Whitby Chronicle, 11 Sep 1879, p. 4

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6 - ýl ns,,, nese. Tan. revu. i o s ns.... O Il O S [Crs.. S 2 2 ,d.... 2 id.... 2 2 2 2 ln Marb,,,,,........ onsi ralid.!.., 2 molaeues... ..... MïI l ,..,,. , ..... imen of Dried Fruit.,.. 1 ýiren of F~rut, prosorv. ln siigar ......II.,........ d .co ....,,..... ýer Vnegar ...... atI40r vMLty o01 e.. blavas of bruai, haome. .ie... 'Dot ,60. ,00 1 1»oaîer, value 05 ... S Cullieatlon o o1etcey lc.kers',..... ....... .. P1)01Dean.............0i Wi)ldw ................ .50 I léiripow lIii ... 1.50 1 lesWool. 1.50 1 1.0(1 Tlrc'Work ...........1.5()1i Uipllolteierprrs'Work ...1 1.... 0 1) 4lst Collection Coopers îok. ... .... 1. )0 I Best Iewi'lpgMachin> .... 2 1 Diepiay of'>Stovf).e ......4 2 Blt Oollotion o!fVllaow llskat,.,.e4 2 and Anima roperly nsmed. Pris James Johnston,Jowlpo lîltby, ÇleoI, value 15 ....... 5 O Ilest Case stlTe ll j s ....., 8l 2 liccuqiut t cfFiao ' etp, 1 S"c lciîcj ciel of lIws în. U Dis1, I y of Aters' ........ 500 Diejlay cf Grs1uns.. i 500 Displà'y to! Dithli.......... 50c Dieîîlay cf L'niil.......... 5e DlsPlay 0ai Flcwcre, distinct freri al i nr one, fla pote or atl]Lerwids.l ....... 1ilcotlexbl bit if) 12 cfC bl'owdr,t iscfC Nocvis, IeccucAet Wlcîb #.,......... 2 'Vcejrisi mis ll-iDJtua aouireouly. 1l,,llweîs a ucn ltc lccc pade up i i o. qclcîcc, buitt eclicitçil ecucrate snd naini- cccl Tu o J)CI Iîmng luccciriî tise îirîcîuw o~ Iceflow4mssf, auci icecifcr. tcceefci usrctngcnesî. IcicO l4)oîcs b hIc cw by lice exlîiiiot. M<J$O,-'rlerewil bn a mcci cf lasclieoinesattenctlanco. - r.ier 1Floal Hall %wilIlac opentutoe 01bieunThUreds9y oelliicg, ut 7 1)icek .cfi. VINE GAR Demijohua and QUAttr-.dcmijahns. -AT-- R. H. JAMESON'S. F AR M FOR, SALE1 Oheap. A PIEST-OLA8S- FARU, o0F 160 f.Acres, bog part cf Lot Yo. 9, in the 2dcci Con. i Pickring. Well vWaterod wihltiIvincg eprluincg ce- Dbe Weslls cf waftore; -gecci rcluard ;-weh isîc si ; witis lcauciomo dwelling, sud goioutliuildieîgd. Two dwlllnge for ta n 0uS. Aplendid stock said gra tari0 noe e .gecl a kits. Wtll h oilScboap, on easy ftins. A ply le L. FAIRBANKS,. Augeit ~ Aumîloneer, Wlstly. F'arm ho tient, 1M Wo fIJNI)ZD q &ARIUS, IlîliNG .5.ceullcceisf 1(il uoeseI, ùncetic.iccf f,()toiIc. 1i ic iteas ralcocessinélif WV1Lciiy, andsiS 1tieces, urtli.iatf oflot ()c1eo' la1 theo l cocessinofetPickcerng, ad. lcluslsg. About 180 acres ularscl. Sait- treàm cf wator LibroegstIcse land, Posées. silnofethtie Plckinle10goesonûtireit October nuxt, anS of ltse Wbltby 1010 acres onltUi,8. Tenuant wll ishavo pivi. le o i V oghlcg as t»ieu se crop cff. Apply te -B. D. GtJTflbxn unsSi,1879,. P . uio1.- NEW STORE 1 i -NEw ýsinsle7bisuon M110? STOCK ar eruvstlaa..,,1. n 8M179 E s.to, ba âg, g's on o i mrn rt hPartis. *lahlng tetenid for ibeir fril" olo= lntickets et low ratesl. IJaPassage frnp1=4 selpdvr APabout t zrnr.1w. cf $l h"c are spsnlnieezoi 'aeof th, st. Lai'.. The Otesushipe s i theAlssi Lins corne dlscl to ithe *xad TruukBaJIwaywb~~ ai Point Lest, (South QueblaS pca M iaue forazld dulay aria xpuom.j For tickets and further WnormattýU apply; Exp. and Tel. Ofie The Great Blood Purifiers SarsalarlIls ALND PILLS, çý_Ltei<W -hée annfallili " cure foi clomin in luIts worst forme, stubboru, dÉ -seated ulcérasyphipis, prl'mase cooodarr, and elu Tour~~a B! *ieng,. OlHd ,~<Ehemas and aul dismesos orores produsod by b2J blëod or bunSosl. BIRIStOLIS Sutar-Coaîc PILLS, OUUE ÀALL LIVEI CIOMPLAINTS. 