Whitby Chronicle, 18 Sep 1879, p. 4

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a slsys rte sud a -long a long re, sud uno ta% féIIqueuty norîed gieu er bo fes bu piaelg a samplo cf alinoif asy of tii. larger seede or grains onas bot p an or gridle; when tise vtality le perler , thpain wilhlpop or çrockl open witiî mus r lems. noise. 'Whou tise vitalîly i oeor deif tielfis fremnE lt enrâoev- lrvary fatiuily finili more or Ious boues eeeuwulimflng. Dura Ilsoni itli w0ood, andliithelaom thiis ectured le one of tb eut viiesible ef ail - frtili2,ero.. -Mouey canotofbey taniarticle vluiels will &ô fertiliue your oel.li.aBose hue sou. aime5id ih-quadruple thse valus cof wood 16611e9, wbfçb ina fbielves are auoeg 9110 best of olIenrf abers' "eWhsola ho 2?' said a pasilog.by te s pjlIoan, hwio *ho ndeiorng te' ralse.as ietoxtcsl.S indilvidus[ Whio hld -tallen inta a gelter. * Lt"a'ir,m" ho eanV gve any aceounit cf- b golf," -fflrie nef," replies tise, other, -11o ieyoiz le îpet an account from a uas vho bas lest hlm balance?"' liMothei', I ibeufti net b. snurprlsedl if ort Susngotobhoked soma day." I Wisy uny sen " "l3eaue lsr beau twstsd his- atm arotnd bit sck tise etliir siglit, sand if mise liaitnitkhiseelili lie woolil have- strangîcîl lies-; beaides, rithler, lie ite tuy lier, nuit wiispgsrm te lier, and hiegsiber." " Yeu haveacuidellrable floafîug pop. ulatic Il luia svillage, haven' Yeu ? i aoked a itrauger of ans cof tIhe itizeus of a village-o eu <h f*iIositsîsl. "Well, 3- sI raùlisr," ws i, ie reply '; about hall thse yenr tIse wsiteir la îî lte e ecudt Lobril Chsi:4wrnul i lu ig. îycmss eilith le clar ansi iuiilu cf Ilso higli- vu-f lusliitary iiie iîo 10Orr o ff tho V LUABLE FARM tr Siiby lPublic Aîctioni 1 o I i l!ScHft I.'54,11 w ii teut euuns ltcc uisuii 1 uui!Iu -Lco, lbu *tul l'a-cis, uu SA TUR A Y, SEPT. 20 71879, - f flu ttilt IOYAIc11O llui tissuq TOWI OF? W TEY. *J; It ueeiuIl.aof lot 0 13e se l laI s su uu t u teeserseluuu or 11 iSu ts-suoi. uti'seruî1 u L'1 îI L No. 1, u 1uu 10ri fi 55i-ii suof lis, 'osucl uu 1 11Iuuif uru toil scc 5W55IJi 51 lutiisui secu g55uu 1.uuIu ' Hisuu , :etus f vl iu- ug Ilusuusu cul- bIlcude. tiIisal tisususi i lcug tu- osa full ].tu u .in v ii u illssc i tusul wuslur cirîsuts-u buîl îu cuuuulcuc lng -isus cf ausSI eisîl 1,M0ltfII P u , s21visîlur ë i-leh e luçrîSuluicsr aifflut udur loSt, 0ouu cIlb s1 25 usaIi-u u oi tluuns itîsi uuuille sucslii s itdivcsu. T'l' lsu i lue a l4sssusl !sfist i l iauit fituty !taisus -1 ic i t s rruî uaill i O)ll iuruil- 1hss ;(II iu ol i ci JI lie <is S 'Ia rusuSuSîcli 1, a i' le t luu iuut l ugalluo tsîuu a sl uuui r y, Tt'i'icli >14 iir'fli'A555c1, euu uusu 'y lus Iss ilus ls i uuuIssu su luit cisu - st Mucs 'n -iuuu u 555555V i, li t, of at uuuuu-uu-us ui l u ilt i lg i.usu: ,. su utu- misî,suu lu-ruuusS lu uil F luusu-I llitfii. t'. fill t.5,ttJu.ussu, i-.utcususuc ý,S, loi-iiil F,%ECUT"ORS' SALE IIil"-EP.IU'l')ft151 ') 111Tiffe, V 'iL LuTàfs (JajuIt ,ili, vilS uulec fuor sa 0uy l>îh'is t fou ttise (II1 ISIIll.eL lu fti Village e! lîreublinu Qil/ý Tueaday 23rd Day Ç&sep- - tc>iber, noit ingho tiIp o Ily, lfnp, flue foliese- lflhîW', Oue hlf-in 1usd ei, bulng soitis- liaf iflo twss d Ijs lis flu e ctusîli cutis- TI,14il agoal feLrnlx, Wtl vslt.reul vhl ilu lI1i i t insîo lue fiaglfti Kmfuf su! ci iAý ti s 11,0fite isulilgtuirs ut .goiol, asL1vithu Il id iisead siftlt log uif cfthe iluilli ta. tlen, 01 tile W1fy , j!. & LLl4ailway. SElCOND. 01ue "alf acre ottîte out bmgle of lialuivisut et reb. l, thse Village euil cîsiii 1lin, siouit cf filu e s()t01 -e -Ir arcs o!fluehe tit -st rrtro I c."),i.