Whitby Chronicle, 6 Nov 1879, p. 3

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The best goo&s nt- tii. owep i .iMULL & WIX1TE1R TWEDS OLOTKLNeMADE TOI 0BDZ1Iby h ibi1s Oui-ap ngo in BLANETS, FIANNE1LS Q oe. CHANCERY SALE FARM LA DS G. lporuances fau ord 0ai-thre Court of yirais02 yF 2mo0ta 5TBPHENS0 5TBPUBNOON, tirera viii ie oaiotfor sale iry Publie SÂTURD , T tirDAY Of NDVEND , 1879 ai tire h of jne o'cle-é p. m.,, at Webb'a tal, in VLLLGB 0F BR LGHAM, lu tire Ccunny of On iby Levi Firbanks, of tirs Town of WhIrty, anctionssi, tire fol. lowlsrg rosi astate, tiratinsalasay. : PARCZL No. i-.Dulog nomprosd ftire Soutirr or front puat ef Lot4to. 17, ln tire O1h concession c ire oTawnsuip aiPicksrlng aforesairi, adal containing Ie'ry acres, more or les$, 'ÃŽbIs ,Joalal cia e cpt 12 acras cfweod land. "i'Te clie la nuder a god stataeofc ultvatianr. on thse promises tirer. Io a-good trianIbouse; frame barn vitir tone founalaidprIaitteal up lor stable and root cllai, the i n la 101 test by 40 let; sa d ivegh seoanal tva frame etabes. Tis #col Welli fsnced, andj vwaterodýby acr,e tIlin $p igsd bsua Plckrng.Tlris-pertloit la alf cleared, sud in àa l tate af cultlvstîo\iwanalv PrAscEL 2-Bcing tirs North hall of Lot number 17 In tirs liiiconcesaian ai the.gaa Tdjwnsldri fPickering, cantaintuinâa00acres, -m'Iror osse. Tis la al clear andsis aua goda.gte 01 cultivation, sicept about 8 acres wiich hras uat beau brotas unp Ou tire premises there la s frame bain twa stables, oue frame hanse, vitir ste ialr; two orcirarda;; sud vaIr watersÀ by Ivo treamsirunnlug tirrougirlit, tw rins,] s bphproprt &a.tl tie a VUage of u*rohm ata _sIvle lestfeintr Týftof. kbitbyan6ml rmLiver- POU ÃŽ,ýtja«es bley od icbl Tirs Vendors shah n birebounate pro. ducs any otatiltie eslshan tirose inu thirl ossgalo cgjurniah any abstract lave a ettt tract ai s-copy thereof,- or prove any a a tbet1titie 'or titis aIrer0 tram liy tira tille odiea lu tireirpossession., Thoera viliirecsa r rved bld ouon sci p i fiied by tire à Tire pureiraser shalt psy day» aistl~ da~ of %ale, a depoall of ton Par cent. upao iis orcirass roney, sud enougi tem ke iti fosdeposit farir-nlntirs ci thire osrMe marsone umonthfirte alay atsals,4aVtiouîint esat. >Iho bance ta bs sacojrd by mortg6g upon tirs remo. lues, barof laver T if eoreri, payalbinl five eqUI snnali talm te s illr Interest sauoaly a i cent. rom tire day cf sasie, thir8st ai suehi ngtaiot eusl bacaose dos an tirs duit day of 0t r, 188N. Onpxe fth~~e purcir s mansy u exectio oftbe ilrgagos,lrapuicirasars waire en titisal tg canveyanceà anal bs lst mb puoeosalan. Tirs aller canditions ais tire a nig canditions af tire Court ef Obancery, xcepl ai aboya varied. For partionlars snd cauditioni pi sale ren ta; Mess eiwell & RIttisage, N<iril ir , u a n RoSa inks, QC. ornean sd te nndsrulgnsd Mastar ai tirCantn <Sligneal,) GEO. H. DARTNRLL 0 W. E.LIILLINGS, Master.0 Vendlors' Solcitar. (sin-" c $200 REWARD1I - 1XT113IAS TEE DABN Af4D