Whitby Chronicle, 25 Sep 1879, p. 2

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sui artproperty, aib 1aever. rtyof F. Dabuago q o b, au Friluy, rd 4>tbr. ko, Âuctiurnere, tunrs, toclk ani'farué in. 1irt Of Mimu SahL, Itiehi. .Y. éJron tPIlékari'gTue. L4. Vairbanks, Anatlancer. 'ffurmé-utock iptlaiienuééb ,y o! Tiuou. diarîton, on loi i th tl erlj, c ltdiay o Musyir lkian, .iéu utisl., ut o!a 'AtciI u.iétliJ1 tuber lit i , thcii 1 s té ut lwé,townélui fIrul.Oct. i Globe ilotel, 'nunîs8tonl, tol'r. édit salla, Zo! orse, catllé, dvlwnutéî etalot 27, itis tutu. 6tOcu lurfi,, luuuîurty of .-L anléaué(co 'flue, eîlotr Fa n'itol, Iouélééécîutt 1,. t'îtirluîsélkg, AuLmuîuer. t, VusIIlouuî ulu l'n, , lbéît-ié, 7t01, J. (J.Kutl!ly, bluliuitr- 'lléMsunl'rulurty, l)iî!- n,' "iruiy Quéu Gît. ONLV Si 50 PER AND41jm. Wlîiîby ,'Phulrsdlay, S ýpt. '2,, 1879. li~VICEL IGlAL VISIT TC WHifTBY. A GA< A > 1 ) AY. VO'WN.- illsltuéully lust énut4 a gia dsy ini V iîLtbY. IL idu iuitistééd tltnt soant tutu tlîttéutill télé.IIié iélteti t,, ouiinty tîîaa t seui uébItI léî. tlijé viilé II i,rar.tié,uéca amti ii, ulî ii lité térf!niotéié wuék, 'lééî ais. iiid vutiitliiuîîJtiftii-Coîtly tsgriciîl- turaînisl i(ituéiél Sie itiidogiug onélétilt t * uhuy, lPi ité té1iiiéî titéil lit éaIai tniécétuti lîteuanî iaté buîiécitigotiig onuttgtéwt,élu torcthé, n-cltian, *tud Ji[ltyiésut ittt i t,élu li né ryt-réél. illt i,i tuaél,r'r inli tîinbry Iouir suétté i îirtîîiné,' lio , itiri,t'u wero ant4is, It itt énovile dJIIsité ltéuig idJt< tJiéýti uulîui b kliglllit u lito tut ioner ititriiéètI téé tLélarrinési of, thuévice- réa lat,114ildlusl ttliéun ou' tilu raéé il uétiii tlta u Iw le;, nt'dsî lb rtuugli I i tîéué ofél ' ufltétlt frolié l'li'u,14 iI tlltli'uiltuOr télé lt ,I pitleéîbe;é'l * t1tteistnî utérlît it- inéroltéitti l -entsibuîî et V W hy. iluént, lélétt r ét- plo, .Iuttgot I>éstiuél, àMn. Jat;jtlEJili liLaîgiutg Iiruciotr, aî u inM. J.J. 1' . 'z iéiiuuéuy Baibwéugy, W. Il. lIig. gins i fblité' OitétLiuitj, Mr. G. Y. Miltitlié, Lio. J. J. Hlane anti eld. E. Il. . D %aiuî-b mre létiîaié tc-lut. tuér ravreaitU 'ntI iéienru~rstnug Llite OltibuLadie' Coblegut. Théoîarty wérte liviitél ont busd acuti wecirurut. edutue iý4le :cttiuty cuirMorhRuyasl Iligij4urtéan îîéthetuint wibcho iteîîoht tisé Whiby lhué. A fuwnminutle lratglît [ttrai f th )lt èceof nucop. * 1I'IîIé,(1 lithlo eiétttlist cf theté V'bitby httiit i-I -ès airutytl étiétut ltiuug iratl froti ALtilsîlttr pointLIhéay wtra recin-v tél byfa giusuuh i luoîun tuo f (ho ehliu I&Lî. btslii I(uetalu té uluiuélzt f Putisiur Ou usuéuu Iiktllibtitég frtuilu lite irtuttu, wt4eéuuuuuug uélhuae wsist ufnuîus Ou, lueussiuéwluu 1s auuubî 'lluuis'l é ieéu iae u it îuly pîéitéusd sit bu ùî luuu utfrué, tîaiuîletl luy Lally Suuuhlé Mscuauiens on, Ma-té. Morse- * Luth, Major elston, il011. Cuéltaini Iéné-uA. D. C.,,ttntiCabt. Ilaigot, A. 0.. , OénbI t al ltancé buthé îplat- ffI1fui n oanargraéa ach,Isurmonutesi wVlthu liage Lu oaiiitige ué uutuué*,Vol. ettnlu WhNiibby," p îuete Ila t otb us[. lutrtc.ALtitge télullitu cti a lîrgo titneanélr L tlilétl witlu lte %vrdér * <.,rui hiI Jiuillun tsitue toiîty uf * (>uttuniu,'A Réstrt dliaetéîit if ronlt, a éîtaguuIillolsit lléég luatvtd frontéé a t all * bhtgtci; wltiluaIli thuéseuîhtuil iIIgtu itltuu uitenco weoo îsy with butitilng, Titedocunustintse warué uiiiéîub 1 huit unibable nit-effective. Oué aacl miI o flt u I itaplatfüInin éonuu arir.d as- *eutliaig sméts, aontainiug te ehilthsen (if thé 11gbi, l'tîble A11(1 Hpatrata heeiuoflé, 1c1ltuàus élanata P uiit-ué for *thé yonnlg ladiououthlie Lîsîliam' Culluége. A wilé pléasago ltrugli thue contre, Iîîcsîîy cné létl uttea chîélenîîuuutily iiuénimlieul tavilian atIIteé txraitué uté, ()O000oltlng 8tfis ild at, niing ant. ly back (nons lIée stanul cuit froti whîiol Liée, bhoutunlk4asiatuébiati11huas] unibu terra p ted iiviao f liée-royal viitelra. letné trü o!fltée Town antI County (iutélu f tlîe Buoanuisof hPublhie uél Svuiisratatleléoits, ielitlareo! fthéeIcO. *ceplicté CO)IiitiLeo, taîn îsny cf' tutu leutiiiug géutlelaaen cf thé lawu ani eoty >,Occuitieduitllo atlie plat- forte.. The> clitlran mené marmittut by ihaoin reupaulive iéocler-all heing ti pulér liée changeo!fMr. G. . I Roini. poi, hiecti toaster cf liée Wiitby Iligli lcîtiétl, ans i Léeplpite aofte Collège *iusier. tbe chargé cf ise govrar , ltévti. Mr. liave. AuslIée Pnineonu ad liiiEl xceluileuwakéd npbtltccanéetd pasuage, whiéchwaus tnawn withé llawern tu itho, rcviIion, "Thé. Campbell'$ are cowin, wauuing, wilh- flue- affect by thuitiréni, antithé cerameny cf rocti. T108. MUPJTUN, M.IJ.AILPE Town COrk. Mayor. His rEooceiny, ini reply, mitil Mn, M.éron AUD lmiiw-W ppe that WA miitli on smre future dny ho allowed to see the instituti onsuof Wh1ieiayen ,Bxe, jueotty prouil, and.In whome training thOUf iearntii of loylt e oinculcatoit whlch anima. lbç) Cab s à;to-day, andlwhich bavé exeregl t ed a cing ib ronce on SU Osa"duan lstory. It ilu piosuant to the Prbncemmu tf)lésar that Prince Arthuzwm Visi lu asocaeldIn your mindis wth the open - Ing of i% railway lino, *0 which you attributl o anuch importance, Anàýwhl hbau, wlthlx thé laet 1gw yéprm beau ci sééch- benellt ti yonr oommunity. -Tho 'wldom andi energy of the Cansélan people are ebown nowlere mote ronsplooudy than iu théfr railway enterprlao. We tbézxk yeu for your ioyalty yo mknl'al hospitabié welcoine. au on thie -aur izt officiai visit express Our wisée for y aur wlfare lu no mere formnat andi affical sensé, but wlth the momi cordial, trué andi fcrvant hope for yoixr prosperlty anah Lappines. (Lonil a ntiprolongail chéér. TIIÉ COU>ITY ÂDDIIItS. Thé Wartien réati thé foilowing ad. dresu (ro i tue County Council. MAY IT PIXr.tszYOL!- Xt£I.