ek e clor forma o'olok lu- tg 0h1 h. nnt-bouse, lor of uit 91U~ yeauuq» aflrtruCf ans dît- asd a largo nucnber onithe tenan- tt da mier uven o'oloek lb. asD uahoas droy, lto h ovo, re. recoivol vIli nlingtng oheert. ev I'reubyherlAn Ohiroh valite. lened aM a cos$ . of about £10,0OO lu agi' Inlaul Bey, Dr, Donald er, lite of Monireal, nov of, Loue proaobed ou Ibeocasaion, and iooâ th. following anecdote : a oer-mon preahel b y hlm st the agf of a oburela elsosheru a lady .1, nable position lu uoclety c*me nu, " Wiy uhoud I bave Ivo vaicb. lie the bouse of Ood remaine un. fr ?" ne repllod, "Roally. I eau. ll vii>." 8h. Ihon salI, "lWoli, I l16 botter vatol i othéb. tvato. 4 the coca of the church." 8Sh. i, sud a jevler pald £02 fur li v aia a valuable addition tb the - Tr'oy Timeâta: A lady vbo bal -bûau kpoudtiing Ihoauiumer ai Lakoe Clî aliîqlîî14ON mys onl a Duen f the gaiariri. tl,îl miecilFuir lPoint aI the iuîiii lis rmIachtîa cou.on voitîiont wassu p hrgroms were. turcs wolmian, rsthir gà udlil>' drasssd and wuri ln iosidoenongli lu indilate 111151 'luy liadt plouty orfmatie>. Thelr cîui ürsakiusi wen carriécln là aloud voici, uitdatracteul couîiîers-bie allen. îlot,. lu tract cf Fair Palot stands a statu, cf Failli. "Ses that piece of ulal. oo;wary," isaid usinIer eue. -1 vouder Whtuit s. Il muat le Jupiter." "No," Naatd usiner iwo, il lch Anré htks Venusi." «Wtt" atIusinIer thras, 's ur vay t'a ocue afthcune people lu k sescaptaîn trediugtotahIe Africen couLtlwesinviteaItameet a coumunites cfa a octety for the eveogeizatiori cf Atins Among cmerons quesitionsi tonching lue habiteansd reliitoucf lIme Africeti races, liu vas asked, "Do tbs muîijeela of lime King of Dalmey keep Smuiî ""Keep Sinay ?" he ro. 1;1ieÀI; "Yes,, ant ovory chier tting tle>' culà llth leir banus o." A - e A l t di insesun>'air Dly a bu y1se blytie snl yccmsg Wlîuî lîugUid aîil acresemsl wlhhout a cure Amni vuuli l iollitstangue. Tioil e e t ehîgel; vilhii smdn dnel The, vaîmt cf hîsavali.ruig;- A ai tiîuiewardt lethlie blimetsu reoi, M Ville die cisît lboy llluis stumîg. -4lliit unliter fishieg uer Cepi Cod catches w sîrsuge fiaI, uud sake c the akipper, "WVhal munar cf luJt thît, my goitueni ? Il lieuasanuine alîslarsues." "YaNIa I Oui>'tieon rounÈ Ibië yesr." "'WO celroete Baptista.' "W11Y go ?" "Cause llîey spile go quis] arten tIhey <omeonculof the valer," -NYs have J cil boen aiov saaise] enigravtug ci Adtame sud iv., ud cri annîrlscîî lImitlwo auch licmelyocl dou di latitI lie fcuuidsîlpufor accu a avetlinul rehi> man sai Bosco Conk. lto>-Dulrol i rocPrs -"la0 thora a latter hors e nasoented ivelapa for Lun>'wlfe 2",liecaskea the Isaluâsten, wiile the green are front fis[utseamals ie ls cil ob liko s 19leef>[out. "Yea air,," savered the M> M., aa ho hauded il ont. The o esius cistc l1h PO athoce- viien Ilansd blil 1I;vaR 1he nalitera blliiforbôoi Tue sund, "l'rlaoui'r, bav clii are you ?'1 "TrWeuîy.lwo, ycyur honor." "ITwenly. tva? our papera make cul lImaI you vers bora hwonly.lbrosr esa mgo.' "80aIlysa ; but I ape on ccyesr lu ? rison, ud 1dou'i ecutthlal-ih vas a'îliuiuiî, toolelng up frein lier boock, -1 heauans of tls uev utudios ila Irîgonona. eli. WatVle t rigonomslrY ?" "Triga. licilry," r1sîuellsil Chales,, lcyicg