OUT. bViu I4inge belonf gistpM. William Pirerrili, sulte on lot 6In lire 4tiecon- cussîon of tira township ,Whib, vous desircyeal ey onauhçq- igit efirst et AugusI ast ; ual teres tlie bain anal couaenseup le byMr.Benjamin Moen, ou lot ii,jt tr0on6fPickering, vers aIse detroysd by fire,'a tirs morulag ai Frlalay tise Ord aiOctoirer etat ; sud viereas th dtiser les m sattr uleal ta inceudiarisor. I do irer b ,lu pursu cesofaiaresolution aued bIYt';ýXONTAUI aUÂizas' MUrruÂL NKR ýuCOXtiau'c, sevoerbng me for tha )rpos, ofertirs ove reward- for euch forzntion vuiwM ad otie sp. Prebeuslan and conviction o a incendlar oulancendalaîes; tirsrevard t ire paaldu theo proportions cf 01110 lu eacr&gos. J. B. BICEELL, Pratat., Tirs Ont. Farinra Muta Jus. Co. Wiily,, Oct. 21s, 1879. tf-id MAJOI{MILLS! eThe save Mils are agrotiralaoeîaa T HE NEW MILL IS VERT COM- - .pinte, ana l ieltiaitp witir c11 modemn improvement alstd taplinîea for doing- IN TILE 1EST POSSIBLE MANFERI. T. P. WHITE, 3UIISUANT TÃ" CIAPTe 107 0P .Ltirareviseal statîrtes eof 0entiîtl "AIAcl respeýCltiugTratstnacr, re tirse rcaltors of tire ctate 0a!, OMAS STIIVENSON laite ai Whiltclunlir T1ovuale aofi kiciceriug, lu the t ofa OuItarie, Yeomandm csd are reb>'ro- quudto send partlTilnetireara, y i'verileal, tay W.1,ig, Wln ilby, on Or boorotirs llthDay_ of Deceniber neit. soliitor for Johnijloihanal 'Gear OAn tirs seoulars Cf tirs stat saaIsa bmmedstol aler tirai date, 1thealal - lorarePycf7rosal 10 dlstrbite aset; Ofi tire ssldcleas, amangaltirse paila î'rtîiîleal tltllety' raving regard ta tire daims et1viricli o lr slalexecotoîra bav et 11oien Just reoeiyod; Devereil'. 2Blook. a 218W stock of F.1 Paahoiiablè Dry Got& a, HJGHEST Mý-ARKET PRIcEIP-AIn ýFORI -~AYQUÂNTITY OF.n WHVrBy CHIA AsTORE»j, Als'0twO'Tonsoý.f ,god> ivý Tur1çYgN Before ilhing cati and see Wbltby Ohina Teii Store. Be rnard and Cc,, Le/tii DistiIIery R. J~MJ~ON7- gent, Whitby., THE ENCORI WISkY Thefolwn satzsfactory and mOtcojnvincinge evidence 81tows the absolute purily and 8afte uin the EN- CORE WHLÇKEY'as an Alcoholisimulant., LANCET.-'Belmarkabîy free froor Fusei 011, mild, whoiesome and pleasant." B3RITISH MEDICÂL JOURNAL.-aRemôvaî of -the Fusal i 01lasMost coimplete and efficaciaus." MEDICAL TIMES AND GAZETTE-"We can higlily commend it as wll-ftted. for Medical use,- beiug lrery pure, whoiesome, and pleasant."' -MEDICÂ.L PRESS AND CIRCULAI-"1Pure aud'whoiesome and aronina wt mixtures frcquentiy usaid to give fictitious age and MEDICAL RECORD.-"'Must rankfoiamost as the purest of alcoholic stîiulants." PRÂCTITIONEI.-"'Parfectly free froor Fusai 011, extremely mild, and a saf alacoholia stimulant." SANITABY RECORD.-"'Such an, oxpefleut dietetio stimulant descrv- oa wide spread, reputation." PUBLIC HEALTH.-"'Exceptionally pure. It would be fortunate for the hcaith uf the community if iu gencral use." NÂTIOÉrTL FOOD AND FUEL REFORMER.--'AJI who value their heaith should use if." DR. H. C, BARTLETT, F. C. S.