Whitby Chronicle, 21 Aug 1879, p. 4

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WEST 0F BROOK STIIEET. Irlenda j aver. I .5. -.-- I For tickes and4 frther lnformatlou spply EJrp;snd TeiOffite, Th rçt Diood Purifiera! AND PILLS' i i 1,ltaitished 15552. ItKS1ted te bc u n fallible cuesfor- mcêo #% i is1Ltwomse tefone, tubiers,, ieeP-moot lefrot1Yphuî1s, prilase>' s cviidmry, 41111 tietiLir~y ; ruorm, -74lal C7 llnigg ,0l 8eOco, Jths'urutasns sud il diasassa or corsa jîrodusceelby lese? BRz8S'oLIS 89g5e-Coctcd PILL8, VI1f1115 Àý1rElî COMPLÀlNrt4. )-*"'ur sala by AhDU Êlggla;tg au,] Desiers PERRY DAVIS & SON >1 LAWRENCÉ, SOROFU L, i Sorofujous Humôt,. ~seecotrww1 ~re Immate o e ystecm îvry Lutlît o e rofuis and strofloots IlIn. I ir.11 eica uvucccty curaiSt{cucîsends ,ii li.'Ml.ols sid YiJI.cty wlcî. ]cîcil rien lorig eccl >liýfuc.oToi ce -Can 'orm Caîîcorous }lùxor. lIce îcînlîe lt cf 1Vasc}crîsalic case cil ( occ'cj sce] Cîoîea Iuni ch lclenîges si. celilccfceUiccl attelucîitc <cfi e, iccecal (fIe;Ilîy, eccccuc y o e lt rcc ses ii.selclcg V£. ieeercîî lueiil to cur 01% C ker. 'Mervtrial Dieocasce, 'cechmilu tiesdue scfiseclassa(of disases. Salt Rheum. *Tsttee, Ssi ;ILbsuec, ScalaIci îasi, &c., wiilcectiiti>' yicid te îles grect atericative UaVLeIca f VtqerINCs; * Erysipelas. Vlcoîcroceslies ficoar falcid te cnres lie mneet livetecato ceea et Erysil)4elee. Pimples andi Humers on tho Face. Ilecen ciull t-aC)l1e usthaI a letoy, rougi, or pires d-kide suds ectrely np- 011 sictlinternear cause, all!d ico o1tward iap. PIilucatilic Pau ever suresliesdofent. VLOu- rijelale greet blood purifier. Tumnora,*jlcoro or Old Sores. Arr, consuil bIchfinsc lie tier teAethles - il l. (lacuthcslutci itîîîecgiîy MILtI 1111'rc (.cecc l ioc ofilalilcts wiil disait. Catarrliî. Foci. ut1i ae uîIain thlie euciy suciestiital 1,leecccit eccii bunltaînsci lcehouieclite Iuood. VecoceccîcNId e tlalcegeesAtl li iciIulle. Consipation. Veceeccea4 dosa nDt set as a catîcorlcste dlebililtiucýtoheusowig, bticeece'-ilice Oegalies LiliLellcg ascietu peefocuilice fut- tione sovivîng oison ileoni. Piles. WiVacrisFelicns restoecd thoumen(li lt hilOciw'uI chave beau long aned lîsisful sil. Dyopepsia. fVous-Isc. la takisecuri-gslarly, ei-lg [ee cireeýtleu8, aILcer#ÃŽaitccisuoedy ecre iili F Faihtno at tho Stomacli. 1; (l- r .'11ýIc le' eit t ci iIlicletitig bitelI rs hiltUL i UtcubîIicl: : ftl;petctcc, but a CoI1 tltue,whn orestera .-u Foînî- tie W aknss Vac-ec ccidieetly uIcI el lice sa LA tliesse cocaiîls,Is L 1iislittesicc u ccracîiac>111e ýVlilci)>tiyitni, ticcîs ujîcce 01U he<CeeVjV liiigccc scuit cclsym iliciLcîsccicc. Ueneral I)ebi1ity.. lt ic aeomopaiil hi e uis eto f tics V.icuoare recltceicccscîsecllfateiy alter t(onssecg) taeLo ; ah;se îe>ilityc(iecitec, sl 01lcsly ftiseileî, cMIiVMe cViecNfi:i-t VEGETI NE i l. 'IIcVI1'u ,s,,io,Dltc-. ý'ilg>Clfl i-IsS uld IJ3aliDî)ruggists. NE~W STOIEI NE11W 0001)8- NÉ 4 W iliIcuisii 0NTARIO BLOCK, -IIIIOCK SuTREIET, WIIITBY, A NEcW ANDSt> sbccSTrsOCK OF1 DRY GOODS & GROCEJUES, Whiehholeswtli Bsil At prices as low asl possgible fou CASH ONLY. Av ho lIcoks w111 hbcIsapt bn e'b t, *Ilil 'lie licured "ad nsonmes WM unot have te psy other people'% t14ti AT EASTMA-N'S. A cll là remptfuliy oitolk. 111ene troubla te' show gQOda. IM yen *&ut an>. tlng yeuCnot et e, slsfouît. Wlltlq, lJua Bat, 1878. 