Whitby Chronicle, 30 Oct 1879, p. 1

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1 9r i tlu amh1 àjo'BROOK STREET, WEI.TEY., il. 41Termn e -$ O per Annum. ____________ 14e 0aninf u amd A DYERTIBSUMNT. - AII AdverUa. certpain ud OUI B£-ILMonts tmoasuiod inNouparlel; sdana C sfeet harged ast e'rte i 8 centa, perline, wlIh c In Prlated. woids, great thoughts, and unatirin' aux ~.vct »a~~?prg, Ol4Jvui7straerma niertiant ond G cents,per linoaech mebao.- L'ProI 1y, prlvatelyauï0 s eors l£~ ofeeigs inandiai ljJ jX ~ C ald be la the lbands o.'3Bleen &f ansRal mau.87VL. = I. HIrrY9P ry mon Insuronce Compoi:'.,andwmottera of 1tke 410acripUon whon placed among News Mal.. lier ton conts par lino. R, AMA ETL ELL MEDICAL Co, Bdiolotaraets maoewth advortlaraGBm 0TRNKEILRYHOE1 HIN -A H A k k, 1 N 8 URAr CThe a o4Éte Brecid.~'Wny ipi o', ec~~ol f Yorle (opposite G. T.RB. Station,) Wlftby. S IGNO E 11 TG EGBZED o auBj ~~t~wip u»i 'l_____ a riiWM. O'NEILL- - PROPRIETOR. 76K1 o8tEAT ORNO. ONAROFAMES'Eagtrii j &i "J$t lik, oi o o d P u r iflo i sr. 1 E ery accom m o d ation for gu sts, n e ld . a d ý , t o t f i p e o e i p r o i ~ o t m~ ___________________ £ The Bar fui] an plied wlîh bout Poney Bed-room Sets. 'To who OAWbýùothor Jillied- ~5 a ln ' 8 R srauda àof Liquora, Winesa Brandies, Cigara. Poney juge ana Teapots. HEAD OPFICE, BROOK-Or., WHITZBOTAIY. hKa*0 veynoe"diecin tebt .lerPatlie flotmad OMraca' hi H i'FLIE&OAý hfeieh Jato, 3rmcd ~r R 2 s r I I m t v e b o r e s ~ r q r o H . t r a v e le r . . S i l v e r P l a t d ,C r u e t s a n d B u t t e r C o o l r . . Tm s C O M IA N Y m a re s o r m B u n f . ld - I s e o n i l a d l sat s t ezer o - t b d îop a s a it a n a l e d f o i eksdf uguo i ebe s td t ;og Lý sfaaIl E T Y B A C , God StbIzg, nlosed yar,analten- Silver PIted Cke Baskets. - g-a, i Conatry Cuee, cri r sly c asdsteýatadgo, gousyng Tees~ ar 4 lev.hwr 6ND PILLe. ~~THOMAS DOW, -de-48Boda r' Knieaana Parka. 31U0U5, ona their Contants, ai rates asi wkwflautta licesina sa.thiee Iipxs:fgO eydfoni badwth aparl alxorblgenfry~ " n ok h sm liolobllstod ~~~~~ ~~Teas a and servera. £autase of sny woul-esloblls-ad Cacany ever ofige, o t ikndlac , le A nd gat, anaotir st, nge a 6-1fim10as arl'a1hbutlora, tcprn. w î" ___________________OM'~.MZoC1c.wu4OTEL and STABLES, Flower hadea for II , a, a., Incane StOreS ce fo Cn &ad66 Jarvla-street, Toronto. Gsswreteesritfns. 'bandt'T VAEEL RTEGWhite Stone varo, Overy kind . JSLOSSES ScPL AI.Remgjcaa ildsre e h u o s- W> h,,da idnd ieyosnyhrouhaD oopisi ou nfllileenr fr FREELL& VTLDG, OEN MORAX, . PJIOPBIE lOBHoalsuDBr. oda iSTsuita ond 1 lcwe>i ls ! Wer lathyfot ah odI towtu faln lutrm focetubborei)BRSJISATONHS SL. secsoaT lB Eand "a" uth1.Boantr Gonds.t.Oteton1 WY tag ilGn= effy ne remedy tas boon (ennal U Bt 'thre oheerm r u ü 'aow-doroh~bero r>; ILOVER HARRISON, u .B=dL, J H But,çîah~omo~a rglaccproti e sd 1 weor it EyhItt, pnia seel'uutlesud0CauvDy.RTutte.inntheeCity, aly .PeieImpoPrtde.ra.oo yT . hted Wlb. Prmmos aeu aa oe stog tva blocks (roui the c DpoePndloed__ ____ ViOce-penTÀBTor.ae ut hem o lga e a p rod e n m ,ei La& o nce d m 1 d oor so u t t of t hé . R o a t t e ark t. T e R oute s b 0 < eeni Fgro , oe o o=seratrew ihun s ores produced b>' act - Royal tb C.-NOURSE "E tho day b debot pvidLayawu 0 -~îd ILJAMES 'RUTLEDGE, B. A. - - -- W - WhitM, pml9tR,187, ..kSorti.'t"whieadr Elit COMPLANTS. i .1. FAREWELL, L. L. B., 'NRE Short'r pace and scout the foles bso "psoe u too oiangnlme ldmiip~l What lime tis gacest hlm wouclerlng yd Druggstaond Dealers Coauly Croon Atlaruay. 48 TEMPEZ-RANCJ4 HO USE, P HENIX PR INSURANR0. NURCE Co#SPANY. Multerninl wrath hie board telow o rag u rud.c"fe aI e SON & LAWRENCE, JAMES MEITH CORDON, DUNDAS.3TIREET, V1HIlBY. Icombard St ad Cahsg Cross, Londol. R E'AD' hepoishd Cpalu "igt oreOlNwhcCANADAro.plt Agents, QNTREAL.BDISTER dc ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Gond accommodation aI reasonable terme. ESTABLI5ED IN 1782. OÂPIT4LP 119,00 0. Tium-'tls of thon they fable gdeoIdsc>oe - ia.