Whitby Chronicle, 18 Sep 1879, p. 2

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,ment, Ccunty Agisutural Ex. tion-J. D.Howdan Pros. maq Viegal vsit.- bceo-Townsisip WàIstIsy. s, o.-Clisas. Ponnylogln. Du of partaei-ship, LIery- ist-Township cf Mara. la farm stock, Implements, Oe, 'oilvie. & cou'. groait WsIOv- ' a 8180-Msltiliew colline. bqslinomo-Pofr, 3Eastman, salo, Ilatlii«e Farmp-rare. & Iliategt,soirs. ale of Mayfielt paia-J. B. sao-L. Fairbauks asetioncer, atdidl-R. H. Jacusonsi. AtYITION SALES. se Credt Slai, a lopug le>, Cssr. e-toiss Catters,&aeM.tfo nage Fatory, Brook St. Witlsy, laa, Sept-il4tis. L. ilhauïke 'e Crsi-dit Bila,, o mnes cattîs lmpi letlet li27, Ïtit con' esuesyOct. lsttsnosly aio 3srs.-L.FihosAclne ns(Ily, Iltlis Qtober, ali A 'o ITe y, "Maylld usiine 2uî C<on,. y si& cl h 0lllas entCaosîtnîi sî , s cause ai1f îstcliff et. ltaliiis, ou lis Qoaisor, lot Il, 1515e con. asat ml, of I>avvks Sts>ol, mplenieints, '(srtr. of Mrn-ssotgllvle, ilot ,i li eii,i)f wjlly,ou ls'idey, HqeI7L. L, ) 1~5bs I o, aisior. iiit,tssn is, SJ. st1. 1 1, < 1sir lo i, v <shsuh<i sm, Isss 'Ks, scisssr lt igi sr.he l büssss , rsSeîstîusher.- (isswii, VsssgSdr's Iss. T. iistis, Urt il vi. 1tinsîstll - Auctors Sthss-its me1rpety, I>ust Ssi'tSsest'ekeise. thulressy, 2rid Oct.- J.- i. l>îiv, udS, T..larisersoka, /lsitissisev, H els ill,, ftmms, uil i sii' st1ws-vprv. pnrl ,y, lat iusys 5to,s1hW os t a u suslssdiy, 2hth4 ],fit-ss 14 Mat, s, slol C. 1A,sw ONLV BSi 5o PERANNUM.. Wilîlby, 'hirsdmy, S>pt, 18, 1870). Tise prorgnrme or ftue Vieoragai ne. uolettanl pi cu lu «tIse coîssîue. 'fis'> Cosuiy Agelcrîltursul Exhibitionu wili Iso W4,11i wovlisviiling. T're,16 every aasusnssnser, tlisaI til iii b. tislit yet lii ytu loisstfty. Ilhnsr'siaal show viilieaueotisan 101xiqo COe,,us'larga arowul tisaIlm ex- aîie;leu.ille tîlue otitusy Town Speî us iiilushrsrinfrocu tise, Nontîh mic thn Vlitby, l'srîl'srry aui- lsiisiea4lylsilsy Sautil Orsicclo Conuty Agicultunssl Exhlibition. Thi anussai xlihîiîouSlise#10Caluny Agriatuht-îtiel locioty of Solstis Ontario -lca,-iaeou Friituy ausdi atirday nazi. T issys oig,'laliysupointeti wero Tisuradey anti Friday, iSîli ansi 1itii ; butini cocîseqîsoncofoSfilie viil of thse (overnos- Giusenal ati l Priucoss3 Lsouise ou is e 29)11uil jasa tieisad. viflile Lo oxbeul lis hoe exibiiuusover le tisai dlay. Lire stoak noedi sot lie broupis ou tise graunt until tîso monoi. bpg oSt1 tise llsTiisyear itie îrizo -liaiL lies Seenveny isautuis nlangai anti cmlunte, vi its heliberal special prises, gire, onthebslarge isuuafr 81,500. Ah. roiîsy tisa-sius-beo f ntiesu uuls ox- cOesasi0îosemie up ta tise marns e ioti c im a u p-vions year, and tihtisa air - isnsi tes te h i.ai ever yet Ilil liy tît o Saiety. 'Ploiegaideut,-sirec. tors,adcuti chir otlleere cro 1cil itîsefiti gluili tueur %voritsAndl ara laaviusg oui(siuug tmid-10, liton tîeir paru-i tu ssikulise eXhibition aaistaecu, Thse QuebeaC ritis Tiseocie eiStili cotiueU..Huis. M. CistraProvincial Soentatry, ha. ro. sinulhîiali auttet asisl la tIseetssu- ralsoisuent oSIlion Mnr. Jssly. 1'uii oiniuon appe)ia-ratlaavon -a coalitionu of' tse leit men of Isotîs parties. Tottnîto Exthibition.- Cr cl tl outine tu vieil tisa 'T'o rîîsîuI~ldtidouTiîie wsok tIse live htoabi l ebing sîivtu,visiels wil have thei siliet of alinsg tu tisa nstsnbor sof vibllonsi. 0ntani 0loeruly ilova ul WsisvIltsaoeu, by tins liaI, viii sen 55 o<sr-. ..4-cy Iru gliatuao i or . t o, Cricket, The oghj1Sj eI l o luîyeuls .CUIoedian ,Tveul"y.tvo gsi Moudi Tsseeday. Tho a Catne iansmai tise f1rai susi 1544ilu tise scond .i Tfise ElgllSleen lacoreti 122 fitinningu, vinning tlua match illinsgt by tiacermus. Incorrigibsle. Itii >qssiters Uso0108- ttemptin< s-ot the Incorrigible of tisa Viscu His bat hrbittof tiin-g f"wiopi Is.yond ail- correction or n ame La-st %veee, lu ans &"stick" oS t, maicea a wIsôltsbaille of n menite. Amonget otiSons, ho ase of tIse Governor Ganera'. sean betore bis oyesssn-onncing tIse othviitl1 Whet can be doue vi aPi lcors-gbldoinner 12 0.aeapod prisoner frous lie E Penilpnîhamy, narad Arnoldi, ' restoi by ,C)ielf Bvyan on M Ho escapod ot a y~e ar ago, au weaSof$50 tas of tâaio aasui/Su U5w3i Ju y wDybLits îtson 47 Ib po.rcup.M -b IGeueral's Searelary on FriUIy lu. eb Dt1patau4 .î.pelpei s it8fr. thon a telegram lias basin recelv. NoA. .To.sonatiei<ioi. , edbytbuL xayôr he tinte of ar- e, undl to e hnot 1.1* thaui-.4 lss. On strday theo waïs a large oi.e ~AIt tsrl.y woighisg undor 441 Ibo. par lssg Of the. ollizetiasforiming is. general ImperiaI bnsabei, will b.ielasd~ receptio c oosnmitt'e, înoîusling thse g'" Mayor' 'anti members of the Town Our fttrrwng triend4s will ose thsai Coucl, memubers cf thse Board of bâiÎeîmuetbc Wlf cea 3'5c pu in Schoal Truutees, &.,&s pectionandti tis by extra -cieaip On motion, hii i boor. Jusige Di. uisb of their crop will paos toa high. issu was appointoil chairman, antiorgrade by addicg 1 lb tate .wight W. H. Hlgglus secreti.ary.per shl Mr. Hsgglns, aso spokesman o îrr~a IIGÂa-h ubr doputation b Toronto,- havingofh ba sàsinvx',aTlenubr Cale pnsprst rbly te of tho Living Age for thse wee ka end - satlsfaotory resuit cf ibeir mission. lug Seplomber 81h and 15thi roretv On mtio of r..Farewel, asubý yc tie 5llowiag arfic do . tWh Messers. DartiloI, ,Harperi ojý" aCont Caourts aotyL;glilemittin Ring, -O'Donovan, 'Higglass, -Oampbell an y>pteaot igtEitn snd ltse moirer, ta -report au te lb. b.d Anim is, s;uZte,-Science .B.oea pl1ace at which Ris Exoellency andti te Prince Lauis Napoleon'o Expeilition t' Prinoes&sa iouiti le receiveti apdthels Boulogne, andi A Gallican Novelisi, atisiresees presenteti. Fraeer ; Fasuhionable Oharity- and Tise Tihe committe. ratdretl ad sbrtly Lato Youllî cf Phlosophars, Saturday; aflrwadsreprtd bfaor f he e-Review. Barnard Casl., Bpotu.or; aftrwada'oprbe infav fleth eoné. with continuations cf Jean Lag.low'a ception taking place on th ise blog "Sarahs de Berenger ;" adNtiis earysla lng te Mr. Siserlf Reynolds,, Southb. Donbtng .leart ;" and- tise usual st of tise lailway Station, ant imime. omosui t nIpoelry. Oiitely oppositoetihe Coilege groundis. Frffytoso ubr fsxy Rieport adopted. ofytoso mbrofix. On motion of Mr. Farewell, secondeai four large papýes eacb (or more thoan 8, by Mr. G.