Whitby Chronicle, 16 Oct 1879, p. 3

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Onie of the results of J.QU5)UYr8AUU P-ROST'S 4 cars of b he e zllf af ioae 4omdeïtn$siuh>rah is,- that those ho ave bot at _______ THE » PLOWS~"' The Iargest stock of Dres Goode, S~Ike, ý ave saved a big sUmr. Jet Butions, Fancy Gooae, &o., - The ,most complote stock of French Mantles- MIII andUlater Clotho. The- diférance betwen- The best stok of Tweeds, Overcoatings ana Cloths lm' Credit .-Sdor- eriOonnand. ~~ore .Lrlces, - Every buyer wffl do well to look at oi od bor Cash Shop Prioes. buyîng eleewherd. U oUbfr A n o t h e r r e s u l t . s , t h a t D v r e l s 3 l k .' P e o a b c r y Q d e & I' mùany faifies are fuly con. evrl' lc.PsonbeDyEod ltig viuced that after this they wll-buy for B OSA DH E BEDY MONEY. and dr'op t4e Credit Sistem- entirely, by,patronising SPLENDID -VA LUE I frods':cheap Cash Ory Goods Store1 Get youre goodsý at the loest- Cash fi ger, atA AMAGNIFICENT STOCK ED WA RD FR08 T'8 Ladies', Misses-,Gns ndCide' QD-.FELOW'S AL. 'INDIGETIO)("- *Ton bave tried overytblng for -it and found no help. W. are no doctors, but can offer a per. seriptonut b as cned very xman, and it nilght cure you u well : ft wfl coost but a quarter dollar, and eau .be lied At Any drulggie-A.ek for Perry Davis' PâanKiller. SNoti.e.oLBd fkMrrcn and Deatlu charged 50 cents eaoc. D EÂÀTHIS . LAING.-At Wliitby, on the 14th letMatilda Angelica, the beloved1 wloof Mr. J. -B. Laing$ aged 283 yeara and 8 months. The fanerai will take. place iroin the residence of Wzn. Laing, on Friay, at two, P. nm., bto theunion ceenetery. GUNN - At Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa, on the 2lst - day cf Auguot, in the 62nd year of bie age, James anen, Rosidant Magistrat. and Gold canmîssioner cf ,Pilgrime Boet,- son ci he lata 11ev. Alexander oaun, Minister cf tho Parieli cf Watten, caithnes,, Scotlandj and brother cf Rlobert John, Eq., M. D., f Whitby. WHITDY MARA7fTS. OliEOxls zOFFIcz, Oct. lîtti, 1879. Fleur ecr brl ....... 5 50 @ 8575 ca et.......... ... l 20 @1l 22 Spring Wheat ........... 1 lai@ el 18 Barley, Nol,.........$0 45 @$0 ...........0 00@ $0 6 R io.......... o00 05 Oâtsye.....................2 28 Core................... 55@2'6 P sym................. $1 0 $ 2 Potatoca, new........... 80 00 2160 25 2990......... .........l e Butter................e 1 2 Checou ...4.............8,, @ 10 Wood .......... ......e0a10w Basf, hind quarter. ... 5 0 @ $5 50 Bee!, fore quarter ....0.... Sheepekina......... 75 2@ #0 80 Ride ..... 501> @ $5 50 For, pr ot.. ...... 5-00 di5 60 Limbe ................2 50 68 ()0 Celves .................14 G Tiniatooce............. 50 Onius........ ........075 0 00 Turuips ..........0.0)O Carrotu........ ..00 @ 000 Celai-y, par doz.....4 0c, chilios, perpair....2 5 (a 400 DGces par ........400@ SOC Turkaeya, par lb ....... C 10 a Tlocoth..............e se a Co Timth .......... il 75 2 o2 Wooe, unwaahed,.. 80 9 2a 10 j di washed..,..