vith Uri luva id moustachie, .'ic a-e-la lthe * sauduceof puitung lte lrtggsr, of curse.' I thoughi $0,"Bastîl Josephite, reain. ,na ber navet. YoUIîng-lady, te rscosnîiy arnIe --fril"d a"18ho ait yen lîopod for 2 :, "Wly, af course." "Vice feiiow, genteel ?" <"dure. tiotanat-elegant. IHe talus lîke s bock." '1wsl, he, ve yu celatvolume bec'ond, Seubna mta me.", -A Dolrautt-restauranl.keeper binnga ontiil aigu af"Frees Chope," stud Whou -Il 0ine cliafero c-0 te aroul lie 'suave IIM au axe anul a vcclpile.--Dî'froit ~-Tll tva- iîcney.boeoa lImaI eut iu. lb.theiris icgel [o the archives. "Tbatmsa Poer VI replel bie pbo. lognaph i saaul, vlen quetîcol d as te vIia héobad iu lb. chair. .- A girl ail te ber bcv.leggiéd-beau Uit iI se didn'tl 111<teha alîr, lubrack. Au Irlîli crier atoBlnicle bing or. dercd u ce lear Ibm acurtIi a by thia auncsmeoî:. 'Nov, lMse, ail yc blacluguardo 11atiain'h ayreme -lave lbe court.",vyr me 'Wbl dosa Queesu Viecrta cuver drn o 3lceause ils thé reverse A aroilibg tbromtnioai compsu va aI tb. diuner table. A valler spprcach. -d one ou f the o suersud gastI, "lSoup ?" "No, ir," 'said the peracu addrsud, "Iamn ans0aithe musIeans."1 The Great Blood- Purifier! AND PLS _____ BtainahlelIMi GA tua 'gan kliilo curo for iso, a worst 1forma, tcruc 602ueated Vîera IypIiia, pla Sn" t1 I9I oîeo, Rheunm ~odsques or acres producel by bit! IBRiSTOL'* -SugrCoated PILLe, ar Prt::Aupis lO, 1870. pGlaagova duoloa roBristol, bar<III, and Loudou Aitaime rate e Pato tlgo "ad for thelr frieaIs eau obtata tsck«Âst ai10wrates. ' Theea ag#& utaI bland &ver. &g agia4ut mya av, tva fhich are la apent ta-the mohvaeao the St. Law. The Slteam#ap1cfthe AlieLino corne direct ta the Grand Trunk Sllway vhurve ai Point Levi, (Sutih Quebe) uAl Spéecl Traisma redlapaltied wiih L spassengers tnmeditlly an arrivai. By timuarnà ngo., meut, pussengena aVOCI elay and expen.. Clrc'mlurs giviug aul informnation, malel For tickets ud lfurtiser inhamaétton apply ta- GEO. B. TIlLE. Exp. sud Tel. Office, Whbtiby, May Oh, 1879. i! FARM FOR SALE I Cheap. A IROTCLABS FABU, 0F 450 c,1res., cg pari of Lot No. 9, lu thme $rd. Con. of Piekerlng. Weli 'svutered viii living spring creek »tires villa of water; gooI orchard ; vilt feucel;, vltb haulsome Iveii, and gocalouthulldinga. Twq dvelltugu for arm bands. A ulead stoek and grain farm ; cloue ta poai mar. kola. WiU ha slI cieap, on euy taons. Apply fa L. FAIRBANKS Auccioneer, Witby. Auguat Glu, '79. -88 1a coniposel cf1Iluredlonts tudsutical wtt lusse hlcli Costute Healti. Blood, Muscle sud Nerve sud -rain Substance, - vilat Lits itueîf la dlrectly depsudeut up- on nome of tiora. fly Ils union lhi lhe blool-ald ils effecl lipcn the muscles, reestabliahiig theoncee sud leni th le olier, Il la capabls cf effect. lof gthIe follng resuila : t Ill îdispîsos or vaai eut tuboreulous nieler, su leucure Conaumption. Bylmcreaslng Nervous self Muscular Vor, It ivlI cure Dyspepsia, feeble or lu. terrupel action cf tihehuart sud Palpita. lion, Weakuess cf Intellect caused by nief, vcrry, overtax or irreguler habits, Ilrau. chitis, Acute or Chroule Congesticn cf the Lutîge, even lu tie mont alarmmmg stages. It cures Aetîmxm, Loosucf Voice, Nouralgia SI. VAlus Damies, Epîleptie Fils, Wiooptng