-Y. Smitb a resolution passaid 000 pages a year(, thse suboription price raquebting Major ODonova ~($8) la low'; wlile for $14.50 thse pub. mauticf tie »4î a aI on - lM, a liesraoffer tb send any on. of tb. A. o>tsin the necessury autlicrity for oeil. cuerican $4 montisiies or weeklies with Tha Living Agefrayabt ot lng ont a guard of Isonor tb lorm, an os- ai.Litteli g fo aC o ar, botshesps Oort for thse Viasregai Party! at. &C.,pbibr. On motion cf Mr. SImilis, thse Mayor, THE Puaa.aSuaaS OF ST. NacisonAs Judge 'Dartueil, W. LI. igginsB, tise cbairmscu of tIse Board of School Trus- annDounce amoug tise attractions offlie ftees anti Soparate Sobool, lloyd. Mr. next volume lwo new serial.sloriis of Haro' cf lb. Ladies' College, G. Hl. 1peiaiitenest te boys : "Tis Fairport Riobinson, HesdMaster 111gbtilebool Ni ae astory cf a baseeball club, b înti J. J. Booms wre appointeti a catis Noah Brooks, and. "Among tb. Lakes, I mnillae. 1 tirait tise cime acdross. by W. O.- Stotidard. Both; tiese an. *On motion of Mr. ilmitis, secolttled tisons bave already, won tho hearîs of by Mr. Huggard, tise Mayor. Messre. t~S.Ncoa edrM.Bok Canpbell, P'owell, H-olien, Beay andi by lis simirable " story o1 "Tise Boy Bisler, were appointed a cou)mitîce for Lemigraults," aud ML. Stotidard> by a erecting apissîlorm andi prsrparing thea lively striai cf lest year, enlitîst i Dais gresuntis for tb. recepliors. iozor." The cul argecuent of the On motion of Mr. Farowoil. cjeconcleti Magazine wiii' bsegun in Novembor. by Mr. Powelilb.heIeaberis of the dif.' feronst seisools, antd of thse College were A iSHORT B UT SUGUoeaTlVE paper ln reqtnu8ted ta have tbe sohsool cbiltiren lis. October Serilimer is John Ar- asewenid on the' grounti te tako part buckle'e "Journaliscu as exemplifieti by lu tise reception by siugiug lb. Nation-,tise laIe Mr. ]3sglot," in wisici tise ai Antlieiensasisiollerappropriale picces uineii cf demaracion are drawu lis. of mussc. lween lihe jourualist, visoeo suçcesas dro. Qu iestiot>ýof Mr. biiîstfIseOtislfoi- pends upon tise airerago excellence of iows Bandl ;&i e&s5esueslud tuobcin siat- lus snany-wrilisgs, ansi tise-literalteur, ttsudlsncsr,-anti Dr. Cuaoneau ppoiqtod tu wiso acquires ist reputation by tise su- loosk sster tisaI suty. peioily of a few Paplirs on special soIs- On motion of Mr. Oriion, Mossrs. jeola." Tihe wriler also disonsses the Darîsîsil, Fsrcwéil, Casrons, Hls sulijast of unonysuana journauismu, favor- Buese, W. R1. Ifanuarsi, 0. Y. Slmiths, ing signei articles 'tbougis aknowieslg. Harrower and BJogart, were appoinstd ing thse advanlag-es of the present sys- a cormosittis on tiecoratione. tant. On i ootisen of Mr. Smuitli, seondesl---- isy Dr. Ifogari, fui insvntatiosn was ex-. 'Ti; MIDsAsNDANI) BCHFOR ONE tsnlesl laulise Vards.islstiti Counly Doi.a.-Tbie idItsWd anti 'Vitby, Courseil te coolsersuto flstise receptiars. P.1'& L. Rialwstys advs.rtise tise an- OuJo tlion of lMr. Siier, thesoseversai snb-ccsuLItintleeî woe essspswered te adlt nual munnicialss excursion for Friday, to lîsei r snscîber. . 201h iriit. l'are nuollar for thse trip, On uiasblosof Mr. flssggantl, eecnrssleani selurn. Tickets gooato tahie 80th by Msi. siîls, li iselrtnt conisittLees Se1slobaber. Tickets fnom Lindsay antd wslaro tomd muent on Mnîîiay istsrnediato statione ai rotincei rates. evenitsg sand report tise probsibie x. [sece aivI.] Pense. iCILMEN001TECUY On nmotions ai Mr. iannscise ssîLMes& FTeCuti by Mr. Corinack,,.Messers. Ray, pîsilip CüîJNCIL.-Tise Wartien lias calbcti a sasd Vergubon warn ssjpointesl a coin. eoalal meeting of tisa County Council in ittee on printiieg. for Fiday. Vieoboct is to take part On smotions, Messrs, Csrsoss, Ti4ylor liln » titi, s 10tîsein Exas'ilencies. anti flassuasa woarc ePlOintoîl a coisn- A meceting Of tile special committee, stp. milece on finance. peinlesI aItishe Jonc session 10 prepare ConssiLtieo adjournoi isulil Mondfiîy an addiseastq tIsa Qovennor Gencral, ovosliinst C 301).W. waa s ltiedut tIheCourt lionse osaTues- - -- dJay, wisvn anu asîrees wscs adopleti. l1Ui1mAN & Cs>'s ssna'rLoxooat Ceas-'l'ise Towvn lisse ivitesi lie co.operationd 111NAr55>N witil sîii t ut W ithsy, on ofthotNIseVsrds'n ansiCotsnty Counail,1 Satirdy te 2th iis. Te Cnipziyandi sec ara Isieneie s sy tisaI lise ras- Sstîrdy tsa 01hlisl. iseCocsçsîsyponlias habvis loyally pronspt ands st. lis nici willi gs'ust Frîscies wlisiever isltssry. exiibitt!d, ansiase Vill iii l s sby wlsat-e e-- tise K(ilistoil sspese essy thaiseccceA Fini; visitiig lihe County feinrivili bas ot ben tidesrvol (o vieil Io tltinborns a box of our bas et eon sndeerv'siCatîlo Spice. A On. dollar box for "Tho co. ssnsl., iiiovi slnskswss ictiseLou. 7-j, t,. 4. Lt . Stitls & Co. t <lois Iluissspty J>sinhlty, systis ilsi isle- . ainlsi iisltonss 1 ssoseisî. iLrclsad Tî. sN-sss i5~iitC-arn 4ise sity Ii je rosiig, of wlsiaisfiet %p ns' vr viiimi h d(flos r.eiciva(i flise iret lntiitsatj i is beern, ü .neslzt evury evesiss uls8Odclw lion of, tiselesntfiiiwliiltise exhibition . <1 i 8t takas islace. liil a mitake 10 555555ii. Loisasss & rôu- ,-Se r.-- wr aIs lise îsarfssinnegiven tsy Cis [ôe.n-8,M.Sowr' coacsîany wihlstisat of a airasse, for of sals a ciuasaotern ilosis ol Iar!ako. Tje oyfin 0ast9n .W lt ila wisoly wititout onîile gliund olaisslfo 0 t ozn I .f dieslay, beynycthsd lii îsical iparadle of Dssuitis.b tise uniios'snsi bansd, whiliis lacacept i,-- .1111n.fs..A ,t1.V.n. "Feil-. IILMYILTLt NÀ'ý_1_iiil issta lubi o ssowvih. viiîsit if; oeeîîel. Tise "aleurs ascasst i1s aicourse, a leailing rat- Iras-lisse. Tise blouriis of c onsislerabin smoe, andi ilseriai voysag' e sintareoting, anti vas witueeu iby ia large nmss-oSer wlsolisasi culecteti iu tiseviinitv (if t]ise isay market. Tisa ttûrolittit, Maus. Allen itsouseus, asid panrurs fa niumben of gyssunasite b lale wisicliîne- quire slilil as trenglis beelde. Tise programme vitîuin tisa cannas i8 oSunu- nouai nient, ansi is giruve ils au, dîaI viiis licibe tise complimeqnts oS tise audience. <ITumpty Duunpty' la very emusitîg, aud ssIigiron wvus linials ansI fin. ellecî. Tise flîuinga for lise pur- pose ara oS a sîikisg secsd]cliffatenrisîic ieanlitien, Tise tssetiaitie ire cf tise muost appi>nailo cissrîcles. Tise feust oS bîrssmfgtlis, tise leaping, panlor nanti. tissa, gyinastic andslacrobaliefeatm, are ssii wsrthuy oS liè fisser -iitliswisiclistiey wero roceti. Taen'st ant isepcta. b ility crus reeogoized, oui lhssl public mucciv> tise fulesat bleuslit oS ofS Iluir puatrnage. àMdii. Iieilta lle listeeti IsOgot4edloSf-Awazuriiai trenth ;i Villio ausîdsll'eslsie Olîieu, lise ilesel Fisiy, Oils'isusSibis, lied Levisîs- hune, M'(1110 Victusia, Poiiy Daili>. aud tlesem, -osciatuttsîau orgauizatiom uf rare trelispilsaussi xellenas'. Tise clown las tiwîly mwoseulsss susil lise sosurce ut gueset ifnsisu l uti4 agile lus body eut couiet.l iusfacisal IXIîpcso. ion, seun (ti sugtiser tisfe sisISele is tisa aursinaîiusn. we coussusoîsi tisa s<nItcstiiiusmit, Aussifnl easiredth iaI iA viii gi',c satisSsaciinte al vise it." usmusan - Fous it tisTi.: - CSief lnyaLn reausivei, la- telogratu froni 'Porouto on Moîsduy lu look onît forac nan(sd wvisoii a dnscr-litsn %iLS-u givusu) agaiusî vison * piaketiac vuant aus ledbeunuiaeuati for frasil. cy ant i le vent by tis a me oS TaIrsiaiga, cali- eé 65 luce 'Counur. Tise ChiaS diaiovsnî-slhie img Man u i tisesmuisus cocuiusg frusîu lie Onig.station, n-si tuopist him isSons E. J. in lise Gunn, J. P. by visom lie vas remuan- s. in au, ted, Tise ntoîoities lu Tomanto 'rare comînasuiîcateti vilSh, anti detarhive ilîsr- nowa acame dovu on Tuesdssy ansi car- nid Seehilise fugitive la tise city. to con- JuNSaaAND Asuica, tie I Sftire lise dicaior. County Jutip'. Crniissl Court au Mon-' ýpensj" ieday, fan ieetroyiug lise acpla evcart dmenî. at Grcenlik w'ero acquitteti, tIsa ai- donne Seing udt ta Se usufllient. .ye eTleyvos-o Sounti aven teippoar on e istt.second chaerge. &Ys tisaI ýil WSit. PEaSONAL.