- eos Ibtse i Sllfcd CeftB olieltor lu Obaneery, Convaynoe Or dos a 2.50 per week. à,houdirrTîus,, Cash Dll en Thou bidd'ublseest,.au ollîl deuld, eaidStDeLacy, "aCashe aqulneonapîointwe Natory Publie dcc. OfficeDundas St., f '~',~LJUJISPIE, MOFÂTT & 0()o.tthth o~mnon Gavern. Still iostlng from ta bisoard vo go;hed0 urOicreI<1715is4 udt it dcor weat of Armstrang's Hotel. menttuONT. Agents for Canada.armeo Monouet Loan-Prlvabe fonds-at loy OSNRUETRNO N.Aet o aaa î,sîerest. TcPla oe iCnd L ioenoea AuctR. I. uraoans. btheam usrsls ytepo r> t~ - MIILVA, Refnrnisted, sud tTnialled. New Passeu. S=EO 6mptÂGEjas.E8SimpsonMonreal, C. M Conuedi JOH . 9GI IVRY, erlevatorrnnln ih n a.TeAE rmt;tedd n oale.AGNYETBIRDI AA .Rnr (Succesor ta H. M. H aval.) te n icea 1.artlu,, n e rd y dd eà,C D W San ar e Beev aud 18 aEday. ' ddresî, - DA-ES, Fude M derate rates ci preninra. JORN ARVE , JAMES SIMPSONC AT R XI.tthaoai gresnud in nk Tb'sj ttcqm themMena af tOintsicd0.aSolicitPartr the 1C. NOUBSEPeiet lePelet nlî o nnt aakUs.Iwu the ine . B o P fubl c. Sole lrfr1.MA.RK n X il17. Agent, Wlb. Prifn. BSPAD, Manget. S0I<~WAGNLMNIOTfO aigtu eldlm atsnwî.wctynae Domninion su.Ofle-at door to Pub. 27th,17.Aet hh. il iG rjulF'. MeelnBouses, Ux1idgo, Cnt.,B DSPR ' angeraprie11Wtor.TEMN la A T T R N Y . T . L W , O L C I T R H I B Y O U E .D o m i n i o n W o o d W o r k s , A U c l a ssI A i e s D 33et , , xept s u t X É I I L 7 A S Ba u P L U AS ]f ~ T d h G i g t e d e l e e u t , D r m . YEAE5 AOC, sud lefi hlmt su"Iashave yet YXto leozI C A E@C-E L R crreut rbe. ouia, lusured atte lovest ELID oln ibidgaina b pte iolypu.sef tonDrook 0T FR. WHITB-Y.r- sud other produco ove."Sure, ehero'a sous voader lu this tn."o.a> u nwwolm uo epemk h o Ctn*yCuvyneccoan. TSP . BNE nBpBBO. Go.Crak A 81a omplanY# 6d for 13 ort termeataSreasoaol l oe.kerchlef."-cîicaio. l "si a-Ika hr ietl on ftemle. gomBru nat wl t t e T e-B A R CL AY-Supe ior accom m odation t m ade te L pi>'e ai ofBulide ns' Pnnush. I CPet. SIz33L" orth 1879.o t e re n Weio scags.Go tbi aenduI Omîland lklnd6ioai , (-7 'Tii a pea"Fr thelwressed oufîrhe grie e an-,t' ~ti s grcio. alt Itgyu adn wet rates. AýTTORNEYÂT-LAW, OCLICITOR ga' Agent for Waltz'sLoger, iu Batile Dénis, Ss n ls, adae A~~BS 113859. TARNZ OPz uuga h ro.-ain, Bathf.tasaranaLepot-tlcas. ASlSme troop10187W14.5-7cool a;" sud De Laecuntypfo sh rordlvrd«Min Choucery and Insolvene>', Couvey. sud cuIks. LUJIDER whaleÏole sud rnaol, or by F. A. HiOME po.- wll h gen.Nithth ntrlaonpu umto; n ntcrodincbaZy hth ________________________Manager.Onc mu caig it te smauts t partie.~, ,i~ O'accn--A ttc Cout HoneaWisitbyPloing, Mouldingetf e r> descrip- Inuracs affecteaAttie laet urrat STA N D A R D Commitee lu Dublin,' De Lay iud Smbe welsdts O csdr on ercia b LIno i theWhl$c, ~ LMAN NGLIS, L ~ ~., HIIQURN~SHOTELP,. tian, Flaarng, Stccciug, Stdlviug, Re. ae nBidne Mrtule doie Linoiogtheapiugo TuruAug.G.BcralLw a es anBidns ecadsadt il was iu readinees ta co-operate ihratv laDLcyauwomlce'hd R-,wosid us saig hpnTrig-cOlwrprapent>, agoinet lots or damage hydlre. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANYafrelnigfaaFac.Bt lssIoce lhassiin yLnc lt l,"I t ir a >'ch a u e 5Q A IIIST E R A T LA , O LI ITO R I N (Là-Tg COX ItECL,) etc., etc. C O R E i r m t t r p b s , t m î i ~ miasl dewitlhêfolajj.. B haoeyc ouveyancor,c,&dc. Slm. EIIOC-STEEtET, WMTiy, Wtty, Oct. OtIs, 1878.C.NU Sau in s e torxpctc cou Street, Oshawa.' - -4A8l î, 88Agent, Wltby. HEAD OFFICE, HAMILTON. ments tsd ben 50 lchirequentsppon o> oesqi> hndh od eLd o C ________ - TAYLOR dc McCA4N, PROPRIETORS. _montsliedbeauno_____ Gavennbaen _____________JOHN_________The__________ lsre t iaI, aller "Neyer lean," ea88.id Alice captain; "l' 3il W0inssain timelied, sudd baeygingg Whibty, 18 011Tthe IZRD O14iends an theooeobo. sometlimey sdve apsedMONT Te>' nrged Derhavets-sharpteyc2ou tha cy ap 'reviellai-slfhinwpoffoh sutaty u t rsa~ARUIISTERAT-LAW, SOLIC1TOR the aboiveel knawu hatell whicht Se>'___ B uhnerovyne,,,Director>', aud urga an immedaeIw a nnighmcart ewsTcmmn LtR ,D u isucr>, auayncnc. havIe nwiY fitled up sud renoîotqd ndpt Theundereigued huasu namounul i ou ' ButTiuenes ts""benet ufs Olce-Deverill'e lBlock, Dnock Street, ista te test ai onder for te cad-e >'l Lu apnaFoputono uMon - 9 ao,'Â"eO .t. tHisCrovneAWFmn n hi av .