Comghi. Nervousîesn,,and teasamont vonder. fîillJuzict te ciher remides ilu sustalniog 111e durnthlIe precese cf Dtptierie. Au enfle asMate cf goal affecte lo formel tîy FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITItS, samd vo anc safe ln aayiug. frim a long ex. partance lu moectne, is virtees art flot peseil by eny oher ciitiiuatn,asethie follavlmmg wtll demaustrae. IT ff ACCEPTABLE ta palaesand atemiat-ta. SUFFICIEN'rLY 1'OTENT te inaure de- ciele linellt, yet liarmleas, icvaoevsr long île Use May le contInuel. Tii caracter. ltie ta puisessiel bynoe chienremedy. IT ACIITS DIJESTION aud assimitla- liain. - ,IT VITALIZES TREE LOOD, supply. lngauchingnsdits-ss incy bs equirsd. IT IESTOIIES TONE te lis nervea. -IT GIVES POWERl cf endurance sud af concentration ta lie mInd. I PROMOTES VIGOI lu hie organe icli Ispemîl fer isalti on the iuvaluuhary mueiuluir açtIon, viz. :hie Liver, Ltinge, liban Stamaci snl Genitlî. And unIess afilictel wti semas dIseuse lu. volving AiuieLUnTZ iOuGAiNtLOSh, il vlll eus- taie thiesystem util It rescis thie egeail. lothel ta mi ian y ebenelletent Creator.- *NO PEIISON yuwailt e pointed iffttmc effscOiflOELLOW II YPOPHOSPH-ITES, via rtglIy follo thie directions. FELLOWS' HYPOPHOSPHITES - INCEPTION, Tic axpeimeuls vmici prafecielbhila PrePMUîaattcum cupjiel n>'manchm, sud voea imtutel wmIIt ie -o curing that Inillous ullseae, TUBERCULAR CON5LIMPTION. suad lu orlon ta aeppiy tîmoiluufluinctss lu 1Eypoîîiiaphitîsaî areay lu ue fer, ai. 0tioeg them nature ilus Correct as to the- or#p, Ilîsr preparatloos wene, oving ta ttmir ,nmPorlecirgauîîstom, ftind vanling lu Wiiic tluy caucel limaformation nil fat sud genenutatue t, timay (114nut inoei the iloîîd. Thuic lute fetc 1nîu the narves amuIdrmusclcues lrcUantitsel - cvîug lte timir dlutel shahs, inoviîg lredoses, ils>' vsre sa hea oexpamiuve. Itu e siduerata sougit by Mn.,yl'licv, vere; A conventent, palsiable renmudy; -Unusersîte ly tlime; H4lanale, liaugi naedco muinuocsly yet mugit le liscaitnucel aI any lime vltLoct ?Vlhwudinîcea an appetite Straugtlsim digestion Promeute assieuiatou; Creaeo lîaihy lied Stnmgtlucn lhe nu-v n-es uniisulec Elîîmile tie SUb'jeul Iii aucccaafutty cein- AuLa cullietnly foîuîy-îl1r til. AIl li U he ueu imiulumlutaly uthuuneui. Tho iu enecuuaof lime work la toimitlehe ;and l'e3llgumvi' IY JOIyi ldllîmssludifarernaai iionge't tise nineltea ferr înile orgauie dIlsogs, ssspesstug -prapeniies la vidaine ollenmpeiiltesha. ever msprel. ABSTRACT EPFECTS. Folw'l luoliieonbigi. foad, sel imnasîtatel> entera the circula. tiou; and, beinmfi p6rfecîl>' miscible vili fsy ts are sdoclre p a- isee ity l fae i ulinesas snl sreOngli, a general exaltationcicfthe argente funeitoca. Anudeximlraton0cfthie initellectuel pavera. Its apacilIc nfluence ta ou tiii brain snd nenvous sumbstance, lu.