802 H A 1 ER-S SARSaPARILLA Trho Great Blood Purifier. A urutuu lel..rnd "lf Ied tirr 3onieîi- Pccaun,-for tibcue ucacf&Il disceusein urihiirilgffriiiimpourlly iccl l Ien, N ucrly <su the (dlieccîca tisaitrJookîse 'iee huai erusuanesca sie 1licced1. l - tistîe0c the. b1ul 9l lpu sa'-Lifimia luis foc it!h ofet ilie -l upue cllieaîLty -'cltliûe -- M aPurilur cfitu llood, a leonavaher »e-f 11w 4oin J.e1iOf h~e- cspw. en! . o id1, CusItea fSaresàparlII& bas ne, iriaa ttlie Drug Stores. ~.~I:~tL0 I ~ I~I Oc 142 14 81 140 805 141' a iz 145 880, 147 81 1521 5291 lu4 8 M 156 89 157 859 168 8 Ã"9 109,'8,69, 162 859 16 a 09 164 a8ou 1658a069 166 859, 168 859 170 88 171' là 39 172 10 87 1781 1u 92 160ea Q3 181 s24 182 6 28 61 24 623 15 24 '186 a059 187 0a bu 188r a15 18D ;0 su lac a rio liii801> 19,5 r') D 190 is 28 -197 5'24 118 ô5i1, Ibo , à24 20U05620 20 5 24 '211 12 411 212 12 4311 213- 12 4811 237 2 10 238 1w'23 244 12 281 245 12 281 216 '12 281 2Q90.14 W8i 8211a sa 327 8 83 838 l116 840 11117 * 8414 12 mi1 8611 12 42E 862 8 81 1611 10 21 076 8 0 077 8 83 878 831 1180 Ob 1 4& 1 45 146' 1,45 1,45 14. 148 140- 1 451 1 45 1 45 1 do 1 45 145 1 45 .1 45 1-45- 145 145 1 45 1 45 140 10 145 i 46 1 45 140 1 45 1451 11 4 145.1 I4 I4 145 I45 i 140 1 45. 145 1081 10 81 5 12 5 là 5 12 à 12 .12 klà 5 12 5 12 à 12 512 6 12 512 5 12 10 w1 1008 21 80 21 ë8. 6l 81 6801 6 60, Ael 5 12 a 12 5 12 ,5 12 5.'12 'ô 12 ô 12 ô 8c, 800 680 il 18 14 18 a 10. il 93 14 os1 14 031 465 4 85 .188 14 17 10 47 4 w3 4 Se ~ >~; i PEcitUcea cebocc, I-Mlteive 5Jýt1.,cocrerWALDc, msaMT ie' ciuoecc siacar. 9: 182 i68 4 56 1 45 188 691 8.182 08 4 Du1 I451M.8GI9 J'llcc'is cKAN, NOItTcu WîXIi, roc-e rcoeCK se Ucrac. 1618 402 il 1 45 0518 16967-18 17 146 881W 170 10 11 25 1 46 1188e 171 16 451U7 1 45 17 28 175 1688 40> 1 45-18 2 176 8 83 21 1 45 10 49 177 4117 Il1 15 6 213 178 8 83 21 1 45 1041o 171>8 0<)8 1 435 03 181 0676 10 1 45 887 18S2 4 72 il 1456 628 5 16 81 41 1 45 18 67 1956-4 72 il 1 46 6 28 1IN08 52'21 1 456l118 306 499 12 1 456 166 801 4 09 12 1456 685 WZnnEc' PLANc. Oeil Range cati, 17 S 41 20 1 45 10 006 c, 18 84di 20 1 45 10 06 W ô 21 12 12 14d5 6 69 'c 20 5612 12 1 451 1611 TccoooeevlCcI" LANs OSP UT os LOT 23, le-e CONCoESSION; 2 10 15 25 1 45Il185 4 66â2 16 1 45 812 5 4 72 Il 1 456 à628 b lu49u 25 1 45 121lu 1>0 6 bu 1 45 8 14 12 40i 45 10 0 W01.5 7 1 45 465 nuis i-coV Led' VUOP Li' .cies25, 26, c. Je. ecUCYcaSeoN. 278 86 2 1 45 2 83 '271> bu 2 1 45 21>8 280 811 2 1 45 '2U3 281 861 2.1 45 2 lia 212 Ic 2 1 45 2113 21c3 I86 2 1 451 2111 284 5811 2.1 451 21ai 2m55 b61 2 1 45 211BU 2912 1 26 8 1 45 2 74 41U6 2 05 5 1 46 105 BU0 1198 4 1 45 1142 Bol1 193 -4 1 456 a142 3U2 1 03 4 1 45 B1142 e.cD14eeoiuccsroPLAN. 111k A. lCiig St. 1 Il i2 28 1 45 131 25 2 i1152 28 1 45 1121L 5 il -u1 28 i 45 11 22 13roclc8St. U 81VI 14 1 45 750 c'ByreccY" 1 2 'W Ci1 45 4 41 op v10o cc vecet oulLe ee ice c 27, lier. lilicI1, O 1 10 lou M -i ciaoA, 1heeî ~ 74 il1 111 cci. c)c7u «13c52 13c 2-1 8 81 22 il. c. ccr.c-u:acudc IlCiccc2, 1i 88 1*, 22 2 8 69 21 ri-17 lus 41 .1 7Iid 191 'c5, lu 17 b2 -il 1i-il6012 ucel- 27, bec. 1-45 4 08 1-5 7 ao 4-5 10483 c sc- .2, 27, 1 45110 25 I 4511.i)>7-4 i-cl ; 80 i -5 10 71 THINIASIIlUlilON, TIu'eecer, Tcwn cof ý Tew'rue'Tesuecero<Julea, W(iitby, 200e May, 1870. lIiret liuobliuilea 251h May, 18711) R.- SNOWT, c'slutbyr. 231 Ladie.s' Best i3p4t*o,! THE ~BEST Wstson's Blo6ek Brook Street, Whitby. FIRNIJ r.J. TURFP FURNITIR' , Fortheni'àt6o days, - At lisold pre ieb,, le*e oe te lus NEW. BUILDING, now. in course of erection- on. -Brook Street. Parties in- walnt 6f 1ny.'kiàid >of Go riurniture will sav fully '2,5 per cent, by purchasing bd- fore bis reémoval. Splendia Parleur, Drawin30M and Bedroem. - s .j~ Designs, ýwoll w'r t hy cf inesiect1ion Dining.roenî xt Sion 0Ib~- Chromes a nd Engrsvmgs'for sale. Iu aIl ils branches; ifuncrnlsfgU ufly a.A oçeal5 nses Coffl0 glaye hbaud, $rninied te sut ustomers, and s wAappointed Hoarso, oonstantly in readîness., , .