-Wbhitby yl Sbc fai-ret istua îeîîssa- multitudie cf visitons on Fniday ho e-y i antasirtiay nçxl. Everyone is qoun- intonti ing t ea00tise Grmrnor-Genoral andi ith sucIsieiaRoyal vife-- A igIst loyal volcome viii ISey pet. Nexitae .eeiug lis. Boy. al pereonaes, ucue siionîti SailIto viei4 0,-n is store oS M.ues-as. J. S. Robertson & ingslon lin. 'Onr sistacsi, Our-*couîsinsanti Vas as- Onui lta', viii futtheoa mu ais lsdl buta-y. boti s uefni eut ornemental, Tisir iar-stock of booe ttoo music, toys eutP. adfny od'isvr rge, ant i vii , appas. ropiL inspection. Tisey are agents for pr e ise sacolelirehen Iron-liaunt schoolbooku, attioni. Seolsocu, et Dêmerell's Block, Brouie. vilS. St. Wiiby l l- -Noe Peafumsmse, Marquis Lorne, Muram isealtis, ciioness Lonno, Cealsmero Bon et, M. - Pensla-ssEsa.e SOt50te, BaIlle eVui l Luisine, S. W, B3. Scltis. et.s U Nwisop -id cri is becouaissg ail thie rage. Levers tif tisa weed %vil bave -none olisentîsanlise peunnesarticle, suarbteilunpuit hInters, eacispis-"T. & 1." lMltFsli, 1'.FARM, 2nd cou. Whitby, is adverîeti ee b soiti by anatien on Silnrday,ilt's (cteber. Il lsa asplen- did preîserîy anti in a llgi setate oS cul- tivati on. OolnassTuITÂL.Mr Jiset lias a grand displîy of jevehry oS al kinte. Warraniteti Walaises, Clocks, &a, at extnemnely low priaes.- SALE OF' SoOCi AT TUIE MOeusFs.siM. -At tisa Ibird annuel sala cf tisorougis. breti lire stock anti seet grain et tise Guelpis Motel hani, attentiing v huiai wve over a tiosonanti farnmsrs frons every section of thie Province, thss Soi. iowinp veno tIse average pnice& obtaien- ati :-Sont-lseorn yearling Salis, 073.. 854 ; Hlerefordnti bush alves, 0150 ; Ayr.- sbire lisuifsra, $8.5 ; Colavoltisearlinp raima, $20 ; Colavoiti ramu lamnls, $14.- 12 ; Cetavoiti speulewep, 0105 : Cota- vuld i sisecliog oves, #16.16 ;Cotavoiti ove limbe, $9.75 ; Leicester shearîinp rame, $19.661 ; Leicester ram lamnba, $11m3 ; Leicester apot eves, $14; Leieester ave lanise, $10.75 ; Souths- tievo slueurrlissrasna, 911 : Sculdosm nsirf litubs, $7.660 ; Soulisiluvu oear. lin- oes, $11 ; Sautlistovu aeeIambei, 59t> Oxford Vovu cisnaring maus, 825.- 50 1; Iienislflinu s n, $7.81; Berksire sowe, 1$8; 1'. A. Windsor Soais, SiS.. 25 ; eprinp viseat (ibuseiu No. 7), #1.- 18, Tie TioN- CORINWAL-FI1NANChe. -TlTbs Èovu of Cernwal lsaviug ap- pliedti th ie Ontario Govenumeut for a cousmiasiausn te enquire loto thea can- dtiin of lise financesoSflise corporation, Mn. A. il. Dyuuout bas Seau appointeil, andI vihi enter upon lise vont aI once. Tus. ALLs.uarn KDNAP5'Eas ARUEStTED. -Ou Setunsiay tiseblrotisors Deal. lise alieget kidnappons of Mn. Jcffnay, cf 'Parente, van. anrastio in Moutreal. 'risy gava tisair naines as Rosas qt tisa railway station. Tisir preper nainesu are JelisuRosa eaochantiTisomasBos Deal. Upon tIse pereon of 1h.eIder brolbcr, Jous, a booke vas fauntinl viiaisas aritten tisa foloviag : Canadien League.-Yosx vili not ne- roui tse pro elg oS tisiaSociety, or repeat tisa nameho auj memisor out. ida tisa place oS meeting. A. I vii soet, se lielp mue Goti. 2. Yen vilI oisey lihe Cief anti offi- cors in everytising pertaiuing ta 'lIe leagne or ils inlorestu. A. I viii, so help me Goa. 8. You viii do ahlinl your power to for- tison the mIneest thie League. 4. 1 viii, se islp me Got. 5. Memisers cen only Sie avenu inliy tise cSieS or oesof hie ofileere. i. Yen swoar tisaI yon will esial in - pnnialiup ,amymeiser, unot exceptissg your broîbca. A. I viii, su hioi me Goil. 0. a-ny menibér- breekiug tis en~sti viii Sie panisîsjeul vils dealîs by his-lro- tiser membanu. e 7.Yu Pou aer tleasistinluaa'yîiing tisaI viilbenefi tih. uoclely. ,- S. Pop avware te 'do al l nyour pover ta pet maculios Son tis Soioty andt t vonk.- for Su overy passible m-uinn, O. Yen awens ta do everytIsing You lie r rmiset. 10. IL i. your duto taprotýeol -ys SsstsAnd îiiet thoin wh isnl wno sasi.sn-er cauaren aie Osi' riilhbd aé*u1hre; Wa knov ar mter's iseaat'wolti iell To-dayvlitibappyl c oudse btkC tica love va oui Fer ier avaet Girl anai Boy. Nov aomi-eor bratisren, asU ansi give- (Unitedi jet us stand) A velcometo.onr Soverelgn's chilti, Antiriater of our baud ; And we' v, like tem asekiaci n larnen roumd But aul our coùiryasgood. HELEN JOHNSTON. Whiiby, Sept. 17, 1879. Public Meeting. A Meeting of tise citizeo,,ccnvenei iu pursuanoe of a requisition, for lise purposeeof laking proper stops 10 gire a befitting reception to tise o bise Gov. ernor (jouerai, vwu heid t Itise town. hall on Tisurcday evoning. Tise hall wae crovded anti great interest ment- festen lu the. proceedingw. W. H. Bill. luge Esq. vas calle t 1 thé chair anti NY. H. Miggins appoluteti Seoretary. Moveti by M. O. Donosan, sacontiet isy W. MoDougali anti rsoIvedti, ba tise people cf ,Whitbyhave receiveti vilS extremne gratification the intima- tion of His Excollancy tise Govaînor. General's visil ; that thay4 haraby in public meeting assombled ie.to ex. p ress tlosensa cf tisa iigis Sonar, anti 1eg te, aksuro ls lixc.lleney tisI -H B.. LtisePrince8s Louise ï-ili han self wiii Meut vilS a cordial andi loyal velcome. Canrieti unanimously amitist lousi chenig. Moveti by Mr. Greenvooti, sacontiet by Dr. Carson, anti resoîvuti; Tisi lie layor an in bis absenoa the Beeve Sa requestei cdl a -aspecial meeting of; tise Town Councl, ancUthat saisi coun- cil bciersspactfnll 'y requéstedti lamake suitable arrangements for lise praper rectpion of tisa Governar-Ganeral anti H. . H. tbo 1rincoss Louis. on their isut ta this lowfl. Carriedti iiout dissent. Moreti Iy Mn. Fenguson, eoontieti by Mn. Smithî, liat tise Mayor, J. E. Fae. vell, James Holtien and W. H. Hig- gins lic a special'depuhation ho procet liy final Irai n Id Toronto ta vait on tise Govennon.Ganeral, andi take suoS steps a tey Maydecuavisaisis 1 arrange delnuitei y d0 e vieil of Hic Excel- ,eny ati3;.tR.tH. tIse Prinoess Louis. A resolutionL vas aiea pacacti consti- Carnieti. tuting tise Mayor anti Town Council, tia meusisra of tise Seiseol Board anti numiser of promineni ollizens of lise town a raceplion committea. A vote of thanke vas passedte 1thei cisainnian. Tise Meeting auîjouneti viti oheers for tie Qusu on frtise Governor-Geisenal anti tise Princs. Louis. Important Cha-nge in Rates aS Pos- tage. Tise natte, 10 lbe prepaiti by postage sIatup, on parcele posteti in Canada for destinations witlsîn flse Dominion 10 wiuicli parcela eanulb. sont, are as foi- lows s- Foi each parcol sveighing not maono than 4 ozs.................... 6ots. For eacis parcol exceadtng & oze., and not oxcoediug 8bzucas .......... 