- croatng the atitvity cf thc alsenbentu, sud nonevîng the ileol, îles causîng lie ieavy Muscular formiatioe anoessry lu1 rester. ing tic funeteus cf the previoesi>' eaken. cd org eus. Deing lien, a tacta for tie cari-ousud atreuluhon>' eyalsm, 1h follove liaI, vian liere ls s deemand fon sxtnaondlnary exer. tian, ils use la ii'salusble, ues 1h supplies ti st lrojh the cinculationsu ana-us At Do psniclll infa ta aciful Cars aven lie fueelous cf lie bmain mors nequlsits than durlng the, aceiailiou cf kuavîsîge by the a-uti ; pied g, pnoesving stel>' requmnes s store cf vigorces unoua farce, ors achild may ulnk unIon .le meulital l.' Stern uscesaît>' May' campol the suuent la train bis pavera o and lis diel te cf prudence, snd the carr promilse cf excel. lence m% bc blighslîIreb Tc sua e oreomjÙnsuî illov'sHayp-c piosphilea ; il vlll net cula- rashone lie sinletmg pattent, -beltIl viiensile tho tb-l Ing sinlont la preascr bils mental sud nenveus standard uithont Isîrteat. NoTze-De aspiciaus-of enians via re- Comemend an>' o hratà e asa juat as g0ad" thimuugi iesring a silimlar usine, sud cf tiose via allersa eheumpr picel article. NOr.-It i l datlahedq welmi, al- Osiadaîam -eisMaPliciuuii 0hauiiai- iar te prssaribtis remel>' ;~xpeience ias, provel hila. The hlshistalasa mell meulinaovai->'large aity, viere itlel uo recommeul It.- Prias 01.59) pen iIole,, - Orduea illessel ta, Pery-pr1 & son & Lawrencea, 37 m t. Paul st. Mautreal P. 0., Usé, b Inspeci My 8 la SU tihe nevesidel Pockeo,-Tlde, MGi abli for Wedliig or . ls W5lLiLI AÀ ' -Agq OODS. AU kindi 0f1aayWork bu doder, todagnah~nte~~Woé Hooa, reafui Sawl. SAM>fle DN3TO OEDBB, THE DBESB AND MÂNTLE ,XMIG Depaomet, ta now open tb aur """merotuomeru, 0'".Lwfnl ceallMtihai Oui puti godrpltton vIlb. eoeiled tht. u"Mo, &0ave have i cAnM b«Uia&Mulitter, mue hatha& boalexperiuace in attise. The. uyle. ae nov, noPa u eoad n«m promply attniad lto. pttilng rooma in r o f thestore. ii l.aurilolu Mr' Ailordeira for Magartsuual PaperuProm y tteudel 10. Dut I al nd ley Paperu on band. SubscÉt oarcevl aerudjvrd.- HE2MSCBp phid ou i0e ahorteatuijà te. , ~ ~4 Wbitby Book mnd Fa"eyGoodeBtot,- - Oddfoflov.' Hall, Brook Street. ?EluTOGRÂpHy'! PHOTOeRAPHICÇ STUDIO 1 AND FRAME 1) EPO T Special inducements to heads of fa- mnilies, dnring the suminer monthe. Faonlies oonsisting ýof. four persons, and upwards,- by orderingT one -dozèn ,photos. each, will be presented with a beautiful photograph 'group of the famlly, full size, for fraiing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices to suit the times, 1 CHILDREN A 8PEO;ALTY. Framing in ail its branches, at prices, whioh defy couipetition. Agents for Canada Stained Glass Works. Cali and sèe Samples. WILINSN' LYON BROS., WLISN BLOCK, - BROCX.-ST., WHITBY. BOTTOM' PRICES 1 For ail kinds of Foot Wear. W- DON'T FORGET THAT Is selling the Bèst and Cheapest BOOTS AND SHOES Il*q TEi-ME TOW N.Tý Ladies' Be8t Button- Boots and Shoes. THE BEST MENS' WEAIR YOU EVE.R BAW. Watson%' Block, Brook Street, Whitby. W. J. HAYES. GENERAL DRY GOODS, GBOCER Y à HA/WD WARE 8STORE, BROUGHAM. Begs to inform lis friends and the pub- lic, that ho bas now on hand an eutirely new and weil se- lectod stock, embracing ini the above lines, whîch ho is solling at unpreeedentedly Customers are advised to give a cati and see what 'value they cain get for their moneýn at a home establishment. Broughm, Aîiril 201h, 1879. MOSES LINTON, Store, Poil Office sud Telegrapli Office. My Stock of 1-"'o R1ZZ 2S.I rITE1;Ew Is now Complete ini Every Lille. E, J. JOHN SON. Very Special Inducementis to those STARTING HOUSEKEEPING. UNDE-RTAKING. Full Stock of Caskets, Coffins, anid al the neç,essaries in this une. .AMso, A WELL-APPOINTEI) HEARSE., Whitby, October 1Oth, 1879. gave et Whitby, SOept. 