-r' WM TILL r f 7_7 77c GENERAL'DIRY GOODS, GROCER Y Id.HARDWARE STORE, BROUGHAM. B egs- to inform lis f'riends-and- the p-tb- lie, that ho bas now on lbaud an eutirelyM-ew pind cwell se- lected stock, einbracing in the aboeoUnes, whicli ho is .selling at uinprecetientedly Customers are advised to give a cati and sec what value thcy eau get for thîcir money at'a home establishment. 1Broughame, April 201h, 1879. MOSES LUNTON, store, Pool Office sud TclcgraPh Office. W HIT B BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. Begs to announce to the public, that she lias opëed a well assorted -stock of ]Books and Fandy Goods consisting ef- SCHIQOL BOOKS AND GIFT BOOKS, -Bibles, Prayer.Beooks, Hymn Books, Sunday Lehool Books aud Carda, Holiday and Visiting Carda, Plain aud Faucy Note P;tpor, Inks, Sînt es, Pens, Pendel, ]3lank- and Note IBooks. BEIILIN WOOL AND WOOL WORK. - Ecnbrbidory, Bil<, Linon, Floss, Chenille, Wool, Tassels' Cardboard, Mot- toüs, Cosies,- Vases, o Toilet Mats, and Ornamnicts of ail, kinde. LADIES' WOIRK 'BOXES AND BASKE TS. Glove and IHaudkeorehicf Boxes, Cardl Cases, &e. WVo have a Jauge variety of patterns on band of ail the latest styles lu Anierican Stsnoping, ail kinds of Fncy Wcol WVork (lone te erder, iucluding infants Jackets, Bounsti', Breakfast Sbawls, &c., ail orders; proncaptiy sttended te aYA et the lowest possible rates.' I hava just upcned.a large assortmcut cf Chuîdrens' Aprous, Lace Tiee. 8ýp- FBILLING A SPECIALTY. . llaving inu contietion with îny business, seured a firat-elss Dress Ma- lier, able ta undertakoe the xMaking cf any dreis, I eau warrant te give eutirs satis- faction, ibeing a person thag bas had ocxpericuce in cities, the styles are Dow. ne pains wiil be spsred,1 sud ali orders promptly atteudsd te, fltting reems back cf thce store. I have aise a firat-elase Mautie Maker, ene capable of ucaking Man- tles, Ceatp, Dolmns,' of any desýcription and in the lateat stylces. Tho attention' cf tice Ladlies imespucinliy iuvited te ticis departuent. Fittiug- roouc in rear of the store, Oddfollowe' Hall. Ail orders for Magazines and PaperE l)romptly attouded to. I)aily anid wceckly papers clwayie on biaudt and eubscriîtions rceived. Ir.zr" Slicet Masie supplied on shortoat notice. » m 1?vS. LL2W wVbitby Music Store. Od.(lfeIows' Hal, Broak-St: CANADA PERMANENT LOAN ANI)>tSAVlINGS COMPANY, TORONTO, 000RAJJr -&-ID- 5 JAI) UP (CAPITAL" TOTAL ASSETS, $2,000,000. $6,000,000. TO FARMERS AND LANDOWNERS. MAIR[B& IN[ETINIEBY i1 DO YOU WANT TOI BORROW MON EYP I)cttrenî haie h ueIas cgeiletaken his OLD SIANU UN fl1flBAS. STREET, ctlyocopfied ici W. P. WVlleoc-k, ahr lu bi ee happy tu sece l. iii il ctifric-ode, anC ail contalitly Iceeliloi -ate mf:csie stock cf CONFE CTIONE RY) -CAKES, PASTIIY, - &v,., &c., &C. FRJISII OI',STEiS, «II l jcr1kinucle incS'ue(tu, SOAINcU'R IandR Bread.. deltvered afiy- sud ail ordere proniphi>'atteurleelte. Diuners sud Suppucra enîrîbielut ruasen. ails rahes. Dont foroet thec sddress, - R. SNOW, 10. If) -I)ceiia-Strofeî, Wicitte>. LIVERY ILI VER Y LiireryuSables at eloyel Iltitel, Wiellcy uorei 11h1 fC<. PI--f1 To bxoy mccc land for yoursclvcs -or foi~ your sous ? To build a house or a iarn ? To fonce, ecear, undeudrain, or otberwise mp-ove you.r land ¶ To îîay off a Mortgago or other debîs ? Or for any cther purpose ? If yen dIo, lice rcduced ternis cfthe CANADA PERMANENT, LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY' allord superior fadilities -for effecling tics Loicc nI lhe lowcst rates, and for iis easy rcpa-vmentl. THE SINKING R'UND SYSTEM TLIN S ng IR* j M IW'. NeXt Door $utz Q la e oston'e "O0oldemlth'e Hall" ~~esbove peeises and '18s1n0W ruhkhi>fnfbW ih~e eerythigpe Rti&ifiig;-teoin She d e itd -%xllis nianufacturet inhia workman- like manner, on SHORT NOTICE and at reasonable rates. SiP.