-I'Cantainedl les. trace of that dole. terions and possonons malter Fusai 0OÙ, tran any spirit I have ever sub- mitted to the sanie searching investigation, The Médaical *Profession shouid 'rccommend ta their patients no Whiskcy whielî doas net came up to this staisdard DR. C. R. CJ TICHBORNE, F. C. B., Trinity Collage, Dubln.-déCaie. fully examined'for Fusel 011 but none cotild bo discovered. Pcrfcctiy fce froni poisonous matais that are frequentiy found in Whiskies, aund isicli are vary delaterous. Rcmarkabiy gooa quailty.", DE. PAUL, F. C. B $eS el refo uslOlo-te nuiu substance." ..aafci iefoiFsi01o te nolu DR. STEVENSON MÂCADAM.-",Vety pure and visoiesonie, and of excoediisgly f£ua quality. .139e Tis Whisky la flot ouly a pleasaut and whoisooue stimulant for ordin. ary use, but for delicalo constitutions* il la invainable, as il viii sgrea vitir snch visa no airer sicoirolija timnIant vii, virohiru ir the rniof vine or cognac. It is useal almoal exaiuaisoiy in lire praahiee of mauy of tire moat embuent mesn in tire Medicai Profession, Every Gallahn Guarnteed Equally Pure. omlg, avas, riznaOlll ~ ~ .AsunUodtnaaeenasa, New Mexico, Wym iN rtier Taas Th riirminra rrd gricuntîrai resourceu ai iis oit ounry wU mke Dnve th lares ntI ealhlea lyri tire West. tba tio 0 imigrtio lu110 lx tiis iretio, I luhs ompny's .lnterept to have I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~i p1peaarinevrnioutriIrvrc.Tecosgengîrîre, he ompn, via 0fibs bauifu etytie tnl chi~ ben~ansdolartopsytie Noîary Public rées fo cnow eag ng e l tIcanvoyanco. 1T ineLopay o0anot gvaeavery lot away, but saciraliernate euc, and does net e cet tirat every mersn vio gels a lot lunForth Denver vii cinehosbota rrOtnsmany w iIland lthgey VII Induces heir friendis ta follow. The lu- crecraca populatiion wil soon make thlisjropcity very vaînable, aîiitis C2ompany retain encir aiterniae to, shieir tlily balda ap ces varvigan2lo10, corgt oain For titis rensora tihe fbovo pro osition la moede. q'he cleeds are unconcîtimral,îlont requlrlua air eue to sule or lirnhrrove, Mu witir fuit power ta trunsfer and decrl to attiera. Tire lirni ta any one persan tahclng adyuintage of thns offcr la ilve lais. Tlils property lit lot bili. aide. montrai. r sç amnp, hast in lovel. fertile. and lbas aivaruiages for building tpon i umer)us ta mention. Fuai nldsatifcoyIfrnUn.thIdreet Wram ui best citizenrs, willtas furnlaiec. tifcryitratnvt lase na 1; W C.E;ÀDPUc'Ot Cerari Recorder 'ithisn ad for saii Counay and ftat*, do berery cesry in th abve nd arenin betrie, andsaile cmeaireasWtirhe adrhreîa deceribed accrdias tu rire recordasnmya c.1furiluor coriify tilre oare no a4ta eo rflcit fludgments taxes er saler oual this 2 aofo!Arrisi, A. D. 1819. Atnce of Colorado . C. AYDcozS, CeuntI, rkasdReodr sa.1PfCu iOOsc:}e, iNsTRuCTtoNS. Tihis 'taronpony wili scnd byroiturom na, toanay one sencttng vwitirlu alxty doys fr0mth daeo is Olper their nmes, P. O.atidreu - Cuuniy ntrl Stae, plaly writler In fu, ncler cjJriNrhDenvor, Coloradio