î tle lthtcsîe miui u thlJNhlits T AwsiuutDiiigo, cf ihAIIIstsuî Iossucree ig i-eeeLirucl. VOUUTIfT. Afftue saîl finietfiscrom'ili,tb esll a Jiusillt it' 0 <ialsa of a! Vie esisi E ieot toinus, 'tet,, aîly te D.- Oruiton, ME sliior, Wlsf t )Y, or n lueflue ier. -%ý Cashs farsi481 susol09, etc" acord. iltn a t-poition cf ilateroons. Lover rZt for returu flceti. Intenidate, #46. igleer At 5flovest rates. Peruvia ... Aguet 2ri, 1879. -Polynesian... "Il 801h, Sarusatisu 1q ....8olfOh d Badhsin , 201ho,do fittrage son orp r rde tLon- sBro L ipl.,aaodntlmrt atie clughomod o ir lxlens eau obtan tlisots.t low rates. The îles passage troso land to, land avez. -ages about savis pÂam, titisof! vihiare $pontln luth.esuxoofi waters cf fixe St. Lav- rence. Tise Steamnhîps afftie Alan Liue corne direct tise Grandrisuk lRailway itharves Af pQhut Levi. Sentis Quebeci sud Speeili Trains aresisjuatelhcs t fh flhc psssssers luxuiedlately ou arrivai. liy tht, arratsge. nient, asaurs avoisi delay sud expouse. lr'iz iigal l uformisson, rusiled fret. For tickets ans utixor Information apply GURO. B. TilLE. Exp. asi Tel. Office, Witbr. Whitby, May Otis, 1879.-ft.-20 Tho Great i3loQd PurificreZ 8-8D 1ISITO-I'S AND) PILLSc Gnsranheed te hi Ami Infallible cure for ncrefixi u i fs vereforas tabisoru, desp.sssted Ulcere Nyphillod, prieoarv, se- coniiory, sud fertlary ; 'l'morlo, PFoui Brplcog, 014 SoJen, Rheumati '" sed& aisleses or-sores preduced by bacl blcod or huniers. BRISTOL' S Sugâr.Coated PILLS, CUBtE ALL LIVEIt CelrsLArrTS. 593IFor salc-lsy ail Druggists sud Dealers ii Medicine@. PERRY DAY18& SON Il LAWRENCE, 20. - Agents, MONTRIZÂL. Fier sale l'y T. G, Wlslfield, Cheuist, wisitby. MANHOOD: 110W LOSTI 110W RESTORED. II W. ]lave recontîy publiuhed a new edilion of lDr. tislvcr. a v tellyor <3lsbraied Ei,' ou the radlicali andi per'manen't cure <vthouf uxediclue) af Nervous Dsbiliiy, Mental ansi Phlynlcal Incspaclly, Inipelliesents te Man- rlttge, etc-., neenltlg frolua esee. La' Piri-, inS a scusis-s i svaicpe, cuyt cptl, sor two pontage elsuxpa Tus, ocûlsrstàgud astlisc, iu thix sadmirale JuEmag, c-iriy lezmstsratcfs rsurutbi-ty yen-m eUsn.CPgwe!u i t-tîc fic ealarnirîl cois- uuuuurcsuay blue nslicaily ciresCI vitbout tluuu datugruius s-uof t itsrfial îilriisu cu- 11, su, sicqsisstj.il li Ve Icilîfe ; poitislig ont (o cal,!iuro at onie sisepie, certain amsi sueell 1,iiliansof wviili very ,uliëerr, nuo usafiu- w"his ci on isnîy Jlr nay titra hisuseciasuIy, psivatcly uuii jrois. , L'l<ls Leaur lunu suuil lie ifà thse hauis of c0cryyouis alul cvry nuasutis te land. CLJLVERWELL MQDICAL CO., 41, Axii Sf,- Nu-w York. 0.. lins 4âm5. Iy-il7 armn for Sale. 5 A E S, (17 CEAtEJ, ARtQO- 57Lot Con. 1, Tuuniip suJAL equco3- iug, couuutyft lîslcto; raIne bcuis' ans bn ri, %ihs le fmaliuig. isvrfaln sprilug crk nu-usthea isuilig a thinving rusuIuu,- sruluurui, t cf, 1lii-lrets coin- mnu(11su1tus iuu-ur. 'i tdttstl iuistiss msain Ilisicuighildu Ggl'lus11us ,fio%-uisjch itb l feil Iiilu-u uoilîst (m Dsau ubrielu village,, uillad, udusunu-lusus ai-us, -holsu,, &c. 'l'es aprn- sutSujitescer talion', Iiafuir fsul viuest. i'rl 2, ¶200; moulsy 'suons-sîîl sIc!Wv,, bic -c asa ilia au grerd Ap lut L. 1). CEBIt'sSON, - Peepuîscusuns1'. 0O, - Lu*flrr, ïf ily ;, 1o71. î.iI tus-l usosf lsscuuuslusu l u l us i-1lgtissu uufruulic tusc-et l Iu, l u-s-u,,l toruu cul-S ss-. su(ilususu, us'b us-m i cusssl,-stCsIiu. gl i-uù ors-Isuuu-iusNi susfuori-t. 5 ls-lu suslusm-lus reil )v i ill 111 i.u(.l 5- r asill il -ya i-s 'lsuuuuo, Otlu, Csuusccsf u. silo, Alîg. 281l1u 870.