à ',QU'AL ITY. Ai laIyds cfr hapanod Tin, i;Id Shoclot- w4sre conslanlly kept in stock. 1R~ AI1 IN~ion -9hea ly sud nçatly. A#~ w prk.,gar- .dteetktisfactory' cno L. -.' '.. . .4meriffn anti Canadian COAL OIL. Laýnp Chimneys, J. W. BARNES. -FOIR SALtg AT THE, WHITBY, CHINA IEA SýTORE', if-LASTER - ,PL TR, WHIOLE SALE AND lIETAIL. CASH PAID FOR GOOD) Butter, Egs, Poultry, Apples, lied and Alsike Clover Seed, Whitby, Fcbrnnry 111h, 1879. OFFICE W. J. GIBBON, Whitby China Tea Store. 0F THE BROWN & PA TTERSON'Mtfg. Go,1 WI~ITB'Y~, 'TO -THE PUBLIC. Iu puesauling aur Twenly.sed-ond Annual Catalogue cf Agricltursi Impîs. ruents te tics farinera of Canada for tics yau 1877, ws de se witb more tican tics ordiuary degreo cf pride sud confidence, froinitics uarked faveur aud patronage couferreel upon us, sud thes stsdy sud iucrèasiug demansi froue year te yaar cf ou now crlobrscled Faune Inplenients. We shalh continue s eretofoia, s e anufactnuer, te ake a apecislty cf Agricultural Maciinry-lico Jolenston SsIf.raking Ilsaper, -tics Triumph Coie- bineel Besper and Moweu, thc Cayugrs Mower, lice Young Ceiasi Mower, aud Sor now Wiiby Ilarvester, clauinig a largo slcare cf oulime sud attention. Éor yiee isat Twenly-lwe yeaue wo have given ou met careful sudunudiviti. su] attention te lice manufacture sud cOseration c f tics varions machines in use, eifting out îlhe et points, remedying defeets,'modifying sud eoruecting errera,, strenglicening wcak points, adaptiug sud proportionleg every part as our inouese ed exparience bas suggeslsd. We erploy oaly ticsbhast mechanieal akil,,sudou machines pases under lice Mest careful supervision sud sertiey--every Meail being subjected tethe sever-, est criicism-aud eacii machine inta iouougli tested bafoue lesving ou woks te prove lice couepletenesa cf overy part, aucd tiare is. ne diffculty in putting theininl oparatiele by sny peroon cf nioderate mechaicical ability. Ou macliinory liasbhase selected sud oonatructed ws1tb a sppeasiréférence bo tichesnufacture cf ou own maciins-maey.tools bang beau macde fou Ibis particuler purpese, sud net adspted for cuber wcrk, snd our workmn&eau~ d. cated up le liche wauts sud requiremanta cfou manufaeture-obtaincug a thor- eough kaowlcedg cf tics construction of ou machines, sud are thue enahiea tb oh- tain s hbigicer daguéesof cfran d .pueflcisncy tican wicere général manufaoluuing t uralou. We are therefore euablid te intuoduce a moue parfeet systeni inlo ail the de- partmesuts cf manufacture, suldiug net oniy te lice perfection "t4e woric, bol ai- se te c rapidity of ils -xeutie-aud s consquent réduction cf cast. Ticia pinoiple ie uegarded nece'sssry in a well regulated establishmenut, sud wa euaiclee mm urt eux machines with a higher degres cf perfection, sud ai prices se low as abselutsly te defy compétition., THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING RZEAPER le uow se weil kucacu as s Single liesper, that ae word of cemmendation would almeet ceeue superguons, but asa there sue iuauy elaiming te manufacture tbei machine wîîe have adicered tte ldh original Jàoitn machine, witicouî keep- ing