éENCv Thé Wardénu andi Couinty Conneiliof the Couuty of Ontario avait themselves o! the opportnlnity o! your viit *0 thé caunitytowî ta to>ndcr you a crirwloé The couuty, whicié -wu hava thé honor tc reprcéént iiiunlcip)ally, extentis froué the shore of Lakeé Ontario *0 a distance o! néar- ly 80 miles northwarit, and ecébracés a pop- ulation o! neariy 50,0W0 inhabitanzts, layal ad devottd sabjéctâ of aur inogt gracions Qucén. We ara alun prouti toIa c co te inforué your lixcnlncey that whiié ilulé caunty tande second te, noué in thé rovince. " ant Agrieultural aud stock raiBing district, and cottailis extensive flouring initié anti important maauîfacÎtus 0o!nuschincry anti o! nearly aIl1luiinn o! Imrplémenté a! buné- ucholhlhchhool anijetiototutdilu ovury direction with wll furaléheul ublic gclunol bouse, fshawing that Our Fopapl con- tribuato liluérally in proiuntlng the interetà tif édrcabiuén. IPayored asé wu haéalreadly lcen lIn thio county t*0wn with isité froyn 140 litivi Iliglaiues the Prince of Wales andi froîn lils Royal Higlunu'sé thé Dulie of Con- né1uglit, we retcivui with a doululo wctcnnéc to-dauy thirigraciuin sviilaof Il. i, . the li-raeeéé Louie, the consort ol yaar Ex- ceélill-oy, theé daughtur of nir <lien. (tigntd). JAMES (IiAJIAM, JOHN lIMIER, Ceunty Ciork, tal8 LeXttt<LLIPNCY 5 éEi'LY. hlie Exccltancy mpliéi ou folows- tliiihiitg you, uéiletrrniafivre ut! sularuge .aéouîty, auuéu,étut érili tenrei; , mtine tf hoé vuéit usttcroiincé, 1 gluuliy heur thelaééO- téty-lIratthvé aiong yîéu m oue i il tlîusb îualîèé Otarîiou re.narkale* A fon. faiuulite îéuéltolîî, gpoil éti, us geniab lilvété, iruéiit e tverri iuL,, ytiér Piui-iéu'i, usonéirlutlie tclu tutité,,1r e éé !sntr o! unélgéeit fusé-i- cru irtuotu Eiié1éé, anîd if rueti not fer a uuuuuéaéieéttu itu aith thoittuuaavelené né. glituittotfiIlle Noutll-%tu It. Inutlit, ttiuîul tutu tth(I olegué, tutui coineé-tîieituj teliil yiut li ItI41,lt- iiattti-té inildvti ahiutusgé a- h'uroiu éituch, ora-an i c ,vte nh t-éue luore, lién if ioni1ti ltléi, frein I- Itti, tutfuutiuu vtieutltuuulîusty hélîéelurufitt hé t:o uuuul luit âu.1lîillu-éuté,P) iiiiéttuéét ahîuuhî iréeéu éu~éiéuav th' Jt iutn té--e uli haive uiué-ifur1i-iuitlituaiehé ru uuiuieitct h tirn'. Nitiléi-tt, l iiiluîîééi rtl iî n filéutsîuiî 'lIle é itt, e hé utîtuéIlt itt -1-tii ut ail l tét lutté -tui lut i1-i é*g têtu joiiuét- flO utiut. têtu, télis Cuati, iéttlif ilanIlé' ta-eiisét tislittt huéitt i ttééitu tut - Iknuévuiii-uhp t pittuuihului vvéy Miluilu a-itli ft tétvullIu i b0ittoétury Ireurtttb icinu ,ifs téu r,- eq,s tu t' Jl:1Iti vtitu lû ii tîr éti--tut kliuué'lioé' tnîîîéips, uîR;éti lîtue h ;théo, baurs for hué- ,ity il a-'u fori-' lieérr pvrail fuît té totiigimtitfii-" rltIii iélé cf C(ésuittu 'l'liée Mayor pa-séabti.flis eibturs of tc Town-iCuéuéilJba a leic, litugani, Btrué, Cavuièll, Carrnsa, l'ox, .tuuggaa-d, bivît,,[Lauy antI Sinité. '"i'btu 'Vurdlmn lta-ieutnté.-iheibifolbowiîug wreélv'a-aiof, tlée(utty .Cluétucil îtnuééuuî -lruléV, utét d-n Itbltté-.té, ii'ésut Altllul,,lill', lituti tr-t, Jéééé, tîti hiéto Sll ct r blti, litlnr, lit r)ué ýltîs i Suéli iheii tSéiul d'lih) thu( laIlé-tii ug, uitti[gj;.-tittrt , érît. i-. Nottt t-il été' Iie lîctur Iui it e-tiil, lioa. T. N.-G itýi, A. Ftaû-1i, lainé Cttnuuueltttli, Juuussm MeCVoaiît, Josceph Quui, Bn. Eésstwooéî, Dr.n. Iinut, . Kerrt, J. W. irllobjt, J. G. Kelbly, W,. Il. Ililliagé,, J. K.Goa-uoié, D. Onîueîatn, Jno. -hi. DOW,- J. Il. Green Wood,, G. C. Cross, J. li. Iiwll. ILl iatlî, L. lloéîcbu, J. I. Long, J. Postb, Tbîrunse luetati, Tl'wna Clanbu, Joiliitr, Cuuuéuty Clerk,1 Il. Taylor, IL, lTarrowecé, L. 1"aicli.éuél, J. Il. Austiné, IL. T. lIarinon, T. C. Ftore. ninéuu, .. S. Larsiie, E. JuiJ a, clivil. NVib1iiné Laiung, couuuty trélnrer, Aar-o los. Joalita ltietaiultî, Hugli Fiteor, . Il. libilîu, JîuhîéForugio, JaI-11lu. ltuwdut,, JusuîîéuuGtslttay, Joliéit Jicr, Y.él \V.ib1A, lial tautti, IMt. lioub upc, LiA.,fsutlé-r. hitîîtouuaundl it-. Stvn Mitu, Uatlergnatttétegtf'ToruntutéUni- nurmttiy, ltérlîheté-t iti ta iligiléSoui, wt'ééuuuu téi li thilu é.utiîér rtoes. 'le ladny L!Ulita-sfutllié puîbic éîiîonîa tiérdu asc îcv Mutél Pijiti- ODitîtoan, Calt. htaulI éanduiCait. PiOiliviéay, in cliaigeoftufeié, ués-ilof liééîéoa-, W ven'aliy pa-ecueil. Ilis Eicbtèucytiiitétcdtlua géétîdndl texa.- lunstl hltstut if pîuiéeuut witl tIti-alu- Iteésa-isco acîût ounuof tîth it, héut bautl iaui witl le éituslioHsétf téir élotblung. ansi eoaaidlaately tiel its lue wouditI a-ét n t hue litutil theii Pi, ititr ofi iiilifand t eicia tttnîuu uniforti e mti ottluPitiéI. Iîénié1tîtîo té-tu bmntiuoncdltrlina luiicticlta cuéotché an eîlsutl M use olîiptijîully fond te lauipt antI goîtiawon fil iiiiitg. 'Illeoyali iîdis roîéîfliée 'nogo unitut p-ucctuil Itoucjutte a-rutMidis Ida 'tVuliiliîe, lng. éréal ;PillsFlarec te Iainis,IForaestI; UiPuelucer, PIîOîéreai, tandsiiueVair, Anîeisusarg. 'Tbiacliéldné,î o! thte Pub- lic écluotéla a-lsé preeuuuuui ltLOotbéieb W0.1t,01 ék.éEéîéîîîe b Ltritauo(Iligi bicboyti), IliseidBellua Corack, L. Arutiicur é tiaéy Blorw; anti faoiliée Seîatoc eltool, L i o Gmi7 ohastuu îînub NunibitiMoCarié. TlIo.WJlbIwing Stauivuse cf an aiit, c! %welcortic wumc ésng hy'tlétuyouung ]llite cfiéeCabiége A itutté, éêé ut. ' oe iilréituu it, t itlfultiétbiéld, Téubecoruu u tiut lstlm, Llîui ml frîîîî, A motu o! Aa-yliie luiit, Wiéao énauuy virtîé-e dilue, Assllîrglul èîuîl trnth ecuotbine Ia rate diégrée Fla-tét vcuy uant titré gci'n 'éViticouusoteeEngludé roui WhluuItre use gréaI, Mey Ceil pcutthfrouémi], Euiritié euh leinge e;tibi, Andtîlutl Itttouu'ié1111 Wlth bhume Comploea Tieugh fan frein 1tiilltt shut, WCVéCeny Taive lte mui Our- lieriitntiguéré. Ne £Puce bbis lave ctibreaki, -Ansi fer Victocia'etsité, lIiEhit te aéra-hc.rte a-taite ler utéélitrca dîc-. The Signali for de p artare lîrniag bnn ginen, tho Vicenegal Partyy acinu pausat( blirougb bbe mauke e! chihuirn, lthe latter eîngîng CwÎtlîgreat hbaninae, 6-Goti sève bheQleen," anti thé bande îlaying bte National iAntîtin vitté nigar. Ille Excohleticy cul théel> piiti r peatstîy howotitéeraîitsitléoubtî< ac- CheeOt odVcifoa-ausly 01, bito uopantoto cf fluetrinu. The ecînu ganuttcaun a-ho -recaintt ibt oui oniécmnara-irai -accan,. pailtthé Vicenegal Partyhy lnitation ironi Whiîléy la tue Grand TranIt mIc- tion, HmRis becyebtés ité tiim ail thé wcy inuIli nouot !nrileudlly iuéenê, aekiug aèa-ty questiouîs andti al thé Pé-inces and lGaveroor.Gcneral gèle thtén a graciona shtako htmndi on thoir oe crbte prettieul ra,plia h'ege hi, ait thé prinas. The Princéusu hiok hautin with Iha ladttOaecheslté a besfy énanuer. loE:celhépcy ikad s0veOrlqQe 1 ue multitaeuwiéi ééeîeiau e e Thé wholé r:ýnngpwelit. ofthé echiltiren andi the admirable mani whiéh $hey acquitteti themselvéu 1 thé bigbemt crédit upon thé teaehé Thé rocoption à dhonor tethe andi county. CountytCouncîl.ý SPECIAL SEMSON. FIES? DAY. Whitby, Sept. 101h, Thé Couuty Counuil met at the Court lieuse, Whithy, on Fniday lam in spécial session, pursuant te, thé cail of- thé ivardén, at twco oclock;- p.,ni . 