elear ormiltnaxes A pil ctios oret y ot nit stbeorcom panieuj Wl ir 0nue C u ifrneacls luet to sy cgst of ntlcliug t rirca so laoi nr 'r ransferre nl t ' u l ie . Leatll lmsrovet1rlop brmît scu e-aho 0 n th r lutSaie lntir0wrl. lied3Il eoanypat ofn tire U. 8. snd Caeias. AÇI6trasil iste l DENVeR LAND COMPN igracho ireir uvLner, COL __ 449 ILAWRZNCE ST, DENrVIhI, COL.n fth ! ie MaurChila.. VINECGAR !,TELEPHON.ES, 7flE MFTRALTELEGRAPH C0. P V 'il Bolniair 's m O N>,511 ppa,lu fluaets- for E'. 3011,aial,8canada foîr IMPERIAL FRENCHI VINEGAR, lTH [ [OINCfIHOK I-ELEPIIINýES, IDcMijoina anal Quaîer.demijobna. -AT-- R. Hi JAMESON'S, Tisibrrestory, su ear nmadlots Houc I *frted udarullheu i t rltirs sr n0l WPrePsred la méattire requiremants a55Parie equirlng Tehepirn4 o Tbose inatrlusnts ais b>'fataeisMost peifect anal serviceable tirer inîroducodan sd are ta Inthe placé 01>8aIl otier s mait 8 Aho siCroaprintumet onaio remm; Ll4e asîer IesurO eau jlooaiucs Vlldath besreWouq eu ei eaPt ordd Y arisreu't he;tm 01 eusraîenO"gIsdby APPU,11r ' P ie0 9- -c e'lh 1879.rf- ; - r-; 3IOC]K.STREEt ,wmETBY. I~My tQkêd ith SeaoniâblG J ds âï, -rsel Fan4 arehe1-rt ttà . ii i - * ~ 'f A ( - 4 ii :iW :000 "k ï ' výA FIRESE[ STOCIK Oi' GflCERIES#' C orb The highest'price paid.,for farm produce. to order1ý Whitby, October 29th,- 1879. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, Allan Lino 0F ROYAL IaPAIL STEAMBHIPS. Shoitesi Ses Passage, Ecanomy, andl Evary Baturciay froni Quebec, on arrivai aftir train lesvlng Witby At 8.10 s. or. eveuy Friday. TRuouan irn'Zs Rait vmrnY. Cabmn foues t81 sud $91, etc., accord. iug ta position of sltotroom. Laver rate for islamn tickets. Interualate, 046. Sleeae at lovest rates. Ciloasan ...Oct. 251h, 1879. saîdinîs .....Nov. lot Moravion.... "Il tir Poinvian..... " 110h Polyneslan .... 22ncl Steerage passengers are torvardadto Lon- doaerry, Belfasb, Glasgow, Qnecustown, Br-istol, Cardiff, sud Loudon aI sam' rata as 10 Liverpool. Parties wising la senal for -tieir friandso can ablain tickets at loy rates. The Sies passage tram landl le landl aver- age about szvxra Diva, tva ai which are "pnt in tire amooti waters of tire St. Law- ronce. Tire Steamairipi ai tise Âian Lino camne direct ta tire Grand Trunk Railvsy virarves at Point Levi, (Senti Quebse) sud Special Trains are alspalcired, itir lis pâuengero immealiately on, arrivai, By ti arrange- ment, passengers, avala delay snd exponsa. Cirjre s givlug ailinformation, 'mieal fres. Foi tickets aud furlier information sppiy Exp. snd Tel. Olne BY LAW No./- SBy-Lau to ýtab1ù1î a roqffor publie travel eýroaa Lotl g$,>Trenty. t1trie and\a port' of Lot (22) Trenty-t&z»n1t (71k) Seventh ConcessionV ieTt'rhp f Uxbid(ge. 1 Thre Municipa ou o'ýi iTa'in- sicfUxbridg encabta fi lotes -PL.Sas ajovn by tirs mpau 9 -osaportio fLatnumnber(22) Twenty. two beana a aisy e atablisied aus aPublia lghway (tira Iolu euxc. r manclngat a pint on tiers Oth L ofi D aial Lat Tweuty-tree, Southr 