus.--S111p ers, Bracke s, Sofa Oushmou; o>ai..Tolai Mats, Match Pockais, Tidies, Gin,.su and kerchief Boxes, Oard Osees, Toilet B.s, Vauas, ail suit- able for Wadding or Birthday gif ta. JEWELRY AND FÂNCY GOODS. Ail kinde of Fanai' Work doue ta ordar, Inoludfiag lufantu Bonâts, lackets, Woolau Hoods, Breakfast Shawlo. BIÂMPING DONE TO ORDER. THE DRESS AND MÂNTLE MÂKING Deparimeut la uow open to our uumerona custoars, sud fnel confident tbai our s good raputafti wiil ba excailed this saason, as va havai.trai claie cuttar aud litter, ons that lias lad axpanlanca inýcitias. The styleé ar e w, no pain. vil b. apared, ail ordalrs prnniply atteuded to. Fittiug rooms lu rear of the store. tAul orders for Maues ansd Papers prnmpiiy steudefi to Daily sud Weekly Papers o anitud.Sbocnitious racalvefi, papero deUvared. W- HETUSOsup. plied ou ltie shoriesi notice. Whltby Booki sud Fanoy Goods Store, Oddieliows' Hall, Brook Street. PHOTOGRÂPHY 1 PHOTQGBAPHIC STtJ)JIO T AND TRAME I)EPOT. Special inducements, to lieads of fa- mîbies, during the summer monthe. Families consisting Of four persons, and upwards,- by ordering one dozen photos. each, will be presented with a beautiful photograph group of the fâmily, full size, for framing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices to suit the times. OHILDREN A SPEOIALTY. Framing in ail its branches, at pr-ices which defy competition. - Agents for Canada Stained Glass Worke. Oeil and sea saniples. IWILKINSON'S BLO( 'LYON BROS.,, JE, - BROOK-ST., WHITBY. My Stock of :F -U zIfTTYR Is now Complète, in, Every LI'e. E., J. JOINSION. Very Special Induùernents to those -. STAIRTING- HOUBEKEEPING. UND-ER'TA4KiNýG. Full Stock of' Caskets, Coffins, and ail the necesssxies ini this line, Also, A WELL-APPOINT-ED REARSE. Whitby, October lOth, 1879. 4 FIRE PROOF SÂFES. ~T..US E0 . Is doing. justice eitheito hi mself or bis orciQsif lie does without a Ps9e 11 proteot bis Býooke, Notes, or other và luable, pgpers. Who 1]asdeeds, notes or, money in the, houa., ouglit tý have a Safe to guara. both a ginet Burgýary ia-,d ire. <A Safe is always a Good Asqét, as à fot oiiy preservel Ita contents, but keeps its own value as weil, for afler pùëing -tlroughà fire a sMnail ouilay will make it as good as ýnewand il can 8lways bc soli for ucarly ità fAnsI cost. J. & J.ý TAYLOB have turnedeut about 20400 à ..afes ii the lat 24 ycâs, nsd noue off lIem-hu ksueeiinitrieParmm nsa dmer chants, tliis l skind offi iProtection,. ,ana, sonaîhing, tha theb.-Tarif caa't giyc. Goo tlhe Toronto Salé o ~ -t N. B.-Fa "8Produos teken iin ézohalgot, -0TN0SOP -,'Nqxt Door 8outhi to Jamos Johne$ton's "GI3olamlth'a 'aI, Haî opened business in the abo've premises and is, now r n ng Lu ftulblast1 -Where ever hi &pr- r g '0T.n sheet,ý diT',Ga1v'nîzed Ikô n i à ailred a'wo an- like *manner, on SHaRT NOTICE and st reasonable -rates. b i 4ofaneTin,à a4dih"cron ware éco nsantly kop i nstoôk 0 )K E i1.JF Ei& CO' 0L G R RéWhi8key, gu(tsr"teed 5 8nmmers in Wood. f G. H. Munn & Co's. --,Champagne .