1 Presut-Mr. Grahamé, iarélen, [in thée chair], anti Messrs. Gillempué, Ma- ilirce, Miler, Hoover, Fonrester, Christie, Burusît, Smithé (Scott), Smithb (Whitby), oSmith (East Whibby), Motheril, Bow-, landi, Bruce, Foash1é, Panker, James,ý Bicklsl, Ray, -Canépbei, Wright anti Goulti. Fi 1Thée wartieu ou ttkiniz the chair gava hiéreémonu forcalliug the upeabalueusion. Il wam b giva théc ceunuil an cpper. tunity' of ;reeting au atidress to the Governor-General anti H. B1. H. thé 1Pninceés; Louise ou the occasion of their visit la Whitby, ou thé Luth. CONMNICATIONIS. From thé coénty clark cf Simncoe, ivitàiérésolution i référence la, a con- vention cf ivardanu. Frm obiacouuty cerhc cf Wellant,iu rérérence toa shcrbff's feés for convéyiug 1primonera.. Frouéte county otérk cf Pool, amking thé co.opération of bile cauncil lu hauiug bhe lave uo ahangpét but publio scbeol teacheru shouIti pay a part of their own edocation, not e:éét(iiug $15, for an. tendance aI the connty M ode] mseheol. Froni the counby éngineer of Sinicoe, in référence ta thosalary-cf thé Ncmrno' bridge lkeeper. Fnoma:the clérk of thé peca, witb pré. eubmanb of thée géanti jury cf amount raqîéiréd for the maintenance of lunaticé. Frou M. O'Douovau aeliug fle cann- ait ta grant te thé mon fomming tîho guard of houai .50 cents eaeh. Tudét ADDRESS. Théetiddres (in other columuo) was reati andi, ou metio.é o! Mn. Miller, atiopltul. SPéICIAL COMuMITTEF.. On méotioné o! Mr. Wright, secantit by Mn. Bruce, Mossrs. Psae, Milton, Fcaehy, Gillespie antI thee murer wue appaintei a spécial commitbaé b deviso qmni neanm vlerai,' tue question o! liabiiity cf tho conby to furnisiéétui- lionery, &o., fon county offliciais may ha notîled. APPROP~IATION VOit IECEPTION. Mr. MeRact, econideti hy Mr. Bruce, mo vcdltaI the counceil pay one-haif thé axpnsée,, of the Vicurégal réception, pnuévidaul fie anémiaI (Io not exceét inb an'y case liée eéîm of ý$250. IMn. Motlucasill oppaood, as titi aima 'éluétîs.Wrliht ail illilerplé. M tr. Iflltr iune lé canor o! éheié oîénhéers itdiio ertu puy éTe'l'o purpese andé céttté it ut.ty toiléin_. Mvlité iilicéll wit clatite lécarttist, uantd méété, ééaaétt é-Mr. Hntalt Eni1ast Whtitué that tée ééèétluéré té!fthé Couééity Coatéil lint1«cré tote tliecettiîtîi néinité thé musiont they wntiét1-iué t,. éaaîééd t h, c s texétasu.ssélo- é'uttt tétyi'liy u ité iiéétié. 'liétémotion tnt-t aillé ait nuorablelérécmu- tlité tlt rotéétut, tuti éaé ébécénreti loét ait a Mr. tll éit écnttiétîééy lIc. Goali, moveuI lit. Wrighî tné'éîl to liéa the gîéard ofliuonor M vttéété uper iti, i l tii ééttéi, usnd considécad ulint wnttié uc t"iaîg dette ciousai. OautMr. NWéilét't totiont ling luit tethie voté, béée téé ad inît, ail télé. atbérs notiiég i)î. iîîy, ééééttééé1%ty ti. Rowu-and, éoèètl ta ituéuît-néétécltt té, Mi. t.lléelélé,amenitlnont, téiti lI50éhété ittutitathé trcésureé O!f te racélu- titié cuîétmnîttut-. tOn ic. C.lélt,,1ttcémtiious li.uté put t'tére Untîlél. I illér, Chisltie iuttît Wrétlt-ié. MlIu.ti, t'itétllc, Bléuéte, FeastySfil t 1éWlttlyé, lJlikeU, lodder, 1héinéy, Rle, SiIthé Dté. étao imtionti wnto un tiéucéîi ecurcéd oui tété iolowidluéiileon: Ytîus-Metééé. Rey, Jameés, é'usktr,Ioivlusnil, FeutIééév..téuttéîîVliitéty), héittéil, Sinitié éEast Wilti;yé. itan, iilasitcy, tiaithé(Scott), itatitir Nîv-ééur.Nldétiat, Cusétlél. Buuce, Wri,4tt. Christie, Illituttt, GOaUMt, Milité, Fer- rètut, F Hatéc ta i Gluiîtse-té. Iio tietcitil étinttuitiropéorteil ité iîtnor of Aetotittéttif L. Ilé. flé, ,S5.50, tatdJtohnî lîbér, Cuttié ittlljotlcti,tut etatto-,Usrcw uttoriitig. SCOND PAti êY. déutuicslttyt. 0. t,ti i-t i éîuuî,t uééttlééed tt hé Odé- haétti tulluut9.3tît titi. theé tietire ctait exu .eelélitotin liauhturuu itltsap n isoreuétsd t., tueéutst fîrtu cuactet fuitrtti, réCuJtuuiuîéo!1 Ms h- ,Iééuéécy tutiaééuit-teir anduîé I ueti iioém m ui atouis i. t.i èusuiisu té rst!ettcl tél tut d:ui tutuéute uu reoniécutl 11R i oleué a-ti>ui. l'It, cuéutaul ilîitunit uttsIlh tua, liViVca-déu in ii hutustr. 'ii niluuéétue c f >ebtiit-ioy rautu l uiulcon- t1êtio oflaî alir. ituy eî-coululty Pin: Cluultbltée caauéicil uta uîttéil tile i e il. ThIi sh Taué coming ta Whéiîby. A cricktt sétcli-étuofiWéitby anti uistriot agailet lite Inisu gentlemen crickétérs uéaai a toua- thérongé thé CiéstuulStatsîceand lCanada, bhi es én ticattged foi- lie 101h andti 7léOatobar oui theo fair girounutoui oésn club héing oune oh the ntruîgest ini Canada, tii yur, uaitthé rlnihgentlemen nualihé- ing ilaite ninbo liée foi-m o! Baft'é îutufosiaual teain, a clome cutd a:citing cotls luîay ho expéebt. A nttetiég wiIi he léélti aI Ray'e hotéi ami FriîhaLy eveauituP, at S. p, m. to lako iéla consiuîcnaliou armngéinte fan tlté înahci, and aléon fothée praper tutauéto!' éntea-taining thé ulmangen, %viuu)nr ta-tlsl getéiténéni, aîuél o! putiion. It be ta bte licl Ibat bée townmfobk wii cameu fora-art oant contially assiet aur tnioitetéié ta gina the '-Exiles" e warnîé lulé a-e[ewofomé. 'Ilée lntérci eau- îéet fail ta excite cunsithaeéintaîs titul la hé tise meusao! hninging cnawdso ta tt'litby. Tîî uuiîtcLowt)oa-Sitaw oxiiit- asi aI Vbitby onuilaturtula nduti aru viîêitad blbarge onowds. Ini the ovon- Ing liée gi-ot cauvas tant vas full-, ta -overa-loaing-,, andélai oxltrasat f hém. uréluas;a-eh ptatiseul vité thée perfor- mance. Pultmtîn'é showa isanorelty; -fubl o!fuovelbié ln a fet, cuti ono thlat can ho bmnthéfoiby coînnéndati as a firet- claie étatataexhibition. Thé fine lbantdo!fliée Company play- éd ah bbic reciptuan ant' theé thanka o! Ilie Excolhency usera conrayed le thein ratd thé Oéldf!oilowu' 1Brut Of thebown2, engisgad fcn btae ccasion, for thé spien. titi anneasuppiietihy hobié. KlLLmi.-PIî. Johin Hickingboltoin, sou ai car nespectéti fniend Mir. George lbckingbolbeîn, o! thée Oth Con., aè kihîctil tILeautniic, Colorado, U. S., on Iée bird, mml. la aas a tint ééoaag Mali o!fbih>years tuf cge. Thé ýromains a-are brouglu téuliehêr" hy th Barrow-- fathsr andl interna-c n itToeeuay laitet u Ashéhurn.-'hélefunt-nét cortège urées vcny largo. Ttéholeo! LIt-. Johin I3nmniiistock baltes plusce ou lnlléy Oci, 131hinubeat ai lut, tas pablimbii laut waek, :GtAND muS'IiisAi.E ésauusxoé, Fiiy Qiico Dianlas for 1880, racoivai h J. S- Rubmrbon& lires. éonerelluia 3qçqLc Brook St. Wbithy. To FÂrtusae Seé S=uénnausnb of- puia mélogg, itire Cot-One eétry rlo....qo a énWo&-le1t Thonougýh.iérurdBull-O antrieé-hsI Jolu Drydenî. '1hrae-yéan oit Bull-L eubies-lsi John fHarris. *Tuso.ytuar cliiliaiil-4 onties-Lel John Héeron, Lut Wlm. Hleron, brd C. Lynte. Yearling Bull-O anrie-lob Parvis Thtééiéeo, Jas. S. Thomsuon. Btill Cati-O enîie-let James I. Davitison, Luti John Dryden, Brd RohI. Mihh4n. Coa- giving iuI or in cal-6 ontrie -lel Parvis Thompeon. Thnéa-yéar aId Cow-5 énîios-het Jas. 1I. Davidsan. Ta-oiyéarnoItIleifmr-5 éntrias - mb Jas. I. Daniduru, Luth AdainiRai-ch. nuan & Sons. Yearling Hife-4 enies-lét Jeu. h. Danitisoîu, Lut Jas. I. Davitisen. - Ileifér Cal-1O entrieu-lmi Jas. I. Davitison,- Lad Jas. I. Danidmen, bird John Drydeén. Bout bond te intlue Bail ant i bin femulee-1 éenry-let Jas. I Davitisan. Boat ine calves got by ose Bull, eut owaed by exhibilor-L etries-lul Jas. I. Dèviteon. Béat Bail cfay age-6 enties-let John Brydeon. Judge, James Gr-ahamé, Win. Iolph anti We. H.LPt'jor. GRAttE CATTLE. Caw giviug nuIt or in cah!