12'IPor sas by au Druggliti and Dealers PERRY DAVIS & SON LAWRENCE, 29- Agente, MONTREAL. For sale by T. G. WhltiteMl, -Chemisi, Wbltby. SMANH'OO.D: 110W LOST, HOW RESORED, We bave recotîy publlabod a new edlfon cf Dr. Culver. WeiI'a (.etcbraied Essay on thé radical al Pcrmanent clre (wthout meadiclue) cf Nerveus Dablity, Miental sud Physîcai IncaPaelt3y, itcpedlments 10 Mar. niage, etc,, rcsulting frein execgess te- J'rire, ila s scaleci m!cvmlCIlJmc )IiiIy 6 -catte, or two pontage tamps. Tue CICelrted auceor, la ibis admirable Essay, nlesnly damenstrae, frein thirty Yesro' suecesiiil practice, the slarinimF mc. 8cquelces acay bi cdially cured wihout the dacîgorcus use cf internat i ciioer the capplcationc cf tics i ille; poiuting cOut s Mode of cure etOcoe ulmpis, certain aud effectuai, hY meahîs cf wtich every esSforer, ne mater wbat Isacoclltica zcay lba, may eurcc bimesîlf cbesPlY, lcnvatcly sud cadi. TgmLecture ébeulci b c i thcu ande cf ecccry ycuch sud every man in the lancd.j CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41, Ana St,. New «York. P'. O. Box 4580. ly-27 Farm for Sale. ~c'AOltJS, (47 CLIfABED,) PART 0F f51 Lot 82,Coua. 1, Tcwaeblip cf laques. iegt 01eucy f alton -tramue bouse, andl liaraL wltit eabus staiitg. Ncvr-faling sPrlng crerk nmar tice uilingieg a tbrlving ycc recard,butcci cfruit-trees rein. 11.1,11 cg tic lar. Situcateilon thelice alI ticreugi, ronccitoe ulphi, (c-cei wîieb il hj 1cîsu cicel cisittut cuuvueitt teVillages, îulll, rclirîi»c, ccmarets, échools, &c. Truc ac!rccc of Sîucclnm-r fllilcîcm, suitable for tati wîi1 ont, !'Oco, b"),200 - ecly $5010 rc-cîircci cîucmciicî, meû abîXay fi cgrCmd 0ou. AIIdIY tic L 1). CtE WMON, l'ecîabocccc P. O., Oui. Luther, Jccy iy3, 1879. i3 GRAYSV's 5lCIC MIIcIE. -111,1111,100sofccl -fýAbwir,nas liî cf Mlclcry. tJu1vircittiIcliof i, Plaii licelicia iic iiiici cif V'ii,ii . ,I'iacc ctcie cciit i cgc. iI. it ciuic Cctlcci-lucc-ei lcci Iricil tcî iccuit3or Vnu-t'îi b, 1. ILcc ric li- cuiclctove-v c; 'TuIiciti Meiti , i cccii i iy cci recceci b th c it k ccclt-c iesx iicc'Iucies fo.er 01rwlIibu ma c lc'yc ccciILuc ci-trji cI tue cîîo 'yc.cci 'c0 acct., <lit., C.cciL(ia. cli cci cuico mal cc,cictti drilggiHc eceryhci cr ic<ciaaUailihe Unilteda Scites. (iy.4 c 98B1EB8'S S98SAPARI[LA The Groat Blood Purifier. A genuuino lio extraci cf Rua or Jacnio- (la Sarsspucilla, cembinei wltîc ldide cf Potassiu1m, fdr tise Cura cf ail diseasee arisicag fremi mpurity cf the loci. tecey a lidsesces huit trouble 'iii 1ucuc Iare iolueuced liy thi-tate of the locd. h leiu diepeosa'le chat Ibis feutain cf lieie cencapure and bsaltby Cnditiona. As ca Pcriffsr cf the bileod, c Becovater cf tîce sysboun, sud Preseiver of the pew- ere c 0,e. Caters Sarsaparilla bas ne equal. For Dale ai the Decig Stores., RtiitiY, WATSON &dCo0., Whclesccie Dticzas. Meutroal- ________ 21dm R. -~SNOw, l3ego te iiforcn litesîîcmmrccs tîloadisaid pcitroucoticatla lie as cgain iskeaIicco Oil -SIAN0 ON BNBAS SIBEEJ, L tsy eulc y W .Wllmork wbeeer Iceyl 'tlh cpyt ilf his clS itendg, anal Wvitcontantly ierciý il ci alune tcclc CONFECTIONERY, G.AKES, PASTRY, SODA 11IVATJ'R cîî lnaldliverod dally satil &lerders pronsytly attcailed te, Diuneni, cd SuPler a ecpllied at reacu. chie rates. Do't ferget tho scidrelse, R. SNOW, 10 If Dcccclc.