-I _Wtutby. ionoai ueste. TliceBar, whck the bnd. nus llLowRes Ppf < N - ' QED, j lfIL~1.MONEY TOLEND-Prlîale Fn g omest in<he on iwl upplieal villiLoanseaub e Prnsmst ut o-D ealdeut. jSecy-Tra luis coanection mode au Instrumente lu sumo sop tu 8800, ut a low rateo n - i~the finest brande owine,lilquossstarte, suad ci- rowen,. cnt eadi ua asuttn QI±L YRT S e-I pcr ation aactri eomhave eau sr abdtsa.a. Ilmniaeltar eng ss 1o ic us tercet. (l52 gr. A pe se cin sd gond Se aosIsProved Fais and Wildon s' o'uirucei-ctvetis0casai cr rt'ie icen e bsc m uti>'ta etednu X na anda ogllc alafee i y agu îecs 90 o ACRES DN G s---- tabtsng, tsax stalle, d. Deachedious fan sale ceap. I aasTi.l ' I LEI RT- Al plction y %,letlthereugllmh tn o>', ar ledlu t tc ga nn- ut tht e easo liefe sdta elis rn statie I c ea-- - i o m ecal tvl&eMENTIîetm8suîem ode luMunsicipa Debe- I and oui tiose deemedesirabi andal tade: en i ca, nld u al v e us aridsd faaFacewn. okluIesa;l h o â Il i] li g s a n f n eJ . P . T Y L R , R LY M* vN .w / u a t o ate s ar c sc o op te d ; u r aî n b tsn g -t e e T e x ~el o l o g s n d salbuldngsau d. LATE DUooGA dc oasaoo.> oanToronto. Frfuter patlcnars ppi> to aa dalam mat goli sud pfosesatrhIoak hert i ae ae rprtB ' eths afvurbe caio a tai cuEc incot -ARRISTERS-AT-LAW A T T _______ thn i s ae cane i: andposegino ye, Solicitors, Conuryancore, AY EAMHSHOLDEN, aCdMPAN n ageth usteneava bere 1c FAIR INADJSTUsrsT.-EVo,,>' daim mode glanions pLucyfecolisith pl eteonr itraCabiNo. Official Asignes, Briolca, dcc. pou tise Coupony fIon s on dam fe rm ato-ow 1 h eulaiu ulai n t b ot-la luesluhdts ýOTIIY O'LEARY 1,Vcoi tre.8 4MILL-ST., ROCHESTER, N, Y. A;cnil 9th, 1872, 15 e tey nesatedmt'and it ho ond le]î SlseefOm at on ld w ibI r occs u camedn alc ae, ckc ep Pierue t810a agaid al attompîs ot froual are sud laven wilî moment bo alaowed ta pase, v u'cpanviiac bu i alt-ou o t aayetc t0 e BOtout r esised. neyer final anatton." cs JNO .. ELEYThis Hotel tas neduceal ils pnice ta the E WyRNL , et hsugd eLc eem TravellisgPubi t_1-0pr__. ti --GE B r hARRISTcrydInsAoLAW, SLCITO au t chéN. Y. Central De t(oui>' s lIm nt-a ctinging moraebes ilie UVita ttspnolcni ovrmu omulc plg issu nGons Sout1h), sud tas acouty beon ine-. Inocrance offece tlws as i h csug m mes fteU ar, i . O)ll:e -De-carills iilock, lBnoc - f cd iandl n-furalgised, open niglit and PIRE INSURAIÇuE ONLY. tiheet English sund Canadiaen Conpassies. mu u e na alm ott W A C HI NE. rect, XVlsly, 0Out. -day. Te bouse i frtcamslu ven>' s- FtsmeGneaIsu ceand D Wlkeu oo u big anaec t udcaearesaicdhee ud n lr -s d a us V A.YOCH Bn . W. ARNOLD, make te ncesay 5arrangements uîu fue ur uk pn <asijî; "o em atk bygpot aCnacdaot ea o Mla. eMrnyLOtiES PIOMsPTLY ADJUSTED. GnWhiîsrac Aetsy DeFi-suce DnfoieDcLeybeigc n e , oessiin vu lhatnsd D Lc' h eicln ARITR -,tr.Mnyoja ohseWILSON S'RAGUE, Propilton. Riaka writlen sud poliales isseealb>'- ------y. iecruuîue fteimdoe tm 5l5Tr t in ualpcssdsiigta oter &f TOWNeny aLoa oceto N , nl 178 (OFFICEOISEAeu --rcgias of aur stan>' were r ltataitos hur lmwol 13UT THE O sMCE-Ovr Domiion Bank, Witby. -8HEorWIsrionNaHtioSE"Th plo 'i.i1.2,88 t5 TH W I S N H U ,,tieckeuing," as ltme romance realn eetew deo aItsihectin o- aa,"Dn tau>ai ir Sowing Ma- -. ----- -HBUIIN, ONT., -L IST 0F THE DIVISION COURTS LTXTiL ofUItJeINTIwClE TUe as>' u a- isgtigmicsdtnie assmr hn cLcynaaadaima1 e.CAME'iON & APPELIE-E, ALEX. BARCLAY, --Proprietor OF THE arer uil ta lu tisa Theouffain af ttc gual-oam, sdLsugaalmt ahsientttamu euteaa eee' [CE TIE 1ESTARIiSTËSIS, Atlariey5.sb-Law, andl Tise Hanse iof 3Bick, largo andl coma. p 'i iteriec IJAte Tloel TI T E DEST - SoIcitr i hn ce-,No orno odioua, sd thisaitero' ins ted p inx- --COUNTY F ONTARIO, O L rvIaItriw wt h ooeisl wsc sa encs moshma u- sishm1 epraeal. Toronto.Recel'enst styal.lle -17 c>;h hnfn naels use u c-beaa w lUE WCERLD, e-sut, Tanaut,. ecilsuTh tlre.inFOR T E TBAR 1879. THOMAS HUSTO N, cir De W lskelu ase énsweedis'Di e t ap o ienx ass~d- D ayapsas u sci Tholieaild peaplu HECTOR dAMERON, Q.C. . .APEl. ieladn lusppncdownth tie tact iii -aaiyutO'on er.chail geuouatcsulau à ha an i e oas unM78. Cier tis markt. Tis L est ofi liquoi-s and Ws-ah ilt>', Net. 11, 1879. Ileiealsus 5 -I.J. G1JNN, M.Ci1)., e dl D, Stahling, 5large aanoomy. Gondsesiede.