-14 an- tries, lot J. & W. Leamk, Lut James Keté-hen, brd Joseph Hacul. Ttiae-yoatr oIt Cow, 9 enînies, Jet J. &W. Leask, Lutd W. G. Boa-, Ont Jas. Milue. Ta-o-yoarnlnd Helfen, Il autniés, 1mb Wem. G. Day, Lut John Harris, Ont Josephé 'Woodi. -yéaliug Ha-Iifer, Il éntries, lst eut Loti Wm. Pearson, lird Goe. tarquis. Heifen Cal!, 15 antries, let, Lut ant Ont John Hrris. lisut Héént ci fine females, 5 anties, lei J. & W. Leask, Loti Wi. Peaa-on. .Fat O: on Siteer, 4 entnies, lob John Rusell,.Loti John Russell. Fat Coa-.cn Heifén, 5 anlnieu, 1mb jas. Kêtchen, 2ut Purvis Thomson, 8rd John Dryden. flasI pair cf Steers, any aga or heati, O enîries, lut John Bussahh, Lud Robh Bras. Judgee, James Graham, Wm. Reîph, anti W. H. Major. AvècaîRE. Thorouglé.brét Cov givninuItanr it cal!, 2 eîttnieis, laItandLotI Tîtoîns Gney. - Two ycam ol HeIifer, 2 anres, let 'I'hos. Grey. Yearling Heife,-, 2 cuntrus, lotl anti Lutd Tlos. Guy. Haoifen Caif, 2 anres, leit anti Lot Tiéce. Guy. Judges, Léanard Bumnetî, Alexantier Kuax, aa aviidntAnuan, IEtEFOEDSHnRE CATTLE, 'Bau, two yeare anti upwaýrtm, 1 es- Bnls . J. Muuulul. Bule year olél, 1 onbry, lut B. J. Manikia. Bull Caîf, 2 esîiés, lot asnd Lad IB. ïiii i u~ujas, I done juestiice lu Dur award cf 1ot pnizet in eggs, but according to prizé liet we coulti uat do othérwime. Wé consitiar double yolk eggé uhoulti not comnpote againut uingle yolk_. GRAIN AID SEEDS. lieut 2 hum. eaah cf upring wheat, t harley, oData, biack.eye marrowfat pesas, anti umaîl pesa grown hy éxhibitor, 4 ontries, lot T. anti J. Mantiérmon, 2nti WVi. Thonipson. Two hum. fall wheftt, 10 autricus, 1ot T. anti J. Maudermon, 2nd Jas. Burns, brd J. A. Deiong. Two hum. spring whoat, 9 entries, lot Wm. Thompan,'.2nd T. anti J. Man.2 deruon, Brti J. W. Leamk Two bus. hariéy, lwo-roweti, 7 au. tries, lst Samunel Néthérton, 2nti T. anti J. . Mandoruon, Srd T. anti J.2 Leméek. Two bus. harley, i:-rowed, 8 eutriem, lut Wm.' Thomponu, 2uti T. anti J. Manderson, lIrd Nighswender Brou. Two bués. pesa, hiack.oen, IlI aun tries, lut John Harris, 2ud Juliu limais, Brd Jerry Lick.A Two usu. p eau, mmamli, eutriem, lot Sarunei Witherton, 2nd Gao. Big-kéti,J 8rd Wué. Rateliffe. 'éwo bus. 'cate, black, 7 entrieu, losI' P. anti J. M1snderuon, 2nti Samuel NeLbbrbon, Brd B. Vail.E Twvo hus. ocu, white, 9 entrieu, lut Samul Nuttherton, 2nti T. andi J.T Mlaudéruon, Srd Gao. Biakis. Fi fty earm mltrung Corn, eight-roWut i, 10entrieu, lut Thos. Coleman, 2nd J.- Fifty earm corn, 12 rowed, 10 aunesié, C lut T. Coleman, 2nti Wm. ren. One bu, 01 tmothy leud, 7 atleg, il ;ab48, Wood su4 Smuel Ntoetoq.Q Eigh> -roolu, mangeil vurtÏel, long yeshow, 8 entries, lut T. Colemus, Lsd Mr se.. alentino.- Eight rois Mangelti Wnrtzeb, yeBow globe, 6 eutmieu, lut T. Coeaman, Loti Mrm. O;'Valentlna, Brti Jeu. Woodi. .Bighl rootu, Carrela, long ted, 8Sun- tries, lmb S. NathertoW n, Lisr. Gao. Valentino, Srd T. Coleman. Eight roou, Cairoe, wbite, 19 en. tries, lut S. Netherton, Lsd W. S. Or- mislon, Onti Wm. Green. Eigbt roots, Caxrcb, orange, lut S. Netherton, 2Loti Mrs. Go. 'Valentino,_ ,8rd T. Coleman. Beat diuplay cf Fieldi Boots, Turnipu, cairats, miangolti ivutzel, ose dozan cf each vanisty -in the dimpiay, 2 entrieu, l W. S. Ormiston. Jntiges--H. Biakell, John Mitchell, Jas. Hoovoir, Samh. Briggs. DAIUX ]PRODUCE. Bout 20 hbu. Butter, 16 entriem, lut Mrs. John Michael, Loti Mmm. Jerry. Liak, Brd Mrs. Thes. H. Smith. Boat 15 Ibo. Butter, 17 enînimu, lut Robb Bras., Lsd Mme. B. Devérelb. Boaut packed Butter, net legs than 40 Ibo., 5 autries, lot Mmm. J. Lick, Luti Mrm. D' Lick. Beat Home matie Cheese, Dot lègs than 40 Ibo., 6 entries, lot Hiramé Brown. Boat Home matIe Chease, net bous that 15 Ibm, S5etries, lsI Mrs. H. H. Spencer, Lut Mis. D. Dick, bird Mrs. Jerry Liuék. Boat Factony Chééssé, notlelse ihen 80bIls, 1 enînies, lel1B. N. Webbsrell, Luti Hinara Brown. Jutigeu-Rohert Mille, John H. Har- grave, Ga. Manens. FAEM IMPLEMENTS, anti 2ud C. Lyntis. F11> of 1879-igaI enlea-lut T. G 8ADDLZ ea lEeADSTBas. Stmhin-One entry-lmt J. Willuon. Brooti Mare with foui by ber side- Nîné entrie-lut C. Payne$ 2nd ALez Duif, Srti JohnUMMnrlry. Three.year olti' entire Colt - Tvu entries-lut Ira B. Carpenter, 2nd W, H. Canant. Thre.,year plti FiIly-Tbree entrisu- lut John Cathbert, 2nd D. Brown#'BrM Nighmwander Brou. Two.yuar olti entire Coît-Tvo un. tris-ImI Tbom. Billamy, 2nti Jomia MAY. Two.year olti Filly-Fourteaen tria -ut W. Cooney, 2ad N. Burton, Ord Lauren Drew. One-year olti entire Colt-Four en. tiesu-lut John Mollurtry, 2nti Jeu. B. Wiliuon. Oue.year olti Filly-Eleveu entrieu- lut WVm. Coouey, 2nti Lauren Drew, Brd T.- H. Smith. Hanse Colt Îf 1879-Eight entriés- lut Jas. McMuértry, 2nd Charles Payne, Brd John Martin. Filly cf 1879-Si: entnie-lut L. N. Smith, Luti W. L. Banbnry. single Horma in baruoe-Thirty un- triés-lut Masson Manu!aturiug Ce., 2nd J. Cntlîbért, 4rti W. Sandercock. Single rig, horse, buggy anti bernés, -acurteen entries-lut Maruléal Por. ter. Satdile Horsé-Seventéén entries- 1mt A. C. Brown, 2ntl Marshal Porter, 3bi W. H.LIhillings. Pair cf Carrnage -Horàesm-Niné en- tries-lot G. Pollard, 2nd E. Stickney, irti W. J. Hinînan. Pair of Carrnage Heorses under filteen bandé-Five eutriem-lut Noah Bales. Bést Coach Hurse or Filly, net over 13 yuars olti-Fivé entrie-lut Timotby O'Lsary. Jutigés-Johbu Sléigh, Bioberd HOFv- tIen, Dr. Sweetapple anti C. Gifford. AORICUIZrURAL noasEm. Jutiges, James Boag, Wm. Duncan, anti Thomas Conîtu. Stalliou-Two entrieu.-R. S. Will- mon, 2nd Ezra Dake. Brooti mare witl loal-Fourteen en. tries-lut Win. Kersiake, 2nti Jaimes Stokes, Bre Richardl Peugilley. Thre.year olti éntire Colt-Four mn- bries-IstiW. O. IBryant ; 2md William Féaster, Brd James Koeee. 