Whitby Chronicle, 11 Sep 1879, p. 2

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, .Agri.1 y- snd lEet Wlis Veil Show- Ceand b iés Jou Warémom-J. B. Powell & od-4, 1B. Powell hCoc,. lg,&P4,TaIiloné-J, B. Powell sodarrinvng taily-0. P . toCev gR Department aieSd for style- ehlosaabhe Dry gecala Hanse- P. Slevart. ie for thé Pubil-S. ,'Frasér. s[fPamiy Tuas-Simon Framar. t, érockary, gsemvreS(gsou iser. sLouise Beklug Pcwtir- S. ineelionesi, -Qeasaiy Ontiro. ery and Coenfecailoéry by ans- i-A. P. Yanwood. gro.nls.A. I.Day. ente, crockas'y îa glauae-A. Day. 'yed-Gao. Smiths. ,&yd-eno, Taylor.> clion audmeeting-Town cf iltby. n $BcélîY"-Balfomti, Clarke, & sceh-T. G. Whtfiehdl. buS Catie pc-T, 0- Whlt i, rDrssg store-TG WhItûlél. rsie-J1, .Dow, Soir. )' 110,1, eéuêe qSavyr-D. On. Soir. iyettr-t. .Jmiesen. ltylés of mllilery-E. Prost. -J. S. Rbueo AUCTIONi 8AL't$. "Ir, assind sioeyYrods Tnmeday, Sept. lhth. L, Pairbankis - PIlkorinsg, aturda>', Sept, 10h. LFais-- * 'leenke, Auetlonaar Nstis 2 at17tht, J. G. Kelly, Salictr- L.laec,'ii otisaeeas-, opttue B' ;ss- iasVilasglo tuisi baie5 Cesesousi clevli V instoi, iaals- f Msrtsg, Sl veohia trse raI, f - latai, Aosil i h l' roa 211talie. t.ns-s Dowss, nelliner. ,P ib lkwltotio A i ,lli , tsssdsy, 2us d 'leist . p ro- ie ~, ui'n. - llli m hia'CaclItaasls oreisy5,ss 8c - Wstlysaiyis Htsars s>',l liaIoJe, 'itit ' lss. Aaistîsssss"r UNLY SI 50 PER 'ANNUM. Wm1i1by, "îrsaSPt. 11, 187f). kjnthior Indien Relvoit,. 110 ior0vo1ý bu Afghanistan, iastise. -r lae f a iclsare giv'an in ether col- -nis buahaareCe é ntaetfos-inhia pri ý o a jike t hiainsurrection- wilici b ruu out a il ýi liii84, Uis to u lascousuoiicad with a terribleanias.- sues-. bMfijns- Cuvagisani ansi the nom- hii-om, aI Ch3- oembuaey hava beanu li alaé$iuts-el. Tley %vosoie msoli th las E aishase' t) coliose ut whicliians-- lug th iascsalîle nlesciiîedlas bingý tee cf aliîuosl lilaitsil Iloheroî-e. Tise iusutrgents being miale te forcis stiair va>' iîtô theo Essbsosa>', gogaliliît- ly vase t efeuidod li>'the liClo bausd vilhits it, becit ci fscinlutha deorway, aissithiefdaine sleoing tliirs- omis, tisa iasitissoatrs mwarlitissai intis te sbuildling buovmvla'uln nutîsjora. Thso Brie. heu fougliml usaut'uli tc thîo leet untilcai -Sruo ties-com,, Mjor O avaguani cnd Riltu tha ilr nufics'ocf CliiiBritisht Mie- clie 'hase beonznasacred vitit tho ex. OPIititsl cf lue cf htie native ofies aut- tieS te te Emibassy, vice suceoed- 0 i issaklnsg hoir escape. Tise doaI bealtal Of lBritis eficors ane expomeS ou 01isal;iof'etCahani, Thîl s lé aloful ilove. AnSCeu te ràllWil, c number et c iihve ragiîueîcts have ovoitad e r 1aundems ite hcountry. Tropa shave soon n, e ae nd largo .re-ieforceene - are o cas o Spatehed te India for Af- glisuistan, brit thés-o viii necasscrily ho siaisty8S udt ilupedisents in tiseva>', ced nesauhim Ctheia esurs-tiee v ýiii have gainéS héasîwv>. Saarcoiy donc vilila Ctawayo cuti tho Zulus, Clan Englnd à ertuken by uncthetr wur 'a'iisasii viii tits eiilat'>'resources. Tic Toronto ExhibiCion, Th 5IsgréatI lulustniai Exhtibition ut Taronto is s igit vos-lbs'seing, aùd oue iaI elülmoui évisilaS b>' cit vue -coulmit paibi>' spane tieé moné>' ced thnuétno go le thé siC>'. Tio building ciitCUnsurroadiege asc-cicetamllg. uifcliet@macho, sanalrCité éticlas cecxlii. itioe uMaké aeshiw hat woulsi ho qa ,efilabia te an>' ceuntr>'. -Qucico. Thoro is no 0cimltgo inuCime plitioci situationu. Tisé Goventenat romain hlip aSudgivé gtn cou tnlaec oCm alcot cOfConalitieon, It is atatesi tIsai te Lgisiative Counei villihave-o'O baok Sovew. te uuy osant, thueséof htIad at>' cas-te hos SrtsingI te IL clomse, "LstueSoiursins-fur Atugacet tlsa beu resivé i routhe Clu naliue pis-a hliusesrs. Iléiferds Clarki & Ce., Toronito, il uootshssn-mIy *bot Spoîîi. istiotu, Fortunes é niSnlebusinessa..Air anS ras eU il'fàanauy, liait tee hînun witllhas0neetinsaéasnni, A sery of au Ietiau lae éMeut, (vith i llustratien,) Club Cienseos (ýviCia tiiusltriouaiA ont- r eslon cf a liéttlf i Cîeé fs-éii chait: term-adf NMiseLancasitemsRit jvai, A Day's ava8îorém, Swanu'Gossip. Pic, Al @ heuid sbohefrlsepopuium mag. OReociÂco 'Iutittuc allcaibélter lolk on cuer Cho Chief Coust&hlé, A strict vatli la e kpi,sud hers is s alsmtmiu. uton Ce heal ivithéedepredatars-with -the iutmcsl igar of Cho lav. Unviliing usaI parénte anti guartitasseaulalbe breugis iInCtrl louble bu tht. diechergo af Ie dtiehépubuiisa àcanîlonar>' notice l ie hr -coslums W vieh i hipd - -nuat vltb 'atlésalloe, Hie tut>' viilbe Prsfrmedvishouî (oas-, laver on affec- tion, ce malte: vue thse parus' r Chat usay hé saugisi a«oudhng.rtie BEND Titz aCHILDBmaelN e o ne Bevti. FathstMtee aneouncea - Iron Chic Alar, mIter bMass on Sentie>, hat ' tisaiTrumloes If Cth. Séparclé 13ehool b a ea na pnputu the coplsry clase op tu Ihi o l laI Ilfore gaistparents, wvisa tiglted to tenidtise Ohuhdren ta *aitoab Thiosé FA.TAL, STIsesTn -ExPLSeas. -Thé PtsmlpmAakai -Ovia by J. P. Clark Do¶tXOlCsburmtor hîr - ete dam 84 ltaeLaa .vs -yl,. e W.Va ct 'b, héable b ohreutcie Chieweo Cia Irs.~aa ofs, theli.Vie- ré-ga alait. iêilaai htowu &esd- ozlnty wh' d'édit.s Cc giro Ite pinues sud ttise Governor oeral a loyal wek- cocues vs know ai-e eagarly lockisig fer it. Ousr'owna Connaît, ho.trsvor,' or rather smorn f 1Cm members, are actiug a mont ecadilow, part-sud for wiio sn outreiiél-p.ople- yl hem-after Issiil Th. retapay ors have nov Caen thse malter mb hir cwu, bande. A public- meeting hem beau called for Tiiureday evquing,,abi vhiclî ne doubt e roc,ptian bocmnittg,é wjlIhé eppoitéd sudalh ptroper sto ps talian te roosive Cimeà' 'dis. tingulse& dvistitons lun a"befitting men- Der. Oenevs, Mont Blanc, Mont deVert, Chm,àoulx, &c. Mr. J. R. Plîiip cf Cis tac'wu bas ne- coivd aelatter frote hie imnther, lîavd. John 1hilp, M. A,,(nul of iutereatiug détails of e trip ta Geneve, Mont Biens, thé valiey of Ohemouix, &c, Hél raspeaits lu glàwing- terme cf Cthe, grand Céi cfeeaing Chu Monarcis cf MetRu. lies, And cf te magniîdeent osnery an svery sida. Rey. M r. Phiip mad e Chie escent cf Mont de Vert, hance a- cross he More do Glac,, over thé Mauvais; Pas and niong the Chapeau Cc thé Vals cf Clieruonix. Thé asceet occupieti (nom 7 a. in., ta 8 p. n., end cossiug thé Moe. de Glace vas ate. vlmat deugerous, but thse journey- vas seoaplilied in sefety, A SuuceBavUs, COUXTS ATus.sc'.