ï enta 'ONTO T[.ron SALE, a etemnppadruseoac o eugamIt IlGEON TOlles TISERGECOUNTY GAOL, FclIf --dcd ufanw 1 h 3rnSreW ib.!III M IIAN H TL hty. 2pensonal dsieofolhro bc ue iewy u aslg m i uotsu ac hul noa lu CH A E TB r W .iUl 1 ___Bogin 1il2 2 11il1AT THE as not aoftoi n rset, sd hual thrha l aIsosssta h atitts ioincei> a i E CHITiAî - -, B A:0Y-S. PortJOl sca7a17j 2 tem le-ader) rndereal taein impervsni ma a en'ote Ieqelolelm ann i iti sny's ~ ~ Dr AgWtILJ- soi Nu<nsi) A c.-iiE1rt 41e 1 30M 4 141412î7 GLEN MAORSITTTC'1lc vory pantiele af evidence tics> a lîleit eoaiIetulî ln ibCluaaCsgegtos l Cîcenatros ouer.) A R1.3 IFTU E !Ca nni't'n 131 i 28119 6glu 19 d udni cooete ia ssiav olidco yter , orn e nof iB yron a an al M ary s sects W ' I T .B Y , N T A B 1 0 .- l ea rt n 121 1 18. 91 18 M ,000 fe al P ilo L um b r, w -l]ieasoue(l. A t ti s tim e, o , t iey d i-a si iet - o s " T i a l v a u m o - p c e , d e v f iIs ts Wî 1! nwDR WIGA DSECFCTO tery. 11 8 117 mIsh Boards. approaetiug trial et Part>' Pily, tc eaeas> u fe waru vnp-cnca alc ati IlRBANlcE iliWe.'y Hus n',ly noatcdsdfnusc RA I.GAanP CFdA I N ALsr>.. _ lonuma h ua euareba <asm aol il !gonat iau 55 spoes- of uwv mataStsi- nesunlu trinon t«t1cona10a-alionhafGraedisat îbcRailo-de-on-Tnesalo>' falow- casmial flotb..iako! horba. onintJ5tTIailWIb rasa Lalu- absmgJ.80, andsi r Hpecoliector's fateunutîllimhaI day, uhen tlm u-vus s is n-a ma h eletaoie oa -1,-~ isas prncplo a tie rlLU BEI M RCH INT, HA PENYEGIN.poitaeas aal es. a 910,ovry Ointgs(uislss eceeandlnke mgim aaie7l <hincoucis. ssstsu Im apoitel s picnvierattut e cie wns ia-o ci B_________cei i atae cisapcib ossd uis gondal;sethte shty e.1t,188 ýýL^ Wt tage for Eac3 licPe f h rPl Epsons, Utica oauaari-cal nitrains irons tise HastW s Intema i ,DeL ysog licol. ad'Siv'catisNG Silloal TiFoorSti Goldandsisal , , est lu the means lima, tD e L ea>neulsa unaine ac- icu"h oll arop U SEsILtsy, Fat.plOtisn 1878. on bad a-lxbgedge.pMontail knedsiof .Titis tise Railwa>' De Wcoekein, visapromiatadlte era 113 sj~, 15 loa Cwsh icDriýRoom-in Co- fans Lumber lBoards, anal ail uecs ys.>' r,, De 5sasA.ForClsteodanut5 Si laie Va n e, New' Stage Line lentisucand'Por Hoover. Holssrunug, Scaves Chaslette (l'onttr fa Fia- ak DcLc'uaalnseiIe d-soal ilce ppaacugbmp ,î asieLc>;" tci Ksc ingStreset, s Alkiue'eandgStre B clin Lu asr F uaniyo lat ing, Tîmaber, ýtibtblVictoria lcsliwayoy ,Ma inden le tesrj utea,eps.atn.,.4crrppmSafornnalo>. pu ra; utle ssuof ggtecn saiiii ane;sdiokn rm tt ldw ngulia Ircm ea M ALL - ---- Large erders loi- Long Bliitbumff, fIllea Ul>IST-WrISN WIIITI3Y dcOSHAWA.- Rugliat Lascpa inr ty, an t c d- Hpudrt. g9er,, isevaI84,p.m, anwud nbat olie cast ntl ici eulc na s ema> aar'l bti rm so faon MilleaI tshort notice. awaI)i Wii,y a ou Ie r tbecîw ere borough-lona Rîîayl le, 'àvrono1t5l' Wtalc HDalersire tct , &Ibat thue, bisthe ssiy el ubnuinwa tsc i-lia on isbriea uc bs auia on-et"" JIPIIN ROIiINSON'î faons, Sasses sud Blinde always o v nl iî> oias-aele vra oantasvismsvien o nceîiî n os irc rueteButniutnvetson!--leew Stage, sud soliait ttc patronage a of ilenseisu-canneng at Orillla witt tisa lnterst Abeay analNew odrec. t aBso, Bta vu usto is vcas c > eui nlScn' niu I- TRAINSSTN1 AND SIIAVING bad.Mayssl. - 1877. ais atae. Every sttention vili te pafal taealmway ion aca, un gvFrcaGraoLnderof AlFori ud ewforataic iaiica euieî leepcasia sllDtLc' lr' o BRaa or Barre, d li Pneo G rtLneo anfito nemain pi'bmugit bave termiated aal ll>'tae c S rbsnvu cd fig-e D a> I o lnilk ia . '..L no, r oo St ., W h tb-- a y 7Sthe77.co ifort dc o venience o f passengors, ?cusko kcc. a-ul e lt> hgg ue c E T P E S N ge t o . T l- Lac>', sud preveate a ny>'fltiirc voyages ie c a is l ad y i an ete u i adrmd domiîor of? roghTckt acisue y i Aetsof toSE HE SNAgnio.soeshoe casa lI bd benint pres tonsmil t a ns MyChargo. Tlces-e te W. 1'. 1'. Oz L. il", fanTaronte, anal t>'giapt OfftWcty rCp.Sswa u iaelci t tt me uls sjan> ouice tsck ai orma luonso ; ao ...... 