'rhroo.year aid Fiiiy-Four cutniés- lut il, B. spencer, 2nti Jas. Câmphei. Two-ysar olti entire Coît-Elévor éitrie-let Geo. Jackson, u2nd Joihn Dryden, Orti John Hepburn. Two-yoar olti Filly-Seven entniés- let W. G. Dow, 2ndW-Haneon, bird W. H. Ornés. Oua-yéar olti entire Coit--Seven on- tries-lut Samuel Mauuing, 2nd Oea Bîckcll, Orti T11ornagWhité. Oné.year oid Fitly-Eigtt ntries- lst James Stokses, 2nd John Héron, Bird Win. G. Dow. Horu;e Colt of 187i)-Fiftean éntnies- lit John Coate, 2na D. & P. Christie, bird RichmardlPeugilly. Fibly ot 1879-Niné antris-isI Jas. Foruémi, 2udi James Canphoi, Orsi W. Kiralake. Pair Agricultural lloréas-Seven au- trias-lnt George Davidson, 2nd Rohb lirué., bird Jas. File. onAUiéci'BOUSES. Stallian-2 entis-lét Thom. Chinu. B3rooti Mare with foal by ber Bide- 10 enîries-lét Win. M. Miller. Lusi Josephé Tloinpsoua,Bid James, I. David-. son. Titrè-etor obéI Fily-l antry-lst Davidi Annan. Two-year olti éntire Colt-5 entriesf- Lit John Nicol, 2uti Johin Smith. Two-year aid Filly-8 eutrie-lst Jas. I. Davidéon, 2réd Oea. Davidéon, Brnt Jas.:S. Thiomson. Oné.year olti antiro Colt-u autriée -lmb Jom. Thonison, 2nd Jas. 1. Dav- bIson, bird Jaffray Bras. O.ne.year oad Fily- 4 eutris-lst Jas. I. Davitison. Morse Colt cf 1879-8 sntrié-lst WVm. M. Miloer, 2nd Peter Christie. Fi7l of 1879-5 entnies-lut Joeph Thom#3on, 2nti Jas. 1. Davitison. Jusigas, James , ]Robert Gornély, J. Baag, WVm. Duncan, Thas. Costes. DURIIAMM. 2ni 8h.adBroi., -8 AntbiLu, Johauton. -andBM rifiirplmgton. Ram Lamb, ,9-entrleàl, lot William flodgsolo, 2nd Arthur Johauton, B&d Wm. Hotiguon. . Two'Zweu, 7 untriee, lot LGeorge Hliokingbottom, 2nd Ira B. Carpenter, Srd Bobb Brou:ý Two Slkarling Eweei, 4 entriem, lut, *2nd an4 Srd Arihur Jôbhmtofl. Two Bwe Lamubu, 6 entries, let-nsi ,d 2% #hu, Jh o p - Pai o CtÏoldBe*,i Bra, 2 Rives, haviug ha j ambe in 1879, 2 Sbearling Zweà, 2 Ewé Lambe andi 1 h Ra Lam, 8entries, lot L. Johnoton. Ram 2:Trimut 5ESIEP. Am,2 ntres, ltna 2nd H. H. dSp6ncer. Shear .ng Bain, 4 entrieo, lot and 2nd IH. H. Spencer. * Ram Lamb, 2 entries, lut andi 2nd -H. H. Spencer. Two Eweu, 8 entrléu, lut andi 2ud H. H. Spencer. Two Shearliug Ewes, 4 éntries, lut andi 2nd H.,H. Spencer. Two Ewe Lamba, 8 entries, lut H. I. Spencer. Bout pair of-fat Sheép, any bréési, i entry, 1et Ira B. Carpenter. D5PBOVED IDERXSHIf. Iloar, 4 entrie, lut D. Lick, 2nd W. Hodgmon, lird H. H. Spencer. Sow, 2 éntrieu, lot Park Sterriékéer, 2nd H. H. Spencer. Boar pig of 1679, 8 entries, lut Chas. Lyndé, 2nti H. H. Spencer. Sow pig of 1879-, 0 éntries, lut andi 2ad Park Sbrricker. Judgem--Leonarti Burnett, Alexander t hom anti Ale%. Watidell. OTUER SUALL BREEDS. r Boar, 8 entrie, lut John Bidiey. Boar pig ai 1879, 5 entrie, let Wm. Hobbé, 2nd D. Briggs, Bril C. Ridléy. Sow pig of 1879, 6 éntricu, lut Thom. Wilson, 2nd James Peters, griXVin. llobbs. Jutigos - Leonarti Burnett, Djaniel A.nn, Aiem. Knox anti Lé:. Waddeil. - LÂBE M éINE AN<D OTREEE ucram. Boar-8 entrie-lut Mrs. Hobbm. Sow-2 entrieî-lmt Cham. Scott, 2ud Chas. Scott. i3oar pig of 1879-8 untrie-lut C. Ritiisy. Sow pig of 1879-7 entrie-lut Jao. Ridlry, Jo. Ridley. Fat Hog-5 entries-lut Jno. Tan. 2 er,' 2nd Park Stericker, 8rd B. BarraIt. Jutigés -Leonarui Burnett, David ADUnan, Aiex. Wadtlil, Aie:. Knax. Par POULTRY. Pai Brahinée, tark-3 ontri-lst W. H. Brown, 2nd Nighuwauder, Brou. * Pair Brehînas, light-5 entrie-lét Tbom. Coleméan, ýnd W. Hl. Brown. Pair buif Cochîn-4 entric-lét T. - Colenéan, 2nd W. H. 13rown. 1 Pair partridgé Cochine-li éntri*e- Lit Thoé. Coleman, 2Znd W. H. Brown, * Dorkings, white-8 éntrie-lét W. 1:H. Browu, -)ud ire. A. Gordion. Dorkin2g, coloreti-b antris-let W. H. Brown, 2nd do. Pair Gainés, dark red-7 aniris- lat W. Il. Brown, Quti Mro. A. Gordon. Pair Gaine, dnckwings-5 atrie- let Mrti. A. Gardon. Pair Ilamjburgé, éiver spangled -7 entries-lst John Smith, 2nd Fred Hatali. Pair Hlaînburgé;, hiack-6 etris- lut Nigliewandcr l3ros., 2nti W. H. Birown' Pair Hambuirgs, golden pancilleti-t entric-lét W. H. Brown, 2nd Thoé. 1ico. l>olande, golden spaugld-5 entrie -lut W. 11. Brown, 2nti Frank W. Glen. Pair Polandé, silver epanglati, 8 en- trie, lut W. H. Brown, 2nd John H. Gien. Pair Plymoauthé Rocks, l)ientries, 1mt W. H. l3rown, Zoti Rohb Brom. Pair H-oudlans, 5 entriam, lut W. Hl. BJrown, 2ud Nigbswander Bras. Black Spanieb, 6 ctrie-lst Tuas. Rlico, 2ud Thas. Colenman. Pair Wbite Léghiorns, 101 entries, let Thos. Ilice, Onti Evereit Wismer. l'air blackt radl Gainé Bantains, 8 en- trias, lmt John Crambie, 12nd W. H. Brown. l'air brow roi Gaine Bantains, 5 éntries, Jet Fred Hlatcb, 2ind M. E. Holdeu. Pair Tarkeym, white, 4 entrias, 1mt John Smith. Pair Turkeye, bronzé, 4 ontries, 1L W. I. Brown, 2nti Nighéswander Brou. Pair Gooe, white Breunan, 2 entris, lut Thos. Coeman, 2ad Nighmwandér Brou. Puir Goose, white China, 2 entries, lut andi 2nd Nighuwander Brou. r, Two-yde Fuît ciobié, h omespun and mate by haut, 2 antrias, lst Mme. 0C Lynde, 2nd Mrs. J. ticLeltîn. 10 yéle Pull ebotb, factory maté,4 entriem, 1mb W. D. I3ewerman, Loti Em. pire Woohen tilla. JO yilé- Satinette, bottée-mate, spur cnd uvove hy haut, 2 enînie, 1mb Ma-s A. Wilson, Lut Mira, C. Lyntia., 10 yulc Iinter Tweed, Il entiie, lut andé Lut Empira Woolau Mlei.' 11 yte Sumamer Tweed, S entniec, lot antd Lut Empire Wooheu tilts. JO yâs Flusunéb, home-mate, spot anti a-ae by haut, ahi voob, O énîmie lot eut Lad Empire Woolen Mille. 10i ydm Flannel, éanté-made, by band cutîlen warp, 8 anties, let Mmm. J. Me- Clellusu, Loti trs. Juliné Brouis. 10 ytis Flausel, facloiy maté, aIl a-col, S entriée, lut anti Lot Empire Wooben Mille. 10 yuim Flaunel, factory made, caf. ton waap, S entréas, lut anti Lut Em- pire 'uoolen Mille. JO yte plaid Flaunel, 6 entriaz. let LIa-Chuse. Lynta, Lut tirs. J. Bnenhc. 10 ytm woohen Campet, let Mme. BR Deveal. 10 ytm rag Crpet, calton warp, homo-matie 11 ntriés, lut Mme. Joe. LicClellan, Lut tirs. D. Lick. 10 ydm rag Caipét, a-ohlen waap Ilomaomaati, O enîmies, let Mmm. E. Vail, Lut Lirs. Jerny Lick. Pair voobon lilankets, home-mède, 6 oula-ie, J Pire. Jas. ticCiahian, Loti Mme. JT-nliBuéle. Pain woobeu Bhankebs, factomy maté, O aunez, Tht anti Lut Empire Woolen Milts. Pair Menéee blaukée, S enînias, lot Miss Emma Turner, Lut Lina. Juhine limuols. Covenlat, heavy, 9 antries, lot Juis. Jahiné iruebs, Lut PlisCanépbell. Covenlet, igiél, 7 antriés, let Mnu. D. lirigg-s, Lad tirs. J. liruéls. Shéphorti'u Plaid, 2 énbniés, Jet Juis. D. Lick. Pain weolen Stockingu, 14 entries, lot anti LotiMmm. J. ticCiéllan. Pair wooiéu Sockm, 181 entries, 1mb Pins. J. MoCîcitun, bot Miss Maggie Harper. Pain cetton Staurkinge, 14 entries, let Misé Emma Turner, Lut Miss L. E. Wiilco:. P'ain catton Sock, 4 entries, let Mme. S Gnose, Loti Mies Maggié Harper. Pain woolen Mils, 12 énîfles, lut Miss L. E. Wilico:, Loti P. Harper. 5 kuole plain a-oheon Tara, 14 an- tries, lai Emépire WoiéutMilla, Lut Ma-s. D. Lick. S kuots tlein double andti -hbt Yarn, 14 entrie, imI Mr".. MeCtébièn, Lut Lits. J. Lick. Wooisn Bug, 4 entnie, 1Il Juin. M. LiaIt, Lut Miiss Minula Hopper. Bag licg, 12 entries, let Mies Auna Wilhscn, Qnd Piés Campbel. 