8r8, 1879. Sigu of the Golden Pen, -NEW TIN SHOF. I' -Next Dour Bouth ta dames Johnaton's "Gldsmith'is Hall," Has opned business lu the above premises ana la now rnnning m Mui blast, where everything pertaining to Tin, Sheet, ,or -GaivaniedaIron ismannfaetured lu a ;workman- like manner, on SHORT NOTICE andait'reas'onable »rates. ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS of SJJPERIOR QUALITY. AUL kilds of Japauea Tin, and Sheet-Iron ware -contantly kept in stock. REPAIBING doue oheaply and neatly. AUl work guar- anteea satisfactory or no pay. 4merican and Canadian GOAL OIL. Lamp Chimneys, Wicke, Burnera, &o. SWhitby, Feby. 241h, 1879). J. W. BARNES. FOR SALE AT TEE WHITBY CHINA TEA "STORE, PLASTER, PLASTER, WHOLE SALE AND 1IETAIL. CASH PAID FOR- GOOD Butter, Egs, Poultry, Apples, Red and Alsike Clover Seed. 1Whitby. February 111h, 1879. W. J. GIBSON, Whitby China Tes Store.. OFFICE 0F THE BBC? WN & PA TTERSON Mt fg. Go, WIIITBY, O1~TAB~Io. CLOT I N0 818EJ Garmeulo outi4>SijIII attention and sati§#Éçliou garmeni aud ful(Xalie for y W M. 'B-UBR'NS, BROOK STREET, - - WHITBY, Will seli seil for 30, da1ys AT COST! Womnens'ý Pruneila Boo"ts and Shoes, Womens' Kid Boots and Shoes, Misses? Pebble Boots and Shoes, Misses Kid Boots and Shoes.ý A New and well Selected Stook.e Caill and examine.' Re- member the whole is offered at cost. PH OTO.CRA PH Y WE ARE MAKING A NEW STYLE 0f Photographs, in 'sipig, life-size, an entirely NEW PROCESS. 8PECIMENS 0ON EX HI/BI1TION, Cards and Cabinets fuirnished'.in the latest stylo of the Art.-z Frames of ail sizes always on hand. A. BARRETT, Photographer.- ~- Opposite Ontario Bank, j A young mnan desiring to istudy Phiotography, will find a good cltand by calling on Mr. Barrett, and getting terms. Whitby, June lOth, 1879. $25 $50PKR l~A CA TUALLY 13E MADE WITH E stok ohfl a050. 00 nue>'. -An TO THE PUBLIC. Iu proentiug our Tveuly.second Annumi Catalogue cf Agiculturai Impie. ment@ ho the farmera cf Canada fcr lhe year 1877, vs do sn vitl more than thé ordinar>' degree cf pnb moln confidence, from the monkel faveour sel patronage couferrel upon us, andthIe slcady sud increasing deniand froci yer t year cf our nov ceobrtel Fanai Implomoula. We oaal continue mu berehofore, sa manufacturera, le meke a specaelty of Agrlculturai Mahery-the Johushon Self-rskiug Reaper, the Triumph Com-. binaid Remper sud Mowen, lime Cayuga Moyen, Ihe.Yonniz Ce nada Moyen, - sel or uev Wbihby Hanvealer, ciainmiDg auarge ahare cf car tesand attention. For lt.e1a Tveuty.hvo >'ears va bave givema cen mcat careful sed mmdlviii. mii atutteion imte -mamufateandmol penation of thé venions machines ie use, ifing ont lhe boat points, remelying defeets, modifying sel corrching errer«, areugtbouing v.ak pointa, adapliug sud prcportioning ever>' part as onr increas- ed experieuce has auggeated.