-Stmeî,Whbîy. LIVERY ILIVERYI dSebis wii» neii ~ e t plh l- ot nctcall. Tersas lo'is-. týa. t midu gtet . IIs.' cI no ~ltbyae us.î~.~~ positve a leared of at a oaozifle hàsie nse a~ toek -Tl ie pre thr Whitby may be expete. Io tinbiefoýMv COME i:NÉ; CÃ"MýE BBOÇK.ST., WHITBY. BO~TOM'PRIOES! 7For ail kinds of'Foot Wear., DONTFGT THAT ils selling the 'Beèst and Cheaipest BOOS .ýA ND du.& Ladies7'et Button Boots and Shoeâ. TUE BEST MEàNS',WEA1I YOU EVER SAW. BusnsIlock, Brook Street, Whitby. W. J. HAYES.] GENERAL-DRY GOODS, 01100FR Y tgHA RDWA RE S8TORE, BROUGHAM. Begs to inform his friends and the pub- lic, that lie has now on hand an eutirely new and welI se- lectcd stock, einbracing in the aboya linos, %vhieh ho is selling at' unprecedentedly Customers aire advised to give a cati and sec what value they can get for their money at a home establishment.1 1Broughamî, April 201h, 1879. MOSES LINTON, Store, Post Office and Tolegrapli Office. WHI-TBX. BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. Begs to announc-o to the public, that she Lias opened a well assorted stock of Books ami Fanoy Goods con sisting of- SOHOOL BOOKS AND GIFI BOOKS, Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Sunday Sehool Books and Cards, Holiday and Visîtîîîg Cards, Plain and Fancy Note Paper, Inkei, Siatos, Pcns, Paei, Blank and Note Books. 13ERLI-N WOOL AND WOOL WORK. Li ulîruidery, Silli, Liiuuîî, Floss, Chenille, Wool, Tassels, Cardboard, Mot- tocs, Cosies, Vases, Toilet Mats, and Oruainents of ail kinds. LADIES' WOJiK BOXES AND BASKETS:' Glovo anîd Illandlerclhief Boxes, Card Casas, &e. Vo have a largo varioty of patierna on biand of Ail the littesti etyles in Anierican Stampiug, ail kinds of Fancy Wcol Work dans te order, iucluding infants Jackets, Bonnets, Breakfast Silawis, &e., ail orders proptly attsnded ta and ai the iowest passible rates. I liave just opened a large assortiment cf Chiltirens;'Aprons;, Lace Tics. 0> FIILLING A SPECIALTY. . llaving ini conoction with Iny businos's, oecured a first-clas Droas Ma- kie, able te undeniake.the makiug of anydrs, I canwarrant togive satire satis- faction, bcbng a persan Ihat Lias Laci cx j)rieco nc cities, the styles arc Dow, Do pains will Lie sparedl, and aIl ordors proacptly atteaded te, fltting rQors baek of, thes store. I have aIea a firet-clase Mantle Maker, one capable of iraalng Man- tIes, Goats, Dolmns, of any description and ia the latesi styles. The attention of the Ladies je especialiy invited 1tîcce clsepartinont. Fitting roor n luroar of flie store, Oddfellows' Hall. Ail orders for Magazines and Pàpers promptly attended to. Daily and weekly papers always on hand and subscriptions1 received. l'Shoot Music supplied on shortest notice. Whiby Music Store, Oddfe lIowsi Hall, Brock-St. CANADA PERMANENT L-OAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY, TORONTO, I-AID UP CAPITAL, TOTAL ASSETS, $2,000,000. TO FARMERS AND LANDOWNERS. 