$Ol8Ofl'8 and Carlin g's Aie anict Porter. REPAIBINGF don. cheaply and neatly. Ail work guar- Antedt.alikfketary-ýor ne pay. 9 American aùd icCauan GOAL OIL. Lamp Chimneys, Wioke, üedrcr, &o. fi. W. IDAb.wC.ijb. SWhitb7, Pcby. 241h, 1879. FOR SALE AT TUE w"HITBýY ,CHINA TE-A STORE, PLASTER, PLASTER, WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL. me, NoMAi ua~lo! air wlil protinos alleri han u outvard darafl;,,the ment orna- B utt r, gs P ult y, A ple R e d a n u meuai vetlator mate; ii ntclake wyul now or ic ; canot gel cout o! Butte, Eg, PoutryApple, -«ed i']* '1 ondor. For sale hy ý 1 00 TER POZEN, 1WIlitby, Jnily 8M1, 1879. PATENTED AUG. I2TH, 1876. Patent Ventila tor Chimneyý Top 1hal an luvaluable venuiater for soil pipe sud water dosete. Il te tle sîimplest venilatar madie. Ilte v arrsnted stonni proaf. R.H. JAMESON'S. -WARRANTED STOILMPROOF I Alsike Ciover Seed. SWhitby, February litia, 1879. OFFICE W. J. GIBBON, Whitby ChinaTca Store. BRO0WN & PA TTEB8ON fv/ g. Go', W151TBY, l, >T. rr 11 . TO THE PUBLIC. Iu preseuingoaur Tweuty.secaud Aunual -Catalogue o! Agrieullural Impie. mente ttuâe frmra of Canada for tle year 1877i ve de an vilia more thsu tle ordinary dagres of pride sudconufidence, froni the manksd faveur sud patrnage confamned. upon us, sud the eady sud inaroasing denianti fmom yaar ta yesr of aur uaw eelebrated Far= Implemenîs. We shail continue s heretefore, au manufacînreri, te make a apecialty of Agrlcultural Mahlury-the Johnston Self-rskiug RLaper, tle Triumph Cmrn bines! Laspeaissd Mover, the Csyuga Moyeu, île Youug Canada Mever, sud aur niew Whithy EHarveaer, lalnziug a large obshauoffcaurlime sud attention. For til saiTwenty-lve years vs have glven Our Mcii careffulandd nudiviti. ed attention ta ths manufactureansd operatian aofiihe varioua machines lu use, si!tiug ouitiaha st points, remsdylug defeola, modi!yiug sud corectiug erore, streugtiaeulng wssk pointa, adapig sud prcporticuing every paut as aur luareas. :e epenie hsu suggasted. Ws emplcy ouly the bsst machanical skill, sud our machinai pases under the Most careful super vision and scrutluy-every datail bsiug suabjeoteti toilahe sever- ast ontiofan-anti ssch machine te Charoughly testes! bofors lsaving our works, te prove lb. completeneaoff every part, aud tIare la no diMefie in luputhing theni lu operallon by sny persan off moderato meclaal a blily., Our machinery haî besn seloted ind conalructed with a ipecial refferenos to the manufacture cf ouovu maoiaia-mauy tCadi hsving beau made fer ltei parditar purpon, suad not adaptes! for cîher vonk, sud aur wonkmen are adn- caed op ta île éwsnte sud requaramaute e! our msuufacture-oblaiuing a Char. oughlkovledgeaff ile construction off aur macinesaansd areChusensusledti Ca b. tain a bigler degreo! mkilI anti pvefiolnqy than vîora ganeral mauufacîuring Iws are Clerefors auablad te lntueduacea sMare perfect systenî lt al 1th. de- psntmïnti off manufacture, addiug not ouiy te îlhe perfectJon o! the* work, but al- so ta île vapid4 t o ieatan-ad a connéquaut-reduatiou of ceaI. - ,This principle te regarded nueasaary lu à veli regulated establishment, sud we ,nabl,,d Ca turu oui car machines wil shigler degna. off perfectiou, andi ai priceosos low ne absolntely Ca de!y compaîllion. -THE'JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING REAPER la niov go VehIfkuivnans aSingles Laper, t aa sword a1 comnaendstion would almoat soni supeninaus, but se Clerc arc mauy cemiuit a nufacture Ihis machine vIe lave atiharadte the aid original Sohuaton-machina, without keep- ing up te the i mprovomeuts ; ChaI justice Ce Ourasives sud paîrnu requin. of us t tat hal lai s iave modifisd tii l mial every assenW artan,dfor sîrengila aud dursbiliy, quaiity cf euh, Severy lins! aut&Ã"ônditi6n o! fgkaïn,>; -ligtus s î o! draft antieu oas fmausgemet-lho "Johnsten.,s maaufaotured hy lia-itaudi preeminatly siaa4o!alllter reapea. liuproolba!thia p tieu va have ouly te point îlte muny Finit Pnizes iwanded us-at th., lutPrlvincial trial