8 Ladies woolen Shawlu, entened"as extrès, recommendeti as wertby cf Pnizes. Jutge-Pln. Majoré, Jine. Plbuan Lire. Davrnai, H. Frasern. LADIEiS' DEPAITIiEKT. Childus Drosu, uroolon, 42 entriee. lut Plies Elee Smithi, Lad lIns, William Squeicb. Ci'ibt tres, uuéin, 4 cntis,-leb Miss Nancy Sînioklai, Lad PMise M. MeVean. Gentllaman's plain Shirt, lîsod.mada, V> saîrie, Jet lies Mary Sînicittanul, Lt Mies Jané Scott. Gentbemau'm plain Shirt, machine made, 8 eutrie. let Lins. J. limais, Lut PMise Jane Scott. Pieco-vork QitilI, 1,5aunres, lot Mis Lnt tirs. W. D. Bowonnéar. Log cabin Quélît, 7 entnieo, lot Miss J. Scott, Loti Mies M. Htsrpén. Tîî!t Quilt, 8 antrias, lmotLire. Wtn. Pile, Lut Pliés Hate Canéphaîl. finit beti Caner, 2' antries, Miss L. E. Wico:, LotiMises haotl. Craobet wonk countorpanc, 2 enties, lut Pins. L. Smibh. Silk Qutît, 6 entriez, let Mise EEmma Turner, Lut MiseséMitchell. Fanoy Néttiag, 2 antiem, 1mt Mimé Maggia MeVoan, Lut Mise Maggie Harper. Bemt collection o! Latly's Unticnciaîb. ing liautl-aiaébelst Milss Aunie Witscn, LotI PlisJano Scott. L'est collection Liaty'e Uîadé-llléi. iug. machine adéue, let JuiseJaîée Scott, Lu2tdtire. B. We. Arnold. Fancy Kuitting«, 8 eunes, Jet PIre. Wm. Squeloh, Lot Misa Annie Wilson. Crochat Wonk, On cotton, 7 ontniés, lut Miss Maggia ticTéan, Lut A. %y.- Crochet Wcrk, on voolan, 10 entriez, lot Mies Mary Stnickhani, Lo Lns A Tatting,- 5 outries, lut Mise Mary Striekiant, Lut Miss Nancy Stniokhtuti, A&ppihque verk, 9 aunres, lut,,Miss of Buati werk, liaI, 5 a. A. J. Wight, Loti J Burke. Judie-Wm. Gernon, L. Draw, Cý VEGETABLES. 3 headu Caulifower, 1 entry, lut. T. -8 heatim Cabbage, ummer, 8 entiies, lot F4verett-Wismer, 2nti T. Coleman. 8 headu Cabeage, ivinter, 3 entries, lut Thos. Coleman. - 2 headu Redi Oabbage, 2 enlnieu, lui Thos. Coleman, Lsd S. Netharton. 2 Squamsheu, 4 eutniem, lut J. C. SIeli 2nti Arthur Bnrk. 2 Pumpicinu, S entriem, lut J. Leaub Loti Cha.Lynde. 12 table Carrotu, 12 entriés, lut T Coleman, 2n&i J. Bcreham. 12 table Turnipm, 2 entrieu, lut T 12 Parunipu, 7 entries, lut Themai Coleman, Luti Oeo. Valentine. 12 Beeta, 14 entries, lst T. Celemau, Luti J. Léask. 12 Tomates, 7 entrieu, lut Georgg Valentino, 2nd Tbom.ý Coleman. Fig Tomatops, 8 entniés, let. Thes Coleman, 2ud Gao. Valentine. Water Melon, il antris, lut J. Bore bain, Luti J. J. Fothergili. Mumk Melon, gruau flesh, il enîniet let. J. J. rFothergill, 2i J. C. Stottu. Musli Melon, ucariet flash, il éntrias, lut Thos. Coleman, 2nti J. J. Foîher. gi.r, Citron, 7 entries, lmt Arthur Iluru 2uti JuliuBruéim. - 6 Cucumberu, 7 entrie, let J. Woodi 2sdl Wm. Kirkianti. Peak white Onioni, 2 entrios, let T Coleméan. Peck yellow Oniaus, 5 entries, lei Thom. Colemuan, 2ud -G. Valsntine. Peck reai Onions, 8 entries, lot Thos Cabmean, 2nti G. Valentino. Pickling Onions, 2 eutriém, 1lbo a Valentine. Polato Onianu, 9 entriem, let Thos. Caleman, 2nd C. Giles. Chickary, lut Gao. Valentino, 2nt T. Coleman. Beéit collection of Gardon Vegetablées 2 entnies, -19t Everett Wismer, Luti Valentino. Judgcés-C. C. Kalîcit, J. 1'. Lawkin, L. Drew, W,. Garnan. I>OMfl5TIC IMANUFACTURES. Réaper..any kinti, 7 éntieu. 1mb Mas- sey M-an'fy Ca., Lut Brao & Patter- son, bird Rtichard Hanay. Mawiug Machiue, 5 aunres, lmt Mas. muéy Man'fy Ce., Lut J. N. Piakie, Onti B3rown & Pattemmon. Waggon, 2 hanse, 1 anbny, 1mb Jop. Craie. Waggan~ 2 horue spîiug, market, 83 entnitîs,'lpf and Lad M. O'Dononan. 2-herse Canniage, 85 entniés, let andi Lail Pi. OBenovan. 1-hutiso Buggy, 10 eutiem, let, Lad anti Bcd Joseph Craig, hlone Buggy, a-ith top, 4 enticEV let Joseuph Craig, Lut anti brd LM. O'- Donovasn. l-no-ePheélon, 5 enînies, let 'Tams &Newport, Lad ansi Ont Jas. Craig. 1-h1omme Phanton, a-ibh top, 2 onbriee, lot antiLut M. O'Donormu. 2-borme Sleigé, 3 entriée, lItrail Lut M. O'Donovan. 1-héorée Siéiglé, 5 sanres, let Tétin &New-port, Lut Joseph Craig, bi3rd M. O'Donovau. Iron Plauglé, 2 enba-ieé, Jet anti Lut Ba-wn & Patlermon. Ptangh. any othér kind, 8 entiées, lmb Ebiae Hûltien, Lut Knapp & Haure, :ird Richand Sylnoster. 2-hanrse Cuttivabor, h eutry, lut Mas- con Man'fy Co. Grain Drill, h eubmy, Masson Man'fy Co. Bread-crub Seetiér anti Cultinatar combinet, 2 cunies, lot Plammon PI'ng Co. Slraw Culter, horse-power, 1 entny, 1eb Brown & Paltérman. 1-héorsé Cultinator, 1 entny, let Mam- cou Jul'gy Cc. Stmav Cubter, vonketi by baud, 2 anties, 1mbthCnapp & Haie. orcé- Raku, 4 antriée, lst Masson MIung Ca., Lad Msey Do. Fanniug Mill, 2 entiies, let P.- T. Dinglo. Wasbing Machine, 2 aubries, slt H. FisEiir, Lut Brown & Pajtereon. Turnip slicér, 1 eutryIlsb Jos. Craie. Chun, 2 aunres, let anti Lad E. Wismen. Spécimen off lmme shocs, vitécauik 2 éntrice, leb Chas. Kempthon, Lut Thomas Rice. Spécimen c! Horsée hoes, villéonI eaulks, L entcies, lmb Thos. Rice, Laiu Chas. Kenéptharn. Specimén cf Pump-make'm work, 1 entry, lmb Henry Tbompson. Jntigem-Wm. Dunbar, Lewis M. Grant, J. Johnsbon. 1 HORTICULTU5E-OéiMER APPLES. 12 Redi Aritéohan, 1h ent-iem, lut T. H. lImith Lotins. Coleman. - 12 Eerly Harvesl, il enniées, let J. J. Fothongiil, Lut John Hèeron. 12 Eemby Strawhcrry, 8 enînias, let J. J. Fotbergih, 2Lut Arthur Baak, 12 Sops o! Wiue, 3 aunres, hlt A. N. Bnrk. 12 Sweét Boughs-JO antries, luI J. J. Fioîlergili, Lut Lewis Coryebh. AUTUME OR FALL APPLES. 12 Fall Pippinea, 18 entnise, 1lt A. liurk, Lut J. J. Foîbérgili. 12L Hoihaut Pippins, 8 entniem, 1mb C. H. Guées, Lut John MeGib & Son. 12 Primate, 8 entie,but Sethé C, Wilson, Lut J. J. Foîbérgihi. 12 Maiden's llueb, 6 eutries, let j. MoGll & Son, LotI J. C. Stolte. 12 St Lavrence, 18 aunres, lob Thos. Coleman, Ludthuriu ak. 12 Twotéty ounce, 17 aunres, lmb J. Drea-, 2LutJ. J. Faiiiergili. 1L Golden Euemett, 18 entries, leb j. Dnev, Luit M. G. Holton. 12 Baltivins, 13 entiis, lmb James Lut Arthur Buîk. 12 lien Davis, O entries, let Arthsur- liaik, Lau 8S. C. Witson. 12 King oh Tonépkiau County, 14 an- triée, leI T. Colten, Lnd J. Michaeél. 1L Norîhamu Spy, 22 entries, let J. Brous, Lut John icoGili & Sou. 12 Peaksé Pleasant, 6 aunres, leb J. Lick, Ladl J. C. StotI. 12 Rhodte Jelanél Gnaéningm, 20 ou- tries, lut T. Coleman, Loti J. J. Father- gibl. 12 Seek-no.Fanther, 12 éntrias, 1mb J. J. Fothergilh, Lad J. McOili & Son. 12 Spibzsuhurgh, 7 entnias, lot John MoGith & Son, Lut T. T. Caleman, 12 Suow, 19 autnies, lut J. K. Gar- 'don, Loti John Michael. 12 Svaar, 8 outnies, lut T. Coleman, Lut Arthur Burk. 12 Talîman Sivoal, 27 entriée, lut J, MaGll & Son, Loti J. Bonélémm. 