- Mr. Aexander Dohas, cfCsnnington, lu hie connty wae a uccÉesfni con. petitor le thé Calédonian Ganes, bha foréel BinEcsiiaucytli Gavsecmr Gens eran eutH.1R H, isa Pninceme Louie an Maatsy. Hle Caak, lit prias of 010 lu thé long rning.juuup matai, aavenlng 20 ft. 5Sm. Firet lu rtinii hop-etsp-end.juoep, saisie prisé, 'li Miads 46 ft. 9 le. Anti vanlting vith pale, firsl $12 ; 9 ft, 6 le. Not baSl for e outny boy anuongat thé proléasian- ais. Chancary Feul SiCisgi. Tise ittinga cf iliemCourt oeat u nenu on lOtis instant. Thora vas but eue camé for eaeng, owlug tCe.sé uni>'day ixoti. Joi&ceslis Tscgor-A bill fileS -by thîe Meersî. Jones o1 Part Perny, te compai tae Malan-t te pay $400 for c Wooieu Miii in ilningtoe. -The dMfndant lsaving euhaequetly accîninesitisa lanad froin olsa Party, contendosi tiat -he es cîocvered the builsdinsg fciaoanS hat lho vus nselong- er lialelsIe Ccte saplaintiff ion ts prica. Dacneo for tise pleintiff, witil Comte ans insireat. -A. Iîoekiu, for tlii plaintifsé ; T. D. Dalarnero ced IPeter Canas-en, fcr ade- feusl i. Gl.t itfils'a Mesici Ha1fll', Brocde-nt., WhîICby. tis e iasing Dnssg Storsa initise County, for overytising lu the siiug lino ut reasouablo prîces. "sssîî'Tsxp.,s--ýTl iuonut of ta es avitstlociitisecollectera' r-cii es tisa t ovnesip cf Wfiltisys hor 18~79, sare ce follcm-s !Conty rate, 1iniilla in tisa shllati-$227'J.7l ; 'lovait;liip -rate il isilis i tîseSular-<ji,219); teilwa>' raie, 7/10> sîilil is tic, sollar-M38îî.08 ; Dsîgm, $2,19; Sclsoolmsection anal Unions Settool soction ratem,, 6'Jhlil t>t otai, $9112:J-2-2. The total amunt cf rate. ahi,, pso-srty lu Cheai nniipsiity la, ofumis .a ., niS'IsA's-ssasieiiso CONEi'se s-aiiYtî. -Ms-. A. F-. Yanwaasil stdes-rtiseaisatocle (ili nov) for sale b>' niistiois on u isdu, Sciailotis. Meantilîse ail gosîs vii la os celits sîsciiou lasides. SsUiuoosDsCit2isSi-:-Tl'ie misson istea gossil One, tIsst 5'tii s ct geoose a- i vsatym e lss tsuîst, ai as-Isosieleetaie hais>'h te -sla, fat tIse self' sanie priro, s iftCha I5go l'oas-tIse poo-os, Chien theîsarsgaie is on muilithe great. as-. TIAs doctrinîe lias a epecial appli- CastRis isn tisecacae nf tIsetrou BonS H-sal iol o. Onesucis viii ont lbeC tour ofet isios-siîany beund books. le trutîs aih orclinser> sci-e lies-e la îrao- usd1>' nu no itCe thisas-endurance. 'l5ise ookms ars-oiI ai tis ane prion asn tIsaolsi editien, J.. S. lRobertson & linos., agonsa for flie pîsîsiiehor, Des-en- asi% leloock, Bs-ad-at., 'cVilthy. Fzcsii, ClCAs,'taivscT(st1U-mîs ra TaE, LATu lassoir IoitPEiIAL.-On FIiislag ct thé ex-Emprese Engoule neceivesl Mrs. ]Jarry>, dola-gale cf tise lirencii-Canati- ans, ansi vas muai nova- b>'tIs a c- dreas proeanteS cf sysupats>'for Cisc dath o! liers- n. ' tIse laCe Prnce tu- peril. She expresseSliserseif Seapî>' gratelsîl for tise lied cyuspatlsy oxtend- et b>' han fiiaus inl Canada. Tise vreatli, &c., vchl ho placesl ou tIse grave of tisa I'sinse. IIUoîîbiaCîcANsassINsa1Ti! DOMINION CAIesii-ese,-Tia ruiner is revival Chat tisa lion. James Mudonait, Ilinieler nf Justice, viii meon anscoeéd Sir. Wn. Yong na Cîsiet Justice ot Nova Seotia, ced Chut oticen changes in tise Domin- ion Cabinet as-s imminent. rIflcil AT OFawaîa-.-Tio swoliing anS baker>' cf Ms-. Bloemfild, on l<ing-el., voea scaîoyesilb>' fine et an early heur on Stsnelay mos-ning. Ver>' littie vas Bavea. No ilaîuranco, Tise building vas ovned by 'Mn. Casaeu anal lueur- od. 7 lis Plarines-s Horse anS Cattie Spice for el, ut WhitCheid,sMedical heu, Brook-et,, \Vlmitby. FAsouL5Y Gccli Apt- . AIL Day hiavieg pu-clissesi the grôcas--Spas-. meoll i Mems.e Hamîilton & Ilanmovon, annonsses ovtarytIsing (rosi ansi nov fsor tacîsil>' no, aai saC redues isice- 1 Smoelalvt.] SauitailUiN-uii< AN5<um .Aos;is'Us.- psire lot. Anissi-uls as-e te isoou tha gronisl iay uina o'Cloals onerifsidscy ns- ing. Tho ps-bcted smles su>' TIus-da>', but ht is os misiekas. Joneseliîas tbseoncîîîsimtes Asistant l'est Office ItîspéCter for thn lisgsCeîî Diviaismn. & A large aseotos-unsut egnte Sicoeul- Ses- IlsACOs, ver>' elloap, uaît fiaIfl'ej11 hamir 13raites, 2.1) conte ocdi, cI NVhitficis'sîishciIai B-s-te Faii5 AaaîZER.-Natice cf tie sé eizea 1m gisén fan TuasSe>' 21éC October. 4 shoots Fi>' Papar for 5 sentei, et WhViliob's Médical HIll, BDmoks-traot, WiiCby. Wszcrs-ec ANI) EAsT WssîTI)Vi Ssov on 2111anM 4 un i8hmt. Se aSsI, 4 licisdae o Sip Tablata for I0oIet., ai Whitldi'e Médical Usi, BrocS-at,, FaseBI OTRes-eccaIhfirat cf tic se- eson-camiuns -Splendid largo Whisiksfan 15 cente, et WhifielS'm MOdissi Hall, Brook-st., whltby. A sPiedîd Heir Bmuehu sud Caab for 84 cents, c Wut ,4s éisiHall, Býocpk.si., Whitby. I eetmtdthie ji'race vls-e- que ta import belvweic 40,000,00g tae-clamse. TIhe Mail-eys, Ét4'-Lhl thé eond matchb 'iween Chape Oll ea4jpr wiliil W> pilmmw prcmislng acs e andstti xél$ng IIe ri le Cc béisoped hai il viU Ws.OW nézi 8ssecete=Ange a ivo de; miatchb. Pr whlCby; J.- Lag pay a rçemelkabiy :Que luainog, and- loironte, Godfiéy hiC ýbilllletiy' compliét -bis rang vitisoul givlug TestaNTe. fpronia,cet Trouedale bld J. Laina .... T*ovuse bld A.Lan. ..... Totés et Wonoranee bld A. Laiog Broaok, ctJ. as l . Lain. Goalfray, bdA eu Beéhans, bld Mathasoe ............... Qgdssn, bld J. Laina,................ Gusllng, bld A. Lainsg.................. Bécatit,,,ote ont....... ............... tialmelmen, bld A. Laisng................ Foy Wd JLaing ...... .............. NRyet Donîtont, bld oasu........ Trousdale, et Ilroels, bld Behan ..... J. Laing, st W qdn, bld Totan ....... Jkoblasso........ ... ... bld .ae........ ........ IIo b ehan... .............. iiCYoyIselsbld Totté...n................ Garrett, à b w, bld Tette....... .... iaet 040n. t$IéoblTe sln Casmpell,s t t ................ ... i.xtras-.................. Treuéaiale, bld Beasn ...... J. Laing. net eut ............ Jackson, et foloston, bIleban ÇaRobe 1, bld Ieobue.... ..... Letras ........................ 9 Wsneéstay sud Tinrsday loti si 111h viii hé playoed ou thé Torcol Cricket Grounte thé grecl matoisbi 1 tween Deft'a, eloven plavescf Englai , anS tveuty.twa Canadiens. Tise' f r ioviug la thé record of thsa Cabadie R. KENNEDY, HlaniltcnCeOpteiu. A fin clame hoviar, viti goot jodgment sud 4a hiable bat; ddSgacd vork is thé recoi -matches at New Yorke anS i'hilaaelphsa. RossEaRTFERMEs, Hetnilitenb A goad ta howiar, vitis su excellent Sltvery; vui destructiveé; uécniy, t! net qulte, thé bo hovior in Canada. R. X Hope, Hameilon, a very fine ba hae remarkabiy geot cul. As a fioit e au sarceiy hé eurpassét. A. H. ROPE', amitou. An Improvim bat -goil ongtop ceda eniatimeam hec tica inlegoodtorm. H. TOTTEN, Toronto. Ageinot goad low eg eef flithebhast bats in thé country; ha e vary flue drive, and hiCs wali C lc of!a howîs slow, witls a vas-y peceiliar Salivai cud oittn provos destructive. C . H. Si'ltsO , Toreinte. Oneaci th fasteat rue gtters va hava :îuiaye te th offin iiipedid stye-lasa gosd fdeldér, au la unsairpased as long stop; somatime howis. R. BOLoOiNe, Toronto. A steady hi viti good defence. Bi.t.zassEN, UI)par Canada. Collai( Tor-ontt. tOne ! Cie nostproniieg 8yOUL cieteré cf the dey , le a fine bat vit geiSd eons-e, ansi punishing leose hovis Ce1rsiy' té ce exicemly geod howler asd fllisid nsywhere. P. A. LiIusNss, Tsiniiy College Toronto.à cl rosusdmsickebsr ; st finies hbatséineaxe onst style, his aept te hoie altIle imapatis bows isedisssass, rounsd arin, asd i gsssxlfielsi. G. Fe. IHis, 'ssrt Ilcha. Sîs-idid ha vIsis is-cil lu, iittissg freely teusai pe4ta- the 11lls ; g.oad last bevier asd fluse los stop. S. 1ise, Wiitb y 3ymas>' consi4rs thissaes f-- eiis Cessa; invariabl>' seake a score agalisot a;îy 1usd o! bowling; is go",d field et poseta. 