1DO YOU WANT TO BORROW MON EY P To boy more land for yourselves or for your sons 9 To build a lieuse on a barn?2 To fence, ean, undcrdrain, or olhcrwise improvo your land-? To psy off a Mortgage orotlier debîs 2 Or for auy allier purpose ? If yon dlo, the orcdnced terme o! the CANADA PERMANENT LOAN AND SAVINOS COMPANY affoî-d suiperior Lfciitias for effacting the Loaci at tha lowe. t rates, and for iteeasy repaymont. THE SINKING F'UND SYSTEM Ie geoerally ailsuited te ce the iedsu d sur-est, sud rheapect plan, oves-yet davisel for provcd. ieg for the pcycueut oflilabiittlos. It te clapteci by reovernmouts, by municlpcuilttes, sud hy the meuti prespeecus anad prccmsseian sde-sers, bath Lnc Europe aud Amnercea. leuz CAxADA PF.sImÂNizNT LoaMe .tecuAViNas CelepiÂseuelsnean iicaî Est,,at,, situato lu ths Proviuce af Ontas-ie, ou tise alieve systei, nsd afferde thse follewl l a.te.su adran- tseta bces-owes-- la <-ceau ebtalu uy sulunycci require, at cnytilne, for ony tri yeno ie e xcclu 2 58_Tyeatm. sud a a moderato rate ofInltereat. ) -Tefulcinunt cAl the Loon luadsvacerd, no lodution bolus macle fco iisonpy mnetsin advcuce, or If dec.trod, foc soltePers tees sud otson expenses.eecuicep led-Yen eau esceIýcrntpeé (crm thefloompany, as upy Il back tismugis the Agsuclas of thcc Compcanys a anlers, Ice cf charge. The Compacny issune Agonts fer colietlnu meuey. AU rcucttsnces w1lU hobccwlcdged by necopla, slgnsd by the Psosiet and 4ti.-You oaci rcpay tise Loasubv -aino ai.s niystaiments, asbélmtiosoa-c- oco, audPsy tise tiret lustalment ai &Dy lUne wlllsln clgbloen menthe. s-Yen eau psy ic acisy ain yenfuettenadvenicisdiofucet aregelas- leataimeets, sud labos-est ca irXpvs-cent. pen auiumwil behallowed forer si-as- cc-mentis. Ie.talmouti net patiO whsco duo, are subjeet te a chas-ca of one coustluntise dallas- par iaauth il pafLa Otis-You rau iay off yeun Monigage filu, If younclesine, wthcut notion, upon fair sud equit. sbls tes-un, sud ase the Company bas a glireSlocoation, thé place fer îcaymeut in 'elways 7h.-Having ta psy cdyeur Merta cby amail instaimentis, at c a-,w rate ofi ntorest, an4 lu vocarove t tme, yeu avai l S l s of lositeg our Pncp)ety, or ef haviice ce banuow éalen .iiloff etwlloan. e iy talsnc the ln es-myoua uaul paymcnt for principal anS In rst in c lttl moe thn wat uwold votpsY Con i4eest'lons. $tIs-Tice iiccrmeyiu expouseceare f si tcai 3ower Ilîcua Ccoaily carged. Tua',.- my bc InoicîcîsilIluthse Motgsge, sad Snevtsial ortcusceclrse geleale ac lssithhei. sismeats, wheu iboeowiU bh oesoci sti-n tceau-eti. tle i c rlvaey ascta ycuc- stains, lic yccîe ewn ccagiborloicl. and sacnet aubloot tcte m.uerey or saj.nlc o urinldix-tduai-c and ai tise compav coon rosi. floIsto, t eu ssvô noeaucoîsleintertoos-a<s, sîpnlg youfcuscprespara emont ycîcr e- ooh nu soinitccv ."I s tliy crporato lon cg tuoilsg, vwiics ahall cawy madls .ee eccssDasum. Acuneting ce &bout feuctees, smions cf dolar uicinDo. aate le: ttaetn uncluceadvaulcogeoflone cf is clutecuera. in lait yemor tan 2 MX) elsie. 