$........8 120 Modem nMater/a Medica .1. ti-- iîj, zu----ic-telaie Estate cf T-MAPS.PEl.- it-" i "Tvicv SGNED IS PIlE BE ins, fattr icertaility that lu SON, deceaed, sud i l us eaecfStephenso uOtrnLdis lg. n ' cf 'bbc bae o mS I ii ut 911 ase whre te aima vialit jefaiiDg in ntaio adis' CIlposint-ions for t rent«ij ai asswhr C.anml lslh 1 aîi g ilnst Stephenson, the Ci-editors o Thomas Ofth w SonR 1thoy t t Phofoon i de»Iedy uprfo, t il Sty hnsnlate cf Pîcleeriz ,l n the Count CHEMISTR Y A ND PH VS/OS t111he HiDgtn0p og1 t kcfcssc n ohn lc wil o Sf tedho, ho e n raot h nfX on the frota cne a t he Townsh' 'bcsu laasssth st siana A ; l1878, are on or hefore uthe 27th day Touchersadvaenced achoîars, sud cihei-5 c0'ast Whlbys kua tbbcL. C. 2H1 ticktsras*100 pr trnion ppliati n uln it and o cii not eeaug, whan Itt use le relinqtdshe'bMesrMr .mICAEBn AiNi ay be0 hraoi, n ppýaiO the llghtet reaetion or depression. QODEN, cf the City.ot Toi-entoe, ta- * 1 Partie ne l la Pp titou,c 'sSoicitors cf James Stephenson, thc adiini. J. J. HARE, Principal. fO e éo oe,8 tno Sar olA b. aldugsî. I.ou olrstoator cf deceaaed, iheir Christian asu - Whitby, Oct. 8, 1879.trnMs . Ge &JoaS oi îîe Dtte.naines, addresmes and description, the full R O bAwi particulars et theýir caims, as tateineni cf , NJ s-wSet 7b 7.ONOhW AC 'A lit D , hair aceounte, sud the nature eftheba seeri- GR A D swSp.2t,'9 18n r O il ho ae sferu trm te e ics(Ifan>.) hebd hy thein; or, lu defanit tnd1w h a esfrlc re i n e o r r ieo" 'te y wll bc p rein tor ly explided C I K H B A D L D I e g n , r a an idls radbya lon r y la evu ntisWib, uAeRonyc Otr 'Wanse Sar slfy dcs naa nc rote nel o teoel -iî E e R I K T MB Cy H OplHARD ll py t 2c1 hyd ayle toc t o b a r , 8 0 , a h T a n 0 0 1 )7 1 1 . M te bue IC. J Esîi . h s rate te s ile bbforeneeton ab erlng th e 1p. - -ON-gre o tabisthe v zuse, I xxàeN, Saï jpoluted for adjudication on the daims. asl HueNihe mrk CiLty. DA t eTiifr/h O levn day cf Octer, 1870). eea evn mE D E TIE E T (Slgned,) GEO. H. DARTNELL, hr an Fiy 0 uro'8"t _______________________ 43)Master. OCTOBE 16t ,d- 171À '79, - OSHUA BIC DSO0N. T EREA FA IM TO EN T PO U 900 L AN O ai tega sd lu i-on ,, n'a A gents profit p r w eek. W ili 0F ER oeYEAIS...Tliat lirai ku nn. ,0 v, Mtztu e Irsh e men evn $u,6ovoio b i-feth500. $4 Ontil cliens lau n 17a5 s era S i h Eomasiead, o , tos ot, ar t le.ce. B. G. B UT & Co, 218 parts of Lot.assl12case0 And 18 cf W I isrc. Fulton Strset, N. Y. m4 13 ailA 14, ilu île. tli'eon. IEast Whitby,TeW ITY wTP R &LN . liI~I L bc gredte nmnante tr for 7yausetacaeTeWIB 0 PR ID a gtito asionsTheruni oneof hbast SAY ~' ~ RAIL Tfwil anuEx. C U I N lnte bcoeuntri-n ua gond lstae f cultilva. Extensive (ireuli- uî cursion ai .LB Para, us the tien ; 20 sere of FPsuWhcat lngratuna r so Bplenîb(ll ercliara : Capital buildings asud --0F-- prie cf a seon ttha gr nn. oe T heotilngO jta ertirap lonce a with LeverADMISSL TO GROUND Cts, . LMFUIT Puni tsandIspraatos falllug aCees<ifwatred H0 SES CA TTLE SHEEP, a g i . W. TROUSDELL, pbi Apysth.eryloie pi-a tl?wih ! a. h'in rcasa0te Dictai Capsule QINi SM~J~IH IMPLEMENTS deo. fOn. Sec. Wbhby Cricket s ih rade Mark cf the Meniserit Co. -I-t) aganE N.GO.S.DRAGH / onrit, u allauon thelabcel.soe other T h. su criIsb src rcei acinlstructions October , 87. 