'T. Louais, Wiitby. Ilise rscovered hi tsld etyiss, saSd tub yser lai iattltg s g egs as evr, goto suns vos-y fred>', sud wvianii goosd tas iiii a dasîgenssus bovler, C. Lasi.ts eliis'ou Fails. A fines hvier vù}s iigli sîslis'ery, snd vsry treiglît.il lsssvlilsg agssi1assC tise Anstraiians asat yesi wasiche iseigliet rner ;cateirîsat. E . Il. slor, Coorg. A tins medinu cLisse isssvler, wittis higls delivery ; is goee llya ne i"bat aud ua excellent tiels l se cris -rss. W. 13. WYeîLi, Chiatham. A good dici asId bLâtsnd a alendid bitter. G. 1H. Ilaisso, London. Au excellest frse bsat, iîitteg vel lai round, and Sla g<sssslfielsI; lays vîti tIhe Hamilton CluL tii seeson. G. IILLUSOOL, Ottawa. A very destructive fast isoviar, ansi eue o! tIse ver>' ist bats hie sîiars leg bitting is vus-y fine. J1. Il. Bisains, Otawa. A good hovler ael vos-y goosi bai. D. J. SMITHs, Ottawa. A line bat, hiChen voli to leg ; t igao as good long stsop MICssONKL, St Csatnes. A good boev] or sussibat. Il. S. Sc.ossisses, Os-huia. Slow roenuSas-e liovier; iniakes a good change; la hetting le gossslferasi i a soec. Dai Isss. Long racognizad as Cie aoc>' Issot field ;eafs-ce Lttiing bat ans chanssge bovier. 'hise atch vililis plsyed le Che presene sf Il. WR.' .the Prineasa Lcuise anS Mar- sîluls su Lore. Tic Vicer-Regai Vîcit- MRs. EDIîRos - Se Muccislebeieg euh sud solessînl>' saiS, b>' Our ventienfe To'av Coueilictre, ace thle expeese of tisa vieil of tie Gos-es-nom Gaesel and H. R. IL Che Pinces Lsauise, ta nur Cone, anSdChie fabulons anme paitl ci Cia limé cf tise vi8it cf Lord Dufferte ie 1874, Iaeliasoesd thé recordis examne cS ced ied Chas follc-itg:; ScîsOoi. BeAao.-On metion af Mn. Jameos Canipheli, $100 vas appropriaI- aI te cdoven caste of Chié réception andi out cf Chie sun lut $61.5 wvas-e at et and oven tiis suncof $81 leshudat- the ecîsool llag, sasting some $20, s-nS vhich bis bse8e1éin ran2 Chat Sa>' Ca thisi. TelsN COU.NCIL. - On Chie 241hî Auîgul, 1874, et a apelal ameig -cfChie coun- cil, $2110 a-s votéS te ceve- erpéeéss, ant vhic asuin appears Ca have beau sufficiuml, Tharefonoîhe vuiobe cont on Chat oceaion-Conncil ced Schiooi Board-vas soe $260, and net $1800 as an indsutriouaiy oircniatat an ans- stet csoons.On Chas preseet ecei- on the soss meet mot bhoehaîf cf Che ebove. Sunely theé iic88Emeat iigabbee'a wlio se peraiatantly asoant that the ceat lu 1874 vas $2000, unSdvii lié none on telis-scoutoccasion as-a aithan la-' caentabi>' ignorant, os- vilfuil>' nisnep- reoeuiny Chiéfacs. ANTI-IIUMBUG. TicitANT-r-RENTarMeVEMuEseîIs' Ilest- L.&Nt.-Every day bs-luge nav proofs of tme bigisi>' sangerees condition oftaffuira ie Inoiela. Tis a ati-mont mavemaent ahuanug tacs-m-ea-reaurapid>', anSdhics bacons cleî'miughy sbrcng. Thé Cen- aets insisat tisse the>' cen ne longer at- foton Copd>as-sent rente vithiont sub- jecîtigthiessiesRascndtChir as-milias Ce prsivations whsieàciî eselea>'unjeat. Thoil osms uiepropagande, ef viîicitMs-. Parnîell le nov lthe accepteS leader le ens-rieS ou vitis groat uetiviby. 'Tli Irtit national novelpepens nuits lu epplcuding Chia mannor in vsihi Mnà1. Pas-oeil is condncting buis caiepaigu, sud thé>' biS defience Ce tisé London ens-nuis, vhici are advocatieg reprs- tisa nueaurs. It is astesi Chat Hie Graca Chie Duee of Ar-gyllisia Cemas-r>' Ie Bns. Ms. 15snsou, thé oldeat alaugiler cf tisé Biehi' op et St. Albans, anS a niece cf thé Lie cr f Dudle>', vho teared in 1868 Colonel Chié Hon. Auguetus Heur>' An- tan, V. C.. und M. P. for Licbfisid, a is-othen cf Chié Eunl af Liaild. Col- onal Aneen (lied ie 1877. The Daeéof Amg>'il'm first vile, a simIen of thé Dae oI Suthsrland, diaS muddeel>' lest eacr. The Deois nov tiICy-sir aud ais briahe-elect is anot Cventy yeare his junior.1 tILAND IltvscsuE DIBTJUCTs, - The folovieg modificatiion cf Chie ore-n- Counuil pmassed ntic 25Ch Jel>', 1879,- raspectiteg Chu rndjusrnatf-th! In- lent Rievenun districts in Ontario have bae adoptet : Tha coîset>' of Brant Ca lie détacheS fsonCtheinlspeaction district ai Tes-auto sud eltecmedti C the itiepetian district ef Winààior. Tho epC;y cf Waterloo te b. tde- tuShaS frntujthe inspectionditicht cf Wlmaon anS attacheS Cc thé inspea. liqn is tictla ', "reute. Ae' uelI-to do 1¶cnuss-O as SuaS $80,00 Atif Fsçmvillhe CspIbolé day, Ion valer- lusg ~ 4 belote îUffEs, the s..m tri 1 8qIrcI :'aQIiPa a board, ecd aen sor.t eteppagé #- XrCrack , Xnst-uivrd. ~Trn mes C h. Js erogeral end -rinces " vf= a rblg ht oeyre asteevedu The Crsl and terieat' h. foorae te étopposte' botrde ndalHte, a ot silppagen,, tri visr tédegniserles of . 4 Proinc -17 e th ly~atdLsed.tnuse l er saie h o-l eM .T ri e.2 h a e thé nmbe cfabout10,000m. s eug songe cf wlecmé, ,aud e procos- i' sien beiug fqrmed, a start was madie- for the Henlicultursi Gardons, wbere 19 thé public rooeption'- teck place. The 6 streets &long theélilcecf thé routa veré o v*ero heerthy oher.d sthay paseéd 4 glw. At thé gardons, addrasses were sproseénted aed rplied, te, and thé Prln- ecasu piautedai riséincommeusoratioacof 2 lier visit. Thé procession was then ate. *7 formed sud proceeded CoChe Exhibition SGrounds, wbere, vils eppropriate cers- manies, thé Exhibition vas déclaraS cpm be HEueExelléncy. sud ensa.- 9drame front he IndustriliAssocation 2j~ recelved eud replisd te, The Normai a Scoel vas aima visitad; and inl thé 1~ afternoon thé Biehap sud Olergy of thé lis Chenci of Engiarsd were given a ré- ception et thé Goverement Heuse, od vhelre thé visitoesare-guese o f tise province. LIa iu Che evsning Cie City was. billilet- ie. 'y iiiemineted and preseeteil a eb.an- inS fuleiglit, the stréats being oesdanse foi. mass cf hemen beingi. Prof. HanS cf Jan Hamilton, gavéea grand dlspley cf lira- arkinlutise Agricaiturel Gardeons. rt. Thé clty vas iuundated wlCh visitore, re- andi mivÏas astimetedti hera must havé Oet hie aven 80,M00 lottangeroe vllhin thé tze gales." Meny bud te saék quaers 4n O thé suburbain Ïiilages, teavitih pecial mitraies rau turing Che evening. et, American Demand fer British Exporte er -The Crope-Businese Prospects mg Thé ravivai cof Americen demend for Britishs axportesconetinues ta e oneaof wl- thé- principal thèmes cf &U fieenciai ra- asviéws aed articles. The Economiat, d; isceeeieg thé question ile ocnéction M.' witis thé expert cf bullion, pbiiets ont hai hat thers ose hé nu donlit business le héi rapidiy révivieg lu Amèeris, but Chat id for thé presént il ie net easy Ca sey 208 vlietisr thé Aménican démend for aBritish goos ils ipring up iu ime ta Cake thée eige off thé expert cf bullion. go, Thse Econoosie saye ail accaunts rés- ff pactiug the harveét opéretione vélI nigi t hronghoet Enurope tend to prove Chare, ý vili hocsan tncneasing demanti for Amer- ioan wlîeat. Ie southern Russie and A Roumanie not more Chauehall su aven- age cnop appeare to have bean seounsti. i;The proslpect cf e proloned shipteant of gela acrose; the Atlantic atppare Cc et ho drawing near, thoug h donbtleso it of will ho graduaI, aed in s messse e r ng couped by supplies of goiti drawu froni the Continent. Funther sema cf A- 3dmanican esgles have hee s hipped (rom t SEngîsuid for Nsw Yorki turing thé weak, and gold bias been takon froni li the ope market for the sanie qeanten, cd but durieg te lest few deys the move-8 i ment lies cetsinly saskened. a ýr The Moetraat Hcrald containe au lsarticle, whiih the Globe ontorses by ar copying in whicli thé fo liowieg pass- age occurs :-Thore is now no doubt Li thst thare is more cctivity ie raSeu r- tiien lias beoni noticalie for soins time ;c y- cnd CoUgh the MOVenient iS not On a b id large ecaes, yet thora is % Cern for the better un aey linos