12 et. For eacis atitienal 4 aza., on traction of 4ozs .......................c t.. 1l twili bc observetât-provision je tisus matie for a netination of change on scuail isarcols net exaceding 4 Ozu. in waiglst, andti iaItîfle general ecale of chsarge will bec(6 cents fer 4 Ozu., in. stad ai, as lieretofore, 12 j cents par 8l ozs. Tise exclusion of glasa. froi mails is ca fan modifiedtatispectacles anti oye. glaiaes, if secunoiy put np lu cases not iikeiy 10 allow tise contents 10o escape if bi'oken lu course oS couveyance, may lie sont iy post witisin tise Dominion On pre.Paymeut <of the aboya parool post nais. Tise terni prinied circularB is exlonti. ed to inaînde circulars protincod th ie siecînia peu or otiser macisaniaal Pro- ecs, eaey of recognition liy tisa officers oS tise POOL office, as - Well as vlsen pnintid by tise ordînry procese of PriaIing type,.ongraving Or litisograpisy. M'lsen leIters on otiser postal malter es mis-sent, anti reacîses a ýpoil office for wisici il is nat intendeti, tise Posl- ziastor, vhis e cediug on tise same ho wa ieh jutiges to be tise nigit dietina- ion, sisoult i e aarofui 10 mark tiseneon "Missent ta -," adding lise post. mark of bie office. Chili and Peru. ANOTIIER NAVAL ENGAGEMENT. SoqtlisAsiseicen ativicea report tIhat varlike oporetirins continue. on Avg- -uet 2Otis tise .faaecar anti transport Crepia iero sont liy Penn on a -secret mission tri lie Chilien coasl, to pick np Chilien transports. Tise Union, of tise Poruvieunanvy, is cnuiciug in Chilien valene, ooaraiig for an Engliais vesel witSaemnauilition for*Chili, but tise lat- ter eiudedth ie Union andi arriveS untio a clnang avoy. Tîse Ciilian fleel cruising nons sapluret a trirpetia laumeis menuei liy four monu, anti carry- ing lorniisly effective torpedoos. A cois- trat vas iounti on oeeof the mon, anti aiguesi Sy a mrobrcant in Penn, offernng bisn £10,000 Srdntestnoying any oSftie Chilien ironcael, anti £5000 tacis for corvette.. 'i.Perovianh Minister of Foreign AffaIire telegrepisa as Slines :-"Tso liuaocucr ataketi Autofagasteaon tise 28t1h oS Auguol. An engagement of four bonne donation ensueti. Tise Huas- car silencedth ie enemy's.'fire dismonuteti tise principailiattery. Thse Atlas vas tiemigeti, ber commander vountieti, anti severel kilieti." Annual Meeting of cise Masoeic Grand Lotige. stLC.T-iOst OF eFFaCEsis, AI thie annuel couasucuicetion oS tIse Masoula Grant Lotige Soit et Ring- atone on Tisuraday lest, lise olleving Grand Officer e veoelectet : Grant Meuler, IL W. lino. James A. Heutieron; Kingston ; D. G. M, Bro. James Moffat, London; G. S. W., Bro. D. Mefellan, Hamilton ; G. 'J. W., Bro John Walsh, Ottawva; G. Chaplain, lino. Bey. J. Gala-ben, Baiilniyno'u Cornera; G. Treasurér, B. lra. Etiverd Mitcell, Hamilton ; G. Begisîner, B. lire. J. Greenfielti, Toronto ; G. Sacre- tary,.B. lino J. J. Maan, Hamilton ; G. Tyler, Bro. G. SmÏitis, Guelpis.' Tise foliovlug are lise namnea cf tise Diie Depnly Grand Mestens; SI. Lavrensce Ditrit-W. Bro. B.T. Welkem, Ring. ston ; Prince Etverti, W. lire. T. R. Rose, Otidea ; Ottawa, R. W. Bra. William Kerr, Otaae; -S. clair, Rt. -W. Bro. T. C. MeoNali, Chatham; Wil- son, R. W. lire. T. B., Bain, Tiisobnrg; Huron, R. W. lra. A. Leubasa, Strat.. fond ; ehuton, B. W. lira. W. D. Hepliutu, rlegsion ; Hamilton, B. W. lino. J. M. >MDeakins;, Hamilton; Nia- gare, B. -W. lira. J. W. Coy, St.. Cath- arinea ; Taoranto, B. W. lira. Tisomas Sargeul,' Toronto; Ontano, 9. W. lira. G. H. F. Denîneli, Wiilliy; Georgian, B. W. B-ru John Netlleton, Colling- Wod; London-, B. W. lire. B. B. Ire tise tissleys ho fsha mol 1 ."- witn suasse no uiinifns eur lea Tisa 0.I snaaaYoung lita&hall uaath ils raysasnd AnISuI is s l 'er haudoue, Sia t iIIlsbinti s. raflstona f air Euig. Tesu, or5 'a 1=Les ycnr bsrkvifii is eants tisa-I Irobi vilsgreoalng shall on avery aida Bd valllng te racelvo, andibhall vilS wel- come smralas, 'Tour most illusînious presonce, sud upon O1 cur ile country plants, vitisin Ilsbos- oni's cors, Msra tirmly roolte 'en than a'ar belons Tise suining pnrpl"-1eted lisistle, anti anouasistIs stemn i Tvlunn a rose' in. vhieh ils rsrtz eau No ecns4udtia sucpeilssnes shed Wilin aur ccuntry's precilsets shall upon O1 oua loveti Canada descoud, Like sisoverso lglcry, bijiuat vitsont anti, Yes, han Young brov shisd vlsa voniros Dlspty Lt icrovu viitimarks Il fon Its restlng placa, Anti vus tisa nos. andti lsisle lu lIs maple - trame5 Tisa siamock andthtsaHUIY botis issU oaimn A pla-es 10 ailngib thair unlading hues, 1' Anti ailvithin tise fragrance .etlth, rosea ShaU nast sasira-In beauty anti in streuglis reposa. A WELOOME TO TEE aaa<CEss. Miss Fond, oSf 'ew Yonk, readth ie folloviog veloome o thlie Pnincosa: once again wv. vus tiee veloese, Brougist but ci-sqa[ereti joya to thes. Grief Satis press' Iss, e, o oultisolace As ve great tSee isore to-day ; W. vanîi cisase tisa pearly devdzops Fros tiiy gentis eyes avay. Ail tue swftly Deatis's tark engel SPed iothyfurnvestern home, Tèlling Sov tisa Riineleastimourus Itu royal fiowerel'o early lomh. Satily bes their orpSenti waiHiug Fahien an, tlsy triakon heant, As il earIh anti air vers singing Requesuero a seul tiepart. Brui wa shall not vaken sorrow- 'Tis net tisus ve'd siag thy velcone To oun fair Canedian-cs ors; Bore, parchence, mey ries hesaverti ButI tbee s a home abeve- Home of joy past hurnan teiiing, Hanse ai deatisesa, chanfgoleslove, Tu that peacefal, joyousS aven, May a nunilieg Se,. Royal Sbearte un goldens love-links. Crownlà willa hies eterually. Royal lady, thon art wtslcome To Lonatto's juoes balls ; Myhsert's sunahisse ever preet thce, M isresoe'r thy foolatep fils Fein wo'd strew thy life.bonp puthay Witihie sweeiost, feireal floyers, Evor Sioominp mitist the nopions Of eartis's tavoureti asu-kisati Sowera. Coulti we soanais the assean's cavelets, WVhere the Sluasing conais grow, We wauld lwiue tiseir glawng treissunes Round thy genîle. noles row. AS i It is net ours ta oSfer Oceans oines non garbanda fair, Bu erytetseaven may blesa tises WitbsaNie usdimmed b as May Got' i'alipist aipels eciltitheo, Ga.tie thy onward stops aniglit Tisro' the mare ai eanth'a dean exile To 