-il t-i7 IN E CiAIR IER[AL FIENCI vINEI;GAli ijobsi andi Qusr:en-demijoline. H. JAMESON'S. ~RM FOR SA'LE 1 Ohoap. VIliST-CLA55 -PARIS, o0f 11 Acres, helng p art cf1Lot 'NO .otIc n ra. Cas. O! I'lhenl .Wuul vatereul lifving ,Pllhig crack'firteevelege! i-, god oc-ari-si veil tisureel; vitit ansi grsit las-ni; else teg oôlar- - WIII te ssld eiseap, en easyternie. BMERB& £0HF[INËBY Urgeci l îc!sursuc lIs icusîci-us lu - andsu 1u.f lisuufls liciu îuusciuti lucletu Iis OLO STAND ON BONBAS STR[E1I Lateli',, siis'yl hi' . 1'I. WiluC, Wun lia wili h îîst en al li,,lI rs-u sîflu wII ccnsitaîlty hopIeuulis ecku a fi-tels etecki ut 0C0N r EC T ION CAKEiS, P 1-'RNS'I1 <)l'87EI ?ASTLRY, ou1II f (11 i u sainis'sucî S()JL-1 IF'4'IsJ1 iud <lG pfN 1110101?. Bread elilveresi ila'ilysand alteorr Iprsusuîthy aIls-uSdeSl, Dicîcees saud supiens ssulied at neasusu- sbie i-alec. Den'ît orgeftishe asidreesu, Lby. 10-t.f) ta Rent. ai)> ACRELS, BElln teeC acruii, tise nost-i M- tixocà urd rCtuceiou LPK~ R. SNOW, Dunclauc Stroût, WiIîy, L 1VDlI I ~44~ic5d Framing in« ,.I1 its brauôhes, àt which defy competition. Agents for <anada Stained Glaes Worýsl. Cali Sampes.LYON BROS.,. WILXINSON'8 ]BLOCK, - IBOOK.ST., WIiIITB3fl BO0-TT'OM .PRIOES Foieail kinds OfFoot' Wear. DO0'T FO1OET THAT - 60eà 3 WL BAR~N~E8 wIII~r~BY, - OUR TRIUMPH OOMBINED MACHI NES, 1ICLOTHING -CIIEAPER THÂN EVER! canuotftail te meet alfixe requis-emeufs cf pus-ohasors. Our Improved Cayuga Chief dr., and our Young Canada Mowers are bots firsf.elass machines- eeustitutedl almneet wvlly et Iran sud Steel. -Thse Cayuuga Jr. bas a s-oas-est, and the Young Canada a fs-cnt Csf ; befli sts-ong, dur- ahl machines, sud net exeehlesi by any machines in tise maskettar quslity cf eut, dns-ability, ligstues of draft, adaptahility, sud eage cf management. OUR NEW "WHITBY HARVESTER.") As fixe counftry ias heecins bettes- adapteS W machines-y, a dmany et eus-1 farsu es isve beoeni skilled lu fixe us. -cf machines, a groviug demausi has opruug up for a Ligist, Durable, Firet-Css Reapes-. Alîve te tise requis-emeuts affixe day, vo have mccecedosi le ieventing a ma-_ chine vifs sa5Wraught Iran Frme, vils fixe heast poâibhe gearluig-vwifiilarge, broad.taced drive vixee',-sund se coristructed that fixe trame sud table tilt attise saine fimie, thes-oby kepitng fixe pitman slvays lu lin iffixte kiie. 'The Ssaltos are dnivon directhy frosu the main sisaft-t-lioe being no perceptible aide draft, suct ne veiglif upon fixe herues ixeeka. W. are confident tisaI vs-have sueeeeded in luventhng thse most percect Beapes-, haklng If lu ail il.etsatisa has oves- Issu produceelW. have appliesi for hottes-spatent, sud sha h hls eus- invention, for eus- evu exclusive manufacture, aud ve respeétfuliy suggâst te lu- tendupg pus-clisses-s, tisai <b ouelalsec. thus Machine hetoe.gii-g fIes- os-dors for tise eomiug Isars-et. Thse "Wixitby Hlasveter" vweigisi, aIl toil, 000 poundi, but being maris-psincipahly cf fis. beat quaity et ifon andsteeel, and framsu in- gênionusudu compact construction, if combines fis. streugth sud aduibuitf he. hoavier umachines. Al etf eus- macies are fully warranted. Withisi ia tfmaciins, výe ftel confident tisaIvo eau meet evsry re- quis-rnent. ansi va sespeètfçly ý,solleit a trial ef oui machines, believlng tisaI va eau fus-ns a bter nachies for fise money t han eau lie elfainedu elsevhero7 . Respectfnhhy Yens-s, - --BROWN & PATTEjRSO& M Co,0 JOH l - I ....