both le the (le- t msnd aed in the pniese ohtaidahie, e whiclî causes the mercantile commuuity à te look forward with greater confidence t 'e th te future. Trede gonerally is on a p hesîthier footing than it was dnning t thie perioeS mat prier ta théesttieg 1in o r of tise ioug-coutiuued depressice and ig nov romains for bath mércisents ced t manfacturere toe void the excesges cf ai 1the peet, aed preveet a repetition of! a tho diiéesse which hem an stnbbonnly f( raaisted reatînent, and whiose cure has g eem a matter cf ime, ced oeiy bronght b: le about by naturel cause." d Tht News.s Fatîser Callaghan, editor cf Che b: Catholic Telegrapls, Ciecinati, ie to Ci ho cppoieted Archbishop Purcell'e ce- ci adjutator. Ho is a pnieet, net c Biahop. j Sir Jolie Mucdonnlt and Sir Alexan- 0a 1,der Gaît seil for Canada eext Tnesdcy. Si Tise officiel journal et vianea stetes , Fifteen mille lu the dollar is Che rate Or cf taxation flied upon for Winnipeg Tii Chia yécr, aloyauniseof Chie ameent hé lar for mSeoicipurposas, thé romain- CeE i e f o r M c i o s .h A Queer, ahrawd 'corner' vas pet upbe iateiy b y a party of spaaîsiatcrs, vho le qnietli ought up clH thé grair aks le of tIse California market, eatimnatad ut a- o bintfiteen eMillions. As thé lanciersof musC have then or losé their grain. it te estimatéd hat thé spaculators viii bag e eet profit cf eriy haif a million éd dollars. .Th TaL DUTY ON COAL.-TIe Sernia Ob.-san 8erves- saye hat the tuty an osi lje aernc dead letton ce regards Cuge anSliseate. cil' boas, whie Chat il leis a expeesivé fûot on te thé marchent, necheetg. ueufac- pal urare, cnd honsekeepér cannaI bé de- etc niet. A vieit te cee cf aur ceai yards oni viii cstablieli the (net Chat Che boues-ici kéeper hem Ce pyy fiy cents par Cen, sic or more, for his coul than the oveer cf uni c Ceg or ateamboat vho caui ive bonds mca Chat ho viii consumé it oun tard hie vs craft. Il it is s geet thiug fon thé No- loi va Scotia miner hat thé Ontaxioobhanse- tai keepér shall pay flfty cents e on mare pu] for hlm coal thise hé oeght Ca do, vhy hal im the biéssiog nat éxteudedaloaise taces thé veosesi overs. i An Estée Tovnships Exchange Cel baye :-"Ycu can'l advertisa ancughinluels oee ek Cc lest a whoie yaar, aey Paf moeétien you enu est énceg in te v. OOL en alayé Ca lest tirée hundréd anti ixty. five ;,ced yet smns men, so-cliéd busi- sd ness men, sean Cc think OU." T As Aicoisci, Tobacco, Opium,. Indiae1 Hemp, Chicrofarm,-Haehseh, Absinthe, ces ho., provut tie good affects cf Faîlove' Hyjpopbiosphitem, so Feilovs' Aypophce- et, pillés is se antidote egainst ai"IthèseTh nrcotice anS sédatives, sud vill ré- sCore Ca heeltis suoh es hava been in.vi jued t h en. w. Othor aim'o w aters isedergo maey h vaiiationi cf arome as Chey fade into ýet insipétiityp but Murray & -,Laoman1m RL Rlorid& Water pae m isghno uai sac ereâions. As il l'fia hn pnkiad cf uapon Cie handkoroiéf an thé, germeant, yeg snoit rmia- ieIaC~rfru.sinai ~'e ~ueiug -Major tCon t4legnaphaS 'on Fri- daZiýP'tÈ, uh$nceoe f lattera ré- yo Crn hesArnear of mghanl"s, w ho confirais Cise4uteligéuca cfWChié'. visicis rnutllieil vene 1joinad by the, populace. Thé armonnias. areénal, anti, atorai veé tirsi pindtiaed tiastro yati andS.tise BrillaisEm Boy vwe tien eltacad .by oam hé- n numbers. The Anséer declaréeCatb vWas samplébtely surpriseS bf Che ont- break. Hae endésvoured te quell, it ani enut Ge, Dagudshahte M 'or1 Oavagsgarlfer assistance, but Dacuda-. bah wae uaersed and fatally vausîdét.s .Tisé Arnéanthon sent bisea, vlthCi Govarnon 0c O*l anS othér Influée. àp~e~p,utthemois vaés vholly' ncoutroiebla. 1ýhe a allaék au the Brillesh mbossy aeinued Chrongisout Wdnmtdey, visene tiré broke ont. au tisé prémisseo afthé Ame. In- t matian massived ou Tisurmtie ys ~5hé tes in gréaIt ietrese, sud te bimmeif hé-i ieRet. . *Thé Viceray cminldus is et preet J ignorent ofllie fate af Major Cavsg- esri l udesr.mémbene cf the Bm-a base, eSGeneral IRoberts ibeai.a- n etad tet for Peiver Pase, Thé aS- -vancé ou Cabel viii hé maté vsry 1 mpeetiiy, eut vtll hée traegiy super- Ced. TiséViaeray's mililary secritary accaonsies Général Roisants., Trcops of ail armes have beau ressuleS fnom, Pîisîin cntare réoaonpyiug Ose- taien. Yekoab Khaen bas asiced for Biish atd. Badshav Risse, via halte thé country bayonS Cie Shutan- gardon Pase, hes afféret île services Ce ths Britlish. Major Coeuciiy reporteS i &Il quiet yesléntsy tCand ieycnd Cie il Sintengandan Pas.1 0l s.x.-Acoordiug Ce athéutic in- b élligesa (aM Ali Kéhyl soma neti- s havé seméa'lu anS reparléS Cis C tiéy havé seau test bodies cf British i offloone et Cabul. Itlasrumoure i ne i Creapérm béianging tote emortl have b eeaaped. ac Intelligence coctetnicatet by thea t Indien offico i te thCe effect Chat Cie k attscc on Cie British embassy ut Ca- a bul vas oomnancedl by tires Afghan n ragimeetLa, wiich vers joinat laCer by t] laine othere. -i A letton Iran thé Ameer scys:- 1 Thoiiaede assembleS te Sastrny Chie t] British embeesy, ced nmucih ile was 0O bast on hbath aides 1 loft vith fivoe t- C. tantants, eut wae hesteged aeh ysster- w day up Ce now. I have ne certain bi newil cf tise anvey, vhetiser ho vas killeS in hiie quartére os ceptureti." '£'ho Vics'rey cf Intie Celegnaphe on tise 6 Ch lest. Chat GeneaiRlloberts wili noacl iwiar Iran Simla lu fivo laye, cnd viii Cake commandl cf a rap- gi id cdvaecceonCebul. Genenal Stew- ant beasbeuortenet te o lS Cantiahun, and Chreaten Glunus if eecebary. Whitby Tovnship Council. Conneti met purseunt teaedjoun mnt. Ail tha membéespneset ex- sept Ms-, Bures. Rossa bu inte chas-. Mlinutes et lcst meeting s-euS ced ap- pnovéd. The Reave presenteti end read a cir- niearfs-onChia Preeldant cf Chie Ontario Agricullu-ul Colage, aise Che repent aol ha committea appointeS Ior Chat pur- pose, upon lie propos-tien ef Cia taxes ea ho lesied upon tis a ntechie propent>' an Chie ses-ac Union Sehool Sections, wiîh Pickering end Est Whithy, for th Support, mainteance ced paymeet of the expénses cf thé pubieoecioehle casho et léaiS Union Seheol Sections unr Chépreseut yéar. on motion cf Mn. Bielle, secondaS by Mn. A. Os-via, a By-lav vasintre- ducaS sud paeétle médusé Chie mats leid b>' 13-lav No. 8<30 Ion Cie pra- suCt yaar. On moetione cf Mn. Bielle, aeconedd by Mn. J. Steiths. Resaiveel. Thal tere Reeve hocad ed l hrsi>' utionized and n&quined ta forvard Chie By-lcw ast pasaod, te Hias Honor Cia Lienlen- eut Govamnor, for hie apprevai as tise Stalute requiras. On motion cf Mr. Orvis, sécanteS b>' [r. J. L. Steith,à By.iev ves intro- ecétd and passéS, te aseem, evy eut aihleel on thé raléable usmopént>' le 1s partions 0«thé mévend Union School Sections situate le tise Tovn- iup of Wisitiy, format b>' pontions cf le Municipabit>' cf thé tovnship cf luhth>', ced Pickerng, and cf Nth>' anS Est Whitby, te raies se aavenal anas Chorae mon- ioed, ta hé cenînibeted Ce thé main- enanas, support eut pcyment oetChia spesas of thé Publia Soheole in éaah C hié maiS Union Saheol Sections for hé prament yéan. On notion cf Mn. Biakia, seconted ýy Mn. Smthl, Beaciveti, Thet Chie teeva'm onders for thé Ioloig arn. uets in lavas- cf Cha fauiavieg pareane, se ced thé samée are héréby confirmeS : '0 George Frankihi, fer vork oumoaS, 20 ; Dants