77 degrees West, tvýenty-tirrea chini anal lirrty.dvs t inks, more or lesu, tràm lire orthn.aat rsugle thirîof, sud sot iu tire centrs ai roada surveyed and laid out serais Lot (i Tvenly-four, by r. J. Mackenzie, P. L. ile 18;hence Southr 8 deguses, Ecret fve chiadlUditean linktt a point. Tiencs 57 degréeesEuat snty ehransd lx linkrs more or leus, tror0sSoutir linit ai Salal îot (8 weny es outir 77 de- gisees, Weast o ciehns lenly-ona lmks, moor esetrom 'tira Ibesahan ele tire- of, vithra P milnieu vidtliraftuitylk, un ea scite1 Ida c Ire lins, caosn ig tw en a 21 0 an re ; and tirai beig dgorbeau :CSuiineeng ou tire Forth lil - aial LoIwhere tirs bentis lin. 'Wi acros Lot, Ïnmbor Tveniy.tires outir78 desrees, Wesl six chaîns and t y-one inica tram tire Narths-eutangle'ai CU LaI' uimber (2) Twenty.lvo ; , cs ati 61,,dagrees, EBut Iirrce ee istir Sothr68 deguses anal 80 rinuçaetsî hcineluaanal 837 links, thon gouauti (8 a liredgrees 80 minUtes,. Wàt, alang.,ire ai tirhmi dam, hrse cl*n0su f 1t I 'tieics Soutir 52 d 8re, -Ra ruS a8àana eleven liksmor ongs,la o arltou tire vetsn af'lire roa allowance between ta svent andl sigith Concession, elaven chaîne anal tirty.fvelisnks, mors or lesu, Ntorth, 12 degreaWest, front 'the SonIr. -ý sait angle aitiro salil Lot, witi a peipsu. dlicolar vialti of:ftfty links on esci sida of aa courrse ouhtaînlngbladeurmn TA ENOT E '-à,vein imen COp ta proihoseal vHÉ v v as a futud.sec-, ond tirZ y r b uubclp Council of tire Z ' WrpotT , lra 91k-ay of A 'Eat 'b2an ires caî.5 J. B. POWELL - Woted rRe-IIable100-ooej at Fair Value'! ro -- iLcc th us~b ~ i~ba&rir.s, .rU11ig for goodB..n u- liandasb .o -~ ~ ~ ~~ý ' ...aid.nbl itol ~ thraeomin 'aeaaonx ie li i ~To thq stbk oPLADIES' GOLDWACIS e4i"a H 11 Uàleý ad ibe .ý, ,A IL a~~ iclnstae hi~Wub~~al~' BSILVER NWTCOHE8, -îvÀtoS' ZsPRI The Stock. 000£CROPATD ODB WM» 1so' b foa s T mnooli lnoens.d, idpiuiwxta oe.Ivo*,y audIed Dêfiir sud Dessert K ni1v e o in g rew i v r È t . ' h t 4~ OL OSI, PROM ýALL TJIE B' . fron aGrs te T e& and Coffec ots, -Plted , M o 1un ts ., q - 18k Wedding. R3ings,a rg oec10hd;EWLYn ;ýd1 ték ' h ii.' ,I i - iEsal rnsalao JÀ8Yh ou h BrookStreasI, Wbîtby' u 1&oIYthia it &co.1 N"E w AL)VE IS EM ENT se ~~frT~MI ID! ANY ÇUANTITY 0F BUTTER For which the hàighest price will be paid in 0:7 Groceries or Dry Good8.- A. ]à. DAY, Next door to Hamilton & Harrower. Millinery, Man t/eif Dress Making, Beg to announce that Miss Molntyre has returned from Ohicago, whero she lias spont some timo -ini the leading houses ' n that oity, in learning the' Newe8st Styles and mprovement8 in the. -uines8, The resuit wil enable thém to aàfford their ousbomers gres,- ai satisfaction than horetofore. ÀAfull and abiractivo dispiay of Trimmings,_*Und'e'rcl*o'thing', &c. Butterick's Fashion Books and Patterns, to whioh we in- . - 1 ~vite attentiôi. -I ' - - ; at in and Plaiting Machines for'saie a;nd to rent, -Orders for the Britièli American Dyig Company, will roceive oui