-~7 J ,r'Next Door Sot o ae Johnstonl loldsrnlth's Hall;" who, for priees and Mo 4 4.anAl ^ go. Is selling the Best and Chea5pest- BOOTS AND SHO.ES, Ladies'- Besi Button Boots and Shoes, THE BEST MENS' WEAR YOU EVEIR SAW. W. J. HAYES. Wateon's Block, Brock Street, Whitby. GENERAL DRY GOODS, GROCER Y & HA RDWA 'RE STORE, B ROÙGH A M. UJ9WJutl n aJUr.Lusm LLL £intmeUJJve pJLtse naiLs5 nUU w runining in full blast, where everything pertaining to, Tin,ý Sheet, or Galvànized Iron is manufaetu.red in a workman- like manner, on SHORT N4OTICE aid: at reasonable rates; ELECTRO-PLATED GOOD Sof SUPERIOR iUALITY. AUl kinde ci japanea Tin, arnd Sheet-Iron ware constantly kept ini stock.' REPAIBING done cheaply and-neatly. Ail work guar- anteed satisfactory or no pay.1 Ameriocan and Canadian COAL QIL. Lamp Chimneys, Wioke, Burners, &c. J. W. BARNES. Whitby, Feby. 24tli, 1879. FOIR SALE AT THE WHITBY CHINA TEA STORE, ~9L'~P.TPLASTrER, Begs to inforrn bis friends and the pub- lie, thlit ho bas, now on bauid au eîitirèly new and well se- lectoîl stock, embracing in the above lines, which ho is selliug at ullpreCedentedly -Customers are advised to give a cati wdsee what Y-thie they can get for their inoney at a home establishmnt.- Broughsam, Ajîril 2'Jtli, 1879. WHITBX BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. Begs to anniounee to the public, that she bas opened a well assorted stock of Books and Fancy Goods consisting of- SOHO OL BOOKS AND GIFT BOOKS, BbePrïayet- Books, Hymni Books, Sunday Sohool Books atid (hîrci, l1olîdasia cxdVîsiti ug Cards, Plainx and Fasucy Note raper, Itîkh, SlitaWs, poli ., Icîîil3, la înk and Note B3ooks. B3ERLIN WOOL AND WOOL WO1IK. Enilîroidery, Silk, Liiseii, FloJi, Cheonille, Wool, Tassels, Cardboard, Mot- tisîs, Cuthies, Vases, Toilet Mats, anid Ornamiets of ail kinîls. LAI3IES' WO1tK BOXES AND BASKETS. Ghsà'c anîd Ilatlkceioef Boxes, Caîd Cases, &C. We have a largo variety of patterns on baud ci ail the latest styles lu Arnerican Sfampiug, ail kindi of Faîscy WcoI Work donc te order, incelîdinu infants Jackets, Bonnets, Breakfast Slsawls. &c., ail orsicrta prouxptly itîcundoul te and at the lowes't possible rates. i lrnx juit openedi a iargî assortmeîxl cf Cîsiilîrenei' Aprons, Lace Ties. t> FiILLING A SPECIÀLTY. .4:0 II-tiviîîg h ii conneiction with my bîîsincs, aceurcd a firet-cines Drese Ma- lier, abllou ndertake the snakin.g of any drees, I eau warrant te give enfire safis- factionx, bcirsg apsirsorx tixt lias bai experience in cillas, tise styles are new, ne pains wili e sparel, and ail orders prornptly aitersded te, flttiug roorue back of tihe store. 1 have aIso a firet-elase Mautle Maker, oue capable of nxakiug Mais- tIns, Coato, Dolmans, of auy description and in fhe latc'st styles. Tise attention of tise Ladies is especially iuvited te fuis lepartcuent. Fit ting room lu rear of thse store, t)ddfallowa' Hall. Ail orders, for Magazines and Papers proniptly attended te. Daily and weecly papors always on hand and subecriptions received. Ite SShcet Mutsie snpplied on shortest notice. Wlitby Musie Store, Oddfiellows' Hall, Brock.St. CANADA ]PERMANENT LO N \ AND SAVlNGS COMPANY, TORONTO, PAID UP (J\PITAL, - - 2,000,000. TOTAL-AS S S> - $6,0o000. TO FAR M RS AND LAN OWNERS. DOýOU WA TTO BORRO MONEYP Te biîy înorc -land for yoî elve or for your se s? To build a bouse or a barn ? To fonce, clear, nélcrdrain, or et se improvo your land? To pay off a Mortgago or et r dobts ? OrDf auy other purpose ? If you dlo. the redlncedl ter s of the CA AA PERMANENT LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY ffoid snp or facilities for effecting the Loan lit tie iowoft rates, aiud f isCeLSy epsylsenlt. TFHE SIN KIN Fr ND SYSTEM le sîcua1yaclssttcd a , tse ee su mr t, il c'bapest plan, evr yet deviscid for provld. Isut for fis, îsysneîl o lisillîtleg. Il lesulci y evernuxenle, hi'muulalpalltles, and by the mcmlt promporous nîssiprogressive landeci m Mr in suEurope snd Auxerlea. TLs, AU) , sssauvLAAc ÂzcCOMPAMY v onda mauey ouniteal patate, ituate un tise Province cf Ontarlo, on lhe above systî , lid allorde lise foliowlug facilitiesud advan. tages to borroweriq: ist.