Reis-Son, for Cie punchase fone quarter cf au acre cf graeé, 50, andtiChutChie Réeve hocant is hère- y anChes-ireS Cc aigu Che Seat for Cha nme, aed hava thbsearne recardea inh e Rgistry Office, andti hié Ciaris i snob>' anthorizat te attach Chia séal ftues corporation Ce tise setd teét. On motion cf Ms-. J. I. Smeiths, esa- ideS b>' Mn. H. Bickll. Resolvati, seat Chat tisé ReéveanutMn. A. Os-vie, 'sund are hémasby appointeS a commit- as ta Cake légal aSsice l e rencé Ca àe Chie oporations cf Mn. Robent Camp. ll, le tuniug thé vatern nneg ont C hie setS R. Canpbel'm miii pend it a uew souss, vith a probabilit>' fcaesing tujun>'tte apublic higiva>' jCluis Muuisipality, sud Ce Cake snob tsas the in tarests of thie corporation c>' naquina. On motion af Mn. H. Bickia, second- àb>' Ms-. J. L.. Smith. ilesolvot, 'baC Chie Cio e. asund he is hsrehy Cthorizods uS rquirad ta publisi thé )uièite legai notices, Chat tisis ceeu- lintente, et ils meting ta hé haiS l the firet Monde>' in Navamber néxt, asing a By-lav or By.lavs, t cloe, ande sud ad, CisC portion of thi iginci cliovauce Ionrs-cati, bévirtJ Le Nom. 84 aut 85, in Cia lot concas- sen cf Cie Tovns4ip cf Witby, yét oitd ; cisc Chat portion cf Chia onig- eaI alievance for rocS situata an Chie est sieiocf gravel rocsa, anSdat cI ýNo. 25 in thé 5Cb concession cf Che id tov'nsbip, cisc Chat portion of Cie abia isigisvay situate te the Southi Ilf cf laC nemben 24 lu thé 6th son- asion cf ths Tovnshsip cf Whitby, 1>' ibélvixC Cie nnti euS of Robent .uupbéli's miii tam eud thé nev road iding (nom tie village of Bs-cohue, et Mn. J. B. Bickla's miii, te lie 7ti ticassion lina. Ou malice cf Mr. H. Bicicie, econd- 1b>' Mn. J. I.. - Smiths. Reolvot, LaC thé coundilnecensiders c motian logeS alite lait nieatieg, in nelénence laying out a ev sidevalkou Prie- te streét in lié village cf Brocîlin, On motion cf Mn. H. Bichée, Saccnd- 1b>' Mr. J. I.. Smith. Resoivati,c bet the sitevslc an Pnineess atréet,i îthé village cf Brookie, hé laid 4 (sett ie, sud thai John Mediant le cote- - embuoer Ce purcisélumber for menue.1 Onu motion of M. H. Biackleo, econd.i b>' Mn. A. Orvie. Rssaýveç, That i ihar Pauhali anS George laiakehl é s 2apta as seuriis for lip collecteor Cie Munioipalit>' for Cie praeenC i1 ?ar. - - 1 Un 'Inesmay, ord. t., oeeof the mcmi hoarrible murdens on ooord 'va. cern- Btcl:Rbert Broi!n2, a vpll-Cê do Md, A, blgly sàpe6t4ahrebldeot, aS teeldeel daaghter Affe, sa young girl fourteén yéars of âe, vare feuily mnukrdn thair cvn home, eltai a mile fraom West Wiasih@se., The' weapea usedMy the murdma vasfcundý W bave been.se aýe from te" icodid @dJolnsng tse boué, Thé 'reoet givan atis afir by -the femiiy in substi. lael sfeilgw :.- * mmE vmcv'a ITATEMENT. Mme. Brown. vitav cfflé eaio4ed, Staies Chat thé aianly bail retireS for. tié nighl, The family caumilteti of Mar. Brove, henméif, Clark, thé eldesi ion agati 25, aud tv aâtnguera-Ada aud Minute, agéti nespectiveiy 14 sud B yeara The vile ci Clark -sud bis ounger broCher left Cie mn day te lt nme fnieude lu MetoalL The merdedSmanand da i. vileiptin as roon aven tisa kîisean d in thé mamé Part cf thé building vas Cie roote of tise girls, tise yoeeg man Clark oaepy- ing e ncom upsîsirs lu tisa maie beild- Leg. Mmm. Brcvn's mtory h that sa man reppéti at tse tao f theékitchén hé. or Ce vr ahep. Hem sbend. ~oC p, lgis adalmp, anti vaul te thé C. csr vbe àhivs mmdiately stnuak' miii au axa. A souffle eusee, lu wbhiah Brown vas frightfuihy basket, ble okuil bsing mmasiéd in sud thé up- per part cf hie body badly cut. Hlis wifé, hearng thé mtrnggé, véuC deo'n etaire viti tise youngér cuitd, andsmes- ung thée trange man stnnggling viii ber huebenti, ie rau eut of tisé houso sy'a basck Scar. WHAT TEESSON BATS. Clarke'@ eten>'is liaI hé héarthCe seinS thé uoise cf astnqggla, sud veut lovo stains arméS viti a nevolver, ilion his (aCier oas p édhim arais ebout bis néck sudsit, "My son, I cm mur- lereti." Clark tien emiéd'at, Cie mundenar, vie trnak hlm salieavy biav aven Cie fore- beaS with a chair, conpletsiy tnnning im.ie le omeeima, théeieder girl cans devu stains anti vus attacked by ha murtenen, who bnntciiy assanitet bon vtthie axa, hanrisead, shonider anS an beiug hccket ln a shaskieg nenuér. Clarksays hac riéS luahoot heé trenge man, but thé revolver nissatil fre loenror flvo imes, enS nesnwiie thée-nan éssapet. A bra- iser cf théesmurdaseti man livet on thé oppcmiteaité cf tho noad, cnt et thé me of Cie mnrdsr his tvo daughters wore eittig auC en thé (ment toor stop, but Ses-rd no noies entl Chair acut eSceuTED On'aUT fliccc." Tlsoy itumediei> gave Chie clanm, ald the hîcese eshos-ti cIter vea8 SileS witîs neigihons, ainceget vhom the greeteet excitamont preveleti. CONFESSION 0F THE SON i by the Sélectives on suspicien, unS bs ince mats the Ieloing cenfession : -I viii tell it Ion Chie benefit aI othere, I am guilty ; vietI di thle SeS for I dont knov ; I vent ep alone te bot Chat elgit, ansi c hengit etmuck Mo hat I sheuld kili ns>' ther; I jumpét up, tol ni>' pante, anS vaut tove stairs, put thete on seS vent ta Cho woadeheti fer tisé axe, GoS forgivo né I cane in :and neppet on lié Soan ; fther came dove, cnd ns lhe opened the-atain door I atmeel hin e blow ou Chié forehiadal I think Ce Clie beat cf my> keevielge I atruck at him uguin but nisset lite; ie juniped np andi vent lete Chies edreen ; I feiloved hlm Chers ced gavé - hlm aévensi bieva te Chié bedroon ; I Chinic Chat fhé strug. giét ont cf Chié bedroonu on hie knes I tisait hlm s biov Clieras, ced tumnat round andS me t>misaitonstanding on thé fonr ; I trncic len mévend biowm us eho rau Ce thé foot tof thée taira ; she feli, anti I thon rau ta te>' room, got a lcmp, cama Sove aed ren np the ethan stairve>' ; I cangit np m t>'Chers- stter ie su>'aentesanS brougit ber dove etairs ; I de not axpeet more>'fs-en mean; I bave ne objsct te belling au untmutit, but vonît se>' Ion GoS's sala do nt accuse ny motheror vite ;thèe vas ne ana ever mid a vondtotamni; lb is au aviel hing ; my vifesmaiS Cliet nighl héerae ée ea>'y, "Clark, if yen gét an>' verse senS for me," 1 telS ion I youd; ail I an sorny fan is hat I diS net tell it yeserday ; I hope GoS viii fongiva me for Il ; m-y motier dit net hseov anythiug about i il liiaftén aibe cama back ; for GeS's salé Se not blamé hemr or te>' ifs, or an>' oneo; do net cati suspicion on lhin ; Chera vas not a vend epoicén b>' my father, but hée hellosai "Murtar i "1 bcdilu>' sodas cn &Il tise ime ; hat les &Il I hbes C mc>'; wvaays liveti agreehbl>'; Chat le ail ; I néver thauglit bafoneaI coin.i- mitting thé crime. Tise verdict cf Chie jury le as foliova -Thet Clarke Brovn, on Chea secend te>' of Sépteteé, A. D. 1879, lu Chia Teveship cf Winchster, Ceunt>' cf Dundas, dit fohonicansi> set villl>' anti cf malice aforatheegbot, 1111 ced eiurter hie (alter, Robt. JBrown, sud bis sister Adeline, against Cho peas aof cen lady tise Qusau, hemrOsove eut (Siguéd),- A. J. Lapiamme, Fonemen cf thé jury- Instnucler in Germsan, aflen cetontehi- ing Chia division b>' Che annauneoent Chat Cie Gamman vante fer '-hecven" aud"shimt"hiad thé omm roeCtccMr. X., ose yae ee s tifférsencebetwéen Hes- an anS a lcleaei shirt, for instance? I Mn, X., iéeitatiug-"'Weii, min, Chie>'are bath goosiliiegé (o- c suce Cc gatil- A fuva-year-old son cf a fanil>' Cie alher dc>' etood vctchieg his5beb> brolliér, vha vas nakisg a great noise ove- liie hie face vasiéd. Thé lit- Clo failov at lougli Icest hie patience, aet stampingCie>' Ioit,'eait : "Yen Chiel you have lets et trouble, bul yon don't kuov euything abcut il. WiC Ciii yau'né ibig enugh Ca get a lickie' e nS t ha you'il e -vou h a, ma e- Wa canmneSCatiste caneitesation ai witees il quor cass, vose nom- cm> is go tréachenous visen Chié>'stand lui thé auguet prosenoe aI a Megisîrete, tise foiioviog lithoe anecdote :-At a le- gal investigatinofIa liquar-siairethé jetigé emied anunvillieg viteese : *"What ve lthCe bannel Chat you hieS V" The mepi>' va: "Woll, yaur icncr, il vas sucs-lot'wviîk>', cen one eut of thé bannai and 'Pst Duffe>', ou théecliss- ent, go Chat I csu'C se>' viethor il vas iea>' as-t Duffa>' vas ln hoeba- ai, béing as-I an, on oaCb. ONesoSEATFaI$JND VANQUîSîsrn.