Whitby Chronicle, 4 Sep 1879, p. 1

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U 0 a X IN G.551 Atil ialilig Eatabgleuamul, BROCK- STKEET, WHITBY. Ternis $1 50 per Annum, e DVERTISMENTS. -Ail Advortjsa X: ote oaed-nnpflJ, sud Usrion,ad 2 cents, Parlinuo,eauh aube.. .uo t lnsirion, . parial Reapoarts ai Meetings, Plnancçw Sttuisasauof ai ankir, Rilway Caulpanles, V Iltsacartes (,'arp" anlesd ilstrs i oflirs ter hon renIa par lin#. Speclaloontcscts niaS. vilS s&veclleer D y the yaar, oraîtherwlue. 0.11 Ordrata discoutinue sdvertimmonts ,muet le in vcltlug.' I Business Direo tory. 0O4TARIO BANK, WITflV ]31ANCH, i " FAREWELLTOAS OW 3AnnIISTEILS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI. a>ors, Nalarlas Public, aSd Oanvey 'ancere. (Offce IraI Sooar aontis-aitise Royal itatal, *lsllby., JIME S RUTLEDGE, B.A. .1. E, PARE WELL, L. L. B., CounuyOcrovu Attorney., 48 JAMES KEITH GORDON, T) 1AIUrISTE a & ATTORNEY.AT-LAW, - 3Solictor lu Oiancery, Oonveyancmc, No'try Publia, &o. Office-Boindas St., MraI Soor vasl ai Acnxstrang'm Hotl. Meonuy ta Lotu-Frivate fende-ah iov intereist. ONA.lItIGIbbIVRAYP (Succesan ta I. M. Havaîl.) 13ARRISTER & ATTOUNEY.AT-LAW, IJNotaM Pulc. &c. Solicitor for tisa1 liomîniion BonI. VbiIa.-Next Seor ta) Mieann ouno, Uîhldgé, Ont. -206 CIIARLES C. KELLEIR, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN îo hs,,uC.erOonveyaner&.,Onig b. 'r. BDARCLAY, A TTORINEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR lu Cissucary anS Inaolvaney, Convey. sucter, &o., kc. Op'irr-At tisa Court Hlous, 'W'iitby. LYMAN ENObiNli, b L. B.,, BA.RISTER AT LAW, SOLICITORi IN P-Cisancory,Ocftvuyanaar, &c,&c. Sim. COD Street, Oîisawa. JOIIN hALL DOWI, B ARRISTIIR-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR iu Cisanaary, Conveascer, &e. Offlco-ý-pcvenili'a Block, f rock Street, )Wlsltby. MONEY TO LEND-Privatu Fondls,- ins eccieup t ta 511,aI a loy c aofinl- RlOBINS<ON & ICENT, (b&ATEDroacAN & Ieayso.) . B'AluIISTPrcS-AT-LAW, A TTO BN - B>s, Victora Cunbaczao, No. a sELe'In itoria Cncanc'ar, &c '0, ViaInria Street, JNO. G. lELLEY, l1Aht1ISTLeÛAT -LAW, SOLICITOII ln Ciuuccry anS Insoivunay, Couvey &eSî d.'OlUtstý-Davunili'a IIOaBe ÃŽ>PeWiitby, Ont. - - GI. YOIUNG N4MITH, 1, L. B., D AIIIISTER, &'C.. At-Mous> le Loto .5. Iautr cf Maciaga Laausaa. Dominio ausBni, Wisitby. Inn.22,878 CAIIILiON & rAPPELUE, I>AtlIhSTE4 119, Attorneys- at-Law, a4LS t Jilnlturs in Cisauiaecy, No. 4 Toronto stcael, Ttarorsta. HECiTOR IAMIROII, QG. ly-lRt R. 8- APPELSE. il. J. (.UNN, DI. D., s IUR(llelON T'l'îME COUNTY (AOL, yiw yii'arot, Whitby. 'Dr. W. J. DnUiN>!. 1.uluc-tîregatiaîtal Citîîrt, Pros byttr , col-ler if IJyron tand Mary mtreele BIYRON FIELD>, ai. B. 1 ILYSICIAN, SUIIGEON, &c., Dusilina' -P Crock. ('I GYS HOSPITAL, LONDUN 1, ENG., thSle yo IL. O.Il. L., Oeaiswa, Gîtirao. l>lîyieiîn, Surgost, Aetielier, &0,, &C. Wblllty, Suit. IlOlit, 1874. 40 W. ADAMS, <Illico lîurse ron 9amî. ta 12 u., and fram, CJ, N. LAS .D.. àýrf LT,'II inserted 0o1 ail tha zmt-' aost princilflosof lta art, *fichvý)a 11 CIîIUiqte, asdagd R 0( te "mt- Oütit 1 '11 th Golti und Silvar. Tuetlit xtrateld wtbeltj ain, by produciu.g IOC-111anietisaaa. Dontal Reom-In <1<w- ana ;naw block, avec Atkineqon'e l.rug Store, K(iig Street, Oailtewa. 85i JOWN IIouiN4OàN98 'liit DRSSING AND SI1AVING ttlecSt., Wltstlty. JOHIN %WOLFENDEN, A\(l"INT 1Volt VE CELEnRA'rED Oli ltîite. At hManle Works Vsi,.l'o O ilt, 1- "' SIIiANK4, OVJIC ALASSI GN EE Li.' JiUhj. O'ios'IEll ROYAL A 'r 1-1E R L Y, 010d' Division Court, Tp, 0lark, Alitclv i- l. ded, 1t'2. 8 OS IliA WA, Veterilnary Surgeon, Tui uv riti l itti,'Wliit.by, over '£Ium(ayfrot 1to rienoc, 1). ni. r APrl 25, 1877, 1 lly, i it ts1l l. ltrk liut , Wth't., N. Y. KINU 11tll il WIIITilV, oNTAitiO, Kindi, of LEA THER AND FINDINGS, ("t.41t pall for IL0 lIes, lirit. tti iter. Latiiorbclcold. 14n Ie BLTINO RADE TO ORDER ON My162 SHORT NOTICE. 1 , 87,22 VOL. XXIII.' D OMINION HOTEL, OSHAWA, ONT. JOHN JEFFEZRSON, - PROP. A good bouse, a goad -man, and overy. lling la k eopiog. BasI Liq cors sud Cicmou. Call sud sea n. __ y-81) z-BU TBUEKREAZLWAY HOTEL, opposte G. T. R. Station,) Wlihy. WU. O'NEILL . PROPRIETOR. Every acommoditlon for guesta, iÈoleS. ln& camirlable, siy bodreamsi Maeia l &o. Evury necusaay direction glvaen t travahieci. GoaS Stabiing, enciamed yard, sud 'atten- tive ostiere. .-8 COMMER01AL ROTEL sud STABLES, 54 anS 56 Jarvia-sîrsal, Toronto. .JOHN MefA, .. . -PROPBIETOR. lSCEBcoaResOBS cmaLLT,O The heut 01.00 a D y Hous lu tisa City, oniy twablocks £rom ItheIcrthaca Depot, and close ta tisa Mart. Tise Hoae lias beau c2ewly Pliutd out, andS erylhicg F'rmt-class. ly.4î TEMPE4;NCE HO USE, DUNDAS.STREET, WHITY. Good accommadaton aI reasonable tacme.. floardera 62.50 par vear. 4 R OSSIN EOUSE.-TORONTO, ONTý Refurniaisad, sud Uarivsfued, Nov Passen. gar Elevahor, rannnngt gansd ay. Tise ouIy loai.laa aflianada gth radu. Ho"pru 0sz- 2. 