1aa iaîa o e btaiced fer ans ter= upto2oyeare, repayabls aecordtglots eiwet8o INSTALMONTrEýnquiREOTo.REpAY A LAN 0F 51000 IN T54CF0LIOWINcsF51 a-myes5y.Y. 2711<ôiTri, 17-iïTmo1 8 Yfmi 9 brst t Ts 12Tmi' làoî u cc -TU~E IGHiDST IFRICS PAID ,FOR GOOD tMçtRTpGn S I FO FRT oL I lGMATiIN APPLY TO C.. NOUBSE, ; A. Yong -andeairm-g b 1ut1y Photogzsphy, wifi fnd a goo ch by oaMuig on Mr Barret ana getting terme. Whiiby, Jima lOtli, 1879. NEWTIN'8110? - L&»'Next Door Southi ta Jamee dohn8ton'a ý"taldsmlth'8 Hall," Has opened buoineàs in the above premises and is now running in full blast, where everything pertaining to Tine S qée 'ýaiadi.Ir û m Id !~rkDr an- likbéanier;«on 8Sdý T aOs En&=M é erates. A U kin dico! japaea Tin, and Sh et-Iron ware co titM y kept in to kfý11 - e prices. An inspection solioited. 7U A arge and,, sçýlct oc of Sprrng T*eed, just to and, atI O '~ho, for prices and atyle eAN 0T BE SURPÂSSEX'U bt b - AU garments miade up in the LATE'STSTYIE.S, 0F ]FASHION' nd at -the LOWE8T LIVING RATES 1 1 cI1PR OTEOCT 1OI0 l'I" HOME êM)RW SIIED&. IB N-- ST41iIffAbet AL~a . 0. Kownl Zim ofm- s ar UVbe. OOM48nMM' o epubtImmw1 e10ym5., anSM ghïeneraY-ntdara én gr 1~O tSfÉZDiA 8BECIZI" -AU soseeu 7mi Lmrof Postspeî Ssý mBe i Itdiau Liniment. Poxs saaby Seealers gsnufy. TId _Dwellings, Mils, Factoris, Churches,. Public Halls' Hotelàl, s&c. Cal ana,,ewnlne the nmachins la opera-- dion ai IOSEPH PEILLIPS, sols ManCétr% Plumbor and Gas4itter, 158 York stret,, Toronto. .April mgh 17.-1s TO AU W NEFUO0F MONFYS,* To Renew Loans8already exist-- Ing, to Pgy Debts, or to make Improvements, rPEUTESIGNED 18 PEEPÀBED THo maks advanoois upon thé ecurity oa n a r p e m eta so do ato sut b om ro e rs an m.p~l la ny manner applicants dé Ssire. Xîateof intenat, six, Savon, ana Elght per cent. according to ropsyrnents. When titlis la ssisactory ltheban can b. compisiod ana monoy palSa vr in Tmc Day,. W-WA2&TED TU PUBOHMSZ GOODP MORTGAGES.» Convoyanes oarefnypropares:. Offce Bgeow's Block, Port pon7y. lespoctfluy YourI. 42) TEGMÂS PAITONM. OMNIBUSES e-il-k'IUI. U one oneaply and neatiy. AH work gtuar- anteed satisfaotory or no pay. Amerioan ami Canadian COAL QIL.. Lamp Chimneyà, WiFeburnersh, Ire. FOR SALE AT -TE WHITBY CHINA TEA STORE, 1. ma>ffles 1PLASTER, -GOLDSMITH'SHALL. Spring Goods no*W to lianùd Great '-BÂBGÂNS OFFEING IN- JOHN FERGUSON, ChoiceGoods in Eleotro Plated Ware, importedl from leadiag faclanies. New magnifleent pattes-ns at pnices leas than else- PL R U E Rwhere, askd fonreBop woru gods. Anothen lot o! the celebrated per- IRON GRANITE TEA AND COFFEE POTS, LAMPS, CTTTLERY, NICKLITE MPONS AND FOKS. Baby Carrnages, mow, just ini and very oheap. Clark's Diamond Duit Polishi, wholesale and retail. The beot polish known for Silver Ware arnd Nichel Silver. Jewelry made ta order. Particular at- tention ta Wth repairing. WHIOLESALE AND RETAIL. CASH PAID FOR GOOD Butter, Egs, Poultry,,Apples, Red and Alsike Clover Seed. Whitby, February llth, 1879. B/W WN & PA TTERSON Mt g, -Go,1 W. J.. GIBSON, Whitby China Tes Store. ,WI-iIT:s3r -.000:-- TO THE PUBLIC. In prcseaîing car Twenty.secouDd Aunal Catalogue of Agicultural Impie. muoný étso1he fumiers of Canada for the year 1877, we do so wth more than th. ondinary degree of pnide sud confidence, froin the marked favour and patronage coaferred upon ns, aud tbe stpady sud increaîiag dernaud frai yean ta year of arwe &hal crtiFne Ineertoets mnfcuea omaeaseilyo Wo shturl ah nineas herehtore, smfaigae, thae Ta sp csl a AnicBaltur andMaclncr-te CJohuio erakinthenr th Trimph Coman aur uew Whitlîy Harvester, elaimiag a large ahane o! aur'urne and attention. Fan thé Ias Tweuty-twa yesrs we have given aur mail careful sud uudivld. sal atntian ta tho manufacture sud operation cf the varions machines la use, eifiing out tha beet pointe, remodyiug defecta, madifying sud cornecting errons, strengthouing wesk points, sdapiing sud praportiouiug evory part as aur increas- ed experionce has iuggoiteid. Ws ornploy onl1' thé boit meclsaical ikili, and our' machines paio nuder thse Mail canoful supervision sud ecrtiny-evory detiali beiug aubjected ta the iovýer- est criticim-and each machine is thoroughly testeS hefore leavmg a ur warks, to provo the. completonesa of evory part, sud thore la no diffleulty lu putting thsm in oporation hy suy porion o! moderato mechanical ability, -' - Our machiuery bai hein selecteel sud constructed wilhi à specish reference ta uhe manufacture o! aur own machines-many toals hsvîng been mnade for Ibis pantionian ,,purps, sud not, adapteS for othon work, aud aur wvonkmou are edu- caseoS;up ta the wauts sud r.qairomeots, of aur manfaure-obîsiningaà thon- ougli knowlodge of 1he consetruction of aur machines, sud or. ihus suabled taoeh- tain a highen degro. o! ekii sund proficienacy than whero genérsi -mauufacturiug Io àarnled on. 'We are thenefore enabled ta intraduce a more perfici systein inta ail tbe Se-- partmentsof manufacture, adeing uat only taelthe perfection of 1h. work, but ai- so ta the rapidity o!fis eicton- ana a consequeni reductlan a! ccii. Tiieprinciple le regardeS necessin uaswell negulatod ostablishsmeut, sud ws onabledia mm rnont aur machines with s higher degre. a! perfection, sud at pruces se low as.absolutaly tea dofy competition. THE, JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING REAPER te naw oa well kuown as a Single Beaper, that a word of oiîcudatiou would aimait Basin supenlnaus, bat ai there are many claimiug ta manufacture tbis machine who have selhereel to theé aid original Johaton machine, without koep. ing up ta 1h. mmprvemnts ; tisai justice ta ouneelves and patronsg require o! ne ta state tisat we-have modified it in almoit overy e8sential part, aud for strongth and dursiity, qnality-sf cut, lu evary kinS sud condition o! grain ; lightoescf draftan suesao! managient-the "Johusion," as,- manufaclured by us- taid proeeminentlylihead o!iallier reapers. Iu proo faof thlî position we havseui te point toitho mauy Fîret Prine s wrded us-at the lait Provincial trial of On. tario, anSdcuauy couuty trials whlcls bave taken place'al avenr Canada, wlthhl OU R TRIUMPH COMBLNED MACHINES, ICLOTRING CHEAPER TRAN EVER!I ~LA~S. JOIINs'ro3~w, Practical Wathmakr, FIRE PROOF SAFES. 