200 LJOdHN - % OLIcENDLeN"o , y of alburt n Wi îw tvoîags.pler day cat Ta>', vis. -G. T. R. Tiakt t NToo' dan ami stations Part Hope, Ont. neigisbonriug village, andal as about lat i~s wcy niuto iitl. 11, IJIU IIUIUUI '-"#as cw.i'm'.l.V NTenaner hre-2 oun calilis elricsb,,, At Matie ortsLcaîing OGaiseacsismainie in imeNftec TUE CHLEIRATID --- male i-ac, anuralMnyucihs t sWh87>', ..agggactctth rogi. aî,189.-13 et ionea otroop ai peonaur>'ci o g-a gistRr'inliestr B> m en, i, as ss.. .en. cm.. - a1 ENcIcsîu lVsiashsDnlt'I C EBATESî\yî'îî 1A R r'AtheLOTS bahi-y roda lu aud talteci haitv>lpfm to tlm obtne Islsmsi-" in' enIai l h&L Lj ofr-Linisa>' Iailwa>', anal at 3o'clock eat JAMES H LI , ERD OSOLD SUH streot, apposite te MGa'ys, thse apott-giu htti ytnasenagî ia vsnlyimus refuI lodri er ý, ' » ' ' ' "i sfsrîos-sdlai'W c i 'ict-Ji t. s t IU olofc caSra a, ll. adoaisdu. es svs-Il-__ p__ A-ND BERKSHIRE PIGS. ocurps, uit W11o0s9 eiop <he oP tdaneiîg ad wt nnsu aaoa-bcms9cve" l ufuilî lote le ------ closs teuaItailee'sy, and Lots lusthic ud ut 6 r. b ac ay heagae w5i-- s. nolg rctn vsestabîssiceal ThLa loap hPatsat ua iiul. Tbr. bul' aheloI 15SiIII, r - l, AIiJ S int adhable n eacis lava, andal crs A N I .l M L E udrte ins Tio o lte id-ict en loa PropLBLiT- ao,-IIL ASGE.VILLAGE 0F HALIBURRON, irftst auu>'aftlels iitoutaasabolAITN .-"M"I"11LE, ndnlieinpctone tsattendae-ioetItths gnleetudpna.Ocupasu veuLia OFF ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ar nd charges moderate. fatFins ln es leta dy nd SlukWaq.onetuSlnkalm oc itc tttgeavr' alis seuîn-l hns hi lie e-uiusa ts VcoAaSaSIGNER. DIR r-pico. ATI WBM ce akFa lrmont P.O., Ontario. wenSl2 lthtdysuinkw s lcof i-lina-ciks ilci-u> alcu apassdnse !Ii cne hc Mt-che Telt,(- ibredon anal Importr of aiCotswald Sscp ovn a tiohe corps, balIsaibi Ir_-_____ h188.(-4As-e cois uichailargesTrade,tsolal andpur camn Beksireie.san, t nalee op, us olnesdy stuteal, la isquine a oe u aeauars pn&s Seuyvuueil u' sutt orIC pssehm S Mra s IT IL-OA F R S LE N-P fON Bhave increLasesi thoslnfaciîiîie%. and iyare n s l us-e san d o ntatisnaP .- t he ptfin î heewreayl t a>jh ulsesoiiin vatt a-y o;bijs bfr ev ~V itby , locti, e79. y.1s TJdRMS. ISlporishabIc dang wrrt a lIme1.ryLOWEST possible Pickering, Nov. 8,3870iepat.ffcc78 .î fo-rfiad.- bcqiiei muantaDheatlBrakS.,Wtîb. rcT nc. enos u uiaeaatIbsett inl aa s ~ ~ ht ; lfayryt4l- ippi'tte,. J870L. IHLa - PRICE S, ietnhm.h abl a ilu h a suoment Dc Lac>'a lice pea-i m anantllue st;vene ohetcol il poulies mour>', hay tc C J.a1eLlMFsame mMURRAh&ci-bisNisigisatoise Raalnostat s. s. *E. )'iIi5î5 Mesaar anaa aisl d Emrsgi-tin C., IRY&LNMA'SPAPEHIAIGING, CALSOMINIGBel s a hevu hmi is net enouglt suppart a no oege nanIm-Lsoiinvsc o- ' Mil)ii f0 .ýj E )Iý jj aiie aal af rirto oWUTEWASIIING, ' " " "tbein ovu opinions, tut nc dan ioesoe r cleaning douaen tise Sherteet No-ice.tyfo hrsevs.adi hs - (Nck blYlsion Coui t,l'p, CIlrk, -(OIG AYdS »-AIeL WORK - TWNSI FIIAH at> rm hneve.sdistoarul uerrttsu gene ltesiiDoLc I'loî'da TGUARANTFEBECH. ays, wvIsonutisa sidaetfaîutlioity 8 sueilc ort olfrRiyvs,"abspu afdn ÎE5VV te. r e Mu.' stal muet coulal te doue with lumpunit>', hia iaso iaaetl ce isi cnh."a ip ihopB. R , TtcLhnd t No 2tsu tiseSonts heuai L t erage Oun ,ery trivial iîcgtaDrLc'otuno Catlulslc.ms nIElAI.TLsotidNo.i,2 atandifnheis S-oeth ,-allmstod- uLot - '*~ ~ ~~p. 2ff,ttsst' sl-i tsa is tersv-i i ,.-au" utnnise sF7 ,iat!LO mS t Cie us a as befor goiug lsehane. Ne. 7, ia the Ird concession ai tise Tovuw l5 m peel hto oroehatiaam a o ,m d i xl sR iynd 5 ' îluus t ~~~~~iijSXCldd ;~~ ~~~i;:." t îefmo t uaabrdMe-NdcW A hip cf Reachs; velI situotoal, a-cd sal-said M'Garnp' sîap, De Lac>' vas about b eme a t at"she e vtotbs al;at ige xg;t ifrnhsfind ATNSW rooka Thelnei ouo onu Sauts hall ni lot No. 7. icave il, and al asjust upon ts to-Lc' auigl cWiki,"a dtsaoecsii, <R lb' VCteriIîhe 'a , ivd its ctfur-' , e nte Todcenrho in' anr, r. h saovon 100 ocras ofailmer ou St ol.u<, Laid the ,captait, vasgainLyoa-ta skrion o oîu l "Srlisaa ves a t m>'>~55 ~ ~ ~ ~~ lie St-ees WisttyIY-49 2. Tssapi-spesties wil mate gond farsso.ae leS pied L'y ertir.4.uous