250, anSd6#3par day. Membare8ai tenl sud alitera, esiclng rcama, vwitisoul lourds2 FuI, 271h, 1878. Froprietor. WITBY HOUSE. DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. JTOSEPE A. BANDEZ, PliOPRIEZ Superior accommodation aI aaSei risargea. GoaS stablng sud enclasud y, 5.w' Agent foc Waltz'm Lagun, lu Bo sud asekn. July 801h, 1870. (LATE cacOXrucxau,) BEOC£-STREET, VEîTsY, TAYLOR & McOARN, PROPRIETO: Tis auermîgued eire la luforni th trieuda anS tisapublico has t îiephave tak ,the aboyval maya isolel, visti have nevlp filleS up anS renovaled, anS int tise basI ai order fac the asesme tien ai rueste. Tise Bar, viirila the hau eomastlunthe Counny, le vOUl supplieS se the finet brande aif vinas, lUquarsanS gars. Ample enclosedshelod roam aud go atalliîîg, loxsale, &0. Detaeisîd coe foc commercial truvallars. J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIF RaCANI tata af Toronto. C MMERCIAL JMOTEL, CIARTWRIGHT, ONT. [JAMES DEWART- PRUPRIETO Good accommodation ti- THE CENTRAL HO US. ri 3ac n- tel pud )S [.1 E, (Late Lockisart Ilouse.) C) GIwM7 C. GIFFORD - Proprietor. Tihis boume la tita Let in tise Couuty. Call and se it. AYERS HOTEL, 82 & 81 MILL.ST., ROCIIESTI(It, N. Y. Prion reduced ta 015a Day. TisaHatliha reduced ias price ta tisa Travelling'lPublia ta #1.60 per day. Il lu Itandy ta thse N. Y. Central Depot (aniy a faw doors South), and ha. rcoanliy been re- fttcd and refurniehed. Opuis lght and day. The bause fe firat.rlagm in oery re- sect, and Canada peaple wiil Baemaney by gaing ta the Ayara RolteI. WILSON SPIIAGUE, Proprietar. Rocletetr, N. Y. July 8, 1878, (6n.28 THE WILSON HOUSE, ASIIJURN, ONT., ALEX. BARCLAY, - - Proprietor. The Uouaoi lei. Brick large antdrom. madioue$, and the interiar le fttadl up in ex- reliant style. Thse lard er Iesnpplied witsh the best in lte market. The bLest ai Liquore and Cigara. Sttabiing, ilarge and raamy.<Gondasasheds. B RITIRE1 AMEIhICAN HOTEL, R AY'S, (I..TR nBBONnonUi;.) WIIITI3Y, ONTARIO. lieuse nuwiy renovated and furniiud titrouglsout, ausd put in firet-oiaa ordur for ha roeption of guese. An omnibus ta and rom aIl trains. Pirmt-cisas ampia roame. S ÂE S P E AIR E M0T EL, L~Cor.KRing & York.sts., Toronto, Ont. J. A. O'ORADY, . PROPRIETOB TraMe, #1.50 PEit DAY.. (iy.47) wa CHINA HALL, SION Or TUE BIG0JUG (EUBD 71 KiNa~-8T, -EAST TORONTO FanaY Breaàkfast sud TaesBoe.. Psacy Dinuer sud Dessrt Sol#. Il"cyBad.raom sets. Psay Jnu d Teapao. Kui trmnvea, Ferle sia >d u Silvar Pist re nud ButterCioolers. filvar Plated Cake Bses RaSLere' Klves sud Park.. Tas Tryeu d S8vr Ployer Sbgdas fgr Lil ', 0, L WtaSne ilre, evexy linS. Halei sud Bar Gooda. GLOVER HARRISON, Importer, Lfoensed'.A uotlolnee 2-.Addresa, C. DAWES, Dominion Wood Wor WHITBY. Geo.- Corm-ack, IrU BRMEROHANt & IIUILD Dorm,Sasis sud filnds. LUJIBER visolesale sud ratai, oc Spj tiseargau i Plauing, Mouldinga ot cvery descr tien, FlÃ"oring, SiaeuîOug, Siaclving, r saviug. Siaping, Tunng. Srroll-vc etc., etc. Wloilby, Oct. iStis, 1878. rd I. 'e DI Pr CHi Co FJ c vli CA Wb i. P OST OFFICE SALOON, ToRONTO. M. McOONNELL, - -PBOPRIHTOI?. T.II 1E IDEST ACCOMMODATION Fi for Guarsts. "Ily'47) Q ULEN'S IO L -VICTOI JAS. MAGKEY,- PROPBRI2'R. Gool Table, Liquors, sud Cigara. Fine etabiug auni avery naeaeury accommoda- tion. ]Y-Il 'LUMBER I LUMBERI .J O IlNS8O N, LUMBER MEIICI-AN'i WH ITB Y, lnso aisnd a large snpîuiy oa i Slde of Basrn Lusaber Doarias, autd aIl nucesuJy Bniiligini mer. P'auclng, Savu Timbtir, antt Suautlisg,, a large quantity aunbunsi. Large od ordastcLotng Bill Stuif, f0hi6a Iri Mills ut short notice. Doora, Sascsan sd flinds alvaym ou Witthy, Ray 7lis, 1877. ly-20' Gounty.'of Ha//burton, FARM LOTS-,. alose toa a alwty, anS Lots lu tise VILLAGE 0F HALIBURRON,1 Vieu Turntiof aitisaVictoria Rlsivy, FOR SAPE, ON 1IEASONA13LE TEBMS Apply la O. J. iILOMLIJILD, ýlilt,tager Caiaaband &J1Lmigration Co., 47.i . Haibrtn Do you Want 4 Huuso ?' Aîîyoua vuîsting ta reuI or pllrebtsie a crortecaihe reieneienluwiitby, wvaud Su Wealita eau aiS examine liaI af G. T. Hall, at his office, avec Et. H. Jamemon'. Store, Dnndan-Struî, or at th is moiolaz Wilbyv, Jnlyh, '79.,Ir f.29 M URET TO bEN. Tise underslgaud han san aunt af-I, <pIea Land upoa Parutor Tovu Pnopecty incusualiy Loy Rates of Interat. Losus can ha rapald lu anme ta suitb avwers. Severa] Inipravad Parm, sud WilS Lau formsaie ciaeap. Inremn made, inluMunicipal Db For fuctisar parllenlars apply ta JAMES HOLDEN,' OffciaI Assigrtaa, Broker,é April Olis, 1872. El. bnp- u-Re ar1 ii LFIRCHITECTURE )RAWING AND SPECIFICATIOr OF BUILDINGS roaptly pcuparud wiliî, view ta Ecanan: in Construction. IURCII AND SOHOOL ARC~HITECTURE 8PICIALTY. )rrcspotJcncc Rcspecîfuily Solîcited IL.B. 1]AiiiER, Arccittrt, &c., Osawa, Oct DOMINION LOUR &FEED STORE IMAS. PEN,'NYLION hais raceivudi - ewB lofPlouc, Oatei, l'eus, &o Iie ol eligat tlent]awua shpriae IEuieaialu tartedaa CONFECTIONERY STORE canisactian wllh lita flanc and fred, ani enatjj.o g p pdaE0dmuy 0 AXES. Give Iiiina rail. CHAS PENNYLEGION. titby, Feai. lOti, 1878. New Stage Line lN ny Sd. 3e. idi Df P ETWEE N WIIITBY & OSHIAWA.- >Ihave put on tise roule hutweeni Osh-. awa and Wlitby a rozefortabie caveraS Stage, anti sellait ltae patronage ai travelera andSfotisr. Evary attenfion wiU bupal l tisa remiorl and couvaianceofaipammnger., and la tis seurity and prompt daisvc a Pâreae ommitîrd taemy rcharge. Tbareî will bc lwo stages par day eauri way, viz. : Lraving Osawa uacis morl2tu g in lime ta makaelose connectiana witis tisa Wiitby & Lindsay Itailway, andJ at aicoak aach aiternoan ; andleaviUgýWhIitby ut il a. m. and ut Op.m., aof usait uay. The stage wàI rail ut ai isotule lu ea4cis ova, anS ardara laIt ut any ai tisa ioteis vwiii bu atundud ta. Faxu and aisarges modertle. J. 11. 