5 in genulsa. The Cousignoes deem, ibis freiniii, 8 7 9.caution neeesa->, fi-cm bbth act tbat Mau :RED CE1,fO i 180 M R. W , A RTY, N O T I C E. and salI to the public sa substiuton for guhaocriher ta flic GCiest Fsniiiy Nuises. Tu .b.îî b Pu je A n ',ut liEs pi-ami , UBLIC NoTI Ch u lu xrs r us .t papcc cf i MaeWest, - Lut No. 15,yIbbc 0 4iconcession cm, ce Th bcE 18 HEREDy GIJVes WES ERN- AD VE T1f RT f ickrin, unOn hattheCeunicil cf the Corporation Be sera yen skl for MIONTERRAT, WE$ TEN -ADVER TS~R Twnscf'iklu, thfie, TuoI*ah ic kekring bem instructed sudd sae that Yen gatitl d WEEKL Y, EAL Wednosday, t. 22nd,i h or bis pi-us 11 antes oleentsdhe rwo B a i s i~ c ~ 8 7 g Y ~ L I E R T h o o l w i g v h e p r o p e t > , v iz a n da p e u e o v e r ta th e i- sre a i , o n o r b e f o r e-, l o Blneo'87 RBtNe u.By le) eo;1rsc ae 4etnin iew egrauted for th 1c yer altiNI by Dai tyStb. D 1Fllu ear 1 te Of ECeMIOIBER ndte sidthW fr13B SOLD EX A TION, IN olb ete ane ora. colt, hy day utDecember. r oao h %, 89 oneEI r Ja ihlotoe ;1OaColt0 rem ,i-ases, lot T IEITIiVIi TIIJ I L JAeuoln t 8Mh e a lu aC olt2,Iil r 2 B y crIer et bbc Ceuneil. No. 17, 10 Co cf Reach, (a ut tour miler lIîEH VIla An rcece AIC WrjýLCollc,~v in -aMle , t;1ina, 2 elrs HECBTOR BEATON, fi-a cit Peai.ou years ld; 2 8 r cle, BulTon2slp 1,11d goEtF 1A anaSI r.IlolA wago , t; 1Blite onh;l1>TwnshipClerk. SATUBDÂY, 1 0OBEB, îast., Lititit.ti, le au elthtg e . g owspap0i- cf Ctîo Berkeira Sa and Pigs, her -bri- C aa t i ring this ôOu de>. o! Oct,'79. llligest Clase, prln rd gou g ahi-ee t, wlIbrel E m; 80 Iibsý 2 w Wagons; etOn n.42p m adgtpin roylisai Its speelal 1 i ag .Z g gn fh About 14 acres f ut Herîvooci. fetes pI a r he a a sh1 chera' De. sud shefîs 1 Dg rt u g ;2 i I u '- TERMS-81Z Mo s en rovedjont )r ot;PriraPage, edi a ' a 1v. tici-1a' o f Di 66h; 1 Lori SIegi; 'L 0L/ Tnoes' wJOlIi b F. Clarkes, th e ne we s ..alent 1 Joillsto i B ~ oates; Tva ye]Ras il ws riQl ali egleiirîg cer la Canada' Vsai-y eelMacine, Law; 1 edA- AuN H ~iiÇLsles'eps-inet, ~ vercNTh0181,Iu foPul she 90 Prof.eeb b Wilson, - f 1), SLe kyH na-akai- au inavbeobn' ivepo . 8 cenot, laiq ! edI ote Horne P1wr; 1 Sawlng Mail ke2t4aufTo corners a Br-ownu lt aiakî st 0 nra îîoc~ Racles ;11pair II- lan-ov;1 1 'aol , rayair b>. lieisuit_ Fullati ers bc ,Offc, b antcIai-oses; 1 IrrnsPlcw;leeving Ofc bhP "to c W itoal riil andh; ie .. Plnw; 1 Gané,,PIu-, lie; 1Sc' l ci--1 O-Lee, on bbc éies, or fi-cmthe Aun VOugt4&-Ytliigasnv le.11 cil-- te noue. Turuili Slcr; 1 Wlietaa- row; Iarosent IN ao. Tlltvi t 50..lSjlecAnnl:Seu ; 8 Logklii Chîn G1rain Oreile;West W . Ocoe ,8 ..* .4 WltIî ~ rc f e01 ur 'teniîlea îiî f-e t ybe sc naibl m il sLa ;set 'lesin H;Marnae187 OvOtl aie erilher for 1880. 