- Cain't-I havé haîf Chie eeai ?'"'"No. air," minuteS Cie occupant, vhe vas aryleg la epreat lssmself ever Chie vhele cf it. 'il naprament a vhcis chunch, anS ain ou My' a> ta Potesky to cssup.teet- iug b" "Nov, you lok a heré,l" saiS thé mnnas hé neachedave n se eu- ted tva Cernibis gnipe on tiese elflmh man's body ; 'i dou't r reseut ohcty nornuutbin', and stead' cf hein, cen my va>' te a camp-meeéting, I -'aetc I'te an tisé Î1 oigret mie.., b niyen vau Ceyol et iglt> qnick wvili halL cf Cule "aet'yOn 'S« it ion ior dovu in thé vilds cf Jersy-If Jersey bas auy-wildu, thèse preseni CenCapeil daym--tbh e Daiels tivels, in ail thé petnirisalgazint andi diguity whiab attac tate eEnglisLord cf Cie BMen-ý ârs , Hiisa a park, a tately maneon, grave cfimber, aS aboyéa &U, thé most Lamons raeng stablia u manica. Thèe -rayai a stablismetecontain< ome cf thé inemi end flealéet hersés inCise jvemld. Among Ctham 'laay Basset. a Môonroiscfthé, tu, iselï moma ime ega- mat vitisan accident ta one cf.hie miéedet5 sud pniseles imba. Witiaut waatleg s moment la donilful' Ozpéniménts, Mn. ,MoDatàla eppliati smocf ORes' Liniment ladite iammo- nia, sud ina"baà e thCe horse vas as- moueS as tise-proverbial milver dollar. No vende: MoDanil eisCllé Dr. GiRaS Ce senS màképics te isnterview- iieif sud Ieahorsei e seçy, ' - 11 S'CId by S. W, B. Smitish &Co. Whi- by. tin for pamphlet. 1Dr. Gilas, 120 Wfemt Broadway, N. Y. *Trial suae 25 cents. Tisa Haîed Term-Lcck Ont. DON T si'rON VE GRASS. The mont stnbborn cese cf Dysént. eM vhici les notisng mare non leas than inflammation cf tise retm, produetd ual unfrequently bis ettiug au the gnass-msy ba suret by Ciel mcmt effi. aient catiéntio, Castor Oul. Ités mos- ing ced heaiing propertiés are vontér- fnl, but ils nauséstsug affects nuae it impassible fcr thé patient te natain it. Te Scott h Bovué, the public are ie- dabted for an.Emulsian of Castor Oul Chat ls et aly paisiable, bult e pro- naneét by hauants vho are using il, abeoluteiy agreeC e thé palaCe. No family oeuaffendtotabe vithont it tirangi the heuted tente. Pnicé 25 cents. For aie hy T. G. Whitfléld, Brook-st., Whitby. 41n-86 An Honst Medicine Frac cf Charge. 0f acl maicinas etvsntisedtCo cure aey affection af thé Thrcut, Chesl an Lenge, ve knov of nous vo cen necan- mneSso highhy as DR. KiNo'a Nrv DiscovERY fan Cousumption, Congis, Asthme, Brouchsts, Hey lever, Hoarse. unes, tickliie le thé hroat, lass cf voice etc., Thia medicie oos p oeil iely cure, anS hat viens everythieg elsé hem failed. No nedicinoeue nshov cnee-' hall 0 mcey poailivo ced permanent ourea as have eiraady been affecteSl by Chie rniy vcedirful renedy. For Asthms cedBronchitis it ila cpanfeol specifie. curng the very vorst cases le thé ehorteat ime possible. WVe say by ail moes give it e riai. Trial botile frec. Regular sizo $1.00. For sale by S. W. B. Smnith & Co., Whitby. A few years ago "IAugusi ,Flower" was discovered to be a certain curu for Dyspepsie sua Liver Complaint. A few thin Dyspeptica; made known to their frienda how easily and quickly they had been onrea by its use.- Tbe great menite cf Green's Anguet Flower becamne beralded througli the country by one sufferer and another, until with- ont advertisiog, itesmaie becamneimi- Meuse. Druggists ln every town in the Canadas and United' States are selling it. No person suffering froni Sour Stomach, Sick Headeche, Costive- uses, Palpitation of the Heart, indi- gestion, Low Spirits, &o., can Cake ±hree doses without relief. Go to your Drnggist and get a bottle for 75 cents and try it. Sample botties 10 cents. BuclenIs Arnica Salve. The BEsT SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Soes, Ulcers, Sait Rheemn, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chl- blins, Corne, and ail kieds of s5km ereptione. This Salve ie guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refnndsd. Pnice 25 cents per box. For sale- by S. W. B. Smithz& Co.. Whitby. 1:ý' Nolice8 of Biri hé, Marriage8, M AR R IE D. BEAL-VELORA-At the Metho. dist Parsonage, Greenwood, on the 2e2d mast., by thle 1ev. C. E. Washington, J. I. I3eal, Furniture Dealer, Duffins' Creek, to Ellen Velons, yonngest danghter cf Alfred Allaway s. Pickering. .~Ec. WHITBY MARKETS. CIasasicuso OnsaICa, Sept lOCh, 1879. Fleur, pean hml----------$. 4 80 @ $5 0 ll Wisat----------.... 8 95 @$SI ou Sprleg Wheat---------...00861ce Des-loy, Nol...........0 50@ $0 55 ------1 0080 00 l'eas................... 40- @ 45 Pass blel-aad - 0 70@360 72 Oets..--..........40 @45 Corn---------------550 8600 Applea--------------.... 0 5 @ 40 -PotsCes, nav----------...s1 00U@s~i 25 Egge---------------....120 ta ]bc Buttas-------------... 10 (à 8 Cas................ 080c(e10 Wood----------------...850 8000 Basf, îleS quarter.....$6 OW @ $6 10 Boa!, tors quarte-..-...54 00 @8$4 0 Sheapakin-------------...80 75 080~ HiSsa---------------$... 50085 50 Pas-k per vt---------$.. 500@ 550 LaeM............ 2 60 $8 O0 Cabvas--------------...$4 8 $5 Ternipa--------00e Ces-rote---------------- ..150e@80O Cikeus, parpair ....45 @ 6Oc Docks par pm ...--------80c(â bOe Gaase pas-lb ......... ....70 0O Turkeya, Pe th.....b.8o 10 Clo-ar ............... 810 i@ $1 60 Timi'Chy ..............$75 (a $2nOu Wooî,nvashed -$.... 0 095 @ 10 vi ashed-------------.l18 @20 PORT PERRY MARKRTS. l'as- Penny, Sept lOCh, 1870. Wbse.t, id------------------. 95 é7 Wicat, spriimg............$0 M0-$0 95 C<ious-. ................... 5 00 0t0i la-le>'-------------------..0O00O 0 O Peo .......................-0 5 5m 000 nais.................î.... 0 0 0 00 Coen...................... 045 0566 lbye- Seat................ 8 <o0 8 60 potetees ............. ..... 085 O000 i pp1ea, per bns--------------..41 O0 RIde------------------...450 0 00 Pes-k-------------------....500 *000 Butter-------------------.....O 10 0 12 Egg ......................-c a 09 0 10 s>'---------------------...8 00 l100 Beaf--------------------5.. ý50 aé0 Wood------------------....200 8 00 Cheasa------------------O.. 010 hi 12 IVoci...................... 020 0 22 Modern Materia iMedica Teeludes many valueble reradiea for elffil- lions, it is a matter of 'certainty Chat in aifl cases whtere the animal vitelity isf; eiling, work effecte snch as notiiing cIsa will pro. duce, and posmmses the great Avsntage of flot cantine, when its neus e rinquished, the olighteat reation or deprassion. Soid by ail druggists. Pries cne Dollar per Bottle. A C A R D. rr 0allwhoaresuie i frothe arrers wssknese1 eriy decay, logo Cif mmnboeodc., I wiE moud a recette Chat wM P ure yen, FEZE O HABGB.