NEi rRT l"li ssî inis( --- a mli ash pa Mae' ,rire.cc, trnm bsu e ters, ubais l e -- asattracteal 'sýisdlfier- tVEST OF THE POST- OFF/CE Ci Itgn,~o.NOTICE! fycars ta suitîist purcisr.La>vo,'bcttcglieaiol balance ta remarneon Mean a erm lsaadkeeici tef ntion c sal a >'u sal'eilis etsensalusporo e>'u WI :lý o)ý1jh hilby, evry out -ufo ui'ec forusheisisl>' taT. HMeMIil s.,Ohwcolour o eai v as ollesive taelIme tin~O1',fs-ou 1 ltî o fUNDAS STREET., Flos-laa Wi-tr- pe hi>'tiesscols ra- rH7E CANADIApEPR SS coMl;ont., a-Sa h neage,- sgtoftoeWolvdopeso S 1ieietocs, H-i5,La:.niass dc leu , ew PANT -sali cul]it on a-oasand acl s L AN migisi ote a to isa o vy;and kgoe a isel trhe W o is oj a fi> -cîdec li i lSta e1 e d u ai 5 l t-i v îtil u a nea so ua tie adisa ce cf t hse o ffic , Lc aA Nah od i g tu rf atth e; aisaiofo -yiinco npla tîn ls esl bW Iiii et lis iLmm lihas, adu mrntsatsaction . issi' uru. ggssLaw rate, quck diptchis optlliven>', 8-t etn l c h of"i Io TIL im a utyOlu-i ýsitr, a-,ai-s atages offereal. ____________ itliii iiro tho be ttongImI>lie couititeexorcise-a bity ai loyand îautf elpti'lniiitg areturf iran lieoboaliho his viexrrisambubit oovloya >'elvItim to Ruay vitt safat>'.a etttm Gds"DLeawe ordpoutDicii kin, inuaheetnîLitturfnnanaltcultfet- ti!It i uor ap I W 101)101s,.Wlitty, luth. f26, 18M70, _DAISp,__ Nep G j . ML astnga terociaus look n pou De , '1i o-o-fgr.A emuo imh cas, ~~Fs uAgent,'lului s..'pi ti-- -___ ERYbVh O -LWENE aaccalr act A u OOD OPEIN Lac>', boa-saisi in lb. muosioffensive ns flicHoJî wto)FRl. gauîlMOTRA, r)__________ Foi-mca villu wcnhing familles. puva-tal greta O A5~ a-euWisitp. t" " nner etilisepantdoea ! peaWfra AUC ION SALS .1 Wity, at' 1 . hIMPROVED AMwilolu caa1î,uoti~ - - tisatsolutionofPartnerçhip IF1Mvhbhteltisrat Iadkechiefir 5iUslî- er' ita-a pts-noo cb7a11d.u aS L. BI lsAaNE -eiro n d si l aS e s' os.lbu lvrtigWn eLc a aken iy surprise ot the hsmsiasddopn-o csms l alfclvtsta~ c iâlsare1- irIt JtTIEl 1 Reerrne tal DE j cr ysncr hnst h e rvddi h ayo em aor xtrsordinary insolence of tie uMan, and Bn'ivneits ii pnu a e, eelt o i sr WHITBY, îr lbivfrth er ibrI ptong eo eplu nllSt.g EEPARN SSEIF tstween Alexander seesi, &c, -c, as,28Well as work lu witelar eutaitoornetatwuditr pu n me c. sii hst, ud la, Prigl, it'andi limauntiersigneal,uonneedeal, Testiuo.-sas as te characlai.anad tiesa in heia e Lt vofidresing.cvsa l epoe> mnef io oloilees ONTARIOr iuslinat <saIlmei.t loshui sessandt 'iry imoisns oosLivery tp leKeepers, tas basa di3elvet]. pralicai atilit>' vii te nequirel c- iI Iepiatngîo rsig -W ieolbaui eu-hmd ie sq net ietascin caihluai y ers a t 1 ayîcLs rliasca.ovr, i ng.AdesB -C. , Bnk y oFBi'mei's' ad Others. ver, tic question vas nepenteai vitin.u u pato nsce e enîeey H vl il2 adts tiueec>K'd o osi out viii tafosu t tse -- --.- T sr ad D Ltt' A -n n emL5eAe, - -10 000 Acres a goof irm lande vilI ta" oIII lug aI lis macl air,,v' aBaiapilDofelov ;-gi c m sale LVPI VlSEIB. a slu oniscltermain lacts.of5tee2otsare n odail-it ersiaa-gra uoîL as vl i vr ,o>, at eLc' E A H R A N I D N 8- 0e ri M o e , W i b A ran ee ts >' n eeI W E S ' ' Wn A g e t a a a il d o > n a ta a d l ce, o I eà of M n S s o s a l te ca ta u. .N- oa u>aa g rtee.T ornreonee,"m d o n SehO R T N O T ICe. to ta l, anale ta lla its t l m n s w t o d i e w t i u k r h 0 s Y u $ int-rrr cefjT h aren enpecthe tsac >, artiscna on 0.Imas caîcel ua aIL"w aýins c L. (12,f uisicFs Is nl BNK S,-yai thehe f aioM . Royal, B at s o nu a e a a > w a a u l D L c p n t n s t a i ev n N. l. - (baa - u n tes Oenie ra . .4 Meý? nsGi< nA g et'c - a h .a- d 1ui se Gasa lcis o-it the bee nî su>gde i>' w e'a nug green, ,f, auli D e aLady.e-l n e - g . "O ,h m ,i cin b fýLN MDET OLDP.O Actone, 1ltb.pas-i-anse lfthepbie. O1horst Lndanda uid.- îbe'enurn d 7 ouBURTNOIE.N.B.-Sl p L ad zic noes1 . h W B-moa ta 0-cary Yte115 j e,, 44",'ilshow pou law fon il V' Baiai thse lo e~c 4y li,1i-uo>' re, çoy- etrecanfortable vellesiiam.to olia."Tk loà fj,&0.,prdctv c uieilf, I<1i50bitsmepsa -- - - -- - - - -- -2 ~ i- tbàb.&EIIdl.wR.