- Wosëmpiey oui>' h. boat mochanical skill, sed cen machines pases nilder thie mail careful supervision mandeenmtin>-svery letail being asubjeotea tathe ecver- eatiotiiam-aul saab machins i. hhoroughiy teeted lofons lsaving cen wanbs, te provA tle cenmplteuess cf even>'part, cul there le no lifficulty le peîîing theni lu operaton b>' mny persou of moderate mechenocal mbility. Oui machiner>' ba bon soeotel sud conatrcced vith a epeciat refèence te the maufictune af our evu maciusa-msny hoola living beau mads for Ihip pirticuimr purpoe, and oct alapted for aller vark, and aur vorkmee are aIe. cai&el up ta the vanis sol requiremeuts of aur manufaolurs-obtmintng s lion- 00gb kuoviedgo of thé conatruction of onr machines, snd ire tIns ecabiel la ob- tain a hlghei degré. of ahill and proficicacy than vhore general mauufaaturiug is caaiil ou. We are Iherefore sombiel to introduce a more ponfoal ayetem intoaIl the de- panîmeuts of manufacture, aiidiug net 00>le 1h.th perfection cfthue work, bel ai- se ho the napidil>' cf is exeoeiice-snd a couseqeent reducoleaof cent. Thts prinaiplo ta regarded cecespar>' lu s velrogmlaled establishment, snl va enabled ta turc ucucr machine villia ligher degres cf perfection. an,] ut priaes. seloy sabsolutel>' to 1f> cmpetitic. THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING REAPER la now ov ael koounas a Singlo Bemper. liaI a vend cf commenu<ation weeul almosl sessma sfiumous, but s thons ans many claiming ho manufacture thie machine Wvoe=bave red 10 the clii original Jalcahon machine, vithoul k6ep- ing up to lie improvemeuis ; Ihai justice tce aunselves snd patrons requlrs of us ho sate thal vo bave malifol ilt in almncal ever>' essoaliml parI, and for sîrengîl m-ii dunabilihy, qualil>' of cul, ln even>' kial mal condition cf graie ; Iigilnesî cf. drafî aud ase cf managemot-he "Joinebon," as manuzfacure& b>' us-el-oands pre-emîneull>' ahea îther rempers. Iu prea faof Ibis position we have anl>' to poinit totlim Dy> Firat Pries samded us-allie lai Provincial trial f Ou-. Q#ansd ma>' caunt>' trials vhlal have taken place all cver Canada, vitiu the lait fev yaan. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MACHINES, vibh late impravémeuta, in mil lIaI eau beciissired in a Cembined Machino, and 421 Our Impravedi Cayuga Ch/el Jr., and aur Young Canada Mowers _j r an;oh flrsbclel a.a micinea;-OOghituted aimnost viIl>' Of IrOandelSteel- The - - as a a rear cut, aol the Young C anada a front Cul ; boli slroog, dur- FI R E Pt'R 0 0 F S A F.c ±'E bS aie achines,.ud uaexcailel by an>' machinas in the market for qualit- of À cult, nrabilt>'. ightns of draft, alaptabili>', sud sase cf management. :BU-SLN"TEJss Is doing justice 'either to himself or lis creditors 'if ho does -wthout a safe to proteot lis Books, Notes, or other valuable papers. -- Who has deeds, notes: or^ money in the house, ouiht to, have a Safe to guard bôth against Burglary and'Fire. >-A Suife la always, a Good Asset, as it not only preserves,, ils contents, but keeps ils owun value as well, for afier paaiing through s fic a, omal]. ottlay willalaise il as good as new, audit eau aivayabe épia for> nearly ite flr-st cost. J. & . TYLORbi have turned out 'about 20,000 palesi- the. hast 24 yars; sund ibof ehhem has failed in trial. -PFarmers sud Meër- chants, this is lie kiiid of 1 «Protection" and. sometbing thstthbe- Tariff csam't givo. Go te lihe Toronto Bah. Works aud get a Safe. - - - J &J. TAYLOR OUR *NEW "WHITBY HARVESTER.!' As lihe caunatry bha became botter adaptel ta machiner>', ama mm>'of aur farsu- ora have bome ekuillel iu the use of machines, a grcviug demal ha. epnng up for -Ltgil, Durable, Firat-Clase Beapor. i J -,Alive tg lie requtromeuts of lb. day, vs have aucceedel in iaventîug a ma- chine wtii a Wioughl Iran Primo, vii ushesleu&possible gearg-vitb largo, 1brqeil-ficol driva vhel,-anl se comuîruted liai lie frame sud tabletilt ai the ame time, blereby keelpiug the pitmau tiways in lins vIihbis .knife. 