1Iliiescf 187 mesi w ; 1 Se-'5e aSetHase> c tî 8> ___________________ frac t,, u,'ýw alBsJerihau f17 e igtlan;1Sgr AKes l; sci'iIîb,-lon hah, 1,Yithprmu WCheame îlrose; a qantiy o Ale;X 5 ' PUio Paois -, hlp ONRA1,LORP Boe-liîîCi 5aon bl e i o! ol,,tons Tianobh la Iy; 2 Acres o rio fN R A E E R P o lie, tin% rédel t a el e*.tu iviiPnl unisud ciler articles ton, numerous ta mention. HRB -P'.--îE:n3Hp R Tp AojaL fcolk rme Mi. Van>., having rauteil Illa larM'vinlfl - sali &I ; tn and Bicber.r.."The Sautiar "-.. comeau 1 'coccm uiths, liordmee .1ws boled HERATE BETWEENALL 0711. 19111, li bolah L ainil e tr, Sale t o mne locok ..Lnh by mutuel c01238t h ay .ccmnthe lises cf ibis Cýompas, a ex\tra, ori-$I1 flail. * vit; ecate .tsbe >-»_47eobethem8. becu reduceil to enteuh>Oai Lai-Tes Z axeTon W&N at &..Wc uiàer #1nis i'-ind efuture, bcari-ld on >Woi-du. p4i-lraRî,iff by i-a ands ' agents sel h.given b amtes n imn lthe c the . - TlmltheuP ressss MP 1eu ailbyrsît, 1Joint notes, ptefr n sbarg a r m s ofout - taoiroandteOepsys ita facltie, lac ever>.rspetare umequai. Yî-55 hnmnuioÀtIl8 ieta sala ituoet piA vues due, gOHcm - - -F - -JO ;%OmnitoN O -* JOUX HN RP,'NGER V Pl8lt1rus - - ZAIBD4NKS î. -r7OiN01,HAtthe pubiis j5r*epta j SBELLING AT LOWEST LIVING PRICE8. COIN b'IE AND SEIE THE B3oots and Shoes made to order, 1Wateon's Block, Brook Street,.hitby. BARGAINS 1 W. J. HAYES.. VERY FINE. 50 CENT GIIEN, BLACK AND JAPAN Extra Good Va1ue.-Try Them. SPECIAL BiL N E BAFWA IN8 IN Highest market 'itter and Eggs. Naxt tc, Hamilton & Harrowar'e 'W -ADVEIiTISEMENTS. TS 1EIZI iY GIVENT AT A COUTT S-i ll c la pureîisnbte o"The Vôter's List Ac," b.hie Houerîle.Judga cf île Ceuni>.Couoeicftbaccnt>. cf Ont-a, TUESDAY,'\21sT <CTOBER ,1879, Ait l #ook, s. in, Te hear end de i5ne île sesveraicm- e anso rraors ~omaistai'ein the Votere astofte Mn alit>. of bbc Town cf Wblthy, fer 187 AU Peraonsa vug nainese et tic Court are i-e qcel attand th,iced icsund Baia pi e. Datea aythitby blis 14hl day ai Octeher 1879. 1 THOMAR, HUSTON, /f Clr of ih. said Mnnieipslicy. DÛSUANT TO AN ORDER 0F TE CROCKERY price paid for good A. H. DAY, Dry Gooda'e Store, Brcck.etreet, Whitliy. NEW ADVERTISEMENT&. S&t«rday, October î6th. [ILP~1~N 1? ~fiCOIMPANY i Cexnpceed cf theesma"Êi ladies sud gentle- cman and tîle. LanJesk ma-nliving. P 0 CA eON'TAS, Ladies' and cbli-ou'e natinc abe3, p.1m. Admission 2Soýe., culAi-n, 16 cents. ; Evcning at6- BllaY, S5cts., Reser,d seats, 50 ceifts., ta b. e sc at Wletfialdle Ontarlo Lad/es' Colloe TDU. HA LProfessar i- c esnce in - EJ VctriaUnvereit>., u-l LEÇTU~eî. (D. V.> duin5 Cie pi-eont ycar, D îg id su, it 0OÃ"MSý Low Prices NOVELTIES« IN DRESS GOODS Dress-mal Fresh NEW &IDVEIISEMEN." -At maA ME80NS. %j% L £L jt 5 ,r-.uj s Lk .