4.DAII, Proprietor. Marcis 27t1s 1878. (-14 NOTICE!1 La w raies, quik lisptitcl, rompt dalivucv, as caretîi a"Ittilingitre auivantagus offucsid, GEci. B.ULE, 11.) Agent, Whity GEORGE AYERS 1 New B/acksmnith Shopl1 Tisav endrsignesî hscgs la infortu isis frias and lise Pubic lutat lia hua removud is i haksmiti s uop ltisepromiaro latly accu. pied by Mttauri. TOUSa &' NUWrOtT, EST 0F THE POST-OFF'ICE DUNDAS STRIIET, Whara ha is Ireparesi te do tiI varIa in bis lino ao ubuai, Riod te gugatnteo etiafaotion rOhi ustoiuurs. VidI hpb-, lob. 20, 1879. FURNISIIED HALL TO RENTI 0's LET-Tis funmtd Hall slave tise .L Epres Oficeirnuastise Y, M. C. Ia. Hl.Unthl Il ifs parmaUnuliy tajasi, parties eau arrange ta renl la by the night. 11.)Expriess Office. Drawing, Painting, Crayon, M' I5 MARIE DAMNgES in propared ta' > ai," 111se111- i.tise abova ut her residauam, Brouir Street,'"Vhitby. Fatie. larecan be abtaixted ircm 3Mils. Mclix Dreas-molcer, Brook-at, ' lltbi, Jan,, it7l . tt. IN8-u RA 1.SQ0E.. ONTARIO PARIIERS' Mutuat IMau ranc o V ,EAT,0OFFICE, BOOCK-S,., Wfl Hoa.,sdthefuClenta' ý E telsoaa on tents ata rudLaa in Canada. .JJST Les.SES PROMPTy P J~ ~ ~ 1 1.ICRL ULiN W= Whttby, April 9M,1878.. LoembardS Slé anS Cbaroug Crama, Lei ESTALIeED X 1782. - GILLESPIE, MOPPATT ý&' Agents for Canada. IL. TytrE, manager, x6'c A GENOY ESTA2BLISHED INOc DA. lu 180. UnlimiteS liabilit au lise Stockbaidere, sud large Bai Pnas. Modierate calma ai preminzn. C. NOUESE, Vblby5 Ap rl 91, 1878. Ag n ,w BpEITIBH AMERIOA& I ssurance Ompai INC ORPORATED 133 A S SE TS, 01,101,87e 94. F. A. BALL, Inaucanres affectea alliasloWst oan stas an Buildings, Mercissudise, anS ai -aperty, agaitnla or damage by ar. Agent, Wlui Vitbîy, April Otis, 1878. IRE INSURANCE ONL' LOSSES PEOMPTLY. ADJUSTED. Rias vnllteu sud poliries lasued Sp O. NOURSE, Age liîby, July 80, '79. L IST 0F TEE DIVISION COURTS OP t mI COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, POR THE YEAR 1879, Wiiby.. 2 111 I1j2 2 1 1 Ki Broughamsaa 2 12i8 2 8 Pat 1ry' 4 7117i21180 414 1427 1xrdg. 5 141 122Ii 120 1 i s 1120 COa11,11gN 0112 89 00 1 Athaniy..,. Il !iii9i v ffk ~ij GEO0. H. DARTRELI, Junior Jndj iltby, Jauîy. 7th, 1879.« seussetas Ceea. s RIITDY, PORT PERET & LINDSI- RAILWAY, <I gm &y1 Taklng effert an Teday, Feb. 41is, 1879. Leavb WIlt I. 8.451 a n., u.s5p.=n. ecrt .10.0 8,00 Arrive Lnsy 12,00 noan 9.1j Luave Lday 7.00 <a. M., 4.W80 p. Macullai ..7.40 .. .15 Port Pucry,..5. &m a.10 Arriva Wiiby.(1.. 0.5 a 7.25 a Far limeat utestations, mue Pooaet Tima. Table, ta, huoihadl on application t a ty a1 tise campaunys Agents. CONNECTIONS. WVsurnY JuNseaeN.-Wilh Grand Trouât Rua. way for ail pointe eaml and weet. PORT PcnnY.-wîis mtige for Epmom, Utira and Uxbrtdga. eEAnAvY-Far Sautfloid aud Wliek, MANILLA-Par Sundterlad aud Canningin. MAIPOrae-Par Oairwaod, Ltie liritala, vit- lentia and Part Hoover. LuraÂy.-Wîuh 'Vitoria Raihway for Minden, Ralihurtan, thse Free Grant Terrlbary, and the Enlais Land Companyle Properly, vils Mid. llataitwa forô Stemea, Mlbrook Peter. baraugis Woadvilie, Beavurlon Orillila Wanhe- mbn-ua-cnneuun aOrilisiwitis the Iiortisarn lhailway fer Bar0f, Callagwo, Graveaburat Braaabrtdge, andlise Fres Gant Lande af Mueti'oka. Thrangh Ticleta are immuecd by ail Agent. af lise W. P. P. & L. BWy, lacToronto and by G. T. lt. Ticet Agents, lkranta, for ailstations on W. P. P'. & L. ly. No tranefer charges- Baggagu chekud arugis. JAMES HOLDEN, Wiily, Jan. 801h '7M. Managlng Dfrectar. P AINTIN G. MARTIN & W ARAN IAra doi.ng suris a largo Trude, tisat lisey hava incruaaed their facilhtiaa. anS are nov doing yack at tise . LOWEST possible PAPERHANGING, CALSOMINNG, WHIITEWASHING, AnS avertising coauuuclsd vith lause. ecaning doue ou tise Sisorteal Notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED, or na Manaey asked. TiseboutI Materlal; theie st Wackmau. ahip &'ev us a rail beora going elsevisere, MARTIN & WAnAM, Tva Saarm nactis af Klug'a Tannmry, Brook Street, Wiitby. ]y-49 -AILWAY TICKETS ta Sarnia, -Port Ls Encaurn, Detriat, ar.d tise. Western sud Santheru States, for sole aI low ratas by- GEO. B. YULýE, 2.) Ticket Agent, Wbltby. A GOOD' OPENING.J Fac meu vitil warling familles. TMPROVHD FAIIMS viii be lut aither aI a. ranI or oa us. verytiig'illi sesýc e . atc.,ss ma wack lin îaer i _11acdd Tm 1ouam as ta character sud prootloabilty Mii b.reqnlred. -Also to Farmer 817ad- Othero. 10-00 f Ac ca oalard. vijl S sodouaaysmllt fOoOsce cri lbit'uk,'.@rmîaiuo00ce.Taalt r l"u soîllemants is Saamevlbna easy distonce ai Rsliraada. Psr?"es ca apiy la 0. IHOSON, WiII by, oral ls. ofhai Mr.BoyS Bobosygean, ,ndà wlivllbà mn$ny day saavery WbItby, April 3Stah, 1879. . 