up te lice ineprovenents ; that justice te cursolves and patruus requirs cf us tes-tate tbal wa have niodifled il iu aluecet evpuy esential part, aud for astuenguic snd duraiciity, qality cf cul, in every kind sud condition cf grain ; ligitescf draft sud esse eÇ anagement-tics "Joicne," as inanufaàctued by us-stands pre-eminentiy abeal cf ail oticcr reaperà. Iu puce f cf Ibis position ws have eniy te peint telice many Firet Prizes swardsd us-sat tic sst Provincial trial cf on- tsiol, and miauy ceunty triait whiclc have taken place ail ovar Canada, within lice asat fsw ysars. ".ooas, ey.er soîaim UhitDy- The best'valup, i'E;nvelopes, Letter and' Noe&Taper, ùt caosn-bà bad li n -ý.' Five qpires cf. Note Paper, m >neat wrIapper, for 20 cents. a Cail and see sanple0j-ot of ýSpaull¶ing's4BaE s. Base fi Bal -rce, ana Larosse Clubs.supphied on short-,notice. -c (1~~ atet 'Works ofA eàtin, histék. - A cheap lot of Gents' Canes just te hanti. Newapapers an dagazhiesat u1blisbors pruces. Globe anda..illivç!ed-'at 12iènts per 'week.rtr l-Di't ôggih* îc' ._zîof the Golden Pen,' 2 doors South--of Hamilton ant i arwer. Gall and secefor yourself. FA.I~ ~îI~ D*, Ken- GOLDSM-.ITH'S HALL. SprngGoos 10Wtôhand.,,, Great -3A]WGANS OFFEING IN- WATCH.ES, -CLOCKS AND. JEWELRY. Clicice Goods hi Electre Plateti Ware, importèti from - leadling factories. New maguificeulý patterns at prices lese than else- Where, ask ed for, sbop woun goods. Another lot of, tho celebrated per- fectien IRON GRANITE TEA AND1 COFFEE POTS., LÂMPS, CUTTLEItY, NICEELITE SPOQNS AND FORKS. Baby Crnages, nOW, jUSti anti very -cheap.' Claik's Diamond Duot Polish, wbolesale sud retail. The becet polisb known for Silver Ware sud Nichel Sih-e9. Jewelry made te erder. ]?articular at- tention tb Watch repairi ng... March -26th, 1870. FIRE PROOF SAFES. Is doing justice either to himiself' or his crediters if lie does without. a safe te -prôteot his Books- Notes, or other valuable papers. Who bas deeda, notes or moneyi -the boume, ouglit to have a Safo te guard both against Burglary andi Fire. A Safe is always a 'Gýo Asset, as if net only preserves ils contents, but e ceps its own value as wcll, for ufter passing through a flue a sinaileu±lay wiIl midke ils good as new, and il cair always bc sold founbearly its first cosl, J. & J. TAYLOR havg turned eut about' 20.00.0 safes i the last 24 years, and noue of thcm bas failed icn trial.i Faîxuers and Mer- ehat$, this is the kind cf '"Prôteetiou" sund somietlîing- that the Tarifi ean't give. Go te the Toronto Safe Worke and get a,'afe,ý Toronto, April 29thi, 187U. J & J. TAY LO R, 117 te 119, Front Strcq, Èaràt, -Toronto. My Stock of Is now Complete il, Every Line. E. J. JOHNSON. SVery Speciai Induceinents to those STARTING ROUSEKEEPINo-.1 UNDERTAKING. Full Stock of Caskîets,,Coffins, and al the necessaries i this hué. Aise, A WELL-APPOJNTED HREAI{SE. Whitby, October lOth, 1877. 42 OUR TRIUMPH-COMBINED MACHINES. ICLOTHING CI-WAPFER TI-JN FVER1~ la gîeiceruuil'aclînitted lue ne lies bâtand suresa, and ceflee plan, aveu yeh devteed for irovld- icue furhijmy neut oet baillits. I111e alolptod h eegvsruMnte b munipaliîles, andci>the>i wth isaeimprovemenbs, ita alIbat eau ho desired in a Couebined Machine, sud most ireeeeros and progresals i ndviers, bisutineEro-ps and Iueriea cannoï fail te enset al tics requiremente cf purchaisers. Tor Ad uellPiA e-derLo.eArdu SAvieis douceAr landa nions>' ou Resi Estate, alluate lu les t brrloe etarlo Stsaiv :551adSfaaliSfloigfslil sd51 Oub lmproved Cayuga, Chief Jr,, and our Young Canada Moweras 1.1.