-- "TanefooiaMdWmseh- 4-su n-- e ôM î - inéitl. cou leeJsuv -au nutuener h~eurt, ~ A cauncil Wag(12éw heiû Ibotw'eath belr attention fram 'Patiesau 55 be it esl mdf péae. r'dougtter f-lefore iasg, lw*a~slIs&e ~i 'ek him Lai l imneproceca e> to.hës o De Lacy ssîd "I 'and abebalg decciioàobo é4 abpout] non af Ibis v ait s malcxug tua rgngements ý*t oce lia lnc ~AD ngigsh bok o b0js4à is 1 9t, P liefin glncedidag a pi-saoul for Mary ; andéil w4ilube- for De L ac>'bal, a ta hieroom, beggod lber¶ aaept.cua. 0f asi bisOst luaé] them-au a smah tsstimuonal'of fbig sl tai eorulug b>' seule of ber cane and -attention -dqa-ug aun;' btton o ac-0Îhlm dangenats, Ilînase, Poor Mary wss sur>' haro perceiscal quit. osai-came with thua p1roofo!bf hiq matal, "Yeu, pou ai-o respect for lher ;-bt, 1]shadsi b ave hia book s.-frh olaa-p lesk. 'It ig pallaI>' tathe. mada bier prend ; bt ber prid. wss- , vimena. hao-had Icingleal orlîL somrow, itha>' vy ere- [yoi do me lIme-going !o lorsotisé sociel>' af titisculi. s>' ioom ? "- "Go -vateal pèrson, wtasa- pi-eaenca In thrir- du i "vc'jl- -fglpv-cottago tey lookeal upona sau bimoa, - and wltse courbions maars Iad won E cnunteoesslp aud hi l thaînaffection, te ttc door salal, - "Sure It's sa'ri- e are yan'rs gain' ýleaso." AndtI<beasir," aaialMary.-.'.1 ragret il mmyef ia b is mcsuuer Mary," said DePaso, 1 "JIIhave fauu ,ituess always ho- more pure sud dislatarestaa i enduespi el tru!alit>' of the, uncler Ibis roof tou ever I utet icsfore ualo iseansible b -or sua>' aven mccl again isu huis vide id hie saiellîca au. -warld. anal I shall nover foi-gel il ; ant wed by De - Laoy, visen I came bock to Ireisaci, vhbtic- 1 trust 'vil teacoan, I staR not *be laIon - - h a' me a ," C o n ., l u t b a c o u n r y w li s a t eo z m in g ta s e t s0 o n eCcsiy,_- pou aIl. Take thesa baooks, Mary; coi-y short." y ournLaeole vnittenlantem vlîLmn>' - - )w wlcsîtei8youn avu toand." With tîcesa wardm, lte gave ttheisooks ieîlon I-was gofiug te theo girl, wluo vas oùa toueted b>' lus; tokaawvlu sud bat mai-k ai atteutiontat mIme coulai vboesyau come' not apeai ,anal on reoeiving lice pros. euât, , mute turtsa>' vas al] slue rotesrn. rn, air, vbol au? ed, oaIm etnldowu tar Lead ta hiaa r ssking suclu s tLe tsars îLots wone comîung thîick ond, lecasys tthesuver fast ; anal heforejime neossieal tIe door, 't glva a good ae- DcLacy heard*ter sobbing. "-Kin ansd senailive people I' sad icloor was open. ha, lubi hlm ba, eaid, Talhc-Widaow O'More te bvggcch isn siri-hsere'a yaur lIme moat delinste maunen ta allen siowa aw l i he express- goici, for ail ttc trouble aud erpcnae lic luse sénie mean- icsd cauaadl; but sic wonld Uot liaten -go, gaing tlatlice la suaia proposition. -Iu vin Le harg. s gsi-meut mon el lise prapnisi> sud justice oe t tie i luispen as lue vidaw wae inexrable. ' se pues is lunthe "Sure, ei-, a glubîsman, as pan siare. -anal Il lalice o-ale ginîleua pou are, ry's ides on tic. forit lm tecli 1yard snd tbe Icinel ýpardon a! big s la hwsys, sud er vas, raadiesî villu is dnessiggavn yen ;-I sa, o ginîleman ta liva undor aur humbde roof, sud lte content wlîL si-y Lsdl seau the oui-humble vays, sud -neyer compîsia, las, bise tisouglil -surs lu s aunicanor pan doue us, anal "'e l's p u s e in g y e n w o u ld n ' l ii uk o fat fol b tin . n n a l' of safel>' ta De "Nat for lise volal, su>' dear M,'s.- il sala tus po- 0O'Marc ;" ana l eaey,- laok lier tonal ion. - Jueltichen anal asaek il wsrmly ;..tTJut 1 '~ houng g etatane "on't 80>' sword more, air !se- s pasoaFrin tis pou salal dear Mii<s O'Moe lame, saif t, sud make Dci I vos s lady; id to have lImaI saisi tu meut, 'vas lice me b>' pan sir,-snne it's mars tisa 1 deaove if l -doue lwice as ismuetfta pase, aud viccu pou ; sus-ethal's prauder raluru ta me prenions slip aofbican allbise goolal I conlaltell ; sandi aseeea a talle- Gual cspoed yen, vhoraven pou ga, audy ttampt made s- senal pan sale!1 anal masyte wc'Il ses miug tisa Most pou ai,-adsIe pauscal as stle adal- muttercal same ed-"or mayta vc wo't ; they're about hie boiug quara ines." Here ste cloealtise again requasteal doan, "Don'btichink mec imprudent, air, nonr prylu', non moddling; tut lsure I ibis v er>es>', cau't beclp mein' vhat I soca-Ji' .avnig upan commn', if' Comiu',-ancl11 : te' pidi>' tonrsfeu soi-c day ion poor Ircîsad 1 But sure, if a coi-uer cup- i's Goda lishablesait vili muaIt e -lue preaceal ddonc 1 Anal ihore's su>'darlin' boy, My> -bus captai-. anal -Roi-y, ana l ic lu lie thick oe t I1 andl aud ou me, sud wluo lcows tut isis procieus lita-anal su u>' avu thart's tlocldle uaotas 1but saida 0preciaus !