17-4y epr Bale by T. G. WIfiôId, Whbîy INSURANCOECOMPANY. EMAD oPIICE, EMITll CAPITAL, *,O)0O Casis Depoit vilS tOue Dosalalm op Ga iIZOIRETn. ;bsn Eaxey axlouIa.Sapani C. M.Coansuil, ' LA.Harvey, W. Rendrie, O I. mtQ.C A. Molanea. I . Pntin M on!ru T. CavçrcLI, XoiMatroaL. X.leG(reene, -I JOHN HBVET, JAMS SIMPSON Prasident. Vice-Preaint y. B. DESPARI>, Manager, AU alasseuafprty, excepl ucÉ e leciafy bazadons, loutred astlise laws curreut Tates. - Sp=calqeotaliane ou, brick. anS oo dv.ll:g. Ch an d, oiser pradace covr aS for ehuot terme s a esoualle rates. E. W. ARNOLD,-Whitly, AgenI counîy Ou". Fais. SIl, 1879. ( PATRONIZE HOME COMFAUMII PAID. C.1 D.an. 00O., streai. IANA- .Iy ai hatty. 18 17y, othur itisy. i't cnI HEAD OFFICZ, HAMILTON. A UTHOTIZED CAPITAL, $8,000,000. Govrumneut Depoalt. #26,000. Busines canfineS t iis Province. D. B. CHISHOLM, H. T.'CRA'WFoID, Frestdoat. Secy-Traas. B. DEXTER, Amsistant Secetary. EQutTÂJiLZ INeRarZe-AU applications foc Insuranas receuvu tise alasuat sarutiny, aud aaiy tisose daetmed deelcal ansd ut aSu. quaIe rates ara acoaeS!'; anc. alet heing ta rosir tise rate lu eaiscasa propartioate ta tise riak esiried. FAut us ADJUSîUEoxu.-Every elaim made upon thm Company for loea or damage le uaruinly investiased,and visile Ilooe (anS ao lu ionast aro promplly sud aisaurfuil paiS, sIl atlempts at iranS areansd avec vii e mîouthy raujated. B. W. ARNOLD, Agcl t-"Insurance ffualud aI loveel -ratas lu lie hast Englis sund Caisadhan Canupaulas. E. W. AIINOLD, TOub . CLE,' OFF.Inuallea CaAE [TNTIL FURLTIrIEIL NOTICE, TRE Off iceoftisa TQawnCleci anti Tecas- DDFELLOWS' HALL THOMAS jfJS'rON, Townt Clark, Wliitby Xhitby, Fub. 11, 1879. t- F ORt SALE, ýLEN MAJOR MILLS1 M000 faut Pins Lum1iber, M'ai] seaatnud. Cnhi Bourda. Flooring, m- 4 Scanlling, 2-is hPiank, Penring Boards, 1(W.000 faut aifOOak, Mapie for axian, lot qualilty Bammwood, 15,000 It. Square Timber Ail aifrvhieh wili hae oid cheap for casis Hao wcnlda&Ima bug ta ay tisaIlthe Grio ille n uulng,e.nd le daiug firat-eias wo:k hoppint doue 0 days lu tiha *eek, for aver lbth 1878ul AMES MANNG E. MAJéOR, Pr ritf tooflng bMater/ahs TEE BEST AMERICAN 'ELT & MISIC, Wheiesaie, at Low'emî Rates. BM S-U ND E B 0100 C AS8Il ice. Corner Front-î andcaiorie 919 TORIONTO, ONT. 20t1, 1879. dm.l2 TI om Ma ~1 )AILY L11N1 TO lIOCILESTER. (W. SIIEuWOOo, MisTEu.) Communuing Maxida, 281h. April, %ill mske hecruelar lespmon tliseroula. Luaving Caonrg, a?7.80, anS Port Hape ai 980 evury morning. (Sundays excapted) ou aIaofatrainasfromlise Eaat, West antd Machs, counecting wllh tise lillaî LinstahBochemlur, f or aUl>apints in liai United Statua, lietnrning, leavus Charlotte (Part ci-Ra oheatur,) at 9, p. m., except Satnrdaye, visonmise isaves aI 8.45, p. m., for Pori Hope direct,. Deniers ini Stock, &a ii li nS this tisa ciseapest andd =ost direct route ta listtn, Albsany sud New Yack. PafrtcIer information, apply ta E. STEPHENSON, Agent, Dom. Talc. grapis Office, Wiiby, or ClapI. Shiaroal Part Hope, Ont. i1 RuE-BRED COTSWOLD SHlEET) Y'AND BERRSHIRE PIGS.£ WM. M. MILLER, BEis Dank ax-e, Cltirumont P.O., Ontar5o. fraudler aud Imapacter ai Cotavold Sisesp sud pure - isrud 'larkmhira Piga. - Stock houeit asdlnaucormislan. Pickering, Nov. 80,1878. IV-tO LUSCIOUS FRUITJ Whyual evscybyady have lots afiti, vison Troemsund lanhuaaso chesp. SenS pastel crd itS vil sdres, sud gea desciptive Cala. logtis 01 Fruit sud Oumaual T ceas, iug aiseàafuil description ;aithe,. A cvva ,CAAiA-aginaled at lerdau. 'Âe im mre celableeehc lmIens- mdwh 'ca arieSgood corldates cf jolr er.1 1111' i1. ' ONTARIO NURSERiR'S. ,Tocdm -station, onuro.. i.g Wblle tlerls 1oaya 1 n . Toit 'Wbiee ur'Aata*,nvrnlu Wula tisre's a EW taBave! ,2, 'WliItby mparaçu ig ftue tevers un the pl7Flay, iaisi, iasetr trm thIal site 'vos quite evercOm'a. fer cenntenancinig the influience ot Frencis- hlit nerves 'have Issu shatterei ail day, anS mou lu Irsîand, coneidares lte Gale cen misa vent asheap just nov en lise sofa etcreoelniien sud aIl ils emiasanies te ha t9ni -restoeaeirself-" quise as pesilîenîlul as& îhoy vers Seem- mut] "ýSyel seul i "msaiS De Lacy-poxr ed ta le litho taunohlôP1rotestent T Adela t if amiseptat a fiatitieus espar- lu tho a - And a tien, vhst voulti ss suifer et a neal sc eue 11I vOl l yaks hec-ne-mine OH1APTER XVI. ilu b bc Sa e Sbp in et part ng. T ell he c," aiai -l a. e te ui r y , a n d Sh S e I okd a t t i s lo oep A N " IR S i" A IR V IT E O N L Y '051' F IG IIT t ie C ing gixî vile ibe pole-to ermcmeîiec er uN -uaWELOEEIN 'B METAMIS- a SE "efber I getc flfil My uty te My POSES-LEA ENEOPI8-EOAST- wve aeuury.I vii:ctur vil uh islms- Et)DUos-LVIKANDO sc lg ansd'th. iures ofci'coy te îy aI e - KJlaO)EETC., 1ET. Sec feat, sud thon I uhalul e vcrlhy et DeLacy- lis. beuonfr rseadeys in <bo58 Sec." Ha Suait teSiseshec, but paused. expaixtion et geing te a ueifthbouring "iNe," le salS,' "I miglol vake ber: fair, 'shicis Sas lise reptlation-, of being Phe 151. Os all I shal l ake," anti Sae geutiy a scene cf greal nnment lu Irsiani, $1 dccv a flever fron the falas&e ber anS a f'ery cioaraclenlstio tiig; asdyen, drcu,-,"tisà type cf ber boauty, Soc as ho lihad, nover witnesed sucS sa 1ccay svaetnçussanadbec ýinnoence i " H. meeta>iu anio-hty va uota l11e 'o thonu roseansd. hurried te depart. l"Face- exciteS, , Il vaa u greed tisaI ha -aSdie wali ioâtSq," motida; e,--peruxlt ma' Rery, au vel as Si. simtp, vils ler tlay toio taoiuamn'b ASiievhyl.euitoc Conoly,-vho, Sp lthe vay, vas iseaVi wenid net>vale hec; sudvili she net ual a favonrod, tisengisadavetesi lever, 11T love me the botter when aise kncwa hcw -heulti foi-m a.party, te viiciPismi- Jane' muahis-renouzica lu relinqinig'.tbeisa1111O'Flanuiaaùisebgga'od ble, sdded, -pani rparting Charm of a lima 'suds.leasing' sud tise cequsat vaé grauted.' cov1 fom berevu brigh*lips1"Re, coulsi "Yen mnsl'cte pect,"thoigi"sâmid Au trust himussif te soy ne moe,,but ha: Bozyi uddrassiug DeLaoy, "Iluhat we'Il irnt raslied f!.x gsethbouse., Theo.ravxn g ' Insvé sem1;ù antvash. 