- "hle gre":eed FAcreand Magnetie MenlptUlalr,- --4191 81h Âvdno, N. Y.- by' Sai b>' S. W. B. Smitkh ».; Whit- usl b>'. Saud fon pamphltia. - ce 120 West Broadvsy, N.,Y, -Trial boChle 25 conte- tal NEW ADVERTIREMRENTS. th ADJ)anD 'S'ale oflit 0'dsilfor. Ta xes. eth oprtion ef the own et WhItby, LI Liétehipz ofM.1&79, om dpoudthei9thds&rein men iodfor areare of Taxas Chreon and =ats ý = iventbatuce&s the thé lots remaining uusoid, atothé ssle, held on the 4th day cf September; I shall, in comPli=ace, with the assesemeet Act pro- îot:%by Publie Auction, nt the !own H , etéTown of Whitby oceTUES- DAY, Ce 7th de y of OCTO B R 189, at Ch orof Cen o'clock, in the forenoon, ths sdparcela et land remainnng unold or se muO? thereof as may ba neceBssry Ior the taxes and al Iawful charges incurred in ana about sucs sale. ITHOMAS HUSTON, -Treasurer Town of Wbitby. Town Treasurer's0 Office,' Whitby, Sept. 10, 1879. -8 REQUISITION te MAJO HARPER, ES , MAYOR et thé TOWN OF Sr,-We, e neaga Ralopa>' 8 seS inhabitan oethCe Town et Wbithy, equeat Chat yen i calla meeting Cc b h aile inte Odd-Fae'8,Hall-il con- vanient yen-en Cie eniug et THURS- DAY, the ICi let., at o'cioek, P. n., C- cinee1g ot r Changeh into ceesitera- tien thée peecalof ta Excellene ,:the Goveruns- nes-el,asdeS anRBeal iins Cie Prleceas ouse,C ccil et tise Tove ti Whitby, n Ire ru rnfroni Cie Ca pial o! the Pro0vin eof tenote c hat nf Chia Dominion ef C a on Cie 2Oth imat. Wliitly, 9th 1879. Gee. H. Date Jeohn G. HeUp W. H. Higgtis, F. W. ousdeli, J. R. hilp, R* Snev, W. H. John on,I.. Houck, B. Bars-et, W. J. Gibean, Jo Shier, J. S. Roberson, G. A. Carson, C. S ey, F. W. BilUtgen J Stanten, W. Ad s A. Prin 1e, r;Rt Johisatoe, J. FerseRossa ne crs Morris, J. H. Par -, J. -Camphell, W. J. Bures, DuviS M ors, -Anoitege, Thea. Maaee, G. Bs-o J. U erwood, H. Arms- strong, J. A. Bau ai, C. urée, C. Bay S. Ray, R.S. CartekG He T. W. Bradan, A.p iJ. Pingle, -tieC. MAhdC. JO Son, f HH sU, G. Ayers, T. Wilseu, E. ats-eug, Bell, nm. Th'npsnD. eil',J. McDongai, A. P erod J Sý. sîatyno, S. J, Pal- sues-, J. Saundere, R. Preston Harmni C. F. Stewas-ta T G. Wisitfleid, revu Pattes-sou Mif'g. C-,HamiltonA' oves-, A. IL Day, M. Ce uns, J. S. Barea , Jehn P. Taylor-, Johni obinseon, A. E. on, J. liryae, Joseph Rh g, J. C. Draper, D. yn, C. Dr-ake, Json bates-, G. lirdett, W. Colinsau, T. G. Ivin, J. O'Conue'r, - R. Brysu, J. *P. Sev t, C. Smitb, J. Ps- le, S. Hughes, S. C peil,W.Bt-ya, J. Barncs, W. J. Ha>' , Joi Edwar s, E. Joinston, J. R. Gr- eood. lu compliance 'C h Ce !oscgoing Be- quistion, and in Cie absence o! tise Mayon, andi at the requsat o! tlisagues-s, I hes-cI> rail e Puh.ie Meehinag, Ce o bleldon te day5 sud aitIshe hns- anSdlplace tIsecisenad. N. RAT, Rocs-a. Wihitby, Sept. lti, '795 -38 Fresh IR. H. LIAMESON'SD s OUTIIHATES ci Iots 84 ansai85, 7ti Coneaseiee, Wbithy, 200 acres; et prsdeut occupiet b>' Mn.Jas.lhe. Seil anS buildings fis-st elase. Easy tes-na o! paymnt. Appliction to be mate betore let Octobas-, b>' tendes- or persousU>' te J. B. DOW, Sal., Deveriil'sBlock. Whbtby, Sept. lOCh, '79. 88 -in AUCTION S LE! O NEW SCEOOL B ORS, Station'y and Co "ctionery. T HAVER CEIVED STRUCTIONS J.fs-enMn. -FP. ai-v S, viais givieg np business, te i b>' bUs Aucelon, e icis tae, est s e of B osaI Street, WbiCby (ons doornoerti GSmmllhi'é HalU), ce Tuesday, ept. l6th, Fs-on 2 te 5 p. n, cfs-on 7 o'cbock untii tha viola stock is osaI et. The stoçh lsaucl nov anSani risée a quantit>' ai Baoa, Stetienie , onechianar> anS Candies, aise eh Sho Fixtus-es, Show Casas, Stoves, La psi» tow Bliids,-etc., etc. Ters-necas. aie ithon es-rve. LEVI FA BANKS, Auclienoar. N. IIï-Tie Pela vil lbesol le one lot if a ouitable arisa ae. A. F. THE ALL SHOW 1 Union Agricultural Society, -0F7- Whitby &East Whitby, -WILL B3E RELD -AT THE- Driving Park, Oshawa, Mouday and Taesday, Fcpt. 29, 30. T IlL LIST OF PiIIZES le libenal, (ses large soe). Leutrius fer the Floral Hall muet be made with the Secretary ut the Cextral lotel, Oehawa, betueen 9 a. nM. and 8 o'clock p.m., ou Monday, Sept. 2th, or by mail, asddreseed to the Secretary, box 94, Whitby. Admission to the gnomide 25 cenits. Oilidren under 12 10 cents. A. W. FAREWELL, JOHN WILLIS,. Presedcet. Secrstry September, Sth. 8'8 DAWES & WATKISI AUCTiIONEEICS ÀPPISEIS, AND General Commission Agents 1 office at W. B. McGaw'e Gnocery store Port. Perr. Sept. 9th.88. APPLES! APPLES I A LAGE qanliy fr sale Cheajp, on the Ai "DfeiFn .Lt 20, S8th cou., Whibby. Appply on the prensipes to ADAM DUFF. Caution T o Orehaid Thieves I VI FORMATION lias be givan thé JLundersigned of depredations on orch. &ra and gardens, and the dlatimetion ot valuebie rees and ebrebe by boys. > Parents anad geardians *fil do well t.a look strtctly alter Chose in their chane, as aU offénders iC'libe promiptiy nrreetedand deat wlth wlth Chee utmost xrlaor tcf-the iaw. JTACOB BRYAIr P A] 2 le - halls IV. an in-Ci Cammenclng lu Cie scutheris Mmica saiS lot ste point équidistant tram CiegouCi oust and senti vést ogleet ia e Sa lot tien-outi 74 degmes estsiupon Cie'said Unmit, 81 chelesmomre or lacs te théasC linsit oiea raaiurv de b 3JoinSiar, P. L. S., ecrcm thé eZrlJ1M orth 88 de- greas 88 minutas, vest 5 cisafiesnd 25 links mare onlaussupon Cie sald limittroad,Cthon upanCie,,samalimittnarth lé dge veC15 oislns,'mcrbr isas tte annhé Mi1of maiS lot, th<ence thn is aiS limit nanti0 74deranes .ast 9o Saunmtore or lees&to hallta langth of Cie sâeélat, tien souCi 16degretseu at 20) chias mare or las. Ce Cia Place ci begluniog, réervngthé pnîv- ils g eto back Cie vatar o!thé e Um-panS os ai lands ta Cia distance cof-net excaadingr, 8 Laet nl e atrydirectoam Cihe vest- érly Unimt of Cie storesald survayed raad. Aiea Chat par-'oi théeetarly Ciras quartars; ni lot numnbeoeeJnCie 7th concssion oi thé maaSTownship ai Uxbrldgé unot incluSeSl le parcai I., Thesparami cantaine about 175 acres, ai vhici éSaut 150 are claireS. anS Cia balancé e scavéed v ils liard vood timben. Thé buildings cqeaiel o! a langé tframé bain,anSdtraméseds anS stables. PABCEL I. Pariailot numbar n th ei 7ti 'concessian o! thé Tovnship cf Ux- bridgé' conelating cf Cie lmili site anS tise Griot IlR i ereon esectet, Ctogther viCi themuhil.dam, race course, ana Cha niglit te hackveter up to Cie Sa* 1Mill# Ciereffnaiter mentionéd lis Parami I.V) andi about 4 anS 87-100 acres ai land ,accotaing alo le -passesalsino'et Ca udarieean sc viRl bé produamiaon Cie day cf salé. The -above le a first clus Griot imili, oontaiising Cvo rueni etones cad-le reeteaifor $500 par msa masare o«unas. Un ai9 e lare =rslsouse, -enaienbd' a al u.anSa Cie lotaC el - ra is elo lie ar 1ibaron PARCEL IV. Part ci lot euunban 2, in the 7ti cencessioni oi Cia Township et Cx- bridge, lyleg eat ci Cie presant travelled rese tChrougi saiS lot, cocetining about 10 acres andS Ce Sitv Mill Chanson érectat, anS Cie muii dam anS wstsr pnlviiag uedthena. with,cecosdingto Cia selS plan wvichi vii ho roduceai oethe day, cisais. <Tisasaw mis capableé-ni cuttmng abeut M <laeet of huisbar par day, eud S ediven by onéet Cihe et vater powans le Ontario. PARCEL V. AU Cthat part ai lot numbér 2, lne a7Ci concession ofaiUxbridge, con- tulnisg liacres, on wvihis tKstuatafi c largé hoarnhiusa, anS bseg bouned on thé front hy thé travelleai ros, ce Cie est b>' théeunhldate, au thé macth byeafane, anS o en ia sconthe uroaaiiaadng to the 5e Milii. The saiS hoarding hanse is wel.l edapted fer a country botal. PARCEL VI. The nantis half o! lot nuni- bey -14, ile a6thconsecesason ei thé Tovn- ship of Beach,eoebsleleg 10acemesos- PARCEL VII. Pt of n Lot numbtr il, in thé 7thconcesson oi Cia toesipof Beach, coctaiuing 1éSacessmore or lhas ei ohes whoie ei saiS lot exeeptingtvo acres stuiaté et Cie sautieat quartas- ai Cia wamt bal euS nov ornreeently acc.piéd- hy oesm. FanIon,unedteeS thareot frmnESvanS Majom. On is lot Chers te a geod trama hemu anSde clearleg nicant 201acras. 