-Yen eau obtata an>' atm yen roqairs, eau ie o n emyu hsnt xed w yeare sud ab a nineerats rate ef Iteeta-Inifea>'triynesentexedu 1n0.-Tics fol1 amount aflies Losu leascvenased, ne deduction ising macla foc- coruenlesi, au &rýth firal-ciasa machlines- coustitutel <simoat wicoly of Ieen sud Seel. Thes cuculs lu advauce, or If 45-,4usd, for slilcttor'sftees sud clier axeanses. Caybga Jr. bas a ceau cnt, and tics Young CJanada a front Ct; bhe t'oug, dur- grl-o a e%1 fo h ompnad a bocu bines, Aenie c th Cmpyoahage dTe opsylb iruilc gnlefah e machinsad net elcelled y nymachines lentics market fou .qusicty cf hie Compati". aners, se o c ar .ne AgenIs for econsdcc, hliyiibnscfra, apaitysuoasfmnae n. nions>'. AU i sullancas aIl]lesc acicnowledged by usces pIs, atgnedby tics Prossdentl -nt, .al lgteso rft dpaiiyad aeo aaeet Maager,C 411-Yen cao repay lis Loasub&si 'au hall- sar i nstalmenta, as iesl suite yoer convani- enan sud hoies lua iru sualan>' I e ailleisgleteeunomnthe. O R~ A Sh-Ycu eau psy ack an>'OMniy e sas insevanas cf thc ensu luistalmnansd lutoesataIsiOUR.5f NEfW ]5c Isti ~"W HITBY HARVESTER." aieeu duo, are soljectsel a a0ure cf oeenaitanlbhedollar oer imoule tilliesiS. ti.c ..bahemeetsaaputef.Aeseyud syefnua-m ohî.-Yen eau psy cff your iicrtgag n ufuel, If yen dossrs, aiticoul notice, opon fair 1sud Asth cunr a- soebotr ad omcim an n iDu à . ablo ternis, sud as.the oiÃœp-n>bas s Shsd locationà,lice Place fer PsYneiîtl asy s ocsbave. becomes killel in tics use cf machines, s gicwiug laman -haba puung kncrwn. 7hjie-iâvînete psy off your M 6bxainslalinentet aI s 1w rate ot intereïst, andin up for a ILigbt, Durable, Pic-t-lmss Baper. yoor own ue, yeu avotd ail Iblaof lcalng your pIroprty' au of havig le borteafaalu AivtaWthe. requirementsoethlie lay, %w.ehave àaneeedein inventing a ma- te 'ai of îes ns. ly raliz!ýthe longen ari yu aialsyruns for principal aCchine witic'a Wrougba Iron Fram.e' i tc ea osbe'eun-iblre Slîl-Ties neceesesrex8uusfar 1d, sud l3'er lien ticos naal>'cbargsd. Tice-niay lebc bosl.facsd driva whsl,--and'do ceustlcucted-that tc rm u al tatheb-ILe Iscledesisud pald bsek with lie Isutaiecci, *bsn Ihers ah ilensol »melime, licec-by kes-ing h-itinnalwa lu iturs ioie etie feusa eetaloed ort cfl tesloin. ~' , 1gtsp an 7 iswtcti af.Tc CtI.-Yecu secure lice atulateol privacc iato yeuaffaire, in y3'rown Ciousgiîobocl. sud aredriven cbrectl iy h anaattoebigo-PretbeBd >suiect se tic e rey arcarruicse fau>' Individual; sud as teh anpe auleau c-sab draftnsd ne weighî upen lice herses uscks. -We are confident thaï we hava essabe,. t cen have nu possibe luterest îhi aoi4ireeog iou if uIrrrare t leniset 3'clr su- succeeintinVenting thie Most perfect Beaper, takiffig ii l all t-s parte, ticat Y -Neere co'~alig vill efLtYcroain0 ogsadn.wil a.uyild has ev h een P. 'ýducesi. W. bave à.Pplied Mt latters atient, sud sicabicol u tie,,rgi lcetceCe bues. sinulOcetufree on Sut e 4ýn ocil.co cd c01 !u ILud jeu etaîce Invention, for uo e exclusive manufacture, and was cuccctf lly- suggest lo in- lis 1 blu uîrec ocvedOec~ cfOee ci ls u.louces. x4cstcrse lue hefectd oreteding ypurciccsers, lest they saboulel sas huémachcine befoue V n bi cCr L<c.eu.e. dediy Ut' citeir.i-tcr.idîenaocpaley.a eo eanise scordiug teiele cuc1ce forlice coning Jarvoat. Tics "Wiitbv Rami-este -r wegicialîrbd600 Potna - -.~_______ _____ '".etlîsig on-0e rimcipally ef lehe berSqnality tif iSucu sud s an1.sd fueara ili un- cI.NslàLMF-I1rEUacuRtu 10 SiClA* ALOIN OFic icouNl '-ose FOLLOcOrNG RO DS cce gueiont ceuai compact construction, it ocombin e lls teengf-h sec(Crailiiîy f tlis iceavicu machines. - - IY~. lyr ( Yn I11 V~. i Vs. CXc. (tu. 0 Yra- 110 Yra. i 12 Yxs. I 1 Yrs. Ao f Ou mcheiines are fuli auranlosi.