~iLNL> bliU fl 1 > R. H. JUST BECEIVED FIN NAN HADDIES! FALL -AT-- R. H JAMESON'S. E. F. M. Bou,ie's IMPEIIIAL FR-ENCIL VINEGAR, Demijoh-s sud Quarter-demijobna. R.H MESON's.I MILLINE]X -FOIR----1 F ,Pd ,~GOLDSMITH'S HALL. Noted ,for Be/jable &o"od8, at Fa/r Value Induccd by the 'vçry Iotv p rices ruling 'for good8 in al Urnes, and alse bythe improvedtbudu,,&s prospecta, the. subacriberlia purcbased an extensiye a nd +aluable stock for the comin se4ason. Tpo the stock of LADIFjS' GOLD WÂTC3Hl, >especial attântion is 4CyýaJl, U.ng- the l14igit - sortinent ever'sovuw in Whitby, and unequalled SILERW~tHEAT LOWEST PRIOES. i* Te 1to l 1of ECTRO-ýPLArED, 00DB WM lalso be found mnu iinereased, and prices lower thail eVejr. Ivory bande4 Dinner adDesr Knlves in great7arety -S MCLOOKS, FBROM ALL TE 'BEST. MAKUS., Iron, Granite Te and Ooffcc Pote, Platcd -Mounte;- e 18k ' Wedding 'Bings, a large stock on ý;Iwnd. -J.EWELBY made to Order. Personal-attention to Watch repairing. Satisfaction guarauteed. Broo StretWhîty. ractical Watchmaker. YO z z oe fr1 o R oe g TA IL OR/NO ~JI?,G-UJSON- n. o o o o CEIVED IN GREAT ;PLENDID LOT 0F 7TWEEDS!f )PLTHENT 0F MEN'S - OVERCOATS. FRERGUSON'S EEADY R TO 0113ER DSUITS 1 ET TO RAND 0OP7H11 STTLESIN rENISHINGs 1 c a:-J I ID VALUE IN BUFFALID ROBES. e JOHN FERGUSON. c TOý CD FA SHIONA BLE The undersigned desires to informi JC - -LIT -FT his estomers that ho as flow on hand a large and splend- 1 id assortment cf ]Boots and Shoes, suitable for EaUl and BROCK STIREET, Winter Wear, 'whioh he is selling at -lowest living prices. HSJS E Ordered work and repairs executed VAIETY A S witli promptness and in the test cf style. Z GLNAIAN JOHN SAJJND.ERS, A LARGE SO Brock-St., WhiÉtby, Sept. 3th, '79. genlt. ULSTERS & Z4 YOU AN G TA MADE OR SPLENDI k-> P~p ÀA NEW STOCKJus, ~ LATEST5 GENTS' FUI VI EXTRA GOC] BUFFaL OVERCOATS! BUSINESS SUITS!1 DRESS SUITS!1 GENTSFURNISHINTS I Announcea the receipt of a plndid stock fOrerootingo. Englis, Scotch ana Canadien Tweeds, and fine Worsted SuitinR& - " alsoP0yVestings, whioh lie e preared to make up in the LATEST STYLEi, at LOW5e sT PIGeUBES. Asulis undivided attention àe given to ie rade, in which i ertibo utting forme - a leding fature, no lope or botched garmete are kept on land, but a good fit, the newest style, and an excellent article ini every way eau bc warranted. I]p ]a ÀLN la à=& Bye Wkiskey, guarauteed. ô Summer8 IS GIVING A,'BON-US j od 0f 1- lb choice Famnily "Te& 'to 1pvery purchaser of a Sett of Dishes, or its equivalent in' Crock- ery, anid Glassware, a large stock on hand sellngatedced ', l& Frices. RD2- ""'n Campagne. GLASS WARE.-A large stock on hand, sefling at re- duccd Prices. -0-00~- A fne* line of New Season TEAS, at prioes -suitable ,to the ies. M158neqfl7, (arUinges Al n otr A completo, stock of choice Family Groceries, fresh and «dAe«dPrtr Batty's-Pickles -ard Sauces, Wooden ware, Pails and Brecine. Pleaee asic for the Prisoose Loniee Bakig Powder, it li, - takng the ihine of an others. For Onk. oiiy by (QKKEF E & co0 s. LnAGa EIR -sILeroi- SHE ,, R. H JÂ-MESOýN CLARETS--WINE.' Medoe, St. Jul4ien, Margautx,9d&C< ILORE RI-- AD ,W-[I-EY. ST AT EXENT T RA4VE LE R S. HartfordJ, Cconm, Jenuarj 11879. Cash obad dlu ank, 17940 Iroan bond admrg% on IM6alestate 2- ,256,198.13 Interest on bansi, accrued but -soet due, - 1. - 5 8,1',B98 Loess ou coUateral security, 22,10.0() DereLieprenzums; - 51,272.52 Premlumadeandusrra on Lie Policies, - - 50,1756,12 United Statena Goverumtnt bouda«'- ,.