1%ý- :B-slq:ooo:M I,,T Ils doing justice either to himself or his. creditors -if he does without a safe to proteot lis Blooks, Note, or other valuabýe papers. Who bas deeds, notes or money in the house, ýught to have a Sa.fe to guard both against Burglary amd Fire. A Safe is always a Good Asset, as it mot only preserves ils contents, but keepa' its own value as s'eU, for after passsng through a fire a small outlay will mftke it as good as -new, and it can always be sold for narly is final cost. J. & J. TAYLOR have turmed out about 20,000 safes in the aset 24 years, and nana of thoin has failea in trial. Farinons ana Mer- chants, thie je the kind of IlProtection" ana somethiug that the Tariff ca&n't giv. Go t the Toronto afe Works ànd get a sale. - J & J. TAYLOR, TorotoApri 29h 179. 1 17 ta 119. Front Streel, Barat, Toronto. My Stock of Ils now Complete in Every Line. E. J. JOHINSON. Very Special lIlducern ents to those- STARTING HOUSEKEEPINo-. ---000-- UNDERTAKINOx. Full Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and'al the necessaries ini this lime. Also, A WELL-APPOJNTED HEARSE. Whitby, October lth, 877. 42 with late improvents, fi Uailtu au hddeired lu s CombineS Machine, anS Our lmproved Cayuga Ch/el dr., aind Our Young Canadfa Mowera NO R/SE IN PR/CE ON A COCUNT 0F THE are isoin llnit-cias machines- conelituted almost wholly o! Iron anS Steel Thé Ca ytiga Jr. baisa rear cut, sud the Young Canada a front Ct ; bath itroug, dur. ahi. machines, anS not excelleS by: aby machines lu tise market for quality o! ont, dnrabllity, lghtilesao! draft, adap tahiliy, sud oas cf management. OUR NEW "WHITBY HARV.ESTER."i As lhe couoilny bai becoine boîter adapteS- ta machiuery, sud mauy o! our fin.- ans have becoeé killed iu the nseof machines, s gowing demand bsa s prng np for a Llght, Durable, Fis-st-lass Beaper. - Alivc tticqairemente o! th&-'ay, we have ancccead lu inventing a ma- chine wiih a Wronglit Iran rFrame, vilis tise las paisible gcasig--with large broad.!aced drive wheel,-anel so coàsitructed that the fraie anS table 1111 ai ibm saine lime, tisorehy kesping the pitman àlwaya ilinhe- iyitis the lenif,. The naikes are dniven dis-cti7 frai lis, main ahaft-tm:ho, boing no perceptible aide draft, sud no wcight upon the, liois'i2 neo. W. are confident tisai we bast. eucceeded lu-,in iventing lb. mosî pei.teet XLapoï, takiug il buin&l ils Parts, Ihat bas ever hein produced. We have, applicd for lettes-s patent, sud sasil bolS eus- invention, for env owu oeclusi've manufacture, anS w, nespectfuîly ingg.st t lu. teudiuig pcirchasuns, tisat thhey saàulAisethis machine bhor~e giviui thels- rendrs fo tecoig arét.ýThea"Whitby toieer' f SOpoudail geulone ranS compact construction, ît combines the-strengtkand dnnabllity oflthe heavior utachines. -c Ail ai Our machines are fully warranlted, ,- WlÏth tlihalist i oàmineis, va ofeel- confident ltat- va cn nicetevery le. quiroment, ana ve s-ampe fqilysplifi altria qi ouuIciabies, bchevinq thât wp eau fhrnish a bélir sniaWe fir 1hernouey $1sàn oabe obtaine4"oIewiire. Eeanéetfnlî cVwa,-à NATIO'0-NA-L-PO0LIO0YIV Gents' Bprng Suits, laesestye, very clsp AÀlage stock of fle lotism. 1Hudome-Vet pattersn, Gnts' furnihing, à ful l Un.