15cir ownu hast rea-iftia ailighi. Oh h may faeuh anti love keep twissing, One fair, fatiebos crovu for tSce, Ante b.star af Sape be gleansing Bright in tisy fa uoity, WhilsI the halo ai tisy virtues Shetis its pureslt liplit upan Every Nwaek thon Shiaît secampliish, Till Itie eenly tank ho dons. Weieaane, noble lady, welcome 1 Joy'e tain garland wss muaI twîue, In ils pore sel radiant bviplstnesB, On tisai gentie brow ai tiine. Look ahove thee, yan bine heaven Seem'st as if 'ivaulti yith us say: Net a elonti asaulti mar tisunshine WhicSh presenceSerings to-day. H.r 1MvieshsaîllSeat reponsive Iu the greetingas iciswe pive, That esaci joy visich RIeamen accords tiseu, Ail tisy eartisly grief'$ onîlime. May tise palS thou'it tend be thonaleas, e ound*iil may lite's frientiaise 5me vcry tlower cf pure affection Thet in morIal. heevt ecer pnew. Tissa we greet tise all these S5eesinpa, Muay kinti ieaven on tlsee s~ Pilrthine exile hene bhoaven, T111 hiles strean elbat easod 10 flowe Tissu nay angel, plions Sean iliee lTo thoir star- it landi ahave, Pc thse taie sud spasicus mutiNions 0f aUr Fathene berne of lave. There a ebain oa! hies ibroken Sisals encîrcie tisoe once mors. idist th lsoraimua veicome grtetinigs On tisaI Snipat etensahane Town Counil. Wisitby, Sept. lotis. isp parsuant loa aujounumenî. Proacut, tIse Mayor, [in tise cisain,] anti Messrs. Barnni, Burns, Bogart, Campbiell Cor. meock, Fox, Hluppanti nd Smsiths. Absent, Messrs, King, Bey anti Rat- loulge- COS5MUNICAT5ONa. From C. F. Stâaran, asking permis- sion 10 put tiovu a cnossing ai lbis ovu expense opposite hls store. Prom Josephs Stane, asking compen- sation fan siseep killet anti injureti by doge. Tehegrmute thte Muayor, fmoi tise Gevernor-General's Secretsery, stating tisat lIe Viceregai parcy vouiti be in Wisitby, et ton o'oloak a.m., ounlise 201h inot. On cuollous oS Mn. Hugart, socondi- euh by Mn. Cormaec, lthe permission skeul by Mn. Stewartva grautee- the vrossiug ta Se laid dovu undth ie supervision oSflise streal commitea. On motion oS Mn. Campbsell, second. cdi iy Mn. Smith, tise resoîntion peesoti 181h Anguel, isnafarouce 10 Mn. Perry's taxes vas rescindati, anti c resolulion aheo passeti declinung l a ke any action Sy tise council. Mn. Fox brougist up lb. report oS lise commilîsie au printing, visici vas adopteilunarimmiîîee oS tise visle, Mn. Bannes ina the acsair, neaammentiing paymenl oS accounia of ClsOIotcLE anti Ga;eitt. Ou motion oS Mn. Campiseil, second- eti ly Dr. Bogart, a speeli vommiliee vomsisîing oS tise Msayor, Mosans. Ring, Bogart, Fox an(tihIe imoyen, vas ap. poinleila arrange for thilaisottie. ment oS the puroisaee of the Hopkins' hsall property anmd the Mayor anti Treas. nanan insîrnole t ta bave tise nevessany delienînnea isaued ant i duposeot Sthie beal admentage. On motion ai Dr. Bogart, seaontiet liy Mn. Campbell, resolmeti, tisai lie su of $60 b. appropriatedti tarda tise receptian -of tise Vicanegal party, andt St lis. clark notify tise secretary of tise Becaption ComxnitIee Iliat tisaI amount vas placed t eIoldisposai. lu I moving tIse nesointion, Dr. Bo. part explainet uaItishe councillors Set subîcribeti$55 eacis b make up lise 860, sse as btaire no mouey culoSflise Towen Tresury. Tise sommunicatlen of Josephs Stone vas refennedti this cosumite e on Town proporty, ansi lie coocmittee vena also nequestoti ta report on tise Hailel com- munication ses ta eisoep billot by doge. Tisey vene taiking about tise weigist of dufferent individuels ila ecertain family andtihie tiaugtiter's young man, visa vas praseni, spoko up bofora lbe thouigis, anti saisi: III teil ycu tisa-t Jenisy ain'S ;go -vos-y ight eithr, al- l'sO"gis aie 'looka-o." Anti lissai Sa lookoti uutdoenly cuinscions- ansi blusiset, and Jonny becamer absorb.sl in etutiy- iesg echromo on ihe vall. broken down, andi ta nov sul1eKingg15' Mosi t-,pis of"conscience. Reo aeaonhsmc' I itVely tishe' lid mnr motive in porpolrating ts sriimr dons. Ho Resoam uos for lisesui- zoeo, antihopes tIsaIlise poriodti on caonvictiin antienttion may bse pbuir ;xieti. He iiaperfectly resig-nei tàhis faIs, andi asks no mercy on sarIs, anti expecta noue. Il las tated th ise i 0'f lu se diusstad vitis hie cousinai tisaI siserefus.s 10 vieil Mim. fis spir- itual vanta are Seing attandestito by- Dr. MeNisis, Tise Presisytenian minis- ter.-- 1 TiseFred Grass! Gazette uayu :-A partycf six railway men, cf v.isiclx Mr. Noble, C. E., i. tisa eeaf, commenceti oxploring at Bracebritige on Tceaday lest. Tisey pslrpose running .an ex- ploration lino fros Bracebnitigo t0 la-ko i neing, tino doubli bave an eyo to 'týise 68,000 pa*r mile bonus' ofiereti by lise, Ontario Govanument te any com- pany visicis ouiti censîruet a lino frosa a point as fer nortis as 'Gravanhurst, te tep tis a pifi Baiivay. Tis ifue s being ànayeidby the, PicRailvay Co. 0f course no'depeutio0 nocari ia placoti on a more. exploration lina, anti vory frequautîy railvay mon vili mun a iajmber cf linos e as 10puzzle landi speculalors;4 but about aiglit yoarc ago Mn. Moberly, C, E., comploteti a sur- vey baivean Grsvenhurianti Brae- bridge, et wviicisevols voeehaken. This route lerminateti near the ina-ce- bridge visarS. A fev-years laier Mr. Ellison, C. E. rais an exploration line froin, Gnevosniurst ta Nhisring, svia South Fells. Tisis lin. voulti non a- boul ous anti a Sealf miles east of Brace- bridge. Tise lin.e t prosent unden con- sideration las a continuation cf Mn. Moberley's aurvey, anà voulu panliapa cross tise river et asome point belveen lise visant andthie Ceartimore Tanuery, anti foliov tise Monck Flate, nortbvarti. Officiai Account cf tise Massacre of lthe Embassy at Cahul- A deapatcis froua Alil Kieyl givea au aacount oSfIth, massacre et Cabul. Four tisousanti mou attakedth ie E miasey. Tise mulineers brosîgisi np antillery a- gainsI il. Major Cavagnani vagsteali. bel iii several places, anti aIiltise Sodies of lise doaiwaso mutihatoti TIhe Af. gisais laces oxceed 8100. TIse Ameer lîsti otîser iroope vîso nemainoti failli. fui, litaI ate no effort, to intenter. ow- ispg te intimuidation by tisa pniests. A tllgrain frota Leisore reporte tisaI tise Amear isegged tise lives of Luemblers of tise Emlisay, It is staati tisaitisaeludian Goveru- ment bas not yet asaketi for ninforce- mente, SoltIshe tornm of service oS tIsa troopa lu Indue, visosa time has axpineti, wiii ise extentiet. A tiepaicîs. receivet liy telegrani froin Simla lo-day says it is Sellavet in tise beet iDformeti virales lu Indue tisai lise Ameor us untionbtetiiy in compii. city vilS thoso who committetiltise as- sanît iupeu tise Brliish embas-sy ai Ca- buh, if isc is not guiity of Saving durs-at- ly insigat-t tise afiair himef. Fac.te lecintin it ii dirction are conin zIn posesnsion