- - 483,420.00 State aud municipal bonda, 259,078.50 Ruilroad stocksand bonda, 820,3M.00 Bank and Inmurance stockas, 56W,004.00 Total Assets, - 8-4,595,445,31 Reaerve, four par cent., Lia Deparment -$ 2,972,511.59 'es-e or renuacA- c:-dentfDepatnat --21,826.84 t!es, - - - 144,50.00 Total Liabinitas, *3383.3 Surpîns as regarda Pcicy- holdera -.- - ,2 ,073 Statistica fror the Year 1878. LISDEPASTTIrai. [umbar cf 1lite Polices writ- . -ten in 1878, - - - 1,1980, Vbolè uber Lite Policys wrlttntodao . -30,207 fiole numbar tcf Lite Poli- Cie&.in force, - - il.2O7- àmount Lite Iniuranse Iu foc, - - 8108,307,55.00 ciol 1 0mespaid in Lite, Dapartuxent, - 112,178 ACCIDENT DEPAETMEmq, Zuer cf Accident Poicies 1written in 1878 - - 4,1 ,"Il Preiu= areceivad for same - . 75 ..s u inPuramnumsover 2877, 856.597.69 bhol number Accident Poli. izbrcietClahus pald rlu 1878,^- - . 1 4,760- nntAccdelaim8 Èaid - in 1878, - - 0284,343.23 7bale numnber Accident- Olainms paid - - 3,4 tiole amouut accident (Daimns paid, .-103,041,95I.94 partmoatsa 7 0.313,089.80' G.F 3;DVS, 'Vice-P-caMant. DDIEY -DEN2Secratary. JOHN B. MRIAsit 6 e4c>. B.LwIaIL:,SurgouandAdjutor. 1RUSSELL, Agen, Prov ont. Ofilc, 83 AdiLinoe, Est, Toronto. meeîau lun- Bpi!rmatorr- saqiience cf *Belf.Abuse, as Iona cf Tsklg., Universal Lasibena, Pamelu ic h aum3eDIeu nase cf Vision, Pramature cl age, sud mauy cîhc-]Dlseaesthman ud to lussuit> or Cou- aumPtion sud a Premature Grave F uln nartlulm In u r aostihMet, u-liele .ice- w AM To Nu wi Tob JAI Bol En' C. V to~ ~ ~ ~T "c salfe yclCeayO ,, Tha 8padac 95rcdiln Mistl >.aU ciggots, atndi p ail u-leiat -sud =eei drugglst overywherc ln Causda-and bbc United Staetes. (ly. l AR1 TER'S SRAAI The Great Blood Purifier. A ganuine fluid extract cf Red or -lamai. csaspazllla, combineS vit ii eeof Potassium, for bbc- dure of aIl discase arfslug fronlmnpurlty of-the bled. Nearl>. U allthimaes -that trouble bbc inuies race are lulluouccd by thce tate et the bbold. lb le ndlspenss5-l &bat ibis auntein cf lite bo lu a pure sud bealhy condition. Au s Purifier of tho bbood, 'à flenovator af th.e eteun, sud Pi-eci-ver of thc pcv. en o î , Crtas Sarsaparibis bas no eeS od ae uethbe Dxng Stores. KERRY, WATSON & CO., Wholesale DmRcgisto, Montreal- R. SNOW, Be ga t t o rm is numnerons friande sud patrons tiat hec las again tabenlbig OLO STANDI ON OONDAS SIREETI he*be py ose Uhsodi2 i ma w contantTwk ln stock a fi-euh CONPECTIONRRY, FRESH FRUE) REMEIE THE Whitby, Oct. 9th<1S7~. DOMIN-1O0N WARi'R At astonishing, GOODS V Millinery, king, & Tailoring to ordei ~EJL &00 0. 81(j) ai Strel Il &I Ce., iMi t the 50 :000: -- ý 1 1 -FOR- 'V Cnise and Fils Freres --160 ' R. H. JAMESON'S.1 1 BOIRDEA.-UX.-J

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