-Vaiseau oblat, soi siux yonrosaire, , ani' for ani' lérux yon chose. net exesilng 2ni,-Tise fnrlaamauxwîl î3f tise Ioau lae si'cd, ne dufflon lîelng uxade for conmmssIon, pay- meute fis adi-suce, or If led for 0 oltfrsf s andI ather expenses. rd-loii eau rcejssruxnm reu Comxpany nd psy it back lhrongis the Aenctes of -the Copanys saun ers c f.o barge. Tise uxanay has no Agents for ooilectlssg h,,sxssey. Al roAusîfancec in. baeknowleslged roeelpfs, elgised by thse Presideuf sud Manage'r, 5-it-ou conrerpay tise Loan leyc1ire or half-early lu aluxents, as bout cenveni- 5honce, anispur thsersft iùsta niut atani' tixue îtit egiteen m:enth. ., i- Y e u e a u p y felz a n y ma u ni y l a s e l u a iv a c e o ! e r g u la r lu t a l u x i x , s d J u t e ro n t at six per cecut. per anuuun1iii> allowesi fer over ar moatix. Instalmtents net palS visondc,,are ,uislect to aasr ù ot oue cent ta tise do r e ontit f111 palst. Gths-loîs cais psy off your Mo âge x 151 f os wlue ouf notice, upon fair sud equif-. alol tenus, andI as the C pay has a lalation,1fi place for parusenf is aiways 7tis-Havnte 0 i off your ortaga lsy sumeniinstalmeufs, 5 10w rate of Interest, sud ta your owu tI me, yen adal riais, cf loslng your preper fy, tiavlni te borrow 'agalu tolpsy offthlia. y takisg fise longeef terni rour ail paymu fr grnlalsd Ilrost viii blite 11 cri tissu viat rois wonid L'ave & Psor iplterei alone. sîls-Tise nocessay expel s azi lid, and lover tissu tis o n y ehargesi. They may bce incieslulse ie0b ege, sud paiS backs vitistishniuee , hen tiereviW in e no son.- cllure 'or otior feainbedsiut sf cfthe loii 9lis-lau esertus tIse g -tsef prlvacy aste your offafre, lu rouroevun borbonS, sud are nef enijucl.to fisc ni y ci' canrfeceei eny iucivistual ,adas theo psuy.efaiot ovu rosi cestate. it cun xbu ne possible inferesttanopprses1ne rau Uf nupre ced te meef raur en- lot.-Xois are cialvîfis a veailir eoxporctlou cf long standing, vIs h bas airoadi' macle 1 ,OU> rtea esus, (ennentineto-ast fans-Issu miMlons ai doil and tanaoinsitance Il 9Ias lisae iea1 visaecone of Ifs enstonier. lait rear ai ait effeceoimoe t'ian mauy.2-0. e nil for ny erxnuptoislrosrs, rspayabielacearding tt fow llngtaile:- INSAL T REQlREO TO F5CPAY A LOAN 0F $100 IN THE FOL OM I009: 1't Ya4rsIYr.tTra. 17Yrs. 18 Tmr9 10Yrs.iiYsIkyz&s115 Yrs. 'teis 1cmçbu tn, payable uts tis entu of carisyeur, -psy off otie deixl Princeipsis nktoreet. TXý HIGHEST PRrcF. ['AID FO.itG-OOD MORTGIAG t yo 1I)BIFOlMATIOl4 APPLX TO - ~C. 1'NTURSE, - PLAST-ER,l WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL. CASH PAID FOR GOOD Butter, Egs, Poultry, Apples, Red and Alsike Clover Seed. Whitby, Februas-y lifli, 1879. OFFICE W. J. GIBBON, Whitby China Tca Store. 