'The rksare diven direcli'from tlie main shafl-tbeno being ne- perceptible aIde drfand no !weigbt upan lb. horees nce. Wo are coufient thal Àre have succaeedlinu nventing thé mnosb perfecl ltespsr, lalclug iinlual l ia parts,.-lIai Im-aven beau produced. W. bave s.ppliel fOr leîters'patent, asud shall hall aur invntion, for oui ovu exclusive manufacture, and vs îespecLfuly suges bo lu- ieudng prehaasn. lii le>' aboula se. bi a aoiiebefore, giving Ifisir orlers for thi oaming larvest. The <'Whiby iarvester" wcigbi, al bld, 600 pouals, buat!botngmde pnacipili>ofaith. hast qeilit>'of i rou sud steelasud hem ilte - genlana isul compact -construction, il combinea Ibm uîrne ngti m anbilit>' of tie isavicit machines.- ARl of aur machines are mu>' wwanaad. ýWii tis liâItaof eilaeuvsfeel confident liai vu cenmeet é-e r r-1 qtmrerfnent, and vo noepectfally cait a trial af aur machinés, beleicvng thmlv cmu furuah a btter machine for thé moes>' bi en'ubo obtainel elsevisis. - - BRespeotfmly Yoursa, - wm IT, ana arc proparea eomîntrite the ftt IOUIR AUGER re operated e* cly by HORSE POWER, and GUARANTEED to bore the rate 10 to 15 FEET PER HOUR. TliY Bor~e hm 31Io 6 Fot gel an AU EPTR iiÉd.! They are WVARRAN TOB E SUCCESSFULLY IN A LL -KINDS 0F EAWRH, Fi? SAND cd LIMESTONE; BITUMI. NOUS STONE COA LATE, and H DPAN, and make the BEST 0F WELLS in QU KSAND, GRAVE and CAVY EARTHS. They are Easlly erated, SImsple la Cosu cion, atm' Durable I The Cisepet and mon t e al l lit he Wold j&- MAN CTURED AT OUR OWN WOR frein tic Very Beat cf Matertal, by ld and Practical Workmcu. . GO ACTIVE AGENTS wanted iun ryCouun lu tie- United es and Canada, te whom. va offer liberal inducamen- Sen for Ocr Muls Catalogue, Frices, Terrus, &c., proving our advertisee eJona fide. ADDRESSGEA USEn WELL AUGER 1> dSb Lls.t. St. Loui -MO. C.UTTERS, 7UGGIESI A Large Assortrnent of Cutters- andý' Buggies- FOR -SALE, CHýEAP5 c-AT-- pliea duirc, 1Vi1UUfl extX ra5X55huge UOdr apeclul arrangements maae with thceRail.- way Conipany, by K ING BROTHERS. tR Two Cartera constantly on ih6 roa delivering orlonB. F4RM TO RENT. Almi ~ D 0F 100 ACES BBING p-J art co Loi No. 4, libte'dsO ouccs- ito ' . krtg, livs misa from the t own - ofWhtb.udr aoolitata cf cultiva- togool e buildi nflufie orh &o<t. Pouingan be one afler ora lutakoe f and fl, lpossessIon For partiilru apply to the owuer. TIMOTET OMLABY, - Utica, P. 0. lTuly 16th-1579 - tf-8O THE SINGER Buy the Beat, Buy no other. BUY NONE BUT THE -euieSinger Sewing Ma- chine. BEDUORD IN PRICE. TEE BE5T MÂOHINE IN THE WORLD. So aay Three Hfundred Thousanl people W ho bougit Singer Machines in 3878. Over tvo million Singer Machines in use at present. .Splendid sud. fouset cf Attachinenta ive thi eacb machine, snd parties ftUly- L=et inctehule use cf thae. TE E T,- THE CHBAPEST, Sold ouly by lie Oompauy's Agent,- L]FAIRBANKS, Office, opposite Cio«CLEe Office. Whltby, June 25,1'79. .26. V9huableFarm for Sale. 0((1ACRES.