- ic]--...el... l t195.40sc uie i2171eic 719) .0e 75.511 c7.1M4ese ili -îls ofc hiclci, w6 fosl couphi2olt -bat we eau lieset >veuy c- Yvar'lv-Iccand ee ri'iecc Illd e.leu a- turialcofuo181m'chinescbe cevi-im er- 1wé p'aa uctunioi. cyable 51 lieeascii of socl ecu ' ay cff enlice douc Priecipal and l qucre ê4n cent sud -ersumacifuio c.ts motriao ncahîé bne bsls-ehliat THE HIGHEST PRIGE PAID FOR -OOOD, InlAG S fe.eufmiialetrmceu e hemnylcnouh hau&eswe. P011 FURITIlIR !i->,b.~'1(NXPLY TO --MRG<E epcflyTns C. NOURSE, --- BLOWN & P4TTERSOýN MFG. CO. e - ~ - -à.Jr. p ;bINT G -EMI's- NO R/SE IN PR/GE ON ACCOUNT 0F THE NATION.AL POLICY! Gents' Spriug Suite, lateet styles, very cheap. A large stock of fine clothes. Handsonie Veat patterua, Gente' furnishinga, s feulliÙe. Garments ont ie fashionable style. Ail branches of Taioringreceive p rompt attention sud satisfaction guarantesed. Go wieere yen wil gel » wall-fitting garment sud fu value for your ueoney. An inspection respeotfuiiy-invîted. JOHN R. PRINGLE, Whutby, March 241h, 1879. Brock-Sî, Wbitby,, OUTTERS,- ~UGGIESI aubeRa A.W areAssortmnent of Cutters ad en t uouuoos, cnieeaand meus. Tleere ýre 162Âocrés, of whlI20 lacleàr andin1 .Irat-clis state ai cultivation, well fnced Lnd watered ; the balmancele good bad. Wood bush. : ood Fraine ýIigbouse, Baru and tables. D~Un ýperiUdirs, atPly -to-the ewner eon Ueo apreenises, or to the underslgned. ÂLIEX. BLACK, rca~ ~ SONY P. . 'PWOTECTI'ON P., HOME GROWN SEEDS. TT 15 . A ESTk&BLfIMHD fat that'5. S.Cl. Brown's Home: Grown Seeda ara be- comnig =or& _.popuý 4i fanlyeu te y ear. The pbl=.ey.want- ticen,thics mrchan.ts sud giegaea slaacin FLOWER SEF-DS'A SP.ECIALTY i *AR seedas ent by<mail fuse of postago. rea» Mse Brwn' IniaLiniment. Tor sale by dealarsgeùuaaly. , S. 0. BROWN, Seedman, T RE CANADIN Ail? fA 8 MACHINE Thisa Machine le for lighting Private Dweilings, Mills,. Factouies, Churches, Public Hale' Hoteils, &C. Cail and examine the machine iu opera- tion.at JOSEPH PHILLIP solebManiat'r, Plumber and Gas-fitter, 1584York strieet, Tornto. Send for qircular and price.list. April 251h, 17.-1 16~[ I NFO0FMONEY To Ren7eW Loans already ex/st- ing, to- Pay Debts, or to make Improvements. T HlE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPABED te makenadvaucea upoirithe saecurity o;f ros astate for pýriods ta suit borrowera sand repayable 14 auy manuer applicaute of iterst,-Six ÉeenandElgici Wben title j aisfscorythe bau" cen le conipleted and ioe piover lun Ven .Da1y,. W- WAIqTED TU PURCHASE GOOD IIORTGAGES. -Conveysucea cazefuUy prepared. eMce Bigeiow's Block, Port Perry. llespectfufly Tours, d2) TlO-MAV PAXTON. OMNIBUSES TO.ANiD FOM ALL PARES. To and frora G.T.11. Station ..... 2k.. Tosud froinWhitby, P. P..& Lindsay* R'Y Station...................... lc. Thoso 6veac s elafe sud cocniort- able, sudinu charge of careful drivers. Al beggsge clcecked sud caueflly looked ater. - LOUIS SEBEIIT, Proprictor. Wlitby, Feb. 2611e, 1879.. tIy-lO AUCTION SALES -1 I BEG to returu My sincere thaesck te the -Lpublic for thce very liberal patronage bestoweid upon eue lunlice past, sud tu iniate ticat I will be on baud ready te conduet auy osestict I eay ho entcucdcdd with. Terme liberal. Satisfaction guar- snteed. My sale. bôook iilbc founa at, tics Ontario Ilotel, Wleitby. Arrangements as te dape of sale,- &c., may ho umade with Mr. Mason, tics proprietor cflice Ilote]. Orders by