12 Wagner, 7 entiem, lut A. liurk, 2ut Seth C. Weilson. 12 Yellow Beibtiaven, 19 eotriau, let M. Holden, Loti Arthur Burk. P-VARS. 12 Bartletfe;, 1Oaunres, lut T. Cols. muan, Lut Johin-till & Sou. IL Clapp's Favorite, 7 entries, let Atru Bnrk, Lad Thou. Coleman- 'Rý(D.AY & SAT-U-R -STt. £Gfli and Sept. lé ýe se ti- re, 9- te L tW. .éyesm. tamliPOU. uuss, Ogu aescn', ie - . uu5 Spécimen of Beati work, raiseti, lut belote bsWcruhip the j&ayor Harpul, Miss Mary Strickband, Lsd Mis Mag. os Friday, chargé& -with fraudhhenîl: geJ. Smillé. secmelting goctis securet by chatte 8pec mon of Lace work, 5 entries, néertgage te M. E. lk~bson. The casi lit M .Joli subit, Loti Miss Maggté againal Samuel ivue tiiamhioa3d, anê t.M esn cfPitLcenié, James rcmtintiét te Mouds> .Mon Spec mno on ae,7etis day the latter was again broé.gir' befori t, let Mimse Mary Striakianti, Lsd Mms. thé court andi on bemriaig tbe ai idenc Joseph Woodi. commaitteti for triai. -Mr. p&,rowe e Spec men ai lace womk, boniton, 4 CeonI7 Crown Attorney and MI entieus lut Mies Maggle McVean, Loti Eblielieappeari for the- prouemus'1 Mise N~ Strilanti. Mn. N . F. Paterson for the tiafenes. Werked- Slipperu, 9 eniries, lut Miss coésacrr x 'a»ax. é0l Capbib L Miss Mary Strickland. Amas Arnoldi, the escapei osm'4 Sofa Pillow, 25 éntries, lut Mr,. g*, froni thé 'Kingston Penitestiary, wi, B. Dow, Lsd Miss Camépbell. broughé fora the Mayor anud comééctt- Toile t Set, 10 éntries, luI Mrs. . eti for trial_- lb appearati that Ibis wat H. Ha+rosi Lut Misses Mitchell. bis seond escupe, anti thal he a v Cotîpui Titiy, 20 aunres, lut Mru. P. tsîininu an extra tari-on aoun=t ai 8,Pbi1p, Luti Mns. Joseph MeCléblan. ru is ret escape, when ha siopeti off ur Wo)nTidy, 29 aunres, lst MrO, the present Occasion. Ha is likehy te 3, Jauép, MChelitan, Lut Mmm. J. B. Deow. become ivail acquaintati witb the intoe WorkeiCmpCar!8eliaiIior of thé Provincial hoarding bouse.. Mrs. Pý Philp, Loti Miss J. E. Wiitco:.@a Ottoman, 7 aunes, let Mmm., Ornéis- éIPORTANTr TO THE LiDiE.-The ton Luti Miss Clara J. Wasley. Wa:1Frnit, 6 éntriés, lot Mme. John saumon fer i'édoor fancy work is fairbj Pout, 2nu! Mmm. W. H. Hayes. -openesi. An important point with, the Wax Plowcrm, e autries, let Mise fair se: ià te know whéere ta ablain s Camipbell, Loti Mrs. W. H. Hayes. full anti vanieti assrtmant of thaexuany ît Wax Shahs, 8 entriez, lst Mmm. W. litiée articles, necessaryv te thé maàking H. Hayeu, Loti Mis. Wm. Squélch. cf ai kindu cf ladies work. No botter . Wax Lillleé, 7 enînlea, lst Miss Placé ils tb héefounthoIbn that -cf J. S. Camiphell, Loti Mmm. W. H. Hayes. ]Robertson anti Bruo. Théir stock ané Paper Flowaré, 5 entriés, 1ot Mrs. braces complete limes 'in berlin wooîm, Wn. S que .ch, Loti Mmm. W. H. Hayes. siii4s, fiilsehîm, brozé anti cohorat pa. L Mair Flowérs, -2 entrimu, 1mb Miss per &c. Prieu Icw-Daverall's Block, Camépbell, Lutil Miss F. Patterson. Brock St. Whilby. 7. Feathen Fiowe ro. 5 éntnies, lst Miss L. E. WibIcox, Lti Mrs. W. H. Hayes. ARItavAx 0F SIR Jo»Nu A. MACDNAcLD. 3, Zophyr Flowerm, 6 entress, lui Mms. -On Sunday nécrning the Peruvicé F. J. L. Smith, Loti Mns. Jas. A. Delong. arrived al; Point Levis, Quehiée, hav7ing Fancy Basket, 18 entriés, luI Fred ou boartiSir John Mactionalti, SirA. 1 ltbci, Lut Miss L. E. Wlllco:. T. GahI, Hon. J. B. Robinson. anti fini 'Wall Basket, 9 estrie, lot Ma-s. J. B. Etéglimié' tilégates invitet hy thé Can. Dow, loti Allés Jrné Scott. - adiau Goerrment bo vieil antitapert Grocian Lainp, 2 aunres, lut Mlettson ont unséttlasi landi. J Canmpbell. L pMa,1enrembMéJs. Sir John hum acceptéi anuiinvitation MeCléllan, Lut Misé Alice Huma te a public dinnar us quiebea tobeh t Faucy Table Mat, 18 autnias, let giron in about a fortoiglit. Misss Mitchell, Lut Juis. Joseph Me- Choulan. ANé INDiÀN DUEL-SITTiNe 13ULL si Faney Léather Work, ianiés, lot Ktéae A Cuow Wcaazrou.-Ans intereet- -. Mre. Y. Gibéon, Lut Mrs. Tbou. Law- ing accaunt ie pubishcti cf a duel- hé- hem. eWr,9 nres e rs aytwaen SitLing Bull antiaa Cmow Wa-rrior, tr8h lneti issorM, O Haul ert .Mrywlaich occurmeti aflam téé igIétou the t Cone Wark, 5 entniés, lut Misé Jane 20 uebten20-ogs-o h Sen)t,Lnd tins. Josephé Wood. Sioux, who wiveé ouths-o!the bordier s Canadien Sîraw Riat, 2 aunres, letI alter huffalo, and two companie ot U. ;yMisé Mary Stricklanil, Land Mme. Wm. nitedi States soldienu, anti 150 Chayene pile.anti Crowe. Sitting Bull accaploti Ibm IPannions' Wreaflé, 12 enta-ici,, lt Mre. challenge anti recroéueti théeUe, the - W. H. Hayes, Luti Mre. Thos. remuhb beiug Itt ie.- éhet thé 'Crow, flair Jewellomy, 8 entrie, let Mis e écping him andti aking possession ai l Marny Sbickhaud, Lut Mise Camépbell bté boise. lIn the rétra acrose fthe a Work Basket, 7 entries, lelt Mrs. J. Milk river bale Canada, Sitting Bull L. Smith, Lut Mme. W. H. Hayes. pemsonalhy commandoti thé mear gucrul - Carniage Affghau, 4 entries, 1mb Miss of the highél wanmiaeoougfé 1movo .ment anti > oas, hime!ltm e e Minnie Happer, Lut Miss Campbell. to crossém islfti as ]lrcckéts, 14 entries, Mm. D. 'Ormis- ît bon, Lad Mns. J. B. Dow. crs-aaBnsfrPc n 1. Motta, silk, 7 autriea, lét Mima Ar. Ceermatve nefo ikeat -anoi, Lad Miss liobina Lowes. - rsev ars al usiscs. S. W. B.. Snéith. Motta, mushin, 5 anînlés, lst Miss J. Pure Spice for Pickle Ketchup &co. Scott. S. W. B. SmiLth. -FINE ARTS. A Àfmémh lot cf Eugbish Coufectionen>'. Oh paintitg o! any subjéat, 8 éntnies, S. W. B. Smith. lot Mimé Mary Stricklaad, Lut Miss J. HntioNéPeum Mrisai -L. Smibth. HnrA e ef aqi n - Oil painlinge, for profasinau l t Marchioneés Lamé anti Cauhineré écape, 2 enfrias, lebt Mns. J. L. Smith. Baquet 50 abs. hotié. S. W. B. Smillé. Oib painting, for professionals, ani- maie, 1 eny, 1mb Mmm. J. L. Smnith. 7i Notices of .Birteu, ai-nagée, t Oit painting for profeéionais, any antd Deatlés c7iaé-gcul cents etrch. * énijeel. 1 énbry, leb Mre. J. L. Smith. Oul painting, for amateurs, lautiscapé D E A TIH S . e ntnios, let Mre. J. L. Smith, Lt RBISN-t hnéidnea Miss, Lizzié Emmebt.ROISN-thersdn o Oil painting for amateur, 3 énties, hie eau, William, Yorkville, Toronto, léb Miss Nancy Sînickianti, Lad lMme. T. on thé 201h imut., Mr. Thoméas Robin- L. Smith. son, formarly, hisir-tireseer cf Wléitby, Watér colored landucape, 4 entries, cgmd 76 years. Thé deceaseti wae a let Mdisé Nancy Sbnickhand, Luti Miss native cf Great Gimsby>, Lincolnshire, Jennie Cormack. Eingbagnt, anti sétleti in Whibhy a \Vaber coloeeu, animais, 1 entry, lt ut cr f a entéry ago, where ho LMiss Nancy Sbickianti. wwîe tva cf bis s espliii carr n Weater cohoréti, any subjact, 6 eaulnes,'buiesstoo i on tl " o lmb Mise Nancy Strickhand, Lut Missbuies Jennié Cormack. . COWAN.