1 1 for,,- yen -Th 0 PDy1'-aU7 itn 10 hi'ansprcus ll ëo use, b.pîopleboàk, moreunikId, tiey* thue f Bienjue u&iid qwsat.'réc- v.buýi figisIas m=eh as lisey Sa'in coni- îng i ouoioietAç i nd"aiticipatkn'e n n dI fslu aiS ohe low y "E lhb.ieue &revolultiouusy truigIe.'Onu oomm6'n' censiuot, until matthers gel t.1al ,locvserhis'mlu ever- ameetis agalu ;-anidvison vo have bé. gý tea môrlq iforer sar julice Sud- happines. ameug -useoeue.pi ~ Iati~ ~ ~r ti4~oxf~ wero1 hIb v.cou mjpo aiqr -4ed mave yen kiudiy," onsveredet uneim, am #11oyW doas tisa gesoona do vithoul " Fis Pelin,,agis 2?'-4,0b# I gev lise bel catuera a holiday,"oaiti Pholx. "Id Io't like ho S e tc a SacS Ou' Iham ni. u E ec a e le gooti -feo i s t e gossoons vis àan , Ï r oatl a t celiee9, for iorni.n'y lies ha f3v on ti etmaci." .ta Trunafer yen, PhÃŽelim. Not tisatII knw !Muah abent' ,larulu but I know -ynmuaî'n't brake tisa bearl et o yonoxg Ana 0sosaping, off Phelim'e rian They now appreohted. a portion et tbfalc whera sales cf càttlo woe " goeil~ rn orvarai. - ' facq 46HOW ise ebastes gain2" sa4dBiar thia lp-..b rom Miery bc grenp, soiSHar, jliutng gain ; "linsitis tiia 5 show'-box. I'cl tale ouy cati, OVs Ilim. 3 1 Ihougist I mev lois voice aI llrai,.but )I'd avare te 1the.glee lnü4p.r 9Anti.anoIl vas De Welskein. Iv.' iss i leen aid ha vas louaiof intrigua :aud aalveuturesud ha vWs qnità lui i e- 'emeul in tisua 'asfqueradiag iltiehroisgi tisa -aontryý; aumi wloile -'hovas SaviaIg rebllion fcom bis lev.etfravelalion, s reesing rfit tram hie tobacco, il 3wmm pritie Ïsud1giory t liinita be Play- iu!g thée buffoon ut the saine tiniL' Whi'al vas once à satirce of pleasure'aria se- o uir y ; f t he l >s s uggl r wvus ever leng inuoeespot, but cloaugiuog le differ- eut p laces in différent ciaursoherp. 11-Lvauto te eehOt,"asnid De 'fisso, i"anSlam gladi ftisschlanca meeting. 'Ws tonal *aàth suan pporLnty ta speak te hlm w»un tisa shew Os .over." 'WJoile tise7 vare waitlxag- foc til, a gronp otiseemen appreachea tise asow, AnS Rory amodUgel them saw Squire SRanaf3tîru,'*tisa parecit, Slveny, anlS Soruiss; ltae latter etagi<jOetinl couver- katien vils "tise colonel,"-isa vis hai] given luory lois fredm sud hiepeau. llory f*tosvo eiioer il but le .rotrasn, as, if ho vWeresseu Joie visohis finesse about Mrs. Sormba veillai ho biova5 ho veuld gel Oniç troubhlé; andi Ilu Dam e luis e colaneUs posessiaon, Whitis, silh', remembereS loai neytr. am loiselonnry te damise our bure, asSed vis isohovas.- Tierofore, seresniug him- séfe'!!alaSDe Lsoy, Setbld hlm loov mattarsestoed, aud talcing BMary '-ifid Conolhy vils Sum, hi lft De Lacy is ;Phelilafor s éniea-"'If vadon'% meut uagainlu the tsir,' saiS ]Iary, '<wa muaI onip Wai liiwe go- home; ansd ite retireS rapidly froua the spet unohitar- ved ly tias isersemen viosal SuS sieti lboissuden -rtrea. Appinig ltwo- 'place et caudexyestaswiiis bary lad,, Conolly, lIory lafI liseuti, atid tItan re- turneS ta wiusa tise final et muacI anS Judy. '(Tatabccoutitucd.) Tise Ne* Rackei. llý . 1 esarôm er. "Re' liiugil't 'tise 5cir- 5115145 Tba*'tbmcets a Ga'th lave 1i cunxtsacof tbilât partuaxg-; 'and sad'the ,ht hres rreîtOin Gd1P emi. lmiig'girl wMreoaléleà 'luis toucy, TiaEtoa' tEngiislu-oS! hlshsscrt enîuorauigisaIli te ernetiôu mugI TCont tecsrowrn reserved 1 tîfp rtîg gin2, thraglo tise ila_ crafl àt' ,-e ýfinnca Otan'imag'tiliion al'aym vivid, du Thongh. ~cloud sud raS i but naw roudaredi more dmicataly sais- md- ,Love, im iýiâhv.e î àënè ,o!fIhtelu- humi Wsleemafa. I0,hàt vione aehhliye a-ewii'lamtor 5t1 Wimo hec'aa lar'usd 'aceding a everbiinceas producesà Wateb, lasd i'fase'lii&isso th ie ex- - ho W the lSe a tampterari 'of'lenetehi!uy'ouc vent in te. - oS uw rar4ssaî - ;ord4à8 hie !srovè,U and-,thse ameliaus' ' 9 igta Ilma Adela tise-inspiration et RAA R Y 0 o 'Q A -.hie muse, iha vcote 15e feiieviaxg- (Contiinlled.) vecu. CHAPTEB XV. ' sloop, mny hove-seep, may love, MITUE<>- - a el a vaap,>'myioje.6 121118 A ne AND IRlE- Tfougis ilyi.vest spas ara ali hddeu tramn '4ary - 1' - . ÃŽI taso'it tisalutt-as viicisflaLacytel ~n Wiay sauldel thon viraen ta osara iiir îaory'a celuru, lu lieteniiog 5tle i whise - lliala5 ave y'eît, lan cesming, tests tei, portant iulelligeueo lie 'brerxghts, t 'epetdasore, divine, Love 1 mingled ithamumeni tse . Pa r bhmt aretisa visions et slmas ioii 01;, ventuneus vay lidWihiho had Doun. Iaa,'ae ie aa"aa ident, duotad tise enterprise. The: lus oethîe POU t t'boa V le teér ha diS nal miua >regard, ýs tisa -mest, valuablaInfocrmation it 'onîi l- -n ae m onvsy .'s'as inubis