offOn. Carie, ani manu' auials vhioh have taken place aIl over Canada, within the luth few yeaa. - OUR TRmUMPH COMBINED MÀ.CHINES, yulh late improvanients, ite aIl taou ha dosiret inlua Cemhlieà Machine, anti canuol fail Ca mes I itîe requiremanta o! purolasara. Our lînpd Ca.vuga Chief dr., and oui Young Canada.Mowera arabollaflsssmadlines-cousiiuted alimaitwholy off lon sud SteeL Thé CsygaîJr. lau a uercut, andthîe Young C anadia.s font Cul ; hoil stuoug, dur- able mach lues, sud'not axoollati by auy nmachine"s-lu îlte markei for quality of out, duuahiliiyt ligîlueus o!ftiraît, adaptahility, spd esue o! mianagemeut. OUR--NEW "WHITBýY ..HARà VESTER."'i As the country lias hecome baller. adapte&t l machinsryi anti many off oufarin- era have become shilleti in tle use off machines, a grcwing demanti las sprnng up for a Light, Durable, Firal.Ciasu Reapar. - * liv. e lbp qrequiremùenle affilas day, wébhavaebaidaeeti.I anveuting a ma- iohlE"vth a iVrmot ièh a 'nme, witb fthaie IaaajmoRsible à gsËng.-vith Ian g e bnoati.faced drive vhael,-suima oe ocstmuaWhet ahelaframeandtable tlt iat ila Isa: îlmei hereby keapiug tîle pilman Sivasinlu ina witli the ktifé.. IU râks aè divîý bretl frICUth man vash~f~lexe beilig ne penceoptihia aide ýd tane noweighi wpou Ilthe rses nechi, . éarénsic dfent t hat w. have suceetit ede-ih ouprao ss,-aig ti lspk s 1. invention, for arin-xcuieianfcue at .rs tendingprlD r,1$le bui e hsmcibf ug sîtou for tbe coming aaet h "h à Hetr"wihal oi! 0-aud but being mtepicpiyfi.hs uliyofto u ia.sdfoain.l elu nti comp acicoustu Bie, il omhios1 arnsd dnroabiyaff tle Shap Bighîs for sale aI a resuonahie prioe, vitia modal sud patterns furuiohed. 9&- STOVES CHEAPF FOR CASH!1 Whilby, Sept. 24th, 1879. 40.Sm. 1833- Established FURNITURE, FUJRNITtTRE, Cheaper than ever, at Izis new store The undersigned in retuni ng thanks to the public for- the liberal patronage extended k ,him, begs to state that havsing removed to hie nomnmodjous new premise, ho la now in a better position than ever to supply 9i2 their wants. IRis stock of Furniture embraces very handsome sets,- and cvcrything that can be caIled for in his.line, aud an ciamination will convince that the piices are low enougli k suit the times. U NDERTAKINQ. Funerals fully snpplied& WM . TILL. W m. Will -seil selfi-for 30 days AT COST!1 Womens' Prunelle Boots and Shoes, Womens' Ria Boots anad shoes, Misses' Pebble Boots and Shoeg, BURN S, A- New and weil Selected Stock. G all and examine. PH OTOCRA PHY.- WB AIRE MAKING A NEW STYLE 0f lPhotographs, in sipiai life-size, an entirely NERW PIROCESR. SPECIMEN8,,ON EXHIBITION, Cards and Cabin ets furnished ini the Gaee sleOf the Ait. reines of ail dies à lways on hand. * A. BARRETT, Photographier. %4l"Opposite ýOntarjo Bank, A young an desiring, to study- Photography, wil find a good chance by caffing on Mr. Barroît, and gotingl erms. Whlitby,,June-lOth, 1870.- OUTT E'RE AND C, A Large Assorti For"j l fre8h from the Mine.1 ÀT LOWEST FIGURES. Leavse Orders ai KING BROS.ý Eavlugmade à rrsangeients WUthesOosl' MfnugCl.athepit, vae iaz ostiený toreueplV"~sds w.lullaorders. Sdppiled aiit.eHarbor or delverod. 13 ie c I nduc m ents to parties il. ParUs aongCh.Lin n01the- Whitby,. PortFPerry &dnLlndz alwy can b. sup.. pEsA direct, wftIoaon etra cbsge, undar, special arragements made with Ch.e Ril.- wray Oapanyi y RING BROTHERS. 