aStbe Enigliehi antisorities. Tise Vnetendeti imprieonument of tise Anses-r is believeil te bave Iss.e rescirteil latonurtise purpsse of devoiviug tiseBirit. ish as te tus loyalty te Ibecu. Il la iseit tisera eau b. but huItle quesions oS bis secret assoaiatioa antiaonmmuniea- tien viwit Rsian agents for tise pur- pose oS orgeniriug e comisined tiefeuce oS Russieus andi Afghane againal tise Enghiss Irritpe. Il is krsown tisaitisae Aiueer bias is3sue- au nior te the suS- ordinales at Cabul tes asase cil com- munication vits the Britlish. Tn vice of tSi. fiel, noue oS thse English aoim- mandera vili place auy roliauae opon tIse co-op.eration lu tisoir admancea opon tise ineurgente. Tiese trugglA viii nov probaisly lie belîveen tise British col- nuans andtihis entire Afghsan atrenglîs, headeti y the Ameer hiniseif. Tht gramity of tise situation vos immeney inergased Sy tise.nav tievelopements. Tiser. cau Se no houper auy donist oS a long anti poessbiy disastrous cempaigu. Military movementa ara matie vits great caution. The montain IriSes are sisovi ng tbeir nmielsaeisi Iostiliiy tai Englenti. Tise Mosmotis, an in- teneely hoglile anti varlike triSe, ocupy Dabika, anti otisor iriSes oS Afghsan@ caver alltise approaches ta Casnh. Altitude of Russia. TIse St. Petersburg Gazette varus its' neatiens egeinet tise treacharouasceéser- lion tlIatit i s uoaessary for Englandti t couquer Afgisanisteu. Il-seys Euphaust bas cuiecys beau a sesuiy enemy oS Russie. Tîse polivy of RusasinluAria eau only cousiat of reprisais againet Emplanti. Lt il e essery ta expelthtie Brillis frosu Central Asie. This cen noçv Se doua by- sending 20,000 Rue. siens ro shfeuti Afghsanisan. Now it a favorab le moment bo free tise Russians oS h lie acteru frontier Sorever frasu daugesa on lise part oS Ruplauti. Hei'xs BLevat uî.- Corbinu Hotei, Weatervilie, O., vas Siovnunp Moutiay nigisi iy gaupawtier. Corbin clone oS savenel occupants vas injuroti, ant i ie nat fatalIy. 111e ual kuovu visa ploc- et tIse poieter un tise building, Sut Cor- Smn aseorîs il vas doue by lise villegers incenuet et bis refusai 10 cease e eîiug liquon. Four years ago is saloon vas demolishet by gupoieder, anti Corbiss leSt bien, auly retoruing a short lime a.0o. Au attempi la arreet the gnilty parties promet uuavailinp. Thu dam- ags ta hliIotel anti adjoining buildings is $0,000. Tise citinena say visile iIsey famoret reortiug to ésinmeul moasu- rs to proveni liquon seehinp tisey nover Savoureti sueb measures as tis. "«Anti vs-St vonît yen do, Henry," asketi a natisermain lady af lhon littîa nepisov, wvisa h beeaua-suring han oS bis unisountiet affection for hanr.'"if your gooti auI vere te dis, anti. your umala ver. tas mas-ny apain ? " "Why," zepliet Henry, vithioni the eligistest heeftetinin, "I asoulti go tle i. at. ding of course." Si Stougisten, lsonagiseaevy drink- sa, vas a knt busSent anti fatiser ; but Si is deati nov. Sisortly eter lisal saee heul isa s-sic a-e visiteti by e upitiiualistio friend, vhe isaci come 10 tell tise Sereevet eue tisa-t lhe Setseen bis spirit. lshe vas sure il va-slise. '*O, ne il le impossible," sigîse this vitiov eatly; "It vacu't issii titiu'î have gay.", i' pni;h vowalthy batik offiaer, ou Seing op- plisdt 1 for ait isy a needy Inia;haan, enaveneti pctalantly .s "No, nop'l eaan& hslp. I bave fifty sucis appicanta -as you evî'y day." "Sure, andi y. migisi have a- hontieti vilhout. acostiig ya muais, if isobotiy gels more- thsen 1 do," va-e tho vrtyrepns For more isa-n'a ea-and ahahf rny face waa covereti vitîs 5imisa and- -iuelwm, Je ves asebus asse _ "'Mkientheu rigisi front knee-oll- oti as largo as a big turnip. BuIs il vuh -Giles' Liniment ; tisaI nover- dis- appits; be aHil ell to-morraw" And so itgoes; Oeeone *10iSePd.il Once wil. neya, b. vathout i. SaIsi by S. W. B. Smith. - Sendfor pamphlet. - Dr.; Gilea, 120, West Broadiway, N. Y. Triai size 25 cents. Tise Pain Killer is an'almost certain cure "for Cisolean, 'anti bas, vithout tianbt, baen More auccessfni in coning tlim terrible disearne tisan any otSon remedy, or even the ont, Eminent anti ghulful Physicians. ln Inidue, Africa anti China, visera tisis dreadful disease fa over mono or Iess p revalant, tisa Pain-Killer la consitianat by tise nati- vos, au voll as by tisa Enropean rosi- deants in tisose climates, A Sure -Rem- edy. .Pisotograpisy can -dive us cnîy tise images ofS te Baons, but lu Murray & Lanman's Floridea Walen, cisemistry Sas preservedti er axomatlo essence. If s litsra-lly tisa iotîloti broali cf tise Most fragnant protinets of tise icliset floral region in 1h. vorîi.- Any one desining an olegani anti de. liglilfül hein dressing sisoulti ponchase ab once a bolile oS 56Beanine,," pnice Tise Heated Ternn-Look Ont. DONT SIT ON TRE GRAMS. The moal stuisioru caseofo Dysent- ery visicis l nothing more non bass tIsais inflammation aS tise rectum, produceti not unfrequenily isy selting on tise grass-may be cureti by tbat most eouI- aenet calisortil, Castor 011. Its soolis- mng anti beaing properties are vontier- fal, but its a uaing cifecte make il impossiblo for tise patient to rotain it. To Scott & Bovue, tise public are in- tiebtoti So-an Emulcion oS Castor Oul ltiat is net only isahatable, but is pro. noncoti by ibousantie who are using il, nbsrihutely agrocaisî toelIse pale. Na Saihiy eau affordtie b. vilisout il tisrongîi 1he hseateti terra. Pria, .25 cents. For sale by T. G. WIsitflelti, ]lroak-sit., WViily. 4in-86 Frec of Cool. This cionderful nomedy oSflise ege is nov piaceti vitsin tise necls oS ail. Bue ha nicli on be lie poor, il cas uotising te gime this groat reîuatiy a trial. Dr. King'a Caifornia Goldenu Compound, for Dyspepsie, Sick Headi- achle, Laie Spirits, Losa oS Appetite, Saur Stomacîs, Coming nip af Foodi, - Yeliow omplexion, Genoral DoSiliiy, Inclivity anti Droiesinese, Limer Coin- plaint, Jandice anti Bilionanees, for wbicis ilisla ecertain anti apeedy cure. ""a persa0"sîoulti Se vithout il. Tu ortier tîdprove th isaI il v ido aitva dasim for il yen are giron a triai botîlo frec of ca8t, wvihicisvii ernvinco yen aS ils inssiy wontierfsai monts, ansI eiow yen wîsst a reguhssr one dollar sire bot- île will do. Foi siale by S. W. B. Smith & Ca. - 'Getrmau Syrup." No otisen mediaine in tise -orlti vas ever givan suais a lest of ils curative quahliieyaB oseiscea Gernman Synnp. Iuithrce ycars tva millions fotr Ison- droti thouecuil scuail sotlsof tis medicime vore diatnibutet fi-e of chasrge tsy Druggiate in Ibis contry lu tisose affliciedti il Cousumption, Astis- mn, Croup, severa Congis,, Pneumonie, anti oiSontissassoSfIbhetlsront eut lucis, giving lise Amerioan people un- tienialile proof Ihat Gertnan Syrup wih aune tisec. Tise result fbas Seeu ibat Druggista in every taien aurd village lu tise Csatidas sud tise United States are- recoummauding il te t15c anaomers. Go ta your Druggist anti ask vhat Iisey knav abjout il. tSample Sotîlea 10 cents, Iteguler cire, 75 cents. Thre. doses viii relieve any case. 15ucien'a Arnica Salve. TIselisti'SALVE l is te vonîtifor Cuts, Bruisea, Sorea, Ulcers, Sait Rbheuas, Tetter, Clsappeti Hande, Cisil- bluains, Cornu, anti ailkinda o! akin emuptions. Tis Salve is guaranteeti 10 gime perfect satisfaction in oves-y case or monsy refusntid. Price 25 cents per box. For sale try S. W. B.