0F THE BRO WN & PAi TTERSON M/ 'g, Go,1 -WI-IWI'BYE-3, TO THE PUBLIC. In pneeeutiug our Tvenly.siconcJ Anunal Catalogue of Agienîtural Impie- monts ta the farinons of Canada for the year 1877, vo do se vitix more tIssu the ordiuary degree of pride sud confidence, freux fIxe mas-keel faveul. sud patronage couferreel upon us, sud lise sfc-ady ansi inereaisg desnand frein yeas- te year of our nov ceeebrated Farm Immîlemenfs. W. ssal continue as hesetofoe, as manufacturera, te malte a apeeiaity cf Agicutursi Machinery-fhe Jelinston Seit.raking Reapor, th. Triumph Coin. hineri Reaner ansi Moiter, the Caynga Moyer, tiseYong Canada Moyen, sud aur nov Witby Harvoster, claimhng a large Bsas-e of Our time ansi attention. For tise lait Tventy-t vo yeas-s ve have gis-on oun moat careful sududivisi- esi attention te the manufacture ansi eperaticu cf fise varions machines lu use, sifting eut fhe beet points, remedyiug defecis, maditying sud oors-ectinj' es-os-r, streugtisenisg veak points, sdapting sud prepentioning oves-y part as eus- incoeas. .d experisies h a.snggeuted. We emplay only fixebhast mohanical skil, sud aur machines paso ndes- fhe rxist carefu supervision sud srutiny-every dofail heiug subjected ta the soyas- est crliism--aud eseismachins is fheranghly fested befere ieaving oui vors-h, ta proveofthe complefenes etfevery part, sud fixes-e is nedifficulty hn pnttiug them in oporation hy auy porion of moderate ocisanical ahility. Oui machines-y liads beon seleatesi sud constructed vith a apeciai roes-reue ta the manufactura cf eus- ovuachlnes--mauy tocas havisg tison macde fer flua particulas- pus-pose, sud vat adaited for otefixs-os-k, and eus vankinen are edu- Ca", ilup ta ths vantsansd requiremeut f ot us- ianufactue-aobfaiuiug a tiser- ongix knevledge of tise construction cf eus- machines, sud are fiseuahled teaioh- tain a bigler dogmeos t euasd ps-ofioioncy tissu ihero genes-al manntacturing le cars-led ou. W. as-e-<les-store euabled te huts-oduce a mes-e pis-foot systern info aIl the de- partinents et manufacture, addiisg net euiy ta tise perfection efthtie verk, but AI- se te fixe ra1idity cf lîs executio-and a coosequnut reductien of 00sf. - This prinoiple i. regardesi necessany lu a velI regulafesi establishment, sud we enableil te tus-n eut ous- machines vitis s iigses- degreet perfection. sud at prioes se 1ev as absolutely te defy compotition. THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING REAPER 4 is nov se vell kuevu as a Single Reapen, that a word ai eommendafiou voulsi alinopf seeru superfinous, but stises-e are many claimiug tW manufacture this . machine vise bave adisesed ta tise els eriginal Jaixusten machine, vitheut -keep- ing up te tise improvements ; tixat justiceta ourselves sud patronsre quis-o of ns te state 11sf vs h ave Modifies itin lualmeet oes- y sseenliai part, sud for streug-ls snd durabilify, qulty of eut, in oves-y kinsi sui condition cf grain ; liglifuesa cf draft sud ease cfmlanagement-fis. "Joisuston," as xuauufactus-ed by us-stands pso-eemiuentiy aheasi o! aIl others-apes-s. Ie ps-ce ot Iis position vs have enhy ta pominttiste many Fis-st Prizsawaardesi us-atfixe hast Provincial trial et Ou- tane, sud msny counfy fsials - whicis have takeon place ail oves- Canada, vithin fixe hast tev yesrs. LAT] RA prices. 'OT BE SURPASSE£ 3 up in the 'EST OF FASUION, anld at th OWEST Na RATS 1 r Latest-styles, a at bottom 'th, 1879. - unda- WHby JOLDSMITH'S HALL. Spring Goods 10W, to hand. Great -BAlIGANS OFFERING IN- WATCHES CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. Choice Goods in Electro Platecl Ware, imported from leadfing factories. New magnifloont patterns at prices leas thani else- where, a8ked for ehop worn goods.