pehsasiion, naaiy, v. Sleep, My loVio-elep, rap love, veal ltae propatiation et tise'extensive arma ' l'ka'noî tl a p, îny lova, Wod mient for lise invasion oethtie islaud; ia m te sa- yaaa I .Se ru avec. anS, nntir tise clrcumetaus, isa net Hlard 'tis ta part vitisout ana lio tora ouly diS net hisme Rery fer tise mie- - kndces, hsp, but gaove Sum greal crédit fer loti Tot heap more resambies fond love luie aicourage sud intelligence ; for IlqcyhIad ,biildiens -7 emmunicateate hlm avery particulan And lisp look voulp aniliain me sgslu; of etlis asivantures. De Lacy blamed 0f pai n ta sap, '"Farewell, aveet alnrnlrec, ES. De Welmklten for holding thenihosused la tlae I' communian hlacy desoribed in lois oeIl- ' Tisus, in vritimg anS readiiug,-tor or, and'asanred O'Mcre ha vas net a. DDeLaay bld a fa* ciseice beoks vish vare tisaI saisahvas tis mugghers pra-- i-seune duaavers passoti , but lois N Y, lice visen hse snt iim on hie mission. alreagtii lugan ta relura, sad ho vas "*YenuSea't immogina, Eony, tisaI 1 seon abls te valk obreadi, ,-Ihali wonld ceunbtensuce nor le le écompân. rsmblos, a boak vas 'mostîp lois coa- ),0.ion et snoci rffians ? paion ; anS il 'wvas isa fraqueuoy et ,'Te le sure y ou veuld u't Bair," aiS hie iseing observeStly tise ceuutrypa.ce Bry ; 4anS I holie yen don'I thial l'il pla in théso sofe reatimg that ha Oa.- suppose suris a liaing." tained lise nomseofethte Srisar," tac "Ne ; luI as yen vare sant there hy s50lhe heaume universally asileS ly thea &, me, I vlsh Yen ho uindeatauc-" peasauti vwho liked inmtai'risis caîxrl- rose. sObsar, I deul mimd suais a lhntfla," -sous manuer, anSdbthe freedoa i vil saiS Rery. visich ha reuvorsed'- vils ieni. Whso I don't thinkia i a triflé," aiti De sud'visaI ha vas, Ihey diS net caca; ty'Laay. but no&e t tle Sveeuy andScSruisîs, ad. "But ure, if il vas pou vas tisroon, etWha o id e el hasogsmulqai 'vondare' ýtacearme he voulti u'l have doua tise ike vils aa ollier as la Wbat tisa Sauce, îct y yon, sir." ha coulti he ?-Wsal brou-lit hlm "ae 'Haetiaramnol, teérascal lut bisa'. ieaWsu im~auan "&.L. net enaugi sh lould n't have braheti auSdltae onclusioù he ilras y spaarriveS' etd y agant se: but, te bcsaune, lu tiss at aI s, hati s aakiug tlîeir lieutie verp kU affairaeusnemuet nrai le tae paclieular. aigmifliamlp, and. saping, 'Very odd 1, Tisup say poeuny makes mon acqualu- De Lacy avoidud tise village lu bis f ted vilhsatrauge bsdtellavs ; anS neve-volelus.Intise firut place, tise relire.- intions uit do the sanie tling." - ment aftie quiet bauiksa cf 1he river, or Yal, muais as De Lacy strove ta rue- tlse iltneao ettisehlles ave il, vas a noucils tise lhhng tholéisfeelIngs lois Sali- more rnouenl 10lus lamper ; sud lis aay revolteci at tiscene et brutal <de- aeaerssly, lie viisse ta leap iimsesî lamc aista orp, a pmre-isaurted pes hayonS lte range et observation' au suy ot,' wae mAda tisa itassaRntipsrlymucaisaupassible. Witiîrcadiug 'unnd tise partaker of, De Lacp vas in every aketriig, anS making sort exuursions vay an enlisuist - ha lelieveti in that mb tiste adjuant country, isa ya isigis standard etliuman virtue viih passeS pleaantly oniougli, wiile ahi lise 'E.oilti sacrifice ailfer virtue's ake ; isis lime lie was tuklng note etfvisaI lie lova for libeartp was pune,-uustaluud hp sav 'sud huard ; tocrisougis taeai- Ieuoe umisoly motive, anti iovaver muais pacteS aetislauco froua the Taxel, oet Sie migisibc la hmeS hb tisosa e hvwiiel, ovas in dsily isopea et neecai%- al lisenglit lise cansiu vhich ha was on- ing intelligasuc, renderati ilunoueras- t Sgaged unjnatiilale, or aven flagitionssury la write te Gamoral Clarke en tti Ibisis motivas i liast vera higis snd subject, asetise Slow hlieaxpacterjI voulS noble :tisy might hobu aleS muiaakun, bho atruck vitisont any nrgenaucpeî is 1y. but not umvonlhy. part, putIltie ovut auxiety te saqulIns a w îî-8a Mes profession au a saldiar, his pres. Snedtgaetftise 0Internai atate et the,'w' sut exploit as a patriot, anS hie lava as cetuniry' eîimuîaîssî lois injuirires. 0Il O a man, vers unutectaken sud pursucti phehian,(lite soboolmlsatar, vas etten q vilS rt feeling helouging ratIner teatisa quastieneci on sucîn inicsttr8: esutthie ts age et ciîivslcy tisan tise tuerlus; inis odîy amuseS, vllle lois informsation Sie liea. Or il miglot bcle pai-ips mnaresustisiieti, Du Lscy' truly said, bbngrte hlm evu par- Il usigist Sp aupposet Sp lte gamersîlr lhcur punieSot of îisteuae,-tisut lglar.routier tlisti engageS in murSi a cause asa ions spring-tiuna viss everyp lest et lite DeLaey' tisen, was, ait Introduction lefu is green, anSdlise autumu et exper- tise pariaS priesaI oulti have leeri balS 101 lancé lias ual laid tise vithbeng tint et Sesirablî ; lut it vss net sô-a- fcom ' diatrual upen eue. Tise age et chival- il. De Laep. ta common witls ail tise er ny, dii 1- aay 2 Every yeuug sud IeaýIers ofthéplisepiîial rueamant tissuM a 1 noble Sucant Sas ils ewu aga ot cisival- goiug forwarntI elrate, lesirud ta &o ry I sîun by e'rrp piaihlopsne y cou- i De Lacys loeabias beau once moln- baul vilS tise'pnidstisoti. Tise reauhto a i tiGna.lbefore-at loaI glaucutiaut; andietflte Francs Ravôîuiiom Sud given l ,r, il