- Smiths& j:ý" Noties of Births, Mars-iages, and Deaths chas-ged 50 cenI8 each.. 13IRT HS . McCLELLAN-At Liverpool Mar- ket, Ont., on lhe 7th mast, the wife' of J. H. MaCisilan of a daugliter. WJfITBY MARKJSTS. CHNCsisuicu.ircs, Sept 17tis, 1879. Flon, pean 5înl...........4 50 ('$5 àO Fa-il W Seat ............. $0 95 @ si eu Si-niug iWhist .......... 0 95(40 97 Barloy, Nol, ........... 60 40 $0 5ùif 2,..........0 00 $0 00 8, ..........#0o2uio0 bye, ................... 40 @ 45 l'osa...................s0>@ & Pes, Slack-eyed. ....$0 70 @ il>72 Oati ................... 25 (t.28 Corn................... 55e '2v 60 Ilay ................. 7 C(a E.. Ajuples, par bri---------i.. 0 1 5i0 Plumas................l o1 ( $1 25 potatas, ncy........... $1 0@ $1 25 E'gge ..................0ec Butler-................oc ' il Choece ................ta08C lu Woosd... ...............6850 @$0 0- Beet, Simd quarter ...$5 S2Ca_ 550 lise!, fore quaer . ...e4 20 '$4 50 Slucopekins..............0 75 @280 80 Rides ....,.-é............ 50 55 Park, per ciel----------..$5 10'2 $5 50 Lamba ..............2 50 800 Calmes ...............4 @5 oniona ...... ............80 90 @1 0 -Turuipa ............... .. 00a Carrots e................1500 Çickons,'-per pair-....25 '@40e Dluck pcry........40e @ SOc Geeseper lfi............... 7c OU0 Turkeys, per lb..... 8 10 Claver............... sa 50 @ $3 <0 Timolisy.............58175 @ 62 00 Waas, ssnvashbd ....... OStu0 @ 10 vaseaho............ 18 @2 20 PORT PISRRY MARKELTS. Port Poey, Sept 1715, 1879. Wiluc, fil...... ........... 9 97 Wheet, spmlng............ 0 'MO #0 C5 Floun--------------------...50(0 0 Banley ............ ...... ou0 o 0 Peu .........-............ 055 020 oats..............080 000 Coc........ .045 ' 5 Clever Seet...... .... 8 b20 850 Potatues ............. ..... 05 0 es '500 000, .010 0 12 Egg...V .~-.- 010- O 10' 8 00 0 ' 0 -XciiX5lofl Whitby J toct., U bu' ~Wlitby, - - - 700 Broo ln, - - - 7 15, )&yrtb, - 7 27 surnmit, , - - 787 Manchester, - - 7 42 Prince Albert, 7 62 .Port'Perry, - 800, Seaprave, - 8 20 BODY&, - - 8 S25 Manilla, - - - - 8 86 Mariposa, 8 51 0 0 y - -902 Leà - 910 mldlan 'y. J'unet. - 9 25 £BE fi. Lindsay, - -- 905 Lindsay Juinot', - 9 25 Cambra , --9 40 0awod - - 1000 MoE 5ts. Woodille, - -10 1& I5eaTerton, - - - 10 40 Gamebridge, - ---1065 Brechin, -11l0O FABE suris. Sohepeler, il1 Uptergrove, . il0 Atherley, -- il 40 Orillia, il 55 Silver Creek, - 12 10 PARE 40ets. Uhthoff, 12 20 Satterthwaite, * 12 80 Coldwater, - - 12 40 FABE SUais. Fesserton, - 12 45 PARE 25cts. Waubaushene, . 12 55 Sturgeon Bay, - . 1 O Victoria Bay, - . - - 12 Old Fort, 1 5 Miand, -1 i 5 BETUR!NING, train wi le ave Midiand at 5.00 p. m., sharp. Si RETURN FARE ONLY Si. 9ý Tickets wil ho good to returon p te and including Septcmber 80th, 1879. JAS. IHOLDENw, .p &L y Man. DirectorW.PP.&L y GEO. A. COX. ,4. WHITE, Pres. Midland Ry. General Traffic Agent. .89 JUST REOEIVED FINNAN HADDIES!1 --AT- R.ý H JAM ESON'S. Un[ievved gfedit Sae ï Aution -0F-/ BUGOUES, CARAG BFIET NS, \ UpTEliS,&. M. O'DO0 0OV AN'S CaRRIAGE W' -SIWITY WEDNE8IJA Y, 24t>.i EPT., 79. 1 Roliing Se-at Ph uo with Iather top. e Pheoswt eher os 3 Rolling seat P tons. 1 Single Phmeton, ghildren's seat 2 Buggies with l4hther tops. ~ 6 Opon Piano Bo~ Buggies. 4 Yacht II 2 1 Stsntrap with rolling as 2 Waggonetts. 2 xra aons. 5 Open anai Ceeted second.hand flýggies anti Carriges, A ie assorgent of Cuttcrs, alBo i14t of 1afrSc 1 Î, weighing 2000 pountis. SALERESE R VE SAL 12 O'OLOCK,NO. TERMS£tFour montha creclit on ap. proved nss(esp f L. FAImEAýXS, AUCTION SALE, VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. Saturday, the llth Day of October, 1879, et 1 o'clock p. su. TisaI valuaSIe pnoperty kuowvas a the MayfieidPansa,osistsnsg of tva huxîdréd (200) acres of final cluse landt, Seing composei of the nortis helvod of lots 24 anti 25 su tise second voncesston of'the Township of Whitby, in tise Caunty et On. tario. Tise premnises are finely situateti vitisin eue mile of the centre of the Tovn of Wlnt- Sy. There is eroctedti ierean, a Snrst-class Stone bouse, vità excellent ontbuildimp, large omeissetioe good feuil, ties in test Searing, voîl feaceti andtinl a splendid siate et cutivatleai, geeti ellu anti ruing Streamu on tise preperty ; 10 acres ai feUl viseat and a large nminer of acres of Sail pioophlng dine. Tise tarmi neof e e St iu tise cossaty, Solh for qualiey of sal, situation, anti aite of cultimaîlon, anti vili bcse uiitisaulre- serve. Tisa property viilhocsol it etier "in bckb" on ii tva lots ta suit purrisusens. TES:S-10 non cent le Se palS tiavu on day ef sale, onougis, vuth the T0 per cent, to a ae one halflabhe puecluase monoey in asie montlIl tiercaiten, tise balance to rmn a lorm of yeaere to suit Vumeolssser Pt 7 per cent inîcreat. Title untissputable. 1 For furtiser psirtivulars apphy te Purvas Thompson, enuisevmisea, J. S. Thainp. son, Vs hitby; rioSent billonDufins)'Crack on tah lieauctieneer, L. FAIRBANKS, -Wlsitby. N. B. Possession on payinent etfeueeihall ai purchies inoney. WlsilSy, Sept. iOIh, l1879. 59-id CASH. PRICE, Wheat, Peas, Barîey,' LIVERPOOL MARKET.- Dissolution of Partncrship 1 T EPAltTNERSHP betee Alexdrc- LIvM'Stable CposbBesSioet- mE LVERY BSESS iin utura 'msesevias cee= a anduae ave d ge,' bmls v at hte ' eity sU, vietglland. tÀV R U M fsanels Hurroifer tise Pninc ersa sudMarujle af î ýLernelI W. HOGIS,.G.E. DARTNELL,. rly.Cisainaan oception (Jonui H EEP O'ATTL E suban bcribar bas receiveti instr uctions froan MR. JOHN 13URNSY Tu, ,eIiby Public Auction, vitioà re- serve, $t hi. preanisos Lot 27, lu tisa 7tis conicession cf Whitby, on* WEOKt2BDA Y, OOT. 18t 1879, Thflo ]bvugvalsssble pncperiy, via. HORSES-.llay Mare, gel by Naiiserhy, in foal to Bolti flucclescis; 2 Mares, ageti; 1 2 Year olti colts'; 12 Yeaa- olti Colt, gelt. ATTL.-Milsi Covs lu acouto e breti Bulli 4HReifer, l yeaz oli asl;,4 yesxins 2 Gooti Calys.- SHBBP.--Dl Eve e o'1 breti anti young; 1 Pore breti CotsvoldBeat.', vilS pedigree. conspîsto, lu goi rd ter - Hors.Pover for cutlinp. box; 2 ang i'iaovs; 1 Double Pnurrow PIow; 2aOs<aa Ne,. 