1PAROL VII. LotkeuÎber 21, leCie îeti concesBionoai Ce saiS township ai Beach, ccetaieieg 200 acemoreia-sor lae, axamptleg theIreent 50acres ait thé acuth-east, quar- tas- soit ced con-neyeS te J. B. Campbsell, euS 10 se-eess eft fSincoe Street, andvest of seS edjoining the lansaisalai te asai Camp- bell, vhieh sabd 10 acres have been soiS anS conveyed te ena Tovn. PARCEL IX. Lot nuniber 21, le Cia 12h cencession ai thé selS Toweship ai Beach, caetaining 200 acres mars or ls. PARCEL X. Part of lot number 7, iu Cie 2ed eoncession et Uxbs-idga, - eustainie-g about &4sos-o, Ceowocecupied hy oneIssard) accomdieg te said plan vieh vil ho pro. SuceS ce the day ni sais. PARCEL XI. Beig composeS ai thé aauth hali niLot eigiteeie nieCli concession ai Beach, contaieing ore hue- dreai acres more or lase. PARCEL XII. Baing composeS et Che sonth balf flat number three, in Cia sec- ond cancessiono! Cie Todsip o eachl eoetaiuhg eue hundred acres mare criJsé. Thoesprope-Cias vil i Ch-et o oeraS et s mservad bld u asi pansai. ShaulS aey et pas-cela numbers oe, twe. Chrea, feus- or five net reasi Ch. resarvei bbd the lander camprs-eS le au7y etCheepansais suot aoid- whll Chan ha aold te e ollovleg séparata percale, hanialy: PARCEL XIII. Beleg eompcaaainissailat ssumher oas, je Cie e- hh-oncssion oethCe setSd Townaip etfUxridga,81arsma PARCEL XIV.Bslng. composaS ef saiS lot number tva, in lie ésghth eoncessien et saiS Tovnship et Uxbridga, 21 acres moe on lass. PARCEL XV. Bétng composeS et lot nnhab n enl the sevanth concasalon o! -lie scai Toweship ei Uxbridgscoetaieing tva hets-eS acres moneor'an ls,excepling Choerson Ciae vestan fI>tit>'aceres, bamto. tare solS b>' Ehwm MaeoanC.il ~aisiaoivPyance oai ih iSf1>' acres te PARCEL XVI. Bleg compesatet oflh neber tvo, in Cie séventhconcession cf saisi Townshiip ai Uxbnitigé, ceetaingebont tvo bemndredacrses, excapting tierafrem font>'acsi, iying véslamly ci thé praséet traevidromeuth bithe nlghC to hackvcwtem et meill pend 'thamaon, Ce tie distance net axceeading aigittfest in a vasténi>'direction, as at prement aujoyad b>' EdvarS Major_ On.tis pas-coiare 'aituata thé grnt iaml, 55v usil seS beandieg hanse aboya mne tioned. PAICCEL XVII. iieing comapoeatos part et lot numban Chs-ee, î isa jeoVeticoecee. sien nfiUUebridga, cantaining sixt> faur aces zmore aor base, pantllm>'deseribieainl pas-sel numbén tve, aboyé, sebjecl alveya te Chié saiS l rgttebeelvater. Ths lancde viiil e effareS ia thae rdon set muanear save set fotetaoipamoel ha- ieg subjeet toa e oervé bit, sitar vhieh aUl pas-cals net realhrng. Cie resas-va bld. viUl at once ha aitanad tan sala eenanebock, snhjact tCcac seasva biInisal sassCia portions e1 an; ci maiS lande ocupiad b>' Cie WhiCby, Port Pary & Liedsay BlaibwcJ' Company', tour Chair igb tov a>', as-a ca- capteSfs-enthtisanads ollamed for sale. TERMS OF SALE : ,.The pus-clisser of easi parcal -wilila eqoired te puysa tepeisit oi tauc peas-cent of-is apurchase mney aethCe ime 0i Salo, and the turther aum o! fiftou par saut o! bis -purcisamena>'in len menti Chereaf Car, and thé balancé e ntva iqual leeteinenia l inas eeand six menthe fs-on Cie day ni maie vithinltorestat ut8Spar- cent per senuni. 1 - For planésud fus-tisas particulass- appi>' teoB. Major, Emq.i,aI Port Pers-y, sn e te l undansigned, at Toronto. - WM. MULOCI. - Vantera' Saliciton. Dsted Chia 111h Sa>'of ciuut A. D., la-9 85-t POSTPONEM ENT.. The abovo sale is poatpcned uti SA TURDA Y, f ha 2Oîh Dey of&$p. !eber, - 1879, at tic sanie hour ced p lace. WM. MULOCE, - Vendons' Solicitor, Tornto.e DweIIing Hbuse, to fient. r201 A TERM 0F--TEARS cm atiér-- A:. visa, Cat aomnidlnsD-ivalingiueueo an Bsrack streét, ccupiat c>'-J. E. Psrév4 ccuteining abevan s-ate, Rgcd el vsia soit vatar'cistenu -ApplIn leNathan Ar- isaiS, hitroohhe, on t and 0Ch 13EYOND COMPABp, TniesdaY, 23rd Day of, Se - tomber, next, Oee olck is tie...af teri)ou, Cie fIic lg veinais!. proerty, via :. IFXST. One hundred acre, beieg soi h&lt t aC'tygy. n ethe aanic cessIon cf théeCcvmislo,,f Wia et rldge; described so followo :-w-ý -z Onaad after to-day, Epplefttw111-1)8 pleasi mective any or&ers, ai Millinery Depaitme -ODD FELLO0WS,' H NEW ADVERTIBEME EXEOUT'0R8' SA Ts.LaYsrvlloffe.,rr tsia,le b Ancticu, aethCe GlobeéRotaeCl i e cf Breakhlnoan FÉ-day the TIiird Day of Octobei - L ATHE iOUX 07ONZ P. M. Thé fallevisg Real Estaté, being 5 p ro iNarti hlit etlot No. 22, eCi oa. i Cihe Townshsp ci Whtby. Thé land lea al caoire axcpt 8 e a Pod state a! oultivation, vtth s hanse and Younsg archerS, aitte about Ivo mIles af Cie Village ai Bs Tise Vondar reaervas Cie îghtite i violé i bock cr in percale. For particulans aply to tha unda: ornte D. Ormaten Bq., Vendor's s Witby. GARDNER WELJ Ex Myrtie, Sept. li,1'9. CousN- YOFr NIOse -u T srb3 COURT. 0F Assiz Niai Pries, Gyok and Terminer, -ànd- al aGol Deilvony, viii hoheld lM and Couisty of Ontarso, in Cie COURT lH in Cie - 'TOWN OF'WHIT TUESAY.- OCT. 2lst, J1 At tha hour ni 12 o'ciock, noce, o! vh CnroisnesJustices ai thé Peaice, s cthars colncaneiEl te notie am onu Cihemeesesacordlugiy. ,NELSON G. REYNOLD Sia i' fis lt-Sherili Ce. Os byS abrlts'79. S TEA4YED,-From the premises a John Taylor, Norths Wand, To' lags, a igt reacow, twva vite at, as viii Jeaaitc her recovery mutabuy reverSeS. JOHN TAYLOJ s Tll,&'ED framtu Ce reaidence o: George SmtiCNartis WandToi Whitby, 9a anE dentred mnuiaylcow, Clirse ysan olS. Parties giving ceci han raco-ery vi i utably ravardet GEORG~E SIt AUýCTION<SAL -OF- J1EAL' ESTAT£X * IN PICKERING. on T jÈXerty. Clou, et CUTEBERT'S HOTEL, D, Crack, on TIIUJ3SDA Y, fiee Sea'ocîd-Dayo lober, 187,y et the hbannaice o'ciackM Ciea cter 'by Levi Fairns Auctioner, -THE .MANSE pROPRa cith ti 1 ndrav' Ocegration o« Prashyterian Churci, in canada, et fins'Creshconaiating pf 25 acres cf mare, or iss, boingpart oi lot No. i8, i iI conessionu ai the Tovisehip ni 'pi roet sagood brick«h. Floo . ýe, veou vatees Forpriu eanq ofaiAnges Mc dRS-1,90attima a!fale, bah oni Cite suit euhaserj-aaecursd- by 1 ge, viClintereat et 7 par cet-,pc la-lyeaniy ,j Thisn uctla0legiven parouant CceCli, 15 ofth C iavsadSiSAutea o! outanýi Ctieei "Au Act rempecting Cie proper For Che Traiees- L. E&MBJ. B. DOW. LFARANKS, SoUicia Auctioneer Wity, Sep. ard, 1879. 4j 11 Farm For Sale.

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