cuay beas veallta give saeaeliglol lise alunm ta tisa clsrgp of aiSmosxiiu-Ils notion oft tiat oyant, 80 iutruatiug in allons ; anSdlise Iniil Roman Ctlisaliao W mt m o al peopls live . N et tia I De Lacy's ts a, efsar ram couutaan ing tisa C rk. love asemach todo ;vith tis aevantsa tutreductian ot cevohluo nar 'prhn aiples al tmp about ta la recordaS ; but as t il yl le mbino elantiblSruieaiodabSelution ta Pr( uacessary te tenais UPOn it pacisaps "Tise Dstendors," s polilica union sisevbere, tise ceoSer mçi ual a aivn tommeti mong ths lever ordure cf thse îuf ape noteaffair . basides, Il vhhi Cotisalia ýIrias, ta pioteci tiseslvea ,Sba Dael e exhibiltishe refincL nature of tram tise eggreaaious oatie "Peep.a. Irs, DeLacy's minds BY" Wow ouoetat n H ha alaitt îbobu ina in lu arls adayBes"wavre rtcal ni g i r l l u i s e n S e v a m i s eP r e e b y r ia n d . ' T i s e d o m i n a n t p a r t y a i sudrlptaviom ib as iea pif stbacised, i n ea a éendeavered tei prepo. ca andby homliebelevdis iself te le galatisatheeileft ial lise rehelîliuetfpec ,ardentlypbeloveti. But AMaIe Vechiguy 1798 vas et religionse ongin, und pub lu ou' >,wim unvertio f auoh a love a. De prarlice for tisa-mutier et ail the Pre. yM Lscçy*", inasmeoi as sise casild net un-leistante lunIrelund -; but visaI e ie tiru Sertau&it. Loea vs vilshbec a ne- tact P Tht"oociety et Uniîtd'iie1hman o c aes ity - m ie t i o u gh t i l q u ite in d u p e s . v a i a u u l s s d l i a N o r - his e t , alla thtisI vary yonng lady sould hava Irelsuu, visera tise sajority oethme POP. a lover ;-sanSiflisat lovaer as o haetla.tion vas Prtestant aud Prealytar-ss 5>j de muaistisa beileni New, Dea Lacy ian. Il vsSp Protestants 'anîl Pros- c lisppiened tlelle a.Ji anseme fellov and a Ipieriane biese ociety vas fondeti, anti otj oieur ; aud vison ho velunleearad 1t Potstns«u«, lyî ---- ves»t-ailnp of bciena t le hilmAn heurt, vfirichis asu emensîiherat ad l, o parlais r-0a barony, ar a -laviand, or tisa 11k., "i tisa taors ciroumecribea icai-el an trnpire, Or s priucipiatius, ait es oua as o cirae la scirais, visttevar tise ,sire etlbf a l, roa splaîther up lao a cab.whel. Q. E 13.Wlat qate ifinte h odoirnusthmrte ie1' a . n ahea t st a i S l O Ua ' s y , w o n ta i u i m xù g i e g r sv ity ; "but, iftheumalter in elsputa bcelhall. ce psulay i o d v rm tig * u sl u l ts "uFil a-e e s 'ùn g tise Su elu sa ba, te ploy au equal mbatch of either ai 'tise given' gamès, Instead, et bealing 'Arrah, visaI elae do' ve do 2" sfaiS ý Rot[p- "6Yen t'u ead." '¶I3nhowcs W hJpthat? sure, va.1 ealwoya d&,challenge assis atiser ta ply a matais et bail or hurliag-, sud i t a t in, in tise ceurm e 'etf p lay, * on e, mnu gvea 2-aise bail, or another enta il, ,n anS tain liser sa' aputa about it ;er We in lrin', tisa amo woyin tis atocf tis a gme, nisyle the fellow betore van - f o r a al t g a i n ' t e a a Y e t h is b a i t a i t o a b e i ni . aat sl, and yen - fier h l , Sot oat, v is waI can ydn Sa0 but give hlm a lhinp? asuad aayyho g6cslieait aveclouche, 'anS, hief'iont disobîsel, hhulro's o chance lha 301-logea hiu imper, sud comas te thirip' pYo ou,-vi nmsybl s anet s50 neces- p a iatad to' tirip' peu aspeu ver 'te tllîip Ob lm, audtllal doesai't stand ta ray'son' fo in pour opinion, sud nmapbe pan csn'I th mhlp givin' hlm a clip ô' tisa isurI, sud clown lue goes und thin, maybe, 'oeeô' ia lig arony socs tisai, sud Saasn'I tiii ffoit rapsonaisie, sud alapsaiut pu,-àad 50 ;g on il gaeslikre a uog fIi, sud, btise playtu in tboa figiat in no lime ; lr'»ati indaud, in tise long-mun wa finS lel'lia tisa hast vay et orguin' lise peint, ltfor lisera miglit bchaiea ractionuliapurat &0,wnuldi dis puts about tisa tairuese e' tlis Wdplay, or lise tairnees o' tisat play, anS iytisaI il crus an Accident tiâsaettled lise la1, eme ; but when il cames ta cale l ighiîl', thora a ha n e varda about il, Jr--for, 'ouoseee, visaen ndirivs evary -,nooîohur'm sou e' tisa ibefore pou, sud ra airly leulloar thie oui o' thse field, and tere cizn be no ini8lake about il," " ne f u l d o ra u z al ts I p ro d t e b a d booti umangat yen ?" mid Daup- %ad p yne manes," saisi Rory jvliy absoula7 0 136 ?t2 Sure, laven't tlty tse chance ef ry .ollopin' u sn lie n uitt im e 2" "Anudti tisIpurpatuatua f, a dullînte," aid - De La y.- ITo hae sue," saud [t- o r , t îa t a th fl a t o fn it i. O b , i l of ouiih only bisa a owardiy tbirîg tabeb aiwaya igistin' a Party pou wu'te Bure ta bittaeI1-thar. veuldbhoaunduofe th it e g ory intiray." ni 'A it Party," ilouglt De i',ay. is lke Iinry's gumo.et honing ; chse 3 Iteh are out antiavur lu trip up tises. citeW h a r e i n , - t u < , in c o n c lu s io n , t is a nly gants lft is tea Iclier flaen ou of f'heficld ; wiseni hare crumba nomis- h i@ t k o b o î î t l . " . in It wus tisa trat day foluwim, Ilory'a and Pislim'a eloquent, in, , anS r al a on ble exposition et tie le raaity as uandprepriety et pacty ilgiste, tisaIthesa saf i c w a elio ld eto< a n dt hie p rty , a u u- ,I iady làmèti, starteti forbisa suelle ai )Mnaument ;-Ceunolly laving tie on-' ni e r o f b i g g o u h i m a n i n va i t i ug e o u un ary O'Mer, iandiog lec over stles,s t&a. ; Plisim and