-At Picering, on Sept. Véivet painting, 6 antriés, let anti LLnd. Elizabeth, youngamltidaugléler of Lut Lirs. A. J. White. William & Catherine Coaa, ageti 2 Pendih, figure ubjecté, 7 aunres, lot menthe anti 10 ticyo. E. Van Carcan, 2nLt Ji. John Poet. Pouahl drua-ing, any subjécî, L5 ès- WHTY MR T. tries, let Mn,. J. G. Kelly. VIB IBFs Crayon tIrawing, any énubjéct,3Oeu- CéuoîxOrcSetLt,18. trias,Jet Mrs. J.g L. Smith, 2Loti Mîs CMOIL FIE et2t,17 Lucy lBlow. Fleur, pern humé..........84 50 @é 85 50, Cotoroti crayon. auimtals, 3entris-lés ol Whteat ..........&I0os @ $1i J .VaCa'Sprng Whéal .......... 1 95 #o000 lst Juis. J. L. Snéibh, Loi .Vad ui.Banéey, No 1,.......... $0 45 @ $0:55 son. i9 2. ........ 80O0,@ $0 00 Cobomed crayon, any mubjéct, 4 en. "i 3,.........0 0 $08 trie, Jet Juis. J. J. Sinith, 2nad E. Van RYéj................. 040! l@145 Carsoii. Péas..................S0a 65 Casoé.Pas black-eya... $0 70 lé $0 72 Onamanlal panmanébip, 13 entriés, Oatse:::.. . 2 @ 28 - let W. E. Brigge, Lut Mmm. J.IL. Sith. CrS?........ 55a@ 6 Collection of embrotypas andi photo- Hay.................. 7 @ $9 graphe, h enta-y, Jet Lyon linos. À1épes, par bri. .... à.... 10lé1-50 LEAIIR AD EAHRWOK. PLa".s AI..... ..$ -0 -2 Sae- tcainmmén0e as one o'clacit, P. e n (e 1 " S A L E - A i , E sBut a m;de'm cash; aver thèf amusnub inga it n11 hnu y pariesé ui-ni, Ppad~ notes,, énfareet charï fiant aay ésae-il net peit a--en dcin. Plknég éPt. ai-t, 179, 7 CRE)IT SALE Of Henacas i-aie anti Parc Bréti Ca tic, Tiéereghbneti Couswo-cîti hep, S'in, Implements. tic. flans i-e b ve r celvet instnu fritepnôié!ton, F. Dabsa Es. f ffembi- sBaitehy Public Autio: ou Lat 1No. 915h oaneéaoa i Of -FridayDe. rd, 1879 Yéu.ma Od by".l-fnécaléina Jatt;' 1 Col 2an ot, b"Dlntfrieehé-é lacés Colt cn e 3 idié j ear mlg" sae n Ol<i'Spriné, colt. SHUHBDUR-Ram I Caa-, yearm aId ; 1 Caa-tbri-soYecmso; 2 Hfil ers ta-oyeama olti éit aéye i Cu OeAli 115 stock vdp édi&è GRACave; 5 1neerto aId; IdSen cal!; 1 Houer pnnCalves. ,anyerat4 .HýE.-10 almaI H-c, 8 a- Jar t Pckle, 7entiée t tir. Geo. Valéntino, Lad tire. Thomas, Emmétt. siO CE i HIEIY<VNTA A hîuapiurry V*0égar, J1 cuéfricé9, 1mb tié. PN Court a-élitua eii, éurenanst ta "Thoe M. J. ténith, Lad ins Ueé. Valeontino. Vate' Iiaet Act," by Hie Eouar the, Judée o! Cumrrnét wiîtu, r) autricé, luttins. Cea. thé t,'ouiity Cour-t o! Ontario, t ftu COtUl? Valenutino. éOUtt«I. Wéétiy, on tiéte Cherrny luité. 10- céufiesn, Jet Lia-.<S Vtalentinoe, L2it tire;. L!usry Irishé. ,e Second Dayv of OCTOBE 1, 1879, Graîte W'iuaé, mnteù, lot iru. ',I.E Wlliuutu, iS Ma-c. Thoét;. Ltaiolr. AT TEW C OCOc, A. H., An y otlera- ciéîy o!f'eine, 10 étitries, lot Ta étéar aîndidatai-miné tété noveraI copanute Mi-e. WmPile, 2Lad ti r éniitan. eofci-rocss adlaotlrsioés lanbéée Votera'- Liés O! Ta-e ioavesaofJBread, hoine matie, 13 an- fiée Muulelialt ifo!liéhe 'Townhp a! WlitttY, brifé, lmb Ma-e. Johin Neebil, 2LaMisi. L. E. for 1870. Witlco:. AiU Persoas iavtng bueinésu aIbée Cout- Collecrtiono! Canyféctionv.ry, bhaie, lar aifr aateda fé a n iniét IL. anfricé,etlceE .1'ni.i usRi-.plc.~. T. HARRISON. ýCaileefien o! Can!ectéonany, lîaker'u, 1 an.Clerés o! thé el f énaàlclity, fry lot .L usn. Daléé t IBnsée.lslt, Sept 22nsl, 1M7. Jef dpacimén of Tinsmniti, a-rk, 1 eéitmy, Jet ___ lIatebuI r c. *LDGIG - Boul Sowbég Machine, 2 entnié, IcI anti GRDAND LDIG Loti L. Fairbanks, BOAII Dislplay of Stoves,L2 éntmlem, lot nteh Coifortable board andi bc4girg, reer c01 - .Riim , lut~e.tî*An".ota4.- 'W on- exF7ect an -because you inspe< stock-_ E,'DWARD FRC MEW ADVER71SEM MORT GAGE S., valable F AR iM Pr, -IN TUE.- -.TOWNSHIP 0FTHO IN THE COtINTY 0F OétTA" UlfNDER TUE 1'QWEH 0F SAI - t ailned in a certain énartgageto tlc whichilbl bepéoénced ethfietné and in payntnt of wiéich .défaééit H&AMILTON ROUTS: Inutthé VILLAGE OF BFAVEBTOI coénéty a! Ontailo, on WEDY'4ESDAY, iie l7t. 1 SuIrb-,A. 1D. iSr Af h hu rft he iet 1 fe!ou-i 3Vparty', Tir- Tho Sauth hait ci lot nanéter steX Séventé oncession aofithe Toérnééélp ah, in thé coonty o! Ontaioe uteéi' hénimat res=0, Mare or lae Th a sadvaniagéaumy icten gond ééttéemen% 1 cmy 0toréé iles f - 'Village e! Beavérton, a statbon an, thé 'béée -Uilltand RclWay. About L, au Suiétto hée leamédhaéàacovméed-éit ténébar éussly. cléee soil Sandy a 10-m- Tbéiu é l sato facé t.coinfert bouse, Itièé, on thé lot iMtb a iblé '-<befalm 1 seaia to bho murravaclu eàuéobrtiead$ ilng ta gootinMarks. TEittuléAtN COéNrriONcFa Th eérf a-lié ha sot a n cpan ~etO ea rmésonned i idd o bli--inthérb thé -uetiaaear at tbmé o!féaeé. The pu isiéelé, at h éeime of sale, Juay Ilt , pur * 2hi~cta O muey ta the tendon Etuétetoi-orlAcétýnte idlté. te nnhac Oné1Y -ltin tétbrty dusys fr ~Iséof maiea-ith inteIrefst etci tit p ctlte ula tedilfrctm té lyo ai , oraf tien a! thé ýpni-ciéoér1tieMay ram Moteeéa for a teén0 ! tr,,yée a m S&W, wth intre a b -yécmly rate f t pat ar nunr a snd! On anmera-atC tfo S e entant a! théeltifou ne .so!ft., tnge, inahanInsuneCapnyfhe by thé Vaudois. Thé ouid-Ynéaiga tain aul thé nenat éEtate r ééae, vsea, aneC Conditions. 0 éenadors eI leuean t fapi-éduré ,sccanb for, iar Et prove tha Contente <tiI uy dsheudeuc Cé:vItiOllces O! titi-i no in their ptis aM .wil auéy té honnîtle fumisé ltéwe Ahustasciof!biile. Thée dten conditions o! Sala *0 ha Sim %athe standing condiitane ei sa1é a! thé.Cu Cbanceny . 7 For !Mbhiéa nformation' aplit ta t deraineu atToi-nceor ta Mr. i02'. tii, HOW1LAIID, AILNOLtéî& UVELet Vendarils' béte Dateti et Toronto, Aug. Mnuti 1879. TC T lus !SALÉt opSOfUTU 4 LOT lo, o. .1POSTPONED bilé DWEK1ýDNEanAT ltey Of a!OCTC AD, 17,a ab SUMOplaceoandboum. ROWLNDARX(Lbj& REUEC Vendais' Selcil Toi * -REITSAL -OF- Farm Stock, IMplements, T'RSBrEMI- aseivei ADJSON It me byPublic Auction, i% eut -emnvé,an Oo. 9, Broken Fi TvmhpaiPickmrug, on Tuesday, Sept. 30Othal18 THt FPOLLOa-01a VLLIIALE PaopEuRm 1--i l3amsa, ageti ,ýae; 1 M e Feuaz lI; 4 Courub i ' a5 M 1 Hifers, twa years ait; 1 Yearlig tt -à Séing Calven; L lareng hoge ; 2 Sp pigs', 1 Heevy iranArJé clwgon; 1 De ciat Wagan - 1 CuIter; 1 Set a!i1 Ytie O JJahutOn Seif-nake Ileap Doinpbaw, iron beasi; 2 See j oinémg.2iran SoutIer; I Cui Bo:;îl !ay Rack-_1 Famnn; Min j»i long-t,5 beavy Hrnés; 1 Setof 0~ ucés ;'- fiel! eare o! Seti Dm11;Alo Tas . 2 ; Setsîéétî-esL Teé.Auafi±y* O!franBa,6 Ca& Caiti athér aetcies toc nméow 1

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