93' Tvo a Orlercongtanlly ou the rosd. 1FARM"'TO RENT. Cbf-S, OM O5ED0F 00 ACRES, EiNG ;%ýýpari ofLot "No. 4, lu theIe tA Coucs. Sian cf Pickering, Ave mileâ fromthe Cown of Whitbyý, undar. s gdteo-i cultiva. Clou, velwatered, od buiings sd fiue orchar, &o. Planougcan be doune aflter ask takoen ofibsal hi 'achnoa.,nd possession For particuler, apply fo 1h. ovuer. Sutlcs, P. 0. THRE SINGER SE WLNG;MACHINE. Buy the Best, Buy no other. BUY NON£ BUT- THE Genluine Singer Sewing Ma- chine. _.,< 'BEDUCED IN PEICE. THE BEST MACIMIN 2fTHEWOELD. Su say Tîrse Hndredl Thonua people wboouhl Singer Machines lu 1878. Over twa eilin 8nger Machines lW use at Splendid smad fn uts-oi aAttaiamoueta gin vill ae achilane, snd parties. fuly atructed in il. use of Cbeni. THE BEST, THE CHEAPEST, Sold nnly by the Canlipsny's A4ni L ]FAIRBANKS, Oflice, opposite Ca'Lmxcr.z Offce. Whiby, Sun. 25,1'79. Valuable Faxm for Sale.ý ACRES.-Si LOT 8, IN 511 CON, 1 0 PICEZRING. 10.acres cloared-. ramainderwvl enbered (mstly beach afoc maplo)T . steaay desirble property for îewot aone lavery'valuiable-isu vlnar7ky psy the jursemoneyhile îlhe siftuaton i 1 i te tes sunfà ieo t ur. antee for île lanc& TernsliborstularellalePartie. A A POST P1. 0.Box 202,'ltb AIlR OASMAC HINE. This Machine >lIofan llglting Pulvale Dwellfngs, :Mille, Facîcrles, Churches, Public, Hala' ,Hotels ,&r-c Osil sud examiné Cha machine lu opara. taon at JQSEPHPILLIPS, sole Muich'r, Plumber sud> Gaafltter, 158 York shreeh, Toronuto. Senti for "irenlar sud prlce-liat. A pril 29 1, 187. > -19 TMPOMBUSE TO L AYD FEOM AL t,- P APES. Toansd frani G.T.E. Station..... . C Tcansd hrm Whitby, ýP. p. &Lindsay l'y Station ........... ... .... o . Thooo canvayancearean sue anti camfon. ibis, sudlabi.cauge ai eini l divers. aul biggage cheeketi and careufy laakad ter. LOUIS- SEBRRT, 'Pmaprietor. Whiiby, Fol. 2511, 187à . - <y1 Do you Want a 11011e ? Anycne wanting ta ent or p u a a cufamialle résidence in WhiÎîy, vwouat daO va! o cal anti axmino liaicf G. T. Hall1, aI lis office, over P. H. Jimegoa' Store, Dundas-Simeat, or aillae CIMNCXa Office. Whitby, Ju!y 911, '79. 11'2f9 -THE ýTORONTO Turkish &- Vapor Bathe, Thes halbiare useful lu B eltoln, N u a' *Gma ;houl , c old , c u gstion, B m a u c h i s 5 eA f aulu a , S k in D is a a e , , l I . IlammIallaus. BDionanu, F jr.mt or 9anltI arfflnuoes. -AT-L «ry sud 1 ho Court MONET TO -LEND- in u mms up tu fflo, ai_ - tercet.- ROBINSON à (LATY, Duaa*i OFFICE-In Victor! 9, Victoria Street. J NO, G. KE' B ARRISTER-AT - A sucer, &ca. Offlce-Dever Streat, Wbitby, ont. -G. YOUJNG $MIIT, B ARRITER, C., &c. O)Prio-Over Dominioni -Jan. 22, lErm 1 areet, Torôz HECTOR CAMiEIIIN, Q'G. (lyt4 R. -J.a. uNN, U1GEON TÃ" TEE C s JByron Street, WÇhitby Scorner ai I3Byrcn ai BIYRON pFILIJ jpHYSIOIN UGO * m Wna.itBIlEif, .11.D f-1UY'8 HOSPITAL,, IX %-X- tleo Ye B. O. H. L., O Ci. BOGATI Physlinian, Surgeon, Accan Whltby, Sept. 80t1, 1874. W. ADA D 001<5OVER ]a. IL -R ,Grocesj Store, Dnncb ý(flehnBom 0sm. ta e 1 *80 tao ..m=%,vieue sund Gilbert streelg. CN. VALS. L El EETH mnet lfl T atest princip] Teoti aeXtrnted v'thon an local aumaesesa. DentsalRo an'a uew block, over Atiknsan King Street, Oshawa. ,JOlIKWOLFENI AGENT FORt TIR CE -ilSoottial IGraniiteAt à n1JijeusîlsWolfenden,Dunda L. FAIUBANJ< *OPFFICIL hASS' 13" OPP OpSrjT *- Hae! Brock-S., Wii Whitby, Marca 26th, 187V. 11fE. (YDBLL, ATHERLY C!erk Division court, SOaniaasionei in 1B. IR., Land &a., therly, Couiaty Ontario, Ailer17 qtpt. 2ndPI1872. -WV . HINMAif, OS-A WA, Veterinary Su BUGGII 'ARRIAGES. 0:0- ment- of Cutters, ID ROBER--tSO.N'S CASE PAID FOR GOOD Whitby, esops. 24th, 1879. 40.8m.. r83 3je 1 OF THE -.000. Re- 1 . 1