-Si LOT 8, IN 5th CON. LI PICERING. 15 acres cleared- remainder weil timbered (moîtly beech sud maple). This la a very deslrable property fer the wood aione ia very valuable auaï vill nearly psy lhe puretese money, vila the situation of lie ltis a sufficlent gua2- antee for theeland- Terms lberal to reliable paies.' A. A. POST P.0. Box 20', hà iby' "PROT ECTION 1"' HOME 1.GIROWN SEEDS. IT IS AN BSTABLI5HEED fartthlai S. 0. Brown'& Home Growui Seefis are be- coming more popular from yeir ho yeer. The public they waut them, the merchants tiey keep thero, as they are sure te grcw and give general satiafaction. FLOWER SEEDS A SPECIAL -TY t Ail seeda sent by manl Irecf postage. Litî Use flrownas Idan Liniment. lFor sale by dealers generally. 5. C. BROWI<, seedmn s-u, - Whllby, Ont T RE CANADIAN A-IlRGA <9 MACHRINE. Tisi Machine s i for liging PXivate Dwellinga, Milîs, Factories, Churchas, Publie Halls' Hotela, &c. <Jul &adexamine tie machine l oens- tion à t JOSEPH PHILLIPSuae etnc'r, Plumber andi Gai-lilter, 118 oa r let, Toronto. Senid for 1'lrcular "alprlce-liit. Aprll 20th, 1870. .19 OMNIBUSES TO AND PROM ALL Tg sud firiib.T.R. Station ..... .20, To sud frome Wbilby, P.- P. & Lindasa- Il'>'Station ....... ..............ec. Tis couvea-ances are site sud coinfort- able, aud lu charge cf cansfol "dri-vers. Ail laggage clueckel sud canefuila- ieaked-after. LOUIS SEBBUT, - WiIy, Feb. 25tb, 1879. (la--leor AUCTION SALES I' T EG ha reter n y sincere-tianka.ho the ..public fer lic very literai patronage beocovel upen inie lu te paît, sed ho Intimats haial vl be on baud reada- ta Canduet ana- sales tiat Iniay' bo eninushel vth., Torma-lbsral. Satisfaction guar- aulsel. Ma- se booklu viichafaundalaihe Onarlo Hotel Whtby.Arag enss te laya cf Bse, &C., niay' hc MaIe vil Mr. Maaan, lie preprieton cf lhe iHotal.- Orîcns by mailorltelegnapli attaulel la. - - L. FAIRBANKS, Auclioneer, Witby. N. B. - SaiseDccli sud blsnk notea furnisd frime. THE TORONTO - Street, Wlhby, 0O G. YOU)NG O1'IPio-Over Du > au. 22, 1878& ---- AIEROh 44ECTOR CAMBRON, Q0 R. J. G s URGEON TO' Dr. W. bye , cornee cf ll Nvty. BJYRON I -P H T C A N , 6 Wm. McBRIEB G UY'v5v HOSPrlj N the sys B. O. CÂBD. * DR. B Physiolan, Surgeon, Wbttby, Sept. 501h, Room OVEU Office hours fom 9a 1.80to 6,P. M. Eca unI Gilbert streets. C, N. VA] <Tisse bitis are uaeful iun eisi.e.îhian, Neuraigis, Cou gbli, Coll, Cesqilâion, Branouhii,-Scrcfla 5kWM lsesi - ai<ilnl- flammaliani. Bllases, YPs-cn. A Ifor Sanitar>' pu,?peses. The -capon halbi are pariculily û.aiplies. tale to il SkIedisees, especially Syphilia, it in nov onieea.lly concelel liai bath tie Turisisnd Va porDahsaare lic lest preisrvativs cf hesiib vithin lis neac cf- niedlcal experts and te campunctienvih ineffiai ieatm ent lie patient ilamoearap- idand usuccesafully Ieatel. 1'alnouizea lirougiaut lis vorldfrom roysiiy dcvii lehe pocreet iea. Tisse Punkiaih albi are the ëomil>' cs lu lis City' Quottioisanurefimnmndutonsr given itrlhesi msdican sugaliar a acli- Liasin aul countries. HtOUB&-Geiioean, ' tho 8.80 a.m., 3 tc 9 p.m. Siîoragby imb lil pm. Ladies, 3ý0 THE JORN R. P AND - CARIECIAGES.