4 Ploya-; i Iron PIes'; 1 Set Iran Ha-royv,:-2 Sels .wood Harrova - 1 Buggy 1 Ctt'r; 1 Hay RaInev; 2 dota Doquhiamres; 1 Set Si~eHaiesa; i olIer; 2 Bet« .Double Wisi1ffietree; 2 Neckrokes; 1 8ogr Rttle; i-Doz. Catîle Cheina ; 1Pansu Bell, aoiLti; Quantity of Grein Issg; 1 CYsru ; Dec. MulIr Pane; i Pair Counver Scales; 1-Cookè Slave, Pipes, &e. ; 1 Parleur Stoîs, ips &o. ; -1Flaeur Chest ; 4 Pea Haivealers ; 1 Kitchon Tab.; Hall Baron Ritchen Cha!rsý 1 Twenty-Four heur Clock, i lu ootreter 25 Toua tirst-claea Timotisy Hay; A largo, qnantity af- corn blis te stock; 4 Acres- Ttirips, quanliy of Polatoeu, Babies, Forks, Scytheshoea aniotisenarticles 1 unier- -ons ta mention. Sale tri co-mne at 12 o'elock sharp. Mr. Burns having reastei his farm oveny- thing vill paaitivciy hc solti vitisout ne- serve,. TERMS.-:Al asu o i610 anti initer, cash, aven that ansoont 12 usonths crodif, ta p orties fnnniahing approveti joint notes. Itereet cisarpeti froua day of sale if ual GI V/NO UP B USINESS. OWINe TO ILL HEALTH thse sukennis- er iniendtut give up business et once. RIe uilI tsenefone aeIl THE WIIOLE OF H/S STOCK AT AND UND)ER COST! Tise stock comprises A GOOD ASSOMTMENT S-0Fl- DT-Y .GOODS -AND- GR ROC E RIE S! Ah tsf visics mueit lie Sultiou or Satdrep Saturday, 2Tth Inst. BRMERTEE PLACE, EA >ST M A NS, ONTARIO BLOCK, --WHITBY. Sept. i6ts, 1879. 21n_89 CH A*ftR Y SA LE! -OF A- _& *M;Z, M y, Iu tse Tavnaiipoe EAST WHITBY. ITN PURSUANCE 0F-'A DECE -Lmate S y the Court of Clsancery lu a suot RatelIif! vs. Bateliff, and vis the ap]piabatien*oS 1George Honi-y DartnelI, Es- quire, Master of tise sait Court-et Wiily, there vilS- e solti by PUBLIC AUCTION, Di tise saisi Master et gfod's Cflt[al. intel in the Toi*n of OSHAWA, eat 2 e'cleak, -p. ni.on .TUE SDAY, the 7th DAY OF OCT0BE1R, Tise Solovlag lanti. -Tise Nantis tisrce-quanters of LoI No. 6, in the Itii Concession oS tise Townabip oS Hast WiiIy, cenuts.uisg 127 aceamue or legs. Tise Ircel usf llenul !a unter excellent cultivustion. Tisera la on tise lind a -largo trame Sauce, fraeklitchii, vooti aseSandi duiving ased, vilSisard* anS sefi vaten under cover; a trame barn86x8foot, atone celian thereuntior; aise large cattle gsables anti herse stlsvith voltlunSaris-yard anti cistera lu isorse.îtaSle cosinoclad vitl ove Iceugis araund tise bildinga. Tisa la-nd S ll underdtinlet, anti Sas tva acres of SeIra-clasa orchardti Ibono; la ahl alesces itil lie exception ai 12 acres of splendid isartioodti imber ansi 8 acres a! goati cetar avamp; las eautifufly-ituated ,s,.ouliljmiles saIt of Columbus, S5umiles froua Brookilin- anti6S'miles froua Oshava. Thiere are tva never-Sailing strea-malisons- an.1 Tise puisasoc upon the-paynof a!tise c ash portien of Ibis pucraise manci and ex- caution df haemantleoil Se eantilleS te isametiate possession fan 1the purpese of doing fall plonghing, andti t complote -pas-. session on tise jet Apnil nexl., Tisebcasex sisalS, a-t thee-lime ofsaIe, pay a ioposEit of ton per cent. on ýtise pur- che..er money,tota hé'Ventar's Soicitors, anti 'hall, vitlsin one montS tisereafler, psy te lise- saiS Solicitors a. sufficient aura, vil the saidtotn pan vaut., ta ma-Ie asv one-third of tise saiS piuneisase money visSent iotee- et ebalance ta be sereet ysiatatsstary oprtga .ge ou tise osait pas-cals, payable in frs esînal annusli intaSmmeits,'ii injter- est et geVen porcent. Thora silî Srla reservetibiS fixet ]yytise sa-id Master. 1Tise sale vii Sa BoilS under tise standoing conditions o!flIse saisi court, except as Siere in verteS Fulion parlivuilars end coniditions ai sale mey Se hadal tise- la-y 0li5O5 of Mecars. FreveJWil & Rutldge, Veatior's 1olicitoas wisitSv s MeosanslccartLs Raalin & ýping, and ,c ta taies like laye soi Frday and' day, 1he 1~ 2mtior 5Ptber), 18Î THEMA ZQUI OF] -AND-\- * WiI lu hifSy on 15eo\su 'Satur.day, the 2Oth, - J. D. IýéWDEN, C. NOI I Presidént. su Wisitey, sept. B01h, 1879. Y n1i-orss, Cattie, Shie.e, ai wsE fot requins te h su tise grenu 8 oaclock on Sclurday monaaiup.- TOWNSHIP of WllI RO-AD NO'I-IC p UBLIC NOTICE la hereby gys teCosmail of tse Corporato -Taiship of Whilhy, intentaet it8ai ta b e lilu in.h TOWN SHIP HA INTE VILLAGTE 0F BROQXI ON TE r'i-taf MONZ)AY of lNorsirbr et oua o0' aiock in tise aflarnoonl To ps ae By-Law'or By'Laws, ta Etl P and ehut tatprtin of lh al Iloai3e ir radSetwixt lots n 84 sud 85, lu tiseTitsancession -Tovnshsip, niWhitSy yei unsaii; *ali -otion ioftse origin al riowance Sa es;ituale beivixt tbe Gravai baS ai -'No. 26, in tse Oui concession of Cli Township; aiio that partion of thsé lIighway, aituitte aIt7I- ying isetwce -nantisen af M. lRabertCamspbeill* Damn ansitse new rad 5eaursig -frai Villge of lInocluin;peet J. 13. Bti Milte tse 7tiî Concessian-bisse oci su Towauassjp ot Wisitby. R. T. H R Io , Clark of tse Tovrnahîip ofil. B3rookui.n, Sept. lots, 1879. N OTZCE IREEBYGIVEN,' - tse paecssip heetofone ci Setieen James-Walkcr and W H.A as mimons luntse Townsip oa iïstw5 bas iseen tis4dy Dlssoiveti by mautas sont. All debta duse tise laIe f=em muaI Se -ta JamDes WaSlker, viso villteIlle ailU egainaltishe saiS fesse. (JAnMES) WALKES W.I.ALLEsas. -W. A. WALXEII, Wit ,Dateri ss 2nd Sept., 179. 1 CRE DI1T S A'Li FAFIM S TOCI~ I3PLEMENTS, &c. T SUBSCKMER, liAS RCEI TBXnstuctions front GEO. OG1LI Toeuellby Publia Auctiosi, vitsoutroas ai hda promises, Lot No. 110.iluche 515 ceffsion of Whitby, one mile west of barn, on Fh>JDA}', SEPT. 26th,-18 The foilovlng raiuable popenty, Via H1OBES.-1 Genlersi Purpose StaR 2 Yaara Oe t lby InsPorteIOxford; r Mare, aeearsold g ot Sy ISold ilucuos, 1 Ba. are, 5g5 <i a a si10 bs-a] 9 Fily, gt by B u ccîsueis. breTiBL; owli, incalf ta thoron bredEUU* 211arwCoys i- 1 Yoan] Hler; 4 Speing Calmes. SHBBP.-5 Wel1-bred Ewes; Bjshe - '9ngEwvos; Eve LainSa ; 2 BasnLeuish iWuNE.-î Well-bned fleiasire Son Spring Piea.. IPll>-MýENTS. - 1 Jolinston Recp 1Cayut le, 2 Fanning Mile; Su Ra4ke ; rsray Cutter; 1 liedeaI Seti li; Ctter; 1Ln5leu erî 1Tû i21 Gang Ploe, new; 1i mon Ploie Onta'o ioow j1 in oPlaie 1 tevah-, RaIre;-,i set ai ,Wooieu HRmrova;, 1il ssumfer 1 Mey Ruteb; 1, Horsea Fcsrk, ri a1ýd ueys canspbote; 1. Set-f Tes i SoloS 6w1 atciSinigle Marnés,- SCselO HRnesa; 1 Baffao Robe Chans; 1 Dorzal CaIlle Chaîna ; 4 Acrs' Tor'is; 15 Tons pocti Ray; 100 BusSe goosi ate ; 80 Cottan lIsps; lares, Fars b,11eScyihos cuti otiser arriaca starifnu, roua tu mention. sale tlu com1uence aI oe-o'clrick, p llzlms 0F SALE. - Tunipfi,la Oata, fantiall aurnas sand umder-ej2, cas]j aven usaI camnut, 12 assnts credit vii givon b>' partie. fueasaing appjraveti lois Daos, nterest ciînget froni day of sale- Dotl paitivsun duo.ý Nino per cent, off te L. FAIRBANKS, Wisitby, Sep. 1815, '79 Auatienee VOTERS LIST, 1879 p ei e cg 01 pý p: is fc il w lý. 1 1 ý, 1 1 1 sina jolaN REM. 1

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