prompt attention. M. & S-. E. MoINTYBE, 45-Bm. )VEIRCOATS 1 aJausss~ orssswyt BtTSINEiSS: SUITS DRSBSUITS!l FÂNCY VESTI~4GS t UENTS' FURNISHING~ I (n w >1 o (n c., w c; 9- .4 9- ~oe S- o 'H '.4 c/i s-, z BIROOK "STREET, -- - WHI HÂS JUST RECEIVED IN GREAT VARIE TY À SPLENDID LOT OP Z ANAàD1AiV TWEEDS! A LA1UdE ASSOMTMENT OF MEN'S ULSTERS & OVERCOATS., YOU CAF GET AT FERGUSOF'S READY f, MADE OR TO OIIDER SPLENDIP SUITS-l! A NEW STOCK JUST TO HAND 0F TRgm LATEST STYLES3 IN Eq GENTSe FUÉNISHINGS 1 FiTAGOOD VALUE "IN, c,, o o: [oe o H -TIIN e' aO- t- irai 'c o a c- Q I. '-a JONFER-G'uSON., [T-BY. Départme a. t,, - - 12U5 teserve, for ru-InasuncioAc o ident Departinent, - 221,326.84 du ' n 'a lo h raa l n t . tis >I - i Surplus ai regerds Policy. holders,,27073 - S~fltlcÇe lie Yar1878. Number of 1 ifs P)-Vnl tan ln-1878, --ý - 1,980 whals nuxMber Lite îôlcys Wbole ntmber of Lie viltnldae - 30,207 Amoat Lf ite rael Toali CLaimes alunLite Departmnen r - $1,271,137,80 -ACIËNT DEPASaTMENT.> Nubrof 4écident Policles Osai reéiumsrecelveal for o aima - - - *7582l Gain inFremtums aveu 1877, $56.7T. au Wir4le atunbsAAccident Pail- ceeivrttten, - - - frt4,085ý Number Accident Claims paia A2u'~l~eutisimspsai ' Whl uoi Accident1 cjiaiiaâ idà - 33,049 ,Whale 1monnt accident >>,Cisf1ia palal, - 03,041,951-94 ýTots Lasses-psld, bathJDe- . JAS. -G. BATTE ÛN~, '0Presdenl. - RODNEDENm 1eacri+ ]ýPAssistentBeor'y.' - BO R. LLIff-Aotoary ED'WKniE V. PisTr«a, Supt t of sneie. C, P. RUSSELL, Agent, Prov.\Quxt. O ffice, 8Adiaede, EstToronrto. C. arOUitsE, 'Agent, - *W- hitby. SCHOOL BOOS TCO0STI1 -AT-- DANXEL KENNEDY S.. 5ti Realeroata dti l o It a rt S e c o d o lot Resaler EM omentsiyAritmmeie A d ysc e la l . Intloectual fi ExammnatMon, Paelu inAuittmmtic Notes t-Beader 49 dth Il Eosce, c iem estry - IMui, Swrulaua L. Lesori 1lt 'begiPoz dseLost Bcty &Caes Book.loopig vh zouer, by Sanky Lazars Hisci r -ar > lIn fact a fuil selootion of, Books, Statiouery,, and, Fasioy e Goode at ,Coat. 13" ýWatches, Clocks tind Jewelery repaird in firet dais Stylo at moôderate pr-ices. - OLD CLOOKS EECAIED CHFAP! DANIEL KENNEDY, Whitby, bapt. Sî, 1879. 8%g of the Golden Pen, 8'1-0,Q70' N-ýD' H 0E D8 Englana, by Edfltir Tiorpson - 5e Young lut Bok Radl Cc Todirunlei's Roolal65 pott's ý '4 >u Arnald'e Latin Proso' Composôition > "-5 Grammai ai Frenchs Grammers 1- 'fima Easy Legsons1n-GensaJeoôgrisiyýý i5 Toallumtars Aiebr&,, ý - ,' - 45o Spiema' & S£ino nlii nal Fîsucl Dictionaries - 1.40 P4ruclnla Latinsa - 6'5i lune Copy Books - OIc Blegant Donrna Books at 25par. discount.' Waîk Boxes aI 580 per cent. dhcounul. Ladiles' Companion aI 25 per cent. RaEanal Ssinfl Machine vith stand 85 08 =18 Canivas, yhsteper yard - 40c -SPLNDIDVAL'URE w- '-sold lu Wbhtbal sU iolasate sud retau di la Canada and he .pltodf CA R' 'El'RI-S Fo r o ,* ti KERR Whc '-i -'- I A MIAGN[I 7.1 me WJ )ltDyý eeMýý 1 ' - , ý EGGSY 'FA8HIONABLE .M,ë PN T Y R lE 1- 1 1

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