- Anothei lot of the celebrated per- fection IRON GRANITÉ TEA AND, OOFFEE POTS, LAMPS, OUTT>LERY, NIOKELITE SPOONS AND) FQRKS. Baby Carriages;- new, just in and very cheap. Clark's Diamond Dust Polisix, wholesale ancd retail. The best polisli Inown for Silver Ware and Niohel Silver. Jewelry niade to order. Partieular at- teution to Watch repairing. Practical Watehmaker, Brock'St. Wlity. March 26th, 1879. FIRE PROO*F 8ZSAFES., - - o~-09 N0 O BU-S24igTmESS M&A2ST. Is doiing justice either to himself or lis creditors if lie does without a safe to protecit bis Books, Notes, or other valuable pappe.,. - Im VER A W Who bas deeds, notes or money i the bouse, o'uglit to have a Safe to guard both against Burglary and Fire. A Safe is always a Good Asset, as, it not only preserves ifs contents, but keepa its own vaine as weil, for affer passmng threugis a fire a .smali outlay wil nake it as good as UGw, and it eau always be seld for nearly its firet ceet. J. & J. TAYLOR bhave turned out about 20,000 safes i the laît124 ycare, and noueeoft them lias faiecin trial. riannersaad Mer- chiants, this is the kind of " Protection", anad something that the Tariff can't give. Go te the Toronto e o rlcs and get a Bats. J & J. TAYLOR, 117 te, 119, Front Streel, Earst, Toronto. Toronto, April 29th, 1879. My Stock of Mi T RN- ],4*iO ErE Is now Complete in Every Line. E. Jio JOHNSON. Very. ---0----- Special Inducements. to those STARTING HOUSEKEI'NG. UN DE RT-AKIN G. Fuil -Stock of' Caskets, Coffins, and al the necessaries lu Vhs e.Also, A WELL-APPOJNTEýD HEARSE. Whitby,Ootober lOth, 1877. 42 AT :PFR,1Nl- GLE'MIPS NO BiSE IN PRICE ON A OCOUNT 0F THE NATIONAL POL-ICYI Gents' Sps-lng Suifs, lateet styles, very clsesp. A large stock cf fine clothes. Hanisoomne lVi-ut pattes-us., GOze furuiuliings, asfull lino. 1-. 1 Oas-monts enf in faubienable style. Ail brancisaofTailos-ings-eeeive p rompt attention ansi satisfaction guaraufeed. Go vises-e yeu viii geu' a velf-fitfing garment sud fulvilnrter yens-mouey. An inspecetionrs-epecttnlliyiuvited. WhibMarch 24<5, 1879. OUTTERS, Whitby, lana 25,1'79. - -29 Valnable'Farm for Sale. 1Oo ABES.Sj LT 8, IN Stix CON, o p1cKEElm"nmlG. 15 acres elearee- rexuainder wellimbere& <moiti y beech aud lnaple). Tis ia la Yv er blproperty, for the. Wood aloneise very veluabloan Win*1 r s ti.sre h. money, -whiie the. sltusjon of ,thetIi g Sucent guaor- Terma libersi to reliabieprte. - P.-O. Box W02, 1ihltby '"PROT ECTION 1" HOME -GROWN SEEDS. ITIS ANl ESTÂ iSED fâct thsat 8. c. Browres-Home Grown Seedà are be- couxlngmorepopular from yar to:yesr. TheIrbiothewan, hem, eb.Mercixantf Tis Pkbite~at eare sure ta grow, FLOWER SEEDS'A SPECIALTY 1 Anl seei sent by Maul free of postage. 91r Use Broiwns Indiaxi Liniment. .For sale by dealers generally,. 0. 3. BROWN, Seedin Wlntby,'Out A 8 NMACHINE This Machine is for ligbtiug Private Dwellings, Mille, Factorice, Cixurches, Public Halls' Hotels, -&c. Call and examiné the machine in opera.. tion et JOSEPH PMiLLIPS, soiseMsulet'r, Plumber aud Gas-fitisr, 158 York street, Toronto. Send for 4'ircularanprc.st Apoil 29f h, 1879. -19 T [LINH O0F, MUNI To Ron Loans already ing, to Deb-ts, or t ke lm ovement REUNDERSI ED 1REPÂEED of reai estate for pei f0 suit borrowers sud repayable in auner applicgn$e Raeotnèrs , ix se, sud light peen.aCco tarep enta.e Wlseu ttitisis* atlsactwry belo neau' be completed dmeney paxd ver lu Ton De1a SWN D TO -PURCHÂS GO - MORTGÂGES. ovaees earefully Prépared. e O Bigelow'siBlock, Port Perry. - ReapeetfnUly Tours, THOMAS ]PAXTON. OMNIBUSES TO AND PROM ALL RAI LWAY TRAINS! To aud from e.T.R. Station..... 20e. To sud from -Whitby, .P. P. & Liudsay R'y Station.................... 0c. Those convpyances are sale aud eomfort- ahi., and in charge of carefixi drivers. Ait baggage checked sud carefully looked miter. LOUIS SEBERT, Whlth, Fe. 25b, ~ Proprietor. AUCTION SALES 1 TBEG ta returu uxy mineere tlxzuks ta the .publie for the -very liberal patrobage bestowedl upon me lunfixe paît, saud ta nintaetfia I will be on baud ready to couduet any sales that I mnaybetrse wth. Terme lilseri. «itiston uare- anteed. 