niai] or tlegraph stteuded te, L. AIBANKIS, Auctioneer, Whiitby. N. B. - Sale Boukes ad hiank eetcs furnisiced free. TIIE TORONTO Turkish d-Vapor Ba ths. These bucs aeneu uIieucos Neural iaCougica, Coldle, Coa46sstioxc, Bronchais, Serofula, 5km BDisearni, 'i u dlamniationa. Bilousnes, Fevert, 4.a.cdfer Sanitary pu oses. Tics vapor Ttsae atclal1Pliles- bis te ail 5kmù disase; especialiysýypbics it te uow ucuvers&lly couceded ticet botb the Turkiah sud 'Vsp or Baths are the but preservatives of icealtbwJitbiu tics rùccet5 medical expertsansdi conipunctien witic nieeical trestnient tice patient la niors-raP- idly-and auccesbfully tresteel. Petrouized througbout tics world frein royalty dowu te tics pooresttmn. Tices Turlcish batic& are tice offly cnes. in tice City cf Toronto. Quotationwandrecoinieudlationu rcr frora tics beat niedicai sud sace.t4uy au lor:. tis ia lsUcountries.'7 HOUIIS-Geullenian, 7 te 8.80 a.m., St 9 p.m. Sstuxday until il p.ni. Ladies, 10 a-ni, te 1.i. PRICE5'-Tnrkiah Batice, eue ticket, 6l, 12 tickets, #10. Vapor Baths, àSteaech; 12 tickets. #5. 233 QUEBN.ST. WVEST. Skilful aud attentive niais sud fencsie J. B. DIAMcOND, MM-.' Snperinteildgat.' IFO R Buggies ~TOMSy& N ,HEýA?,) T. BARCl -AT-LAW, E I1q sud lusovee le Court Hloue, ENGLISII, sL i AT LAW, SeOL ,ccnvcy&ncar & 56wa. 1BALL DO -AT-LÂ.W, Fs ry, dSen'eyAn ai l11's Block, U RBINSON-&e¶eKEb (LAc-zDuoeacc ctReBss -AEBISTEE8.AT-LAW, A' B1-»sys, 5oy$citers, Conveyz OFFICE.-Iu Victoria Cher 9, Victoria Street. MIOG.KLLEY B[:>A I .ER -LAS s" nc ha ko Ofce-yade1overÂ' D Street, Wicetby, Ont. G. YOUNG SMITIX, L I BD-AIRRISTED ,&c., c.-Mone .LIasuer of Iuragje pcensel 01PICE-0vrloiuo a Tan. 22,1878. CÂMERd$I & APPEL. fA IS ERS --eritto= -nsat-1 street, Toc-o. iiEITOR IIAMERONP, Q.0. 0y-4) R. ClURGEON TO TME COUNT'i ~3Byron Street, Whtby. Dr.W. J. B3URNS. Iieeidencs-Congrega±ionai Clhu bYre7corner of Byron sud Marm' BYRON< FIELD, Dl. I p HYSICIAN, SURGEON, An., Wn. XcBRIEII, '1.D., I111.1 UrS HOSPITAL, LONDONq GT tOice B . 0,'H,.L., Oaicawa, CÂD.BOGART, Picysiaisu, Surgeon, 'Accoucher, Wliitby, Sept. 801h, là7l. W. ADAMS, OOSOVE1R . H. JAM ni0to6 . .lesidence-Co0r. a: 8:dGletstreetEF. CN. VARS, L. D. S oeTEETH inserted on MTZ~ latst prirciplea cf t As chea as theche uas agoc Taeth extrsated wtthouîpib r local anSstceais. IDentaion$-p an'a nsw block, over Atkinacen'a Dru, King Streset, Osicawa. JOIIN ROBINscnç'si T IRDEENG A"D SIL! -*L-iL SaIeon,Break St., Witby. JOEIN WLED AGETOR THE GELEJit - 1ILLIA&DICOOPjER, --BROUGJ *r(Socaessor-te Thejnis Mi(dugic eor hoinga' sd anl kinde ofg L -13'A ItiÂNIEs, OFFICIAL ASSI&N- 8-_OFFICE OPPOSITE TEL R(1 lio0tel, Brock.;St., Wicitisy. * Wliitby, Marsuh 26th4879. i IJ E.IDELL, A. T H E R L Y, Clerk Division Court, -Tp. 0i COeniesiouer inuJB. 11.,'!'ad Apnt, &a., Atharly, Couuty entario. Aticeuly gHîPI.,2nd, 1872. W - J. HINMAN, Vterinapy Surgec Wi1lb tsmaÀrongshotel, icitby, e - alyfo t ,loak, p.i. -April 25,1877. $11t iooo stedii WUt Boksent froc exîdecl - eytbî,g. AdjrsB AXTER é, CO.; Baukeesu, 17 Wall-St., fi Le No.1 -sn of theue eC), biip ce! llecîh; 'ccli situatltd g, d ïc-Oh fidalln boor> cCc E(, î -a1,1 f flotINý 1 Licrî la over 19<) tirce o, lini5tucu(bulot 2.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~jI4*go fur scscstr sO asua.c WBORT'$ O2STTÂrr-lIO. 1 FO lýèdy iýý fl, - _ÃŽ3 Ji ý Practical Watchmaker, Drock-St. Whitby.. 1 1 t 'l il, IN TUE R2 1 ý»l Il & il- Il il 1 *-4 %", à, JL J.J JLJ JL 1 JL JL JL £-JL.L 1 Jj Y Li JL % ; AND -CARRTAaF,'qi-*

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