Rery iouaring Deauy. O n ari n i g sti e o celle ef a c tio n ,' îey tounStisa fuir lelerably 'tiirong,". as e phra e ia in fieland ; anthtis a u tall n i n t th l e, v e r e vW a l o u I l se g r ea , li nol y c m m en cell t ies ar lee et g l- l s a u t r i e s w l i c e v e y i r a a x 0 t e a ta tt gir's favour goeestisregi on s -day, by huyiug a large stock et ho g erris ud cak es, h i ai u ap eare ti ta a es save boe au ma te et br ava paper an S trec, anti applas te matcis, sud ra- Id acsting te vlole p rty, icluding pLacy, vho *ae ilolisl peibcy sellait. Catepartaks aitheisaoast. Nov, wiseu ofepla are aIt aira, il Os o paint et hon- .nor te rat sud drink, an di sec aIl bat a 0. no.as ,--iu short, liiyen can est, ant i i, su ad seenotémore ; sud ail tise 0 arIp presest, excepb De Laey, seumed f tarmineil their hlouur itauld ual ha clIed lu question. Thse calo sud appîs l tad s vers ganerahly formeS hy he B commu car efthtie country beiug back. cdia viswatevar positien it couti loke upon tiie tair.gcotind ; sud tisa horset bng uuyeked, 41 ferkeadpale et suffi- i a t r eiý n g li v u e s n d u i s e g r e n u S, Sa ndtsI isskad et tise car leiag de- bc rsiteS bbtwentise prengse, il ai once ltinca support ; aittr whih sacine' ias (Iong'aappie baughs)- Seing lhaut avr tua vehlicoa, a quill vas tismev lb 'eac osa, hese rustic afters a t 1Jo cm . su a uwing, an S tisa cakes an S app es vr a sti au onsoea ascs, parlopm, or- nalehing eqiially coaacs,-ouy tiig,b ishort, la caver tise bore 'boardset yî car, tiaI pcobbly c .cl- a _&a Tvorsant iethlrh sgiei pias . e wi aidag de mrl.esn Theoruai n etardaigu cf theaitg- sidte iisaba adepmoa rasn neeJumbo waa canglat vith aè ion shicen hia in his hat, and when ased how il came thora, hé rsplied: ordeodbons, thattolo muet avs oravieànp my bresobes log." in iwOmian., 1he heartis t he citadel, Sn ail tise teaI mero sburbs ; in men, aineenaiderats e uîweri, wlîieh san eltwithent iDjnring the slreugth of 001er. Saunlecing up le-tise counur, ho le,. gan ta Sarpoon tis a atablas aI tise trce- luncho hable, sud as haov-sowd 5y5>Lthe artialea nuter hie veal hoe Segan. Onu a tone-at meiaucitoly saturas": "Gentir- MOD Mo Yi action may u'sunmil11-braS, Sut vilS a SaIt-stars-eS -mnu inuganrte fhb saisfiati bfrer good manura eu ha tleudeSd la, ebnhu~r -ratiert for a club, sud tl ieaeual atrauger ltaIho fivouldluat icve ut -once lte'S ga for iio.-'MY dU-ar' ir,< resuumoebourvautlakinu e n xiiîie- vilS a dupracatary vaveo et lise un unS a lsildlike smile IlisI vaespt;oîkl ysp ha viug a nientistul er *CkIat ruhisuge tlatatend- te,- 'rI cuitunder staund pouratouisisment aI visut sreeni impudence ou tisa parI t an a-i;-, tirs strnuger, aud I amneualoffenSeS at tIse auger ilcauses pou* te Sis;pîy.'liait vison I*gay lSat.I But a pon, isantlcis, vandacong nsfnge tfram tisa taver- alnioken -Cipy of Memphis-." -Fiea sehuoeanofeet hevre laid Savu upea tisa couban vitis a simnltaneeusuuat ltaaiisovod prompt Sucielen, ant i bio panic-atricken pernaiulaîti - covard tine Soor vili s nnity et action tisaIvais admirable. Thisens anbliS tt'ebar SaS erbuisîted ie tmp rynoiliingurstzatrl aestisa weary etrungun pelisSheS -oirt Iii free lunchSuanSgalisanot in ls slioaaur aftr sciseoner unlil, _huer ladu1 lis itî bleS bavard tise stcet, tIasasloeu antis as lare as tise upper uip of a 16 pair. o<'Id poulS. AndSthuepoor-, iieîtaîa, vaýntinugrotugea troua lita féetr- sttickaai Cily et Memphis, te9l-mare aui veo.hegono, tbineS jutoez>heukman ssal v, ilS tis az nd r uScauutenunco o! oeeçvhotm2lite baS loft nalingvertit ling fdr.As ihe passeS inta Tinestra. aihey, Iwo ainablp-aresmoti tramps -âp. proacised.hinn aud enquired la accents et auxiety:-Well, Bill, hovtionstise nov racket york 2 ",Tise per, haute - leus, vaudoriug refuges bromibise ts- ver-âtniakon, City_ ef Memphis. vho isse se, suddeuiy- descendeS te plinU "II," lasanically neplietu, vils a duflootion et I R A Il. O. ON 1'> 'IIEl DS. fot tisaI S. ;eds ira bu-. an tauar are ta grov CIALTYI 1poglagi. liment, lFon rcchtisi, /NE.F >aILvtu .11>~ or; TA(li ill rTi Grrwer y, AXTUN. InS!1 4'ropriielor, -ES 1 alka ali ta it Lita6 ,its uil io if'li t'. vd La, 'illsby, ntlu ýath8, arc îxlva'tt' utiiliori- ilii., lita tuiles, 10 chut, 0~ caris; ACW il A-r -rnF DEALER IN 1 GEO. Almits. 1 Ir Pluaenra u isae ro accident of aur eoing, aud work ils- moat natural aud Ioly neceasity. Rt To know laaw bte lten la agreat art; le i te knew how t.egain' instruction crm everycue. -1-. _Money in yonr purse will oredit_ yon .wiadom in 'yonrheadadora Yeu- 1 CONDENSED TIME TABLE. 1 TA11 GRA VEL; 1 xl' hotu l u onr n b l iiaee iv. LIEISTANDARDPA, 1 1- . 1 1 1 1 Tisa vhiaper of n beasutifal vathti 1 .1 1 1 1« 1 1 1 - Il 1 1 1 1 1 1 WE oAn.poa hs B aiad: "smtoià obn ye n n'Tise mon vlio stand about in 1 A yroonmwainiag orsegil iva som disac rm heHre. lvr s hi Buy n mouwosoirlalives sema stag.in eïtra. e aren ve, ay a-Snfday nigisi wal in more, ot lIes.àsndy n oiz. g orp." o 1Ifed tia aunthig neapingnant hangt afoy g nzngfrvalc Agd, ille aoi ol ais i. ding etû gr fer :hiht. hte el a Agel eutifal sud v8 oela.- biesol vsui$aghoi. el a

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