1 My al ook vlha fourni at the Ouf arloo laite Whitby. Arrangements as te dL&8ys osle, &c., May bemade* wlth Mr. wagon, the roprieto)r oftfhe Rotel. Orders by mnal'or teegrap attended te. Auctioneer, Wlsitby. N.BI. - Sale Jiotks sud blank notes furn.tecd free. L. F. THE TOIRONTO Turki8h Vapor Baths,. These batha are useful lunIhheÎètrai i, Neuralgia, -Coutho, Colas, Cet4utiion, Bronebitis, Sr l Se kmilascox. .11 JIIn- flammations. Blousness, levers, uid for Sanitary pxirposýes. I iin.sAt.ni49,naa nd, <enta JOH~N B. YB1GLJE, attendants. - Break-St. Wbhifby.I J. 8. DIAMOND, M-B.' I ~ - upIntendant. VU G ES, Vluablo /ial F8z8te1 AND CARRI4cGES. A Large, Assortment of Cutters and Buggies- FOR SALE, iGHEAP, TOMS & NE TOWNSIIIP 0F BREACH. FOR SALE MY IPRIVÂTECONTIÀCT Lot No. 2 sudfixe Sentis iaif cf. Lot n lue fixe5d.cncession oft4e sTevl O S HA WA, WVeterinary Surgeor .ii1. atzmtrng'a isotel, Wbitby, ove Apnil 25, 1877. P 4 I llnn te 1iiiW.ulu-sl. stcs. 10I$1nmis 5 "fortusjaurev-:utu Oees-ytn. Aul-oe AXTER & C. K KIN« BROTHIERS, WIIlTBV, ONTARIO, ImPorters, Dodoesand IPufacturerg et a L THR AND F!NDlNGS cash paisl for JUdos, Banir. aiud Leatixer. MOSES LINTON,' Store, Post Office aud Telegrapli Office.1 WPORT »-»Mmmm»mm 1 neesu, wmseby. -< -SAMES UUTLEDG S. E. FAREWELL, L. L. B., Counfy Crowu Attozus JAMES KEI TH - GORDi fiutdo est ofAxmustraug's HRe Money to Lomu-Private tonds itereet.- JO0HN A.McGILLIVRA (Succeasor tu, H. M.Hais-cil BDARRISTER et ATTORNEY-A £Notary Publie. &c. Bolicitoi I)mno ank. Ofrice.-nlext Mansion yEuBe, Uxbrldgs, Ont.- CnK&RLES C. KELLE -- ATTOENEY-AT-LAW, SOLIOr t1,isnery, Csveyaner, &-a,( fou, Brook, C. W. - Lu T. BARCLAY, ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, SOL luinChances-y aud Ineoivency, aneer, &cr., &z. Orxcxn-At theo Court Hlous, Wl LYMAN ENGLISH, L L-ý _BARBISTPRE AT LA'I, SOLICI! Cixaneery Conveyanaer, &c., e 000 Street, Oshsawa.- JOHN~ BALL DO 1V. ÙARRISTER-AT-LÂW, SOL] L>iu Chances-y, Ceuveysucer, &c Offiee-Deverhll'aBBickt, Brok MONEY TO LEND-Pnii'afe F in sumo np te $8051, at a low rate teretl. ROBINSON & MENTI BAERISTERS-AT-LAW, ATIr Beya. -3oliciWorsi Coni'eyaice OFFICE.-In Victoria Cissinse 9l, Victoria Street. J.G. Ronreois, x.r.; HxanuT A. E JiNO. G. K LE q B ARRISTER-AT -LAW, SOLI inlumacerysud Insoivency, C sueer, &c. Offsce-Deves-i's Blockr, -Street, Vhitisy, ont. G.YOUJNG -SMITH, L_ L. 1 Or'ICEz-Ovar Domxinionu Bankr, wl -Jan. 22,1878. CAMERON J& APPELJSI - - BTETO, AttorueyseatLm street, Toronto. HIECTOR OAIIEION, Q.f. (Qy-sts R,8- Ai R. J. GUNK, M1. D.,. QUBGEON TO TIIE COIJNTYt kzp Byron Street, Wlsi4by. Dr. W. J. BUtRNSe. Reshdoce--Congregstianal Churci orncs-er cf Bron sud Mary s BYRON FIELD, M. B. -PHSCIAN 'SURGEON, &c., B f-1UY'S HOSPITAL, LONqDON, 1 tisa eye R: O. Il. L., Oshawa, (i CAR D. OR-BIOGART, Phyuirisn, Surgeon, Accoucher, -L'e - Wiiby, Sept. Roth, 187. W.ADAMS,ý POO0MS OVER I. IL JAMES -Lw Groreri' Store, Diudast., Wl 'LOce Ixoxa fs-ani u..f012 nm., anS ansi Gilbent stret. C. N. 'VARS.,IL. 1D. 5. ITErT- ises-ted essai l~f~--aest principlos ôfilsce astebesp as the ciseapeet, sud as goosi a heet. eTee filled vwifs GaIS sud S: Testix extractesi vithoulputin, l'y ps-di lleeslstheals. Dent aiRoo1sx-i ansa new block, oves- Atkiusan's Drug S RIng Street, Osixava. TJAIR D1RESSIN-G AND SIIAV LtSaloon, Brook St., Wýhihy. 1

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