- Garunénli eût iu fasiionable, style. Al branches o! Tailoig recéve unp. attention ad stisfaction uaïnsuisa. Go' where yen will gai s welf1tng gas-meul anS fini value for your money. An inspection vespect!ully inviteS. - iJORN IL. PMRNGLE, Wblly, itarb 24h, 170,Broce.St. Whluby. AND ,CARIRIAGES«., Large Assortmient. of, Cutters and, A. FOR SA TOMS & .GHEA '«7' 'n U ýr% «n nw-s RAILWAY TRAINS . To anS from G.T.B. Station ..... O.. , To anS fnom Wbi-y,;. P. à; Lindoay R'y Station.................c. Thoso couvayanc aunasaS. anS côomfont- abls, andin charge 0f canifol driver. Ail baggsge ceeked sanS carefully.looked aller.. LUSSEBEBT, AUCTION_ SALES, I bas to uo m l hépsan toh =ntimate ttsi Iwill lb. on banS nseady ta. conduot any sales that-I niay b.tu te wiih. Terma libers!. Satifatin em My salebook willlb. tonS ai the Ontio HotelWitby. .ragements as tode. f ;em & m n ybe mads with Odr y:ol tele ii ttendeS ti Auctloneer, <Vhtby. N. B. m- Sale Bouks as blank niotes furnlshed free. THE TLROF. TukiHE TORaONTO ati These batis areans eful in Bheatlsm,. Nenii, Ougs, 1Colas,Oousi5 Bronobitis, Smroul, Zkln Disée, -dl In- fiammùallço.- Billousasos, -Avaes ýitid for- blé )ïsSi Athseare pacllly Ur il1i Il la Dow unlversally onesdeS thât bpt thse Tunkisis anS Va=o Bathi ar e isot proiervatives cflhea!th, wlthln thse roacis ct mieical experts anS- lu compuncion witis medicai treimtient thé patiein a ons.rsp. [S d an ucistnlly treatéd. Paroinedtb oubot tise world frcmn royalty Sown 1te pooneati man. Tisa Tur"ldatis liaré thé cnly one lathe City cf Tononta. .Qudtalicnaandreccmmandaticns are givaus fromn the boit molilira! andsiasciiary authori- liai in aiu countnies. .1 H OUES-Gentleman, 710 8.80 a.m., S to 0 p.mc. Satnrday until il p.m. Ladies, 1< em. tel.BOP. M., -PIIES-Tulelsh Batica, one ticket, #1; 12"teeti. 010. Vapor Bathu, 80ceuci; 1 -8U QUEEN-ST. WEST. g klilul anS attentive maie anS $fenialsc attendants. J. S. DIAMOND, M.D.' 89) Spoltoa. Valuaible -Real. E8tate DITE TOW ROB3INSON &'KENT (IarE IPUeons i& RBaesa. B ARRISTERS-ATLAWAT ¶ J.eyo, Solicitons, Convoyane OFFICE.-In Victoria (Ihambe 9, Victoria Street. J.G. RBNSONe, aM. A. Hza.iT A. E 31%i0. G. KELLEY, BARRISTER-AT-LAW, SOL] in >lChancery and Insolvençy, E sucer, &c. Office-Deverill'a Block, Street, Whitby, Ont. G. YOUNG SMITKR, LL. 1 BARBISTER, d&m., &c.-Money t BIainer cf Marriage Liceases. O-imcz-Over Domainion Banke, M -Jan. 22,1878. SCÂIIERON & ÂPeELBI BRRSTEL5,Atorneys-tLam HECTOR CAMERON, Q.0. Cla-48> R. 8-A R. J1. GUN!<, M. D., SU1IGEO1N TO THE COUNTY i S yron Street~, Whitby. Dr. W. J. BURtNS. Residonce--Oongregaticnax Churc) btyconner of Byron anS Mary E BYRON< FIELD, 11.B1. DHYSICIAK. SURIGEON, &,c., IM Wui. lIIcBRIErq, .1.D., M.R.( G-IL'S H OSPITÀL, LONDON., c ABID. DR.BIOGART, Physician, Surgeon, Accoucher, &c Whiiby, Sept,80tb, 1874. W. ADAMS, OOM OVR B H.JAMES 1.80 to 6, P. =-n. esden Cor. cf- and Gilbert stroats. C, N. VARS, L. D. S. a heap as thce cheapest, and as goea boit. Teeth filleSi with GaI(jsuanS S Teeth extradeS 1it!coutpain, by prodli local. anmsthésla. Dental!H an's nsw block, Over Atinon' Dag8 Ring Street, Oihswa. J0LR ROI3INSONIPS (JOUN W0LFENDEN<, 9BNT OR THE' OELEBnr., cocihGranita., At Marbis W cf Jenathan Wleieiad$S. 7 (Succsiir lT!homasým±auga>y Ronas shoeing ZSaiau Idnda. cof gon L. FAIRBANKS, OFFICIAL ASSIGNE K1r OFFICE OPPOSITE TEIE RO-Y 0ote,'Brcbo it.,W by. Witby, March 201h, 1879. 0F BEACHE,- PUGG-lE,$ý 1 1 March 10th, 187,9. e, 1 J. W. BARNES. 1 - . . - -- Brock-St-. Whitby F - 1 , -OFFICE OF THE i IN.T* GF Li :E, s 1 - 1 1 1 E R S Il

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