-Ot, Goal I Oh,'Goal !" "Adiauca an] DeLse>' spoka-soothingly la Imer anal mttempîcal to caîn tai-. one>' lmokedal a "Dan't±hnk mc e oli8t, air ;-don'î, thon at cacis -m doue nov ; oui>' I know oi aie no greaten course it must lte. Ran> has, lhe eaunt ,bau them coin- of a lion, thanglu tce gontleuess ai te lam sutlelu untuea; tise good sosn anal -mes," salal De brother lue is, I v ou't deny ; bat lte oi-a seamealno can'l ha keoffll ihat tlciî>; -lie lisiuics caution, tramn it's hie demI> latuhie couulhry; -analsurec nasi teirap. ifat's the maul>' part, sud vis>'wouil- n oneofai liman't lha ta a man, ticongh tlie pon maiti s liaud into hie er'e iceant aluka wltlm tean? Anal I knok ss, whcliltle pau'ro great 'vitli hm air;_ualetithfI y 1gentleman; vith au exed ovae 1ha1 gicaneal irprised lunlus thrhînnasIer tearà. "I go ta summni -ciceasi." tIsavicterions troope et France la pour_ aart mais>'nid, anti* Irelauti ahallcossu te fret. 2pneheusian," Ttc entlunsinslic vonan suna upon canal of part. honrlances, stuc], vitIm lie daruestuase of You l'a fture devolioni in lier manner, sho sasid, 'Ma> ns au botter lie IGod cf Heaven spetel pou, anti 1ir, I don'l vwalch cicr pou aud pi-otessi pou, sud payn siconîtiguard pou, siandl& hlm Ibot flahts lhe cause aftie conr>' l' Her lips moi- I sop, sm0"' ed fan a fev seconds, as if -la prapen ; [r around st and naihix-hrsai! 'vilh tic 0"gu et ual liere's a lImacross, ste ai-ose iran her k;ases,' cainsti b>'ius aulpoarna-fcfiean ted- lihe caplalu, luge ; then drylua- ter epea, anal tek. nsc si-eual ina- DtLai bs ande btleen tbi- avi, oulti quarraI lue nalecalbeo eyes- la heaven, and al o short, te Ina- fervsutî', "MayGd>' si'ou1 lait lm. Ga ia pu1 ae muta vii- (Ta Sa Contiiuel.) vas equsil>' rcommanal. F.&nrnacn. ia MmmRoTsA.-Frmiua- ettc roan, lu lic Recd River country', Minuesate, In tic Mst w'onlastoalet a New Ragiander, sud se>'ýfô Çthe icma>' olers, wvisa fse on a lifc-ihmo lonel s paso, hocu moîlua- arona ont.li 11e a-r th. vimala dca patce i n tlicets. -lsteatiofai ýk ussu vat anc tesaa ith\ a sing-le plov l ue voît ao-.- sec fitteen an veni>' gaug.pîows, witl Os'l amu," paoeful tenas, manogeal is> a mon ilina- ou o sulky, 'viblifurrowosa55 thou, air2" mvide, taken Il lagetmar, that pou vouhl icll>, mi-" lIin-, anal bhiuk vail, ilat tise vtohe farce 'vaultiplangL o fiarma ofthet EsI- s tino lia ernpattern aven>' doey. Haveellug a-s, , clilce adog ou as esaie equsilly large. Tan ta tvea- 0seoois as ly teama foliaw escis otierý araunci a s lsd- eaud- ÛfIcil cf wvit, dravina- rasiass auis, roher chlins wiiel cul- au imumemuswalis, s>ugDe puisiîna-bumxdlaa off fio-at i>' mua- for twa." chine so fut Ihat pou anaI canut gae, hrlm. Tbresiingan sd cleonlua-are rgne Br equsl>' vonisnlul. "Large maxchines -- i D Wel. are vonkeal by steam, andthîe- siav le sèrgOetifi-on biste fuel-ttc machine pulhina- il lunosi a, 'vl Ime it e edlng lb. lIane viit ils av-n fingstl o cmial-Iils tLe pune 'vheot roua onut 9-0 - ai "1pp. fast liaï;panou ahandly put iltub - - n Lie par. sacica vhon'ut îs movd off ta Market u ceemea l it- W i e t is S a ,& P T RF U R C H ! O F ' T JI S F 7O R ,s .- A - t utRa- paîniarch oaille forest vas necenîl>' m ta !,1da09 ehîed la Californ, and the greaterpar- sd hie cou- lion of ttc 'vood, taklu aa Fracîsea. Il vas kuavu bythe epilisa ai ofl101 reischnau. Ieee." ,If eue mia-lt ien vith se- 3mon ai tho auracy Its aue frani tce nunter oai is rings, jemuehave een 4,84,yai-s ad. "yn'e a lecapicit>' las amelta have- beau sa oui at iI rehbat 800 pensons coulati fuel ooma de, accasion vihin is truiik. I. abdvwiiees a hcel-eonulhan bus- kiuev -hoýV ,bsad'a icet, a turaou 'on hie sisoulders, sali Réor>'. apal! i. hlu bi auds, 5mak.a h l bilakeo---èye<,imega ta biis tell :ih6ti -

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